Centres of Excellence established within the 5th Framework Programme CD-1/RT-4/2002, „TRANSMEC” „Durability and reliability of railway wheel sets” Project goal – Centre of Excellence TRANSMEC is doing research/education work related to rail transport, and in particular to wheel sets issues. It is proposed to strengthen existing and establish new contacts with leading universities and research centers abroad. Some of proposed activities are: international scientific and educational co-operation, organizing conferences and workshops, participating in joint European research projects, disseminating research results, enabling flow of information between research centers from NAS and EU, promoting new research management methods, providing more attractive educational opportunities (post-graduate studies and training courses for industry workers and junior scientists), developing new teaching/research procedures, supporting and promoting participation of industrial companies and SME’s in international research projects, harmonizing NAS regulations on railway wheel sets with EU standards, dissemination of information on the Centre. Expected project result – initiating and strengthening international co-operation within scope of ERA. Coordination of the project: dr hab. inż. Marek Sitarz, prof. nzw w Pol. Śl., Faculty of Transport, e-mail: marek.sitarz@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.12.2002 – 30.11.2005 r Budget: 354.645 Euro CD-3/RMF-1/2003, „GADAM” GADAM Centre “Centre of Excellence Gliwice Absolute Dating Methods” Through the proposed project we intend to: 1. 2. Increase the research potential of the GADAM Centre in fields of luminescence, radiocarbon and other physical dating methods, and their applications in environmental and earth sciences. We will achieve this by increasing networking with absolute dating laboratories in Europe. Strengthen an integration of different scientific disciplines by organizing conferences, workshops and interdisciplinary studies in applications of radioisotope and stable isotope methods for natural scientists. 3. Enlarge an existing computer database, with a public internet access, containing results of radiocarbon dating and create a new one containing luminescence dating results, and to maintain internet availability of both to general scientific society. Participant Organization Country: LABORATOIRE DES SCIENCES DU CLIMAT ET DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT FRANCE DATING LABORATORY, UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI FINLAND NORDIC LABORATORY FOR LUMINESCENCE DATING RISOE NATIONAL LABORATORY AARHUS UNIVERSITY DENMARK MASS SPECTROMETRY LABORATORY MARIA CURIE - SKŁODOWSKA UNIVERSITY POLAND INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES, POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES POLAND NERC RADIOCARBON LABORATORY, SCOTTISH ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGY PARK SCOTLAND RESEARCH LABORATORY OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE HISTORY OF ART UNITED KINGDOM INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS NICOLAUS COPERNICUS UNIVERSITY POLAND LEIBNITZ-LABOR FOR RADIOMETRIC DATING AND ISOTOPE RESEARCH CHRISTIAN ALBRECHTS UNIVERSITY GERMANY RUDER BOSKOVIC INSTITUTE, DIVISION OF EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS AND LABORATORY FOR MEASUREMENTS OF LOWLEVEL ACTIVITIES CROATIA INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES UKRAINE INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF MATERIAL CULTURE, RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE RUSSIA POZNAN RADIOCARBON LABORATORY, FOUNDATION OF THE A, MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY POLAND GDANSK TL DATING LABORATORY, GDANSK UNIVERSITY POLAND DENDROCHRONOLOGICAL LABORATORY, UNIVERSITY OF MINING AND METALLURGY POLAND DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY AND PALEOGEOGRAPHY UMCS POLAND Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. Anna Pazdur, Department of Physics, Silesian University of Technology e-mail: anna.pazdur@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.01.2004 – 30.06.2008 Budget: 191.755 Euro CD-2/RMF-1/2002, „CESIS” „Centre of Excellence in Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Interfaces and Sensors”. The specific objectives of the CESIS Centre are: 1. To contribute to further development of Centre as the internationally recognised research centre in the field of physics and technology of semiconductor surfaces, interfaces and thin film gas sensors, 2. To improve and intensify the links of the Centre with chosen European research centres which can help to transform the R&D potential of the Centre towards advanced fields of physics and technology of semiconductor interfaces and gas sensors. The activity of CESIS Centre is organised in 9 Work Packages is focused on: 1. Organisation of the advanced specialized international workshops, with an attendance of the top level experts from Europe invited to present the wide aspects of their respective field of expertise, 2. Advanced research on various aspects of technology and characterisation of the semiconductor surfaces, interfaces and gas sensor thin film structures, in close collaboration with chosen European centres having an access to high level measurement and technological system not available in the Centre, 3. Educational tasks aimed at education and training of students and young researchers in the analytical techniques applicable for study of the semiconductor surfaces, interfaces and sensors with participation of the foreign and national experts. Participant Organization Country: CENTRE OF INTERFACE ANALYSIS AND SENSORS AT THE INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF TUEBINGEN GERMANY CENTRE FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (CUST) AT THE B. PASCAL UNIVERSITY FRANCE INSTITUE FOR STUDY OF NOVEL MATERIALS FOR ELECTRONICS ITALY RESEARCH CENTER OF INTERFACE QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, UNIVERSITY OF HOKKAIDO JAPAN ECOLE CENTRALE DE LYON, ECULLY FRANCE INSTITUE OF PHYSICS, TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CHEMNITZ GERMANY INSTITUTE OF ELECTRON TECHNOLOGY POLAND INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS, ACADEMY OF MINING AND METALLURGY POLAND Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Szuber, Department of Physics, Silesian University of Technology e-mail: jacek.szuber@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.12.2002 – 30.11.2005 r. Budget: 185.799 Euro CD-4/RIE-8/2003, „DEMETER” “Environmental biotechnology research centre” The Demeter project is to establish twinning arrangements with two leading European centres – LabMET of University of Gent and Environmental Engineering Group of EAWAG and to improve links with other EU partners as well as to re-establish the co-operation with Eastern European partners. This new co-operation and Ph. D. student exchange will allow enlarging R&D potential of the Centre with cotreatment techniques (combining biological methods with other processes) and ecotoxicological risk assessment knowledge and increasing the participation in FP6 projects. DEMETER project proposes integration of Polish and Eastern European specialists involved in environmental biotechnology with EU partners by creating a platform of knowledge and experience exchange at the periodical conference “Soil and Groundwater bioremediation”. The Centre will also improve the links with local authorities and industry helping them in the integration process with EU by offering different levels of studies and courses. Participant Organization Country SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE FOR ENVIROMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EAWAG SWITZERLAND UNIVERSITY OF GENT BELGIUM VIENNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AUSTRIA UNIVERSITE DE METZ FRANCE ATV-DVWK, GERMAN ASSOCIATION OF WATER, WASTEWATER AND WASTE GERMANY UNIVERSITY OF SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA SPAIN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CLAUSTHAL GERMANY INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE SCHOOL (IHI) GERMANY UNIVERSITY OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY CZECH REPUBLIC PRAGUE INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY CZECH REPUBLIC MATEJ BEL UNIVERSITY SLOVAKIA VILNIUS GEDIMINAS TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY LITHUANIA UNIVERSITY OF VESZPREM BULGARIA STATE INSPECTION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION POLAND POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING POLAND INSTITUTE FOR ECOLOGY OF INDUSTRIAL AREA POLAND WATER AND WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT COMPANY POLAND Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Korneliusz Miksch, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, e-mail: korneliusz.miksch@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.12.2002 – 30.11.2005 r. Budget: 231.635 Euro CD-5/RIE-1/2003, „ENTER-INDOOR” „Centre for energy efficient technologies and systems in indoor environmental engineering” ENTER-INDOOR Centre for Energy Efficient Technologies and Systems in Indoor Environment Engineering affiliated to the Department of Heating, Ventilation and Dust Removal Technology, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland. The Centre is aimed at stimulating the enlargement of the presence of modern, energy efficient solutions in the field of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning in the design and construction practice and in the research area in Poland. Educational and information measures undertaken to disseminate the knowledge coming from European specialist centers among the professional circles cover the following problems: a) new concepts implemented in the processes of ventilation, heating, air-conditioning and space cooling (e.g. application of renewable energy sources, energy storage) as well as in building engineering (e.g. modern methods of heat of losses reduction), b) calculation and design tools for integrated simulation of energy and indoor environment state in buildings, c) measuring and control techniques for the assessment and maintenance of the parameters of HVAC systems and indoor climate (e.g. human thermal sensation, reduction and estimation of indoor environment exposures). Participant Organization Country TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF DENMARK IN LYNGBY, INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR INDOOR ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY DENMARK ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IN STOCKHOLM SWEDEN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN LIEGE BELGIUM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF AALBORG DENMARK FRAUNHOFER INSTITUT FUR SYSTEMTECHNIK UND INNOVATIONSFORSCHUNG GERMANY UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO JAPAN CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE CZECH REPUBLIC UNIVERSITE LA ROCHELLE LAPTAB FRANCE UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE SCOTLAND TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT BERLIN GERMANY UNIVERSITEIT STUTTGART GERMANY TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT EINDHOVEN NETHERLANDS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN – ENERGY RESEARCH GROUP IRELAND SCHOOL OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT ENGLAND ASSOCIAAAO PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO DA AERODINAMICA INDUSTRIAL PORTUGAL UNIVERSIADADE DE PORTO PORTUGAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOFIA BULGARIA PLATFORMA SOLAR DE ALMERIA SPAIN SLOVAK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SLOVAKIA CENTRE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE DU BATIMENT FRANCE FINNISH INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAAL HEALTH FINLAND TAKE FINNISH DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR BUILDING SERVICES LTD. FINLAND TRANSSOLAR ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH GERMANY OVE ARUP & PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL LTD. ENGLAND FLOMERICS LTD. ENGLAND INSTITUTE FOR RISK ASSESSMENT SCIENCES NETHERLANDS Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Zbigniew Popiołek, Department of Heating, Ventilation and Dust Removal Technology e-mail: zbigniew.popiolek@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.01.2003 – 31.12.2005 r. Budget: 175.000 Euro CD-6/RIE-6/2003, „OPTI-ENERGY” „Optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems and processes” Objectives: Intensification of networking with over 20 European Universities, capacity building through attracting young researchers by organizing international PhD studies, extension of research activities of the centre, enhancement of the cooperation with the industry by organizing workshops, cooperation with the local governments in Poland in education of specialists on energy policy for Polish communes. the long term aim is the know-how transfer from Centre to several Polish enterprises and organizations working in the energy sector. Expected results: The outcome of the activities of the centre comprise the organization of: three one week summer schools addressed mainly to the Polish researchers both from the centre itself and other research institutions, four international conferences, two international workshops for PhD students from Poland and cooperating institutions, four seminars for the industry, one workshop for the local government, two twinning agreements with institutions cooperating in the project, mobilties of all categories of the research staff. Participant Organization Country ABB CORPORATE RESEARCH POLAND ASSOCIATION OF POLISH CITIES POLAND ASSOCIATION OF POLISH COUNTRIES POLAND BRUNEL UNIVERSITY UNITED KINGDOM UNIVERSITY “POLITEHNICA” OF BUCHAREST ROMANIA CENTRO POLITECNICO SUPERIOR UNIVERSIDA DE ZARAGOZA SPAIN ENERGOPROJEKT KATOWICE S.A. POLAND LABORATOIRE D’ENERGETIQUE ET DE MECAIQUE APPLIQUEE UNIVERSITE NANCY FRANCE INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO PORTUGAL NATIONAL METALLURGICAL ACADEMY OF UKRAINE UKRAINE NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS GREECE NOVA GORICA POLYTECHNIC SLOVENIA RYBNIK POWER PLANT POLAND SOUTHERN ENERGY CONCERN POLAND SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SWITZERLAND TEMPERE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FINLAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF KOSICE SLOVAKIA TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT BERLIN GERMANY TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT CLAUSTHAL GERMANY UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE ITALY UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN BELGIUM UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS UNITED KINGDOM UNIVERSITY OF MAGDEBURG GERMANY UNIVERSITY OF ROME LA SAPIENZA ITALY MOSCOW POWER ENGINEERING INSTITUTE, TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY RUSSIA UNIVERSITY OF ULSTER UNITED KINGDOM UNIVERSITY OF WALES SWANSEA UNITED KINGDOM Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż Ryszard Białecki, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, e-mail: ryszard.bialecki@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.01.2003 – 31.12.2005 r Budget: 325.000 Euro Projects co-financed by the European Commission in the 6 Framework Programme, which have been realized at Silesian University of Technology since 2004. UE-15/RMF-1/2004/6.PR „GOSPEL” COMPLETED „Network of Excellence: General Olfaction and Sensing Projects on a European Level”. The network of excellence GOSPEL (General Olfaction and Sensing Projects on a European Level) aims to establish Europe as a world leader in science, technology development and subsequent commercial exploitation of artificial olfaction and gas sensing. GOSPEL will provide a landscape of European capability in artificial olfaction and will identify the barriers to its exploitation and provide measures to overcome them. It will identify services required by industry, develop the offering and put in place the necessary legal and organisational structures to implement them. The network aims to produce a long-term restructuring of European research through the formation of a revenue-generating self-sustaining entity, a European Research Interest Group (ERIG) based on the legal model of an EEIG. GOSPEL will enable early-stage and established researchers to develop multi-disciplinary approaches to this subject through a comprehensive training and exchange programme. The scientific goals include (1) thorough understanding of the biological sense of smell and mimic its relevant functions (2) provision of an objective, quantitative assessment of gases and odours, and (3) provision of the means to monitor technically relevant and non-odorant gases even in complex mixtures. The participants' expertise focuses around three main areas of interest is realized within the centres of excellence (CoE), dedicated to microsystem research ("hardware"), the development of algorithms and data processing methods ("software"), and fundamental research in biological olfaction and data processing ("biomimetics"), as well as on Training Centre (TC) responsible for the training and exchange activities, and Application Centre (AC) responsible for the creation the links between academia and industry. Participant Organization Country ASSOCIATION POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT, DE L'ECONOMIE ET DES RECHERCHE DE MIDI-PYRENEES FRANCE TELECOM ITALIA LEARNING SERVICES S.P.A. ITALY UMEA UNIVERSITET SWEDEN EIDGENOESSISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE ZUERICH SWITZERLAND : KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HOGSKOLAN SWEDEN UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA "TOR VERGATA" ITALY ASSOCIATION POUR LA RECHERCHE ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT DES METHODES ET PROCESSUS INDUSTRIELS FRANCE FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FOERDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V. GERMANY INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE EN INFORMATIQUE ET EN AUTOMATIQUE FRANCE STEINBEIS GMBH & CO. KG FUER TECHNOLOGIETRANSFER GERMANY MAX-PLANCK GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FOERDERUNG DER WISSENSCHAFTEN E.V. GERMANY UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA ITALY UNIVERSITAD DE BARCELONA SPAIN CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE FRANCE ALBERT-LUDWIGS-UNIVERSITAET FREIBURG GERMANY UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA ITALY CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE ITALY UNIVERSITAET BREMEN GERMANY KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET SWEDEN UNIVERSITE DE NEUCHATEL SWITZERLAND LINKOEPINGS UNIVERSITET SWEDEN POLITECHNIKA SLASKA POLAND VDI/VDE INNOVATION + TECHNIK GMBH GERMANY THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER UNITED KINGDOM Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Szuber, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, e-mail: jacek.szuber@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.01.2004 – 30.06.2008 Budget: 167 000 Euro UE-16/RIE-5/2004/6.PR „CFD TURBOMACHINERY” COMPLETED „Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant: Numerical research on the 3-D compressible flow in turbomachinery channels to estimate the losses, to increase the flow efficiency and to minimize the harmful impact on environment”. Until now the significant part of the world electrical and heat energy is produced by means of steam or gas turbine, which are the main part of the power and on the reduction of the toxins emission. The numerical calculations of the flow through the turbines channels (stages) are very complicated and time consuming, therefore require an efficient numerical code. In these types of flows we have to take into consideration an additional physical phenomena, like condensation in steam turbines or chemical reactions in gas turbines. The first purpose of the research on an improvement of the flow efficiency in turbo machinery is to apply and develop a numerical code elaborated during the two years of the initial Marie Curie Individual Fellowship. This code was related to estimate the losses in the flow of the steam in the stages of LP (low pressure) steam turbine. In this case the numerical simulation was based on the time dependent 3-D Reynolds averaged Nervier-Stokes equations, which were coupled with a two-equation turbulence model (k-o SST model) and additional mass conservation equations for the liquid phase (two for homogeneous and one for heterogeneous condensation). The set of governing equations was closed by a real gas equation of state, so called 'local' gas equation of state. The condensation phenomena were modelled based on the classical nucleation theory of Volume, Freckle and Zeldovich. The Gyarmathy's droplet growth equation was used. The system of governing equations was discredited on a multi-block structured grid using the finite-volume method and integrated in time using an explicit Runge-Kutta method. This numerical code will be developed to the calculations of the flow in gas turbines. The applied 'local' real gas equation of state will be suitable to the calculations of the high temperature gas flow. The second purpose is to create of an internet page devoted to the elaborated CFD software. Coordination of the project: dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Wróblewski, prof. nzw. w Pol. Śl. Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering e-mail: wlodzimierz.wroblewski@polsl.pl Duration time: 20.01.2004 – 19.01.2005 Budget: 14 175 Euro UE-17/RT-4/2004/6.PR „SPURT” „Seamless Public Urban Rail Transport”. Rail mass transit vehicles which are defined as 'trams, light rail, metros' do very often not behave as expected when running on the existing rail infrastructure, although the vehicles may well be fully compatible with the specifications of the buying authorities and they may well have passed the acceptance tests. A particular vehicle may perform well in one particular network and the same vehicle can show important problems in another network. Many operators have different types of vehicles on their infrastructure. Most operators have also different types of track systems in their network. They want the different existing and future vehicles to perform well in their complete existing and future network. This is one of the reasons why most vehicles today are built to local specifications. It is mandatory to first solve some major track related problems before to be able to increase the technical harmonisation for vehicles and hence the potential of these vehicles to be used in other cities. The advantages will be enormous: higher residual value of vehicles, higher scope for vehicle leasing, higher vehicle production series and hence reduction of manufacturing cost and production lead times. The major track related problems which are to be identified and solved are: Participant Organization FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FOERDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V. Country GERMANY SILESIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY POLAND ANSALDOBREDA S.P.A. ITALY DYNAMICS, STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL SA BELGIUM LUCCHINI SIDERMECCANICA SPA ITALY TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET DARMSTADT GERMANY AMEC SPIE RAIL FRANCE SILESIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY POLAND LUCCHINI SIDERMECCANICA SPA ITALY TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET DARMSTADT GERMANY DYNAMICS, STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL SA BELGIUM POLITECNICO DI MILANO ITALY SOCIETE DES TRANSPORTS INTERCOMMUNAUX DE BRUXELLES BELGIUM AMEC SPIE RAIL FRANCE ANSALDOBREDA S.P.A. ITALY POLITECNICO DI MILANO ITALY SOCIETE DES TRANSPORTS INTERCOMMUNAUX DE BRUXELLES BELGIUM Coordination of the project: dr hab. inż. Marek Sitarz, prof. nzw w Pol. Śl., Faculty of Transport, e-mail: marek.sitarz@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.12.2003 – 30.11.2006 extended till 31.05.2007r. Budget: 48 000 Euro UE-18/RB-6/2004/6.PR „REPROCITY” „Research and training on restoration and protection of the city environment in industrial regions”. The project deals with the Built Environment. Majority of human existence are situated in cities where the huge part of the society spends 90% of their life. Though the quality of Built Environment is usually assessed from the functional, aesthetic and after many years from the historical point of view, these are structural engineers who assure its safe existence. The project concentrates on solving structural and constructional problems connected with protection and restoration of existing and deteriorate d city built environment. The built environment, which has no ability of self-regeneration, depends only on the human aid. This refers particularly to the built environment in industrial regions. Fast development of the cities and need of modernisation cause that the existing building infrastructure must be still adjusted to the changing human needs. These threats and needs generate serious structural and constructional problems, which should be permanently solved in cities all over Europe. Solving these problems we determine the following research area of this project: 1. Analytical assessment and prediction of structural safety threats appearing due to actions undertaken in the city (tunnelling, deep excavations, mining activity in the vicinity of existing buildings). 2. Durability of building materials subjected to environmental impact. 3. Recognition of the current state of threatened object, assessment of its structural safety, and design of protection and strengthening. 4. Structural problems connected with modernising of old buildings (sometimes monumental) and revitalising of post-industrial sites. These topics will be developed both on analytical and experimental way. Following issues will be developed in four Working Groups: 1. The influence of ground subsidence on built environment 2. Case study on building materials durability 3. Strengthening methods. 4. Protection of city cultural heritage. Participant Organization Country BUDAPESTI MUSZAKI ES GAZDASAGTUDOMANYI EGYETEM HUNGARY UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO PORTUGAL SLOVENSKA TECHNICKA UNIVERZITA V BRATISLAVE SLOVAKIA NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS GREECE UNIVERSIDADE DE BEIRA INTERIOR PORTUGAL FACULDADE DE CIENCIAS E TECNOLOGIA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA PORTUGAL POLITECNICO DI TORINO ITALY UNIVERSITY OF GLAMORGAN UNITED KINGDOM KINGSTON UNIVERSITY UNITED KINGDOM CITY UNIVERSITY UNITED KINGDOM TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET DRESDEN GERMANY VYSOKA SKOLA BANSKA - TECHNICKA UNIVERZITA OSTRAVA CZECH REPUBLIC Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Majewski, Faculty of Civil Engineering, e-mail: stanislaw.majewski@polsl.pl Duration time: 1.10.2004 – 30.09.2008 Budget: 742 669 Euro UE-19/RPK/2004/6.PR „PL-MOC NETWORK” COMPLETED „Polish Network of Mobility Information Centres”. In order to improve the living and working conditions of mobile researchers in Europe, the European Commission has initiated the creation of the European Network of Mobility Information Centres. The Polish Ministry of Scientific Research has recognized the above-mentioned initiative and appointed the NCP-Poland to submit the proposal, which aims at establishing the Polish Network of Mobility Information Centres (PL-MoC). The main objective of the 3-year project is to offer researchers and their families comprehensive and up-to-date information and personalised assistance in all matters relating to their professional and daily lives (visa, work permit, social and health security, pension rights, taxation, apartment rental or housing, language courses, childcare facilities and schooling, culture and leisure activities, etc). This objective will be achieved by joint efforts of the already existing organisations within the Polish network of Contact Points since new responsibilities of complementary assistance to mo bile researchers, host institutions and public administration will be assigned to them. The network will be managed by the Bridgehead Organisation and 10 regional Mobility Centres. Thus, the structure of the work plan and the overall methodology of the project have been designed in order to achieve the core objectives resulting from the thorough mapping exercise. Firstly, the reliable sources of information will be identified and information collected. On that basis, the national and regional web-sites for mobile researchers will be developed. Furthermore, the proximity assistance will be offered by well-trained and professional personnel of MoC network (help-desk). The entire PL-MoC network will be widely recognized thanks to promotional and awareness-raising campaign. Participant Organization Country POLITECHNIKA SLASKA POLAND TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY SZCZECIN POLAND POLITECHNIKA GDANSKA. POLAND UNIWERSYTET LODZKI POLAND POLITECHNIKA KRAKOWSKA POLAND POLITECHNIKA WROCLAWSKA. POLAND UNIVERSITY OF WARMIA AND MAZURY IN OLSZTYN. POLAND ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION POLAND INSTITUTE OF AGROPHYSICS - POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES POLAND Coordination of the project: mgr Danuta Obracaj, International Relations Office, e-mail: danuta.obracaj@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.02.2004 – 31.01.2007 Budget: 17 000 Euro UE-20/RM-7/2004/6.PR „ACTIVATION” COMPLETED „Superhigh energy milling in the production of hard alloys, ceramic and composite materials”. Super high energy ball milling with the help of novel laboratory and industrial planetary mills had been applied for the development of new materials and technologies based on particle size reduction and mechanical activation of particles. Fundamental aspects of mechanical activation of materials had been studied. Improved performance of new materials had been achieved by means of finding an optimal balance between the size effects and effects of mechanical activation of particles. The specific feature of the project is the use of the planetary mills characterized by dramatically higher energy density than conventional milling equipment. The main groups of materials studied in this project were hard alloys, intermetallics and composites, salons and multi component ceramic oxides. Processing studies had been carried out for developing technologies and materials for applications in various industrial fields. Optimisation studies of the processing procedures and materials performance evaluation in the industrial environment will follow. The aims of the project included development of technologies providing high-volume production of Nan scale materials at low cost and technologies of recycling of solid materials in a fast, efficient and environmentally friendly process. Technological developments exploited novel industrial planetary mills of continuous mode. Applications of the approach in various fields of industry including manufacturing of cutting tools, production of special refractories, production of advanced ceramics, development of hard thin coatings, development of improved thermal spray coatings, had been investigated. Participant Organization Country PYROGENESIS S.A. GREECE FUNDACION CIDETEC (CENTRE FOR ELECTROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES) SPAIN TEER COATINGS LTD. UNITED KINGDOM INSTYTUT METALI NIEZELAZNYCH POLAND TECHNICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF DISINTEGRATION LTD. RUSSIAN FEDERATION BUSINESS AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT S.A. GREECE ST. PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY RUSSIAN FEDERATION POLITECHNIKA SLASKA POLAND MATHIOS REFRACTORIES S.A. GREECE EADS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH GERMANY DUMLUPINAR UNIVERSITY TURKEY Coordination of the project: dr hab. inż. Małgorzata Sopicka-Lizer, prof. nzw. w Pol. Śl., Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy, e-mail: malgorzata.sopicka-lizer@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.07.2004 – 30.06.2007 Budget: 132 000 Euro UE-2/RT-4/2004/6.PR „EURNEX” „European Rail Research Network of Excellence”. EURNEX - the European Rail Research Network of Excellence - was created in January 2004 and aims to integrate a fragmented research landscape, promote the railways contribution to sustainable development and improve the competitiveness and economic stability of the European rail sector. EURNEX members include 63 universities and research centres from 18 EU Member States and Russia, as well as key railway associations, such as UIC, UITP, and UNIFE. EURNEX has developed a Knowledge Management System which offers, interlaid, comprehensive information about the findings of all important rail-related projects implemented in Europe in recent years, and is planned to be open to the public (on a commercial basis) in 2006. The Strategic Objectives: To create a customer oriented and durable Network of Excellence (NoE) to provide European leadership and world class performance To integrate the Excellences of the fragmented European rail research landscape To provide coherent and integrated knowledge and innovation services from universities and research centres to operators and supply industry To contribute to improved competitiveness and economic stability of the railway sector & industry EURNEX involves the Rail Research Excellencies in Europe: 63 universities and research centres from, 18 EU member states and Russia, more than 600 researchers, the international associations UNIFE, UIC and UITP represent the research customers: operators and supply industry incl. SMEs Duration: 1 January 2004 - 31 December 2007 Supported by the EU with 6 Mio. - grant for integration Coordinator: FAV Berlin The EURNEX Joint Programme of Activities (JPA) The Joint Programme of Activities outlines the processes to develop the sustainable and long lasting NoE EURNEX Creation of a comprehensive database comprising EURNEX members competencies and facilities Establishment of a programme to foster the integration of current research and the mobility of researchers Strengthening and reorganization of research and development efforts Development of education profiles and training courses fulfilling operators' and supply industry's future needs Definition, creation and further strengthening of thematic poles & platforms of excellence Identification of new joint projects based on stakeholders' demands Development of the business case suitable to achieve a durable and long-lasting NoE Coordination of the project: dr hab. inż. Marek Sitarz, prof. nzw w Pol. Śl., Faculty of Transport, e-mail: marek.sitarz@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.01.2004 – 31.12.2008 Budget: 14 660 Euro UE-3/RIE-4/2005/6.PR „PURILEACH” COMPLETED „European purification system for heavily polluted leachate”. European countries use landfill as a disposal method for 60% of their municipal and hazardous waste. One of the main problems associated with landfills is leakage of potentially toxic liquids into soil and groundwater. Biological and chemical wastewater treatment units separately do not achieve high removal efficiency microbial population is not able to survive in such contaminated environment. There is a need to develop new effective and inexpensive methods, based on both microbial and non-microbial leverage and find the way for safe and efficient landfills' water treatment in accordance with EC Landfill Directive. The leachate is generated in the result of the aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of the landfill waste. Treatment of leachate is a complex task due to its nature. A typical leachate is highly contaminated with ammonia, organic contaminants, halogenated hydrocarbons and heavy metals, also with high concentrations of inorganic salts. This wastewater profile is changing from landfill to landfill a s well as with time within the same landfill. The key factors that must be considered and influence treatment facilities design include leachate character and loads, costs and effluent discharge regulations. Research is designed to evaluate optimal leachat e treatment technology based on a modular solution and to develop an integral operational system for wastewater analysis and feedback for working regimes optimisation. The novelty of the proposed technology is the flexible modular approach with "smart" feed back for selection of treatment regimes relevant for processing of the varying in composition wastewater. The envisaged on-site adaptive leachate treatment system consists of the specific technological modules with integrated operational system for regime optimisation according wastewater composition and quantity. The envisaged "on-line" system design is based on decision-table and expert systems techniques for knowledge processing.' Participant Organization Country LOKMIS UAB LITHUANIA OZON KORNYEZETVEDELMI SZOLGALTATOO KFT HUNGARY POLITECHNIKA SLASKA POLAND BIOCENTRAS UAB LITHUANIA UAB-PREKYBOS NAMAI "KRIVIS" LITHUANIA AGAVA UAB LITHUANIA SERVICIOS DE MONTEJURRA,S.A. SPAIN BOMERS ENGINEERING NETHERLANDS HIDRAULICA, DEPURACION Y ECOLOGIA, S.L. SPAIN AQUA ENVIRO LIMITED UNITED KINGDOM Coordination of the project: dr inż. Jan Cebula Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, e-mail: jan.cebula@polsl.pl Duration time: 1.02.2005 – 31.01.2007 Budget: 35 102 Euro UE-4/RAu-2/2005/6.PR „EUAIN” „Europen Accessible Information Network”. EUAIN aims to promote e-Inclusion as a core horizontal building block in the establishment of the Information Society by creating a European Accessible Information Network to bring together the different actors in the content creation and publishing industries around a common set of objectives relating to the provision of accessible information. Accessibility for print impaired people can be an increasingly integrated component of the document management and publishing process and should not be a specialised, additional service. EUAIN will take the broadest definition of content creators and will provide the support, tools and expertise to enable them to provide accessible information. This is now feasible due to recent developments at several levels. From a technical perspective, it is now possible to address key concerns of content creators and providers and coherently address issues such as: automation of document structuring, adherence to emerging standards, workflow support, digital rights management and secure distribution platforms. Similarly, emerging international and European standards provide an excellent basis for the creation of accessible information at a more fundamental level than has previously been possible. EUAIN will establish a fluent communication of experience with standardisation bodies. At a European and national level, there now exists a clear desire on the part of associations of publishers to collaborate closely with experts in order to provide truly accessible materials. However, what is still clearly needed is a focal point to bring these disparate initiatives together. The European Accessible Information Network will provide this cohesion by addressing the key areas and issues, which are of common concern to all the actors in this area. This is an ambitious goal, but the convergence described above makes this both worthwhile and achievable. Participant Organization Country UNIVERSITAET BREMEN GERMANY DOLPHIN COMPUTER ACCESS LIMITED UNITED KINGDOM UNIVERSITAET LINZ AUSTRIA STICHTING FOUNDATION RESOURCE CENTRE LIBRARIES FOR PRINT HANDICAPPED IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES NETHERLANDS ROYAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE BLIND UNITED KINGDOM ORGANIZACION NACIONAL DE CIEGOS ESPANOLES SPAIN ASSOCIATION BRAILLENET FRANCE SILESIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY POLAND FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN PUBLISHERS BELGIUM Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Kozielski, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, e-mail: stanislaw.kozielski@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.11.2004 – 30.04.2007 Budget: 40 500 Euro UE-5/RAu-3/2005/6.PR „MAPPER” „Model-based Adaptive Product and Process Engineering”. In the knowledge age increased cooperation and collaboration among enterprises during the product lifecycle is a global demand. In line with this MAPPER contributes towards the following vision for European manufacturing: "In 2010, agile manufacturing companies can inexpensively form collaborative networks and quickly adapt to market demands". The overall objective that enables our project to approach the vision is: "MAPPER will enable fast and flexible manufacturing by providing methodology, infrastructure and reusable services for participative engineering in networked manufacturing enterprises, demonstrating practical benefits and scientific values in three industrial pilots". The MAPPER solution will consist of four components: a) Reconfigurable visual enterprise models of products, processes and other enterprise aspects. Models described in business terminology enable the cultivation of a web of shared understanding among stakeholders, and management of complex and dynamic networked manufacturing enterprises, b) Participative engineering methodologies, enabling joint product and process design, interdisciplinary and inter-organisational collaboration throughout multiple product life-cycles, c) Secure collaborative service integration platform, enabling enterprises to access each others engineering tools and product data in a collaborative, yet secure manner, d) Customisable work environments for different stakeholders, roles and tasks in networked manufacturing. The platform will enable solution providers and users to jointly customise such environments. Using MAPPER results, enterprises can transform into dynamically networked organisations. Integrating, holistic views of the joint enterprise will lower friction and process losses, resulting in more effective operations, innovative designs, and increased business opportunities. Our approach seeks to extend Europe's competitive advantage, such as the agility, skills and competence of the workforce. Participant Organization Country ACTIVE KNOWLEDGE MODELING AS NORWAY KONGSBERG AUTOMOTIVE AB SWEDEN EVATRONIX SPOLKA AKCYJNA POLAND INGENJOERSHOEGSKOLAN I JOENKOEPING AKTIEBOLAG SWEDEN POLITECHNIKA SLASKA POLAND SINTEF - STIFTELSEN FOR INDUSTRIELL OG TEKNISK FORSKNING VED NORGES TEKNISKE HOEGSKOLE NORWAY ADVICO MICROELECTRONICS GMBH GERMANY FERNUNIVERSITAET IN HAGEN GERMANY UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TRENTO ITALY FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FOERDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V. GERMANY Coordination of the project: dr inż. Adam Pawlak, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, e-mail: adam.pawlak@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.09.2004 – 28.02.2008 Budget: 229 652 Euro UE-6/RPK/2005/6.PR „ECONETUS” „Support for networks creation in the field of Global Change and ECOsystems – from idea through proposal submission and project managing till completion and successful audit”. ECOnetus project aims to provide support for networks creation in the field of Global Change and Ecosystems in Europe and to establish strong cooperation between participants from Member and Associate Candidate Countries. This project's consortium consists of partners from: Poland, Lithuania (representatives of ACCs), the United Kingdom and Austria (representatives of MCs). In this project Poland and Lithuania will act as a bridge between ACCs and MCs while promotion of this project in MCs will be assured by other partners. Good relations with Contact Points from other ACC countries will ensure efficient project results dissemination. The project will actively contribute to the implementation, stimulation, encouragement and facilitation of the participation mainly in the research activities of this priority thematic area among potential RTD projects' participants (from research and industrial units). It also aims to assist all established consortia during a whole "project's life" -from idea through proposal submission and project managing till completion and successful audit. At the beginning of the project participants from MCs and ACCs will have a possibility to get to know one another during brokerage meetings and create consortia (working groups), which will allow opening research groups from MCs to cooperate with participants from ACCs. Later on, established international working groups will have a chance to participate in workshops organized by ECOnetus and then create and consult their proposals with its Scientific Advisory Group and Assistance Group. It is expected that there will be RTD projects submitted by consortia established and assisted by ECOnetus in 6th FP and also in 7th FP. Another aim of the project is to better educate the Contact Points' experts from all ACCs in important and needed expertise of negotiating and managing RTD projects. This will consequently lead to better assistance for researchers and contribute to creation of ERA. Participant Organization Country UNIVERSITY OF GLAMORGAN. UNITED KINGDOM INSTYTUT PODSTAWOWYCH PROBLEMOW TECHNIKI POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK POLAND POLITECHNIKA GDANSKA. POLAND POLITECHNIKA KRAKOWSKA POLAND OESTERREICHISCHE FORSCHUNGSFOERDERUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH AUSTRIA AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES IN LITHUANIA LITHUANIA Coordination of the project: dr inż. Jerzy Mościński, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, e-mail: jerzy.moscinski@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.09.2005 – 31.08.2007 Budget: 35 568 Euro UE-7/RAu-3/2005/6.PR „idealist-extend” COMPLETED „Extension of idealist34 project (the partner search and NCP support network for participation in the IST Priority) to INCO Balkan and NIS countries”. In idealist-extend 9 organisations from 2 EU countries, 3 Western Balkan Countries and 4 Newly Independent States support proposes in their participation in the IST Programme. The partners are IST (Information Society Technologies) NCPs (National Contact Points) or are working in close cooperation with IST NCPs or may establish a NCP in future. Idealist-extend cooperates closely with the project idealist34 (proposal no. 511355), approved in IST Call 2 and started in June 2004. Both projects cover together 41 countries in Europe and neighbour regions and extend the IST project partner search to International Co-operation (INCO) countries. Idealist-extend strengthens NCP related organisations, trains both NCP related organisations and potential proposes in IST related questions, identifies experts for call evaluations and brings together institutions at Info days and workshops. Participant Organization Country IVANE JAVAKHISHVILI TBILISI STATE UNIVERSITY GEORGIA Politechnika Slaska POLAND ECONOMIC CHAMBER OF MACEDONIA MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO BAKU SCIENTIFIC AND TRAINING CENTER AZERBAIJAN LVIV POLYTECHNIC NATIONAL UNIVERSITY UKRAINE INTERNET INSTITUTE CROATIA INFORMATION SOCIETY TECHNOLOGIES CENTER ARMENIA Coordination of the project: dr inż. Tadeusz Grabowiecki, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, e-mail: tadeusz.grabowiecki@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.02.2005 – 31.07.2006 Budget: 40 040 Euro UE-8/RAu-3/2005/6. PR „IST World” COMPLETED „Knowledge Base for RTD Competencies”. The objective of the project is to set up and populate an information portal with innovative functionalities that helps to promote RTD competencies in IST in the NMS and ACC and facilitate and foster the involvement of different research entities in joint RTD activities. The portal will contain information about RTD actors on the local, national and European level, such as persons, research groups, organisations and projects, and their experience and expertise. The portal will improve upon existing on-line services by offering the following functionalities: - Partner Finding Tool - Social Network Identification - Forecasting/Prediction - Expertise Identification. The target user group are organisations from all countries looking for specific RTD competencies, organisations from NMS/ACC wishing to promote their own competencies, and other support actions requiring a knowledge base for their work. The information structure of the portal will be suitable for representing personal and organisational competencies, expertise and social networks. Web forms will be provided for easy selfregistration of RTD actors and we will employ web-mining techniques for automated updates. The portal is based on techniques and tools developed in previous and current research projects. Advanced techniques for automatic data acquisition, classification, knowledge extraction, trend detection and prediction will be implemented as services to support partner search for IST proposals and commercial projects. Techniques from social network analysis will be used for trust net monitoring, authority identification, community identification and monitoring, and prediction of community evolution. Moreover, it will offer a service for community building and maintenance. Extensive promotion activities will be carried out, and a suitable business model will be proposed to ensure the sustainability of the portal services. Participant Organization Country SIRMA GROUP CORP. BULGARIA SLOVENSKA TECHNICKA UNIVERZITA V BRATISLAVE SLOVAKIA USTAV TEORIE INFORMACE A AUTOMATIZACE AVCR, V.V.I. CZECH REPUBLIC JOZEF STEFAN INSTITUTE SLOVENIA TURKIYE BILIMSEL VE TEKNIK ARASTIRMA KURUMU TURKEY INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE IN INFORMATICA - ICI BUCURESTI RA ROMANIA PROJECTS IN MOTION LIMITED MALTA LIETUVOS INOVACIJU CENTRAS LITHUANIA LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATES MATEMATIKAS UN INFORMATIKAS INSTITUTS LATVIA RTD TALOS LTD CYPRUS POLITECHNIKA SLASKA POLAND SIHTASUTUS ARCHIMEDES ESTONIA MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA SZAMITASTECHNIKAI ES AUTOMATIZALASI KUTATO INTEZET HUNGARY COUNCIL FOR THE CENTRAL LABORATORY OF THE RESEARCH COUNCILS UNITED KINGDOM Coordination of the project: dr inż. Tadeusz Grabowiecki, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, e-mail: tadeusz.grabowiecki@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.04.2005 – 30.11.2007 Budget: 25 448 Euro UE-1/RIE-6/2006/6.PR „INSPIRE“ MC RTN „Optimization of Systems, Energy Management and Environmental Impact in Process Engineering”. Currently the energy consumption in the European Union including Associated States amounts to circa 1500 million tonnes (coal equivalent) of primary energy. By 2020, 1600 millions tones will be needed even though the energy utilization efficiency is expected to increase by 18%. Approximately 30% of energy is consumed in industrial processes that are highly energy intensive. The changes in the European energy markets as well as the forthcoming Carbon Tax and emission trading schemes are the primary scientific and technological reasons for establishing this network. The ultimate project objective is to develop a package of tools for optimization of energy usage in industry. Two types of tools are foreseen: the first type is a package of new methodologies for energy usage optimization that includes the thermo-economic analysis (TEA) and the energy life-cycle analysis (ELCA). Both analyses include cost to the environment and to the society due to individual pollutants. The second type includes development of specific software packages for optimization of furnaces principally for the steel industry, the glass manufacturing industry, the cement manufacturing industry and other processes. The INSPIRE network has been configured to bring together different approaches to energy and environment management and by doing so we consolidate the highly fragmented R&D sector in this field. The team includes three important industrial companies (IMPOL, ENEL, GdF), two research organizations (ECN, CUTEC) are small enterprise (Fluent) and ten Universities. Each organization has skills, which are generally of a different nature; together the organizations create a critical mass necessary for the delivery of such a project. Thus, our network is configured so as to reduce to the minimum the time from the development to the implementation of the output from the proposed work. The INSPIRE network advocates the learning by doing philosophy. We anticipate that twenty two early – staged researchers and four experienced researchers will work for a period of four years towards the common goals under the leadership of the leading European scientists. The project comprises the theoretical work, the collection of semi-industrial-scale and industrial scale data as well as the extensive validation studies of the new methodologies. We expect that about fifteen of these early-staged researchers will complete their Ph.D. studies and will be awarded European Doctorates. Participant Organization Country UNIVERSITY OF FIRENZE ITALY TAMPERE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FINLAND NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS GREECE BRUNEL UNIVERSITY UK GAZ DE FRANCE S.A. FRANCE UNIVERSITY OF NOVA GORICA SLOVENIA CLAUSTHALER UMWELTTECHNIK INSTITUT GmbH GERMANY ENERGY RESEARCH CENTRE OF THE NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT OF CLAUSTHAL GERMANY TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN GERMANY FLUENT DEUTSCHLAND GmbH UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS GERMANY VYSOKA SKOLA BANSKA - TECHNICKA UNIVERZITA OSTRAVA ENEL PRODUZIONE Sp. A CZECH REPUBLIC POLITECHNIKA ŚLĄSKA POLAND IMPOL ALUMINUM COMPANY SLOVENIA UK ITALY Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż Ryszard Białecki, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, e-mail: ryszard.bialecki@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.01.2006 – 31.12.2010 Budget: 253 646,50 Euro UE-2/RMF-1/2006/6.PR „ATIS“ MC ToK „Absolute time scales and isotope studies for investigating events in Earth and human history ATIS“ The main goal of the ATIS project is the transfer of knowledge which will result in increasing the research potential of our GADAM Centre and expertise in applying and interpreting results in the fields of radiocarbon and luminescence dating, isotopic studies by means of mass spectrometry and gamma and alpha spectrometry; techniques that find direct application in the fields of climate reconstructions, dating and characterising climatic events in Earth history, assessing human impact on the environment – fields of our laboratory’s intensive activities for many years. The goals will be realised by means of visits of our experienced and more experienced researchers in leading laboratories in the listed fields in the European Community, as well as by accepting researchers in our Centre. The stays of our scientists in the chosen institutions will enable us to start or continue long-term collaboration; our scientists will have the chance to keep their knowledge at the state-of-art level and acquire new skills; through interaction with scientists in partner institutions new ideas and research directions are expected to spring up. Within the ATIS stipends our scientists will carry out research in partner laboratories supplementing the European Quaternary climate reconstructions. It is expected that a considerable number of joined publications will result from the project. On the other hand, researchers from abroad staying in our laboratory through their daily involvement in our laboratory’s activities, partaking in our seminars, taking active role in our internet-based post-diploma course, and assisting supervising diploma and PhD students will be able to transfer their experience and have a direct positive impact on our Centre’s activities. In ATIS, we hope to be able to apply our experience in international collaboration and project coordination gained within the GADAM Centre of Excellence project. Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. Anna Pazdur, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, e-mail: anna.pazdur@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.05.2006 – 14.06.2010 Budget: 451 839,13 Euro www.atis.polsl.pl Participant Organization Country SILESIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (SUT) POLAND EIDGENOSSISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE (ETH) SWITZERLAND AARHUS UNIVERSITY (AU) DENMARK LEIBNITZ INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED GEOSCIENCES (GGA) GERMANY CEA COMMISARIAT A L’ENERGIE ATOMIQUE (CEA) FRANCE SCOTTISH UNIVERSITIES RESEARCH CENTRE (SUERC) UNITED KINGDOM UNIVERSITY OF WALES (UWA) UNITED KINGDOM UE-3/RE-5/2006/6.PR „HYDROGENIE“ STREP „Development and field testing of a compact HTS hydro power generator with reduced investment costs, lowered environmental impacts and strongly Improved performance to reduce the price per KWh“ Hydropower is the largest and most mature source of renewable energy. Hydropower is also sustainable energy 'par excellence'. It replaces fossil energy production and protects nature and society from many harmful emissions such as greenhouse gases and sulphur dioxide which have the worst environmental impact. These environmental advantages already led the European Commission to a strong commitment to support the development of hydropower. High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) combine nearly loss-less flow of electricity with extremely high current densities, when combined with viable refrigeration. Thus, enabling most compact and highly efficient rotating machinery. In the European Union alone, hydropower contributes to the production of about 19% of electricity. Already now hydropower is averting thereby the emission of some 76 million tonnes of CO2 annually. Since generators based on HTS technology can deliver energy at a considerably higher efficiency (+7%), 15.4 GW could easily be produced "for free" on the global scale without any environmental impact. This would be equivalent to roughly 40 conventional power stations that can be deferred due to the use of efficient HTS technology - a significant contribution to the Kyoto-protocol targets. The combination of these two key technologies, HTS power generation and hydropower as such has not been addressed before, despite its large potential. The target of HYDROGENIE is to develop and field test a compact HTS hydropower generator with reduced investment costs, lowered environmental impacts and strongly improved performance to reduce the price per kWhby10%. Key merits of HYDROGENIE include - Reduced investment cost on the generator - Reduced price per kWh for power generation - More energy produced by the same water - Increased quality of generated power - Size and weight savings of about 50-70% on the generator Reduced noise. Participant Organization Country VECTOR FIELDS LTD. UNITED KINGDOM TRITHOR GMBH GERMANY POLITECHNIKA SLASKA POLAND STIRLING CRYOGENICS & REFRIGERATION B.V. NETHERLANDS E.ON WASSERKRAFT GMB GERMANY KEMA NEDERLAND BV NETHERLANDS Coordination of the project: dr hab. inż. Bogusław Grzesik, prof. Pol. Śl., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, e-mail: boguslaw.grzesik@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.07.2006 – 30.06.2009 Budget: 125 050,00 Euro UE-4/Rau-0/2006/6.PR „Re-search IT“ SSA FINISHED „Researchers’ Night 2006 – Re-Search IT in your life!“ Learning is also fun, and scientists love playing and know how to play. These will be the two main theses of the Friday "Researchers Night” on 22 September 2006 in Gliwice. While organizing the event, we have assumed that IT technologies, being the object of research carried out by scientists from our Department, are omnipresent. At the same time, we find it necessary to popularize knowledge related thereto among persons who are not connected with science, including especially the youth. We will prove that issues accompanying technical thoughts of the contemporary world may be pleasant and not that complicated. We will present microprocessors in an exciting and amusing manner based on subjects relating to: molecular biology, medicine, criminology, art, mass media, sport and space travels. Program is rich in scientific contests for the general public, interesting lectures, sports competitions, multimedia presentations, interactive games, concerts, etc. since it was prepared on the basis of young people's ideas. Participants of particular exercises will demonstrate their knowledge, intelligence, physical fitness, and creativity. We will establish an opportunity for presenting various skills, ensuring a high level of emotions at the same time. The superior goal of the event will be, however, the meeting of the public with researchers, who will turn their attention to the attractiveness of scientific career in a colourful and legible for everyone manner. "Stepping down the chair", they will discuss their non-scientific passions. We believe that this will be an inspiration for young people trying to find their place in the present world. The professional organization of the event is guaranteed by world-known scientists. Innovativeness of the Gliwice Researchers Nigh t will encourage young people to creative surveys and will be an alterative to Friday evening. Its participants will be richer of a belief that knowledge streaked with authentic passion is a key to success. Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Rutkowski, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, e-mail: jerzy.rutkowski@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.06.2006 – 31.10.2006 Budget: 19 134,55 Euro UE-5/RT-4/2006/6.PR „ERA-Net TRANSPORT“ CA „ERA-Net TRANSPORT“ The ERA-NET TRANSPORT (ENT) provides operational support to set up cross-national cooperation in transport research. By activating both programme managers and researchers it is the aim to ensure better European cooperation and coordination in transport research. And in the end enhance the outcome of nationally funded research. What is the ERA-NET TRANSPORT? The ERA-NET TRANSPORT programme brings together the transport research programmes from eleven countries. The programme is financed from the EU's 6 th Framework Programme to strengthen the European scientific base and support the structuring of the European Research Area (ERA). The partner countries in the consortium are: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom and from 2007 – Spain and Switzerland. The ERA-NET TRANSPORT aims at providing an instrument to the policy makers and at achieving efficient trans-national research cooperation in the field of transport. This means the opening up of national research programmes to participate in the development of a joint vision, joint procedures, joint programming and joint project management in Member and Accession Countries. The ERA-NET TRANSPORT cooperation is organised around specific research topics or programmes that can be pursued on a multilateral basis depending on the interests of the participating countries. Cooperation is increased step by step when a common approach to the research activities is valuable for each participating country. Why cooperate on transport research? The ERA-NET TRANSPORT is the first initiative in Europe to establish a systematic approach to trans-national cooperation and coordination at the policy strategy level in transport research. What we want to achieve through the ERA-NET TRANSPORT is: Enable target-oriented research cooperation from interested countries outside of the time-consuming procedures of Framework Programmes Increase the efficient use of resources and the quality of national research activities Enable joint activities on tasks that cannot be tackled solely on a national basis Create new research, networking and business opportunities for research managers and policy customers Provide valuable information about European research priorities for the support of national policy making Improve the competitiveness of European research at the world markets To create more and better cooperation in amongst national programmes and projects the ERA-NET TRANSPORT provides a number of tools, which continuously will be updated based on the experiences created in the programme. ERA-NET TRANSPORT (ENT) will set up trans-national cooperation of national research programs in the field of transport. The work is organised in four thematic work packages supplemented by a management work package to ensure the coordinated implementation of the work packages. All essential activities of ENT require the approval of the Management Group (MG), which comprises all partners of the consortium. Coordination of the project: dr hab. inż. Marek Sitarz, prof. nzw. w Pol., Faculty of Transport, e-mail: marek.sitarz@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.07.2005 – 31.12.2007 Budget: 163 995 Euro UE-7/RAu-2/2006/6.PR „GENEPI-ENTB2“ STREP „GENEtic Pathways fort he Prediction of the effect of Irradiation-European normal and tumour tissue bank data base“ GENEPI 2 aims at the qualitative and quantitative further development of the European tissue bank and data base GENEPI-ENTB, established with EURATOM support in FP5. It is dedicated to research radiation effects and in the genetic determinants of the variation in individual radiosensitivity. With tissues from more than 4.200 patients linked to solid outcome data stored, GENEPI is currently the largest infrastructure in this field worldwide. The final aim is to more than triple that number enable the selection of statistically relevant groups for analysis and to keep all future avenues of research open. An inestimable plus vale for the radiotherapy patients, is the data-base linked to it. For each tissue, treatment data (dose distributions with dose gradients, total dose, dose per fraction) and outcome data are recorded. It will be a major objective for GENEPI 2 to develop the tools to make these rich data easily searchable and available for distant querying. Another powerful new feature to be developed in GENEPI 2 aims at creating a logistical shortcut for the quest to identify the hypersensitive phenotype. Tissues will be collected from a group of patients who demonstrated unexpectedly severe response to RT(+/- 1 out of 1000). This action will necessitate the collaboration of a large segment of the European RT community. Major attention will be paid to all aspects of quality assurance. The Consortium will oversee all protocols, use and access. Finally, a close collaboration will be established with the “GENEPI-Low RT” consortium intent on using the GENEPI resource for its proposed “Low dose radiosensitivity” project submitted for this call as well as with the other candidate users a.o. a working party preparing a joint study on radiation response to high doses. ESTRO will be the custodian of ethical issues and handle dissemination, trainings and project management. Participant Organization: EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR THERAPEUTIC RADIOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY Participant Organization: UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT, ONDERZOEKSINSTITUUT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Participant Organization: POLITECHNIKA SLASKA Participant Organization: TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT DRESDEN Participant Organization: UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN Participant Organization: KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN Participant Organization: MEDALAWCONSULT Coordination of the project: dr hab. inż. Andrzej Polański, prof. nzw. w Pol. Śl., Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, e-mail: andrzej.polanski@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.09.2006 – 31.08.2009 Budget: 39 980 Euro UE-8/RAu-2/2006/6.PR „GENEPI-LowRT“ STREP „Genetic Pathways fort he Prediction of the Effects of Ionisoning Radiation: Low Dose Radiosensitivity and Risk to Normal Tissue after Radiotherapy“ Radiation protection of low dose ionising radiation is currently based on linear extrapolation from high doses. Estimates of risk from radiation exposure are based on the mean exposure to a population. The effectiveness of radiotherapy (RT) for many tumours is dose limited to minimise late effects in normal tissue. Clinical observations of adverse effects indicate large variations in individuals. Strategies linking normal tissue and various phonotypical responses at high doses to predict individual risk of normal tissue response have not been successful. The internationally leading, EU funded GENEPI-ENTB provides a valuable resource on normal tissue effects in a large cohort of RT patients. The objective is to couple analysis of cellular responses at low dose with the GENEPI bio-bank, providing an ideal opportunity to address whether differential genome-wide expression responses induced at low dose and inter-individual genetic differences are associated with the development of severe, normal tissue effects. The team of leading European clinical and basic scientists will address the objective by concentrating on non-irradiated skin biopsies or T-cells from breast cancer patients in the GENEPI databank by: i) identify two groups of patients (non- and over responders) who are statistically different in their normal tissue response to RT, ii) taking into account national regulations, ethical guidelines and patient consent, non-irradiated skin biopsies and blood will be collected to establish fibroblast and T-cells and iii) undertake genotyping and functional analysis after low dose and iv) retrospective analyse for correlations between the genetic and functional findings to the severity of normal tissue responses. The knowledge obtained from combining the data from approaches with the GENEPI bio-bank will contribute to better quantification of non-cancer health risks of radiotherapy and identify potential genetic components to environmental and medical exposure. Participant Organization Country INSTITUTE OF CANCER RESEARCH - ROYAL CANCER HOSPITAL UNITED KINGDOM AKADEMISCH ZIEKENHUIS LEIDEN NETHERLANDS POLITECHNIKA SLASKA POLAND EBERHARD-KARLS UNIVERSITAET TUEBINGEN GERMANY TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET DRESDEN GERMANY MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL UNITED KINGDOM Coordination of the project: dr hab. inż. Andrzej Polański, prof. nzw. w Pol. Śl., Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, e-mail: andrzej.polanski@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.09.2006 – 28.02.2010 Budget: 231 700 Euro UE-9/RM-2/2006/6.PR „SIM-TWB“ CRAFT „Accurate Simulation of Tailor-Welded-Blanks to Reduce Process Design Time for the Sheet Pressing Industry SIM-TWB“ The main objective of the SIM-TWB project is to improve the design and manufacture of tailor-welded blank (TWB) components by using accurate numerical simulation and concurrent engineering methodologies. The sheet pressing operations of tailor-welded blanks will be predicted and optimised via simulation so that a viable product and process design is obtained before costly physical prototyping begins. However, in order to successfully use these methodologies it is key to carry out an accurate modelling of the weld seam including the effects of different sheet alignment, type of welding, heat affected zone and the sheet materials. User-friendliness of the new functionality will be an important consideration in an effort to reduce engineer time in defining simulations. This will optimise components as well as the manufacturing process thus enabling tailor-blanks of higher quality to be produced using curved weld lines, new welding techniques, different sheet alignments and high-performance materials not previously considered. Companies benefit since this significantly reduces costs and improves time-to-market and competitiveness. Users benefit since this reduces vehicle weight and fuel consumption while improving safety and environmental concerns. Both experimental and computer modelling will be carried out on new technologies to utilise tailor-welded blanks in the automotive industry that is looking at novel ways of reducing vehicle weight. The work will study recently developed welding techniques such as diode la ser and friction stir welding to enable the use of high-performance steels and aluminium for tailorblanks and will look at novel ways of enhancing pressing techniques in order to provide the sector with new technology in this competitive field. Participant Organization Country QUANTECH AZT SA SPAIN INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO PORTUGAL POLITECHNIKA SLASKA POLAND INSTYTUT PODSTAWOWYCH PROBLEMÓW TECHNIKI POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK POLAND CENTRE INTERNACIONAL DE METODES NUMERICS EN ENGINYERIA SPAIN EUROPEAN FEDERATION FOR WELDING, JOINING AND CUTTING Country: PORTUGAL LASINDUSTRIA - TECNOLOGIA LASER, S.A. PORTUGAL VAB TYCHY CZESLAW TOMKOWICZ POLAND PROGETTAZIONE STAMPI INGEGNERIZZAZIONI TRASFERIMENTO TECNOLOGIE SRL ITALY COM.STAMP SRL ITALY Coordination of the project: dr inż. Monika Hyrcza-Michalska, Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy, e-mail: monika.hyrcza-michalska@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.09.2006 – 31.08.2008 Budget: 70 400 Euro UE-10/RM-2/2007/6.PR „FUTURA“ IP „Multi-functional materials and related production technologies integrated into the automotive industry of the future“ The pressure caused from the Asiatic and American competitors, in terms of volume manufacturing, forces the European automotive industry to continuously promote the development of cost efficient-innovative vehicles, with high-added customer value, increase d personalization capabilities and environmental sustainability. Main objective of the FUTURA IP is to develop vehicle production setups of the future, by integrating cost validated, up to proof-of-concept level, production technologies of MFMs, reducing a t the same time manufacturing costs up to 25% and ensuring key production attributes: TTM efficiency, flexibility, robustness and environmental sustainability. A straight forward, objective-driven research approach, will be utilised, based on the scheme: Specifications - Technology Development - Technology Integration - Technology Validation - Technology Exploitation. The FUTURA Factory will result as the outcome of integrating MFMs and related processing/production techniques in production setups for manufacturing body modules and a flexible vehicle chassis structure consisting of 4 major segments. FUTURA IP will address the state of the art forming and joining processing concepts and requirements of MFMs, including sandwich materials, nano-materials, HSSs, etc. Furthermore, novel vehicle concepts that facilitate MFMs implementation will be addressed, including modular, scalable, hybrid body and chassis structures. The efficient operation of the production setups and their interrelation will be based on production simulation and control. Vehicle variety, safety and environmental friendliness are the major customer/society oriented perspectives to be addressed as well. The consortium embraces major stakeholders of the European automotive industry, i.e. a group of OEMs, a group of material manufacturers and parts/equipment suppliers and a group of RTD partners, all well known for their expertise and infrastructure. DaimlerChrysler AG will act as the IP's Co-ordinator.' Participant Organization Country SCHWEISSTECHNISCHE LEHR- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT SLV DUISBURG/ZWEIGNIEDERLASSUNG DER GSIGESELLSCHAFT FUER SCHWEISSTECHNIK INTERNATIONAL MBH GERMANY FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FOERDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V. GERMANY ASSOCIATION POUR LA RECHERCHE ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT DES METHODES ET PROCESSUS INDUSTRIELS - ARMINES FRANCE POLITECHNIKA SLASKA POLAND BRANDENBURGISCHE TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT COTTBUS (BRANDENBURG UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY COTTBUS) GERMANY HOEGSKOLAN I SKOEVDE (UNIVERSITY OF SKOVDE) SWEDEN UNIVERSITY OF PATRAS GREECE BERTRANDT INGENIEURBUERO GMBH, KOELN GERMANY NOVELIS SWITZERLAND SA SWITZERLAND ACTICM S.A FRANCE SIKA TECHNOLOGY AG SWITZERLAND RENAULT S.A.S : FRANCE VOLVO TECHNOLOGY AB SWEDEN CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT - SOCIETA CONSORTILE PER AZIONI ITALY PORSCHE ENGINEERING GROUP GMBH GERMANY COMAU S.P.A. ITALY Coordination of the project: dr inż. Marek Tkocz, Faculty of Materials Science and Metallurgy, e-mail: marek.tkocz@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.01.2007 – 31.12.2010. Budget: 107 400 Euro UE-11/RIE-8/2007/6.PR „KNAPPE“ SSA „Knowledge and need assessment on Pharmaceutical product in environmental waters” "Pharmaceuticals in the Environment" is an issue receiving growing attention. About 4000 medical compounds are being used in the drugs applied today. It is estimated that worldwide consumption of active compounds amounts to some 100 000 tons or more per year. Consequently, there is a need to highlight the most important questions and issues related to presence of pharmaceuticals in the environment. What we ought to know to understand the occurrence, the fate and the effects of pharmaceuticals in order to se t up environmental risk assessment? By pulling together results of previous and on going EU projects and published data from both governmental sources and scientific literature, by involving manufacturers in supplying data on production and usage of pharmaceuticals, KNAPPE project will carry out the state of knowledge and put emphasis on questions deserving attention such as: - What is the spectrum of most relevant pharmaceutical products (PP's) for the aquatic environment? Which indicators for supporting environmental managers, health authorities? - What is the efficiency of urban and industrial sewage treatment plants over a year? What is the fate and behaviour of PP's in sewage treatment plants? If receiving waters are used for potable water supplies, does the presence of these compounds represent a potential hazard to human health? - Could we solve some problems by environmental or cleaner technologies? - What regulatory approaches, incentives, prevention actions can be implemented in order to lower PP's concentration in the environment? Does a European practical guidance can be developed? - Can the impacts of PPs on the environment be reduced through the use of eco-pharmaco-stewardship approaches including the use of clean synthesis, classification and labelling, and better communication of methods of 'good practice'? - How can we better monitor the environmental impact of a pharmaceutical once it has received a marketing authorisation? Participant Organization Country POLITECHNIKA SLASKA POLAND ECOLOGIC - INSTITUT FUER INTERNATIONALE UND EUROPAEISCHE UMWELTPOLITIK GGMBH GERMANY CENTRE NATIONAL DU MACHINISME AGRICOLE, DU GENIE RURAL, DES EAUX ET DES FORETS FRANCE CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS SPAIN BUNDESANSTALT FUER GEWAESSERKUNDE GERMANY UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH HIGHER EDUCATION CORPORATION UNITED KINGDOM BUREAU DE RECHERCHES GEOLOGIQUES ET MINIERES FRANCE : UNIVERSITY OF YORK. UNITED KINGDOM Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Korneliusz Miksch, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, e-mail: korneliusz.miksch@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.02.2007 – 31.07.2008. Budget: 36 030 Euro Projects have been realized in a frame of „Carbon and Steel” programme: UE-6/RIE-6/2006/WiS „CCTPROM“ „Clean and technology R, D&D promotion and dissemination!“ The aim of this project is to provide valorisation of the technical achievements of the CCT R,D&D activities arising from the ECSC and RFCS coal utilization programmes. The focus is on promotion and dissemination of such results to certain major coal using nation states that have recently joined the European Union, namely Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania. The main intention of the project is to disseminate the scope and achievements of the ECSC and RFCS projects on coal-fired power generation R, D&D, promote to the three designated states the ongoing R, D&D activities of the RFCS programme in the area of coal-fired power generation, including the rationale of its strategic priorities and its mode of operation and encourage a more informed cooperation between the R, D&D organisations within the EU-15 and these designated states to aid better, more focused, future proposals to the RFCS. The partners of the project are: IEA Coal Research Ltd (IEACCC) UK, Institute of Thermal Technology of Silesian University of Technology (Politechnika Slaska), Poland, Seven Stredisko Pro Efektivni Vyuzivani Energie O.P.S., Czech Republic and SC Institutul De Studii Si Proiectari Energetice SA, Romania. IEACCC has coordinated all project activities. The CCTPROM project has carried out with a financial grant of the Research Programme of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel in the period of 01/07/06 – 31/12/07 and with the contract number of RFC2-CT-2006-00005. Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Wilk, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, e-mail: ryszard.wilk@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.07.2006 – 31.12.2007 Budget: 35 006 Euro UE-2/RG-6/2007/WiS „HUGE” „Hydrogen oriented underground coal gasification for Europe” Underground gasification of coal represents a process of extraction of energy resources in a form of generator gas (synthesis gas), which can be easily processed towards production of practically all types of liquid and gaseous fuels, i.e. methanol, synthetic gasoline, methane and heavier hydrocarbons etc. From the point of the view of mining technology, gasification of coal in the bed (seam) is a technology, which does not require driving of workings, mining, and processing of minerals. Thus, expensive and complex mine infrastructure is to be avoided together with production of large volumes of mining waste. From the point of the view of power generation, combustion of fuels reach in Hydrogen is much more effective than carbonados fuels and results in significantly lower emission of CO2 into atmosphere than combustion of hard coal. In already known gasification technologies, contents of Hydrogen in generator gas was low. The main component of this gas was CO (Carbon oxide), which could be directly combusted into CO 2, where the reaction is accompanying by generation of small amount of energy. The main target of HUGE project is development of such a technology of gasification, where by certain values of pressure and temperature in the generator bed, and by appropriate selection of substances being introduced into the reactor space (Oxygen, steam, absorbents, and other additives), will occur maximization of amount of Hydrogen in the output stream of gas. The another target of HUGE project is development of recover technology of substances for production of liquid and gas fuels directly in coal beds located in the areas, where both underground and open pit mining technologies would not be economically justified. Idea of the project relates especially to beneficial use of rest parts of seams located in already mined, abandoned mining fields at shallow depths. A great attention is given in project HUGE to requirements of environment protection. To its tasks belong, between others, elaboration of conditions for isolation of generator’s surrounding space, elimination of ground waters contamination risk and emission of gaseous products into atmosphere. Technology of underground coal gasification expected to be developed in the project will include also filling of voids, which become into existence as result of chemical reactions in the coal bed. Adopted measures will eliminate risks of subsidence, which can be harmful for surface infrastructure and also will increase permeability of rock mass. Sequence of chemical reactions in the gas generator will be also optimized on binding of CO 2 and its deposition in the voids in solidified form, to eliminate its emission into atmosphere. The project belongs to EU highly prioritized tasks, within the framework of European energy safety, particularly in the field of liquid and gas fuels availability. In near future gasification of coal can be significant source of components for production of synthetic gasoline, methanol, and other fuels, and, what is important, without depletion of main resources of hard coal. HUGE project, as a project related to Hydrogen production, has been involved also in the development of power generation technology based on Hydrogen combustion in fuel cells. Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Jan Palarski, Faculty of Mining and Geology, e-mail: jan.palarski@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.07.2007-30.06.2010 Budget: 66 441 EUR Projects co-financed by the European Commission in the 7 Framework Programme, which have been realized at Silesian University of Technology. UE-1/RAu-0/2007/7.PR „Researcher’s Night” COMPLETED “2Night-2GetHer” SSA „Researchers’ Night – Cracow and Gliwice - Together” What about the researchers hand in hand with the rest of the society, talking about themselves, letting the public take part actively in their research and opening their labs even at night? Is this the truth or the fiction? To verify that, it is worth joining the open Friday festival night in laboratories, seminar rooms, astronomical observatories, museums, mines, old houses. Moreover, the event takes place in the two cities famous for their centuries old tradition, qualified staff of scientists, universities leading the ratings, eventful student life and beautiful main squares of the Old Towns and 'student towns', which will be perfect places for eye-to-eye encounters with the researchers. Cracow and Gliwice will nearly transform into a different planet, where the term 'boredom' will surely come from Mars! The Researchers' Night, little by little, becomes a tradition in Gliwice. The society craving for such craze looks forward to it, and even suggests ideas for the next edition. This year we would like to have it exceptionally ceremonial. The special moment and two wonderful anniversaries require that. These are the 60th anniversary of The European Union and the 750th anniversary of the city of Cracow. Slightly older Gliwice, together with its partner, will celebrate very intensively as well. We will surely surprise the public with the number of events going with a swing. There will be humoristic lectures, surprising experiments, interesting workshops, stimulation games, trips, competitions for everyone (from the age of 5 to 105). Together with the public we will look into professors' wardrobes, read the cards, devour chocolate bars in time a competition, learn how to dance. Moreover we will visit museums, mines, plants, watch and create exhibitions and at midnight we will evoke ghosts or observe stars. Each event will be held with the assistance and active co-operation of our wonderful researchers showing the human face of science. Everyone will believe that, even the biggest sceptic! Participant Organization: The Malopolska Voivodship Country: POLAND Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Rutkowski, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, e-mail: jerzy.rutkowski@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.06.2007-31.10.2007 Budget: 70 049 EUR FP7-PEOPLE-2007-2-1-IEF „NANOXID” „Nanoporous Anodic Oxides for the Functionalization of Metal Surfaces” The project examines the mechanisms of formation of nanoporous anodic oxides. Nanoporous anodic oxides are important to the protection of metals against corrosion and wear. They have attracted renewed interest due to the potential for long range ordering of pores, with applications in nanotechnological systems. The researcher will participate in a collaborative activity, involving the host organization, The University of Manchester, and Institut des NanoSciences de Paris. The experimental work will focus on the relative contributions of oxide dissolution and oxide flow in the generation and ordering of pores. It will adopt tracer procedures, newly-developed in Manchester, with precise determination of compositions, morphologies and structures of porous oxides by a wide range of surface analytical and electron microscopy approaches. These will include ion beam analyses, using facilities in Paris, with new methods of data analysis by multi-spectrum fitting. The researchers will be integrated into a large Light Metals activity, providing excellent opportunities for career development, including personal development, networking, research management, supervision, and international collaboration. Further, the experimental programme provides a major diversification of the researcher’s current expertise and experience. Fellow: dr inż. Aleksandra Baron-Wiecheć, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, e-mail: aleksandra.baron@polsl.pl Duration time: Participant Organization Country The University of Manchester UK Institut des NanoSciences de Paris FRANCE FP7-Fission-2007 “CTB” “The Chernobyl Tissue Bank – Coordinating International Research on Radiation Induced Thyroid Cancer” The proposal is for continued support for a high quality tissue bank of clinically and pathologically annotated biological samples from patients who have developed thyroid tumours following exposure to radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear accident. It not only provides biological material to researchers world-wide but will collate research data from all projects using the resource web-accessible data warehouse and provide a suite of bioinformatic tools for secondary datamining studies. Biological data will be linked to dosimetry data, as well as data on clinical presentation and outcome. It will provide a coordinated approach to specimens collected to agreed standard operating procedures and quality standards. The project will provide an unequalled resource for research on the health consequences of exposure of a population to radiation from a nuclear accident. Participant Organization Country Politechnika Slaska POLAND Institute of Endocrynologyu and Metabolism UKRAINE Medical Radiological Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences RUSSIAN FEDERATION Helmholtz Zentrum Munich GERMANY Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Świerniak, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, e-mail: andrzej.swierniak@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.05.2008 - 30.04.2012 Budget: 132 680 Euro FP7-People-NIGHT-2008 “TeachByPlay” “Teach by play enjoy - yourself with researching” A huge lot of humour, commentary by popular scientists, crazy experiments and answers to questions – can a man fly, can a human voice break glass, how to get rid of rubbish and what does the size of a moon depend on? Apart from that, there will be public’s favourite workshops during which you can write a computer programme, create a multimedia game, trace a flying object or bake a pizza – and everything hand in hand with the researchers! There will also be many competitions in which the whole families can participate. The eyes of the visitor will see mysterious places, usually closed and unavailable, i.e. car factories, mines or the centre of medical emergency services. The authorities from the world of science will come down from their chairs for this one night in a year and in extraordinary atmosphere, they will tell stories about their journeys, politics, latest scientific discoveries... The night will be ended with a great party led by the DJ Professor Rutkowski. All of this and some more will happen on this very night, the Researchers’ Night! The stars of the evening will be our magnificent scientists. The actors, recipients, cocreators – all the inhabitants of our region, waiting impatiently for September! The fan club of the Night is increasing in size. It is due to the programme which gets more attractive every year and is based on the participants’ suggestions. Having fun with the whole united Europe is a windfall for the inhabitants of Gliwice, and of the European commission “To teach by playing” is welcome with more enthusiasm. The Researchers’’ Night is one of not so many opportunities when you can convince even a sceptic that science is not dull and that you can talk about it in a clear, understandable manner. We are beginning to enjoy future experiments and disputes now. A rich and varied programme of the event is a guarantee of a great fun with the researchers who can “infect” you with their passion of discovery but simultaneously they will reveal that love to science does not exclude dreams and hobbies beyond it. We can assure that the Night will give you unforgettable impressions and will be an excellent alternative to other forms of spending a Friday evening. Coordination of the project: prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Rutkowski, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, e-mail: jerzy.rutkowski@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.06.2008 - 31.10.2008 Budget: 75 000 Euro FP7- AAT.2007.1.4.1 DREAM “valiDation of Radical Engine Architecture systeMs” The DREAM project aims at integrating and validating new engines concepts to reduce CO2 and Nox emissions beyond the ACARE 2020 objectives. This breakthrough will be achieved by developing and validating innovative open rotor and turbofan engine architectures with novel structures to reduce vibrations and use of alternative fuels to reduce emissions efficiency. The objective is to reach a 15% fuel burn reduction as compared to VITAL and NEWAC turbofan engine architectures. These technologies being by nature more noisy than high bypass turbofan engines, a key objective will also be to deliver solutions that will meet existing and future noise ICAO certification standard. The objective is a -10% cumulated margin versus ICAO stage 4 regulation. To compare among the most promising solutions in terms of fuel burnt, noise, cost and certification roadmap, DREAM will design, manufacture and rig test different engine concepts, three contra-rotating open rotors – two geared open rotors (respectively with a pusher and a puller design) and a direct drive aft open rotor – and a conventional turbofan based on NEWAC architecture. The DREAM technologies will then be integrated and the engine concepts assessed through an extended version of the Techno-Economic and Environment Risk Assessment (TERA) tool developed in VITAL and NEWAC. This assessment will be done using two short-range aircraft innovative configurations with rear-mounted engines providing noise-shielding by tail and rear fuselage. The contribution of Institute of Power Engineering and Turbomachinery The principal objective of the study is to develop understanding of flow in turbine drum cavities that can be used to formulate design rules in the turbine module development. The studies have the objective to investigate the fluid dynamic problems conjugated with the heat transfer behaviour in turbine drum cavities. The procedure should take into account the influence of several design parameters of the cavity as well as the parameters of the flow itself. The basic tool used in the project will be the CFD commercial code ANSYS CFX. The characterization of drum heat transfer and design recommendation about drum cavities will be given. PARTICIPANT ORGANIZATION EUROCOPTER SAS VOLVO AERO CORPORATION AB UNIVERSITAET DER BUNDESWEHR MUENCHEN. TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET DARMSTADT TECHSPACE AERO SA COUNTRY FRANCE SWEDEN GERMANY GERMANY BELGIUM GE AVIATION SYSTEMS LTD INDUSTRIA DE TURBO PROPULSORES SA FUNDACION CENTRO DE TECNOLOGIAS AERONAUTICAS CENTRE DE RECHERCHE EN AERONAUTIQUE ASBL - CENAERO CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF AVIATION MOTORS UNITED KINGDOM SPAIN SPAIN BELGIUM RUSSIAN FEDERATION FRANCE FRANCE ITALY TURKEY AUSTRIA RUSSIAN VIBRATEC INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE L'AERONAUTIQUE ET DE L'ESPACE PROGESA S.R.L. PARS MAKINA SAN. TIC. LTD. STI. MAGNA STEYR FAHRZEUGTECHNIK AG & CO KG FEDERAL STATE UNITARY ENTREPRISE THE CENTRAL AEROHYDRODYNAMIC INSTITUTE NAMED AFTER PROF. N.E. ZHUKOVSKY VIBRO-METER SA SCITEK CONSULTANTS LTD VON KARMAN INSTITUTE FOR FLUID DYNAMICS SNECMA SA AIRBUS FRANCE SAS TURBOMECA SA ROLLS-ROYCE DEUTSCHLAND LTD & CO KG AVIO S.P.A CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY CHALMERS TEKNISKA HOEGSKOLA AB THE CHANCELLOR, MASTERS AND SCHOLARS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE ARTTIC OFFICE NATIONAL D'ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES AEROSPATIALES-ONERA UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE POLITECHNIKA SLASKA UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET DRESDEN TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET GRAZ DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM FUR LUFT UND RAUMFAHRT E.V. POLITECNICO DI TORINO. STICHTING NATIONAAL LUCHT- EN RUIMTEVAARTLABORATORIUM MTU AERO ENGINES GMBH TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET BERLIN POLITECNICO DI MILANO UNIVERSITAET STUTTGART UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE FEDERATION SWITZERLAND UNITED KINGDOM BELGIUM FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE GERMANY ITALY UNITED KINGDOM SWEDEN UNITED KINGDOM FRANCE FRANCE SPAIN SWITZERLAND POLAND UNITED KINGDOM GERMANY AUSTRIA GERMANY ITALY NETHERLANDS GERMANY GERMANY ITALY GERMANY ITALY Coordination of the project: dr hab. inż. Włodzimierz Wróblewski, prof. nzw. w Pol. Śl. Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering e-mail: wlodzimierz.wroblewski@polsl.pl Duration time: 01.02.2008 - 31.01.2011 Budget: 76 079 Euro