Module: Hardware Systems Design (HSD) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. 2. 3. 4. Basic Logic Functions (AND, OR, INVERTER, NOR, XOR) Logic Circuit to Logic Equation Boolean Algebra De Morgan’s Theorem Chapter 2 1. Multiplexer (Definition and Diagram). 2. Demultiplexers (Definition and Diagram). 3. Multiplexers and DeMultiplexers Logic Expression Chapter 3 1. Decoder (Definition and Diagram) 2. Encoder (Definition and Diagram) 3. Gate Equivalent Circuit of Encoder and Decoder. Chapter 5 1. 2. 3. 4. Sequential Circuit (State Machine) Differences of sequential and combination circuit State transition diagram Bistable lates and flip flops Chapter 6 1. 2. 3. 4. TTL Logic TTL Technology Bipolar Junction Transistor Totem Pole Output Stage Chapter 7 1. CMOS Logic 2. CMOS Technology Chapter 9 1. Factors influencing the performance of a processor 2. Pipelining 3. Level one (L1) and level 2 (L2) cache Page 1 of 38 Chapter 10 1. 2. 3. 4. MMX Technology Celeron Pentiums Mobile Computing Processors Chapter 11 1. 2. 3. 4. Accumulators CISC and RISC Registers Addressing Modes Chapter 12 1. Memory Interleaving 2. Segmentation Chapter 13 1. Bus Systems 2. ISA and EISA 3. Bus Types Chapter 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Parallel Interface (Definition and Diagram) EPP and ECP IEEE 1284 Parallel Port RS 232 Universal Serial Bus Chapter 15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hard disk Technology Hard disk Drive Connectors ATA Bus RAID Devices RAID Levels Other types of Portable Storage Media Chapter 17 1. Port Addresses 2. Bi-Directional Ports 3. Using the Parallel Port’s IRQ Chapter 18 Page 2 of 38 1. EPP Hardware Properties 2. EPP Address Read Cycle Chapter 19 1. ECP Hardware Properties 2. ECP Handshake Chapter 20 1. 2. 3. 4. DTE/DCE Speeds Flow Controls Types of UARTS MCR and MSR Sample Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Draw a state transition diagram for a three bit gray code counter Why is the use of serial data transfer more advantageous than the use of parallel data transfer? With the help of diagrams, discuss about Memory Segmentation. What is the use of RAID devices? Briefly explain the 6 levels of RAID. With the help of diagrams, explain Accelerated Graphic Port. Page 3 of 38 Module: Data Communication (DC) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open Wire Systems Twisted Pair Coaxial Microwave Systems PSTN ISND Chapter 2 1. Analog Signal 2. Digital Signal 3. Transmission Media Chapter 3 1. RS232 Connector 2. Exchanging Information between DCE and DTE Chapter 5 1. Asynchronous 2. Synchronous Chapter 6 1. HDLC 2. HDLC Operation Modes 3. HDLC Frame Types Chapter 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Simplex Half-Duplex Full Duplex Flow Control Modulation Chapter 8 1. Modulation Methods 2. Modulation Techniques Page 4 of 38 Chapter 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. OSI Model Features of TCP/IP Physical and Internet Address Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Network Services Chapter 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Packet Switching ISND Frame Relay ATM Digital Subscriber Line Chapter 11 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of X25 2. The X.25 Protocol Suite Chapter 12 1. Categories of Multiplexing 2. Synchronous TDM 3. Asynchronous TDM Chapter 13 1. Definition of Packet Switching 2. Routing 3. Routing Strategies Chapter 14 1. Comparison of Packet Switching and Circuit Switching Chapter 15 1. What does a frame relay do? 2. Frame Relay VS. X. 25 Chapter 16 1. 2. 3. 4. ATM and Networks ATM Devices ATM Services ATM and Multicasting Page 5 of 38 Chapter 17 1. 2. 3. 4. Repeaters Bridges Switches Routers Chapter 19 1. Threats, Vulnerabilities and Risk 2. E-mail, Web, Internet/Intranet Security Chapter 20 1. Future Wireless Communication Concerns 2. Importance of Mobile Data Applications Sample Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain the features of Microwave Systems and Satellite Systems. Briefly describe THREE modes of channel operation which are Simple, Half- Duplex and Full Duplex. Discuss about THREE modulation methods with illustration where appropriate. Explain Frequency Division Multiplexing with the help of diagram(s). Discuss the benefits of wireless mobile computing to users. List and describe SEVEN distinct layers of OSI model. Page 6 of 38 Module: Operating Systems (OS) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 2 1. Methods in Multiprocessing Chapter 3 1. Functions of Unix Kernel 2. Types of Shell Chapter 4 1. Process Control Blocks 2. Concurrent Process Chapter 5 1. Differences between process and threads 2. Hybrid Thread Model 3. Background Processing Chapter 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. First Come First Served Shortest Job First Priority Scheduling Round Robin Interactive and Batch System Chapter 8 1. Diagram of Resource Allocation graph 2. Deadlock Recovery, Deadlock Prevention and Deadlock Avoidance 3. Goals of Memory Management Chapter 9 1. Definition of Swapping Chapter 10 1. Definition of Paging Page 7 of 38 2. Definition of Page Tables 3. Definition of Page Table Organization Chapter 13 1. Definition of Clustering 2. Benefits of Clustering Chapter 14 1. Categories of Threats. Chapter 16 1. Approaches to Client/Server Computing Chapter 2 1. Methods in Multiprocessing Sample Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Describe FOUR kinds of process interaction. Explain any THREE of the key scheduling criteria. Define the term ‘Relocation’. Distinguish between static and dynamic Relocation. Describe the different states of a Process along with the diagram. What is Clustering? Describe its benefits. What is a Distributed File System? Discuss THREE important design issues in Distributed File System. List at least THREE advantages and disadvantages of Load Sharing. Page 8 of 38 Module: Computer Architecture (CA) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. Diagram of a typical Computer system 2. Definition of Memory, Bus and I/O 3. Functions of Operating system Chapter 1 1. Number System Conversion Chapter 3 1. 2. 3. 4. Memory Segment Logical Address and examples Memory Map or organization of a PC I/O ports of PC Chapter 4 1. Example of the implementation if-then...if-else-then statement in the computer system. Chapter 6 1. Example of Conditional Jump Chapter 7 1. Logic Instruction and Examples 2. Algorithm to encrypt and decrypt Chapter 17 1. File Allocation Tab (FAT) Process. 2. Diagram of a CPU and description of its parts. Page 9 of 38 Chapter 18 1. Difference between hardware and software RAID Chapter 20 1. Real Address Mode 2. Protected Virtual Mode Sample Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Discuss the various branching statements in high level languages. With the help of examples, explain the purpose of Left shift and Right shift. Discuss the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle of a processor. Explain MUL/ IMUL and DIV/IDIV instructions in detail. What is a .COM program? State the advantages and disadvantages of using .COM programs. Compare and contrast 5 main types of RAID levels with the help of diagrams. With the help of an example, show how multiplication and division can be carried out by a SHIFT instruction. Page 10 of 38 Module: E-Business Development (EBD) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. Six Online ROI Models and description of each. 2. How to choose a Web Host. Chapter 2 1. Write short notes on the following Web Value Proposition: a. Interactive b. Measurable c. Info centric d. Interlinked e. Economical Chapter 3 1. Legal Issues in Web Design Optimization Chapter 4 1. How to get the domain Right? 2. How to choose a right domain name? Chapter 5 1. 2. 3. 4. Concepts of Search Engine and how is it incorporated in a website Ways to improve search engine standings Search Engine mistakes not to make How to register a website? Chapter 6 1. In a website, How to build audience? In what ways can you build audiences? Chapter 7 1. 2. 3. 4. Eight ways to help creating and knockout traffic generating campaign ichat Incorporation in a website. Tips in promotional e-mail Ways to boost opt-in rate Page 11 of 38 Chapter 8 1. Describe the following tools: a. Micromedia Flash b. Dreamweaver c. Adobe Photoshop Chapter 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define patterns What are the two pay-offs patterns? Describe each briefly. List and describe the components of patterns. E-business and steps in E-business Trends. Steps in a successful E-collaboration. Write short notes on the following: a. Electronic Commerce b. E-Marketplace c. Portal d. Account Access e. E-Collaboration Chapter 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Things to be addressed in a privacy policy. How to improve sites navigation? What are the common types of web payments? Benefits of Web-Based Customer Service E-Procurement Describe each briefly: a. Make sure website can listen to customers b. Make customers service resources easy to find and easy to use c. 80/20 Rule d. Let the customers rate you e. Leverage the knowledge base 7. Illustrate the buyer centric e-procurement model 8. E-Sourcing Chapter 11 1. Concepts of ERP 2. Components of ERP 3. Importance of ERP in SCM 4. Illustrate the Traditional ERP/Legacy systems linkage across the supply chain. 5. Differences between ERP and SCM 6. Benefits of SCM 7. Illustrate SCM 8. Process of SCM 9. Definition and benefits of CRM 10. Illustrate the types if CRM 11. What does CRM provide? Chapter 12 Page 12 of 38 1. Standards and Key points to consider in E-Business. 2. Benefit of Applying Standards 3. Types of E-Business Model Sample Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Discuss the SIX online Return on Investment (ROI) Model. How to choose an effective Web Host? Explain five search engine mistakes not to make. What are the things to do in order to avoid from being accused of spamming? Write short notes on the following: i) Electronic Commerce ii) E-Marketplace iii) Portal iv) Account Access v) E-Collaboration Page 13 of 38 Module: Enterprise Solution Architecture (ESA) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. Definition and Description of ESA 2. Major Architectures of an Enterprise 3. Building Blocks of MSF Chapter 2 1. Milestones of the Process Model 2. Principles of the Process Model Chapter 3 1. Components of the Enterprise Application Model 2. Conceptual, Logical and Physical View Chapter 4 1. MSF Roles Chapter 5 1. Definition of Risk Management 2. Approaches to Risk Management Chapter 6 1. Phases to Development 2. Deliverables of the Development Phase Chapter 7 1. Envisioning Phase Tasks 2. Deliverables of the Envisioning Phase Chapter 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Developing Project Plans The Development Plan The Deployment Plan The Security Plan The Usability Plan Page 14 of 38 Chapter 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Business Rules and the component Object Model Component Object Model COM Fundamentals Reasons for Using COM DCOM Chapter 11 1. Advantages of DCOM Chapter 12 1. The Role of ADO in Microsoft Data Access 2. Purpose of ADO Chapter 13 1. 2. 3. 4. The Data Tier Tradition 2-Tier Model Pure 3-Tier/N-Tier Model Benefits and Drawbacks of 3-Tier Model Chapter 14 1. Pillars of Testing 2. Roles and Responsibilities of Testing Chapter 15 1. Key Performance Metrics Criteria 2. Components of a Performance Test Plan Chapter 18 1. Analyzing Application Integration Requirements 2. Styles of Integration Chapter 19 1. Response Time Characteristics 2. Issues Common to Performance Measurement Methodologies Chapter 20 1. Goals of Deploying Phase 2. Deploying Phase Tasks Page 15 of 38 Sample Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. With the help of diagram, explain the major architectures of an enterprise. What is DCOM and what are its advantages? Briefly describe any THREE major MSF models which are core building blocks of the MSF. With an example scenario, define requirements of the project. Why Software Licensing is one of the main issues unique to software designers? Discuss the reasons for using COM. Page 16 of 38 Module: Internet Technologies (IT) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. Overview of Internet 2. Aspects of the Internet Chapter 3 1. The World Wide Web 2. Reasons for Using the Web 3. Webfuse Chapter 4 1. Computer Networks 2. Basic Components of a Network 3. How does a Network work? Chapter 5 1. How TCP/IP Works 2. Internet Control Message Protocol Chapter 6 1. How DNS works? 2. Various ways of Setting up the DNS Chapter 7 1. Definition of Internet Backbone 2. Backbone Architectures 3. ATM Switching Chapter 8 1. Factors to be considered when choosing a provider 2. Types of Internet Service Provider Chapter 9 1. PPP Protocol Overview 2. PPP Features 3. PPP Components Page 17 of 38 Chapter 10 1. Modems 2. Modulation Techniques Chapter 12 1. Features of DSL 2. How DSL works? Chapter 13 1. Router Functions Chapter 14 1. Types of Wireless Data Protocols Chapter 15 1. File Transfer Protocol 2. Gopher 3. Telnet 4. Usenet News Chapter 16 1. MIME Chapter 17 1. How the Web Server works? Chapter 18 1. E-Mail Protocols Chapter 19 1. Types of Data Centers Chapter 20 1. Ways of Managing the Server Sample Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is a computer network? List its components. With the help of a diagram, illustrate the common TCP segment and give short description. What is ISP? List some factors to be considered when choosing ISP. Illustrate the typical modem arrangement in a defined network structure. With the help of a diagram, illustrate and describe how the Web server works. Page 18 of 38 Module: Information Resource Management (IRM) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. Reasons for Increasing Importance of Information Management 2. Management Skills Chapter 2 1. Definition of Management Theory 2. Theories of Management Chapter 3 1. Different theories of an organization Chapter 5 1. The role of application software in problem solving. 2. Importance of Ethics in Computer use Chapter 6 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Database Systems 2. The role of database in problem-solving Chapter 7 1. Computer Based Data Communication 2. Basic Network Approaches to Computer Processing 3. The role of data communication in problem solving Chapter 8 1. Definition of Data Processing 2. Data Processing Tasks 3. The role of data processing in problem solving Chapter 9 1. Types of Decisions 2. The DSS Concept 3. GDSS 4. The role of DSS in problem solving Chapter 10 1. Information System Activities 2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Automated Office Systems. Chapter 11 1. Suggestions for Improving Executive Information Systems Chapter 12 1. Overview of Marketing Information System Page 19 of 38 Chapter 13 1. Overview of Manufacturing Information Systems Chapter 14 1. Overview of Financial Information Systems Chapter 15 1. Different views of IRM 2. Information as a competitive weapon 3. Strategic Planning for Information Resource Chapter 16 1. External Information Processing Services Chapter 18 1. Importance of Controlling CBIS 2. Areas of System Design Controls 3. Areas of System Operation Controls 4. Reasons for Controlling the CBIS Chapter 19 1. Information System Security 2. Types of Controls Chapter 20 1. The impact of computers on society Sample Questions: 1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a Database Management System. 2. List and describe SIX different types of terminals. 3. Distinguish between the following THREE different stages of the SPIR era: i) Pre-Strategic Planning IS Era ii) Early SPIR Era iii) Modern Era 4. Enumerate and describe FOUR basic types of internal auditing activities. 5. List and describe SIX activities of data management. 6. Describe FOUR major categories of Computerized Workstations. Page 20 of 38 Module: Computer Ethics and Security (CES) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics Chapter 2 1. Online Tracking and Monitoring 2. Tips for Safeguarding the privacy online Chapter 3 1. Definition and Description (Intellectual Property Rights, Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Trade Secrets and Free Software) Chapter 4 1. Definition of Computer Crime 2. Types of Computer Crimes Chapter 5 1. Types of malicious programs 2. Trojan Horses, Virus, Worm and Logic Bombs Chapter 7 1. Impact of Computers in the Society Chapter 8 1. Process of Security 2. Security Policy and its Purpose 3. Steps in Staging a Coup Chapter 9 1. Principles of Security 2. Qualities required to defend against attackers 3. The shape of defenses 4. The shape of security organization Chapter 11 1. Features of War Games Chapter 12 1. Definition and characteristics of a Clean Room Sample Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. What are the benefits of an effective patent system? Explain the steps to undertake during security crisis. Most of computer crimes are performed online. Suggest some ways to protect your privacy online. Discuss Individual Actions to minimize the potential for obtaining computer viruses, Trojans horses and logic bombs. 5. In your own words, explain the statement “Security should be considered as a process not a goal”. 6. What is the impact of computer in our society? How does it affect the implementation of security? Page 21 of 38 Module: Software Engineering (SE) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. Definition of Software Engineering 2. Applications of Software 3. Process, Methods and Tools 4. Phases in the Development of Software Chapter 2 1. Types of Model (Linear Model) Chapter 3 1. Types of Model (Component Assembly) Chapter 5 1. Reasons for Using Metrics 2. Types of Metrics Chapter 6 1. Steps involved in Software Estimation Chapter 8 1. Definition of Software Risk Chapter 9 1. Description of Software Quality Assurance 2. Software Reliability Chapter 10 1. Concepts of Software Configuration Management Chapter 11 1. Software Testing Objectives 2. White-Box Testing 3. Black-Box Testing Chapter 12 1. Differences between validation and verification Chapter 14 1. Diagrams used in Object-Oriented Analysis Chapter 16 1. Definition and description of Software Architecture Chapter 17 1. Characteristics of Clean Room Chapter 18 1. Reasons for Software Reuse Chapter 20 1. Definition of Re-engineering 2. Differences between reverse engineering and forward engineering Page 22 of 38 Sample Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Discuss the successful steps to enable Automated Defect Prevention. Differentiate between Reactive and Proactive Risk Strategies. Discuss about the benefits and drawbacks of Outsourcing. Explain briefly how each of the following software development models work. a. Linear sequential model b. Spiral model c. Incremental model d. Component-based model e. Prototyping model With the help of diagram, explain Software Process Model. Describe FIVE levels of process maturity model. What are the important factors for Rapid Development? Page 23 of 38 Module: Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. Definition of KBS 2. Characteristics of KBS 3. Structure of an Expert System Chapter 2 1. Definition and classification of Knowledge 2. Knowledge Management 3. Categories of Knowledge Management Software Chapter 3 1. Definition of Knowledge Elicitation, Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Base 2. Differences between rules and frames Chapter 4 1. Common Sources of Knowledge Chapter 5 1. Concepts of an Expert Systems 2. Characteristics of an Expert Systems 3. Differences between backward chaining and forward chaining Chapter 6 1. Illustrate the basic structure of an Expert System Chapter 8 1. Illustrate the components of expert system tool/shell Chapter 9 1. Differences between verification, validation and evaluation. Chapter 11 1. Stages of Building Knowledge Base Chapter 14 1. Groupware and its relationship to KBS Chapter 15 1. When does a DSS used? Chapter 17 1. Concepts and purpose of data mining. Chapter 19 1. Differences between CBR and Rule-Based Reasoning. 2. Diagram of a CBR cycle and description of its different methods Sample Questions: 1. What is Knowledge? List its classification. 2. Discuss the common characteristics of Knowledge Based Systems. 3. What are the common sources of knowledge? Describe each briefly. 4. What is an Expert System? What are its characteristics? 5. Differentiate verification and validation. 6. Illustrate and describe the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Cycle. Page 24 of 38 Module: Linux System Administration (Linux) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. Linux common description 2. Features of Linux 3. Components of Linux 4. Hardware Requirements when installing Linux 5. Installation Types 6. Boot Loader and LILO 7. Shutting down Linux Chapter 2 1. Common File Types in Linux 2. Structure of Linux File Systems 3. Creating FileNames 4. Special Files 5. Creating a File System 6. Mounting and Unmounting 7. FSCK 8. Shell 9. Wildcards Chapter 3 1. PWD 2. Listing Files (LS command) 3. CAT 4. Moving and Copying specific files 5. Removing Files and Directories Chapter 4 1. Editing files using ed 2. Vi commands Chapter 5 1. Root Account 2. Changing User Passwords 3. Removing User Accounts 4. Starting and Stopping Process Chapter 6 1. X window Systems Chapter 7 1. Server Backup Procedures Chapter 8 1. PPP Components Chapter 9 1. MTA Chapter 10 1. Installing Apache Web Server 2. CGI and SSI 3. Starting and Stopping the Server Page 25 of 38 Chapter 11 1. Installing SAMBA 2. Testing with Testpram Chapter 12 1. Printer Port and Devices 2. Start Printing 3. LSMOD command Sample Questions: 1) Which of the following file systems CANNOT be mounted by using the mount command? A) Ext2 B) Vfat C) Swap D) Iso9660 2) A user needs to securely connect to a server. It is mandatory that encrypted password be used. Which of the following network utilities should be used? A) Ssh B) Rsh C) Ftp D) Telnet 3) When a new user account is created, the default settings are copied from which of the following directory? A) /usr/skel B) /etc/skel C) /etc/start D) /etc/default 4) Which of the following command can be used to compare two text files to find out how they are different? A) Comp B) Diff C) Compare D) Filediff 5) Which of the following command is used to set default file permission for any newly created file? A) Mask B) Unmask C) Fmask D) CreateMask 6) What command in Linux is used to remove files? A) dm B) rm C) delete D) erase 7) What command to use in order to exit in a vi mode? A) :dd B) :q C) :x D) :w 8) What command is used with vi editor to replace text from cursor to right? A) S B) W C) R D) T 9) What X-based tool is available for configuring the X Window system? A) XConfigurator B) XF86Setup C) xf86config D) None of them 10) What command is used to copy directory structures in and out? A) copy B) cp -p C) cpio D) cp 11) What command is used to terminate a process? A) haltsys B) cancel C) shutdown D) kill 12) What is the easiest way to shutdown Linux? A) Shutdown B) Ctrl+Alt+Del C) Delete D) End 13) What is the most privileged account in UNIX system? A) user B) root C) admin D) guest 14) Which of the following commands will change the directory? A) cp B) vi C) ls D) cd 15) How could you install the file ipchains-1.3.9-5.i386.rpm? A) rpm -qip ipchains B) rpm -Uvh ipchains C) rpm -i ipchains* .i386.rpm D) rpm -e ipchains-1.3.9-5.i386.rpm Page 26 of 38 Module: Programming Techniques using Java (PTJ) Chapter Name Chapter 1 Topics Levels of programming languages and examples Machine language is made up of the actual instructions, represented in binary, which the machine uses. Assembly language/low-level language the programmer uses some form of name or label to refer to specific storage locations, and in which the instructions are represented by symbolic names. High-Level languages in which the programmer writes in a narrative form, which is easier to understand. Chapter 2 Chapter 3 File Types Serial File Each record is written after the last record in the current file. Sequential File Here records are in sequence of one or more key fields. This file is produced by sorting serial files. Indexed Sequential File Instead of rearranging the whole file, an additional file is generated, storing an index like that in a book. Direct Access File For quick direct access, each record goes at an address generated by applying a formula to the record key. There is no need for an index file, but space utilization may be inefficient. Describe the different ways of program checking. Dry-Run This technique involves the working through of a piece of design code from your desk: the checker (often the programmer) pretends to be the computer carrying out the program. Walk-Through The basic idea is for the author of the design to expose it to a collection of his colleagues for "group criticism". Catalytic Checking This is a much less formal approach to design checking: the designer tries to describe in detail to a single colleague exactly how the program works. Define Variable and give examples A symbol or name that stands for a value. For example, in the expression x+y x and y are variables. Variables can represent numeric Page 27 of 38 values, characters,character strings, or memory addresses. Chapter 4 Benefits of Using comments in a program The purpose of the comments is to make the program readable and easy to understand. Comments also provide information about a certain code or structure in a program Draw the symbols of arithmetic, logical and relational operators in Java Arithmetic (+, -, *,/) Logical (&&, ||, !) Relational (<, >, <=, >=) Do-while structure or syntax and give examples The Syntax for the do-while loop: do { statements; } while(condition); Example do{ t = n % 10; r = r * 10 + t; n = n / 10; }while (n > 0); Code for factorial and Fibonacci numbers Factorial Code for recursive call static int fact(int n) { // Base Case: // If n <= 1 then n! = 1. if (n <= 1) { return 1; } // Recursive Case: Page 28 of 38 // If n > 1 then n! = n * (n-1)! else { return n * fact(n-1); Fibonacci number public static void fibonacci(int n){ int a=0,b=1; for (int i=0;i<n;i++){ System.out.println(a); a=a+b; b=a-b; } Chapter 5 define “Array” with examples An array is a series of elements of the same type placed in contiguous memory locations that can be individually referenced by adding an index to a unique identifier. Example: int[5] anArray; Give examples on initializing one dimensional and two dimensional array Example: int[5] anArray; (one-dimensional) int [5][5] anArray;(two-dimensional) Explain two fundamental searching techniques and explain the process. Linear Search (It uses a for loop to search or look every element of the array until it find the element to look for) Binary Search (The idea is to look at the element in the middle. If the key is equal to that, the search is finished. If the key is less than the middle element, do a binary search on the first half. If it's greater, do a binary search of the second half.) Chapter 6 Features of Polymorphism It can create a variable, function or an object that has more than one form. understand the basic concept of object oriented programming In object-oriented programming, calling a method is often referred to as sending a message to an object. The object responds to the message by executing the appropriate method. define object-oriented programming It programs with objects (entities that have behaviors, that hold information, and that can interact with one another. OO Programming consists of designing a set of objects that somehow model the problem at hand. define “objects” and “classes” with examples Page 29 of 38 Objects a collection of properties and methods. It also made a class Class is made up of objects or it contains a collection of objects. Chapter 7 Chapter 10 explain what is linked list with the illustrations and sample code A linked list consists of a chain of objects of the same type, linked together by pointers from one object to the next. Definition of debugging Debugging is the process of finding errors in a program and then correcting it. Differences between compile-time and run-time error. Compile time error is any type of error that prevent a java program compile like a syntax error, a class not found, a bad file name for the defined class, a possible loss of precision when you are mixing different java data types and so on. A runtime error means an error which happens, while the program is running. Sample Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Discuss different levels of programming languages with the appropriate examples. Define a class and an object? Write the program in Java to explain the concept of class and object. Write a recursive algorithm for calculating factorial of a number (n). If n=5, draw the stack diagram for the sequence of function call. Explain any 5 features of an Object-Oriented Programming? What is a stack? Explain push and pop operation with suitable example. Module: A+ Page 30 of 38 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Which of the following electronic device that can store energy in the electric field between a pair of conductors? A) Capacitor B) Fuse C) Resistor D) Transistor What device is used to measure current, voltage or resistance? A) Ohmmeter B) Watt meter C) LCR meter D) Multimeter Which of the following is the common form factor that power supply conforms with? A) SFX B) ATX C) LPX D) PC/XT Which of the following video adapter was the first to use VRAM? A) VGA B) SVGA C) XGA D) CGA ____________ provides channels that a device could use for fast access when sending data to memory. A) DMA B) I/O Address C) Modem D) Bus What connector is used in a 10BaseT cable type? A) BNC B) Fiber Optic C) RJ-45 D) AUI/DIX What will be the correct formula to find the capacitance of a capacitor? A) C=Q/A B) C=AQ C) C/A=Q D) None of them What is the usual power supply range for the gaming computers? A) 200W-500W B) 500W- 1000W C) 1000W-1500W D) 1500W – 2000W Which of the following EGA subsystem is converts data in display memory to a serial bit stream? A) Display Memory B) Video Controller B) Sequenzer D) Serializer How many bits are there in IP version 4? A) 32 B) 64 C) 128 D) 256 You suspect that Master Boot Record has been infected with virus. Which utility can be used to fix it? A) FDISK B) Device Manager C) CHKDISK D) ScanDisk 12. The PCI express bus is a serial bus that works in full- duplex mode. A) True B) False 13. Which specification refers to the family of wireless LAN technologies? A) 802.3 B) 802.5 C)802.6 14. The maximum transfer rate of PCI-X16 is __________. A) 250 MB/s B) 4,000 MB/s C) 500 MB/s 15. Which of the following provides a direct point-to-point dial up connection? A) PSTN B) DDS C) ISDN D) 802.11 D) 1000 MB/s D) DSL ---------------WITHOUT ANSWERS-----------1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What to do if a system clock is not keeping a correct time? A) Unplug and shutdown the computer B) Change the processor C) Swap out the power supply D) Change the CMOS battery Which of these is NOT the major enhancement of VGA on EGA? A) Use display memory to store display data B) Use AGP to calculate data written to display memory C) Use video controller to calculate data written to display memory D) Use CRT controller to control scan and refresh rates How many bits are there in IP version 4? B) 32 B) 64 C) 128 D) 256 You are browsing the Internet from your desktop computer. Which transport protocol does it require? A) TCP/IP B)TELENT C) IPX/SPX D) Net BEUI You suspect that Master Boot Record has been infected with virus. Which utility can be used to fix it? B) FDISK B) Device Manager C) CHKDISK D) ScanDisk Which specification refers to the family of wireless LAN technologies? B) 802.3 B) 802.5 C)802.6 Page 31 of 38 D) 802.11 7. The PCI express bus is a serial bus that works in full- duplex mode. B) True B) False 8. Which level of RAID allows you to reconstruct lost data from the parity information in case one of the hard disk fails? A) RAID level 0 B) RAID level 1 C) RAID level 3 D) RAID level 5 9. A Type III PCMCIA card slot in your Laptop computer can accommodate which of the following? A) Type I and Type III PC cards only B) All Type I, Type II, Type III PC cards C) Type II and Type III PC cards only D) Type III PC card only 10. Which of the following unit is using to measure speed of modem? A) Baud Rate B) Voltage Rate C) Amperes Rate D) None of the above 11. A bus topology requires: A) At least two hubs B) Fiber Optic Cable C) Termination at each end of the cable D) None of the above 12. Which of the following TCP/ IP utility is allow you to check Current TCP/ IP configurations on the local workstation for windows 9x computers? A) IPCONFIG B) PING C) WINIPCFG D) NETSTAT 13. What is the minimum number of memory addresses that the CPU can use? A) 1024 * 1024 bytes B) 10.24 * 10.24 bytes C) 1024 * 1024 Megabyte D) 10.24 * 10.24 Megabyte 14. What best describes the time it takes CRT's electrons beam to paint the screen from top to bottom in a monitor? A) Dot pitch B) Interlacing C) Video RAM D) Refresh Rate 15. Which of the following symbol is using to represents the Variable Capacitor? A) B) C) Page 32 of 38 D) Module: Introduction to Computer Systems and Programming (ICSP) Possible Questions: Week1: Introduction to Computer Systems 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is Information System? Discuss briefly its parts. Differentiate Primary Storage and Secondary Storage. Explain briefly the types of Software. Enumerate the functions of Operating System Draw the logic gate symbol and truth table of AND, OR, NOT. What is a multiplexer and a decoder? Week2: The Processing Unit and Types of Processing 1. 2. 3. 4. What are the components of CPU? Discuss each briefly. How CPU works? Use diagram to justify your answer. With the help of a diagram, illustrate the steps CPU performs when executing an instruction. Write short notes on the following: Offline, Batch, Real-Time and On-Line Processing. Week3: The Instruction Set Architecture 1. What is an Instruction Set Architecture? 2. Illustrate the Fetch-Execute Cycle. Week5: Introduction to Programming 1. What is Programming Logic? What its importance when creating a program? 2. Differentiate Flowchart and Pseudo code. Give examples. Week6: Data, Variables and Data Type 1. 2. 3. 4. Write the syntax of declaring a variable. Give examples. Enumerate at least four data types and give example declaration. What is the importance of declaring a variable? Why do we need to assign a data type of a variable? Week7: Understanding Programming Structures 1. With the help of a flowchart, illustrate the common/basic program structures. 2. Discuss the importance of comments and in-line arguments. Week8: Selection Control Structure 1. What is the syntax of selection control structure? 2. What is the importance of blocks? Page 33 of 38 3. Give examples of if-else control structure. 4. When to use a switch-case statement? 5. Create a flowchart and pseudo code to determine if a year is a leap year of if it is not a leap year. Week9: Looping Control Structures 1. 2. 3. 4. Write the syntax for “while”, “do-while” and “for” loop structure. Write a sample increment and decrement statement. List the three parts of a loop structure. Create a flowchart or a pseudo code to display the given item/figure. Use “for”, “do while” and “while” loop. 192 Week10: Array 1. What is an Array? Differentiate its two types using example 2. Create a flowchart to accept five numbers and store it in array “FiveNum”. 3. Create a flowchart to accept five numbers and store it in array “X”. Create another array “Y” to store the square of the numbers in array “X”. Week11: Searching and Sorting Algorithms 1. Write the algorithms of bubble sort and selection sort 2. Write the algorithm of a linear search. Page 34 of 38 Module: Management Information Systems (MIS) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. 2. 3. 4. What is an Information System? The role of Information System in Today’s Business. What is a Business Intelligence? Fundamental Types of Information System (TPS, MIS, ESS, DSS and OAS) Chapter 2 1. Porter’s Five Forces Model 2. Functions of Information Systems in Business Chapter 3 1. Infrastructure Components. Chapter 4 1. Role of Management in Building Information System 2. Managers and their Information Needs Chapter 6 1. Ways to secure an Information System Chapter 7 1. 2. 3. 4. Enterprise System SCM CRM Knowledge Management System Chapter 9 1. Knowledge Work Systems Chapter 10 1. Decision Making and Decision Support System 2. Executive Support System 3. Group Decision Support System Page 35 of 38 Chapter 12 1. Importance of Project Management Chapter 13 1. Leadership being an effective project Leader Chapter 14 1. The Growth of International Information System. Sample Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. With the help of a diagram, illustrate and describe the information needs of managers. What are the Porter’s Five Forces Model? Use diagram to justify your answer. Explain the concepts of an Enterprise System. What are the common managing tasks of leaders? How can a leader be an effective project manager? Page 36 of 38 Module: Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) Topics per Chapter: Chapter 1 1. Definition of System 2. Information System Components 3. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Chapter 2 1. System Requirements 2. Investigation Methods Chapter 3 1. Definition of Feasibility of Study 2. Areas of Feasibility Study Chapter 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Definition and Concept of System Analysis Roles and Requirements of System Analysis Tools for Supporting System Analysis Context Diagrams Data Flow Diagrams Chapter 5 1. Relationship between System Analysis and System Design 2. Tools and Techniques of Design Phase Chapter 6 1. Prototyping Chapter 7 1. Data Capture, Data Entry, and Data Input Chapter 9 1. Entity-Relationship Diagram 2. Relational Model 3. Normalization Chapter 11 Page 37 of 38 1. Overview and Definition of System Documentation Chapter 12 1. Types of Testing Chapter 13 1. Acceptance Testing Chapter 14 1. Overview and Definition of System Maintenance Sample Questions 1. Illustrate and describe the phases of System Development life cycle. 2. Give at least two methods of Investigation. Briefly describe each. 3. Discuss the difference between Data Capture, Data Entry and Data Input. 4. Explain the importance of system maintenance and customer support. Page 38 of 38