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Data Replication Scheme Based On Neighbor Replica
Distribution Technique for Web-Server Cluster System
*Department of Computer Science
University College of Science and Technology Malaysia, 21030, Terengganu
Computer Science Centre
KUSZA College, 21030, Terengganu, MALAYSIA.
Abstract: Data replication across Web Server Cluster (WSC) is crucial due to the explosively
increasing of Internet users and accesses. With the ever-increasing important www applications such
as financial transactions and e-business, the need for a reliable service are highly demanded. In WSC,
if data need to be shared by other users or require a more stable backup for availability and reliability,
the best alternative is to replicate a copy of the data across the server. Thus providing reliability and
efficient services are our primary goals in designing a cluster architecture data replication scheme.
This paper propose a new technique called Neighbour Replica Distribution Technique (NRDT) and
presents the algorithm of NRDT data replica scheme based on asynchronous replication to improve
web server cluster system reliability.
Keywords: web server cluster, data replica, Rsync, reliability.
1. Introduction
With the ever-increasing applications in the
world wide web (WWW) such as distance
learning education and e-commerce, the need
for a reliable web server is likely to increase
[8]. Thus, providing reliable and efficient
services are primary goals in designing a web
server cluster (WSC) [9]. This is due to the
constraints of the eventual failure of hardware
or/and software components. In order to provide
reliable services, a WSC needs to maintain the
availability of some data replicas while
preserving one-copy consistency among all
replicas [3]. Therefore, data replication plays an
important role in a WSC as a highly reliable
The most common approaches to specify
synchronous replication has drawbacks in
practice [4]. The major argument is that, the
response time to execute an operation is high
because the time taken for all servers that have
the same copy to ‘agree’ to execute an operation
is high. Whilst the asynchronous replication
provides a ‘loose consistency’ between data
stores. This means that there is always some
degree of lag between the time the originating
transaction is committed and the effects of the
transaction are available at any replica(s) [1].
Nevertheless, the response time is lower than
that of the synchronous technique.
Reliability refers to the probability that the
system under consideration does not experience
any failure in a given time interval. Thus, a
reliable WSC is one that can continue to process
user’s requests even when the underlying
system is unreliable [2]. When components fail,
it should still be able to continue executing the
requests without violating the database
consistency. In this paper we concentrate on the
implementation of the replication based on
loose consistency, that is asynchronous
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents NRDT model. Section 3
presents the overview of Rsync. Section 4
describes the algorithm of NRDT. Section 5
presents the NRDT data replica simulation and
section 6 concludes the proposed work.
2. NRDT Technique
2.1 NRDT Architecture
In the design of the WSC, a client on the
Internet will notice only one IP address coming
from the cluster, not those individual servers in
the cluster. The cluster (with only one IP
address visible to the public) is composed of a
server called Request Distributor Agent (RDA)
and a group of servers. The servers are logically
connected to each other in the form of a grid
structure, each of which is connected to RDA.
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the clusterserver system with 8 servers. RDA is designed
to perform two jobs. Firstly, RDA will
communicate with client whereby in this case
the RDA will forward legitimate Internet
requests to the appropriate servers in the cluster.
It returns any replies from the servers back to
the clients. Secondly, the RDA act as a manager
to control the eight servers in the cluster. As a
manager, the RDA will communicate with one
of the primary server depending on the request
needs. In the implementation proposed the
RDA through Rsync will monitor the file
changes in each servers and needs to know the
source and destination for the copy operation in
this cluster server environment.
Each server has the premier data (eg. file a will
be located to server 1, file b will be located to
server 2, and so on). The RDA will forward any
request to the appropriate server with the
premier data file. This is done by maintaining a
server-service table that contains all the services
provided by the cluster together with the
corresponding addresses and their neighbors.
One advantage of a server cluster over a
monolithic server is its high security. If a
monolithic server is used, it is reachable from
the Internet and therefore vulnerable for vicious
[2]. Only the RDA has the IP address visible
from the Internet, and all other stations of the
cluster bear only private IP address. Therefore,
all cluster-server stations are not reachable
directly from the outside. A firewall system
may be installed on the RDA to protect the
whole cluster. To attack one of the cluster
server stations, one has to first land on RDA
and launch an attack from there. Network
Address Translation is used on RDA to translate
the destination IP address of incoming packets
to an internal IP address, and that of the
outgoing packets to the IP address on Internet
where the requests.
2.1 NRDT Data Replica Model
Let IP address be the primary
server, thus the configuration of a history log
to the Internet
Figure 1. A cluster with 6 servers
file is as shown in Table 1. The aim of the
history log file is to record the history status
(previous status) and the current status of the
primary server. The status is either ‘1’
(up/active) or ‘0’ (down/inactive) .
Table 1: History Log File
History Current Time
_Status _ Status
192.168.100. 5 1
192.168.100. 5 1
t2 0
t3 0
Assume that a web server cluster comprises of
eight servers or servers and outside the web
server cluster there is one server acts as a
manager to control the eight servers in the
IP Address
cluster as shown in Figure 1. Let server 5 be a
primary to neighbor servers 2, 4, 6, 8. There are
two scenarios to be discussed.
CASE 1 : No failure: All servers are up and
server 5 (primary server) with the history and
current status is 1 (up). In this case file x in
server 5 will be copied to its neighbors 2, 4, 6, 8
asynchronously via cron daemon that will be
discussed in Chapter 3.
CASE 2 : Primary server is down: All the
neighboring servers are up and primary server
(server 5) is down with the current status is 0
and the history status is either up or down.
In this case the first neighbor will copy file x to
other neighbors. If the first neighbor fails, the
second neighbor will take over. The
configuration will be based on the first neighbor
assigned in an array followed by the second,
third and fourth neighbor to the primary. The
neighbor will replicate file x to the primary
server when it is available or recover after
2.2 NRDT-Data Replica Algorithm
This paper would like to give an overview of
Rsync utility that is used in the implementation
pertaining to data replica algorithm. Rsync is an
open source utility that provide incremental file
transfer capabilities. It is a utility for Unix
Systems and provides a fast mechanism for
synchronizing remote file systems. It is not a
real-time mirroring software utility, but it must
be called by the user or a program either
periodically (via a cron job) or manually after
updates have been done. Generally Rsync is
good for replicating data in WSC environment.
There are a lot of software for data mirroring
and replicating between machines, freely or
commercially. However, almost all of these
provide solution to duplicate data into one
destination machine at a time only. To get
around this problem, we make some scripts to
invoke Rsync to copy data from primary server
to its neighboring servers in a cluster. Rsync is
chosen to implement NRDT mainly because it
is intelligent enough to transfer just the
difference between two sets of file, instead
transferring the whole file. This will increase
the performance and speed up the replication
process. Besides that, Rsync use efficient
checksum –search algorithm to accomplish this
feature and has the ability to copy links,
devices, owners, groups, and permissions.
Latency cost is minimized as Rsync use
pipelining files transfer. It can also use any
transparent remote shell such as remote shell
(rsh) and secure shell (ssh). Furthermore Rsync
does not require root privilege, it supports
anonymous and authenticated Rsync servers and
it can copy selected files only and recursive
copy into any subdirectories.
In the implementation, Cron daemon is used to
enable loose consistency between replication.
Cron is a daemon to execute schedule
commands. Cron wakes up to the minutes to
checks crontab files.
There are five important modules for NRDTdata replica algorithms: initialization module,
check-server module, copy1 module, update
module, copy2 module and neighboring
module. The initialization module will read data
from configuration file and put it in an array.
The check-server module will check the server
either up or down/fail. The copy1 module will
replicate data from primary server to its
neighboring servers in the cluster. The update
module is a recovery module whereby data will
be replicated from one of the neighbors to the
primary in the case of primary failure. The
copied data will only take place once the
primary is up again (recovered). The
Neighboring module will use the data in the
array to find the appropriate neighbors, which
will be used by the primary server when fails.
Meanwhile the copy2 module will replicate data
from neighbor to neighbor in a case of primary
NRDT Algorithm
Call Initialization-module
Call Check-server module(return life)
Read history-status /*log file
If life=1 && history-status =1
Call Copy1 module
If life=1 && history status=0
Call Update module
If life=0 && (history-status =1
|| history-status=0)
While life-neighbour=1
Call Neighbour module
Call Copy2 module
End While
End If
End IF
End While
End Main
Procedure Initialization
Get n # n is a row number
Row = 0, Col = 0
While NotEOF
Row +=1
Copy IP# to ARRAY(1).IP#
Copy ADD# to ARRAY(2).ADD#
Assign 2 to ARRAY(3).Status
PUSH all data into@NRDT(row,column)
If (row==n)
Row=0, Col +=1
End If
End While
End Procedure
Procedure Check-server
Life= 1
Pinghost = ‘ping-c 1 IP’
If (pinghost=~/00\%packet loss/)
Life =0
Return life
End Procedure
Procedure Copy1 # normal NRDT copy
procedure from primary to its neighbours
For each neighbour to the primary
Rsync primary -> neighbour
End For
End Procedure
Procedure Update # file will be copied back to
the primary once the primary is up again after
its failure
For each neighbour to the primary
Call check-server
Rsync neighbour->primary
End While
End Procedure
Procedure Neighbour
For each array (@NRDT)
Row = substri[1,1] (metric)
Col = substri[2,1] (metric)
Get IP
Count =0
Prow = row +1, Mrow = row – 1
Pcol = col + 1, Mcol = col –1
For each array (@NRDT)
Nrow =substri[1,1](metric)
If ( (((mrow= =nrow) || (prow= =nrow))
&& (col = =ncol)) || (col = = ncol)) ||
( (row = = nrow) && (mcol = =ncol) ||
(pcol = =ncol))))
Get IP_neighbour
Neighbour{IP}{count} = IP_neighbour
Count +=1
End foreach
End foreach
End procedure
Procedure Copy2 # copy from neighbour to
neighbour if the primary is down
For each neighbour to the primary
Call check-server
Rsync neighbour->neighbour
End For
End Procedure
3. Performance Analysis
In this section, we will analyze and compare the
performance on the reliability of the two-replica
proposed by H.H Shen et. al. [6,7] and our
neighbor-replica distribution
Performance comparison between these two
techniques will also be discussed. For simplicity,
we will analyze the reliability for the case of N =
4,5, and 6 only. Suppose that p is the probability
that a server is alive/available in CS.
3.1 Two-Replica Distribution Technique
Suppose that all data have two replicas on
different servers and all servers have two data
replicas on CS for N2. All servers can be
divided into n different set with two servers in
each set. In such case, the distribution reaches
the highest reliability, RN, to provide all data in
a consistent state, thus
2 n
R N  R 2  [1  (1  p) ] .
possible combinations of fail servers for the
system to be unoperational are S1F 2  4 , S1F 235 ,
S F2 3 , S1F45 and S F2  4 5 .Thus,
Figure 2: A cluster- server with 5 nodes
Definition 4.2.2: The degree of failure servers,
deg, is the number of servers unavailable in
the system.
For the case of N = 2n+1, then all servers will
be divided into (n-1) sets with two servers and
one set with three servers. In such case, each
server of (n-1) sets has two replicas and each
server of another set has three replicas. Then,
the highest reliability, RN, given in [3] is;
Definition 4.2.3: Let iFGN and RFG i .
FG i is a fail group with degree, deg, such
that i R.
For example, from Figure 1, let 1 =
{1,2,4}FGN=5, and deg = 4, then
 p 2 (3  2 p)[1  (1  p) 2 ]n
For example, if N=5, then
R5 = p2(3-2p)[1-(1- p) 2]2 = p 3(6 - 7p + 2p 2)
3.2 Neighbor-Replica Distribution
Technique (NRDT)
In this technique, all data have some replicas
on different servers and all servers have some
data replicas under CS. Let S = {S1,S2,…,SN}
be a set of N servers available in the cluster
system. A server i that is fails or unavailable is
noted as S iF .
Definition 4.2.1: The system is unoperational
when the primary server and its neighbors are
fail. A possible combination of fail-server
i,j,…,m, where mN for the system to be
unoperational is noted as SiF j...m . Thus,
SiF j...m = { S iF , S Fj ,…, S Fm }. A group of
SiF j...m is called fail group, FG.
For example, from Figure 2, where each server
is labeled as 1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively. The
FG i = {{1,2,3,4}, {1,2,4,5}}
The probability of FG i
 i such that
is given by,
degi   deg5| | i i| | (1  p) deg p 5  deg .
As in Figure 2, with 1 = {1,2,4} and deg = 4,
 5  3
(1  p) 4 p 5  4 =2P(1-P)4
{a,b,d }  
 4  3
Definition 4.2.4: Let FG i and FG j , ij,
be two fail groups with the common degree,
deg. We define that the probability of
FG i  FG j =  ij .
FG 1 FG  2 …FG N
=  ij...N .
R5 = 1- [(1-P)2 P 3+6(1- P)3 P 2+5(1- P)4 P
+(1- P)5]
=P 2(4-3P – P 2 + P 3),
The reliability, RN = {probability that the
system with N servers, does not experience
any failures in a given time interval}
= 1- {probability that the system does
experience any failures in the
given time interval}
and for the case of N =6, the reliability, R6,
can be represented as,
R6 = 1-[4P3(1- P)3 + 12 P 2(1- P)4 +
6P (1- P)5 – (1- P)6]
= P(3P +4P 2-15P 3+12P 4-3P 5). …(5)
= 1     deg
3.3 The Correctness
deg  1
  
...  ( 1) N 1
i j
i  j
i  j k
1 2...N
i  j k
For the case of N=4, from equations 1 and 2,
the reliability, R4, can be represented as,
R4 = 1  4 p (1  p )  (1  p )
= P 2(6 -8P +3P 2),
while for the case of N =5, the
reliability, R5, can be represented as,
Definition 5.3 : The reliability, RN, under CS
of N servers is in a closed form if 0 RN 1,
for 0 p 1.
Proposition 5.3: The reliability under NRDT
with N servers is in the closed form.
Proof: Equation 3, is analogous to the
Inclusion and Exclusion method [17],
where   Sideg 1. Thus, 0RN1 as 0 p
deg  1
Table 3: The reliability of SC for TRDT and NRDT techniques for N=4,5 and 6.
Probability of a server available (P)
N=4 0.036 0.130 0.260 0.410 0.563 0.706 0.828 0.922
N=5 0.005 0.037 0.110 0.225 0.375 0.544 0.713 0.860
TRDT N=6 0.007 0.047 0.133 0.262 0.422 0.593 0.754 0.883
N=4 0.052 0.181 0.348 0.525 0.688 0.821 0.916 0.973
N=5 0.036 0.135 0.273 0.433 0.594 0.740 0.859 0.942
NRDT N=6 0.026 0.132 0.283 0.463 0.641 0.793 0.904 0.970
3.4 Performance Comparison
Table 3 and Figure 4, show the reliability of SC
for TRDT and NRDT techniques for the
number of servers, N=4,5, and 6. It is shown
that, the reliability under NRDT technique is
better than that the reliability under TRDT
technique. It can be seen that, NRDT technique
needs only the probability of a server alive, P =
0.7, while TRDT needs P >0.8 in order to
maintain RN >0.9. For example, when the
probability of a server available 70%, the
reliability for TRDT is approximately 83%,
whereas the reliability for NRDT is
approximately 92%. It is more than 10% better
than that of TRDT when N =4. The reliability
for TRDT is approximately 75% when N =6
whereas the reliability for NRDT is
approximately 90%. This is more that 20%
better than that of TRDT.
Probability of a node available
Figure 4: Comparison of the reliability between
TRD and NRDT for N =4 and 6
4. Conclusion
Web server cluster is a popular architecture
used for improving the reliability and
availability of web sites. In this paper, Neighbor
Replica Distribution Technique (NRDT) has
been proposed to improve the reliability of the
WCS. This technique provides high reliability
by imposing a neighbor logical structure on data
copies. Data from one server will be replicated
to its neighboring servers and vice versa in the
case of failures.
The algorithm of data
replication scheme was presented based on
asynchronous replication to improve web server
cluster system reliability. It showed that, this
technique provides a convenient approach to
high reliability for WSC.
We are planning to implement the proposed
model on various architectures including data
grid, peer-to-peer, and mobile systems.
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