Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL For Academic Use Only Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL Introduction In this lab, you will create a 12-bit x 8-bit MAC (Multiplier Accumulator). You will consider some of the decisions you are required to make when you code a MAC, and this will help you become more familiar with the Xilinx implementation tools. This lab is completed using the Xilinx ISE 6 software. You will use a typical HDL flow, write the HDL code, run a functional HDL simulation, synthesize your design with XST, and take the synthesized design through the Xilinx implementation tools. Note: For non-VHDL users, or for help with writing the MAC, the completed file and project is provided in the c:\xup\dsp_flow\labs\lab1\lab1_soln directory. Objectives After completing this lab, you will be able to: Perform the basic design flow for generating a VHDL MAC Simulate a VHDL file Synthesize a design using XST Implement a design using the Xilinx implementation tools Design Description Create a 12 x 8 MAC using VHDL that has the following behavior: Multiplier input data widths of 12-bits and 8-bits Accumulator output width of 27-bits Multiplier input signal that indicates when to perform a multiply Handshaking signal from the multiplier that indicates when to accumulate You will do this by behaviorally describing a multiplier and an accumulator individually in VHDL. Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL For Academic Use Only 11-3 A A B mult_int 12 8 20 Multiplier rdy_int 27 Q Accumulator ND CLR CLK Figure 11-1. Block Diagram of the Multiply Accumulator Procedure This lab comprises five primary steps: you will start the project navigator and open the project; simulate the design using ModelSim simulator; synthesize the design using XST; implement the design using ISE 6, and finally, read and understand the results generated by the implementation tools. Below each general instruction for a given procedure, you will find accompanying step-bystep directions and illustrated figures providing more detail for performing the general instruction. If you feel confident about a specific instruction, feel free to skip the step-by-step directions and move on to the next general instruction in the procedure. Note: If you are unable to complete the lab at this time, you can download the lab files for this module from the Xilinx University Program site at Start the Project Navigator and Open the Project Step 1 Launch the ISE Project Navigator and open the mac_vhdl project. Open the Xilinx ISE 6 software: Go to Start Menu Programs Xilinx ISE 6 Project Navigator Open the mac_vhdl project: In the Project Navigator, select File Open Project Browse to c:\xup\workshop\dsp_flow\labs\lab1 using the pull-down arrow Select mac_vhdl.npl project file Click OK Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL For Academic Use Only 11-4 Generate the Behavioral VHDL Code for the MAC Step 2 Open the mac_vhdl.vhd file and modify it to perform the 12 x 8 multiply accumulate. Refer to Figure 11-1 block diagram to understand the provided code. The comments in the code will guide you to complete this step. Spend 15 minutes working on your VHDL code, then move on and use the solution provided in lab1_soln directory. Open the mac_vhdl.vhd file: In the Sources in Project window, double-click mac_vhdl.vhd Read through the VHDL file and add code to the following sections: “Generating the Multiplier “Generating the Accumulator” Select mac_vhdl.vhd in the Sources in Project window In the Processes for Current Source window, expand Synthesis Double-click the Check Syntax option to perform syntax check Fix any reported errors Simulate the Design Using MTI Step 3 Simulate your VHDL code to verify that it is functioning correctly. If after simulating the design you find an error, you can go back and make changes, recompile the code, and re-simulate Select the mac_vhdl_tb.vhd file in the Sources in Project window Expand the ModelSim Simulator in the Processes for Current Source window Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL For Academic Use Only 11-5 Figure 11-2. Expanding the ModeSim Simulator in project Navigator Run behavioral simulation: Double-click Simulate Behavioral VHDL Model Verify the operation of the MAC by looking at the input and output signals in the testbench named *_tb Figure 11-3. Simulating the MAC in ModelSim Simulator Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL For Academic Use Only 11-6 Note: It may be easier to view the input and output in decimal. This can be done by highlighting the appropriate signals in the waveform viewer, then use the pulldown menus Format Radix Decimal Close the simulator: After you have verified the operation, close the simulator by using File Quit from the simulator’s command window Synthesize the Design Using XST Step 4 Synthesize the mac_vhdl.vhd design using Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST) tool Note: We have turned off inference of Virtex-IIP Embedded Multipliers in synthesis to get a better comparable result with the CORE Generator MAC, which will be configured to be implemented in LUTs. Select the mac_vhdl.vhd file in the Sources in Project window Run synthesis: Right-click Synthesis in the Processes for Current Source window and select the Run option Alternatively, double-click Synthesize in the Processes for Current Source window Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL For Academic Use Only 11-7 Figure 11-4. Running XST to Synthesis in Project Navigator Note: A green check will appear next to Synthesize when it is successfully completed. A yellow exclamation mark indicates that a warning was generated, and a red cross indicates that an error was generated. Warnings are OK If there are any errors, you can View Synthesis Report by expanding Synthesis, right-click and choose the View option; otherwise, continue to the next step Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL For Academic Use Only 11-8 Figure 11-5. Viewing the Synthesis Report in Project Navigator Note: The following are synthesis tool attributes to control embedded multiplier inference: XST – VHDL attribute/command line: mult_style = {auto | block | lut} default is auto LeonardoSpectrum - script variable: virtex2P_multipliers = {true | false} default is true Synplify – VHDL attribute/command line: syn_multstyle = {block_mult | logic} default is block_mult Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL For Academic Use Only 11-9 Implement the MAC Design Step 5 Implement your mac_vhdl.vhd design using Xilinx implementation tools with the following information and view the Post-place & Route Static Timing Report. Device Family: Virtex2P Device: xc2vp4 Speed Grade: 7 Package: FG456 Right-click Implement Design, and choose the Run option, or double left-click Implement Design Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL For Academic Use Only 11-10 Figure 11-6. Running Implementation from Project Navigator Note: This runs the design through Place and Route. You will notice green check marks (or warning exclamations) next to the processes that have finished successfully. It will also run Post-Place & Route Static Timing and generate the static timing report. View the Post-Place & Route Timing Report: Expand and open the Text Based Post Place & Route Static Timing Report Questions ? 1. Open the Place and Route report file, and fill in the information requested below. Number of Slices: Number of BUFGMUXs: Number of external IOBs: ? 2. Open the Post-Place and Route Timing report, and fill in the information requested below. Maximum clock frequency: Note: We will be using this information to compare with the results of the CORE Generator and the System Generator. Bonus Activity If you have finished the lab early and have time, you can look into the following: ? 3. How would you implement saturation logic for the accumulator? Implement this in your VHDL code, and verify that it works for both positive and negative numbers Open the Place and Route report file, and fill in the information requested below. ? 4. Fill in the information requested below. Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL For Academic Use Only 11-11 Number of Slices: Number of BUFGMUXs: Number of external IOBs: Maximum clock frequency: Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL For Academic Use Only 11-12 Conclusion In this lab, you learned what the basic design flow entails from writing a VHDL code through implementation. You have experienced some challenges in writing the VHDL MAC. You ran a piece of VHDL code through simulation. Next, you synthesized the code using XST and implemented the design using the Xilinx implementation tools running under Xilinx ISE 6 software environment. A Answers Your results may differ from the numbers provided below, depending on how your design was coded. 1. Open the Place and Route report file, and fill in the information requested below. Number of Slices: Number of Mult18x18s Number of BUFGMUXs: Number of external IOBs: 15 _______1_____________ 1 50 2. Open the Post-Place and Route Timing report, and fill in the information requested below. Maximum clock frequency: ~135 MHz 3. How would you implement saturation logic for the accumulator? You need to create a check value by summing the current multiply output with the last accumulator value, and determine if the value exceeds the range of the accumulator (27 bits). If so, then hold the accumulator to the max value. The check signal has to be one-bit larger to accommodate a check value that is larger than the accumulator width. Example VHDL code for saturation can be found in the c:\xup\dsp_flow\labs\lab1\lab1_soln\mac_vhdl_sat.vhd 4. Fill in the information requested below. Number of Slices: Number of Mult18x18s Number of BUFGMUXs: Number of external IOBs: Maximum clock frequency: Creating a 12 x 8 MAC Using VHDL For Academic Use Only 106 ________1____________ 3 55 ~ 135 MHz 11-13