Venice Neighborhood Council
PO Box 550, Venice, CA 90294 /
Email: / Phone or Fax: 310.606.2015
neighborhood council
Board of Officers Meeting Minutes
Westminster Elementary School (Auditorium)
1010 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, 90291
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at 7:00 PM
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
7:15 PM Meeting called to order at Westminster Elementary School Auditorium.
Present: Mike Newhouse, President; DeDe Audet, President Emeritus (non-voting); Joe Murphy; Hugh Harrison; Ira
Koslow; Stewart Oscars; Sean Kelly; Challis Macpherson; Aldis Browne; Brennan Lindner; Clarence Carter; Dexter
O’Connell; Emily Elliott; Marc Castleman; Nadine Parkos; Marc Saltzberg; Nick Karno (left at 8:30);
Parliamentarian: Ivan Spiegel.
Absent: Linda Lucks; Erica Harms; Carolyn Rios; Michael Eschger; Stan Muhammad.
2. Approval of the Agenda
3. Approval of any outstanding minutes submitted by the Secretary
July 15, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes
4. Scheduled Announcements (no more than 1 minute per report unless otherwise stated)
DONE, LAPD, and other Governmental Reports
Mike Newhouse (
Update on Westside Regional Alliance of Councils
Announcement of link to survey regarding Santa Monica Airport –
III Ask for help breaking down sound equipment at end of meeting.
From Neighborhood Committee
Robin Rudasill (310-745-3240; & Nick Hippisley-Coxe (310-415-6504; & Linda Lucks (310-745-3240/310-450-2554;
a. Presentation on Emergency Preparedness Planning for "Shake-Out LA" a City wide Earthquate Drill and
related events 11/13-16,2008
b. City of LA Neighborhood Preparedness Ambassador Progam Three Consecutive Saturdays Saturday,
September 27, 2008 Saturday, October 4, 2008 Saturday, October 11, 2008 9:00am – 1:00pm Fire Station 5
8900 Emerson Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90045
To sign up: To confirm your attendance or for additional information, contact:
Mona Curry at the Emergency Management Department (213) 473- 9921,
Marc Saltzberg (310-305-9660; Announcement of October Town Hall meeting
Marc Saltzberg (310-305-9660; Announcement regarding 3rd Quarter Newsletter
Monique Lawles (818-808-0600 x350; on behalf of owner, Venice Breezes: Presentation
will provide background on their efforts to preserve 246 Section 8 apartment units as affordable housing. (10 min)
[Referred: LUPC hearing October 8, 2008 for Board consideration at October 21, 2008 meeting]
Phil Raider (310-399-4449; Announcement of September 4, 2008 Parking Committee mtg
5. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda (15 min, no more than 2 minutes per person) no board announcements
Dennis Hathaway: Concern about sale of public property
Mark Lipman: Interest in prevention of nuclear war and/or creation of anti-war committee.
Marie-Anne Balthard: Expresses appreciation for support of Venice 2000 efforts
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Venice Neighborhood Council
PO Box 550, Venice, CA 90294 /
Email: / Phone or Fax: 310.606.2015
neighborhood council
6. Old Business
From Stakeholder
[Postponed to September 21, 2008 Board Meeting]
Todd von Hoffmann (310-398-9231; on behalf of the Venice Heritage Foundation:
Request of Board to send a letter to Councilman Rosendahl and/or "To whom it may Concern", supporting the
Venice Heritage Foundation's efforts to establish a Venice Heritage Museum along the lines of the Red Car
Historical Museum in Seal Beach. Letter is:
On behalf of the VNC, I’m pleased to add my support to The Venice Heritage Foundation. Their mission
statement - “Envisioning a Venice History Museum” - focuses on an important goal for our community.
Abbot Kinney’s “Venice of America” has had a full and fascinating life and that continuing story deserves
to be shared. While the need for a museum heritage center has often been discussed over the years, the
VHF was created solely with this purpose in mind. The founding members – all lovers of things Venice include collectors, successful community volunteers, and, significantly, noted author and historian Elayne
The VHF plan is particularly exciting. It calls for the restoration of an original Pacific Electric Red Car to
serve as the initial museum space to be located in Venice. The Seal Beach Museum has demonstrated the
success of this idea with their own Red Car museum and public library residing similarly (and very
appropriately) on old Pacific Electric right-of-way property.
The Foundation has located a 100 year old Red Car (PE511) ready for a home and restoration volunteers
are standing by. The restored trolley itself will evoke a charming period of our history and add another
treasured sight along our gateway to Venice. The VHF plan tastefully suggests an additional adjunct
building replicating the old pagoda-style PE substation that used to stand nearby along Venice Blvd. called
“The Tokio Station”.
The museum space will be available to all local collections, public and private, and serve an important
community function for residents, visitors, scholars, and students. We can’t think of a better theme than a
celebration of our incredibly interesting past and a legacy for our future.
7. Treasurers Report
accept report as presented
[Report accepted as amended by Treasurer]
8. New Business
VNC Board/LANCC representative
Challis Macpherson ( : Request Board approve charter changes in Los Angeles
Neighborhood Council Congress (LANCC) per below letter & attached Exhibit A:
March 11, 2008
To all LANCC Members and all Neighborhood Councils:
We have made changes to the LANCC Charter and need your approval. We are even recommending a
name change to more accurately reflect what the LANCC is and what it represents. These changes will
make a difference in how neighborhood councils can interact with one another on a city wide basis.
Examples of some of the changes are as follows:
The term "Senator" will be replaced by "Delegate"; the "Senate" will become a "Board of Delegates"; and
the "Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Congress" will be known as the "Los Angeles Neighborhood
Council Coalition." Perhaps the biggest change is that all certified neighborhood councils may come to and
vote at LANCC meetings. All the LANCC would need is a communication from the neighborhood council
chair or some other responsible officer with the name of the stakeholder who would represent the NC as its
delegate. These and other changes will more accurately reflect the role of the LANCC.
The original Charter can be found at the LANCC web site, A copy of the revised
charter is attached to this email. These changes have to be approved by those neighborhood councils that
adopted the original LANCC Charter. We would like to hear from all neighborhood councils regarding the
changes we have made. Please, put it on your agendas and vote on the changes. You can let us know the
results by email at
We hope to hear from your neighborhood council soon so the LANCC can move forward and become the
coalition that helps all neighborhood councils gain the power and respect they deserve from the other
members of city government and the stakeholders of Los Angeles.
Very truly yours, Leonard J. Shaffer, Chair, LANCC
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Venice Neighborhood Council
PO Box 550, Venice, CA 90294 /
Email: / Phone or Fax: 310.606.2015
neighborhood council
From Rules & Elections Committee
Ira Koslow (310-392-0868; The REC recommends (2-0-0) that the Board adopt
the following as a standing rule:
Procedure for Board Consideration of Consent Calendar Items
Consent Calendar Items are motions of Standing Committees considered to be routine by the
Administrative Committee. Board approval of the Consent Calendar constitutes approval of all motions
contained therein.
There will be no separate discussion of Consent Calendar motions unless a Board Member or a member of
the public requests removal of the items from the Consent Calendar, in which case the Chair will place the
item on the regular agenda where the Chair deems appropriate. Anyone wishing to contest a Consent
Calendar item on the Board agenda must appear in person at the Board meeting and explain to the Board
the reason the item is contested.
Ira Koslow (310-392-0868; The REC recommends (2-0-0) that the Board adopt
the following as a standing rule:
Definition of Factual Basis Stakeholder under LA City Ordinance 179680
A Factual Basis Stakeholder is defined for all Venice Neighborhood Council purposes as an individual who
lives, works, or owns property within the Venice Neighborhood Council boundaries.
III Ira Koslow (310-392-0868; The REC recommends (2-0-0) that the Board adopt
and implement the following:
The Venice Neighborhood Council Board requests that the City Clerk direct that the terms of the Venice
Neighborhood Council Board members be extended to calendar year 2010 pursuant to LA City Ordinance
IV Ira Koslow (310-392-0868; The REC recommends (2-0-0) that the Board adopt
the following as a standing rule:
The Board portion of community improvement funds can only be used for Board generated projects or
sponsorship of Board or Committee events. All applicants must complete the community improvement
application packet which is basically the same as the one used by the Neighborhood Committee for
allocation of its portion of community improvement funds.
Ira Koslow (310-392-0868; The REC recommends (2-0-0) that the Board adopt
the following as a standing rule:
The Venice Neighborhood Council will publicize only VNC, City of Los Angeles, & VNC sponsored or
endorsed events where determined by the VNC Board of Directors.
[IK/SK: Approved 8-2-3]
From Arts & OFW Committees
Aldis Browne (310-487-2533; & Ira Koslow (310-392-0868; The Ocean Front Walk Committee and the Arts Committee jointly recommend to
the Venice Neighborhood Council Board of Officers the approval of a letter of support for a Venice Beach
Concert Series proposed as by Michael (Micky) Schuman for a four concert pilot series intended to establish no
precedent (consisting of 2 concerts in September, 2008 and 2 in October, 2008).
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Venice Neighborhood Council
PO Box 550, Venice, CA 90294 /
Email: / Phone or Fax: 310.606.2015
neighborhood council
Challis Macpherson ( on behalf of LUPC: LUPC recommendation for board
action regarding 660 Venice Blvd:
[Unanimous as amended except that AB recused himself]
LUPC staff Jim Murez,
L&M, LA, LLC Retail Art Gallery, previously known as GBLM LLC.
660 East Venice Blvd,
Case Numbers: ENV 2008-1151 EAF, ZA 2008-1150 CDP SPP.
Applicant’s Representative and Land Use Consultant: Howard Robinson,
Presenter: project architect Kulapat Yantrasast of WHY Architecture.
Permit application March 21, 2008. Project documents on LUPC web site.
Regarding proposed Retail Art Gallery at 660 East Venice Boulevard, Case Numbers: ENV 2008-1151
EAF, ZA 2008-1150 CDP SPP, VNC Land Use and Planning Committee recommends that the Board of
Officers accept the LUPC Staff Report; and recommend approval of the project as presented, subject to the
following conditions:
Lighting shall not negatively impact neighboring residents.
2) The applicant must pull permits for special events, including without limitation gallery
openings, and comply with all conditions of such permits. The applicant shall not allow staff,
vendors or visitors to park on residential streets at any time, including, but not limited to gallery
openings and special events.
3) That the Applicant, its employees and agents do not use residential street parking. The
applicant shall hire a valet company for all gallery openings and special events exceeding 70
visitors and shall include a clause in valet contracts that prohibits parking on residential streets and
imposes a substantial fine if this provision is violated.
4) The applicant shall place a historic plaque commemorating Ray Bradbury in a publicly visible
location on the property.
5) Landscaping shall be placed along the rear wall in a manner that mitigates potential noise
impacts on residential neighbors.
6) Remove the existing front fence in the public right-of-way and restore landscaping and trees
in the public right-of-way consistent with Venice Coastal Zone Specific Plan requirements, and
agree to maintain such landscaping subject to the terms of Revocable Permit to be obtained from
the City’s Bureau of Engineering.
Vote: 7 – 0 – 1, approved.
Challis Macpherson ( on behalf of LUPC: LUPC motion on 612 San Juan LUPC recommends that the Board of Officers of the VNC accept the LUPC Staff Report and recommends that
the Zoning Administrator approve the variance. conditioned upon compliance, within 180 days of its adoption,
with a fences and hedges policy adopted by the Board of Officers of the VNC. Vote 5-2-2.
[MC/SK Amendment approved 8-3-2; as amended, CM/NP motion approved 9-1-3]
III Challis Macpherson ( on behalf of LUPC: LUPC motion on Marina Pacific
Hotel - LUPC recommends 3-2-1 that the VNC Board of Officers accept the LUPC Staff Report and deny this
[IK/SK: Approved 10-0-3]
9. Announcements & Public Comment on items not on the Agenda (15 min, no more than 2 minutes per person)
10. Adjourn (approx 10:00PM)
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Venice Neighborhood Council
PO Box 550, Venice, CA 90294 /
Email: / Phone or Fax: 310.606.2015
neighborhood council
Revised FEBRUARY 2008
The Neighborhood Councils of the City of Los Angeles do hereby create this Charter to provide a more effective voice for the
residents of Los Angeles, t to create a more effective system of Neighborhood Councils to communicate with each other, and to fulfill
our responsibilities under the Los Angeles City Charter.
 Los Angeles Ordinance No 174006 states that the goals and objectives of the Neighborhood Council system include:
Promoting and facilitating communication, interaction and collaboration among all neighborhood councils regarding their common
and disparate concerns; and
Fostering a sense of community for all people to express ideas and opinions about their neighborhoods and their government.
Table of Contents
Article 1
Mission and Structure
Section 1 Mission Statement
Section 2 Core Principles
Section 3
Article 2
3.1 Officers and District Representatives
3.2 Board of Delegates
Duties and Responsibilities
Section 1
Section 2
District Representatives
Section 3
Board of Delegates
Article 3
Creation and Amendment of the Charter
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Venice Neighborhood Council
PO Box 550, Venice, CA 90294 /
Email: / Phone or Fax: 310.606.2015
neighborhood council
Article 1.
Section 1.
The Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition (LANCC), will:
(1) Provide opportunities for Neighborhood Councils (NCs) to communicate with each other on issues of common interest, including
Citywide issues, regional issues, and local issues with Citywide or regional implications;
(2) Develop and maintain tools for effective communication among NCs;
(3) Develop and maintain expertise on City issues;
(4) Provide assistance to NCs regarding elections, bylaws and grievances;
(5) Educate NCs about how to effectively bring issues before City government; and
(6) Educate the public and City government about NCs.
(7) Establish a structure to report the positions taken by NCs on City issues;
Section 2.
1. The LANCC is intended to enhance the ability of Certified NCs to have their voices heard on issues affecting their neighborhoods
and the City, and is not intended to usurp or interfere with the role of individual NCs to voice opinions or
positions on issues. This organization cannot and will not attempt to speak for any certified neighborhood council on any issue unless
specifically empowered to do so by that neighborhood council's governing board. This organization reserves the right to refer to
official positions taken by certified neighborhood council.2. All Certified NCs will be provided a full and equal opportunity to
participate in the Congress of Neighborhood Councils.
3. Each Certified NC may participate in the LANCC to the extent it is willing and able; when an NC chooses to participate, it will be
on an equal basis with all other participating NCs.
4. The LANCC will be open, public and inclusionary in its organization and its operations.
5. To the extent feasible, the LANCC will abide by all applicable federal, state, county and city constitutions, laws, ordinances and
Section 3.
Officers & District Representatives
The following officers will be elected to serve
a Chair
b. Vice Chair
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
Seven District Representatives will be chosen to represent the 7 DONE Planning Districts
Board of Delegates
The Board of Delegates includes all the Officers and District Representatives and one designated delegate from each
participating NC's.
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Venice Neighborhood Council
PO Box 550, Venice, CA 90294 /
Email: / Phone or Fax: 310.606.2015
neighborhood council
Article 2.
Duties and Responsibilities
Section 1. Officers
1.1 Chair
1.2 Vice chair
(see Standing rules No.2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 for Chair and Vice Chair duties and responsibilities)
1.3 Secretary
a. Secretary will be elected by Board of Delegates
b. Responsible for administrative functions of LANCC
1. Track all pending motions/issues before LANCC
2. Keep Master Calendar
3. Disseminate information/reports to NCs, governmental entities and media
4. Responsible for communications and outreach as directed by Board of Delegates
5. Maintain website
6. Maintain e-mail distribution lists
As an example: The Secretary is responsible for the creation of a Communications Center. That may become the
communications network to participants and the source that keeps everyone connected, informed and involved.
1.4 Treasurer
a. The Treasurer is responsible for the Treasury and providing regular financial reports to the Board of Delegates
b. The Treasurer will be elected by the Board of Delegates
c. The Treasurer is Responsible for monitoring agendas, etc. from ENS, discovering important issues, and transmitting
reports to NCs, Board of Delegates, and LANCC Committees.
a. Possible Sources of Funding
1. City of Los Angeles/DONE
2. Assessments to participating NCs
3. Contributions from third parties
4. Foundations/non-profits
Section 2. District Representatives
a. The District Representatives, one from each of the seven (7) city planning areas, would be the primary liaison between LANCC
and the NC's in their district. However they will have the assistance of as many NC representatives as needed to help them.
b. Their prime responsibilities for the NC's in their district include:
1. Provide to the NCs the pro and con positions on city wide issues.
2. Follow up to see that the issue is agendizied.
3. Follow up and report to the LANCC, the voting status of the issue along with any other significant input.
a. The Board of Delegates is the administrative authority that oversees the actions of this organization, including control of
the budget and of expenditures, and, in addition, the planning and administration of the meetings of this organization
including those of the Officers & District Representatives, as well as the meetings of the Board of Delegates.
b. The Board of Delegates has authority over the planning, scheduling, funding, and operation of meetings that are henceforth
to be known as the Board of Delegates. The Board of Delegates may at its discretion set rules as to how the Board of
Delegates and/or stakeholders voice its opinions on subjects of interest in the city, including the methods by which straw votes
of all of those present are tallied.
c. The only requirement for voting at a LANCC meeting by a delegate is a communication from the President/ Chair of the
NC Board, to the LANCC Chair or other officer who may be designated for that purpose, stating the name of the stakeholder
that will represent his/her NC.
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Venice Neighborhood Council
PO Box 550, Venice, CA 90294 /
Email: / Phone or Fax: 310.606.2015
neighborhood council
Section 1.The LANCC will be established upon the ratification of this Charter by at least twenty percent (20%) of certified
Neighborhood Councils
Section 2. deleted
Section 3. By participation at any LANCC meeting said delegate agrees to the responsibilities of this charter.
Section 4. Amendment of this Charter
1. Any Delegate may propose an amendment to this Charter
2. An amendment will be submitted to participating NCs if passed by majority vote at a regular meeting of the Board of
3. Any amendments to this Charter will not take effect unless and until ratified by 2/3 of NCs that vote, and those votes must
be received by the LANCC within 2 months of submission to NCs
LANCC Charter, revised HK 1-22-08 11AMfor LANCC meeting2-2-08 with strikeout deleted and Joe Vitti’s modifications per HK 129-08
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