مصطلحات الحضارة االسالمية أجنِحَةُ ال َعز ِل شأ َ أَجنِحَةَ العَز ِل َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن أَن Isolation wards : Muslim scientists were the first to establish isolation wards for communicable diseases. أَجنِحَةُ عَز ِل ال َمرضَى شأ َ أَج ِنحَةَ عَز ِل َمرضَى ال ُجذَ ِام َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن أَن Leprosariums : Muslim scientists were the first to establish leprosariums. أَح َماض َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهَا فِي أغراض التداوي،ِِلل ُمعَا َل َج ِة بِالكَي Acids : Developed for use in cauterization by Muslim scientists. َّ ُأَد ََوات ِ الري َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأَ َخذَ َها الغ Irrigation devices : Introduced to the West by Muslims. ع ِة َ الط َبا ِ ُأَد ََوات َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأَ َخذَ َها الغ Printing devices : Introduced to the West by Muslims. َ ُّ يع ِالزجَاج ِ ِأد ََواتُ تَصن َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأَد ََوات أ َ َخذَ َها الغ Glass-making devices : Devices introduced to the West by Muslims. احيَّة ِ أَد ََوات ِج َر أَس َه َم ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي اِختِ َراعِ العَدِي ِد ِمنهَا Surgical instruments : Muslim scientists introduced many surgical instruments to the West. ب ِ أَد ِويَةُ القَل ب ِ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن نَ َّظ َم اِستِخدَا َم أَد ِويَ ِة القَل Cardiac medicines : Muslim scientists were the first to make systematic use of cardiac medicines. ين الحَ دِي ِد ِ َ اص فَيت ُ قر َ َأ ِ ام َعلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ ُي ِم َّما اِستَحدَثَه ِ َِل ِع ََلجِ ف َ َو ِه،قر الد َِّم Iron tablets : A dietary supplement for anemia, developed by Muslim scientists. طن ِ يب د ُ ِأَنَاب ِ ََاخ َل الب ِ يب د ِ طن ِ ِِلمتِص َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم بِاِستِخد َِام أَنَا ِب ِ ََاخ َل الب َِاص ال َخ َر ِاريج Intra-abdominal tubes : Muslim scientists invented intra-abdominal tubes for drainage of abdominal abscesses. أُنبُوبَةُ ا ِِلختِبَ ِار َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ َاجيَّة ِ ارا ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ َ َشفَّافَة ت ُستَخدَ ُم ِفي ا ِِلختِب ِ أُنبُوبَة ُزج َ َو ِه،ت ال َمع َم ِليَّ ِة Test tube : A clear, cylindrical glass tube, used in laboratory experimentation. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. َاء ِ الميَا ِه البَيض ِ ُِإ َزالَة ين َ اء ِ ع َم ِليَّا ِ الميَا ِه البَيض ِ ت ِإ َزالَ ِة ِ جر َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِب ِإ ِ َاء ِمن ال َع Cataract extraction : Muslim scientists were the first to perform surgery for cataract removal. ب ِ اِستِخدَا ُم ال َحيَ َوانَا ِ جَار ُ َّ ت فِي الت ب ِلتَحدِي ِد اآلث َ ِار الجَانِ ِبيَّ ِة ِلألَد ِويَ ِة ِ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َم ال َحيَ َوانَا ِ جَار ُ َّ ت فِي الت Animal experimentation : Muslim scientists were the first to use animal experimentation for determining drug actions and/or toxicities. أس ِ الر َّ اِس ِتسقَا ُء أس ِ َيق ِ ِِلستِسق ِ َ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِبت ٍ شخ ِ الر َّ اء ٍ ِيص دَق Hydrocephalus : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of hydrocephalus. َار ِ اِعتِدَا ُل اللَّي ِل َوالنَّه 23س و ِ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي تَحدِي ِد َوق َ َم ِار21 ين فِي العَ ِام ِ ت اِعتِدَا ِل اللَّي ِل َوالنَّه ِ َ َوه َُو يَحد ُُث َم َّرت،َار سبتَمبِ َر ِ Equinoxes : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the precession of equinoxes. ُالجل ِد َّية ِ ُاألَح ِذ َية َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأ َ َخذَ َها الغ Leather shoes : Introduced to the West by Muslims. ُ ُ األ رز َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،ب ِ نَوع ِمنَ ال ُحبُو Rice : A cereal grass, introduced to the West by Muslims. ُ األَس َ ط ب ُ رِل َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َّ جر ِام ال ِ اس اِر ِتفَاعِ الش ِ َآلَة فَلَ ِكيَّة ِل ِقي ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،خرى َ ُ س َما ِويَّ ِة األ َ َ َّمس َواأل Astrolabe : An instrument used to determine the altitude of the sun or other celestial bodies. It was introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. ُالصنَا ِعيَّة ِ ُاألَسنَان َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأَد ََوات أ َ َخذَ َها الغ Artificial teeth : Devices introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. األَشكَا ُل ذَاتُ األَب َعا ِد الث ُّ ََل ِث َّي ِة ت األَب َعا ِد الثُّ ََل ِث َّي ِة ِ ت األَشكَا ِل ذَا ِ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ ِفي ِإيجَا ِد ال ُحلُو ِل ِل ُم َعاد ََِل Tri-linear figures : Muslim scientists contributed to the solution of trilinear figures ُغ النَّبَاتِيَّة ُ األَصبَا َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأَ َخذَ َها الغ Plant dyes : Introduced to the West by Muslims. ُ الر ُم وز َّ األَعدَادُ ال ُّ سلبِيَّةُ َو وز َّ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي اِستِخد َِام األَعدَا ِد ال ُّ سلبِيَّ ِة َو ِ الر ُم Negative numbers and symbols : Muslim scientists contributed to the use of negative numbers and symbols. َاب ُ األَعص َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َو َاء ِ ب فِي األَحش َ الو َ ض َع ِ َّ صف الت ِ ي ِلألَعصَا َّ فصي ِل Nerve : Muslim scientists were the first to make an accurate description of nerve supply to the viscera. ُاألَفيُون الط ِبيَّ ِة َك ُم َخد ٍِر َ ع َقار َ ِ اض ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي األ،ِير ِ شدِيدُ التَّخد Opium : A narcotic drug from the fruit of the poppy. It was developed as an anesthetic by Muslim scientists. ُقربَا ِذين َ َ األ ُور الصَّيدَ ِل َّي ِة أَو األَد ِو َي ِة ِ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ ِفي ِإنش َ َ َاء األ ُ دُست: قر َباذِين Pharmacopoeias : Muslim scientists contributed to the production of the first pharmacopoeias. ُ األَقُونِي طن اض التَّدَا ِوي َ ُجذُور ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أ،ب ُمعَ ِم َر ٍة ٍ سا َّمة ِألَعشَا Aconite, or monkshood : The dried poisonous roots of perennial herbs. It was developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. ُوردَة ِ َ األ وردَ ِة َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َ ش َّخ َ ص تَر ِك ِ َ يب األ Veins : Muslim scientists were the first to make correct description of the anatomy of veins. ُاألَو ِعيَةُ الدَّ َم ِويَّة ش َّخصَ ت َ ِاري َخ األَو ِعيَ ِة الدَّ َم ِو َّي ِة َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن Blood vessels : Muslim scientists were the first to make a correct description of history of blood vessels. اإلسفَانَاخ ِ َ اق َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َّ غ َّ ال ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ َ َ نَ َبات ذُو أ،س َبا ِن ُخ َ َو ِه،ض ٍة صَا ِل َح ٍة ِلألَك ِل ٍ ور Spinach : A plant having succulent, edible leaves. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. اإلسهَا ُل ِ اضهَا ِ مر ِ عر َ َاإلسهَا ُل أ َ َحدَ أ َ َ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي تَحدِي ِد ال َّطبِيعَ ِة ا ِِلنتِقَا ِليَّ ِة ِلأل ِ ُاض ا َّلتِي يَكُون Diarrhea : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of diseases of which diarrhea is a symptom. ُضط َرابَاتُ العَق ِليَّة ِ ا ِِل ت العَق ِليَّةَ بِال َم َو ِاد ال ُم َخد َِر ِة ِ ضط َرابَا ِ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن عَالَ َج ا ِِل Psychoses : Muslim scientists were the first to treat psychoses with narcotics. الجل ِد َ َ ثراتُ َوأ َ َالب ِ ورا ُم الجل ِد ِ ثرا َ َ ت َوأ َ ج ِلل َب ِ ور ِام ٍ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِباِستِخد َِام الكَي ِ َك ِع ََل Boils and skin tumors : Muslim scientists were the first to use cautery as a treatment for boils and skin tumors. ور ُ َّالبِل َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َ َوه َُو ِمنَ ال َم َو ِاد الَّ ِتي أَ َخذَ َها الغ،ٍوري ٍ َمعدِن َيتَك ََّونُ ِمن تَر ِكي ِ ب ِب َّل Crystal : A mineral having a crystalline structure. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. البَندُو ُل َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ سا ُ ََّرق َّ اص ال ُ َ َوه َُو أَدَاة أَ َخذَ َها الغ، ثُقل ُمعَلَّق فِي دُعَا َم ٍة ثَابِت َ ٍة يَتَأَر َج ُح جَيئ َةً َو ِذ َها ًبا،ع ِة Pendulum : A weight suspended from a point so that it swings back and forth. It is one of the devices introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. س ِلين ِ البُور َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َّ ض ال ِ َّشف ِ ُمقت َ َنيَات ت ُص َن ُع ِمنَ ال َخ َز ِ َف األَبي ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،اف Porcelain : Objects made of a hard, white, translucent ceramic, introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالبُوصلَة َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ أَدَاة ت ُستَخدَ ُم ِلتَحدِي ِد ا ِِل ِتجَا َها ُ َي ِم َّما أَ َخذَ الغ َ ت ال ُج َ َو ِه،غرا ِف َّي ِة Compass : A device used to determine geographic directions. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. ِير ُ التَّخد َ َوه َُو ِمن الفُ ُروعِ الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون،ِير ِ ت َوالتَّطبِيقَا ِ سا ِ ت َ أ َ َحدُ الد َِرا ِ ير التَّخد ِ ِالطبِيَّ ِة ِلعَقَاق Anesthesiology : The medical study and application of anesthetics, originated by Muslim scientists. َاق ُ التَّخد ِ يق ا ِِلستِنش ِ ِير عَن َط ِر َاق ِ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن قَا َم بِاِستِخد َِام التَّخد ِ يق ا ِِلستِنش ِ ِير عَن َط ِر Inhalation anesthesia : Muslim scientists were the first to use inhalation anesthesia. التَّط ِعي ُم كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َم التَّط ِعي َم فِي ِع ََلجِ ال ُجد َِري Vaccination : Muslim scientists introduced vaccination as a treatment for smallpox. التَّق ِوي ُم َزر َوكَافَّ ِة َ سنَ ِو ًّيا تَحت َ ِوي ِ ت الج َِو َّي ِة َوال َمعلُو َما ِ يم ِبالنَّش ََرا َ شرة تَصد ُُر ٍ علَى تَق ِو َ َن ِ ت الفَلَ ِك َّي ِة َو َجدَا ِو َل ال َم ِد َوالج َ َ ُ َ َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ ال َمعلُو َما ِ سوبَ ِة بِ َوا ُ خرى ال َمح ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َخذ الغ،سط ِة ال َجدَا ِو ِل َ ت األ Almanac : An annual publication including calendars with weather forecasts, astronomical information, tide tables, and other related tabular information, introduced to the West by Muslims ِي ُ َّ الت ِ مر ُّ الهند َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أَ َخذَ الغ،َار ا ِِلستِ َوائِيَّ ِة ِ َمادَّة ت ُؤ َخذُ ِمن أ َ َح ِد األَشج Tamarind : A substance from a tropical tree. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. الوس َطى ُ اِلتِه ُ َاب األُذُ ِن الوس َطى ِ َ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم بِت ٍ شخ ُ ب األُذُ ِن ِ يق ِ ِِللتِهَا ٍ ِيص دَق Otitis media : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of otitis media (middle era infection). ُ َاب ب ِ غ ََل ُ اِلتِه ِ ف القَل ُ ب ب ِ َكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِبت ِ غ ََل ٍ شخ ِ ف القَل ِ يق ِ ِِللتِهَا ٍ ِيص دَق Pericarditis : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of pericarditis. َبر ُ الج َاضيَّ ِة الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ َالري ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل ِ وم Algebra : A mathematical science originated by Muslim scientists. ال ُجد َِري ُيق لَه ِ َ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي تَحدِي ِد ال َّط ِبيعَ ِة ا ِِلنتِقَا ِليَّ ِة ِلل ُجد َِري َك َما كَانُوا أَ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِبت ٍ شخ ٍ ِيص دَق Smallpox : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of smallpox. Also, they made the first accurate diagnosis of this fatal disease. ال ُجذَا ُم َف أَنَّ ال ُجذَا َم َم َرض عُض ِوي َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِكتَش Leprosy : Muslim scientists were the first to determine leprosy a solely physical disease. ي ُ الج ُّ َذر التَّربِي ِع ِ ير َمف ُه ِ وم الج ِ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي تَط ِو ِ َذر التَّربِي ِعي Square roots : Muslim scientists contributed to the development of the concept of square roots. ُالج َرا َحة ِ وم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا ِ اإلصَابَا ِ َس ت ِ ِفَرع ِمن فُ ُروع ِ مر َ َ ت َواأل ِ ُ َوه َُو أ َ َحدُ العُل،اض ُ در ُ َب ي ِ الط ِ شخيصَ َو ِع ََل َج ال ُج ُروحِ َو َالعُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون Surgery : The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of injury, deformity, and disease. It was originated by Muslim scientists. َّمس ش ل ل ِ ي َّ الجر ُم ال ِ ِ ُّ س َما ِو َّمس َّ رم ال ِ س َما ِوي ِ ِللش ِ الج ِ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي تَحدِي ِد Solar parallax : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of solar parallax ُاإلصَابَات ُ ال ُج ُرو ِ ح َو ت ٍ قَدَّ َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل بَح ِ اإلصَابَا ِ ث فِي ال ُج ُروحِ َو Trauma : Muslim scientists wrote the first treatise on trauma surgery in patients. ُال َجلَبَة اض التَّدَا ِوي َ نَبَات لَهُ ُجذُور ت ُستَخدَ ُم َك ُم ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهَا فِي أ،س ِه ٍل Jalap : A plant whose roots are used as a cathartic. It was developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. ُالحبَا ُل ال َغ ِلي َظة ِ َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُّ ِلَلِستِخد َِام فِي ال ُ َ أَ َخذَ َها الغ،سفُ ِن Cables : For use in shipping, introduced to the West by Muslims. بر ِ ُ الح َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ الط َبا ِ صَبغَة ت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي ال ِكتَابَ ِة َو ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،ع ِة Ink : A pigment used especially for writing or printing, introduced to the West by Muslims. ير ُ الح َِر َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ صو ُل ِ علَي ِه ِمن يَ َرقَا ُ سيج َرقِيق َِل ِمع يُم ِكنُ ال ُح ِ َن ُ َ َوقَد أ َ َخذَه الغ،ت دُودَ ِة القَ ِز Silk : A fine, shiny fiber produced by fibrous secretion of silkworms. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالحَص َبة يق لَهَا ِ َ َك َما كَانُوا أَ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِبت،أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي تَحدِي ِد ال َّط ِبي َع ِة ا ِِلنتِقَا ِليَّ ِة ِللحَصبَ ِة ٍ شخ ٍ ِيص دَق Measles : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of measles. Also, they made the first accurate diagnosis of this disease. ُال ُحقنَةُ الش ََّر ِجيَّة َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ َسي ِل األَمع ِ َيق الش ََّرجِ ِلغ ُ َي ِم َّما أَ َخذَ الغ ِ َحقنُ ال ُمست َ ِق َ َو ِه،اء ِ يم عَن َط ِر Enema : The injection of liquid into the rectum through the anus for cleansing the bowels. This medical procedure was introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. سودَا ُء ِ َّ الحن َطةُ ال َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ٍ ار نَبَا ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ ُ ثِ َم َ َو ِه،ت حَو ِلي ٍ يَنبُتُ فِي آسيَا Buckwheat : The edible fruits of an annual Asian plant, introduced to the West by Muslims. ُال َخ ِريِ َطة رب َ ِل ِمن َطقَ ٍة َما- سطحٍ ُمست َ ٍو َ ب ِ س َم َّ رض أَو فِي ال َ ع َلى ِ َ علَى األ ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ ِ يَكُونُ فِي الغَا ِل- تَص ِوير َ َو ِه،اء َعَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين Map : A representation, usually on a plane surface, of a region of the earth or heavens. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. ال َخ ُّط َ ين َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ فَنُّ تَح ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أَ َخذَهُ الغ،ِالخ ِط اليَدَ ِوي ِ س Calligraphy : The art of fine handwriting. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالد ََّرن أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي تَحدِي ِد ال َّط ِبيعَ ِة ا ِِلنتِقَا ِليَّ ِة ِللد ََّر ِن Tuberculosis : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of tuberculosis. )ُع ال َحدِي ِديَّةُ (ال َخ ِفيفَة ُ الد ُُّرو َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأَد ََوات حَربِيَّة أَ َخذَ َها الغ Steel (light-weight) armor : Military defensive covering introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالدَّفَّة َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ ضع َرأ َ وجي ِه َم َّ سي ٍ فِي ُمؤ َِخ َر ِة ال ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ ِ َ س ِفينَ ِة ِلت َ َو ِه،س ِار َها ٍ َلوحَة تُثَبَّتُ فِي َو Rudder : A vertically hinged plate mounted at the stern of a vessel for directing its course. It was first introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالرئَ ِو َّية َ الد ِ َُّورة الرئ َ ِو َّي َة َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َ ش َّخصَ الد ِ ََّورة Pulmonary circulation : Muslim scientists were the first to make a correct description of pulmonary circulation. ُاميكَا الح ََر ِاريَّة ِ َالدِين وم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ِ ِعل ُم ال َّطبِيعَ ِة الَّذِي يَع َنى بِالعَ ََل َقا َ ُ ار ِة َو َمصَاد ِِر ال َّطاقَ ِة األ َ ت بَينَ الح ََر ِ ُ َوه َُو ِمنَ العُل،خرى َال ُمس ِل ُمون Thermodynamics : Physics that deals with the relationships between heat and other forms of energy. It was advanced by Muslim scientists. ُاوند َ الر َّ الط ِبيَّ ِة ِ اض ِ َعُشب ِمن ال َف ِصي َل ِة البَطب ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي األ،اطيَّ ِة Rhubarb : A herb developed for medical use by Muslim scientists. ُالرب ِعيَّة ُّ رب ِ أَدَاة ت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي الفَلَ ِك َو َّ َوس ُمق ٍ َف ِمن ق ِ َالم ََل َح ِة ِل ِقي ُ ي ِم َّما أَ َخذَ ال َغ ُ َّاس ا ِِلرتِ َفاعِ َوتَتَأَل َ َو ِه،ً د ََرجَة90 س ٍم ِإلَى َعَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين Quadrant : An early instrument for measuring altitude of celestial bodies, consisting of a 90° graduated arch. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientist. ُ الر فر ِ ي ِل َّ ِ لص ُّ مز الغَر ِب فر ِ مز الغَر ِبي ِ ِل َّ ِأَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي اِختِ َراع ِ لص ِ الر Western symbol for Zero : Muslim scientists contributed to the invention of the western symbol for Zero. ُ الر ُم َمع َ وز ِفي ِ ع َم ِل َّيا ُّ ِ ت الضَّر ِ ب َوالج َمع َ وز فِي ِ ع َم ِليَّا ُّ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي اِستِخد َِام ِ ت الضَّر ِ الر ُم ِ ب َوالج Symbols for multiplication and addition : Muslim scientists contributed to the use of symbols for multiplication and addition. ُّ ُج ال ُملَ َّون ُ الزجَا َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ ََمادَّة أَ َخذَ َها الغ Colored glass : A substance introduced to the West by Muslims. ُسات َان َّ ال َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ سيج نَا ِعم َِل ِم ُع ال َّظا ِه ِر ُمع ِت ُم ال َب ِ َن ُ َ َوقَد أَ َخذَ ُه الغ،اط ِن Satin : A smooth fabric woven with a glossy face and a dull back. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُساعَة َّ ال َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ َأَدَاة ت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي قِي ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ َ اس َوتَحدِي ِد َ َو ِه،ِالوقت Clock : An instrument for measuring and indicating time. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. ُالسجَّاد َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أَ َخذَ الغ، ُرضيَّات ِ َ فَرش ث َ ِخين ت ُ َغ َّطى بِ ِه األ Carpets : A thick heavy covering for the floors, introduced to the West by Muslims. ُسيَّة ِ سد ُّ ال َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذ َّ جر ِام ال ٍ َآلَة ِم ََل ِحيَّة تَتَك ََّونُ ِمن ق ِ َ ت ُستَخدَ ُم ِل ِقي،ً د ََرجَة60 وس ُمد ََّرجٍ يَبلُ ُغ َ َ اس اِرتِفَاعِ األ َ َو ِه،س َما ِويَّ ِة َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َالغ Sextant : A navigational instrument containing a graduated 60-degree arc, used for measuring the altitudes of celestial bodies. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. ج ُ سر َّ ال َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ َمقعَد ِجلدِي يَست َ ِق ُّر ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،ب ال َف َر ِس أَو الدَّابَّ ِة َويُثَبَّتُ ِب ِح َز ٍام ُ ع َلي ِه َرا ِك Saddles : A leather seat for a rider, secured on an animal's back by a girth, introduced to the West by Muslims. سقَ ُمونيَا َّ ال ب ِ اض َ ور يُستَخدَ ُم َك ُم ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي األ،س ِه ٍل ِ الطبِيَّ ِة َونَقَلُو ُه ِللغَر ِ ُنَوع ِمنَ ال ُجذ Scammony : A root introduced for medical purposes to the West by Muslims. سك َُّر ُّ ال سك َِّر بِالد َِّم ُّ َف ُو ُجودَ ال َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َوص Sugar : Muslim scientists were the first to describe the presence of sugar in blood. ق ُ س َما ُّ ال َ الصبَا َ الد َبا َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ َمادَّة ت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،غ ِة ِ غ ِة َو Sumac : A substance used in tanning leather and dying. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالسمنَة ِ َالسمنَة َ َّكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َِل َح َظ أَنَّ ِزيَادَةَ ال َم َو ِاد الن ِ ب َ ُش ِويَّ ِة ي ُ س ِب Obesity : Muslim scientists were the first to observe that excess consumption of dietary carbohydrates causes obesity. ُس َي ََلن َّ ال سيَ ََل ِن َّ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي تَحدِي ِد ال َّط ِبي َع ِة ا ِِلنتِقَا ِليَّ ِة ِلل Gonorrhea : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of Gonorrhea. ُشبَ ِكيَّة َّ ال َ َف شبَ ِكيَّ ِة َّ شري َح ال َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َوص ِ َ طبِيعَةَ َوت Retina : Muslim scientists made the first correct description of the anatomy and physiology of the retina شلَ ُل َّ ال َّ ف أَنَّ ال َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن ع ََر ِ َشلَ َل يَنت ُ ُج عَن إِصَابَ ِة ِجذعِ ال ُمخِ أَو إِصَابَ ِة العَ ُمو ِد الف ِ قري Paralysis : Muslim scientists were the first to describe paralysis as due to brain stem or spinal cord injury. ُالشَّوك ََران اض ُ خر َ ج ِمنهُ ش ََراب ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أ،ِير َ َ نَبَات يُست ِ سام يُستَخدَ ُم فِي التَّخد التَّدَا ِوي Hemlock : A plant used as an anesthetic by Muslim scientists. ُالصَّابُون َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ ع ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،َامل ُمنَ ِظف Soap : A cleansing agent introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالصحَّةُ العَا َّمة ِ َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ِعلم يَعنَى ِب ِح َمايَ ِة َوتَح ِ ين ِ ُ َوه َُو أ َ َحدُ العُل،ِالص َّح ِة العَا َّم ِة فِي ال ُمجتَ َمع ِ س Public health : The science of protecting and improving the health of a community. It was originated by Muslim scientists. ُ الضَّا ِغ ط يف ِ قف النَّ ِز ِ َاف الضَّا ِغ ِط ِل َو ِ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َقا َم ِباِك ِتش Tourniquet : Muslim scientists invented tourniquets. ال َّطاعُونُ الدُّبُ ِلي ُون الدبلي ِ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي تَحدِي ِد ال َّط ِبيعَ ِة ا ِِلنتِقَا ِليَّ ِة ِلل َّطاع Bubonic plague : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of communicable nature of the bubonic plague. ي ِ ُّ الط ُّ ب البَي َط ِر ُض لَهَا ال َح َي َوانَات ِ اإلصَا َبا َ شخ ُ ت الَّ ِتي تَتَ َع َّر ِ َاب َوت ِ ِفَرع ِمن فُ ُروع ِ مر َ س أَس َب َ َ يص َو ِع ََل َج األ ُ در ُ ب َي ِ الط ِ اض َو َ َ َوه َُو ِمن ال َمج،ص ٍة األ َ ِليفَةُ ِمنهَا َت الَّتِي اِستَحدَثهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ َاِل َّ بِ َخا Veterinary medicine : The branch of medicine that deals with the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals, especially domestic animals. It was originated by Muslim scientists. ي ِ ُّ الط ُّ ب الشَّر ِع ِ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن ك ََّونَ فَ ِري ًقا ِل ِ لط ِ ب الشَّر ِعي Medical examiners : Muslim scientists established the first board of medical examiners. ي ِ ب النَّف ِ ُّ الط ُّ س وم ِ ضط َرابَا َ شخ ِ يص َو ِع ََل َج ا ِِل ِ َس ت ِ ِفَرع ِمن فُ ُروع ِ ُ َوه َُو أ َ َحدُ العُل،ت العَق ِليَّ ِة َوال ِوجدَانِيَّ ِة َوال ِوقَايَةَ ِمنهَا ُ در ُ َب ي ِ الط َالَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون Psychiatry : The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders. It was originated by Muslim scientists. ي ِ ُّ الط ُّ ِب ال ِوقَائ وم الَّتِي َ نَشَاط ِطبِي يُ َر ِك ُز ِ مر َ َ نع إِصَا َب ِة الفَر ِد َوال ُمجت َ َم ِع بِأ َ َح ِد األ ِ ُ َوه َُو أَ َحدُ العُل،اض العُض ِويَّ ِة َوالعَق ِليَّ ِة ِ علَى َم َاِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون Preventive medicine : Medical practice that focuses on preventing physical or mental illness in the individual or the community. It was originated by Muslim scientists. ُّ ُالع ث َّ ُع ِل َم أَنَّ الع ب َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َ ث ه َُو ال ُم ِ ب ِل َم َر ُ ِسب ِ ض الج ََر Mites : Muslim scientists were the first to recognize scabies as being caused by mites. ص ُّم َ َ العَدَدُ األ ص َّم َ َ َف العَدَدَ األ َ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِكتَش Irrational numbers : Muslim scientists contributed to the introduction of irrational numbers. ُسات َ َالعَد َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأ َ َخذَ َها الغ Lenses : Introduced to the West by Muslims. ي ُ ال َعص ُّ َب البَص َِر َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َ َيب الع َ ش َّخصَ تَر ِك ِ ص ِ ب البَص َِري Optic nerve : Muslim scientists were the first to make a correct description of the anatomy of the optic nerve. ي ُ ال ِع ََل ِ ج النَّف ُّ س ِ ب ال ِع ََلجِ النَّف َّ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َم ِط ِ سي Psychotherapy : Muslim scientists made the first use of psychotherapy. ُالو َر ِق َّية َ ُالع َ ُمَلت َ ع َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ َار ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ ِ ُمَلت َو َرقِيَّة تَصد ُُر ع َِن ال ُحكُو َم ِة أَو أ َ َح ِد ال َمص َ َو ِه،ف Paper money : Currency in the form of government notes and bank notes. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالعَ َم ِليَّةُ القَيص َِريَّة يم اِستِخد َِام العَ َم ِليَّ ِة القَيص َِريَّ ِة ِ َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن قَا َم بِت ِ نظ Caesarean section : Muslim scientists were the first to systematically perform caesarean sections. العَنبَ ُر اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ ََمادَّة شَم ِعيَّة تَتَك ََّونُ فِي أَمع ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أ،ان العَنبَ ِر ِ َ اء ِحيت Ambergris : A waxy substance formed in the intestines of sperm whales. It was developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. ُالعَينُ ال َخ ِار ِجيَّة ين ال َخ ِار ِج َّي ِة َ َعدَدَ َو َو ِظيفَة َ َكَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َحدَّد ِ عض َََل ِ َت الع Extraocular : Muslim scientists made the first description of the number and specific function of extraocular muscles. ي ِ َالغ ُّ سي ُل ال َمعَ ِو وم ِ َكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِباِستِخد َِام الغ ُّ سي ِل ال َمعَ ِوي ِ فِي ِع ََلجِ ال ِ س ُم Gastric lavage : Muslim scientists were the first to use gastric lavage for the treatment of poisoning. ق ُ ال ِفتَا َ ِت إ اق َ اء ِ ع َم ِليَّا ِ جر َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم بِ ِإ ِ َح ال ِفت ِ صَل Hernia : Muslim scientists introduced surgery for hernia repair. ُالفَ َراولَة َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َِمن الثِ َم ِار الَّتِي أ َ َخذَ َها الغ Strawberry : Fruit that consists of a red, fleshy, edible receptacle, introduced to the West by Muslims. َار ُ ال ِفرج رب عَن َ َين َمف ِ اس الدَّائِ ِريَّ ِة َو َكذَ ِلكَ ِلل ِق َي ِ قو ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،اس َ َ سم الد ََّوائِ ِر َواأل ِ ين ت ُستَخدَ ُم ِل َر ِ َّص ِلي ِ أَدَاة ذَاتُ ذ َِراع َال ُمس ِل ِمين Compass : A V-shaped device for describing circles or circular arcs and for taking measurements. It was introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. سا ُء َ سي ِف َ ُالف ،سطحٍ َما َ َار أَو اآل ُج ِر َ َ خرفِي يَت َ ضع قِ َط ٍع ُملَ َّونَ ٍة ِ َ ورة أَو ت ُ َ علَى َ ص ِغ َ ص ِ ير ِة الح ُ صميم ُز ِ َجم ِمنَ األَحج ِ ش َّك ُل ِمن َو َ َ َ َ َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين غ ال ذ خ أ ا م م ي ه ُ َّ ِ َ ِ َو Mosaic : A picture or decorative design made by setting small colored pieces, as of stone or tile, into a surface. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُال ِفصَاد َ ( كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِباِستِخد َِام ال ِفصَا ِد ُّ ش ِ ج نَ ِز َ ق ِيف ال ُمخ ِ الو ِريدِ) َك َط ِريقَ ٍة ِل ِع ََل phlebotomy : Muslim scientists invented a technique for phlebotomy for stopping cerebral hemorrhage. الفُلفُ ُل َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ ََمادَّة أَ َخذَ َها الغ Pepper : A spice introduced to the West by Muslims. ُورة َ ار ُ َالق َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ ص ِغير كَال ِقنِينَ ِة لَهُ َرقَبَة َ ِإنَاء ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ َ ص ِغ َ َو ِه،يرة َو ِغ َطاء Flask : A small container, such as a bottle, having a narrow neck and usually a cap. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. اط ُع ِ َالق ب َ َ اِكت،سا ً َخط َيق َط ُع َقو ِ ش َفهُ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ َونَقَلُو ُه ِلل َغر Secant : A straight line intersecting a curve at two or more points, introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. ُاوون ُ َالق َ ب َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ ٍ غ ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،ض ٍ ُشر ٍة صَلبَ ٍة َول َ ِش َّمام أَو بِ ِطيخ أَصفَ ُر ذُو ق Melon : A fruit having a hard rind and juicy flesh. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. اب ُ َال ِقب َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ ِسطحٍ أَو قَن َط َر ٍة ن َ أُسلُوب ِمع َم ِاري فِي شَك ِل ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ َ َو ِه،صف دَائِ ِريَّ ٍة Domes : A structural design in the shape of a hemispherical roof or vault, introduced to the West by Muslims. ُس َما ِويَّة َّ القُبَّةُ ال خرى تَظه َُر ُ َ األ،ك َُرة ِمن َوحي ِ ال َخيَا ِل َِل ُحدُودَ َلهَا َّ جرا ُم ال ُ رض َمرك َُز َها َوالنُّ ُجو ُم َوالك ََوا ِك َ ُ س َما ِويَّةُ األ َ َ ب َواأل ب َ َ َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َبدَأ َ َه ِذ ِه ال ِف،علَيهَا ِ كرةَ َو َنقَلُو َها ِللغَر Celestial sphere : An imaginary sphere of infinite extent with the earth at its center on which the stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies appear to be located. The concept was introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. ُال ِقرفَة َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ الرائِ َح ِة تُت َّ َخذُ ِمن ِلح ِ ََاء ب ُ َوقَد أ َ َخذَ َها ال َغ،َار َّ َُمادَّة َطيِبَة ِ عض األَشج Cinnamon : The dried aromatic inner bark of certain trees. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالقَس َط َرةُ البَو ِليَّة كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم بِاِستِخد َِام القَس َط َر ِة البَو ِليَّ ِة Urinary catheters : Muslim scientists invented urinary catheters. ُالقُطن َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َسيج أَبي ِ َن ُ َ َوه َُو ِمنَ ال َم َو ِاد الَّتِي أ َ َخذَ َها الغ،ون نَا ِع ُم ال َمل َم ِس ِ َّض الل Cotton : Soft, white, downy fibers, introduced to the West by Muslims. ُضلَّعَة َ القَن َط َرةُ ال ُم َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأ َ َخذَ َها الغ Ribbed vault : An architectural structure introduced to the West by Muslims. ور ُ ُالكَاف اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أ،الرائِ َح ِة َّ ي ِ َُّم َركَّب بِل ُّ وري قَ ِو Camphor : An aromatic crystalline compound. It was developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. َُبريت ِ الك َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ عُن ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،ي ُّ صر َِل فِ ِل ِز Sulfur : A nonmetallic element. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ي و ِ الك ُّ ِ َبريتُ العُض ِ َبري ِ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِب ُمعَالَ َج ِة الج ََر ِ ب ِبالك ِ ت العُض ِوي Organic sulfur : Muslim scientists were the first to treat scabies with organic sulfur. ُال َكت َّان َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ سيجِ نَ َبا ِ َُخيُوط ت ُصنَ ُع ِمن ن ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،ان ِ َّت ال َكت Linen : Thread made from fibers of the flax plant, introduced as a cloth to the West by Muslims. ال ُك ُحو ُّل اض التَّدَا ِوي َ سائِل َ ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أ،ون َطيَّار ِ َّعدِي ُم الل Alcohol : A colorless, volatile liquid. It was developed as an antiseptic by Muslim scientists ُغرا ِفيَّة َ الك َُرةُ ال ُج َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ رض َ َ ِجسم ك َُر ِوي يُص َِو ُر األ ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ َ َو ِه،ع َلى شَك ِل ك َُر ٍة جَو َفا َء Globe : A body with the shape of a sphere representing the earth in the form of a hollow ball, introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. ُال َك ُّمون اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ ور ُه ِفي ال َّطهي ِ َو ِ غر َ َ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهَا ِفي أ،ب ِ الط ُ َُن َبات عُش ِبي ت ُستَخد ُم بُذ Cumin : A herb whose seeds are used in cooking and were developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. يرا َ الكُو ِل يرا َ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي ت َحدِي ِد ال َّطبِيعَ ِة ا ِِلنتِقَا ِليَّ ِة ِللكُو ِل Cholera : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the communicable nature of cholera. ي ُّ ال َك ي ِل ِع ََلجِ الت َّ َج ُّل ِط َّ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َم ال َك Cautery : Muslim scientists were the first to use cautery for wound coagulation. سين ِ يرو ُ ال ِك َّ ترو ِل أَو َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ الزي ِ ج ِمن َزي ُ خر ُ َ وهو مما أَ َخذ الغ،ِت ال َحج َِري َ ََزيت َرقِيق يُست ُ ت ال ِب Kerosene : A thin oil distilled from petroleum or shale oil. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُ اللَّد سا ُّم َّ غ ال وم َ س ِام ِب ُخ ََل َّ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِب ِع ََلجِ اللَّدغِ ال ِ ُّ ص ِة الث Venomous bites : Muslim scientists were the first to treat venomous bites with garlic extract. َ َّالل ين ِ َ وزت َ َّت اِستِئصَا ِل الل ين َ اء ِ ع َم ِليَّا ِ جر َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َقا َم بِ ِإ ِ َ وزت Tonsillectomy : Muslim scientists were the first to perform tonsillectomies. ُاللَّي ُمون َ َثِ َمار تَت رب عَن ِ تر َج َواللَّي ُمونَ َواللَّي ُمونَ الح ُ َ َوج َِميعُهَا ِم َّما أَ َخذَ الغ،ي ُ ُ ض َّمنُ البُرت ُ َقا َل َواأل َّ َِامضَ َوالبُرتُقَا َل الذَ َهب َال ُمس ِل ِمين Citrus fruit : Edible fruits including the orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, and kumquat, introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالط ِبيَّة ِ ِئ ُ ال َمبَاد َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Medical ethics : A concept originated by Muslim scientists. ال ُمخ َم ُل َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َ أ َ َخذَ َها الغ،ُالقَ ِطيفَة Velvet : A fabric introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالط ِبيَّة ِ س ُ ال َمد َِار الط ِبيَّ َة َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن أَن ِ س َ شأ َ ال َمد َِار Medical schools : Muslim scientists were the first to establish medical schools. ال ُم ُّر اض ُ خر ِ ج ِمن ِلح ِ غر ِ ََاء ب َ َ َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي األ،َار َ َنجي يُست ِ عض األَشج ِ َ صَمغ َرات الطبِيَّ ِة ِ Myrrh : An aromatic gum obtained from the trunk of several trees. It was developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. ُالمرآة ِ َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ َوه َُو ِمنَ األَد ََوا،اء ِ َص َو ِر األَشي ُ سطح عَا ِكس ِل َ ُ َت الَّتِي أ َ َخذَ َها الغ Glass mirror : A surface capable of reflecting images of objects placed in front of it. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ي ِ َب ُ ال َمرك ُّ الش َرا ِع َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأ َ َخذَهُ الغ Lateen sail : A triangular-shaped sail introduced to the West by Muslims. رض َ ال َم ِ َ سافَةُ بَينَ القَ َم ِر َواأل رض َ ب ال َم َ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ ِفي ِح ِ َ سافَ ِة َبينَ القَ َم ِر َواأل ِ سا Distance between moon and earth : Muslim scientists contributed to the calculation of distance between moon and earth ُال ُمستَشفَيَاتُ ال َحدِيثَة ُشئَت ال ُمستَشفَيَاتُ ال َح ِديثَة َ ت َوالَّذِي ِ الط َر ِاز البِدَائِي ِ ِلل ُمستَشفَ َيا ِ س ِه أُن ِ سا ِ َاء ِ كَانَ ِلل ُمس ِل ِمينَ الفَض ُل فِي إِنش َ َعلَى أ Modern Hospitals : Muslim scientists contributed to the design and operation of the prototypes of modern hospitals. ُالمس َط َرة ِ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذ ُ سم ال ُخ َ قِطعَة ُمست َ ِقي َمة ِمنَ ال َخ ِ ط ِ َوط ال ُمستَ ِقي َم ِة َوقِي َ َ اس األ ِ ب أَو ال َمعد ِِن ت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي َر ِ ش َ َو ِه،طوا ِل َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َالغ Ruler : A straight-edged strip, as of wood or metal, for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. ُالمس َماك ِ َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َّ مك ال ِ ش ِ س َ اس ال َم ِ َ َو َكذَا ِل ِقي،يء َوث َ َخانَ ِت ِه ُ اس ِ َأَدَاة ِل ِقي ُ َ أَ َخذَ ُه الغ،ِسافَات Calipers : An instrument consisting essentially of two curved hinged legs, used to measure thickness and distances. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالطبِيَّة ُ ال َمش َِار ِ ط َالطبِيَّة َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِخت َ َر ِ الطبِيَّةَ َوأَد ََوا ِ ير ِ ت فَتحِ ال ُجرحِ َوال َمنَا ِ ع ال َمش َِار َط َ ش Surgical knives : Muslim scientists invented specialized surgical knives, retractors and saws. ب ُ ضر َ ال َم َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ أَدَاة تَتَك ََّونُ ِمن ِإ َط ٍار بَيضَا ِوي ٍ ِب ِه ُ َ َوقَد أَ َخذَ َها الغ،شبَكَة َو َمقبَض Racket : A device consisting of an oval frame with a tight interlaced network of strings and a handle. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُوض ِعيَّة ِ ال ُم َط ِه َراتُ ال َم وض ِع َّي ِة ِ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َم ال ُم َط ِه َرا ِ ت ال َم Topical antiseptics : Muslim scientists were the first to use topical antiseptics. ُال ُمعَاد ََِلتُ التَّربِي ِعيَّة ت التَّر ِبي ِعيَّ ِة ِ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي ِإيجَا ِد ال ُحلُو ِل ِلل ُمعَاد ََِل Quadratic equations : Muslim scientists contributed to the solution of quadratic equations. ُسيَّة ِ سدَا ُّ ال ُمعَاد ََِلتُ ال سيَّ ِة ِ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي إِيجَا ِد ال ُحلُو ِل ِلل ُمعَاد ََِل ِ سدَا ُّ ت ال Solution of Cubic equations : Muslim scientists contributed to the solution of cubic equations. ُس القُطنِيَّة ُ ِال َم ََلب َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأ َ َخذَ َها الغ Cotton clothing : Introduced to the West by Muslims. ق ُ ال َمن َجنِي َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ آلَة حَربِيَّة كَانَت ت ُستَخدَ ُم ِ ِإلل َق ِ ِاء القَذَائ ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أَ َخذَ الغ،ِالر َماح َ َِار ال َكب ِ ير ِة الح ِ َجم َو ِ ف كَاألَحج Catapult : A military machine for hurling missiles, such as large stones or spears. It was first introduced to the West by Muslims. المندِي ُل ِ َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ قِطعَة ِ َ اش ت ُستَع َم ُل ِل َمسحِ األ ِ يرة ُم َربَّعَة ِمنَ القُ َم ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،نف َوالفَ ِم َ ص ِغ Handkerchief : A small square of cloth used especially for wiping the nose or mouth. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُ المنفَا خ ِ َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ أَدَاة ت ُستَخدَ ُم ِلتَو ِلي ِد تَيَّ ٍار َق ِوي ٍ ِمنَ اله ََو ُ َ َوقَد أ َ َخذَ َها الغ،اء Bellows : An apparatus for producing a strong current of air. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُالمنقَلَة ِ َّ اس َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ َسم َوقِي ُ َ أَ َخذَ َها الغ،الز َوايَا ُ ِأَدَاة ن ِ صف دَائِ ِريَّ ٍة ِل َر Protractor : A semicircular instrument for measuring and constructing angles, introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. ُ ال َم وز َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َِمنَ الفَا ِك َه ِة الَّتِي أَ َخذَ َها الغ Banana : The long, edible fruit, having a thick yellowish to reddish skin and white, aromatic, seedless pulp, introduced to the West by Muslims. ُسوعَة ُ ال َمو َ ت َوال َمج َ َعلَى َمق ُم َرتَّبَة تَرتِي ًبا أَب َج ِديًّا فِي،َِاِلت َ ٍت تُغَ ِطي نَ َواح َ َامل يَحتَ ِوي ٍ اِل ِ شتَّى ِمن ال َموضُوعَا ِ رجع ش ِ َم َ َ َ َ َ َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين غ ال ذ خ أ ا م م ي ه و ، َم ع أل ا ب ل ِ ِ ِ ُ َّ َ َ ِ ِ الغَا Encyclopedia : A comprehensive reference work containing articles on a wide range of subjects or on numerous aspects of a particular field, usually arranged alphabetically, introduced to the West by Muslims. ال ُموص ِلين َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ َن ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،سيج قُطنِي َرقِيق Muslin : A sturdy cotton fabric of plain weave. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. الميَا ُه البَيضَا ُء ِ ين ِ َفط َو ِإ َزالَ ِة ال َميَا ِه البَيض ِ الجل ِد ِلش ِ َكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َقا َم ِباِستِخد َِام ِمح َق َن ٍة تَحت ِ َاء الَّتِي تَحتَ ال َع Cataracts : Muslim scientists were the first to use hypodermic needles for the removal of cataracts by suction. ُال َميعَة ُ ُع ِة الع اض َ ب َوفِي ِصنَا ِ طري يُستَخدَ ُم فِي ِ َوكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أَغ َر،ور ِ الط ِ ط ِ صَمغ ِع التَّدَا ِوي Benzoin : A balsamic resin obtained from certain tropical Asian trees of the genus Styrax. It was developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. ُالميقَت ِ َّ اس َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ِ َأَدَاة ِل ِقي ُ َ أ َ َخذَ َها الغ،ٍالز َم ِن بِ ِدقَّ ٍة بَا ِلغَة Chronometer : An exceptionally precise timepiece. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. الميكَانِيكَا ِ َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Mechanics : The physical science originated by Muslim scientists. ُالط ِبيَّة ِ ُارات َ النَّ َّظ َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأ َ َخذَ َها الغ Eye glasses : Introduced to the West by Muslims. َُاون َ اله َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ ارة عَن َ ب ت ُستَخدَ ُم ِل ِ حق أَو َه َ ضر ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ، ٍرس ال َم َو ِاد فِي إِنَاء َ عصَا ت ُشبِهُ ال َم َ َِعب ِ س Mortar and pestle : A club-shaped, hand-held tool for grinding or mashing substances in a mortar. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. الهليُون ِ َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأَ َخذَهُ الغ Asparagus : Introduced to the West by Muslims. ُ سة َ َالهَند َ صو ِل ِإلَى وم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء َ ت ٍ غا َيا ُ لو ِ ِئ ال ِع ُ لميَّ ِة َوالنَّ َظ ِريَّ ِة ِل ِ ُ َوه َُو ِمن العُل،ٍع َم ِليَّة ِ يق ال َمبَاد ِ ِعلم يَعنَى ِبتَط ِب َال ُمس ِل ُمون Engineering : The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends. It was advanced by Muslim scientists. ور ال َخ ِس ُ ُبُذ اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهَا فِي أ Lettuce seed : Developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists ٍبَرجَل بِ ِذ َراعٍ ُمتَح َِرك ٍأَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي إِنتَاجِ أ َ َّو ِل بَر َج ٍل بِذ َِراعٍ ُمتَح َِرك A compass with movable arm : Muslim scientists contributed to the production of the first compass with movable arm. ب ِ ُ تَج ِليدُ ال ُكت َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأَ َخذَهُ الغ Bookbinding : The process of enclosing and fastening of books between covers. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. سيَّ ِة ِ سنَ ِة الشَّم َّ تَحدِيدُ ال َ سيَّ ِة ِ س َن ِة الشَّم َّ يق ِل ُمدَّ ِة ال ِ ضع تَحدِي ٍد ِر َي ٍ ِاضي ٍ دَق ِ أس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي َو Determination of duration of the calendar year : Muslim scientists contributed to the precise determination of duration of the calendar year. وم ِ تَحدِيدُ َم َواقِ ِع النُّ ُج َ وم ِ َضع تَحدِي ٍد ِري ِ يق ِل َم َواقِ ِع النُّ ُج ٍ ِاضي ٍ دَق ِ أس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي َو Determination of the stars' positions : Muslim scientists contributed to the precise mathematical determination of the stars' positions. تَر ِبيَةُ دُو ِد القَ ِز َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ ُ َع َم ِليَّة أَ َخذَ َها الغ Silk cultivation : A process introduced to the West by Muslims. يب األَد ِويَ ِة ُ تَر ِك ب األَد ِو َي ِة ِ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي تَر ِكي Synthesis of drugs : Muslim scientists contributed to the synthesis of drugs. شريح ِ َت اء ِ َاس َواألَمع ِ شريحِ ال َك ِب ِد َو ِ الطحَا ِل َوال ُكلَى َوال ِبن ِكر َي ِ ََكانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَدَّ َم َوصفًا ت ِ َ فصي ِل ًّيا ِلت َ َ .ٍيميَّة ِ اض تع ِل ٍ غر َ اإلن َ ان ِأل ِ شري َح ِج ِ َ َك َما كَانُوا أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َم ت،َوال َم ِعدَ ِة ِ سم ِ س Anatomy : Muslim scientists were the first to make a detailed description of the anatomy of the liver, spleen, kidneys, pancreas, intestines and stomach. Also, they made the first systematic use of human dissection for the study of medical anatomy. ِ َت ِضميدُ ال ُج ُروح ِ َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َم القُطنَ فِي ت ِضمي ِد ال ُج ُروح Wounds dressings : Muslim scientists made the first use of cotton for dressings wounds. ق ال َمعَاد ِِن ُ شي ِ تَع َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ ُ َخرفِيَّة أَ َخذَ َها الغ ُ ع َم ِليَّة ُز Metal inlay : A decorative process introduced to the West by Muslims. َ َجدَا ِو ُل اللُّو ت ِ غ ِاريت َما َ َ ضع َجدَا ِو َل اللُّو ت ِ غ ِاريت َما ِ أس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي َو Logarithms and logarithmic tables : Muslim scientists contributed to the production of logarithms and logarithmic tables. َاء ِ سةُ القُرفِص َ جَل َاء أَثنَا َء ال ِو َِلدَ ِة ِ سةَ القُرفِص َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَحد ََث جَل Squatting posture : Muslim scientists introduced the squatting position for obstetrical delivery. َ ج ب ِ َُوزة ِ الطي الط ِبيَّ ِة ِ اض ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ ال ُع َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهَا فِي األ،َار ُ ُبُذ ِ ور أ َ َح ِد األَشج Nutmeg : A seed from a tree, developed for medical purposes by Muslim scientists. َّ يب َّ َّ اس َو ِظ ُّل الت َم ِام َ الزا ِويَ ِة َوالت َم ِام َوال َم ِ س ُ ِج َّ ب اس َو ِظ ِل الت َّ َم ِام َ الزا ِويَ ِة َوالت َّ َم ِام َوال َم َ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي ِح ِ س ِ ب َجدَا ِو ِل ِجي ِ سا Sine, cosine, tangent, and cotangent : Muslim scientists contributed to the calculation of tables of sine, cosine, tangent, and cotangent. َّ يب يب الت َّ َم ِام ُ الزا ِويَ ِة َو ِج ُ ِج َّ يب يب الت َّ َم ِام َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِكتَش ُ الزا ِويَ ِة َو ِج ُ َف ِج Sine and cosine : Muslim scientists contributed to the introduction of sine and cosine. وس ِ َب العَ ُر ُّ ح كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن،ِشعَبِي ِ َوالبَو ِلي ُّ ب ال ِ ارهُ َويُستَخدَ ُم فِي ُمعَالَ َج ِة ا ِِل ُ َّنَبَات ت ُ َجف ِ ضط َرا ُ ف ثِ َم اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ غر َ َ اِستَخدَ َمهَا فِي أ Cubeb : A plant whose dried fruits were developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists to cure bronchitis and urinary disorders. ُ اب التَّفَا ض ِل َوالتَّكَا ُم ِل َ ِح ُ س َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأَ َحدُ العُل Calculus : A branch of mathematics advanced by Muslim scientists. ص َواتُ ال َمثَانَ ِة َ َح ت ال َمثَانَ ِة َ اء ِ اج َحص ََوا ِ ع َم ِليَّا ِ جر َ ِت اِست َ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِب ِإ ِ خر Bladder stones : Muslim scientists were the first to perform the surgical removal of bladder stones. الميَا ِه ِ َُح َّما َمات شدِيدَ ِة َّ الميَا ِه ِلل ُمعَالَ َج ِة ِمن ال ُح َّمى ال ِ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َم َح َّما َما ِ ت Water baths : Muslim scientists were the first to use water baths for the treatment of severe fevers. يك ِ مض ال َخ ِل ُ ِح اض َ ، ذُو َرائِ َح ٍة نَفَّاذَ ٍة،اض العُض ِويَّ ِة ِ غر ِ أَ َحدُ األَح َم َ َ َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أ،ون ِ َّعدِي ُم الل التَّدَا ِوي Acetic acid : A clear, colorless organic acid. Muslim scientists contributed to its development as a medicine. يك ِ َِبريت ُ ِح ِ مض الك َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،سائِل َزيتِي َكثِيف حَات Sulfuric acid : A highly corrosive, dense, oily liquid. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. يك ِ يتر ُ ِح ِ ِمض الن َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ سائِل ِ شفَّاف د َ ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،َاخن حَات Nitric acid : A transparent fuming corrosive liquid. It was introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. ان ِ ض ُ َخا ِف َ الل ِ س َ َوه َُو ِم َّما اِستَحدَثَهُ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون،َلق ِ فض ٍ ان أَثنَا َء ال ِق َي ِام ِب َف َ الل ِ أَدَاة ت ُستَخدَ ُم ِل َخ ِ س ِ حص ِط ِبي ٍ ِللفَ ِم أَو الح Tongue depressor : A thin blade for pressing down the tongue during a medical examination of the mouth and throat. It was invented by Muslim scientists. َف ِ ُخ َّراج فِي ال َمنص علَى ك ُِل َما فِي َ َف (ال ُجز ُء ال ُمشتَ ِم ُل ِ َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَام ِبت ِ يق ِل ُخ َّراجٍ فِي ال َمنص ٍ شخ ٍ ِيص دَق )ين َ َّدر َما ِ عدَا ِ الص ِ َ الرئَت Mediastinal abscesses : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of mediastinal abscesses. وف القَ َم ِر ُ ُخ ُ س وف القَ َم ِر ِ س ُ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي التَّنَ ُّب ِؤ بِ ُخ Lunar eclipses : Muslim scientists contributed to the prediction of lunar eclipses. َب الصَّندَ ِل ُ َخش ب ِ أَخشَاب ِهن ِديَّة َن َق َلهَا ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ ِإ َلى الغَر Sandalwood : A wood from India, introduced to the West by Muslims. ُ طو ُ ُخ رض ِ َط ال ُّطو ِل َوالع ُ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي تَحدِي ِد ُخ رض ِ ط ِ وط ال ُّطو ِل َوال َع Latitudes and longitudes : Muslim scientists contributed to the rectification of latitudes and longitudes. ين ِ َُخ ََلصَةُ الي ِ اسم غراض التَّدَا ِوي َ َ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهَا فِي أ Jasmine extract : A plant extract developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. ون م ِ ُِخ ََلصَةُ ق ِ ُ شر اللَّي اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ غر َ َ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أ Lemon peel extract : Developed for medical purposes by Muslim scientists. ين ِ ُخ ََلصَةُ نَبَا ِ ِت الت اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ َكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َم ُخ ََلصَة ِ غر َ َ ين ِفي أ ِ الت Fig extract : A plant extract developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. ُ ِِخيَا َطة ال ُج ُروح َ ير َوالص َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َم الح َِر ُِّوف ِل ِخيَا َط ِة ال ُج ُروح Wound closure : Muslim scientists were the first to use silk and wool sutures for wound closure. ُ ُخيُو ط ِج َرا َح ٍة ) ُ(الوتَ ِريَّات َ وط ِج َرا َح ٍة َمصنُو ِ اء ال َحيَ َوانَا ِ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم بِتَحدِي ِ َع ٍة ِمن أَمع ِ ُث خي َ ت Suture : Muslim scientists were the first to perfect suture made from animal intestines (catgut). َّمس ِ د ََرجَةُ ا ِ ِنح َر ِ اف الش َّمس ِ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي تَحدِي ِد د ََر َج ِة ا ِ ِنح َر ِ اف الش Obliquity of the ecliptic : Muslim scientists contributed to the determination of the obliquity of the ecliptic. اء ِ َد ََرنُ األَمع اء ِ يق ِلد ََر ِن األَم َع ِ َ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِبت ٍ شخ ٍ يص دَ ِق Intestinal tuberculosis : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis. ف ُ َرقَا ِئ ِ ق ال َخ َز َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ ََم َواد أَ َخذَ َها الغ Ceramic tiles : Floor and wall covering introduced to the West by Muslims. َزن َج ِبيل اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أ،الرائِ َح ِة َّ ور َطيِبَ ِة ٍ َُنبَات ذُو ُجذ Ginger : A plant of sweet-smelling root. It was developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. ُز َوان َوكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ َك ُم َخد ٍِر،ِير ِ يُستَخدَ ُم فِي التَّخد Darnel : A long-day plant that was developed as an anesthetic by Muslim scientists. ت ال ُخ َزا َمى ِ َزيتُ نَبَا اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أ Lavender oil : An oil from flowers developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. سك ِ الم ِ ُُزيُوت ُ ج ِمن الطبِيَّ ِة ُ خر ِ اض ِ غر ِ َغدَ ِد ب َ َ َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهَا فِي األ،ِعض ال َحيَ َوانَات َ َ َمادَّة ت ُست Musk oils : A substance derived from animal glands, developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. هر ِة البُرتُقَا ِل َ َ سائِ ُل َز اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ غر َ َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أ Orange blossom water : Developed for medical use by Muslim scientists. َام ِ ُس ِبيكَة َ ِ اللح َ َ َام األ ُ اء ال َمع ِدنِيَّ ِة بَع ي ِ جز ٍ َضهَا بِب َ ِ الرص َّ ِير أَو ِ ت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي ِلح،َاص ِ سبِيكَة تَكُونُ فِي الغَا ِل ِ ب ِمنَ القَصد َ َو ِه،عض َ َ َ َ َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين غ ال ذ خ أ ا م ُ َّ ِم Solder : Any of various fusible alloys, usually tin and lead, used to join metallic parts, introduced to the West by Muslims. ت ال َمثَانَ ِة ِ ق َحص ََوا ُ سح َ ت ال َمثَانَ ِة ِ ِإل َزالَتِهَا ِ حق َحص ََوا ِ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم بِاخ ِت َراعِ َو َ سيلَ ٍة ِل ِ س Lithotrity : Muslim scientists developed lithotrity, a surgical procedure for crushing bladder stones for removal. َاء ِ س َر َطانُ األَحش َ َاء ِ ان األَحش ِ َكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن قَا َم بِت َ يق ِل ٍ شخ ِ س َر َط ٍ ِيص دَق Colon cancer : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of colon cancer. يء ِ س َر َطانُ ال َم ِر َ يء ِ ان ال َم ِر ِ َ َكانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِبت َ يق ِل ٍ شخ ِ س َر َط ٍ ِيص دَق Esophageal cancer : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of esophageal cancer. َ ان َ ِ س َر َطان ِو َراثِي فِي الفَ ِم َوقَن َط َر ِة األَسن ان ِ َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َقا َم ِبت َ يق ِل ٍ شخ ٍ س َر َط ِ ان ِو َرا ِثي ٍ ِفي الفَ ِم َوقَن َط َر ِة األَس َن ٍ يص دَ ِق Genetic deformities of mouth and dental arches : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of genetic deformities of mouth and dental arches س ِل َ َش ََراب ُم َركَّز ِمن الع اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ غر َ َ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أ Honey-based syrups : Developed for use as a medicine by Muslim scientists. وم َ ِ ُشلَ ُل البُلع وم َ يق ِل ِ َكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن قا َم ِبت ٍ شخ ِ ُشلَ ِل البُلع ٍ يص دَ ِق Pharyngeal paralysis : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of pharyngeal paralysis. ب ِ ِص َما َماتُ القَل ب َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن ِ ش َّخصَ َو ِظيفَةَ ِص َما َما ِ ت القَل Heart valves : Muslim scientists were the first to make a correct description of the function of heart valves. صَيدَ ِليَّة َاء أَ َّو ِل صَيدَ ِليَّ ٍة ِ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي إِنش Pharmacy : Muslim scientists contributed to the creation of the first pharmacy. َّاش ِ ِض َمادَاتُ الش َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َأَ َخذَ َها الغ Gauze dressings : Introduced to the West by Muslims. ) (ط تَربِيع2ط ) (ط تَر ِبيع2ب ط َ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي ِح ِ سا Pi squared : Muslim scientists contributed to the calculation of pi squared. اء ِ َطا ُحونَةُ اله ََو َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ َار بِال َّطاقَ ِة ال ُمتَ َو ِلدَ ِة ِمن ِ ع َجلَ ٍة ذَا ُ َ َو ِهي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،ُالريَاح َ َت أ ُ آلَة تُد ِ طراف تُح َِر ُكهَا Windmill : A machine that runs on the energy generated by a wheel of adjustable blades or slats rotated by the wind. It was first introduced to the West by Muslim scientists. ب األَطفَا ِل ُّ ِط وم الَّتِي ِ ِفَرع ِمن فُ ُروع ِ مر َ َ س ال ِع َنايَةَ بِاألَطفَا ِل َو ُمعَالَ َج ِة األ ِ ُ َوه َُو أَ َحدُ العُل،اض الَّتِي قَد ت ُِصيبُ ُهم ُ در ُ َب ي ِ الط َاِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون Pediatrics : The branch of medicine that deals with the care of infants and children and the treatment of their diseases. It was originated by Muslim scientists. ين ُّ ِط ِ ب ِ َ الرئَت َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Pulmonary Medicine : A medical science originated by Muslim scientists. ون ُّ ِط ِ ُب العُي وم ِ ِفَرع ِمن فُ ُروع َ ِشري َح َو َو َظائ َ َ ين َواأل ِ ُ َوه َُو أَ َحدُ العُل،مراضَ الَّتِي ت ُِصيبُ َها َوال ِع ََل َج ِمنهَا ُ در ُ َب ي ِ الط ِ َس ت ِ َف الع َالَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون Ophthalmology : The branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, functions, pathology, and treatment of the eye. It was originated by Muslim scientists. َطبلَةُ األُذُ ِن َق َطبلَ ِة األُذُ ِن َ اء ِ ع َم ِليَّا ِ جر َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِب ِإ ِ تش Ear drum : Muslim scientists were the first to perform surgery by lancing the ear drum. وم ُ ِع ََل ُّ ج ال ِ س ُم وم ِ َس ِه ٍل ِلألَمع ُّ اء ِل ِع ََلجِ ال َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم بِاِستِخد َِام د ََواءٍ ُمقَيِ ٍئ َو ُم ِ س ُم Treatment of poisoning : Muslim scientists were the first to use emetics and laxatives for the treatment of poisoning. اء ِ َاض ال َم ِعدَ ِة َواألَمع ِ مر َ َ ِعل ُم أ َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Gastroenterology : The study of the diseases of stomach and intestines, originated by Muslim scientists. اء ِ س َ ِاض الن ِ مر َ َِعل ُم أ َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Gynecology : The medical science originated by Muslim scientists. سم ال َخ َرائِ ِط ِ ِعل ُم أَو فَنُّ َر َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون َ ُفَنُّ أَو تَقنِيَة ُ الر ُّ ع َم ِل ال َخ َرائِ ِط أَو ِ ُ َوه َُو أ َ َحدُ العُل،وم البَيَانِيَّ ِة ِ س Cartography : The art or technique of making maps or charts, originated by Muslim scientists. ِعل ُم األ َ ِجنَّ ِة َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Embryology : The science that deals with the origin, structure and development of the embryo, originated by Muslim scientists. اء ِ َِعل ُم األَحي َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ س ال َح َياةَ َوالكَائِنَا ِ ُ َوه َُو أ َ َحدُ العُل،َت ال َح َّية ُ در ُ َِعلم ي Biology : The science of life and of living organisms. It was originated by Muslim scientists. ِعل ُم األَرصَا ِد الج َِويَّ ِة َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُ َوه َُو أ َ َحدُ العُل،َس ال َّظ َوا ِه َر الج َِويَّة ُ در ُ َِعلم ي Meteorology : The science that treats atmospheric phenomena, originated by Muslim scientists. اض ِ مر َ َ ِعل ُم األ وم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ِ اض َوأَسبَا ِبهَا َو َم َر ِ سة ِع َ د َِرا ِ مر َ َ لميَّة تَعنَى ِب َط ِبيعَ ِة األ ِ ُ َوه َُو أَ َحدُ العُل،اح ِلهَا َو َنتَا ِئ ِجهَا َال ُمس ِل ُمون Pathology : The scientific study of the nature of diseases and their causes, processes, development, and consequences. It was originated by Muslim scientists. اطنَي ِة ِ َاض الب ِ مر َ َ ِعل ُم األ َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Internal diseases : The medical science originated by Muslim scientists. الجل ِديَّ ِة ِ مر َ َ ِعل ُم األ ِ اض َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Dermatology : The branch of medical science related to the skin, originated by Muslim scientists. الوص ِف َّي ِة َ ِعل ُم األ َنث َ ُروبُولُوج َيا َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا ال ُعلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأَ َحدُ العُل Ethnology : The study of racial and ethnic groups, originated by Muslim scientists. ِِعل ُم ا ِِلجتِ َماع َوم الَّ ِتي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون َ ي َلدَى ا ِإلن ُّ س ال ِ ُ َوه َُو ِمن العُل،ان ُ در ُ َِعلم ي ِ س َّ سلُوكَ ا ِِلجتِ َما ِع Sociology : The study of human social behavior. It was originated by Muslim scientists. ت ِ صر َّيا ِ َِعل ُم الب َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ َفَرع ِمن فُ ُروعِ ال ِفيزي ُّ س الضَّو َء َو ِ ُ َوه َُو أ َ َحدُ العُل،َالرؤيَة ُ در ُ َاء ي Optics : The branch of physics that deals with light and vision. It was originated by Muslim scientists. يف ِ ِِعل ُم التَّصن وم الَّتِي ِ ب يُ َو ِض ُح العَ ََل َقا ِ يف الكَائِ َنا ِ ِِعلم يَعنَى بِتَصن ٍ َّ ت ال َح َّي ِة َوفقَ نِ َظ ٍام ُم َرت ِ ُ َوه َُو ِمنَ العُل،ت ال َّطبِي ِعيَّةَ بَينَهَا َاِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون Taxonomy : The classification of organisms in an ordered system that indicates natural relationships. It was advanced by Muslim scientists. ِعل ُم التَّو ِلي ِد وم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء َ َتر ِة الحَم ِل َوال ِو َِلدَ ِة َوف َ َس ال ِعنَايَةَ بِال َمرأ َ ِة ِخ ََل َل ف ِ ُ َوه َُو أَ َحدُ العُل،تر ِة التَّعَافِي ُ در ُ َِعلم ي َال ُمس ِل ُمون Obstetrics : The branch of medicine that deals with the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the recuperative period following delivery. It was originated by Muslim scientists. غراف َيا َ ِعل ُم ال ُج َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Geography : The science that describes the surface of the earth, originated by Muslim scientists. ان ِ ِعل ُم ال َحيَ َو َ َوه َُو ِمن ال َمج،َس ال َحيَ َوانَ َوال َحيَاةَ ال َحيَ َوانِيَّة ت الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ِ َاِل ِ َفَرع ِمن فُ ُروعِ ِع ِلم األَحي ُ در ُ َاء ي َال ُمس ِل ُمون Zoology : The branch of biology that deals with animals and animal life. It was originated by Muslim scientists. وم ُّ ِعل ُم ال ِ س ُم َ َوه َُو ِمنَ ال َمج،س ُّم ِم َ وم َوكَي ِفيَّ ِة ُمعَالَ َج ِة ح ت الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا ِ َاِل ِ َاِل َ َّت الت ُّ َشف ال ِ سة تَعنَى بِ َطبِيعَ ِة َوآث َ ِار َوك َ د َِرا ِ س ُم َالعُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون Toxicology : The study of the nature, effects, and detection of poisons and the treatment of poisoning. It was originated by Muslim scientists. ت ِ ِعل ُم الصَّو َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ لميَّة تَعنَى ِبالصَّو ِ سة ِع َ د َِرا ِ ُ َوه َُو ِمن العُل،ت َوتَ َولُّ ِد ِه َواِنتِ َقا ِل ِه َوت َ َل ِقي ِه Acoustics : The scientific study of sound, its generation, transmission, and reception. It was advanced by Muslim scientists. ت ِ ِعل ُم ال ُّطفَي ِليَّا َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ سة ِع َ د َِرا ِ ُ َوه َُو أَ َحدُ العُل،ِلميَّة تَعنَى بِال ُّطفَي ِليَّات Parasitology : The scientific study of parasitism. It was originated by Muslim scientists. ير ِ ِِعل ُم العَقَاق َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون َ ِير َوتَر ِكيبَهَا َواِستِخدَا َماتِهَا َوتَأث َ ِس العَ َقاق ِ ُ َوه َُو أ َ َحدُ العُل،ير َها ُ در ُ َِعلم ي Pharmacology : The science of drugs, including their composition, uses, and effects. It was originated by Muslim scientists. ِعل ُم الفَلَ ِك َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ لميَّة تَعنَى ِبال َمادَّ ِة فِي الفَض ِ سة ِع َ د َِرا ِ ُ َوه َُو ِمن العُل،َِاء ال َخ ِار ِجي Astronomy : The scientific study of matter in outer space. It was advanced by Muslim scientists. اء ِ ِعل ُم ال ِفيز َي َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ِعلم يَعنَى ِبال َمادَّ ِة َوال َّطاقَ ِة َوالتَّفَاع ََُل ِ ت النَّا ِ ُ َوه َُو ِمن العُل،شئ َ ِة بَينَ ُه َما Physics : The science of matter and energy and of interactions between the two. It was advanced by Muslim scientists. ت ال َحيَّ ِة َوبِيئَتُهَا ِ ِعل ُم الكَائِ َنا َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Ecology : The study of organisms in relation to their environment, originated by Muslim scientists. اء ِ َِعل ُم ال ِكيمي َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ص َوتَفَاع ََُل َ يب َو ِبنيَةَ َو َخصَا ِئ َ س تَر ِك ِ ُ َوه َُو أ َ َحدُ العُل،ت ال َمادَّ ِة ُ در ُ َِعلم ي Chemistry : The science of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter, originated by Muslim scientists َهر ِب َّي ِة ِ ِعل ُم ال ِكيم َي َ اء الك وم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا ُ ِعلم يَعنَى ِبالتَّفَا َ ع ِل أَوالتَّح َُّو ِل ال ُمتَبَادَ ِل بَينَ ال َّظ َوا ِه ِر الك ِ ُ َوه َُو ِمنَ العُل،َهر ِبيَّ ِة َوال ِكيميَائِيَّ ِة َالعُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون Electrochemistry : The science of the interaction or interconversion of electric and chemical phenomena. It was advanced by Muslim scientists. ت ِ ِعل ُم ال ُمثَلَّثَا ت ال َفلَ ِك َّي ِة ِ سا َبا ِ َام ِه ِفي ِ استَحدَثَهُ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ َوأَس َه ُموا ِفي اِس ِتخد،ِاض َّيات َ الح ِ الر َي ِ ِأ َ َحدُ فُ ُروع Trigonometry : A branch of mathematics, originated by Muslim scientists who contributed to the systematic use of this science for astronomical calculations. ِعل ُم ال َمعَاد ِِن َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون َ ِس ال َمعَا ِدنَ َوتَصنِيفَهَا َوتَع ِيينَهَا َو َخصَائ ِ ُ َوه َُو أ َ َحدُ العُل،صهَا ُ در ُ َِعلم ي Mineralogy : The study of minerals, including their distribution, identification, and properties. It was originated by Muslim scientists. ت ِ ِعل ُم النَّبَا َوم الَّ ِتي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ُ سة َموضُو َ ِعلم أَو د َِرا ِ ُ َوه َُو أَ َحدُ العُل، ُعهَا النَّبَات Botany : The science or study of plants, originated by Muslim scientists. فس ِ َِّعل ُم الن َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ س العَ َم ِليَّا ُّ ت الذِهنِيَّةَ َوال ِ ُ َوه َُو أ َ َحدُ العُل، َسلُوك ُ در ُ َِعلم ي Psychology : The science that deals with mental processes and behavior. It was originated by Muslim scientists. س ِة َ َِعل ُم الهَند َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Geometry : A branch of mathematics advanced by Muslim scientists. الز َرا ِعيَّ ِة َ َِعل ُم الهَند ِ س ِة َ َوه َُو ِم َّما اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون،رض َ لميَّ ِة فِي ِز َرا ِ ِئ ال ِع ِ َ ع ِة األ ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل ِ يق ال َمبَاد ِ ِوم الَّتِي تَعنَى بِتَطب Agronomy : The application of scientific principles to the cultivation of land, advanced by Muslim scientists. ِعل ُم ال ِو َراث َ ِة َوه َُو ِمن الفُ ُروعِ الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء،وروث َ ِة ِ الصفَا ِ َفَرع ِمن فُ ُروعِ ِع ِلم األَحي َ اء يَع َنى بِد َِرا ِ س ِة ُ ت ال َم َال ُمس ِل ُمون Genetics : The branch of biology that deals with heredity. It was advanced by Muslim scientists. َاء ِ شريحِ األَعض ِ َ ِعل ُم ت َ َت ال َحيَّ ِة َوأ َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ب الكَائِ َنا ِ َ ِعلم يَعنَى بِشَك ِل َوت ِ ُ َوه َُو ِمن العُل،جزائِهَا ِ ركي Anatomy : The science of the shape and structure of organisms and their parts. It was advanced by Muslim scientists. َاء ِ يم األَعض ِ ِعل ُم تَق ِو اص ِل ِ ظمي ِ َوالعَض َََل ِ اضط َرابَا ِ يم إِصَابَا ِ َت الهَي َك ِل الع ِ ت َو ِ ِفَرع ِمن فُ ُروع َ س َو ِ َت َوال َمف ِ سائِ َل ِح َمايَ ِة َوتَق ِو ُ در ُ َب ي ِ الط َوم اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُ َوه َُو أ َ َحدُ العُل،َواألَر ِب َط ِة ال ُمت َّ ِصلَ ِة ِب ِه Orthopedics : The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention or correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments. It was originated by Muslim scientists. اض ِه َ ِعل ُم د َِرا ِ مر َ َ ب َو َو َظائِ ِف ِه َوأ ِ س ِة القَل َأ َ َحدُ العُلُو ِم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون Cardiology : The medical study of the structure, function, and disorders of the heart, originated by Muslim scientists. َساتِين َ ِعل ُم ِز َرا َ َع ِة الب َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Horticulture : The science of growing vegetables, fruits, flowers, and ornamental shrubs, originated by Muslim scientists. رض ِ ِعل ُم َط َب َقا ِ َ ت األ َوم الَّ ِتي اِستَحدَثَهَا ال ُعلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Geology : The science that traces the origin and structure of the earth, originated by Muslim scientists. رض ِ َ ِعل ُم َطبِيعَ ِة األ َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ َ ِعلم يَعنَى بِ َطبِيعَ ِة األ ِ ُ َوه َُو ِمنَ العُل،رض َوبِيئَتِهَا Geophysics : The science that deals with the physics of the earth and its environment. It was advanced by Muslim scientists. َاء البَش َِريَّ ِة ِ ف األَعض ِ ِِعل ُم َو َظائ َوم الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون ِ ُأ َ َحدُ العُل Human physiology : The medical science originated by Muslim scientists. ُ ف ال َّط َو ِار ِئ ُ غ َر ُ َ شأ ف ال َّط َو ِار ِئ َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن أَن َ غ َر Emergency rooms : Muslim scientists contributed to the design and operation of the first emergency rooms. فَنُ التَّو ِلي ِد ث فَ ِن التَّو ِلي ِد ِ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِباِس ِتحدَا Science of midwifery : Muslim scientists created the science of midwifery قِرفَة ِصينِيَّة اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ غر َ َ ب الَّتِي كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهَا فِي أ ِ أ َ َحدُ األَعشَا Cassia : A herb developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. ين ِ َقَ َز ِحيَّةُ َوقَ َرنِيَّةُ الع ين َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َ ش َّخ َ ص د َِرا ِ سةَ تَر ِكي ِ ب قَ َز ِح َّي ِة َوقَ َر ِن َّي ِة ال َع Iris and cornea : Muslim scientists were the first to correctly describe the anatomy of the iris and cornea. سك َِّر ُّ َب ال ُ قَص َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،ِنَبَات ِمن عَائِلَ ِة العُشبِيَّات Sugarcane : A tall tropical perennial of the grass family. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. قُنبُلَة يَدَ ِويَّة َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ َ َو ِه،قَذِيفَة يَدَ ِويَّة ُمتَفَ ِج َرة Grenade : A missile containing priming and bursting charges. The concept was first introduced to the West by Muslims. ش القَ َرنفُ ِل ُ كَب اض التَّدَا ِوي ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهَا ِفي أ، ٍَن َبات ت ُستَخدَ ُم َب َرا ِع ُمهُ َكد ََواء Clove : A plant whose buds are used as a medicine. It was developed by Muslim scientists. اب ا ِِلعتِ َما ِد ُ َِكت َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ، ُِكتَاب ت ُصد ُِرهُ البُنُوك Letter of credit : A letter issued by banks. The concept was introduced to the West by Muslims. ير ال َحدَّا ِد ُ ِك َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َ أ َ َخذَهُ الغ،َهر ال َمعَاد ِِن ِ فُرن ِلص Forge : A furnace or hearth where metals are heated or wrought. It was introduced to West by Muslim scientists. ور َ ِل ِ َّ سانُ الث َّ ق اض الت َّدَا ِوي ُ زر ِ غر َ َ َوكَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي أ،هر َ َ وبي أ ُ ُ ِعطر أ ِ الز ِ ور Borage : An annual, bristly European herb having blue star-shaped flowers. It was developed as a medicine by Muslim scientists. أوى ال ُمت َ َخ ِل ِفينَ عَق ِل ًّيا َ َم أوى لل ُمت َ َخ ِل ِفينَ عَق ِل ًّيا َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن أَن َ شأ َ َم Insane asylums : Muslim were the first to establish insane asylums. الور ِد َ َما ُء َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن،ير َها ِ ج ِمن بَت َ ََل ُ خر ِ َ الو ُرو ِد بَعدَ نَق ِعهَا َوت ُ ُمستَحضَر َط ِي ُ ت َ َ الرائِ َح ِة يُست َّ ب ِ قط َ الطبِيَّ ِة ِ اض ِ غر َ اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي األ Rose water : A fragrant preparation made by steeping or distilling rose petals in water. It was developed for medical use by Muslim scientists. ِمحقَنَة الجل ِد ِ ََقن تَحت ِ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم بِاستِخد َِام ِمح َق َن ٍة ِللح Needle : Muslim scientists were the first to use hypodermic needles. ُ ُم ِحي رض ِ َ ط األ رض ِ ب ُم ِح َ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي ِح ِ َ يط األ ِ سا Earth's circumference : Muslim scientists contributed to the measurement of the earth's circumference. ب َوال َمعَاد ِِن َ خر َطةُ ال َخ َ ِم ِ ش َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ آلَة ت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي تَش ِكي ِل قِ َط ِع ال َمعد ِِن أَو ال َخ ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ ِ ش َ َو ِه،ب Lathe : A machine for shaping a piece of material, such as wood or metal. It was introduced to the West by Muslims. سة ِللصَّيدَلَ ِة َ در َ َم يس الصَّيدَلَ ِة فِي العَالَ ِم َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن أَن َ در ِ در َ شأ َ َم ِ َ س ٍة ِلت School of pharmacy : Muslim scientists established the world's first school of pharmacy. َِم َرا ِك ُز ال ُج ُروح َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن أَن ِشأ َ َم َرا ِك َز ال ُج ُروح Trauma centers : Muslim scientists contributed to the design and operation of the first trauma centers. سك َِّر ُّ َمرضَى ال سك َِّر ُّ سك َِّر فِي بَو ِل َمرضَى ال ُّ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن َِل َح َظ ُو ُجودَ ال The diabetics : Muslim scientists were the first to observe the presence of sugar in the urine of diabetics. ت ِ طر َّيا ِ ُم َر َّكبَاتُ ال ِف )ِاض الغُدَد ِ طريَّا ِ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن اِستَخدَ َم ُم َر َّكبَا ُ مر ِ مر َ َ الهر ُمونِيَّ ِة (أ َ َ ت فِي ِع ََلجِ األ ِ ت ال ِف ِ اض Glandular extracts : Muslim scientists originated the use of glandular extracts in the treatment of endocrine diseases. الر َوائِحِ الك َِري َه ِة َّ ُم ِزي ُل َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ َُمادَّة ت ُدهَن ِ ع َلى البَش ََر ِة ِللت َّ َخ ُّل ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،الرائِ َح ِة الك َِري َه ِة َّ َص ِمن Deodorant : A substance applied to the skin to mask or suppress body odors. The concept was introduced to the West by Muslims. ُم َط ِهر ِزئ َب ِقي َأَ َحدُ األَد ِويَ ِة الَّتِي اِستَحدَثَهَا العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمون Mercury antiseptics : A medicine developed by Muslim scientists. الرا ِبعَ ِة َّ ُمعَاد ََِلتُ الد ََّر َج ِة الرا ِب َع ِة ِ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي إِيجَا ِد ال ُحلُو ِل ِل ُمعَاد ََِل َّ ت الد ََّر َج ِة Equations to the fourth degree : Muslim scientists contributed to the solution of equations to the fourth degree. سنَّا َّ نَبَاتُ ال َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ُ َي ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ َ َو ِه،َنبَات ِمنَ الفَ ِصيلَ ِة القَر ِنيَّ ِة Senna : A plant of the genus Cassia. It was introduced as a medicine to the West by Muslims. صبِ ِر َّ نَبَاتُ ال َوكَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن،ٍَار ٍة لَ ِز َجة ِ طر َ اف ُممت َ ِلئ َ ٍة بِعُص َ َ اق َور ِديَّ ِة الشَّك ِل شَائِ َك ِة األ َ َ نَبَات ذُو أ ٍ ور الطبِيَّ ِة اِستَخدَ َمهُ فِي ِ اض ِ األغر َ Aloe : A plant having rosettes of juicy, often spiny-margined leaves. Muslim scientists were the first to use it for medical purposes. نَبَاتُ الكُرك ُِم َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين ٍ ور نَ َبا ُ َ َوه َُو ِم َّما أ َ َخذَ الغ،ٍت اِستِ َوائِي ُ ُُجذ Turmeric : The root of a tropical plant. It was introduced to the West by Muslims نَبَاتُ الكُزبَ َر ِة َرب عَن ال ُمس ِل ِمين َ ورا ِ ق البَقد ُ َ َوقَد أ َ َخذَه الغ،ُونس ُ ِعُشب َطي َ َ وراقُهُ أ َ َ الرائِ َح ِة ت ُشبِهُ أ َّ ب Coriander : An aromatic herb having parsley-like leaves. It was introduced to the West by Muslims for use as a spice. زف ِ َّنَزعَة ِو َراثِيَّة ِإلَى الن زف َ يق ِللنَّز ِ َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِبت ِ ع ِة ال ِو َرا ِثيَّ ِة ِإلَى ال َّن ٍ شخ ٍ ِيص دَق Hemophilia : Muslim scientists made the first accurate diagnosis of hemophilia. نَ ِزيف يف ِ كَانَ العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أَ َّو َل َمن قَا َم ِباِستِخد َِام الثَّلجِ َوال َم ِ قف النَّ ِز ِ نع أَو َو ِ اء البَ ِار ِد ِل َم Hemorrhage : Muslim scientists were the first to use ice and cold water to impede or stop hemorrhage. رض ِ َ طر األ ُ ِن ِ ُصف ق رض ِ ِب ن َ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي ِح ِ َ طر األ ِ سا ِ ُصف ق Radius of the earth : Muslim scientists contributed to the calculation of the radius of the earth. ِ نِ َظا ُم العَ ِد العَ َربِي َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِكتَش ِ َف نِ َظا َم العَ ِد العَ َربِي Arabic numerals : Muslim scientists contributed to the introduction of Arabic numerals to the West. ث ِ قم ال َحدِي َّ ُنَ َظ ِريَّة ِ الر ث ِ قم ال َحدِي ِ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي اِكتِش َّ َاف نَ َظ ِريَّ ِة ِ الر Modern number theory : Muslim scientists contributed to the creation of the modern number theory. جو ِة َ َنَ َظ ِر َّيةُ الف جو ِة ِ أَس َه َم العُ َل َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي اِكتِش َ ََاف َوتَحدِي ِد نَ َظ ِريَّ ِة الف Sinus theory : Muslim scientists contributed to the invention and synthesis of the sinus theory َّين ِ نَ َظ ِريَّةُ ال ُمعَادَلَ ِة ذَا ِ ت ال َحد َّين ِ َف نَ َظ ِريَّةَ ال ُمعَادَلَ ِة ذَا َ كَانَ العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن اِكتَش ِ ت ال َحد Introduction of binomial theorem : Muslim scientists contributed to the introduction of the binomial theorem. َّمس ِ نُق َطةُ األَوجِ ِللقَ َم ِر َوالش َّمس َ أَس َه َم العُلَ َما ُء ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ فِي ِح ِ مر َوالش ِ سا ِ َب نُق َط ِة األَوجِ ِللق Apogee of the sun and moon : Muslim scientists contributed to the calculation of the apogee of the sun and moon. َور ِديَّات ت َ كَانَ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ أ َ َّو َل َمن أَن ِ َاريَّةَ َواللَّي ِليَّةَ فِي ال ُمستَشفَيَا ِ الور ِديَّا َ َ شأ ِ ت النَّه Hospital shifts : Muslim scientists were the first to institute the procedure of morning and afternoon hospital shifts )صر ِ َام ُع األَز َه ُر ِ الج َ (م )م972-970( )( هـ359-361سنَتَي ِ َمر ِمن ال َخ ِليفَ ِة الف َ َي بَين َّ ِين ِ بَنَاهُ جَو َه ُر ٍ َ ي ِبأ ِ اط ِمي ِ ال ُم ِع ِز ِلد َ ِ بُن،ِاَّلل ُّ الص ِق ِل َاط َمة َ َ َ َ َ ً َ َ َ َّ َارة إِلى ِ بف ِ هر ِ اإلسَل ِم َوأكبَ ُر ج ِ َوه َُو ِمن أشه َِر َج َو،صر ُ ،ٍَامعَ ٍة دِينِيَّة ُ اء َوه َُو لق َ الز َ ي بِاألز َه ِر إِش َ بِ ِم ِ ام ِع َ س ِم َامعَةً َحدِيثَةً عَا َم َ ُاَّلل ِ ِبن َ سو ِل ِ َامعَةً ِأل َ َّول َم َّر ٍة فِي العَه ِد ال َمملُو ِكي ِ ث ُ َّم أَصبَ َح ج ِ أَصبَ َح ج. سلَّم َ ع َلي ِه َو َّ صلَّى ُ الر َّ ت َ َ َ َ َصر َوالعَال ِم ًّ ُ َ َ َ ُ م ت1961 ُ س ِة َو ِ كر َو ِ يُعتبَ ُر األزه ُر.ٍض ُّم ِعدَّة ك ُِليَات َ السيَا َ ِين فِي ِم ِ عل ِ س ِجَل ِألقطا ِ ب ال ِف ِ وم الد َ اإل .يرة ِجدًّا َ َالط َر ِاز َوث َ ََلثَة ِ ُمس َمآ ِذنَ ُمخت َ ِلفَة َ َو ُملحَق ِب ِه َمكتَبَة َك ِب،حرابًا َ عش ََر ِم ُ لَهُ َخ،ِسَل ِمي ِ Al-Azhar Mosque : Al-Azhar Mosque was built in Cairo, Egypt by Jauhar Al-Siqilli at the bidding of the Fatimid caliph Al-Mu`izz in the years 359361 A.H./970-972 A.D. It is considered one of the most famous Islamic mosques and one of the greatest centers of religious learning. Al-Azhar was named after Fatimah Al-Zahra', the Prophet's daughter. Al-Azhar became a university for the first time during the Mamluk era. Secular sciences were introduced in 1961, when it was upgraded to the status of a modern university with a number of different faculties. It has five minarets in different styles, thirteen mihrabs (Prayer niches) and a huge library attached to the mosque. َ اإل ) ِب ِري َطانيَا-ي( لَندَن ِ ال َمرك َُز َوال َم ِ ُسجد ُّ سَل ِم Islamic Cultural Center and Mosque, London )وريَا ُ ( َي ِب ِد َمشق ِ س ِ ال َم ُّ سجدُ األ ُ َم ِو م) بِ َمدِينَ ِة714-705( )هـ96-86( َسنَة َ ِ بن عَب ِد ال َم ِل ِك فِي العَه ِد األ ُ َم ِوي َ ِ ي فِي عَه ِد ال َخ ِليفَ ِة األ ُ َم ِوي ِ الو ِلي ِد َ ِبُن ُ َ َ ُ َ َ َ َاك ق ُم َخ َّط ِط ف و جوبتر ي ن ا م و الر ه ل إل ل د ب ع م ن م ج ي ف ئ ش ن أ ، ذ ن آ ة ي و م أل ا ة ف َل الخ ة م َاص ع ا ي ور س ب ٍ َ َ ِ َّ ِ َ ِ ِ ِ َ ِ َ ِ ُ ِ َِد َمشق ِ ِ َ ُّ ِ ِ ِ َ َ ِ ٍِ َ ِ ُزء ُ َ َ َ َ ُ لَه،َاولَ ٍة ِ ِإلقا َم ِة ال َمآذ ِِن فِي الش َِّام َ ُاَّلل َ ( سو ِل َ ع َلي ِه َو َّ صلَّى ُ الر َ لَهُ ث ََلثة َمآ ِذنَ َوت ُعتَبَ ُر َمآ ِذنُهُ أ َّو َل ُمح.)سلَّ َم َّ سج ِد ِ َم ُ َ َ َ ً ُ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ ب ا ب (ال د ي ر ب ال ب ا ب ل َاخ د ة م ا ه جز أ ي ف ة د َ و ج و م اء س ف ي س ف ال ا ي ا ق ب ل ا ز ت ِل اء س ف ي س ف ال ب ن ي ز م و ب ا بو أ ة ِ َ ٍ ٍاء ُ َ َ َ ِ ِ ُ ِ ِ َ َ ِ ِ َّ َ َ ِ َّ َ َ َ ُ َ ٍ َ أَربَ َع ِ ِ ِ َ ُ .ِب َوال َمخطوطات ِ سجدِ) كَانَ فِي ال َم ِ ُ اضي ُمستَودَعًا ِلل ُكت ِ الغَربِي ِ ِلل َم The Umayyad Mosque in Damascus : The Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria was built in the reign of Al-Walid bin `Abdul-Malik from 86-96 A.H./705-714 A.D. It was constructed inside a Roman temple dedicated to the god Jupiter. Its layout was a reproduction of the Prophet's Mosque in Medina. It was the first mosque built in Syria that had three minarets. All four walls of the courtyard were decorated with mosaics. These mosaics were well preserved and had recently been restored. The mosque once contained an extensive library of manuscripts )س ِ سجدُ الج َ َام ُع بِال َق ُ ُان (ت ُون ِ ال َم ِ ير َو ُ َجدَّدَه،ِم) فِي العَه ِد األ ُ َم ِوي675-670( )هـ55-50( سنَتَي َ َس بَين َ ُان بِت ُون َ َبَنَاهُ عُقبَةُ بنُ نَافِع فِي َمدِينَ ِة الق ِ ير َو َ َ َ َ صن َ برا ًجا ِ سو ِار ِه فَاتَّ َخذَ َهيئ َة َّ َح َ َان أ َ بن َم َ روانَ َو َجعَ َل لَهُ أ ِ غر ِ ان َوا ِلي ال َم ِ الح ِ ع َلى أرك ِ ب ِلعَب ِد ال َم ِل ِك ِ سانُ بنُ النُّع َم َ َ ُ َ .َامعَ ِة األربَعَ ِة األولى ِ اج ِد الج َ َوه َُو أ َحدُ ال َم ِ س The Great Mosque of Qairawan : The Great Mosque in Qairawan, Tunisia was founded by `Uqbah Ibn Nafi` between the years 50-55 A.H./670-675 A.D.during the Umayyad era. It was renovated on behalf of the Umayyad caliph Abdul-Malik Ibn Marwan by the Moroccan governor, who built turrets at the corners of the courtyard in order to give it a fortified appearance. It is considered one of the four great mosques in the Islamic world )َام ُع فِي َِلهُور (بَا ِكستَان ِ سجدُ الج ِ ال َم عش ََر َويَت َ َميَّ ُز بِقُبَّتِ ِه ال َمبنِيَّ ِة ِمن ال َحج َِر َ سابِ َع َّ رن ال ُّ ت َ َّم إِنشَا ُؤهُ بِبَا ِكست َانَ فِي عَه ِد ال ِ ان جَا َه ِ َنجير فِي الق ِ سل َط .ب َّ َال ُمق ِ ص Al-Masjid Al-Jami` (the Great Mosque) in Lahore : Al-Masjid Al-Jami` was founded in the 17th century during the reign of Sultan Jahangir. It has a dome constructed of elaborately carved pieces of stone. )ُسعُو ِديَّة ُّ سجدُ الح ََرا ُم( ال ِ ال َم اضي َ برا ِهي ُم َ س ََل ُم َو َولَدُهُ إِس َما ِعي ُل ح ََوالَي َّ علَي ِه ال َ ُأَنشَأَه ِ جر ِة فِي َمكَّةَ ال ُمك ََّر َم ِة بِاأل َ َر َ اله َ ِسيِدُنَا إ ِ قَب َل2793 سنَة ُ ُ ُ َ ت َو ُملحَق ٍ س َع ِعدَّةَ َم َّرا ِ ُج ِددَ َو ُو، ِب ِه الكَعبَة ال ُمش ََّرفَة، َقِبلَة َو َم َح ُّج ال ُمس ِل ِمين. ِسج ٍد فِي الت َّ ِاريخ ُّ ال ِ أ َّو ُل َم،سعُو ِديَّ ِة َ َ ُ َ ُ َ َ َون َ . أكث ُر ِمن ِمليَ ِار ُمس ِل ٍم يَت َو َّج ُه بِقلوبِ ِهم إِلى الكَعبَ ِة.يرة َ ِبِ ِه َمكتبَة كب The Sacred Mosque : The Sacred Mosque in Mecca was the first mosque built on earth. It was founded by Abraham and his son Ishmael in the year 2793 before the Hijrah (the Prophet's Emigration). The sacred mosque encompasses the Ka`bah, a shrine held sacred by more than 800 million Muslims, to which they are required to make Hajj (Pilgrimage). It has been renovated and expanded several times. It also includes a comprehensive Islamic library. )صوفيَا ِباِستَانبُو َل( ت ُر ِكيَا ُ َام ُع آيَا ِ ج ُ اإلم ِب َرا َ س ٍة ِب ور َ ) م- 1453هـ857( َسنَة ِ يز َ اض َكنِي َ سل َطانُ ُم َح َّمد الفَاتِ ُح ُّ بَ َناهُ ال ِ علَى أَن َق ُ ط ِ نطيَّ ٍة َوكَانَ قَد بَ َنا َها َ َ ُ َ َ َ َ َ امهَا َو ُمنمن َماتِهَا ِ الميَلدِي ِ َوتَشتَ ِه ُر بِقبَّتِهَا الضَّخ َم ِة َو َزخ ِارفِهَا َو ُرخ ِ ِس ِ جوستنيان فِي أ َو َّ رن ال ِ ساد ِ اخ ِر الق صوف َيا ِمن أَج َم ِل ال َمعَا ِل ِم ُ َام ُع آيَا ِ َويُعَدُّ ج.َف فِي عَه ِد ُمص َطفَى َك َمال أَتَات ُورك ٍ تَح ََّو َل اليَو َم ِإلَى َمتح.الرائِعَ ِة َّ َ َ .َالمع َم ِاريَّ ِة ِل َمدِين ِة اِستانبُول ِ Hagia Sophie Mosque in Istanbul : Hagia Sophie was originally the most renowned church in the Byzantine capital of Constantinople. The church building was constructed during the reign of the Emperor Justinian in the sixth century A.D. and was famed for its immense dome. It was richly decorated with mosaics and costly marble. After the capture of Constantinople in 1453 A.D.by Fatih Sultan Mehmet, it was converted into a mosque and continued to function as such until it became a museum during the early years of the Turkish Republic. It is surrounded by tombs of Ottoman rulers and their families, as it was always considered the premier mosque of the Ottoman Empire. Its architecture had a profound influence on the subsequent development of the Ottoman architectural style. ُ بن )صر ِ َطولُون ِ ج ُ (م ِ ََام ُع أَح َمد ُ ُبَنَاهُ أَح َمدُ بن ََان أَح َمد َ َطولُون َ م) َويَقَ ُع فِي ِم878 - هـ265( ُم)ُ َواِنتَهَى ِمنه876 - هـ263( َسنَة ِ صر فِي َميد ُ خطي ُ بن سج ِد ِ َ كَانَ ت.)وب القَا ِه َر ِة ( َموقِع َمدِينَ ِة القَ َطا ِئ ِع َّ طولُونَ ِبحَي ِ ال َ ُب َجن َ َس ِيدَ ِة َزين ِ صن َك َم ِ طهُ َم ٍ سجدَ ِح ِ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ .ُور حَو َل بَدَ ِنهَا َحتَّى أعَل َها َ ُ ي ذاتُ ِمصعَ ٍد خ ِار ِجي ٍ يَد َ سا َم َّرا َء لهُ ِمئذنة َمل ِويَّة َو ِه Ahmad Ibn Tulun Mosque : Ahmad Ibn Tulun Mosque in Egypt was founded by Ahmad Ibn Tulun in 876 A.D./263 A.H.and completed in 878 A.D./265 A.H.It is situated in Al-Saiydah Zainab quarter in southern Cairo, a place in which the ancient city of Al-Qata'i` was once located. The general layout of the mosque was modeled on that of the Great Mosque of Samarra. It has a minaret with spiral staircase winding around its exterior. )سلَي َمانِيَّ ِة( ت ُر ِكيَا ِ ج ُّ َام ُع ال ُ اإلمبِ َرا ُسجد ِ س ِلي ُم األ َ َّو ُل َمؤ ِ َُاخلَه ِ ان القَانُونِي ِ َودُفِنَ د ُّ ي فِي عَه ِد ال ُ ان ُ َس ِ يَقَ ُع ال َم.وريَّ ِة العُث َمانِيَّ ِة ِ ط ِ س ِ س َلي َم ِ سل َط َ ِبُن ُ َ َ اإل َ َ َ ُج ِلبَت ِق َط ُع ال َمر َم ِر. لَهُ أَربَعَة َمنَا ِب َر،سَل ِميَّ ِة ال َخا ِلدَ ِة ار ث اآل ن م ُو ه و ل و ب ان ت ِس ا ة ع َام ج لف خ ل ت ى َ َ ِ ِ ِ ُ َ َ َ َ ِ ِ ٍ َعل ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ يرة َو ِكتا َبات ِمن خ ِط ُ بِ ِه زخ ِار،ير ِة العَ َربِيَّ ِة َواليَ َم ِن َ ِف ُمل َّونة َكث َ ير ِة َمر َم َرة َوالج َِز َ ال ُمستع َملة فِي بِنائِ ِه ِمن ج َِز .َام ُع ُملحَق بِ ِه َمكتَبَة ضَخ َمة َ سن ِ َوالج. َاطينَ فِي العَه ِد العُث َمانِي ِ آنَذَاك ِ شلَبِي أَشه َِر ال َخ َّط َ َو َح،َأَح َمدَ قُ َّرة The Sulymaniye Mosque : This outstanding structure was erected in the reign of the Sultan Sulyman Al-Qanuni. Selim I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire, was buried in a tomb to the rear of this mosque. The mosque was erected on a hill near the University of Istanbul. With its four minarets, it is considered one of the major monuments of the Islamic antiquities. The marble used in its construction was brought from the Marmara region, the Arabian Peninsula and Yemen. Hasan Celebi, the student of Ahmet Karah, the most famous of all Ottoman calligraphers, executed the Arabic inscriptions which are intermingled with colorful ceramic decoration. A huge library was constructed in the mosque complex )ب ِ ج ُ غر ِ َام ُع القَ َر ِويِينَ (ال َم علَم ِمن َ ُسجد َ أَن َ س ِة َ يس الثَّانِي فِي عَه ِد دَولَ ِة األَد َِار َ َم) بِ َمدِينَ ِة ف808 - هـ192( َسنَة ِ غر ُ در ِ َوال َم،ب ِ اس بِال َم ِ ِشأَهُ إ َ اإل َ َأ علُو َم ُ س ِ َامعَ ٍة فِي التَّ ِاريخِ تَح ََّولَت اليَو َم ِإلَى ج ِ سَل ِميَّ ِة َو َمرك َُز ِعبَادَ ٍة َوأَقدَ ُم ج َ عَل ِم ال َحض ُ َامعَ ٍة َحدِيثَ ٍة تُد َِر ِ َار ِة َ َ َ َ ُ ُ َ َ َ ُ ُ َ َيمت. ث عروف ِة إِلى ُ اإلسَل ِم َو ِ صر ال َحدِي ِ از َهذا الج ُ ِمنبَ ُرهُ ِمن أج َم ِل ال َمنابِ ِر ال َم.َام ُع بِأسط ِح ِه القر ُم ِزيَّ ِة ِ َعلو َم الع ِ َ َ َ اِشت َ َركَت فِي ِبنَائِ ِه ج َِمي ُع الد َُّو ِل الَّتِي تَعَاقَبَت.يرة م ال ن ف ل ل ج ذ و م ن ُو ه و وم ي ال ِ ُغر ِبي ِ األَندَل ِ َ َ َ َ َ َو ُملحَق ِب ِه َمكتَبَة َك ِب،ِسي ُ ِ ِ ِ َ .ب َ ِ غر ِ على ال ُح ِ كم فِي ال َم Al-Qarawiyin Mosque : Al-Qarawiyin Mosque was founded in Fez, Morocco in 192 A.H./808 A.D. by Idris II during the Idrisid Dynasty. One of the greatest achievements of Islamic civilization, it is a center of worship and one of the most ancient universities in the world. It is now a modern university teaching religious and modern secular sciences. Its pulpit is considered a model of the outstanding beauty of Andalusian art. Subsequent Moroccan dynasties have contributed to its renovation. )صر ِ اص ِ ج ِ بن ال َع ُ (م ِ َام ُع ع ِ َمرو َلم يَبقَ ِمن أَص ِل ِه-صر ال َقدِي َم ِة َ أَن ِ هـ َويَقَ ُع فِي21 اص ِ بن ال َع ِ َمرو بنُ ال َع َ ِم- اص َ (م ُ شأَهُ ع ِ َان ع ِ َمرو ِ صر) َميد ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ نا َل،ق َ األ َ َّو ِل شَيء ِ صر الف ِ سيِينَ ن ِصي ًبا ِمن ال ِعنايَ ِة ِ على يَ ِد األ َم ِويِينَ َوالعَبَّا ِ َ َوفِي الع،المع َم ِاريَّ ِة ِ على ِ اط ِمي ِ اإلطَل .ت َوالقَ َنادِي ِل ُ ِ ث َوالث ُّ َريَّا ِ ير ِمن األَثَا ِ ِي ِب ِه ُخلَفَا ُء الدَّولَ ِة فَ َز َّودُوهُ ِبال َكث َ ِعن `Amr Ibn Al-`As Mosque : `Amr Ibn Al-`As Mosque was founded by `Amr Ibn Al-`As in 21 A.H., in the newly established city of Fustat, Egypt. Today nothing remains of its original structure. The Umayyads and the Abbasids renovated it several times. In the Fatimid era it was luxuriously furnished and equipped with scores of lamps. )يران َ سجدُ أَصفَ َهانَ ( ِإ ِ َم .اء ِ ير ِمن العُلَ َم َ يرانَ الَّتِي يُن ُ س َ ير ِب َمدِي َن ِة أَص َف َهانَ ِب ِإ ُ ِب ِإلَيهَا ال َكث ِ سجدُ الشَّاه ال َك ِب ِ َم Isfahan Mosque : Isfahan Mosque in Iran is also known as 'Masjid AlShah Al-Kabir'. Many scholars have been associated with this mosque )ان (ك َُو َاِللَمبُور ُّ سجدُ ال ِ َم ِ سل َط The Sultan Mosque, Kuala Lumpur )يميَّ ِة فِي أَدِرنَة (ت ُر ِكيَا ِ الس ِل ِ ُسجد ِ َم ِ يم ِ َ َوه َُو ِمن ت.م1574 َسنَة ِ الس ِل ِ ُسجد َ ُم َوت َ َّم بِنَا ُؤه1570 َسنَة َ ُيميَّ ِة فِي أَدِرنَة بِت ُر ِكيَا بَدَأ َ إِنشَا ُؤه ِ صم ِ َم ِ المع َم ِاري َ َ َ ُ َ َ َ َ َّ َّ َسن ً َ َ َين َ .ور ص ق و ر اط ن ق و س َار د م و َ د اج س م ب ا م ى ن ب م ة ئ ا م ث َل ث ى ل ع َ د ي ز ت ي ت ل ا ه ل ا م ع أ ل م ك أ ن م ر ب ت ع ي ِي ذ ل ا و ان ُ ُ ِ َ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َ ِ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ِ َ َ َ ِ َ ُ ٍ ِ َ ِ َ ُّ َ .الرخ ِام َوال َمر َم ِر ُّ ِسجدُ ُكلهُ ُملبَّس ب ِ َوال َم The Selimiye Mosque in Edirne, Turkey : The Selimiye Mosque was constructed in 1570-1574 A.D. by the Sultan Selim II. This building was the masterpiece of the great court architect Sinan. He designed many mosques, in addition to over 300 other buildings, including baths, schools, markets, caravansaries and bridges. The mosque is famous for the perfection of its design and the quality of its decorations. )ُسعُو ِديَّة ُّ سجدُ ال َمدِينَ ِة ال ُمنَ َّو َر ِة (ال ِ َم َ اإل سَل ِم َو َمقَ ُّر أ َ َّو ِل ُحكُو َم ٍة َ ُاَّلل َ أَن َ ( سو ُل َ )سلَّ َم َ علَي ِه َو َّ ص َّلى ُ الر َّ ُشأَه ِ م) َوه َُو ثَانِي َم622 - هـ1( َسنَة ِ سج ٍد فِي َ ِإ ع ِة َ ي ِلل َج َما َ ُ ين الَّذِي ت ِ السيَا ِ ي َو ِ الر ُّ َوال َمرك َُز،ُالرحَال ِ ي َوال ِف ِ شدُّ ِإلَي ِه ِ َين الش َِّريف ِ ثَانِي الح ََر َم،ٍسَل ِميَّة ُّ س ُّ وح ُّ كر َ َ َ ُ .إلسَل ِم ٍ ُو ِلدَ ِفي ِه أ َّو ُل دُست،اإلسَل ِميَّ ِة َو َرمز َوحدَتِهَا ِ ُور ِل ِ The Prophet's Mosque in Medina : The Prophet's Mosque in Medina was built by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in 1 A.H./622 A.D. It was the second mosque in the Islamic era and the headquarters of the first Islamic government. Moreover, it is considered the center of Muslims and the symbol for their spiritual, political and intellectual unity. In this mosque, the first Islamic constitution was laid down. )(الهند ِ َم ِ ِلهي ِ سجدُ د َ اإل أَكبَ ُر،ِالهند َ سا ِب َع َ أَن َّ رن ال ُّ شأَهُ ال ِ سل َطانُ شَاه جَا َهان فِي العَه ِد ِ َسَل ِمي ِ ِبالق ِ ِلهي ِب ِ م ) ِبد1658-1644( عش ََر ً َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُ ُ َين ان ِ الهندُو ِ الهن ِد ق َ َم ِ س ِ سيَّ ِة قب َل ِ له ِمئذنت،اإلسَل ِم ِ ِط َرازهُ ِهندِي َمح َِلي يَج َم ُع بَ ط ِريق ِة ال َمعَابِ ِد البُو ِذيَّ ِة َو،اطبَة ِ اج ِد َ ترا ِفي َ َ َ .غايَ ِة الغَ َرابَ ِة َوال َج َما ِل ع ف ت ر ت ان ت ع ِ َ َ ً ان أَربَ ِعينَ ِم ِ ِ َرفِي Delhi Mosque : Delhi Mosque was founded by Sultan Shah Jahan in the 17th century (1644-1658 A.D.) It is the biggest mosque on the Indian subcontinent. It is built in Indian style, which combines Persian, Buddhist and Hindu architectural elements. It has two beautiful, slender minarets, each 40 meters high. )ُسا َم َّرا َء (ال ِع َراق َ ُسجد ِ َم ، َالحصن ِ ُ يُشبِه،اق ِ بَنَاهُ ال َخ ِليفَةُ العَبَّا َ ِم) ب843-( م833هـ) و228-هـ218( َسنَة َ ي ال ُمتَ َو ِك ُل ُّ س ِ سا َم َّرا َء بِال ِع َر َستَّة ِ ُ لَه،َاجد َ س ُع َما بَنَاهُ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ ِمن َم َ أَو،َس َّمى ال َمل ِويَّة َ ُ كر ِة بُرجِ بَا ِب َل َوت َ َو ِمئذَنَتُهُ ذَاتُ ِمص َع ٍد لَولَ ِبي ٍ تُذَ ِك ُر ِب ِف ِ س .عش ََر بَابًا َ The Mosque of Samarra : The Mosque of Samarra was founded in Iraq by the Abbasid caliph Al-Mutawakkil in the period 218-228 A.H./833-843 A.D.in Samarra, Iraq. The mosque has a minaret with a spiral staircase, with sixteen gates opening onto a courtyard. It is considered the most spacious mosque built in the Islamic world )س ِ سةَ الج َ سو ُ ُسجد ُ َُام ُع (ت ُون ِ َم َ َ ي ِفي عَه ِد دَولَ ِة األ - هـ236( َس َنة َ غا ِل َب ِة َ أَن ِ َّ ُاس عَبد َ فريق َيا ِ شأ َ ُه أَبُو ال َع َّب َ اَّلل بنُ ِإ ِ َش َما َل أ ِ برا ِهي َم ُّ بن أَح َمدَ األَغلَ ِب َ َ َ َ َ َ َويُعتَبَ ُر ِمن أج َم ِل َوأكبَ ِر ال َم.س َ سو ُ م) بِ َمدِينَ ِة850 َ ُسة فِي ت ُون ِ س ِ َو ِمن أكبَ ِر ال َمعا ِل ِم فِي تَ ِاريخ. اج ِد العَتِيق ِة البَاقِيَ ِة َ َ اإل َ َ َ َ َ ُ سَل ِميَّ ِة ة ار م ع ال يخ ار ت ي ف ه ع و ن ن م ه ي ل ع َ ر ث ع ا م َم د ق أ ن م ُو ه و ك َر ح ت م ي ب ش َ خ ه ب ا حر م ،ِاجد ُ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُ ِ َ ار ِة ال َم َ َ ِ ُ ِ َ ِ َ َ َ ِع َم ِ س ِ َ َ ِ ِ َ ُ َّ سج ِد .َام ِع بِالج ََزائِ ِر ِ سج ِد الج َ حر َ الزيت ُون ِة ِفي ت ُون َ َويُشبِهُ ِم ِ س َوال َم ِ اب َم The Mosque of Sousse : The Mosque of Sousse was built in Tunisia by Abu Al-`Abbas `Abdullah Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Ahmad Al-Aghlabi during the reign of the Aghlabids in 236 A.H./850 A.D. One of the biggest and most beautiful of the surviving ancient mosques, it occupies an important place in the history of Islamic architecture. It has a movable wooden mihrab (Prayer niche), similar to that in Al-Masjid Al-Jami` (the Great Mosque) in Algeria and Jami` Al-Zaitunah (The Olive Mosque) in Tunis. )ِين ( َما ِليز َيا ِ َم ِ سجدُ ص َََلحِ الد The Mosque of Salah Al-Din, Malaysia )الرح َم ِن (إِندُونِيس َيا َّ سجدُ ِعبَا ِد ِ َم The Mosque of `Ibad Al-Rahman, Indonesia )صر ِ سجدُ قَا ِيت َباي ُ (م ِ َم اء َ أَن ِ م) َويَقَ ُع اآلنَ فِي َمقَا ِب ِر ال ُخلَ َف1472 - هـ877( َسنَة َ صر ُّ شأَهُ ال َ سل َطانُ قَا ِيتبَاي فِي العَه ِد ال َمملُو ِكي ِ ِب ِم ً ً ً َ َ َ َف قُ َّبتِ ِه ال ُم َميَّ َزةُ َوقد َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ آخ ُر َما أن ِ سجدُ قايِت َباي ه َُو ُّ شأهُ ال َ َُجن ُ سلطانُ َويُ َعدُّ ت ُحفة أث ِريَّة َوخاصَّة َزخ ِار ِ َم.وب القا ِه َر ِة .ي جَاست ُون ِويت ِ ي الفَ َرن ُّ س ُّ تَغَنَّى ِبهَا األَث َ ِر Qait Bay Mosque : Qait Bay Mosque was founded by Sultan Qait Bay in Egypt during the Mamluk era in 877 A.H./1472 A.D.It is now situated in Maqabir Al-Khulafa' (or the Caliphs' Cemeteries), Cairo. It is the last architectural achievement of Qait Bay, and is especially famed for the beauty of the decorations on its dome. This dome was highly praised by the French archeologist Jaston Wiett. )ُسعُو ِديَّة ُّ سجدُ قُبَاءٍ (ال ِ َم َ اإل ف َ ٍم ِب َمدِي َن ِة قُبَاء622 - هـ1 س َن َة َ ُاَّلل َ ( سو ُل ِ علَى َمش َِار َ )س َّل َم َ ع َلي ِه َو َّ ص َّلى ُ الر َّ ُسَل ِم بَ َناه ِ أ َ َّو ُل َم ِ سج ٍد فِي َ ُ ُ َ ُ َ َّ َّ َ َت َوكَان َ س ٍ َوتَ َّم تَجدِيدُهُ ِعدَّة َم َّرا.قوى ِ سجدُ الذِي أ َ َّ على الت َ س ِ رآن الك َِر ِ يم أنهُ ال َم ِ ذ ِك َر فِي الق.ال َمدِينَ ِة ال ُمن َّو َر ِة ً َ يز أ َ َّو َل َمن َو .ٍسعُود ُ ُال َخ ِليفَة ِ صر ال َحدِي ُ سرةُ آ ِل َ ُث أ ِ َ َوتَ َولَّى تَجدِيدَهُ فِي الع.ض َع لَهُ ِمئذَنَة ِ ع َم ُر بنُ عَب ِد العَ ِز The Mosque of Quba' : The Mosque of Quba' was the first mosque built in the Islamic era. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) built it in 1 A.H./622 A.D.in Quba', about 5 km southeast of Medina. The Holy Qur'an referred to it as: "A mosque whose foundations have been laid on piety from the first day" Surah Al-Taubah (No. 9, Verse 108). The Caliph `Umar bin `Abdul-`Aziz was the first to construct a minaret on it. It has been renovated several times throughout the ages, most recently by the Saudi Government. ) ُسطين ِ ََّخر ِة ( ِفل َ سجدُ قُ َّب ِة الص ِ َم دس َ َروانَ بَين ِ ُم) فِي َمدِينَ ِة الق705-684( ُ)هـ86-65( سنَتَي َ بن َم ِ ي فِي عَه ِد ال َخ ِلي َف ِة األ ُ َم ِوي ِ عَب ِد ال َم ِل ِك َ ِبُن َ َّ َّ َ َ َ ( سو ِل َّ صلى ُ الر َّ َِّخر ِة التِي ع ُِر َج ب َ اإلسَل ِم ت َخ ِليدًا ِللص ِ َوه َُو َمبنًى َم.الشَّرقِيَّ ِة ِ سجدِي ف ِريد فِي بَابِ ِه فِي عَال ِم ُاَّلل .م1554 َسنَة َ ٍ ُج ِددَ ِعدَّةَ َم َّرا،اء ِ س ِ س َم َ ِ اء َوالقَاشَانِي التُّر ِكي َ سي ِف َ ُت َو ُز ِينَ ِبالف َّ سلَّ َم) ِعندَ َها ِإ َلى ال َ علَي ِه َو The Dome of the Rock Mosque (Qubbat Al-Sakhrah) : The Dome of the Rock Mosque was founded by the Umayyad Caliph Abdul-Malik Ibn Marwan in Jerusalem in the period (65-86 A.H./684-705 A.D.) It was built in memoriam of the rock from which the Prophet began his ascent to heaven (Al-Mi`raj). The mosque has been renovated several times. It was decorated with fine mosaics and Turkish faience in 1554 A.H. ُ سجدُ قُر )َام ُع (أَسبَان َيا ِ طبَةَ الج ِ َم ُ َّاخ ِل بِ َمدِينَ ِة قُر َ اإل سَل ِميَّ ِة ِ الرح َم ِن الد ِ ُبَدَأ َ إِنشَا ُؤهُ فِي عَه ِد ال َخ ِليفَ ِة األ ُ َم ِوي ِ األَندَل َّ سي ِ عَب ِد ِ أَسبَانيَا،طبَةَ بِاألَندَلُ ِس َوه َُو ِق َّمة ِمن قِ َم ِم.ب َ رن ِ ِين َون َ ِ قري ِ َّ علَى َوج ِه الت ِ تَ َّم ِبنَا ُء َهذَا ال َم.م786 - هـ170 َسنَة ٍ َصف ق ِ َسج ِد ِخ ََل َل قَرن َ َشج ََرة َ َّ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ اس َ ِ المع َم ِاري ِ العَال ِمي َ َول َّما ز َر،اإلسَل ِم ٍ ور َوه َُو أضخ ُم بَي ُ ُعلى َم ِر الع ِ الف ِن ُ ع الن ِ ص ِ ي فِي َ ِت ِللصََّل ِة بُن َسنَة ُ علَى قُر َ ُدرائِيَّة ِعندَ َما اِستَولَى األَسبَان ص ب ي م س َّحن ص ال ي ف ِ ِ َ طبَ َة ُ َ َ ُح ِو َل إِلَى كَات،َِحن الت َّ ِاريخ ِ َ ِ ِ ِالت َّ ِاريخ َ َ ُ َ َ َ ُ َ ُ ُ َ َ َ ََان ََان ُ .ٍ َو ُج ِددَ بِناؤ ُه ِعدَّة َم َّرات،َار قضاءٍ بِقرطبَة َ َوك د،وربَّا ُ ون ط ِويل ٍة أعظ َم َمرك ٍَز ِلل ِع ِلم فِي أ ٍ م َوك ِلق ُر1236 The Great Mosque in Cordoba : The Great Mosque in Cordoba, Spain was founded during the reign of the Umayyad caliph `Abdul-Rahman AlDakhil, in 170 A.H./786 A.D.It was completed over a period of nearly two and a half centuries. This mosque is considered one of the greatest architectural achievements in the Islamic era. The famous "History Tree" was planted in the pillared court [Sahn], later known as the Court of History. The mosque was then converted into a cathedral after the Spanish conquest of Cordoba in 1236 A.D. For many years it was the greatest educational center in Europe. It has been renovated several times َّ َ ان ت ك ُ أَل َي ِ اف ال ق ِلل ِكتَا َب ِة ٍ اِت ُّ ِخذَت ك ََو َر Linen Fibres : Used to make paper for writing ق ال َخ ِط ُ أمشَا س ِمي َ رن الحَادِي َّ عش ََر أَيَّا َم الدَّولَ ِة ال َ يران ) َو ُكتِبَت ِب ِه األَحكَا ُم َوال ُم َرا ُ س ََلتُ َو َ صفَ ِويَّ ِة ( ِإ ِ ََخط َظه ََر فِي َمطلَ ِع الق َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ق َ سته نستع ِلي َ ي شَك ُ الشكسته تَع ِليقًا ث ُ َّم أَصبَ َح أكث َر تط ُّو ًرا َو َ س ِم Calligraphic exercise : These are exercises written by eminent calligraphers for learners to take as models to better their handwriting. سي ِ ُأَندَل Andalusian ُ أَن َما ط الح ََر َك ِة ِلل َخ ِط Modes of movement ِإ َطالَة اِمتِدَاد Prolongation إِيحَائِي Suggestive إِيقَاع لَحنِي ِلل َخ ِط Melodious rhythm ب ِ اِبنُ ال َب َّوا َ َ ِمن أ.ِبن ُمق َل َة ع َ نوا ِ ِ ت.َصر بَنِي بُ َوي ِه َ َ أَت َقنَ أ.ِعَل ِم ال َخ ِط ال َع َر ِبي ِ َخ َّطاط ش َِهير فِي ع.1032/هـ414 ي ِ لميذُ ا َ ِت ُُوف َ ُ ُّ َ ُ َ ُشي َوال ُمقتَ َرن َ ال َخ ِط العَ َربِي ِ التَّا ِليَ ِة َوأدخ َل َّ ور َوال ُم َر ِ ي َوالح ََوا ِ عليهَا التَّح َ ي َو ُ ال َمنث: ي َ سينَ َو ِه ُ الوش ُّ ص ُع َواللؤل ِؤ س ُل ُ ََّوال ُمد َم ُج َوال ُمعَل ُ ق َوالقَص َ سل َ َص َوال ُم Ibn Al-Bawwab : A very famous Arab calligrapher (died 1032 A.D.), lived during the Banu Buyid rule. He was taught at the hands of Ibn Muqlah. He used the Arabic calligraphies perfectly and added so much to them. He mastered the following: Manthur, Murassa`, Lu'lu'i, Washi, Hawashi, Muqtarin, Mudmaj, Mu`allaq, Qasas, Musalsal. َاِبنُ ُمقلَة كم ال َخ ِليفَ ِة ِ صر العَبَّا ِ يرا تَحتَ ُح ً كَانَ َو ِز.)م940- م886/هـ328-هـ272( ِ سي ِ ََخ َّطاط ع ََربِي ش َِهير فِي الع .ِِس ال َخ ِط العَ َر ِبي َّ اضي ِب ِ الر َّ ُ ي ال َخ ِط العَ َر ِبي ِ َو ُمهَند ُّ قِي َل عَنهُ نَ ِب.ِاَّلل Ibn Muqla : A very famous Arab calligrapher who lived during the Abbasid rule (272-328 A.H./886-940 A.D.). He was minister for the Caliph Al-Radi Billah. He was given the nicknames "Prophet of Arabic Calligraphy" and "Master of Arabic Calligraphy". ُالستَّة َ َ األ ِ قَل ُم ُ طو ُ ي ال ُخ ُ ُ الثُّل:ُس َّية ق ُ ال ُم َح َّق, التَّو ِقي ُع,ي ِ الر ِئي َّ ُط ال َع َر ِب َّية ِ , النَّس ُخ,ُالرق َعة ِ ,ث ُّ الريحَا ِن َ َو ِه The Six Pens : These are the main Arabic calligraphies: Thuluth, Riq`ah, Naskh, Al-Rihani, Tawqi`, Muhaqqaq. ُاإلتقَان ِ Perfection اإلعجَا ُم ُ عر َ اإل ِ اب َو ِ Characters with points and others without points ع ُ اإليقَا ِ َام َم ًعا َ ع َ ع َمج ُمو ُ اإليقَا ِ الوحدَ ِة َوا ِِلن َ اص َر الت َّ َماث ُ ِل َوالتَّ َبايُ ِن َو ِ َعن ِ سج ِ يُ َم ِث ُل Rhythm : Rhythm represents the outcome of elements such as similitude, diversity, unity, and harmony gathered together. ي ِ ا ِِلتِجَاهُ التَّي ُم ُّ ور Timurid Trend ُا ِِلتِ َزان وف ِ ت َواتِجَا َها ِ ارا ُ َّتَت َ َحق ِ َ ق َه ِذ ِه ال ِقي َمةُ الفَنِيَّةُ فِي ت ِ ت ال ُح ُر َ يم َم َ س ِ صم Balance : This aesthetic value is to be realized through designing the letters' courses and directions. ُاطن ِ َالب Inward البَدِي ُع َاِس ُم النَّسخ َك َما أَس َماهُ اِب ُن ُمقلَة ِ El-badie : A name given to Naskh by Ibn Muqlah البَس َملَةُ Al-Basmalah التَّبَايُنُ طوطٍ َ ا ِِلنتِقَا ُل ِمن ُخ ُ خرى دَقِيقَ ٍة َو ِمن ُمن َحنِيَّ ٍة إِلَى ُمست َ ِقي َم ٍة غ ِلي َظ ٍة إِلَى أ ُ َ Contrast : Moving from bold fonts to other thin ones and from curved to straight ones. ق التَّفَ ُّو ُ اإل َ عَل ُء ِ Transcendence الت َّ َماث ُ ُل التَّنَا ُ ظ ُر Symmetry التَّنَا ُ غ ُم العَ ََلقَاتُ بَينَ ال ُخ ُ ِنخفَاضًا سيَّ ِة َواألُفُ ِقيَّ ِة اِرتِفَاعًا َوا ِ الرأ ِ ط ِ وط ال ُمن َح ِنيَ ِة َو َّ Harmony : Relationships between fonts whether curved, vertical, horizontal, high or low. ع التَّنَ ُّو ُ وف ِمن ح ُ ين َوذَاتَ وف الص ِ ف بَينَ ال ُح ُر ِ َيث ال ُّ ف ال ُح ُر ِ الرقَّ ِةَ ,وا ِِلختِ ََل ُ ه َُو اِختِ ََل ُ سمكُ إِلَى ِ َّاعدَ ِة َوالنَّ ِازلَ ِة ذَاتَ اليَ ِم ِ َ َ َ َ َ َّ الرتابَة عَن ال ُمشَا ِه ِد س ِارَ ,ويَدف ُع التن ُّو ُ ع ال َّ اليَ َ سأ َم َو َّ Diversity : This diversity is represented in letters in regard to their being bold, thin, being upward or downward, to the left or to the right. This diversity is meant to save the reader from dullness and boredom. الج َِميَادُو وريسكُو لُ َغةُ ال ُمس ِل ُمينَ ال ُم ِ Al-Jamiado : See also: Morisco َرف الح ُ شَكل ُم َميَّز Distinctive shape الح ََركَةُ فِي اللَّو َح ِة ال َخ ِطيَّ ِة اص ُر إِيجَابِيَّة فِي ال َخ ِط العَ َربِي ِ َو َما يَنت ُ ُج َرف َوال َمق َط ُع َوال َك ِل َمةُ َ اإليجَابِيَّةُ ِللَّو َح ِة ال َخ ِطيَّ ِة .فَالح ُ عنَ ِ ي العَنَ ِ اص ُر ِ ِه َ سل ِبيَّةُ َ َ َ بَينَ ن ع ال ي ه ت ا غ ا ر ف ن م َا ه ٍ ِ ِ اص ُر ال َّ َ ِ َ َ Movement : These are the positive elements in a manuscript. As the letter, segment and word are positive elements in Arabic script, while the in-between empty places are the negative ones. ي ال َخ ُّط الت َّ ِ اج ُّ )Taji (calligraphy ي ال َخ ُّط الد َ ِيوا ِن ُّ نطينِيَّ ِة ( 857هـ)َ .وال َخ ُّط ان العُث َمانِي ِ ُم َح َّم ٍد الفَاتِحِ ِللقُس َط ِ تر ِ اك بَعدَ فَتحِ ال ُّ ع ُِر َ ف ال َخ ُّط الد َ ي ِعندَ األ َ َ سل َط ِ ِيوانِ ُّ َ َ َ انَ ,و ِمن ت َوالبَ َرا َءا ِ اإلنعَا َما ِ الرقعَ ِة َواست ُخ ِد َم فِي ِكتَابَا ِ سلطانِيَّ ِة َوأ َو ِ ت ال ُّ ام ِر الد َ الد َ ي ُمستَخلص ِمن َخ ِط ِ ت ِ ِيو ِ ِيوانِ ُّ اط العَ َر ِبي ِ ُمص َطفَى َ َ غ َ َ َ ُ زِلنَ َو ِلذَا و و ط خ ال ل ي أص ت ي ف ل ض ف ال ع رج ي و , ه م ِس ُ جمي ِل ِه ِإلَى ال َخ َّط ِ س ِب ِه َوت َ ِ ِ ِ َ ضع نِ َ ُ ث َ َّم ا ُ َ ِ ِ ِ َ َ ِ َ َ َ َ َ َ َام ُل وريَا) َوك ِ برا ِهي َم ِ ي( ُ ع ُِر َ صر) إِ َ (م َ ف بِال َخ ِط الغزِلنِيَِ ,و ِمن أعَل ِم ِه ُم َح َّمدُ عَبد القاد ِِر ُم َح َّمد إِ َ س ِ برا ِهي ُم ِ الرفا ِع ُّ ُ َ َ ُ َ انُ ِي (ال ِع َراقُ) د َا د غ ب ال م ش ا ه ) ة ي د و ع س ال ( ِي د ُر ك ال ر ه ا ط د م ح م ) ن ب ل ( البَابَا ُ ِ َ َ ِ َّ ِ ُّ ُ َّ ُ ُّ ُّ Diwani : Turks introduced the Diwani script after the conquest of Constantinople by Muhammad Al-Fatih (858 A.H.). This script is derived from the Riq`ah Supreme Office. It was used in writing the sultanic grants, permissions and the divan orders. Hence, it got its present name. Mustafa Ghazlan, the Arab calligrapher, reestablished and added to it many remarkable features and it is also named after him (Ghazlani Script). Also among its famous users were Muhammad `Abdul-Qadir and Muhammad Ibrahim (Egypt), Ibrahim Al-Rifa`I (Syria), Kamil Al-Baba (Lebanon), Muhammad Tahir Al-Kurdi (Saudi Arabia), and Hashim AlBaghdadi (Iraq). ي ِ ال َخ ُّط ُّ ِالريحَان Al-Raihani script ي ُّ ال َخ ُّط العَ َر ِب Arabic Script ي ِ ال َخ ُّط ال َف ِار ُّ س رج ُع ِإلَى ِ َوه َُو َخط ع ََر ِبي ُمستَو ًحى ِمن ال ِكتَا َب ِة ال َبهلَ ِو َّي ِة (الفَ ِار,س َّمى نَستَع ِليق َوأَصلُهُ نَس ُخ تَع ِليق َ َُوي ِ س َّي ِة) َو َي َ َ ُّ َّ ُ َ َويَمت,ِضع ق َوا ِع ِده َرض ِ از ال َخط ال َف ِار ِ اط الفَ ِار ِ ال َخط ِ ي بِاِختِ ََل ِ فع ِ بر ِ َّ سي ِ مير علي الت ُّ س ِ يزي ِ فض ُل تَج ِوي ِد ِه َو َو ُ َ ُ َ َ وف قَلَ ٍم آ َخ َر ر ح ع م ه ف و ر ح ل خ َا د ت َم د ع ب ز ي م ت ي ا م ك ِ ُ ُ َ َ ِِ ُ ُ ِ ِ َ ِ َّ َ َ َ ُح ُرو ِف ِه Farisi : It is called Nast`aliq, taken from Naskh Ta`liq. It is an Arabic script inspired by the Persian calligraphy. The Persian calligrapher Mir `Ali Al-Tabrizi added many rules and much beauty to it. It is distinguished for the various widths of its letters and the clear distinction of its letters. ي ُّ ِال َخ ُّط الكُوف Kufi script ق ُ َّال َخ ُّط ال ُم َحق Muhaqqaq script ي ِ ال َخ ُّط ال َم ُّ ِغرب Maghribi (script) وب ُ ال َخ ُّط ال َمن ُ س Proportional script ي ِ ي ِ َّال َخ ُّط الن ِ الحج ُّ سخ ُّ َاز Hijazi Naskh Script ي ُّ اله ََل ِل ِ ال َخ ُّط Hilali script ج ُ الد َِّار اِس ُم َخ ِط النَّسخِ فِي ال ِبدَا َي ِة Darij (the Current) : The old name of Naskh ُالريشَة ِ سط ِ َوص َوه َُو قَلَ ُم الب ُ ُالب Reed pen ُشيَّة َّ ِ َام ِ خرفَةُ اله َ الز Marginal ornaments ُالسيَادَة ِ ُ َام ِل تَك ِوينِهَا بِح ب النَّ َظ ِر َ اص ِر اللَّو َح ِة ال َخ ِطيَّ ِة َ سي َط َرةُ جُزءٍ ِمن ِ علَى ك َ ِ َعن ِ َيث يُصبِ ُح َمركَزً ا ِلجَذ Domination : This represents the domination of a certain part of the manuscript over its whole form in a way to attract the attention of everyone. ُالسيَاقَة ِ َ الم ِي) َويُشبِهُ ال َخ َّط ال ُمع َمى أَو َخ َّط ِ َامن ِ َّسابِ َع َوالث َّ يرانَ (ال َقرنَ ال َ َِّار إ ُ اِستَخدَ َمهُ تُج.َخط َمج ُهو ُل ال َه ِويَّ ِة َّ يَلد َ وف أو ت ُختَص َُر ُ َف فِي ِه ب ِ ال َّط ََل ِ عض ال ُح ُر ُ َس ِم َوت ُحذ Siaqah (script) : Of unknown origin calligraphy used by the Persian traders (17th and 18th centuries). It is similar to the Mu`amma script. Some of its letters are to be omitted or combined together. وف َّ ال ِ يب الشَّم ُ ُي ال َمعق ُ ص ِل ُّ س Swastika ير ِ ال َّطبَا ُ ش )ض ُ َسيُوم (لَون أَبي ُ كَربُونَاتُ الكَال Chalk ُسا ِكنَة ُ ُ َّ َّ اإلستَاتِي ِكيَّة الطبِيعَة ال ِ ُال َّطبِيعَة Static Nature َالَلنِهَائِيَّة َ ُال َّط ِبيعَة Infinite nature ُغرة َ ال ُّط ان العُث َمانِي ِ َمح ُمود َخان الثَّانِي ُّ تَوقِي ُع ال ِ سل َط Tughra : Signature of the Ottoman Sultan, Mahmud Khan II. ار ُ ال ُّطو َم َخط Tomar ُال َّظا ِه َرة Outwardness َّس ُ الفَنُّ ال ُمقَد ي ُّ ال َخ ُّط ال َع َر ِب Sacred art (Arabic Calligraphy) ي ُّ القُرآ ِن اِس ُم َخ ِط النَّسخِ قَدِي ًما Al-Qur'ani (old name for Naskh script) ع ُ القَر َ ث َويَكت ُُب ِمن ير تَدَا ُخ ٍل ِ ُيرتِ ِه أَكث َ ُر ُح ِريَّةً ِمن الثُّل ِ ُفَرع ِمن فُ ُروعِ َخ ِط الثُّل ِ حَركَةُ قَلَ ِم ِه فِي َم َ س َ . َخط حَار َونَا ِعم. ث ِ غ َّ َ َ َّ ف ِ ب بِ ِه التوقِيعَاتُ َو ِختا ُم ال َمص ِ ِسم ال ُمؤ َِل ِ َاح ُ َ َواِلتِ َواءٍ َوكَانَت ت ُكت ِ ِكر ا ُ ف َوتحدِيد ِللت َو ِاريخِ َوذ Al-Qar` : A kind of Naskh script. It is subtle, soft and more free than the Naskh in its pen movement. It has no interlaces or curves. It was used for writing signs, seals for copies of the Holy Qur'an, chronologies and writer's name. القَلَ ُم وص ِ ُِمن الب A reed pen ُالك ُِليَّة Totality ُسيط ِ َي الب ُّ ِالكُوف Plain (simple) Kufi ُاللُّؤلُ ِؤيَّة ي ِ ال َخ ُّط ال َف ِار ُّ س Pearl-like cursive (Persian script) َ الَلشَك ِليَّة Formlessness َ الَل ُمتَنَا ِهى Infinitude ُاللَّون ِ َورا ُم ِه ًّما ِفي تَأ ِكي ِد النَّ َو ُ َيل َع ً ب اللَّونُ د ِ احي ال َج َما ِل َّي ِة ِفي ال َخ ِط ال َع َر ِبي Color : Color plays an important rule in asserting the aesthetic aspects of the Arabic calligraphy. َ ال َم اِل ِخيت )َاس ال َمائِيَّةُ (لَون أَخض َُر ِ كَربُونَاتُ النُّح Malachite َال ُمدَ َّجنُون , س ِك ِهم بِالتَّ َقا ِلي ِد ال َع َربِيَّ ِة َ فَاست َ َم ُّروا,ب عَنهَا ُّ علَى ت َ َم ُ ال ُمس ِل ُمونَ العَ َر ِ ب الَّ ِذينَ دَ َجنُوا ِفي األَندَلُ ِس بَعدَ نُ ُزوحِ العَ َر َ ُ َ َ ُ َ َونَقَلُوا التُّ َر َ َ ُ ُّ َ ورو َّبا أ َاء ح ن أ ي ف ث ا ر ت ال ا ذ ه شر ن ل ا سر ج وا ن َا ك و , ة ي وط ق ال ار ث اآل ى ل إ ي ب ر ع ِ ِ َ ِ َّ ِ َ ُ ِ ِ ِ ً ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ َ َ اث ال Mudejars : Muslims who remained in Spain after it had been reconquered by the Christians. They stuck to their Arab traditions and transferred the Arab heritage to Europe. َعربُون ِ َ ال ُمست َ اإل ب ِ س ِ ال َم ِ سَل ِم َوأَخفُوا دِينَ ُهم َولَ ِكنَّ ُهم تَبَنَّوا تَقَا ِليدَ العَ َر ِ يحيُّونَ الَّ ِذينَ عَاص َُروا ال ُمس ِل ِمينَ فِي األَندَلُ ِس َوت َ َظا َه ُروا ِب َ ِ َولُغَتَ ُهم َواِهت ُّموا بِالح ِ َرف العَ َربِي Mozarabs, (Arabized Christians) : Christians who lived with Muslims in Andalusia and adopted certain aspects of Arab culture and used their language. They also showed great care for the Arabic letter. ي ُّ ال ُمستَ َوى ال َمر ِئ Visual plane ُال َم َظا ِه ُر ال َخا ِدعَة Deceptive appearances ال ُمعَ َّمى ًيرة َ ب بِشَك ٍل فَنِي ٍ يَجعَ ُل قِ َرا َءتَهَا ِ ع ُ َارة ت ُكت َ س َ َِعب Al-Mu`amma (vague) : A phrase written in an artistic way that makes it hard to read. ي ِ َال ُمقَا ِب ُل الهَند ُّ س Geometrical equivalent اس ِ ُ َالمقي ِ النُّق َطةُ فِي ال َخ ِط العَ َربِي Module وريسكُو ِ ال ُم َّ سيَّة ( ُمح ََّرفَة عَن )الَلتِينِيَّ ِة ِ َوكَانَ لَ ُهم لَهجَة ُرو َمان,َوط ِغر َنا َطة ِ ُسق ُ َال ُمس ِل ُمونَ ا َّل ِذينَ َلم يَه ُج ُروا ال ِب ََلدَ بَعد ِسم الجَميَادُو َ وف العَ َربِيَّةَ ِل ِكتَابَتِهَا فِي َما ع ُِر َ َواِستَخدَ ُموا ال ُح ُر ِ ف بِا Morisco : Muslims who remained in Spain after the fall of Granada. They used a Romance dialect (taken from Latin). They used Arabic letters called "Al-Jamiado". ُام َّية ِ اآلر ِ الن ِ َ ُبط َّية Nabato-Arameen ب َ ِالن ُ س ت ِ ب ال َمو ُجودُ بَينَ ال َك ِل َما ِ ب ال ُح ُر َ ِيس َون ُ وف َوالتَّ َنا ُ س ُ س ُ ِال َمقَاي Proportions : Measurement and proportionality found in writing letters and words. سجَا ُم ِ الوحدَةُ َوا ِِلن َ اء اللَّو َح ِة ال َخ ِطيَّ ِة ِ َتَكَا ُم ُل بِن Unity and Harmony : Integrity of the calligraphic piece of work سيَاب ِ اِن سيُولَة ُ Fluidity اء ِ سيَاب فِي اله ََو ِ اِن )ي ِ (ال َخ ُّط ال َف ِار ُّ س Aerial fluidity (Persian Calligraphy) ِنصهَار ِ ا Fusion بَا ِول ِك ِلي )1940 - 1879( ِ جريدِي ِ ُمص َِور َ يسري ش َِهير اِستَوحَى الح ِ َّ ي فِي أُسلُوبِ ِه الت ِ س ِو َّ َِرف العَ َرب Paul Klee : A famous Swiss artist (1879 - 1940) who was inspired by the Arabic letter in his abstract works. بِدَائِي اِبتِدَائِي Primordial وص ِ ُري ال َقلَ ِم الب ُ َب -2 ًقصيرا َ س ِن القَلَ ِم ِلل ِكتَابَ ِة َوتَتِ ُّم َ ِ علَى أَربَعَ ِة َم َر ِ يز ِ َب أَكث َ َر ت ِ الفَت ُح َويَكُونُ فِي القَلَ ِم الصُّل-1" :َاحل ِ جه ِ َ ع َم ِليَّةُ ت َ ُ َ َ َ َ َّ ُُون -4ب ص َََلبَ ِة القَلَ ِم ش ل ا ل و ط ك ي و ة ف ل ج ال ي ف َق ش ح ت ف ق ش َّ ال 3 ه ن ط ب و م ل ق ال اف َو ح ن ُو ه و ن ال ُحت ُحت ُ ُّ ُ َ ِ ُ ِ ِ ِ َ َ َّق َح ِ َ س َ َ َ َ َ ِ ٍ ِ َ السن ِ القط شَطب Sharpening of the reed pen : A process of preparation for the reed pen to use in inscription. It goes in four steps: Fath (slashing) : In solid pens it is shorter, 2- Naht (scraping): This is to scrape the edges and bottom of a pen. 3- Shaq (cutting): This is to open a cut in the pen's tip, The cut's length is determined according to the pen's solidness. 4- Qat (chamfering). تَحدِيد ِنحصَار ِ ا Limitation سي ِ َتَخ ِفير َهند سي ِ َضَفر َهند Geometric interlacing تَد ِوين ِكتَابَة Inscription ار ِة َ َت ُ سل َ س ُل ال ِع َب Phrase sequence َتَشَابَك تَدَا َخ َل Interlacement : To connect by or as if by lacing together ضمينَات تَأ َ ُّم ِليَّة ِ َت Contemplative Implications تَع ِليق Farisi تَع ِويذَة سم َ ِطل Talisman Chant اوت ُ َتَف ِ الر ُ َالتَّف ُّ ار ِة َ َاوتُ َبينَ ا ِِلس ِتن ِ ون ال َخ ِط ِفي ال َع ِ ُوح َّي ِة َوفُن ِ صر العُث َما ِني Disparity : This is the disparity between the spiritual illumination and arts of calligraphy through the Ottoman era. َ فض يَلتُ ا ِِلمتِدَا ِد ِ َت Prolongation Preference تَن ِقيط Dotting (Pointing) of letters تَو ِقيع Signature َرف ٍ ُجزء ِمن ح Fragment شي ٍد ِ َحج َُر َر ُيروغ ِلي ِفيَّة ُ علَي ِه ُخ َ َوقَد نُ ِقشَت.اإلس َكند َِريَّ ِة َ عثِ َر ٍ ث لُغَا ُ ُسود ِ طوط ِبثَ ََل ِ علَي ِه فِي َر َ ُشي ٍد ق َ ََحجَر أ ُ اله ِ رب َ ت ِه ِ ي )َِف البِ ِري َطانِي ِ َوالدِي ُم ُ يروغ ِلي ِفيَّ ِة ( َمحفُوظ فِي ال ُمتح ُ اله ِ وطي ِقيَّةُ َواليُو َنانِيَّةُ َوأَمكَنَ عَن َط ِري ِق ِه فَكُّ ُر ُم ِ وز اللُّغَ ِة Rosetta Stone : A large tablet of basalt found near Rosetta (1799 A.D.). Its polished surface has been carved with Greek, hieroglyphic and demotic characters. Thanks to that tablet it was possiple to decipher the Egyptian hieroglyphics. ص ِ َُّحدُودُ الن Precincts of text حَرف Letter اطقَة أَو ُمتَك َِل َمة ِ َُح ُروف ن Semi-talking characters ث ِ َُخ ُّط الثُّل Thuluth (calligraphy) َخ ُّط ال َج ِلي ِل Al-Jalil (Script) الرق َع ِة ِ َخ ُّط ) َويُعتَ َب ُر. هـ1200( س َلي َمانَ القَانُو ِني ِ َوعَب ِد الح َِمي ِد األ َ َّو ِل ُّ يرا ِفي عَه ِد ال ُ ان ً الرقعَ ِة ت َ َط ُّو ًرا َك ِب ِ ت َ َط َّو َر َخ ُّط ِ سل َط َ َ َ َ َ ُ ال َخ َّطا َ َ ُ َ َ س ِة َ َف َ ( هـ) ه َُو ُمن ِظ ُر َهذا الخ ِط حَيث1225 ي أبُو بَكر ُممتَاز بنُ ُمصطفى أفندِي َ على د َِرا َ عك ُّ ط التُّر ِك ) َوقَد اِنتَش ََر فِي الدَّولَ ِة1272( اسم َخ ِط همايون ِ الوق َ ِيس َون َ َوع ُِر,ب لَهَا َ َف فِي ذَ ِلك ٍ س َ ضع َمقَا ِي ِ ت ِب ُ َأ ِ حرفِ ِه َو َو َ َ ًّ َ َّ َّ َ َ َ َ َّ ث ِ ف َواألحَادِي ُّ سا يَخت ِ ص بِ ِكتابَ ِة ال َمص ِ َاح ً َّيرا َحتى َح َّل َم َح َّل خ ِط النسخِ الذِي أصبَ َح خطا ُمقد ً َِارا َكب ً العُث َمانِيَّ ِة اِنتِش الش َِّريفَ ِة Riq`ah script : During the regimes of Sultan Sulaiman Al-Qanuni and `Abdul-Hamid I (1200 A.H.), Riq`ah script progressed much. The Turkish calligrapher Abu Bakr Mumtaz bin Mustafa Afandi (1225 A.H.), is considered as the theorist of this script as he devoted himself to study its characters and letters and laid down certain measurements and proportions. It was known as Hamayon Script (1272). It spread all over the Ottoman Empire and replaced the Naskh Script, which then became almost sacred as it was used for writing copies of the Holy Qur'an and Prophetic Hadith. الش ِكستَه ِ َخ ُّط ي َ رن الحَادِي َّ عش ََر أ َ َّيا َم الدَّولَ ِة ال َ يران) َو ُك ِت َبت ِب ِه األَحكَا ُم َوال ُم َرا ُ س ََلتُ َو َ صفَ ِو َّي ِة ( ِإ ِ َخط َظه ََر ِفي َمطلَ ِع ال َق َ س ِم َ َ َ ش ِكستَه نَستَع ِليق ِ ي ِ ُ الش ِكستَه تَع ِليق ث ُ َّم أَصبَ َح أكث َر تَط ُّو ًرا َو َ س ِم Chikestah : This is a way of writing that emerged at the early days of the 11th century, during the reign of the Saffauid State (Iran). It was used in writing the rulings and messages. First, it was called Chikestah Ta`liq, then, it became Chikestah Nasta`liq. يرا ُموز َ َخ ُّط ال ِق َ (ي )ٍير ُم َؤ َّكد َّ ُ ال َخ ُّط الَّذِي اِشت ِ ق ِمنهُ ال َخ ُّط الفَ ِار ُ غ ُّ س Qiramuz script : The script from which the Farisi one is derived (uncertain). ِخ َطا َطة ير ال ِكتَابَ ِة ِ تَف ُ س Epigraphy دَقِيق Precise ذُؤَابَة ش ِة َ الري ُ َّف ال ُمدَب ُ ال َّط َر ِ ب ِلل َقلَ ِم أَو Tip : Pointed tip of pen or feather َرتِيب Monotonous َرسم ِبال َخ ِط Calligram َرق ِجلد ِلل ِكتَابَ ِة Parchment مزيَّة ِ َر Symbolism ير َّية ِ ُر ُموز تَص ِو )( َخط ت ُر ِكي Graphic emblems (Turkish Script) َرنَك ِكتَا ِبي ُ َ شعَار أَو ع َََل َمة ِكتَا ِبيَّة ت ت َ ان َوأَلقَابَهُ َوتَظه َُر ٍ صهُ ِمن ُممتَلَكَا ُّ علَى ك ُِل َما يَ ُخ ِ ُّ ض ُّم اِس َم ال ِ سل َط Epigraphic Blazon : A writing emblem or mark that includes the sultan's name, titles of honor and is written on all his properties. وس ٍ ُزل َفى ع َُر َخط Zulfa `Arus (calligraphy) َّ َُزيت ِالزاج )ِت ال َحدِيد ِ سلفَا ِ بر ال ِكتَابَ ِة ُ (من ُ ِح Vitriol سنُّ القَلَ ِم ِ ش ِة َ الري ِ ِ ُّسن Nib وف ال ِكتَابَ ِة ِ ِ سيقَانُ ُح ُر Strokes شج َِري َ Arboreal َيرة ُ َ شج Palmette ب ِ َعر ِ السنجَا ُ ش سم َّ كَانَ يُصنَ ُع ِمنهُ فُرشَاةُ ال ِكتَابَ ِة َو ِ الر Squirrel Hair : A material for making brushes for writing and painting. َفرة َ ش ع َََل َمة Cipher شَكل ُمعَيَّن Rhomboid صبَاحَةُ ال َخ ِط َ Beauty of scripts صدًى َ Echo صَمغ ع ََربِي نط ِإس َطنبُول ِ س َ َار ِ ََصير ِمن ب َ َ عض أ ِ ع ِ نواعِ أَشج Arabic Gum : Gum extracted from some acacia trees in Istanbul used in medicine and art سة َ َِّصيغَة ُمقَد Sacred formula ُ ضَب وف ِ سا َح ِة ال ُح ُر َ ط ِم Proportionment (of letters) ِضمنِي َامن ِ ك Implicit طغرا ُء َ Monogram ع َِجينَة لَو ِن َّية Pigment َوزيَّة ِ عَفصَة ج وط َ ور ِ ُّشج َِر البَل ِ ع, بر ال ِكتَابَ ِة ُ َص ُ ِح ِ ُ ير بُث Gallnut : Tannic acid, used in ink, is extracted from it حريَّة ُ ِ عقَد ِ س )( َخط ت ُر ِكي Magic knots (Turkish script) َام ِ اإلعج ِ ع َََل َماتُ التَّش ِكي ِل َو Vowel points َام ٍ ع َََل َمةُ إِعج َبط نُط ِقهَا ٍ أَيَّةُ ع َََل َما ِ وف ال ِكتَابَ ِة ِلض ِ َاف إِلَى ُح ُر ُ ت تُض Vowel point (mark) : Any mark added to the letter to show its correct pronunciation. ِعل ُم ال ِكتَابَ ِة َ سالَ ِة الَّتِي َو ع ال َخ ِط الكُوفِي ِ الَّتِي كَانَت َ نوا ِ َّ ضعَهَا أَبُو َحيَّانَ الت َ الر َ َ هـ) َوذَك ََر فِيهَا أ400 ي َ ع ِ ُُنوان َ ِِي( ت ُُوف ُّ وحيد َ َ ً َ َ ُ َّ َ ,ي َّام ش ال و , ي س ل َ د ن أل ا و , ي ن َ د م ال و , ي ك ل م ال و , ي ل ي ع ا م س ِل ا : ي ل ا ت َال ك ة َشر ع ا ت ن ِث ا ى ه و ه َصر ع ي ف ة َ د و ج ِ ِ ِ ُ َمو َ ُّ ِ َ ُّ ِ َ َ ُّ ِ َ َ ُّ ِ ِ َ ِ َ ُّ ِ َ ِ َ ِ ي َ َوال ُم,ِي ِ َو, ُ َوال ُمج ََّود, ُوالري َحان ِ َوالعَبَّا, ي ُ َّشع ِ الم ِ ,ب ُّ س ُّ َِوال ِع َراق ُّ صر ُّ َوالبَغدَاد,ي `Ilm Al-Kitabah (Science of Script) : Title of the study made by Abu Hayian Al-Tawhidi (died in 400 A.H.) in which he mentioned the Kufi Script types known during his life. They were 12: Isma`ili, Malaki, Madani, Andalusi, Shami, `Iraqi, `Abbasi, Baghdadi, Musha`ab, Rihan, Mujawwad, and Misri. ُ ار ال َحلَبَ ِة ُ َغب َ َوكَان.ِالرقَاعِ َوالنَّسخ ُ َ َخط َخا ِلص َو ُمتَشَا ِبه َودَ ِقيق ِجدًّا َوقَ ِصير َويُكت ِ ب ِبشَك ِل د ََوا ِئ َر َمضغُو ًطا َو َقد تَ َولَّدَ ِمن َ َ َ ق اح أيضًا َ ب ِ سائِ ُل الحَ َم ِام فقَد َ ب بِ ِه َر ُ َ َولَ َّما كَانَت ت ُكت. الصغَ ِر ُ َيُكت ِ غايَةً فِي َ سم ٍ علَى َو َر ِ َي بِقَلَ ِم ال َجن Ghubar Al-Halabah (calligraphy) : Very small and short script, written in the form of compressed circles. It was derived from Al-Riqa` and Naskh. It used to be written on very small pieces of paper.It was given the name Qalam Al-Janah (Calligraphy of the Wing) for it was used in writing messages carried by the homing pigeons. فَنُّ ال َخ ِط ُالخ َطا َطة ِ Calligraphy وط القُرآنِيَّ ِة ِ فُنُونُ ال ُخ ُط Qur'anic Calligraphy فِينِي ِقي Phoenician صبَة َ َق ِريشَةُ ال ِكتَابَ ِة Reed طري ِ ُق َمائِل Diagonally قُلُفُونَة ُ آخ ِر ال َمخ ش ِر ِه َو ُمؤ َِل ِف ِه َوالتَّ ِاري َخ ِ ب َونَا ِ ِكتَا َبة ِفي ِ طو َط ِة ت ُ َب ِينُ اِس َم ال ِكتَا Colophon : An inscription placed usually at the end of a manuscript, giving facts about its writer, publisher, author and date of writing. ب ُ قَ َوا ِعدُ ال َخ ِط ال َمن ِ سو َ َو ضعَهَا اِبنُ ُمقلَةَ نِسبَةً إِلَى النُّق َط ِة Standard Proportions : Laid down by Ibn Muqlah َامل ِ ك ِِصفَة ِل َخ ِط النَّسخ Perfect (description of Naskh) َ ِكتَابَات ُم ضفَّ َرة ِكتَابَات ُمتَشَا ِبكَة Interlaced inscriptions ف َك َما تَبدُو فِي ِمرآ ٍة ِ حر ُ َ ِكتَابَةُ األ Mirrored lettering َن بَش َِريَّ ٍة ِ ِِكتَابَة ب ٍ سح Calligraphy with human face ُوس آد َِميَّ ٍة ٍ ِكتَابَة ذَاتُ ُرؤ Calligraphy with human shapes َفريَّة ِ ِكتَابَة ش ِكتَابَة كُو ِديَّة Cryptography : Science of translating messages into ciphers or codes ِكتَا َبة صَو ِت َّية ي ُّ ال َخ ُّط ال َع َر ِب Phonetic transliteration (Arabic Script) َعلَى َهيئ َ ِة آد َِم ِيين َ ِكتَابَة Anthropomorph ص َو ٍر َ ِكتَابَة ُ علَى َهيئ َ ِة Pictographic calligraphy ِكتَابَة كُوفِيَّة Kufic writing ِكتَابَة كُوفِيَّة ُم َم َّو َهة َست َكذَ ِلك َ ي لَي ُ َز َخ ِار َ ف َكأَنَّهَا ِكتَابَة كُوفِيَّة َو ِه Pseudo-kufic decoration : Ornaments seem to be writings in Kufic script but are not. وف ِ ِكتَابَة ُمت َّ ِصلَةُ ال ُح ُر Cursive script ورة َ ُِكتَابَة َمحف نَص َمنقُوش Inscription كفاف ُ ُم ِحي ج ُ ط الشَّك ِل ال ُمت َ َع ِر Contour كُوفِي Kufic كُوفِي ُم َربَّع Square Kufi (calligraphy) كُوفِي ُم َز َّهر Floral Kufi كُوفِي َمضفُور Kufic plaited كُوفِي ُم َو َّرق Foliate Kufi َِل ُزوردِي )ُزرق َ َ(لَون أ Azurite (blue color) ُ لَف َ الجََللَ ِة ظ Allah َار ِة ِلل ِكتَابَ ِة د ص لَوحَةُ ال َّ َ Frontispiece ُوجراف َ ِليت علَى ال َحج َِر َ ِط َباعَة Lithography لُيُونَة Softness ُمت َّ ِحدُ ال َمرك َِز Concentric امد ِ َُمتَع Orthogonal اء ِ ُمتَفَ ِجر ِبالنَّ َم Explosive ُمت َ َماثِل Symmetrical ُمحكَم ي ِ ال َخ ُّط ال َم ُّ ِغرب Muhkam (Moroccan calligraphy) ي ُ بن َ ُم َح َّمدُ بنُ َح ِ َبن أَح َمد ِ بن ُم َح َّم ِد ِ س ِن ُّ ع َم َر ال َّطيبِ ُّى الشَّافِ ِع َ َ ِمن أ َ َو.ِعَل ِم ال َخ ِط العَ َربِي نواعِ ال َخ ِط العَ َربِي ِ الَّتِي ع ُِرفَت َ هـ ) َوص908( رجعًا َها ًّما َ َ نَوعًا ِمن أ17 َف فِي ِه ِ ض َع َم َ َ َ ُ علَى َهذا ال َمخ وط فِي َ عثِ َر ُ َوقد.نواعٍ ِمن َوض ِع ِه ه َُو ِ ط ِ ب بِنَف َ ب ث َ ََلث َ ِة أ ِ ِس ِه إِلَى جَان ِ َصر ِه َو َكتَبَهَا اِبنُ البَ َّوا ِ فِي ع ُ َ َّ َ ُ َين َ ق ب َا د رج م ة ك عر م ي ف ل ت ق ِي ذ ل ا يك ل ا م م ال ط َل س ر آخ ي ور غ ال ان ط ل س َ ِ ِ َ ِ َ َ ِ َ ِ ِ ِ َ َ ِ َ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ُّ ِخ َزانَ ِة ال Muhammad ibn Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn `Umar Al-Taibi AlShafi`i : One of the outstanding figures of Arabic calligraphy. He wrote an important book (908 A.H.) in which he described 17 types of Arabic calligraphy. This manuscript was found in the treasury of the Sultan AlGhuri, the last Mamluk sultan who was killed in the Marj Dabiq Battle. ُم َخ َّط َطاتُ َزا ِويَ ٍة Angular outlines ُ َمخ طوط Manuscript ُمد ََّور وف ِ ُمتَّ ِص ُل ال ُح ُر Cursive ُمرت َ ِجف Trembling (tremble) ُم َرصَّع َ سوم َوحَفر َو ُ ُخ َير ذَ ِلك ُ طوط ذَاتُ ِظ ََل ٍل يُ َرافِقُهَا ُر ُ غ Murassa` (Inlaid) ُم ُرونَة Flexibility ِمس َم ِاريَّات ين ِ َارا ِ َع َََل َمات َوت َ ِديَّة ت ُش ِبهُ َهيئ َة َ َّت َما بَينَ الن َ المس َم ِار اُت ُّ ِخذَت ُر ُموزً ا ِلل ِكتَابَ ِة فِي َحض ِ هر Cuneiform : A character or characters formed by the arrangement of small wedge-shaped elements and used in ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian writing. شذَّب َ ُم بري ِ َم Trimmed ق ال ِكتَابَ ِة ُ َمش Calligraphic exercise ُ ُِمعَالَجَة الفَ َراغ ُ اوجَةُ بَينَ ال ُخ ق ت َ ٍام ِ ط َ ال ُم َز ٍ ُوط بِتَ َواف Space handling : Matching between letters in complete conformity and harmony. ُمعتَدِل ُ ِِصفَة َخ ِط النَّسخ Moderate (description of Naskh script) ُ طو ُ َمق ط ال َقلَ ِم سط َ ِ َعلَى َهيئَ ِة قَلَ ِم الب Truncated pen َمقلَ َمة َ َ فظ أ َ عُلبَة ِ يرة ِل ِح َّ ُّقَل ِم الن َ ص ِغ ِساخ Pencase : Small case for holding and keeping pens َمل َمس Touch Feel ُم َميِ َزات Features ُمن َحنَيَات Curves سوب ُ َمن وب ُ ال َخ ُّط ال َمن ُ س Proportional ُمنَ َّظم َِخ ُّط النَّسخ Organized and well-ordered (description of Naskh) ُمنَمنَم Miniaturist ُم ِنير Luminous بطى ِ ِن Nabatean نِسبَة Proportion نَستَع ِليق Nasta`liq نَسخ Naskh طر ُ ِن ٍ ُصف ق Radii نُق َطة Dot سة َهندَ َ Geometry اضح َو ِ Lucid Explicit َو ِ اض ُح النَّسخِ Legible َوافِر ي) (ال َخ ُّط ال َم ِ غربِ ُّ )Wafir (Moroccan script َوجهُ البَر ِديَّ ِة سط ُح ال ُم َجه َُّز ِلل ِكتَابَ ِة فِي البَر ِد َّي ِة ال َّ Recto َوحدَة َج َما ِليَّة Aesthetic Unity ق البَردِي َو َر ُ Papyrus فرة َو َ Plenitude يُ ِحي ُ ط يُح َِددُ Circumscribe آ ُج ُّر ُ حروق طوب َم ُ Backed brick ين آ ُج ُّر القَ ِم ِ Kiln brick آديات Headers اء آفَا ُ ق البِ َن ِ Vistas أبزن حَوض Basin أَبعَاد امتِدَادَات Dimensions حو ِريَّة بواب ِم َ أَ َ Rotating doors أَث َر َمبنى ت َُراثِي Monument : A structure, such as a building or sculpture, erected as a memorial أَحجَار ك َِري َمة Precious stones أُخدُو ِديَّات Flutes ُّور ِة رضيَّةُ الص َ أَ ِ "وأَيضًا التُّ َرا َبةُ أ َ ِو ال َخل َطةُ التُّ َرا ِب َّيةُ الَّ ِتي ت ُع َم ُل ِمنهَا ال َع ِجينَةُ الفُ َخ ِار َّيةُ" َ Ground أُس ُ طون ع ُمود َ Column أُس ُكفَّة ف" ب أ َ ِو ال ُّ " َ شبَّ ِ اك .أَ َّما ال ُمقَا ِب ُل ِللعَتَبَ ِة فِي أَعلَى فَ ُه َو ال َّ عتَبَةُ أَو جَل َ سا ِك ُ سةُ البَا ِ Threshold جميَّة أَشكَال نَ ِ Star patterns أفنُون أُسلُوب Style سا ُم ال َمبنَى أَق َ أَجنِ َحتُهُ ال َم ُ عزو ُل بَع ُ ان أَ ِو األَفنِيَ ِة ضهَا عَن بَ ٍ عض بِال ُج َ در ِ Precincts أَوج ُ ,جزء نَاتِئ نِ ُ صف دَائِ ِري ٍ سج ِد عَادَةً ِمن َمبنَى ال َم ِ Apse أَيقُونِي Iconic بري ِإ ِ Needle-like ِإ َطار ب" " القَ َوائِ ُم ال َخ َ ش ِبيَّةُ الَّتِي يَتَك ََّونُ ِمنهَا حَل ُ ق النَّا ِفذَ ِة أَ ِو البَا ِ Stile إفريز ِ زيق Frieze Cornice Eaves : A decorative horizontal band, as along the upper part of a wall in a room إنشَا َءات Compositions َارة استِد َ Rotundity األَب َعادُ الث َّ ََلثَةُ Three dimensions اإلسقَا ُ ي ط ِ الم َ حو ِر ُّ َيث تَظه َُر ال ُخ ُ س ًما بِح ُ علَى طو ُط األُفُ ِقيَّةُ َمائِلَةً َ َرسم َهندَ ِ سي يُبَيِنُ البِنَا َء بِأَب َعا ِد ِه الث َّ ََلث َ ِة َوفِي ِه يَظه َُر البِنَا ُء ُم َج َّ ُ سم الرأ ِ األُفُ ِقي ِ بِ َزا ِويَ ٍة ُمنَا ِ سيَّة بِ ِمقيَ ِ سبَ ٍة َوبِنَ ِ اس َر ٍ فس ُطو ِلهَا َوتَظه َُر َّ Axonometric projection اإلسقَا ُ اس ط ُمت َ َ سا ِوي ال ِق َي ِ َيث تَظه َُر ال ُخ ُ س ًما) بِح ُ علَى األُفُ ِقي ِ بِ َزا ِويَ ٍة طو ُط األُفُ ِقيَّةُ َمائِلَةً َ "رسم َهندَ ِ سي يُبَيِنُ البِنَا َء بِأَبعَا ِد ِه الث َّ ََلث َ ِة ( ُم َج َّ َ ُ ً ً َ َ َ ُ ُ َ َّ ُ َ َ نَّ ت ق ال َ د ا ع ب أل ا أ إِل . سم ر اس ي ق م ب ة ي س أ ر ة ي س أ الر ل ظ ت و َا ه ل و ط َّف ص ن ي و َة ج َر د 30 ا ه َار د طريَّةَ َوال ُمن َحنَيَا ِ ُّ َ ِ َّ ِ َّ ِ ُ َ َ ُ َ ِ َ ٍ َ َّ َ ِمق ُ ِ ِ تَظه َُر ُمش ََّو َهةً Isometric projection ور البَ ُ اب ال َمس ُح ُ قف س ٍ رضيَّ ٍة أَو َ بَاب أُفُ ِقي فِي أ َ ِ Trap door الحليَاتُ ال َمن ُحوتَةُ ِ Sculptured decoration سبَندَ ُل ال َّ "ال ُمثَلَّ ُ س َّمى كُوشَةَ العَق ِد أَو ُركنَ العَقدِ" وس ال َعق ِد ال ُممتَدُّ ِمن قِ َّم ِة العَق ِد َحتَّى نُق َط ِة ارتِكَا ِزهَِ .ويُ َ ث الَّذِي يُك َِونُهُ قَ ُ Spandrel ي ال َّطابِ ُ ق األ َ ِ رض ُّ Ground floor ال َّطلعَةُ سلَّ ِم َار ارتِفَاعِ ك ُِل د ََر َج ٍة ِمن د ََرجَا ِ ت ال ُّ ِمقد ُ Riser العُقُودُ ق الفَخ ُم النِ َطا ُ Majestic sweep حريَّةُ ال ِع َم َ ارةُ البَ ِ Naval architecture الغَنفَ ِاري شيقَةُ ذَي ِل ال َح َما َم ِة تَع ِ Dovetail الفَا ِدنُ Plumb line ال ِفيُو ُل س ِل رص العَ َ َخ ِليَّةُ قُ ِ Alveolus ئ القَط ُع ال ُمكَافِ ُ سلَ ٍة سل ِ ُمن َحنَى ِ Parabola ي وس القُ ِ القَ ُ وط ُّ أس وس ال ُمستَدَ ُّ الر ِ ق َّ القَ ُ Ogive ال َمج ُ ي ِلل َمد َخ ِل س ي ئ الر ِ ِ َاز َّ ُّ Main entrance سافَةُ ال َم َ البُعدُ Span سجدُ األَقصَى ال َم ِ Al-Aqsa Mosque النَّ َم ُ ي سا َ ط ال َّ سانِ ُّ Sassanian prototype سيَّةُ الوحدَاتُ ُّ الرئِي ِ َ خرفِيَّةُ َّ الز ُ Decorative motifs انهدريت ِ Anhydrite سلَّ ِم ئر ال ُّ ِب ُ Staircase بَاب َخادِع Trap door بَاب َخ ِفي Secret door ساقِط بَاب َ ع ُمو ِديًّا ِليُغلِقَ الفَتحَةَ صن يَ َ ق َ نز ِل ُ بَاب ث َ ِقيل ُم َ صفَّح ِل ِح ٍ Portcullis س ِري بَاب ِ بَاب جَانِبِي Postern بَاب كَاذِب False door بَاب ُم َ نز ِلق Sliding door سيط بَاب َو ِ Intermediate door بَ َ ازار سوق ُ Bazaar دروم بَ ُ رض َطا ِبق تَحتَ األ َ ِ Basement بَدَنُ ال َع ُمو ِد Shaft بَدَنَة ي العَ ُمودُ ال ُم َربَّ ُع ال ُمستَخدَ ُم ِللتَّق ِويَ ِة ِدعَا َمة َو ِه َ Pier بُرج Tower ص ِغير بُرج ُركنِي َ الجد َِار بُرج َ ص ِغير يَكُونُ فِي َزا ِويَ ِة ِ Turret بُرج ُم َحصَّن Bastion ج ُم َراقَبَ ٍة بُر ُ Watchtower ِبركَة حَوض َك ِبير Pool ي الشَّك ِل بَ َ ص ِل ُّ Bulb ِب َطانَة ان َط َبقَةُ ِد َه ٍ Slip بَطنُ العَق ِد Intrados بَ ََلط Court َخري بِلَّور ص ِ Rock crystal ِبنَاء ِب َحج ٍَر َ يم غ ِ ش ٍ ضَلعِ َو َ َار ٍة ُمتَعَ ِددَ ِة األ َ َ شذَّبَ ٍة ير ُم َ ِبنَاء يَتِ ُّم ِب ِحج َ غ ِ Polygonal masonry ِبنَاء َحج َِري ان بِال َحج َِر ال َمن ُحو ِ ت ال َّ إِقَا َمةُ ال ُج َ س ِوي ِ در ِ Stone masonry ف بِنَاء َ علَى ال َّنا ِ ش ِ ب أَو ال َحج َِر بَع ُ الم ََل ِط . ضهُ فَو َ َر ُّ عض دُونَ استِخد َِام ِ ق بَ ٍ ص ال ُّطو ِ Dry walling بَهو سيحَة َرد َهة فَ ِ Hall عمدَ ٍة هو أ َ ِ بَ ُ عمدَة" ُور ِمن حَو ِل ِه البَ َوائِكُ ال َمح ُمولَةُ َ سقفُهُ َ علَى أَ ِ ع َلى أ َ ِ " ال َمبنَى الَّذِي يَستَ ِق ُّر َ عمدَة أ َ ِو ال ِفنَا ُء تَد ُ Peristyle Hypostyle بَ َوائِكُ عمدَ ٍة أَو دَعَا ِئ َم اط َر أَو َب َوا ِئكَ ُمتَّ ِصلَة َو َمح ُمولَة َ علَى أَ ِ َمج ُموعَةُ قَنَ ِ Arcade َّخم ال َعا ِلي ض ال ب ِ َب َّوا َبةُ ال َبا ِ Portal بُورفِير ون َ ت َالج َرانِي ِ غا ِلبًا ك ِ ي ال َّل ِ َحجَر صَلب أُر ُج َوانِ ُّ Porphyry بَيضَا ِوي Elliptical بَيضَة َوحَربَة ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة تَج َم ُع بَينَ شَك ِل البَي َ هم أس الحَربَ ِة أ َ ِو ال َّ ض ِة َوشَك ِل َر ِ س ِ Egg and anchor ج العَ ُمو ِد تَا ُ الرحلَ ِة" التُّ َّفاحَة" ي ال ُمست َ ِق ُّر فَو َ ق البَد َِن الَّذِي يُح َِددُ أُسلُ َ وب َز َ خرفَ ِة العَ ُمو ِد َوقَد أَس َماهُ ابنُ ُجبَ ٍ ير فِي ِ ال ِقس ُم العُل ِو ُّ Capital ص ِل َّية تَاج َب َ Bulbous capital ج َمح ٍَل تَا ُ اإلسَل ِميَّ ِة الفَنُّ ال ُمو َ َ هر جوماَ ،وه َُو ض َِريح ُممتَاز َمحَل َزو َج ِة ي َ الهن ِديَّ ِة ِ "من َر َوائِ ِع ال ِع َم َ علَى ِضفَّ ِة نَ ِ غا ِل ُّ ار ِة ِ ُ َاركَ فِي ِإقَا َمتِ ِه ِعدَّةُ َ َّ َ َ ُ ش ) 1654 1632 ( ي ف ه ؤ ا ن ب م ت 1630 م َا ع ت ي ف ُو ت ي ت ل ا ان ه َا ج َاه ش ور ط ا ر ب اِلم ِ َ ِ ِ ُ ُ َ َِ َ ِ َّ ِ ِمع َم ِاريِينَ ِمن ُهم َم َ ى" شد ِ وِلي ُمر ِ الش َ ير ِاز ُّ )Taj Mahal (the crown of the locality تَبَادُ ِلي اء اس ِتخدَا ُم ال َب ََل َطا ِ س ِ سي ِف َ ت ال ُملَ َّونَ ِة َم َع ِق َط ِع الفُ َ Alternative ت َب ِليط ص البَ ََل ِط َر ُّ Pavement شبِي ُم َرصَّع تَب ِليط َخ َ Parquetry تَت ِويجَة Frieze تَج ِويف اص" وضع ِمنَ القَا َ كن َخ ٍ ع ِة يَد ُخ ُل فِي ِه جَانِب ِمن ِجد ٍَار عَن ُمست َ َوى بَاقِي ال ُج َ " َم ِ ان ِلعَ َم ِل ُر ٍ در ِ Recess حز َ يزات تَ ِ Grooves شيَة تَح ِ تَغ ِليف Packing شين تَخ ِ جمي ِل اللحَا َما ِ ض الت َّ ِ ت ِفي َحج َِر البِنَ ِ َار أ َ َما ِك ِن ِ اء بِغَ َر ِ تَحدِيدُ َوإِظه ُ Rustication خطيط أ َ َّو ِلي تَ ِ Sketch خطيط ت َ َعا ُمدِي تَ ِ Cruciform تَربِيعَات ت س َّطحَا ِ معينات ُزجَا ِج َّية أَو َخ َز ِف َّية ِلت َ ِ غط َي ِة النَّ َوا ِف ِذ أَ ِو ال ُم َ Quarries : Glaze or ware boards used as covering of windows or any surface رميم تَ ِ إِحيَاء َوتَجدِيد Restoration يطي خط ِ تَش ِكيل ت َ ِ تَص َُّور ِبال ُخ ُ ُوع( ُك ُرو ِكي) ط ِ وط ِلل َموض ِ Schematic form تَش ِك َ ب يَلت ِبال ُّطو ِ Brick design سي تَعبِير َهندَ ِ Geometrical expression شيقَة تَع ِ سار ِد َ Joint يرةُ القُبَّ ِة تَق ِع َ Curve of a dome كحيل تَ ِ الم ََل ِط ِللتَّق ِويَ ِة َوالتَّح ِليَ ِة" وض ِع ِلحَا َما ِ خرى ِمن ِ َام ِ ب فِي َمد ِ ضع َطبَقَ ٍة أ ُ َ يك ال ُج َ "تَحدِيدُ َم ِ ت ال َحج َِر َوال ُّطو ِ در ِ ان ِب َو ِ Pointing سيَة تَك ِ الم ََل ِط ِل ِح َمايَتِهَا ِ ِان ب ِ َت َ غطيَةُ ال ُج ِ در Revetment ب ِ تَك ِ سيَة بِال ُّطو Brick dressing نضيد ِ َت Setting ثُقب Arrow slit ثِقَ ُل ال َمادَّ ِة Material heaviness َ َ ي األ َّ ضَلعِ أ َ ِو الز َوا َيا ُّ ث ُ َما ِن Octagonal وص ُ ُي الف ِ ص ُّ ِثُنَائ Bilobed َجبَّانَة قَ َرافَة Cemetery ِجبس Gesso Gypsum : A widespread colorless, white, or yellowish mineral, used in the manufacture of plaster of Paris, various plaster products, and fertilizers. َاجز ِ ِجدَار ح Retaining wall ِجسر ُمتَح َِرك Drawbridge اك ُّ سةُ ال ِ ش َّب َ جَل ُرضيَّتُه ُّ عتَبَةُ ال َ ِ َّشب ِ َ اك أَو أ Window sill جلفق ابزين ِ د ََر Balustrade َجنَاح Annex سك ٍَن َ َجنَا ُح ")س ََلملك َ "استِ َراحَة ِ قربَ ٍة ِمن َمبنى َرئِي َ . سي ٍ (فِيلَل ُ علَى َم Pavilion سلَّ ٍم ُ َجنَا ُ ح سلَّ ٍم ُ َُطلعَة Flight of stairs ج ََواء فِنَاء َخ ِار ِجي Bailey جور أمير س َمرقَند ( 1434م) اس ُم ض َِريحِ تَي ُمورلَنك ِفي َ Gur Emir اضي حَائِط اعتِ َر ِ Transversal wall ساتِر حَائِط َ Screening wall شيَة حَا ِ حَافَّة Edging حَافَّة إِ َطار َخ ِار ِجي Rim ِحجَاب َاجز ح ِ Screen َحج َُر َّ الزا ِو َي ِة ال َحج ََرةُ القَ ِويَّةُ فِي َّ الجد َِار ِلت ُح ِك َم ضَب َطهُ كن ِ الزا ِويَ ِة اليُمنَى ِمن ُر ِ Quoin شيَ ٍة َحج َُر تَغ ِ َار ٍة َ ان َ طع َام ِ ير ال ُمنت َ ِظ َم ِة ال َمد ِ تَ ِ غطيَةُ ِك َ يك أَو ال َمبنِيَّ ِة ِمن ِحج َ سو ٍة َحج َِريَّ ٍة ِلل ُج َ غ ِ غ ِ در ِ ير ُمنتَ ِظ َم ِة القَ ِ Dressing stone ُور َحج َُر دُست ٍ يك َام ِ س ِويَّةُ الشَّك ِل يَست َ ِقي ُم بِهَا بِ َنا ُء ال َمد ِ َار ٍة َ قِ َطع ِمن ِحج َ Ashlar stone َحجَر َمنقُور ت اللحَا َما ِ اض ُح ِ َحجَر ُمنتَ ِظ ُم ال ِق َط ِع َخ ِ شنُ ال َّ طح َو ِ س ِ Rusticated stone َان دوةُ ِ ِح َ الحص ِ Horseshoe arch َحدِيد ِم َطا ِوع ب َوالنَّ َوافِذِ" اء ِلعَ َم ِل ش َُّراعَا ِ سه ُل ِاِللتِ َو ِ " َحدِيد َ ت األ َ َ بوا ِ Wrought iron ِحصن Fortress ُح َطام أَنقَاض Debris يرة ح َِظ َ س ِقيفَة َ Shed حَفر َمائِل Slanted carving َفر َّيات ح ِ Excavations َحلَبَة Arena َحلَ ِق َّيات Roundels ِحليَات قَا ِلبِيَّة Moldings ِحليَاتُ َوج ِه العَق ِد Archivault أس ِحليَةُ َر ٍ المع َم ِاريَّ ِة أَ ِو ُّ خرفِيَّ ِة الحل َيا ِ ُوس الحَنيَا ِ ت ِ ت ِب ِ تَ ِ غطيَةُ ُرؤ ِ الز ُ Hoodmold ِحل َية قَنَا ِت َّية ِحليَة َ غائِ َرة ِعندَ قَا ِعدَ ِة ال َع ُمو ِد Scotia حَنيَة ِيرةً َ ب" زواةً َك َما يُشَا َهدُ فِي بَ ِ غا ِلبًا أَو ُم َ "تَكُونُ ُمستَد َ َاري ِ عض ال َمح ِ Niche يرة َحنِ َ قَوس Arch Vault Curve ح ََواف ان ِ س ِ اف ال َّ طر ِ قف الَّ ِذي يَكُونُ عَادَةً َخ ِار ًجا ع َِن ال ُج َ آخ ُر جُزءٍ ِمن أَ َ در ِ Eaves حَوش Courtyard اص َرة َخ ِ عمدَ ٍة ين َ ع َلى أ َ ِ ُمثَلَّث كروي بَينَ القُبَّ ِة َوقَو َ ين ُمتَجَا ِو َر ِ س ِ Pendentive َخان فُندُق Khan َ اء َخرجَةُ البِن ِ ع َلى النَّ َوافِ ِذ الجد َِار َوالَّذِي َيحتَ ِوي َ ال ُجز ُء النَّاتِ ُ ئ ِمنَ ِ Bay َخرجَةُ ُ شبَّاكٍ فُرجَةُ ُ شبَّاكٍ Bay window ق َخ ُّط األُفُ ِ ت ِل َمدِينَ ٍة َما َوتَتَ َحدَّدُ ِب ِه أ َ َه ُّم َمعَا ِل ِمهَا" ت ال َمبَانِي َوال ُمنشَآ ِ "ال َخ ُّط الَّذِي تَظه َُر ِعندَهُ ِظ ََل ُل نِهَايَا ِ Skyline َخل َخال علَى َهيئ َ ِة ال َخل َخا ِل تَعلُو ال َّطب ِليَّةَ ِعندَ َقا ِعدَ ِة العَ ُمودِ" "حليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة َ ِ Torus َخندَق َمائِي Moat َخو َخة ص ِغير بَاب َ Wicket َخيَّة Trap َخ َ يز َرانُ َمضفُور Basket-work َار َم َرق د ُ عدِي ٍد ِمن الد َُّو ِل اإلسَلمي ِة شئَت فِي َ ور َطعَ ٍام أُن ِ دُ ُ Imaret : A room for eating ِدعَا َمة ُركنِيَّة Anta َ ِدعَا َمةُ طائِ َر ٍة ب حم ُل ثِقَ ًَل ِمث َل ِدعَا َما ِ حَائِط قَ ِوي يَنت َ ِهي بِعَق ِد َطائِ ٍر ِلتَق ِويَ ِة ِجد ٍَار يَ ِ ت ال ِقبَا ِ Bust flying butteress ِدعَا َمة ُم َر َّكبَة Compound pier ِدكَّة َطب ِليَّة علَيهَا ال َمبنَى ي ِليُ ِقي َم َ سانِيَّة يُ ِعدُّ َها ِ َخ َر َ المع َم ِار ُّ Pile د ََِّليَة ُمتَد َِليَة س َطتِ ِه ُم ِحي ُ سا َح ِة ال ُم َربَّعَ ِة بِقُبَّةٍ" غطيَ ِة ِ ط ال ُم َربَّعِ إلَى دَائِ َر ٍة ِعندَ تَ ِ ُوري يَتَح ََّو ُل ِب َوا ِ الم َ " ُمثَلَّث بِنَائِي َمنش ِ Pendent دِه ِليز ُ ت َو ُ َّاخ ِليَّ ِة ب البَي ِ غ َر ِف ِه الد ِ طرقَة تَمتَدُّ بَينَ بَا ِ Vestibule Corridor روة ذُ َ أَ َك َمةُ الت َّ ِل أَ ِو التَّبَّةُ ال ُمرتَ ِفعَةُ Acme المئذَن ِةَ س ِ َرأ ُ َطر ُ طور Spire ب ا حر الم ة ي َن أس ح ِ ِ َ َ ِ َر ُ Cap َّ ي الز َوايَا ُربَا ِع ُّ Quadrangle َربَض نطقَة ِم ِ Precinct َرحَابَة ساع اتِ َ Roominess َرحبَة الفَ َرا ُ ف َويَد ُخ ُل إلَيهَا ِمنهُ غ الفَ ِ سي ُح الَّذِي يَتَقَدَّ ُم الغُ َر َ Enclosure Anteroom ُر َخام Marble ُر َخام ُم َرقَّط درانُ َوت ُصنَ ُع ِمنهُ ال َم َوائِدُ َوتُبَلَّ ُ رضيَّاتُ " جزيعَا ِ "ر َخام ُمتَعَ ِددُ األ َ َ ط ِب ِه األ َ ِ ت تُبَ َّطنُ ِب ِه ال ُج َ ُ ان َوالت َّ ِ لو ِ Variegated marble َرد َهة Lobby Anteroom الط ََل ِء َرسم تَحتَ ِ Underglazed painting يحي وض ِ َرسم ت َ ِ Diagram سوة َر َ سلَّ ِم أَو ِعندَ ِنهَا َي ِت ِه س َط ال ُّ َب َو َ الد ََّرجَةُ األَرح ُ Landing َرقَبَةُ القُبَّ ِة س َّمى َطبلَةَ القُبَّ ِة أَو أُس ُ ط َوانَتَهَا ِير ال ُم َو ِص ُل بَينَ القُبَّ ِة َوبَينَ ال ُم َربَّ ِع أ َ ِو ال ُمث َ َّم ِن الَّذِي يَ ِ حملُهَا َويُ َ ال ُجز ُء ال ُمستَد ُ Drum َاملَة ُركبَة ح ِ َزا ِويَة Bracket َر ِك َ يزة قف قَائِم ِمنَ ال َحج َِر أ َ ِو ال َخ َ س ِ ب ِلحَم ِل ثُق ٍل فَوقَهُ كَال َّ ش ِ Pillar َر َوافِدُ قف ال ُكتَ ُل ال َخ َ س ِ عرضَةُ ِلتَق ِو َي ِة حَم ِل ال َّ ش ِب َّيةُ ال ُمستَ َ Rafters ُر َواق Porch َ ق الصََّل ِة ُر َوا ُ سج ِد ح ََر ُم ال َم ِ Sanctuary ُر َواق َمسقُوف Cloister َر َ وزنَة عَميَا ُء ك َُّوة َ ير نَافِذَ ٍة غ ُ Blind lantern ُزقَاق Alley ُزنَّار ان َوفِي َ يرهِ" خرفَ ِة ِ "حليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة ش َِر ِ ِ يطيَّةُ الشَّك ِل ت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي َز َ غ ِ الطبَ ِ Fascia َزيَّن To adorn سا ِكف َ ب اك َو َيكُونُ ِمنَ ال َمعد ِِن أ َ ِو ال َح َج ِر أ َ ِو ال َخ َ ب أَ ِو ال ُّ ش َّب ِ ش ِ ي الَّذِي َيكتَ ِم ُل ِب ِه تَك ِوينُ ال َبا ِ ال ُجز ُء العُل ِو ُّ Lintel ار النَّا ِفذَ ِة ِ ست َ ُ Window blind ترة ُ س َ Parapet ي األ َ َ ع ضَل سدَا ِ ُ س ُّ ِ Hexagonal وس سدَا ِ ي القَ ِ ُ س ُّ َ (و ِمن أَ َه ِم ار ِة ام ِن وال َعا ِ ين الثَّ ِ أُسلُوب فِي ت َ ِ يم العُقُو ِد َ اإلسَل ِميَّ ِة َ ش ِر ،يُ َمثِ ُل نُق َطةَ تَح َُّو ٍل فِي ال ِع َم َ صم ِ سادَ ِفي القَرنَ ِ طبَة)َ ير فِي قُر ُ سجدُ ال َكبِ ُ أَمثِلَتِ ِه ال َم ِ Hexafoil سردَاب ِ ين قَبو تَحتَ األ َ ِ َّفن أَو ِللت َّ ِ خز ِ رض َطبِي ِعي أَو ِصنَا ِعي ِللد ِ Crypt Catacomb سرو َ (شَجر) Cypress س َطام ِ حَد Edge سط ُح القَن َط َر ِة األَدنَى َ Soffit سفَالَة ُ اعدَ ِة التِمثَا ِل ال ُم َربَّعَ ِة. ق َ الو ِطيدَةُ :ال ُجز ُء األَدنَى ال ُم َربَّ ُع ِمن قَا ِعدَ ِة العَ ُمودِ .أَيضًا ت ُطلَ ُ ع َلى قَ ِ َ Plinth ش ِب َّية سقَّالَة َخ َ َ Wooden Scaffolding سقف َ Ceiling سقف َج َملُون َ Gable roof سقف ُمن َحدِر َ Inclined roof سقف َه َر ِمي َ (جَملُون) Gable roof سلَّم َحلَ ُزونِي ُ Spiral stair سنَادَةُ ِ Pilaster سنَادَةُ حَائِطٍ ِ Buttress اميَّة سنَ ِ َ ي ال ُمثَلَّ ُ ب أ َ ِو النَّ َوافِ ِذ أَ ِو ِ ي الشَّك ُل الَّذِي يُ َز ِينُ أَعلَى األ َ َ بوا ِ ث اله ََر ِم ُّ "حليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة قَد تَكُونُ ُمح ََّو َرةً عَن َه َر ٍم َو ِه َ ال َم َرايَا" Pediment سند ََرة َ ُ نز ِل غرفَة فِي أَعلَى ال َم ِ Loft Attic س َواتِ ُر َ Barricades س َوار ِ بر ُز قَ ِل ً ِحليَة َخ َ يَل حَو َل بَد َِن العَ ُمو ِد يز َرانِيَّةُ الشَّك ِل تَ ُ Astragal : A narrow convex molding often having the form of beading. ور ال َمدِينَ ِة ُ س ُ City wall سور َخ ِار ِجي ُ Curtain wall َاخص ش ِ العَ ُمودُ ال َّط ِوي ُل ال َخا ِلي ِمنَ َّ خرفَ ِة الز َ Pole شَا ِهد حم ُل اس َم َوت َ ِاري َخ ال ُمتَ َوفَّى َويُو َ برهِ" ض ُع فَو َ ي الَّذِي يَ ِ الر َخ ِ ي أَو ُّ " قَ ُ ق قَ ِ ام ُّ بر القَائِ ِم الحَ ج َِر ُّ Tombstone شَا ِهد أَثَ ِري Archeological evidence شبَّاك أَع َمى ُ الو ِظيفَةُ نَافِذَة لَهَا الشَّك ُل َولَي َ ست لَ َها َ Blind window شبَّاك َحدَقِي ُ الجد َِار ُ شبَّاك ُمستَدِير أَو ك َُّوة َمفت ُوحَة فِي ِ Bull's eye window ش َّباك َح َل ِقي ُ Ocular window َين ال َمهَا ُ شبَّاكُ ع ِ ب أَ ِو األَقبِيَ ِة أَو أَعلَى شبَّاك ُمستَدِير أَو ُ ُ ِيرة ت ُ َ شبَّاك َحلَ ِقي " َحدَق البَ َقر " َوه َُو فَتَحَات ُمستَد َ ص َّم ُم فِي ال ِقبَا ِ ب ِليَد ُخ َل الضَّو ُء ِمنهَا َواله ََوا ُء ح م َ َار ِ ال ِ Bull's eye window صبَّع ُ شبَّاك ُم َ Grille window ش َّباك ُمفَل َطح ُ َّاخ ِل َّي ِة" يق أَضيَ َ ق ِمن فَت َحتِهَا الد ِ " َنا ِفذَة تَكُونُ َفت َحتُهَا ال ُم َو ِ اجهَةُ ِلل َّط ِر ِ Splay window شبَ ِكي َ شبَ َك ِة الصَّي ِد ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة ِبهَا ثُقُوب ِمث َل َ Reticulate شبَّ ِكيَّات ُ َ ب أَ ِو ال َحدِي ِد تَظه َُر بِالنَّ َوافِذِ" ص أ َ ِو ال َخ َ الج ِ "ز َخ ِار ُ ش ِ ف ُمفَ َّرعَة فِي ِ Traceries ش َُّراعَة ب أَو َمعد ٍِن أَو َحج ٍَر" ص أَو َخ َ ساحَةَ ال ُّ شبَّاك ال َّ "ال ُّ شبَّ ِ اك ِمن ِج ٍ شبَكُ ال ُم َخ َّر ُم الَّذِي يُ َغ ِطي ِم َ ش ٍ Window grille رو ِحيَّة ش َُّراعَة َم َ اء" َّوء َواله ََو ِ اب َوت َ ُمدُّ َما َو َرا َء َها ِبالض ِ صف دَائِ ِريَّ ٍة تَعلُو البَ َ "فَتحَة نِ ُ Fanlight صن الح شُرفَةُ أَعلَى ِ ِ Merlon صن شُرفَةُ ِ الح ِ Battlement شَرقِي Oriental ش َِريحَة Flap شَق َام صن ِل َرمي ِ ِ فَتحَة َط ِويلَة فِي ِجد َِار ِ السه ِ الح ِ Loophole شَكل تَك ِوين Form شي ش ََوا ِ ِيك أس الد ِ أس ال َمبنَى َك َما يُ َز ِينُ العُ ُ رف َر َ ِحليَات ت َُزيِنُ َر َ Crestings َاري ص ِ َاخص ش ِ Post َرض صَالَةُ ع ٍ Gallery صَخر َمن ُحوت Cut rock ص ََّر َح Monumental building Edifice عمدَة َف أ َ ِ ص ُّ Colonnade صفَّة ُ سج ِد سقفُهُ َ علَى أَ ِ "ر َواق َمحدُودُ ِ سا َح ِة يَكُونُ ِفي ال َمد َخ ِل عَادَةًَ ،ويَرتَ ِف ُع َ الم َ ُ صر أ َ ِو ال َم ِ عمدَة .يُقَا ُم فِي ُمقَد َِّم القَ ِ أَو ِفي ال َحدِيقَ ِة" Portico صَلد Adamantine اء ِصنَاعَةُ البِنَ ِ Masonry صنبُور ُ ورة نَافُ َ Faucet صَنجَاتُ العَق ِد وس العَق ِد ال ُح َ جراتُ ال َمن ُحوتَةُ الَّتِي يَتَك ََّونُ ِمنهَا قَ ُ Voussoirs شقَة صَنجَات ُم َع َّ أَ َ يق قر أ َ ِو التَّع ِ وس ال َعق ِد ال ُمتَد ِ جزا ُء قَ ِ َاخلَةُ ِبال َّن ِ ش ِ Joggled vousoirs صَنجَة َحج ََرةُ العَق ِد Arch stone ضَخم Massive ض َِريح Mausoleum َطابِق َوس َطانِي Mezzanine َطا ِبيَة ع َلى َهيئ َ ٍة ِه ََل ِليَّ ِة الشَّك ِل س ِريعَة ت ُ َقا ُم َ حصينَات َ تَ ِ Lunette arch Fort َطاقِيَّةُ رو ِحيَّة م ب ا حر م ِ ِ َ ٍ َ Scalloped niche جمي َطبَق نَ ِ جم خرفِي َ ع َلى شَك ِل النَّ ِ شَكل ُز ُ Star polygon َطب ِل َّية كُتلَة ُم َر َّب َعة ِمنَ ال َحج َِر َيرتَ ِك ُز َ ع َليهَا ال َع ُمودُ Socle ب ا َط َّراقَةُ البَ ِ Knocker ين َطر َطشَةُ تَخ ِ ش ٍ Daubing َطر ُ رج ط ُ ور ال ُب ِ Spire َطر ُ لمئذَنَ ِة طور ا ِ المئذَنَ ِة أ َ ِو البُرجِ" أس ِ ب ال ُمك َِو ُن ِل َر ِ ي ال ُمدَبَّ ُ "ال َّط َر ُ ف العُل ِو ُّ Spiral ف ال ِق َّم ِة َط َر ُ Apex ُ طرقَة سج ِد سافَةُ بَينَ َ ين ِمن األ َ ِ ال َم َ عمدَ ِة أَ ِو الدَّعَائِ ِم فِي ال َم ِ صفَّ ِ Aisle َطنَف انَ ،وت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي َ ار ِة َكذَ ِلكَ س ِ ُور أُفُ ِقيًّا بَينَ ال َّ ير ال ِع َم َ قف َوال ُج َ ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة تَد ُ غ ِ در ِ Cornice ُ طوب Brick ُ وب (اللَّ ِب ِن) ط ُ Adobe ُ ف جو ُ طوب أ َ َ Hollowed Brick ُ وب القمين ط ُ Fired brick ُ طوب لَ ِبن جَاف Dried brick ُ طوب ُمثَقَّب Perforated brick ُ طوب ُم َجفَّف بِالتَّه ِويَ ِة Air-dried brick ُ طوب ُم َح َّمص Baked brick ُ طوب ُم َزجَّج Glazed brick َط ِيع لَدَا ِئ ِني Plastic ُ ظلَّة Tester عَاتِق Architrave ور س ال ُّ ع ََرائِ ُ س ِ ي األ َ َ جزا ُء العُل ِويَّةُ ِمن ُ َوت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي ال ُم َراقَبَ ِة إلَى جَانِ ِ س ٍ ب كَونِهَا ِحليَةً ِمع َم ِاريَّةً َو ِه َ ور ُمت َ َر ِد ٍد بَينَ ِاِلرتِفَاعِ اض َو ِاِل ِ نخفَ ِ Crenelations ي األ َ َ ع ِ ُشر ُّ ضَلعِ Decagonal عضَادَة َ َكتِف Jamb ب َ عضَادَةُ جَانِ ٍ ف ال َمد َخ ِل َكتِ ُ Jamb post عَقد قَن َط َرة Vault س عَقد أَف َط ُ ي ال َم َرا ِك ِز) ُ (ربَا ِع ُّ Groin vault Intersecting vault قرنُ عَقد أ َ َ أس ُمدَبَّبَ ٍة ساهُ ِمن أَعلَى بِ َر ٍ عَقد يَت َّ ِص ُل َقو َ Cusped arch إهليلجي عَقد ِ Elliptical arch رمي ِلي عَقد بَ ِ Barrel vault يف صر ٍ عَقدُ ت َ ِ الث َق ِل ق َ سي فَو َ يف ِ عَقد قَو ِ ض تَخ ِف ِ ب ِبغَ َر ِ عت َ ٍ Relieving arch عَقد حَاد عَقد ض َِيق حَادُّ َّ هم أس ال َّ الزا ِويَ ِة ك ََر ِ س ِ Acute arcade دو ِة ال َف َر ِس) عَقد ِحد ِوي (ك َِح َ صف دَائِ ِري ٍ َوقَد يَكُونُ ُمدَبَّبًا َوقَد يَكُونُ نِ َ Horse-shoe arch ت الو َر َقا ِ عَقد ُخ َما ِ ي َ س ُّ Cinquefoil arch ين عَقد ذُو َكتِ َف ِ حم ََلنِ ِه ين يَ ِ عَقد يَ ِق ُّل بَ ُ حرهُ عَن بَ ِ ين اللَّذَ ِ حر ال َكتِفَ ِ Shouldered arch اس قو ِ ي األ َ َ عَقد ُربَا ِع ُّ ان فِي أَس َف َل ان فِي أَعلَى َواثنَ ِ عَقد لَهُ أَربَعَةُ َم َرا ِك َز اثنَ ِ Intersecting vault عَقد ُركنِي ان ِلتَست َ ِق َّر فَوقَهُ القُبَّةُ" َان ُم َربَّ ِع ال ُج َ در ِ "عَقد يُقَا ُم فِي أَرك ِ Squinch arch وص ي الفُ ُ ص ِ عَقد ُركنِي ث ُ ََلثِ ُّ Tripartite squinch محي عَقد ُر ِ Lancet arcade َان ص الح دو ِة عَقد َ ِ ع َلى َهيئ َ ِة ِح َ ِ Horseshoe arch عَقد َف ِارع سي ِه ِفي اس ِتقَا َم ٍة إلَى َما تَحتَ َمرك َِز ِه عَقد ُمش ََّرع َيتَدَ َّلى َط َر َفا قَو َ Stilted arch ب عَقدُ َقاعِ ال َمر َك ِ س ِفينَ ِة اع ال َّ عَقد يُش ِبهُ تَقَ ُّو َ س قَ ِ Keel arcade سي عَقد قَو ِ الوت َ ِر سي أَو َمحدُود َوه َُو قَو ِ ُور) عَقد قَو ِ (ويُ َ ي َ َ س َّمى العَقدُ ال َموت ُ س ُّ Segmental arch وطي ُمدَبَّب عَقد قُ ِ Ogive : Pointed arch عَقد ُمتَد ٍَل سي ِه ين َها ِبط عَن َمرك َِز قَو َ ين ُمتَقَ ِاربَ ِ عَقد ذُو َمرك ََز ِ Dropped arch وص عَقد ُمتَعَ ِددُ الفُ ُ ص ِ Multifoil arcade عَقد ُمتَ َما ِوج Undulating arch ف عَقد ُمتَه َِد ُل ال َكتِ ِ عَقد يَ َ ض أَ َحدُ َكتِ َفي ِه ع َِن اآل َخ ِر نخ ِف ُ Rampant arch َ ين سا ِوي القو َ َارب ُمت َ َ عَقد ُمح ِ س ِ Equilateral arch حرود عَقد َم ُ عَقد َملفُوت Skew arch وطي خر ِ عَقد َم ُ Parabolic arcade عَقد ُم َخفَّف ب عَادَةً عَقد يَعلُو أَعتَ َ اب األ َ َ بوا ِ Relieving arch عَقد ُمدَبَّب ين ين أَ ِو القَو َ سا ِوي ال َّ ين ُمتَ َ س ِ ساقَ ِ عَقد ذُو َمرك ََز ِ Equilateral arch عَقد ُمرتَد Ogee arch عَقد َمرفُوس Thrust of arch عَقد َمز ِوي Pointed arch ف عَقد ُمستَدَ ُّ ق ال َّط َر ِ النهَا َي ِة ب ِ عَقد ُر ِ ي الشَّك ِل ُمدَ َّب ُ مح ُّ Cusped arch Lancet arch عرض عَقد ُمست َ َ Transversed arch عَقد ُمستَ ِقيم Flat arch س َّطح عَقد ُم َ زواةً ِللتَّق ِويَ ِة َوتَكُونُ صَنجَاتُهُ ُم َ Flat arch عَقد ُمفَصَّص Broken arch اس قو ِ س األ َ َ عَقد ُمنعَ ِك ُ س ٍة اس ُمعت َ ِدلَ ٍة ث ُ َّم ُمنعَ ِك َ قو ٍ يَتَك ََّونُ جَانِ َباهُ ِمن أَ َ Ogee arch عَقد نَاقِص ضَلعِ َمفت ُوح أ َ َ ي األ َ َ ث عَلهُ يُستَخدَ ُم أَكثَ َر فِي ِصنَا َ ع ِة األَثَا ِ عَقد دَائِ ِري أَو ث ُ ََلثِ ُّ Broken arch سي عَقد نَاقُو ِ ين ع َلى َهيئ َ ِة الج ََر ِس يَرتَ ِك ُز َ عَقد َ ع َلى ُركبَتَ ِ Bell arcade عَقد ِن ُ صف دَا ِئ ِري ٍ Semicircular arch عَقد َه َر ِمي ( ُمثَلَّث) Triangular arch وص ي الفُ ُ ص ِ عَقد َو َرقِ ُّ وص عَقد يَتَك ََّونُ ِمن َ الو َر َقا ِ ت أَو الفُ ُ ص ِ عدَ ٍد ِمنَ َ Foliated arch Trefoil arch عقُود ُمتَشَابِكَة ُ َمج ُموعَةُ ُ عقُو ٍد ذَا ِ ت بَ َوائِكَ ُمتَقَ ِ ين تَش ِكي ٍل ُز ُ اطعَ ٍة ِلتَك ِو ِ خرفِي ٍ Interlaced arcade عقُود ُمت َ َما ِوجَة ُ سهَا ُمت َ َما ِوجَة أَو ُمتَتَا ِليَة ُ قوا ُ عقُود أ َ َ Undulating arches ع ِقيق أَح َم ُر َ Agate َ علَى شَك ٍل ُمست ِطي ٍل َ Rectangular ابزين َ ع ُمودُ د ََر ِ Baluster ع ُمود ُركنِي َ Corner post ُورنثِي َ ع ُمود ك ِ Corinthian Column ع ُمود َم ِاردِي َ ت ال َمبنَى اجهَا ِ ق بِ َو ِ العَ ُمودُ الَّذِي يَرتَ ِف ُع ِألَكث َ َر ِمن َطا ِب ٍ Colossal order ع ُمود ُم َخشَّن َ Rusticated Column ع ُمود ُملت َ ِصق َ ف َويَكُو ُن ُملتَ ِصقًا ِبهَا" ِير ال ِق َطاعِ يُ َزيِنُ أَحيَا ًنا أَركَانَ الدَّعَائِ ِم الَّ ِتي تَ ِ "عُن ُ حم ُل األَسقُ َ صر ِمع َم ِاري ُمستَد ُ Engaged column ع ُمود َمل ِوي أَو َحلَ ُزونِي َ Twisted Column َان تَوأَم َ ع ُمود ِ Coupled Column ُ صن َاخ ِليَّة َ ان ِ يرة د ِ غ َرف د ِ َاخ َل ُج َ ص ِغ َ الح ِ در ِ Guardrooms ُ س َم ِر غرفَةُ ال َّ ت رض فِي أَسفَ ِل البَي ِ تَحتَ األ َ ِ Rumpus room ُ غرفَة ال َمد َخ ِل Entrance Room فَتحَة Aperture فَتحَةُ تَه ِويَ ٍة Louver فَتحَة ُ طو ِليَّة الجد َِار شَق فِي ِ Slit فُس َطاط ع َِريش Canopy فَس ِقيَّة َنبع Fountain سيح فَ ِ سع َو َرحب َوا ِ Roomy ت فَنُّ النَّح ِ Sculpture ابزين قَائِ ُم الد ََّر ِ Banister سلَّ ِم قَائِ ُم ال ُّ Newel ع ُمو ٍد قَا ِعدَةُ َ Pedestal Base of column وص قَالَب ِمنَ البُ ِ Reed mold قُبَّة Dome قُ َّبة قَب ِو َّية قُبَّة ُم َ ضلَّ َعة Square dome قُبَّة ُمفَل َطحَة سهَا القُبَّةُ قَ ِليلَةُ ِاِلرتِفَاعِ فِي قَو ِ Shallow dome قُبَّة َمنقُوشَة ض َّ خر َف ِة َمن ُحوتَةُ ِ َار ِة بِ َغ َر ِ الز َ الحج َ Gadrooned dome رمي ِلي قَبو بَ ِ بو النِ ُ القَ ُ صف دَائِ ِري ٍ Barrel vault امد قَبو ُمتَعَ ِ ص ِليبِي ح ُ َيث يَلت َ ِقي أ َ َحدُ ُه َما َم َع اآل َخ ِر بِ َزا ِويَ ٍة قَائِ َمةٍ" اطع أَو َ " قَبو ُمتَقَ ِ Cross vault اطع قَبو ُمتَقَ ِ Cross vault قَبو ُمزد ََوج بح ُ ي ِمن ال َحج َِر" ي ِمنَ ال َخ َ "يُستَخدَ ُم عَادَةً فِي َ سط ُح الد ِ َيث يَكُونُ ال َّ ش ِ ع َم ِل ال ِق َبا ِ ب َوال َخ ِار ِج ُّ َّاخ ِل ُّ Double vault قَبيَة ق بُرجٍ أُس ُ ط َوانِيٍ. ق قُبَّ ٍة أَكبَ َر ِمنهَا أَو فَو َ عَادَةً َما تَكُونُ فَو َ Cupola َّ س ِل النح ِل رص َ قُ ُ ع َ Honeycomb اء ( ِغر َنا َطةُ) َمر ِ صر الح َ قَ ُ Alhambra ساء سي ِف َ قِط َعةُ فُ َ Tesserae يرة قَ ِع َ (حليَة ُمقَعَّ َرة) َ غائِ َرة ِ Cavetto سلَّ ٍم قَل َبةُ ُ سلَّ ٍم َح َّطةُ ُ Flight of stairs قَلعَة Citadel قِ َّمة Summit Pinnacle مر َّية قُ ِ Lunette قمع Cone قَ ِمين ب َوالفَ َّخ ِار َرق ال ُّطو ِ فُرن ِلح ِ Kiln قَن َط َرة اض أَو أُسلُوب ِمع َم ِاري ِللت َّ ِ ب أَو ال َحج َِر أَو نَح ِو ِه َماَ .ولَهُ أَشكَال ُمتَعَ ِددَة بِ َح َ غر ِ ب األ َ َ س ِ غطيَ ِة ال َمعقُودَ ِة َويَتِ ُّم بِال ُّطو ِ اء ِل َط ِبيعَ ِة َم َو ِاد ال ِبنَ ِ Arch قَنَ َوات أُنبُو ِبيَّة Conduits عمدَ ِة البَه ِو قَ َوا ِعدُ أ َ ِ اق" عمدَ ِة أ َ ِو الدَّعَا ِئ ِم ال ُمنت َ ِ " َمج ُموعَةُ قَ َوا ِع ِد األ َ ِ ش َر ِة ِفي َبه ٍو أَو ُر َو ٍ Stylobates سيَّة ُم َحدَّبَة قَو ِ Convex cyma سيَّة ُمقَعَّ َرة قَو ِ Concave cyma قَولَبَة تَش ِكيل Fashioning Modeling كَا ِهل ق َرا ِبط عَا ِت ُ Architrave َك َم َرة َرافِدَة Joist Beam : Any of the parallel horizontal beams set from wall to wall to support the boards of a floor or ceiling ك َُّوة دَخلَة بِالحَا ِئ ِط Alcove ك َُّوة عَميَا ُء اء َّوء أ َ ِو اله ََو ِ ور الض ِ َِل تَس َم ُح بِ ُم ُر ِ Lantern aperture كُوخ شَا ِليه Chalet كُوع سا ِند َ Ancon لَ ِبنَات ُ طو ِليَّة اميدُ الَّتِي ت ُو َ ان" ض ُع َ المد َم ِ علَى َبطنِهَا فِي ِ "القَ َر ِ اك َوتَظه َُر ج ََوانِبُهَا ال َّط ِويلَةُ ُم َمدَّدَةً فِي ال ُج َ در ِ Stretchers لَحد حَ ج َِري Stone cist ِلفَافَة َمط ِويَّة Volute لَ ِفيفَة أس َك َمنجَة َر ُ Scroll أس الر ِ ِمئذَنَة َخو ِذيَّةُ َّ Helmet-form minaret َمبنى ُمستَدِير تَعلُو ُه قُبَّة Rotunda ب َمبنَى ِمنَ األَثلَ ِ Rubble يس َمتَ ِار ُ سوار َواقِيَة أَ َ Ramparts حو ِر ُمتَّ ِحدَةُ ا ِ لم َ احدٍ" بوابِهَا أَو نَ َوافِ ِذ َها َ حو ٍر َو ِ ع َلى ِم َ "ال َمبَانِى الَّتِي تَكُونُ ُك ُّل أ َ َ Uniaxial تراس ِم َ Bulwark َ َ ين ين أ ِو ال َّ سا ِوي القَو َ ُمتَ َ ساق ِ س ِ Equilateral ُمتَعَ ِددُ األ َ َ ضَلعِ Polygon ُمتَلَ ٍو ُمت َ َع ِرج Winding ِمثَال نَ ُموذَج Model ُمثَلَّث ك َُر ِوي Spherical triangle ُوريَّة ُمثَلَّثَات َمنش ِ ار ِة العُث َمانِيَّ ِة" ام ُل ُمثَلَّثَة َكد ََِّليَا ٍ ت تَ ِ "ح ََو ِ حم ُل ال ِقبَ َ اب فِي ال ِع َم َ Triangular prisms جرى َم َ سار َم َ Duct َمج َمع ِبنَا ِئي َار َمج ُموعَةُ َ ع َما ِئ َر ُمت َ َق ِار َب ٍة تُك َِونُ َوحدَةً َو ِ در َ غراضًا أ َ َ سا ُ سجدُ َم َعهُ َم َ احدَةً َوتَخدُ ُم أ َ َ سة َو ُمستَشفى َود ُ سهَا ال َم ِ َ ُ َ علَي ِه العُث َمانِيُّونَ اس َم" كليت" ق َ يك َوأطلَ َ وب ِعندَ ال َم َما ِل ِ ِضيَافَ ٍة َوض َِريح ,انتَش ََر َهذا األسلُ ُ Foundation complex َمج َمع ِمع َم ِاري َمج َمع بِنَائِي Building complex حراب ِم َ ب َ غا ِئ َرةً ِمن د ِ َاري ِ َاخ ِل ال َم ِ جَا َءت ُمع َظ ُم أَشكَا ِل ال َمح ِ سج ِد َو ُمست َ ِطي َلةً أَو ُمحدَو ِد َبةً ِمن ال َخ ِارجِ Concave Mihrab : Almost all prayer niches are concave from inside the mosque, thus the name Mihrab means concave حراب َ غائِر ِم َ Concave حميَّة َم ِ Keep َمخبَأ Shelter ُم َخ َّر َمات Openwork ِمخ َطاف ُخ َّطاف Anchor ُم َخ َّطط Layout : An arrangement or a plan, especially the schematic arrangement of areas. ُم َخ َّط ُ ط الت َّ َو ُّج ِه Scheme of orientation َار ال ُمؤَذ ِِن َمد ُ ان( َم َطاف) شُرفَةُ األَذَ ِ )Balcony (of minaret اض َمد ِ َاميكُ ِمنَ األَنقَ ِ Rubble courses َمد َخل Access Entrance َمد َخل بَ ِارز Main entrance ت ي الفَتَحَا ِ َمد َخل ث ُ ََلثِ ُّ Triple entrance زور َمد َخل ُم َ ( ُمنعَ ِطف أَو ُمنح َِرف) Bent entrance ِمد َماك صَف ِمن لَبِ ٍن أَو آ ُج ٍر أَو َحج ٍَر يَتَك ََّر ُر بَع ُ َار ضهُ فَو َ ق بَ ٍ الجد ُ عض ِل َيتَك ََّونَ ِ Course of building materials ضرا ُء َمرجَة َخ َ ضرا ُء َ علَيهَا ال َمب َنى" طبِي ِعيَّة يُ ِط ُّل َ ِ "م َ زروعَة أَو َخ َ ساحَة َم ُ Lawn َمرقَى َان أَكثَ َر ارتِفَاعًا ال َّط ِري ُ ق ال َمائِ ُل ال ُم َو ِص ُل ِإلَى َمك ٍ Ramp Stairway ِمزفَر الجد َِار َحجَر نَاتِئ عَن ِ Corbelled ِم َ زِلج تِر َباس Bolt ساقِ ُ ط َم َ ذف َّ َاج ِمينَ اخ ِن َ الزي ِ فَتَحَات فَو َ علَى األَعد ِ س ِ سو ِار ِل َرمي ِ ِ ب ال ُح ُ ت ال َّ َام أَو قَ ِ ون أَو فِي األ َ َ ق أَ َ السه ِ بوا ِ َاء ال ُمه ِ ص ِ Machicolation ُمست َ ِطيل Oblong عرض ُمست َ َ اضي اعتِ َر ِ Transverse سروق َم ُ ي ُ قف غرفَة َ س ِ يرة تَكُونُ تَحتَ جَملُون ال َّ ص ِغ َ َو ِه َ Garret َمس َط ِرين ان أَدَاة ِمن َحدِي ٍد أَو َخ َ سط ِ ب نَا ِع ٍم ت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي بَ ِ الم ََل ِط فَوقَ ال ُج َ ش ٍ در ِ Trowel َمسقَط أُفُ ِقي "تَص َُّور ِل ُخ ُ درانِهَا" الوحدَا ِ ط ِ ت ال ُمخت َ ِلفَ ِة َو َم َ اس َمبنَى ِمع َم ِاريٍ .تَتَّ ِض ُح فِي ِه أَق َ وط أ َ س ِ سا ُم َ ار ُج َ س ُ Plan َمسكَن Abode سنَّم ُم َ Convex شبَّك ُم َ شبَّ َك ٍة ان ُم َ ح ِ َاج ُز قُضبَ ٍ Grille َمشق شَكل Pattern َمشهَد ار ِة ِيس َمق ُ بر َو ِلي ٍ أَو قِد ٍ الز َي َ َم َز ُ صو ٍد بِ ِ ار قَ ِ Shrine َ َ ب َمصبُوب فِي قال ٍ Molded َمص َطبَةُ الد َِّار Stone bench seat صلَّى ُم َ Prayer room ُمص ََّور سوم َمر ُ Depicted ِم ِصيص اء" بس َ " َمس ُحو ُ اء ال ُمستَخدَم فِي أَع َما ِل البِنَ ِ لط ِه بِال َم ِ س ِك بَعدَ َخ ِ شدِيدُ الت َّ َما ُ الج ِ ق ِ Stucco َمض َيفَة Hospice ُمعَشَّق شق َو َمعشُوق) ب صَنجَا ِ ير َها (عَا ِ "أُسلُ ُ وب تَر ِكي ِ زر ِ ت العَق ِد بِتَ ِ Joggle : A joint between two pieces of building material formed by a notch and a fitted projection َمعص ََرانِي بَ ََلط َحج َِري Flagstone َمع ِقل ِحصن Castle ِم َ عَلق علَي ِه يق شَيءٍ َ الجد َِار ِمن َحج ٍَر أَو َخ َ بُ ُروز فِي َ ش ٍ سطحِ ِ ب أو َمعد ٍِن أَو نَح ِو ِه ِلتَع ِل ِ Console ِمع َم ِاري Architectonic َّوء َمغ ُمور بِالض ِ Light-flooded ح العَق ِد ِمفتَا ُ Keystone فصل َم ِ Hinge ُمقَرنَصَات ُمتَد َِليَة اراتِ" سبَا ِ ِ ت ال َحج َِريَّ َة ال ُمتَد َِليَةَ ِمن أَسقُ ِ خرفِيَّة ت ُشبِهُ قِ َط َع الثَّلجِ أَو الت َّ َر ُّ ف ال َمغَ َ "حليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة َو ُز ُ Stalactites : An icicle-shaped mass of calcite that hangs from the roof of a cave ورة َمق ُ ص َ َكبِينَة Cabin Seating box Lodge َمق َطع اجينِ ِهم" س ِكين يَستَخ ِد ُمهَا ال َّنقَّا ُ " ِ شونَ َوال ُمبَيِضُونَ فِي التَّعَا ُم ِل َم َع أ َ َ لوانِ ِهم َو َمعَ ِ Spatula َمق ُ ف وف ال َّط َر ِ ط ُ اطينَ َ سط ِعندَ ال َخ َّط ِ علَى َهيئ َ ِة قَلَ ِم البَ ِ Truncated ُمقَن َطر عَقدِي Vaulted ُم َكعَّب Cube ِم ََلط الج ِصيَّ ِة" اء َو َ سر َ ع ٍة َوت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي ال ِبنَ ِ "ع َِجينَة ِكل ِ ف ِب ُ سيَّة ت َ ِج ُّ ع َم ِل القَ َوا ِل ِ ب ِ Plaster َم َمر Passage ارة َمنَ َ ِمئذَنَة Minaret َمنَا َمة Dormitory َمنَا ِو ُر Skylights َمنبَتُ العَق ِد وس العَق ِد أَو قَد َِم ِه بِدَايَةُ قَ ِ Spring of arch ِمنبَر Pulpit ُمنبَ ِعج Bombe ُمن َحدَر َحلَ ُزو ِني Spiral ramp سلَ ِة السل ِ ُمن َحنَى ِ سلَة ُمنت َ ِظ َمة إذَا ع ُِلقَت ِمن َط َرفَيهَا تَع ِلي ًقا ُح ًّرا سل ِ ال ُمن َحنَى الَّذِي تَأ ُخذُهُ ِ Catenary curve َمن ُحوت Hewn س ِجم ُمن َ Concordant ُمنش َِاريَّات سنِ َنات ُم َ Chevrons َمن َظ َرة شرفَة أَو ِمثلُ ُه َما) َوعَادَةً َما تَكُونُ ُ غرفَةً َمفت ُوحَةً ِمن ب البَي ِ ت ِليُ َراقِ َ وضع يَألَفُهُ َر ُّ ب َما فِي ال َخ ِارجِ (فَ َرندَة أَو َم َ َم ِ ين جَانِ َب ِ Loggia Belvedere َمن ُ ظور Perspective َمن ُ َين ال َّطا ِئ ِر ظ ُ ور ع ِ Bird's eye view َمن ُ َين النَّملَ ِة ظ ُ ور ع ِ Ant's eye view َمن ُ عمدَ ِة ظو َمةُ األ َ ِ Ordered Columns ُم َوا َجهَة ت ُّ خرفِيَّ ِة أ َ َحدُ َها فِي َم َوا َج َه ِة أَو قُبَالَ ِة اآل َخ ِر قِيَا ُم ال َموضُوعَا ِ الز ُ Confrontation موجيه سيَّة ِحليَة قَو ِ Cyma ُمونَة ب أ َ ِو ال َحج َِر اإلس َمن ِ ت أَو َم َوادَّ ُم َماثِلَ ٍة ِل َِلستِخد َِام فِي البِنَ ِ ير َو َّ اء بِال ُّطو ِ الج ِ العَ ِجينَةُ ال ُمك ََّونَةُ ِمنَ ِ الرم ِل َو ِ Mortar : Any of various bonding materials used in masonry, surfacing, and plastering, especially a plastic mixture of cement or lime, sand, and water that hardens in place and is used to bind together bricks or stones ِم َ يزاب ِف بِ ِه بَ ِعيدًا ع َِن ال َمبنَى َولَهُ أَشكَال ُمت َعَ ِددَة " س ِ "أُنبُوب ُمثَبَّت فِي َ قف ال َمبنَى يَجتَ ِم ُع ِعندَهُ َما ُء ال َم َط ِر ِليَقذ َ Gargoyle ِمي َ ضأَة سج ِد ُوء ال ُمل َح ُ الوض ِ َمكَانُ ُ ق ِبال َم ِ Place for Ablution نَا ِتئ بُ ُر ُ ب وز بَ ِ حرا ٍ ب أَو ِحنيَ ِة ِم َ لق بَا ٍ عض ال ُج َ در ِ ان ِل َخ ِ Salient Embossed : In a fortification ي الشَّك ِل نَاقُو ِ س ُّ علَى شَك ِل الج ََر ِس َ Campaniform Bell-shaped نَبع َمع ِدنِي لميَا ِه ال َمع ِدنِيَّ ِة عَين ِل ِ Spa صب تَذك َِاري نُ ُ Cenotaph نِ ُ صف دَائِ ِري ٍ Semicircular ع ُمو ٍد صف َ نِ ُ Demi column صف قُبَّ ٍة نِ ُ Semidome نِ َطاق Sphere قرة نُ َ َشوة َ غائِ َرة ح َ Coffer نَقش نَا ِتئ Anaglyph نَ َم ِطي س َخ ٍة َوأَص ِليَّةٍ" صو ٍل َرا ِ " ِصفَة ِللنَّ َماذِجِ ال ُمتَك َِر َر ِة ال َمأ ُخوذَ ِة عَن أ ُ ُ Stereotyped نَ ُموذَج أَص ِلي Prototype صغَّر نَ ُموذَج ُم َ Maquette : A usually small model of an intended work, such as a sculpture or piece of architecture نُ ُهود علَى ال َحج َِر ت َ ِيرة بَ ِار َزة شَا َ ع استِخدَا ُمهَا فِي النَّح ِ ِحليَات ُمستَد َ Bosses سة نَ َّوا َ َّاخ ِل فَتحَة َ َّوء َمن ِبالد ِ س ِبالض ِ س ِ يرة ِفي ال َّ ص ِغ َ قف ت ُؤ ِن ُ Lantern Dormer window ورة نَ َ وق ِجصُّ َحج َِر ال ِك ِ ير) ال َم ُ (الج ِ لس ِ حر ِ Lime َهالَة Halo سي َهندَ ِ Geometric هيبوكوست ان جرا ِ س ِ ت ِباله ََو ِ اء ال َّ رضيَّ ِة َوبَينَ ال ُج َ اخ ِن الَّذِي يَ ُم ِر تَحتَ األ َ ِ تَدفِئ َةُ ال ُح َ در ِ Hypocaust َهي َكل عَام Framework اجهَةُ ال َمبنَى َو ِ سيَّة اجهَة َرئِي ِ َو ِ Facade اجهَة َ سيَّ ٍة ير َرئِي ِ غ ُ َو ِ Facet سع َوا ِ Ample ث القَائِ ِم َّ الزا ِويَ ِة َوت َ ُر ال ُمثَلَّ ِ Hypotenuse زرة ُو َ التمثَا ِل" ق ال َك ِل َمةُ َ زء األَسفَ ِل ِمن الحَا ِئ ِط ِللت َّق ِو َي ِة أَو ِل ِلزينَ ِة َوقَد ت ُطلَ ُ زء قَا ِعدَ ِة ِ علَى ُج ِ غط َيةُ ال ُج ِ تَ ِ Dado ق النَّ َم ِط َوف ُ ت َ َماثُل Uniformity يَت َّ ِخذُ شَك َل ال َمتَا َه ِة Labyrinthine يَعلُوهُ ب ُمتَ َّوج ِ Surmounted آ ُج ِريَّة بَ ََل َطة Tile آنِيَة َخ َزفِيَّة Earthenware آ ِن َية َخ َز ِف َّية ُمج ََّزعَة ف أَو ُّ الر ِقيقَ ِة ف ِب َ خر ٍ الزجَاجِ ذَاتُ َ آ ِن َية ِمن ال َخ َز ِ ش َب َك ٍة ِمن الصد ُُوعِ َّ سطحٍ ُم َز َ Crackleware : Glazed pottery or glassware bearing a decorative surface network of fine cracks َّاش الرش ِ يج َّ آنِيَة ُم َز َّججَة بِ َط ِريقَ ِة الت َّ ِ زج ِ Splash-glazed ware اظ ِر الصَّي ِد س َطةُ َمنَ ِ أَب ِ Hunt carpets ون ِي اللَّ ِ أُحَاد ُّ Monochrome أَحد ُ َث اِبتِك ٍَار أَحد ُ ع ِة الصنَا َ ت ا ِِلبتِك َِار َوالتَّحدِي ِ َث صَيحَا ِ ب أَو ِ ث فِي الفَ ِن أَو األَدَ ِ Ultramodern The latest fashion أَح َم ُر يَاقُوتِي Rubious أُخدُودِي Flute : Rounded groove specifically one of the vertical parallel grooves on a classical architectural columns نز ِليَّة بِدَائِيَّة ِ أَد ََوات َم وميَّ ِة ِ ََامهَا فِي َح َياتِ ِه الي ِ سانُ األ َ َّو ُل ِ ِِلستِخد َ اإلن ِ األَد ََواتُ َواأل َ َوانِي الَّتِي اِبتَك ََر َها Utensils أُر ُج َوانِي مرة َ َ بَاذِنجَانِي أ َ سودُ فِي ِه ُح Purple أ َ ِريكَة Sofa Divan Settee حري ُ زر َ َأ ِ َق ب Marine blue Aquamarine زميل ِ َأ Chisel أَستَار تَعَا ِليق Curtains : Material that hangs in a window or other opening as a decoration, shade, or screen أُسلُوب َ ير ُم َميَّ َز ٍة فِي َمج ت ال َف ِن ِ َاِل ِ نَ َمط َو ٍ اض ُح ال َمعَا ِل ِم ِل َط ِريقَ ِة تَع ِب Style أَس ِو َرة Bangle هر َّية ِ أَشكَال َز Floral forms أَقَنث َّ ت شَو ِكي ٍ اِستَخدَ َمهَا ال َفنَّانُونَ فِي ور ٍ َو َرقَةُ نَبَا ُ ُخرفَ ِة فِي ك ُِل الع َ الز ِ ص Acanthus : Thorny plant leaves used by almost all artists in all ages أَكَا ِلي ُل ُزهُو ٍر ُور َ خر ِف َّية َ فر ِ ع َو َباقَا ُ َ ع َلى َهيئَ ِة أ ُ ِحلًى ُز ٍ ت ُزه Swags : An ornamental festoon of flowers or fruit شيه ِ َأَكل Clich لوانُ قَ َز ِحيَّة َ َأ Iridescent colors لوان َمائِيَّة َ َأ Water colors ورة َ ُأَمف س َوا ِئ ِل ِ ين ت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي ِح َّ فظ ال َ ج ََّرة َر ِفيعَة نِسبِيًّا ذَاتُ ع ِ َ ُرو ٍة أَو اِثنَت Amphora : A two-handled jar with a narrow neck used for keeping and carrying liquids َاب ُ أَهد ُ ي ُخيُو ُشيبُه ِ ارهُ أَو ش ََرا ِ طر َ َط أ ُ َب أَو ِكن ِ اف الثَّو َ ِه Fringe : A decorative border or ending of hanging threads, cords, or strips, often attached to a separate band يجي ِ أه ِل بَيضَا ِوي Oval أَيقُونَة س ِة الشَّرقِيَّ ِة ِ س ِة فِي ت َُرا ِ سو َما ِ س ِ ت أ َ ِو الت َّ َماثِي ِل ال َم َ ث ال َكنِي َ َّيحيَّ ِة ال ُمقَد ُ الر ُّ إِحدَى الص َُّو ِر أَ ِو Icon : A representation or picture of a sacred or sanctified Christian personage, traditional to the Eastern Church. بريق ِ ِإ اء َلهُ َمقبَض َو ِغ َطاء ِ ب ال َم ِ ِوعَاء َمع ِدنِي َك ِبير ِلشُر Tankard : large drinking cup having a single handle and often a hinged cover, especially a tall pewter or silver mug بزيم ِ ِإ َمش َبك Buckle ِإك ِليل Corona ُّ إِك ِلي ُل ُور ِ الزه َ الو ُرو ِد َواألَز َه ِار ت ُو يم َ ض ُع ِ الر ُ ُحز َمة َمفت ُولَة ِمن َّ ع َلى ِ كر ِ َّ أس ِللت Wreath Diadem إِنَاء Vessel جرافيَا َ إي ِب وش َ َفنُّ د َِرا ِ ُس ِة النُّق Epigraphy : Epigraphy is the technique of decoding aesthetic patterns اِبتِك َِاريَّة Inventiveness اِزدَ َه َر To flourish َ ِضم ون ِ ا ِ َّحَل ُل الل Color fading ُ اإلمبِ َرا ي ور ُ ُاألُسل ِ وب ُّ ِ ط Imperial style البُ ُروش َمشبَك أَو دَبُّوس ِزينِي Brooch : A relatively large decorative pin or clasp ُالبَك ََرة ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة Reel : A device, such as a cylinder, spool, or frame, that turns on an axis and is used for winding and storing rope, tape, film, or other flexible materials الرم ُح ُّ البَيضَةُ َو ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة Egg and dart : A decorative design ي ِ َّ الت ُّ زجي ُج ال َقلَ ِو Alkaline glaze ص ِ َِيب بِالق ُ التَّشذ َ َسا ِويَةً فِي ك ُِل أ َّ وط اط ِ س ِ جز ِ ُاط بِج َِز ال ُخي ِ س َ ِاء الب َ َ الوبَ َرةُ ُمت َ ِسطحِ الب َ ُُمعَالَجَة َ الزائِدَ ِة ِلتَبد َُو Trimming with shears التَّطبِي ُع البَا ِتي ِكي َ ير َو ُ ون ح َيث ِ َ ُمنت,ير ِه َما ِ َّخرفَ ِة الن َ َط ِريقَة ِل َز: حج َزة ٍ طن َوح َِر ِ غ ِ ِطبَاعَة ُم ٍ ش َرة فِي إِندُونِيسيَا ُمنذُ ِعدَّ ِة قُ ُر ٍ ُسيجِ ِمن ق َ ب بِأ َ َ ُ َّ ُ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُ َّمع ش ال ب ة ا ط غ م ال ء ا جز أل ا ظ ف ت ح ت ف ة ي ت ا ب ن ة غ َب ص ي ف س م غ ي م ث ة ف ل ت خ م ة ي ف خر ز ل َا ك ش ا ي الث ى ل ع َ ع اب الشَّم ٍ ٍ ٍ ٍ ِ َّ ِ َ ِ ِ َّ ِ َ ِ ُ ُ ُ ُ َيُذ َ ُ ُ ُ ُ ِ َّ ِ ٍ ِ .ون الصَّبغَ ِة َ ِ ِبلَو ِنهَا األَص ِلي ِ َ ع َلى أ ِ َرض َّي ٍة ِبل Batik : Method of decorating fabric used for centuries in Indonesia. With melted wax, a design is applied to the cloth (cotton or, sometimes, silk), which is then dipped in cool vegetable dye. Areas covered by wax do not receive the dye and display a light pattern on the colored ground. ُال ُحدُودُ ال َمجَدولَة Interlaced borders ي ِ ُّ الح ُّ س ال َج َما ِل Aesthetic sense ُالحل َيةُ الش َِّار َية ِ Chevron ُال َخ َر َزة ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة Bead : A decoration consisting of a usually continuous series of small spherical shapes, as on a convex molding اف ُ ال ُخ َّط ُ كَائِن أُس ب ِ وري ُّ ِمرأَة بِأَجنِ َح ٍة َونِصفُهُ ال َ ي َطائِر ذُو َم َخا ِل َ يا ِ ط ُّ سف ِل ُّ ش ِرير نِصفُهُ العُل ِو Harpy : One of several loathsome, voracious monsters with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail, wings, and talons of a bird ي ِ ال َخيَا ُل ُّ اإلبدَا ِع Creative imagination ُالدَّاد ف ِمن قَا ِعدَ ِة العَ ُمو ِد أَو ِجد َِار الغُرفَ ِة ُ خر َ ال ُجز ُء األَدنَى ال ُم َز Dado : The pedestal or lower portion of a wall, decorated differently from the upper section ُاإليقَا ِعيَّة ِ ُالدَّقَّة Rhythmic precision ي ُ الذَّو ُّ ق ال َج َما ِل Aesthetic taste ُسيَّة ِ الرأ َّ يش أَو ج ََوا ِه َر ٍ أس ت ُصنَ ُع ِمن ِر ِ لر َّ ِحليَة ِل Aigrette ي َّ ُّ ِالرس ُم ال َمائ Aquarelle ُسَل ِم َّيةُ ال َخ ِط َّية َ اإل َّ َ الز ِ ُخرفَة Linear Islamic decorative art ُسيَّة َ اإل َّ ِ َسَل ِميَّةُ الهَند َ الز ِ ُخرفَة Islamic geometric decorative art ُوري ِقيَّةُ ال ُمتَشَا ِبكَة َّ َ الز ِ َّ خرفَةُ العَ َر ِبيَّةُ الت Intertwined foliated decorative Arabesque اميكُ ال َمصقُو ُل ِ ير ِ َ الس Luster : The surface glossiness of ceramic ware after glazing علَى شَك ِل النَّج َم ِة َ ي ُّ ِالشَّك ُل الث ُّ َمان Star-shaped octahedral figure الرم ِل ُّ الص َّ َّب فِي سبَاكَةُ ال َمعَاد ِِن ِ Casting in sand ُال َعرجَة َّ لرأ ِس ُم َز َّين ِبال ِف ور َيا َواألُرد ُِن ُ ض ِة َو ِق َط ِع النُّقُو ِد ِفي َّ ِغ َطاء ِل ِ س `Arjah : Head cover decorated-with-silver and coins, used in Syria and Jordan ُارةُ ال َّط ِويلَة َ َالف َّار ِ ِمس َح ُج النَّج Plane : A carpenter's tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing and leveling wood الفريته ُّ ور ِة الَّتِي يُصنَ ُع ِمنهَا ج ُ الزجَا ِ سةُ أَو َ ال َم َوادُّ ال ُمتَك َِل َ شبهُ ال َمص ُه Frit : Fused or partially fused materials used in making glass ي َ اإل ِ - ِي ُّ ِيران ُّ الفَنُّ البُوذ Irano-Buddhist art ب ُ َالفَنُّ ال ُمؤَسل ي ِ الفَنُّ التَّح ِو ُّ ير Stylized art القُر ُم ُز صَبغ أَح َم ُر قَاتِم Cochineal : A dark red dye عش ََر َ الرابِ َع َّ ُالقَرن َ َصر النَّه ض ِة ِ َقرنُ ا ِِلز ِد َه ِار ال َف ِني ِ ِفي ع Quattrocento : The 15th-century period of flouring in art and literature ُالقَرنِيَّة ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة Cornucopia : An ornament or design taking the figure of a goat's horn overflowing with fruit, flowers, and grain, signifying prosperity ُالقَصعَة المع َم ِار َّي ِة ِ الحلَى ِ ي نَوع ِمن َ ُّالن َ قرةُ َو ِه Coffer : A decorative sunken panel in a ceiling, dome, soffit, or vault ُّغرى َ اللُّؤلُ ِئ َّيةُ الص هرة ِمن الفَ ِصيلَ ِة ال ُم َر َّك َب ِة َ َز:يع َّ ُهرة َ َز ِ الر ِب Daisy : A plant of the composite family ج ُ ال ُمتَعَ ِر المنش َِار ِ ان ِ ُاء ِب َزا ِويَ ٍة َويَتَك ََّر ُر فَي ِ الو َر َ اج ُع إِلَى َّ ال َخ ُّط ِ الر ِ َعطي َهيئَةَ أَسن Zigzag ُال ُم َخ َّط َطاتُ ال َّلونِيَّة Color schemes ُ الم اميَّة ِ َيزوبُوت ِ ُ سة َ در َ ال َم َ اإل - 1312 رن َ ان شَا َ َ ير َواِستِخد َِام األ ِ أُسلُوب فِي التَّص ِو ِ ع فِي الفَ ِن ِ َسَل ِمي ِ فِي الق ِ لو Mesopotamian Art : An artistic style distinctive for its usage of colors; it emerged in Islamic art during the 12th and 13th centuries. ُال ُم َربَّعَاتُ ال ُمتَ َرا ِكبَة ً د ََرجَة45 عضهَا ِب َزا ِو َية ُ ُم َر َّب َعات تَت َ َراك ِ َب فَوقَ َب Overlapping squares ِي َ ال ُمستَ َوى ال َج ُّ سد Corporal level المفرا ِكيَّة َ المع َم ِاريَّ ِة ِ الح َلى ِ ي ِمن َ ال َمعقُوفَةُ ال ُمتَتَابِعَةُ َو ِه Fret : An ornamental design ي ِ َال َمف ُهو ُم الهَند ُّ س Geometric concept ي ِ ال ُمن َحنَى ُّ ِالجيب Sinusoidal ُسوجَات ُ ال َمن Textiles ُ ال َمن ي ِ َالري ُ ظ ِ ور ُّ اض Mathematical perspective ال ُموتِيفَةُ الدَّ ِلي ُل َّ كرةُ الدَّ ِلي ِليَّةُ ِل خرفَ ِة َ لز َ ال ِف Key motif : A recurrent thematic element in an artistic or literary work; or a dominant theme or central idea شر َز َوايَا ِ َالنَّج َمةُ ذَاتُ الع Ten-pointed star ي ُ َالنَّ ُموذ ِ ج ُّ ي األَص ِل ُّ اإليقَا ِع Rhythmical prototype ي ِ الر ُّ ور ُ ُّالن ُّ وح ي ِ َفنُّ ال ُمنَمنَ َما ُّ ت الفَ ِارس Spiritual light : A term used in Persian miniature art سجَام ِ اِن ت َ َواؤُم Harmony : Aesthetic arrangement, as in a design, marked by proper distribution of elements َ بَات ُوِل َ َسا ُء فِي ِمن َطقَ ِة ال َخ ِليجِ َوأ سعُو ِديَّ ِة ُّ جزاءٍ ِمنَ ال َ ِلوج ِه تَرتَدِي ِه الن َ نِقَاب ِل Batula : A veil covering women's faces in the Gulf region and some parts of Saudi Arabia بَاستِيل يريَّة ِ لوانُ َطبَا َ َأ ِ ش Pastel colors بَاقَة ُّ سقَة ِمن ُور َ ُحز َمة َّ َيرة ُمن َ ص ِغ ِ الزه Nosegay : A small bunch of flowers ت ِ الو َرقَا ِ س ِ َبر َ ُيم َّية ث ُ ََل ِث َّية ِحل َية ِمع َم ِار َّية Trefoil : An ornamental design بُرعُم Blossom بُرقُع ُين تَرتَدِي ِه ال َمرأَةُ ال ُمس ِل َمة َ نِقَاب ِل ِ َلوج ِه بِ ِه فَتَحَات ِللعَين Yashmak : A veil worn by Muslim women to cover the face in public بُ ُرونز Bronze بَ ِريق لَ َم َعان Luster ساط َ ِب ش ِللص َََّل ِة َما تُغَ َّطى ِب ِه األ َ ُ درانُ أَو يُ َ رض أَو ت َُزيَّنُ ِب ِه ال ُج َ فر ُ Rug ُّنع ص ال ي ل ِ ِب َ ساط آ ُّ ِ Machine made rug ون بَ َ سا َطةُ اللَّ ِ Color plain وري بِلَّ ِ Crystalline سج بَنَف َ فَ ِصيلَة ِمن َّ ون األُر ُج َوانِي ِ ال َما ِئ ِل ي َواألَبيَ ُ هر ِمنهَا األ َ َ ض َواألَصفَ ُر َ ,وت ُستَخدَ ُم نَ ُ الز ِ فس ال َك ِل َم ِة ِللَّ ِ ق َواألُر ُج َوانِ ُّ زر ِ ِل ُّ لزرقَ ِة Violet َبنك َمق َعد َط ِويل َ َين أَو أَكث َ َر) غا ِل ًبا ِب ََل َظ ٍ هر( ِلشَخص ِ Bench : A long seat, often without a back, for two or more persons. بَ ِهتَ To tarnish س ِلين بُور ِ Porcelain ِبيئ َة سط َو َ Milieu : An environment or setting ِبيج فرة ي لَ ُون بُنِي َخفيف ِب ِه ُ َك ِل َمة فَ َرن ِ ص َ سيَّةُ األَص ِل َو ِه َ Beige ون تَآلُ ُ ف اللَّ ِ Color combination الظ ِل َّوء َو ِ ير الض ِ تَأ ِث ُ Dark and light effect تَأ َ ُّم ِلي Contemplative تَابُوت Sarcophagus ون ت َ َبايُنُ اللَّ ِ Color contrast بطين تَ ِ غطيَة تَ ِ Lining : Covering the inner part of a material شبِي ُم َرصَّع تَب ِليط َخ َ Parquetry يف ال َّ تَجَا ِف ُ سرجِ ب َوال ِقتَا ِل س ِمن أَد ََوا ٍ ت ت َُزيِنُهُ َوتَ ِقي ِه أَخ َط َ ار ال ُح ُرو ِ َمج ُموعَةُ َما يُ َجلَّ ُل بِ ِه الفَ َر ُ Trappings : Ornamental covering or harness for a horse تَجَانُس ع ٍة ِمن األَع َما ِل ال ُمت َ َما ِثلَ ِة َاخ َل َمج ُمو َ ع ِة َ تَ َج ُّم ُع َمج ُمو َ اص َر ِبان ِت َظ ٍام َونَ َم ِط َّي ٍة دَ ِقيقَ ٍة د ِ عنَ ِ Uniformity Homogeneity َاور تَج ُ ت ُّ خرفِيَّ ِة لوحدَا ِ َخاصَّة ِل َ الز ُ Juxtaposition : To place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast تَج َِلي ال َمن َظ ِر ال َخلَ ِوي ِ Transfiguration of landscape جميل تَ ِ Decor حزيز تَ ِ Incising حضير تَ ِ Priming ت ُحفَة Masterwork تَدَا َخ َل To encroach ون تَد َُّر ُ ج اللَّ ِ Gradation of color تَذ ِهيب ب تَم ِويه ِبالذَّ َه ِ Gild : To cover with or as if with a thin layer of gold رض اب األ َ ِ ت َُر ُ ب َوالفَ َّخ ِار ال َمادَّةُ الَّتِي تُك َِونُ ِ الطينَةَ ِلل ُّطو ِ Ground ت َُرا ِبي Earthen يرة تَر ِبي َعات َ ص ِغ َ Billets رصيع تَ ِ يع ال ِف َّ ض ِة إِضَافَةُ َمادَّ ٍة ذَا ِ س ِ يع ِ سي ِف َ الم ََل ِط بِالفُ َ اء َ ,وت َ ِ خرى أَقَ َّل قِي َمةً ِمن أَج ِل التَّح ِليَ ِة ِمث َل ت َ ِ ت قِي َم ٍة إِلَى أ ُ َ رص ِ رص ِ َار الك َِري َم ِة َوالذَّ َه ِ ب ِباألَحج ِ Incrustation اء س ِ سي ِف َ رصيع بِالفُ َ تَ ِ Tessellated flooring تَر ِكيبَة Formula تِ ِريكُوه ع ِة ال َم ََل ِب ِس َ بر ِل ِص َنا ِ َُحبكُ ال ُخي ِ اإل ِ وط ِباِس ِتخد َِام Tricot زجيج ِ َت Glaze : To fit, furnish, or secure with glass شفَّاف َ زجيج ِ َت Transparent glaze زجيج ُمتَش َِقق ِ َت Crackled glaze زجيج َمع ِد ِني ِ َت Metallic glaze تَز ِويق ُمبَرقَش Polychromy تَزيِين تَز ِويق َوتَح ِليَة Ornamentation تَشَابُك تَدَا ُخل Interlacement : To connect by or as if by lacing together تَشذِيب َّ صنَّعَ ِة ِمن الز َوائِ ِد َوتَح ِليَتُهَا َ يف ال َم َو ِاد ال ُم ِ َت ُ شط Trimming ق َ َت َ َّشق Crackle تَش ِكيل َ الصيَا ين ِ اِنتِقَا ُل العَ َم ِل الفَنِي ِ ِمن َمر َحلَ ِة التَّص َُّو ِر إِلَى َمر َحلَ ِة ِ غ ِة َوالتَّك ِو Configuration : After the imagination phase comes the formulating one for the work of art ور ِة َ تَش ِكي ُل الفَا ُخ Throwing (pottery) ير ُ تَصَا ِو سو َمات ُ ُر Paintings Drawings صميم ِ َت Design تَص ِوير ِجد َِاري ان قَب َل َجفَافِهَا َ ير ِ علَى ُ ُر َ َ سوم ِبأ َ ين ال ُج ِ الج ِ ان ِ در ِ الم ََل ِط ِلتَز ِي ِ لو Fresco : The art of painting on fresh, moist plaster with pigments dissolved in water يرة ُمنَمنَ َمة َ تَص ِو Miniature الس ََل ِل ِ ير ُ تَض ِف الس ََل ِل ِ ُِصنَاعَة Basketry طريز ِ َت Embroidery تَط ِعيم يم ٍ بِ َمعنَى تَك ِفي ٍ ت أَو تَل ِق Inlay : Contrasting material set into a surface in pieces to form a design تَط ِعي َمات لُقَم أَو َحش ََوات Insets : Something set in, as a piece of material set into a garment as decoration or trim ُ تَظ ِليل ِبال ُخ وط ِ ط Hatching : The process of decorating with fine lines used in graphic arts to show shading خرفِي ُ تَعبِير ُز Motif : A recurrent thematic element in an artistic work عريشَة ِ َت ق َّ ب أَو ال َمعد ِِن يُ َظ ِللُهَا ال َ َان ال َخ ُ س ِل َ َشج َُر ال ُمت ِ ش ِ تَر ِكيبَة ِمن فُ ُروعِ أَو ِعيد Trellis : A structure of open latticework, especially one used as a support for vines and other creeping plants عريقَات ِ َت ُ س "الر َخ ِام ُ ُ فر ُ َار َو ِفي ُّ ِطوح َ َ ع دَ ِقيقَة َط ِبي ِع َّية نُشَا ِهدُ َها ِفي أ َ ش َع ُ َ يرات أَو أ ِ اق األَشج ِ ور Veins ون ِ َّتَغَيُّ ُر الل Color diversity تفت يري ُمتَ َما ِوج ِ َن ِ سيج ح َِر Taffeta : A smooth fabric made of silk ُّور ِة ِ تَف َ ير الص ُ س Pictography ون ُ ار ُ َتَق ِ َّب الل Color contiguity تَقَ ُّزح Iridescence تَق ِليدِي Conventional تَك ِفيت َف أَو نَح ِو ِه َما َ عض ال َم َو ِاد ِمث َل ال َخ َّ خرى كَالعَاجِ أَو ال ِ صد ِ َرصي ُع ب َ ُ ب بِ َم َو ٍاد أ ِ َت ِ ش Marquetry : Material, such as wood or ivory, inlaid into a wood surface in an intricate design and veneered to another surface, especially in furniture, for decoration َ ت َ َأل َأل لَ َم َع To coruscate To dazzle To glitter ت َ َأللُؤ لَ َمعَان Coruscation ت َ ََلفِيف فرع ُ َ تَشَابُكُ أ Convolutions تِمثَا ُل ال َخيَّا ِل س ُ الفَ ِار Equestrian statue ِتمثَال ِجز ِعي ُ س ين ِ ال ُجز ُء ال ُمت َ َو ِ َين َوالفَخذ ِ َط ِمن البَد َِن فِي َما َبينَ الثَّدي Torso : A statue of the human body with the head and limbs omitted or removed سم َّ تِمثَال ُم َج Embossed statue ُ تِمثَال َمق أس ُ طو ِ الر َّ ع Headless statue ِتمثَال ِنص ِفي Bust تَ َم ُّوج Rippling َّ ون ل ال م َا ج ُ س ِ ق َواِن ُ تَنَا ُ س ِ Color harmony : A pleasing combination of colors تَنَافُر Discord هجين ِ َت ون أَيضًا ِ ين ُ ان أَو نَبَاتٍ) َويُست َ َع ٍ (من َحيَ َو ِ ُار ال َمعنَى ِللفُن ِ ََين ُمخت َ ِلف ِ تَو ِليدُ نَوعٍ جَ دِي ٍد ِمن نَوع Hybrid : The offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock, especially the offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties, species, or races. This sense is also found in arts. ت َ َو ُ ازن Equilibrium ت َ َوالُد تَك ِثير Proliferation ت ُو َباز ق البَاهِتُ َواألَخض َُر البَاهِتُ زر ُ َحجَر ك َِريم ِمنهُ األَبيَ ُ ض َواألَص َف ُر َواأل َ َ Topaz : Any of various yellow gemstones, especially a yellow variety of sapphire or corundum تَ َوحُّد اص ِر ُّ سجَا ُم ب الفَنِيَّ ِة فِي َ ت َ َج ُّم ُع َ سكُ َوا ِِلن ِ ع َم ٍل َو ِ خرفِ َّي ِة أَو األ َ َ سودُ ُه الت َّ َما ُ اح ٍد يَ ُ عدَ ٍد ِمن العَنَ ِ سا ِلي ِ الز ُ Unification وريق تَ ِ Foliage : A representation of leaves, flowers and branches for architectural ornamentation وريق ع ََر ِبي تَ ِ اق ال َّط ِبي ِعيَّ ِة ع النَّبَا ِ فر ُ ت الح ِ َز َخ ِار ُ َاملَ ِة ِلأل َ َ ف نَ َباتِيَّة (أ َ َرا ِبسك) قَ َوا ُمهَا أ َ ُ ور ِ Foliated arabesque : A complex, ornate design of intertwined floral, foliate, and geometric figures وريق ُم َز َّهر تَ ِ Floriated foliage تول ق ال ُخيُو ِط سيج َ شبَ ِكي َرقِي ُ نَ ِ Tulle َ ان يف األ َ تَو ِل ُ لو ِ Medley of colors تَو ِليفَة Blend ثَ َخانَة Thickness ث ُ َريَّا نَ َجفَة ,قِندِيل Chandelier ت الو َر َقا ِ ي الفُ ُ ص ِ وص أَو َ ث ُ ََلثِ ُّ Trefoil ي الفُ وص ص ُ ِ ثُنَائِ ُّ Bilobed جَابِيَة ان يرة ِلل َم ِ اء أَو ال َّطعَ ِام َو ِل َع َل ِ يق فِي األ َ َ جَفنَة َكبِ َ فر ِ ان أَو ِلعَ ِ ف ال َحيَ َو ِ جن الدَّقِ ِ Trough َارونِيَّة ُ ج َ اإل َ ُوراقُه ِ َعن َ َ الرا ِعي الَّذِي اُت ُّ ِخذَت أ َّ بر ِة َ ي نَبَاتُ ِإ ِ اإل ِ يق َواِنتَقَلَت ِإلَى الفَ ِن ِ َاص َر ِل ِلزينَ ِة ِعند َ ِه ِ سَل ِمي ِ غر Geranium : A plant whose leaves were used as elements of decoration by the Greeks and later adopted in the Islamic art جَبهَة أس ِ ار ِة ال ِك ََل ِ َ ي الَّذِي َيعلُو أ ِ ي أَو القَو َ ِقط َعة فَ ِن َّية ت َُز ِينُ َر-سي ِك َّي ِة ب َ عمدَةَ َمد َخ ِل ال َمع َب ِد ِفي ال ِع َم ُّ س ُّ ال ُجز ُء اله ََر ِم-أ َ المرآ ِة أَو الد ب ِ َ ُّوِل Fronton : a. The arched part that is located on the shafts of a temple entrance of a temple in classical architecture. b. A work of art that decorates the top of a mirror or cupboard َجدَائِ ُل ُمت َ َو ِازيَة Parallel strands َجدِيلَة َ ت ِ سوجَا ِ ين ح ََو ُ اف ال َمن َ ض ِف ُ يرة ُز ِ ِخر ِفيَّة ِلتَزي Braid : Ornamental cord or ribbon, used specially for decorating or edging fabrics ج ََّرة دَن Jar ِجلد َمنقُوش Tooled leather َج َما ِل َّيات Aesthetics جَمدَانَة كوة َ بَ ََّلص أَو ِر Flask : A container often somewhat narrowed toward the outlet and often fitted with a closure, especially a broad flattened necked vessel َج َمست َحجَر ك َِريم Amethyst : A precious stone جَهبَذ ذَ َّواق َو َخ ِبير Connoisseur جيسو ي ُ الج ِ بس التَّص ِو ِ ُّ ير Gesso : A preparation of plaster of Paris and glue used as a base for low relief or as a surface for painting ُّور ِة ِ حَا َ شيَةُ الص ُّور ِة َو ِط ََل ِئهَا ِ حَا َ شيَة تَكُونُ بَينَ الص Mat : A decorative border placed around a picture to serve as a frame or provide contrast between the picture and the frame حَافَّة Border Edge حَا ِف َظة ح ََر ِاريَّة َ ُِلل َمشغ رن ِ وِل ِ ت ال َخ َزفِيَّ ِة الثَّ ِمينَ ِة د ِ َُاخ َل الف Sagger ب ِ ح ِ َام ُل ال ِكتَا َ سي يُو َف َ ض ُع ِ اب ِلل ِق َرا َء ِة ِمث َل كُر ِ كُر ِ سي ِ ال ُمصح ُ َعلَي ِه ال ِكت Qur'an stand : A reading desk with a slanted top holding the books from which scriptural passages are read; it is usually used for holding a copy of the Glorious Qur'an المسبَ َح ِة ِ َُحبَّات ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة Bead string : A small, often round piece of material, such as glass, plastic, or wood, that is pierced for stringing or threading حَبك ِح َياكَة Knitting س َماقِي ُ َحجَر Porphyry س ِوي َ َحجَر Hewn stone حَد Contour Shape َّ ُّ َحدُّ الت َّ َو ِ س ِط اللونِي Halftone : A picture in which the gradations of light are obtained by the relative darkness and density of tiny dots produced by photographing the subject through a fine screen َحدَبَات َ بُ ُر وزات أَو نُت ُو َءات Bosses : Raised areas used as ornamentation حَدس تَخيِ ِلي Imaginative intuition ِحرز ِحجَاب Amulet حَرفَنَة Craftsmanship ِحرفِي Craftsman ح َِرير ُمت َ َما ِوج سبُهُ لَ َمعَانًا َظا ِه ًرا َ اء ٍ علَى َهيئ َ ِة ت َ َم ُّوجَا ِ ت ت ُك ِ ش ِه بِال َم ِ يري ُم َجهَّز بِ َر ِ َن ِ سيج ح َِر Watered silk (moire) حَز Incision ُحز َمة ِحليَة Fascia : A broad and distinct band of color ون ِ سا َ َح ِ َّس َيةُ الل Color sensation َحش ََوات َّ ساحَات ِل ون آ َخ َر َ ِم ِ ََاف َوتَكُونُ ِمن ن ُ خرفَ ِة تُض َ ُ فس ال َمادَّ ِة أَو ِمن َمادَّ ٍة أ َ لز ٍ َخرى أَو ِمن ل Fillings : Ornamental material for filling a cavity, whether of the same material and color, or of different ones يرة َ َص ِ ح سة َ ََطنف Mat حَفر بَ ِارز High relief حَفر بَ ِارز أَو نَا ِتئ ع َلى ال َم َو ِاد الصَّلبَ ِة َ ُوس البَ ِار َز ِة ِ الرؤ ُّ َفر األَخت َ ِام أَو أَشكَا ِل ِ أُسلُوب ِلح Cameo : A technique for carving on seals or gems or hard materials مض ِ ِحَفر ب ِ الح Aquatint َ حَفر غائِر Low relief َحلَ ُزونِي Spiral ُ ق ٍشبَّاك ُ حَل Sash ِحلًى َقا ِل ِبيَّة Moldings : An embellishment in strip form, made of wood or other structural material, that is used to decorate or finish a surface, such as the wall of a room or building or the surface of a door or piece of furniture. ِحليَة Ornament ِحليَة َر ِخيصَة Knickknack : A small ornamental article َاريَّة ِ ِحليَة َمح َ حريَّ ٍة ع َِري ض ٍة َ وص َ علَى َهيئ َ ِة ُ ُرو ِحيَّة ذَاتُ ف ٍ ص َ ِحليَة َم ِ َصدَفَ ٍة ب Scallop-niche ِحليَة ُمضَافَة Applique سي ِقيَّة ِ ِحليَة ُمو Musical ornament ُحلَيقَة Annulet حَوض Basin َحيَ َوانَات ِبيئِيَّة Fauna : A catalog of the animals of a specific region or period ون ِ ََّحيَ ِويَّةُ الل Vividness of color َخاتَم َحلَقَة Ring َخام Crude Raw Unrefined َخ َر َزات َحبَّات Beads يق ٍ َخ َزف ذُو بَ ِر Lusterware : Pottery or porcelain having a metallic sheen produced when metallic oxides are added to the glaze َخ َزف سحاقي شدِيدُ الص َََّل َب ِة َ صري لَونُهُ أُر ُج َوا ِني قَا ِتم ِ َحجَر بُركَا ِني ِم Porcelain َخ َزف مايوركي َ اإل َ َصر النَّه َ شَا,ٍسيدَ َمع ِدنِيَّ ٍة َِل ِمعَة ِ امي يُعَالَ ُج ِبأَكَا ِ س َ ه َُو َخ َزف َم ِ ع فِي ِإي َطاليَا أَثنَا َء ع ِ ض ِة ُمتَأَثِ ًرا ِبالفَ ِن ِ سَل ِمي Majolica ware : Tin-glazed earthenware that is often richly colored and decorated, especially an earthenware of this type produced in Italy; under effect of Islamic art it was widely spread during the Renaissance. َخ َزف َمدهُون Slipware َخ َزف ُم َزجَّج Tin glazed earthenware َخ َزفِ َّيات Ceramics ُخصلَة َ يش أَو األَز َه ِار ت ُو أس ِل ِلزينَ ِة َ ض ُع ُ ِ الر ِ الر َّ علَى ِ صحبَة ِمن Panache : A bunch of feathers or a plume, especially on a helmet ُخصلَةُ َوبَ ٍر َ اف ُ ير ال َم غزولَ ِة ِ َُحز َمة ِمن األَوبَ ِار أَو األَلي ِ غ Tuft َخ ُّط تَحدِي ٍد Streak ُخ َّطاف عقَّافَة ُ Hook : A curved or sharply bent device, usually of metal, used to catch, drag, suspend, or fasten something else ان َ َ ُخ َّطةُ األ ِ لو ُ َمن ان َ َ ظو َمةُ األ ِ لو Color scheme ُ ُخ نجيَّة ِ طوط َ ش ِ طر Checkered lines ان َ َ ُخل َطةُ األ ِ لو ير ُ صط ََل ِ َوا ِِل,َّمغ َونَح ِو َها ِ َان ِبال َم َو ِاد ال َّط ِبي ِعيَّ ِة ِمث َل ُز َِل ِل الب َ َ وب ُمعَالَ َج ِة األ ُ ُأُسل ِ ح َخاص ِبفَ ِن التَّص ِو ِ لو ِ يض َوالص Tempera : A painting medium in which pigment is mixed with watersoluble glutinous materials such as size or egg yolk َخل ِفيَّة Background َ َ سا ِوي األ ِ ُخ َما َ َ سي ُمت ِضَلع Pentagon وص ُ ُس َّيةُ الف ِ ُخ َما ِ ص ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة Cinquefoil : A design having five sides composed of converging arcs, usually used as a frame for glass or a panel سة َ َخم اط َم َة ِ س ِيدَ ِة َف َّ ِحرز أَو ت َ ِمي َمة تَأ ُخذُ شَك َل ال َي ِد َوتَر ُم ُز ِل َي ِد ال Khamsah : A hand-shaped amulet taken as a charm against evil or injury; it symbolizes the hand of Lady Fatimah, daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). ُخوصَة وصيَّة ِ ُخ Fillet : Decorative design َ ُخوصَة سة ِ غ َ اط Dowsing rod وصيَّة ِ ُخ ِحليَة Fillet : A ridge between the indentations of a fluted column َخيَا ِلي Fantastic َ َخ يز َرانَة َّ ع ُمو ٍد أَو حَائِطٍ ِب َقص ِد وض ِع أَو َ ق ِببَد َِن َ َص أَو َحج ٍَر أَو َخ ٍ عُود ِمن ج ِ ار ال َم َ خرفَ ِة َوقَد يَكُونُ ِإ َط َ الز ٍ ش ٍ ب ُملت َ ِص ًورة ُ َ ص Stick : A long piece of plaster, wood or rock that made adhesive to a column or wall, or taken as an ornamental framework جَاجي ِ َخيط ُز ُ س ُّ عض األ َ َوانِي َاجيَّ ِة ُ طو َ ُزجَاج َمس ُحوب َوه َُو ِ َح ب ُ سائِل ِليُك َِونَ ُخيُو ًطا ت َُزيَّنُ بِهَا ِ الزج Spun glass : A material consisting of extremely fine glass fibers, used in making various products, such as yarns, fabrics, insulators, and structural objects or parts ِدَائِ َرةُ البُ ُروج عش ََر َ س ِام البُ ُروجِ ا ِِلثنَا َ ش ُر ِ علَيهَا األَس َما ُء الح ِ َ س َما ِويَّ ِة تَنت َ َاملَةُ ِألَق َّ دَائِ َرةُ القُبَّ ِة ال Zodiac ت ِ سةُ األَيقُونَا َ د َِرا Iconography : A set of specified or traditional symbolic forms associated with the subject or theme of a stylized work of art ون ِ َّد ََرجَةُ تَد َُّرجِ الل Hue : The property of colors by which they can be perceived as ranging from red through yellow, green, and blue, as determined by the dominant ساتِين َ َد َ ع َََل َمات أَو قُضبَان َمع ِدنِيَّة ت ُو فق َ ض ُع ِ الجيتَ ِار ِلتُح َِددَ َمكَانَ النُّو ِ علَى َرقَبَ ِة اآللَ ِة ال ُمو ِ سي ِقيَّ ِة كَالعُو ِد َو ِ ت ِعندَ ال َع اإلص ِب ِع َ ِ علَيهَا ِب Frets : Several ridges set across the fingerboard of a stringed instrument, such as a guitar ِد َمقس ض ُ ير األَب َي ُ الح َِر Brocade Damask دَملَجَة شطيب ِ َت Finishing : The decorative work required for a building or one of its parts to make it perfect د ََو َران خرفِيَّ ٍة ِ ف ِ َح ََركَةُ ل ِ َفرعِ النَّبَا ِتيَّ ِة َك َما تَظه َُر َكعَن ُ اص َر ُز ُ َ الحبَا ِل أَو األ Twirl َورق بِبُوز َ د Spouted Flask َ د اف ِ ب ال َخ َّز ُ ُوِل Potter's wheel ِيوان َ د أ َ ِريكَة Divan : The seat of a Turkish official ورا َما َ ُدُي ُ َمن سم َّ ظور ُم َج Diorama ذُؤَابَات َ ضفَائِ ُر Tresses َ َ ذُو العَش ََر ِة أ ع َ ضَل Decagon ُرو ٍة َ ذُو ع ُلَهُ َمقبَض أَو َما يُش ِب ُهه Ansate : Having a handle or a part resembling a handle ذُو عَق ٍد Knobby ث ٍ َّذُو َمق َط ٍع ُمثَل Triquetrous ِ أس ُ َر ِالمفتَاح ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة Key pattern : An ornamental design أس َك َمنجَة ُ َر Scroll : An ornament or ornamental design that resembles a partially rolled scroll of paper َرائِع ُمتقَنُ الصَّنعَ ِة Exquisite َرائِعَة Chef-d'oeuvre Masterpiece ِربَاط سرد َ ش َِريط أَو َم Lace َ ي األقد َِام ُّ ُربَا ِع Quadruped ت ِ الو َر َقا َ ي ُّ ُربَا ِع Quatrefoil سام َّ َر Draftsman Painter َرسم تَم ِثيل Depiction Drawing علَى الحَائِ ِط َ َرسم ُ س خرى َ أَو نَقش ُّ ان أَو كَافَّ ِة ال َ ُ طوحِ األ َ علَى ال ُج ِ در Graffito : A drawing or an inscription made on a wall or other surface, usually so as to be seen by the public. َرسم ُمح ََّور َ ع َلى َ اإل سَل ِم َّي ِة َ ت ِ َرس ُم األَشكَا ِل َوال َمخلُوقَا ٍ ير َح ِقيقَ ِتهَا ِفي ال َّط ِبي َع ِة َك َما يُشَا َهدُ ِفي َك ِث ِ غ ِ ير ِمن األَع َما ِل الفَ ِن َّي ِة )ُسيَة ِ (و َخاصَّةً ال َف ِار َ Stylized drawing : A term used in Islamic art, especially the Persian, signifying the conventionalization of figures to a particular style َِرعَايَةُ الفَ ِن َوال َفنَّانِين Patronage ب ُ َرقَا ِئ ٍ ق ذَ َه Gold foil : Gold rolled or beaten into sheets somewhat thicker than gold leaf َرقَ ِب َّيةُ َزر ٍد Gorget ُرقعَة سا َح ٍة ُم َحدَّدَ ٍة ِ َ َاف إِلَى أُخ َرى ِلت َ غطيَ ِة ِم ُ جَانِب ِمن َمادَّ ِة يُض Stuffing : Padding put in cushions and upholstered furniture يف ِ س َّ ض ال ِ َُر َّمانَةُ َمقب Pommel Knob يميَّة ِ نج ِ َ مزيَّة ت ِ َر Astrological symbolism ض ِ َُون األَبي ِ ِريشَةُ َطائِ ِر البَلش َ َ صعًا ِبالج ََوا ِه ِر َوأ يش َ كَانَ فَت ُح َّ َاريَّ ِة يَرتَدِي تَا ًجا ُم َر ِ ُ) ِمن ُمل1834-1798( ع ِلي شَاه َ ُ وك األ ُ عَلهُ ِر ِ سر ِة القَاج َ َ َ ب َم َع ذقنِ ِه ال ُم ِهيبَ ِة َ سو ِد ِليَتَنَا َ س ِ َُون األبي َ ون األ ِ َّض بَعدَ صَب ِغ ِه بِالل ِ َطائِ ِر ال َبلش Egret plume : Fath `Ali Shah (1798-1834) of Qagar Dynasty used to wear a crown ornamented with jewels. On this crown were fixed some egret plumes colored in black to suit his majestic beard. َزجَّاج ُّ طع ِ الصَّانِ ُع الَّذِي َيقُو ُم بِ ِق َي ِالزجَاج ِ اس َو َق Glazier : One that cuts and fits glass, as for doors and windows ُزجَاج َمحفُور Engraved glass َ ُزجَاج ُم ِشكَّل بِالنَّفخ Blown glass ُزجَاج ُملَ َّون ُ َارةً ِ ِِلستِخد َِام َ َ وب اِستِخد َِام األ ُ ُ أُسل: "زجَاج ُمعَشَّق َ َويُستَخدَ ُم ال ُمص َطلَ ُح أَيضًا ِإش.ِان فِي تَح ِليَ ِة ُزجَاجِ النَّ َوا ِفذ ِ لو َ ُّ "ار ِة َ الزجَاجِ ال ُمل َّو ِن فِي ال ِع َم Stained glass ُزجَاج ُم َم َّوه بِالمينا Enamel glass ُزجَاج َمنقُوش Carved glass اف َ صف ٍ َّشف ُ ُِزجَاج ن ت ِ اصي َل َما َخلفَهُ ِمن ال َمرئِيَّا ِ ور الض ُ َّوء َويَح ُج ِ َب تَف ِ ُزجَاج يَس َم ُح بِ ُم ُر Translucent glass ف ُ َز َخ ِار Embellishments Trappings الط ََل ِء ِ َف تَحت ُ َز َخ ِار ُ س ُّ الط ََل ِء ُّ تَن ِفيذُ األَشكَا ِل َ خرفِيَّ ِة ِ ِغطيَتُهَا ب ِ َطوحِ األ َ َوانِي ال َخ َزفِيَّ ِة ث ُ َّم ت ُ علَى ُ الز ِ الزج ِ َاجي Underglaze decoration خرفَة َ َز Decoration خرفَة ِبالح َِز َ َز Incised decoration َفر َ َز ِ خرفَة بِالح َ اإل َار اآلنِيَ ِة ٍ صمي َما ِ َ دش ال َّطبَقَ ِة ال ُم َز َّج َج ِة بِت َ ُظه ُر ِجد َ أُسلُوب فِي َز ُ ت ُز ُ سَل ِميَّ ِة َوفِي ِه يَتِ ُّم َخ ِ خرفَ ِة األ َ َوانِي ِ خر ِفيَّ ٍة ت Sgraffito : Decoration produced on pottery or ceramic by scratching through a surface of plaster or glazing to reveal a different color underneath يريَّة َ َز ِ شج ِ َ خرفَة ت Tracery : Ornamental work of interlaced and branching lines وان َ خرفَة َ َز ٍ َع َلى شَك ِل َحي Zoomorphic خرفَة َمطبُوعَة َ َز Stamped decoration خرفَة نَ َبا ِت َّية َ َز Vegetal ornament َ َز غب اش َ ُالرقِيقَةُ ال َخ ِفيفَةُ الَّتِي تَكُون ُّ ال َ علَى ِ سطحِ القُ َم َّ ُيرات َ َشع Nap : A soft or fuzzy surface on fabric or leather ُز ُم ُّرد ش َّفاف َ لَونُهُ أَخض َُر,يم ِ َار الك َِري َم ِة ال ُمستَخدَ َم ِة ِفي التَّط ِع ِ ِمن األَحج Emerald : A brilliant green to grass-green transparent variety of beryl, used as a gemstone َزنبَق َّ ع اِستِخدَا ُمهَا فِي خرفَ ِة َ شَا,ان ِ َاصعَةُ البَي َ َ اض َوتَكُونُ ُمتَعَ ِددَةَ األ َ الز ِ َهرة ن َ َز ِ لو Lily : Any of various plants, having variously colored, often trumpetshaped flowers; it is often used in decoration اء ِ َزنبَقَةُ ال َم ت ع َِري َ ض َواألَصفَ ِر َواألَح َم ِر هرة ذَاتُ َو َرقَا ٍ ض ٍة تَطفُو فَو َ ق ال َم ِ لوانُهَا بَينَ األَبيَ ِ اء َوتَت َعَدَّدُ أ َ َ َز َ Water lily ُزن ُجفر الط ََل ِء ق َوت ُستَخدَ ُم فِي ِ َمادَّة ح َ ُور ِ َبريت ِ َمرا ُء فَاتِ َحة ُمك ََّونَة ِمن ك ِ الزئ َب ِ Vermilion هرةُ تيوليب َز َ Tulip َ اش هرةُ َخشخ ٍ َز َ Poppy هريَّة َز ِ اء ُّ ُور َاجيَّة أَو َمع ِدنِية ِ ِِلحتِ َو ِ الزه ِ ان َخ َزفِيَّة أَو ُزج ِ أَ َو ٍ Vase ِزي أَنِيق ت س َبا ِ َطق ُم َم ََلبِ ٍس ِلل ُمنَا َ Dress attire : A special uniform for occasions and ceremonies َزيَّنَ To adorn وش نَاتِئ َ ٍة َز َّينَ ِبنُقُ ٍ To emboss اخر س ِ َ ون ال ِبدَائِيَّ ِة أَو َ اخ َر ِة ق َ ِصفَة ت ُطلَ ُ س ِ اض َج ِة أَو الهَز ِليَّ ِة ال َّ ير النَّ ِ غ ِ ع َلى ال َع َم ِل البَ ِعي ِد عَن القَ َوا ِع ِد ال َمألُوفَ ِة ِمث َل الفُنُ ِ Grotesque : A style of painting, sculpture, and ornamentation in which natural forms and monstrous figures are intertwined in bizarre or fanciful combinations سافِير َ ق زر ُ يَاقُوت أَ َ Sapphire سا ِكن َ َامن ك ِ Dormant سبِيكَة َ Alloy ستوديو ت َوال ُمص َِو ِر َمكَانُ أَو َورشَةُ َ س ِام َوالنَّحَّا ِ الر َّ ع َم ِل َّ Studio َف سجَّادَةُ ص ٍ َ ص ٍة َاجي ِد الص َََّل ِة التُّر ِكيَّ ِة (ق َ )17 .ز َخ ِارفُهُ َ يب ُمت َ َرا َّ نَوع ِمن َ َار َ علَى َهيئ َ ِة َمح ِ سج ِ Prayer-rug : A Turkish prayer carpet decorated with compact niches )(17th century يطيَّة سحَابَة ش َِر ِ َ ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة Cloud-band : An ornament سدَاة َ ُ علَى ال َّنو ِل تَتَ َخ َّللُهَا ُخيُو ُ ُال ُخيُو ُط ال َمشدُودَة َ رضيَّةُ ِلت َ َم ِام َ طو ِل ًّيا ِ َّع َم ِل الن ِ َط ال ُّلح َم ِة الع ِسيج Warp س َراج ِ َّ وس ِفي ترو ِل ِ الزي ِ ِوعَاء َخ َز ِفي أَو َمع ِد ِني يُستَخدَ ُم ِمص َبا ًحا يُ ِضي ُء ِب َوا ٍ س َط ِة ِإش َعا ِل ش َِريطٍ َمغ ُم ُ ت أَو ال ِب Lamp : A ware or metal vessel containing oil or alcohol burned through a wick for illumination س ِرقَة فَنِيَّة َ Plagiarism سطح ُمستَ ِوي َ Plane surface سطل َ دَلو Bucket ُ س ون ُ طو ُ ِ َّع الل Brilliance of color سكُّ العُملَ ِة َ Coinage Monetization Mintage س َم َك ِة ِ سل ِ َّ سلَةُ ال ُ خرفِيَّة أَو َ غ )الرن َج ِة ُ ِحليَة ُز ِ رزةُ ِخيَا َط ٍة( عَظ ُم Herringbone : A pattern consisting of rows of short, slanted parallel lines with the direction of the slant alternating row by row and used in masonry, parquetry, embroidery, and weaving سل َطانِيَّة ُ Bowl اء ِ س َ سل َطانِيَّةُ ال َح ُ Tureen يش و َّر د ِ ِ سل َطانِيَّةُ ال ُ الرقَبَ ِة ُ َّصدَقَ ِة َوكَانَت تُعَل َّ ب أَو ِلتَ َل ِقي ال َّ ق حَو َل َ يش فِي ِإ ِ يرانَ يَستَخ ِد ُمونَهَا ِللشُّر ُ كَانَ الد ََّرا ِو Dervish's bowl : Persian dervishes used to use it as a vessel for drinking or to raise charity therein, and they used to hang it around their necks سلَقُون َ َاص َّ ِط ََل ُء ِب َطانَ ٍة ِضدَّ ال ِ صدَأِ ِمن أُك ِ الرص َّ سي ِد Minium : An inner covering of a material that resists rust س َما ِوي َ ب َّ ون ال ِ سحَا ِ َلَونُ األُوبَال َوه َُو قَ ِريب ِمن ل Opaline : The opal color which is near to that of clouds سن ِ َط َرف أ َو نِهَايَة Tip سير َ Thong شَال Shawl شَام ِلي ِقيَّة َاري فِي قَا ِعدَ ِة ال َمعد ِِن ث ُ َّم ِمل ُؤ َها بِ ِط ََلءٍ ُملَ َّو ٍن َوحَرقُهَا َ ُ ع َم ِليَّةُ ِط ََلءٍ يَتِ ُّم فِيهَا ح ِ َفر َمج Champleve : A technique of decorating metal in which areas that have been hollowed out, as by incising, are filled with colored enamel and then fired شبَكَة َ Net شبِيكَة َ بر ِة ال ُمتَشَابِ َك ِة كَالدَّن ِت ََّل َ اإل ِ أَشغَا ُل Lattice : Something, such as a decorative motif or heraldic bearing, that resembles an open, patterned framework ش ُخوص آد َِميَّة ُ Human figures شُدفَة سرة َ ِك Fragment ش َُرابَة َاح ِبهَا فِي ُمجتَ َم ِع ِه َ ق ُ خر ُ َّاحدَ ٍة تُعَل ِ نزلَ ِة ص ِ ع َلى ِغ َط ِ ج ِمن نُق َط ٍة َو ِ الر ُ أَهد َّ اء ُ َ َاب أَو ُخيُوط ت ِ أس ِل ِلزينَ ِة أَو ِلتَحدِي ِد َم Tassel : A bunch of loose threads or cords bound at one end and hanging free at the other, used as an ornament on curtains or clothing ُ ش َِري ف َحيَ َوانِيَّ ٍة َ ط َز َخ ِار ت ُمتَتَا ِب َعة أَو ُمتَقَا ِبلَة ٍ سو ُم َح َي َوانَا ُ ش َِريط ُممتَد ت َُز ِينُهُ ُر Zoographical band َطوق.ش َِريط Ribbon ت ِ سي َما ِ ي التَّق ِ َ ش ِ طر ُّ نج ت ٍ سم إِلَى ُم َربَّعَا َّ َُمق Checkered : Divided into squares ش َظ ِوي َ ش َظا َيا َ ُم َؤلَّف ِمن Fragmentary : Consisting of small, disconnected parts ش َعار ِ Emblem ار النَّبَّالَ ِة ِ ُ َشع َّ يص ِه ال َمصنُوعِ ِمن َ َ ع َََل َمة ُم َميِ َزة ي:اء , ف بِهَا َوه َُو يُقَاتِ ُل ِ َارةُ ا ِِلنتِ َم َ عر َ ُالزر ِد ِلي ِ س فَوقَ قَ ِم َ ش ُ ضعُهَا ال َف ِار .ٍخرفِيَّة ٍ يرا ِ َواِست ُخ ِد َمت َه ِذ ِه َ ِاراتُ َكتَعب َ َالشع ُ ت ُز Coat of arms : An arrangement of bearings, usually depicted on and around a shield, that indicates ancestry and distinctions بر ِة َ اإل ِ شُغ ُل Needlework شَف ُ ُمتَا َب َعةُ ُخ وف ُم َطا ِبقًا ِلألَص ِل َ اس َط ِة َو َرقَ ٍة ُ خر ِ سم َونَقلُهَا ِب َو ِ ط ُ ُالرس ُم ال َمشف َّ ج ٍ وط َر ُ شفَّافَ ٍة فَ َي Tracing : A reproduction made by superimposing a transparent sheet and copying the lines of the original on it ب َ ِ شفَةُ ا ِِلن ِ سكَا Pouring lip شَفشَق ب ِ إِنَاء ِل ِح ِ َب لَه ِغ َطاء َويَد فِي األَغل ِ فظ الش ََّرا Decanter : A vessel with a cover and handle for keeping drink شكَال ِ Trammel َ شَك ُل البُ َوي ض ِة Ovum figure شَكل َخ ِار ِجي Outward form Physical appearance شَم ِعدَان Candlestick شَملَة ان َ وم ِ َسيج ف ِ َن َ َس َّمى أَيضًا بِالشَّا ِل َوال َّطيل َ ُ ف َوت ِ ِعلَى ال َكت َ اخر َي ِ َار الق ُ َطر ُحهُ ِكب ِ س Pallium صَانِع حَاذِق َامل َما ِهر ِ ع Artisan : A craftsperson ب ُّ ص ِ َب القَ َوا ِل Casting Molding صبَ َغ َ To imbue To dye : To stain or dye deeply صَبغَة لَون Pigment صدَفَة َ قَوقَعَة Conch َ سلَحفا ٍة َ ُ ُصدَفَة ُ َب َوت ُصنَ ُع ِمنهَا األَمشَا ط ُّ د ََرقَةُ ال ُ ي َمادَّة صَلبَة يُ َطعَّ ُم بهَا ال َخش َ سلَح َفا ِة َو ِه Tortoise shell : A hard material used to inlay wood and make combs سيَّة ِ َص ََرا َمة َهند Geometrical strictness ص ِليب َمعقُوف َ سا ِق َي ِة ُ ذر َ ِ عهُ األَر َب َعةُ ِفي ا ِِتجَا ٍه َو َّ اح ٍد كَال ُ َ ص ِليب َمعقُوف تَتَتَا َب ُع أ Swastika : A symbol formed by a cross with the ends of the arms bent at right angles in either a clockwise or a counterclockwise direction صَن َجة ُم َز َّر َرة Joggled voussoir : One of the wedge-shaped stones forming the curved parts of an arch or a vaulted ceiling صَنجَةُ ِمفتَاحِ العَق ِد Keystone : The central wedge-shaped stone of an arch that locks its parts together صَندَل ِحذَاء َخ ِفيف َمكشُوف ِبأَر ِب َط ٍة Sandals وس ُ صندُو ُ ِ ق العَ ُر Chest َف ُ صندُو ُ ٍ ق ُمصح يف ِ عُل َبة ُم َط َّع َمة ِل ِح ِ َف الش َِّر ِ فظ ال ُمصح A box of the Qur'an : A decorated box in which a copy of the Holy Qur'an is preserved صنُوبَ ِريَّة ُ المع َم ِاريَّ ِة ِ الحلَى ِ ي ِمن ِ أه ِلي ِل َ يجيَّة َو ِه Elliptic : A decorative ornament ُص َوان ُ َ د ُوِلب Cupboard ص ََّوان سوان َ ُ َحجَر بُركَانِي اِشتَه ََرت ِب ِه َمدِينَةُ أ Syenite : A volcanic rock يحيَّة ِ وض ُ ِ َورة ت َ ص Illustration : Visual matter used to clarify or decorate a text ورة جَانِبِيَّة ُ َ ص وم ِ لوج ِه َوتَكُونُ َكذَ ِلكَ ِلل َخ ِط ال َخ ِار ِجي ِ ِللش َ َ تَكُونُ أ ُ َّيء ال َمر َ سا ِل ً سا ِ س Profile َخصيَّة ُ ِ ورة ش َ ص الوج ِه َ ورة ِلفَر ٍد ت َُر ِك ُز ُ َ علَى َ ص Portrait ورة ِظ ِليَّة ُ َ ص Silhouette ورة َِل َحيَاةَ فِيهَا ُ َ ص Inanimate image صَولَجَان عصَا تَكُونُ ِلل َم ِل ِك أَو ِللقَا ِئ ِد َ َارة أَو َ ش Mace : A ceremonial staff borne or displayed as the symbol of authority of a legislative body ِصينِيَّة اب َ الصينِي ِ أَو نَح ِو ِه يُقَدَّ ُم ِ َماعُون ِمن ال َخ َز ُ علَي ِه ال َّطعَا ُم َوالش ََّر ِ ف Tray ض ََرا ِبيَّة طن ِ فَرش يُحشَى ِبال ُق Quilt : A coverlet or blanket made of two layers of fabric with a layer of cotton, wool, feathers, or down in between, all stitched firmly together, usually in a decorative crisscross design َ ت ِ يرة ُر َبا ِعيَّةُ ال َّط َّيا َ ض ِف َ خرفِي ِألَشكَا ٍل ُم ت ِ ت أَو ال ُمثَ َّمنَا ِ سا َ َّسد َ ضفَّ َر ٍة ِمن أَشكَا ِل ال ُم ُ تَعبِير ُز Fourfold braid motif : Decorative expression that denotes braided hexagon and octagon forms ِضلع Rib اطع س ِ َ ضَوء High light اجن ِ َط ًثردَةً أَو قَصعَة َ ُِيم الث َّ ِري ِد َوي َ س َّمى ِم ِ إِنَاء ع َِميق ِمن ِ الصينِي ِلتَقد Large pot : Any of various usually domestic containers made of porcelain as a round, fairly deep vessel for serving food س َبي َك ِة َّ ِطبَاعَة بِال سبِي َك ِة كَاألَخت َ ِام َ بك َو ِ ع َم ِل النَّسخِ بِ َوا ِ س َّ س َط ِة ال َّ وف بِ َط ِريقَ ِة ال ِ َب ال ُح ُر ُّ ص Stereotype : A metal printing plate cast from a matrix molded from a raised printing surface, such as type َطبَق َك ِبير Platter ان ٍ َطبَقَةُ دَ َه علَيهَا أَو ِمن ِخ ََل ِلهَا َ سم ِ َت ِ سطحِ ال َخ َز َ ُغطيَة َّ ُف أَو نَح ِو ِه بِ َطبَقَ ٍة يُم ِكنُ تَن ِفيذ ِ الر Slip : Thinned potter's clay used for decorating or coating ceramics َطر َطشَة تَب ِقيع Splash طرفة َ ُاحدَة ِمن ال َمشغ َار الك َِري َم ِة ِ وِل ِ ت الدَّقِيقَ ِة ك ِ َو َ َ ان ِبأ ِ نواعِ األَحج ٍ َالح َلى ال ُم َطعَّ َم ِة ِب ِإت َق Trinket ُ ور ِ َّمع ال َمص ُه ِ َط ِريقَة الش سبَاكَة ِ Lost wax process َطفلَة ِصينِيَّة China clay ِط ََلء َك ِدر ِط ََلء ُمطفَأ Mat glaze ِط ََلء ُم َزجَّج َ سَل ِمي َ الم َ ِاِبتِكَار إ ُّ يَلدِي ِ ت ُط َلى فِي ِه األ َ َوانِي ال َخ َزفِيَّةُ َو َاج َّيةُ بِاِستِخد َِام ِ ام ِن ِ َّ رن الث ُ غ ِ الزج ِ َوق َظه ََر فِي الق ٍ ُير َمسب سيدَ َمع ِدنِيَّ ٍة ِ أَكَا Luster : Any of various substances, such as wax or glaze, used to give an object a gloss or polish; originally it is an Islamic invention that appeared during the eighth century A.D. ِطلَسم ان َ ش ٍة َ ع َلى شَك ِل ع َََل َم ٍة َمنقُو َ ُسدَ َوقَد تَكُون ِ تَع ِويذَة َ حريَّة تَم َن ُع الش ََّّر َوال َح َ علَى ال ُج ِ س ِ در Talisman : An object marked with magic signs and believed to confer on its bearer supernatural powers or protection; it is often engraved on walls َطوق ُروة َ َحلَقَة أَو ع Hoop : One of a pair of circular wooden or metal frames used to hold material taut for embroidery or similar needlework ون ُ َط ٍ َيف ل ق ُ التَّد َُّر ِ َحو الفَاتِحِ أَو الغ َ َون َو ِظ ََل ِل ِه ن ِ َّج فِي اِستِخد َِام الل ِ ام Shade of color ُ ظلَّة َّمس أَو ال َم َط ِر أَو َ ب يُرفَ ُع فَو ٍ َرش أَو ش ٍ ير أَو ع َ ق َ :بَلتَكَانَة ِ َخص ِل ِوقَايَتِ ِه ِمن الش ِ ير َوالذَّ َه ٍ س ِر ِ ساتِر ِمن الح َِر ِ ِالريح Baldachin : A heavy rich fabric of silk and gold carried or placed over a bed, a throne, or a person protecting him from the blazing sun, rain, or wind ُ ظلَّةُ َمد َخ ِل ال َمبنَى َّمس َوال َم َط ِر ِ ِل ِح َمايَتِ ِه ِمن الش Porch ُ ٍظلَّةُ ِمصبَاح Lampshade : Any of various protective or ornamental coverings used to screen a light bulb هر ال َبر ِد َّي ِة ُ َظ ق البَردِي َ ِ الوجهُ األَقَ ُّل نُعو َمةً َواألَقَ ُّل ص َََل ِحيَّةً ِلل ِكتَابَ ِة ِمن َو َر Verso ون َ ِ َّعتَا َمةُ الل ون ِ ا ِ ِنطفَا ُء ال َّل Color dimness عَت َمةُ ال َخل ِفيَّ ِة Background shade عدَّة ُ ان ِ َمج ُموعَةُ أَد ََوا ِ ت الصَّانِ ِع َوالفَ َّن Gear : Equipment, such as tools or clothing, used for a particular activity عدَ ُم القَا ِب ِل َّي ِة ِللتَّق ِلي ِد َ Inimitability ع َِريش Pergola Arbor ِعصَابَة Headband ِعقَال لر ُج ِل َ ِحليَة َّ ع َلى شَك ِل حَب ٍل تُثَبِتُ ال ِع َما َمةَ العَ َربِيَّةَ ِل Headband : An ornament that looks like a rope to fix the turban on one's head عُقدَة َ اإل َ سي شَا ِ َخرفِي َهند َّ َصر ال َ س ََل ِجقَ ِة َوتَأَث َّ َرت ِب ِه ُك ُّل َمد َِار ُ ي تَع ِبير ُز ِ ع فِي ع ِ س الفَ ِن َ أُنشُو َطة َو ِه ِ سَل ِمي Knot : A length of line, thread, ribbon, or other thin material that is curved or doubled over making an opening; a decorative and geometrical term originated and widely spread during the Seljuk era, and it is well-known in most trends of Islamic art. عقُود ُ اط ُر ِ َقَن Arcade ص َّما ُء ُ َ عقُود َ عقُود ُمتَجَا ِو َرة ُ َ ين ُم ِ ير َنافِذَ ٍة بِغَ َر ُ غ ٍ س َّطحٍ ِجد َِاري ِ ِض تَزي Blind arcade : A series of non-open arches for decorating walls ع ِقيق َ ت ِ مر ِة صَلب يُستَخدَ ُم فِي األَخت َ ِام َوال ُمجَو َه َرا ُ َحجَر ك َِريم ع َِمي َ ق ال ُح Chalcedony Agate : Hard red precious stone, used in making seals and jewelry ع َََل َمةُ الجَودَ ِة َّنف أَو ِعيَ ِار ال َمعد ِِن ِ العَ ََل َمةُ ال ُمقَ َّر َرةُ ِ ِإلثبَا ِ ت جَودَ ِة الص Assay mark : Fixed mark for detecting the quality or quantity of something ع َََل َمةُ الصَّانِ ِع Craftsman's mark حص ٍ َع َََل َمةُ ف اق ِ صنَّعَا َ حص ال َم َو ِاد أَو ال ُم ِ َع َََل َمةُ ف َ َ وجهَا ِلأل ِ ت ِللتَّأ َ ُّك ِد ِمن الجَودَ ِة قَب َل ُخ ُر ِ سو Test mark ت ِ ِعل ُم األَيقُونَا Iconology : The branch of art history that deals with the description, analysis, and interpretation of icons or iconic representations ف ِ َ يق ال َمت ِ ِعل ُم تَن ِ اح ِ س Museology : The discipline of museum design, organization, and management ون ُ عُم ِ َّق الل Color deepness خرفِي ُ عُن ُ صر ُز قَدِيم Classical Archaic قُر ُم ِزي Crimson قَرن بُوق Horn : A device for projecting sound waves, as in a loudspeaker شيَّة ِ قَرن كَب ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة Ram's horn : An ornamental design قَس َطل Chestnut س َم َك ِة َّ شر ال ُ ِق ِحليَة Fish scales : A small, flattened, rigid and definitely circumscribed plate forming part of the external body covering especially of a fish; it is often taken as a shape of ornaments. اء ِ َمر َ صر الح ُ َق َ اإل ) ِغرنَا َطة13 َسَل ِمي ِ فِي األَندَلُ ِس( ال َقرن ِ ِمن َر َوائِ ِع ال َف ِن Alhambra : A fine example of Islamic art found in Granada, Andalusia (13th century) قَ ِطيفَة َ سيج لَهُ َوبَ َرة يرة َنا ِع َمة فِي أ َ َح ِد َوجهَي ِه ِ َن َ غ ِز Velvet قَ ِطيفَة ُم َوشَّاة Brocaded velvet سادَة َ قُ َماش Solid cloth قُ َماش ُمبَ َّطن Lined cloth قُ َماش ُم َرقَّط Dappled cloth شجَّر َ قُ َماش ُم Tapestry قُ َماش َمنقُوش Diapered cloth قُمقُم قَنِينَة Bulging long-necked bottle قَنَانِي َ ف أَو ُزجَاجٍ يُو َّ َِاس أَو ف ض ُع َ ان ٍ ض ٍة أَو َخ َز ٍ يرة ِمن نُح َ ُ جَم ُع قَنِينَ ٍة َوت َ ص ِغ ٍ ي أ َ َو َ َو ِه:ٍس َّمى أَيضًا قَ َماقِ ُم جَم ُع قُمقُ َمة َ اإل سَل ِميَّ ِة َ طر َولَهَا َر َق َبة ض َِيقَة َو َط ِويلَة شَا ُ ُصنعُهَا َواِستِخدَا ُمهَا فِي الع ُ ع ُ فِيهَا الش ََّر ُ اب أَو ال ِع ِ ص ِ ور Beakers : Small pots made of copper, silver, pottery, or glass, used as containers for drinks and perfumes. They have a tall, narrow pouring lip. Their making and use were common during all the Islamic ages. ع ِة َ الط َبا ِ ب ُ قَ َوا ِل Printing blocks ون ِ َّكَآبَةُ الل Color dullness كَأس اق َوقَا ِعدَ ٍة َ ب ذُو ِ ُكوب ِللش ََّرا ٍ س Goblet : A drinking vessel, such as a glass, that has a stem and base كَأس ذَاتُ قَد ٍَم Footed bowl كَاتِينَة سلَة ِ سل ِ Chain ك َِاريكَاتِير اخر ِ س َ َرسم Caricature كافتة َجمهَا ِ الرب َع دَائِ َر ٍة فِي ح ُّ يرة ت ُ َنا ِه ُز َ تَق ِو Cavetto : A concave molding with a cross section that approximates a quarter circle كَاو ِلينَه َ ُع ِة ال َمشغ الو َرقِيَّ ِة َ ض يُستَخدَ ُم فِي ِصنَا ِ وِل ِ َنَوع جَيِد ِمن ال َّطف ِل األَبي َ سجيَّ ِة َو ِ َّت ال َخ َزفِيَّ ِة َوالن Kaoline : A fine clay used in ceramics and refractories and as a filler or coating for paper and textiles يهيَّة ِ ِكتَابَة تَم ِو س ُم فَ َقط ِل ِلزينَ ِة َ ت ُر. َست َكذَ ِلك َ وف َولَي ِ خرفِيَّة تَأ ُخذُ َهيئ َةَ ال ُح ُر ُ ِكتَابَات ُز Pseudo inscription ون ِ ََّكثَافَةُ الل Intensity of color كَرت ُون َو َرق َمضغُوط, َو َرق ُمقَ َّوى Cardboard : A material similar to thick, stiff paper, that is made of pressed paper pulp or pasted sheets of paper. It is used for making cartons and signs. ك ُُروشيه Crochet أَعنَاب.ك ُُروم َ اإل َّ عروفَ ِة فِي سَل ِميَّ ِة ِ الز َخ ِار َ َ النَّبَاتَاتُ ال ُمت ُ يق ال َم ِ ف ِ س ِلقَةُ ذَاتُ ال َمحَا ِل Vines ك ُُرونَة ي ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة ِ َت َ اجيَّة َو ِه Corona : The projecting top part of a cornice سوة َ ِك Attire كَشط كَحت Carving كلة َمع ُجون َِل ِصق Paste كلوازونية ُ أُسلُوب فِي ِط ََل ِء األ َ َوانِي ح:ِمحج ََزة ان ال ُمتَعَ ِددَ ِة ِلكَي َِل تَختَ ِل َط َ َ اج ُز ِمن َمادَّ ٍة ُمعَيَّنَ ٍة بَينَ األ ِ َ َيث ت ِ فص ُل ح ََو ِ لو لوانُ َوتَتَدَا َخ َل َ َ األ Cloisonn : Enamelware in which the surface decoration is formed by different colors of enamel separated by thin strips of metal كليشية صَحن َك ِبير Plate ِك ِليم َين َ سيجِ َِل َوبَ َر لَهُ َو ِ علَى َهيئ َ ٍة َو ِ َّشنُ الن ِ ساط َخ َ ِب ُ احدَ ٍة فِي ُر َ سو َماتِ ِه ِمن ِ الوجه Kilim : A tapestry-woven Turkish rug or other textile with geometric designs in rich, brilliant colors كمي Quantitative كُوز Mug : A cylindrical drinking cup usually having a handle َِل ِز َورد َحجَر ك َِريم Lapis Lazulli لُح َمة ُ ال َخي اش ِ ض الَّذِي يَتِ ُّم ِبتَدَا ُخ ِل ِه َم َع َخ ُ عر َّ يط ال ِ سدَى نَس ُج القُ َم َ َ ط ال ُمست Weft (woof) Element عَنقَا ُء ُ َحيَ َوان ُخ َرافِي أُس س ِد ِ وري نِصفُهُ األ َ َم َ َ ي َمأ ُخوذ عَن شَك ِل األ ِ ِي َمأ ُخوذ عَن شَك ِل الن ِ ط ُّ سر َونِصفُهُ ال َخل ِف ُّ ام Griffin : A fabulous beast with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion عَينُ ال ِق ِط س َما ِوي ِ َحجَر َ ُيم لَونُه ٍ شبهُ ك َِر Opal : A translucent mineral of hydrated silica, often used as a gem ِغ َرافَة َورق َ د Carafe : A glass or metal pot, often with a flared lip, used for serving water and other liquids ُ َ غ رزةُ ال َب َّطا ِن َّي ِة Blanket stitch ُ َ غ الخ َيا َط ِة ِ ُرزة ب أَو ِلعَ َم ِل ِحليَ ٍة ِ َ يط ِلت ِ اش بِال َخ ِ طر ِ َبر القُ َم ٍ اف ثَو َ َ يع أ َ بر ِة ع َ اإل ِ ُح ََركَة ِ جم Stitch : A single complete movement of a threaded needle in sewing or surgical suturing ُ َ غ ش ِة َ الري ِ ُرزة Feather stitch ُ َ غ سلَ ِة ِ السل ِ ُرزة ُ سلَ ِة ِ عضهَا ِلت ُص ِب َح َك َحلَقَا ِ السل ِ ت ِ َخرفِيَّة ت ُ َحاكُ ِبب ُ غ َرز ُز Chain-stitch : A decorative sewing stitch in which loops are connected like the links of a chain ُ َ غ الرن َج ِة ِ سل ِ ُرزة َ سلَ ِة ِ س َم َك ِة Herringbone stitch ُ َ غ رزةُ َطائِ ٍر Fly stitch ُ َ غ رزة ُمتَتَا ِبعَة Running stitch َ غزل Yarn َ غ َما َمة Nimbus : A radiant light that appears usually in the form of a circle or halo about or over the head in the representation of a god, demigod, saint, or sacred person such as a king or an emperor َ غمر ًسا ِبهَا نُعُو َمة َ َّ وط الغَز ِل فِي َمحَا ِلي َل َخا ِ ُمر ُخي َ ص ٍة ِ ِإلك ُ غ Steeping : To soak yarn in certain liquids in order to soften it َ ُ غ ٍير َِل ِمع Dull َ ير َمجدُو ٍل ُ غ Untwining فَتَائِ ُل الح َبا ِل ال َمفت ُولَ ِة َ حَبل َمفت ُول ِمن ِ عدَ ٍد ِمن Twine يس س ِ ِ ترةُ التَّأ َ َف َ اإل َ علَى َ ق َ ا ِِلس ُم الَّذِي أُط ِل ِ ع ِ صر األ ُ َم ِو ِيينَ فِي الفَ ِن ِ سَل ِمي The Period of Formation : A title given to the Umayyad era when talking about the Islamic art فَ َّخار َحج َِري Stoneware َ فَ َّخار ُ غ ٍير ُم َزجَّج َ فَ َّخار ُ غ ٍ ير َمط ِلي Biscuits Bisque : Clay that has been fired once but not glazed فَ َّخ ِاريَّات ُّ ت ع َم ِل التَّ َماثِي ِل َ ت َو ِ رضيَّا ِ ون بُنِي ٍ يُستَخدَ ُم فِي التَّك ِوينَا ِ َان َوفِي ت ِ َ غطيَ ِة األ َ خر ِفيَّ ِة ِبال ُج ُ الز ُ فَ َّخار َم ٍ َحروق ذُو ل ِ در ير ِة َّ ال َ ص ِغ Terra-cotta : A hard, waterproof ceramic clay used in pottery and building construction َ فَ َرا غات ِ َخرفَ ٍة أَو ن َ فَج ََوات تَت َ َخ َّل ُل َ سط ًحا ِضمنَ َز ٍسيج Interstices : Spaces, especially small or narrow ones, between things or parts فِر ِبينَة خرفِيًّا ُ هرة عُشبِيَّة بَ ِريَّة لَهَا قِي َمة ِع ََل ِجيَّة است ُخ ِد َمت عُن َ َز ُ ص ًرا ُز Vervain Verbena ع َخ َر ٍز ُ فَر Bead string سي ِ فُ ُرو تن ج ََوا ٍد َ ِ علَى َم Equestrian Horse-riding سا ُء َ سي ِف َ ُف َ الر َخ ِام َو ُ ف بَع ع ٍة َ ص َو ٍر ُمتَنَ ِو َ عض َ قِ َطع ُ علَى أَشكَا ٍل ُمختَ ِلفَ ٍة َو ٍ َضهَا إِلَى ب ُ َّير ِه يُ َؤل ُّ يرة ِمن َ ص ِغ ِ غ Mosaic : A picture or decorative design made by setting small colored pieces, as of stone or tile, into a surface سا ُء َخ َزفِيَّة َ سي ِف َ ُف Mosaic of faience ب ِ فِضَّة َمط ِليَّة بِالذَّ َه Silver-gilt ُّ وز خرفِيَّ ِة ُّ ُّفَك ُ الز ِ الر ُم To decipher ُّ وز النَّ َم ِط ي ف خر الز ِ ُ ِ فَكُّ ُر ُم ِ ُ عَز ُل األَشكَا ِل ال ُمك ََّو ِن ِمنهَا النَّ َم ًق أَن َما ًطا جَ دِيدَة ُّ ط ُ َاو ُر األَشكَا ِل يَخ ِل ُ فَتَج, ي بِ ِإيجَا ِد َم َرا ِك ِز َها ُ الز ُّ ِخرف Deciphering the pattern : Separating the shapes that constitute the decorative pattern finding their centers. Putting shapes together in a different way creates a new patterns. فَن Art َّ ُّفَن خرفَ ِة العَ َر ِبيَّ ِة َ الز َّ ع ِمن سة َ ت َهذَا النَّو ِ سبَت ُك ُّل اللُّغَا ِ سيَّة َو ِكتَابِيَّة ُمتَد ِ َي ِحلًى نَبَاتِيَّة َو َهند َ َاخلَة َو ُممتَدَّة َو ُمقَ َّو ِ الز َخ ِار َ َن ِ ف ِلل َع َر َ ب َو ِه ً ُ َ اإل ُ ُ ُ َ َ .سَل ِم َّي ِة ون ن ف ال ت ا ي وص ص خ ن م ة ي وص ص خ ر ب ت ُع ت و . اة و ز م ِ َّ ِ ُ ِ َّ ِ ُ َّ ُ أَو َُ َ ِ ِ Arabesque : Ornaments that are attributed in all languages to the Arabs. These are complex, ornate designs of intertwined floral, foliate and geometric figures. It is also a characteristic of Islamic arts. َّ ُّفَن َلوان َ َ خرفَ ِة ِب ِعدَّ ِة أ َ الز Polychromy فَنُّ اللَّدَائِ ِن Fictile art ت ِ فَنُّ ال ُمنَمنَ َما Miniature : A small portrait, picture, or decorative letter on an illuminated manuscript ي ِ فَنُّ ال ُمنَمنَ َما ُّ ت التُّر ِك Turkish Miniature ي ِ فَنُّ ال ُمنَمنَ َما ِ ت الفَ ِار ُّ س Persian miniature ص ِل ُ فَنُّ ال ُمو عش ََر َ رن الثَّانِي َ فَنُّ ِص َنا ُ ع ِة ال َمعَاد ِِن ال ُم َطعَّ َم ِة ا َّلذِي اِزدَ َه َر فِي َمدِي َن ِة ال ُمو ِ َص ِل إِبَانَ الق Mosul Work : An artistic style of molding inlaid metals which flourished during the 12th century in the city of Mosul, Iraq ع َلى ال َمعد ِِن َ قش ال َب ِار ِز ِ َّفَنُّ الن Toreutics : The art of working metal or other materials by the use of embossing and chasing to form minute detailed relieves فَن بَحت فَن َخا ِلص Concrete art فَن بِدَائِي Primitive art جريدِي ِ َ فَن ت ان ِ َُاو ُز َمفَا ِهي َمهَا إِلَى َما ي ِ َ فَن َِل يَلت َ ِز ُم ال ُمحَاكَاةَ َوقَد يَست َ وحي ال َّطبِيعَةَ أَو يَتَج ِ َّوحي ِه َخيَا ُل الفَن Abstract art : A kind of art that does not imitate nature but it may be inspired by nature الو ُجو ِه ُ ير ِ فَنُّ تَص ِو َّخصيَّ ِة ُّ فَنُّ ال ِ ص َو ِر الش Portraiture فَن تَق ِليدِي Conventional art َ ف ال ُمذَ َّهبَ ِة حر أل ا و ِ ُ َ ان َ َ ب ِباأل َ فَنُّ َز ِ ُ خرفَ ِة ال ُكت ِ لو Illumination : The art or act of decorating a text, a page, or an initial letter with ornamental designs, miniatures, or lettering عتِيق َ فَن Archaic art يخ ِ فَنُّ َما قَب َل الت َّ ِار Prehistoric art فَن ُمحَا ِكي ت ِ اص َوال َحيَ َوانَا ُ ِيَهتَ ُّم ب ِ ص َو ِر األَش َخ Figurative art : It has interest in representing humans and animals ايك ِ فَنَّانُ ال َم َو ِز اء ِ س َ سي ِف َ ُفَنَّانُ الف Mosaicist َ اإل َّ ُفُنُون سَل ِم َّي ِة َ الز ِ خرفَ ِة Islamic decorative arts يروز ُ َف س َما ِوي أَو َمائِل إِلَى األَخض َِر ُ زر َ ق دَا ِكن أَو َ َ َار الك َِري َم ِة لَونُهُ أ ِ ِمن األَحج Turquoise سم ُمشتَ َرك ِ قَا Denominator ص ِة أَو العَ ُمو ِد َّ َالمن ِ ُقَا ِعدَة Pedestals قَا ِلب نَ ُموذَج Mold : A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped ون ِ َّقَتَا َمةُ الل Color darkness ِلفَاعَة شَال Amice سعَ ِفيَّة َ ِلفَاف Palmette leaf scrolls ون ِ َّلَ َمعَانُ الل Color brightness ان لَوحَةُ األ َ َ لو ِ Palette لَوحَة ث ُ ََلثِيَّة الوس َطى ورة ُح ِف َرت َ ت ث َ ََل ٍ علَى لَوحَا ٍ ب تَن َط ِب ُ ُ ق األُولَى َوالثَّا ِلثَةُ َم َع ُ ث ُمث َ َّبت َ ٍة جَن ًبا ِإلَى جَن ٍ ص َ Triptych ي الشَّك ِل لَ ِ وز ُّ Almond-shaped لَون Color ض فِ ِضي لَون أَبيَ ُ Silver-white ض ُمصفَر لَون أب َي ُ Off-white َ لَون أَح َم ُر بُرتُقا ِلي Orange red لَون أَح َم ُر دَ َم ِوي Scarlet لَون أَح َم ُر صدئ Rust red لَون أَح َم ُر ُ طوبِي Brick red لَون أَح َم ُر قَا ِني Carmine لَون أَح َم ُر قَ ِوي أَح َم ُر دَا ِكن Madder red لَون أَح َم ُر لَعلَ ِعيّّ أُر ُج َوانِي ,أَح َم ُر فَاتِح Garnet red غرة لَون أَح َم ُر ُم َ Ochre red لَون أَح َم ُر نَ ِبيذِي Claret red لَون أَح َم ُر َوردِي Pink لَون أَخض َُر َزيت ُونِي Olive green ق زر ُ لَون أ َ َ Blue حري َقاتِم زر ُ لَون أَ َ ق بَ ِ Ultramarine blue س َما ِوي زر ُ ق َ لَون أ َ َ Sky Blue ق كُوبَالتِي زر ُ لَون أ َ َ Cobalt blue لَون أَصفَ ُر لَي ُمو ِني Lemon yellow color غرة لَون أَصفَ ُر ُم َ Ochre yellow لَون بَاذِنجَانِي محي َ امق غ ِ أَس َم ُر قَ ِ Auburn : A moderate reddish black س ِجي لَون بَنَف َ )Violet (color حروق لَون بُنِي َم ُ بُنِي َ امق غ ِ Dark brown لَون ت ُر ُك َو ِازي س َما ِوي زر ُ ق َ أَ َ )Turquoise (color لَون ثَانَ ِوي Secondary color لَون َزبَر َجدِي أَخض َُر َزر ِعي Viridian لَون ُز ُم ُّردِي Emerald Bright green سالَ ُمونِي لَون َ أَح َم ُر ِمص ِفر Salmon colored سلَقُونِي لَون َ )Vermilion (color سمنِي لَون َ Cream yellow َارخ لَون ص ِ Loud color لَون َط ِحينِي َفاتِح Sienna لَون َطف ِلي بُرتُقَا ِلي فَا ِتح Buff َاجي ِ لَون ع Ivory : A pale or grayish yellow to yellowish white لَون عَس َجدِي س ِلي َ َ ع Honey color ع ِقي ِقي َ لَون َ أَح َم ُر دَا ِكن ُ غ ٍير َِل ِمع Ruby (color) لَون عَنبَ ِري Amber لَون قَ َرنفُ ِلي أَح َم ُر فَاتِح Pink َلَون ق ِيري د ص ِ Cadmium color لَون ُك َميتِي مري ِ أَح َم ُر دَا ِكن أَو َخ Brown red لَون ُمض َم ِحل َبا ِهت Faded color Pale color لَيلَق )س ِجي ُ زر ِ اإل ِ ف بِا َ حم َر ِار (بَنَف َ هرةُ البَنَف َ سجِ الَّتِي ُو ِص َ َ ِسمهَا اللَّونُ األ َ َز ِ ق ال َمائِ ُل إِلَى Lilac : Any of various shrubs of the genus Syringe, widely cultivated for its clusters of fragrant purplish or white flowers َمؤَثِر Impressive ب ِ َما ُء الذَّ َه Gilt ُمبتَكَر ُمتَ َجدَّد Novelty َمب َخ َرة Incense burner ُمتَأ َ ِلق Refulgent ُمتَجَانِس Cognate Allied in characteristics Harmonious ًُمت َّ ِخذ َهيئ َةً آد َِميَّة Anthropomorphic َاخ ََلت ِ ُمتَد َ ُمتَشَابِكَات أَو ُم شغَا ِل التِ ِريكُو أَو الدَّن ِت ََّل َ ضفَّ َرات كَأ Intarsia : A decorative inlaid pattern in a surface, especially a mosaic worked in wood ُمتَد َِليَة د ََِّليَة Pendentive ُمتَشَابِك Interlaced ُمتَعَ ِددُ األَشكَا ِل Multiform ان َ َ ُمت َ َع ِددُ األ ِ لو Polychrome َ َ ُمتَعَ ِددَةُ األ َّ ضَلعِ َو الز َوايَا Polygon ُمتَفَتِت Crumbled ُمتَقَ ِزح ان َ َ ي األ ِ لو ُّ قَ َز ِح Iridescent : Producing a display of lustrous, rainbow-like colors ُمت َ َما ِوج ًت ُمتَعَ ِددَة َ يري يُ َعالَ ُج فِي ِصنَا ٍ ي تَ َم ُّوجَا ِ ُاء َوال َمكَابِ ِس الث َّ ِقيلَ ِة ِلي ِ عتِ ِه بِال َم ِ َن ِ سيج ح َِر َ عط Moire : Fabric, such as silk or rayon, finished so as to have a wavy or rippled surface pattern حو ِر ِ ُُمت َ َو ِحد َ الم Uniaxial ُمت َ َو ِهج Flamboyant : Characterized by waving curves suggesting flame ُمثَبِت ت الكَربُونِيَّ ِة ِ سو َما ُ الر ُّ ِط ََلء يُستَخدَ ُم ِل ِح َمايَ ِة Fixative : A varnish used especially for the protection of crayon drawings ُمثَقَّب Punched ُمثَقَّبَة ُم َخ َّر َمة Filigree : An intricate, delicate, or fanciful ornamentation َمثِيل َ نُس َخة ِمن ٍ ع َم ٍل فَنِي Replica َمجدُول Twining ُمحَافِظ Conservative ُمحَاكَاة تَق ِليد Imitation َ ِم حَلق خرفِيَّ ٍة فِي َ ت ٍ َواِست ُخ ِد َمت ك ََوحدَا,ق ِ سا ِعدُ النَّبَا ُ فر َ َّ ع َلى الت َ ُ َوال َحلَ ُزو َنات الَّتِي ت,اق َ َ ع ال َخا ِليَةُ ِمن األ ُ ت ُز ُ َ األ ِ ُّسل ِ ور َ ِ الفَ ِن ِ اإلسَل ِمي Tendril : A twisting, threadlike structure by which a twining plant grasps an object or a plant for support; it is used as decorative units in Islamic art َُمخت ت ع الش ب ص ِ ارا ِ َ َ ِ Heraldry ِم َخدَّة Cushion َمدَق يَدُ هاون Pestle َُمر َجان Coral سم َ َمر Atelier سعَ ِفيَّة َ روحَة َ َم ف النَّخ ِل ِ س َع َ رو ِح َّية ت ُصنَ ُع ِمن َ ِحل َية َم Palmette : A stylized palm leaf used as a decorative element رو ِحيَّةُ الشَّك ِل َ َم Fan-shaped Flabelliform ُم َزجَّج Glazed هريَّ ٍة َ ُمزدَان بِ َز َخ ِار ِ ف َز Floriated ُم َز َّهر Floriated : Having floral ornaments or floral forms ُم َز َّولَة عروفَ ٍة َ ف ِبهَا ٍ سي َما ٍ َّب د ََر َج ِة ِظ ِل عُو ٍد ُمثَب ِ رضيَّ ٍة ذَا ِ الوق َ ت فَو ِ ت تَق ِ ساعَة شَم َ ت ِب ِح َ َ علَى ُ سيَّة يَتِ ُّم الت َّ َع ُّر ِ َق أ ُ ت َم ِ سا Sundial : An instrument that indicates local apparent solar time by the shadow cast by a central projecting pointer on a surrounding calibrated dial َام ِل الج ََّر ِة ِ يرةُ ح َ َم ِز Jar stand ف ُ َُمستَد ِ ق ال َّط َر Tapered ُ ُمست َ ِقي ُم ال ُخ وط ِ ط Rectilinear ون ٍ ََمسحَة ِمن ل Tint سنَّنَات َ ُم Denticles ُ َمش طوف َ ُي الحَافَّة شبِيَّ ٍة أَو َحج َِريَّ ٍة َ ير الحَادَّ ِة أَو الحَافَّةُ ال َمائِلَةُ ِألَي ِ ت ُحفَ ٍة َخ ُ غ َ ِه Beveled : The pointless or non-straight edge of any wooden or stony statute." َ َُمشغ وِلت َمع ِدنِيَّة Metalwork َ َُمشغ وِلت َيدَ ِو َّية Artifacts ِمشكَاة Lantern : An often portable case with transparent or translucent sides for holding and protecting a light َمص َمعَة َ ُس ٍد ُم َجنَّحٍ فِي ال َمشغ ت الذَّ َهبِيَّ ِة َ ً عَادَة, ث ٍ ق قِطعَ ِة أَثَا ِ وِل َ اء أَو فَو ِ َسطحِ البِن َ َ ع َلى شَك ِل أ َ ِحليَة فِي أَعلَى ُمقَد َِّم سيَّ ِة ِ الفَ ِار Finial : An ornament fixed to the peak of an arch or arched structure, or an ornamental terminating part, such as the screw of a lampshade. In Persian gold ornaments it often takes the shape of a lion griffin. ورات َ َُمضف خرفِي ِمن ش ََرائِ َط َمجدُو َل ٍة تُك َِونُ د ََوائِ َر فِي َما بَينَهَا ُ تَعبِير ُز Guilloche : An ornamental border formed of two or more curved bands that interlace to repeat a circular design ورة َ َُمضف َاخلَ ِة ِ المع َم ِاريَّ ِة ال ُمتَد ِ الحلَى ِ ِمن Interlaced design : An ornamental design مطبق َّ ِب أَو ف ض ٍة أَو نَح ِو ِه َما َ سطح َ ٍ شرة أَو ِط ََلء ِمن ذَ َه َ ِعلَي ِه ق Plated طروقَات ُ َم هر ِه َ رق ِ علَى ال َمعد ِِن ِمن َظ ِ أُسلُوب ِللتَّص ِو ِ ير أَو ال ِكتَابَ ِة ِبال َّط Repousse : The technique of hammering and pressing designs in relief ُم َطعَّم Inlaid : Decorated with a pattern set into a surface َمط ِفي تر ًبا َ ون إِذَا فَقَدَ لَ َمعَانَهُ َوبَدَا َكئِيبًا ُم ِ ََّوصف ِلل Mat : Dull, often rough finish, as of paint, glass, metal, or paper ُمعَالَجَة ُ إِنج ان ِ َاز األَع َما ِل الفَنِيَّ ِة أَو ٍ الصنَا ِع َّي ِة بِ ِإت َق Treatment فصي ِليَّة ِ َ ُمعَالَجَة ت Detailed treatment ُمعَتِم ِ أَكَا ِ َّ ِير الَّتِي ت ُستَخدَ ُم ِفي الت ِ سيدُ القَصد ِزجيج Opacifier : A chemical agent added to a material, such as rocket propellant, to make it opaque ُمعتِم Opaque : Not reflecting light or having no luster َمع ُجون خرى َولَص ِقهَا ِ َمادَّة ِغ َر ِو َّية ُم َر َّك َبة ت ُستَخدَ ُم ِفي تَث ِبي َ ُ ت َم َو ٍاد أ Pasting : A smooth viscous mixture, as of flour and water or of starch and water, that is used as an adhesive for joining light materials, such as paper and cloth َمع ِدنُ الكُوبَالت Cobalt شكَّل َ َمعدِن ُم Forged metal ج نَا َمه ُ عرا َ ِم ِ اء َو ِ سر ِ ُور حَو َل ِ ُمنَمنَ َمة فَ ِار َ الم َ اإل َ الس ُ سيَّة تَد ِ ير ِة النَّبَ ِويَّ ِة َو ِرحلَ ِة ِعراج Mi`raj Namah : A Persian miniature depicting the Night Journey of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ِمع َطف ُون ُّ ُون أَو ه َُو َر ُ ه َُو ال ِغ ََل ُ ف َو ِإ َط ُ الجد ِ ف أَو ِ ار األَت ِ ي ِلألَت ُّ َار ال َخ ِار ِج Mantel : An ornamental facing around a fireplace or it is the protruding shelf over a fireplace ِمع َطف ُمبَ َّطن Lined coat ُمعَقَّد شدِيدُ التَّشَابُ ِك َ Intricate : Having many complexly arranged elements ُم َع َّينَات س َّي ٍة َ خرفِيَّة ٍ علَى َهيئ َ ِة ُم َعيَّنَا ِ َت َهند ُ ي َوحدَات ُز ِ ال َّل َ وزيَّاتُ َو ِه Lozenge : Four-sided planar decorative figures with a diamond-like shape; a rhombus that is not a square غرة َ ُم ُ سي ِد ال َحدِي ِد َولَونُهَا يَتَد ََّر ِ ِطينَة أَو َطفلَة َم ِليئَة بِأُك ِج ِمن األَصفَ ِر ال ُمح َم ِر إِلَى البُرت ُ َقا ِلي ِ الدَّا ِك ِن َوالبُنِي ِ الفَاتِح Ochre : Any of several earthy mineral oxides of iron occurring in yellow, brown, or red and used as pigments َ َم غزل Spindle ير َ ش َ َم ُ فر ٍ س ِر Bed spread ش َمائِدَة َ َم ُ فر Tablecloth صصَة َو َرقِيَّة َّ َُمف ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة Foiled : An ornament ُمفَيَّل ع َلى شَك ِل فِي ٍل َ خرفَة َ َز Elephant-shaped decoration ِ َمقَا َماتُ الح َِر ِ يري َ ال َقرنُ الثَّا ِل ي ال َح َياةَ ا ِِلج ِت َما ِع َّيةَ َوالفَ ِن َّيةَ ِلل ُمس ِل ِمينَ ِفي َ ث ِ ِكتَاب ج،عش ََر َ َامع ُمص ََّور َوص ِ َف ِفي ِه ُمؤ َِلفُهُ الح َِر ُّ ير َ َ َ َوقد قا َم ال ُمص َِو ُر,ِع َليهَا ال َمقَا َمات َ ق ُ َص ال ُمش َِوق ِة يَر ِويهَا َرا ٍو َويُط ِل ِ سل ِ سي ِ فِي ِ صر العَبَّا ِ سلَ ٍة ِمن ال ِقص ِ َالع َ َ ب ا ت ك ال ت ا م و س ر ذ ي ف ن ت ب ي ط س ا الو ى ي ح ي ير َّه ش ال ي م سَل ِ ِ َ َ ُ ِ َ ُ ُ ِ ِ ُّ ِ ِ َ ِ ِ ِ ُّ ِ َ اإل Al-Maqamat of Al-Hariri : During the 13th century, Al-Hariri, an Iraqi man of letters, wrote his masterpiece Al-Maqamat, a comprehensive book of pictures, in which he depicted the social and artistic features of the Abbasid era through a series of interesting stories. All pictures included in that book were drawn by Yahya Al-Wasiti يف ُ ََمقب ِ س َّ ض ال Hilt ُّور ِة ص ال ُمقَدَّ ُم َ Foreground ُمقَرنَصَات ُمتَصَا ِعدَة ب ت َ َراك ُِم َطبَقَ ٍة فَوقَ َط َبقَ ٍة َ ُِمقَرنَصَات تَرتَ ِف ُع َطبَ َقاتُهَا ب ِ َسب Stalagmites : A cone of calcite rising from the floor of a cave ُمقَصَّب َّ ب أَو ال ِف ض ِة ِ طروقَ ِة ِمن الذَّ َه ُ ُم َزيَّن ِبالش ََّرائِ ِط ال َم Brocaded with gold or silver threads ُمقَصدَر Tinned ُمقَنَّى َ صف علَى شَك ِل القَ َنا ِة أَو األُخدُو ِد َ غا َب ٍة (بُوصَة) َمشقُوقَ ٍة ِبال ُّطو ِل أَو َ خر ِفي ِ علَى شَك ِل ِن ُ تَع ِبير ُز Fluted : A long, usually rounded groove incised as a decorative motif on the shaft of a column ير َ ُِم ََل َءة ٍ س ِر Bed sheet خرفِيَّة ُ َم ََل ِم ُح ُز ُّ ير ُ ي بِجُزءٍ ِمن العُن َ ص ِر ك ُ الز ُ ِالتَّعب ُّ ِخرف ِ ق بِالنِسبَ ِة ِلل َفرعِ النَّبَا ِتي ِ َالو َر Motifs : Decorative features made of the leaves, rather than the branches, of a tree صقَات َ ُمل ت ِ صقَا َ نع ال ُمل ُ َُّفن ِ ص Collage : An artistic composition of materials and objects pasted over a surface, often with a unifying lines and color َملفُوف Coiled الط ََل ِء ِ ُِم ُم َّوه ب Camouflaged Gilt ُمنت َ ِفخ Bulging نز ِلي ِ َم Domestic سوج ُ َمن وط ِ َُاخ ُل ال ُخي ِ ُمتَد Interlocked Woven : To become united or joined closely, as by hooking or dovetailing ِمنَصَّة Pew ِمن َطقَة ًخرفَةً ُم َع َّينَة ُ َف أَو نَح ِو ِه َما ت َ ِمن َطقَة ُم َحدَّدَة ِ َعلَى ن ٍ سيجٍ أَو َخ َز َ ض ُّم َز Zone َ ي ك ل م ال د َّي ص َمن َظ ُر ال ِ ِ ِ َ Royal huntsman َمن َظر َخلَ ِوي Landscape Panoramic view : A picture depicting an expanse of scenery َمن َظر َط ِبي ِعي دُونَ ِظ ََل ٍل Shadowless landscape مزي ِ َمن َظر َطبِي ِعي َر Symbolic landscape َمن َظر َط ِبي ِعي ُمتَج ٍَل ِ س َما ِويَّ ِة فِي فَ ِن ال ُمنَمنَ َما ِ ت الفَ ِار َّ رض ال ِ َ رضيَّ ِة َواأل ِ َ ير ال َجنَّ ِة األ ُ تَص ِو ِ سي Transfigured landscape : A known miniature in Persian art ُ َمن ظور Perspective َمنقُوش َمحفُور Engraved Carved ُمنَ َّمر ور َ ِحليَة ِ َّعلَى الن ِ سيجِ بِأَشكَا ِل النُّ ُم Tiger-shaped decoration ُمنَ َّمق خرف َ ُم َز Adorned Embellished Decorated موجية عَا ِليَة ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة Cyma recta : A molding for a cornice, having a partly convex curve in profile, used especially in classical architecture ورس ِكي ِ ُم غر ِبي ِ َم Moresque : Characteristic of Moorish art or architecture ورق ِ ُم Foliated ُموضَة اس ِ َارا ِ سودُ َمر َحلَةً ِمن ال َم َر ُ َ ت الفَنِيَّ ِة ت َ َموجَة َجدِيدَة ِمن ا ِِلبتِك ُ َّاح ِل َويَأ َلفُهَا الن Vogue ُموف س ِجي َ لَون أَح َم ُر َبنَف Mauve : A moderate grayish violet to moderate reddish purple َموقِد َمن َقد Hand-warmer طريَّة ِ َِمو ِهبَة ف Inborn talent ِميدَاليَة Medallion : Something resembling a large medal, as an oval or circular design used as decoration مينا ُ س ُّ طوحِ ال َمع ِدنِيَّ ِة َو َاجيَّ ِة َوال َخ َزفِيَّ ِة ِ َان ِلت ُّ غطيَ ِة ال َ َ َاجي ُمعتِم ُمتَعَ ِددُ األ ِ الزج ِ ِط ََلء ُزج ِ لو Enamel : A vitreous, usually opaque, protective or decorative coating baked on metal, glass, or ceramic ware ب ُ َن ِ اب الكَل ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة Dogtooth : A decorative design and ornament نَبَاتِي Botanic Vegetal نُحَاس أَح َم ُر Copper نُحَاس أَص َف ُر Brass نَحت بَ ِارز Relief نُس َخة Copy سيج ِ َن Weaving سيج َمطبُوع ِ َن ًسوجَة َ سوم َمطبُوعَة َولَي ُ ست َمن ُ ف َو ُر ُ َز َخ ِار Print fabric ُ ِن ٍ صف قَ َم ِري Semilunar ُّ نَف ُخ ِالزجَاج Glass blowing ون ِ َّنَقَا ُء الل Color purity نَقش Carving Engraving َ نَقش غائِر َفر أَختَام ُ ح Intaglio : intaglio, design cut into stone or other material, or etched or engraved in a metal plate, producing a concave effect that is the reverse of relief or Cameo. نُقُوش ورة َ ُِكتَابَات َمحف Inscriptions : Something, such as the wording on a coin, medal, monument, or seal, that is inscribed مرقَة ُ ُن ساط َ ِب Carpet نَ َمط Pattern نَ َمط أَص ِلي Prototype نَمنَ َمة تَص ِوير Painting Depicting miniature نَ ُموذَج Example Model Sample سبعَ ِة ُ َنَ ُموذ َّ ج الد ََّوائِ ِر ال َ اإل َ شَا ِ سا ُ خرفِي ٍ ُمست َ ِق ٍل أَو َكعُن ُ سَل ِمي ِ َكعُن َ َ خرفِي ٍ أ ُ ص ٍر ُز ُ ص ٍر ُز ِ ع اِعتِ َمادُهُ فِي الفَ ِن ٍ سي Seven-circles pattern : A key pattern of Islamic decoration نَ َّوار ت ال َخ َز ِف َّيةَ َواأل َ َوانِي ِ س َط َوالبَ ََل َطا ُ َُار العَدِيدَ ِة ا َّل ِتي ت َُزيِنُ الب ِ ُور األَشج ِ بَ َرا ِع ُم ُزه Blossoms : Flowers and roses that are used in decorating rugs, ceramics and pots نَوط ِميدَاليَة Medal : A flat piece of metal stamped with a design or an inscription commemorating an event or a person, often given as an award نَول يم أَو نَح ِو ِه َما ِ سج يَدَ ِوي أَو آ ِلي ِلح َ َمن ِ َبك القُ َم ِ اش أَو ال ِك ِل Loom : An apparatus for making thread or yarn into cloth by weaving strands together at right angles نيللو ُ س طوحِ ال َمع ِدنِيَّ ِة ِ غطيَ ِة َوتَك ِفي ِ َ سودُ َِل ِمع يُستَخدَ ُم فِي ت ُّ ت ال َ َ َخ ِليط َمع ِدنِي أ Niello : Any of several black metallic alloys of sulfur with copper, silver, or lead, used to fill an incised design on the surface of another metal َهالَة َ تَميِيزً ا لَهُ عَن,سة ير ِه ِ رص الض ُ ُق َ س ُم حَو َل َمن لَهُ اِحتِ َرام أَو قَدَا َ َّوءالَّذِي يُر ِ غ Halo : A luminous ring or disk of light surrounding the heads or bodies of sacred figures, such as saints, in religious paintings اون ُ َه حن ال َم َو ِاد ال ُمخت َ ِلفَ ِة ِ ِوعَاء َمع ِدنِي ِل َط Mortar : A vessel in which substances are crushed or ground with a pestle َه َر ِميَّة الم َرا َيا َ ِحليَة ِمع َم ِاريَّة ِ َّعلَى شَك ِل ال ُمثَل ِ ب أَو النَّ َوافِ ِذ أَو َ َ ث اله ََر ِمي ِ الَّذِي يُ َزيِنُ أَعلَى األ ِ بوا Pediment : A wide, low-pitched gable surmounting the facade of a building, window or mirror boards َهش َسر َ ِ سه ُل الك Fragile : Easily broken, damaged or destroyed اجهَة ِ َو َّ ِسيَّةُ الغَنِيَّةُ ب ف ِ الرئِي ِ الز َخ ِار َ اب َوالنَّ َوافِذَ ِمن َز َخ ِار َ بو َ َ أَو َما يَعلُو األ,ف َ َّ ُاجهَة ِ الو Frontispiece : A facade, especially an ornamental facade or a small ornamental pediment, as on top of door or window َوتَد Wedge جهي ِ َو Facial َ ت ِ الصفا ِ َُو ِحيد Unique َوردِي َفاتِح Pale pink َور ِديَّات ع َلى شَك ِل ُو ُرو ِد َ خرفَة َ َز Rosettes َورشَة َ ار َ َمكَانُ ُم َم ِ س ِة العَ َم ِل اليَدَ ِوي Workshop ق الدلب ُ َو َر Plane leaves َّف ُ َو َر ِ ق الش وم َ َو َرق َرقِيق ُ ب نَق َل َما تَحتَهُ ِمن ُر ُ ق "الكلك" َِل يَح ُج ٍ س ِ شفَّاف ِمث َل َو َر Tracing paper َوشم Brand َوص ِفي Descriptive َوضع Pose يف ِ س َّ ض ال ِ َِوقَا ُء َمقب ت العَد ُِو ِ حمي قَبضَةَ اليَ ِد ِمن ض ََربَا ِ َيف بِ َمقبَ ِض ِه َوي ِ َواقِيَةُ ال ُج ِ س َّ زء الَّذِي يَ ِص ُل بَدَنَ ال Cross guard : A decorative loop or tassel attached to the hilt of a sword. يَاقُوت َحجَر ك َِريم Ruby يَاقُوتِ َّيات اس ِفي د ََر َج ِة الص َََّلدَ ِة َ َار الك َِري َم ِة ت َ ِلي ال َم ِ َمج ُموعَةُ األَحج Corundum : A group of precious stones slightly less than diamond in hardness َ يَتَا غان سيف قَ ِصير ُمقَ َّوس َ :َك ِل َمة ت ُر ِكيَّةُ األَص ِل تَعنِي Yatagan : A Turkish word signifies a short, curved sword يَد َمق َبض Handle : A part that is designed to be held or operated with the hand سنت َ َي َّ هرة َر ِبي ِعيَّة ِمن الفَ ِصيلَ ِة سنبُل بَ ِري أَو يَاقُوتِيَّة َ ُ الزن َب ِقيَّ ِة َوت ُ س َّمى َ َز Hyacinthus : Bulbous herb of the Lily family يَشَب َحجَر ك َِريم Jasper َيشَم يم ِ َحجَر ٍ شبهُ ك َِر Jade