Public Universities 01-10 - About UGC


Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 1

Public Universities of Bangladesh

2 National University

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 3


1. Type of the University

Year of Establishment

Postal Address





: Public

: 1921

: University of Dhaka

Ramna, Dhaka-1000, Banglades

: 9661900-19 (with the help of operator)

: 880-2-8615583



2. Background of the Establishment of the University:

The University of Dhaka was established in 1921 under the Government of India

Act XVIII of 1920, based on the recommendations of the Calcutta University

Commission as a unitary, teaching and residential university with a constitution similar in many respects to those of the-then contemporary British universities.

The University of Dhaka started its activities with three Faculties and 12

Departments with 60 teachers and 877 students. Initially, there were three dormitories for students - Salimullah Muslim Hall, Dacca Hall and Jagannath Hall.

At present, Dhaka University has 10 Faculties, 18 Halls including 2 (two) Hostels,

57 Departments, 9 Institutes and more than 34 Research Centers.

The University of Dhaka has a glorious past, an excellent present and hopefully a bright future. The university gradually expanded and came to its present shape in three phases.

The 1st phase was from 1921 to 1947, the 2nd from 1947 to 1971 and the last one has been from 1971 onward.

During the second phase, from 1947 to 1971, the University came out with a new character. British rule in the subcontinent ended on 15 August 1947. East Bengal, whose capital was Dhaka, formed a part of the new state of Pakistan. The University of Dhaka was given an affiliation mandate in place of an exclusive residential cumteaching character. The only higher educational institution of this province, the

University made good progress in the administration of the colleges, its own faculties, departments, halls and hostels.

A new phase began in the history of the University with the liberation of

Bangladesh and the emergence of the People's Republic of Bangladesh on 16

December 1971. This University has assumed a central role in the academic pursuits of the new nation.

The University of Dhaka has played a vital role in all national crisis and political movements such as the Language Movement of 1952, the Autonomy Movement of 1966, the Mass Movements of 1969 and 1970 and the movements against the autocratic rule in 1990. The teachers and students played a glorious role in the War of Liberation in 1971, in which the University lost nineteen eminent teachers, one officer, twenty-six employees and a few hundred students.

After the independence of Bangladesh the Government proclaimed the University of

Dhaka Order 1973. As a result, the University became an autonomous institution. In

4 National University recent times, the University has become the pioneer and the largest University of the country. Gradually, the University is achieving its targets in the field of education, research as well as management. New faculties, research centers, departments and students halls have been established. Now, around 30,000 students studying in the

University and almost 1600 teachers are engaged in teaching. Meanwhile, the university has firmly and successfully entered the computer age and is making extensive use of Internet facilities.

3. Act : Government of India 'The Dhaka University Act XVIII of 1920'.

4. Authorities of the University :

The Senate, The Syndicate, The Academic Council, The Faculties, The

Committees of Courses, The Board of Advanced Studies, The Finance Committee,

The Planning & Development Committee, The Selection Boards etc.

5. Principal Officers :


Vice Chancellor

Pro-Vice Chancellor


: Honorable President

People's Republic of Bangladesh

: Prof. Dr. A.A.M.S Arefin Siddique

: Prof. Dr. Harun-or Rashid

: Prof. Dr. Mizanur Rahman



: Syed Rezaur Rahman (Acting)

: Dr. Saiful Islam Khan

Librarian : Khandaker Fazlur Rahman (Acting)

Librarian (Planning & Development) : Syeda Farida Parveen (Acting)

Inspector of Colleges

Controller of Examinations

Director of Planning & Development

Director of Prokashana Sangstha

Director of Accounts

Director of Public Relations Office

Directors of Students’

Counseling and Guidance








Dr. Bimal Kanti Guha

Md. Bahalul Haque Chaudhury

Md. Jahirul Hoque

Prof. Ahmed Kabir (Acting)

Md. Shahjahan Ali Shaikh

Md. Ashraf Ali Khan

Prof. Dr. Shaheen Islam (Acting)

Director of Teachers-Students Center : Md. Alamgir Hossain

Director of Physical Education Center : Showkatur Rahman (Acting)

Chief Engineer : Md. Ameer Hussain

Chief Medical Officer : A.K.M Abdur Rahman

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 5

6. Name of the Faculties :

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Social Sciences

Faculty of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Business Studies

Faculty of Pharmacy

Faculty of Fine Arts

Faculty of Earth & Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Post-Graduate

Medical Science & Research

7. Academic Departments :

Faculty of Arts :

1. Department of Bengali

2. Department of English

3. Department of Arabic

4. Department of Persian Language and Literature

5. Department of Urdu

6. Department of Sanskrit

7. Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies

8. Department of History

9. Department of Philosophy

10. Department of Islamic Studies

11. Department of Islamic History of Culture

12. Department of Information Science and Library Management

13. Department of Theater and Music

14. Department of Linguistics

15. Department of World Religions

Faculty of Science:

16. Department of Physics

17. Department of Mathematics

18. Department of Chemistry

19. Department of Statistics Bio-Statistics and Information Statistics

20. Department of Theoretical Physics

21. Department of Biomecical Physics and Technology

6 National University

Faculty of Law :

22. Department of Law

Faculty of Business Studies :

23. Department of Management Studies

24. Department of Accounting and Information Systems

25. Department of Marketing

26. Department of Finance

27. Department of Banking

28. Department of Management Information Systems (MIS)

29. Department of International Business

30. Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Faculty of Social Science :

31. Department of Economics

32. Department of Political Science

33. Department of International Relations

34. Department of Sociology

35. Department of Mass Communication & Journalism

36. Department of Public Administration

37. Department of Anthropology

38. Department of Population Science

39. Department of Peace and Conflict Studies

40. Department of Women and Gender Studies

41. Department of Development Studies

Faculty of Biological Science :

42. Department of Soil, Water and Enviroment

43. Department of Botany

44. Department of Zoology

45. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

46. Department of Psychology

47. Department of Microbiology

48. Department of Fisheries

49. Department of Clinical Psychology

50. Department of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology

Faculty of Pharmacy :

51. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

52. Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacology

53. Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009

Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences :

54. Department of Geography and Environment

55. Department of Geology

Faculty of Engineering and Technology :

56. Department of Applied Physics, Electronics & Communication Engineering

57. Department of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Technology

58. Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty of Fine Arts :

59. Department of Drawing and Painting

60. Department of Graphic Design

61. Department of Printing

62. Department of Oriental Art

63. Department of Sculpture

64. Department of Crafts

65. Department of Ceramics

66. Department of History of Art

8. Institutes and their Names :

Institute of Education & Research

Institute of Statistical Research & Training

Institute of Business Administration

Institute of Nutrition and Food Science

Institute of Social Welfare & Research

Institute of Modern Languages

Institute of Health Economics

Institute of Information Technology


Programmes Offered(under-graduate and graduate) :

1. Hons: B.A, B.Sc, B.Sc(Ag.), B.Sc (Fisheries), DVAM, B.Sc (Textile

Engineering), B.S.S., B.B.A., B.F.A, B.FRAM. and L.L.B.

2. Masters: M.A., M.Sc., M.S.S., M.B.A., M.B.A(Executive), M.F.A., M.Farm.,

and L.L.M.


3. M.B.B.S, B.D.S., M.S., M.D., D.C.H.

4. Higher: M.Phil., MBA., PhD., MPH, D.Arth, D.G.O.

5. Short Programmes : Certificate in Lanaguages

6. Diploma in-General Sericulture (P.G.D.S.)

7. Diploma in Information & Communication Technology (through departmental project)


8 National University

10. Residential Facilities for Students :

Salimullah Muslim Hall

Shahidullah Hall

Jagannath Hall

Fazlul Huq Muslim Hall

Zahurul Huq Hall

Ruqayyah Hall

Surja Sen Hall

Haji Muhmmad Mohsin Hall

Samsun nahar Hall

Kabi Jasimuddin Hall

A.F. Rahman Hall

Muktijoddha Ziaur Rahman Hall

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Hall

Bangladesh-Kuwait Maitry Hall

Sir PJ Hartg International Hall

Amar Ekushey Hall

Begum Fazilatunnessa Mujib Hall

Nawab Faizunnessa Chowdhurani Hostel

I.B.A(Institute of Business Administration) Hostel

11. Major Research Activities : Matters relating to Science, Biological Sciences, Social

Sciences, Law, Commerce & Business, Arts & Literature, Information & other


12. Library Facilities :

Total No. of Books

Total No. of Journals



Periodicals subscribed to :

Special Collection :

Cinema Projector

Internet Facilities




76000 (bound volumes)

300 titles

10350 (collection on Liberation War)

01 (Old one, not in service)


13. System of Students Enrollment (Annual/Semester/Trisemester): Annual

14. Annual Total Intake and Total Number of Students :

Annual Total Intake :

Total Number of students :









Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 9

15. Number of Teaching Staff : 1553

Full-time and Part-time Teacher (Male-Female)









: 1159

: 394

16. Number of Non-Teaching Staff :

Total : 3802


Class (III & IV)





17. Total Number of Students Graduated in 2008 : 13759

Total Degree (Pass)

Total Hon’s Graduates

Total Post-Graduates







Total Technical Graduates :











18. Students Support Services : a) Every year Orientation Program is held for newly admitted first year honours students. Honorable Vice-Chancellor, Deans of Faculties, Chairmen and

Students Advisors of all departments grace the occasion. b) Counseling Service is given to the students by the trance of Clinical Psychology department round the year to help solving their educational and personal problems, if any. c) Part time Jobs are arranged from the office for poor students of the University for six months. About 150 students are appointed for the job and are engaged in different offices at the university such as Registrar's office, Library, Hall offices etc. 500 (five hundred) taka remuneration is given for working 30 hours per month. d) Students advisors for the each department are appointed from this office e) Publish yearly orientation Booklet for the 1st year students.

10 National University

19. Sports Facilities :

1) Organogram: a) There is a Directorate named Directorate of Physical Education, Dhaka

University. b) There is a Board named Sports Board of Dhaka University. c) There are some Sub-committees for conducting games and tournaments. d) There is an Advisor in the Directorate to advice.

Chain of Command : a) Sports Board:



Member Secretary

: Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University

: All Provost, C.M.O, 3 Chairmen/Directors, 2

Teachers (interested in games); Proctor &


: Director of Physical Education. b) Directorate :


Deputy Director



Office Head

3 (one vacant)

Assistant Director

Physical Instructor

Complex Engineer







8 (two vacant)

1 (vacant)

1 (class 3)

Assistant Director (Admin) : 1

Technical Officer : 1

Store Officer

Class III Employees

Class IV Employees





7 (one vacant)


Ground, Gymnasium, Swimming Pool, Guest House :

Central Ground : 1

Cricket Ground


Swimming pool







Guest house : 1

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 11

2) Activities : a) Compulsory Physical Education : i) Every student shall be required to pursue a course of compulsory physical instruction arranged by the Director of Physical Education. ii) Attendance of 40 periods of PT shall be compulsory during each session for each 1st and 2nd year under graduate students of this university. b) Games, Sports, Team, Coaching : i) Every year the Directorate arranges various games for Inter-Department & Inter

Hall competitions. ii) The Directorate prepares various teams of the students to take part in various

Inter-universities and National competitions. iii) Coaching in swimming and general exercise is offered to the students of the university. c) Scholarship and Award :

The sportsmen who become champion and runner-up are provided the following scholarship and award by the authority i) Post Graduate scholarship @ TK 150 per month for one year ii) Undergraduate scholarship @ TK 100 per month for one year iii) Sultana Memorial Silver Award (1) per year (ath: woman) iv) Mulovi Abdul Matin Gold Award (1) per year (All rounder : woman) v) Col: Mutiaur Rahman Gold Award (1) per year (All rounder : Man) vi) Blazer (Champion team members) vii) Blue (successful sports men get this honour) viii) T.A.D.A. Tracksuit, Jersey, Sports Bag, Keds are provided to the team members.

12 National University

20. Fellowship and Scholarship Offered by the University:



Description of Scholarship

01. Under graduate scholarship (Board) a) Govt. Scholarship (Tallentpool) b) Govt. Scholarship (General) (Board) c) University Scholarship

02. Post graduate Scholarship a) Govt. Scholarship (Tallentpool) b) Govt. Scholarship (General) c) University Grants Commission

Scholarship d) University Post Graduate


03. Non Govt. Scholarship a) The Japan International Cooperation

Foundation b) Sumitomo Corporation (Japanese) c) Dutch Bangla Bank d) Scholarship Council e) Senakallyan Scholarship f) Islamic Foundation

No. of















Amount per annum per student





























21. Budget Estimates :

Recurring Expenses : Tk. 13822 Lakh Year: 2007-2008

Development Expenses : Tk. 2961.57 Lakh Year: 2007-2008

22. Other Information :

International Links: In 2008, MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) signed between University of Dhaka and other universities/organizations are: i) MoU between DU and Kitami Institute of Technology, Hokkaido, Japan, (Renewed).

ii) MoU between DU and Hiroshima University, Japan. iii) MoU between DU and Nottingham University, Nottingham, UK iv) MoU between DU and Katalyst.

(UMB), Norway.


v) MoU between, DU and Noragine Norwegian University of Life Sciences vi) MoU between, DU and Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal. vii) MoU between the International Committee of the Red Cross, Dhaka and Dept.

of Mass Communication & Journalism, DU viii) MoU between D.U and UNICEF.

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 13


1. Type of the University : Public

Year of Establishment : 1953

Postal Address




Matihar, Kajla, Rajshahi









2. Background of the Establishment of the University:

Rajshahi University is situated on the green arena of motihar beside Rajshahi-Dhaka high- way, 5 kilometers away form Rajshahi town in the east. Its total land area is about 300 hectare. It is the second largest university of Bangladesh.

On the recommendation of Sadler Commission, formed on 6 th July 1917, Rajshahi town was considered a suitable place for establishment of a university in the North

Bengal. After partition in 1947, movement started in favour of establishment of a university at Rajshahi in accordance with the recommendation of Sadler

Commission. Madar-Bux, a distinguished lawyer of Rajshahi and Dr. Itrat Hossain

Zuberi, a scholar of English literature & principal of Rajshahi College, made the draft of a university and organized a movement to implement this. On 15th

November of 1950, a powerful committee consisting of 64 members was formed with a view to place the demand for the establishment of a university to the government. Subsequently, the Bill “Rajshahi University Act, 1953” (The East

Bengal Act XV of 1953) was passed by the assembly of East Bengal on 31 st March

1953. It was placed to the Governor on 6 th June 1953. The assent of the Governor was first published in the “Dhaka Gazettee, extraordinary”, dated the 16 th June 1953.

Dr. Itrat Hossain Zuberi, ex-principal of Rajshahi College, was appointed the first

Vice-Chancellor on 6 th July 1953 and the University started formal function since that day.

The Academic functions of Rajshahi University started in 1953-54. At the inception, post-graduate programmes were introduced in the subjects like Philosophy, History,

English and Mathematics and the honours course was started in 1962. Initially twelve degree and eight intermediate colleges of eight districts came under its affiliation. As temporary arrangement offices of the newly-established University were set up in different buildings of Rajshahi town. The residence and office of the

Vice-Chancellor were set up in the historic “Borokuthi” Bhabon built by the Dutch beside the bank of the river Padma. The classes first started in Rajshahi College.

Residential hostels of students were built up in different places of the town. ‘Fuller hostel’, attached to the college, was converted into University hostel. “Lalkuthi”

Bhabon was the residence of female students. Library, teachers’ lounge and medical center were set up in the BB Hindu Academy of Rajshahi town. The office and residence of the Inspector of Colleges were set up in the “Matryuam” Bhoban and office of the Controller of Examinations was set up in one portion of the lodge of

Zamindar-Kunzo Maitra near the Ghoramara Post Office.

14 National University

Lieutenant Colonel G. Soyami Tomas M.A. drafted a design of University according to the approval of Colombo Plan. Architect Jhon A Jemanec assisted him. Buildings and roads of the University were constructed in the existing campus since 1958. All offices and departments of University were transferred to this campus by 1964.

3. Act : 1973

4. Authorities of the University :

The Senate, The Syndicate, The Academic Council, The Faculties, The Committee of the Programmes, The Board of Advanced Studies, The Finance Committee, The

Planning and Development Committee, The Selection Boards.

Such other authorities as may be declared by the Statutes to be Authorities of the


5. Principal Officers :







Hon’ble President

People's Republic of Bangladesh

Professor Dr. Muhammad Abdus Sobhan

Professor Dr. M. Mozammel Huq

Registrar : Professor Dr. Mohammad Shafi (In-charge)

Librarian (Admin) :

Director of TSCC :

Professor Dr. Md. Delwar Hossain

Professor Dr. Md. Abdur Rohman Siddique

Director of Planning :

Director of Accounts :

Director of Varendra Research

Mr. M. Lutfur Rahman

Mr. M Shahidullah Sarker

Mr. Md. Zakaria (In-charge) Museum :

Director of Central

Science Laboratory : Professor Dr. Md. Abdus Salam (In-charge)

Director of Physical Instruction

Education Division : Md. Abul Kalam Badsha.

Controller of Examinations: Dr. M. Anwar Hossain

6. Name of the Faculties :

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Business Studies

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Social Sciences

Faculty of Life & Earth Science

Faculty of Agriculture

Faculty of Medicine

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009

7. Academic Departments :

Faculty of Arts :




Islamic History & Culture




Fine Arts

Islamic Studies


Theatre & Music

Faculty of Law :

Law and Justice

Faculty of Science :



Applied Physics & Electornics




Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


Computer Science & Engineering

Population Science & Human Resource Development

Information & Communication Technology

Applied Mathematics

Material Science & Technology

Faculty of Business Studies :




Finance & Banking


16 National University

Faculty of Social Science :


Political Science


Social Work

Mass Communication

Public Administration

Library & Information Science


Faculty of Life & Earth Science:

Geography & Environmental Studies




Geology & Mining

Faculty of Agriculture :

Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology

Agronomy & Agriculture Extension


Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science

Crop Science & Technology

8. Institutes and their Names :

Institute of Bangladesh Studies

Institute of Biological Sciences

Institute of Business Administration

Institute of Environmental Studies

Institute of Education & Research

9. Programmes Offered (under-graduate and graduate) :

1. Hons: B.A, B.Sc, B.Sc(Ag.), B.Sc (Fisheries), DVAM, B.Sc (Textile

Engineering), B.S.S., B.B.A., B.F.A, B.FRAM. and L.L.B.

2. Masters: M.A., M.Sc., M.S.S., M.B.A., M.B.A(Executive), M.F.A., M.Farm., and L.L.M.


3. M.B.B.S, B.D.S., M.S., M.D., D.C.H.

4. Higher: M.Phil., MBA., Ph.D., M.Ph, D.Arth, D.G.O.

5. Short Programmes : Certificate in Languages

6. Diploma in General Sericulture (P.G.D.S.)

7. Diploma in Information & Communication Technology (through departmental project)

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 17

10. Residential Facilities for Students : 16 Halls of Residence (out of which 5 Halls

Sher-e-Bangla Fazlul Haque Hall

Shah Mukhdum Hall are for female students)

Nawab Abdul Latif Hall

Sayed Amir Ali Hall

Shaheed Shamsuzzoha Hall

Shaheed Hobibur Rahman Hall

Motihar Hall

Madar Bux Hall

Shaheed Sohrawardy Hall

Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Hall

Bangabondhu Sk. Muzibur Rahman Hall

Monnuzan Hall

Begum Rokeya Hall

Taposy Rabeya Hall

Begum Khaleda Zia Hall

Rohmotunnessa Hall


Major Research Activities :

There are five internationally reputed institutions in the University of Rajshahi.

Research supervision is conducted in the institute. Moreover, there are 26 research laboratory and 1 central science lab in the university. To enhance quality research, there are 5 international linkage programme. M.Phil and Ph.D programmes are conducted under the supervision of specialist in each department.

12. Library Facilities :

Total No. of Books

Total No. of Journals

Audio-Visual Resources






8 CD

13. System of Student Enrolment (Annual/Semester/Trisemester): Both, The academic year begins on 1 st July.

14. Annual Total Intake and Total Number of Students :

Annual Total Intake : 4305

Total Number of Students : 26909

Male : 19133

Female : 7776

15. Number of Teaching Staff : 1032

Full-Time & Part-Time Teacher (Male-Female)

Full-time :

Male :

Female :




18 National University

16. Number of Non-Teaching Staff :



Class (III & IV)

: 2677

: 617

: 2060

17. Total no. of Students Graduated in 2008 : 5673

Total Hon’s Graduates : 2662

Total Technical Graduates : 199

Total Post-Graduates

Total M.Phil

Total Ph.D










18. Students Support Services : Transport & Medical Facilities are available

19. Sports Facilities : Available

20. Fellowship and Scholarship Offered by the University: Available

21. Budget Estimates :

Recurring Expenses

Development Expenses

: Tk. 8543 Lakh Year: 2007-2008

: Tk. 347.50 Lakh Year: 2008-2009

22. Other Information:

International Links :

Agreement for Academic Co-operation between Sungkyunkwan University, Korea and University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

Student Exchange Agreement between The School of Medicine at Sungkwan

University, Korea and University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

Agreement for Academic Exchange and Co-operation between University of

Tsukuba, Japan and University of Rajshahi and the People's Republic of Bangladesh.

Agreement on Academic Co-operation and Exchange between University of

Rajshahi, Bangladesh and Saga University, Japan

Memorandum of Understanding between University of Panjub, Lahore, Pakistan and

University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia (Department of

Economics) and the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh (Faculty of Social Science and Faculty of Law)

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 19


1. Type of the University

Year of Establishment

Postal Address





: Public

: August 18, 1961

: Bangladesh Agricultural University


: +88-091-67401-06

: +88-091-61580, +88-091-66846



2. Background of the Establishment of the University:

Bangladesh Agricultural University was established as the nation’s only University of its kind in the session 1961-62 on the basis of recommendations made by the

Commission on National Education and the Food and Agriculture Commission in

1959. The scheme for the establishment of BAU was finalized on 8 June 1961 and its ordinance was promulgated on 18 August 1961. With the appointment of the first Vice-Chancellor, the University formally came into existence on 2 September

1961 and started functioning with the college of Animal Husbandry and

Veterinary Science at Mymensingh as its nucleus. The main task of the University is to uphold and maintain the quality and standard of higher agricultural education and to produce first rate agriculturists, agricultural scientists and technologists for shouldering the responsibilities of agricultural development of the country.

3. Act : No. XXVII of 1961

4. Authorities of the University :

The Syndicate, The Academic Council, The Faculties, The Boards of Studies, The

Selection Committee, The Committee for Advanced Studies and Research, The

Finance Committee, The Planning & Development Committee, Graduate Training

Institute (GTI) Governing Body, and such other authorities as may be prescribed by the statutes.

5. Principal Officers :

Chancellor : Hon’ble President

People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Vice Chancellor : Professor Dr. M.A. Sattar Mandal

Registrar : Mr. Md. Nazibur Rahman

Treasurer : Mr. Md. Idris Ali, (Appointed by the Syndicate)

Librarian : Mr. Prabir Kumar Mitra (In-charge)

Director(s) : a) Planning and Development : Mr. M. Mukhlesur Rahman

b) Graduate Training Institute (GTI) : Professor Dr. M. Mozahar Ali

20 National University c) Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES) :

Professor Dr. Md. Shahid Ullah Talukder

d) Bangladesh Agricultural University Extension Center (BAUEC) :

Professor Dr. Md. Harun or Rashid

e) Central Laboratory : Professor Md. Jahir Uddin Miah

f) Seed Pathology Center (SPC) : Professor Dr. Md. Ayub Ali g) Institute of Agribusiness Management (IABM) : Professor Md. Tofazzal

Hossain Miah h) Agricultural Museum : Professor Dr. Md. Muzibur Rahman i) Veterinary Clinic : Professor Dr. Mirza Abul Hashim j) Public Relations & Publications Office : Mr. Diwan Rashidul Hassan k) Physical Education : Mr. Md. Lutfur Rahman

Students Affairs Advisor

(Responsibility for Student

Guidance and Counseling)

Controller of the Examinations

Chief Engineer

Chief Medical Officer

: Professor Dr. Md. Abul Khair Chowdhury

: Mr. Md. Tofazzal Hossain

: Mr. M. Sayeduzzaman (In-charge)

: Dr. Faiz Ahmed

6. Name of the Faculties :

Faculty of Agriculture

Faculty of Veterinary Science

Faculty of Animal Husbandry

Faculty of Agri. Economics & Rural Sociology

Faculty of Agri. Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Fisheries

7. Academic Departments:

Undergraduate disciplines & their Names : a) FACULTY OF VETERINARY SCIENCE:

Department of Anatomy & Histology

Department of Physiology

Department of Pharmacology

Department of Parasitology

Department of Pathology

Department of Medicine

Department of Surgery & Obstetrics and

Department of Microbiology & Hygiene

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 21 b) FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE:

Department of Agronomy

Department of Soil Science

Department of Entomology

Department of Horticulture

Department of Plant Pathology

Department of Crop Botany

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding

Department of Agricultural Extension Education

Department of Agricultural Chemistry

Department of Biochemistry

Department of Physics and Chemistry

Department of Languages

Department of Agro-forestry

Department of Bio-Technology

Department of Environmental Science and

Department of Seed Science & Technology c) FACULTY OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY:

Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics

Department of Animal Science

Department of Animal Nutrition

Department of Dairy Science and


Department of Agricultural Economics

Department of Agricultural Finance

Department of Agricultural Statistics

Department of Co-operation & Marketing and


Department of Farm Structure

Department of Farm Power & Machinery

Department of Irrigation & Water Management

Department of Food Technology & Rural Industries and

Department of Computer Science & Mathematics f) FACULTY OF FISHERIES :

Department of Fisheries Biology & Genetics

Department of Aquaculture

Department of Fisheries Management

Department of Fisheries Technology

22 National University

8. Institutes and their Names :

Graduate Training Institute (GTI)

Institute of Agribusiness Management (IABM)

9. Programmes Offered (under-graduate and graduate) :


Undergraduate Degree : D.V.M (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)

Postgraduate Degrees :

M.S. in Anatomy

M.S. in Physiology

M.S. in Pharmacology

M.S. in Parasitology

M.S. in Pathology

M.S. in Medicine

M.S. in Surgery

M.S. in Theriogenology

M.S. in Microbiology

M.S. in Veterinary Public Health and Food Hygiene


Undergraduate Degree:

B.Sc.Ag (Hons.) (Bachelor of Science in Agriculture)

Postgraduate Degrees

M.S. in Agronomy

M.S. in Soil Science

M.S. in Entomology

M.S. in Horticulture

M.S. in Plant Pathology

M.S. in Crop Botany

M.S. in Genetics and Plant Breeding

M.S. in Agricultural Extension Education

M.S. in Agricultural Chemistry

M.S. in Biochemistry

M.S. in Agro forestry

M.S. in Biotechnology

M.S. in Environmental Science

M.S. in Seed Science & Technology

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 23


Undergraduate Degree :

B.Sc.A.H. (Hons.) (Bachelor of Science in Animal Husbandry)

Postgraduate Degree :

M.S. in Animal Breeding and Genetics

M.S. in Animal Science

M.S. in Animal Nutrition

M.S. in Dairy Science

M.S. in Poultry Science


Undergraduate Degree:

B.Sc.Ag.Econ. (Hons.) (Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics)

Postgraduate Degrees:

M.S. in Agricultural Economics (Production Economics)

M.S. in Agricultural Economics (Finance)

M.S. in Agricultural Statistics

M.S. in Agricultural Economics (Co-operation)

M.S. in Agricultural Economics (Marketing)

M.S. in Rural Sociology


Undergraduate Degree :

B.Sc.Ag.Engg. (Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering)

B.Sc.Food Engg. (Bachelor of Science in Food Engineering)

Postgraduate Degrees:

M.S. in Farm Structure

M.S. in Farm Power and Machinery

M.S. in Irrigation and Water Management

M.S. in Food Engineering

M.S. in Computer Science


Undergraduate Degree:

B.Sc.Fisheries (Hons.) (Bachelor of Science in Fisheries)

24 National University

Postgraduate Degrees :

M.S in Fisheries Biology and Genetics

M.S in Aquaculture

M.S in Fisheries Management

M.S in Fisheries Technology

PhD Degrees :

All of the Teaching Departments under Six Faculties offer PhD Degrees except

Department of Physics & Chemistry, Languages, Computer & Mathematics.

10. Residential Facilities for Students :

Isha Khan Hall

Shahjalal Hall

Shaheed Shamsul Haque Hall

Hossain Shaheed Suhrawardy Hall

Fazlul Haque Hall

Shaheed Nazmul Ahsan Hall

Sultana Razia Hall

Ashraful Haque Hall

Shaheed Jamal Hossain Hall

Banghabandhu Sheikh Mujib Hall

Taposhi Rabeya Hall

11. Major Research Activities : Development of varieties production and management in the sector of Crop Agriculture, Livestock, Agriculture

Engineering, Agriculture Economics and Fisheries.

12. Library Facilities :

Total No. of Books

Total No. of Journals

: 21,079

: 37,511

Periodicals and subscribed to


Audio-Visual Resources

Cinema Projectors

: 121

: 15

: 1494

: 1

: Available Internet Facilities

13. System of Student Enrolment (Annual/Semester/Trisemester): Semester

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 25

14. Annual Total Intake and Total Number of Students :

Annual Total Intake : 757

Total Number of Students









15. Number of Teaching Staff : 529

Full-time & Part-time Teacher (Male-Female)







Full time

Part time

: 517

: 12

16. Number of Non-teaching Staff:



Class (III & IV)

: 2182

: 394

: 1788

17. Total Number of Students Graduated in 2008 : 1487

Total Technical Graduates : 594

Total M.S

Total Ph.D

: 855

: 38

18. Student Support Services :

Welcome Service

Orientation Programme

On going Support


Language Club

Health and Medical service

Student Welfare Council

International Student Advisers



Bank Loan




Students with disabilities



: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Student Welfare Division available

: The Student Affairs Advisor takes care of International Students

: Available

: 3 branches of Banks

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

26 National University

19. Sports Facilities : Stadium, Gymnasium, Cinder-Track, Swimming Pool,

Basketball, Hocky, Cricket & Tennis Ground etc.

20. Fellowship and Scholarship Offered by the University :

Academic Awards : 8 Trust & Award

Government Scholarships : Stipend, NST Fellowship


University (own) :

: Md. Nurul Hossain Memorial Award, Professor Dr.

Abdus Salam Mian Trust, Professor Jinnat Ara

Begum Trust, Rahela Khatun Memorial Award,

Nurjahan Kobbat Trust Fund, Ramapoti Nath

Memorial Award, Dr. S.D. Chowdhury Trust, and

Professor Sahidul Haque Trust.

University Award

Medals : Professor Karim Gold Medal, Professor Shamsul

Islam Gold Medal and Sitabjan Memorial Trust Gold


21. Budget Estimates :

Recurring Expenses : Tk. 7340 Lakh Year-2007-2008


Development Expenses : Tk. 943.45 Lakh Year: 2008-2009

Other Information

International Links :


The USAID through a contract with the Texas A & M University provided this

University with necessary supports in the form of advisory services, fellowships, equipment etc. during its initial phase (1961-70). Development supports were available through two separate IDA Credit Agreements signed between the Government and the

World Bank in 1964 and 1966. Over the years the University received research supports from a number of international and national sources, like BARC, UGC, USDA, EC,

SDC, ISF, DANIDA, IRRI, IAEA, NORAD, Sterling University of UK, DFID, USAID and so on. The University maintains linkages with a good number of universities of

Japan, USA, Belgium, Korea, China, Canada and Pakistan through Memorandum of

Understandings (MOUs). Besides, the University has bilateral linkage programs with

International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Center for Integrated Rural Development in

Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP), International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI),

Rural Development Academy (RDA) and Bangladesh Public Administration Training

Center (BPATC). Currently the University has been operating a few field-level research and development programs with some NGOs through bilateral cooperation.

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 27

As a matter of fact, all these bilateral and multilateral programs have opened up new avenues for the young teachers of this University to pursue their higher studies abroad.

Senior faculty-members are also getting opportunity to be awarded with visiting professorship and thus updating themselves with latest scientific knowledge on the discipline of their interest. Besides, the teachers are getting research support through these bilateral programs, which leaves a positive impact on the overall academic and research activities of the University.

Research Achievements :

The Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES) is responsible for proper coordination and management of research projects. Since its establishment in

1984, it has successfully completed about 700 research projects and has at present 136 on-going projects. The University through its research activities has succeeded in developing and releasing a number of important crop cultivars, techniques and technologies relating to production, management and processing of agricultural products having direct bearing on nation’s agriculture growth.

Extension Activities :

The Bangladesh Agricultural University Extension Center (BAUEC) works for evolving an extension approach that can be replicated in all areas of Bangladesh and for making a bridge between farmers and BAU teachers, researchers and students through extension activities with the local people for the development of their farm, home and community.

The activities of BAUEC include transfer of technologies to the farming community, arranging farmers' training, identifying problems and felt-needs of the farmers and suggesting solutions in the process of feedback. Its development activities are now being operated through 46 societies in 22 villages under Mymensingh Sadar Upazila.

Training :

The Graduate Training Institute (GTI) conducts pre-service and in-service training programs for the graduates and the graduate officers and researchers working in various agricultural research and development organizations. Very recently, it started an academic foundation training program for university teachers with a view to placing university teaching on the solid foundation of professionalism.

The Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, through its Bureau of

Socio-Economic Research and Training (BSERT), also conducts research and training programs in the areas of resource allocations, economics of agro-technologies, pricing and marketing of agricultural products, agricultural credit and finance management, rural institution with emphasis on cooperatives etc. The Bureau of Research, Testing and

Consultation (BRTC) attached to the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and

Technology has been designed to stimulate research and training on agricultural engineering and to render expert service in the form of testing and consultation in the

28 National University field of agricultural engineering. Besides, the Seed Pathology Center (SPC) conducts training on seed health and the Faculty of Animal Husbandry arranges training on artificial insemination for the benefit of farming community.

Academic Dynamism :

BAU always maintains a high degree of institutional flexibility in order to be integrated into larger innovation, and competitive and economic development processes of the country. Three new teaching departments

Computer Science and Mathematics,

Biotechnology, and Environmental Science

had been established a few years back.

Another new discipline in the name of the Department of Seed Science and Technology has started functioning very recently. The Faculty of Agricultural Engineering &

Technology started offering courses leading to B.Sc.Food Engg. Degree. Agricultural

Business Institute has meanwhile been established. The University is also conducting a year-long course in PGD in ICT. Besides, a Language Lab has been developed within the

Department of Languages to upgrade learners’ skills in communicative English, especially in spoken English.

Conclusion :

BAU has been the principal supplier of skilled human capital for modernizing our national agriculture since its establishment in 1961. And yet it has a long way to go ahead. It is our vision to make this University an integrated institution with functional relationships with relevant government organizations, non-government organizations, and private sector firms enabling BAU to contribute meaningfully to agricultural development of Bangladesh. We want to provide quality of applied research at BAU and tie it more directly to rural practices. We require strengthening the outreach component to provide an immediate link between technology available at the University and the needs of rural people. We want to be guided by three watchwords-relevance, quality and internationalization - to respond to the call of a fast-changing world system. But we are at present acutely under-funded to attain all these goals.

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 29


1. Type of the University

Year of Establishment

Postal Address





: Public

: 1 June 1962

: Bangladesh University of

Engineering & Technology,

Ramna, Dhaka - 1000.

: 9665650-80




880-2-8613046, 880-2-9665622

2. Background of the Establishment of the University :

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, abbreviated as BUET, is the oldest institution for the study of Engineering and Architecture in Bangladesh.

The history of this institution dates back to the days of Dhaka Survey School which was established at Nalgola, Dhaka in 1876 to train Surveyors for the then

Government of Bengal of British India. As the years passed, the Survey School became the Ahsanullah School of Engineering offering three-year diploma courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. In 1948, the School was upgraded to Ahsanullah Engineering College (at its present location) as the Faculty of

Engineering under the University of Dhaka offering four-year Bachelor's courses in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering. In order to create facilities for Post Graduate studies and research in particular, Ahsanullah

Engineering College was upgraded to the status of a University giving the new name of East Pakistan University of Engineering and Technology in the year 1962.

After independence of Bangladesh in 1971, it was renamed as the Bangladesh

University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).

3. Act : The East Pakistan Engineering and Technology University Ordinance, 1961,

(E.P. Ord. No. XXXVI of 1961). The Bangladesh (Adaptation of University Laws)

Ordinance 1972 (No.1).

4. Authorities of the University :

The Syndicate, The Academic Council, The Finance Committee, The Faculties,

The Boards of Postgraduate Studies (BPGS), The Board of Undergraduate Studies

(BUGS), The Committee for Advanced Studies and Research (CASR), The

Planning & Development Committee, The Selection Board.

30 National University

5. Principal Officers :

Chancellor :

Vice Chancellor :

Registrar :





Professor Dr. A.M.M Safiullah

Mr. Md. Shahjahan

Md. Jasim Uddin Akond, FCMA

Mr. Mohammad Zahirul Islam

Students Guidance and Counseling : Professor Dr. Maglub Al Nur, DSW

Controller of the Examinations

Chief Engineer

Chief Medical Officer

Public Relations Officer

: Professor Dr. Abu Siddique

: Mr. M.M. Abdul Alim (Superintendent Engineer)

: Dr. Md. Shahjahan Ali

: Mr. Md. Shah Alam

6. Name of the Faculties:

Hon’ble Prime Minister, Government of the

People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Faculty of Architecture & Planning

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Electrical. & Electronic Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

7. Academic Departments :

Undergraduate disciplines & their names : i. Chemical Engineering ii. Materials & Metallurgical Engineering iii. Civil Engineering iv. Water Resources Engineering v. Mechanical Engineering vi. Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering vii. Industrial & Production Engineering viii. Electrical & Electronic Engineering ix. Computer Science & Engineering x. Architecture xi. Urban & Regional Planning

Post-graduate disciplines & their names : i. Chemical Engineering : M.Sc. Engg/M. Engg./Ph.D ii. Materials & Metallurgical Engineering:B.Sc. Engg/M. Engg../Ph.D

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 iii. Materials Science : M.Phil/Ph.D iv. Chemistry :M.Sc. Engg/M. Engg../Ph.D v. Mathematics: M.Phil/Ph.D vi. Physics : M.Phil/Ph.D vii. Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engg.:M.Sc. Engg/M. Engg../Ph.D viii. Civil Engineering: M.Sc. Engg/M. Engg../Ph.D ix. Water Resources Engineering:M.Sc. Engg/M. Engg../Ph.D x. Mechanical Engineering: M.Sc. Engg/M. Engg../Ph.D xi. Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering: M.Sc. Engg/M. Engg../Ph.D xii. Industrial & Production Engineering: M.Sc. Engg/M. Engg../Ph.D xiii. Advanced Engineering Management : M.Sc. Engg/M. Engg../Ph.D xiv. Electrical & Electronic Engineering: M.Sc. Engg/M. Engg../Ph.D xv. Computer Science & Engineering : M.Sc. Engg/M. Engg../Ph.D xvi. Architecture : M.Arch/Ph.D xvii. Urban & Regional Planning: MURP/Ph.D

Others Post-graduate programs under the Institutions of BUET

Name of the Institutions

Post-graduate disciplines & their names

Information & Communication Technology (ICT)

PG. Diploma/M.Sc.Engg./M.Engg.

Water Resources Development (WRD), PG. Diploma/ Masters/ Ph.D


Institutes and their Names :

Institute of Water and Flood Management

Institute of Appropriate Technology

Institute of Information and Communication Technology

Accident Research Institute.


Center for Energy Studies

Center for Environmental and Resource Management

Center for Biomedical Engineering & Research

9. Programmes Offered :

The research system at BUET falls basically into two group : i. Degree awarding research projects ii. Non-degree general research projects.


32 National University

The degree awarding projects are of two categories as far as the source of fund is concerned : i. BRTC funded ii. Funded by UGC, Science & Technology & other sources

The non-degree research activities are funded from the following sources : i. BUET Fund ii. Higher Training & Research Fund


Residential Facilities for the Students : Seven Male and One Female Halls

Dr. M.A Rashid Hall

Nazrul Islam Hall

Sohrawardi Hall

Titumir Hall

Shahid Smriti Hall

Ahsan Ullah Hall

Sher-E-Bangla Hall

Chattri Hall :

11. Major Research Activities : i. Annual Report ii. Departmental Journals

a) Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin

b) Journals of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments

c) Electrical & Electronic Engineering Research Bulletin

d) Bangladesh Journal of Water Resources Research

e) Industrial & Production Engineering Research Bulletin

f) Protibesh Journal of Architecture Department iii. Parichiti Book iv. Engineering Concerns of Flood v. Fluid Mechanics Lab. Practice vi. Introduction of Petroleum Geology & Drilling vii. Fundamentals of Phase Diagrams viii. Introduction of Metal Joining Technology ix. Metal Casting x. Mechanics of Materials Laboratory Practice xi. Aerodynamics and Design of wind turbines xii. Hydraulic Machine Through Worked out Problems xiii. Engineering of Bangladesh

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 33 xiv. BUET - 2002 xv. Convocation Publications :

a) Graduate List - 2005

b) Sharanika - 2005 xvi. Other Publications

a) Pocket Diary

b) Wall Calendar c) Table Calendar

12. Library Facilities :

Total No. of Books

Total No. of Journals

: 126468

: 17849

Periodicals and subscribed to : 218

Publication (own, names of information) : Accession Bulletin-1, Bibliography-2

Special Collections

Audio-visual Resources

Internet Facilities





16 e-mail, Browsing.

13. System of Student Enrollment (Annual/ Semester/ Trisemester): 4 Levels for

Engineering and 5 Levels for others. Each level has 2 Terms.

14. Annual Total Intake and Total Number of Students :

Annual Total Intake

Total Number of Students







: 5865

: 1353


Number of Teaching Staff : 553

Full-time and Part-time Teacher (Male-Female):




: 553

: 463

: 90

16. Number of Non-Teaching Staff :



Class (III & IV) :






34 National University

17. Total Number of Students Graduated in 2008: 1056

Total Technical Graduates

Total Technical Post Graduates

Total MS/M.Phil

Total Ph.D









18. Student Support Services:

Welcome Service

Orientation Programme

On going Support


Language Club

Health and Medical Service

Outer Campus

Student Welfare Council

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Study tour, industrial training and internship

: Available


Bank Loan



: Available

: Yes

: Yes

: Available

Others : a) Students Central Union and Student's Hall Union b) Campus-based students extra-curriculum activities : i. BUET Debating Club ii. Environment Watch : BUET iii. Kantha-BUET (Recitation Club) iv. BUET Drama Society v. BUET literary & Cultural Society vi. BUET Film Society vii. Mursanam BUET (Music Club) viii. BUET Photographic Society ix. BUET Safety Movement x. BUET Chess Club xi. BUET Journalist Association

19. Sports Facilities : i) Facilities :

Playground for Football, Cricket (with two pitch) Volleyball, Handball, Hockey,

Lawn Tennis, Athletics, well equipped Gymnasium with a basketball Court, two

Squash Court and Badminton Court. ii) Athletic Club :

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 35

Comprising of Student athlete representatives for organizing various games and sports. iii) Advisory Committee for Athletic Club :

Comprising of teachers, one teacher advisor for each game.

20. Fellowship and Scholarships Offered by the University :

Fellowships : 208


Academic Awards-Deans Scholarships





Government Scholarships


University (own)


Amount in Taka (total)







Merit Scholarship - 359

University stipends - 381

University Gold Medal - 1 per year

Trust funds : Tk. 1,79,46,650.00

21. Budget Estimates :

Recurring Expenses : Tk. 4335 Lakh Year: 2007-2008

Development Expenses : Tk. 2605.50 Lakh Year: 2008-2009


Other Information

International Links :










BUET - IEF (International Energy Foundation)

BUET - Koln Univ., Essen Univ. & Gutingen Univ. of Germany.

BUET - L B Johnson School of Public Affairs, Univ. of Texas, USA

BUET - KUL (Katholieke Universitiet Leuven)

36 National University

BUET - Alagappa University, India.

BUET - EEC Research Project.

BUET - SAGA Univ. Japan

BUET - University of Exeter.

BUET - University of Loughborough (UK).

BUET - Upsala University, Sweden.

BUET - NEC (Napal Engg. College)


BUET - Tuskegee University, Alabama, USA

BUET - Euro-Asia Link Programme.

BUET - Purdue University Link Program.

BUET - University of Stuttgart.

BUET - University of Houston, USA

BUET - Virginia Tech. Partnership Programme.

MME, BUET - National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC), Thailand.

BUET - Nagoya University, Japan Collaborative Research Programme.

BUET - Keio University, Japan Link Programme.

BUET - Department of Environment Partnership Programme.

BUET - Department of Environment Partnership Programme.

BUET - AALBORG University, Denmark, Student Exchange Programme.

BUET - Ajou University, KOREA.

BUET - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU).

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 37


1. Type of the University

Year of Establishment

: Public

: 1966

Postal Address : University of Chittagong, Chittagong-4331

Telephone : Auto-716552, 716558, 2606001-10, 2601013,

2601141, 2601278, 2601304, 714923, 72311-14




: 88-031-726310



2. Background of the Establishment of the University:

The Chittagong University is established and incorporated as a residential Cumaffiliating University at Chittagong for the purpose of affiliating Degree College of

Arts and Sciences, and professional and Technical Colleges, situated within the

Chittagong Division and also to promote and control education at the stages above the Secondary Education and to facilitate the establishment of Post-Graduate

Teaching and Research Departments.

3. Act : Chittagong University Act, 1973

4. Authorities of the University :

The Senate, The Syndicate, The Academic Council, The Faculties, The Committee of the Course, The Board of Advanced Studies, The Finance Committee, The

Planning and Development Committee, The Selection Board and such other authorities.

5. Principle Officers :

Chancellor : Hon’ble President

People’s Republic of Bangladesh



: Prof. Dr. Abu Yusuf Alam

: Md. Zahurul Islam (In-charge)

Librarian : Prof. Dr. Md. Anisul Islam (In-charge)

Inspector of Colleges : Md. Abdul Mabud Molla (In-charge)

Director(s) :




Dr. Mohammad Al Amin

Institute of Forestry & Environmental Sciences

Md. Rashed-un-Nabi

Institute of Marine Science and Fisheries

Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Monsur Chowdhury

Research Centre for Mathematical & Physical Science

38 National University





Prof. Dr. Mahfuzul Haque Chowdhuty

Social Science Research Institute

Prof. Quazi Mostain Billah

Institute of Modern Languages

Prof. Dr. Md. Shamsul Alam

Nazrul Research Centre

Dr. Md. Munirujjaman Osmani

Institute of Community Opthalmology



Prof. Dr. Zahed Husain Sikder

Bureau of Business Research

Nurul Islam

Director (In-Charge) Cucsu Centre

10) A.M.M. Rakib Quorashi

Department of Physical Education

11) Abu Sayeed Hossain

Planning & Development

Controller of the Examinations : Dr. Mohammad Mozaffar Hossain (In-charge)

Chief Engineer : Md. Alamgir Chowdhury

Chief Medical Officer

Public Relations Officer



Dr. Md. Tofazzal Hussain (In-Charge)

Md. Farhad Hossain Khan

Proctor : Prof. Dr. Mohammad Jashimuddin

6. Name of the Faculties:

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Social Science

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Business Administration

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Biological Science

Faculty of Medicine

7. Academic Departments:

Undergraduate disciplines & their names :

Bengali; English; History; Islamic history and Culture; Philosophy; Fine Arts;

Arabic and Persian; Islamic Studies; Oriental languages (Pali & Sanskrit);

Communication and Journalism.

Chemistry; Physics; Mathematics; Statistics; Botany; Zoology; Computer Science

& Engineering; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Applied Physics Electronics

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 39 and Communication Engineering; Geography and Environmental Studies; Micro-

Biology; Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology; Soil Science; Physiology;

Forestry & Environmental Sciences; Marine Sciences & Fisheries.

Accounting and Information Systems; Management Studies; Finance and Banking;

Marketing Studies & International Marketing.

Economics; Political Sciences; Public Administration; Sociology; Anthropology;

International Relation, Law.

Post-graduate programmes & their names :

Bengali; English; History; Islamic history and Culture; Philosophy; Fine Arts;

Arabic and Persian; Islamic Studies; Oriental languages; Communication and


Chemistry; Physics; Mathematics; Statistics; Botany; Zoology; Geography and

Environmental Studies; Bio-chemistry and Molecular Biology; Micro-biology;

Applied Physics Electronics and Communication Engineering; Soil Science;

Forestry & Environmental Sciences; Marine Sciences & Fisheries.

Accounting and Information Systems; Management Studies; Finance and Banking;

Marketing Studies & International Marketing.

Economics; Political Sciences; Public Administration; Sociology; Anthropology;

Law; M.Phil; PhD; P.G.D in Computer Science.

8. Institutes and their Names : a) Institute of Forestry & Environmental Science b) Institute of Marine Science and Fisheries c) Social Science Research Institute d) Institute of Community Ophthalmology e) Nazrul Research Centre f) Institute of Modern Languages

9. Programmes Offered (Under-graduate and graduate) :

B.A (Hons.) : Full-time - Faculty of Arts

B.Sc (Hons.) : Full-time- Faculty of Science; Biological Science; Institute of

Forestry & Environmental Sciences; Institute of Marine Sciences & Fisheries.

B.B.A Full-time - Faculty of Business Administration.

B.S.S (Hons.) Full-time- Faculty of Social Science

LL.B (Hons.) Full-time - Faculty of Law

M.A Full-time - Faculty of Arts

M.S. Full-time - Faculty of Science; Biological Science; Institute of Forestry &

Environmental Sciences; Institute of Marine Sciences & Fisheries.

M.B.A Full-time - Faculty of Business Administration.

40 National University

M.S.S Full-time- Faculty of Social Science

LL.M Full-time - Faculty of Law

Part-time - Department of Computer Science & Engineering.

Part-time - Short Course - Certificate Course- English, Persian, German - Faculty of Arts

Diploma Course - Japanies, Arabic & Persian


Residential Facilities for the Students:

Aloal Hall

A.F. Rahman Hall

Shah-Jalal Hall

Suhrawardy Hall

Shah Amanat Hall

Shamsun Nahar Hall

Shahid Abdur Rob Hall

Pritilata Hall

Deshnetri Begum Kaleda Zia Hall

11. Major Research Activities:

Arts, Social Sciences, Commerce & Business Studies, Physical Science,

Biological Science & Environmental Science, Law.

12. Library Facilities:

Total No. of Books

Total No. of Journals

Periodicals and subscribed to

Special Collections

Audio-visual Resources

Internet Facilities

: 211860

: 29441

: 175 (Local) about- 8,000 (online)

: 2,900

: 945

: Yes

13. System of Student Enrollment( Annual/Semester/Trisemester): Annual

14. Annual Total Intake and Total Number of Students:

Annual Total Intake : 3773

Total Number of Students :

Male :

Female :




15. Number of Teaching Staff: 861

Full-time and Part-time Teacher (Male-Female)

Full Time

Part Time





Male : 750

Female : 111

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 41

16. Number of Non-teaching Staff:

Total : 1980

Officers : 294

Class ( III & IV) : 1686

17. Total Number of Students Graduated in 2008 : 5771

Total Technical Hon’s Graduates

Total Hon’s Graduates

Total Post Graduates

Total M.Phil

Total Ph.D

Total MS(Medicine)
















18. Student Support Services :

Transportation : Train & Bus

Outer Campus

Health & Medical Service





Student Welfare Council : Yes

International Student Advisers: No






2 (two)




: 8 (eight)

: In all residential Halls & Hostels

: 1 (one)

Students with Disabilities : 19 (nineteen)

19. Sports Facilities :

Physical and Sports Facilities -

The Physical and Sports Facilities of Chittagong University are directly controlled by the Deptt. of Physical Education assisted by Sports Advisory Committee C.U.,

There are some other committees to hold & organize sports activities and all others programmes taken by the department of Physical Education. These are :

(i) Sports Organizing Committee

(ii) Blue Committee

(iii) Players Selection Committee

(iv) Intramural Games Committee etc.

Officers and Staff Facilities -

(i) Director, Deputy Director, Asst. Director, Physical Instructor and other Officers : 11

(ii) Office and Field Staff : 14

42 National University

Structural Facilities -

(i) Office Building (semi pucca)

(ii) Athletic Track (normal)

(iii) Cricket Field

(iv) Football Field

(v) Hockey Field

(vi) Volley ball (Male & Female) Courts

(vii) Basketball Courts

(viii) Badminton Courts

(ix) Tennis courts

(x) Gymnasium (under construction) : 1

: 1

: 1

: 1

: 2

: 2

: 4

: 2

: 3

: 2

20. Fellowship and Scholarship Offered by the University:

Academic Awards

Government Scholarships : Talent pool and General

Stipends : Tk. 73500

University (own) : Tk. 103560

Amount in Taka (Total) : 1957600

21. Budget Estimates:

Recurring Expenses : Tk. 6220 Lakh

Development Expenses : Tk. 937.99 Lakh

Year: 2007-08

Year: 2008-09


Other Information:

International links :

The university has linkage programme with-

(i) University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan

(ii) University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

(iii) The Norwegian Cooperation Programme for Development Research and

Education (Nufu)

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 43


1. Type of the University

Year of Establishment

Postal Address





: Public

: 20th August 1970

: Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh

: 7791045-51

: 7791052



2. Background of the Establishment of the University :

Jahangirnagar University was established as a residential university in 1970 by the

Jahangirnagar Muslim University Ordinance, 1970. Later on, it has been re-named as Jahangirnagar University by the Jahangirnagar University Act, 1973. Its first

Vice-Chancellor took up office on September 24, 1970. The first batch of students, a total of 150, was enrolled in the First year Bachelor (Honours) classes in four departments : Economics, Geography, Mathematics and Statistics. However, classes started on January 4, 1971.

3. Act : The Jahangirnagar University Act, 1973 & Statutes.

4. Authorities of the University :

The Senate, The Syndicate, The Academic Council, The Faculties, The

Committees of Courses, The Board of Advanced Studies, The Finance Committee,

The Planning & Development Committee, The Selection Boards, Such other authorities as may be declared by the Statutes to be Authorities of the university.

5. Principal Officers :


Vice Chancellor

Pro-Vice Chancellor

: Hon’ble President

People’s Republic of Bangladesh

: Professor Dr. Shariff Enamul Kabir

: Professor Dr. Md. Forhad Hossain

Professor Dr. M Moniruzzaman



: Professor Md. Nasir Uddin

: Abu Bakor Siddique (Acting)

Director of Students

Counseling and Guidance : Professor A.T.M Atiqur Rahman


Additional Registrar

: Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (Acting)

: Abu Bakr Siddique

44 National University

University Engineer

Director (Planning & Development)




Chief Medical Officer

Director, Public Relations

Director of Physical Education

6. Name of the Faculties :

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Faculty of Social Sciences

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Faculty of Biological Sciences

A.K.M Nesar Uddin Choudhury

: S.M Anowarul Islam

: Motahar Husain (Acting)

: Professor Subash Chandra Das

: Dr. ATM Abdul Hannan

: Mir Abul Kashem

: Md. Abdur Razzaque (Acting)

7. Academic Departments :

Undergraduate disciplines & their names :

International Relations, English, History, Philosophy, Drama and Dramatics,

Archaeology, Bengali, Computer Science & Engineering, Mathematics, Physics,

Environmental Science, Statistics, Geological Sciences, Chemistry, Economics,

Urban and Regional Planning, Anthropology, Business Administration, Geography and Environment, Government and Politics, Public Administration, Botany,

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Zoology, Pharmacy, Microbiology.

Post-graduate disciplines & their names:

International Relations, English, History, Philosophy, Drama and Dramatics,

Archaeology, Bengali, Computer Science & Engineering, Mathematics, Physics,

Environmental Science, Statistics, Geological Sciences, Chemistry, Economics,

Anthropology, Business Administration, Geography and Environment,

Government and Politics, Botany, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Zoology,


These Departments have 4 years Honors, 1- year master's, 2 years M.Phil and 3 years PhD Degree courses.

8. Institutes and their Names :

Computer Science & Information Technology Institute

Institute of Remote Sensing

Language Center

9. Programmes Offered (Under-graduate and graduate) : a) Long Programme :

Bachelor of Social Sciences (4 year)

Bachelor of Arts and Humanities (4 year)

Bachelor of Sciences (4 year)

Bachelor of Pharmacy (4 year)

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 45

Master of Social Sciences

Master of Arts and Humanities

Master of Sciences

Master of Pharmacy b) Short Programme :

(1 year)

(1 year)

(1 year)

(1 year)

Intermediate Course in English Language (6 month)

Intermediate Course in English Spoken and Written English Language (6 month)

Certificate Course in French Language (5 month)

Certificate Course in Japanese Language (5 month)

Certificate Course in Persian Language (5 month)

Certificate Course in German Language (5 month)

Name of Long Programmes : (Computer Science & Information Technology


Post Graduate Diploma (P.G.D) in Computer & Information Technology (1 year)

Name of Short Programmes : (Computer Science & Information Technology


Computer Fundamental, Windows Operating System, MS-Word, MS-Excel, Email/Internet (20 Class)

Web page Design Using HTML, Java Script, VB Script, PHP & MySQL

(Pre-requisite : Windows & MS Word) (20 Class)

10. Residential Facilities for the Students :

Al Beruni Hall

Pritilata Hall

Jahanara Imam Hall

Fazilatunnessa Hall

Shaheed Salam Barkat Hall

A.F.M. Kamaluddin Hall

Mowlana Bhashani Hall

11. Major Research Activities :

Ars and Humanities, Social Sciences, Biological Sciences, Mathematical &

Physical Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering, Business Administration,


12. Library Facilities :

Total No. of Books

Total No. of Journals

Periodicals and subscribed to

Special Collection

Internet Facilities

: 104686

: 12840

: 176

: 12359

: Available

46 National University

13. System of Student Enrollment (Annual/Smester/Trisemester): Annual.

14. Annual Total Intake and Total Number of Students :

Annual Total Intake :

Total Number of Students :

Male :




Female : 3335

15. Number of Teaching Staff : 472

Full-time and Part-time teacher (Male-Female)

Full-time : 437




: 35

: 365

: 107

16. Number of Non-teaching Staff :

Total : 1580


Class (III & IV)





17. Total Number of Students Graduated in 2008: 2279

Total Hon’s Graduates : 1278

Total Post Graduates

Total M.Phil





Total Ph.D : 16

18. Students Support Services :

Welcome Service

Orientation Program

On –going Support


Language Club

Health and Medical service

Student Welfare Council

International Student Advisers





Students with disabilities


: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 47

19. Sports Facilities:

Two play grounds, one gymnasium, two basketball grounds and two tennis grounds.

No. of Halls for Male

No. of Halls for Female :



No. of Residents for Teachers

No. of Residents for Non-teachers staff

: 226

: 262

20 Fellowship and Scholarship Offered by the University:

Academic Awards

Government Scholarships





197 (Talent pool-10, General - 187)

: 3 types (Government stipend,

University stipend & Trust fund stipend)

University (own)


Amount in Taka (Total)

Trust fund(s)

: 50% of total students

: Asadul Kabir Gold Medal, Surat

Ali Khan Gold Medal,

Sharfuddin Gold Medal, Mofassil

Uddin Trust fund Gold Medal.

: Tk. 39,12,000.00

: 14

21. Budget Estimates :

Recurring Expenses

Development Expenses

: Tk. 4625 Lakhs

: Tk 585 Lakh

Year: 2007-2008

Year: 2008-2009

48 National University


1. Type of the University

Year of Estabishment

: Public

: 22 November, 1979

Postal Address : Shantidanga-Dulalpur,Kushtia, Jhenidah

Telephone : 071-53465








2. Background of the Esablishment of the University:

The Islamic University, Kushtia-Jhenidah (founded in 1979) is one of the largest institutions of higher learning in Bangladesh. The idea is to combine the Islamic education with all branches of modern arts, science and technology for advancement of knowledge, as well as of society, From October 11, 2006 the

Islamic University have the Power to affiliate the Fazil & Kamil Madrasha of


The main campus of the University is situated at Shantidanga-Dulalpur about 25 km. south-east from the township of Kushtia and 23 km. North from the township of Jhenidah. It covered an area of 175 acre land surrounded by exotic green fields and beautiful landscape. In 1982, the university was shifted to Gazipur and academic work of the university started in the session 1985 primarily with four departments, 200 students and 10 teachers. Again in December 1989, the university came back to its original location at Shantidanga-Dulalpur by another

Government Order. But due to inadequate accommodation several buildings were requistioned in Kushtia town.

Several more departments were opened and the number of students went up steadily. Upto October, 1992, all academic and administrative programmes of the university remained operational in Kushtia town. The final transfer of the university to its original campus took place on 01 November 1992. Civil construction is going on at the campus round the clock to complete the buildings.

3. Act : Islamic University Act, 1980

4. Authorities of the University:

The Syndicate, The Academic Council, The Faculties, The Committee of the

Course, The Board of Advanced Studies, The Finance Committee, The Planning and Development Committee, The Selection Board and such other authorities.

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009

5. Principal Officers:


Vice Chancellor

Pro-Vice Chancellor




Director (P&D)

: Hon’ble Prime Minister

People’s Republic of Bangladesh

: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Alauddin

: Prof. Dr. Md. Kamal Uddin

: Prof. M. Anowarul Karim

: Md. Moslem Uddin

: A.U.H. Mosleh Uddin Ahmed

: Md. Nazrul Islam

Student Guidance and Counseling : Prof. Dr. Ruhul Amin

Controller of the Examinations : Mohammad Ali (In-charge)

Chief Engineer

Chief Medical Officer

: K.M. Abdus Salam (In-charge)

: Dr. S.M. Liakat Ali

Public Relations Officer


: Md. Gulam Saklain

: A.K.M Motinur Rahman

6. Name of the Faculties:

Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Applied Science and Technology

Faculty of Business Administration

Faculty of Law and Shariah

7. Academic Departments :

Department of Al-Quran and Islamic Studies.

Department of Dawah and Islamic Studies.

Department of Al-Hadith and Islamic Studies.

Department of Economics.

Department of Bengali.

Department of English.

Department of Arabic Language & Literature.

Department of Islamic History and Culture.

Department of Politics and Public Administration.

Department of Law and Muslim Jurisprudence.

Department of Al-Fiqah

Department of Accounting and Information System

Department of Management.

Department of Applied Physics, Electronics and Communication Engineering

Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology.


50 National University

Department of Computer Science & Engineering.

Department of Information & Communication Engineering.

Department of Bio-technology & Genetic Engineering.

Department of Applied Nutrition and Food Technology.

Department of Mathematics.

8. Institutes and their Names : 1

Institute of Islamic Education and Research.

9. Programmes Offered (Under-graduate and graduate) :

Undergraduate disciplines & their names:

Bachelor of Theology and Islamic Studies (BTIS Honours)

Bachelor of Arts (BA Honours)

Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSS Honours)

Bachelor of Laws (LLB Honours)

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA Honours)

Bachelor of Sciences (B.Sc Honours)

Post-graduate programs & their names:

Master of Theology and Islamic Studies (MTIS)

Master of Arts (MA)

Master of Social Sciences (MSS)

Master of Laws (LLM)

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Sciences (M.Sc)

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

Post Graduate Diploma (P.G.D)

10. Residential Facilities for the Students

Saddam Hossain Hall

Shaid Ziaur Rahman Hall

Begum Khaleda Zia Hall

Bangabandu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Hall

Begum Fazilatunessa Mujib Hall

11. Major Research Activities:

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

12. Library Facillities:

Total No. of Book : 78796

Total No. of Journal : 16000


Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009

Audio-Visual Resources : 416

13. System of Student Enrollment (Annual/ Semester/Trisemester): Annual

14. Annual Total Intake and Total Number of Students :

Annual Total Intake

Total Number of Students











15. Number of Teaching Staff: 309

Full-time and Part-time Teacher (Male-Female)




: 309

: 284

: 25

16. Number of Non-teaching Staff:

Total : 728

Officers : 221

Class (III & IV) : 507

17. Total Number of Students Graduated in 2008:

Total Technical Hon’s Graduates

Total Hon’s Graduates



Total Post Graduates :

Total Technical Post-Graduates

Total M.Phil

Total Ph.D




18. Students Support Services:

Welcome Service

On-going Support


Health & Medical Service



Bank Loan




: Available

: Available

: Available

: One

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available

: Available









52 National University

19. Sports Facilities: One gymnasium, One football, Bollybal l cricket and long tenis ground.

20. Fellowship and Scholarships Offered by the University:

Stipends : Education Board Stipend - 104

University Stipend - 447

Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Department Stipends - 102

UGC Stipend - 5


Budget Estimates :

Recurring Expenses

Development Expenses

: Tk. 2176 Lakh

: Tk. 365 Lakh

Year: 2007-2008

Year: 2008-2009

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 53


1 Type of University

Year of Establishment

Postal Address





: Public

: 1987

: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

P.O.-University, P-Code-3114, Sylhet

: 880-821-713491

: 880-821-715257

: registrar@


2. Background of theEstablishment of the University

After a long struggle and a relentess movement, the Shahjalal University of

Science and Technology was established in 1987. The only University of its kind at the time, it started it’s career on the 14 th of February 1991 with only three departments: Physics, Chemistry, and Economics, 13 teachers and 205 students.

Now, at the end of 2007, it has expanded to 7 schools, 23 departments and one institute. The number of teachers has grown to 383 and the students to 8900.

Besides, the University has five affiliated medical colleges under the School of

Medical Sciences with 2701 students. And an Engineering College under the school of applied sciences & Technology.

SUST introduced the integrated honors course for the first time in Bangladesh. It introduced the semester system from the 1996-97 session and there was a remarkable improvement in the quality of education after the introduction of this system, which was visible even in the national arena. Every student from SUST has to take two language courses, one in Bangle and the other one in English.

Every student also has to take two computer courses, one for computer literacy and the other to learn a computer language. The computer center of SUST offers courses to every employees and can say, without any hesitation that SUST is the most IT enabled University in this country.

Although it is comparatively a new university in the country, SUST has already placed itself as an important institution in the country. The teachers participate in various academic affairs of the country and the graduating students are serving the nation, specially in the field of science and technology. It is not over statement, under proper guidance and a little help from the government this institution can be a center of excellence in a very short time.

3. Act: 18 March 1987

54 National University

4. Authorities of the University:

The Senate, The Syndicate, The Academic Council, The Faculties, The Committee of the Courses, The Board of Advanced Studies, The Finance Committee, The

Planning and Development Committee, The Selection Boards and such Other authorities

5. Principal Officers :





: Hon’ble President

People’s Republic of Bangladesh

: Prof. Dr. Md. Saleh Uddin

: Prof. Md. Shamsul Huda

: Jamil Ahmed Chowdhury

Librarian : Md. Abdul Hayee Sameny

Inspector of Colleges (In-charge) : Prodip Kumar Basak

Student Guidance and Counseling : Prof. Dr. M. Habibul Ahsan

Controller of the Examinations

Chief Engineer

Chief Medical Officer




Md. Saliqur Rahman Chowdhury

Al Nasir Khaled

Dr. Md. Mahbub Ahmed

Press, Publication & Information Officer : Md. Fazlur Rahman

Proctor : Prof. Dr. Md. Golom Ali Hayder Chowdhury

6. Name of the Faculties :

School of Management & Business Administration

School of Agriculture & Mineral Sciences

School of Life Sciences

School of Physical Sciences

School of Applied Science & Technology

School of Social Sciences

School of Medical Science

7. Academic Departments :

Undergraduate disciplines & their names : (mentioned in serial no. 9 )

Post-graduate programs & their names : MSc, MSS, MA, MBA

8. Institutes and their Names: 1 : Institute of Information Technology.

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009

9. Programmes Offered (Under-graduate and graduate):

School of Applied Sciences and Technology:




Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science



Civil and Environmental Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering



Industrial and Production Engineering

Petroleum and Georesources Engineering

FTT Food and Tea Technology

School of Life Sciences





School of Physical Sciences

CHE Chemistry







School of Social Sciences












Political Studies

Public Administration

Social Work

SOC Sociology

School of Agriculture and Mineral Science

FOR Forestry

School of Management and Business Administration

BAN Business Administration


56 National University

10. Residential Facilities for the Students :

Syed Hasanuzzaman

Jubeda Kanak Khan

Md. Sayful Islam

11 . Major Research Activities : None

12 . Library Facilites :

Total No.of Books

Total No.of Journals



Audio-visual Resources :

Internet Facilities :





13. System of Students Enrollment(Annual/Semester/Trisemester) : Annual

14. Annual Total Intake and Total Number of Students:

Annual Total Intake : 1160

Total Number of Students : 7930

Male : 6156

Female : 1774

15. Number of Teaching Staff : 372

Full-time and Part-time Teacher (Male-Female)




: 372

: 304

: 68

16. Number of Non-teaching Staff :



Class (III & IV)







17. Total Number of Students Graduated in 2008 : 940

Total Technical Hon’s Graduates


Total Hon’s Graduates :



Total Post Graduates

Total M.Phil





Others : 17

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009

18. Students Support Services:

Orientation Progamme


Health and Medical




: 21

: 13 Buses

: 01

: 01

: 01

: 01

19. Sports Facilities : Indoor and Outdoor sports facilities are available

20. Fellowship and Scholarship Offered by the University :

Government Scholarship : UGC

Stipends : Board, Zilla Parishad

Sana Kalyan Sangstha.

SUST stipend.

Tk. 23,25,360.00

University (own) :

Amount in Taka (Total) :


Budget Estimates:

Recurring Expenses

Development Expenses

: Tk. 1800 Lakh

: Tk. 675 Lakh

Year: 2007-2008

Year : 2008-2009


58 National University


1. Type of the University

Year of Estabishment

Postal Address





: Public

: 4th January, 1987

: Khulna University, Khulna-9208

: 041- 721791

: 880-41-731244



2. Background of the Establishment of the University:

Khulna is the third Metropolitan city of the country. After partition in 1947, the city grew up very fast as an important centre of trade and commerce under the flourishing industrial belt from Khalishpur to Phultala. Establishment of the port of Mongla accelerated the growth further. In meeting the ever increasing importance of the city, a Division with its Headquarters at Khulna was created in

1960. A number of divisional offices and a naval base were set up in the sixties.

The increase of population and the rapid growth of communication network of roads, railway and river routes with the northern and southern districts have brought about the process of urbanisation. In the early sixties, demand was raised for setting up of a

University in Khulna to cater to the educational needs of the area. Therefore, a

Commission was forged in 1974 known as Kudrat-e-Khuda Commission, recommended the establishment of a University in the division. In the year thereafter, the demand was persistent and the people by and large wanted to have a local

University as Khulna was the only Divisional Headquarters without any University.

On November 10, 1979 in the Cabinet Meeting, a proposal was raised to set up a

Technical University at Khulna division.

Later on, in pursuance of the decision of the University Grants Commission of

Bangladesh, a Committee was constituted headed by the renowned educational

Prof. Zillur Rahman Siddiqui. The Committee submitted their report and recommendations to the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. The reports of the Committee along with the recommendation of University Grants

Commission of Bangladesh were submitted to the government.

At the same time the government fromed another committee under the leadership of Mr. Md. Mahbubuzzaman, the then Cabinet Secretary for selection of site of the proposed University at Khulna Division. The government, after a careful study and scrutiny of the reports of the two Committees, accepted their recommendations and took the decision to establish a University in Khulna Division (Vide Ministry of Education office order No. k 8/8BD-1/85(LÛ)-wk¶v, dated 04-1-1987. In a historical Public Meeting on March 09, 1989 the then President H.M Earshad laid the foundation stone of the University. On November 25, 1991 Begum Khaleda

Zia, the then Prime Minister formally inaugurated the academic activities of

Khulna University.

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 59

3. Act : Khulna University Bill 1990 was passed in the Jatiya Sangsad in 31st July 1990.

4. Authorities of the University:

The Senate, The Syndicate, The Academic Council, The School of Studies, The

Committee of the Course, The Board of Advanced Studies, The Finance

Committee, The Planning and Development Committee, The Selection Board.

: 5. Principle Officers :

Chancellor : Hon’ble President

People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Vice-Chancellor : Prof. Dr. Md. Saifuddin Shah

Pro-Vice Chancellor : Prof. Dr. Purnendu Gain

Treasurer : Prof. Shaikh Abdul Hasib

Registrar : Dr. Gazi Abdulla-hel Baqui

Librarian : Dr. Md. Azizul Hakim

Director :

1) Khan Md. Waliar Rahman

2) Md. Jahurul Haque

Director, Finance & Accounts

Director, Planning & Development Department

3) Prof. Dr. Md. Mahabubur Rahman Director, Department of the Physical Education

4) Prof. Dr. Md. Sahifuddin Shah Director, Modern Language Centre

Student Guidance and Counseling : Prof. Dr. Md. Monirul Islam

Controller of the Examinations : Md. Nazrul Islam

Chief Engineer

Chief Medical Officer

: Eng. Md. Mustafizur Rahman

: Dr. A.K.M. Kamrul Islam

Public Relations Officer : S.M. Atiar Rahman

6. Name of the Faculties:

Sciences, Engineering and Technology School

Life Science School

Social Science School

Arts and Humanities School

Management & Business Administration School

60 National University

7. Academic Departments:

Undergraduate disciplines & their names :

Architecture, Computer Science and Engineering, Business Administration, Urban

& Rural Planning, Forestry & Wood Technology, Fisheries & Marine Resource

Technology, Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Agrotechnology, Electronics

& Communication Engineering, Environmental Science, Pharmacy, Mathematics,

Soil Science, English, Economics, Sociology.

Post-graduate programmes & their names :

Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Forestry & Wood

Technology, Master of Science in Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology,

Master of Science in Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Master of Science in

Agrotechnology, Master of Science in Environmental Science, Master of Science in Mathematics.

8. Institutes and their names : Khulna City Corporation Women's College.

9. Programmes Offered :

In almost Discipline courses offered for 4 (four) years professional Degree except in Architecture Discipline. In Architecture Discipline courses offered for 5 (Five) years professional Degree.

10. Residential Facilities:

Male Hall

Female Hall

Khan Jahan Ali Hall

Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah Hall

Aparazita Hall





11. Major Research Area :

The research programmes pursued at Khulna University Research Cell encompase various fields related to the immersing development issues of the country. The

University is particularly noted for its research programmes on Mangrove fisheries and forestry, soil environment and fertility, development of novel pharmaceutical products, plant breeding and genetics. shrimp disease control and prevention, architecutural planning and GIS modeling of landscapes, software development and socio-economic and livelihood issues of coastal community.

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009

12. Library Facilities :

Total No. of Books

Total No. of Journals

Audio-visual Resources

Internet Facilities





: Present No. 215

: Available

13. System of Student Enrolment (Annual/Semester/ Trisemester): Semester

14. Annual Total Intake and Total Number of Students :

Annual Total Intake : 642

Total Number of Students :

Male :

Female :




15. Number of Teaching Staff: 326

Full-time &Part-time Teacher (Male-Female)










16. Number of Non-teaching Staff:

Total : 313

Officers : 168

Class (III & IV) : 145

17. Total no. of Students Graduated in 2008: 698

Total Technical Hon’s Graduates

Total Hon’s Graduates

Total Post Graduates




Total Technical Post-Graduates




18. Student Support Services:

Welcome Service

Orientation Programme

On-going Support




Fresher reception



: Available Transportation

Language Club

Health & Medical Service

Student Welfare Council




Language Centre









62 National University

International Student Advisers






19. Sports Facilities :













Physical education department is mainly meant for games and sports and keeping physical fitness for the students of this University. This department arrange interdiscipline cricket, football, Volleyball, Kabadi, Tournament and annual althletic meet within our limited budget and limited time for the students. Inspite of this we also arranged friendly games among the students, teachers, officers and staff.

Moreover we took part in inter-University and national tournament like football, cricket, Volleyball, basketball, swimming, tennis, badminton, tabletennis, chess and athletics etc. 12 students of this University have been awarded sports scholarship for their brilliant performance in the games and sports every year. We give them facilities of games and sports under going a tough academic program.

We also awarded certificate and crest/medal to the successful sportsmen.

20. Fellowship and Scholarship Offered by the University: i) Scholarship offered for Master's students by Secondary and Higher Education

Directorate (Merit & general) ii) Education Board scholarship (Merit & general) iii) Bangladesh University Grants Commission scholarship (Merit)

University (own) : Merit, General, Special (Sports & Culture) and Tribal.

Medals : Arnaz Rifat Memorial Gold Medal Deldar Ahmed Gold Medal

Trust fund

21. Budget Estimates

: Noor-Un-Nesa Trust

Recurring Expenses : Tk. 1932 Lakh

Development Expenses: Tk. 475 Lakh

22. Other Information:

Year: 2007-2008

Year: 2008-2009

The university has linkage programme with-

Ferdausy University, Masad, Iran

Edexell International, UK

Luven University, Belgium

Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 63


1. Type of the University

Year of Establishment

Postal Address









: National University

Gazipur - 1704, Bangladesh







2. Background of the Establishment of the University:

National University was established in 1992 by an Act of Parliament with features distinct from those of the traditional Universities. It grew out of the exigencies of time when most of the traditional universities of the country were encumbered with unwiedly roll strength, palgued by students unrest, and hard pressed to see to their obligation towards the affiliated colleges, which bore the bulk of tertiary education in the country. The objectives of the University is not only to ease the situation but also to improve the standard of education by upgrading the curricula and syllabi and ensuring academic discipline in all shperes.

3. Act : National University Act 1992 (Act no 37 of 1992)-vide Bangladesh Gazettee dated October, 21, 1992.

4. Authorities of the University:

The Senate, The Syndicate, The Academic Council, The School of Under-

Graduate Studies, The Center for Post-Graduate Studies, Training and Research,

The Center for Curriculum Development and Evaluation, The Planning &

Development Committee, The Finance Committee, The Selection Boards, Such other authorities as may be declared by the Statutes to be Authorities of The


5. Principal Officers :


Vice Chancellor

Pro-Vice Chancellor




Inspector of Colleges


Hon’ble Prime Minister

People’s Republic of Bangladesh







Prof. Dr. Kazi Shahidullah

Prof. Tofail Ahmed Chowdhury

Prof. Quazi Farruque Ahmed

Md. Shahidur Rahman (In-charge)

Dr. Haroon-Or-Rashid (In-charge)

Abdur Rashid

64 National University

Courses & Curriculum

Information, Guidance & Counseling

Finance & Accounts

Planning & Development

Computer Unit

Physical Education

Human Resource Division

Controller of the Examinations

Chief Engineer

Chief Medical Officer

Public Relations Officer


6. Name of the Faculties:

Center for Post Graduate Studies, Training & Research

School of Undergraduate Studies

Center for Curriculum Development and Evaluation

: Dr. Md. Anwar Hussain

: Md. Nurul Amin (In-charge)

: Muhammad Ibrahim

: Anupam Md. Zahid Sharfee

: Md. Muminul Islam

: Md. Ruhul Amin (In-charge)

: Shamsher-Uz-Zaman

: Badruzzaman (In-charge)

: Md. Nazrul Islam

: Dr. Mohammad Nurul Alam

(Asst. Chief Medical Officer)

: Md. Faizul Karim

: Mesbah Uddin

7. Academic Departments:

Undergraduate disciplines & their names:

Languages, Arts, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Business

Studies, Education, Law, Computer Science & Technology.

Post-graduate program & their names:

MA. MSS, M. Com, M.Sc, B.Ed, M.Ed, BP Ed. LLB, MDS etc..

8. Institutes and their Names: i) Total Degree College a) Honors College b) Master Degree (1st part) College ii) Law College iii) Teachers Training College iv) BP Ed College v) Special Education Training College

: 1415

: 191

: 91

: 70

: 112

: 29

: 03 vi) Computer Science & BBA (Hons.) College : 38 vii) Staff College & Academy of the Armed

Forces viii) Art College ix) Music College


: 08




Handbook Universities of Bangladesh 2009 65

9. x) Home Economics College xi) Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management xii) Library Science College (Diploma) xiii) BKSP xiv) Press Institute & Institution for Diploma

Course of Journalism xv) Garments & Manufacturing College









: 03

: 01

Programme Offered (Under-graduate and graduate) : i) BA (pass), BSS (pass), BBS (pass) and B Sc (pass) : 3 years full time degree after HSC. ii) BA (Hons), BSS (Hons), BBS (Hons) and B Sc (Hons) : 4 years full time degree after HSC. iii) MA : 1 year full time course after 4 years BA (Hons) or 2 years full time course after 3 Years BA (pass). iv) M Sc : 1 year full time course after 4 years B Sc(Hons), or 2 years full time course after 3 years B Sc (pass). v) MBS : 1 year full time course after 4 years BA (Hons) or 2 years full time course after 3 years BA (pass) vi) B.Ed.: 1 year full time course after graduation vii) BP.Ed.: 1 year full time course after graduation viii) LLB : 1 year full time course after first degree ix) M.Phil : 2 years course x) PhD : 3 years course after M. Phil or 5 years course after Master degree xi) Such other courses imparted by the Universities.

10. Residential Facilities for the Students : None

11. Major Research Activities: None

12. Library Facilities:

Total No. of Books

Total No. of Journals

Internet Facilities







13. System of Student Enrolment (Annual/Semester/Trisemester) : Annual

14. Annual Total Intake and Total Number of Students :

Annual Total Intake :

Total Number of Students :

Male :

Female :





66 National University

15. Number of Teaching Staff : 58835

Full-time and Part-time Teacher (Male-Female)










16. Number of Non-teaching Staff :

Total : 1674


Class (III & IV)





17. Total Number of Students Graduated in 2008 :

Total Graduates(Pass)

Total Hon’s Graduates

Total Post Graduates











18. Students Support Services :

Welcome Service : Information guidance and counseling unit is established to provide.

: Services to the students, colleges and Orientation Programme guardians.



: Available

: Sonali Bank Functioning at the campus.

Canteen : Launched and functioning

19. Sports Facilities : The University takes part in Inter-University Sports

Competition every year.

20. Fellowship and Scholarship Offered by the University:

University (own) : Fellowship for M. Phil & PhD

: Noor-Un-Nesa Trust, Dr. Nasim Uddin. Trust fund(s)


Budget Estimates

Recurring Expenses

Development Expenses



Tk. 5750.92 lakh Year: 2008-2009

Tk 647.50 Lakh Year: 2008-2009

22. Other Information:

International Links:


Member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities,
