chapter 5

Programming Right From the Start with Visual Basic.NET
Graphics and Procedures
True-False Questions
The Logo Programming Language is the basis for the graphics of Visual Logic.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 5-1
Page: 80
The graphic command Turn Right D will make the pen turn right and move the distance D.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 5-1
Page: 82
The graphic command Turn Left D will make the pen turn left D degrees.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 5-1
Page: 82
Forward, Turn Left, and Fill Circle are examples of Multimedia commands.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 5-1
Page: 82
The home position of the pen is in the center of the screen facing south.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 5-1
Page: 80
Using only a loop, Turn Right, and Forward graphic command any shape can be drawn.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 5-1
Page: 84
The Go Home command causes the pen to move to the center of the screen and face 0º.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 5-1
Page: 81
In the Visual Logic graphic system 90º is considered East unless the Rotate Axis command is
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-1
Page: 80
The pen is set at a color of blue and a width of 1 by default.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 5-2
Page: 85
The Set Color command is used to change the color of the pen.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 5-2
Page: 85
Chapter 5 – Graphics and Procedures
The Pen Size command is used to make the pen line wider.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-2
Page: 85
Both the Color Forward and Set Color commands are used to change to color of the pen.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 5-2
Page: 86
The Set Color command will open the color dialog box.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-2
Page: 85
After using the Set Color command the pen will change back to the default color of black when
ten other commands are executed.
Answer: False
Level: Hard
Section: 5-2
Page: 85
A procedure is a set of programming instructions grouped together into a single unit.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 5-3
Page: 85
Structured design is the process of breaking a problem into smaller parts.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 5-3
Page: 87
A procedure is the solution to a small part of a problem identified through the process of
structured design.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-3
Page: 87
The Call Procedure menu option will only allow you to add a new procedure.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-3
Page: 89
A special process must be followed to add commands to a procedure.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 5-3
Page: 88
Procedures with arguments are used to create general solutions to problems.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-4
Page: 91
A formal argument is the parameter as it is referred to inside the procedure.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 5-4
Page: 91
Chapter 5 – Graphics and Procedures
The name of the actual argument must match the name of the formal argument.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 5-4
Page: 92
The name of the formal argument is found in the parentheses after the procedure name in the
definition of the procedure.
Answer: True
Level: Hard
Section: 5-4
Page: 93
The order of the actual arguments when the procedure is called does not have to match the order
of the formal arguments inside the procedure.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-4
Page: 93
Arguments are used to send information from the calling program to the procedure.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 5-4
Page: 93
An argument in a procedure is different from a parameter in a procedure.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 5-4
Page: 90
Loops cannot be placed inside a procedure.
Answer: False
Section: 5-4
Level: Easy
Page: 91
The actual argument can be edited in the Arguments dialog box.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 5-4
Page: 92
The procedure name can be edited in the Arguments dialog box.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-4
Page: 92
Multiple arguments can be added to a procedure in the Procedure Edit dialog box.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 5-5
Page: 93
After the Procedure Edit dialog box is closed, the developer must type in the procedure stub.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 5-3
Page: 88
A recursive procedure calls two or more different procedures.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 5-5
Page: 94
Good programmers create as many infinite recursions as possible.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 5-5
Page: 94
Chapter 5 – Graphics and Procedures
When a base cast test on a parameter is false, the procedure will not call itself.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-5
Page: 94
A loop is like a recursive procedure because the same actions are repeated many times.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-5
Page: 94
Multiple Choice Questions
Which is not a Visual Logic graphic command?
a.) Rotate Left D
b.) Forward N
c.) Set Color C
d.) Circle N
e.) Pen Up
Answer: a
Section: 5-1
Level: Moderate
Page: 81
Which is true about the graphic positions?
a.) The home position faces south.
b.) The north, south, east and west positions can be changed with a command.
c.) The pen starts in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
d.) The home position is at the coordinates (0, 0).
e.) None of the above.
Answer: d
Section: 5-1
Level: Moderate
Page: 80
Which three statements can be used to create any graphic shape?
a.) Loop, Forward, and Backward
b.) Input, Forward, and Backward
c.) Loop, Forward, and Turn Right
d.) Input, Forward, and Turn Right
e.) Loop, Forward, and Go Home
Answer: c
Section: 5-1
Level: Moderate
Page: 83
Chapter 5 – Graphics and Procedures
Which graphic command rotates the pen’s drawing direction without moving the pen?
a.) Forward N
b.) Turn Left D
c.) Set Direction D
d.) Both b and c.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: d
Section: 5-1
Level: Moderate
Page: 81
Which shape can be created with just one graphic command?
a.) Circle
b.) Triangle
c.) Square
d.) Rectangle
e.) Hexagon
Answer: a
Section: 5-1
Level: Easy
Page: 81
The default color for the graphic pen is:
a.) blue.
b.) black.
c.) green.
d.) red.
e.) There is no default color.
Answer: b
Section: 5-2
Level: Easy
Page: 85
Which sets of colors will the Color Forward command not cycle through?
a.) yellow-red
b.) red-blue
c.) blue-green
d.) green-red
e.) All are sets of colors for the Color Forward command.
Answer: a
Section: 5-2
Level: Moderate
Page: 86
Which command causes the standard color dialog box to open?
a.) Go Home
b.) Set Direction
c.) Set Color
d.) Color Forward
e.) Pen Width
Answer: c
Section: 5-2
Level: Moderate
Page: 85
Chapter 5 – Graphics and Procedures
When programming instructions are grouped together into a single unit this is called a:
a.) graphic command.
b.) do loop.
c.) For loop.
d.) recursion.
e.) procedure.
Answer: e
Section: 5-3
Level: Moderate
Page: 87
Breaking a problem into smaller parts is called:
a.) recursion.
b.) structured design.
c.) implementation.
d.) logical design.
e.) syntax.
Answer: b
Section: 5-3
Level: Moderate
Page: 87
What happens when a procedure is called?
a.) The control of the program exits the procedure.
b.) The control of the program goes to the inside of the procedure.
c.) The control of the program returns to the calling statement.
d.) First a then b.
e.) First b then a then c.
Answer: e
Section: 5-3
Level: Moderate
Page: 87
Which is true about a procedure?
a.) It has at least one argument.
b.) It has at least one parameter.
c.) It has more than one argument.
d.) It has more than one parameter.
e.) Arguments and parameters are optional in procedures.
Answer: e
Section: 5-4
Level: Easy
Page: 90
An actual argument is:
a.) a special argument that is never used in a procedure.
b.) the argument inside the procedure.
c.) the argument at the time the procedure is called.
d.) optional in a procedure with arguments.
e.) Both b and c.
Answer: c
Section: 5-4
Level: Hard
Page: 91
Chapter 5 – Graphics and Procedures
The formal argument is:
a.) used inside the procedure.
b.) is defined in the Procedure Edit dialog box.
c.) is added with the New button located below the Arguments box.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: e
Section: 5-4
Level: Moderate
Page: 91
The procedure name and arguments are displayed:
a.) in the procedure header element.
b.) in the procedure footer element.
c.) inside the body of the procedure.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: d
Section: 5-4
Level: Easy
Page: 92
Double clicking on a procedure element will activate the:
a.) Procedure Edit dialog box.
b.) Argument dialog box.
c.) Graphic dialog box.
d.) Color dialog box.
e.) None of the above.
Answer: b
Section: 5-4
Level: Moderate
Page: 92
A recursive procedure:
a.) will call itself.
b.) should be avoided at all costs.
c.) is the same as an infinite recursion.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: a
Section: 5-5
Level: Moderate
Page: 92
The number of times a procedure is called recursively:
a.) is always zero.
b.) is always one.
c.) is at least one or more.
d.) depends on the values of the formal arguments passed to the procedure.
e.) None of the above.
Answer: d
Section: 5-5
Level: Hard
Page: 92
Chapter 5 – Graphics and Procedures
Infinite recursions:
a.) are useful for breaking a problem into simple components.
b.) make the program easier to understand.
c.) are prevented by checking a parameter against a base case.
d.) will prevent the program from malfunctioning.
e.) None of the above.
Answer: c
Section: 5-5
Level: Hard
Page: 92
Fill in the Blank Questions
The ___Logo___ programming language is the basis for the Visual Logic Graphic system.
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-1
Page: 80
The direction ___north___ is the default drawing direction when the graphic system starts.
Level: Easy
Section: 5-1
Page: 82
The orientation of 180º corresponds to the direction ___south___.
Level: Easy
Section: 5-1
Page: 80
A simple program to draw any equally sided shape can be written with just a ___Loop___,
___Turn Right___, and ___Forward___ statement.
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-1
Page: 84
The ___Set Direction___ graphic command will rotate the drawing direction to a new orientation.
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-1
Page: 81
The ___Set Color___ graphic command lets the programmer change the color the pen draws.
Level: Easy
Section: 5-2
Page: 85
The ___ Color Forward___ graphic command sets the color by rotating through 256 shades each
of Blue-Green, Green-Red, and Red-Blue.
Level: Easy
Section: 5-2
Page: 86
The Set Color graphic command allows the programmer to select a color for the pen from the
___color dialog box___.
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-2
Page: 85
Chapter 5 – Graphics and Procedures
The default for the graphic pen is to draw a ___black___ line with a width of ___1___.
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-2
Page: 85
A set of programming instructions grouped together into a single unit is called a(n)
Level: Easy
Section: 5-3
Page: 87
The process of breaking a problem into smaller parts is called ___structured design___.
Level: Easy
Section: 5-3
Page: 87
All procedures are found on the command menu under the ___Call Procedures___ menu option.
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-3
Page: 89
Another name for an argument in a procedure is a(n) ___parameter___.
Level: Easy
Section: 5-4
Page: 90
A formal argument is declared when the ___Procedure Edit___ dialog box is open.
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-4
Page: 91
An actual argument is declared when the ___Arguments___ dialog box is open.
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-4
Page: 92
In a procedure with multiple arguments the first actual argument corresponds to the ___first___
formal argument.
Level: Easy
Section: 5-4
Page: 93
The argument inside of the procedure is a(n) ___formal___ argument.
Level: Easy
Section: 5-4
Page: 93
The argument placed in the parenthesis when calling a procedure is a(n) ___actual___ argument.
Level: Easy
Section: 5-4
Page: 91
A procedure that calls itself is called a(n) ___recursive___ procedure.
Level: Easy
Section: 5-5
Page: 94
A recursive procedure that never stops calling itself is a(n) ___infinite recursion___.
Level: Moderate
Section: 5-5
Page: 94
Chapter 5 – Graphics and Procedures
The ___base case___ test on an argument can prevent infinite recursions.
Level: Hard
Section: 5-5
Page: 94
Essay Questions
Write a Visual Logic algorithm or program to draw a triangle.
Begin  Forward: 100  Turn Right: 120 
Forward: 100  Turn Right: 120 
Forward: 100  Turn Right: 120  End
Which design process leads to the use of procedures? What are the advantages of using
The goal of the structured design process is to break problems into smaller and smaller parts
until a simple, general algorithm can be created to solve each part of the problem. Once this
basic building block of an algorithm is created it can be placed in a procedure. The procedure
can then be called multiple times as needed with the main program or from other procedures.
Using procedures results in code that is easier to read, understand, and maintain. There is only
one location for the code that solves a particular problem. If it turns out that the logic in that
procedure needs to be fixed or updated, the developer will only have to change the code in that
one location instead of multiple locations. Not having duplicate code saves time and decreases
the chance that errors are introduced into the code, both during the creation and maintenance
phases of software development.
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