SPSS/X 套裝軟體 使用方法介紹 使用時注意事項: 1. 利用 XEDIT 指令建立 SPSS/X 程式檔案,而其檔案形態 (file type) 必得為 SPSSX。 例如: 2. CRIME SPSSX A1 執行 SPSS/X 時,在 CMS 下鍵入: USE SPSSX <---- SPSSX Fn <---- 例如: USE SPSSX <---SPSSX CRIME <---- 3. 程式執行後,其結果儲存於 Fn LISTING A1 檔案中。 例如: CRIME LISTING A1 4. 執行 SPSS/X 時,輸入資料 (input data) 可以利用下列三種方式取得: (a) 資料合併於 SPSS/X 程式之中: 例如: (利用 BEGIN DATA 與 END DATA 指令) BEGIN DATA . . END DATA (b) 資料儲存於 CMS 下之檔案中: 例如: (應在 SPSS/X 程式中定義此資料檔) FILE HANDLE CRIMEDAT/NAME='CRIME DATA A1' DATA LIST FILE=CRIMEDAT (c) 磁帶資料讀入方式如下: 先向 operator 要求一磁帶機,例用 M OP PLEAST ATTACH TAPE DRIVER ....... 在 TAPE ATTACH 之後,鍵入 FILEDEF 擋名。 例如: CRIMEDAT 最後在 SPSS/X 程式中定義 CRIMEDAT DATA LIST FILE=CRIMEDAT 5. 欲進入直接互動(interactive)模式 ,可 : USE SPSSX SPSSX * 若欲從銀幕中得知 SPSSX 指令寫法,可鍵入 ? keyword 取得。 6. 最後,您必需熟知 CMS 中有關檔案編修 (即 XEDIT 指令) 與系統操作 (例如 FILEL, KERMIT, ERASE 等等) 的技巧。 壹、簡介 The capacities of SPSS/X include: (1) input from almost any type of data file. (2) file management, including sorting, splitting, and aggregating files, match-merging multiple files, and saving fully defined system files. (3) data management, including sampling and selecting cases, recoding variables, and creating new variables using extensive numeric and string functions. (4) tabulation and statistical analysis - from describing single variables to performing complex multivariate analyses. (5) reporting writing. 範例 程式檔名 GSS SPSSX A1 SET WIDTH = 80 UNNUMBERED FILE HANDLE GSSDAT/NAME='GSS DATA A1' FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' DATA LIST FILE=GSSDAT RECORDS=1 /1 YEAR 1-2 INCOME 3-4 PRESTIGE 5-6 PAPRES16 7-8 MARITAL 9 SIBS 10-11 ZODIAC 12-13 DEGREE 14 RACE 15 SEX 16 AGE 17-18 CHILDS 19 REGION 20 SIZE 21-24 POLVIEWS 25 PARTYID 26 RELIG 27 ATTEND 28 MAWORK 29 RACLIVE 30 NATENVIR 31 NATEDUC 32 NATFARE 33 NATCRIME 34 NATDRUG 35 CAPPUN 36 GRASS 37 BUSING 38 HAPPY 39 SATFAM 40 SATFRND 41 SATJOB 42 SATFIN 43 CONEDUC 44 CONPRESS 45 CONLEGIS 46 AGED 47 DIVLAW 48 PORNMORL 49 PORNRAPE 50 PORNOUT 51 PORNINF 52 XMOVIE 53 CHLDIDEL 54 HIT 55 HITOK 56 COURTS 57 USINTL 58 POSTLIFE 59 HELPFUL 60 VARIABLE LABELS YEAR 'YEAR OF SAMPLE' /INCOME 'TOTAL FAMILY INCOME' /MAWORK 'MOTHER EVER WORK' /RACLIVE 'BLACK LIVING IN NEIGHBOR' /NATENVIR 'SPEND $ - ENVIRONMENT' /NATEDUC 'SPEND $ - EDUCATION' /NATFARE 'SPEND $ - WELFARE' /NATCRIME 'SPEND $ - HALTING CRIME RATE' /NATDRUG 'SPEND $ - DRUG' /CAPPUN 'DO YOU FAVOR DEATH PENALTY' /GRASS 'LEGALIZE USE OF MARIJUANA' /BUSING 'DO YOU FAVOR BUSING' /HAPPY 'TAKEN ALL TOGETHER ARE YOU HAPPY' /SATFAM 'SATISFIED WITH FAMILY LIFE' /SATFRND 'SATISFIED WITH THE FRIENDSHIP' /SATJOB 'SATISFIED WITH THE WORK YOU DO' /SATFIN 'SATISFIED WITH FINANCIAL SITUATION' /CONEDUC 'CONFIDENCE ON EDUCATION' /CONPRESS 'CONFIDENCE ON PRESS' /CONLEGIS 'CONFIDENCE ON CONGRESS' /AGED 'SHARE HOME WITH GROWN CHILDREN' /DIVLAW 'DIVORCE EASIER NOW' /PORNMORL 'LEAD TO BREAKDOWN OF MORALS' /PORNRAPE 'LEAD PEOPLE TO COMMIT RAPE' /PORNOUT 'PROVIDE OUTLET FOR IMPULSES' /PORNINF 'PROVIDE INFO ABOUT SEX' /XMOVIE 'EVER SEEN X-RATED MOVIE' /CHLDIDEL 'IDEAL NUMBER OF CHILDREN' /HIT 'EVER BEEN BEATEN BY ANOTHER' /HITOK 'SITUATION PUNCHING A MALE STRANGER' /COURTS 'COURT HARSH WITH CRIMINALS' /USINTL 'TAKE ACTIVE PART IN WORLD AFFAIR' /POSTLIFE 'BELIEVE LIFE AFTER DEATH' /HELPFUL 'PEOPLE TRY TO BE HELPFUL' VALUE LABELS INCOME 1 'UNDER 1,000' 2 '1,000 - 2,999' 3 '3,000 - 3,999' 4 '4,000 - 4,999' 5 '5,000 - 5,999' 6 '6,000 - 6,999' 7 '7,000 - 7,999' 8 '8,000 - 9,999' 9 '10,000 - 14,999' 10 '15,000 - 19,999' 11 '20,000 - 24,999' 12 '25,000 OR OVER' 13 'REFUSED' 98 'DK' 99 'NA' /MARITAL 1 'MARRIED' 2 'WIDOWED' 3 'DIVORCED' 4 'SEPARATED' 5 'NEVER MARRIED' 9 'NA' /SIBS 98 'DK' 99 'NA' /DEGREE 1 'HIGH SCHOOL' 2 'JUNIOR COLLEGE' 3 'BACHELOR' 4 'GRADUATE' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /RACE 1 'WHITE' 2 'BLACK' 3 'OTHER' /SEX 1 'MALE' 2 'FEMALE' /AGE 99 'NA OR DK' /CHILDS 8 'EIGHT OR MORE' 9 'NA' /REGION 1 'NEW ENGLAND' 2 'MIDDLE ATLANTIC' 3 'EAST NORTH CENTRAL' 4 'WEST NORTH CENTRAL' 5 'SOUTH ATLANTIC' 6 'EAST SOUTH CENTRAL' 7 'WEST SOUGH CENTRAL' 8 'MOUNTAIN' 9 'PACIFIC' /SIZE 0 'LESS THAN 1,000' /POLVIEWS 1 'EXTREMELY LIBERAL' 2 'LIBERAL' 3 'SLIGHT LIBERAL' 4 'MODERATE' 5 'SLIGHT CONSERVATIVE' 6 'CONSERVATIVE' 7 'EXTREMELY CONVEVATIVE' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /PARTYID 0 'STRONG DEMOCRAT' 1 'NOT STRONG DEMOCRAT' 2 'INDEPENDENT - DEMO' 3 'INDEPENDENT' 4 'INDEPENDENT - REP' 5 'NOT STRONG REPUBLIC' 6 'STRONG REPUBLIC' 7 'OTHER PARTY' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /RELIG 1 'PROTESTANT' 2 'CATHOLIC' 3 'JEWISH' 4 'NONE' 5 'OTHER' 9 'NA' /ATTEND 0 'NEVER' 1 '< ONCE A YEAR' 2 'TWICE A YEAR' 3 'SEVERAL A YEAR' 4 'ONCE A MONTH' 5 '2-3 TIMES A MONTH' 6 'NEARLY EVERY WEEK' 7 'EVERY WEEK' 8 'SEVERAL A WEEK' 9 'DK OR NA' /MAWORK RACLIVE 1 'YES' 2 'NO' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' 0 'NA' /NATENVIR TO NATDRUG 1 'TOO LITTLE' 2 'ABOUT RIGHT' 3 'TOO MUCH' 8 'DK' /CAPPUN BUSING 1 'FAVOR' 2 'OPPOSE' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /GRASS 1 'SHOULD' 2 'SHOULD NOT' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /HAPPY 1 'VERY HAPPY' 2 'PRETTY HAPPY' 3 'NOT TOO HAPPY' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /SATFAM 1 'VERY GREAT DEAL' 2 'GREAT DEAL' 3 'QUITE A BIT' 4 'FAIR AMOUNT' 5 'SOME' 6 'A LITTLE' 7 'NONE' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /SATJOB 1 'VERY SATISFIED' 2 'MODERATE SATISFIED' 3 'LITTLE DISSATISFIED' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /SATFIN 1 'PRETTY SATISFIED' 2 'MORE OR LESS' 3 'NOT SATISFIED' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /CONEDUC TO CONLEGIS 1 'A GREAT DEAL' 2 'SOME' 3 'HARDLY ANY' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /AGED 1 'A GOOD IDEA' 2 'BAD IDEA' 3 'DEPENDS' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /DIVLAW 1 'EASIER' 2 'MORE DIFFICULT' 3 ' STAY AS IS' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /PORNMORL TO PORNINF XMOVIE 1 'YES' 2 'NO' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /CHLDIDEL 7 '7 OR MORE' 8 'AS MANY AS YOU WANT' 9 'DK OR NA' /HIT 1 'YES' 2 'NO' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /HITOK 1 'YES' 2 'NO' 8 'NOT SURE' 9 'NA' /COURTS 1 'TOO HARSHLY' 2 'NOT HARSHLY ENOUGH' 3 'ABOUT RIGHT' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /USINTL 1 'ACTIVE PART' 2 'STAY OUT' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /POSTLIFE 1 'YES' 2 'NO' 8 'UNDECIDED' 9 'NA' /HELPFUL 1 'TRY TO BE HELPFUL' 2 'LOOK OUT FOR SELF' 3 'DEPENDS' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' MISSING VALUES MARITAL DEGREE CHILDS POLVIEWS PARTYID MAWORK RACLIVE TO XMOVIE HIT TO HELPFUL (8,9) MISSING VALUES RELIG ATTEND CHLDIDEL (9) MISSING VALUES INCOME SIBS AGE (98,99) FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=CAPPUN/STATISTICS=DEFAULT SAVE OUTFILE=GSSSYS FINISH 結果檔名 4-Apr-90 20:52:27 GSS LISTING A1 SPSS-X RELEASE 3.1 FOR IBM VM/CMS Ministry of Education (MOE) IBM 3090-120E For VM/CMS R5.0 Ministry of Education (MOE) This software is functional through December 31, 1990. VM/CMS R5.0 License Number 61597 Try the new SPSS-X Release 3.1 features: * Interactive SPSS-X command execution * Online Help * Nonlinear Regression * Time Series and Forecasting (TRENDS) * Macro Facility 1 2 3 0 SET WIDTH = 80 0 UNNUMBERED 4 5 6 FILE HANDLE GSSDAT/NAME='GSS DATA A1' FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 * The new RANK * Improvements * REPORT and * Simplified * Matrix I/O procedure in: TABLES Syntax DATA LIST FILE=GSSDAT RECORDS=1 /1 YEAR 1-2 INCOME 3-4 PRESTIGE 5-6 PAPRES16 7-8 MARITAL 9 SIBS 10-11 ZODIAC 12-13 DEGREE 14 RACE 15 SEX 16 AGE 17-18 CHILDS 19 REGION 20 SIZE 21-24 POLVIEWS 25 PARTYID 26 RELIG 27 ATTEND 28 MAWORK 29 RACLIVE 30 NATENVIR 31 NATEDUC 32 NATFARE 33 NATCRIME 34 NATDRUG 35 CAPPUN 36 GRASS 37 BUSING 38 HAPPY 39 SATFAM 40 14 SATFRND 41 SATJOB 42 SATFIN 43 CONEDUC 44 CONPRESS 45 15 CONLEGIS 46 AGED 47 DIVLAW 48 PORNMORL 49 PORNRAPE 50 16 PORNOUT 51 PORNINF 52 XMOVIE 53 CHLDIDEL 54 HIT 55 HITOK 56 17 COURTS 57 USINTL 58 POSTLIFE 59 HELPFUL 60 18 This command will read 1 records from GSS DATA A1 Variable Rec Start End Format YEAR 1 1 2 F2.0 INCOME PRESTIGE PAPRES16 MARITAL SIBS ZODIAC DEGREE RACE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 15 4 6 8 9 11 13 14 15 F2.0 F2.0 F2.0 F1.0 F2.0 F2.0 F1.0 F1.0 SEX 1 16 16 F1.0 AGE CHILDS REGION SIZE POLVIEWS PARTYID RELIG ATTEND MAWORK RACLIVE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 F2.0 F1.0 F1.0 F4.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 NATENVIR NATEDUC NATFARE 1 1 1 31 32 33 31 32 33 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 NATCRIME NATDRUG CAPPUN GRASS BUSING HAPPY SATFAM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 SATFRND SATJOB SATFIN CONEDUC CONPRESS CONLEGIS AGED DIVLAW PORNMORL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 PORNRAPE PORNOUT PORNINF XMOVIE CHLDIDEL HIT HITOK COURTS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 F1.0 USINTL 1 58 58 F1.0 POSTLIFE HELPFUL 1 1 59 60 59 60 F1.0 F1.0 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 VARIABLE LABELS YEAR 'YEAR OF SAMPLE' /INCOME 'TOTAL FAMILY INCOME' /MAWORK 'MOTHER EVER WORK' /RACLIVE 'BLACK LIVING IN NEIGHBOR' /NATENVIR 'SPEND $ - ENVIRONMENT' /NATEDUC 'SPEND $ - EDUCATION' /NATFARE 'SPEND $ - WELFARE' 26 27 28 /NATCRIME 'SPEND $ - HALTING CRIME RATE' /NATDRUG 'SPEND $ - DRUG' /CAPPUN 'DO YOU FAVOR DEATH PENALTY' 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 /GRASS 'LEGALIZE USE OF MARIJUANA' /BUSING 'DO YOU FAVOR BUSING' /HAPPY 'TAKEN ALL TOGETHER ARE YOU HAPPY' /SATFAM 'SATISFIED WITH FAMILY LIFE' /SATFRND 'SATISFIED WITH THE FRIENDSHIP' /SATJOB 'SATISFIED WITH THE WORK YOU DO' /SATFIN 'SATISFIED WITH FINANCIAL SITUATION' 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 /CONEDUC 'CONFIDENCE ON EDUCATION' /CONPRESS 'CONFIDENCE ON PRESS' /CONLEGIS 'CONFIDENCE ON CONGRESS' /AGED 'SHARE HOME WITH GROWN CHILDREN' /DIVLAW 'DIVORCE EASIER NOW' /PORNMORL 'LEAD TO BREAKDOWN OF MORALS' /PORNRAPE 'LEAD PEOPLE TO COMMIT RAPE' /PORNOUT 'PROVIDE OUTLET FOR IMPULSES' /PORNINF 'PROVIDE INFO ABOUT SEX' 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 /XMOVIE 'EVER SEEN X-RATED MOVIE' /CHLDIDEL 'IDEAL NUMBER OF CHILDREN' /HIT 'EVER BEEN BEATEN BY ANOTHER' /HITOK 'SITUATION PUNCHING A MALE STRANGER' /COURTS 'COURT HARSH WITH CRIMINALS' /USINTL 'TAKE ACTIVE PART IN WORLD AFFAIR' /POSTLIFE 'BELIEVE LIFE AFTER DEATH' /HELPFUL 'PEOPLE TRY TO BE HELPFUL' 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 VALUE LABELS INCOME 1 'UNDER 1,000' 2 '1,000 - 2,999' 3 '3,000 - 3,999' 4 '4,000 - 4,999' 5 '5,000 - 5,999' 6 '6,000 - 6,999' 7 '7,000 - 7,999' 8 '8,000 - 9,999' 9 '10,000 - 14,999' 10 '15,000 - 19,999' 11 '20,000 - 24,999' 12 '25,000 OR OVER' 13 'REFUSED' 98 'DK' 99 'NA' /MARITAL 1 'MARRIED' 2 'WIDOWED' 3 'DIVORCED' 4 'SEPARATED' 5 'NEVER MARRIED' 9 'NA' /SIBS 98 'DK' 99 'NA' /DEGREE 1 'HIGH SCHOOL' 2 'JUNIOR COLLEGE' 3 'BACHELOR' 4 'GRADUATE' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /RACE 1 'WHITE' 2 'BLACK' 3 'OTHER' 64 65 66 /SEX 1 'MALE' 2 'FEMALE' /AGE 99 'NA OR DK' /CHILDS 8 'EIGHT OR MORE' 9 'NA' 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 /REGION 1 'NEW ENGLAND' 2 'MIDDLE ATLANTIC' 3 'EAST NORTH CENTRAL' 4 'WEST NORTH CENTRAL' 5 'SOUTH ATLANTIC' 6 'EAST SOUTH CENTRAL' 7 'WEST SOUGH CENTRAL' 8 'MOUNTAIN' 9 'PACIFIC' /SIZE 0 'LESS THAN 1,000' /POLVIEWS 1 'EXTREMELY LIBERAL' 2 'LIBERAL' 3 'SLIGHT LIBERAL' 4 'MODERATE' 5 'SLIGHT CONSERVATIVE' 6 'CONSERVATIVE' 7 'EXTREMELY CONVEVATIVE' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 /PARTYID 0 'STRONG DEMOCRAT' 1 'NOT STRONG DEMOCRAT' 2 'INDEPENDENT - DE 3 'INDEPENDENT' 4 'INDEPENDENT - REP' 5 'NOT STRONG REPUBLIC' 6 'STRONG REPUBLIC' 7 'OTHER PARTY' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /RELIG 1 'PROTESTANT' 2 'CATHOLIC' 3 'JEWISH' 4 'NONE' 5 'OTHER' 9 'NA' /ATTEND 0 'NEVER' 1 '< ONCE A YEAR' 2 'TWICE A YEAR' 3 'SEVERAL A YEAR' 4 'ONCE A MONTH' 5 '2-3 TIMES A MONTH' 6 'NEARLY EVERY WEEK' 7 'EVERY WEEK' 8 'SEVERAL A WEEK' 9 'DK OR NA' /MAWORK RACLIVE 1 'YES' 2 'NO' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' 0 'NA' /NATENVIR TO NATDRUG 1 'TOO LITTLE' 2 'ABOUT RIGHT' 3 'TOO MUCH' 8 'DK' 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 /CAPPUN BUSING 1 'FAVOR' 2 'OPPOSE' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /GRASS 1 'SHOULD' 2 'SHOULD NOT' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /HAPPY 1 'VERY HAPPY' 2 'PRETTY HAPPY' 3 'NOT TOO HAPPY' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /SATFAM 1 'VERY GREAT DEAL' 2 'GREAT DEAL' 3 'QUITE A BIT' 4 'FAIR AMOUNT' 5 'SOME' 6 'A LITTLE' 7 'NONE' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /SATJOB 1 'VERY SATISFIED' 2 'MODERATE SATISFIED' 3 'LITTLE DISSATISFIED 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /SATFIN 1 'PRETTY SATISFIED' 2 'MORE OR LESS' 3 'NOT SATISFIED' 8 'DK' 91 9 'NA' 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 /CONEDUC TO CONLEGIS 1 'A GREAT DEAL' 2 'SOME' 3 'HARDLY ANY' 8 'DK' 9 ' /AGED 1 'A GOOD IDEA' 2 'BAD IDEA' 3 'DEPENDS' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /DIVLAW 1 'EASIER' 2 'MORE DIFFICULT' 3 ' STAY AS IS' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /PORNMORL TO PORNINF XMOVIE 1 'YES' 2 'NO' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /CHLDIDEL 7 '7 OR MORE' 8 'AS MANY AS YOU WANT' 9 'DK OR NA' /HIT 1 'YES' 2 'NO' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /HITOK 1 'YES' 2 'NO' 8 'NOT SURE' 9 'NA' /COURTS 1 'TOO HARSHLY' 2 'NOT HARSHLY ENOUGH' 3 'ABOUT RIGHT' 8 'DK' 9 /USINTL 1 'ACTIVE PART' 2 'STAY OUT' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' /POSTLIFE 1 'YES' 2 'NO' 8 'UNDECIDED' 9 'NA' 102 103 104 /HELPFUL 1 'TRY TO BE HELPFUL' 2 'LOOK OUT FOR SELF' 3 'DEPENDS' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 MISSING VALUES MARITAL DEGREE CHILDS POLVIEWS PARTYID MAWORK RACLIVE TO XMOVIE HIT TO HELPFUL (8,9) MISSING VALUES RELIG ATTEND CHLDIDEL (9) MISSING VALUES INCOME SIBS AGE (98,99) FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=CAPPUN/STATISTICS=DEFAULT CAPPUN DO YOU FAVOR DEATH PENALTY Value Label Value FAVOR OPPOSE DK 1 2 8 NA 9 Total Mean Maximum Valid cases 1.273 2.000 946 Frequency 688 258 51 3 ------1000 Std dev Missing cases .446 54 Percent Valid Percent Cum Percent 68.8 25.8 5.1 72.7 27.3 Missing 72.7 100.0 .3 Missing ------- ------100.0 100.0 Minimum 1.000 112 SAVE OUTFILE=GSSSYS 113 1,000 cases saved 114 FINISH 系統檔名 GSS SYS A1 SPSS/X 使用的檔案 (1) command file (one per job) - contains SPSSx commands. (2) input data file - contains your data in almost any format. It can be within your SPSSx command file, or it can be a separate file on tape or disk. (3) display file - contains tabular output from procedures, output from any PRINT or WRITE commands. (4) output computer. file - contains data formatted to be the read SPSSx by a (5) SPSSx system file - A file formatted for use by SPSSx. It contains both data and the dictionary that defines the data to the system. 貳、 SPSS/X 語言 Every SPSSx command begins in column 1 of a command line and continues for as many lines as needed. All continuation lines are indented at least one column. The maximum characters. length of an input line is usually 80 Enter commands in any case you wish. (upper or lower) * Names - Both in defining data and in creating variables through COMPUTE, IF, RECODE, COUNT you assign names to your variables. No longer than 8 characters. Begin with one of the 26 letters A - Z or with @, #, or $. #NAME - scratch variable, used for convenience in defining the file or in transforming the data. Not available in procedures and are not saved on system files. * TO conventions - refer to a set of variable names by TO. Ex. ITEM1 ITEM5. TO ITEM5 is equivalent to ITEM1 ITEM2 X01 TO X9 is not valid. ITEM4 X01 TO X09 is acceptable. XA TO XD - refers to XA XD and any between XA and XD on the active file. * 關鍵字 (Keywords) names. ITEM3 - reserved keywords: variables that fall do not use them as variable ALL AND BY EQ GE GT LE LT NE NOT TO OR WITH THRU * 數值與文字 (Numbers and Literals) - values of variables. * Arithmetic operators and delimiters + - * / Six Types of Commands = * utility commands - EDIT, FILE HANDLE, FILE LABEL, FINISH, INFO, INPUT MATRIX, N OF CASES, NUMBERED, UNNUMBERED, PROCEDURE OUTPUT, SET, SHOW, TITLE, SUBTITLE * File definition commands - ADD FILES, DATA LIST, TYPE, GET, GET SCSS, IMPORT, INPUT PROGRAM, MATCH FILES FILE * input program commands - END CASE, END FILE, END FILE TYPE, END INPUT PROGRAM, RECORD TYPE, REPEATING DATA, REREAD * transformation commands - COMPUTE, COUNT, DISPLAY, DO IF - END IF, DO REPEAT - END REPEAT, DOCUMENT, FORMATS, IF, LEAVE, LOOP - END LOOP, BREAK, MISSING VALUES, NUMERIC, PRINT, PRINT EJECT, PRINT FORMATS, PRINT SPACE, RECODE, SPLIT FILE, STRING, VALUE LABELS, VARIABLE LABELS, VECTOR, WEIGHT, WRITE, WRITE FORMATS * restricted transformations - REFORMAT, TEMPORARY SAMPLE, SELECT IF, * procedures - BEGIN DATA, EXECUTE, EXPORT, LIST, SAVE, SAVE SCSS, SORT CASES, procedures Order of Commands initial state ---> input program state ---> procedure state ---> finish ---> transformation state Initial state - Each SPSSx job starts in the initial state. Input program state - enables to read data. Transformation state - allows data modifications. Procedure state - enables to begin executing a procedure. A variable must be defined before it or its values can be labeled. Subcommands must be separated by slashes (/). STATISTICS and OPTIONS after the procedure command. commands must follow immediately SELECT IF command works only after the cases are created. COMPUTE command is used both to create and cases and can appear in either program. to transforma 參、資料定義 (Data Definition) File definition provides basic information about the data file. Variable definition provides specific information about location, structure, and meaning of the data on the file. the Define the file on the FILE HANDLE and DATA LIST commands. Define the variables beginning on the DATA LIST command and continuing on optional variable definition commands such as VARIABLE LABELS, MISSING VALUES, and so forth. FILE HANDLE FILE HANDLE POLICE/NAME='COPDATA' - no longer than 8 characters. - no embedded blanks are allowed. - note: In the IBM/OS, FILE HANDLE command is not used. //POLICE DD DSN=ACAD.SOCHOU.POLICE.DATA is used. DATA LIST DATA LIST does not read the data; it gives SPSSx information on the location and format of the data. Data are read when a procedure or other data reading command is executed. Once SPSSx reads your data, it creates an active file which consists of the data and a dictionary containing variable definitions. The active file is the file that you can and save as a system file. Once SPSSx has an active file, file handle on other commands. *** FILE *** Exam. modify, analyze, refer to it with * as the FILE HANDLE HUBDATA/NAME = 'DATA' DATA LIST FILE=HUBDATA RECORDS=3 /1 YRHIRED 14 - 15 DEPT82 19 SEX 20 * It indicates that file HUBDATA is being described. *** FIXED, FREE, LIST *** Use one of the following keywords to indicate the format the data: of FIXED - fixed format data. Each variable is recorded in the same location on the same record for each case in the data. FIXED is the default. FREE - freefield format data. You can enter multiple cases on the same record with each value separated by one or more blanks. LIST - freefield data with one case on each record. Exam. DATA LIST FILE=HUBDATA FIXED RECORDS=3 /1 YRHIRED 14 - 15 DEPT82 19 SEX 20 *** RECORDS *** It is to specify the number of records per case. In the above example, SPSSx expects three records per case. * By default, format data. *** / *** SPSSx assumes one record per case for fixed / is used to specify the number of the record. *** naming the variables *** Variable names have a maximum length of 8 characters. The first of which must be an alphabetic letter or @ # or $. A $ indicates the variable is a system variable. System variables can not be named on the DATA LIST and not available for procedures. are *** indicating column locations *** If the variable is one column wide, the column. specify the number of If the variable is two or more columns wide, specify the number of the first column followed by a dash ( - ) and the number of the last column. Exam. / 1 YRHIRED 14 - 15 DEPT82 19 SEX 20 *** specifying multiple records ** You enter a slash, followed by the record number of the next record to be read. Exam. /5 V1 1 - 5 * V1 is located on the fifth record of the data file. *** specifying multiple variables *** Exam. /1 V2 V3 V5 V6 TO V8 1 - 7 * TO is allowed. Exam. V01 TO V9 * This is not allowed. *** indicating decimal places Exam. ** /2 SALARY 42 - 46 (2) * SALARY is stored as decimal positions, from columns 42 to 46. If the data value is 32090, the true value is 320.90. *** string variable *** It is also known as character varible. The format type specification for a string variabgle is the letter A enclosed in parentheses following the column specification. Exam. /3 NAME 25 - 48 (A) * Name is 24 character variable. ** FREE, LIST ** Exam. DATA LIST FILE=WINS FREE/POSTPOS NWINS data: 2 19 7 5 10 25 5 17 8 11 3 18 6 8 1 29 * The first cast is 2 and 19; and so forth. Exam. 7 and 5 for the second case, DATA LIST FILE=WINS LIST/POSTPOS NWINS data 2 19 7 5 10 25 5 17 8 11 3 18 6 8 1 29 * It reads the same value as in FREE format. MISSING VALUES Exam. MISSING VALUES COLOR (8,9) * This command variable COLOR. You can variable. You names 8 and 9 as the missing value specify a maximum of 3 individual values for separate the missing values from each other by a for each comma or blank. Exam. RECODE AGE (0 THRU 18 = 0) MISSING VALUES AGE (0) * It is to declare a large number of values as missing. or you can: MISSING VALUES AGE (0 THRU 18) ** MISSING VALUES for string variables ** MISSING VALUES STRING1 ('X','Y') * It is to specify the values X and Y as missing. * values ranges can not be specified for string variables. VARIABLE and VALUE LABELS VARIABLE your file. LABELS commands to assign labels to variables in One or more VALUE LABELS commands to assign labels to values of variables. SPSSx displays these variable and value labels on the output produced by the procedures and saves them in the dictionary of the active file. Exam. VARIABLE LABELS SALARY 'EMPLOYEE''S SALARY' or you can: VARIABLE LABELS SALARY ''EMPLOYEE'S SALARY"" Note: A variable label applies to only one variable. The variable must have been defined. Each variable label can be up to 40 characters long. Exam. VALUE LABELS DEPT 0 'NOT REPORTED' 1 'ADMINISTRATIVE' 2 'PROJECT DIRECTORS' 3 'CHICAGO OPERATIONS' * Assigns labels to the values 0, 1, 2, and 3 of DEPT. You can assign labels to values of any defined variable. Enclosed each value in apostrophes or quotation marks. Value labels can not exceed 20 characters. 肆、工作設備 (Job Utilities) The following commands allow you to control some of the general characteristics of your output and of the environment under which your job is processed. TITLE The heading includes the date, a title, and the page number at the top of each page in the display file. The title can be up to 60 characters long and can any characters valid on computer. Exam. contain TITLE "Running Shoe Study from Runner's World Data" TITLE 'Running Shoe Study from Runner''s World Data' Both are acceptable. SUBTITLE It prints on the line immediately under the title. Blank if SUBTITLE command is not used. TITLE and SUBTITLE are independent. COMMENT It help you and others review what you intend to accomplish with individual commands and blocks of commands within an SPSSx job. It does not become part of the information saved on a system file. Two ways to insert comments: (1) By using COMMENT command; The COMMENT message can continued on any many lines as necessary. Exam. be COMMENT compute social economic status variable (2) By enclosing the comment within the symbols /* and */ in any command line. The /* and */ cannot be continued on the next line. Exam. IF (RACE EQ 1 AND SEX EQ 1) SEXRACE = 1 /*WHITE MALE FINISH The FINISH command terminates an SPSSx job. computer to stop reading commands. Exam. It causes the FINISH NUMBERED (UNNUMBERED) The NUMBERED command instructs SPSSx to check just the first 72 columns for command specifications. The UNNUMBERED command instructs SPSSx to check all 80 columns. Exam. NUMBERED or UNNUMBERED SET and SHOW SET allows you to choose optional treatments of data on input, properties of the display file, compression of scratch files, the starting point for random number generation, and so on. Exam. SET BLANKS = 0 /UNDEFINED = NOWARN /MXWARNS=200 SHOW displays the current settings of those options as well as additional information about the values of system variables, the system missing value, ;the variable used to weight cases, and the number of cases currently in the active file. Exam. SHOW BLANKS/UNDEFINED/MXWARNS 伍、數值轉換 (Numeric Transformations) The ability to transform data before you analyze it. You may want to perform simple data cleaning checks, correct coding errors, or adjust an inconvenient coding scheme. Or you may want to construct an index from several variables or rescale several variables prior to analysis. RECODE It changes the coding scheme of an existing variable on value by value basis or for ranges of values. Exam. a RECODE ITEM1, ITEM2 TO ITEM5 (5=1)(4=2)(2=4)(1=5) RECODE ATTITUDE (1,2=1)(3,4=2)(5,6=3)(7,8=4)(9,10=5) RECODE AGE (LOWEST THRU 20=1)(21 THRU 45=2)(46 THRU 60=3)(60 THRU HIGHEST=4) Several keyword available for recoding numeric variables. THRU - to specify value ranges (0 THRU 99) LOWEST, HIGHEST - to specify the lowest and highest values. RECODE AGE (LO THRU 20=1) (65 THRU HI=4) ELSE - to recode all values not mentioned. RECODE AGE (LO THRU 17=1)(ELSE=2) MISSING, SYSMIS - MISSING to reference missing values on input; SYSMIS to reference missing values on both input and output. RECODE AGE (MISSING=9) RECODE AGE (MISSING=SYSMIS) INTO - to create a new variable as a recoded version of old one. an RECODE AGE (MISSING=9)(18 THRU 110=1)(0 THRU 18=0) (ELSE=8) INTO VOTER VOTER is a new variable, taking 0, 1, and 8 as the values. AGE is unchanged. COMPUTE COMPUTE command is to create a new variable or transform an existing variable using information from other variables on your file. Exam. COMPUTE INCOME=WAGES+BONUS+INTEREST+OTHERINC ** Assigns the sum of four existing variables to INCOME for each case. variable COMPUTE SCALE = MEAN (ITEM1, ITEM2, ITEM3) ** Constructs variable SCALE from three variables using MEAN function. the Arithmetic Functions (92) Exam. COMPUTE INCOME=TRUNC (INCOME) COMPUTE FACTOR = SUM (SCORE1 TO SCORE3) ** instructs missing otherwise. to sum three valid scores and COMPUTE FACTOR = SUM.2 (SCORE 1 TO SCORE3) to return ** instructs SPSSx to sum any two or more valid scores, and to return missing otherwise. Using Logical Functions - are useful short cuts to more complicate specifications on the IF, DO IF, and other conditional commands. Exam. IF ANY (DEPT82,1,2) BONUS = .16*SALARY82 equivalent to: IF (DEPT82 EQ 1 OR DEPT82 EQ 2) BONUS = .16*SALARY82 COMPUTE WORKERS = RANGE (AGE,18,65) equivalent to: IF (AGE GE 18 AND AGE LE 65) WORKERS= 1 IF (AGE LT 18 OR AGE GT 65) WORKERS = 0 COMPUTE ELIGIBLE = AGE GE 18 ** ELIGIBLE takes 0 and 1; 1 for those 18 or older and 0 for those under 18. COUNT It counts the occurrences of the same value (or values) across a list of numeric or string variables. Exam. list of COUNT READER=NEWSWEEK, TIME, USNEWS (2) ** creates a simple index READER that indicates the number of times the value 2 is recorded for the three variables for a case. The values of READER will be 0, 1, 2, or 3. TEMPORARY It is to signal the beginning of temporary that are in effect only for the next procedure. transformations New numeric or string variables created after the command are temporary variables. TEMPORARY Any modifications after the command are also temporary. Exam. TEMPORARY RECODE AGE (LO THRU 20=1)(21 THRU 25=2)(26 THRU 30=3) (31 THRU HI=11) VARIABLE LABELS AGE 'EMPLOYEE AGE CATEGORIES' VALUE LABELS AGE 1 'UP TO 20' 2 '20 TO 25' FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=AGE BREAKDOWN AGE BY DEPT82 陸、字串轉換 (String Transformations) You can manipulate string variables in SPSSx using most of the same commands described in Chapter 5. However, you cannot treat strings with a full range of mathematical operatiosn and functions. A string variable must be declared before it can be used a target variable in data transformations as RECODE It is to change one code for a variable to another as the data are being read. Exam. RECODE STATE ('IO' = 'IA') ** Change all cases coded IO to IA. ** must be enclosed in apostrophes. Exam. RECODE STATE ('IO', 'IW' = 'IA') Exam. RECODE STATE ('IO'='IA')/Q1 TO Q5 ('X'='Y')('A'='B') Exam. STRING STATE1 (A2) RECODE STATE ('IO'='IA')(ELSE=COPY) INTO STATE1 * use STRIMG to declare a new variable; * ELSE and COPY are used to copy the other state codes over unchanged. * variables STATE and STATE1 are identical except for with original input value IO. Exam. RECODE SEX ('M'=1)('F'=2) INTO NSEX cases * It recodes SEX from a string variable variable called NSEX. SELECT IF Exam. SELECT IF STATE EQ 'IL' COMPUTE Exam. STRING S(A2) COMPUTE S='NA' into a numeric * It declares string variable S with a length of 2 characters and compute sets S to the literal NA for every case. Exam. STRIMG DRUG (A) COMPUTE DRUG='A' * Drug is assigned a value of A for every case. String Functions: Exam. STRING SSNUMBER (ALL) COMPUTE SSNUMBER = CONCAT (SS1,'-',SS2,'-',SS3) * It joins the three portions of a social security and separating these portions with hyphens. (Pp. 116 - 117 String Functions here) number 柒、條件轉換 (Conditional Transformations) You may want to construct or alter variables one way for one subset of cases and other ways for other subsets. The IF Command The IF command makes COMPUTE like transformations contingent upon logical conditions found in the data. The IF command is followed by a logical expression. Exam. IF (X EQ 0) Y = 1 * assign the value 1 to variable Y only for cases with value 0 for X. The DO IF Exam. - END IF Structure DO IF (X EQ 0) COMPUTE Y=1 ELSE COMPUTE Y=2 END IF * Y is set to 1 for all cases with value 0 for X and set to 2 for cases with any other value for X. Exam. DO IF (X EQ 0) COMPUTE Y=1 ELSE IF (X LE 9) COMPUTE Y=9 ELSE COMPUTE Y=2 END IF Y is 捌、個案列印與撰寫 (Listing and Writing Cases) There are occasions when you want to see the actual contents of cases. We will introduce PRINT, WRITE, and LIST commands. The Print Command It is designed to be simple enough for a quick check on reading and transforming data and yet flexible enough for formatting simple reports. It begins with a slash followed by the list of variables to be printed. PRINT / MOHIRED YRHIRED DEPT82 SALARY82 NAME EXECUTE If PRINT is not followed by a procedure command that causes the data to be read, SPSSx does nothing. To execute PRINT command anyway, use the EXECUTE command document. Exam. PRINT /MOHIRED YRHIRED DEPT82 * SALARY82 (DOLLAR8,1X) NAME * * tells to print them using their dictionary print formats, each separate by a blank. SALARY82 is printed using the $ format, followed by a blank (1X). DOLLAR8 allows the printing of values up to $999,999. NAME - dictionary print format of 24 characters. Exam. ( pp 138 - 139) ** lines characters. of output on a PRINT command cannot exceed 255 ** Lines over 132 characters are continued on the next line starting in column 2. PRINT EJECT It prints the information requested on the command top of a new page of your output or display file. Exam. at the DO IF $CASENUM EQ 1 PRINT EJECT / END IF EXECUTE WRITE It is basically the same as the PRINT except that it is designed for writing data to be read by other software rather than by people. No blank variables. columns are inserted automatically between System missing value is represented by blanks. You can write lines longer than 255 characters. Exam. (pp. 143) write out example LIST It displays the values of variables for cases in the active file. LIST is a procedure. Exam. (EXAM. 144 - 145) * The CASES subcommand Exam. LIST VARIABLES=MOHIRED YRHIRED DEPT82 SALARY79 TO SALARY82 NAME/ CASES FROM 50 TO 100 BY 5 。Every 5 among the list cases is listed. 玖、個案選樣、抽樣 (Selecting and Sampling) SPSSx allows you to control the number and groups of cases used in analysis or reporting by selecting, or sampling cases. Three commands are used: SELECT IF, SAMPLE, N OF CASES. SELECT IF It selects cases based on logical criteria. Exam. SELECT IF (SEX EQ 'M') SELECT IF (VSAT GT MSAT) SELECT IF (VSAT GT 600 OR MSAT GT 600) SELECT IF MISSING (X) -- Selects all cases missing for variable X. SAMPLE It selects a random sample of cases. Exam. SAMPLE .25 It selects approximately 25 % of cases in the active file. Exam. SAMPLE 60 FROM 200 It cases). select a random sample of 60 cases from active file (200 N OF CASES It is to build the first n cases from a file. SPLIT FILE It splits the active file into subgroups that are analyzed separately. Exam. SORT CASES BY SEX SPLIT FILE BY SEX FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=INCOME This allows to perform separate income frequencies analyses for men and women. 拾、統計程序指令 (Statistical Procedures) A. FREQUENCIES It produces a table of frequency counts and percentages for the values of individual variables. Optionally, you can obtain bar charts for discrete variables, histograms for continuous variables, univariate summary statistics, and percentiles. To produce only statistics on interval-level data, you can also use procedure CONDESCRIPTIVE. FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=INCOME/FORMAT=NOLABELS/ STATISTICS=DEFAULT MEDIAN The FORMAT subcommand -- It allows you to control the formating of tables and the order in which values are sorted within the table, suppress tables, produce an index of the tables, and write the FREQUENCIES display to another file. The keywords on the FORMAT subcommand are: NOLABELS - do not print variable or value labels. DOUBLE - double space frequency tables NEWPAGE - begin each table on a new page CONDENSE - condensed format. The format prints frequency counts in 3 columns. ONEPAGE - It uses the condensed format for tables that would requires more than one page. AFREQ - sort categories in ascending order of frequency DFREQ - sort categories in descending order of frequency DVALUE - sort categories in descening order of value LIMIT(n) - do not print tables with more categories than the specified value 若 Categories 超過 n 之值,則不印表 NOTABLE - suppress all frequency tables WRITE - direct display to another file Exam. FILE HANDLE CODEBOOK/FILE='CODEBOOK SPSSX A1' PROCEDURE OUTPUT OUTFILE=CODEBOOK FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=ALL/ FORMAT=ONEPAGE WRITE/ 。This writes a rrelatively compact codebook to the file CODEBOOK SPSSX A1. STATISTICS subcommand Available keywords for the STATISTICS are: DEFAULT - mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum MENA STDDEV MINIMUM MAXIMUM SEMEAN - standard error of the mean VARIANCE SKEWWNESS SESKEW - standard error of skewness KURTOSIS SEKURT - standard error of kurtosis RANGE MODE MEDIAN SUUM ALL NONE - no statistics Limitations: 。a maximum of 500 variables 。a maximum value range of 32,767 for a variable 範例 SET WIDTH=80 FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=SATFIN/STATISTICS=DEFAULT FINISH 結果 SATFIN SATISFIED WITH FINANCIAL SITUATION Value Label PRETTY SATISFIED MORE OR LESS NOT SATISFIED Value 1 2 3 Frequency 289 440 269 Percent Valid Percent Cum Percent 28.9 44.0 26.9 29.0 44.1 27.0 29.0 73.0 100.0 NA 9 Total Mean Maximum Valid cases 1.980 3.000 998 Std dev Missing cases 2 ------1000 .748 2 .2 ------100.0 Missing ------100.0 Minimum 1.000 B. CONDESCRIPTIVE It calculates the mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum for numeric variables. You can request optional statistics and Z-score transformations. CONDESCRIPTIVE ALL STATISTICS 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10 OPTIONS 3 SET WIDTH=80 FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=SATFIN/STATISTICS=DEFAULT Number of valid observations (listwise) = Variable Mean Std Dev Minimum AGE 45.410 18.087 994.00 Maximum Valid N 18 89 Label 994 The following Z-Score variables have been saved on your active file: From To Weighted Variable Z-Score Label Valid N -------- ----------------AGE ZAGE ZAGE Value -1.51549 -1.46020 -1.40491 Zscore(AGE) 994 Zscore(AGE) Cum Freq Pct Pct 4 23 12 0 2 1 0 3 4 Value -.18856 -.13327 -.07798 Cum Freq Pct Pct 14 16 19 1 2 2 51 52 54 Value 1.13837 1.19366 1.24894 Cum Freq Pct Pct 16 15 9 2 2 1 85 86 87 -1.34962 12 1 5 -.02269 14 1 55 1.30423 9 1 88 -1.29433 -1.23904 -1.18375 -1.12847 -1.07318 -1.01789 -.96260 -.90731 -.85202 -.79673 12 20 32 28 21 30 26 22 22 13 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 6 8 12 14 16 20 22 24 27 28 .03259 .08788 .14317 .19846 .25375 .30904 .36433 .41961 .47490 .53019 20 10 8 14 10 22 14 17 14 13 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 57 58 59 61 62 64 65 67 68 70 1.35952 1.41481 1.47010 1.52539 1.58068 1.63596 1.69125 1.74654 1.80183 1.85712 10 7 14 7 7 4 6 6 12 5 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 89 90 91 92 92 93 93 94 95 96 -.74145 37 4 32 .58548 18 2 72 1.91241 9 1 97 -.68616 -.63087 -.57558 -.52029 -.46500 -.40971 -.35443 -.29914 -.24385 13 30 16 19 20 16 23 15 22 Value Freq . Valid cases 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 33 .64077 36 .69606 38 .75135 39 .80663 41 .86192 43 .91721 45 .97250 47 1.02779 49 1.08308 M I S S I N G Value 3 10 14 16 18 13 13 16 10 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 D A T Freq 6 994 Missing cases 6 72 73 74 76 78 79 80 82 83 A 1.96770 2.02298 2.07827 2.13356 2.18885 2.24414 2.29943 2.41000 7 3 6 3 2 3 4 6 Value Freq 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 97 98 98 98 99 99 99 100 C. CROSSTABS It produces tables that are the joint distribution of two or more variables that have a limited number of distinct values. CROSSTABS can operate in either general or integer mode. General mode CROSSTABS TABLES=FEAR BY SEX or CROSSTABS FEAR BY SEX You can use keyword BY to signify a control variable. Exam. CROSSTABS TABLES=FEAR BY SEX BY RACE Integer mode Exam. CROSSTABS VARIABLES=FEAR (1,2) MOBILE16 (1,3)/ TABLES=FEAR BY MOBILE16 Options: 1 including missing values 2 suppress variable and value labels 3 print row percentages 4 print column percentages 5 print total percentage 6 suppress value labels 7 report missing values in table 8 print rows ordered on hgighest to lowest values 9 print index of tables 10 write cell count for nonempty cells to a file 11 write cell count for cells to a file 12 suppress tables 13 14 15 16 18 suppress cell counts print expected frequencies print residuals print standardized residuals print all cell information Statistics: 1 chi square 2 phi for 2 X 2 table, Cramer's V 3 contingency coefficient 4 lambda 5 uncertainty coefficient 6 Kendall's tau b 7 Keendall's tau c 8 gamma 9 Somer's d 10 eta 11 pearson's r Limitations 。A maximum of 200 variables per command 。A maximum of 250 nonempty rows or columns 。A maximum of 20 tables lists per command 。A maximum of 10 dimensions per table SET WIDTH=80 FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS CROSSTABS TABLES=CAPPUN BY SEX STATISTICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CAPPUN CAPPUN DO YOU FAVOR DEATH PENALTY by SEX SEX Page 1 of 1 Count I IMALE FEMALE I Row FAVOR OPPOSE I 1 I 2 I Total --------+--------+--------+ 1 I 312 I 376 I 688 I I I 72.7 +--------+--------+ 2 I 81 I 177 I 258 I I I 27.3 +--------+--------+ Column 393 553 946 Total 41.5 58.5 100.0 Chi-Square -------------------- Value ----------- DF ---- Significance ------------ Pearson Continuity Correction Likelihood Ratio Mantel-Haenszel 15.04343 14.47435 15.36517 15.02754 1 1 1 1 .00011 .00014 .00009 .00011 Minimum Expected Frequency - 107.182 Statistic -------------------- Value --------- ASE1 -------- T-value ------- Approximate Significance ------------ Phi Cramer's V Contingency Coefficient .12610 .12610 .12511 Lambda : symmetric with CAPPUN .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .01590 .01590 .00789 .00787 .01284 .01386 .00645 .00696 1.98840 1.98840 .00009 *3 .00009 *3 .01196 .00602 1.98840 .00009 *3 .12610 .11071 .28908 .03128 .02767 .07078 4.00062 4.00062 4.00062 .03112 .02846 4.00062 4.00062 .03457 4.00062 dependent with SEX dependent Goodman & Kruskal Tau : with CAPPUN dependent with SEX dependent Uncertainty Coefficient : symmetric with CAPPUN dependent with SEX dependent Kendall's Tau-b Kendall's Tau-c Gamma Somers' D : symmetric with CAPPUN dependent .12546 .11397 with SEX dependent .13953 .00011 *1 .00011 *1 .00011 *1 .00011 *2 .00011 *2 D. BREAKDOWN It calculates means and variances for a criterion or dependent variable over subgroups of cases defined by independent or control variables. Like CROSSTABS, integer mode. it also operates in either general or An maximum of six dimensions can be specified on an analysis list: one dependent variable and 5 independent variables. general mode Exam. BREAKDOWN TABLES=PCTRAISE BY GRADE81 or BREAKDOWN PCTRAISE BY GRADE81 Integer mode Exam. BREAKDOWN VARIABLES=DEPT8 (1,4) EEO81 (1,9) RAISE81 (LO,HI)/TABLES=RAISE81 BY DEPT81 BY EEO81 Options: 1 including missing values 2 exclude missing values for dependent variables only 3 4 5 6 7 8 suppress variable and value labels tree format suppress cell frequencies suppress cell sum suppress cell standard deviations suppress value labels Statistics: 1 one way analysis of variance 2 test of linearity Limitations 。A maximum of 200 variables 。A maximum of 250 tables 。a maximum of 6 dimensions per table SET WIDTH=80 FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS BREAKDOWN TABLES=ATTEND BY DEGREE STATISTICS 1 D E S C R I P Criterion Variable Broken Down by Variable Value T I O N ATTEND DEGREE Label O F S U B P O P U L A T I O N S Mean Std Dev Cases For Entire Population 3.8571 2.6829 994 DEGREE 3.7152 2.7179 302 3.8665 4.3462 3.9487 4.1702 2.6484 2.4971 2.7350 2.8309 502 26 117 47 0 DEGREE 1 DEGREE 2 DEGREE 3 DEGREE 4 Total Cases = 1000 Missing Cases = 6 or HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR COLLEGE BACHELOR GRADUATE .6 Pct A N A L Y S I S Criterion Variable ATTEND Broken Down by DEGREE Value Label 0 1 2 3 HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR COLLEGE BACHELOR 4 GRADUATE Within Groups Total Source Between Groups O F V A R I A N C E Mean Std Dev Sum of Sq Cases 3.7152 3.8665 4.3462 3.9487 2.7179 2.6484 2.4971 2.7350 2223.5099 3514.0578 155.8846 867.6923 302 502 26 117 4.1702 2.8309 368.6383 47 ----------------------------------------3.8571 2.6850 7129.7829 994 Sum of Squares 17.9314 D.F. 4. Mean Square 4.4828 F Sig. .6218 .6470 Within Groups 7129.7829 Eta = .0501 989 7.2091 Eta Squared = .0025 E. T-TEST T-TEST compares two sample means by calculating Student's t and tests of significance of the difference between the means. It tests either independent samples (different groups of cases) or paired samples (different variables). The GROUPS Subcommand Exam. T-TEST GROUPS = WORLD (2)/VARIABLES=NTCPUR * It groups together all cases with the value of WORLD greater than or equal to 2. The remaining cases go into the other group. Exam. T-TEST GROUPS = WORLD (1,2)/VARIABLES=NTCPUR * Cases with values other than 1 or 3 for WORLD used. Exam. T-TEST GROUPS = SEX/VARIABLES=GRADE1 TO GRADE5 The Paired Samples Exam. T-TEST PAIRS = WCLOTHES MCLOTHES * It produces a comparison of two variables. Exam. are not T-TEST PAIRS = TEACHER CONSTRUC MANAGER It compares TEACHER with CONSTRUCT, and CONSTRUCT with MANAGER. TEACHER with MANAGER, Options OPTIONS 1 - including missing values. OPTIONS 2 - exclude missing values listwise. If a case is missing on any variable named, it is excluded from all analyses. OPTIONS 3 - suppress variable labels. OPTIONS 4 - print with an 80 character width. Limitations * a maximum of 1 each of groups, variables, and pairs subcommands per T-TEST command. The PAIRs specification must appear last. * a maximum of 1 grouping variable and 50 analysis variables for independent samples test. * a maximum of 400 variables for paired samples test. SET WIDTH=80 FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS T-TEST GROUPS=RACLIVE/VARIABLES=CAPPUN TO BUSING GROUP 1 - RACLIVE EQ 1: YES GROUP 2 - RACLIVE EQ 2: NO Variable Number Standard Standard of Cases Mean Deviation Error -----------------------------------------------------------CAPPUN DO YOU FAVOR DEATH PENALTY GROUP 1 439 1.2688 .444 .021 GROUP 2 446 1.2511 .434 .021 -----------------------------------------------------------* Pooled Variance Estimate * Separate Variance Estimate * * F 2-tail * t Degrees of 2-tail * t Degrees of 2-tail Value Prob. * Value Freedom Prob. * Value Freedom Prob. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.05 .643 * .60 883 .549 * .60 881.73 .550 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable Number Standard Standard of Cases Mean Deviation Error -----------------------------------------------------------GRASS LEGALIZE USE OF MARIJUANA GROUP 1 444 1.7230 .448 .021 GROUP 2 477 1.8008 .400 .018 -----------------------------------------------------------* Pooled Variance Estimate * Separate Variance Estimate * * F 2-tail * t Degrees of 2-tail * t Degrees of 2-tail Value Prob. * Value Freedom Prob. * Value Freedom Prob. -------------------------------------------------------------------------1.26 .015 * -2.79 919 .005 * -2.78 888.68 .006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T - T E S T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GROUP 1 - RACLIVE EQ 1: YES GROUP 2 - RACLIVE EQ 2: NO Variable Number Standard Standard of Cases Mean Deviation Error -----------------------------------------------------------BUSING DO YOU FAVOR BUSING GROUP 1 441 1.7370 .441 .021 GROUP 2 465 1.8258 .380 .018 -----------------------------------------------------------* Pooled Variance Estimate * F 2-tail * t Degrees of 2-tail Value Prob. * Value Freedom Prob. * Separate Variance Estimate * * t Degrees of 2-tail * Value Freedom Prob. -------------------------------------------------------------------------1.35 .002 * -3.26 904 .001 * -3.24 869.05 .001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- F. ANOVA It performs analysis of variance for factorial designs, with the default being the full factorial model. Although you can specify covariates, ANOVA does not permit a full analysis of covariance. For multiple dependent variables, repeated measures designs, factor by covariate interactions in the analysis of covariance, or nested or nonfactorial designs, use the MANOVA procedure. For one way analysis of variance, you might prefer procedure ONEWAY. ONEWAY computes contrasts and multiple comparison tests. Exam. ANOVA PRESTIGE BY REGION (1,9) * PRESTIGE is the dependent variable and REGION is the factor, with minumum and maximum values of 1 and 9. Exam. ANOVA RESTIGE BY REGION (1,9) SEX, RACE (1,2) * It is a three way design. Specifying Covariates The covariate list can name up to 10 follows the keyword WITH. Exam. Options variables. ANOVA PRESTIGE BY REGION (1,9) SEX, EDUC - The order of entry The list RACE (1,2) WITH 1 including missing values 2 suppress labels 3 delete interaction terms 4 delete three way and higher interactions 5 delete four way and higher interactions 6 delete five way interaction 7 process covariance concurrently with main effects 8 process covariates after man effects 9 regression approach 10 hierarchical approach 11 narrow formatting Statistics 1 MCA table 2 uunstandardized regression coefficients 3 cell means Limitations * maximum of 5 ANOVA analysis lists. * maximum of 10 independent variables per analysis list. * maximum 5 dependent variables per analysis list. * maximum of 10 covariates per analaysis list. * maximum of 5 interaction levels. * maximum of 25 value labels per variable displayed in MCA table. SET WIDTH=80 FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS ANOVA CHLDIDEL BY RELIG (1,4) WITH AGE STATISTICS 1 2 3 * * * CHLDIDEL BY RELIG TOTAL POPULATION 2.81 ( 955) C E L L M E A N S IDEAL NUMBER OF CHILDREN RELIG 1 2 3 4 * * * the 2.78 ( 621) 3.00 ( 243) * * * 2.64 ( 22) 2.51 ( A N A L Y S I S 69) O F V A R I A N C E CHLDIDEL IDEAL NUMBER OF CHILDREN by RELIG with AGE Sum of Source of Variation Squares DF Covariates 50.835 1 * * * Mean Square F Sig of F 50.835 21.962 .000 AGE Main Effects RELIG Explained Residual Total Covariate 50.835 16.320 16.320 67.156 2198.918 2266.073 1 3 3 4 950 954 21.962 .000 2.350 .071 2.350 .071 7.253 .000 Raw Regression Coefficient AGE .013 * * * M U L T I P L E C L A S S I F I C A T I O N CHLDIDEL IDEAL NUMBER OF CHILDREN by RELIG with AGE Grand Mean = 2.81 Variable + Category RELIG 1 2 3 4 50.835 5.440 5.440 16.789 2.315 2.375 PROTESTANT CATHOLIC JEWISH NONE N 621 243 22 69 Unadjusted Dev'n Eta -.03 .19 -.18 -.30 Adjusted for Independents + Covariates Dev'n Beta -.05 .21 -.31 -.17 .09 Multiple R Squared Multiple R A N A L Y S I S .08 .030 .172 * * * G. ONEWAY It produces a one way analysis of variance for an interval level variable by one independent variable. Contract and range tests are available. Exam. ONEWAY WELL BY EDUC6 (1,6) It specifies a one way analysis of variance of WELL, the dependent variable, by EDUC6, the independent variable with minimum and maximum values of 1 and 6. The CONTRAST Subcommand It specifies statistic. a priori contrast to be tested by the t Exam. ONEWAY WELL BY EDUC6 (1,6)/ CONTRAST = -1 -1 -1 -1 2 2/ It contrasts the combination of the first four groups the combination of the last 2 groups. Exam. ONEWAY WELL BY EDUC6 (1,6)/ CONTRAST = -1 0000 1/ It contrasts the first group with the last group. Exam. ONEWAY WELL BY EDUC6 (1,6)/ with CONTRAST = -1 0 0 0 .5 .5/ It contrasts group 1 and the combination of groups 5 and 6. The RANGES subcommand It specifies any of seven different tests appropriate for multiple comparisons between means. Each RANGE specifies one test. Exam. ONEWAY WELL BY EDUC6 (0,6)/ RANGES = SNK/ RANGES = SCHEFFE (.01) * produces two different ranges test. The follwing subcommand. tests can be specified with the RANGE LSD - least significant difference. Any alpha between 0 and 1 can be specified. DUNCAN - duncan's multiple range test. Default is .05. Only .01, .05 and .10 are used. SNK - Student'-Newman-Keuls. Only .05 is available as the alpha value. TUKEYB - Tukey's alternative procedure. TUKEY - Honestly significant difference. LSDMOD - Modified LSD. SCHEFFE Only .05 is available as the alpha. Only .05 is available as the alpha. Any alpha between 0 and 1 can be specified. - Scheffe's test. Any alpha between 0 and 1 can be specified. Statistics 1 descriptive statistics 2 fixed and random effects measures 3 homogeneity of variance tests Options 1 include missing values 2 exclude missing values listwise 3 suppress variable labels 10 harmonic mean for 4rrange tests Limitations * maximum variable. of 100 dependent variables and 1 independent * unlimited number of categories for the independent variable. However, contrasts and range tests are not performed if the actual lnumber of nonempty categories exceeds 50. * maximum subcommands. of 10 CONTRAST subcommands and 10 RANGES * Any alpha values between 0 and 1 are permitted LSD, LSDMOD, and SCHEFFE range tests. * SNK, TUCKEY, and TUKEYB regardless of what is specified. use an alpha the of .05 value for * DUNCAN uses an alpha value of .01 if the alpha specified is less than .05; .05 is the alpha specified is greater than or equal to .05 but less than .10; .10 if the alpha specified is greater than or equal to .10; or .05 if no alpha is specified. SET WIDTH=80 FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS ONEWAY CHLDIDEL BY RELIG (1,4)/ CONTRAST=1 -1 0 0/ CONTRAST=1,1,1,-3/ RANGES=SCHEFFE STATISTICS 1 2 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O N E W A Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Variable CHLDIDEL IDEAL NUMBER OF CHILDREN By Variable RELIG ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SOURCE BETWEEN GROUPS WITHIN GROUPS TOTAL GROUP COUNT D.F. SUM OF SQUARES 3 955 958 16.3377 2252.5006 2268.8384 MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION MEAN SQUARES 5.4459 2.3586 STANDARD ERROR F RATIO F PROB. 2.3089 .0750 95 PCT CONF INT FOR MEAN Grp 1 2.8910 Grp 2 3.2207 Grp 3 3.1151 Grp 4 2.9037 TOTAL 2.9088 624 2.7772 1.4468 .0579 2.6635 TO 243 3.0000 1.7463 .1120 2.7793 TO 23 2.6522 1.0706 .2232 2.1892 TO 69 2.5072 1.6505 .1987 2.1107 TO 959 2.8113 1.5389 .0497 2.7137 TO FIXED EFFECTS MODEL 2.7139 TO 2.9086 RANDOM EFFECTS MODEL .1089 2.4646 RANDOM EFFECTS MODEL - ESTIMATE OF BETWEEN COMPONENT VARIANCE TO 3.1579 0.0191 GROUP MINIMUM MAXIMUM 1.5358 .0496 Grp 1 .0000 8.0000 Grp 2 .0000 8.0000 Grp 3 .0000 6.0000 Grp 4 .0000 8.0000 TOTAL .0000 8.0000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O N E W A Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Variable CHLDIDEL IDEAL NUMBER OF CHILDREN By Variable RELIG CONTRAST COEFFICIENT MATRIX Grp 1 Grp 3 CONTRAST CONTRAST CONTRAST CONTRAST 1 2 1 2 Grp 2 1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 Grp 4 0.0 0.0 1.0 -3.0 VALUE -0.2228 0.9077 VALUE POOLED VARIANCE ESTIMATE S. ERROR T VALUE D.F. 0.1161 -1.918 955.0 0.6509 1.394 955.0 SEPARATE VARIANCE ESTIMATE S. ERROR T VALUE D.F. T PROB. 0.055 0.163 T PROB. CONTRAST 1 -0.2228 0.1261 -1.766 378.2 0.078 CONTRAST 2 0.9077 0.6489 1.399 90.0 0.165 Tests for Homogeneity of Variances Cochrans C = Max. Variance/Sum(Variances) = .3383, P = .000 (Approx.) Bartlett-Box F = 6.056 , P = .000 Maximum Variance / Minimum Variance 2.661 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O N E W A Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Variable CHLDIDEL IDEAL NUMBER OF CHILDREN By Variable RELIG MULTIPLE RANGE TEST SCHEFFE PROCEDURE RANGES FOR THE 0.050 LEVEL 3.96 3.96 3.96 THE RANGES ABOVE ARE TABLE RANGES. THE VALUE ACTUALLY COMPARED WITH MEAN(J)-MEAN(I) IS.. 1.0860 * RANGE * DSQRT(1/N(I) + 1/N(J)) NO TWO GROUPS ARE SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT AT THE 0.050 LEVEL H. MANOVA: General Linear Models It is a generalized multivariate analysis of covariance program. variance and This procedure performs univariate and multivariate linear estimation and tests of hypotheses for any crossed and/or nested design with or without covariates. You have complete control of the model specification. With MANOVA you can perform analysis of variance and analysis of covariance, and you can analyze designs such as randomized designs. block, split plot, nested, and repeated measures Syntax - To run MANOVA, you must indicate which variables are dependent variables, which are factors (if any), and which (if any) are covariates. You also need to specify the design to be used. Exam. MANOVA BALOMEAN BALCMEAN SSTMEAN PP BY SEX (1,2) /DISCRIM=RAW STAN CORR ESTIM /PRINT=SIGNIF(DIMENR) PARAMETERS(ESTIM) /DESIGN 。The MANOVA begins by specifying BALOMENA, BALCMEAN, SSTMEAN and PP as the dependent variables and sex as a factor. The DISCRIM reqquests a canonical analysis of the dependent and independent variables. The PRINT requests parameters estimates and a dimension reduction analysis Specifying Factors and the Structure of Data Dependent variable list -- The first varibles specified are the dependent variables in the analysis. By default, MANOVA treats a list of dependent variables as jointly dependnet and therefore uses a multivariate design. The factor list -- If factors are to be used in the analysis, they are specified following the dependent variable list and the keyword BY. Each factor is followed by two integer values enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma, specifying the lowest and highest values for the factor. Exam. MANOVA BALOMEAN BY SEX (1,2) FIELD (1,3) The covariate list -- The covariate list specifies any covariates to be used in the analysis. It follows the factor list and is separated from it by the keyword WITH. Exam. MANOVA BALOMEAN BY SEX (1,2) FIELD (1,3) WITH IQ Specifying the model -- You use ANALYSIS to specify a model. When ANALYSIS is specified, it completely overrides the dependent variable list and covariate list in the MANOVA specification. Only variables in the original MANOVA variable list can be specified on the ANALYSIS subcommand. Exam. MANOVA BALOMEAN PP SSTMEAN BY SEX (1,2) FIELD (1,3) WITH EQ /ANALYSIS=BALOMEAN PP WITH SSTMEAN /DESIGN 。 This command changes SSTMEAN from a dependent variable to a covariate. Specifying nested design -- the WITHIN nested in the term to its right. Exam. indicates that the term to its left is /DESIGN=TREATMENT WITHIN TESTCAT 。It indicates that TREATMENT is nested within TESTCAT Specifying within subjects factors -- The WSFACTORS is used for repeated measures analysis. It provides the names and number of levels for within subjects factors when you use the multivariate data setup. Exam. MANOVA DRUG1 TO DRUG4 /WSFACTORS=TRIAL(4) WSFACTORS must be the first subcommand after the MANOVA specification, and it can be specified only once per MANOVA command. Presence of a WSFACTORS invokes special repeated measures processing. Specifying within subjects model -- WSDESIGN specifies a within subjects model and a within subjects transformation matrix based on the ordering of the continuous variables and the levels of the within subjects factors. Specifying doubly multivariate designs -- Doubly multivariate repeated measures designs are the ones of which subjects are measured on two or more responses on two or more occasions. When the data are entered using the multivariate setup, you can use the MEASURE subcommand to name the multivariate pooled results. Exam. MANOVA TEMP1 TO TEMP6, WEIGHT1 TO WEIGHT6 BY GROUP(1,4) /WSFACTOR=AMPM(2) DAYS(3) /MEASURE=TEMP WEIGHT /WSDESIGN=AMPM DAYS AMPM BY DAYS Specifying canonical analyses -- The DISCRIM requests a canonical analysis of dependent and independent variables in multivariate analyses. If the independent variables are continuous, MANOVA produces a canonical correlation analysis; if they are categorical, MANOVA produces a canonical discriminant analysis. Available options are: RAW -- Raw discriminant function coefficients STAN -- standardized discriminant function coefficients ESTIM -- effect estimates in discriminant function space COR -- correlations between the dependent and canonical variables defined by the discriminant functions ROTATE(rottyp) -- Rotation of the matrix of correlations between dependent and anonical variates. For rottype, specify VARIMAX, EQUAMAX, or QUARTIMAX. ALPHA(alpha) -- the significant level for the canonical variate. The default is 0.15. Specifying printed output -- PRINT and NOPRINT control the output produced by MANOVA. PRINT requessts specified output, while NOPRINT suppresses it. Exam. MANOVA SALES BY TVAD RADIOAD MAGAD NEWSPAD(2,5) /PRINT=CELLINFO(MEANS) 。 This requests the display of cell means of SALES for all combinations of values of TVAD RADIOAD MAGAD and NEWSPAD. Available specifications for PRINT include: CELLINFO HOMOGENEITY DESIGN ERROR SIGNIF PARAMETERS TRANSFORM The options for CELLINFO are: MEANS SSCP COV COR The options for HOMOGENEITY are: BARTLETT COCHRAN BOXM The options for DESIGN are: ONEWAY OVERALL DECOMP BIAS SOLUTION The options for ERROR are: SSCP COV COR STDDEV The options for SIGNIF are: MULTIV EIGEN DIMENR UNIV HYPOTH STEPDOWN AVERF BRIEF AVONLY SIGNLEDF The options for PARAMETERS are: ESTIM ORTHO COR NEGSUM SET WIDTH=80 UNNUMBERED TITLE 'EXAMPLE ON REPEATED MEASURE' DATA LIST RECORDS=1 /1 EXPERM 1-2 CONTROL 3-4 PAIR 5-6 BEGIN DATA 080601 090802 050303 040204 020105 100706 030107 120708 060609 110910 END DATA MANOVA EXPERM CONTROL /WSFACTOR=ATTI(2) /WSDESIGN=ATTI /ANALYSIS(REPEATED) /DESIGN Note: there are 2 levels for the ATTI effect. to the univariate tests of significance. * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S 10 0 0 1 1 O F Average tests are identical V A R I A N C E * * * * * * cases accepted. cases rejected because of out-of-range factor values. cases rejected because of missing data. non-empty cell. design will be processed. * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S O F V A R I A N C E -- DESIGN 1 * * * * * * Tests of Between-Subjects Effects. Tests of Significance for T1 using UNIQUE sums of squares Source of Variation SS DF MS F WITHIN CELLS CONSTANT 182.00 720.00 * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S O F 9 1 20.22 720.00 35.60 V A R I A N C E -- DESIGN Sig of F .000 1 * * * * * * Tests involving 'ATTI' Within-Subject Effect. Tests of Significance for T2 using UNIQUE sums of squares Source of Variation SS DF MS F WITHIN CELLS 8.00 9 .89 Sig of F ATTI 20.00 1 20.00 22.50 .001 J. PEARSON CORR It produces pearson significance levels. product Univariate statistics, deviations are also available. moment covariances correlations and cross with product Exam. PEARSON CORR FOOD RENT PUBTRANS TEACHER COOK ENGINEER It produces a square correlation coefficient matrix. Exam. PEARSON CORR ENGINEER FOOD RENT WITH COOK TEACHER MANAGER It produces the eight correlations. Exam. PEARSON CORR FOOD RENT/COOK TEACHER / (Slash) is used to separate the specifications for each of the requested matrices. Statistics STATISTICS 1 - mean, standard deviation, nonmissing cases for each variable. and number STATISTICS 2 - cross product deviations and covariance eacdh pair of variables. Options of for OPTION 1 - include missing values OPTION 2 - exclude missing values listwise. OPTION 3 - two tailed test of significance. OPTION 4 - write matrix materials to a file. OPTION 5 - suppress printing of n and significance level. OPTION 6 - print only the nonredundant coefficients in serial string format. Limitations 。 maximum of 40 variables lists. 。 maximum of 500 variables total per PEARSON CORR command. 。 maximum of 250 individual elements. Each unique occurrence of a variable name, keyword, or special delimiter counts as 1 toward this total. SET WIDTH=80 FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS PEARSON CORR HAPPY SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB INCOME DEGREE STATISTICS 1 2 VARIABLE CASES MEAN STD DEV 994 990 989 982 954 998 1.7938 2.1596 2.3256 1.3666 8.9151 1.0982 .6353 1.3695 1.2449 .9621 3.2107 1.1018 HAPPY SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB INCOME DEGREE VARIABLES CASES CROSS-PROD DEV VARIANCE-COVAR HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY SATFAM SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB INCOME DEGREE SATFRND 988 987 976 948 992 986 306.8300 258.4326 39.7275 -358.6203 -56.4637 751.2353 .3109 .2621 .0407 -.3787 -.0570 .7627 SATFAM SATFAM SATFAM SATFRND SATFRND SATFRND SATJOB SATJOB SATJOB INCOME DEGREE SATJOB INCOME DEGREE INCOME DEGREE 972 944 988 971 946 987 937 981 53.6481 -994.7712 -35.2540 112.6334 -481.7040 -66.7072 387.6147 70.7706 .0553 -1.0549 -.0357 .1161 -.5097 -.0677 .4141 .0722 INCOME DEGREE 952 - - - - P E A R S O N HAPPY SATFAM 1.0000 ( 994) P= . .3582 ( 988) P= .000 .3582 1.0000 ( 988) .9830 C O R R E L A T I O N HAPPY SATFAM 934.8036 ( 990) SATFRND C O E F F I C I E N T S SATJOB INCOME DEGREE .3316 ( 987) P= .000 .0665 ( 976) P= .019 -.1855 ( 948) P= .000 -.0814 ( 992) P= .005 .4484 .0420 -.2397 -.0236 - - - ( 986) ( 972) ( 944) ( 988) P= .000 P= . P= .000 P= .095 P= .000 P= .229 SATFRND .3316 ( 987) P= .000 .4484 ( 986) P= .000 1.0000 ( 989) P= . .0972 ( 971) P= .001 -.1294 ( 946) P= .000 -.0493 ( 987) P= .061 SATJOB .0665 ( 976) P= .019 .0420 ( 972) P= .095 .0972 ( 971) P= .001 1.0000 ( 982) P= . .1358 ( 937) P= .000 .0683 ( 981) P= .016 INCOME -.1855 ( 948) P= .000 -.2397 ( 944) P= .000 -.1294 ( 946) P= .000 .1358 ( 937) P= .000 1.0000 ( 954) P= . .2770 ( 952) P= .000 DEGREE -.0814 ( 992) P= .005 -.0236 ( 988) P= .229 -.0493 ( 987) P= .061 .0683 ( 981) P= .016 .2770 ( 952) P= .000 1.0000 ( 998) P= . (COEFFICIENT / (CASES) / 1-TAILED SIG) " . " IS PRINTED IF A COEFFICIENT CANNOT BE COMPUTED K. PARTIAL CORR It produces partial correlation coefficients that describe the relationship between two variables while adjusting for the effects of one or more additional variables. You must supply a set of variables to be correlated, one or more control variables following the keyword by, and a list of order values in parentheses which define the level of control. Exam. PARTIAL CORR PUBTRANS MECHANIC BUSDRVER BY NETPURSE (1) * It produces a square matrix containing three unique first order partial correlations: PUBTRANS correlated with MECHANIC, controlling for NETPURSE; PUBTRANS with BUSDRVER, controlling for NETPURSE; and MECHANIC with BUSDRVER, controlling for NETPURSE. * (1) indicates a first order partial correlation. Exam. PARTIAL CORR RENT WITH YRS OCCUP BY NETSALRY (1) * It produces two first order partials: RENT with YRS controlling for NETSALRY and RENT with YRS controlling for NETSALRY. Exam. PARTIAL CORR RENT WITH YRS BY NETSALRY, NETPRICE (2) * It produces one second order partial of RENT controlling simultaneously for NETSALRY, NETPRICE. with YRS, Exam. PARTIAL CORR RENT BY NETSALRY NETPURSE NETPRICE (1,3) * It produce correlations. first order and third order partial Exam. PARTIAL CORR V1 WITH V2 BY D (1)/ V1 WITH V3 BY D(1) * / (Slash) is correlation analysis. used to separate each set of partial * You can specify up to 25 partial correlation analyses each PARTIAL CORR command. on Optional Statistics STATISTICS 1 - zero order correlations freedom and significance level. STATISTICS 2 - mean, nonmissing cases. Options with standard deviation, and degrees of number of OPTIONS 1 - including missing values. OPTIONS 2 - exclude analysis basis. missing values on an analysis by freedom and OPTIONS 3 - two tailed test of significance. OPTIONS 5 - write matrix materials to a file. OPTIONS 7 - suppress significance level. printing of degrees of OPTIONS 8 - print only the serial string format. nonredundant coefficients in Limitations: * a maximum of 25 requests on a single partial corr command. * a maximum of 400 variables total can be named per partial corr command. * a maximum of 100 control variables. SET WIDTH=80 FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS PARTIAL CORR HAPPY WITH SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB - - - - P A R T I A L CONTROLLING FOR.. HAPPY C O R R E L A T I O N BY DEGREE INCOME (1,2) C O E F F I C I E N T S - - - DEGREE SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB .3749 ( 920) P= .000 .3271 ( 920) P= .000 .0835 ( 920) P= .006 (COEFFICIENT / (D.F.) / SIGNIFICANCE) " . " IS PRINTED IF A COEFFICIENT CANNOT BE COMPUTED. - - - - P A R T I A L CONTROLLING FOR.. HAPPY C O R R E L A T I O N INCOME SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB .3483 .3148 .1043 C O E F F I C I E N T S - - - ( 920) ( P= .000 920) P= .000 ( 920) P= .001 (COEFFICIENT / (D.F.) / SIGNIFICANCE) " . " IS PRINTED IF A COEFFICIENT CANNOT BE COMPUTED. - - - - P A R T I A L CONTROLLING FOR.. SATFAM C O R R E L A T I O N DEGREE SATFRND INCOME SATJOB C O E F F I C I E N T S - - - HAPPY .3496 ( 919) P= .000 .3147 ( 919) P= .000 .1053 ( 919) P= .001 (COEFFICIENT / (D.F.) / SIGNIFICANCE) " . " IS PRINTED IF A COEFFICIENT CANNOT BE COMPUTED. L. REGRESSION It calculates a multiple regression equation and associated statistics and plots. Several methods for variable selection as well as statistics for analysis of residuals and influential observations are available. Several types of plots, including partial residual plots, can be displayed. Minimum requirement: You must specify three things: the variables to be used, the dependent variable or variables in the analysis, and one or more variable selection methods. Six variable selection methods are available. VARIABLES Subommand Three ways to indicate the variables to be analyzed. Exam. REGRESSION VARIABLES=SAVINGS POP15 POP75 INCOME GROWTH/ Exam. REGRESSION VARIABLES=(COLLECT)/ DEPENDENT = SAVINGS/ ENTER POP15 POP75 INCOME GROWTH/ * The keyword COLLECT in parentheses indicates that the program should assemble the list of variables from the DEPENDENT subcommands and from each of the regression method subcommands. Exam. REGRESSION VARS = IQ TO ACHIEVE/ DEP=ACHIEVE/STEP/ VARS= (COLLECT)/ DEPT=ATHLETIC/ BACKWARDS=AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT MUSCLES COACH EQUIPMENT/ SELECT VITAMINC GT 250/ VARS=(PREVIOUS)/ DEP=ATHLETIC/ BACKWARD * The first set of subcommands specifies a stepwise regression with variable ACHIEVE as the dependent variable. * In the second analysis, the COLLECT keyword causes SPSSx to use the variables mentioned on the DEPENDENT and BACKWARD method subcommands as variables for the analysis. * The third analysis uses the same variables as the but a different set of cases. second - The SELECT subcommand selects cases with values greater than 250 for variable VITAMINC for calculating regression statistics. - The keyword (PREVIOUS) on the VARIABLES subcommand indicates that the variables used in the second analysis will also be used in this analysis. The DEPENDENT Subcommand The dependent variable or variables must be named in the VARIABLES subcommand unless you specify the (COLLECT) keyword. None of the variables named on the DEPENDENT subcommand is treated as an independent variable in any model associated with that DEPENDENT subcommand. Each DEPENDENT subcommand initiates a new regression model. There are two ways to specify multiple dependent variables. Exam. REGRESSION VARIABLES=IQ TO ACHIEVE/ DEPENDENT=ACHIEVE IQREPORT/STEPWISE. * ACHIEVE is first used as the dependent variable then IQREPORT as the dependent variable in a new regression model. * IQREPORT is not used as an independent variable when ACHIEVE is the dependent variable, and ACHIEVE is not used as an independent variable when IQREPORT is the dependent variable. Exam. REGRESSION VARIABLES=IQ TO ACHIEVE/ DEPENDENT=ACHIEVE/STEOWUSE/ DEPENDENT=IQREPORT/ENTER ACHIEVE,SES,IQ/ * Note that IQREPORT is an independent variable in the first model, and ACHIEVE is an independent variable in the second model. The METHOD Subcommands Six equation building methods are available. FORWARD - Variables are entered into the equation one at at time. At each step, the independent variables not yet in the equation are examined for entry. The variable with the smallest probability-of-F is entered. BACKWARD - The independent variables already in the equation are examined for removal. Variables are removed from the equation one at a time. with the largest probability-of-F value is removed. The variable STEPWISE - The variable with the largest probability-of-F is examined for removal. If the probability-of-F is larger than the removal criterion POUT, the variable is removed. The equation is recomputed without the removed variable, and the rest of the variables are examined for removal. Once no more independent variables need to be removed, all independent variables not in the equation are examined for entry. The variable with the smallest probability of F is entered if this value is smaller than the entry criterion PIN and the variable passes the tolerance tests. Once a variable has been entered, all variables in the equation are again examined for removal. This process continues untiil no variables in the equation need to be removed and no variables not in the equation are eligible for entry. ENTER - It enters all variables that satisfy the tolerance criterion. Variables are entered one at a time in order of decreasing tolerance but are treated as a single block for statistics computed for changes in the equation. REMOVE - It removes all named variables from the equation as a single block. TEST - It offers an easy way to test a variety of models using R-square change and its test of significance as the criterion for the best model. Exam. REGRESSION VARIABLES=IQ TO ACHIEVE/ DEPENDENT=ACHIEVE/STEPWISE/ENTER * You can specify multiple method subcommands same equation. The MISSING Subcommand within the Use the MISSING subcommand and one of the following keywords to specify alternative missing value treatments. LISTWISE - delete cases with missing values listwise. PAIRWISE - delete cases with missing values pairwise MEANS - replace missing values with the varible mean INCLUDE - include cases with missing values Exam. REGRESSION VARS=FAEDUC TO RINCOME/ DEP=RINCOME/STEP/ MISSING = MEANS/ VARS=(PREVIOUS)/ DEP=RINCOME/STEP The (the first model uses listwise deletion of missing values default). The second model uses the same variables, substitution to replace missing values. but uses mean The DESCRIPTIVES Subcommand This subcommand precedes the VARIABLES subcommand and it remains in effect until overridden by a new list of descriptive staistics or by specifying DESCRIPTIVES = NONE. Descriptive variable list. statistics are displayed only once for each Keyword specifications for the DESCRIPTIVES subcommand to display statistics for all variables on the VARIABLES subcommand. NONE - turn off all descriptive statistics. DEFAULTS - mean, standard deviation, correlation matrix. MEAN - variable means. STDDEV - variable standard deviation. VARIANCE - variable variances. CORR - correlation matrix. SIG - one coefficients. tailed significance levels of the correlation COV - covariance matrix XPROD - cross product deviations from the mean. N - numbers coefficients. of cases used to compute correlation Exam. REGRESSION DESCRIPTIVES=DEFAULTS VARIANCE SIG COV XPROD/ VARS=SAVINGS TO GROWTH/ DEP=SAVINGS/ENTER The SELECT Subcommand It is to select a subset of your cases for regression equation. computing the The general form is: SELECT = variable name relation value/ The relation can be EQ, NE, LT, LE, GT, or GE. A SELECT subcommand must subcommand to which it applies. appear Exam. REGRESSION SELECT SEX EQ 'BOYS'/ VARS = IQ TO ACHIEVE/ DEP=ACHIEVE/STEP/ SELECT SEX EQ 'GIRLS'/ VARS = IQ ATO ACHIEVE/ before the VARIABLES DEP = ACHIEVE/STEP/ SELECT (ALL)/ VARS = IQ TO ACHIEVE/ DEP = ACHIEVE/STEP/ It produces 3 analyses - one using only boys' data, using only girls' data, and one using the combined data. All three VARIABLES subcommands are necessary. The CRITERIA Subcommand one All variables are tested for tolerance prior to entry an equation. into The tolerance of a variable is the proportion of its variance not accounted for by other independent variables in the equation. The minimum tolerance of a variable is the smallest tolerance any variable already in the analysis would have. A variable must pass both tolerance and minimum tests in order to enter a regression equation. tolerance The CRITERIA must appear before the DEPENDENT subcommand and after the VARIABLES subcommand. The CRITERIA remain in effect for all subsequent analyses until modified. regression Exam. REGRESSION VARS=SALARY TO VERBAL/ CRITERIA=PIN (.1) POUT (.15) TOL (.0001)/ DEP=VERBAL/FORWARD/ CRITERIA=DEFAULTS/ DEP=VERBAL/STEPWISE for * The first CRITERIA subcommand relaxes the default criteria entry and removal, while the second CRITERIA subcommand reestablishes the defaults. Exam. CRITERIA = PIN (.03) FIN (2.0)/ * enter SPSSx first sets the criterion to a probability of of 0.03. F to * This criterion is replaced by the FIN specification which sets the criterion to an F value of 2.0. The Criteria keywords are: DEFAULTS PIN(values) POUT(value) FIN(value) FOUT(value) PIN(0.05),POUT(0.1), and TOLERANCE(0.01). - probability of F-to-enter. The default is 0.05 - probability of F to remove. Default is 0.10 - F to enter. Default is 3.84 - F to remove. Default is 2.71 TOLERANCE(value) - tolerance. Default is 0.01 The STATISTICS Subcommand It is used to regression equation. display a number of statistics for the There are three types of STATISTICS keywords: (1) controls for the volume of output; (2) summary statistics for the equation; and (3) statistics for the independent variables. The keywords are: DEFAULTS - R, ANOVA, COEFF, and OUTS. ALL - print all summary statistics except LABEL, F, LINE, and END. R - Multiple R. ANOVA - analysis of variance table. CHA - change in R-square BCOV - variance covariance matrix for unstandardized regression coefficients. COEFF - regression coefficients OUTS - coefficients and statistics for variables not yet in the equation LABEL - variable labels. F - F value for B and its significance level. Analysis of Residuals The following subcommands are used for residuals: RESIDUALS, CASEWISE, SCATTERPLOT. The following temporary variables are analysis of residuals. PRED - unstandardized predicted values. RESID - unstandardized residuals. DRESID - deleted residuals. ADJPRED - adjusted predicted values. analysis available for of the ZPRED - standardized predicted values. ZRESID - standardized residuals. SRESID - studentized residuals. SDRESID - studentized deleted residuals. SEPRED - standard errors of the predicted values. MAHAL - Mahalanobis' distances. COOK - Cook's distances. LEVER - Leverage values. The RESIDUALS Subcommand Several measures and plots based on the residuals and predicted values for the regression equation can be displayed. Exam. RESID = DEFAULT SIZE(SMALL) ID(COUNTRY)/ It requests residual statistics and plots. Default implies a normal probability plot of standardized residuals, a histogram of standardized residuals, a table showing the 10 worst outliers based on the values of the standardized residuals, the Durbin Watson statistic, and large plot sizes. SIZE (SMALL) overrides the large plot ID(COUNTRY) names cases on outlier plots. sizes. COUNTRY as a variable to identify the The CASEWISE Subcommand It displays a casewise plot of any of the temporary residuals variables accompanied by a listing of the values of the dependent variable and the values of as many of the other temporary width. variables as can be displayed in the available page Exam. CASEWISE = DEFAULT ALL SRE MAH COOK SRD/ It displays the dependent variable SAVINGS and the six temporary variables PRED, RESID, SRESID, SDRESID, MAHAL, and COOK D for all cases and plots the standardized casewise plot. residuals in the The CASEWISE subcommand has the following DEFAULT specifications: DEFAULTS - OUTLIERS(3),PLOT(ZRESID),DEPENDENT,PRED,and RESID. The SCATTERPLOT Subcommand It displays a series of scatterplots of the temporary variables and the variables in the regression equation. Exam. SCATTERPLOT (*RES, *PRE) (*RES, SAVINGS)/ * It specifies two scatterplots - the plot of the residuals against the predicted values and the plot of the residuals against the values of the dependent variable. * The first variable named in each set of plotted along the vertical axis. parentheses is * The second variable is plotted along the horizontal axis. * plotting symbols are used to represent occurring at the same print position. * Note: distinguish the variable name. You must precede temporary the variable multiple keyword keyword with from a an points * to standard SET WIDTH=80 FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS REGRESSION VARS=INCOME,AGE,MARITAL,DEGREE,SEX,CHILDS,SATFAM/ STATISTICS=ALL/DEP=SATFAM/STEP * * * * Equation Number 1 M U L T I P L E R E G R E S S I O N * * * * Dependent Variable.. SATFAM SATISFIED WITH FAMILY LIFE Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Variable(s) Entered on Step Number 1.. MARITAL Stepwise Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error .33971 .11541 .11444 1.27096 Analysis of Variance DF Regression 1 Residual 918 F = 119.76377 R Square Change .11541 F Change 119.76377 Signif F Change .0000 Sum of Squares 193.45983 1482.88691 Signif F = .0000 Mean Square 193.45983 1.61535 ---------------------- Variables in the Equation ----------------------Variable B SE B 95% Confdnce Intrvl B Beta MARITAL .307430 .028092 .252298 .362562 .339714 (Constant) 1.530539 .069869 1.393418 1.667660 -------------------------- Variables in the Equation --------------------------Variable SE Beta Correl Part Cor Partial Tolerance VIF T MARITAL 10.944 .031042 .339714 .339714 .339714 1.000000 1.000 (Constant) 21.906 * * * * Equation Number 1 ------ in ------Variable Sig T MARITAL (Constant) M U L T I P L E R E G R E S S I O N * * * * Dependent Variable.. SATFAM SATISFIED WITH FAMILY LIFE .0000 .0000 ------------------------ Variables not in the Equation -----------------------Variable Beta In Partial Tolerance VIF Min Toler T Sig T INCOME AGE DEGREE SEX CHILDS -.163702 .159747 -.059652 -.055525 -.008806 -.168957 .164576 -.063285 -.058987 -.008681 .942300 .938891 .995595 .998318 .859752 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 .942300 .938891 .995595 .998318 .859752 Variable(s) Entered on Step Number 2.. INCOME TOTAL FAMILY INCOME Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square .37504 .14066 .13878 R Square Change F Change .02525 26.94641 -5.191 .0000 5.053 .0000 -1.920 .0551 -1.789 .0739 -.263 .7927 Standard Error 1.25337 Analysis of Variance DF Regression 2 Residual 917 F = Signif F Change Sum of Squares 235.79113 1440.55561 75.04759 Signif F = .0000 Mean Square 117.89556 1.57094 .0000 ---------------------- Variables in the Equation ----------------------Variable MARITAL B SE B .271844 .028539 95% Confdnce Intrvl B .215835 .327853 Beta .300391 INCOME -.069201 .013331 (Constant) 2.219584 .149556 -------------------------- Variables in Variable SE Beta Correl Part Cor MARITAL 9.525 INCOME (Constant) 14.841 .031536 .339714 -.095364 -.043038 -.163702 1.926072 2.513095 the Equation --------------------------Partial Tolerance VIF T .291596 .300062 .031536 -.235859 -.158909 -.168957 .942300 .942300 1.061 1.061 -5.191 ------ in ------Variable Sig T MARITAL INCOME (Constant) .0000 .0000 .0000 Variable(s) Entered on Step Number 3.. AGE Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error .39196 .15363 .15086 1.24455 Analysis of Variance DF Regression 3 Residual 916 F = 55.42373 R Square Change F Change Signif F Change Sum of Squares 257.54003 1418.80671 Signif F = .01297 14.04138 .0002 Mean Square 85.84668 1.54892 .0000 * * * * M U L T I P L E R E G R E S S I O N * * * * Equation Number 1 Dependent Variable.. SATFAM SATISFIED WITH FAMILY LIFE ---------------------- Variables in the Equation ----------------------Variable B SE B 95% Confdnce Intrvl B Beta MARITAL .306960 .029847 INCOME -.054308 .013821 AGE .009376 .002502 (Constant) 1.597968 .222649 -------------------------- Variables in Variable SE Beta Correl Part Cor MARITAL 10.284 INCOME .032982 AGE 3.747 (Constant) .032754 .339714 .312613 .248383 .365537 .339195 -.081433 -.027184 -.128472 .004466 .014287 .122736 1.161007 2.034928 the Equation --------------------------Partial Tolerance VIF T .321736 .032695 -.235859 -.119443 -.128751 7.177 ------ in ------Variable Sig T .066007 .113903 .122872 .849410 .864378 .861252 1.177 1.157 1.161 -3.929 MARITAL .0000 INCOME .0001 AGE .0002 (Constant) .0000 ------------------------ Variables not in the Equation -----------------------Variable Beta In Partial Tolerance VIF Min Toler T Sig T DEGREE SEX CHILDS .005261 .005379 -.071318 -.076702 -.055036 -.053923 .884787 .978994 .812479 .861 .861 .861 .808623 .843368 .762361 .163 .8708 -2.327 .0202 -1.633 .1027 Variable(s) Entered on Step Number 4.. SEX Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error .39826 .15861 .15493 1.24157 Analysis of Variance DF Regression 4 Residual 915 F = 43.12190 Equation Number 1 R Square Change F Change Signif F Change Sum of Squares 265.88718 1410.45956 Signif F = .00498 5.41500 .0202 Mean Square 66.47179 1.54149 .0000 Dependent Variable.. SATFAM SATISFIED WITH FAMILY LIFE ---------------------- Variables in the Equation ----------------------Variable B SE B 95% Confdnce Intrvl B Beta MARITAL INCOME AGE SEX (Constant) .301095 -.058794 .009065 -.195293 1.972884 .029882 .013922 .002500 .083924 .274395 .242449 -.086116 .004159 -.359999 1.434368 .359740 -.031471 .013971 -.030587 2.511401 .332714 -.139082 .118664 -.071318 -------------------------- Variables in the Equation --------------------------Variable SE Beta MARITAL 10.076 INCOME AGE 3.626 SEX (Constant) 7.190 .033020 .305548 Tolerance VIF T .843368 1.186 .032934 -.235859 -.128062 -.138271 .032722 .066007 .109967 .119033 .847809 .858789 1.180 1.164 -4.223 .030648 -.069366 -.070565 -.076702 .978994 1.021 -2.327 .0000 .339714 Partial .316033 ------ in ------Variable Sig T MARITAL Correl Part Cor INCOME .0000 AGE .0003 SEX .0202 (Constant) .0000 ------------------------ Variables not in the Equation -----------------------Variable Beta In Partial Tolerance VIF Min Toler T Sig T DEGREE CHILDS -.002913 -.002970 -.049709 -.048723 End Block Number 1 PIN = .874370 .808350 .979 .979 .799249 .759847 -.090 -1.475 .050 Limits reached. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Summary table ------------Step 1 2 3 MultR .3397 .3750 .3920 Rsq .1154 .1407 .1536 4 .3983 .1586 F(Eqn) SigF Variable 119.764 .000 In: MARITAL 75.048 .000 In: INCOME 55.424 .000 In: AGE 43.122 .000 In: SEX BetaIn .3397 -.1637 .1227 -.0713 .9285 .1406 M. 區別分析 (Discriminant Analysis) The procedure DISCRIMINANT performs discriminant analysis. Discriminant analysis is a statistical technique in which linear combinations of variables are used to distinguish between two or more categories of cases. The variables "discriminate" between groups of cases and predict into which category or group a case falls, based upon the values of these variables. The first task of discriminant analysis is to find the linear combination of variables that best discriminates between groups. As in regression analysis, there are two approaches to variable selection. The direct entry method forces a set of variables into the analysis. Or, you can use stepwise methods to find a set of variables that maximizes discriminating power as defined by various criteria. After the discriminant functions have been computed, you can use coefficients to predict group membership. The grouping variable must be categorical, and the independent (predictor) variables must be interval or dichotomous, since they will be used in a regression type equation. 格式 To operate, you must specify a grouping variables, and a set of discriminating variables. Thus, only two subcommands are required: the GROUPS subcommand, and the VARIABLES subcommand. The GROUPS, VARIABLES and SELECT subcommands must precede any other subcommands and may be entered in any order. An ANALYSIS subcommand specifies the predictor variables to be used in a single analysis. The variables must first have been named on the VARIABLES subcommand. All other subcommands may be entered in any order and apply only to the preceding ANALYSIS subcommand. If any of these subcommands are entered before the first ANALYSIS subcommand or if there is no ANALYSIS subcommand, the entire set of variables named on VARIABLES is analyzed. Optional output is controlled by the OPTIONS and STATISTICS. Exam. DISCRIMINANT GROUPS=OUTCOME (1,4) /VARIABLES=VAR1 TO VAR7 /STATISTICS=3 8 9 11 /SAVE CLASS=PREDOUT 。Only cases for which the grouping variable GROUPS has values 1 2 3 or 4 will be used in computing the discriminant functions. 。The variables on the active file between and including VAR1 and VAR7 will be used to compute the discriminant functions and to classify cases. 。In addition to the default output, the STATISTICS subcommand requests the display of the pooled within groups covariance matrix, the group and total covariance matrices, and the unstandardized discriminant function coefficients. 。The predicted group membership will be savee in the variable PREDOUT, which will be added to the active file if it does not already exist. 兩個局面 Two Phases: the analysis phase and the classification. 分析局面 (The Analysis Phase) - It is related to the calculation of the discriminant function(s) that best distinguish the groups you have specified. GROUPS - This subcommand specifies the name of the grouping variable. VARIABLES - This subcommand identified the predictor variables. ANALYSIS - This subcommand is to request several different discriminant analyses using the same grouping variable, or to control the order in which variables are entered into a stepwise analysis. Exam. DISCRIMINANT GROUPS=SUCCESS(0,1) /VARIABLES=VAR10 TO VAR15,AGE,VAR5 /ANALYSIS=VAR15 TO VAR5 /ANALYSIS=ALL The first ANALYSIS will use variables VAR15 AGE VAR5 to discriminate between cases where SUCCESS=0 and the cases where SUCCESS=1. The second ANALYSIS will use all variables on the VARIABLES subcommand. 進入順序 (Inclusion Levels) - When you specify a stepwise method, you can control the order in which variables are considered for entry by specifying inclusion levels on the ANALYSIS subcommand. Exam. DISCRIMINANT GROUPS=SUCCESS(0,1) /VARIABLES=A B C D E /ANALYSIS=A TO C(2) D E (1) /METHOD=WILKS 。A B C are entered into the analysis first, assuming that they pass the tolerance criterion. Since their inclusion level is even, they are entered together. 。D E are then entered stepwise. Whichever of the two minimizes the overall values of Wilks' lambda is entered first. 注意: 。An inclusion level is an integer between 0 and 99, specified in parentheses after a variable or list of variables on ANALYSIS subcommand. 。Variables with higher inclusion levels are considered for entry before variables with lower inclusion levels. 。Variables with even inclusion levels are entered as a group. 。Variables with odd inclusion levels are entered individually, according to the stepwise method specified on the METHOD subcommand. 。Only variables with an inclusion level of 1 are considered for removal. 。Variables which fail the TOLERANCE criterion are not entered regardless of their inclusion level. Exam. ANALYSIS=ALL(2) This forces all variables into the equation. It is the default. ANALYSIS=ALL(1) This yields a stepwise solution in which variables are entered and removed in the stepwise fashion. ANALYSIS=ALL(3) This enters variables into the equation stepwise, but does not ever remove variables. ANALYSIS=ALL(2) ALL(1) This forces all variables into the equation and then allows them to be removed stepwise if they satisfy the criterion ofr removal. SELECT subcommand -- You can limit the discriminant analysis to cases with a specified value on any one variable with SELECT subcommand. Exam. DISCRIMINANT GROUPS=APPROVAL(1,5) /VARIABLES=Q1 TO Q10 /SELECTION=COMPLETE(1) 。Using only the cases where variable COMPLETE=1. METHOD subcommand -- Use the METHOD subcommand to select any of six methods for entering variables into the analysis phase. Only one METHOD may be entered per ANALYSIS. DIRECT - All variables passing the tolerance criteria are entered simultaneously. This is the defualt method. WILKS - The variable that minimizes the overall Wilks' lambda is entered. MAHAL - the variable that maximizes the Mahalanobis' distance between the two closest groups is entered. MAXMINF - The variable that maxmizes the smallest F ratio between pairs of groups is entered. MINRESID - The variable that minimizes the sum of the unexplained variation for all pairs of groups is entered. RAO - The variable that produces the largest increase in Rao's V is entered. TOLERANCE subcommand -- It specifies the minimum tolerance a variable can have and still be entered into the analysis. The default is 0.001. FIN - It specifies the minimum partial F value a variable must have to entered the analysis. The default is FIN=0. PIN - It specifies the minimum probability of F a variable must have to enter the analysis. If PIN is omitted, the FIN is used. FOUT - It is the maximum partial F a variable can have before it is removed from the analysis. Default is 1.0. FOUT should be less than FIN if FIN is specified. POUT - It is the maximum probability of F a variable can have before it is removed from the analysis. POUT should be greater than PIN, if PIN is used. FUNCTIONS subcommand -- It specifies the number of functions obtained. specify FUNCTIONS=nf, where nf is the number of functions desired. STATISTICS subcommand - You You can request the following statistics: 1 2 3 4 5 means standard deviations pooled within groups covariance matrix pooled within groups correlation matrix matrix of pairwise F ratios. 6 7 8 9 11 12 Univariate F ratios. Box's M test. Group covariance matrices Total covariance matrix unstandardized canonical discriminant functions classification function coefficients OPTIONS subcommand -- it is used to reduce the amount of output produced during the stepwise analysis. 區別局面 (classification phase) -- Once analysis phase is completed, you can use the results to classify your cases. PRIORS subcommand -- By default, DISCRIMINANT assumes equal probabilities for group membership when classifying cases. You can provide different prior probabilities with the PRIORS subcommand. EQUAL -- This is the default specification SIZE -- Proportion of the cases analyzed that fall into each group. If 50% of the cases included in the analysis fall into the first group, 25% the second, and 25% in the third, the prior probabilities are 0.5, 0.25, and 0.25. value list - user specified prior probabilities. A list of probabilities summing to 1.0 is specified. Exam. DISCRIMINANT GROUPS=TYPE(1,5) /VARIABLES=A TO H /PRIORS=.25 .2 .3 .1 .15 。Specifying a list of prior probabilities is often used to produce classification coefficients for samples with known group membership. Classification Options - Three options relating to the classification phase: 9 - classify only unselected cases 10 - classify only unclassified cases 11 - use individual group covariance matrices of the discriminant functions for classification. Display output - You can request a classificationresults table and three types of plots to help you examine the efficiveness of the discriminant analysis. 10 - territorial map 13 - classification results table 14 - casewise classification informaiton 15 - all groups plot 16 - separate groups plots Missing values - by default, cases missing on any of the predictors are used during neither phase. OPTIONS 8 - substitute means for missing values during classification OPTIONS 1 - include missing values Save subcommand -- It allows you to add much of the casewise information produced by STATISTICS 14 to the active file and to specify new varible names for this information. CLASS - save a variable containing the predicted group membership. SCORES - save the discriminant scores. PROBS - save each case's probabilities of membership in each group. Exam. DISCRIMINANT GROUPS=WORLD(1,3) /VARIABLES=FOOD TO FSALES /SAVE CLASS=PRDCLASS SCORES=SCORE PROBS=PRB 。With three groups, the following variables are added to each case: PRDCLASS - predicted group SCORE1 - discriminant score for function 1 SCORE2 PRB1 PRB2 PRO3 - - discriminant prob. of being prob. of being prob. of being score for function 2 in group 1 in group 2 in group 3 FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS DISCRIMINANT GROUPS=RACE(1,3) /VARIABLES=NATENVIR,CAPPUN, XMOVIE /METHOD=WILKS STATISTICS 3 8 9 11 NUMBER OF CASES BY GROUP NUMBER OF CASES RACE UNWEIGHTED WEIGHTED 1 2 3 TOTAL 815 82 12 909 LABEL 815.0 WHITE 82.0 BLACK 12.0 OTHER 909.0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT STEP 1, CAPPUN WAS INCLUDED IN THE ANALYSIS. DEGREES OF FREEDOM WILKS' LAMBDA 0.98107 1 2 906.0 EQUIVALENT F 8.74182 2 906.0 ---------------- VARIABLES IN THE ANALYSIS AFTER STEP VARIABLE TOLERANCE F TO REMOVE SIGNIF. BETWEEN GROUPS 0.0002 1 ---------------- WILKS' LAMBDA CAPPUN 1.0000000 8.7418 ---------------- VARIABLES NOT IN THE ANALYSIS AFTER STEP 1 ---------------MINIMUM VARIABLE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE F TO ENTER WILKS' LAMBDA NATENVIR 0.9993459 0.9993459 3.0740 XMOVIE 0.9994856 0.9994856 0.70895 119-Apr-90 SPSS-X RELEASE 3.1 FOR IBM VM/CMS 20:33:18 Ministry of Education (MOE) IBM 0.97445 0.97953 Page 3090-120E VM/CMS 6 R5.0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT STEP 2, NATENVIR WAS INCLUDED IN THE ANALYSIS. DEGREES OF FREEDOM SIGNIF. BETWEEN GROUPS WILKS' LAMBDA 0.97445 2 2 906.0 EQUIVALENT F 5.89437 4 1810.0 0.0001 ---------------- VARIABLES IN THE ANALYSIS AFTER STEP 2 ---------------- VARIABLE TOLERANCE F TO REMOVE WILKS' LAMBDA NATENVIR 0.9993459 3.0740 0.98107 CAPPUN 0.9993459 8.5195 0.99279 ---------------- VARIABLES NOT IN THE ANALYSIS AFTER STEP 2 ---------------MINIMUM VARIABLE TOLERANCE TOLERANCE F TO ENTER WILKS' LAMBDA XMOVIE 0.9822323 0.9820949 1.0004 0.97230 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT STEP 3, XMOVIE WAS INCLUDED IN THE ANALYSIS. DEGREES OF FREEDOM SIGNIF. BETWEEN GROUPS WILKS' LAMBDA 0.97230 3 2 906.0 EQUIVALENT F 4.26286 6 1808.0 0.0003 ----------------- VARIABLES IN THE ANALYSIS AFTER STEP 3 ---------------VARIABLE TOLERANCE F TO REMOVE NATENVIR CAPPUN XMOVIE 0.9820949 0.9986569 0.9822323 3.3644 8.3293 1.0004 WILKS' LAMBDA 0.97953 0.99021 0.97445 F LEVEL OR TOLERANCE OR VIN INSUFFICIENT FOR FURTHER COMPUTATION. SUMMARY TABLE ACTION VARS STEP ENTERED REMOVED IN 1 2 3 CAPPUN NATENVIR XMOVIE SIG. LABEL 1 .98107 .0002 DO YOU FAVOR DEATH PENALTY 2 .97445 .0001 SPEND $ - ENVIRONMENT 3 .97230 .0003 EVER SEEN X-RATED MOVIE CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTIONS PCT OF FCN EIGENVALUE VARIANCE 1* 0.0253 2* 0.0031 * MARKS THE WILKS' LAMBDA CUM PCT CANONICAL CORR AFTER FCN WILKS' LAMBDA CHISQUARE NATENVIR CAPPUN XMOVIE SIG : 0 0.9723 25.426 6 0.0003 88.93 88.93 0.1570 : 1 0.9969 2.841 2 0.2416 11.07 100.00 0.0560 : 2 CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTIONS REMAINING IN THE ANALYSIS. STANDARDIZED CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION COEFFICIENTS FUNC DF 1 -0.44956 0.84374 0.30074 FUNC 2 0.90054 0.42742 0.07819 STRUCTURE MATRIX: POOLED WITHIN-GROUPS CORRELATIONS BETWEEN DISCRIMINATING VARIABLES AND CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTIONS (VARIABLES ORDERED BY SIZE OF CORRELATION WITHIN FUNCTION) FUNC 1 FUNC 2 CAPPUN XMOVIE NATENVIR 0.86205* 0.26111* -0.43182 0.40616 0.20561 0.89983* UNSTANDARDIZED CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION COEFFICIENTS FUNC 1 FUNC 2 NATENVIR -0.5262835 CAPPUN 1.916619 XMOVIE 0.7166166 (CONSTANT) -3.124272 1.054227 0.9709133 0.1863149 -2.722568 CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTIONS EVALUATED AT GROUP MEANS (GROUP CENTROIDS) GROUP FUNC 1 FUNC 2 1 2 -0.05260 0.49723 0.00415 0.02905 3 0.17472 -0.48006 N. FACTOR FACTOR produces principal components analysis results factor analysis results. and There are no limitations to the number of analyses, the number of variables, the number of extrations, or the number of rotations. You can choose from among six extration techniques. of You can control the number of factors extracted, the number iterations for extration and rotation, and other rotation parameters. You can calculate factor scores and save them on the active file. Four Step Processes: (1) Decide on the variables you wish variables are treated as dependent variables. to analyze. All (2) Decide on an extration technique - principal components analysis or factor analysis. If the factor analysis, you must choose from among the extration techniques available. (3) Decide on a rotation technique. orthogonal and oblique rotations. FACTOR provides several (4) Decide whether you want to save factor scores from the analysis. Three methods of calculating factor scores are available. Four Blocks Subcommands: (1) Variable selection Block; The VARIABLES, MISSING, and WIDTH subcommands can be entered in Variable selection Block. *** VARIABLES *** It is the only required subcommand in FACTOR. Exam. FACTOR SATIS1, SATIS2 TO SATIS10/ * It produces the default principle components analysis 10 scales items. of * Keyword ALL can abe used to reference all variables on the active file. * Variables must be numeric. * Only one VARIABLE subcommand is permitted. *** MISSING To *** select the missing value treatment, specify one of the following keywords on the MISSING subcommand: LISTWISE - delete missing values listwise. The same effect as Default. PAIRWISE - delete missing values pairwise. MEANSUB - replace missing values with the variable mean. INCLUDE - include missing values. DEFAULT - delete missing values listwise. Exam. FACTOR VARIABLES=V1 TO V10/ MISSING = MEANSUB/ * use mean substitution for missing values. *** WIDTH *** You can control the width of the output from FACTOR. The default width is 132 characters, but you can specify any width from 72 to 132. Exam. FACTOR VARIABLES = V1 TO V10/ MISSING = MEANSUB/ WIDTH = 100/ (2) Extration Block; The following subcommands can be applied to extration block subcommand: ANALYSIS, EXTRACTION, PRINT, FORMAT, PLOT, and CRITERIA. *** ANALYSIS *** The subcommand is used to specify a subset of the variables named on the VARIABLES subcommand. Exam. FACTOR VARIABLES=X1 TO X10/ ANALYSIS = X1 TO X8/ * It restricts the analysis to variables X1 to X8. * If you omit the ANALYSIS variables named on the VARIABLES. subcommand, FACTOR uses all * You can use more than one ANALYSIS subcommand. Exam. FACTOR VARIABLES=V1 TO V10/ ANALYSIS = V1 5O V5/ ANALYSIS = V6 TO V10/ * It specifies two complete analyses. *** EXTRACTION *** You use one of the following keywords to specify the factor extraction technique. PC - principal components analysis PA1 - principal components analysis; equivalent to PC PAF - principal axis factoring PA2 - principal axis factoring; equivalent to PAF ALPHA - alpha factoring IMAGE - image factoring ULS - unweighted least squares GLS - generalized least squares ML - maximum likelihood DEFAULT - default is principal components analysis Exam. FACTOR VARIABLES=V1 TO V10/ EXTRACTION=PC/ EXTRACTION=ML * You can given analysis. *** PRINT You specify more than one extraction method for a *** use the PRINT subcommand and any of the following keyword specifications to print results. UNIVARIATE - means, standard deviations INITIAL - initial communalities, eigenvalues correlation matrix, and percent of variance explained of the CORRELATION - correlation matrix SIG - significance levels of correlations DET - the determinant of the correlation matrix INV - inverse of the correlation matrix AIC - the anti image covariance and correlation matrices KMO - the Kaiser Meyer Olkin measure of and Bartlett's test of sphericity. EXTRACTION - communalities, factor loadings sampling eigenvalues, and adequacy unrotated REPR - reproduced correlations and residual correlations the ROTATION - rotated factor pattern and structure matrices, factor transformation matrix, and the factor correlation matrix FSCORE - the factor score coefficient matrix ALL - all available statistics DEFAULT - specifies INITIAL, EXTRACTION, and ROTATION Exam. FACTOR VARIABLES=V1 TO V10/ PRINT=AIC KMO REPR/ EXTRACTION=ML/ ROTATION=VARIMAX *** FORMAT *** The FORMAT subcommand reformats the factor structure matrices to ease interpretability. loading SORT - order the factor loadings by maghnitude. identifying cluster of variables. BLANK(n) - suppress than n. coefficients lower in and It aids in absolute DEFAULT - deactivate blanking and sorting. appear in the order in which they are named. value Variables Exam. FACTOR VARIABLES=V1 TO V10/ FORMAT = SORT BLANK (.3)/ EXTRACTION=ULS/ * It specifies that loadings be ordered by magnitude that loadings smaller in magnitude than .03 not be printed. *** PLOT and *** It is to obtain a scree plot (in descending order) or a plot of the variables in rotated factor space. The needed. scree plot aids in identifying the number of factors EIGEN - plots the eigenvalues in descending order. ROTATION (n1 n2) - plot the variables in factor space. Specify n1 and n2 which are the numbers to be plotted. Exam. FACTOR VARIABLES=V1 TO V10/ PLOT=EIGEN/ EXTRACTION=ULS/ ROTATION=VARIMAX *** CRITERIA *** It is to override extraction and rotation defaults. You can specify one CRITERIA for each extraction. FACTORS(nf) - the number of factors extracted. the number of eigenvalues greater than MINEIGEN. Default is MINEIGEN(eg) - minimum eigenvalue used to control the number of factors. Default value is 1. ITERATE(ni) - the number solution. Default value is 25. of iterations for ECONVERGE(e1) - the Default value is 0.001. convergence criterion for RCONVERGE(e2) - the Default value is 0.001. convergence criterion the factor extraction. for rotation. DELTA(d) - the value of delta for direct oblimin Default value is 0. rotation. KAISER - Kaiser normalization; the default. NOKAISER - no Kaiser normalization DEFAULT - see above for each default value. Exam. CRITERIA = ITERATE (10)/ EXTRACTION=ULS/ *** DIAGONAL *** It is to specify initial diagonal values in conjunction with principal axis factoring. You specify one of the following: valuelist - diagonal values; user supplied diagonal values. DEFAULT - 1 is on the diagonal for principal components or initial communality estimates on the diagonal for factor methods. Exam. FACTOR VARIABLES=V1 TO V4/ DIAGONAL = .55 .45 .35 .40/ EXTRACTION = PAF/ ROTATION = VARIMAX (3) The ROTATION Block If you do not use the rotation method is VARIMAX. EXTRACTION, the default factor If you use the EXTRACTION, but do not use the ROTATION, the factor loadings are not rotated. Keyword: VARIMAX - varimax rotation EQUAMAX - equamax rotation QUARTIMAX - quartimax rotation OBLIMIN - direct oblimin rotation NOROTATE - no rotation DEFAULT - the default is varimax rotation Exam. FACTORS VARIABLES = V1 TO V10/ EXTRACTION=ULS/ ROTATION/ * It specifies varimax rotation. Exam. FACTORS VARIABLES = V1 TO V5/ EXTRACTION=ML/ ROTATION=QUARTIMAX/ ROTATION=OBLIMIN/ ROTATION=VARIMAX/ * It specifies 3 different rotations. (4) Save Block. You use SAVE to compute and save factor scores on the active file. You choose one of the following method keywords: REG - the Regression method BART - the Bartlett method AR - the Anderson Rubin method DEFAULT - the default is the regression method Exam. FACTOR VARIABLES=V1 TO V10/ CRITERIA=FACTORS(2)/ EXTRACTION=ULS/ ROTATION=VARIMAX/ SAVE AR (ALL FSULS)/ * using file. It calculates two factor scores named FSULS1 and FSULS2 the Anderson Rubin method and saves them on the active * Note: The parentheses are required. Exam. FACTOR VARIABLES=V1 TO V10/ CRITERIA=FACTORS(2)/ EXTRACTION=ULS/ ROTATION=VARIMAX/ SAVE AR (ALL FSULS)/ SAVE BART (ALL BFAC) * It saves two sets of factor scores. * The first set is using the Anderson Rubin method. scores named FSULS1 and FSULS2. Factor * The second set is using Bartlett method. named BFAC1 and BFAC2. scores Factor *** WRITE *** It is to write the correlation matrix or the factor loadings to a specified file. Keywords: CORRELATION - write the correlation matrix FACTOR - write the factor matrix DEFAULT - write the correlation matrix * You must use a FILE HANDLE command to define a handle for the file containing matrix materisl, a PROCEDURE OUTPUT command to signal matrix out, and the WRITE subcommand. FILE HANDLE GSS80/ NAME='SYS1' FILE HANDLE MATOUT/ NAME='MATDATA' GET FILE=GSS80 PROCEDURE OUTPUT OUTFILE=MATOUT FACTOR VARIABLES=CONBUS TO CONARMY/ WRITE CORRELATION * Write MATOUT. the correlation matrix to the file referenced by FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS FACTOR VARIABLES=HAPPY SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB SATFIN /EXTRATION=ML /ROTATION=OBLIMIN INITIAL STATISTICS: VARIABLE COMMUNALITY HAPPY SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB * FACTOR * .22419 * 1 .25106 * 2 .24588 * 3 .02935 * 4 EIGENVALUE PCT OF VAR 1.97474 1.02391 .84407 .62170 39.5 20.5 16.9 12.4 SATFIN .14010 * 5 .53558 10.7 ML ATTEMPTED TO EXTRACT 2 FACTORS. MORE THAN 25 ITERATIONS REQUIRED. CONVERGENCE = .00614 CHI-SQUARE STATISTIC: 2.6219, D.F.: 1, SIGNIFICANCE: FACTOR MATRIX: CUM PCT 39.5 60.0 76.9 89.3 100.0 0.1054 FACTOR HAPPY SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB SATFIN 1 .48061 .39379 .41347 .18152 .84174 FACTOR 2 .27676 .60451 .47241 -.01661 -.26495 FINAL STATISTICS: VARIABLE COMMUNALITY HAPPY SATFAM SATFRND .30767 .52053 .39413 - - - - - - - - - - - VARIABLE F A C T O R COMMUNALITY * .03328 .77873 * * SATJOB SATFIN BLIMIN * FACTOR * * 1 * 2 * ROTATION 1 FACTOR HAPPY SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB SATFIN 1 .21780 -.09055 .02051 .16852 .91532 1.29849 .73568 26.0 14.7 EIGENVALUE 1 5 ITERATIONS. PATTERN MATRIX: FACTOR PCT OF VAR A N A L Y S I S FOR EXTRACTION OBLIMIN CONVERGED IN EIGENVALUE FACTOR 2 .42156 .75755 .61833 .02705 -.07961 26.0 40.7 - - - - - - - - - - - PCT OF VAR IN ANALYSIS CUM PCT CUM PCT 1 - KAISER NORMALIZATION. STRUCTURE MATRIX: FACTOR HAPPY SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB SATFIN 1 .40703 .24950 .29807 .18066 .87958 FACTOR 2 .51932 .71691 .62753 .10270 .33126 FACTOR CORRELATION MATRIX: FACTOR FACTOR FACTOR 1 2 1 1.00000 .44888 FACTOR 2 1.00000 O. RELIABILITY It performs an item analysis on the components of additive scales by computing commonly used coefficients of reliability. To use RELIABILITY you must specify a set of variables from which an intermediate matrix is computed, a scale which references variables in the matrix, and a particular model. You can specify multiple sets of variables, multiple scales, and multiple models. Exam. RELIABILITY VARIABLES=ITEM1 TO ITEM5 /SCALE(TESTSCOR)=ITEM1 TO ITEM5 。This will produce the default display, including list of variables, their associated labels, the number of valid cases, number of items, and Cronbach's Alpha. The VARIABLES Subcommand It specifies SCALE subcommands. all the variables to be named on one or more The SCALE Subcommand It specifies the scale to be tested. The SCALE subcommand has an arbitrary scale name in parentheses followed by the set of variables composing the scale. Exam. RELIABILITY VARIABLES=ITEM1 TO ITEM5/ SCALE(RATING)=ITEM1 TO ITEM5/ * The scale name can be a maximum of 8 characters and be composed of the letters A to Z and digits 0 to 9. must The MODEL Subcommand The MODEL specifies the type of reliability follows the SCALE subcommand to which it applies. Exam. RELIABILITY VARIABLES=ITEM1 TO ITEM5/ SCALE(RATING)=ITEM1 TO ITEM5/ MODEL=SPLIT analysis and The following five types of reliability analyses are available: ALPHA - Cronbach's alpha and standardized item alpha. default is ALPHA. The SPLIT(n) - split half coefficients GUTTMAN - guttman's lower bounds for true reliability PARALLEL - maximum likelihood reliability estimate under parallel assumptions STRICTPARALLEL - maximum likelihood reliability estimate under strictly parallel assumptions Optional Statistics RELIABILITY also computes descriptive statistics for variables forming the scale and summary statistics for the scale. STATISTIC 1 - item means and standard deviations STATISTIC 2 - inter item variance covariance matrix STATISTIC 3 - inter item correlations STATISTIC 4 - scale means and scale variances STATISTIC 5 - summary statistics for item mean STATISTIC 6 - summary statistics for item variance STATISTIC 7 - summary statistics for inter item covariances STATISTIC 8 - summary statistics for inter item correlations STATISTIC 9 - item total statistics The OPTIONS subcommand OPTION 1 OPTION 3 - including missing values suppress variable labels Limitations: * maximum of 10 VARIABLES subcommands. * maximum of 50 SCALE subcommands. FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS RELIABILITY VARIABLES=HAPPY SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB SATFIN /SCALE(SATSCALE)=HAPPY SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB SATFIN /MODEL=ALPHA STATISTICS 8 ****** METHOD 2 (COVARIANCE MATRIX) WILL BE USED FOR THIS ANALYSIS ****** R E L I A B I L I T Y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. HAPPY SATFAM - S C A L E SATISFIED WITH THE FRIENDSHIP SATISFIED WITH THE WORK YOU DO SATISFIED WITH FINANCIAL SITUATION 965.0 MEAN MINIMUM MAXIMUM RANGE .2232 .0447 .4482 .4035 VARIANCE 10.0369 (S A T S C A L E) TAKEN ALL TOGETHER ARE YOU HAPPY SATISFIED WITH FAMILY LIFE SATFRND SATJOB SATFIN # OF CASES = INTER-ITEM CORRELATIONS A N A L Y S I S .0178 RELIABILITY COEFFICIENTS ALPHA = .5676 5 ITEMS STANDARDIZED ITEM ALPHA = .5896 MAX/MIN 拾壹、WRITE 指令 (Write Cases) The WRITE command is designed for writing data to be read by other softward rather than by people. The WRITE command operates the same as the PRINT command except that no blank columns are inserted automatically between variables, the system missing value is represented by blanks, and you can write lines longer than 255 characters. Exam. FILE HANDLE NEWHUB/ NAME='HUBDAT' WRITE OUTFILE=NEWHUB TABLE /EMPLOYID '1' MOHIRED YRHIRED SEX AGE JOBCAT NAME /EMPLOYID '2' DEPT79 TO DEPT82 SALARY 79 TO SALARY82 * HURLRY82 (F5.2) EXECUTE * You specifies two records per input case, and a format for variable HOURLY82 to override the F7.2 dictionary format. * TABLE requests a format table on the display file showing how the variable information is formatted. NOTABLE is the default. FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS FILE HANDLE SATDAT/NAME='SAT DATA A1' SAMPLE .05 WRITE OUTFILE=SATDAT TABLE /1 YEAR 1-2 MARITAL 3 RACE 4 SEX 5 AGE 6-7 CHILDS 8 HAPPY 9 SATFAM 10 SATFRND 11 SATJOB 12 SATFIN 13 EXECUTE 7611224322512 7611262612112 7621274221201 7621189821102 7611246111113 7651219022241 7611151022112 7642160822202 7642229122403 7611224311432 7611228122211 7611233212422 7621256124331 7611138211111 7633148826223 7631141722103 7611130111221 7611230312222 7611245311122 7651222021202 7642258222212 7611138512213 7621272522201 7611257122222 7611155322301 7641230434313 7611235522233 7651273023301 7621181112201 7611167231301 7622153431122 7622253623322 7611151011211 7651119032303 7621185322202 8621271022411 8652241024411 8652225022223 8631256322123 8611243012211 8611254311111 8651124011413 8611151311112 8621270223222 8611140221222 8611225421223 8641229222223 8651127212213 8611154622412 8611229122312 8611230024322 8611164111212 8651222022203 8611151211211 8611134111121 拾貳、系統檔 (system files) Variables created or altered by data transformations and the descriptive information for these variables can also be saved on a system file. You can access the system file on subsequent SPSSx jobs or later in the same job without respecifying variable locations, formats, missing values, or variable and value labels. You can update the system file and save the updated version in a new system file. Exam. SAVE OUTFILE=HUBEMPL * To specify the file handle of the system file to be saved. Exam. GET FILE = HUBEMPL * To read the previously saved system file. MATCH FILES - The command combines variables from parallel, nonparallel, and table lookup files into one file. ADD FILE - The command combines cases from two or more files by concatenating or interleaving the cases. FILE HANDLE GSSSYS/NAME='GSS SYS A1' GET FILE=GSSSYS/MAP File GSS SYS A1 Created: 04-APR-90 20:52:32 - 50 variables FILE MAP Result Input1 ----------YEAR YEAR INCOME INCOME PRESTIGE PRESTIGE PAPRES16 PAPRES16 MARITAL MARITAL SIBS SIBS ZODIAC ZODIAC DEGREE DEGREE Result -----ATTEND MAWORK RACLIVE NATENVIR NATEDUC NATFARE NATCRIME NATDRUG Input1 -----ATTEND MAWORK RACLIVE NATENVIR NATEDUC NATFARE NATCRIME NATDRUG Result -----CONPRESS CONLEGIS AGED DIVLAW PORNMORL PORNRAPE PORNOUT PORNINF Input1 -----CONPRESS CONLEGIS AGED DIVLAW PORNMORL PORNRAPE PORNOUT PORNINF RACE CAPPUN CAPPUN XMOVIE XMOVIE RACE SEX AGE CHILDS REGION SIZE POLVIEWS PARTYID RELIG SEX AGE CHILDS REGION SIZE POLVIEWS PARTYID RELIG GRASS BUSING HAPPY SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB SATFIN CONEDUC GRASS BUSING HAPPY SATFAM SATFRND SATJOB SATFIN CONEDUC CHLDIDEL HIT HITOK COURTS USINTL POSTLIFE HELPFUL CHLDIDEL HIT HITOK COURTS USINTL POSTLIFE HELPFUL