Tender No: BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) TENDER NUMBER: BS/2004/SG/010/ TENDER DESCRIPTION: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR VILLAGE BANKS BANKSETA BUSINESS UNIT: SECTOR GRANT PROJECTS DELIVERY ADDRESS: THORNHILL OFFICE PARK BLOCK 15 94 BEKKER STREET MIDRAND CONTACT NUMBER; 011 805 9661 DATE DELIVERY REQUIRED: TO BE DETERMINED TENDER CLOSING DATE: 11OCTOBER 2004 CLOSING TIME: 15: 00 Tender No: BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) TENDER NUMBER: BS/2004/SG/010/ TENDER DESCRIPTION: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR VILLAGE BANKS THE FOLLOWING PARTICULARS MUST BE FURNISHED (FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN YOUR BID BEING DISQUALIFIED) NAME OF BIDDER ………………………………….………………………………………………… POSTAL ADDRESS …………………………………………………….……………………………... STREET ADDRESS …………………………………………………………………………………… TELEPHONE NUMBER CODE……………NUMBER………………………………….……………….. CELL PHONE NUMBER CODE……………NUMBER………………………………….……………….. FACSIMILE NUMBER CODE ………… NUMBER………………………..……………………………. VAT REGISTRATION NUMBER………………………………………………………………………………. HAS A TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE BEEN SUBMITTED (RFP 09)? SIGNATURE OF BIDDER …………………………………………………………………………………….. DATE ………………………………………………………………………………………………… CAPACITY UNDER WHICH THIS BID IS SIGNED ………………………………………………………….…………………………………… TOTAL BID PRICE………………… Tender No: BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 3 The successful bidder will be required to fill in and sign a written Contract Form (VEND 02). Tender No: BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 4 BANKSETA STANDARD TENDER DOCUMENT PACK RFP 01: RFP 02: RFP 03: RFP 04: RFP 04.1: RFP 05: RFP 06: RFP 07: RFP 08: Bid Cover Page Evaluation Criteria Instructions to Bidders Bid Commitment and Declaration of Interest Compulsory Tender Meeting - Declaration of Attendance (only when a compulsory site inspection is applicable) Specification/ Terms of Reference and Special Conditions RFP Price Schedule Vendor Information Tax Clearance – Application Form Primary preferences claim forms: PREF 01: Purchases - Ownership and Management of 0rganisations by HDIs. (90/10) Secondary preferences claim forms: PREF 02: The Promotion of Small Businesses Contract forms: VEND 01: VEND 02: BANKSETA General Conditions of Contract BANKSETA Pro Forma Contract Form ALL TENDERS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON THE OFFICIAL BANKSETA RFP FORMS – (NOT TO BE RE-TYPED) Tender no: RFP 03 BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page5 EVALUATION CRITERIA (90:10) CRITERION MAXIMUM POINTS TO BE AWARDED 1. Functionality (Complete the max points and evaluation criteria as appropriate) Refer to Terms of Reference (RFP 05) Experience of prospective contractor Technical approach Capability of staff to be used Sub total (maximum) 2. Price (Complete the max points as appropriate) Complete Price Schedule (RFP06) Relative competitiveness of proposed price* Sub total (maximum) 3. Preference Preference Rule) 1 & 2 not more than 90 points (90/10 Complete PREF 01 and PREF 02 Equity ownership by HDI: Race (Equity, Management & 6 Women 1 Disability 1 Promotion of Small Businesses 2 Control) Sub total (maximum) GRAND TOTAL 10 100 * Marks in this section are awarded according to the following formula: Pt = Rmin Rt Where Pt Rt Rmin = = = Points scored for price of tender under consideration Rand value of tender under consideration Rand value of lowest acceptable tender X maximum point available Tender no: RFP 03 BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page6 EVALUATION CRITERIA (80:20) CRITERION MAXIMUM POINTS TO BE AWARDED 1. Functionality (Complete the max points and evaluation criteria as appropriate) Refer to Terms of Reference (RFP 05) Experience of prospective contractor Technical approach Capability of staff to be used Sub total (maximum) 2. Price (Complete the max points as appropriate) Complete Price Schedule (RFP06) Relative competitiveness of proposed price* Sub total (maximum) 3. Preference Preference Rule) points 1 & 2 not more than 80 ( 80 / 20 Complete PREF 01 and PREF 02 Equity ownership by HDI: Race (Equity, Management & 12 Women 2 Disability 2 Promotion of Small Businesses 4 Control) Sub total (maximum) GRAND TOTAL 20 100 * Marks in this section are awarded according to the following formula: Pt = Rmin Rt Where Pt Rt Rmin = = = Points scored for price of tender under consideration Rand value of tender under consideration Rand value of lowest acceptable tender X maximum point available Tender no: RFP 03 1 BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page7 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. SUBMITTING PROPOSALS 1.1 The closing date and time for submissions is strictly 11 OCTOBER 2004 1.2 Submissions can be delivered between 08:30 and 16:30, Mondays to Fridays prior to the closing date, and between 08:30 and 15:00 on 11 OCTOBER 2004. 1.3 No late submissions will be considered. 1.4 Submissions (an original plus 1 hard copy and 1 electronic copy) should be delivered in the tender box to: Attention: Ms W Mtimkulu BANKSETA Block 15, Thornhill Office Park 94 Bekker Road Midrand 1.5 Submissions should be in a sealed envelope marked with Tender no: BS/2004/SG/010/ The name of the prospective contractor 1.6 The contact person at BANKSETA is Daphne Hamilton, who can be contacted at 011 – 805 9661 or by e-mail at DaphneH@bankseta.org.za. 2. QUERIES Any clarification required by a prospective contractor regarding the meaning or interpretation of the Terms of Reference, or any other aspect concerning the tender, may be requested in writing (letter, facsimile or e-mail) till 15:00 on 6 OCTOBER 2004. The tender number should be mentioned in all correspondence. Requests by telephone will not be accepted. If appropriate, the clarifying information will be made available to all prospective bidders, whose contact details are available, by 7 OCTOBER 2004. Any clarification regarding the answers provided to questions shall be lodged by no later than 16:00 on 8 OCTOBER 2004. No new requests for clarification will be entertained thereafter. Tender no: RFP 03 3. BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page8 FORMAT OF PROPOSALS Prospective contractors are to set out their proposal in the following format: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: Part 7: Part 8: Part 9: Part 10: 3.1 Cover Page & Cover Letter (RFP 01.1) Bid Commitment & Declaration of Interest (RFP 04); Compulsory Site Inspection - Declaration of Attendance (RFP 04.1) (only part of the RFP Pack, when a compulsory tender meeting is applicable) Vendor Information (RFP 07) SARS Tax Clearance Certificate (RFP 08) HDI Preference Forms (PREF 01 ) Promotion of Small Businesses (PREF 02) Compliance to Terms of Reference/Specification Cover for Standard Goods & Services (RFP 05) Experience in this Field - Consulting and Other Professional Services Technical Approach - Consulting and Other Professional Services Staff Details - Consulting and Other Professional Services Price Schedule (RFP 06) Part 1: Cover Page & Covering Letters The proposal must be accompanied by a letter signed by a person of suitable authority to commit the prospective contractor. This letter should contain the following paragraph: “We have examined the information provided in your tender documents and offer to undertake the work described in accordance with the requirements as set out in the tender document. The prices quoted in this tender are valid for sixty (60) days and we confirm that this tender will remain binding upon us and may be accepted by you at any time before this expiry date.” 3.2 Part 2: Bid Commitment & Declaration of Interest This form must be studied and completed carefully, as it contains several important conditions: Part A focuses on Bid Commitment; while Part B contains the Declaration of Interest required from every bidder This form must be signed in INK by the bidder. Failure to sign this form may invalidate the bid / tender / proposal. By signing Part A of the Bid Commitment form the bidder confirms that he / she is familiar with the following: Tender no: RFP 03 BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page9 Content of the BANKSETA General Conditions Of Tender, Contract And Orders (form VEND 01) and fully acquainted with all the terms and conditions contained therein; and Acquainted with the various undertakings that form the basis of a valid offer which, if accepted by the BANKSETA, will result in a binding contract. The bidder must also indicate a domicilium citandi et executandi, being the actual premises (street address) where the business is located. In the event of any legal action, the summons will be served at this address. Part B of the Bid Commitment form is used to indicate interest arising from having connections with persons employed by the BANKSETA. In order to ensure that all bidders receive fair and equal treatment, it is necessary that Part B be completed in full. All tenders / proposals received must be evaluated and adjudicated objectively without favouritism, prejudice and detrimental effect towards any person. 3.3 Part 3: Vendor Information Bidders are urged to complete this document accurately, as the information in this from will serve the following purposes: Background information in the evaluation and adjudication process; Enabling the BANKSETA to compile a database of vendors / suppliers; Supporting the BANKSETA in the implementation of a system of preferences as required by the PPPF-Act. Failure to complete the form in full may result in the bidder not being considered for any BANKSETA order or contract. This document also requests pertinent information regarding the bidder’s enterprise. It is therefore, incumbent on all bidders to complete this form. 3.4 Part 4: SARS Tax Clearance Certificate The taxes of the successful bidder must be in order, or satisfactory arrangements must have been made with the Receiver of Revenue to meet his / her tax obligations. The attached form “Application for Tax Clearance Certificate (in respect of bidders)” must be completed in all respects and submitted to the Receiver of Revenue where the bidder is registered for tax purposes. The Receiver of Revenue will then furnish the bidder with a Tax Clearance Certificate that will be valid for a period of six (6) months from date of issue. This Tax Clearance Certificate must be submitted in the original together with the bid. Failure to submit the original and valid Tax Clearance Certificate may invalidate the bid. Tender no: RFP 03 3.5 BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page10 Part 5: HDI preference forms The BANKSETA is committed to Black Economic Empowerment and all advertised RFPs will be subject to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework (PPPF) Act - Act no 5 of 2000. The BANKSETA use standard Preference Points Claim Forms to request prospective bidders to claim preferences in terms of the PPPF-Act. Preferences are awarded in order to further the Government's economic and empowerment policies. The PPPFA Regulations identified specific government objectives for the promotion of the Government's Reconstruction and Development Programmes. The utilisation of the HDI Preference (the so-called primary objective) is mandatory – i.e. this must be included in all RFP documents (see forms PREF 01 or 02 and 03), which includes the definitions of the PPPFA and preferences for: Race; Gender; and Disability; Management & Control Promotion of Small Businesses PREF 01 is the 80/20 HDI Preference claim form and PREF 02 is the 90/10 HDI Preference claim form. The applicable form depends on the preference rule that is applied to the RFP and is determined by the estimated value of the RFP. THE Evaluation Criteria Form (RFP 02) indicated the preference rule applied. PREF 03 is the Promotion of Small Businesses claim form. 3.6 Part 6: Compliance to Specification products / items) (applicable when procuring This form serves as the cover page to the specifications, containing information and requirements to which the goods / services required must comply. Should samples and/or SABS certificates be required, this is also indicated on this form. The specifications must be studied carefully against each requirement and it must be indicated whether the goods / service being offered comply with the specified requirements by inserting ‘YES’ or ‘Comply’. Any deviation from the specification must be clearly indicated. Incorrect or misleading information furnished by a bidder may invalidate the tender / proposal. All offers are evaluated for compliance against the information furnished on the specifications. Should a RFP document make reference to a specification, bidders/ must ensure that the relevant specification is attached to the RFP document. However, if the requirement is subject to a SABS specification, such must be obtained directly from: Tender no: RFP 03 BS/2004/SG/010/ The S A Bureau of Standards Private Bag X7911 Pretoria 0001 Tel: (012) 428 7911 Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page11 Fax: (012) 428 6825 Together with the specification itself, RFP 05 may also contain some special conditions. These conditions are supplementary to conditions contained in the BANKSETA General Conditions of Contract (form VEND 01) and have important information, which must be scrutinized thoroughly. Any deviation from these conditions may invalidate the bid / tender / proposal. Special conditions must be studied with care, as any deviation there from may result in the disqualification of a bid / tender / proposal. Should any of the special conditions be in conflict with the conditions contained in BANKSETA General Conditions of Contract (form VEND 01) the special condition will take precedence. 3.7 Part 7: Experience in this Field (Applicable when Procuring Consulting and Other Professional Services) Prospective contractors should provide at least the information as required in the Terms of Reference: 3.8 Part 8: Technical approach (Applicable when Procuring Consulting and Other Professional Services) Please also refer to the “Terms of Reference” Prospective contractors must, at least: 3.8.1 Describe, in detail, exactly how they propose to carry out the activities to achieve the outcomes identified in the terms of reference. They should identify any possible problems that might hinder delivery and indicate how they will avoid, or overcome, such problems. 3.8.2 Identify the position(s) involved in the direct delivery of the services to be provided and in the overall management of the work and name the people who will fill these positions. 3.8.3 Describe the tasks, duties or functions to be performed by staff in these positions. 3.8.4 Indicate the number of hours required to complete each task and the number of hours to be provided by each member of staff identified in 3.8.3. NB: The time spent travelling to and from Bankseta is not to be charged for. Tender no: RFP 03 BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page12 Prospective contractors are to present such information in a matrix. The following is provided merely as guidance – contractors are free to elaborate as they see fit: Outcome/output Activity Staff member(s) involved (name and position) Workdays/ hours for each staff member Total workdays/ hours Note: Part 8 should be no longer than 20 single-sided A4 pages in font Arial 11. 3.9 Part 9: Staff details (Applicable when Procuring Consulting and Other Professional Services) In this section prospective contractors must provide details of the staff named in Part 8, paragraph 3. They should provide a summary chart containing all the staff to be used: Name Position Current Years of in team position experience Age Education Specialist Race SA areas of (HDI) citizen knowledge (yes or no) For each staff member there must be a brief capability statement indicating clearly why they are suitable to fill their position. 3.10 Part 10: Cost Proposal Standard Products & Items (Price schedule RFP 06A and the under mentioned paragraph must be included when procuring products and items) Contractors must complete RFP 06A Form. Particulars of the quantity of goods/services required, the description of the requirements, the unit of measure, are furnished on page 1 of this form. On this form provision is made for the bidder to insert the following information: Locally produced product (yes or no); Delivery period or lead time; The price per unit of measure; and The price basis (firm or non-firm / variable); Tender no: RFP 03 BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page13 Consulting & Other Professional Services (Price schedule RFP 06B and the under mentioned paragraph must be included when procuring consulting and other professional services) Contractors must complete RFP 06B form. Costs must be shown in the formats prescribed. All foreseeable costs related to this assignment are to be allowed for in the cost proposal. The proposed totals for staff costs and reimbursables will be included in the contract as the maximum amount to be spent on these items. A cost proposal with one of the elements (staff costs and reimbursable costs) specifically omitted from the costing will be considered nonresponsive. Handling fees on reimbursable costs will not be considered. Any budget amount indicated in this document shall be deemed to be a guide only and bidders are expected to submit a costing that is fair and reasonable 4. RULES 4.1 The RFP (Request for Proposal) Pack is drawn up so that certain essential information should be furnished in a specific manner. Any additional particulars shall be furnished in a separate annexure. 4.2 Should the RFP forms not be filled in by means of mechanical devices (for example typewriters), ink (preferably black) must be used to complete the forms. 4.3 Bidders shall check the numbers of the pages and satisfy themselves that none are missing or duplicated. No liability shall be accepted with regards to claims arising from the fact that pages are missing or duplicated. 4.4 The forms RFP 04 to RFP 09 and PREF series shall be completed, signed and submitted with the bid, together with an original Tax Clearance Certificate, as requested in RFP 08 (Vendor Information) and RFP 09 (Tax Clearance – Application Form). 4.5 Failure on the part of the bidder to sign any of the forms RFP 04 to RFP 10 and PREF series and thus to acknowledge and accept the conditions in writing or to complete the attached RFP forms, Preference Claim Forms, questionnaires and specifications in all respects, may invalidate the bid. 4.6 BANKSETA may at its discretion: accept one or more Proposals; accept a Proposal other than the lowest Proposal; Tender no: RFP 03 BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page14 accept no Proposal; ask any bidder to supply further information after the closing date. 4.7 BANKSETA has the right to enter into negotiation with a prospective contractor regarding any terms and conditions, including price(s), of a proposed contract. 4.8 In cases where the BANKSETA may deem it necessary, a formal contract may be entered into with the successful bidder, in addition to a Letter of Acceptance and / or purchase order being issued 4.9 Proposals are to be held valid and binding for 60 days from closing date of submissions (calculated from, but not including, the due date). 4.10 The closing date and time for submissions are as indicated above and proposals submitted after that will NOT be considered. 4.11 No faxed or e-mailed submissions will be accepted. 4.12 All prospective contractors will be informed whether they have been successful or not. The project work breakdown structure must then be finalised within 5 working days of the award of the contract and the contract signed within 10 working days after finalisation of the project plan. The contract will only be deemed to be concluded when reduced to writing in a formal contract signed by the designated responsible persons of both parties. 4.13 Documents submitted by prospective contractors will not be returned. 4.14 Failure on the part of the bidder to submit a tender in the required format and with the required number of copies as described, to complete and sign tender forms and thus to acknowledge and accept the conditions in writing or to complete all required forms in all respects, may invalidate the tender. 4.15 Tenders should not be qualified by the enterer’s own conditions of tender. Failure to comply with this requirement may invalidate the tender. 4.16 This RFP is subject to the BANKSETA General Conditions of Contract (form VEND 01) and re-issues thereof. Copies of these conditions are obtainable from any office of the BANKSETA 4.17 If any of the conditions on the RFP forms are in conflict with any special conditions, stipulations or provisions incorporated in the bid invitation, such special conditions, stipulations or provisions shall apply. 4.18 The contents of this tender document should not be altered under any circumstances. 4.19 All prices shall be quoted in South African Rands. Tender no: RFP 03 4.20 - BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page15 Each bid must be submitted in a separate, sealed envelope on which the following must be clearly indicated: NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE BIDDER; THE BID (RFP) NUMBER; AND THE CLOSING DATE. The bid must be addressed and EITHER be posted to the BANKSETA to reach the destination not later than the closing time and date; OR deposited in the tender box of the BANKSETA before the closing time and date. Tender no: BS/2004/SG/010/ RFP 04.1 Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page16 BID COMMITMENT AND DECLARATION OF INTEREST PART A: BID COMMITMENT 1. I/We hereby bid to supply all or any of the supplies and/or to render all or any of the services described in the attached RFP documents to the BANKSETA, on the terms and conditions and in accordance with the specifications stipulated in the bid documents (and which shall be taken as part of, and incorporated into, this bid) at the prices and on the terms regarding time for delivery and/or execution inserted therein. 2. I/We agree that (a) the offer herein shall remain binding upon me/us and open for acceptance by the BANKSETA during the validity period indicated and calculated from the closing time of the bid; (b) this bid and its acceptance shall be subject to the terms and conditions contained in the BANKSETA General Conditions of Contract (form VEND 02) and Preference Points Claim Form – General Conditions and Definitions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act - PPPFA (PREF 01) with which I am/we are fully acquainted; (c) if I/we withdraw my/our bid within the period for which I/we have agreed that the bid shall remain open for acceptance, or fail to fulfil the contract when called upon to do so, the BANKSETA may, without prejudice to its other rights, agree to the withdrawal of my/our bid or cancel the contract that may have been entered into between me/us and the BANKSETA and I/we will then pay to the BANKSETA any additional expense incurred by the BANKSETA having either to accept any less favourable bid or, if fresh bids have to be invited, the additional expenditure incurred by the invitation of fresh bids and by the subsequent acceptance of any less favourable bid; the BANKSETA shall also have the right to recover such additional expenditure by set-of against moneys which may be due or become due to me/us under this or any other bid or contract or against any guarantee or deposit that my have been furnished by me/us or on my/our behalf for the due fulfilment of this or any other bid or contract and pending the ascertainment of the amount of such additional expenditure to retain such moneys, guarantee or deposit as security for any loss the BANKSETA may sustain by reason of my/our default; (d) if my/our bid is accepted the acceptance may be communicated to me/us by letter or order by ordinary post or registered post and that SA Post Office Ltd shall be regarded as my/our agent, and delivery of such acceptance to SA Post Office Ltd shall be treated as delivery to me/us; (e) the law of the Republic of South Africa shall govern the contract created by the acceptance of my/our bid and that I/we choose domicile citandi et executants in the Republic at (full address of this place); ............................................................................................................................. ........................................................................... Tender no: BS/2004/SG/010/ RFP 04.1 Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page17 3. I/We furthermore confirm that I/we have satisfied myself/ourselves as to the correctness and validity of my/our bid; that the price(s) and rate(s) quoted cover all the work/item(s) specified in the bid documents and that the price(s) and rate(s) cover all my/our obligations under a resulting contract and that I/we accept that any mistakes regarding price(s) and calculations will be at my/our risk. 4. I/We hereby accept full responsibility for the proper execution and fulfilment of all obligations and conditions devolving on me/us under this agreement as the Principal(s) liable for the due fulfilment of any contract, which might be awarded based on this offer. 5. I/We agree that any action arising from this contract may in all respects be instituted against me/us and I/we hereby undertake to satisfy fully any sentence or judgement which may be pronounced against me/us as a result of such action. 6. I/We declare that I/we have participation/no participation* in the submission of any other offer for the supplies/services described in this RFP document. If in the affirmative, state names(s) of bidder(s) involved .......................................................................................................................... * Delete whichever is not applicable. 7. Are you duly authorised to sign the bid? (Also refer to RFP 01 – page 2) *YES / NO 8. Has the Declaration of Interest (part B of this form: RFP 04) been duly completed? *YES / NO Tender no: BS/2004/SG/010/ RFP 04.1 Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page18 PART B: DECLARATION OF INTEREST 9. Any legal person, including persons employed by the BANKSETA, or persons who act on behalf of the BANKSETA or persons having a kinship with persons employed by the BANKSETA, including a blood relationship, may make an offer or offers in terms of this RFP. In view of possible allegations of favouritism, should the resulting bid, or part thereof, be awarded to persons employed by the BANKSETA, or to persons who act on behalf of the BANKSETA, or to persons connected with or related to them, it is required that the bidder or his authorised representative shall declare his position vis-à-vis the evaluating authority and/or take an oath declaring his / her interest, where - the bidder is employed by the BANKSETA or acts on behalf of the BANKSETA; and/or - the legal person on who's behalf the bid document is signed, has a relationship with persons/a person who are/is involved with the evaluation and / or adjudication of the RFP(s), or where it is known that such a relationship exists between the person or persons for or on who's behalf the declarant acts and persons who are involved with the evaluation and / or adjudication of the RFP(s). In order to give effect to the above, the following questionnaire shall be completed and submitted with the bid document. * Delete whichever is not applicable. 10. Are you or any person connected with the bidder, employed by the BANKSETA? *YES/NO If so, state particulars. …………………………………………………..…………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. Do you, or any person connected with the bidder, have any relationship (family, friend, other) with a person employed in the BANKSETA and who may be involved with the evaluation or adjudication of this RFP? *YES/NO If so, state particulars. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12. Are you, or any person connected with the bidder, aware of any relationship (family, friend, other) between the bidder and any person employed by the BANKSETA and who may be involved with the evaluation or adjudication of this RFP? *YES/NO If so, state particulars. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Tender no: BS/2004/SG/010/ RFP 04.1 Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page19 I, THE UNDERSIGNED (NAME)……………………………………………………………………… CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FURNISHED IN PARAGRAPHS 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 AND 12 ABOVE IS CORRECT. I ACCEPT THAT THE BANKSETA MAY ACT AGAINST ME IN TERMS OF PARAGRAPH 23 OF THE BANKSETA GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (FORM VEND 02) SHOULD THIS DECLARATION PROVE TO BE FALSE. SIGNATURE OF BIDDER OR ASSIGNEE(S) .................................. DATE: .................................... Position ...........…………………….…………........………………………………………………… Name of bidder..............….…………………………………………………………………………… Name of company …………………………….………………………………………………………………… Tender no: RFP 05 Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page20 TENDER NUMBER: BS/2004/SG/010/ TENDER DESCRIPTION: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR VILLAGE BANKS BANKSETA BUSINESS UNIT: SECTOR GRANT PROJECTS SPECIFICATION (TERMS of REFERENCE) AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT COVER PAGE Tender no: RFP 06B BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page21 TERMS OF REFERENCE: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR VILLAGE BANKS BACKGROUND TO THE PROJECT A village bank, or financial services co-operative (FSC), is a community-based financial institution designed to give rural and semi-rural communities access to basic banking services. In co-operation with the National Treasury, the BANKSETA will support capacity building in financial literacy and corporate governance for the boards and employees of seven existing village banks in KZN and two in adjoining Eastern Cape communities. There will be approximately seventy people to be trained. This will be a pilot project and will serve as a blue print for possible rollout to other FSCs across South Africa. The BANKSETA requires the services of a provider/ providers to A. Scope the requirements Establish what is in place with regards to corporate governance that may be of relevance or provide guidance to the project Establish what is in place with regards to financial literacy that is relevant to the needs of rural communities Identify the exact nature and range of skills, training and competence required for good corporate governance in village banks Identify the best delivery mechanisms and channels to ensure that these services reach the targeted communities Evaluate different alternatives/ options for a solution in terms of feasible implementation and achievement B. Design and develop training material Develop training programmes on the basis of the above information Develop a self-help manual for post-training support Deliver financial literacy and corporate governance training to boards and employees of specified existing village banks Review and change training programmes and manual as necessary NB The copyright of new training material, as well as of existing material that is substantially modified from the original, will vest in the BANKSETA. Proposals may be submitted to include both A and B or for either A or B. SERVICE PROVIDER REQUIREMENTS Tender no: RFP 06B BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page22 The proposals should conform to the specifications contained within this document; As a minimum, the selected provider(s) should possess: i) ii) iii) iv) v) A thorough knowledge of and expertise in corporate governance; A thorough knowledge of and expertise in financial literacy; An understanding of the South African village banking environment; and in addition The provider will be required to demonstrate credentials in respect of the design and development of training programmes and manuals in ABET and across NQF levels 1 -4; Experience of education and training in ABET and across NQF levels 1 -4. If tendering for: A and B, then numbers i to v will apply A only, then numbers i to iii will apply B only, then numbers iv and v will apply Prospective contractors should indicate experience and expertise with practical fieldwork and previous assignments in the areas of: Corporate governance and financial literacy Experience of work in a rural village environment Design, development and delivery of training programmes and manuals in ABET and across NQF levels 1 –4 Experience of education and training in ABET and across NQF levels 1–4 Ability to deliver training in isiZulu as and when required Demonstration of adequate resources available for successful completion of the assignment Demonstration of ability to work within tight deadlines. Tender no: RFP 06B BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page23 TENDER PRICE SCHEDULE FOR ITEMS & STANDARD SERVICES NOTE: If the information required regarding each item cannot be inserted in the space provided on either page 1, 2 or 3 of this form, additional information may be provided on a photocopy of this form. CONDITIONS 1. All goods or services purchased will be subject to BANKSETA General Conditions of Contract (form VEND 01). 2. All prices quoted must be inclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT) and prices must be quoted in South African currency. 3. In case of goods all delivery and/or railage charges must be included in the offered price(s) and goods must be delivered to the address indicated on RFP 01. 4. All delivery lead times submitted must be firm. 5. Firm prices, being prices deemed to be fixed prices, which are only subject to the following statutory changes, namely VAT and any levy related to customs and excise, are preferred to variable prices. 6. In case of bidding a price(s) subject to variance, please supply full details by completing RFP 07. 7. If an estimated quantity is called for, no guarantee is given that this or any quantity will be bought by BANKSETA. Item Description No Brand/ Model Guarantee Unit of Estimated /Specification (Period) Measure Quantity Price per Unit ® DELIVERY Period required for delivery after receipt of order ..................................…...................... Is the delivery period(s) per item firm?(Also see condition no 4 on RFP 06 page 1 of 3) Yes No Tender no: RFP 06B BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page24 Is the offer strictly to specification? (For specification – see RPF 05) Yes No If not to specification, state deviation ..............................................……………………………………………………………… ..............................................……………………………………………………………… ..............................................……………………………………………………………… ..............................................……………………………………………………………… ..............................................……………………………………………………………… ..............................................……………………………………………………………… ..............................................……………………………………………………………… Is the goods/services guaranteed? (Also see warranty requirements as required in terms of par. 15 of the BANKSETA General Conditions of Contract – VEND 01) Yes No If a specific guarantee is required in the RFP specification, are the goods/services so guaranteed? (For specification – see RPF 05) Yes No Tender no: RFP 06B BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page25 RFP PRICE SCHEDULE FOR CONSULTING & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1. STAFF COSTS The budget hours and applicable rates of all personnel Name 2. Job title Daily/ hourly rate Number of days/ hours Total cost REIMBURSABLE, WORKSHOP AND OTHER COSTS Travel, accommodation and incidentals Item Rate Number of days Total cost NB: The following conditions will apply to reimbursements for these costs: Only economy class flights and Group A and B hire cars are to be used An AA rate per kilometre for the use of a personal car Only three-star hotels, or equivalent other accommodation are to be booked. Other costs includes (if required): Office supplies – details are to be provided Computer software – details are to be provided Communications – postage, telephones, faxes Couriers Printing/copying costs – estimates of cost per page and number of pages must be provided Costs of workshops: Prospective contractors should allow for all the costs of all the workshops they propose conducting during the execution of the contract. The costs should include the following: Venue hire Catering Contractor’s travelling costs Contractor’s accommodation Equipment hire All other incidental costs Note: The cost of travel and accommodation for persons who are not part of the prospective contractor’s team should not be included. 3. VAT Value Added Tax must be included and shown separately. Tender no: RFP 06B 4. BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page26 Format of Proposal The cost proposal must be shown in the following format: Please note that cost proposals which are not in the required format and which does not include all fees and disbursements as per the tables below will render a tender incomplete and such tender may be disregarded for further evaluation. 1 STAFF COSTS Name Job Title Daily/ Hourly Rate 2 Number of Days/ Hours Total Cost Total Staff Costs 2 REIMBURSABLE COSTS (TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATION AND INCIDENTALS) Item Rate Number Total Cost Travel R2,30 km Car Hire (Group A) Days Flights (Economy) Flights Accommodation Nights Per Diem Days 3 3 OTHER COSTS Item Total Reimbursable Costs Details (e.g. unit cost and quantity needed) 4 Total Other Costs 4 WORKSHOP COSTS (IF APPROPRIATE) Item Details 5 Total Cost Total Workshop Costs Total Cost Tender no: RFP 06B BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page27 TOTAL COSTS TOTAL COSTS EXCLUDING VAT. VAT @ 14% TOTAL COSTS INCLUDING VAT. TOTAL COSTS INCLUDING VAT COST PER RECRUITMENT (EXCLUDING REIMBURSABLES) COST PER RECRUITMENT (REIMBURSABLES) TOTAL COST PER RECRUITMENT (FEES AND REIMBURSABLES) SIGNATURE OF BIDDER ................................………………………….. DATE:.................................... Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 28 RFP 08 VENDOR INFORMATION You are kindly requested to complete this document accurately as the information contained herein is required for the following purposes: To enable BANKSETA to compile a database of registered suppliers; To support BANKSETA in the implementation of a system of preferences as required by the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (No 5 of 2000). Failure to complete the form in full may result in the supplier not being considered for the awarding of any orders or contracts by the BANKSETA. KINDLY NOTE THAT THIS DOCUMENT CONSISTS OF xxxx PAGES – PLEASE COMPLETE ALL PAGES. Name of Company ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Postal Address ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Physical Address ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Telephone No Mobile Telephone No Fax No E-mail address Company Registration No Tax Clearance Certificate * VAT Registration No** Tax registration No **Are you registered in terms of sections 23(1) or 23(3) of the Value-added Tax Act, 1991 (Act No. 89 of 1991)? YES / NO *An original Tax Clearance Certificate must be attached to this form – also refer to RFP 09. Failure to do so can disqualify the bid. **Supply number if you are registered in terms of sections 23(1) or 23(3) of the Value-added Tax Act, 1991 (Act No. 89 of 1991). For office use Database reference Master List number Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 29 RFP 08 1. Participation capacity (tick one box) Prime contractor Sub-contractor Manufacturer Supplier Professional services Joint Venture partner Other, specify …………………………………………………………………………. 2. Type of firm (tick one box) Partnership Close corporation Pty Ltd. One person business/sole trader Company Other, specify …………………………………………………………………………. 3. Principal business activities (tick one box) Security Catering Manufacturer Construction Consulting Retailer/Distributor Other, specify …………………………………………………………………………. 4. Business sector (tick one box) Agriculture Manufacturing Retail and motor trade repair services Wholesale trade, commercial agents & allied services Commercial Agents and other trade Finance and business services Mining and Quarrying Electricity, Gas and Water Construction Community, social and personal services Transport, storage and communication Commercial Agents and other trade Other, specify …………………………………………………………………………. 5. Company classification (tick one box) Contractor who generates more than 75% of turnover as a prime contractor Labour – only sub-contractor Contractor who generates less than 75% of turnover as a prime contractor Manufacturer Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 30 RFP 08 Supplier Professional service provider Other, specify …………………………………………………………………………. 6. Products or services to offer to BANKSETA (fill in) 7. Total number of years the firm has been in business: __________________ 8. Total number of employees Full time: ___________________ Part time: _____________________ Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 31 RFP 08 9. Street address of all facilities used by the Firm (e.g. Warehouse, storage space, offices, etc.) 10. Do you share any facilities? YES/NO If yes, which facilities are shared? _______________________________________ With whom do you share facilities? (Name of firm/individuals). 11. Is the firm registered or does it have a business license(s)? YES/NO (if yes, give details and quote relevant reference numbers and dates) 12. Detail all trade associations in which you have a membership: 13. Did the firm exist under a previous name? YES / NO If yes, what was its previous name? ________________________________ Who were the owners/partners/directors? 14. Identify any owner or management officer who has an interest in another firm Name Duties as Name and Type of business employee in address of other of other firm other firm firm Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ RFP 08 Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 32 15. What is the enterprise’s average annual turnover (excl. VAT) during the lesser of the period for which the business has been operating or the previous three financial years? R __________________ NB. Please submit audited financial statements for the past two financial years in this regard (where applicable) 16. The financial manager/ external auditor/ CEO/Accounting Officer (whichever is relevant to your type of business) needs to confirm the following: The business/entity is: A Going Concern Yes / No In a Sound Financial Condition Yes / No Have the financial & operational capacity to fulfil the contract requirements Yes / No Signature_____________________________ Capacity______________________________ Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 33 RFP 08 17. Identify by name, HDI status and length of service, those individuals in the firm (including owners and non-owners) responsible for the day-to-day management and business decisions ACTIVITY NAME RACE GENDER M/F DISABLED? YES / NO * LENGTH OF SERVICE (YEARS) DISABLED? YES / NO * LENGTH OF SERVICE (YEARS) FINANCING DECISIONS CHEQUE SIGNING ACQUISITION OF LINES OF CREDIT SURETIES MAJOR PURCHASE OR ACQUISITIONS SIGNING CONTRACTS ACTIVITY NAME RACE GENDER M/F MANAGEMENT DECISIONS ESTIMATING MARKETING AND SALES OPERATION HIRING & FIRING OF MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL SUPERVISION OF OFFICE PERSONNEL SUPERVISION OF FIELD/ PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES 18. List the four largest contracts/assignments completed by your firm in the last three years. Work performed For whom Contact person and telephone number Contract fee/amount Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 34 RFP 08 * Payment transactions: Alternative payee (This field is only to be filled in if payments are not to be made directly to the vendor to whom the payable is owed) * Contact person: (Sales person) Name Telephone number Bank Details: Country (Where bank is located) Name of bank Bank key (Branch Number) Bank account (Account Number) Account holder (Only to be filled in if the name of the account holder is not the same as the name of the vendor) Name of account (Type of account) Date stamp of bank Certified as correct Initials and Surname (Bank official): _________________________________________________ Signature (Bank official): __________________________________________________________ Telephone Number (Bank Official): __________________________________________________ Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 35 RFP 08 Signature _______________________ duly authorised to sign on behalf of ___________________(Name of organisation) address Telephone no. __________________________ Date COMMISSIONER OF OATHS: Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________________ STAMP MUST BE DATE STAMPED AND SIGNED BY A COMMISSIONER OF OATHS Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 01B Page 36 TAX CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS IT IS A CONDITION OF BIDDING THAT 1. The taxes of the successful bidder must be in order, or that satisfactory arrangements have been made with the Receiver of Revenue to meet his / her tax obligations. 2. The attached form “Application for Tax Clearance Certificate (in respect of bidders)” must be completed in all respects and submitted to the Receiver of Revenue where the bidder is registered for tax purposes. The Receiver of Revenue will then furnish the bidder with a Tax Clearance Certificate that will be valid for a period of six (6) months from date of issue. This Tax Clearance Certificate must be submitted in the original together with the bid. Failure to submit the original and valid Tax Clearance Certificate may invalidate the bid. 3. In bids where Consortia / Joint Ventures / Sub-contractors are involved each party must submit a separate Tax Clearance Certificate. Copies of the Application for Tax Clearance Certificates are available at any Receiver’s Office. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 01B Page 37 APPLICATION FOR TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE (IN RESPECT OF BIDDERS) 1. Name of taxpayer / bidder: ............................................................................................................... 2. Trade name: ...................................................................……...................................................... .... 3. Identification number: 4. Company / Close Corporation registration number: 5. Income tax reference number: 6. VAT registration number (if applicable): 7. PAYE employer’s registration number (if applicable): Signature of contact person requiring Tax Clearance Certificate: ......................................................... Name: ............................................................................................................... Telephone number: Code:………………… Number:........................... Address: ............................................................................................................... DATE: 20_____ / ______ / ______ PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMMISSIONER FOR THE SOUTH AFRICAN REVENUE SERVICE (SARS) WILL NOT EXERCISE HIS DISCRETIONARY POWERS IN FAVOUR OF ANY PERSON WITH REGARD TO ANY INTEREST, PENALTIES AND / OR ADDITIONAL TAX LEVIABLE DUE TO THE LATE- OR UNDERPAYMENT OF TAXES, DUTIES OR LEVIES OR THE RENDITION RETURNS BY ANY PERSON AS A RESULT OF ANY SYSTEM NOT BEING YEAR 2000 COMPLIANT. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 01B Page 38 Tender Name (to be inserted by bidder):………………………………… PREFERENCE POINTS CLAIM FORM IN TERMS OF THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS 2001 GENERAL CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS 90/10 Rule NB: BEFORE COMPLETING RELEVANT CLAIM FORMS, BIDDERS MUST CAREFULLY STUDY THE GENERAL CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 The preference point system is applicable to all tenders. 1.2 Failure on the part of a bidder to complete and sign a claim form may be interpreted to mean that preference points are not claimed. 1.3 BANKSETA reserves the right to require of a bidder, either before a tender is adjudicated or at any time subsequently, that he/she should substantiate any claim, in any manner required by BANKSETA. 2. GENERAL DEFINITIONS The defined works and expressions commencing with capital letters, shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them unless such meanings are inconsistent with the context of a particular tender or contract: 2.1 “Act” means the Preferential Procurement Framework Act, 2000 (Act No 5 of 2000) 2.2 “Agent” means a person mandated by another person (“the principal”) to do business for an on behalf of, or to represent in a business transaction, the principal, and thereby acquire rights for the principal against BANKSETA and incur obligations binding the principal in favour of BANKSETA. 2.3 “Comparative price” means the price after the factors of a non-firm price and all unconditional discounts that can be utilised have been taken into consideration. 2.4 “Consortium or Joint Venture” means an association of persons for the purpose of combining their expertise, property, capital, efforts, skill and knowledge in an activity for the execution of a contract. 2.5 “Contract” means the agreement that results from the acceptance of a tender by BANKSETA. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 01B Page 39 2.6 “Disability” means, in respect of a person, a permanent impairment of a physical intellectual, or sensory function, which results in restricted, or lack of, ability to perform an activity in the manner, or within the range, considered normal for a human being. 2.7 “Firm price” is the price that is only subject to adjustments in accordance with the actual increase or decrease resulting from the change, imposition, or abolition of customs or excise duty and other duty, levy, or tax which, in terms of a law or regulation is binding on the contractor and demonstrably has an influence on the price of any supplies, or the rendering costs of any service, for the execution of the contract. 2.8 “Historically Disadvantaged Individual (HDI)” means a South African citizen – 2.8.1 who has no franchise in national elections prior to the introduction of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1983 (Act No 110 of 1983) or the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1993 (Act No 200 of 1993)(“the Interim Constitution”) and/or 2.8.2 who is a female; and/or 2.8.3 who has a disability. Provided that a person who obtained South African citizenship on or after the coming to effect of the Interim Constitution, is deemed not to be an HDI. 2.9 “Management” in relation to an enterprise or business, means an activity inclusive of control and performed on a daily basis, by any person who is a principal executive officer of the company, by whatever name the person may be designated. 2.10 “Non firm prices” means all prices other than “firm” prices. 2.11 “Person” includes reference to a juristic person. 2.12 “Rand value” means the total estimated value of a contract in Rand denomination which is calculated at the time of tender invitations and includes all applicable taxes and excise duties. 2.13 “Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME’s)” bears the same meaning assigned to this expression in the National Small Business Act, 1996 (Act No 102 of 1996). 2.14 “Sub-contracting” means the primary contractor’s assigning or leasing or making out work to, or employing, another person to support such primary contractor in the execution of part of a project in terms of the contract. Tender No PREF 01B BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 40 2.15 “Tender” means a written offer or bid in a prescribed or stipulated form in response to an invitation by an organ of state for the provision of services or goods. 2.16 “Trust” means the arrangement through which the property of one person is made over or bequeathed to a trustee to administer such property for the benefit of another person. 2.17 “Trustee” means any person, including the founder of a trust, to whom property is bequeathed in order for such property to be administered for the benefit of another person. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 01B Page 41 Tender No (to be inserted by bidder): ………………………………… PREFERENCE POINTS CLAIM FORM EQUITY OWNERSHIP BY HISTORICALLY DISADVANTAGED INDIVIDUALS 1. In terms of regulation 13 of the preferential procurement regulations pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act No 5 of 2000) the preference points system must include preference points of equity ownership by historically disadvantaged individuals as defined by the Act. Equity Ownership Points allocated 1.1 Preference points for equity ownership by historically disadvantaged individuals who, due to the apartheid policy that had been in place had no franchise in national elections prior to the introduction of the Constitution of the RSA, 1983 (Act 110 of 1983) or the Constitution of the RSA, 1993 (Act 200 of 1993) (“the Interim Constitution”) and/or 7 1.2 who is a female; 1 1.3 who has a disability 1 2. The equity ownership contemplated above must be equated to the percentage of an enterprise or business owned by individuals or, in respect of a company, the percentage of a company’s shares that are owned by individuals, who are actively involved in the management of the enterprise or business and exercise control over the enterprise, commensurate with their degree of ownership at the closing date of the tender. 2.1 Where an organisation is classified as a non-governmental organisation (NGO), the ownership criterion is replaced by the percentage of HDI directors on the Board of Directors of the NGO, irrespective of whether they are executive or non-executive directors. 3. In the event that the percentage of ownership contemplated above changes after the closing date of the tender, the bidder must notify BANKSETA and such tender will not be eligible for any preference points. 4. Preference points should not be claimed in respect of individuals who are not actively involved in the management of an enterprise or business and who do not exercise control over an enterprise or business commensurate with their degree of ownership. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ PREF 01B Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 42 5. All claims made for equity ownership by an HDI will be considered according to the following criteria: 5.1 Equity within private companies will be based on the percentage of equity ownership. 5.2 Preference points will not be awarded to public companies and tertiary institutions. 6. Equity claims for a Trust will only be allowed in respect of those persons who are both trustees and beneficiaries and who are actively involved in the management of the Trust. 7. Documentation to substantiate the validity of the credentials of the trustees contemplated above must be submitted. 7.1 Documentation to substantiate the validity of the credentials of the board of directors who are actively involved in the management of the NGO as contemplated in 2.1 above must be submitted. 8. A Consortium or Joint Venture may, based on the percentage of the contract value managed or executed by their HDI members, be entitled to equity ownership in respect of an HDI. 9. The points scored for equity ownership will be added to the points scored for price. 10. A person awarded a contract as a result of preference for contracting with, or providing equity ownership to an HDI, may not subcontract more than 25% of the value of the contract to a person who is not an HDI or does not qualify for such preference. 11. TENDER CLARIFICATION 11.1 Bidders who wish to claim points in respect of Equity Ownership must complete the declaration. 11.2 BANKSETA shall not be obliged to accept the lowest or any quotation, offer or proposal. 12. EQUITY OWNERSHIP CLAIMED 12.1 HDI Equity Ownership Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 01B Page 43 Scoring Mechanism Equity Percentage (including management & control) 50.1% + 25-50% Below 25% 0% Score Indicate the applicable points claimed 7 4 2 0 (maximum 7 points) 12.2 Female Equity Ownership Scoring Mechanism Equity Percentage (including management & control) Majority Women Some women No women Score Indicate the applicable points claimed 1 0.5 0 (maximum 1 point) DECLARATION WITH REGARD TO EQUITY OWNERSHIP 1. NAME OF BIDDER: ………………………………………………………………… 2. HOW LONG HAS THE COMPANY BEEN IN EXISTENCE? ………… 3. DESCRIBE PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4. COMPANY CLASSIFICATION Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 01B Page Manufacturer Suppliers Professional service provider Other service providers, e.g. transport, etc. 44 (TICK APPROPRIATE BOX/ES) 5. LIST OF ALL SHAREHOLDERS BY NAME, IDENTITY NUMBER, CITIZENSHIP, HDI STATUS AND OWNERSHIP, AS RELEVANT NAME DATE AND IDENTITY DATE RSA % % % OWNED % POSITION NUMBER OR TBVC OWNED OWNED BY OWNED OCCUPIED IN CITIZEN- BY HDI’S BY DISABLED BY ENTERPRISE SHIP WOMEN PEOPLE OBTAINED 6. HOW MANY PERMANENT STAFF MEMBERS ARE EMPLOYED BY THE BIDDER? …………………………………………….. 7. I/we, the undersigned, who warrants that he/she is duly authorised to do so on behalf of the firm certify that points claimed, based on owners/shareholders who are actively involved in the day to day management of the enterprise equity ownership, qualifies the firm for the points shown and I/we acknowledge that: 7.1 The information furnished is true and correct. 7.2 The Equity Ownership claimed is in accordance with the conditions. 7.3 A person awarded a contract as a result of preference for contracting with, or providing equity ownership to an HDI, may not subcontract more than 25% of the value of the contract to a person who is not an HDI or does not qualify for such preferences. OTHERS Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ PREF 01B Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 45 7.4 In the event of a contract being awarded as a result of points claimed, the contractor may be required to furnish documentary proof to the satisfaction of BANKSETA that the claims are correct. 7.5 If the claims are found to be incorrect, BANKSETA may, in addition to any other remedy it may have – 7.5.1 Recover all costs, losses or damages it has incurred or suffered as a result of that person’s conduct; 7.5.2 Cancel the contract and claim any damages which it has suffered as a result of having to make less favourable arrangements due to such cancellation. WITNESSES: 1. ………………………………………. …………………………………………. SIGNATURE(S) OF BIDDER(S) 2. ………………………………………. DATE:………………………………. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 01B Page 46 CONSORTIUM/JOINT VENTURE INFORMATION Note: All bidders (in case of a Consortium/Joint Venture) are required to complete this section and to include it in their submission. The proportion (percentage) of the fees and disbursements as indicated in the cost proposal, which each company which is party to the consortium/ joint venture will earn, should be inserted below. This information is required in order to determine the pro rata point allocation for equity ownership. 6 FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS FORM MAY RENDER THE CLAIM FOR EQUITY OWNERSHIP INVALID Companies Fees to be Disbursements Total of fees Percentage of Responsible Signature of involved in the earned by allocated to and total fees and Manager for Responsible Consortium/Joint each each disbursements disbursements each Manager Venture consortium/ consortium/ allocated to allocated to Company joint joint venture each each venture member member 1 2 3 4 5 6 consortium/ consortium/ joint venture joint venture member member Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 02A Page 47 Tender Name (to be inserted by bidder):………………………………… PREFERENCE POINTS CLAIM FORM IN TERMS OF THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS 2001 GENERAL CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS 80/20 RULE NB: BEFORE COMPLETING RELEVANT CLAIM FORMS, BIDDERS MUST CAREFULLY STUDY THE GENERAL CONDITIONS AND DEFINITIONS 3. GENERAL CONDITIONS 3.1 The preference point system is applicable to all tenders. 3.2 Failure on the part of a bidder to complete and sign a claim form may be interpreted to mean that preference points are not claimed. 3.3 BANKSETA reserves the right to require of a bidder, either before a tender is adjudicated or at any time subsequently, that he/she should substantiate any claim, in any manner required by BANKSETA. 4. GENERAL DEFINITIONS The defined works and expressions commencing with capital letters, shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them unless such meanings are inconsistent with the context of a particular tender or contract: 4.1 “Act” means the Preferential Procurement Framework Act, 2000 (Act No 5 of 2000) 4.2 “Agent” means a person mandated by another person (“the principal”) to do business for an on behalf of, or to represent in a business transaction, the principal, and thereby acquire rights for the principal against BANKSETA and incur obligations binding the principal in favour of BANKSETA. 4.3 “Comparative price” means the price after the factors of a non-firm price and all unconditional discounts that can be utilised have been taken into consideration. 4.4 “Consortium or Joint Venture” means an association of persons for the purpose of combining their expertise, property, capital, efforts, skill and knowledge in an activity for the execution of a contract. 4.5 “Contract” means the agreement that results from the acceptance of a tender by BANKSETA. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 02A Page 48 4.6 “Disability” means, in respect of a person, a permanent impairment of a physical intellectual, or sensory function, which results in restricted, or lack of, ability to perform an activity in the manner, or within the range, considered normal for a human being. 4.7 “Firm price” is the price that is only subject to adjustments in accordance with the actual increase or decrease resulting from the change, imposition, or abolition of customs or excise duty and other duty, levy, or tax which, in terms of a law or regulation is binding on the contractor and demonstrably has an influence on the price of any supplies, or the rendering costs of any service, for the execution of the contract. 4.8 “Historically Disadvantaged Individual (HDI)” means a South African citizen – 4.8.1 who has no franchise in national elections prior to the introduction of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1983 (Act No 110 of 1983) or the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1993 (Act No 200 of 1993)(“the Interim Constitution”) and/or 4.8.2 who is a female; and/or 4.8.3 who has a disability. Provided that a person who obtained South African citizenship on or after the coming to effect of the Interim Constitution, is deemed not to be an HDI. 4.9 “Management” in relation to an enterprise or business, means an activity inclusive of control and performed on a daily basis, by any person who is a principal executive officer of the company, by whatever name the person may be designated. 4.10 “Non firm prices” means all prices other than “firm” prices. 4.11 “Person” includes reference to a juristic person. 4.12 “Rand value” means the total estimated value of a contract in Rand denomination which is calculated at the time of tender invitations and includes all applicable taxes and excise duties. 4.13 “Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME’s)” bears the same meaning assigned to this expression in the National Small Business Act, 1996 (Act No 102 of 1996). 4.14 “Sub-contracting” means the primary contractor’s assigning or leasing or making out work to, or employing, another person to support such primary contractor in the execution of part of a project in terms of the contract. Tender No PREF 02A BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 49 4.15 “Tender” means a written offer or bid in a prescribed or stipulated form in response to an invitation by an organ of state for the provision of services or goods. 4.16 “Trust” means the arrangement through which the property of one person is made over or bequeathed to a trustee to administer such property for the benefit of another person. 4.17 “Trustee” means any person, including the founder of a trust, to whom property is bequeathed in order for such property to be administered for the benefit of another person. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 02A Page 50 DECLARATION WITH REGARD TO EQUITY OWNERSHIP 8. NAME OF BIDDER: ………………………………………………………………… 9. HOW LONG HAS ………………………… THE COMPANY BEEN 10. DESCRIBE PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES IN EXISTENCE ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… 11. ……………………………………………………………………………………… COMPANY CLASSIFICATION Manufacturer Suppliers Professional service provider Other service providers, e.g. transport, etc. (TICK APPROPRIATE BOX/ES) 12. LIST OF ALL SHAREHOLDERS BY NAME, IDENTITY NUMBER, CITIZENSHIP, HDI STATUS AND OWNERSHIP, AS RELEVANT NAME DATE AND IDENTITY DATE RSA POSITION NUMBER % % % OWNED % OR TBVC OWNED OWNED BY OWNED OCCUPIED IN CITIZEN- BY HDI’S BY DISABLED BY ENTERPRISE SHIP WOMEN PEOPLE OBTAINED OTHERS Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 02A 13. Page 51 HOW MANY PERMANENT STAFF MEMBERS ARE EMPLOYED BY THE BIDDER? …………………………………………….. 14. I/we, the undersigned, who warrants that he/she is duly authorised to do so on behalf of the firm certify that points claimed, based on owners/shareholders who are actively involved in the day to day management of the enterprise equity ownership, qualifies the firm for the points shown and I/we acknowledge that: 14.1 The information furnished is true and correct. 14.2 The Equity Ownership claimed is in accordance with the conditions. 14.3 A person awarded a contract as a result of preference for contracting with, or providing equity ownership to an HDI, may not subcontract more than 25% of the value of the contract to a person who is not an HDI or does not qualify for such preferences. 14.4 In the event of a contract being awarded as a result of points claimed, the contractor may be required to furnish documentary proof to the satisfaction of BANKSETA that the claims are correct. 14.5 If the claims are found to be incorrect, BANKSETA may, in addition to any other remedy it may have – 14.5.1 Recover all costs, losses or damages it has incurred or suffered as a result of that person’s conduct; 14.5.2 Cancel the contract and claim any damages which it has suffered as a result of having to make less favourable arrangements due to such cancellation. WITNESSES: 1. ………………………………………. …………………………………………. SIGNATURE(S) OF BIDDER(S) 2. ………………………………………. DATE: ………………………………. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA PREF 02A Page 52 CONSORTIUM/JOINT VENTURE INFORMATION Note: All bidders (in case of a Consortium/Joint Venture) are required to complete this section and to include it in their submission. The proportion (percentage) of the fees and disbursements as indicated in the cost proposal, which each company which is party to the consortium/ joint venture will earn, should be inserted below. This information is required in order to determine the pro rata point allocation for equity ownership. 7 FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS FORM MAY RENDER THE CLAIM FOR EQUITY OWNERSHIP INVALID Companies Fees to be Disbursements Total of fees Percentage of Responsible Signature of involved in the earned by allocated to and total fees and Manager for Responsible Consortium/Joint each each disbursements disbursements each Manager Venture consortium/ consortium/ allocated to allocated to Company joint joint venture each each venture member Member 1 2 3 4 5 6 consortium/ consortium/ joint venture joint venture Member Member Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 53 VEND 01 Tender’s name (To be inserted by bidder): …………………………… PREFERENCE POINTS CLAIM FORM IN TERMS OF THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS 2001 PROMOTION OF SMALL BUSINESSES (90/10 Rule) 1. INTRODUCTION In terms of regulation 17 of the preferential procurement regulations pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act 5 of 2000), it is the Government’s intention to promote small businesses by using the preference point system as a mechanism to award points to bidders. 2. SPECIFIC GOAL 2.1 The specific goal is the promotion of small businesses as defined in the National Business Act, 1996 (Act 102 of 1996). 2.2 Bidders who which to claim in respect of this goal must complete either paragraph 3 with regard to being a small business and/or paragraph 4 with regard to the promotion of small business. 2.3 The maximum preference points that can be claimed between paragraph 3 and 4 and 10 points. 3. CLAIM WITH REGARD TO BEING A SMALL BUSINESS 3.1 Bidders regarding itself as a micro, very small, small or medium enterprise (SMME) as defined by the National Small Business Act, 1996 (Act 102 of 1996) may claim preference points. 3.2 Should the bidder wish to claim points for being a SMME; it is required of the bidder to complete table 3.4. 3.3 Should the bidder wish to claim points for promoting a SMME; it is required of the bidder to complete table 4.2. NB: Bidders cannot claim points for both tables 3.4. and 4.2. it has to be only one or the other. First select and tick in column (A) the relevant sector or sub-sector you are operating in. Within the chosen sector, select and tick in columns (B), (C) and (D) the relevant block indicating your organisation’s position pertaining to employees (B), turnover (C) and assets (D). Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 54 VEND 01 See the example in 3.3 below. Sector or sub- A sector in accordance with the Standard Industrial Classification 7.1.1 Agriculture Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water Construction Retain and motor trade and repair service Size or class Total full B time equivalent of paid employees Total annual turnover C Total gross asset value (fixed property excluded) Less than Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 Less than R4.00 m R2.00 m R0.40 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R30.00 m R7.50 m R3.00 m R18.00 m R4.50 m R1.80 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R40.00 m R10.00 m R4.00 m R15.00 m R3.75 m R1.50 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R40.00 m R10.00 m R4.00 m R15.00 m R3.75 m R1.50 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R20.00 m R5.00 m R2.00 m R4.00 m R1.00 m R0.40 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R30.00 m R15.00 m R3.00 m R5.00 m R2.50 m R0.50 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m R4.00 m R2.00 m R0.40 m D Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 55 VEND 01 Sector or sub- A sector in accordance with the Standard Industrial Classification Size or class Total full B time equivalent of paid employees Total annual turnover Less than Total gross asset value (fixed property excluded) Less than Wholesale trade, commercial agents and allied services Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R50.00 m R25.00 m R5.00 m R8.00 m R4.00 m R0.50 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Catering, accommodation and other trade Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R10.00 m R5.00 m R1.00 m R2.00 m R1.00 m R0.20 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R20.00 m R10.00 m R2.00 m R5.00 m R2.50 m R0.50 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R20.00 m R10.00 m R2.00 m R4.00 m R2.00 m R0.40 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R10.00 m R5.00 m R5.00 m R5.00 m R2.50 m R0.50 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Transport, storage and communications Finance and business services Community, social and personal services 3.4 C Bidders are to claim preference points based on the size or class of enterprise indicated above. Example D Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 56 VEND 01 Sector or A sub-sector in accordance with the Standard Industrial Classification √ 7.1.2 Agriculture Size or class Medium Small Very small Micro Total full time equivalent of paid employees B Less than R4.00 m R2.00 m R0.40 m 100 50 10 5 Total annual turnover √ R0.15 m C √ Total gross asset value (fixed property excluded) Less than R4.00 m R2.00 m R0.40 m R0.10 m The annual turnover shall be the factor determining the ultimate classification and hence the points claimable. The company in this example would be classified as a “small” enterprise because of the turnover in lieu of the fact that according to the other parameters, the company could be classified as a “Micro” or “Very small” enterprise For example: The company in the example will therefore be able to claim a maximum of 6 points in paragraph 3.4 below 3.5 Insert your claim in the table below based on the information contained in paragraph 3.2 Classification Micro Very Small Small Medium (Maximum points 2) Score Points claimed 2 1.5 1 0.5 4. CLAIM WITH REGARD TO THE PROMOTION OF SMALL BUSINESS 4.1 Bidders that are actively involved in the promotion of small businesses (a SMME cannot claim for promoting its own business), as defined in the National Small Business Act, 1996 (Act 102 of 1996), by subcontracting/outsourcing or procuring any of the businesses and/or functions of the company to local small business inter alia manufacturing, packaging, distribution, etc. may claim preference points by completing the table below. D √ Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 57 VEND 01 Small business function(s) subcontracted/ outsourced or procured Name(s) of small business (es) outsourced to Address and telephone number of small business as well as contact person Value of outsource d business (a) Total Value (a) 4.2 Bidders may claim preference points based on business outsourced to or procured from SMME enterprises as a percentage of annual third party spend (excluding personnel expenditure) for the previous financial year(s) in accordance with the table below: Total annual third party spend for the previous financial year: R …….…………… (b) The percentage of third party spend should be calculated by dividing the value of outsourced business or procured spend (a) above by the third party spend for the previous financial year (b) multiplied by 100 to represent the percentage. Example Total value of outsourced or procured business from SMME R100 000,00 (a) Third Party Spend from previous financial year R550 000,00 (b) The percentage will then by R100 000,00 (a), divided by R550 000,00 (b) multiplied by 100 = 18.8%. The preference points that would be claimed is therefore (0.5 points) (See table under 4.3 below) 4.3 Please insert your claim in the table below: Percentage of turnover directed to small Points business (total of (a) divided by (b) x 100 allocated 0-10 0 11–25 0.5 26-50 1 51-75 1.5 76-100 2 Points claimed BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender No Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 58 VEND 01 (Maximum Points 2) 5. DECLARATION 5.1 I/We acknowledge that: 5.1.1 The information is true and correct. 5.1.2 In the event of a contract being awarded as a result of points claimed, the contractor may be required to furnish documentary proof of substantiating external auditor certificate that the claims are correct. 5.1.3 If the claims are found to be incorrect, BANKSETA may, in addition to any other remedy it may have: recover all costs, losses or damages it has incorrect or suffered as a result of that person’s conduct; cancel the contract and claim any damaged which it has suffered as a result of having to make a less favourable arrangements due to such cancellation; impose a financial penalty more severe that the theoretical financial preference associated with the claim which was made in the tender; and restrict the contractor, its shareholders and directors from obtaining business from BANKSETA for a period determined by BANKSETA. WITNESSES: 1. ………………………………………. …………………………………………. SIGNATURE(S) OF BIDDER(S) 2. ………………………………………. DATE: ……………………………… Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 59 VEND 01 Tender’s name (To be inserted by bidder): …………………………… PREFERENCE POINTS CLAIM FORM IN TERMS OF THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS 2001 PROMOTION OF SMALL BUSINESSES (80/20 Rule) 1. INTRODUCTION In terms of regulation 17 of the preferential procurement regulations pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act 5 of 2000), it is the Government’s intention to promote small businesses by using the preference point system as a mechanism to award points to bidders. 2. SPECIFIC GOAL a. The specific goal is the promotion of small businesses as defined in the National Business Act, 1996 (Act 102 of 1996). b. Bidders who which to claim in respect of this goal must complete either paragraph 3 with regard to being a small business and/or paragraph 4 with regard to the promotion of small business. c. The maximum preference points that can be claimed between paragraph 3 and 4 and 10 points. 3. CLAIM WITH REGARD TO BEING A SMALL BUSINESS a. Bidders regarding itself as a micro, very small, small or medium enterprise (SMME) as defined by the National Small Business Act, 1996 (Act 102 of 1996) may claim preference points. b. Should the bidders wish to claim points for being a SMME; it is required of the bidder to complete table 3.4. c. Should the bidder wish to claim points for promoting a SMME; it is required of the bidder to complete table 4.2. NB: Bidders cannot claim points for both tables 3.4. and 4.2. it has to be only one or the other. First select and tick in column (A) the relevant sector or sub-sector you are operating in. Within the chosen sector, select and tick in columns (B), (C) and (D) the relevant block indicating your organisation’s position pertaining to employees (B), turnover (C) and assets (D). Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 60 VEND 01 See the example in 3.3 below. Sector or sub- A sector in accordance with the Standard Industrial Classification 7.1.3 Agriculture Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water Construction Retain and motor trade and repair service Size or class Total full B time equivalent of paid employees Total annual turnover C Total gross asset value (fixed property excluded) Less than Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 Less than R4.00 m R2.00 m R0.40 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R30.00 m R7.50 m R3.00 m R18.00 m R4.50 m R1.80 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R40.00 m R10.00 m R4.00 m R15.00 m R3.75 m R1.50 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R40.00 m R10.00 m R4.00 m R15.00 m R3.75 m R1.50 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R20.00 m R5.00 m R2.00 m R4.00 m R1.00 m R0.40 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R30.00 m R15.00 m R3.00 m R5.00 m R2.50 m R0.50 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m R4.00 m R2.00 m R0.40 m D Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 61 VEND 01 Sector or sub- A sector in accordance with the Standard Industrial Classification Size or class Total full B time equivalent of paid employees Total annual turnover Less than C Total gross asset value (fixed property excluded) Less than Wholesale trade, commercial agents and allied services Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R50.00 m R25.00 m R5.00 m R8.00 m R4.00 m R0.50 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Catering, accommodation and other trade Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R10.00 m R5.00 m R1.00 m R2.00 m R1.00 m R0.20 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R20.00 m R10.00 m R2.00 m R5.00 m R2.50 m R0.50 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R20.00 m R10.00 m R2.00 m R4.00 m R2.00 m R0.40 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Medium Small Very small Micro 100 50 10 R10.00 m R5.00 m R5.00 m R5.00 m R2.50 m R0.50 m 5 R0.15 m R0.10 m Transport, storage and communications Finance and business services Community, social and personal services d. Bidders are to claim preference points based on the size or class of enterprise indicated above. Example D Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 62 VEND 01 Sector or A sub-sector in accordance with the Standard Industrial Classification √ 7.1.4 Agriculture Size or class Medium Small Very small Micro Total full time equivalent of paid employees B Less than R4.00 m R2.00 m R0.40 m 100 50 10 5 Total annual turnover √ C √ R0.15 m Total gross asset value (fixed property excluded) Less than R4.00 m R2.00 m R0.40 m R0.10 m The annual turnover shall be the factor determining the ultimate classification and hence the points claimable. The company in this example would be classified as a “small” enterprise because of the turnover in lieu of the fact that according to the other parameters, the company could be classified as a “Micro” or “Very small” enterprise For example: The company in the example will therefore be able to claim a maximum of 6 points in paragraph 3.4 below e. Insert your claim in the table below based on the information contained in paragraph 3.2 Classification Score Micro 4 Very Small 3 Small 2 Medium (Maximum points 4) Points claimed 1 4. CLAIM WITH REGARD TO THE PROMOTION OF SMALL BUSINESS a. Bidders that are actively involved in the promotion of small businesses (a SMME cannot claim for promoting its own business), as defined in the National Small Business Act, 1996 (Act 102 of 1996), by subcontracting/outsourcing or procuring any of the businesses and/or functions of the company to local small business inter alia manufacturing, packaging, distribution, etc. may claim preference points by completing the table below. D √ Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 63 VEND 01 Small business function(s) subcontracted/ outsourced or procured Name(s) of small business (es) outsourced to Address and telephone number of small business as well as contact person Value of outsour ced busines s (a) Total Value (a) b. Bidders may claim preference points based on business outsourced to or procured from SMME enterprises as a percentage of annual third party spend (excluding personnel expenditure) for the previous financial year(s) in accordance with the table below: Total annual third party spend for the previous financial year: R …….…………… (b) The percentage of third party spend should be calculated by dividing the value of outsourced business or procured spend (a) above by the third party spend for the previous financial year (b) multiplied by 100 to represent the percentage. Example Total value of outsourced or procured business from SMME R100 000,00 (a) Third Party Spend from previous financial year R550 000,00 (b) The percentage will then by R100 000,00 (a), divided by R550 000,00 (b) multiplied by 100 = 18.8%. The preference points that would be claimed is therefore (1 point) (See table under 4.3 below) c. Please insert your claim in the table below: Percentage of turnover directed to small Points business (total of (a) divided by (b) x 100 allocated 0-10 0 11–25 1 26-50 2 51-75 3 76-100 4 Points claimed BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender No Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 64 VEND 01 (Maximum Points 2) 5. DECLARATION a. I/We acknowledge that: i. The information is true and correct. ii. In the event of a contract being awarded as a result of points claimed, the contractor may be required to furnish documentary proof of substantiating external auditor certificate that the claims are correct. iii. If the claims are found to be incorrect, BANKSETA may, in addition to any other remedy it may have: recover all costs, losses or damages it has incorrect or suffered as a result of that person’s conduct; cancel the contract and claim any damaged which it has suffered as a result of having to make a less favourable arrangements due to such cancellation; impose a financial penalty more severe that the theoretical financial preference associated with the claim which was made in the tender; and restrict the contractor, its shareholders and directors from obtaining business from BANKSETA for a period determined by BANKSETA. WITNESSES: 1. 2. ………………………………………. ………………………………………. …………………………………………. SIGNATURE(S) OF BIDDER(S) DATE: ……………………………… PRO FORMA CONTRACT Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA VEND 02 Page AGREEMENT entered into between The Banking Sector Education and Training Authority (“BANKSETA”) and _____________________________________________ (“the Company”) 2 Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA VEND 02 1. Page 3 INTRODUCTION WHEREAS: 1.1 BANKSETA requires the services of a suitably qualified Company to assist with the provision of such Services; 1.2 The Company is able to provide the Services as required by BANKSETA and warrants that the Company is suitably organised, qualified, financed, equipped and experienced in the provision of the Services referred in terms of this Agreement; 1.3 The Parties wish to record their agreement in writing. 2. INTERPRETATION AND DEFINITIONS 2.1 Save for the document referred to in clause 3.2 below, in this Agreement, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following words will have the following meanings: 2.1.1 “the/this Agreement” means this Agreement together with any annexures hereto and the documentation referred to in clause 3.2 below:; 2.1.2 “the Company” means …………………………………………………………. 2.1.3 “the Services” means the services to be provided by the Company in terms of Annexure “A” hereto, being the Company’s Proposal (not attached) and its Project Plan attached as Annexure “C”; 2.1.4 “the Fee” means the fees paid and expenses reimbursed by BANKSETA to the Company from time to time as set out in Annexure “B” hereto; 2.1.5 “the Commencement Date” means the date on which this Agreement commences, namely, …………………………………….. 2.1.6 “the Termination Date” means the day following the date on which the Services are completed to the satisfaction of BANKSETA; 2.1.7 “the Client” means BANKSETA ; 2.1.8 “the Parties” means BANKSETA and the Company, individually or collectively, as the case may be; 2.2 Words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, and words importing the masculine gender shall include females. 2.3 The head notes to the clauses to this Agreement are inserted for reference purposes only and shall not affect the interpretation of any of the provision to which they relate. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ VEND 02 Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 4 3. APPOINTMENT 3.1 BANKSETA hereby appoints the Company to perform the Services, which Services shall be provided to BANKSETA. The Company accepts such appointment on the terms and conditions set out below. 3.2 The Company’s offer, dated …………………, and the Company’s further correspondence (if any) dated …………………….. are deemed part of this Agreement and the Parties shall be bound thereby. 3.3 If the documentation specified in clause 3.2 above, conflicts with this Agreement, this Agreement shall take precedence. 4. DURATION Notwithstanding the signature date, this Agreement shall commence on the Commencement Date and shall terminate on the Termination Date, unless terminated earlier as provided for in this Agreement. 5. RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTIES 5.1 The Company will at all times faithfully, promptly and punctually carry out and perform the Services. 5.2 The Company will, as part of its duties in terms of this Agreement, attend such meetings as may be required by BANKSETA from time to time. 5.3 The Company hereby undertakes that it will at all times during the continuance in force of this Agreement, observe the utmost good faith in the performance of it’s obligations as set out in this Agreement. 5.4 In the execution of this Agreement, the Company shall at all times have due regard to and observe the regulations of the Clients and the administrative conditions, rules and regulations, as may be in existence in all areas of operation of BANKSETA from time to time as referred to in this Agreement. The Company shall timeously render reports in accordance with its reporting obligations. 5.5 In the performance of this Agreement, the Company shall at all times have due regard to and observe all legislation impacting on the Services rendered in terms of this Agreement. 5.6 The Company will be required to meet all deliverables as stipulated in this Agreement, to the satisfaction of the BANKSETA. Failure to deliver in accordance with such requirements will be deemed a breach of this Agreement. The Company will then be subject to penalties and other such action as contemplated in clause 9 of this Agreement. 5.7 The BANKSETA project manager will sign off each deliverable only once he is satisfied with the quality of each deliverables. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ VEND 02 Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 5 6. PAYMENTS AND TAX 6.1 BANKSETA will pay the Company the Fee as set out in this Agreement. No additional amounts will be payable by BANKSETA to the Company. 6.2 The Company shall from time to time during the currency of this Agreement, invoice BANKSETA for the Services rendered. No payment will be made to the Company unless an invoice complying with section 20 of the VAT Act, No 89 of 1991 has been submitted to the BANKSETA. The Company will, in addition to the requirements contemplated in clause 5.7 above, comply with such other requirements for submitting invoices as BANKSETA may reasonably require from time to time. 6.3 The Company’s invoice shall be paid within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date on which the invoice has been received by BANKSETA or the sign off contemplated in clause 5.7 above, whichever is the later, unless the Parties agree otherwise in writing. 6.4 The Company shall be responsible for accounting to the appropriate authorities for its Income Tax, VAT or other moneys required to be paid in terms of any applicable law. 6.5 The Company hereby indemnifies BANKSETA, and any associated companies against all losses, claims, liabilities, damage or expense which they may suffer as a result of, or which may be attributable to, any liability for taxation in respect of payment made in terms of this Agreement. For purposes of this clause 6.5, “taxation” includes, but is not limited to, SITE and PAYE all other forms of duties or taxation, taxation in respect of any assessment of taxation and any penalties or interest. This clause 6.5 shall survive termination of this Agreement. 7. CONFIDENTIALITY 7.1 It is recorded that the Company has given the undertakings contained in this clause 7 in consideration for the benefits and advantages which the Company will gain by virtue of entering into this Agreement with BANKSETA, and the Company’s association with the Clients. The Company hereby acknowledges that the restraints contained herein are fair and reasonable and go no further than is reasonably necessary to protect the proprietary interests of the Clients. 7.2 By virtue of the fact that the Company will be providing the Services to the Clients, for the duration of the Agreement, the Company will have access to trade secrets and confidential information (hereinafter referred to as “trade secrets”) of the Clients. 7.3 Having regard to the above, and in order to protect the proprietary interests of the Clients, as aforesaid, the Company undertakes in favour of each of the Clients, in addition to and without limiting any other undertakings given in this Agreement, that: Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA VEND 02 Page 6 7.3.1 The Company will not, whether directly or indirectly, use any of the trade secrets other than for purposes of delivering the Services, or divulge or disclose them to any other persons whomsoever, without the prior written consent of BANKSETA; 7.3.2 Any written instructions, notes, memoranda or records of whatsoever nature relating to the trade secrets which may have been made or which may have come into possession shall be: Deemed to be the property of the Clients; and accordingly Surrendered by the Company to BANKSETA on termination of this Agreement or on demand by BANKSETA. 7.3.3 The Company shall not retain any copies of the trade secrets or make any extracts therefrom. 7.3.4 The Company shall not retain any copies of the trade secrets or make any extracts therefrom. 7.3.5 The Company will not during the operation of this Agreement and for a period of 1 (one) year after termination of this Agreement, either itself or as the agent of anyone else, persuade, induce, solicit, encourage or procure (or endeavour to do any of the afore going) any of the employees of the Clients to become employed by or interested in any manner whatsoever in any business, firm, undertaking or entity (collectively referred to as “any concern”) directly or indirectly in competition with the Clients. 7.3.6 The Company will not, during the operation of this Agreement and for a period of 1 (one) year after termination of this Agreements, solicit interfere with, or entice or endeavour to entice away from the Clients or any associated companies any firm, entity or company who or which, during the period of 1 (one) year immediately prior to the termination of this Agreement for whatever reason, and for a period of 1 (one) year after such termination, is or was a client or was accustomed to dealing with the Clients. 7.4 The Company shall not, during the currency of this Agreement, or after the termination of this Agreement, be entitled whether for it’s own benefit or that of others, to make use or avail itself of or derive benefit from any information or knowledge specifically related to the business or affairs of the Clients or trade secrets which the Company shall or may have acquired by reason of it’s position in or association with the business of the Clients. 7.5 The Company undertakes, that it will not at any time during this Agreement, or after termination hereof, disclose any information and trade secrets which come to it’s knowledge as a result hereof, not being information or trade secrets which come from an independent third party, and which relates to: 7.5.1 Any business or marketing method or practice or clients or alliances of the Clients; Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA VEND 02 Page 7 7.5.2 Any technical information, know-how or process or method of the Clients. 7.6 This clause 7 shall survive termination of this Agreement. 8. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, INVENTIONS AND COPYRIGHT 8.1 All the intellectual property rights arising from the execution of this Agreement shall vest in BANKSETA who shall be entitled to cede and assign such to the Department of Labour and the Company undertakes to honour such intellectual property rights and all future rights by keeping the know-how and all published and unpublished material confidential. 8.2 In the event that the Company would like to use any information or data generated in terms of the Services, the prior written permission must be obtained from BANKSETA. 8.3 BANKSETA shall own all materials produced by the Company during the course of, or as part of the Services including without limitation, deliverables, computer programmes (source code and object code), programming aids and tools, documentation, reports, data, designs, concepts, know-how and other information whether capable of being copyrighted or not (“IP”) which IP BANKSETA shall be entitled to freely cede and assign to the Department of Labour. 8.4 The Company assigns all IP rights in respect of all materials referred to in clause 8.3 to BANKSETA or the Department of Labour, as BANKSETA directs. No other document needs to be executed to give effect to this cession, assignment or transfer. 8.5 The Company hereby irrevocably cedes, assigns and transfers to BANKSETA or the Department of Labour, as BANKSETA directs, all rights, title and interest in and to all IP (which includes, but is not limited to methodologies and products) connected with or applicable to the Services. 8.6 Upon any IP coming into existence, no further documentation need be executed to give effect to such cession, assignment or transfer. 8.7 The provisions of this clause 8 shall only apply to such IP that is created or used within the course and scope of the Services in terms of this Agreement. The Company hereby irrevocably undertakes that the Company shall: 8.7.1 Inform BANKSETA upon the inception of any IP or improvements and continuously thereafter of all steps in the progress made to completion on a confidential basis; 8.7.2 At no time disclose any such IP or improvement or any information relating thereto, to any third person; and 8.7.3 Furnish BANKSETA upon request with such information or assistance in regard to any IP or improvement as may be required for the optimum utilisation and application thereof. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA VEND 02 Page 8 8.8 The Company hereby irrevocably: 8.8.1 Cedes, assigns and transfers to BANKSETA or the Department of Labour, as BANKSETA directs, all of it’s rights, title and interest in and to any and all IP which are or may become eligible for copyright under the laws of the Republic of South Africa and which relates to the Services or which arises directly or indirectly from or incidental to this Agreement; 8.8.2 Grants to BANKSETA or the Department of labour, as BANKSETA directs, the sole and exclusive right to alter and adapt the IP; and 8.8.3 Assigns to BANKSETA or the Department of Labour, as BANKSETA directs, the rights conferred upon itself as author by section 20(1) of the Copyright Act, No 98 of 1978, as amended. 8.9 The Company acknowledges and agrees that: 8.9.1 Each provision of clause 8 is separate, severally and separately enforceable from any other provisions of this Agreement; 8.9.2 The invalidity or non enforceability of any one or more provision hereof, shall not prejudice or effect the enforceability and validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement; and 8.9.3 This agreement contains various stipulatio alteri in favour of the Department of Labour, which rights shall continue in effect after termination of this Agreement, and which rights can be exercised and enforced at any time by the Department of Labour. 8.10 This clause 8 shall survive termination of this Agreement. 9. BREACH 9.1 The Company shall promptly notify BANKSETA in writing of any situation or of the occurrence of any event beyond the control of the Company, which makes it impossible or impracticable for the Company to carry out any obligation contemplated in this Agreement. Upon confirmation in writing to the BANKSETA of the existence of any such situation or upon the failure of the BANKSETA to respond to such notice within 10 (ten) days the Company shall be relieved from all liability for failure to carry out his obligations due directly to such situations or occurrences. In the event of disagreement between the BANKSETA and the Company as to the existence of such situation or event, the matter shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with clause 12 of this Agreement. 9.2 BANKSETA may by notice to the Company terminate this Agreement if any situation or event referred to in clause 9.1 above shall have continued for a period of 30 (thirty) days after the Company shall have been relieved of obligations in accordance with the provisions of clause 9.1 above. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA VEND 02 Page 9 9.3 In the event of BANKSETA being of the opinion that the Company is not in compliance with any material provision of this Agreement, the BANKSETA shall inform the Company and request the Company to remedy such non-compliance within 10 (ten) working days of such notice. 9.4 Should the BANKSETA determine that the non-compliance contemplated in clause 9.3 above has not been remedied within the period contemplated in clause 9.3 above, it may suspend this Agreement. Such suspension must be in writing and must set forth the reasons for it. 10. TERMINATION 10.1 Once this Agreement has been suspended, as contemplated in clause 9.4 above, BANKSETA may at any time thereafter, terminate this Agreement by giving 2 (two) weeks written notice to the Company. 10.2 It is specifically recorded that this Agreement may be summarily terminated if at any stage the Company: 10.2.1 Becomes insolvent; or 10.2.2 Is guilty of fraud, dishonesty, wilful default, gross negligence, gross incompetence or other serious misconduct. 10.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, whether express or implied, contained in this Agreement, the Company specifically agrees and acknowledges that: 10.3.1 BANKSETA’s right to terminate this Agreement shall be regulated by this Agreement and the Law of the Republic of South Africa alone; 10.3.2 The Company is not permanently contracted by BANKSETA; 10.3.3 A valid and lawful termination of this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a “fair dismissal” of the Company for any and all purposes; and 10.3.4 Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, the Company will not be entitled to, nor will the Company claim, any discontinuation or severance benefits, irrespective of the circumstances giving rise to any such claim. This clause 10.3.4 shall survive termination of this Agreement. 10.4 Should the Company not deliver on a particular aspect of the Service, the BANKSETA reserves the right to withhold payment on such Service aspect until complete delivery of such deliverable has been made by the Company to the written satisfaction of the BANKSETA. 10.5 Upon this Agreement terminating for any reason whatsoever, the Company shall take immediate steps to bring the Agreement to a close in a prompt and orderly manner and to reduce expenditure to a minimum. 11. WARRANTS Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA VEND 02 Page 10 The Company warrants that: 11.1 It is able to conclude this Agreement to the satisfaction of BANKSETA. 11.2 Although the Company will be entitled to provide services to persons other than BANKSETA, the Company shall not without the prior written consent of BANKSETA, be involved in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any business or venture which competes or conflicts with the obligations of the Company to provide the Services. 12. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 12.1 The validity, interpretation and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the Laws of the Republic of South Africa. 12.2 Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement (other than an urgent application to a court of competent jurisdiction) shall be finally resolved in accordance with the rules or the Arbitration Foundation of South Africa by an arbitrator or arbitrators appointed by the Foundation or it’s successors. 13. CONTRACT VARIATIONS Save as expressly provided for in this Agreement, the Agreement may only be varied by mutual agreement. No variation, modification or waiver of any provisions of this Agreement, or consent to any departure therefrom, shall in any way be of any force or effect unless confirmed in writing and signed by the Parties and then such variation, modification, waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose and to the extent for which made or given. 14. PARTIES NOT AFFECTED BY WAIVER OF BREACHES 14.1 The waiver (whether express or implied) by any Party of any breach of the terms or conditions of this Agreement by the other Party shall not prejudice any remedy of the waiving party in respect of any continuing or other breach of the terms and conditions hereof. 14.2 No favour, delay, relaxation or indulgence on the part of any Party in exercising any power or right conferred on such Party in terms of this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of such power or right nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such power or right under this Agreement. 14.3 The expiry or termination of this Agreement shall not prejudice the rights of any Party in respect of any antecedent breach or non-performance by the other Party of any of the terms or conditions hereof. 15. SOLE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the sole Agreement between the Parties and no representation not contained herein shall be of any force or effect between the Parties. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ VEND 02 16. Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 11 DISSOLUTION In the event of the dissolution of a Party, such Party shall honour all outstanding obligations in terms of this Agreement vis-à-vis the other Party. 17. DOMICILIUM The Parties hereto choose domicilia citandi et executandi for all purposes of and in connection with this Agreement as follows: 17.1 BANKSETA: Thornhill Office Park, Building 15, 94 Bekker Road, Midrand 17.2 The Company: ………………………………………………………………………. 18. ASSIGNMENT Save as expressly provided for in this Agreement, neither BANKSETA nor the Company may sell, assign, cede, transfer or hypothecate any of the rights or interests created under this Agreement or delegate any of the obligations or duties hereunder, without the prior written consent of the other Party. 19. TIME OF THE ESSENCE It is recorded that the timeous execution by the Company of the Services and obligations as required by this Agreement, is material and of the essence to this Agreement. 20. FORCE MAJEURE No Party will be liable for failure to perform any obligation in terms hereof in the event and to the extent that such failure is caused by force majeure. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA VEND 02 Page 12 I/We ………………………………………………………………………….. hereby confirm that I have satisfied myself with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and fully accept all the terms and conditions as stipulated in this Agreement. I hereby accept full responsibility for the proper execution and fulfilment of all obligations and conditions devolving on me/us under this Agreement as the Principal(s) liable for the due fulfilment of this Agreement. I/We agree that any action arising from this Agreement may in all respects be instituted against me/us and I/we hereby undertake to satisfy fully any penalties which may be pronounced against me/us as a result of such action. DONE AND SIGNED at ……………………………………… on this ………… day of ………………………… 2004. …………………………………… Signature for and/or on behalf of the Company, being duly authorised thereto AS WITNESSES: 1, ………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………… DONE AND SIGNED at ……………………………………… on this ………… day of ………………………… 2004. …………………………………… Signature for and/or on behalf of the BANKSETA being duly authorised thereto AS WITNESSES: 1, ………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………… Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA VEND 02 Page ANNEXURE “A” THE SERVICES as per the Terms of Reference Terms of Reference 13 Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA VEND 02 Page 14 ANNEXURE “B” THE FEE CONTRACT NO: FEES The BANKSETA will pay the Company the Fees as set out hereunder. This amount is inclusive of VAT. These amounts are for the Services to be provided in terms of this Agreement. These amounts will be paid in accordance with the presentation of agreed upon deliverables as per the Agreement. REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES BANKSETA will reimburse the Company for budgeted disbursements provided for in this Agreement. Disbursements will be reimbursed at actual cost incurred in order to put the Company in the position it was in before the expense was incurred. Claims for disbursements must be submitted as follows: Disbursements are to be claimed by submitting an invoice, with the relevant valid receipts attached, for authorisation to the appropriate sub-project manager. Once approved, the sub-project manager will comply with approved financial procedures for submission and approval of payments. Disbursements will only be made once the activities such expenditure relates to, are completed. Disbursements will not exceed the budgeted amount provided for in this Agreement. Should an expense budgeted for in the approved project plan not be incurred, no claim may be made. Unless otherwise agreed with BANKSETA in writing, disbursements will only be made on the following basis: Air travel at economy class rates “A” or “B” grade car rental South African 3 star or equivalent hotel accommodation. The contract amount is a ceiling amount that may not be exceeded without prior written approval from the BANKSETA. The Company will be required to adhere to all invoicing requirements as stipulated in this Agreement. The maximum amounts will be reviewed periodically with the Company and the Client and once 75% of the maximum amount is reached, consideration will be given as to whether the Services can be rendered within the remaining time and amount available. Tender No BS/2004/SG/010/ Tender document issued by the BANKSETA VEND 02 Page ANNEXURE “C” THE PROJECT PLAN 15 Tender No VEND 02 Tender document issued by the BANKSETA Page 16 BANKSETA Tender Box Location: __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ THORNHILL OFFICE PARK BLOCK 15 94 BEKKER STREET MIDRAND 011 805 9661