Websites Useful for Citizenship IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 1 Contents Human Rights Animal Rights Diversity Homelessness Abortion and Euthanasia Democracy and elections National and Local Government Trade and the Economy WTO EU (European Union) UN (United Nations) Peace and Conflict History RE Law-Related Education Employment Law Media and Useful Image Sites Global Citizenship Local Agenda 21 Active Citizenship General websites IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 2 IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 3 Human Rights IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 4 Human Rights URL Description / Review Fairly comprehensive UNICEF site on Rights – games, factsheets, sources/index.asp suggested activities Lots and lots of info and resources ducation/ Good resources Education: content.asp?CategoryID=10 679 A very comprehensive manual of human rights education with young /en/contents.html people "Chapter 2" has 49 different lesson plans on a variety of topics http://www.equalityhumanri The newish UK body with responsibility to promote equality - useful info. No citizenship resources yet but useful list of recommended links. Recommended links: http://www.equalityhumanri PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 5 URL Description / Review bin/ gkad1k&save=screen&sessio n= Looks at myths and gives facts. Not bad for researching human rights Human Rights monitoring organization, profiles on all countries. Good range of videos that can be used in class. Source for videos and stories for narratives. http://www.liberty-human- Good sections on Young People’s Rights Another Liberty site, particularly focusing on the impact of the 1998 k/ Human Rights Act. Focus on Islamic Human Rights, for getting point of view from Muslim perspective. BBC World Service site, gives good examples of violations of each the service/people/features/iha main rights. vearightto/index.shtml Anne Frank inspired site to combat racism. Download assembly ideas k Details human rights issues occurring within the UK. world/human-rights Newsround – oodles of useful stuff IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 6 URL news/hi/teachers/default.s tm ls/citizenx/being/index.sht ml sources/index.asp ducation/ Description / Review Citizen X’s section on rights and responsibilities. Good resource including lesson and assembly ideas. Great child specific site with extensive rights section. Good for following stories of human rights abuses around the world. Fairly comprehensive UNICEF site on Rights – games, factsheets, suggested activities Lots and lots of info and resources IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 7 Animal Rights IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 8 Animal Rights URL Description / Review People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) General animal rights This site is excellent - covering all areas of animal rights, globally. Excellent fact sheets, leaflets and posters can be downloaded. Animal liberation is viewed as a positive force for change and promoted as such. Interactive content includes links to social networking sites etc. Education section: relevance to global citizenship projects. Animal Aid A comprehensive site that covers most animal abuse areas and campaigns for a cruelty-free lifestyle. Good educational resources, but General animal rights overshadowed by PETA for style and content. Royal Society for the Protection A very good site from a particularly respectable (and unfortunately of Animals (RSPCA) influential) animal welfare organisation. A good starting point for KS3 children – nothing too upsetting or challenging. However, the RSPCA are General animal issues - welfare not a force for change in terms of animal rights and this is reflected in their campaigning stance. Good range of campaigns and education area, but essentially conservative. If you want images of sad looking abandoned dogs and happy free range hens – this is the site for you. Animal Liberation Front The closest you will get to a website for the Animal Liberation Front. Supporters Group (ALFSG) The ALF Supporters Group site explains the ALF’s objectives, recent actions and what they consider constitutes animal abuse. Nice action Animal Liberation pictures of animals being rescued by hooded ALF people – good images for stimulating a debate on what lies behind the walls of the vivisection IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 9 URL National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS) Vivisection Description / Review laboratory, slaughterhouse etc.. I have a particular bias towards this site as a number of photos and clips I took of animal suffering inside a laboratory for NAVS can be found here. You’ll find most of the arguments here to counter the inevitable “Your child or the rat?” arguments here. Also a good list of the medical charities using animals is available – which could be used to discuss the ethics of collecting for organizations such as Cancer Research, British Heart Foundation etc. Good source of information, but put over in a fairly dry way. No specific education section; however up to date and good for campaign ideas. CBBC Children’s website about helping wildlife International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) General animal issues A slick streamlined US-orientated site which covers most worldwide animal issues in a fairly neutral way. No contentious issues here such as vivisection, meat industry etc. Much focus on seals (particularly the very sweet baby ones) – IFAW’s biggest campaign ever, whaling, wildlife etc. Good for KS3 soft animal welfare discussion. Seals are always a winner! The ‘Global Challenges’ and ‘Endangered Species’ areas are thought provoking and comprehensive, and the ‘Fun & Games’ quizzes are really World Wildlife Fund (WWF) IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 10 URL Description / Review Animals and conservation The Vegan Society good – ideal for end of terms and putting a lot of VAK into practice! Quite a basic site in appearance, but nonetheless quite informative. Not much obvious (quick access) stuff for Teachers to use. The Countryside Alliance This is a comprehensive, well-organized site, which deserves a look. No specific education and resource section for teachers. IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 11 Homelessness IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 12 Homelessness URL Description / Review Bestest website on homelessness. 2nd Bestest website on homelessness All you need to know about homelessness ness All you need to know in a homeless crisis The place to go if you’re homeless The place to go if you’re homeless and young IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 13 Diversity IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 14 Diversity URL Description / Review Case Studies for multiple citizenship topics; includes ain/resource.php?y0 anti-bullying, Diversity/Race equality, Human rights, etc. Rest of the site has some other resources, but the case studies are the most useful IMHO 25 lesson plans created by Debbie Peskett for use in p/ year groups 7-11 and covering a variety of themes organized around 4 key concepts of Power, Story, Success and Trust. Immigration and Stories and multiculturalism perhaps the most useful in this category www.teaching SOW for units of citizenship Great resource for ideas for units; all secondary years included Lesson ideas based on narratives. Subjects covered Teenage pregnancy, Crime, Family, Racism, Homelessness and Poverty EHRC website; rights/ Good for finding out information about your rights in various areas Excellent! Online lesson plans, quiz, and activities which can be used in the classroom IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 15 URL Description / Review A site on race and racism. Some interesting activities for students to explore the roles of different characters. An easy site for them to navigate around. For the teachers there is a section on “serious issues” which contains some useful background information on race issues, which is explained in simple language. There are not that many lesson ideas, but what there is, is ok. In the Identity section, there is an Animation on Asylum ng/index.shtml Seekers, a Photostory on children’s take on British Culture, and a ‘Create your own pop group activity’ which helps students to think about identity. News based lesson plans for citizenship and PSHE teachers/default.stm updated daily. Includes one on media stereotypes. Newsround general page; always useful. Information on asylum laws and process, statistics on asylum seekers, takes headlines from tabloids and disputes the myths with facts, diary of conferences, talks and courses Up to date info but not really resources or aimed at education or a specific education section An organization aimed at 8-18 year olds which challenges racism, prejudice and intolerance. There is a photo library and story resources, but you have to order them, there is IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 16 URL Description / Review nothing much to download for free. Office for National Statistics – the UK population by ethnic group April 2001. You can also get local statistics from your council website. Football’s anti-racism campaign. Lots of ways that schools can get involved, events etc… and a resource pack available to purchase. Has lots of very useful links. es/citiz.shtml Really good, loads of lesson plans on race equality and human rights It is an American site, there are practical lesson activities, and some resources for sale. SOW on Identity and Diversity for teaching in a rural school with not many non-white students. Schools Linking in Diversity Education. Not that exciting .php?category_id=95 but a useful list of activities to use with students, in order to challenge the stereotypes and perceptions that they have of each other. University of Exeter website. Has some good lesson ce/resources/citizenres.htm plans on Stereotypes, Diversity, Refugees and lots more… Good site – looks at Black and Asian History, has some IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 17 URL #keyword cts/Resources/DramaLessonPlans.pdf t/index.php ain/resource.php?y0 p/ IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 Description / Review lesson plans Islam online is an informative website about Islam, bringing up contemporary topics in the Muslim community in the UK. No resources though. Lesson plans on a variety of issues including racism, etc… US site. Dealing with issues of stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination and scapegoating. Online teacher centre with lesson plans Pure lesson plans on issues of Racism. PDF Benjamin Zephaniah’s homepage Lots of poems about London diversity and whatnot. Case Studies for multiple citizenship topics; includes anti-bullying, Diversity/Race equality, Human rights, etc. Rest of the site has some other resources, but the case studies are the most useful IMHO 25 lesson plans created by Debbie Peskett for use in year groups 7-11 and covering a variety of themes organized around 4 key concepts of Power, Story, Success and Trust. Immigration and Stories and multiculturalism perhaps the most useful in this category 18 URL Description / Review SOW for units of citizenship Great resource for ideas for units; all secondary years included Lesson ideas based on narratives. Subjects covered Teenage pregnancy, Crime, Family, Racism, Homelessness and Poverty EHRC website; rights/ Good for finding out information about your rights in various areas Excellent! Online lesson plans, quiz, and activities which can be used in the classroom A site on race and racism. Some interesting activities for students to explore the roles of different characters. An easy site for them to navigate around. For the teachers there is a section on “serious issues” which contains some useful background information on race issues, which is explained in simple language. There are not that many lesson ideas, but what there is, is ok. In the Identity section, there is an Animation on Asylum ng/index.shtml Seekers, a Photostory on children’s take on British Culture, and a ‘Create your own pop group activity’ which helps students to think about identity. IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 19 URL Description / Review News based lesson plans for citizenship and PSHE teachers/default.stm updated daily. Includes one on media stereotypes. Newsround general page; always useful. Information on asylum laws and process, statistics on asylum seekers, takes headlines from tabloids and disputes the myths with facts, diary of conferences, talks and courses Up to date info but not really resources or aimed at education or a specific education section IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 20 Abortion IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 21 Abortion/Euthanasia URL,uk e/sanctity uments/GCSE%20New%20GCSE/Religi IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 Description / Review Part of the Marie-Stopes Group. Informative. Facts and advice on abortion. Very teenager friendly. Has information of both abortion and euthanasia. American site Has great narratives on personal experiences on unwanted pregnancy. The site contains great visuals. Pro and abortion Anti debates. Very informative. Youth debates on abortion and euthanasia. Not exactly factual, but great for opinions. Has great narratives and personal stories. More suitable for KS4. Anti-euthanasia website. Facts and opinions. Lists recent relevant court cases/challenges Very text heavy, not much interaction, but talks about euthanasia from a Humanist point of view. Good for euthanasia teaching resources Summarises the position of the major religions on Euthanasia and Abortion SOW on Euthanasia and abortion from Edexcel 22 URL Description / Review ous-Studies-Unit-1-Matter-of-Lifeand-Death.doc. Provides teaching packs for Euthanasia and Abortion for cational-work#packs KS3-5 Short Drama/Documentary on abortion issues IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 23 Democracy and Elections IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 24 Democracy and Elections URL Description / Review Loads of stuff including short/long videos, lesson plans, lots of crap to sieve through, but is useful. Loads of PDF files. The “explore” section is geared towards students and can be helpful for planning or as a homework research activity. Not great, mainly charity stuff. Some useful templates for leaflets and pamphlets which can be utilized for making resources but generally not great. http://www.electoral Provides description of all the main types of electoral system and where they are used. Also reports on last election. Really good debate topics and arguments for and against which is useful. For example making voting compulsory. Lots of games, good interactive activities on a number of g/microsites/C/citizenpower/ind topics (incl democracy). Not a lot of info about this topic but ex2.htm good website for citizenship topics in general. Good broad website with lots of info and resources for all tizenx/index.shtml citizenship areas. Good for interactive and teacher ideas. Very useful basic information to be used for schools. No need to think IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 25 URL /hi/teachers/default.stm http://www.civicsandcitizenship. Description / Review about how to dumb it down for pupils. Very good, lesson plans and resources for all subject areas. Lots of information and very easy to use. Very good site ran by electoral system for young people to get involved in 'doing politics'. Good activity ideas and well written information sheets for students. Excellent website. Lots of SOW ready to be used in all areas of citizenship icnlduing democracy and elections Site specific for Australia but perhaps good for comparative democracies and elections http://www.democracyeducation. Site specific for Canada, but good info on Canadian political net/gov.htm system/democracy and elections Collection of links about electoral systems in countries all ion.htm over the world. Excellent information available. Good for getting lists of MP’s, results on elections etc. Another good collection of links relating to voting/elections r/elections.htm and democracy http://www.citizenshipteacher.c Really good website for ready made resources and lesson plans for you to use. Need to register or have membership. If you IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 26 URL Description / Review register you can have access to the PDF files which is all you need really. IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 27 Local and National Government IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 28 National and Local Government URL Description / Review http://www.ukyouthparliame The site for the UK Youth Parliament. Lots of info on what the parliament does and regional links. Website aimed at young people, has good links to new citizenship news uk/ articles. Might be usable as part of an ICT based lesson. The GLA site for young Londoners with opportunities for debate and ung-london/ comments. Good for brief intro to subjects affecting young Londoners – has good links A few flash games aimed at teaching young people about politics. Not very practical for whole class activity. Would be great in an ICT room. http://www.explore.parliam Very comprehensive resources in the Teacher’s Centre. And the kids can use it themselves. Split into clear age bands effectively KS 2, 3 & 4 Full records of parliamentary proceedings and a schools MPs education pack is also available. Has some good links. More for teachers than directly for pupils http://www.mockelections.c Good site with all resources needed to undertake a mock election. Wikipedia entry on the UK Lots of links to other useful websites; also links to “British Political Government: Scandals, real or alleged” which is quite interesting! Quite handy summaries /Uk_government IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 29 URL Description / Review Direct Gov: Info on rights, responsibilities and voting. Great site linking to most Governmental resources: the “Guide to Government” is particularly useful. (for Parliament, also see Links to other depts. A bit dry BBC Schools National and Local Government – basic information (there’s also an online quiz). Accessible to most pupils ls/citizenx/national/govern ment/lowdown/government_ basics_1.shtml and ls/citizenx/local/community /lowdown/la_basics_1.shtml What is the Cabinet? (excellent lesson plan for KS3). Lots of material news/hi/newsid_4510000/n that can be used directly with pupils ewsid_4518300/ m Balance the Budget (a great site, including a good lesson plan on news/hi/teachers/citizenshi Government spending) p_11_14/subject_areas/gov ernment_central/newsid_29 09000/2909737.stm Individual websites for each Variable. Some government sites not very accessible (i.e. defra), others Government Department / better i.e ( IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 30 URL Description / Review Local Government Authority (e.g. sultations/) Electoral Commission website. Links to page with resources that could / materials, guidance and resources for all things to do with voting. Not very easy to navigate Good for information on community cohesion projects, some useful .uk/ examples of Local Agenda 21 in action Site about local edemocracy, with some focus on the role of local and dex.php national government. Has some downloadable case studies http://www.ukyouthparliame The site for the UK Youth Parliament. Lots of info on what the parliament does and regional links. The following sites all contain lots of information but none have any resources. URL Description / Review Comprehensive information on all aspects of government. Detailed information about Parliament, its members and workings including comprehensive educational resources. To find out the name of your constituency and MP. IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 31 URL Description / Review Comprehensive guide to the role of the monarchy in Britain, but with no resources Up to the minute information from Downing Street, press releases and speeches. Good if you want information, but nothing else. IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 32 Trade and the Economy (inc. Fairtrade) IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 33 Trade and the Economy (inc. Fairtrade) URL Description / Review Fairtrade – “Milking it!” milkingit/index.htm Milking it is a fun interactive website about fair trade created by Oxfam to use with 13-16 year-olds – really good and with useful ideas for teachers A good resource to use in lessons for ideas on how pupils can act to make trade fair. Good information about global trade, although it does have a overt antifree trade agenda Has links to other websites and publications covering citizenship and young people. Topical news stories with economic analysis. Also international news. Maybe better for informing you rather than for resources. For info or statistics on government spending etc. http://www.globalexchange.or g/campaigns/index.html The Economist The Treasury Treasury educational website Provides financial information and links to other websites. The Fair trade Foundation Has info and ‘get involved’ pages with advice on turning school into a fair-trade school. User-friendly, good for student research. Cool Planet – Fair trade Fair Trade resource section from Oxfam’s Cool Planet. Most are focused on systems of global trade. Go here for info on the popular IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 34 URL planet/teachers/fairtrade_re sources/index.htm#free Description / Review trading game and chocolate game, and lots more. Dubble – Fair trade continue Website of the Dubble Fair trade chocolate bar for children, run by Comic Relief. Various teaching resources including lesson plans – and you can order free ‘Pa Pa Paa’ Comic Relief Fair trade packs for KS3: it’s a good visual resource and source of activities (including chocolate game) & background info. Co-operative Stores – Fair Big new Fair trade Schools pack by Co-operative Stores. Most info trade is primary-school oriented but it’s got relevant sections on making the http://www.cocase for Fair trade, introducing it into your school (e.g. by giving specific details of suppliers who can provide Fair trade drinks etc), and k/pdf.asp further info sources. Good if you want to set up a Fair Trade group. You have to register to use it but it takes seconds. Economic Development – ‘On Not exactly economic but good if doing development work. This site The Line’ explores key social issues in countries on the meridian line. Nice photography and short, interesting information pieces. Excellent for planet/ontheline/index.html’ global research. IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 35 World Trade Organisation IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 36 WTO (World Trade Organisation) URL h/thewto_e/whatis_e/10b en_e/10b00_e.htm h/thewto_e/whatis_e/10m is_e/10m00_e.htm h/thewto_e/thewto_e.htm h/tratop_e/dispu_e/dispu _subjects_index_e.htm#p otatoes h/thewto_e/countries_e/e m h/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_ e/org6_e.htm Description / Review Good for gathering quickly some ideas on the pro and cons of the present world trade system; it summarises 10 benefits of having the WTO. Good visuals and easily accessible. It would provide prompts for classroom debates. Similar to above but focused on 10 ‘misunderstandings’ about the WTO. General introduction to the WTO – suitable for teachers’ background knowledge. Case studies of trade disputes – from ‘A’ as Apple to ‘W’ as Water (bottled); it would introduce to a dispute that you could then retrieve in a concise form from the BBC (or any other news agencies) web site. Similar page regarding disputes involving the EU can be found listed at the bottom of this link. For a list of disputes for any other country, select from the following link: IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 37 URL h/forums_e/students_e/s tudents_e.htm mplates/WebFlyer.asp?int ItemID=3432&lang=1 s/ cnews/hi/newsid_3090000 /newsid_3096600/309663 4.stm Description / Review Source of links for in depth knowledge on world trade; suited for teachers’ background knowledge or GCSE/A-level students who want to more - some teachers claim they still exist. Lists of developing countries and links to other informative resources for background knowledge on ‘development’. Valuable source of information for teachers’ background knowledge on globalisation and ideas for classrooms’ debates and readings – if shaped into a language suitable to students. To access global, national and regional statistics and articles related to ‘globalisation’. From this link you can access every article printed on the Human Development Reports of the UN; their chapters and articles are easily accessible and have titles and headings that would direct your eyes and clicks towards what you searching for. This link leads to those reports What is the World Trade Centre? Key Facts IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 38 European Union IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 39 EU (European Union) URL Description / Review There you’ll find interactive tests and quizzes on EU member states pago/welcome.jsp cultures and various curiosities from national anthems to the Euro. It is quite hard to see how to get to the quiz section- you click on the main picture. It could be a ‘fun’ intro to the EU; probably best suited for younger students. ‘European Youth Portal’ - this link leads to many others where one could h/info_on_europe/index_eu_ gather information on EU news, how the EU works, your rights as an EU en.html citizen etc. A general introduction to the EU: its institutional workings and role, index_en.htm symbols, country briefings, history, key facts and figures, treaties and law and informative resources for 12 lessons – that could easily be stretched to, say…120 lessons? http://www.euro This is the opening page of the EU ombudsman leading to other links. It is informative and contains many other links as, for example the following link: efault.htm Easy access to all Members of the European Parliament (MEP); divided by mbers/ constituencies, with their profile, personal emails personal websites. Useful is you are interested in contacting your MEP and to know what they might be involved with. Gives access to similar information but just UK MEPs IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 40 URL Description / Review _meps/MembersMain.htm Information about Britain within the EU; how the policies affect us etc… /Front?pagename=OpenMarke t/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Pag e&cid=1007029391674 Catalogue of resources, websites etc. on Europe. peanunion.htm There you’ll find interactive tests and quizzes on EU member states pago/welcome.jsp cultures and various curiosities from national anthems to the Euro. It is quite hard to see how to get to the quiz section- you click on the main picture. It could be a ‘fun’ intro to the EU; probably best suited for younger students. ‘European Youth Portal’ - this link leads to many others where one could h/info_on_europe/index_eu_ gather information on EU news, how the EU works, your rights as an EU en.html citizen etc. A general introduction to the EU: its institutional workings and role, index_en.htm symbols, country briefings, history, key facts and figures, treaties and law and informative resources for 12 lessons – that could easily be stretched to, say…120 lessons? IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 41 UN (United Nations) IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 42 United Nations URL hi/teachers/citizenship_11_14/su bject_areas/united_nations/new sid_2763000/2763001.stm hi/teachers/ sons/unit65/lesson2.html Description / Review A good starter quiz on the UN. Includes a role play and some sample proposals to debate in class. United Nations website Has lots of links to UN organizations and explains what they do. Includes ‘the basic facts’ about the UN. Has a Teacher Zone! Education resources available Lots free to download. Wants and needs cards, Thinking rights, Discussing Global issues, Assembly, Teaching pack Some stuff to buy. Really good and useful site, covers lots of areas and does a good job of focusing on how young people see things. Good site for information on the UN and especially on what the UN does for children. Provides many good ideas for classroom activities. Learning to Give’s UN lesson Plan. Conflict Resolution Good links IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 43 URL s/peace/index.asp hoolBus/ Description / Review Helpful handouts for lessons. Briefing papers for students, quizzes and games, lots of information, including a facility to compare country data. UN’s Cyber SchoolBus homepage Links to different aspects of the curriculum inc Human Rights, Peace education, Racial and Ethnic discrimination, rights at work, world hunger, etc. Lots of information and materials to use on each Model United Nation portal Includes Introduction, Glossary, Info on Un, How to organize, tips for participants and teachers at all levels How to organize for one day or half day Model Un Simple, easy to use, no frills website. IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 44 Peace IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 45 Peace and Conflict URL Description / Review Opinions on various world issues from child reporters. Some useful news/hi/club/your_reports/ stuff, but quite time consuming to find genuinely useful stuff newsid_2883000/2883887. stm Not very user friendly, in that it has piles and piles of not that useful stuff, but some good contents if you can bothered filtering through. Good for general introductory information on various issues. Especially /Conflict handy for giving the teacher some background information before planning. /Conflict_resolution /Peace Some very useful general CR information and lesson plans. Highly mes/resources/S00001717. recommended. shtml IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 46 URL Description / Review Martin Auer, The Strange War, Stories for a Culture of Peace. Lots of KINDER/kriegnarratives about the culture of peace, some of the stories are a little daft us/index.htm but great for KS3, or even a bit of tongue in cheek for KS4. Conflict resolution site, great for getting some current case studies. An all round great resource, both for giving teachers background information, and providing useful narratives etc for students. http://www.globalvillage200 Global Village site with loads of games and activities under the banner ‘do something about … Conflict and Peace’ and a teacher link – bonus! ut Oxfam’s site, again packed with teacher resources and activities – olplanet/teachers/resource Including entire lesson plans! s/peace.htm IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 47 History IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 48 History URL Description / Review 2 very good sites for history, can help with citizenship too! k This site takes you to suppliers of History materials like The New Internationalist & The UK history shop. Not useful unless you are thinking of buying resources. Really good resources including quizzes, flash cards, word searches .uk/ etc. Includes stuff for all age groups primary to A- Level! navId/00500300f National maritime museum (good for slavery) IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 49 Religious Education IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 50 RE URL Description / Review Buddhist educational material for primary and secondary. The bible stories told using lego. Great for year 7 Resources e/ Resources and lesson ideas The story of Jesus also resources to order Resources for all age groups Worksheets and stories IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 51 URL Description / Review IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 Great downloads and stories to use told by children. 52 Law-related Education IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 53 Law-Related Education URL General topics for debate efault.stm Jargon Buster Youth Offending Service Making and Shaping Laws ng/ c The Criminal Justice System ng/Student_Briefing_Criminal_Ju stice.doc Forum http://forums.citizenshipfoundatio IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 Description / Review General information on how law works and issues on info such as knives and downloading and kids behind bars. Not very interactive but lots of good quotes from young people that could be used to start debates. Good resource that provides simple explanations of complex legal words and concepts. Useful for knowledge base. Good interactive website to guide young people through the criminal justice system and to think about the consequences of actions. But could be filtered by some schools. Briefing paper with lesson ideas, information for teachers and narratives that could be used. Briefing paper with lesson ideas and descriptions of terms. A discussion forum about law related education. Underused at the moment but a few useful bits of information on there. Very few users. 54 URL Mock Trials http://www.citizenshipfoundation. In school mock trials http://www.citizenshipfoundation. Debates on Legal Topics e/ Rights and Responsibilities dResponsibilities/fs/en The work of Magistrates and the Magistrates Court _court_.html Law relating to children http://www.childrenslegalcentre.c IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 Description / Review Good interactive competitions on the Crown Court and Magistrates Court. Participation requires a lot of dedication and help from students. But is a very rewarding and enjoyable experience. A resource about running a mock trial in school can either be used to run a full mock trial or pick and choose bits. A very in depth (long) document. Debating website that lists the pros and cons of a variety of different topics including about 100 related to Law and Crime Information on laws relating to various rights and responsibilities. Good youth site relating to young people in magistrates courts, some narratives and good emphasis of the fact that not every young person found in courts are accused of committing crime. Includes interactive activities that could be good for an IWB. Plus look at Magistrates in the Community which offers magistrates to come into schools to give talks. Useful resource on questions and answers about the laws relating to children – good for research 55 URL om/Templates/Topic.asp?NodeID= 89632 Department for Constitutional Affairs Victim Support/ Witness Services england_wales/index.php one .uk IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 Description / Review Information about legal processes, court systems and the role of magistrates and judges – good for research. Plus has a “What’s new” section on the homepage to keep up to date with statistics, points of law. Information about victims and witnesses of crime. Ok for basic information but no lesson plans or such like. good on reforming criminal justice accessible sites on youth justice made for young people. Ideal for research. Good site accessible sites on youth justice made for young people. Ideal for research. National association for youth justice Short description/ review – Quite dry sections on police, general law and employment law. But basic information there that could be used to make more exciting resources. Site giving lesson ideas based on subject matter in Harry Potter, might work for some KS3 56 URL Description / Review / User-friendly government website offering consumer advice. Good for knowledge and research ahead of consumer rights lessons and also a good point of reference for students. Website for those intending on entering the legal profession but is also offers a good range of information on the legal profession (helpful for AS Citizenship unit) A law firm specialising in human rights, some good case studies can be found on their website which provide useful narratives htm / IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 57 Employment Law IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 58 Employment Law URL Description / Review Contains lesson ideas for all ages and Ofsted reports. Links you to other very useful websites (1000+). Has a number of schemes of work and lesson plans that you can buy. It also gives you a free sample for each lesson plan, which you could adapt to make a whole lesson – but quite limited. Has a number of ideas that can be used for different lessons. Very user friendly, thus quite good for children to access themselves. Also access to Newsround website. Relates employment law to disability. Has useful and relevant lesson plans to use. www.womenandequalityunit.g Useful resource. Loads of info about laws relating to equality in the workplace, also gives info about cases / findings. m/curr/teachers.shtml Some interesting lesson ideas – also links to Government policy and copyright law. Has a good unit of work on “rights and responsibilities in the place of work”. User-friendly website with information on aspects of law such as ‘what should be included in a contract’. Good for pupils to use. IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 59 URL Description / Review http://www.workplacebullyin Provides an interesting link between bullying and employment law – could be useful especially if combined Scheme of work with PSHE. Lots of examples of case law to use as discussion points in class. Easy to use, good information for background research in this area – /Employment/index.htm facts etc. Also useful for students to use as a research tool into rights as an employee. IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 60 IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 61 Media and useful image sites URL Description / Review (Advertising) ‘Hello world’ videos may be useful for, global consumerism and identity Easy access to a range of adverts, they also offer a pack for teachers, comes at a hefty price though! 2 links to guidance for teaching about film and TV in a /secondary.html#citizenship citizenship context, highlights relevance to PoS. Very practical. Media/conflict/identity & diversity Citizenship pack: media's portrayal of marginalised groups: it costs £14.95 though. _7502.htm Lots of lesson ideas regarding media influence in a range of ers/default.stm areas: mainly KS3 Full detailed lesson plans for 4 units on television news, ngthenews/schools/learningmaterials/def enables students to critically analyse TV news. All the hard ault.html work done for you! ources/citizenres.htm IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 62 Excellent SOW for citizenship and news media Times URL Description / Review Independent Daily Telegraph Newspaper for kids, well pitched articles on current affairs Four well plannedSOW around the media for use in enship/index.htm citizenship Media in society - Developing an animal welfare media parametrics=WVCATEGORY%7C10384,W campaign, good active citizenship. Need to sign up to TES VCATEGORY%7C10406,WVCATEGORY%7 website, its free. C10322&area=resources&PageNo=1&cmd= AddPm&val=WVCATEGORY%7C10286 x.asp?CurrMenu=searchresults&keyword= media Variety of Media Lesson plans covering the responsibilities of celebrities and comparing sources – pdf is free. (Advertising) ‘Hello world’ videos may be useful for, global consumerism and identity Easy access to a range of adverts, they also offer a pack for teachers, comes at a hefty price though! 2 links to guidance for teaching about film and TV in a IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 63 URL Description / Review /secondary.html#citizenship citizenship context, highlights relevance to PoS. Very practical. Media/conflict/identity & diversity Citizenship pack: media's portrayal of marginalised groups: it costs £14.95 though. _7502.htm IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 64 Global Citizenship IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 65 Global Citizenship URL Description / Review Global Dimension An absolutely essential site for searching for resources to help teach about global issues. You can search by subject, by theme and by uk/ price (including lots of free stuff). Global Express The rapid response information series for schools on world events in the news… you have to buy the most recent editions but all the back copies are available to download. Informative, tailored to students, and relevant. Global Eye A decent, interactive site for students to explore pertinent global issues using a regularly-updated topics approach – current topics including Kenya and Telecommunications. Useful sets teaching notes for each topic, and previous topics all available. BBC Newsround The ubiquitous newsround site – with a variety of articles and associated lesson plans based around the theme of globalisation – /hi/teachers/default.stm trade, hunger, aid, Band Aid, Live8, September 11, G8 etc. 9/10 for accessible articles and ideas… but as with anything they often need a fair bit of tailoring. Good internet resource for lessons on the environment. Americanised so may need to do some translating for students! G Nation Websites centred on charities, volunteering, campaigning on IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 66 URL Description / Review sorting out world problems. Useful ideas for active global citizenship BBC s/ How to sign up to twin school with an overseas school. Case studies on schools who already have twinned. Games and ideas from schools from overseas. Teach Global eachglobal/ Click on the link to secondary education and you will be given a scheme of work with lesson resources for each lesson. Lessons such as: The school in a global society, Child Rights and the Global Dimension, Creating Links with overseas Teachernet ducationoverview/international/ globaldimension/ Links with the global dimension website but easily categorises information so that you can access it easily rather than having to search through the global dimension website. Includes things such as Global calendars for international events which may help with planning or whole school participation. Citizenship Foundation Specific lesson ideas on Darfur, Aid/Development and Europe. Links to http://www.citizenshipfoundatio lots of different websites on these topics and explains content of each web page. IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 67 URL Description / Review Global Kids Connect Very user friendly for students and lots of resources for teachers. http://www.globalkidsconnect.or However, resources mainly focus on Afganistan. Bear in mind this is an g/ American website. Also, some of the links are not set up yet and some of the site is still under construction. Global Gateway Lists resources and lesson plans for teachers and links to other websites. How to organize a school twinning. Chalkface Has some good resources to buy on issues such as world hunger but not very many free resources. Unicef Loads of free teaching resources and lesson plans on specific global topics. Save the Children Again, lots of free teaching resources and lesson plans. Focused specifically on children. uk tion/ IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 68 URL Description / Review http://schools.surfaidinternatio Global Dimension An absolutely essential site for searching for resources to help teach about global issues. You can search by subject, by theme and by uk/ price (including lots of free stuff). Global Express The rapid response information series for schools on world events in the news… you have to buy the most recent editions but all the back copies are available to download. Informative, tailored to students, and relevant. IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 69 Local Agenda 21 IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 70 Local Agenda 21 URL Description / Review Citized website Briefing Paper for Trainee Teachers of Citizenship Education on the Local Agenda 21. Good starting point gives general information, efing/Student_Briefing_Local_ lesson ideas and useful websites for teachers and students. Agenda_21.pdf Young Peoples LA21 Children’s Parliament on the environment. Good resource and has a number of projects which schools have done. Friends of the Earth Friends of the Earth school resource. Useful as has a number of good links. Also various activities with info on local/national/international campaigns. Sustainable Transport 2003 Report (from Scotland) about children’s attitudes to sustainable transport. Highlights how schools with whole-school ansport/cast.pdf environmental policies (e.g. Eco Schools) help to develop a greater understanding and recognition of the wider benefits of sustainable transport. Interesting but long! Joseph Rowntree Foundation Summary of the local agenda 21 IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 71 URL Description / Review ns/local-agenda-21-communityplanning-and-neighbourhoodrenewal Soil Association Includes lesson ideas and further links for students’ interactive learning. Good resource web/sa/saweb.nsf/manuf/secon dary.html Sustainable Development Government’s comprehensive website- Overview able/government/ National Geographical xpeditions Focuses on the global aspect of sustainable development with some http://www.nationalgeographic.c lesson ideas. om/xpeditions/lessons/16/g912/ sustdevafrica.html UK OXFAM A teacher’s guide with loads of ideas and activities on Global Issues and case studies. Can also be used for Global Citizenship- very good teachers/getglobal/get_global.p df IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 72 URL Education for Sustainable Development Description / Review LA21 officers from various London Boroughs worked with local schools to raise awareness of sustainable development. It includes case studies, figures, series of presentations and displays and even more useful: lesson ideas! IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 73 Active Citizenship IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 74 Active Citizenship URL Description / Review Global Eye Fantastic! Focuses on individual countries, looking at a range of issues from democracy to the environment. Loads of online lessons (if you have k/index.html access to a computer suite) All include info and activities and active citizenship element. E.g. Fair Trade – Coffee Online lesson on coffee and fair trade (your class will need to be online (Columbia) for this). Would make a great lesson for year 9 above (too much reading for younger classes?). At the end of the activities there is a ‘do something!’ k/secondary_autumn04/ey section where active citizenship can be incorporated e.g. take up café direct’s eon/coffeetrade.html free trade campaign getting teachers drinking fair trade coffee in the staff room. (if you have facilities – although lessons could be adapted, i.e. making the resources instead, for regular classroom use) We Are What We Do. Good site for introducing ideas on active citizenship, covering a range of We Are What We Do at topics and types of campaigns. Suitable for year 7s upwards. Includes short school video clip on how to start a campaign Oxfam – Get Global Get Global is a teacher’s guide on how to facilitate and assess active global citizenship in the classroom. It is supposed to help us move students oolplanet/teachers/getglo beyond thinking about issues that are important to participating in action. bal/get_global.pdf Skills based, rather than content based approach. Gives advice on how to teach active projects and then gives loads of IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 75 URL Description / Review activities, with examples of work undertaken by pupils in schools. Worksheets to go with the above oolplanet/teachers/getglo bal/steps_worksheets.pdf Self-assessment worksheets to go with the above oolplanet/teachers/getglo bal/assessment_worksheet s.pdf Speak Out on European Invites young people to discuss issues around European Citizenship with Citizenship fellow Europeans over the internet. Teacher pack contains ideas and instructions for lesson activities and debates. Covers areas such as diversity, speakout/pdfs/speakout.p human rights, electing euro parliament etc. Contains lots of information about df the EU. Looks useful, but too much to browse through to be sure. Amnesty International Amnesty International UK provides ideas on how to raise money for AIUK : Take Action human rights; information on getting involved in volunteering, campaigning, youth action etc. Street Children Gives information on street children around the world and what the Toybox - Let the street charity does children in Latin America Provides extensive list of ideas that students could do to raise money and live through child a simple guide on how to complete the fundraising event. sponsorship IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 76 URL Description / Review Loads of lesson plans including worksheets and quizzes on all sorts of cnews/hi/teachers/default issues - the one on "Can small actions change the world" is quite handy. .stm http://www.activecitizensh This organisations mission is to promote and support the construction of a European citizenship as an “active citizenship” meaning the exercise of powers and responsibilities of citizens in policy making. Not something you could use in a lesson with the pupils but maybe useful in finding examples or some ideas from an international perspective. Together We Can | Home Good links, with lots of information about how to get involved. More of a teacher resource. http://www.csvcommunityp Really useful! Lots of links and info and ways of finding local schemes for schools to get involved with. Info on how to teach active citizenship. Bit wordy, but might be useful as teaching.html a starter point. IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 77 General IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 78 General Websites URL Description / Review ...allows you to make 6 different kinds of puzzles, including crosswords, wordsearches etc. ...not bad, cuts prep time in half http://www.teachers This site has a facility where you can make a blockbusters quiz. You make it, then submit it and a few days later it appears on the site once they have z-busters/index.aspx checked the content is OK Make sure you test on the classroom computer/IWB you are going to use properly though, content can be blocked. Good basic info on most subjects – aimed specifically at students so useful research tool for them. http://www.evildetentions. Funny! http://www.teachers Make your own wordsearches. Quick and easy. dsearches/wordsearchdirectory.aspx An extensive teaching tips website. Very comprehensive, covering a wide intranet/committees/FacD range of topics. evCom/guidebk/teachtip/t IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 79 URL Description / Review eachtip.htm Great for country profiles, maps and stats, and generally getting your y/publications/the-worldfacts right. factbook/index.html IoE PGCE Secondary Citizenship Students 2009-2010 80