Question 1

Academic Year
This application must be submitted to the President no later than January 5. All
responses should refer to activities and developments since your previous promotion or
original appointment to the college, whichever is more recent. Please do not attach
evaluations or other evaluative documents which are a part of your professional file. The
review process involves a consideration of these evaluative materials.
Please type or print.
Present Rank:
Assistant Professor
A. Teaching and Related Responsibilities
In general, how have you demonstrated growth and competence in teaching
and other responsibilities related to instruction?
I started teaching as an adjunct in the Behavioral Social Science department in
2000. I had taught Introduction to Psychology only at that time. During the Fall
semester of 2003 I started my transition to fulltime faculty by teaching half-time
while maintaining my position at the Academic Support Center. I left the
Academic Support Center, where I held the position of Assistant Director, and
became an Assistant Professor in Human Services, a fulltime faculty position, in
January of 2004.
I am a licensed professional counselor in the state of CT, and have kept my
license current since receiving it.
I developed the gerontology course into a fully online course and have continued
to develop other online courses. The gerontology online course utilizes many
different instructional methods including collaborative, experiential adult
constructive learning, active and self-directed techniques. These teaching
strategies are embedded in the context and each student can apply the material to
their immediate lives.
I have completed a Master in Online Teaching Certificate that gives me the
expertise to do instructional design for multiple curriculums.
List accomplishments, special projects, or unusual work in regard to the
items indicated in Article X, Section 1 of the Collective Bargaining
In 2005, I completed my Masters in Online Teaching Certificate. The courses that
were included in this program were Online Learning, Technology Tools for
Online Learning, Student Assessment in Online Courses, Practicum, Web Design,
Principles for Online Educators, and Instructional Design for Online Course
Recently, the Community Mental Health Crisis Team of the Valley was awarded
the silver award by the Valley Chamber of Commerce. I am very proud to say I
am a part of this team as a member of their board and as a responding counselor.
As a responding counselor, I would respond to crisis situations that the crisis team
has been activated for. One example of my activation was a Seymour High School
student committed suicide our team was activated to help at the technical High
School where he had attended to help the student who needed counseling for this
situation. We were on the campus of this high school for one week. The Valley
Community Mental Health Crisis Team is designed to address mental health
needs in a community when a disastrous public health emergency or any incident
that produces abnormally high levels of stress occurs. I represent XXX in this
I hold a counseling position in the Behavioral Health Regional Crisis Response
Team with a specialty in First Responders in Connecticut. First Responders can
be defined as members of emergency communications centers (ECCs);
emergency medical services (EMS), fire, and rescue services; hazmat (HAZMAT)
teams; law enforcement agencies; bomb squads; SWAT; hospitals; public health;
risk management; security; emergency and disaster management; transportation
and public works; gas, water and electric companies, and the American Red
Cross, etc.
I am part of the State of Connecticut Emergency Credentialing Program for
Healthcare Professionals. This program is a coordinated effort between the
Connecticut Department of Public Health, the Yale-New Haven Health System
Center of Excellence for Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response, Connecticut
hospitals, the Connecticut Hospital Association and numerous healthcare
professional organizations in the state. The program provides hospitals throughout
the state with a resource to expeditiously identify and contact behavioral health
personnel, physicians, and other health care providers to provide assistance in the
event of an emergency.
I am a member of the Psychosocial Reserve Corps NYU Medical Center as a
volunteer counselor for city, state or national emergencies. The organization is a
core group especially of trained personnel able to assume control and to train
others all of which are volunteers who will provide support services to the public,
patients, families and survivors who come to the NYU Medical Center during an
emergency or disaster.
My position was Mental Health Specialist when I started in CT1 DMAT in 2002.
I am currently the Supervisory Mental Health Specialist for Connecticut Disaster
Medical Assistance Team member (CT1-DMAT). In this position I serve as a
Supervisor of the Mental Health Specialist component of the disaster response
team/ specialty/ and I am responsible for planning and implementing mental
health services for disaster victims and their families, as well as disaster response
personnel working on-site of the disaster or major emergency. This is a federal
position - when deployed we are employed by the federal government - otherwise
it is a volunteer position. It is also a state position that is entirely volunteer. I must
keep my all my training and licensures current. By having to do this I have been
able to learn not just skills in emergency mental health, but also emergency
management skills.
For the last three years I have been included in Who’s Who Among America’s
I was awarded the first Outstanding Service to Students in Human Services
Instruction award by Post University in 2005.
In 2005 I was trained in WebCT VISTA, was involved in the pilot program of
Vista for the system’s office.
In 2005-2006, I was a faculty mentor in the array of online learning for the
academic year, and I worked with several faculty to plan their online course, or to
plan some web enhancements.
I was granted retraining funds from the Connecticut Community College to
pursue the Masters of Online Teaching Certificate from the University of Illinois.
In April 2005 I participated in Top Off 3, an international Disaster Exercise, as a
mental health specialist for Connecticut Disaster Medical Assistance Team (CT 1
DMAT), representing the State of Connecticut and Homeland Security.
I am a Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress Diplomat, American Academy
of Experts in Traumatic Stress, and am listed in The National Registry of The
American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress.
I conducted a workshop for Girls and Technology Expo in 2005. Susan Green was
unable to do so, and I stepped in at the last minute so that the workshop was not
cancelled. The workshop covered HTML Language and Web Design.
I am a core faculty member for Charter Oak College and I represent XXX in that
position. I sit on the Distance Learning Committee. I will hold this position for 2
years and hope to be reappointed.
What activities have you undertaken to maintain contact with your
discipline or to develop knowledge in your field or specialty?
I am currently working my PhD in general psychology from Capella University in
Minnesota. The courses that I have completed are as follows:
PSY7021 Foundations of Psychology
PSY7421 Cognitive/Affective Psychology
PSY7520 Social Psychology
PSY7540 Multicultural Perspectives in Human Behavior
PSY7610 Tests and Measurements
PSY7620 Inferential Statistics
PSY7110 History and Systems of Psychology
PSY7510 Psychology of Personality
Starting January 8, 2007, I will be taking the following:
PSY8330 Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice
PSY7625 Advanced Inferential Statistics
The remaining courses, which I expect to finish in June 2007, are:
PSY7630 Qualitative Analysis
PSY7656 Advanced Research Method
PSY7330 Psychopharmacology
PSY7210 Lifespan Development
I will then begin my comprehensive exam and my dissertation with an
anticipated graduation date of December 2008.
I received from the University of Illinois and the Illinois Online Network a Master
Online Teaching Certificate which was awarded on March 10, 2005. The courses
that I completed were:
Online Learning: An Overview
Technology Tools for Online Learning
Student Assessment in Online Courses
Web Design
Principles for Online Educators
Instructional Design for Online Course Development
Special topic: Special Education and the Gifted Student
I have been awarded the following certificates:
Certificate of Achievement for Grant Writing/Winning Grant
Proposals from the Community-Technical College System & the
Department of Administrative Services, awarded 2004
Certificate of Achievement for Introduction to Macromedia Flash
from the Community-Technical College System & the Department
of Administrative Services, awarded 2004
Certificate of Achievement for Introduction to Macromedia
Dreamweaver, from the Community-Technical College System &
the Department of Administrative Services, awarded 2004
Certificate of Completion from Post University for Online
Certificate of Membership from Homeland Security
40 plus Certificates of Completion and Achievement from the
University of Maryland for various trainings related to disasters.
Certificate of Achievement for National Incident Management
System (NIMS) an Introduction awarded from The Emergency
Management Institute at FEME 2006
Certificate of Participation for the Technology Showcase: Facing
the Challenges of Technology in Teaching presented by the Center
for Community & Professional Learning at Quinebaug Valley
Community College 2003
Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress Diplomat, American
Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, and am listed in The
National Registry of The American Academy of Experts in
Traumatic Stress.
Outstanding Service to Students in Human Services Instruction Post University,
Inc. 2005
Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers’ 2003-2004
Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers’ 2004-2005
Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers’ 2005-2006
I attended a week-long WebCT conference in San Francisco in 2005, to enhance
my on-line teaching capabilities and knowledge. Workshops I attended:
Faculty as authors of online courses: support and mentoring
WebCT VISTA users group information meeting
The Marshall University solution to WebCT VISTA support
Paradigms, practices, and pedagogy
The evolution of a WebCT VISTA pilot: lessons learned
Simplifying content distribution with the WebCT VISTA learning object
Video, audio, and chat with flash and flash communications server
How to cheat online
Building tomorrow's classroom
WebCT VISTA 4: an overview
Nobody can see you smile online
Human capital vs. the digital divide- Lessons from a worldwide
I attended a three-day curriculum conference for the Federal Fund for Improving
Post Secondary Education (FIPSE) grant in Tucson, Arizona concerning
developing curriculum for courses for community health care workers (CHW) in
Greater Bridgeport, in 2005.
I attended a week-long curriculum conference for the FIPSE grant for CHW in El
Paso, Texas, concerning developing curriculum for courses, certification and
development of an associate degree for community health care outreach workers
in the Greater Bridgeport area, in 2006
B. Other Assignments
List the college committees on which you have served and briefly describe
your work on them.
E Learning Committee 2004-2005
Safety Initiative Committee Member/Liaison Counselor for Domestic Violence
2004 -2005
Safety Initiative Committee Member/Liaison Counselor for Domestic Violence
2005 -2006
Safety Initiative Committee Member/Liaison Counselor for Domestic Violence
2006 –currently
Crisis Team 2005-2006
Crisis Team 2005-currently
List any student club or organization advisorships and describe your work
in this role.
Have you developed any new instructional techniques, course offerings, or
I have developed and taught online using the Course Management System (CMS),
WebCT VISTA the following courses:
HSE 114 Advocacy in Human Services
HSE 161 Disability Across the Life Span
HSE 235 Professional and Ethical Issues in Human Services
PSYY 111 Introduction to Psychology
HSE 170 Introduction to Gerontology
I compose all of my classes to be web-enhanced by incorporating the Course
Management System (CMS) WebCT VISTA as a tool for learning Face to Face
I developed an online lecture for students, to be done at the beginning of each
semester, of an on-line course so that they will develop a working knowledge of
VISTA and on-line learning.
All of my class notes are posted online, even for Face to Face (F2F) classes,
allowing all students to review and study at their convenience and at their own
In what community service activities of the college have you participated as
part of your regular assignment (not for additional pay)?
Participated in a Point of Distribution (POD) drill with Public Health for the state
of Connecticut as Mental Health Officer 2006
Coordinated Human Service Students to take part in the Point of Distribution
(POD) drill with Department of Public Health as an extra credit assignment and a
way to gain field experience 2006.
Facilitated workshop for Senior Girl Scouts about dating violence and date rape
Facilitated Critical incident training - Anger in the classroom for new Faculty
I presented/facilitated Web Design to participants of the Girls and Technology
Expo 2005
I was a core presenter at The Children in Placement - CT, Inc. Conference. The
material I discussed during this presentation was symptoms of Post Traumatic
Stress Syndrome in children who have witnessed domestic violence 2005.
I presented a program about my experiences being deployed to Louisiana to the
Women’s Center at XXX 2005.
I was responsible for designing and presenting training on refugee trauma and
culture for CT1_DMAT pre-deployment for Deployment to Louisiana 2005.
Indicate any other college service not covered above which you wish to have
considered by those reviewing this application.
I worked in admissions evaluating student’s transcripts that were transferring
from another institution. I also help with advisement of new students during
I am working with AHEC on curriculum development for community healthcare
workers, which is funded through a grant from Federal Fund for Improving PostSecondary Education (FIPSE).
I was deployed for two weeks for services after the Katrina and Rita hurricanes in
Louisiana. Because of my background in distance education, I had prepared my
students so that the class was not disrupted; all lectures were placed on-line, all
assignments were on-line and I interacted with my students while I was in
C. Supplemental Information to be completed by those seeking promotion to
Professor or Associate Professor
1. Cite any evidence of your demonstrated growth and effectiveness in
community service.
I am a member of the following:
Connecticut Community College Counselors Association
Connecticut Disaster Medical Assistance Team member (CT1DMAT)
Behavioral Health Regional Crisis Response Team specialty First
Valley Community Mental Health Crisis Team
The American Academy of Experts in Trauma Stress
Congress of Connecticut Community Colleges
Psychosocial Reserve Corps NYU Medical Center
State of Connecticut Emergency Credentialing Program for
Healthcare Professionals
I was deployed for two weeks for services after the Katrina and Rita hurricanes in
Louisiana as a Mental Health Specialist. Responding to a disaster requires a
specialized service that entails swift assignment and temporary deployment of
staff. I worked closely with victims; I also worked closely with other workers and
try to establish contacts in the community. I provided psychological triage and
first aid to survivors to help them to begin reestablish some sense of security. I
was the Mental Health Specialist for a 500 bed emergency shelter, were there
were approximately 100 psychotic patients were living. I also was responsible for
the mental health of the medical staff on CT1-DMAT, making sure they were fit
for their duties during the disaster.
I am in the process of submitting my article The Psychological Aftermath of a
Disaster for possible publication in the journal Trauma Response, the official
publication of The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress.
2. Have you engaged in any professional development activities other than those
indicated in A3 above?
3. Outline briefly and specifically your overall contribution to the college.
(Attach additional sheet if more space is required).
Since I was the pilot professor for the VISTA program at XXX I have been
incorporating on-line education for all my students and have been advocating for
on-line learning for XXX both at XXX and the Systems Office.
I was a faculty mentor in pedagogy and the use of VISTA for on-line learning. I
worked with faculty to help them plan their outline class so they were organized
and pedagogically sound. While doing this I found some of my mentees didn’t
have basic computer technology skills. So I incorporate that into my mentoring
sessions. I continue to help faculty with VISTA and learning computer skills even
though I am no longer a part of the mentoring program.
I compose all of my classes to be web-enhanced by incorporating WebCT VISTA
as a tool for learning in the classroom. I developed an online learning unit for
students, to be done at the beginning of each semester, of an on-line course so that
they will develop a working knowledge of VISTA and on-line learning. All of my
class notes are posted online, for all my classes, allowing all students to review
and study at their convenience and at their own pace. It helps to alleviate some of
the classroom stress of having to take down every word I say, which is conducive
to a better learning environment.
I stay current with issues, laws and trainings related to domestic violence and
Human Service so I can continue to be a resource for students, faculty and staff
with informational and personal issues related to domestic violence and other
social services.