Faith in God Activities that Can Be Completed During Primary Talk Ideas January, February 2012. Explain what agency is and what it means to be responsible for your choices. Discuss how making good choices has helped you develop greater faith. (part L&LG 9) March 2012. Read a recent conference address given by the prophet. Decide what you can do to follow the prophet, and do it. (L&LG 4) (Assign a conference talk for a Primary Talk) April 2012. Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan. Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbor. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger. (A great talk topic to discuss the parable and talk about the service project.) (SO 1) May 2012. Mark these verses about the Holy Ghost in your scriptures: John 14:16-17, 2 Nephi 32:5, and Moroni 10:5. Discuss ways the Holy Ghost helps you. (L&LG 3) June, July 2012. Share your feelings about how prayer protects us and helps us to stay close to Heavenly Father and the Savior. (part L&LG 5) June 2012. Read D&C 89. Discuss how Heavenly Father blesses us when we faithfully live the Word of Wisdom. Help plan and conduct an activity to teach the Word of Wisdom to others. (L&LG 7) June 2012. Discuss why it is important to faithfully pay our tithing and how Heavenly Father blesses us when we do (see 3 Nephi 24:10-11). (part DT 1) July, September 2012. Make a list of the qualities you like in a person. Discuss how showing respect and kindness strengthens you, your family, and others. (SO 2) September 2012. List five things you can do to help around your home. Discuss the importance of obeying and honoring your parents and learning how to work. (DT 7) October 2012. Discuss how performing temple work blesses families. (part L&LG 8) Other Possible Topics Explain how taking the sacrament helps you renew your baptismal covenant. (part L&LG 1) Tell a story from the Book of Mormon that teaches about faith in Jesus Christ. Share your testimony of the Savior. (L&LG 6) Read the 12th Article of Faith. Discuss what it means to be a good citizen and how your actions can affect others. (SO 8) Discuss how Developing Talents helps prepare us for service to Heavenly Father and others. (part DT 2) Sharing Time, Music Ideas (by the Theme of the Sharing Time Month) January, February 2012. Explain what agency is and what it means to be responsible for your choices. Discuss how making good choices has helped you develop greater faith. (part L&LG 9) February 2012 Song for Sharing Time. Learn to Sing “Choose the Right.” (part L&LG 9) March 2012. Read a recent conference address given by the prophet. Decide what you can do to follow the prophet, and do it. (L&LG 4) (Assign a conference talk for a Primary Talk) April 2012. Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan. Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbor. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger. (A great talk topic to discuss the parable and talk about the service project.) (SO 1) May 2012. Mark these verses about the Holy Ghost in your scriptures: John 14:16-17, 2 Nephi 32:5, and Moroni 10:5. Discuss ways the Holy Ghost helps you. (L&LG 3) June, July 2012. Share your feelings about how prayer protects us and helps us to stay close to Heavenly Father and the Savior. (part L&LG 5) June 2012. Read D&C 89. Discuss how Heavenly Father blesses us when we faithfully live the Word of Wisdom. Help plan and conduct an activity to teach the Word of Wisdom to others. (L&LG 7) June 2012. Discuss why it is important to faithfully pay our tithing and how Heavenly Father blesses us when we do (see 3 Nephi 24:10-11). (part DT 1) July, September 2012. Make a list of the qualities you like in a person. Discuss how showing respect and kindness strengthens you, your family, and others. (SO 2) September 2012. List five things you can do to help around your home. Discuss the importance of obeying and honoring your parents and learning how to work. (DT 7) October 2012. Discuss how performing temple work blesses families. (part L&LG 8) Any Month: Learn to sing, play or lead a song from the Children’s Songbook. Teach or share the song in family home evening or Primary. (part DT 2) Give an opening and a closing prayer in Primary. (part L&LG 5) Class Time Ideas (You can include these activities in your lessons, ask a child to prepare ahead of time to share, or simply encourage the children to complete the Faith in God activity as “homework” after Primary.) Faith in God Activity Explain how taking the sacrament helps you renew your baptismal covenant. (part L&LG 1) Mark these verses about the Holy Ghost in your scriptures: John 14:16-17, 2 Nephi 32:5, and Moroni 10:5. Discuss ways the Holy Ghost helps you. (L&LG 3) Read a recent conference address given by the prophet. Decide what you can do to follow the prophet, and do it. (L&LG 4) Give an opening and a closing prayer in Primary. (part L&LG 5) Share your feelings about how prayer protects us and helps us to stay close to Heavenly Father and the Savior. (part L&LG 5) Tell a story from the Book of Mormon that teaches about faith in Jesus Christ. Share your testimony of the Savior. (L&LG 6) Read D&C 89. Discuss how Heavenly Father blesses us when we faithfully live the Word of Wisdom. Help plan and conduct an activity to teach the Word of Wisdom to others. (L&LG 7) Discuss how performing temple work blesses families. (part L&LG 8) Explain what agency is and what it means to be responsible for your choices. Discuss how making good choices has helped you develop greater faith. (part L&LG 9) Read and discuss the parable of the good Samaritan. Plan and complete a service project that helps a family member or neighbor. After completing the project, discuss how it helped your faith grow stronger. (SO 1) Make a list of the qualities you like in a person. Discuss how showing respect and kindness strengthens you, your family, and others. (SO 2) Read the 12th Article of Faith. Discuss what it means to be a good citizen and how your actions can affect others. (SO 8) Discuss why it is important to faithfully pay our tithing and how Heavenly Father blesses us when we do (see 3 Nephi 24:10-11). (part DT 1) Learn to sing, play or lead a song from the Children’s Songbook. Teach or share the song in family home evening or Primary. (part DT 2) Discuss how Developing Talents helps prepare us for service to Heavenly Father and others. (part DT 2) List five things you can do to help around your home. Discuss the importance of obeying and honoring your parents and learning how to work. (DT 7) Primary 4 Lesson 12, 36 Lesson 3 Primary 2 Lesson 38 Lesson 13 Lesson 2 Lesson 9, 21, 37 Lesson 1, 22, 43 Lesson 10, 18 Lesson 4, 11, 19, 23 Lesson 15 Lesson 30 Lesson 4 Lesson 1, 2, 5 Lesson 39 Lesson 10, 34 Lesson 27, 28, 32 Lesson 10 Lesson 29, 31 Lesson 32 Lesson 34 Lesson 35 Lesson 2 Lesson 30