CITY OF KANKAKEE CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 1, 2013 7:01 P.M. MAYOR EPSTEIN: At this time, I’d like to call the meeting to order for the Council this evening. And, today is the third anniversary of the death of Firefighter Fouts and unfortunately, ah, these are very difficult times for the City because when we lose one of our own, it’s very tragic. I would ask that all of you, when we do the prayer this evening, please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. I would like to ask Reverend Ed Kannapel from the Gift of God Street Church to come forward and lead us in prayer this evening. REVEREND KANNAPEL: Heavenly Father, we come in the name of Jesus. We thank You for Your holy spirit. Thank You for all Your blessings. And, we ask, Lord, that you remember the responsibility the City Council of Kankakee has, the burden of this responsibility and we pray your will be done. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Thank you. At this time, I would like to ask the children from the Kankakee YWCA to come forward and lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. CLERK DUMAS: All the way up front. All the way up here. Thank you. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay, whenever you’re ready. GABRIELLE DEE, ARTEMUS ERVIN, JASMINE MARTINEZ, JAYLENE MARTINEZ, ARIANA MATTHIAS, JAHEIM MCALISTER, JAHNI MCALISTER, JOSELYN MEDINA, ENIYAH MILLER, ARATH SERRANO, AND YANDEL SERRANO FROM THE KANKAKEE YWCA AND ALL: Pledge of Allegiance ALDERMAN DAVIDSON: Mayor. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Yes, Alderman Davidson. ALDERMAN DAVIDSON: I’d like to ask before we move forward if we could have a moment of silence for the firefighters that lost their lives in Arizona? MAYOR EPSTEIN: Thank you, Alderman, I think that’s very appropriate this evening. Ah, a moment of silence, please. Pause Thank you. At this time we move into the Public Comment portion of the evening. I would ask that you direct your comments to the Mayor. Limit them to five minutes. No personal attacks against anyone who is present or absent. If we are discussing something City of Kankakee Page 1 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 under legal review it will not be permitted. The first person to sign in Ezel Lee. ALDERMAN BARON: I believe he left. He was discussing a dog issue. And, I think he left. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay, thank you. Ah, Robert Ellington Snipes. ROBERT ELLINGTON SNIPES: City of Kankakee Page 2 Madam Mayor, to the distinguished gentlemen and ladies of the Council. Ah, first of all, allow me to say that, ah, ah, I have two issues that I’d like to deal with. One, ah, I brought up before and that was naming a building after Steve, but I learned from my Alderman that, ah, criterias are now being set up. I think I mentioned the Administration Center, ah, Building and then, ah, then I looked at the library, however, because it doesn’t have, so I thought either of those two would be fitting, but since you have gotten that ball rolling, that’s great. Second one is, ah, ah, again I will take my hat off, ah, to our Police Department. Ah, a lot of times they........I’m out in the community and a lot of times kids are doing what sometimes they do and then sometimes they get outta’ hand. And, then, they get into fights and some of ‘em I break up. Other times, we have to call the police. But, when I have called them, they have responded. And, they respond well. And, we’re able to, ah, kinda’ curtail a lot of things that would happen in the community or whatever. Would that others be watchdogs or whatever, but since I live on that side or if I’m in the park or wherever we had that little fight out there, you know, we came in. The most I got out of it was somebody threw an egg on up on my car. But, that was easily washed off. We knew who it was and, but, again, ah, we haven’t had that incident so that’s all it took then so be it, but the, ah, work, you know I’m a commissioner in the City of Kankakee and that’s my area, but I look at other areas as well. But, to be able to call upon the Police Department whether, ah, definitely the City, for the most part. When I do the County, when I’m out in Pembroke, they respond, but the City has responded beautifully and I always tell people, you know, it’s a poor duck that don’t appraise his own pond. You know I will be here in a heartbeat if I think something is off. But, I also think due diligence dictate that when they do something right that I need to be here to also encourage them as well. So, I want to, again, send that accolade to you, Mayor, to disseminate to them from the head all the way down. Thank you. City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 MAYOR EPSTEIN: Thank you. Judy and Gerry Kilbride. JUDY KILBRIDE: Good evening, Mayor. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Good evening. JUDY KILBRIDE: Council gentlemen and ladies. Ah, we’re so pleased again with the opportunity to say publicly, thank you to the City of Kankakee, to the parks department and certainly to all the community that came together to support our Run for Autism. You’ll see in my hand, the poster that we had out this year and this is our family. Four grandchildren, one of whom has autism and has been with that diagnosis nearly 16 years. So, we’ve walked that road. We hope that and we know that with the wonderful financial support that we gained from our event, that we will be able to continue the mission that we have and that’s to seek out and give information and help to those families. You’ve heard these statistics before, but the one in 88 children in the United States that are being diagnosed with autism can’t wait. So we need to continue our mission and we thank you for your help in doing that. MAYOR EPSTEIN: You’re welcome. Thank you. GERRY KILBRIDE: Also, your honor....... MAYOR EPSTEIN: She let you talk tonight, Gerry. GERRY KILBRIDE: Pardon me? MAYOR EPSTEIN: She’s letting you talk tonight. GERRY KILBRIDE: Very unusual. But I would like to thank the, ah, Department of Public Works, especially the Assistant Public Works Superintendent. I think his name is Mr. Bert Dear. Ah, and I believe that most of what he learned discipline-wise and in terms of his ability to move on came when he was a member of the Benoit Colt League. So, I want him to be aware of that and please pass that onto him, if you will. MAYOR EPSTEIN: We will. Thank you. JUDY KILBRIDE: Thank you again. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Thank you. Reverend Dave Robinson. REVEREND ROBINSON: City of Kankakee Page 3 Good evening to Mayor. City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 MAYOR EPSTEIN: Good evening. REVEREND ROBINSON: Council members, City officials. I want to get this up so I don’t have to bend down. Ah, I want to preface my comment by saying that I’ve lived in Kankakee for 12 years and I don’t intend moving anywhere. I think it’s a great City. Some folks think I’m crazy. I can afford to live here. I will not buy a house on the river which would not allow me to live here because I would not be able to pay the taxes. That’s meant to be funny. So, one of the things I’ve pushed at the school district is for uniforms to be part of our policy at the high school and at different school levels so that it cannot address distractions in the classroom and in the hallways. So, that’s my pet peeve as it relates to the school district. The thing that I’m looking at right now as I prayed last week and I’m praying for favor on this City. That somehow God will bless us where we least expect. And, the two areas I have concern about and I’d like more information on. One is the south suburban airport. I’m not quite sure how much information this Council has. I was at a meeting recently and, I’m not being critical here, I’m just saying I was looking around for representatives from the Kankakee Council and I’m not sure if anyone was there. It was a very important meeting. A lot of senators were there, state representatives were there and a lot of movement has been taking place. And, I know if that comes, it’s going to help our City. So, I’m asking the Mayor and other officials for a little more information on that. And, then the other thing that’s happening is, ah, Exit 312. Ah, where it’s at as it relates to progress. I know that surveyors have been on the ground. IDOT is moving ahead. IDOT made the presentation at Governors State on---what day it was–Wednesday. IDOT officials were there and they were talking about the progress they are making with the south suburban airport. So, I’d like to know how it’s going to impact us, what are we doing to get a piece of the pie when Extension 312 begins? How are we going to be employed as members of the community in this particular area? So, those two things are my concern and I trust that we can get some information flowing to the public as it relates to these activities that are going to benefit this City that I love called Kankakee. Thank you. Appreciate it. MAYOR EPSTEIN: James Stokes. JAMES STOKES: City of Kankakee Page 4 Yes, ma’am. Good evening Mayor. City Council, madam Mayor. Just a couple things. Ah, Alderman Davidson, thank you for acknowledging the 19 firefighters that passed away, or died, in Arizona. Thank you for that. That was one of the reasons that I wanted to sign in to make sure wanted that City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 everyone acknowledged that. It’s not a easy job, but a job is a job and whatever job you may have, do it to the best of your ability. Also, Mayor, thank you for acknowledging the Fouts.........the Frank Fouts family. You know he died as a firefighter two years ago. We went out to his gravesite and paid our respects collectively as a bunch of other firefighters from not only in town, but outside our community this Sunday. I want to personally thank the Police Department, I know the Chief is not here. But, ah, Sgt. Adamson, right? Is that right, or Lieutenant? COMMANDER ADAMSON: JAMES STOKES: Commander. Commander Adamson, just want to thank you for all that you always have done. Professionalism and all of that. Just want to thank you. And, the Chief reflects the same thing. I thank you. We did have a murder in our community, in our ward. And, the way you guys handled it, got on it time and time again, you workin’ with what you got. We understand that and we want to say thank you. Thank you for that. Ah, Public Safety is definitely a essential and I think we got one of the finest Public Safety Departments in the whole wide world. And, I want to say thank you. The fireworks are comin’ up. I don’t know how much prevention programs we have displayed through our departments to try to get that preventative type word out in terms of fire crackers and this type of thing and so we want to just gratefully say we need to focus more on some preventive measurements prior before the 4th of July. And, happy 4th of July everybody in the house. Probably won’t see you ‘til next City Council meeting and then we want to go right into the Music Fest. Most like we will see you there. We’re gonna’ try to make every effort to be there. It’s a lot going on in July. But, just to take a spin off that Music Fest. I said it once, I said it twice and I come up again to say again, the Music Fest is a wonderful thing. It’s a wonderful thing. We should do it and I’m glad that we are doin’ it. Yes, I was out there the first year. I look forward to the next year and then the following year to come. But, I also believe that when we have kids and parents and the parents are drinking around young kids, it’s not a good thing. I think it should be done in the privacy of our own homes or these establishments. If these establishments is havin’ problems inside their bar or just outside their bar, this sets up the same type atmosphere. Everyone cannot handle their alcohol. So, I just want to briefly say that I am all for the Music Fest. I said it time and time again, but I want to make sure that you all understand I am not for the alcohol. And, Mayor, City Council men I really thank you for allowing me to speak. Thank you so much. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Thank you. Roll call. 7:16 P.M. City of Kankakee Page 5 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 CLERK DUMAS: PRESENT: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson; Cox (14) MAYOR EPSTEIN: Department Heads. CLERK DUMAS: PRESENT: Adamson; Young; Spice; Power; Simms; Tyson; Cross; Gordon; Bertrand; Schmitz (10) ABSENT: Bohlen; Banasiak; Yohnka (3) MAYOR EPSTEIN: Thank you. I will entertain a motion to approve the minutes of the June 17, 2013, meeting. ALDERMAN OSENGA: Mayor, I make a motion we approve the minutes of June 17, meeting but I do have........I did find one mistake here on page 16. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Do you have a correction? ALDERMAN OSENGA: Nothing major. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay. ALDERMAN OSENGA: It says, Attorney Bohlen made a motion. I think it should be Alderman Baron. I know they look alike. And, you know, they’re both lawyers, so I could see how that could easily happen. MAYOR EPSTEIN: So we have one correction. Baron should be the speaker instead of Bohlen. ALDERMAN OSENGA: Right. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay, do I have a second? ALDERMAN LINNEMAN: I’ll second it. But, there’s another thing, too. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay, Alderman. ALDERMAN LINNEMAN: It says.........on page 11, that you gave the Budget report. I think Alderman Baron gave the Budget Report. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Alderman Baron, again. ALDERMAN LINNEMAN: Luck and notoriety. City of Kankakee Page 6 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 MAYOR EPSTEIN: So we have a motion and a second. We have two corrections. Nancy did you get both corrections? NANCY SMITHBERG: Well, I want to make sure. Where it says, Mayor Epstein, ah, Budget Alderman Baron. And, then it should say Alderman Baron there? MAYOR EPSTEIN: Yeah. NANCY SMITHBERG: After that. Okay. They look alike, too. MAYOR EPSTEIN: All those in favor of approving the minutes with those two corrections, aye. Opposed, nay. MOTION TO APPROVE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 2013 MAYOR EPSTEIN: The minutes are approved as corrected. There are no Petitions. Moving onto Communications, I’m going to combine A through E. There is one correction on A, the time should be 5:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M., not 11:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. So we have a correction of time and I would like a motion to approve items A through E. ALDERMAN TETTER: Mayor, I make a motion to approve Communications items A through E. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Tetter. Is there a second? ALDERMAN OSENGA: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Second by Alderman Osenga. Ah, are there any questions? ALDERMAN BARON: Mayor, could I........ MAYOR EPSTEIN: Alderman Baron. ALDERMAN BARON: I have a comment on Communication in paragraph C. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Yes. ALDERMAN BARON: City of Kankakee Page 7 It’s a request for a noise permit and a street blockage in an area on Meadowview Avenue on July 4, from noon ‘til 10:00 P.M. for the purpose of children playing. And, Alderman Curtis and I have talked about that. We’re going to ask that that not be approved to the extent of the closure of the street. But, we’re going to ask that it be approved as to the noise permit. City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay, Alderman, I think what I’d like to do then is, ah, with your permission, I’d like to vote on that item separately. ALDERMAN BARON: That’d be great. MAYOR EPSTEIN: And, so, we will be, if it’s all right with motion and the seconder that we would do items A, B, D and E. Alderman Tetter, does that meet with your approval? ALDERMAN TETTER: Yes, it does. ALDERMAN OSENGA: Yes. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay, so Alderman Baron, if you’ll just hold a moment and we will do items A, B, D and E. All those in favor, aye. Opposed, same sign. CIVIL RIGHTS AGENDA IS REQUESTING PERMISSION TO HOST A “RALLY FOR EQUALITY” ON FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2013, FROM 5:00 P.M. UNTIL 7:00 P.M., BEGINNING ON MERCHANT STREET, GOING FROM SCHUYLER AVENUE TO INDIANA AVENUE, PROCEEDING NORTH ON INDIANA AVENUE TO COURT STREET, AND ENDING IN FRONT OF THE COURTHOUSE AT 450 EAST COURT STREET RIVERVIEW HISTORIC DISTRICT IS REQUESTING STREET BLOCKAGE OF THE 900 BLOCK OF SOUTH GREENWOOD AVENUE TO PARK PLACE; PARK PLACE TO THE 900 BLOCK OF SOUTH COBB BOULEVARD; SOUTH COBB BOULEVARD TO EMORY STREET; AND EMORY STREET BACK TO SOUTH GREENWOOD AVENUE ON THURSDAY, JULY 4, 2013, FROM 9:00 A.M. UNTIL 1:00 P.M. TO HOST A KIDS BIKE RIDE KANKAKEE PUBLIC LIBRARY IS REQUESTING STREET BLOCKAGE OF MERCHANT STREET FROM SCHUYLER AVENUE TO DEARBORN AVENUE ON SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2013, FROM 6:00 A.M. UNTIL 12:30 P.M. FOR THE LIBRARY’S FAMILY FUN DAY TYJUAN HAGLER FOUNDATION IS REQUESTING PERMISSION TO HOST A TAG DAY ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2013, WITH A RAIN DATE OF FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2013 MAYOR EPSTEIN: Those items are approved. Alderman Baron, now would you like to address your issue on item C? City of Kankakee Page 8 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 ALDERMAN BARON: Mayor, I would move that we approve the noise permit for the 4th of July for the affected area but, deny the closure of the street. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Ah, we have a motion by Alderman Baron. Do I have a second? ALDERMAN CURTIS: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Baron, seconded by Alderman Curtis that the request for Communication item C that we approve the noise permit, but we do not approve the street closure. Are there any questions? ALDERMAN BROWN: I just have one. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Alderman Brown. ALDERMAN BROWN: Have anyone made contact with Mr. Criswell? Have they talked with him personally about this matter? ALDERMAN BARON: No, he didn’t approach either one of us. Alderman Curtis did, in fact, inspect the property, the area today, and found that, as you can see by the application, there’s four properties listed and three people have signed–they’re requiring everybody to sign now. And, frankly, the reason is for to allow children to play and if we start, I don’t know, I mean I don’t think we should close streets for kids to play. ALDERMAN BROWN: I’m not questioning the reason, I’m just askin’, did you make contact with him? ALDERMAN BARON: No. ALDERMAN STOKES: I got..... MAYOR EPSTEIN: Alderman Stokes. ALDERMAN STOKES: Just to piggy back off, when we speak about the 1800 block of Meadowview Avenue, I think it’s very essential not to close that street down for safety purposes. If know, that happens to be basically a street on its own just to throw my little.....I.... I agree. And, thank you, Alderman, for that. Thank you. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Any other discussion? We have a motion and a second to approve the permit with the noise, but deny the street closure. CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; City of Kankakee Page 9 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson; Cox (14) ALFRED CRISWELL IS REQUESTING A NOISE PERMIT AND STREET BLOCKAGE FROM THE CORNER OF MEADOWVIEW AVENUE TO 1895 MEADOWVIEW AVENUE ON THURSDAY, JULY 4, 2013, FROM 12:00 NOON UNTIL 10:00 P.M. FOR A FOURTH OF JULY EVENT MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. Thank you. Moving onto Standing Committees. Building and Code. Alderman Tall. ALDERMAN TALL: Yes. The minutes are self-explanatory. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay. Thank you. ALDERMAN BROWN: Mayor. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Alderman Brown. ALDERMAN BROWN: Ah, under Committee Reports, there will not be a License and Franchise Committee meeting this month because of the.......the Thursday falls on 4th of July. But, I am requestin’ that the committee members meet, or come to the Code meeting scheduled for, ah, July 18, because we gonna’ be discussing the business license in that committee and it’s.......we would like to try to get as many License and Franchise Committee members there so we can have a discussion so when we do have a meeting next time, we can hopefully bring that to the chambers real fast. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Thank you, Alderman. July 18, Code meeting. Alderman Brown is requesting License and Franchise Committee members to attend that Code meeting. ALDERMAN BROWN: Right. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay. Thank you. Approval of the bills. Do I have a motion to pay the bills? ALDERMAN FAFORD: Your honor, I move we approve the Report of Officers, place the money in the proper accounts and pay the bills in the amount of $1,256,076.19. ALDERMAN TALL: Second the motion. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Faford, seconded by Alderman Tall. Are there any questions? City of Kankakee Page 10 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 ALDERMAN STOKES: I have a question on one. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Alderman Stokes. ALDERMAN STOKES: Can we........the number would be 65340. I’d like to see that invoice if possible. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay. ALDERMAN STOKES: And, then, ah, that should do it Mayor. And, I thank you. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay. We have a motion and a second. Any other questions? Roll call. CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Davidson (12) ABSTAIN: Stokes (From the bills.) (1) PRESENT: Cox (1) MOTION TO APPROVE REPORT OF OFFICERS APPROVAL OF BILLS - $1,256,076.19 MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. Moving onto Unfinished Business, we completed tonight the, ah, Budget Hearing and we did a first reading on the proposed budget for fiscal year 2014 and now tonight we need to pass it on second reading. Do I have a motion to place this on second reading? ALDERMAN BARON: So moved. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Do I have a second? ALDERMAN TETTER: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Second by Alderman Tetter to place the Ordinance adopting the budget on second reading. Are there any questions? Roll call CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Davidson (12) NAY: Cox (1) ABSTAIN: Stokes (From the bills.) (1) SECOND READING ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR City of Kankakee Page 11 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 BEGINNING MAY 1, 2013, AND ENDING APRIL 30, 2014 MAYOR EPSTEIN: The motion carries. Moving onto New Business, I’d like to.........we have Handicapped Parking Ordinances. I would like to combine A, B, C, D and E. Do I have a motion to Suspend the Rules? ALDERMAN SWANSON: I so move. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Swanson. Do I have a second? ALDERMAN DAVIDSON: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Second by Alderman Davidson to Suspend the Rules that would interfere with the passage of these Ordinances. Roll call. CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson; Cox (14) MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. Motion to place these Ordinances on Final Passage. ALDERMAN SWANSON: I so move. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Swanson. ALDERMAN DAVIDSON: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Second by Alderman Davidson. Are there any questions? Roll call. CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson; Cox (14) ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 32, SECTION 231 ESTABLISHING HANDICAPPED PARKING AT 1430 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 32, SECTION 231 ESTABLISHING HANDICAPPED PARKING AT 685 NORTH DEARBORN AVENUE ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 32, SECTION 231 ESTABLISHING HANDICAPPED PARKING AT 671 NORTH INDIANA AVENUE ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 32, SECTION 231 ESTABLISHING HANDICAPPED PARKING AT 683 NORTH INDIANA AVENUE City of Kankakee Page 12 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 32, SECTION 231 ESTABLISHING HANDICAPPED PARKING AT 1130 WEST MERCHANT STREET - TWO (2) SPACES MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. The next item on the agenda is an Ordinance amending the City Code of Kankakee by liquor.......eliminating the Liquor License #12 at 2222-28 E. Maple Street. This facility was the Greater Kankakee Elks Lodge. As many of you know, our liquor licenses are site specific. This location has not had a liquor license since 2008 and we feel it is prudent to retract that liquor license. I remind all of you that even though we retract liquor licenses, and there are three of them on the agenda this evening, it does not preclude the City from granting a liquor license for a new establishment that may want to come into town. So, I need a motion to Suspend the Rules that would interfere with the passage of this Ordinance. ALDERMAN BROWN: I.....I would make that motion half-heartedly. I would like to Suspend the Rules that would interfere with the passage of that Ordinance. Half-heartedly. ALDERMAN COX: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Half-heartedly. And, who........we had a second. Alderman Cox, whole heartedly maybe, will second the motion. Roll call. CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson; Cox (14) MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. Motion to place the Ordinance on Final Passage and Pass. ALDERMAN BROWN: Motion to place the Ordinance on Final Passage and Pass, half-heartedly. ALDERMAN COX: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Brown, seconded by Alderman Cox. Questions? Roll call. CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson; Cox (14) ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4-13 OF THE CITY CODE OF THE City of Kankakee Page 13 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 CITY OF KANKAKEE BY ELIMINATING LIQUOR LICENSE NUMBER 12 AT THE LOCATION OF 2222-28 EAST MAPLE STREET, KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. Thank you. The next item is the exact same situation for the liquor license at 698 N. Schuyler. There has not been a license at that location since 2008. Do I have a motion to Suspend the Rules? ALDERMAN DAVIDSON: So moved. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Davidson. Do I have a second? ALDERMAN TETTER: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Tetter. Roll call. CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson; Cox (14) MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. A motion to place the Ordinance on Final Passage. ALDERMAN DAVIDSON: So moved. ALDERMAN TETTER: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Davidson, seconded by Alderman Tetter. Any questions? ALDERMAN BROWN: Is this The Landing? MAYOR EPSTEIN: No. This is Poor Folks Country Club. ALDERMAN BROWN: What? MAYOR EPSTEIN: Poor Folks Country Club on North Schuyler. ALDERMAN BROWN: Okay. Gotcha. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Any other questions? Roll call CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; City of Kankakee Page 14 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson; Cox (14) ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4-13 OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF KANKAKEE BY ELIMINATING LIQUOR LICENSE NUMBER 48 AT THE LOCATION OF 698 NORTH SCHUYLER AVENUE, KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. The next liquor license is at 575 S. Schuyler, The Landing Bar and Grill. Do I have a motion to Suspend the Rules? ALDERMAN THOMPSON: ALDERMAN STOKES: So moved. Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Thompson, seconded by Alderman Stokes to Suspend the Rules. Roll call. CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson; Cox (14) MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. Motion to place the Ordinance on Final Passage. ALDERMAN THOMPSON: ALDERMAN STOKES: Motion to put it on Final Passage. Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Thompson, seconded by Alderman Stokes. Are there any question? ALDERMAN COX: Mayor, do you know of anybody that’s interested in that place? MAYOR EPSTEIN: No, the building is in foreclosure and I believe McColly Bennett is listing it, the last that I was aware, Alderman. ALDERMAN COX: Thank you. MAYOR EPSTEIN: And, they have not had a license since 2009 when we revoked their license because of major issues at the location. Any other questions? Alderman Stokes. ALDERMAN STOKES: City of Kankakee Page 15 Mayor, from my understanding, it’s only for that location, just like the rest of these we went through? City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 MAYOR EPSTEIN: That’s correct. ALDERMAN STOKES: It’s only for that location. If there is another business that would like to go there, they just reapply? MAYOR EPSTEIN: That’s correct. And, then it comes to the Council to establish and allow another liquor license at that location. ALDERMAN STOKES: Thank you. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay. Roll call. CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson; Cox (14) ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4-13 OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF KANKAKEE BY ELIMINATING LIQUOR LICENSE NUMBER 60 AT THE LOCATION OF 575 SOUTH SCHUYLER AVENUE, KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. The next item on the agenda is an amendment to Chapter 24 of the City’s Chronic Nuisance Ordinance. Ah, Mr. Power has asked that this be placed on first reading because there are several minor amendments that he would like to make to the Ordinance and then we would put it on final reading at the next Council meeting. This is come..........these changes have come about because we are receiving a large number of neighbors and residents in the City complaining about dogs. And, on a lot of issues. Ah, we felt that it would be appropriate to amend the Chronic Nuisance Ordinance to include this as one of the criteria that we could use if we had to to, ah, put a little teeth in this issue as far as dealing with either a rental or, quite frankly, a private residence. We don’t seem to get a lot of cooperation and this may change a few people’s minds and how we handle dogs in the community that are not, ah, as friendly or the people are not following the Ordinances that we have on the books. So, I would ask for first reading only tonight. ALDERMAN SWANSON: I’d like to make that motion. ALDERMAN CURTIS: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Swanson, seconded by Alderman Curtis to place this Ordinance on first reading. Any questions? City of Kankakee Page 16 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 ALDERMAN COX: Mayor. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Alderman Stokes. Alderman Cox, excuse me. ALDERMAN COX: Why don’t you have Mr. Power to expound on the whole thing? MAYOR EPSTEIN: You would like Mr. Power to respond? ALDERMAN COX: All the changes. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Sure, Pat. ATTORNEY POWER: We had a committee meeting and Alderman Cox was there at that meeting and, ah, the purpose was to add in, as the Mayor already explained, several more bases to pursue in the Chronic Nuisance. The reason I asked that this be placed on first reading is because although I included in there one of the causes indistinguishable there’s another section, harboring and possessing a dangerous dog, specifically. Ah, and, I think it’s important that be put in there because really that’s the of the main things we’re looking for here. And, the definition of a dangerous animal under our Ordinance, oddly enough, doesn’t include a dangerous dog. It has a separate definition for a dangerous dog. So, I want to modify that so it does cover the of the major purposes that we’re modifying this Ordinance. And, that’s my oversight. I should have spotted that before, but I didn’t spot it. ALDERMAN COX: Also, an Ordinance for walkin’ in the street. Ah, people walkin’ in the street. ATTORNEY POWER: Yeah, but that’s not part........ MAYOR EPSTEIN: That’s not part of this. ATTORNEY POWER: The Chronic Nuisance......... ALDERMAN COX: But, we also discussed........... ATTORNEY POWER: Oh, yeah, but that was a separate subject. That’s correct. ALDERMAN COX: Have you informed the Police Department to enforce that law? ATTORNEY POWER: City of Kankakee Page 17 I have not talked to them about it. City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 ALDERMAN COX: Have you talked to them Mayor about it? MAYOR EPSTEIN: I have not. I will be happy to do so. ALDERMAN COX: Will you? Thank you. MAYOR EPSTEIN: You’re welcome. We have a motion and a second for first reading. Any other questions? Roll call. CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson; Cox (14) FIRST READING ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 24, SECTION 24-31 OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF KANKAKEE (CHRONIC NUISANCE) MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. We will bring that back to you at the next meeting in July. The last item on the agenda is an Ordinance, ah, amending the City Code that.........for designation of how do we name honorary street names. If you remember, we did have a committee of Alderman Osenga, Alderman Davidson, and Alderman Faford. They have come forth. They met with Counsel Pat Power and have drafted this Ordinance. Ah, Alderman Osenga would you like to just go through the criteria briefly? ALDERMAN OSENGA: Sure. Instead of somebody just coming here and wantin’ to name a street, we wanted to have a reason for naming the street. So, we came up with the criteria here, ah, and it’s kind of self-explanatory. You have some contribution to the community, be it historical, political, cultural, educational, artistic, athletic, economic fabric of the City. You know, we want it to be something important that you’ve done to, you know, for the City. Ah, we want at least 60% of the people on that street, whether it may change a street name with the honorary street, to understand what’s being done and then sign that it’s okay to have this done. Ah, we want to review this every ten years. Once, we name the street, that street designation, we just don’t want to go on forever. Every ten years it would be reviewed by the.......probably the Ordinance Committee to decide if we want to continue this. And, ah, the people must reside within the Kankakee community. You know, we don’t want to name a street after somebody that lives in Arizona. We want somebody here. And, it’s pretty self-explanatory. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay. Are there any questions? Okay. I’m going to ask for a motion to Suspend the Rules. City of Kankakee Page 18 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 ALDERMAN TETTER: So moved. ALDERMAN OSENGA: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Tetter, seconded by Alderman Osenga to Suspend the Rules that would interfere with the passage of the Ordinance. Roll call. CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson (13) NAY: Cox (1) MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. A motion to place the Ordinance on Final Passage. ALDERMAN DAVIDSON: So moved. MAYOR EPSTEIN: So moved by Alderman Davidson. Do I have a second? ALDERMAN TETTER: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Second by Alderman Tetter. Any questions? Alderman Brown. ALDERMAN BROWN: Mayor, I’m not sure by me gettin’ this tonight, I’m not sure whether we need to look at this a little bit more. Ah, I understand it’s self-explanatory. We did this and I agree with most of the things on here, but I didn’t have a chance to just look over it and take it all in. And, I would like to see if we’re going to vote on these, they be in our packets and not get it on the floor, because that way I have a chance to sit down and think about it. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Alderman. We’re on the second round of voting for this Ordinance, but let’s just say as with any Ordinance, amendments can always be made. ALDERMAN BROWN: That’s true. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Especially after we have’s been implemented for a while, there might be some amendments so at this point I would respectfully ask for us to continue the vote. ALDERMAN BROWN: Okay. MAYOR EPSTEIN: And, then, if down the road we feel. ALDERMAN BROWN: City of Kankakee Page 19 I didn’t make a motion that we Table anything. City Council Meeting July 1, 2013 MAYOR EPSTEIN: Okay. ALDERMAN BROWN: I just want to make that. And, you’re right. And, you’re right. MAYOR EPSTEIN: I respect your comments. Thank you. Ah, any other questions? Roll call. CLERK DUMAS: AYE: Tetter; Brown; Curtis; Baron; Thompson; Tall; Faford; Swanson; Osenga; Linneman; Gall; Stokes; Davidson (13) NAY: Cox (1) ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CRITERIA FOR HONORARY STREET NAME DESIGNATION MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion carries. There are no Motions and Resolutions. We will not need an Executive Session. I ask that you........I had promised that from the Aldermanic Retreat, that I would provide you with a recap of that retreat. That was in your books tonight. Ah, we do have a retreat scheduled for the Department Heads next Monday, July 8. I have, in preparation for that retreat, they’ve all received the comments from the Aldermanic Retreat. I asked for them to take a look at those before we meet because obviously it will be up to many of them to, ah, implement some of the things that we would like do in the City. So, again, thank you for coming to the retreat and for your time and your comments. Do I have a motion to adjourn? ALDERMAN SWANSON: So moved. ALDERMAN TALL: Second. MAYOR EPSTEIN: Motion by Alderman Swanson, seconded by Alderman Tall. All those in favor, aye. Opposed, same sign. MOTION TO ADJOURN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAYOR EPSTEIN: We are adjourned. Thank you. 7:40 P.M. City of Kankakee Page 20 City Council Meeting July 1, 2013