TITLE 19 - UNIFORM ZONING ORDINANCE Chapter 1 - General Provisions 19-1-1 19-1-2 19-1-2a 19-1-3 19-1-4 19-1-5 19-1-6 19-1-7 19-1-8 19-1-9 19-1-10 19-1-11 19-1-12 19-1-13 Short Title Purpose General Plan Compliance Interpretation and Conflict Changes and Amendments Administration and Enforcement Building Permits Certificate of Occupancy Required Issuance of Licenses and Permits Violation a Nuisance Violation a Misdemeanor Territory Annexed to the City Vacating Utility Easements Building Over Private Property Utility Easement 19-1-1. Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the "Uniform Zoning Ordinance of Riverdale, Utah". 19-1-2. Purpose. This Zoning Ordinance is designed and enacted for the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity, and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Riverdale, Utah, including amongst other things, lessening congestion on the streets or roads, securing safety from fire and other danger, providing adequate light and air, the classifying land uses and distribution of land development and utilization, protecting the tax base, securing economy in governmental expenditures, fostering commercial, industrial and agricultural growth, protecting the environment, and protecting both urban and non-urban development of the City. 19-1-2a. General Plan Compliance. No application for development, of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to new development, restructure development, or converted development, and/or subdivision shall be allowed or permitted until a conceptual plan for such development and/or subdivision shall have been reviewed and approved by the City Planning Commission and City Governing Body detailing how the proposed development and/or subdivision meets and/or satisfies the development guidelines of the City’s General Plan, including narrative sections and the Land Use Planning Map. In the event a development and/or subdivision cannot meet and/or satisfy the guidelines of the City’s General Plan, the party presenting the conceptual plan may petition the City Planning Commission for its determination to recommend an amendment to the City’s General Plan. Should the Planning Commission determine that an amendment to the General Plan is warranted, then the statutory requirements for pursuing such an amendment to the General Plan shall be followed by the Planning Commission and Governing Body. Amendments to the General Plan, pursuant to this Section, will only be considered upon a showing of undue hardship and/or adverse extenuating circumstances. For purposes of this Section, undue hardship and/or adverse extenuating circumstances shall not include concepts such as economic factor, developments created in complete opposition to the General Plan, marketing hardship in the proposed development, etc. (Ordinance No. 552, Adopted December 2, 1998) 19-1-3. Interpretation and Conflict. (a) In interpreting and applying the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance, the requirements contained herein are declared to be the minimum requirements for the purpose set forth. (b) This Zoning Ordinance shall not nullify the more restrictive provisions of covenants, agreements, other ordinances or laws, but shall prevail notwithstanding such provisions which are less restrictive. 19-1-4. Changes and Amendments. This Zoning Ordinance, including the maps, may be amended from time to time by the City Council after holding a public hearing. At least fifteen (15) days notice of the time and place of such hearing has to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the area. All proposed amendments shall be first proposed by the Planning Commission or shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for its recommendation which shall be returned to the City Council for its consideration within thirty (30) days. Failure of the Planning Commission to take action on the proposed amendment within the prescribed time shall be deemed approval by such Commission of the proposed change or amendment. The City Council may overrule the Planning Commission's recommendation by a majority vote of its members. [Utah Code Annotated, Sections 10-9-2 through 5, 10-9-19 through 22 (1953)]. (Ordinance No. 473, Adopted February 15, 1995.) 19-1-5. Administration and Enforcement. (a) The Chief Building Official of the City is hereby charged with the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance. (b) The Chief Building Official shall not grant a permit for the construction or alteration of any building or structure, nor issue any Certificate of Occupancy for a change in the use of land, if such construction or alteration or change would be in violation or would involve a violation of any of the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance or any other ordinance of the City or of any law of the State of Utah. (c) The Chief Building Official shall enforce all of the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance. He shall inspect or cause to be inspected all of the buildings in course of construction, alteration, or repair, and any change in the use of land. If, in the course of such inspection, or otherwise, it shall come to his attention that any such construction, alteration or repair, or that any use or contemplated use of land is in violation of the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance, he shall issue his written order to the person responsible therefore, ordering and directing such person to cease and desist such construction, alteration, or repair or use. He shall report violation of this Zoning Ordinance to the City Attorney for prosecution and make complaint thereof before the court or courts having jurisdiction of such violation. Upon the recommendation of the City Council, the Legal Department shall bring a civil action for the abatement of any nuisance existing in violation of this Title. (d) The Chief Building Official may call for the assistance of law enforcement personnel whenever in his opinion such assistance is necessary in the investigation of a suspected violation of this Zoning Ordinance. (e) The Chief Building Official may establish reasonable rules and regulations necessary or desirable in the administration of this Title. Three copies of such rules and regulations shall be filed with the City Recorder and such rules and regulations shall become effective when so filed. (f) The City Council may, by resolution, prescribe an exact payment of reasonable fees to cover the expense of examining or re-examining plot plans or development plans or proposed improvements, issuing building permits, inspecting uses, and issuing Certificates of Occupancy, and may determine the method of collecting such fees. (Ordinance No. 272, Adopted June 30, 1981.) 19-1-6. Building Permits. The construction, alteration, repair, removal, or occupancy of any structure or of any part thereof or substantial alteration or modification of terrain, or any action which would substantially alter water drainage or water passage, or which would likely require sewage disposal, water, roads, curbs, gutters, or sidewalks in the reasonably foreseeable future or any other changes which would reasonably be expected to have a substantial effect on the environment, including but not limited to air, water, noise, and land appearance shall not be commenced or proceeded with, except after the issuance of a written permit for the same by the Chief Building Official or his agent; provided that no permit shall be necessary where the erection, construction, reconstruction, or alteration is minor in character as determined by the Chief Building Official or his agent. (Utah Code Annotated Sections 10-9-18, 10-9-1 (1953)). 19-1-7. Certificate of Occupancy Required. No land shall be used or occupied and no building hereafter structurally altered or erected shall be used or changed in use until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been issued by the Chief Building Official or his agent stating that the building or structure or the proposed use thereof, or the use of land, complies with the provisions of this Title. A Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued as it may be required for any nonconforming use hereunder. A Certificate of Occupancy either for the whole or a part of a building or structure shall be applied for coincidentally with the application for a Building Permit and shall be issued within ten days after the erection or structural alteration of such building or structure, or part thereof, shall have been completed in conformity with the provisions of this Title, requirements of the City Council and Planning Commission. (Utah Code Annotated Section 10-9-18 (1953)). 19-1-8. Issuance of Licenses and Permits. All departments, officials and public employees of the City which are vested with the duty or authority to issue permits or licenses shall conform to the provisions of this Title and shall issue no such permit or license for uses, buildings, or purposes where the same would be in conflict with the provisions of this Title and any such permit or license, if issued in conflict with the provisions of this Title shall be null and void. 19-1-9. Violation a Nuisance. Any structure made or existing, and any use of land in violation of any provision of this Title is a public nuisance and may be abated by appropriate proceedings. 19-1-10. Violation a Misdemeanor. Any person or corporation whether as principal, agent, employee, or otherwise, who fails to comply with the requirements of this Title or of a lawful order of the Chief Building Official or his agent shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished as provided in Section 13-3-1 et seq. Such person, firm, or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during which any portion of any violation of this Title is committed, maintained, continued, or permitted by such person, firm, or corporation, and shall be punishable as herein provided. (Ordinance No. 457, Adopted July 6, 1994.) 19-1-11. Territory Annexed to the City. At the time of the annexation of new territory to the City, the City Council, after reviewing the recommendation of the Planning Commission, shall classify such territory for zoning purposes according to the zones established by this Title. 19-1-12. Vacating Utility Easements. Any person owning property within the City of Riverdale may apply to the City Council to vacate a utility easement located on his property. The property owner shall do so by submitting a written application to the Building and Zoning Official. (a) The application shall be accompanied by written permission from all interested utilities agreeing to the vacation of the easement. (b) The Building and Zoning Official shall submit the application to the City Council as soon as practical after he receives it along with his recommendation as to whether or not the easement should be vacated. The City Council shall consider the application at its next meeting. (c) It is the policy of the City to vacate such utility easements when so doing appears to be in the best interest of all concerned parties. (Ordinance No. 441, Adopted April 20, 1993.) 19-1-13. Building Over Private Property Utility Easement. Any person owning property within the City of Riverdale may apply, in writing, to the City Building and Zoning Official for a permit to build over a utility easement located on the owners property. The Building and Zoning Official may issue said permit upon the following terms and conditions: (a) The owner of the property shall furnish to the Building and Zoning Official a letter addressed to the City wherein the owner(s) of the property do hold harmless and indemnify the City and indicating that said owner will pay for and be responsible for any costs associated with the building or structure constructed on the easement, and if required, its removal, should the easement become active and a use of the easement is required by the City or any legitimate utility company; and (b) The owner has satisfied the City Public Works Director that the easement does not contain any utility lines or pipes, and that the installation of any lines or pipes is not currently contemplated by the city or any legitimate utility company. The City Public Works Director shall communicate, in writing, said satisfaction to the Building and Zoning Official before any permit may be granted. (1) Compliance with this section may be done in lieu of vacating of a utility easement, as set forth in 19-1-12, above. (2) In the event a permit is not granted pursuant to this section, the property owner may appeal, in writing, the decision of the Building and Zoning Official to the City Governing Body within 10 days from the date of the permit denial. The Governing Body may uphold, reverse, or modify the decision of the Building and Zoning Official. (Ordinance No. 514, Adopted April 2, 1997) Chapter 1a - Request for Rezone 19-1a-1 19-1a-2 19-1a-3 19-1a-4 19-1a-5 Rezone Request Procedure Rezone Request Application Notice of Rezone Request, Posting of Signs on the Subject Property, and Public Hearing Rezone Request for Planning Manufacturing Zone Appeal from City Planning Commission 19-1a-1. Rezone Request Procedure. The following shall be the procedures followed for a proposed amendment to the City Zoning Map. Said proposed zoning map amendment shall be classified as a "Rezone Request." (a) A rezone request may be initiated by the City Planning Commission, the City Council, or by any person, firm, or corporation or agent of said person, firm, or corporation owning the real property in the City which is the subject of the rezone request. (b) All rezone requests shall satisfy the notice and publication requirements established by the laws of this state, and shall first be presented to the City Planning Commission for its recommendations which shall be returned to the City Council for its consideration within thirty (30) days as set forth in this Title at 19-1-4. (c) The form (hereinafter the "application") used to request a rezone shall be adopted by resolution of the City Council. 19-1a-2. Rezone Request Application. Prior to the consideration of any rezone request by the City Planning Commission all persons, firms, or corporations or agents of said persons, firms, or corporations owning real property in the City which is the subject of a rezone request shall: (a) Submit a completed application requesting a change in the zoning ordinance or map to the City Recorder. All requirements, attachments, and fees set forth on the application shall be satisfied and submitted with the application before the application shall be deemed completed. No application for rezone request shall be considered by the City Planning Commission until it is completed. (b) The applicant shall have paid to the City a rezone request application fee prior to consideration of the rezone request by the City Planning Commission. Said application fee shall be set by resolution of the City Council as prescribed in Chapter 27 of this Title, Fees, 19-27 et seq. 19-1a-3. Notice of Rezone Request, Posting of Signs on the Subject Property, and Public Hearing. Whenever any rezone request is made, before acting on said request, the City Council shall hold a public hearing as required in this Title in 19-1-4. Notice of publication and of public hearing shall be provided as follows: (a) The party requesting the rezone shall, at least 15 days prior to the date of the public hearing, and, after having paid the applicable Rezone Request Fee, satisfy one of the following: (i) If available, the party shall request the City to place the rezone sign owned by the City on the property, or, (ii) If the aforementioned City owned sign is not available, the requesting part shall have made, at their own expense, a sign that is constructed of the same material, designed and lettered in the same size, manner and lettering format as the rezone sign owned by the City, and under the direction of the City Building Official, place said sign on the property. In any event the sign shall be placed on the proposed rezone property facing a public street and not more than 15 feet from the property line. In the event the subject property abuts more than one public street, a sign, as previously described, shall be placed facing each public street abutting the subject property. Said sign or signs shall contain the following information: (1) The words "Notice of Rezone Request"; (2) the existing zone designation of the property in question and the proposed zone designation; (3) the area of the property expressed in square feet or acres; (4) the time, date, and place of the public hearing on the rezone request. The City Building Inspector shall supervise the placement of the sign or signs and shall execute a certificate certifying that a sign or signs in compliance with the foregoing requirements was placed on the property at least 15 days prior to the date of the public hearing. Said certificate shall be filed with the City Council prior to or at the time of the public hearing. (Ordinance No. 489, Adopted February 21, 1996) (b) Not less than 15 days prior to the date of the public hearing, a notice of said hearing shall be placed in the United States Mail postage prepaid, addressed to all property owners as shown by the Weber County Assessor's Office of property any part of which is located within 500 feet of any part of the property for which the rezone request has been submitted. Said notice shall contain the same information required on the sign as provided above together with the approximate street address of the subject property. The mailed notices shall be mailed by the City Recorder and a copy thereof together with the Recorder's mailing certificate shall be filed with the City Council prior to or at the time of the public hearing. (c) The cost of placing the sign or signs shall be borne by the party requesting the rezone. In the case of the publication and mailing costs, the same shall be paid by the City from the Rezone Request Application Fee (except where the request is initiated by the Planning Commission or the City Council, for which request no fee shall be assessed). 19-1a-4. Rezone Request for Planning Manufacturing Zone. Rezone requests for a planned manufacturing zone shall substantially comply with the notice and publication requirements of this Chapter, and shall strictly comply with the requirements of Chapter 26 of this Title, Planned Manufacturing Zones, 19-26 et seq. 19-1a-5. Appeal from City Planning Commission. In the event a negative recommendation is received from the Planning Commission, the applicant for the rezone request may appeal that decision to the City Council by filing a written appeal with the City Recorder within ten (10) days of the Planning Commission's final decision. (Ordinance No. 473, Adopted February 15, 1995.) Chapter 2 - Definitions 19-2-1 19-2-2 19-2-3 19-2-4 19-2-5 19-2-6 19-2-7 19-2-8 19-2-9 19-2-10 19-2-11 19-2-12 19-2-13 19-2-14 19-2-15 19-2-16 19-2-17 19-2-18 19-2-19 19-2-20 19-2-21 19-2-22 19-2-23 19-2-24 19-2-25 19-2-26 19-2-27 19-2-28 19-2-29 19-2-30 19-2-31 19-2-32 19-2-33 19-2-34 19-2-35 19-2-36 19-2-37 19-2-38 19-2-39 19-2-40 19-2-41 19-2-42 19-2-43 19-2-44 19-2-45 Applicability - Definitions In Other Titles Access Strip Agriculture Airport Airport Approach Area Airport Elevation Airport Hazard Airport Instrument Landing Area Airport Landing Area Airport Non-Instrument Landing Area Airport Reference Point Airport Runway Airport Transition Area Airport Turning Area Alley Ambulance Ambulance Base Station Ambulance Sub-Station Animal Hospital Animal Shelter Architectural Projection Basement Blanketing Boarding House Building Building, Accessory Building, Detached Building Façade Building Facade Facing Building, Height of Building, Main Building Official Building, Public Car Wash, Laundry Type Car Wash, Manual Spray Cellar Changeable Copy Panel Cluster Subdivision Common Open Space Common Open Space Easement Condominium Project Corral Court Coverage, Lot Dairy Day Care Center Dry Cleaner Dwelling 19-2-46 19-2-47 19-2-48 19-2-49 19-2-50 19-2-51 19-2-52 19-2-53 19-2-54 19-2-55 19-2-56 19-2-57 19-2-58 19-2-59 19-2-60 19-2-61 19-2-62 19-2-63 19-2-64 19-2-65 19-2-66 19-2-67 19-2-68 19-2-69 19-2-70 19-2-71 19-2-72 19-2-73 19-2-74 19-2-75 19-2-76 19-2-77 19-2-78 19-2-79 19-2-80 19-2-81 19-2-82 19-2-83 19-2-84 19-2-85 19-2-86 19-2-87 19-2-88 19-2-89 19-2-90 19-2-91 19-2-92 Dwelling Unit Bachelor or Bachelorette Dwelling, Group Dwelling, Multiple Family Dwelling, Single Family Dwelling, Single Family Row House Dwelling, Two Family Dwelling Unit Dwelling, Zero Lot Line Alternate Side Lot Line Dwelling (Duplex Type) Parallel Side Lot Line Dwellings Educational Institution Family Fence Flood Plain Flood Plain Overlay Zone Flood, Intermediate Regional Floor Area Floor-Lot Area Ratio Fraternity or Sorority House Frontage Garage, Carports Garage, Private Garage, Public Guest House Home Occupation Hotel Household Pets Incombustible Material Junk Yard Kennel Kindergarten Laundromat or Launderette Lodging House Lot Lot, Corner Lot, Interior Maintain Map, Official Manufactured Home Mobile Home Park Motel Natural Waterways Nightclub Nonconforming Building Nonconforming Use Nursery for Children Open Green Space Parcel of Land Parking Lot Parking Space 19-2-93 19-2-94 19-2-95 19-2-96 19-2-97 19-2-98 19-2-99 19-2-100 19-2-101 19-2-102 19-2-103 19-2-104 19-2-105 19-2-106 19-2-107 19-2-108 19-2-109 19-2-110 19-2-111 19-2-112 19-2-113 19-2-114 19-2-115 19-2-116 19-2-117 19-2-118 19-2-119 19-2-120 19-2-121 19-2-122 19-2-123 19-2-124 19-2-125 19-2-126 19-2-127 19-2-128 19-2-129 19-2-130 19-2-131 19-2-132 19-2-133 19-2-134 19-2-135 19-2-136 19-2-137 19-2-138 19-2-139 19-2-140 19-2-141 19-2-142 Paying Guest Person Planned Residential Unit Development (PRUD) Planning Commission Private Drive Recreational Coach Shopping Center Sign Sign, Advertising Sign, Animated Sign, Background Area Sign, Billboard Sign, Business Sign, Cloth Sign, Combination Sign, Copy Area Sign, Development Sign, Directional Sign, Flat Sign, Floodlighted Sign, Free Standing Sign, Identification and Information Sign, Illuminated Sign, Incombustible Sign, Marquee Sign, Multiple Copy Sign, Name Plate Sign, Off-Premise Sign, On-Premise Sign, Political or Campaign Sign, Projecting Sign, Roof Sign, Structure Sign, Temporary Sign, Time and/or Temperature Sign, Wall Site Development Standards Stable, Private Stable, Public Story Story, Half Street, Public Street, Private Structure Structural Alterations Swimming Pool Swimming Pool, Family Tavern Theater, Indoor Picture Theater, Outdoor Drive-In 19-2-143 19-2-144 19-2-145 19-2-146 19-2-147 19-2-148 19-2-149 19-2-150 19-2-151 19-2-152 19-2-153 19-2-154 19-2-155 Trim, Nonstructural Uniform Building Code (U.B.C.) Use Use, Accessory Use, Conditional Use, Permitted Width of Lot Yard Yard, Front Yard, Rear Yard, Side Zone Zoning Ordinance 19-2-1. Applicability - Definitions In Other Titles. The words and terms defined in this chapter shall have the meanings indicated. Words used in the present tense include the future and words in the singular number include the plural and words in the plural include the singular. Words not included herein but defined elsewhere in the City Ordinances shall be construed as termed therein. The word "shall" is mandatory. 19-2-2. Access Strip. A strip of land which is part of a lot and provides access to the part thereof used or to be used for buildings or structures. 19-2-3. Agriculture. The tilling of the soil, the raising of crops, horticulture and gardening, but not including keeping or raising of domestic animals and fowl, except household pets, and not including any agricultural industry or business, such as fruit packing plants, fur farms, animal hospitals, or similar uses. 19-2-4. Base. Airport. The Ogden Municipal Airport and/or Hill Air Force 19-2-5. Airport Approach Area. The specified area at each end of the airport landing area required for the safe flight of aircraft in landing, taking off, or maneuvering at or in the vicinity of the airport. 19-2-6. Airport Elevation. The elevation in feet above mean sea level of the highest point of the landing area of an airport. 19-2-7. Airport Hazard. Any structure or natural growth or use of land which obstructs or restricts the airspace required for the safe flight of aircraft in landing, taking off, or maneuvering at or in the vicinity of the airport. 19-2-8. Airport Instrument Landing Area. A landing area equipped with precision electronic air navigation aids adequate to permit the landing of aircraft by an instrument approach under restricted visibility conditions. 19-2-9. Airport Landing Area. The runway, or the specially prepared surface within the boundaries of an airport designed for aircraft landing and taking off operations. 19-2-10. Airport Non-Instrument Landing Area. than an Instrument Landing Area. Any landing areas other 19-2-11. Airport Reference Point. The point established as the approximate geographic center of the airport landing areas and so designated. 19-2-12. area. Airport Runway. The paved surface of an airport landing 19-2-13. Airport Transition Area. An area extending outward from the outside edge of the airport turning area. 19-2-14. Airport Turning Area. The area within a specified horizontal distance of the airport reference point necessary for the safe flight and maneuvering of aircraft. 19-2-15. Alley. A public thoroughfare less than twenty-six (26) feet wide. (a) Ambulance. A privately owned vehicle that is especially designed, constructed, or modified and equipped and is intended to be used for and is maintained or operated for transportation of individuals who are sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless. (b) Ambulance Base Station. A lot or portion thereof used as a station for one or more ambulances where any one or more of the following activities are conducted: (1) Cleaning, maintenance, or repair of ambulances. (2) Storage of cleaning, maintenance, or repair equipment or supplies. (3) Storage of fuels or lubricants. (4) Storage of medical equipment or supplies except within an ambulance located on the premises. (5) Maintenance of eating, wash room or sleeping facilities for more than three persons. (6) Parking of more than one ambulance on the premises for a period of time in excess of one hour. (c) Ambulance Sub-Station. A lot or portion thereof where one ambulance and its crew of not to exceed three persons is on the premises for a period of time in excess of one hour. 19-2-16. Animal Hospital. Structure or building used to provide medical attention for animals; may include temporary boarding of animals. 19-2-17. Animal Shelter. Building or structure designed to accommodate the boarding and care of lost and stray animals, and to conduct humane treatment thereof. 19-2-18. Architectural Projection. Any projection which is not intended for occupancy and which extends beyond the face of an exterior wall of a building, but shall not include signs. 19-2-19. Basement. A story partly underground and having at least one-half (1/2) its height above the average level of the adjoining ground. A basement shall be counted as a story, for purposes of height measurement. 19-2-20. Blanketing. The term blanketing or blanket, when applied to signs or sign structure, shall mean the partial or complete shutting off of the face of one sign by another sign. 19-2-21. Boarding House. A building with not more than five (5) guest rooms where, for compensation, meals are provided for at least five (5) but not more than fifteen (15) persons. 19-2-22. Building. Any structure other than a boundary wall or fence. 19-2-23. Building, Accessory. A subordinate building or a portion of the main building on a lot, the use of which is customarily incidental to that of the main or principal building. 19-2-24. Building, Detached. the same lot. A building surrounded by open space on 19-2-25. Building Facade. That portion of an exterior elevation of a building extended from grade to the top of the parapet wall or eaves and the entire width of the building elevation. 19-2-26. Building Facade Facing. A resurfacing of an existing facade with approved material illuminated or non-illuminated. 19-2-27. Building, Height of. The vertical distance from the grade elevation to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof, or to the deck line of a mansard roof, or to a point midway between the lowest part of the eaves or cornice, and ridge of a pitch or hip roof. 19-2-28. Building, Main. A building in which principal use of the lot on which it is located. is conducted the 19-2-29. Building Official. Building Official is the official or other person charged with the administration and enforcement of this Title or his duly authorized deputy. 19-2-30. Building, Public. A building owned and operated, or owned and intended to be operated by a public agency of the United States of America, of the State of Utah, or any of its political subdivisions. 19-2-31. Car Wash, Laundry Type. A structure containing facilities for washing passenger production-line methods such as, but not limited movable or revolving cleaning brushes, blower, similar mechanical devices. or portion thereof automobiles, using to, chain conveyor, steam cleaning, or 19-2-32. Car Wash, Manual Spray. A structure or portion thereof containing facilities for washing passenger automobiles, limited to using only hand operated manual spray cleaning equipment and techniques. 19-2-33. Cellar. A story having more than one-half (1/2) its height below the average level of the adjoining ground. A cellar shall not be counted as a story for the purpose of height measurement. 19-2-34. Changeable Copy Panel. A panel which is characterized by changeable copy, regardless of method of attachment. 19-2-35. Cluster Subdivision. A subdivision of land in which the areas and widths of residential lots are reduced below the minimum low areas and lot width requirements of the zone in which the subdivision is located and where equivalent common open space areas are provided to compensate for such lot reduction. 19-2-36. Common Open Space. The land area in a Planned Residential Unit Development (PRUD) reserved and set aside for recreational uses, landscaping, open green areas, parking and driveway areas for the common use and enjoyment of the residents of the PRUD. 19-2-37. Common Open Space Easement. A required right-of-use granted to the City of Riverdale by the owner of a Planned Residential Unit Development, on and over land in a Planned Residential Unit Development designated as common open space, which easement guarantees to the City of Riverdale that the designated common open space and recreation land is permanently reserved for access, parking and recreation, and open green space purposes in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Planning Commission and City Council at the time of approval of the PRUD or as such plans are amended from time to time. 19-2-38. Condominium Project. A real estate condominium project where ownership of a single unit in a multi-unit project, together with an undivided interest in common in the common areas and facilities of the property, is transferred; a plan or project whereby four or more apartments or commercial or industrial buildings or structures are separately offered or proposed to be offered for sale and meeting all requirements of the "Condominium Ownership Act" of the State of Utah. Structures shall conform with all area, yard, frontage, and height regulations of the zone district in which they are located. 19-2-39. Corral. A space, other than a building, less than 10,000 square feet in area, and less than one hundred (100) feet in width, used for the confinement of animals. 19-2-40. Court. An unoccupied open space, other than yard, on the same lot with a building or buildings, which is bounded on two or more sides by the walls of such building or buildings. 19-2-41. Coverage, Lot. The percent of the lot area covered by the main and accessory buildings. 19-2-42. Dairy. A commercial establishment processing, or sale of dairy products. for the manufacture, 19-2-43. Day Care Center. Any building or structure, other than an occupied residence, wherein care, supervision, and guidance for three or more children unaccompanied by parent or guardian is furnished for periods less than 24 hours per day, or, an occupied residence wherein care, supervision, and guidance for six or more children unaccompanied by parent or guardian is furnished for periods of less than 24 hours per day. "Occupied residence" shall refer to a building or structure being used as a residence by a family. The term "day care center" is inclusive of kindergartens, preschools, nursery schools, and all other similar facilities specializing in the education and/or care of children prior to their entrance into the first grade, other than facilities owned and/or operated by the public school system. (Ordinance No. 215, Adopted October 19, 1977.) 19-2-44. Dry Cleaner. An establishment which has as its sole purpose the cleansing of fabrics with substantially non-aqueous organic solvents. Laundry establishments with self-service, coin operated dry cleaning machines shall not be classified as a dry cleaner. 19-2-45. Dwelling. A building or portion thereof designed or used as the living quarters for one or more families. 19-2-46. Dwelling Unit Bachelor or Bachelorette. A dwelling unit designed or used to accommodate unrelated persons exclusively. 19-2-47. Dwelling, Group. single lot. Two (2) or more dwellings placed upon a 19-2-48. Dwelling, Multiple Family. A building arranged or designed to be occupied by three (3) or more families. 19-2-49. Dwelling, Single Family. A building arranged or designed to be occupied by one (1) family, the structure having only (1) dwelling unit. 19-2-50. Dwelling, Single Family Row House. A building built directly against an adjoining building without an open space between, and containing a one-family dwelling unit extending from basement to roof. Each such single-family attached dwelling unit shall have a front and rear entrance. Each group of single family attached dwelling shall be considered one structure, for purposes of front, rear, and side yard requirements. 19-2-51. Dwelling, Two Family. A building arranged or designated to be occupied by two (2) families, the structure having only two (2) dwelling units. 19-2-52. Dwelling Unit. One or more rooms in a dwelling, apartment, hotel or apartment hotel designed for or occupied by one family for living, sleeping, and eating purposes. A dwelling unit may contain more than one set of kitchen facilities, whether temporary or permanent, provided they are used only by members of the family occupying the dwelling unit or their nonpaying guests. A dwelling unit may include up to two (2) persons per unit to whom rooms are rented in addition to a family related by blood, marriage, or adoption, but if the number of such additional persons exceeds two (2) or if they use or are furnished separate cooking facilities, whether temporary or permanent, such additional persons shall be considered a separate dwelling unit. (a) Dwelling, Zero Lot Line. A single family home that has, in effect, a zero foot setback from one of the lot lines. For the purpose of this Title, that line is a side line. (b) Alternate Side Lot Line Dwelling (Duplex Type). The placement of adjacent houses on alternate or common side lot lines, with space between each pair of houses. (c) Parallel Side Lot Line Dwellings. Zero side yard setback housing with even spacing between each house. (Ordinance No. 267, Adopted June 17, 1981.) 19-2-53. Educational Institution. A public or elementary or secondary school, seminary, parochial school or private educational institution having a curriculum similar to that ordinarily given in grades one through twelve in the public school system. The term "educational institution" for the purpose of this Title does not include post high school educational facilities. (Ordinance No. 215, Adopted October 19, 1977.) 19-2-54. Family. One or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption plus domestic servants employed for service on the premises or a group of bachelors or bachelorettes of not more than four (4) persons who need not be so related living together as a single, nonprofit housekeeping unit. 19-2-55. Fence. A tangible barrier or obstruction of any material, with the purpose or intent or having the effect of preventing passage or view across the fence line. It includes hedges and walls. 19-2-56. Flood Plain. Land adjacent to a body of water which has been or may be hereafter covered by floodwater as delineated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 19-2-57. Flood Plain Overlay Zone. Boundaries of the Intermediate Regional Flood as defined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The flood plain zone is designed to overlay or be superimposed over existing zoning within the defined flood plain. Such an overlay zone can be interchangeably referred to as a floating zone because the existing zone remains effective except for the conditions superimposed by the flood plain zone. 19-2-58. Flood, Intermediate Regional. A flood having an average frequency of occurrence in the order of once in 100 years although the flood may occur in any year. 19-2-59. Floor Area. The sum of the gross horizontal area of the several floors of a building and its accessory buildings on the same lot, excluding cellar and basement floor areas not devoted to residential use, but including the area of roofed terraces. All dimensions shall be measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls. 19-2-60. Floor-Lot Area Ratio. The total floor area of a building divided by the area of the lot on which it is located. 19-2-61. Fraternity or Sorority House. A building occupied by and maintained exclusively for students affiliated with an academic or professional college or university or other recognized institution of higher learning and acknowledged by such institution. 19-2-62. Frontage. All the property fronting on one (1) side of the street between intersecting or intercepting streets, or between a street and a right-of-way, waterway, end of dead-end street, or political subdivision boundary, measured along the street line. An intercepting street shall determine only the boundary of the frontage of the side of the street which it intercepts. 19-2-63. Garage, Carports. A private garage not completely enclosed by walls or doors. For the purpose of this Title, a carport shall be subject to all the regulations prescribed for a private garage. 19-2-64. Garage, Private. An enclosed space of accessory building for the storage of one or more motor vehicles, provided that no business, occupation, or service is conducted for profit therein nor space therein for more than one car is leased to a nonresident of the premises. A garage shall be considered part of a dwelling if the garage and dwelling have a roof or wall in common, or are connected structurally by a physical connection such as a wall, trellis, or solid fence. A private garage shall not contain parking space for more than four (4) standard size passenger vehicles. 19-2-65. Garage, Public. A building or portion thereof, other than a private garage, designed or used for servicing, repairing, equipping, hiring, selling, or storing motor-driven vehicles. 19-2-66. Guest House. A separate dwelling structure located on a lot with one or more main dwelling structures and used for housing of guests or servants and not rented, leased, or sold separate from the rental, lease or sale of the main dwelling. 19-2-67. Home Occupation. for residential purposes. 1985). Any income-producing use of property zoned (Ordinance No. 307, Adopted February 6, 19-2-68. Hotel. A building designed for or occupied as the more or less temporary abiding place of sixteen (16) or more individuals who are, for compensation, lodged with or without meals. 19-2-69. Household Pets. Animals or fowl ordinarily permitted in the house and kept for company or pleasure, such as dogs, cats, or canaries, but not including a sufficient number of dogs or cats to constitute a kennel, as defined in this Chapter. 19-2-70. Incombustible Material. Incombustible material is any material which will not ignite at or below a temperature of 1200oF during an exposure of five minutes, and will not continue to burn or glow at that temperature. Tests shall be made as specified in the Uniform Building Code. 19-2-71. Junk Yard. The use of any lot, portion of a lot, or tract of land for the storage, keeping or abandonment of junk, including scrap metals or other scrap materials, or for the dismantling, demolition, or abandonment of automobiles, or other vehicles, or machinery or parts thereof; provided that this definition shall not be deemed to include such uses which are clearly accessory and incidental to any agricultural use permitted in the district. 19-2-72. Kennel. The land or buildings used in the keeping of three (3) or more dogs at least four months old. 19-2-73. Kindergarten. six age group. A school or class for children of the four to 19-2-74. Laundromat or Launderette. A self-service laundry establishment where clothes are cleansed in a coin-operated machine. Laundromats or launderettes may include self-service, coin operated dry cleaning machines. 19-2-75. Lodging House. A building where lodging only is provided for compensation to five (5) or more, but not exceeding fifteen (15) persons, in contrast to hotels. 19-2-76. Lot. A parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by a main building or group of buildings (main or accessory), together with such yards, open spaces, lot width and lot area as are required by this Title and having frontage upon a public or private street. Except for group dwellings and a guest house, not more than one dwelling structure shall occupy any one (1) lot. 19-2-77. Lot, Corner. A lot abutting on two intersecting streets where the interior angle of intersection or interception does not exceed one hundred thirty-five (135) degrees. 19-2-78. Lot, Interior. A lot other than a corner lot. 19-2-79. Maintain. Includes, but is not limited to, the following: service, repair, alter, remodel, reletter, redecorate, repaint, move or remove. It does not include the removal of signs by a licensed wrecking contractor. Owner or lessee of sign may repaint, redecorate, and/or change letters or panels on his own sign. 19-2-80. Map, Official. Any map adopted by the City Council under the provisions of Utah Code Annotated Section 10-9-23, (1953), as amended for cities. 19-2-81. Manufactured Home. (a) "Manufactured home" means a structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. For flood plain management purposes the term "manufactured home" also includes park trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles placed on a site for greater than 180 consecutive days. For insurance purposes the term "manufactured home" does not include park trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles. (b) A manufactured home as defined in the preceding paragraph which meets the City's applicable building and housing codes and which is placed on a permanent foundation is controlled by this Title and other applicable Titles the same as dwelling units constructed in the conventional manner. (Ordinance No. 350, adopted August 18, 1987) (Ordinance No. 533, Adopted February 18, 1998) 19-2-82. Mobile Home Park. “Mobile home park” means a parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land divided into two or more manufactured home or recreation coach vehicle lots for rent. Manufactured homes and recreation coach vehicles located in a mobile home park are collectively referred to as “mobile homes.” (Ordinance No. 533, Adopted February 18, 1998) 19-2-83. Motel. Any building or group of buildings containing sleeping rooms, designed for temporary use by automobile tourists or transients, with garage attached or parking space conveniently located to each unit. 19-2-84. Natural Waterways. Those areas, varying in width, along streams, creeks, gullies, springs, or washes which are natural drainage channels as determined by the Chief Building Official and in which areas no building shall be constructed. 19-2-85. Nightclub. A place of entertainment open at night usually serving food and liquor, having a floor show, and providing music and space for dancing. 19-2-86. Nonconforming Building. A building or structure or portion thereof lawfully existing at the time any applicable zoning regulations became effective, the design, erection, use, height, area or yard dimensions of which do not conform to the provisions of such regulation or regulations. 19-2-87. Nonconforming Use. The prior lawful use of land or of a building or structure which subsequently is prohibited by zoning regulations pertaining to the zone in which the building or land is situated. 19-2-88. Nursery for Children. See Day Care Center. 19-2-89. Open Green Space. An open space suitable for relaxation or landscaping. It shall be unoccupied and unobstructed by buildings and/or hard surfaces such as asphalt, cement and packed gravel, except that such open green space may be traversed by necessary sidewalks. 19-2-90. Parcel of Land. A contiguous quantity of land, in the possession of, or owned by, or recorded as the property of the same claimant or person. 19-2-91. Parking Lot. An open area, other than a street, used for parking of more than four (4) automobiles and available for public use, whether free, for compensation, or as an accommodation for clients or customers. 19-2-92. Parking Space. Space within a building or parking lot for parking or storage of one (1) automobile. 19-2-93. Paying Guest. Any person hiring a room in a dwelling unit for living, eating, or sleeping purposes. 19-2-94. Person. One or more persons, an association, a copartnership, or a corporation or firm, either by themselves or by an agent, employee, guardian, or trustee. 19-2-95. Planned Residential in which the regulations of situated are waived to allow building design and location imposed general requirements. Unit Development (PRUD). A development the zone in which the development is flexibility and initiative in site and in accordance with an approved plan and 19-2-96. Planning Commission. Riverdale, Utah. The Planning Commission of the City of 19-2-97. Private Drive. exclusively for private developments. Non-dedicated thoroughfare or road used access to and from private land and/or 19-2-98. Recreational Coach. A vehicle designed and/or constructed to travel on the public thoroughfare in accordance with the provisions of the Utah Vehicle Code, designed for the use of human habitation, that must be self-contained with bathroom, shower, and kitchen facilities. (Ordinance No. 533, Adopted February 18, 1998) 19-2-99. Shopping single ownership establishments. Center. which Multi-entity leases space commercial complex under to various commercial 19-2-100. Sign. A presentation or representation of words, letters, figures, designs, picture or colors, publicly displayed so as to give notice relative to a person, a business, an article of merchandise, a service, an assemblage, a solicitation, or a request for aid; also the structure or framework or any natural object on which any sign is erected or is intended to be erected or exhibited or which is being used or is intended to be used for sign purposes. 19-2-101. Sign, Advertising. (20) square feet. An off-premise sign of less than twenty 19-2-102. Sign, Animated. A sign which involves motion or rotation of any part, created by artificial means or displays flashing or intermittent lights. 19-2-103. Sign, Background Area. The entire background area of a sign upon which copy is placed. In computing area of sign background, only the face or faces which can be seen from any one direction at one time shall be counted. 19-2-104. Sign, Billboard. See Sign, Off-Premise. 19-2-105. Sign, Business. An on-premise sign which directs attention to a use conducted, a commodity sold, or a service performed on the premise. A maximum of ten percent (10%) of copy area may also advertise a product not manufactured on the premise. 19-2-106. Sign, Cloth. flexible fabric. Any sign executed upon or composed of any 19-2-107. Sign, Combination. A sign incorporating any combination of the features of Projecting, Roof or Free Standing Signs. 19-2-108. Sign, Copy Area. The area of a sign that is used for display purposes including the minimum frame and supports. In relation to signs that do not have a frame or separate background, sign area shall be computed on the basis of the least rectangle, triangle, or circle large enough to frame the display. 19-2-109. Sign, Development. An on-premise sign identifying a construction project or subdivision development. The sign may contain the name of the project, name and address of the construction firm(s), architect, and developer. 19-2-110. Sign, Directional. On-premise incidental signs designed to guide or direct pedestrians or vehicular traffic. 19-2-111. Sign, Flat. Any sign attached to a building or other structure that projects less than eighteen (18) inches beyond the building but extends parallel or substantially parallel thereto. 19-2-112. Sign, Floodlighted. Any sign illuminated in the absence of daylight only by devices which reflect or project light upon it. 19-2-113. Sign, Free Standing. A sign which is supported by one or more columns, uprights, or braces in or upon the ground. 19-2-114. Sign, Identification and Information. An on-premise sign displayed to indicate the name or nature of a building or use, including all professional and business buildings, home occupations, apartment complexes and public and semi-public buildings. Temporary and development signs are classified in this category only. 19-2-115. Sign, Illuminated. A sign in which a source of light is used in order to make the message readable. This definition shall include internally and externally lighted signs. 19-2-116. Sign, Incombustible. incombustible material. 19-2-117. Sign, Marquee. of a marquee. A sign which is constructed entirely of Any sign attached to or made an integral part 19-2-118. Sign, Multiple Copy. A sign which advertises other than the name of the business and the principal product or service. 19-2-119. Sign, Name Plate. A sign indicating the name of a person or persons residing on the premises. 19-2-120. Sign, Off-Premise. A sign which directs attention to a use, product, commodity or service not related to the premise on which it is located. 19-2-121. Sign, On-Premise. See Sign, Business. 19-2-122. Sign, Political or Campaign. A sign soliciting support for a person running for public office or a sign defending or approving an issue or proposal being placed before the public. 19-2-123. Sign, Projecting. Any attached sign extending in whole or in part more than 18 inches beyond the building line. 19-2-124. Sign, Roof. Any sign erected upon or supported by the roof or parapet of a building. 19-2-125. Sign, Structure. Any structure which supports any sign as defined in this Code. A sign structure may be a single pole or poles or an integral part of the building. 19-2-126. Sign, Temporary. An on-premise sign which is intended to advertise community or civic projects, real estate for sale or lease on a temporary basis. Such sign shall not be erected earlier than thirty (30) days prior to the date of beginning of event and shall be removed within thirty (30) days after event is concluded. 19-2-127. Sign, Time and/or Temperature. A display illuminated numerals to show the time and/or temperature. containing 19-2-128. Sign, Wall. A sign which is affixed to an exterior wall of a building or structure and which projects not more than 18 inches from the building or structure wall and which does not extend more than four (4) feet above the parapet, eaves, or building facade of the building on which it is located. 19-2-129. Site Development Standards. Established regulations concerning lot areas, yard setbacks, building height, lot coverage, open green space and any other special regulations deemed necessary to accomplish the purpose of this Title. 19-2-130. Stable, Private. A detached, accessory building for the keeping of horses owned by the occupants of the premises, and not kept for remuneration, hire, or sale. 19-2-131. Stable, Public. A stable other than a private stable. 19-2-132. Story. The space within a building, other than a cellar, included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the ceiling next above. 19-2-133. Story, Half. A story with at least two (2) of its sides situated in a sloping roof, the floor area of which does not exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the floor immediately below it. 19-2-134. Street, Public. A thoroughfare which has been dedicated or abandoned to the public and accepted by proper public authority, or a thoroughfare, not less than twenty-six (26) feet wide, which has been made public by right of use and which affords the principal means of access to abutting property. 19-2-135. Street, Private. A thoroughfare which has been dedicated to the abutting land owners for joint private access to private property and accepted and approved by the City Council. 19-2-136. Structure. Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground, or attachment to something having location on the ground. 19-2-137. Structural Alterations. Any change in supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders. 19-2-138. Swimming Pool. Any artificial or semi-artificial container, whether outdoor or indoor, and whether above or below the surface of the ground, or both, used or intended to be used to contain a body of water for swimming by any person or persons, together with all permanent structures, equipment, appliances, and other facilities used or intended for use in and about the operation, maintenance, and use of such pool. 19-2-139. Swimming Pool, Family. A swimming pool used and intended to be used solely by the owner, operator or lessee thereof and his family and by friends invited to use it without payment of any fee or consideration. 19-2-140. Tavern. Any business establishment operating under a Class "C" beer license. Such establishments shall be limited in number to two (2) per lineal block. 19-2-141. Theater, Indoor Picture. A building or part of a building devoted to the showing of moving pictures on a paid admission basis. 19-2-142. Theater, Outdoor Drive-In. An open lot or part thereof with its appurtenant facilities devoted primarily to the showing of moving pictures, on a paid admission basis, to patrons seated in automobiles. 19-2-143. Trim, Nonstructural. Nonstructural trim is the molding, battens, caps, nailing strips, latticing, cutouts, or letters and walkways which are attached to the sign structure. 19-2-144. Uniform Building Code (U.B.C.). The current edition of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City of Riverdale. 19-2-145. Use. The specific purpose for which land or a building is designed, arranged, intended, or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained. 19-2-146. Use, Accessory. A subordinate use customarily incidental to and located upon the same lot occupied by the main use and devoted exclusively to the main use of the premises. 19-2-147. Use, Conditional. A use or occupancy of a building, or use of land, permitted only when authorized upon issuance of a Conditional Use Permit and subject to the limitations and conditions specified therein as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title intended to allow compatible integration of uses which may be suitable only in certain locations within a particular zone, or only upon certain conditions and/or design criteria being achieved. 19-2-148. Use, Permitted. Any use lawfully occupying land or buildings as authorized in the zone regulations and for which no Conditional Use Permit is required. 19-2-149. Width of Lot. The distance between the side lot lines at the distance back from the front lot line required for the depth of the front yard. 19-2-150. Yard. An open space on a lot, other than a court, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward by buildings, except as otherwise provided herein. 19-2-151. Yard, Front. An open space on the same lot with a building between the front line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the front lot line and extending across the full width of the lot. The "depth" of the front yard is the minimum distance between the front lot line and the front line of the building. 19-2-152. Yard, Rear. An open, unoccupied space on the same lot with a building between the rear line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the rear lot line and extending the full width of the lot. The "depth" of the rear yard is the minimum distance between the rear lot line and the rear line of the main building. 19-2-153. Yard, Side. An open, unoccupied space on the same lot with a building, between the side line of the building (exclusive of steps) and the side lot line and extending from the front yard to the rear yard. 19-2-154. Zone. The geographical area of the City within which the zoning regulations are uniform. 19-2-155. Zoning Ordinance. Title 19 of the Riverdale Municipal Ordinance Code, as set forth and as amended from time to time. Chapter 3 - Regulations Applicable to All Zones 19-3-1 19-3-2 19-3-3 19-3-4 19-3-5 19-3-6 19-3-7 19-3-8 19-3-8.1 19-3-8.2 19-3-9 19-3-10 19-3-11 19-3-12 Applicability Additional Use Regulations Additional Main Building Regulations Additional Yard Regulations Additional Height Regulations Animals and Fowl Building Regulations Fence Height Regulations and Obstruction of View Fence Height Regulations Obstruction of View Regulations Lighting Private Park, Playground, or Recreational Area Public Utility Substations Swimming Pool, Family 19-3-1. Applicability. The regulations hereinafter set forth in this Chapter qualify or supplement, as the case may be, the zone regulations contained elsewhere in this Title. 19-3-2. Additional Use Regulations. The requirements of this Zoning Ordinance as to minimum site development standards shall not be construed to prevent a use as permitted in a respective zone of any parcel of land in the event such parcel was held in separate ownership prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. Each such parcel to be developed must have not less than 16 feet of frontage on a street, or as approved by the Board of Adjustment, and the density of development may not exceed that permitted by area requirements in the respective zone. 19-3-3. Additional Main Building Regulations. Every main building shall be located and maintained on a "lot" as defined in Section 19-2-76, and every lot shall have required frontage on a "street" as defined in Section 19-2-135, except as follows: (a) Where a parcel of land was in separate ownership prior to the effective date of this Ordinance as described in Section 19-3-2; and (b) Where under special circumstances of design of a parcel of land the Board of Adjustment approves a variance to create a lot which may or may not have the required frontage as provided for in this Ordinance. Under no circumstances may the frontage be less than sixteen (16) feet or as approved by the Board of Adjustment. 19-3-4. Additional Yard Regulations. (a) No required yard or other open space around an existing building or which is hereafter provided around any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Title, shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other building, nor shall any yard or other required open space on an adjoining lot be considered as providing a yard or open space on a lot whereon a building is to be erected or established. (b) On any lot under a separate ownership from adjacent lots and of record at the time of the initial enactment of this Zoning Ordinance and such lot having a smaller width than required for the zone in which it is located, the following regulations shall apply: (1) For interior lots, each side yard may be equal to but not less than the same percentage of the required side yard width as the lot is of the required lot width, provided that in no case shall the smaller of the two side yards be less than five (5) feet or the larger less than eight (8) feet. (2) On corner lots, each side yard may be equal to but not less than the same percentage of the required side yard width as the lot is of the required lot width, provided that in no case shall the side yard on the street side be less than fifteen (15) feet in R-1-10, R-1-8, R-1-6, R-2, and R-3 zones or less than ten (10) feet in R-4 and R-5 zones, and the other side yard shall be not less than five (5) feet in all Residential Zones. (c) On any interior lot where a private attached garage containing a sufficient number of parking spaces to meet the requirements of this Title has a side yard equal to the minimum side yard required for a dwelling in the same zone, the width of the other side yard for the dwelling may be reduced to equal that of the minimum required side yard. (d) Every part of a required yard shall be open to the sky unobstructed except for accessory buildings in a rear yard, and except for the ordinary projections of skylights, sills, belt courses, cornices, and other ornamental features. (e) Open or lattice-enclosed fire escapes, fireproof outside stairways, and balconies opening upon fire towers may project into a yard not more than five (5) feet, and the ordinary projections of chimneys and flues are permitted. (f) No accessory building nor group of accessory buildings in any Residential Zone shall cover more than twenty-five (25) percent of the rear yard. (g) No space needed to meet the width, yard, area, coverage, parking, or other requirements of this Title for a lot or building may be conveyed away from such lot or building, except as permitted by the Board of Adjustment, and any attempted conveyance or lease in violation hereof shall be void. (h) No parcel of land which has less than the minimum width and area requirements for the zone in which it is located may be cut off from a larger parcel of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of building or development as a lot, except by permit of the Board of Adjustment. (i) One zero side yard may be permitted when approved by the Planning Commission and City Council, and only if the following requirements are met: (1) The remaining one side yard is equal to the combined total of the required two side yards of the zone in which it is located for all parallel side zero lot lines. The remaining side yard for all (duplex type) alternate side zero lot lines may be reduced to a minimum of not less than ten (10) feet, provided that the lot adjacent to it is also built as a duplex type zero lot line or conventional single family home; (Ordinance No. 267, Adopted January 7, 1981.) (2) No window or other similar opening shall be installed in the building or any accessory building along the side having a zero side yard; (3) No zero side yard will be permitted on the lot side bordering on a nonresidential zone or on a residential lot not utilizing zero side yard provisions; (4) Use of the zero side yard provision is contingent upon development of or commitment to development of a zero side yard on an adjoining lot. (j) Utility substations, communication towers and dishes, water tanks, water well and pump buildings, sewer lift stations, electric transformers, power and telephone poles / towers, water reservoirs, and structures which house equipment for utilities and communications which serve the general public and are of a public utility nature are allowed only as a conditional use in any zone. Zoning regulations pertaining to minimum lot area, minimum lot width, minimum yard setback and required frontage on a street shall be determined by the Planning Commission's approval of the site development plan, but shall not adversely affect the adjacent property. (Ordinance No. 452, Adopted April 6, 1994.) 19-3-5. Additional Height Regulations. (a) Penthouse or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operate and maintain a building, and fire or parapet walls, skylights, towers, steeples, flagpoles, chimneys, smokestacks, and water tanks, wireless or television masts, theatre lofts, silos, or similar structures may be erected above the height limits prescribed in the Zone Height Regulations, but no space above the height limit shall be allowed for the purpose of providing additional floor space, and no heights are permitted above the maximum allowed under Airport Area Height Provisions. Prior to the construction or erection of flag poles, towers, wireless or television masts (not including typical roof TV antennas) and any similar structure over 35 feet in total height including any supporting structures in or adjacent to any residential zone, a conditional use permit must be applied for and reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. (Ordinance No. 400, adopted November 7, 1990.) (b) No dwelling shall be erected to a height less than ten (10) feet, and no accessory building in a Residential Zone shall be erected to a height greater than twenty-five (25) feet. 19-3-6. Animals and Fowl. No animals or fowl shall be kept or maintained closer than forty (40) feet from any dwelling, and not closer than seventy-five (75) feet from any dwelling on an adjacent lot. Any barn, stable, coop, pen, corral, or enclosure for the housing or keeping of animals or fowl shall be kept, constructed or maintained not less than one hundred (100) feet from a public street and not less than twenty-five (25) feet from any lot line. 19-3-7. Building Regulations. Domestic water supply and sewage disposal shall comply with the Weber County Health Department requirements in all applications for a building permit where either an approved supply of piped water under pressure, or a sewer, is not available. 19-3-8. Fence Height Regulations and Obstruction of View. 19-3-8.1. Fence Height Regulations. (a) No fence or other similar structure shall be erected in any required front yard of a dwelling to a height in excess of four (4) feet; nor shall any fence or similar structure be erected in any side or rear yard to a height in excess of seven (7) feet. In commercial and manufacturing zones, fence heights shall be as approved by the Planning Commission. (b) Fences in front yards (in front of the front setback line of the zone) shall not exceed four (4) feet in height except as provided in sight triangle area requirements. (c) On corner lots, the side facing the street shall meet the requirements of front yards, as set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Section, except that on those corner lots where the house on the property to the rear is back to back with the house on the property in question, then up to a six (6) foot fence is allowed, to within five (5) feet of the property line or right-of-way line, in the side yard facing the street. Sight triangle area requirements must be met in all cases. (d) No fence, whether of wood, metal, masonry of concrete, nor other obstruction including shrubbery nor any combination of materials, shall be erected or maintained which blocks the access from a front yard through both sides to the rear yard unless a gate approved by the Zoning Administrator is installed in at least one side. (e) Where a fence is erected upon a retaining wall or where for other reasons there is a difference in the elevation of the surface of the land on either side of a fence, height of the fence shall be measured from a point halfway between the top of the retaining wall and the land on the low side of the fence, but nothing herein contained shall be construed to restrict a fence to less than four (4) feet in height, measured from the surface of the land on the side having the highest elevation. (f) All fences and retaining walls must be maintained in a state of good repair. 19-3-8.2. Obstruction of View Regulations. (a) It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant or person in control of any corner lot in the City to erect, maintain or permit to grow any obstruction to the view of drivers of motor vehicles over a height of three (3) feet within the sight-triangle area of said lot as that term is defined in 19-3-8.2(b). All trees growing in the sight triangle area shall be trimmed so that no foliage hangs down closer than seven (7) feet to the ground. (b) "Sight Triangle Area" is defined as: that portion of a corner lot lying within a triangle area formed by measuring back along the property lines adjacent to the intersecting streets to a point on each property line twenty (20) feet from the intersection of said property lines and then connecting the two points thus established with a third line. (c) Only trees listed on the City's Public Works Department list of approved trees may be planted in the park strip and a permit must be obtained from the City's Public Works Department before said trees may be planted. (d) The Mayor or his appointee shall have the authority to order removal of any tree, plant, shrub, fence or other object that violates the provisions of this section. (Ordinance No. 464, Adopted August 17, 1994) 19-3-9. Lighting. (a) No spotlight or floodlight shall be installed in any way which will permit the direct rays of such light to penetrate into any residential zone or onto any property used for residential purpose. (b) No light, sign, or other advertising structure as regulated by this Title shall be erected at the intersection of any street in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision; or at any location where, by reason of the position, shape or color, it may interfere with, obstruct the view of or be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device or which makes use of the words "STOP", "LOOK", "DRIVE-IN", "DANGER", or any other word, phrase, symbol, or character in such manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic. (c) The use of tethered devices such as balloons, banners, flags, wind socks or other items that are affected by wind or weather, and are tethered in such a manner that allows the device to cross property lines or to come into contact with power lines or telephone lines, light poles, fences, signs, buildings, vehicles or people are prohibited. (Ordinance No. 383, Adopted December 6, 1989.) 19-3-10. Private Park, Playground, or Recreational Area. In all residential zones, a private park, playground, or recreational area, with or without a swimming pool, shall meet the following requirements: (a) The lands and facilities used for such purpose shall be owned or leased and operated by a nonprofit corporation for the exclusive benefit of the members, their immediate families, and nonpaying guests. (b) Adequate rest rooms and sanitary facilities shall be provided and kept available for use by members, their families and guests, and shall be maintained in proper working order and in a clean and sanitary condition and in full compliance with the reasonable standards, rules and regulations established by the Weber County Health Department. (c) Twenty-five (25) off-street parking spaces, or one (1) off-street parking space for each four memberships in the operating corporation, whichever is greater, shall be provided on the lot devoted to the principal use. (d) Operation or use of the recreational facilities provided is forbidden between the hours of 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. next following. (e) All facilities, equipment, and buildings shall be set back not less than twenty (20) feet from any property line and shall be located not less than fifty (50) feet from any main building on an adjoining lot and from any area upon which any such main building is in existence. (f) The minimum size of the lot or site used for such recreational or other purposes shall be one acre. (g) Any lights used to illuminate the premises shall be installed in such manner that the source of light shall be suitably screened to avoid annoying illumination of lands outside said premises. 19-3-11. Public Utility Substations. In all residential zones, public utility substations shall meet the following requirements: (a) Each public utility substation in a residential zone shall be located on a lot not less than two thousand (2,000) square feet in area. (b) Each public utility substation in a residential zone shall be provided with a yard on each of the four sides of the building not less than five (5) feet in width, except that for such stations located on lots fronting on a street abutted by one or more residential lots, the front yard, side yards, and rear yard shall equal those required for a single-family residence in the same zone. (c) Each public utility substation in a residential zone shall be located on a lot which has adequate access from a street, alley or easement. (d) The location of a public utility substation in a residential zone shall be subject to approval by the City Planning Commission. 19-3-12. Swimming Pool, Family. A family swimming pool shall be permitted in the rear yard of a dwelling as an accessory use provided the following requirements are met: (a) The location of such family swimming pool or accessory machinery shall not be less than thirty-five feet from any dwelling on an adjoining lot and not less than seven (7) feet from any interior property line. On corner lots, the distance from said pool to the property line facing on a street shall not be less than the required side yard for an accessory building in that zone. (b) An outside family swimming pool shall be completely enclosed by a substantial fence of not less than six (6) feet in height and any lights used to illuminate said pool or its accessories shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from the adjoining premises. (c) In addition to the set back and fencing requirements, set forth herein, it is strongly recommended that pool owners utilize pool covers that comply with the most current personal liability insurance standards. (Ordinance No. 503, Adopted November 6, 1996) Chapter 4 - Parking and Loading Space, Vehicle Traffic and Access Regulations 19-4-1 19-4-2 19-4-3 19-4-4 19-4-5 19-4-6 19-4-7 19-4-8 Purpose and Intent Parking Space for Dwellings Parking Space for Non-dwelling Building Computation of Parking Requirements Parking Lot Design and Maintenance Off-Street Truck Loading Space Business Requiring Motor Vehicle Access Vehicular Traffic To Commercial or Manufacturing Zones 19-4-1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this Chapter is to regulate parking and loading spaces, vehicle traffic and access in order to provide orderly and adequate development of these needed amenities, and in so doing promote the safety and well-being of the citizens of the City. Consequently, there shall be provided at the time of the erection of any main building or at the time any main building is enlarged or increased minimum off-street parking space with adequate provisions for ingress and egress by standard-sized automobiles. 19-4-2. Parking Space for Dwellings. In all zones there shall be provided in a private garage or in an area properly located for a future garage: (a) For a single-family dwelling, two parking spaces. (b) For a two-family dwelling, four spaces. (c) For a three-family dwelling, six parking spaces. (d) For a four-family dwelling, seven parking spaces. (e) For other multiple-family dwellings: (1) Standard multiple-family dwelling, one and three-fourths parking spaces per dwelling unit; (2) Multiple family dwelling designed to accommodate exclusively bachelor and/or bachelorette (presence of Resident Manager does not make this type a standard multiple family dwelling), one parking space for each person in each unit. Building Permit will stipulate maximum number of persons per unit and number and type of unit; (3) Housing exclusively for elderly and/or handicapped, one parking space per unit. (f) If any dwelling unit is increased by occupant use after the original building permit is issued, the parking requirements shall reflect that increase. (g) In addition to the above parking space requirements, one parking space shall be provided for every two paying guests residing in such dwelling units. Such paying guests refers to the rental of sleeping rooms within the dwelling unit. 19-4-3. Parking Space for Non-dwelling Building. For new buildings or for any enlargement or increase in seating capacity, floor area or guest rooms of any existing building, there shall be provided: Apartment Hotel ......... One space per two sleeping units Auditors' Office ........ One space per staff member plus three Auto Repair Shop ........ One space per employee plus five spaces for client use Bank .................... Not less than 30 spaces Barber .................. Two spaces per staff member Beautician Shop ......... Three spaces per staff member Boarding House .......... Three spaces per four persons to whom rooms will be rented Business Office ......... One space per employee on highest shift Cafe .................... One space per eating booth and table plus one space per three stools Cafeteria ............... One space per eating booth and table plus one space per three stools Car Wash ................ Four spaces per professional staff plus one space per subordinate staff Chiropractor Office ..... Four spaces per professional staff plus one space per subordinate staff Church .................. One space per five fixed seats Clinic .................. Four spaces per professional staff plus one space per subordinate staff Club, Private ........... At least 20 client spaces Dance Hall .............. One space per 200 square feet of floor space Day Care Center ......... One space per employee plus four spaces for client use Dental Office ........... Four spaces per professional staff plus one per subordinate staff Drive-In Food Establishment ........... One space per 100 square feet of floor space, but not less than 10 spaces Dry Cleaner ............. One space per employee plus five spaces for client use Educational Institution (Private) ............... Two spaces per three student capacity plus one space per staff member Employment Office ....... One space per employee plus six spaces for client use Finance Office .......... One space per staff member plus three spaces for client use Fraternity .............. Two spaces per four persons whom the building is designed to accommodate Furniture Store ......... One space per 300 square feet of sales floor space in building Hospital ................ One space per two bed capacity Hotel ................... One space per two sleeping units Insurance Office ........ One space per staff member plus four spaces for client use Laboratory .............. One space per employee on highest shift Laundromat .............. One space per three coin operated machines Legal Office ............ One space per professional staff plus four spaces for client use Library ................. At least 30 spaces Lodging House ........... Three spaces per four persons to whom rooms will be rented Lounge .................. At least 20 client spaces Liquor Store ............ At least 20 spaces Medical Office .......... Four spaces per professional staff plus one space per subordinate staff Mortuary ................ At least 30 spaces Motel ................... One space per sleeping or living unit Museum .................. At least 30 spaces Night Club .............. At least 20 client spaces Nursing Home ............ One space per two bed capacity Optometrist Office ...... Four spaces per professional staff plus one space per subordinate staff Photo Studio ............ At least six spaces Post Office ............. At least 20 client spaces Psychiatric Office ...... Four spaces per professional staff plus one space per subordinate staff Real Estate Office ...... One space per employee plus four spaces for client use Reception Center ........ At least 30 spaces Recreation Center ....... One space per 200 square feet of recreation area Rental Establishment ..... At least four client spaces Restaurant .............. One space per eating booth or table Retail Store ............ One space per 200 square feet of sales floor space in building Retail Store with Drive-In Window ......... One space per 200 square feet of sales floor space in building plus storage capacity of four cars per window on the property Sanitarium .............. One space per two bed capacity Service Repair Shop, General ................. At least four client spaces Stadium ................. One space per five fixed seats Sorority ................ Two spaces per four persons whom the building is designed to accommodate Tavern .................. At least 15 spaces Terminal, Transportation At least 30 spaces Theater ................. One space per five fixed seats Travel Agency ........... One space per employee plus four spaces for client use Upholstery Shop ......... One space per employee plus three spaces for client use Used Car Lot ............ One space per employee plus four spaces for client use Warehouse ............... Two spaces per three employees Wedding Chapel .......... At least 30 spaces Wholesale Business ...... Two spaces per three employees plus three spaces for client use For other uses not listed above ............. Where use is not listed above, the parking requirements shall be established by the Planning Commission based on a reasonable number of spaces for staff and customers and similar requirements of like businesses 19-4-4. Computation determining number of space, any fraction up including one-half and of Parking Requirements. When measurements required parking spaces result in a fractional to one-half shall be disregarded, and fractions over shall require one parking space. 19-4-5. Parking Lot Design and Maintenance. (a) Parking space as required in Sections 19-4-2 and 19-4-3 shall be on the same lot with the main building or in the case of buildings other than dwellings, may be located no further than five hundred (500) feet therefrom. (b) Every parcel of land hereafter used as a public parking area shall be paved with an asphalt or concrete surface and shall have appropriate bumper guards or curbs where needed, as determined by the Building Inspector to protect adjacent property owners or persons using a sidewalk. Catch basins and drains shall be provided to collect surface drainage of all paved areas at a minimum rate of one (1) inch an hour rainfall. Surface drainage is not allowable across pedestrian walkways. (c) Access across and over the required front yard is allowed to the side yard or rear yards. In the case of multiple family dwellings, not more than fifty (50) percent of the required side and rear yards shall be used for parking or vehicular access lanes. In such cases where it is deemed necessary to utilize more than fifty (50) percent of the required side and rear yards, any said yard area used in excess of said limits shall be provided in an equivalent amount of land area elsewhere on the same lot as the building as open green space, patios, play areas or courts. (d) The design and maintenance of off-street parking facilities shall be subject to the following provisions: (1) Each parking space shall encompass not less than one hundred eighty (180) square feet, with a minimum width of nine (9) feet, the width being measured at a right angle to the side lines of the parking space. (2) Adequate automobile access to and from parking areas for interior block developments shall be provided. Minimum size of the access strip shall be as follows based on the number of units to be served: (A) Up to and including four (4) dwelling units, sixteen (16) feet; (B) From five (5) to eleven (11) dwelling units, one (1) twenty-four (24) foot two-way access strip or two (2) sixteen (16) foot one-way access right-of-ways; (C) Twelve (12) or more dwelling units, one (1) thirty-six (36) foot two-way access strip, or two (2) eighteen (18) foot one-way access strips. (D) A greater size of access right-of-way may be required as deemed necessary by the Planning Commission, especially in cases where access right-of-way will create corner lots from otherwise interior lots. (3) All off-street parking spaces and associated access lanes shall be effectively screened on any side adjoining any property in a residential zone by a masonry wall or fences not less than four (4) feet nor more than seven (7) feet high, except that some type of hedge-row shrubs may be used in place of a wall or fence provided the hedge is continuous along adjoining property and at maturity is not less than five (5) feet nor more than seven (7) feet high. Hedge-row shrubs shall be maintained and replaced where necessary in order that the hedge may become an effective screen from bordering property within a maximum five year period. Front yard and corner lot fences or hedge row plantings shall maintain height requirements of their respective zones and shall be compatible with the requirements of Section 19-3-8. (Ordinance No. 366, adopted September 21, 1988.) (4) Lighting and signs shall conform to the requirements set forth in this Title. (5) Parking spaces for dwellings will be located on the same lot with the dwelling. 19-4-6. Off-Street Truck Loading Space. On the same premises with every building or use involved in the receipt of distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained on the lot adequate space for standing, loading, and unloading services in order to avoid undue interference with public use of streets or alleys. Such space, unless otherwise adequately provided, shall include a ten foot by twenty-five foot (10' x 25') loading space with fourteen (14) feet height clearance, for every twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or fraction thereof in excess of three thousand (3,000) square feet of land use for the above mentioned purposes. 19-4-7. Business Requiring Motor Vehicle Access. Service Stations, roadside stands, public parking lots, and all other business needing motor vehicle access shall meet the following requirements: (a) Access to the station or other structure or parking lot shall be by not more than two roadways for each one hundred (100) feet or fraction thereof of frontage on any street; no two of said approaches shall be closer to each other than twelve (12) feet; each of said approaches shall be not more than fifty (50) feet in width. Location of approaches shall be as approved by the Planning Commission as part of the site plan; and a curb, hedge, or fence of not more than two (2) feet in height shall be provided by the owner to limit access to the permitted roadway. (b) Gasoline pumps shall be set back at least twenty (20) feet from any property line bordering a street, provided that a pump island parallel to an adjoining street may be located not less than fifteen (15) feet from the property line bordering said street. (Ordinance No. 366, adopted September 21, 1988.) 19-4-8. Vehicular Traffic To Commercial or Manufacturing Zones. Privately owned land within an area zoned for residential purposes shall not be used as a regular means of vehicular passage to and from property in commercial or manufacturing zones. Chapter 5 - Home Occupation 19-5-1 19-5-2 19-5-3 19-5-4 Conditions Non-Conforming Uses Licensing and Regulation Penalty 19-5-1. Conditions. It shall be unlawful to conduct or pursue a Home Occupation within the Corporate Limits of Riverdale City unless each of the following conditions is complied with: (a) All full-time employees shall be residents of the premises wherein the Home Occupation is being conducted. (b) The premises shall not be physically changed to accommodate the Home Occupation to the extent that it would alter the residential atmosphere of the neighborhood. The Home Occupation shall not disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood by reason of lighting, sounds, noise, vibrations, or interference with radio or television reception. (c) The Home Occupation shall be conducted entirely within the primary structure on the premises and the space devoted to the Home Occupation shall not exceed an area greater than 25 percent of the main floor area of the primary structure. The garage, accessory buildings and the yard are specifically prohibited from the Home Occupation use. (d) Operating supplies, including inventory, and displays for the Home Occupation, shall not take up more than 50 percent of the permitted area described in section (c). (e) All displays of sales goods, wares, or merchandise shall be totally enclosed within the premises and shall not be visible from without the premises. (f) One flat sign attached to the primary residence not exceeding two square feet in area and indicating the Home Occupation is the only sign that shall be permitted on the premises. This subsection shall not apply to the advertising of fruit or vegetables in season. (g) The Home Occupation shall not generate vehicular traffic different in quality or quantity from that normally present in the neighborhood in which the dwelling is located. (h) There shall be no off-street parking facilities on the premises of the Home Occupation dwelling permitted beyond that normally required for residential uses. (i) Any dwelling, where a home occupation day care center is operated, shall have no less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the yard at such dwelling fenced in such a manner as to meet the City's fence ordinance and to provide for the reasonable safety and well-being of the children being cared for at the dwelling. (j) No home occupation license may be granted to any person occupying a rented dwelling place unless the applicant shall have first obtained the written approval, from the owner of the rented premises, for the operation of the business. (k) The Home Occupation shall not generate dust, odors, noxious fumes, glare, or other hazards to safety and health which may be sensed beyond the premises. (l) The Home Occupation shall not create a hazard by using flammable, explosive, or other dangerous materials. Animals which are capable of inflicting harm of discomfort or endangering the health and safety of any person or property shall not be kept or raised. (m) The Home Occupation shall not create a demand for municipal or utility services or community facilities in excess of those usually and customarily provided for residential uses. (n) The Home Occupation may be a child Day Care Center which cares for not more than six (6) children. Children of the home owner wherein the Home Occupation takes place shall not be counted for this limitation. 19-5-2. Non-Conforming Uses. Home Occupations which are lawfully in existence at the time of the adoption of this Chapter but which do not comply with the above conditions may continue to do business. However, such non-conforming use shall cease to be lawful when such use has been abandoned for one continuous year. (a) A Home Occupation which is lawful because of this Section shall not be enlarged or expanded as to volume, intensity, size, area, nature, extent, time or affect after the adoption of this Chapter. (b) Non-conforming Home Occupations are hereby made exempt from the extension privilege of Riverdale Municipal Ordinance Code 19-11-4(c). 19-5-3. Licensing and Regulation. Nothing in this Chapter shall prohibit Riverdale City from licensing, taxing, or regulating a Home Occupation. 19-5-4. Penalty. A violation of this Chapter is deemed a Class C Misdemeanor. Each day a violation continues is hereby deemed to be a separate offense for the purposes of this section. (Ordinance No. 496, Adopted April 17, 1996) Chapter 6 -Signs 19-6-1 19-6-2 19-6-3 19-6-4 19-6-5 19-6-6 19-6-7 19-6-8 Major Sign Types General Provisions Special Provisions Exempt Signs Design Standards Specialty Signs Off-Premise Signs Sign/Zone Regulations 19-6-1. Major Sign Types. Business signs, identification and information signs, and specialty signs are considered as major sign types for the purpose of this Chapter. All signs will be classified as belonging to one of the major sign types for regulatory measures. 19-6-2. General Provisions. (a) Conformity and Safety. If a sign does not conform with the requirements of this Chapter or if the construction, design, manner of use, or method of anchoring or supporting any sign makes such sign unsafe, the Chief Building Official shall proceed in any manner he deems necessary to cause the removal of the sign or the rebuilding of the sign to conform with the requirements of this Chapter or to remedy the defects herein. All signs must meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Codes and Safety Regulations of the City. (b) Clearance. There shall be a minimum clearance of ten (10) feet between the ground or sidewalk and any part of a projecting sign, with the exception of public necessity signs and name plates. (c) Copy Area. Copy area of building facade signs or multiple copy signs shall not exceed forty (40) percent of the background facing to which it is applied. (d) Height of Signs. No sign shall exceed the Height Limitations established for each zone as set forth in Section 8 of this Chapter. (e) Lighting of Signs. Signs may be illuminated by indirect lighting, floodlights, or luminous tubes only. No lighting shall be installed in any way which will permit direct rays of such light to penetrate onto any adjoining property used for residential purposes, or in any manner constituting a nuisance. Animated signs are prohibited except as expressly provided herein. (f) Location of Signs. No part of any sign shall be permitted to extend across any property line nor located in any required front or side yard except as follows: (1) Business and identification signs attached to a building may project into a required front or side yard not more than two (2) feet and not less than ten (10) feet above the ground or sidewalk. (2) Ground business signs, including all portable type signs for conforming uses only, shall not be located closer than ten (10) feet to a front or side property line for that portion of the sign lower than ten (10) feet and not closer than one (1) foot for that portion of the sign greater than ten (10) feet in height. (Ordinance No. 384, Adopted December 6, 1989.) (3) Property identification and service signs shall not be located closer than three (3) feet to any property line. (4) Name plates may be located anywhere on the property. (g) Maintenance of Signs. Signs regulated by this Chapter shall be maintained in good visual appearance and structural conditions at all times. The City, its Chief Building Official, and its other agents shall in no way be liable for negligence or failure of the owner, or the person responsible for maintaining any sign, to keep such sign in good condition, or be responsible for any damage caused by defective conditions. (h) Misleading, Fraudulent, Obscene, Immoral, Indecent, or Signs of Unsightly Character Prohibited. No signs shall be erected or maintained, or be permitted to remain publicly displayed which are misleading, fraudulent, obscene, immoral, indecent, or of unsightly character. (i) Noise Prohibited. It shall be unlawful to use in connection with any sign or to use for advertising purposes any radio, phonograph, whistle, bell, or any other sound or noisemaking or transmitting device or instrument for the purpose of commercial advertising. (j) Pasting or Gluing Prohibited. No sign shall be pasted or glued directly on any wall or roof or affixed directly on any wall or roof by means of any similar adhesive substance. No paper or cloth sign shall be tacked directly on any wall or roof. (Ordinance No. 384, Adopted December 6, 1989.) (k) Permit Required. It shall be unlawful to erect or remodel any sign upon or over public or private property within the City until a sign permit with respect to such sign has been obtained from the Chief Building Official. The Chief Building Official may, at his discretion, request the Planning Commission to review a sign application. (l) Refusal of Owner to Remove Dangerous Signs - Removal by Chief Building Official. Where immediate action is deemed necessary to protect limb, life, or property and where the owner of a sign or the owner of the property on which the sign is erected fails to remove such sign pursuant to notice from the Chief Building Official within a specified time fixed in such notice, the Chief Building Official may proceed in any manner deemed necessary to cause the immediate removal of such sign. The Chief Building Official shall certify a statement of the expenses incurred in such removal to the City Treasurer who in turn shall assess and charge the same against the real estate upon which the sign was erected, and unless said assessment is paid within ninety (90) days after and from the date of notice thereof, the same shall, when recorded in the offices of the County Clerk and Recorder of the City, become a lien upon the real estate whereon the sign is erected and collectible in the same manner as general taxes. (m) Removal of Conforming Signs. Any person occupying a building or portion of a building who owns or maintains a sign in connection therewith shall, upon vacating the premises, or discontinuing the business advertised, cause the sign to be removed. Any person who owns and maintains a sign which is maintained for the benefit of another person who occupies a building or part of a building whereon the sign is located shall cause the sign to be removed if the person for whom the sign is maintained vacates the premises. Failure of the owner of the sign or of the person responsible for maintain same to remove the sign within thirty (30) days after notice from the Chief Building Official shall be considered as a violation of this Chapter and shall subject the owner of the sign and the owner of the property to the penalties herein specified. (n) Removal of Nonconforming Signs. (1) Any sign not in conformance with the provisions of this Chapter and which was erected or installed without a permit shall be removed within thirty (30) days upon notification from the Chief Building Official. (2) Signs for which permits were previously issued and which are made nonconforming by the provisions of this Chapter shall be permitted to remain in accordance with Section 19-6-7. Under no circumstances shall such nonconforming signs be remodeled or replaced. The provisions of Section 19-6-2 shall apply to such nonconforming signs. (3) Any existing sign conforming to the provisions of this Chapter relative to size and location, but nonconforming as to structural requirements, shall be removed or replaced within one (1) year upon written notice from the City. However, if it is deemed to be a hazard or more than fifty (50) percent damaged, it shall be removed or repaired in accordance with the structural requirements of this Chapter, within ten (10) days after receiving notice from the City. (o) Sign Inspection. The Chief Building Official shall inspect each sign for which a permit has been issued and shall require the proper maintenance of all signs subject to the provisions of this Chapter. No sign or other advertising structure measuring less than ten (10) feet to the bottom of the sign face, as regulated by this Chapter, shall be located on a corner lot at the intersection of any streets within a triangular area formed by the street property lines and a line connecting them at points forty (40) feet from the intersection of the street line. (p) Sign Not to Cover Windows, Doors, or Similar Openings. No sign shall cover a window, doorway, or other opening providing light ventilation or exit facilities which are required by the Building Code or which are deemed by the Fire Department to be necessary to give the Fire Department access to the building, or to afford fire protection in the event of a fire; provided, however, that flat signs, wall signs, cloth signs, and projecting signs shall be permitted to cover transoms. (q) Sign on Private Property. It shall be unlawful for any person to fasten or attach, paint or place, any sign as defined in this Chapter upon any private wall, window, door, gate, fence, or sign or upon any other personal property without the consent of the owner, or lessee, or someone authorized to act on behalf of such owner or lessee. (r) Sign on Public Property. It shall be unlawful for any person to fasten or attach, paint or place, any sign, handbill, poster, advertisement, or notice of any kind or sort, whether political or otherwise, or to cause the same to be done in or upon the curbstone, lamp post, telephone pole, electric light, or power pole, hydrant, bridge or tree, or in or upon any portion of any sidewalk or street. It shall be unlawful to paste, place, paint or attach any sign defined in this Chapter on any building, street, or property of the City. No sign shall be erected on or project over public property. (s) Sign Over Streets Prohibited. It shall be unlawful to erect and/or maintain any sign over any street or alley, except as herein expressly provided. (t) Sign Setback. For the purposes of this Chapter, the entire sign must comply with the specified setback regulations. (u) Signs, Zones Permitted and Controls. It is unlawful for any person to erect or otherwise install a sign having a size or height greater than allowed in this Chapter. It is unlawful for any person to erect or otherwise install a sign located on a site or in a zone in violation of the regulations specified in this Title. (v) Violations a Misdemeanor. Any person who shall fail to comply with, or shall violate any of the provisions of this Chapter, or any rules or regulations promulgated hereunder, shall be deemed guilty of a Class C misdemeanor and upon conviction such person shall be punished as is provided in Section 13-3-1 et seq. However, any imprisonment shall be for not more than sixty (60) days. The penalty provided herein shall be in addition to any suspension or revocation of any license or permit issued hereunder. (Ordinance No. 326, Adopted June 4, 1986) 19-6-3. Special Provisions. (a) Animated Signs. No animated signs shall be erected or maintained in, nor closer than seventy-five (75) feet to, any residential zone. Revolving animated signs are limited to six revolutions per minute and may not have flashing lights attached thereto. (b) Blanketing. To prevent blanketing, no projection or marquee sign shall be erected to project more than 24 inches. Projection shall be measured from the facing of the building and/or structure to which the sign is attached. Signs on adjacent properties shall not obscure each other. (Ordinance No. 384, Adopted December 6, 1989.) (c) Cloth Signs. Permits may be issued by the Chief Building Official upon approval by the City Council for hanging of display banners or other cloth decorations for special occasions, such as religious, charitable, civic or festive occurrences, or for Christmas decorations, or in celebration of some event of religious, national, state, or civic significance or in honor of a visit from a person or persons of note. It is specifically prohibited to incorporate in any such decorations any political advertising or advertising of a commercial nature. The Chief Building Official may permit signs to be hung over public streets or walks after proper approval. Permits issued pursuant to this paragraph may be issued without charge of any fee, but shall specify a period of time, not to exceed fifteen (15) days, during which such signs shall be permitted to be used, except as permitted by the Planning Commission as a conditional use. (Ordinance No. 384, Adopted December 6, 1989.) (d) Electric Signs. All signs which utilize or are illuminated by electricity shall comply with the adopted Electric Code, and Fire Prevention Code, of the City. (e) Marquee Signs. Marquee signs may be placed on, attached to, or constructed in a marquee. For the purpose of determining height, projection and clearance, the standards as specified in the Uniform Building Code for Marquee shall govern. (f) Political or Campaign Signs. (1) Political or campaign signs are permitted in accordance with the following provisions provided that any such sign shall be erected not earlier than sixty (60) days prior to the election at which time the candidates or measure will be voted upon and shall be removed within fifteen (15) days after such election, campaign, or event. (2) No political or campaign sign shall be placed within 150 feet from a polling place. (3) No political or campaign sign may be placed in such a manner as to create a safety hazard or constitute a public nuisance of any kind or nature whatsoever. The City's Building and Zoning Official, Public Works Director, or Chief of Police shall determine whether the placement of a political or campaign sign constitutes a safety hazard or public nuisance, and upon such determination shall remove said sign so that the safety hazard or public nuisance no longer exists. Ordinance No. 475, Adopted March 1, 1995.) (g) Shopping Center Signs. In shopping centers, frontage for each separate store shall be based on the width of the front of each business, and signs for such businesses shall be attached to the front of each store. One (1) detached or attached sign for each street frontage may be used to designate the name of the shopping center and names of individual businesses in the center. (Ordinance No. 384, Adopted December 6, 1989.) (h) Time Limitation for Construction Project of Land Development Signs. No construction project or land development sign shall be erected more than thirty (30) days prior to construction and shall be removed not more than thirty (30) days after completion. 19-6-4. Exempt Signs. The following signs shall be exempt from zoning regulations: (a) Memorial tablets or tablets containing the names of buildings and date of the erection and use of the building when built into the walls of the building and constructed of bronze, brass, marble, stone, or other noncombustible material. (b) Nameplates not to exceed two (2) square feet. Any nameplates exceeding two square feet are prohibited in all zones. (c) Non-illuminated and non-floodlighted flat signs, wall signs, and free standing signs having an area not in excess of thirty-six (36) square feet, announcing the enterprise to be located in a building under construction or announcing the name and address of the architect or contractor of the building, or the owner thereof, provided that no more than one such sign shall be erected on each street frontage and also provided that said signs are not erected more than thirty (30) days prior to construction and are removed not more than thirty (30) days after completion. (d) Non-illuminated and non-floodlighted religious, charitable, and educational ground signs having an area not in excess of twelve (12) square feet. (e) Non-illuminated and non-floodlighted signs having an area not in excess of four (4) square feet, that advertise the place of business of a doctor, dentist, or other profession, or home occupation. (f) Traffic and other municipal signs, house numbers, legal notices, railroad crossing signs, and danger signs and warning signs. (g) Painting, repainting, or cleaning of an advertising structure, or the changing of the advertising copy of the message thereon shall not be considered erection or alteration which requires a sign permit unless a structural change is made thereto. 19-6-5. Design Standards. All design standards shall be in accordance with the Uniform Sign Code. (Ordinance No. 384, Adopted December 6, 1989.) 19-6-6. Specialty Signs. Portable, illuminated specialty signs are prohibited in Riverdale City. All other portable signs, A-frame signs and wind signs are prohibited unless they are securely anchored and ten (10) feet back from the property line. Specialty signs shall not exceed a maximum of twelve (12) square feet of display area on each side and shall not exceed one sign per one hundred (100) linear feet on each street facing each business. (Ordinance No. 384, Adopted December 6, 1989.) 19-6-7. Off-Premise Signs. (a) Off-Premise signs in Riverdale City are permitted as a conditional use in commercial, planned commercial, manufacturing and planned manufacturing zones only. The conditional use must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. Existing off-premise signs may remain as a conditional use. Maintenance and advertising changes are permitted without approval of the Planning Commission or City Council. Any enlargement or modification requires approval as a conditional use. (b) Any business signs made non-conforming by this ordinance shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission which may allow the sign to remain or require the sign to be removed. (Ordinance No. 384, Adopted December 6, 1989.) 19-6-8. Sign/Zone Regulations. (a) In Residential Districts RE-20, RE-15, A-1, R-1-10, R-1-8, R0-1-6, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, and Rmh-1, the following signs are permitted: (1) Name Plates. One (1) name plate for each dwelling unit, not exceeding two (2) square feet in area, indicating the name of the occupant, and/or a permitted home occupation. (2) Identification and Information Signs. One (1) sign, not exceeding eight (8) square feet in area, for conforming buildings or conforming uses other than dwellings, boarding houses, or lodging houses. (3) Development Signs. One (1) or more signs not exceeding eight (8) square feet in combined total area for each street frontage of the lot. In addition, one (1) or more signs of a temporary nature for each approved subdivision under development and located on said subdivision property, providing that no more than one (1) such sign be located at each major approach to the subdivision but not closer than ten (10) feet to the street property lines. Signs on corner lots shall comply with Section 19-6-2(o) of this Chapter. Said signs shall not exceed in combined total area two hundred (200) square feet for any one subdivision and no one sign shall exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area. The period for display of such temporary signs shall be limited to one (1) year provided that at the expiration of this time, the Building Inspector may grant an appropriate extension of time for periods not to exceed one (1) year, provided not more than seventy-five (75) percent of the project has been developed. Application for said extension shall be made at least thirty (30) days before expiration of the original permit. In addition, one (1) or more signs of a temporary nature for main buildings or uses under development other than dwellings, provided such signs shall not exceed in combined total area one hundred (100) square feet. (4) Public Necessity Signs. One (1) or more public necessity signs, provided that no sign shall exceed twenty-four (24) square feet in area. (5) Business Signs. One (1) or more signs not exceeding in total area two (2) square feet for each one (1) linear foot of frontage occupied by a nonconforming commercial or industrial use, but in no case shall the total area of all signs exceed one hundred (100) square feet. Uses not occupying frontage may each have one or more signs not exceeding forty (40) square feet. (6) Bulletin Board. One (1) bulletin board not exceeding eighteen (18) square feet in area for a church or other institution for the purpose of displaying the name and character of services or activities conducted therein. All such bulletin boards and identification signs shall be attached to and parallel with the front wall of the building. If any nameplate, bulletin board, or sign is illuminated, indirect lighting only shall be used, the source of light shall not be visible from the street, and no flashing or intermittent illumination shall be employed. (7) No projecting signs permitted. (8) Yard and Height Regulations. (A) Front Yard Regulations. Business and identification signs shall be located flat against the building. Nameplates may be located anywhere on the property. (B) Side Yard Regulations. Business and identification signs shall be located anywhere on the property. (C) Rear Yard Regulations. Business and identification signs shall be located flat against the building. Nameplates may be located anywhere on the property. (D) Height Regulations. No sign shall be erected to a height greater than ten (10) feet or project above the height of the building to which it is attached. (9) In an A-1 zone, ground or pole signs advertising the sale of livestock, produce or in conjunction with a home occupation are permitted as a conditional use. The property on which such signs are placed must meet minimum width requirements for the A-1 zone. (Ordinance No. 384, Adopted December 6, 1989.) (b) In Commercial Districts C-1, C-2, C-3, and CP-1, CP-2, CP-3, and Manufacturing Districts M-1, M-2, the following signs are permitted: (1) Development Signs. One (1) or more signs of a temporary nature for main buildings or uses under development provided such signs shall not exceed in combined total area one hundred (100) square feet. (2) Public Necessity Signs. One (1) or more public necessity signs, provided that no such sign shall exceed twenty-four (24) square feet in area. (3) Business Signs. One (1) or more business signs not exceeding three (3) square feet in combined total area for each linear foot of occupied frontage except that the maximum size of a business sign shall be three hundred (300) square feet in area and the total area of all commercial or industrial use shall be six hundred (600) square feet. However, a business sign, on or attached to a building, flush or as a roof sign, not more than eight (8) feet above building, may have a total area of six hundred (600) square feet. Each commercial or industrial use backing on to a freeway shall be permitted not more than one (1) business sign. (4) Floodlighted Signs. (5) Illuminated Signs. (6) Animated Signs. (7) Roof Signs. (8 Height Regulations. No sign shall be erected to a height exceeding forty (40) feet above the ground, except that the height of billboards shall not be subject to this height limitation. The height limitation of billboards shall be determined and approved on an individual basis, which height shall be approved by the Governing Body, and all billboards shall be in compliance with the Utah Outdoor Advertising Act. (Ordinance No. 496, Adopted April 17, 1996) (9) Existing Signs. Any lawful sign completely constructed, in existence, and lawfully installed in the City of Riverdale at the time of the passage of this ordinance, shall be allowed to exist at its present height. At such time that the existing sign structure or location is changed, in any manner whatsoever, then said sign must come into compliance with the height limitation, as set forth in subparagraph (8), above. (Ordinance No. 496, Adopted April 17, 1996) (c) Temporary Signs. (1) Temporary signs, other than cloth signs, when ten (10) feet or more above the ground, may project not more than six (6) inches over public property or beyond the building line. (2) Temporary signs may remain in place for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days. (3) Temporary cloth signs may extend over public property. Such signs when extending over a public street shall maintain a clearance of twenty (20) feet. Cloth signs may extend across a public street only by permission of the governing body and shall be subject to all related laws and ordinances. (d) The provisions of Title 19, Chapter 6 shall supersede any other provisions of Title 19 regarding signs. (Ordinance No. 384, Adopted December 6, 1989.) Chapter 7 - Conditional Uses 19-7-1 19-7-2 19-7-3 19-7-4 19-7-5 19-7-6 19-7-7 19-7-8 19-7-9 19-7-10 Purpose and Intent Conditional Use Permit Review Procedure Determination Basis for Issuance of Conditional Use Permit Appeal Reserved for Future Use Building Permit Expiration Temporary Structures for Seasonal Sales 19-7-1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of conditional uses is to allow in certain areas compatible integration of uses which are related to the permitted uses of the zone, but which may be suitable and desirable only in certain locations in that zone due to conditions and circumstances peculiar to that location and/or upon certain conditions which make the uses suitable and/or only if such uses are designed, laid out, and constructed on the proposed site in a particular manner. 19-7-2. Conditional Use Permit. A conditional use permit shall be required for all uses listed as conditional uses in the zone regulations. A conditional use permit may be revoked by the City Council after review and recommendation by the Planning Commission, upon failure to comply with the conditions imposed with the original approval of the permit. 19-7-3. Review Procedure. (a) Application for a conditional use permit shall be made to the Planning Commission. (b) Detailed location, site and building plans shall accompany the completed application forms provided by the City. For structures in existence, only a location plan need be provided. (c) The application, together with all pertinent information, shall be considered by the Planning Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting. (d) The Planning Commission may call a specific public hearing on any application after adequate notice if it is deemed in the public interest. The Planning Commission shall take action on the application by the second meeting of the Planning Commission after the application filing date. A record of the hearing together with a recommendation for denial or issuance of the conditional use permit with conditions of approval or reasons for denial shall be forwarded to the City Council. 19-7-4. Determination. The Planning Commission may deny or permit a conditional use to be located within any zone in which the particular conditional use is permitted. In authorizing any conditional use, the Planning Commission shall impose such requirements and conditions necessary for the protection of adjacent properties and the public welfare. 19-7-5. Basis for Issuance of Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commission shall not authorize a conditional use permit unless evidence is presented to establish: (a) That the proposed use of the particular location is necessary or desirable to provide a service or facility which will contribute to the general well-being of the community; and (b) That such use will not, under the circumstances of the particular case and the conditions imposed, be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of persons nor injurious to property or improvements in the community, but will be compatible with and complementary to the existing surrounding uses, buildings, and structures when considering traffic generation, parking, building design and location, landscaping and signs; and (c) That the proposed use conforms to the goals, policies, and conditions specified in this Chapter for such use; and (d) That the proposed use conforms to the goals, policies and governing principles and land use of the Master Plan for Riverdale City; and (e) That the proposed use will not lead to the deterioration of the environment, or ecology of the general area, nor will it produce conditions or emit pollutants of such a type or of such a quantity so as to detrimentally effect, to any appreciable degree, public or private property including the operation of existing uses thereon, in the immediate vicinity or the community or area as a whole. 19-7-6. Appeal. The decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council by filing such appeal within 15 days after the date of the notice of decision sent the applicant. The City Council may uphold or reverse the decision of the Planning Commission and impose any additional conditions that it may deem necessary in granting an appeal. The decision of the City Council shall be final. 19-7-7. Reserved for Future Use. 19-7-8. Building Permit. Upon receipt of a conditional use permit, the developer shall take such permit to the Building Inspector, who will review the permit and conditions attached. Based on this review and compliance with any other items that might develop in the pursuance of his duties, the Building Inspector may approve an application for a building permit and shall insure that development is undertaken and completed in compliance with said permit and conditions pertaining thereto. 19-7-9. Expiration. Unless there is substantial action under a conditional use permit within a period of one year of its issuance as determined by the Planning Commission, the conditional use permit shall expire. The Planning Commission may grant a maximum extension of six months under exceptional circumstances. 19-7-10. Temporary Structures for Seasonal Sales. The City Council of this City may waive certain of the requirements of the Uniform Codes adopted in this Title to permit the erection and use of temporary structures for the sale of seasonal merchandise under the following conditions: (a) The person making application for the waiver of such requirements shall file with the Riverdale City Planning Commission, an application, in writing, in such form and containing such information as shall be determined by the Planning Commission consistent with this Chapter. Said application shall include an informal site plan drawn to scale showing the size of the proposed structure and its location in relation to the other structures and improvements on the site plan of the location on file with the City. No such temporary seasonal structure shall be permitted to be located upon any parcel of property for which there is not an existing approved site plan on file with the City. (b) At a regular or special meeting of the Planning Commission, in the Planning Commission's discretion, and after reasonable written notice to all affected parties, including all tenants of all buildings located upon the existing site plan, the Commission shall consider whether to recommend the approval or denial of the application for waiver. (c) In considering whether to recommend approval or denial of the requested waiver, the Commission shall consider the following factors: (1) The degree of deviation from the Uniform Codes adopted in this Title. (2) The effect the proposed structure will have on the safety of persons and property. (3) The benefit of the sale of the proposed merchandise to City residents and customers of City business licensees. (4) The aesthetic appearance of the proposed structure. (5) The effect on pedestrian and vehicle traffic in the area including traffic within the existing site plan. (6) The size of the proposed structure. It is the intent of this Chapter that waivers be granted only to small structures not exceeding 200 square feet in size. (7) The degree of self-containment of the structure as contrasted to the need for outside utility connections. (8) The availability of restroom facilities for persons using the structures. (9) The past experience and character of the applicant. (10) Compatibility of the proposed structure and use with the existing site plan on file with the City. (11) The permanency of the proposed operations. It is the intent of this Chapter that the structure be used for the sale of seasonal merchandise. Under no conditions shall the structure be permitted to remain longer than nine months. It is not the intent of this Chapter that the waiver be granted for a weekend or other short duration of time. (Ordinance No. 339, Adopted January 7, 1987). (d) The Planning Commission may seek the advice of the City's engineer and building inspector either in writing or at the meeting where the application is considered. (e) After due consideration of the application, the Planning Commission shall make its recommendation to the City Council in writing. The City Council shall consider the application at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The City Council, in considering the application, shall consider the facts listed in subparagraph (c) above and shall either approve or deny the application. (Ordinance No. 340, Adopted February 18, 1987) Chapter 8 - Planned Residential Unit Development 19-8-1 19-8-2 19-8-3 19-8-4 19-8-5 19-8-6 19-8-7 19-8-8 19-8-9 19-8-10 19-8-11 Purpose and Intent Use Regulations Area Regulations General Requirements Submission of Application Planning Commission Consideration Planning Commission Action City Council Action Fees Building Permit Issuance Time Limit 19-8-1. Purpose and Intent. A Planned Residential Unit Development (PRUD) is intended to allow for diversification in the relationship of various uses and structures, to permit more flexibility, and to encourage new and imaginative concepts in the design of neighborhood and housing projects in urban areas. To this end, the development should be planned as one complex land use rather than an aggregation of individual, unrelated buildings located on separate lots. Substantial compliance with zone regulations and other provisions of this Title in requiring adequate standards related to the public health, safety and general welfare shall be observed, without unduly inhibiting the advantages of large scale site planning for residential and related purposes. 19-8-2. Use Regulations. A Planned Residential Unit Development shall be permitted in all forestry, agriculture, and residential zones plus the C-3 zone and, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Title, the provisions as hereinafter set forth shall be applicable if any conflict exists. An overall development plan for a Planned Residential Unit Development showing building types, locations, sizes, height, number of residential units, access roads, open spaces, parking and landscaping may be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council, and building permits issued in accordance with such plan, even though the residential uses, housing types, and the location of the buildings proposed differ from the residential uses, housing types and regulations governing such uses in effect in the zone in which the development is proposed, provided that provisions of this Chapter are complied with. 19-8-3. Area Regulations. (a) (1) The minimum area for a Planned Residential Unit Development shall be an area of not less than two (2) acres. (2) The basic number of dwelling units in a PRUD shall be the same as the number permitted by the lot area requirements of the zone in which the PRUD is located. Land used for schools, churches, other nonresidential service-type buildings and uses for streets needed exclusively for access to the usable area of a PRUD shall not be included in the area for determining the number of allowable dwelling units. (3) The basic number of dwelling units in a PRUD may be increased by up to ten (10) percent if the Planning Commission, in its judgment, determines that the concept, site layout, design, residential groupings and the esthetic and landscaping proposals will provide a superior residential development and environment to that which would result through the normal land subdivision process. (b) All proposed residential developments, with the exception of a usual land subdivision, within the City equal to or in excess of the minimum area requirements for a Planned Residential Unit Development as set forth in Section 19-8-3(a) shall comply with the provisions of this Chapter and be developed as a PRUD. Land to be developed as a usual subdivision shall be subject to the provisions of Section 19-40-1 et seq. of this Title. (Ordinance No. 462, Adopted July 20, 1994) 19-8-4. General Requirements. (a) The development shall be in single or corporate ownership or the application filed jointly by the owners of the property. (b) The property adjacent to the Planned Residential Unit Development shall not be adversely affected and to this end the Planning Commission may require, in the absence of appropriate physical boundaries, that uses of least intensity or greatest compatibility be arranged around the boundaries of the project. Yard requirements for setbacks and spacing distances between dwellings shall be approved by the Planning Commission after recommendation of Fire Department and Building Department and shall comply with the following: (1) No rear yard of any dwelling on the periphery of the PRUD shall be closer than 20 feet to adjacent zone boundary or property outside of the PRUD. (2) All side yard set backs, for the entire PRUD, shall be no less than the side yard set back requirements, as set forth in the most restrictive zoned property which has any contiguous boundary with the PRUD. (Ordinance No. 462, Adopted July 20, 1994) (c) Site development standards and sign regulations shall be determined by approval of the site development plan. (d) The City Council, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission, may require the preservation, maintenance, and ownership of open space utilizing, at the City's option, one of the following methods: (1) Dedicating the land as a public park or parkway system; or (2) Granting to the City a permanent open space easement on and over the said private open spaces to guarantee that the open spaces remain perpetually in recreation use, with ownership and maintenance being the responsibility of a Home Owners Association established with Articles of Association and By-Laws which are satisfactory to the City; or (3) Complying with the provisions of the Condominium Ownership Act of 1963, Title 57, Chapter 8, Utah Code Annotated, (1953), which provides for the payment of common expenses for the upkeep of common areas and facilities. Recreation uses and facilities may be developed within the common open-space areas in compliance with a recreation and landscaping plan approved as part of the approved final development plan of the Planned Residential Unit Development. (4) If the second or third method, as set forth above, is utilized to maintain the open spaces, but the organization established fails to maintain the open spaces in reasonable order and condition, the City may, at its option, do or contract to have done the required maintenance and shall assess ratably the open space and individually owned properties within the Planned Residential Unit Development. Such assessment shall be a lien against property and shall be filed with the Weber County Recorder, or the City may bring suit to collect the maintenance fees together with a reasonable attorney's fees and costs. (e) The developer shall be required to provide a surety or cash bond, escrow or bank letter of credit in an amount determined by the Chief Building Official of the City guaranteeing the completion of the development of the open space, or a phase thereof. When completed in accordance with the approved plan, the bond shall be released. If uncompleted at the end of two years, the City Council will review the progress and may proceed to use the bond funds to make the improvements to the open space after approval by the City Council and by the City Attorney which approval shall be filed with the City Recorder. (f) Where access roads create corner lots of adjoining parcels of land, the location of the paved area of the access road shall be located so as to maintain the minimum corner lot side yard requirements of the zone in which the corner lot is located, plus an additional ten (10) foot planting and walking area. (g) If the Planned Residential Unit Development is to be subsequently divided either as a "subdivision" into a phase development parcel or into separately owned and operated units, such division boundaries shall be indicated in the development plan and preliminary subdivision approval concurrently obtained in the case of a "subdivision". (h) The Subdivision Ordinance, Section 19-40-1 et seq. of this Title, of the City as it now or hereafter may exist applies to all developments. (i) The area shall be adaptable to a unit type development and shall not contain within or through it any ownership or physical barrier which would tend to impair the unit cohesiveness. (j) Accessory nonresidential uses may be included in Planned Residential Unit Developments of 100 units or more to provide a necessary service to residents of the development as determined by the Planning Commission provided agreements and restrictive covenants controlling the proposed uses, ownership, operational characteristics and physical design to the City's satisfaction are filed by and entered into by the developer to assure that the approved necessary service is maintained. (k) Once the overall development plan showing details of buildings, structures, and uses has been approved by the City Council after recommendations of the Planning Commission, no changes or alterations to such development plans or uses shall be made without first obtaining approval of the Planning Commission. Major revisions require City Council approval. 19-8-5. Submission of Application. An application for a Planned Residential Unit Development shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and shall be accompanied by an overall development plan showing uses, dimensions and locations of proposed structures, areas reserved for public uses such as schools, playgrounds, landscaping, recreational facilities, and open spaces, areas reserved and proposals for accommodating the design and character of the proposed development. Such other information shall be included as may be necessary to determine that the contemplated arrangement of uses make it desirable to apply regulations and requirements differing from those ordinarily applicable under this Title. Revisions to the plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission, with City Council approval on major revisions required. 19-8-6. Planning Commission Consideration. In reviewing the proposed Planned Residential Unit Development, the Planning Commission shall consider: (a) The design of buildings and their relationship on the site and their relationship to development beyond the boundaries of the development. (b) Which streets shall be public and which shall be private, the entrances and exits to the development and the provisions for internal and external traffic circulation and off-street parking. (c) The landscaping and screening as related to the several uses within the development and as a means of its integration into its surrounding. (d) The size, location, design, and nature of signs, if any, and the intensity and direction of area or flood lighting. (e) The residential density of the proposed development and its distribution as compared with the residential density of the surrounding lands, either existing or as indicated in the Zoning Map or Master Plan proposals of the City as being a desirable future residential density. (f) The demonstrated ability of the proponents of the Planned Residential Unit Development to financially carry out the proposed project under total or phase development proposals within the time limit established. 19-8-7. Planning Commission Action. The Planning Commission, subject to the requirements of this Chapter, may recommend approval or denial, or approval with conditions of the proposed Planned Residential Unit Development to the City Council. 19-8-8. City Council Action. The City Council, after holding a public hearing thereon, (which shall require written notification mailed to property owners within 500 feet of proposed PRUD) may approve or disapprove the application for a Planned Residential Unit Development. In approving an application, the City Council may attach such conditions including a limitation of time during which the permit remains valid, as it may deem necessary to secure the purposes of this Chapter. Approval of the City Council, together with any conditions imposed, constitutes approval of the proposed development as a "permitted use" in the zone in which it is proposed. (Ordinance No. 489, Adopted February 21, 1996) 19-8-9. Fees. (a) At the time of filing a petition or request for a PRUD, the petitioners shall pay to the City and the City shall collect such fee as may be set by resolution of the City Council. (b) The fee assessed by this Chapter shall not be refundable regardless of the eventual disposition of the PRUD request and shall be in addition to all other fees presently in effect and payable to the City. (Ordinance No. 452, Adopted April 6, 1994.) 19-8-10. Building Permit Issuance. The Building Inspector shall not issue any permit for the proposed building or use within the project unless such building or use is in accordance with the approved development plan and any conditions imposed. Approved development plans shall be filed with the Planning Commission, City Engineer, Building Inspector, and City Recorder. 19-8-11. Time Limit. Unless there is substantial action leading toward completion of a Planned Residential Unit Development or an approved phase thereof within a period of eighteen (18) months from the date of approval, as determined by the City Council, such approval shall expire unless after reconsideration of the progress of the project an extension is approved. Chapter 9 - Cluster Subdivision Special Regulations 19-9-1 19-9-2 19-9-3 19-9-4 19-9-5 19-9-6 Purpose and Intent General Regulations Site Development Standards Open Space Provision Open Space Preservation and Maintenance Procedure 19-9-1. Purpose and Intent. Cluster subdivisions are intended to allow flexibility in the neighborhood and subdivision lot design by permitting the development of single family and two family dwellings on lots smaller than normally required for the zone in which the subdivision is located and by dedicating or reserving the land so saved to needed open space. It is not intended that this type of subdivision be universally applied but only where circumstances or natural features and land use make it appropriate and of special benefit to the residents of the subdivision and surrounding area. The consolidated lot resulting from the reduction of lot sizes shall be usable land not swamp land or steep slope. 19-9-2. General Regulations. (a) A cluster subdivision shall be a permitted use in all forestry, agricultural, and residential zones and not withstanding any other provisions of this Title, the provisions as hereinafter set forth shall be applicable if any conflict exists; provided, however, that no such cluster subdivision shall contain less than twenty-five (25) dwellings. (b) Where land is proposed for subdivision into lots and a subdivider dedicates or permanently reserves land within the subdivision for recreational use or open space, a reduction in the minimum lot area required for the zone in which the cluster subdivision is located may be approved by the Planning Commission, provided the provisions of this Chapter are met, and further provided that the cluster subdivision receives subdivision approval. 19-9-3. Site Development Standards. (a) The minimum lot area for dwellings may be reduced below the area normally required in the zone in which the cluster subdivision is located, but no lot shall have an area less than two-thirds (2/3) of the minimum lot area required for such dwelling in the respective zone. (b) The minimum lot width and side yard may be reduced below the width and side yard normally required in the zone in which the cluster subdivision is located, but no lot shall have a width or side yard of less than three-quarters (3/4) of the minimum lot width or side yard required in the respective zone. (c) Yard use and height regulations shall be the same as for the zone in which the cluster subdivision is located. 19-9-4. Open Space Provision. There shall be permanently reserved within the subdivision for recreation and/or open space, parcels of land whose total area is not less than the amount by which the areas of the residential lots are reduced below the minimum area normally required in the zone in which the cluster subdivision is located. 19-9-5. Open Space Preservation and Maintenance. Recreation and/or open space areas to be permanently reserved shall be improved, landscaped, and maintained in accordance with a plan approved by the Planning Commission and the cluster subdivision provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance, Section 19-40-1 et seq. of this Title. 19-9-6. Procedure. A preliminary plan of the cluster subdivision showing the areas within the subdivision to be permanently reserved for recreation and/or open space, and plans showing the proposed use, improvements, and method of maintenance of such areas shall be approved by the Planning Commission before the cluster subdivision proposal becomes a permitted use in the zone in which it is proposed. Chapter 10 - Group Dwelling Special Regulations 19-10-1 19-10-2 19-10-3 Yard Regulations Group Dwelling PRUD Conditional Use 19-10-1. Yard Regulations. Group dwellings shall be considered as one building for the purpose of front, side, and rear yard requirements, the entire group as a unit requiring one front, one rear and two side yards as specified for dwelling structures. The minimum distance between structures shall be ten (10) feet for single story buildings, fifteen (15) feet for two story buildings and twenty (20) feet for three or more story buildings. 19-10-2. Group Dwelling PRUD. A group dwelling complex must be developed as a PRUD if the area of the complex is equal to or exceeds the minimum area requirements for a PRUD as listed in Chapter 8 of this Title. 19-10-3. Conditional Use. All group dwelling with 25 or more dwelling units in a R-3 zone or a R-4 zone, or with 50 or more dwelling units in a R-5 zone, are considered as a conditional use and as such must comply with the provisions of Chapter 7 of this Title. Chapter 11 - Nonconforming Buildings and Uses 19-11-1 19-11-2 19-11-3 19-11-4 19-11-5 19-11-6 19-11-7 19-11-8 Nonconforming Buildings - Maintenance, Repairs, and Upkeep Nonconforming Buildings - Additions, Enlargements, and Moving Nonconforming Buildings - Abandonment by Nonuse Nonconforming Use of Buildings Nonconforming Use of Buildings - Abandonment By Nonuse Nonconforming Use of Land - Abandonment by Nonuse Nonconforming Use Compliance Signs Permitted With Nonconforming Uses 19-11-1. Nonconforming Buildings - Maintenance, Repairs, and Upkeep. (a) A nonconforming building or structure may be maintained. (b) Repairs and structural alterations may be made to a nonconforming building. (c) A nonconforming building or structure which is damaged or partially destroyed by fire, flood, wind, earthquake, or other calamity or act of God, or the public enemy, may be restored and the occupancy or use of such building, structure, or part thereof which existed at the time of such partial destruction, may be continued or resumed, provided that such restoration is started within a period of one (1) year and is diligently prosecuted to completion. 19-11-2. Nonconforming Buildings - Additions, Enlargements, and Moving. (a) A building or structure nonconforming as to use regulations shall not be added to or enlarged in any manner, unless such building or structure, including such additions and enlargements, is made to conform to all the regulations of the zone in which it is located. (b) A building or structure nonconforming as to height, area or yard regulations shall not be added to or enlarged in any manner unless such addition and enlargement conforms to all the regulations of the zone in which it is located. (c) A building or structure lacking sufficient automobile parking space in connection therewith as required by this Title may be altered or enlarged provided additional automobile parking space is supplied to meet the requirements of this Title for such alterations or enlargements. (d) No nonconforming building or structure shall be moved in whole or in part to any other location on the lot, unless every portion of such building or structure is made to conform to all the regulations of the zone in which it is located. 19-11-3. Nonconforming Buildings - Abandonment by Nonuse. A nonconforming building or structure or portion thereof shall be deemed abandoned by nonuse during a continuous period of one (1) year. If a nonconforming building or structure or portion thereof has been or shall be abandoned, the same shall not thereafter be occupied or used except for a use which conforms to the use regulations of the zone in which it is located. 19-11-4. Nonconforming Use of Buildings. (a) The nonconforming use of a building or structure existing at the time of the applicable zoning regulations became or becomes effective may be continued. (b) A vacant nonconforming building or structure may be occupied by a use for which the building or structure was designed or intended if so occupied within a period of one (1) year after the building or structure became nonconforming. (c) A nonconforming use may be extended to include the entire floor area of the existing building in which it was conducted at the time use became nonconforming. (d) Except by permit of the Board of Adjustment as provided in Chapter 12 of this Title, the nonconforming use of a building or structure may not be changed except to a conforming use; but where such change is made to a conforming use, the use shall not thereafter be changed back to a nonconforming use. 19-11-5. Nonconforming Use of Buildings - Abandonment By Nonuse. The nonconforming use of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be deemed abandoned by nonuse during a continuous period of one (1) year. If a nonconforming use of any such building or structure or portion thereof has been or shall be abandoned, the same shall not thereafter be occupied or used except for a use which conforms to the use regulations of the zone in which it is located. 19-11-6. Nonconforming Use of Land - Abandonment by Nonuse. A nonconforming use of a tract of land or portion thereof may be continued. No such nonconforming use of land shall in any way be expanded or extended either on the same or any adjoining tract of land. A nonconforming use of land shall be deemed vacant by nonuse immediately upon permanent discontinuation of the nonconforming use. If a nonconforming use of land has been or shall be deemed vacant, such land shall not thereafter be used or occupied except for a use which conforms to the use regulations of the zone in which the use is located. 19-11-7. Nonconforming Use Compliance. Any building structure or use for which a valid building permit has been issued and actual construction was lawfully begun prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, or amendments to this Ordinance, may be completed and used in accordance with the plans, specifications, and permit on which said building permit was granted. Actual construction is hereby defined to be: The actual placing of construction materials in their permanent position, fastened in a permanent manner, actual work in excavating a basement or the demolition or removal of an existing structure begun preparatory to rebuilding, provided that in all cases actual construction work shall be diligently carried on until the completion of the building or structure involved. 19-11-8. Signs Permitted With Nonconforming Uses. Nonconforming uses in residential zones: One sign per use. One square foot of sign area per lineal foot of building frontage, with a maximum of fifty (50) square feet. Nonconforming uses in other than residential zones: One sign per use. Area of the sign shall be in accordance with the provisions of the regulations set forth in Chapter 6 of this Title, for the respective zone in which the nonconforming use is located. Chapter 12 - Board of Adjustment 19-12-1 19-12-2 19-12-3 19-12-4 19-12-5 19-12-6 19-12-7 19-12-8 19-12-9 19-12-10 19-12-11 19-12-12 Appointment, Term, and Approval Organization and Meetings Appeals Stay of Proceedings Pending Appeal Notice of Hearing on Appeal - Right of Appearance Powers of Board on Appeal Decision on Appeal Vote Necessary for Reversal Judicial Review of Board's Decision - Time Limitation Time Limitation on Variance Filing Fee Compensation of Members 19-12-1. Appointment, Term, and Approval. The Board of Adjustment shall consist of five members, each to be appointed by the City Council for a term of five (5) years, provided that the terms of the members of the first Board so appointed shall be such that the term of one member shall expire each year. Any member may be removed for cause by the appointing authority upon written charges and after public hearing, if such public hearing is requested. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term of any member whose term becomes vacant. One member, but not more than one, of the Planning Commission shall be a member of the Board of Adjustment. The City Council may appoint associate members of such Board, and in the event that any regular member be temporarily unable to act owing to absence from the country, illness, interest in a case before the Board or any other cause, his place may be taken during such temporary disability by an associate member designated for the purpose. 19-12-2. Organization and Meetings. The Board of Adjustments shall organize and elect a chairman and adopt rules in accordance with the provisions of State law, this Chapter and any other applicable ordinance. Meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the chairman and at such other times as the Board may determine. The chairman, or in his absence the acting chairman, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. (a) The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon each question, or if absent or failing to vote indicating such fact, and shall keep records of its examinations and other official actions; all of which shall be immediately filed in the office of the Board and shall be a public record. (b) The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council, may appoint a Zoning Administrator to decide routine and uncontested matters of the Board of Adjustments, as designated by the Board, and pursuant to its established guidelines. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Zoning Administrator may appeal the decision to the Board of Adjustments, as provided in this chapter. (Ordinance No. 385, Adopted January 3, 1990.) 19-12-3. Appeals. Appeals to the Board of Adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved by his inability to obtain a building permit, or by the decision of any administrative officer or agency based upon or made in the course of the administration or enforcement of the provisions of this Title. Appeals to the Board of Adjustment may be taken by any officer, department, board or bureau of the City affected by the grant or refusal of a building permit or by other decision of an administrative officer or agency based on or made in the course of the administration or enforcement of the provisions of this Title. The "time" within which such appeal must be made, and the form or other procedure relating thereto, shall be as specified in the general rules to govern the procedure of such Board of Adjustment or in the supplemental rules of procedures adopted by such Board provided, further, that said rules and regulations shall be available to the public at the office of the City Recorder at all times. 19-12-4. Stay of Proceedings Pending Appeal. An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from, unless the officer from whom the appeal is taken certifies to the Board of Adjustment after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with him that by reason of facts stated in the certificate, the stay would in his opinion cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by restraining order which may be granted by the Board of Adjustment or by the district court on application and notice and on due cause shown. 19-12-5. Notice of Hearing on Appeal - Right of Adjustment shall fix a reasonable time appeal, give public notice thereof as well as in interest and shall decide the same within hearing, any party may appear in person or by of Appearance. The Board for the hearing of the due notice to the parties a reasonable time. At the agent or by attorney. 19-12-6. Powers of Board on Appeal. The Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers: (a) To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged by the appellant that there is error in any order, requirement, decision, or refusal made by administrative official or agency based on or made in the enforcement of this Title. (b) To hear and decide, in accordance with the provisions of this Title, requests for "special exceptions" or for interpretation of the map or for decisions on other special questions on which such Board is authorized by this Title to pass. (c) To authorize, on an appeal, a variance from strict application of the regulations where, by reason of exceptional narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a specific piece of property at the time of the enactment of the regulation, or by reason of exceptional topographic conditions or other extraordinary and exceptional situation or condition of such piece of property, the strict application of any regulations enacted would result in peculiar and exceptional practical difficulties to, or exceptional and undue hardships upon, the owner of such property. The variance from such strict application can be granted so as to relieve such difficulties or hardships, provided such relief may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without substantial impairment to the intent and purpose of the Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance of the City. Before any variance may be authorized, however, it shall be shown that: (1) The variance will not substantially affect the Comprehensive Plan of Zoning in the City and that adherence to the strict letter of this Title will cause difficulties and hardships the imposition of which upon the petitioner is unnecessary in order to carry out the general purpose of the Plan. (2) Special circumstances attach to the property covered by the application which do not generally apply to the other property in the same zone. (3) Because of said special circumstances, property covered by the application is deprived of privileges possessed by other properties in the same zone; and that the granting or the variance is essential to the enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same zone. (d) To permit the enlargement of, addition to, or relocation of a building or structure, nonconforming as to use regulations, as follows: (1) For a nonconforming use located in a residential zone, the enlargement, addition or relocation shall either: (i) comply with all the height, yard and area requirements for a single-family dwelling in the zone in which the nonconforming building is located; or (ii) the proposed enlargement, addition, or relocation will either (a) improve the area by increasing the off-street parking, or (b) improve the general appearance, convenience or safety of the area. (2) For a nonconforming use located in any zone other than a residential zone, the enlargement, addition, or relocation shall comply with all height, yard, and area requirements for a main building, other than dwellings, in the zone in which it is located. (3) Before granting a permit for any enlargement, addition or relocation as provided above, the Board of Adjustment shall find in its public hearing that the proposed changes will not hinder or obstruct the attainment of the objectives listed in Chapter 19-1-2 of this Title more than does the existing nonconforming use. (e) To allow those enlargements of, additions to, or relocation of buildings and structures, nonconforming as to yard, height, or area regulations in those cases where an undue hardship will result to the owner of the land involved unless granted and the attainment of the objectives listed in Chapter 19-1-2 of this Title will not be hindered or obstructed, and provided the proposed enlargement, addition to or relocation of will either: (1) improve the area by increasing needed off-street parking; or (2) improve the general appearance, convenience, or safety of the area. (f) To permit, where a zone boundary line divides a lot in single ownership at the time of establishment of said boundary, a use authorized on either portion of such lot to extend to the entire lot, provided such permission shall not authorize the use to extend more than thirty-five (35) feet beyond the zone boundary line or extend to an area greater than five thousand (5,000) square feet beyond the said boundary line. (g) To permit a nonconforming use to be changed to another use allowed in the same or a more restrictive zone than the one in which the nonconforming use would be allowed; provided that the Board of Adjustment finds in its public hearing that such change will not hinder or obstruct the attainment of the objectives listed in Chapter 19-1-2 of this Title more than does the existing nonconforming use. (h) To permit the construction and use of a dwelling upon a lot which does not have frontage on a street, but does have frontage on a dedicated right-of-way. (i) To permit the splitting of a lot wherein such lot split creates a lot which does not have the required width of the zone in which the lot is located, provided the created nonconforming lot meets the area requirements of the zone and the structure placed on the lot meets all required site standards of the zone; and furthermore, that before building permits are issued for the nonconforming split, the lot split shall be reviewed and approved by the County Engineering Advisor or City Engineer. 19-12-7. Decision on Appeal. In exercising the above-mentioned powers, such Board may, in conformity with the provisions of this Chapter, reverse or affirm wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from and may make such order, requirement, decision, or determination as ought to be made, and to that end shall have all the powers of the officer from whom the appeal is taken. 19-12-8. Vote Necessary for Reversal. The concurring vote of three members of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, or determination of any such administrative official, or to decide in favor of the appellant on any matter upon which it is required to pass under any Chapter of this Title, or to effect any variation in such Chapter. 19-12-9. Judicial Review of Board's Decision - Time Limitation. The City or any person aggrieved may have and maintain a plenary action for relief therefrom in any court of competent jurisdiction, provided petition for such relief is presented to the court within thirty (30) days after the filing of such decision in the office of the Board. 19-12-10. Time Limitation on Variance. In the event the Board of Adjustment does grant a variance in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, alterations in accordance with the variance must be activated within six (6) months after the date the variance is granted or the variance becomes null and void. The time limit of the variance may be extended an additional six (6) months by the Board of Adjustment, and then only if the petitioner shows adequate cause to the Board that circumstances necessitate a time extension. 19-12-11. Filing Fee. Upon filing of any appeal or application to the Board of Adjustment, the appellant or applicant shall pay to the City a fee prescribed by the City Council. The said fee shall be collected by the officer in whose office said appeal is filed and shall be deposited with the City Treasurer and credited to the general fund. No appeal or application shall be considered by the Board of Adjustment unless and until such fee has been paid. 19-12-12. Compensation of Members. Each member of the Board of Adjustment shall be compensated by an amount established by the City Council for each meeting of the Board which he shall attend. Chapter 13 - Zones 19-13-1 19-13-2 19-13-3 19-13-4 19-13-5 Establishment of Zones Height Limiting Zones Reserved for Future Use Boundaries of Zones Rules Applicable Where Boundaries Uncertain 19-13-1. Establishment of Zones. For the purpose of this Title, the City is divided into the following zones in which land uses shall be limited as specified in this Title. Classification will be determined on the basis of location, topographic features, and other reasonable considerations to guide the orderly physical growth, neighborhood compatibility, and overall stability of the City. (a) Open Space Zone 0-1. (b) Agricultural Zone A-1. (c) Residential Estate Zone RE-20. (d) Residential Estate Zone RE-15. (e) Single Family Residential Zone R-1-10. (f) Single Family Residential Zone R-1-8. (g) Single Family Residential Zone R-1-6. (h) Single Family Residential Zone R-1-4.5. (i) Single Family and Single Family with Rental Unit Residential Zone, R-2. (j) Multiple Family Residential Zone R-3. (k) Multiple Family Residential Zone R-4. (l) Multiple Family Residential Zone R-5. (m) Mobile Home Park Zone Rmh-1. (n) Neighborhood Commercial Zone C-1. (o) Community Commercial Zone C-2. (p) Regional Commercial Zone C-3. (q) Planned Neighborhood Commercial Zone CP-1. (r) Planned Community Commercial Zone CP-2. (s) Planned Regional Commercial Zone CP-3. (t) Light Manufacturing Zone M-1. (u) Heavy Manufacturing Zone M-2. (v) Planned Manufacturing Zone MP-1, MP-2. (w) Special Use District - Office Park Zone OP. (x) Special Use District-Sexually Oriented Businesses Zone (CP-4 overlay zone. (Ordinance No. 544, Adopted August 5, 1998.) 19-13-2. Height Limiting Zones. In addition to the zones hereinabove established, all the land within the incorporated boundaries, and within 50,000 feet of the established airport reference point at Ogden Municipal Airport in Weber County and Hill Air Force Base in Davis County, Utah, is hereby divided into the following listed height limiting zones. (a) Instrument Approach Zone. (b) Non-Instrument Approach Zone. (c) Transition Zone. (d) Horizontal Zone. (e) 19-13-3. Conical Zone. Reserved for Future Use. 19-13-4. Boundaries of Zones. The boundaries of each of the said zones are hereby established as described herein or as shown on the map entitled "Zoning Map of Riverdale City" and map entitled "Airport Zoning Map of Riverdale City", or as hereafter amended, and all boundaries, notations, and other data shown on said maps are made by this reference as much a part of this Title as if fully described and detailed herein. Said maps shall be filed in the custody of the City Recorder and may be examined by the public subject to any reasonable regulations established by the City Recorder. 19-13-5. Rules Applicable Where Boundaries Uncertain. Where uncertainty exists as to the boundary of any zone, the following rules shall apply: (a) Wherever the zone boundary is indicated as being approximately upon the centerline of the street, alley, or block, or along a property line, then unless otherwise definitely indicated on the map, the centerline of such street, alley, or block or such property line, shall be construed to be the boundary of such zone. (b) Wherever the zone boundary is indicated as being approximately at the center line of any river, irrigation canal, or other waterway, or railroad right-of-way, or public park or other public land, or any section line, then in such case the center of such stream, canal, or water way or of such railroad right-of-way, or the boundary line of such public land or such section line shall be deemed to be the boundary of such zone. (c) Where such zone boundary lines cannot be determined by the above rules, their location may be found by the use of the scale appearing upon the map. (d) Where the application of the above rules does not clarify the zone boundary location, the Board of Adjustments shall interpret the map. Chapter 14 - Open Space Zone 19-14-1 19-14-2 19-14-3 19-14-4 19-14-5 Purpose and Intent Permitted Uses Conditional Use Site Development Standards Sign Regulations 19-14-1. Purpose and Intent. The Open Space Zone, O-1, is specifically intended to encourage the preservation of a natural environment in an otherwise urban setting; to hold for future generations open space in which plants and animals can be protected and studied; to inhibit erection of unnecessary buildings on a flood plain, on areas of severe slope and areas of fault line and rock slides; to provide suitable areas for recreation and relaxation, and to alleviate stream pollution. 19-14-2. Permitted Uses. (a) Accessory building and uses customarily incidental to any permitted use. (b) Agricultural. (c) Botanical or zoological garden. (d) Cemetery. (e) Conservation areas: botanical or zoological. (f) Fishing ponds: private or public. (g) Golf course. (h) Horse raising, provided conducted in a pasture of at least one (1) acre size and with a maximum density of two (2) horses per acre. (i) Public park, public recreation grounds and associated buildings, but not including privately owned commercial amusement business. Public service buildings. (j) Wildlife sanctuaries. 19-14-3. Conditional Use. The following uses shall be permitted only when authorized by a conditional use permit as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. (a) Accessory building and use customarily incidental to any permitted use. (b) Public utility substation or water storage reservoir developed by a public agency. 19-14-4. (a) (b) (c) (d) Site Development Standards. Minimum lot area - one acre. Minimum lot width - 150 feet. Minimum yard setbacks for structures: (1) Front - 30 feet. (2) Side - 20 feet. (3) Rear - 30 feet. Building height: (1) Minimum - one story. (2) Maximum - two and one-half stories or 35 feet. 19-14-5. following set forth (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Sign Regulations. The height, size, and location of the permitted signs shall be in accordance with the regulations in Chapter 6 of this Title. Development. Directional. Flat. Free Standing. Identification and Information. Nameplate. Temporary. Wall. Chapter 15 - Agricultural Zone 19-15-1 19-15-2 19-15-3 19-15-4 19-15-5 19-15-6 Purpose and Intent Permitted Uses Permitted Uses Requiring Two (2) Acres Minimum Lot Area Conditional Uses Site Development Standards Sign Regulations 19-15-1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the A-1 Zone is to designate farm areas which are likely to undergo a more intensive urban development, to set up guidelines to continue agricultural pursuits, including the keeping of farm animals, and to direct orderly low-density residential development in a continuing rural environment. 19-15-2. Permitted Uses. (a) Accessory building or use customarily incidental to any permitted use. (b) Agriculture, or agricultural experiment station. (c) Animals or fowl kept for family food production. (d) Cemetery. (f) Chinchilla raising. (g) Church, synagogue or similar permanent building used for regular religious worship. (h) Cluster subdivision in accordance with Chapter 9 of this Title. (i) Corral, stable or building for keeping animals or fowl, provided such use shall be located not less than one hundred (100) feet from a public street and any such building shall be located not less than twenty-five (25) feet from any side or rear lot line. (j) Educational institution. (k) Fruit or vegetable storage packing plant or stand for fruit or vegetables produced only on the premise. (l) Golf course, except miniature golf course. (m) Greenhouse and nursery limited to sale of materials produced on premise and with no retail shop operation. (n) Reserved for Future Use. (o) Horses for private use only, and provided that not more than two (2) horses may be kept for each one (1) acre within any lot. (p) Household pets. (q) Parking lot accessory to uses permitted in this zone. (r) Private park, playground, or recreation area but not including privately owned commercial amusement business. (s) Public building, public park, recreation grounds and associated buildings. (t) Single family dwelling, guest homes, convalescent or rest homes. (u) Sugar beet loading or collection station. (v) Temporary buildings or use incidental to construction work. Such building shall be removed upon completion or abandonment of the construction work. 19-15-3. Permitted Uses Requiring Two (2) Acres Minimum Lot Area. (a) Animal hospital or clinic, dog breeding, dog kennels, dog training school, aquariums, provided such use shall be located not less than one hundred (100) feet from a public street and any building or enclosure for animals is located not less than fifty (50) feet from any side or rear property line. (b) Dairy farm and milk processing and sale provided at least fifty (50) percent of milk processed and sold is produced on premise. (c) Hog keeping and raising of not more than ten (10) pigs which are more than sixteen (16) weeks old, provided that no person shall feed any such hog any market refuse, house refuse, garbage or offal other than that produced on the premise. (d) Raising and grazing of horses, cattle, sheep, or goats not exceeding a density of fifteen (15) head per acre of used land, and including the supplementary or full feeding of such animals as part of a farming operation, provided that such raising and grazing when conducted by a farmer in conjunction with any livestock feed yard, livestock sales yard or slaughter house shall not be closer than three hundred (300) feet to any dwelling, or public or semi-public building, shall not include the erection of any permanent fences, corrals, chutes, or other structures normally associated with commercial feed lots, and shall be carried on during the period September 15 through April 15 only. (e) Two family dwelling. 19-15-4. Conditional Uses. The following uses shall be permitted only when authorized by a conditional use permit obtained as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. (a) Circus or transient amusement. (b) Farms devoted to the hatching, raising, and fattening of chickens, turkeys, or other fowl, rabbits, fish, or frogs, chinchilla and beaver. (c) Planned Residential Unit Development in accordance with Chapter 8 of this Title. (d) Private park, playground or recreation area not open to the general public and to which no admission charge is made, but not including privately owned commercial amusement business. (e) Public utility substation or water storage reservoir developed by a public agency. (f) Radio or television station or tower. (g) Waste water treatment or disposal facilities meeting the requirements of the Utah State Division of Health Code Waste Regulations. (h) Home Occupations. (i) Swap meets at a drive-in theater. (Ordinance No. 279, Adopted October 21, 1981.) 19-15-5. Site Development Standards. Permitted and Conditional Uses Permitted Uses Requiring Two (2) Acres Minimum Minimum Lot Area Minimum Lot Width Minimum Yard Setbacks Front Side Dwelling Other Main Building Accessory Building Side, facing street on corner lot Rear Main Building Accessory Building Building Height Minimum Maximum 19-15-6. following set forth (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 40,000 square feet Two (2) acres One hundred fifty feet (150’) Thirty feet (30’) Ten feet (10’) with total width of two (2) side yards not less than twenty-four feet (24’) Twenty feet (20’) each side Ten feet (10’) except one foot (1’) if located at least six feet (6’) in rear of main building Twenty feet (20’) Thirty feet (30’) One foot (1’) except ten feet (10’) where accessory building rears on side yard of adjacent corner lot One (1) story Two and one-half (2-1/2) stories or thirtyfive feet (35’) Sign Regulations. The height, size, and location of the permitted signs shall be in accordance with the regulations in Chapter 6 of this Title. Development. Direction. Flat. Free Standing. Identification and Information. Nameplate. Temporary. Wall. Chapter 16 - Residential Estate Zone 19-16-1 19-16-2 19-16-3 19-16-4 19-16-5 19-16-6 Purpose and Intent Permitted Uses Permitted Uses Requiring 40,000 Square Feet Minimum Lot Area Conditional Uses Site Development Standards Sign Regulations 19-16-1. Purpose and Intent. The major purpose of the RE-15 and RE-20 zones is to provide and protect residential development at a low density in a semi-agricultural or rural environment. It is also to provide for certain rural amenities, on larger minimum lots, in conjunction with the primary residential nature of the zone. 19-16-2. Permitted Uses. (a) Accessory building or use customarily incidental to a permitted use. (b) Agriculture. (c) Chinchilla raising. (d) Church, synagogue or similar building used for regular religious worship. (e) Cluster subdivision, in accordance with Chapter 9 of this Title. (f) Educational institution. (g) Golf course, except miniature golf. (h) Greenhouse and nursery limited to sale of material produced on premises and with no retail shop operation. (i) Reserved for future use. (j) Household pets. (k) Parking lot accessory to use permitted in this zone. (l) Public building, public park, recreation grounds and associated buildings. (m) Single family dwelling. (n) Temporary building or use incidental to construction work. Such building shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of the construction work. 19-16-3. Permitted Uses Requiring 40,000 Square Feet Minimum Lot Area. (a) Animals and fowl kept for family food production. (b) Corral, stable or building for keeping of animals or fowl, provided such building shall be located not less than one hundred (100) feet from a public street, and not less than twenty-five (25) feet from any side lot line, and not less than forty (40) feet from any dwelling. (c) Private stables; horses for private use only, and provided that no more than two (2) horses may be kept for each one (1) acre within any lot. 19-16-4. Conditional Uses. The following uses shall be permitted only when authorized by a conditional use permit as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. (a) Private park, playground or recreation area not open to the general public and to which no admission is made, and not including privately owned commercial amusement business. (b) Public utility substation or water storage reservoir developed by a public agency. (c) Planned Residential Unit Development in accordance with Chapter 8 of this Title. (d) Home Occupations. 19-16-5. Site Development Standards. Minimum lot area Minimum lot width Minimum yard setbacks Front Side Dwelling Other main building Accessory building Zero side yards Side, facing street on corner lot Rear Main building Accessory building Building height Minimum Maximum 19-16-6. following set forth (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) RE-15 15,000 square feet except for uses which require 40,000 square feet One hundred feet (100’) RE-20 20,000 square feet except for uses which require 40,000 square feet One hundred fifteen feet (115’) Thirty feet (30’) Ten feet (10’) with total width of two (2) side yards not less than twenty-four feet (24’) Twenty feet (20’) each side Ten feet (10’) except one foot (1’) if located at least six feet (6’) in rear of main building In accordance with Section 19-3-4(i) of this Title Twenty feet (20’) Thirty feet (30’) One foot (1’) except ten feet (10’) where accessory building rears on side yard of adjacent corner lot One (1) story Two and one-half (2-1/2) stories or thirtyfive feet (35’) Sign Regulations. The height, size, and location of the permitted signs shall be in accordance with the regulations in Chapter 6 of this Title. Development. Directional. Flat. Free Standing. Identification and Information. Nameplate. (g) (h) Temporary. Wall. Chapter 17 - Single-Family Residential Zones 19-17-1 19-17-2 19-17-3 19-17-4 19-17-5 Purpose and Intent Permitted Uses Conditional Uses Site Development Standards Sign Regulations 19-17-1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the R-1-10, R-1-8,and R-1-6 zone classifications is to provide regulated areas for singlefamily residential use at three different low density levels. The purpose of the R-1-4.5 zone classification is to provide regulated areas for single-family residential use at a moderate density and to encourage a wider choice of single-family residential housing styles and prices than is now available, as well as opportunities for significant savings in both site development and space heating, while maintaining the advantages of individual home ownership. (Ordinance No. 267, Adopted January 7, 1981.) 19-17-2. Permitted Uses. (a) Accessory building and use customarily incidental to any permitted use. (b) Agriculture, nurseries and greenhouses, provided the sale of goods is limited to material produced on the premises. (c) Church, synagogue, or similar permanent building used for regular religious worship. (d) Cluster subdivision, in accordance with Chapter 9 of this Title. (e) Educational institution, public schools, private with similar curriculum, day care centers. (f) Golf course, except miniature golf. (g) Reserved for future use. (h) Household pets. (i) Parking lot accessory to uses permitted in this zone. (j) Planned Residential Unit Development, in accordance with Chapter 8 of this Title. (k) Public building; public park, public recreation grounds, and associated buildings. (l) Single-family dwellings. (m) Temporary building for use incidental to construction work. Such building shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of the construction work. 19-17-3. Conditional Uses. The following uses shall be permitted only when authorized by a conditional use permit as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. (a) Private park, playground, or recreation area, but not including privately owned commercial amusement business. (b) Public utility substation or water storage reservoir developed by a public agency. (c) Home Occupation. (d) Zero lot line single-family dwelling. 19-17-4. Site Development Standards. Minimum lot size (sq ft) R-1-10 10,000 R-1-8 8,000 R-1-6 6,000 Eighty feet Seventy feet Sixty feet Minimum lot (80’) (70’) (60’) width Alternate Side zero lot line (duplex type) Minimum yard setbacks Front Thirty feet (30’) R-1-4.5 4,500 for dwelling; 7,500 for other main building Forty-five feet (45’) Thirty-five feet (35’) Twenty feet (20’) Fifteen feet (15’) Exception: Where fifty percent (50%) is developed but not less than twenty feet (20’) Side Dwelling Ten feet Eight feet (8’) Six feet (6’) (10’) with total width Twenty-four Eighteen feet (18’) Sixteen feet not less than feet (24’) (16’) Other Twenty feet (20’) main building each side Side yard Accessory Ten feet Eight feet (8’) Six feet (6’) building (10’) EXCEPTION: When an accessory building is detached from the main building, and the accessory building is located at least six feet (6’) behind the main building, then the side yard setback for the accessory building may be no less than one foot (1’) from any other structure (or property line). Zero side In accordance with Section 19-3-4(i) of this Title. yard Side Twenty feet (20’) Fifteen feet facing street (15’) on corner lot Exception Fifteen feet (15’) Ten feet where fifty (10’) percent (50%) frontage is developed but not less than Rear Main Thirty feet (30’) Twenty-five Twenty feet building feet (25’) (20’) Accessory When the accessory building is attached to the main building building, in any manner whatsoever, then the minimum rear yard setback is twenty feet (20’) from the property line. When an accessory building is detached from the main building, and the accessory building is located at least six feet (6’) behind the main building, then the rear yard setback for the accessory building may be no less than one foot (1’) from the property line. Building height Minimum One (1) story Maximum Two and one-half (2-1/2) stories or thirty-five feet (35’) (Ordinance No. 489, Adopted February 21, 1996) 19-17-5. following set forth (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Sign Regulations. The height, size, and location of the permitted signs shall be in accordance with the regulations in Chapter 6 of this Title. Development. Directional. Flat. Free Standing. Identification and Information. Temporary. Service Sign. Business Sign. Nameplate. Chapter 18 - Single Family and Single Family with Rental Unit Residential Zone, (R-2) 19-18-1 19-18-2 19-18-3 19-18-4 19-18-5 Purpose and Intent Permitted Uses Conditional Uses Site Development Standards Sign Regulations 19-18-1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the R-2 zone classification is to accommodate a need for moderate density residential districts incorporating both single family dwelling units and single family dwelling units with a residential rental unit. 19-18-2. Permitted Uses. (a) Accessory building and use customarily incidental to any permitted use. (b) Agriculture. (c) Church, synagogue, or similar permanent building used for regular religious worship. (d) Educational institution. (e) Golf course, except miniature golf course. (f) Greenhouse, noncommercial only. (g) Reserved for future use. (h) Household pets. (i) Parking lot accessory to uses permitted in this zone. (j) Public building, public park, public recreation grounds and associated buildings. (k) Single-family dwelling. (l) Temporary building and use incidental to construction work. Such building shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of the construction work. 19-18-3. Conditional Uses. The following uses shall be permitted only when authorized by a conditional use permit as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. (a) Cemetery with customary incidental uses including but not limited to mortuary, mausoleum, crematory, staff housing, service shops, and chapel. (b) Private park, playground or recreation area, but not including privately owned commercial amusement business. (c) Public utility substation or water storage reservoir developed by a public agency. (d) Home occupation. (e) Single rental unit located within, underneath, or above the primary single family dwelling unit. Any conditionally permitted rental unit shall be incidental to the primary residential use and shall meet the following minimum standards: (1) The square footage of the rental unit shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the overall square footage of the dwelling structure; (2) The rental unit shall be designed with a secondary entrance in a manner that the primary dwelling appears visually and functionally as if it were a single family dwelling without a rental unit; (3) The rental unit shall have its own off-street parking provided on the primary dwelling premises. 19-18-4. Site Development Standards. Minimum lot area One family dwelling 8,000 square feet One family dwelling 10,000 square feet with rental unit Minimum lot width One family dwelling Seventy feet (70’) One family dwelling Eighty feet (80’) with rental unit Minimum yard setbacks Front Twenty-five feet (25’) except average of existing dwellings where fifty percent (50%) frontage is developed but not less than twenty feet (20’) Side Main building Eight feet (8’) with total width of two (2) side yards of not less than eighteen feet (18’), and twenty feet (20’) each side for other main buildings Accessory building Eight feet (8’), except one foot (1’) if located at least six feet (6’) in rear of main building, but not closer than nine feet (9’) to dwelling on adjacent lot Zero side yards In accordance with Section 19-3-4(i) of this Title Side, facing street Twenty feet (20’), except average where fifty percent (50%) on corner frontage is developed, but not less than fifteen feet (15’). Rear Main building Thirty feet (30’) Accessory building When the accessory building is attached to the main building, in any manner whatsoever, then the minimum rear setback is twenty feet (20’) from the property line. When an accessory building is detached from the main building, and the accessory building is located at least six feet (6’) behind the main building, then the rear setback for the accessory building may be no less than one foot (1’) from the property line. Building height Minimum Maximum One (1) story Two and one-half (2-1/2) stories or thirty-five feet (35’) (Ordinance No. 525, Adopted September 3, 1997.) 19-18-5. following set forth (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Sign Regulations. The height, size, and location of the permitted signs shall be in accordance with the regulations in Chapter 6 of this Title. Development. Directional. Flat. Free Standing. Identification and Information. Nameplate. Temporary. Chapter 19 - Multiple-Family Residential Zone. (R-3) 19-19-1 19-19-2 19-19-3 19-19-4 19-19-5 Purpose and Intent Permitted Uses Conditional Uses Site Development Standards Sign Regulations 19-19-1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the R-3 zone classification is to provide residential areas that will accommodate the development of dwelling types from single-family through multiple-family units with their associated necessary public services and activities. It is also to provide an orderly transition from less intensive, lower density uses to more intensive, higher density uses. 19-19-2. Permitted Uses. (a) Accessory building and use customarily incidental to any permitted use. (b) Agricultural. (c) Bachelor and/or bachelorette dwelling with 24 or less dwelling units. (d) Church, synagogue, or similar permanent building used for regular religious worship. (e) Educational institution. (f) Golf course, except miniature golf course. (g) Greenhouse, noncommercial only. (h) Group dwelling with 24 or less dwelling units in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title. (i) Reserved for future use. (j) Household pets. (k) Library or museum, public or nonprofit. (l) Multiple family dwelling with 24 or less dwelling units. (m) Parking lot accessory to uses permitted in this zone. (n) Planned Residential Unit Development, in accordance with Chapter 8 of this Title. (o) Public building, public park, public recreation grounds and associated buildings. (p) Single-family dwelling. (q) Temporary building for use incidental to construction work. Such building shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of the construction work. (r) Two-family dwelling. 19-19-3. Conditional Uses. The following uses shall be permitted only when authorized by a conditional use permit as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. (a) Bachelor and/or bachelorette dwelling with 25 or more dwelling units. (b) Cemetery with customary incidental uses including but not limited to mortuary, mausoleum, crematory, staff housing, service shops and chapel. (c) Group dwellings with 25 or more dwelling units in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title. (d) Multiple-family dwelling with 25 or more dwelling units. (e) Nursing home. (f) Private park, playground, or recreation area, but not including privately owned commercial amusement business. (g) Public utility substation or water storage reservoir developed by a public agency. (h) Home occupation. 19-19-4. Site Development Standards. Minimum lot area One building dwelling Single family 6,000 square Two family 7,500 square feet Multiple family 7,500 square feet plus 2,000 square feet for each dwelling in excess of two. Bachelor or bachelorette Same as above plus 1,000 square feet for each occupant in excess of four (4) in each dwelling unit. Group dwelling 7,500 square feet for each building plus 2,000 square feet for each dwelling unit in excess of two in each building; bachelor or bachelorette same as above plus 1,000 square feet for each occupant in excess of four (4) in each dwelling unit. Other main building 7,500 square feet for nursing home and additional 750 square feet for each guest or patient accommodations in excess of four (4). Sixty feet (60’) Minimum lot width Minimum yard setbacks Front Twenty-five feet (25’), except average of existing dwellings where fifty percent (50%) frontage is developed, but not less than twenty feet (20’). Side Main building One building dwelling Eight feet (8’) with total width and group dwelling of two (2) required yards of not less than eighteen feet (18’) plus one foot (1’) each side for each one foot (1’) main building is over thirty-five feet (35’) high. Other main building Twenty feet (20’) each side plus one foot (1’) each side for each one foot (1’) building is over Accessory building Zero side yard Side facing street on corner lot Rear Main building Accessory building Building height Minimum Maximum Nursing home Other buildings Lot coverage Open green space Special regulations 19-19-5. following (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) thirty-five feet (35’) high. Eight feet (8’), except one foot (1’) if located at least six feet (6’) from rear of main building, but not closer than eight feet (8’) to dwelling on adjacent lot. In accordance with Section 19-3-4(I)of this Title. Twenty feet (20’), except average where fifty percent (50%) frontage is developed, but not less than fifteen feet (15’). Thirty feet (30’) One foot (1’) except eight feet (8’) where an accessory building located on a corner lot rears on side yards of adjacent lots. One (1) story Two and one-half (2-1/2) stories or thirty-five feet (35’) None No building or group of buildings with their accessory buildings shall cover more than forty percent (40%) of the lot area. At least forty percent (40%) In no case shall the ratio of total floor area in the building to the total lot area exceed one to one (1:1). Sign Regulations. The height, size and location of the permitted signs shall be in Chapter 6 of this Title. Development. Directional. Flat. Free Standing. Identification and Information. Nameplate. Temporary. Chapter 20 - Multiple-Family Residential Zone (R-4) 19-20-1 19-20-2 19-20-3 19-20-4 19-20-5 Purpose and Intent Permitted Uses Conditional Uses Site Development Standards Sign Regulations 19-20-1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the R-4 zone is to provide higher density residential areas with their associated necessary public services and activities. It is also to provide an orderly transition from less intensive, lower density uses to more intensive, higher density uses. 19-20-2. Permitted Uses. (a) Accessory building and use customarily incidental to any permitted use. (b) Agriculture. (c) Bachelor and/or bachelorette dwelling with 24 or less dwelling units. (d) Boarding and lodging house. (e) Church, synagogue or similar permanent building used for regular religious worship. (f) College or university. (g) Educational institution. (h) Golf course, except miniature golf course. (i) Greenhouse, noncommercial only. (j) Group dwellings with 24 or less dwelling units in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title. (k) Reserved for future use. (l) Household pets. (m) Library, museum, public or nonprofit. (n) Multiple-family dwelling with 24 or less dwelling units. (o) Parking lots accessory to uses permitted in this zone. (p) Planned Residential Unit Development in accordance with Chapter 8 of this Title. (q) Public building, public park, public recreation grounds, and associated buildings. (r) Single-family dwellings. (s) Temporary building for use incidental to construction work. Such building shall be removed upon completion or abandonment of the construction work. (t) Two-family dwelling. 19-20-3. Conditional Uses. The following uses shall be permitted only when authorized by a conditional use permit as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. (a) Bachelor and/or bachelorette dwelling with 25 or more dwelling units. (b) Cemetery with customary incidental uses including, but not limited to, mortuary, mausoleum, crematory, staff housing, service shops, and chapel. (c) Day care center. (d) Fraternal and beneficial societies, orders and social clubs of nonprofit nature. (e) Fraternity or sorority house. (f) Group dwelling with 25 or more dwelling units in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title. (g) Hospital, sanitarium, clinic. (h) Multiple-family dwelling with 25 or more dwelling units. (i) Nursing home, nursery for children. (j) Private park, playground or recreation area, but not including privately owned commercial amusement business. (k) Professional and business offices in which goods or merchandise are not commercially created, exchanged or sold. (l) Public utility substation. (m) Studio for professional work, teaching, performances, or exhibitions of the fine arts, provided that such performances or exhibitions are limited to the work product of the studio involved. (n) Wedding chapel, provided that light refreshment only shall be served and the service or consumption of food or refreshment shall be strictly incidental to the principal use. (o) Home occupation. 19-20-4. Site Development Standards. Minimum lot area One building dwelling Single family 6,000 square feet plus 1,500 square feet for each additional dwelling unit; for bachelor and bachelorette dwelling same as above plus 1,000 square feet for each occupant in excess of four (4) in each unit. Group dwelling 6,000 square feet for first building plus 2,000 square feet for each additional building plus 1,500 square feet for each building; for bachelor and bachelorette dwelling, same as above plus 1,000 square feet for each occupant in excess of four (4) in each unit. Other main building 7,500 square feet for nursing home, an additional 500 square feet for each guest or patient in excess of four (4); and 20,000 square feet for hospital, fraternal or beneficial society, or wedding chapel. Sixty feet (60’) Minimum lot width Minimum yard setbacks Front Twenty feet (20’) except average of existing dwellings where fifty percent (50%) is developed but not less than fifteen feet (15’). Side For any dwelling, nursery school, office, clinic, fraternity, sorority, boarding house, or lodging house Accessory building Zero side yard Side facing street on corner lot Rear Main building Accessory building Building Height Minimum Maximum Lot Coverage Open green space Special regulation 19-20-5. following set forth (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Six feet (6’) with total of two (2) side yards not less than sixteen feet (16’), plus one foot (1’) each side for each one foot (1’) any main building is over thirty-five feet (35’) high. Eight feet (8’) except one foot (1’) if located at least six feet (6’) from rear of main building, but not closer than eight feet (8’) to dwelling on adjacent lot. In accordance with Section 19-3-4(i) of this Title. Fifteen feet (15’) except average where fifty percent (50%) frontage is developed but not less than ten feet (10’) Thirty feet (30’) One foot (1’) except six feet (6’) where an accessory building located on a corner lot rears on side yards of adjacent lots. One (1) story None No building or group of buildings with their accessory building shall cover more than fifty percent (50%) of the lot area. At least thirty percent (30%) of the lot area. In no case shall the ratio of the total floor area in the building to the total lot area exceed two to one (2:1). Sign Regulations. The height, size, and location of the permitted signs shall be in accordance with the regulations in Chapter 6 of this Title. Development. Directional. Flat. Free Standing. Identification and Information. Nameplate. Temporary. Wall. Chapter 21 - Multiple-Family Residential Zone. (R-5 19-21-1 19-21-2 19-21-3 19-21-4 19-21-5 Purpose and Intent Permitted Uses Conditional Uses Site Development Standards Sign Regulations 19-21-1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the R-5 zone classification is to permit development of high density residential areas with their associated necessary public services and activities. 19-21-2. Permitted Uses. (a) Accessory building and use customarily incidental to any permitted use. (b) Agriculture. (c) Bachelor and/or bachelorette dwelling with 49 or less dwelling units. (d) Boarding and lodging house. (e) Church, synagogue or similar permanent building used for regular religious worship. (f) College or university. (g) Day care center. (h) Educational institution. (i) Fraternal and beneficial societies, orders and social clubs. (j) Golf course, except miniature golf course. (k) Greenhouse, noncommercial only. (l) Group dwellings with 49 or less dwelling units in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title. (m) Reserved for future use. (n) Household pets. (o) Library, museum, public or nonprofit. (p) Multiple-family dwelling with 49 or less dwelling units. (q) Parking lots accessory to uses permitted in this zone. (r) Planned Residential Unit Development in accordance with Chapter 8 of this Title. (s) Photo Studio. (t) Private park, playground and recreation area but not including privately owned commercial amusement business. (u) Professional and business offices in which goods or merchandise are not commercially created, exchanged or sold. (v) Public building, public park, public recreation grounds, and associated buildings. (w) Single-family dwellings. (x) Studio for professional work, teaching, performances or exhibitions of the fine arts, provided that such performances or exhibitions are limited to the work product of the studio involved. (y) Temporary building for use incidental to construction work. Such building shall be removed upon completion or abandonment of the construction work. (z) Two-family dwelling. (aa) Wedding chapel provided that light refreshments only shall be served and the service or consumption of food or refreshments shall be directly incidental to the principal use. 19-21-3. Conditional Uses. The following uses shall be permitted only when authorized by a conditional use permit as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. (a) Ambulance substation. (Ordinance No. 244, Adopted January 11, 1980). (b) Apartment hotels. (c) Bachelor or bachelorette dwelling with 50 or more dwelling units. (d) Cemetery with customary incidental uses including but not limited to mortuary, mausoleum, crematory, staff housing, service shops and chapel. (e) Fraternity and sorority house. (f) Group dwelling with 50 or more dwelling units in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title. (g) Hospital, sanitarium, clinic, including clinic for household pets for out-patient treatment only. (h) Laboratories. (i) Multiple-family dwelling with 50 or more dwelling units. (j) Nursing home, nursery for children. (k) Public utility substation. (l) Home occupation. 19-21-4. Site Development Standards. Minimum lot area One building dwelling Single family 5,000 square feet plus 750 square feet for each additional dwelling. Bachelor or bachelorette Same as above plus 1,000 square feet for each occupant in excess of four (4) in each dwelling unit. Group dwelling Multiple family 5,000 square feet for first building plus 2,000 square feet for each additional building plus 750 square feet for each dwelling in excess of one in each building. Bachelor or Bachelorette Same as above plus 1,000 square feet for each occupant in excess of four (4) in each dwelling unit. Other main building Nursing home 7,500 square feet plus 500 square feet for each guest or patient in excess of four (4). Hospital, fraternal or 20,000 square feet beneficial society, mortuary, or wedding chapel Minimum lot width Minimum yard setbacks Front Side Any dwelling, nursery school, office, clinic, fraternity, sorority, boarding house, or lodging house Other main building Accessory building Zero side yards Side facing street on corner lot Rear Main building Accessory building Building height Minimum Maximum Lot coverage Open green space Special regulations Fifty feet (50’) Twenty feet (20’) except average of existing dwelling where fifty percent (50%) frontage is developed but not less than fifteen feet (15’) Six feet (6’) with total of two (2) side yards not less than sixteen feet (16’), plus one foot (1’) each side for each two feet (2’) the main building is over thirty-five feet (35’) high. Twenty feet (20’) each side, plus one foot (1’) each side for each two feet (2’) main building is over thirty-five feet (35’) high. Eight feet (8’) except one foot (1’) if located at least six feet (6’) from rear of main building, but not closer than eight feet (8’) to dwelling on adjacent lot. In accordance with Section 19-3-4(i) of this Title Fifteen feet (15’) except average when fifty percent (50%) frontage is developed but not less than ten feet (10’). Thirty feet (30’) One foot (1’) except six feet (6’) where an accessory building located on a corner lot rears on side yards of adjacent lots. One (1) story None No building or group of buildings with their accessory building shall cover more than sixty percent (60%) of the lot area. At least twenty percent (20%) of the lot area. In no case shall the ratio of floor area in the main building to total lot area exceed three to one (3:1). 19-21-5. Sign Regulations. The height, sizes, and location of the following permitted signs shall be in accordance with the regulations set forth in Chapter 6 of this Title. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Development. Directional. Flat. Free Standing. Identification and Information. Nameplate. Temporary. Wall. Chapter 22 - Mobile Home (Manufactured Home/Recreation Coach) Park Zone, (RMH-1) 19-22-1 19-22-2 19-22-3 19-22-4 19-22-5 19-22-6 19-22-7 19-22-8 19-22-9 19-22-10 19-22-11 19-22-12 19-22-13 19-22-14 19-22-15 19-22-16 19-22-17 19-22-18 Purpose and Intent Permitted Uses Definition of Park Area Regulations Width Regulations Height Regulations Sign Regulations Park Permit and Application to Construct or Improve Park Permit Fee Planning Commission Action Building Permits Certificate of Occupancy License Requirements and Application General Requirements Special Limitation and Provisions Sanitation Requirements Location and General Layout of Park Electric Service, Wiring, Fuel and Fire Protection 19-22-1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the Rmh-1 zone is to provide appropriate areas for suitable development of mobile home (manufactured home/recreation coach) parks. It is also to insure that such facilities receive adequate services and blend harmoniously with surrounding residential neighborhoods. For purposes of this Chapter, manufactured home and/or recreation coach shall be referred to collectively as “mobile home.” 19-22-2. Permitted Uses. (a) Accessory building and use customarily incidental to any permitted use, including single family dwelling permanent structures for resident manager. (b) Reserved for future use. (c) Household pets. (d) Mobile home park provided such park meets the requirements and standards prescribed by this Chapter. (e) Temporary building for use incidental to construction work. Such building shall be removed upon completion or abandonment of the construction work. 19-22-3. Definition of Park. As used in this chapter, the word "park", shall refer to manufactured home/recreation coach park and shall be referred to herein collectively as mobile home park. 19-22-4. Area Regulations. (5) acres. The minimum area for a park shall be five 19-22-5. Width Regulations. The minimum width for a mobile home park shall be three hundred feet (300’). 19-22-6. Height Regulations. The maximum height of any structure within a park shall be two stories or thirty feet (30’). 19-22-7. following set forth (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Sign Regulations. The height, size, and location of the permitted signs shall be in accordance with the regulations in Chapter 6 of this Title. Development. Directional. Flat. Free Standing. Identification and Information. Name Plate. Temporary. Wall. 19-22-8. Park Permit and Application to Construct or Improve. (a) It is unlawful for any person to construct, enlarge, alter, improve or convert any park or to improve any lands for use as a park, or to cause the same to be done, unless such person holds a valid permit issued for the performance of such work by the Building and Zoning Official. (b) The procedures prescribed by the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and Manufactured Home Installations Standards as adopted by Riverdale and as amended, insofar as applicable and appropriate, are applicable to and shall be followed in applying for permits for the construction, alteration, enlargement, improvement, etc., of parks except as specifically otherwise provided. (c) Upon receipt of an application for approval to establish or enlarge a park, the Planning Commission shall make the necessary investigation, review and inspection of the application, site plan, site and proposed facilities to determine whether the establishment or enlargement of the park will meet the requirements of this Title. (1) Before an application for a park permit can be filed, plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Building Inspector. Eight (8) black and white blueprint plans of the proposed park shall be filed with the application on paper not smaller than 17" x 22" and a scale not smaller than 1" = 100', and shall include the following: (A) Name, address, and telephone number of the owner and of the operator. (B) Location and legal description of the park. (C) Northpoint, scale and date of drawing. (D) Acreage of the proposed park. (E) Accurate finished contours of land at intervals of not more than two (2) feet, and the approximate location of all areas subject to flood water overflow or inundation and the location, width, and direction of flow of all water courses. (F) Location of all existing public streets within 200 feet of the proposed park. (G) Number, size, location, and type of all mobile home or recreational coach spaces. (viii)Location, size, and specifications for construction of roadways and walkways. (H) Plans and specifications of all buildings, improvements, and facilities to be constructed within the park. (I) Locations, sizes and elevation drawing of all signs. (J) Location and size of all public utility lines within the park. (K) Landscaping plan and plant list. (L)Location and method of enclosing rubbish and garbage disposal areas. (M) Location and common storage area(s) for recreational vehicles and guest parking. (N) Location of car slab, cabana, landscaping, etc., for one typical mobile home or recreational coach space, scale 1/4"= 1'0". (O) Drainage plan of park showing method of carrying surface drainage to an adequate point of disposition. (P)Such further information as required by this Chapter or that may be required by the Riverdale Planning Commission to enable it to determine if the proposed park will comply with legal requirements. (2) The Planning Commission shall transmit a copy of the park plan to such agencies for review and comment as they determine is appropriate. 19-22-9. Park Permit Fee. A fee of $100.00 for a mobile home park construction permit shall be paid to the City Treasurer at the time of the filing of the application therefore. The said fee shall be in addition to all other building, electrical, plumbing, and other fees required for work included in the construction. 19-22-10. Planning Commission Action. The Planning Commission shall review the application, maps, and plans of the proposed park. It shall consider all appropriate reports together with the provisions of this Title and shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the application as submitted. (a) Reports. City departments receiving the plans for review shall transmit comments or recommendations to the Planning Commission in writing within fourteen (14) days after receiving the plans. (b) Report to the Owner or Operator. After consideration and action of the Planning Commission in accordance with the requirements of this Title, the Building and Zoning Official shall notify the owner or operator in writing of the action of the Planning Commission. (c) Expiration of Approval. Approval of the Planning Commission shall expire one (1) year after the date of approval if building permits have not been issued and construction of the park has not been commenced and pursued diligently. The Planning Commission, however, may grant an extension of up to six (6) months under exceptional circumstances, as determined by the Planning Commission. Application for extension shall be made in writing not less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the original approval. (d) Site, Space and General Layout. It is unlawful to establish, build, or construct any park except on a well-drained site so located that drainage therefrom will not endanger any public culinary or domestic water supply. It is unlawful to establish, construct, or build any park, except in an area free from marshes, swamps, and other potential breeding places for insects or rodents. (e) Operator's Responsibility to Maintain an Orderly Place. The operator of any park is hereby required to maintain order on the premises and shall conduct his business in an orderly and wholesome manner, and he shall not permit nuisances to be created or continued. (f) Miscellaneous Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. In addition to the requirements as set forth in this Chapter, all uses shall be established and constructed in compliance with all existing state and local statutes, ordinances, codes, and regulations including the Rules and Regulations of the County Health Department and/or State Department of Health, Local, County and State law enforcement agencies and Fire Department. (g) Compliances. Mobile homes which are parked in a mobile home park prior to April 20, 1993, may remain there even though they do not meet the spacing requirements of Subsection 19-22-17(f). All mobile homes moved into a park after April 20, 1993, must comply with all of the provisions of this ordinance, including the spacing requirements for attachments to mobile homes such as patio covers, decks, and carports. (1) When a mobile home which does not conform to the spacing requirements of Subsection 19-22-17(f), but which is allowed to stay in the park in accordance with Subsection (g) above, is moved, damaged, or destroyed by fire, flood, wind, earthquake, or other calamity or act of God, or the public enemy, the owner of said mobile home may, within one (1) year from the date of said move or destruction of the mobile, repair or replace that mobile home with a mobile home equal to or smaller in size than that mobile home without being subject to the spacing requirements of Subsection 19-22-17(f). The owner of the mobile home park shall insure that all other mobile homes moved into the mobile home park after the date of this ordinance shall comply with all of the requirements of this Chapter, including Subsection 19-22-17(f). (2) If physical limitations in the mobile home park are such that it is not reasonably possible to comply with all of the provisions of this Chapter, including Subsection 19-22-17(f), the mobile home park owner may apply to the Board of Adjustments for a variance. (3) Within 30 days of the effective date of this ordinance, each mobile home park owner is hereby required to furnish to the Riverdale City Building and Zoning Official a park layout which clearly shows for each space the size of the mobile home in that space, the distance between each mobile home including any attachments to the mobile home such as a patio cover, deck, carport, etc. and the adjacent mobile homes or park boundary or roadway. This park layout map must be updated annually. Failure to comply with this Subsection is an Infraction and shall be punished as provided by law. (h) Enclosure of a Mobile Home Park. A wall or fence not less than four (4) feet nor more than six (6) feet in height, or a uniformly maintained compact evergreen hedge, shall be erected and maintained along the boundaries of a mobile home park. The wall or fence shall be of wood, concrete, brick, or other masonry construction, or may be of chain link metal construction, provided an evergreen hedge is also planted. Where, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, it is unreasonable to require the construction of a fence, wall, or hedge, the Commission may waive or modify the requirements as specified in this paragraph. The provisions of Section 19-22-8 (c) (iii), (iv), and (2) shall also be applied. No such wall, opaque fence, or planting shall be placed so as to create a traffic hazard. No obstruction to view in excess of two (2) feet in height shall be placed on any street corner. (i) The mobile home park manager or operator is responsible for applying for a permit for each mobile home moved into the park or any alteration of existing mobile home or space. It is unlawful for the mobile home park manager or operator to allow a mobile home to be moved into the park without said permit or to allow any alteration of an existing mobile home or space without a permit. 19-22-11. Building Permits. (a) The Building and Zoning Official shall not issue any land use or building permit prior to the approval of the final site development plan by the Planning Commission and City Council. (b) Any person, firm or corporation whose application for a permit under the provisions of this Section has been denied by the Building and Zoning Official may have said denial reviewed by the City Council upon filing with the Official a written request therefore, within ten days after notice of such denial. Such written request shall specify the grounds on which the applicant relies for a reversal of the Official's denial of the permit. The City Council may from time to time establish, promulgate, alter, and amend administrative rules and regulations providing the procedure for the conduct upon the hearing of such review. (c) It is unlawful for any person to do any construction, alteration, repair, improvement, or enlargement of any park or any structure thereon for which a permit is required which varies from the approved plans and specifications submitted with the application for such permit. 19-22-12. Certificate of Occupancy. The Building Inspector shall issue a certificate of occupancy upon the successful completion of the park and prior to the issuance of a Riverdale City Business License. 19-22-13. License Requirements and Application. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to operate, maintain or offer for use any park without first making application to the License Assessor and obtaining a license to do so. (b) No new application for a license shall be considered until the plans for such use shall have first been approved by the Planning Commission and City Council, and certificate of occupancy has been issued as required by this Chapter, and no license shall be issued until such approval has been obtained. Any license issued without such approval shall be null and void. Each applicant, in making application for license, shall specify the exact number of mobile home and recreational vehicle spaces which shall be offered for use. Any enlargements, increase in capacity, or modification of an existing use shall be construed to be a new application for the purpose of this Chapter, and no existing license shall be modified and no building permit for such enlargement, increase in capacity or modification shall be issued until the application for the same shall be approved by the Planning Commission. 19-22-14. General Requirements. (a) It shall be the duty of the operator and/or caretaker to call to the attention of the proper law enforcement officers any violation or suspected violation of all laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to fire, safety and health. (b) Every licensee of a park shall keep a register of all tenants of such premises and that register shall be available at all times and for one (1) year after the tenant leaves the park for inspection by any authorized person of the City of Riverdale. Such register shall contain: (a) name and address of each tenant; (b) space to which assigned; and (c) mobile home or recreational vehicle license number and manufacturer's name, if any. (c) Each current license issued in connection with uses stated herein shall be displayed in some public place on the premises to which it is applicable. (d) The premises and appurtenant facilities of any park shall be open to inspection by the Building and Zoning Official at all times. 19-22-15. Special Limitation and Provisions. (a) No commercial business shall be conducted within the park, except that a conditional use home occupation may be allowed after approval by the Planning Commission. (b) The minimum number of spaces for which a permit may be issued shall be ten (10). (c) Any portion of or appendage of any habitation, shelter, or storage facility as permitted herein shall be in compliance with all City ordinances. (d) Household pets shall be permitted subject to any other ordinance regulating the licensing of same. (e) No mobile home shall be occupied or permitted to be occupied on any property except one which is located in a park as permitted herein. Permanent habitation of a mobile home or the placement of a mobile home on a permanent foundation shall not be construed to classify such living quarters as a dwelling and shall not exempt it from any requirements pertaining to any mobile home as provided for herein. (f) It shall be unlawful to allow any mobile home to occupy space within a park which has not been developed as a mobile home space with all required facilities. (g) No building or structure shall be erected, altered, used or occupied in connection with the use of a mobile home, on any mobile home space, except as follows: (1) The following shall be permitted provided that such space has sufficient area and width to provide the yard space between such facilities and other mobile homes as required in Section 19-22-17(f): (a) Awnings or patio covers, whether permanent or temporary, shall not be closer than six (6) feet from adjacent mobile home or awning, deck, or porch of adjacent mobile home. (b) Cabana or other enclosed add-on space, open canopy, roof, awning, and covered patio. (c) One private storage building not exceeding one hundred (100) square feet in total floor area. (2) Mobile homes must be tied down per state requirements and flood plain ordinance requirements as specified in 19-30-5(a)(1), National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards (NCSBCS), and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 225.1, Manufactured Home Installations, 1987. All mobile homes must be skirted. 19-22-16. Sanitation Requirements. (a) All state, county, and local health regulations apply to parks and it shall be the responsibility of the operator of any park to notify health officials of any violation of health regulations. (b) Refuse shall be collected, stored and disposed of in accordance with the following requirements: (1) The storage, collection, and disposal of refuse shall be so managed as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding area, accident hazards, or air pollution. (2) All garbage shall be collected at least once each week. The operator shall arrange for all refuse to be collected and transported to a public disposal area in covered vehicles or covered containers. (c) All mobile homes are required to connect with public sewer facilities. Each mobile home and recreational vehicle space shall have a trapped sewer inlet to receive all wastes. (d) A supply of water, safe for human consumption, shall be provided under pressure and in quantities to meet all requirements for the maximum number of persons which may reside on the premises at any time. Water supply must come from an approved public water system. 19-22-17. Location and General Layout of Park. (a) The site of any park shall be graded and/or filled and maintained so as to prevent the accumulation of storm or waste water of any kind and no such use shall be permitted in low swampy places where the ground water causes the surface soil to become wet. The earth shall be sloped away from all patios, mobile home stands, buildings and water supply wells to assure immediate drainage and diversion of surface water away from these facilities. (b) Adequate access roads shall be provided to prevent public safety hazards. Hard surface roads at least twenty (20) feet wide shall be provided to serve each space and common parking areas. Each such access road shall be unobstructed and shall connect directly to a major public street or a collector traffic street. Direct vehicular access to space shall be limited to the access road or roads provided. Where any access road connects to two (2) or more public streets, it shall be arranged so as to control through traffic. (c) Hard-surfaced parking spaces shall be provided for the parking of motor vehicles in the ratio of at least two (2) parking spaces to each mobile home space. (d) There shall be provided for each mobile home space a minimum of 200 square feet of hard surfaced storage space in a common area for the storing of recreational vehicles and/or parking for guests. (e) Playground and park area shall be provided for each mobile home park having ten (10) or more units and shall be restricted to and maintained for such use. These areas shall be protected from the public street and from parking areas. A minimum usable area of two thousand (2000) square feet shall be set aside and developed for each mobile home park having at least ten (10) units and one hundred (100) square feet additional for each additional unit up to and including an additional ten (10) units and fifty (50) square feet additional for each unit above twenty (20) units. (f) Each mobile home space shall meet the following requirements: (1) That portion of the stand designed for the location of the mobile home shall be hard surfaced with a concrete slab or concrete blocking squares to carry the weight of the mobile home. That portion of the stand designed for the location of cabana or other add-on enclosed space and patio as permitted shall be similarly hard surfaced with concrete, brick, block, or similar material over the overall area in addition to an appropriate and adequate foundation or support for such structures. (2) Space between each mobile home, cabana, or other add-on space shall be provided as follows: (Where there is more than one (1) requirement, the more restrictive shall apply.) (A) From a mobile home to the mobile home on the opposite side of the access road: forty (40) feet minimum. (B) Between a mobile home and a common parking area, or access road: ten (10) feet minimum. (C) Between a mobile home and a public street: thirty (30) feet. (D) Between the side of any mobile home and the boundary of a mobile home park: fifteen (15) feet and fencing is required. (E) Yard space between the end of a mobile home and the boundary line: fifteen (15) feet minimum. Where due to the shape of the mobile home space it is desirable to locate the mobile home closer to the boundary line, the Planning Commission may authorize a reduction to allow the corner or end of a mobile home to be not less than five (5) feet from the park boundary. (F) Mobile homes shall be located so that they are spaced not less than fifteen (15) feet apart from side to side the entire length of the mobile home. Carport covers, patio covers, decks, and awnings shall be not less than six (6) feet to any adjacent carport cover, deck, awning, patio cover, or mobile home. This 6 foot area runs parallel from front to rear of mobile home or recreational vehicle. Mobile homes must be not less than ten (10) feet apart from end to end. (g) The park layout shall meet the following requirements: (1) All access roads shall be retained as private roads on the property. The gradient of any road providing access either to the park or to an individual space shall be not more than eight (8) percent. (2) The location of management office building shall be in accordance with the zoning ordinance regulating the location of main buildings; service buildings, if detached, shall also be located as required for accessory buildings. Service facilities may be provided as a part of the main building if desired. 19-22-18. Electric Service, Wiring, Fuel and Fire Protection. (a) All electrical wiring shall be installed to conform with the requirements of the current edition of the National Electrical Code. An electrical outlet supplying at least 110 volts shall be provided for each space. Such electrical outlets shall be weatherproof. No person shall make an electrical connection for any mobile home or recreational vehicle without obtaining a permit and the approval of the Building and Zoning Official, except that previously approved electrical connection systems may be employed without obtaining such permit. (b) Bulk storage of gasoline or other fuel shall be done only in compliance with the requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and in accordance with the City Fire Prevention Code. All above ground storage facilities shall be enclosed and screened from view by the use of ornamental fences, walls, or hedges. Liquefied petroleum gas for cooking purposes shall not be used at individual mobile home spaces unless the containers are properly connected by copper or other suitable metallic tubing. Liquefied petroleum gas cylinders shall be securely fastened in place, and shall be adequately protected from the weather. No cylinder containing liquefied petroleum gas shall be located in a mobile home, nor within five (5) feet of a door thereof. Cooking and heating stoves shall be of a type approved by the Fire Underwriter's Laboratory. (c) All mobile home parks shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the Riverdale Fire Department and in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and applicable Standards. (Ordinance No. 533, Adopted February 18, 1998) Chapter 23 - Commercial Zones 19-23-1 19-23-2 19-23-2.1 19-23-3 19-23-4 19-23-5 19-23-6 Purpose and Intent Site Development Standards Non-Residential Development Landscape Requirements Sign Regulations Special Regulations Uses Site Plan Approval Required 19-23-1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial, C-2 Community Commercial, and C-3 Regional Commercial Zone is to provide suitable areas for the location of the various types of commercial activity needed to serve the people and commerce of the City. It is also to separate into three zones, uses based upon type of activity which are compatible and complementary, as well as intensity of land utilization and accessory use needs. 19-23-2. Site Development Standards. C-1 C-2 C-3 none Minimum lot area none Minimum lot width Minimum yard setbacks Front Fifty feet (50’) Side None except twenty feet (20’) adjacent to residential boundary. Rear None except twenty feet (20’) adjacent to residential boundary. Side facing Twenty feet (20’) street on corner lot Building height Minimum One (1) story Maximum Two and one-half none (2-1/2) stories or thirty-five feet (35’) Not over forty-five percent (45%) of lot area by Maximum lot buildings or accessory buildings. coverage Same as provided in Section 19-20-4 Minimum lot area requirements for dwelling units (Ordinance No. 564, Adopted April 28, 1999) 19-23-2.1. Non-Residential Development Landscape Requirements. All new or refurbished development in any Commercial, Industrial, Utility, and Manufacturing Zone shall satisfy all of the following minimum landscape requirements, any other development standards or requirements notwithstanding: (a) Refurbished Existing Developments. The refurbishing of any existing development that, in any manner whatsoever, is expanding or reducing a building footprint, shall provide new landscaping equal to twenty percent (20%) of the new footprint of the expanded or reduced development. (1) Landscaping Requirements. The landscaping requirement for refurbished existing developments may be satisfied under the conditions set forth below. Options A and B are preferred over Option C. Option C shall only be permitted when Options A and B cannot, in the determination of the Planning Commission, reasonably be accomplished by the developer/owner: (A) landscaping on-site or off-site within Riverdale City; (B) other beautification efforts of equal value, i.e., planters, etc.; (C) funds, equal in value to the required twenty percent (20%) landscaping as determined in the landscaping plan, contributed to allow Riverdale City to install landscaping elsewhere within the City limits. (2) Landscaping Plan. The developer/owner shall submit to the Planning Commission a landscape plan for the expansion or reduction of the building / development. The Planning Commission shall direct where and what type of landscaping, beautification, or funds shall be allowed to satisfy this landscaping requirement. (b) New Development. Twenty percent (20%) of all lot area, including parking areas, shall be landscaped. The twenty percent (20%) requirement does not include non-buildable on-site areas and nonbuildable and parkstrip off-site areas. The following requirements shall be satisfied as part of any new development landscaping plan: (1) Based on the size of the entire lot, a rough proportionality of exterior/interior parking area, placement of decorative landscaping shall be required. Said landscaping shall be subject to the review of the Planning Commission in regards to design. (2) Landscaping Screening shall be required for parking or storage areas visible from any roadway. Said screening shall be in the form of a gentle berm. Berms shall be graded to appear as smooth, rounded, natural forms. All planting areas shall be protected to prevent damage by vehicles and vehicle overhang. (3) No loading docks, dumpster areas, or service areas shall be visible from any roadway or residence, or abut any residence or residential area. (4) All areas not used for parking, drives, or structures shall be landscaped. (5) A minimum of two inch (2) caliper trees shall be required as part of all landscapes requirements. There shall be a minimum of one (1) tree per 5000 square feet of lot area, and not more than thirty-three percent (33%) of all newly planted trees may be of the same variety. (6) Owners/developers shall enter into an escrow agreement with the City wherein the owner/developer shall deposit sufficient funds to ensure installation of the required landscape, which amount shall include an additional fifteen percent (15%) of the total amount required, which fifteen percent (15%) shall be applied in the event of default by the owner/developer. The escrow agreement shall include a time certain for installation of the landscape by the owner/developer. Upon default of the owner/developer of any of the conditions of this Title, or the escrow agreement, the City shall receive the escrowed funds and complete the required landscaping. (7) Where any non-residential development abuts any residence or residential area, there shall be a landscape strip with a minimum width equal to that of the setback requirements for said area and development. This shall be separate from, and not be included in, the overall amount of landscape required for the specific area. (8) The Planning Commission shall review the landscape site plan following the certification of the correct landscape ratios by the owner’s/developer’s engineer and after review of the certification by the City staff. A Landscape Plan shall accompany, or be a part of, the final site plan. The Planning Commission shall then forward its recommendations to the City Council. (9) It is the intent of this ordinance to promote water conservation through proper plant selection, installation, and maintenance practices. The following xeriscape principles shall serve as the primary means of achieving this goal: (A) appropriate planning and design; (B) limiting turf to locations where it provides functional benefits; (C) efficient irrigation systems; (D) use of soil amendments and mulches to improve water holding capacities; (E) use of drought-tolerant plants; and (F) appropriate and timely maintenance. (10) The land owner, his successors and/or assigns, or agent, if any, shall be jointly and severally liable for the installation, regular maintenance, and repair or replacement of any landscaping required by this chapter. (Ordinance No. 542, Adopted July 15, 1998.) 19-23-3. following set forth (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) Sign Regulations. The height, size, and location of the permitted signs shall be in accordance with the regulations in Chapter 6 of this Title: Business. Information and Identification. Free Standing. Development. Animated. Roof. Flat. Wall. Off-Premise. Marquee. Projecting. Temporary. 19-23-4. Special Regulations. (a) Hereinafter specified Permitted and Conditional Uses shall be allowed only when the following conditions are complied with: (1) All manufacturing shall be done within a completely enclosed building. (2) All uses shall be free from objection because of odor, dust, smoke, or noise. (3) In the C-1 neighborhood commercial zone, no entertainment, except recorded music, shall be permitted in cafes, cafeterias, ice cream parlors, or restaurants. (4) All commercial uses which are located within 50 feet of a residential zone boundary and which create noise, vibrations, odors or dust not commonly associated with a residential use shall be conducted completely within the confines of the business building or structure and shall not unreasonably disturb the adjacent residents. Normal deliveries and routine maintenance of building and grounds are exempted from the requirements of this subsection. (5) Any principal or manager of firms or corporations who fails to reasonably train the agents or employees of said firms or corporations regarding the provisions of this Chapter shall be in violation of this Chapter and shall be guilty as follows: (A) For the first offense, an infraction; (B) For the second offense, a Class C Misdemeanor; (C) For the third and all subsequent offenses, a Class B Misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction be punished as provided in Section 13-3-1 et seq., of the Riverdale City Ordinances. Such principal or manager of firms or corporations shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during which any portion of any violation of this Chapter is committed, maintained, continued, or permitted by such principal or manager, of such firm or corporation. (6) Any person, not a principal or manager of firms or corporations, who fails to comply with the requirements of this Chapter shall be guilty of a Class B Misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished as provided in Section 13-3-1 et seq., of the Riverdale City Ordinances. Such person, not a principal or manager of firms or corporations, shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during which any portion of any violation of this Chapter is committed, maintained, or continued by such person. (Ordinance No. 457, Adopted July 6, 1994.) 19-23-5. Uses. In the following list of possible uses, those designated in any zone as "P" will be a Permitted Use. Uses designated as "C" will be allowed only when authorized by a Conditional Use Permit obtained as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. Uses designated "N" will not be allowed in that zone. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to a permitted use Air conditioning, sales and service Ambulance C-1 P C-2 P C-3 P N C P Base station Sub-station Amusement enterprises, including: Bowling alley Circus, carnival, or other transient amusement Dance hall Park and playground Pool hall Recreation center Roller skating rink Theatre Indoor Outdoor Animal services, including: Hospital, small animals only, and provided conducted within completely enclosed building Pet and pet supply store Grooming for cats and dogs Antique, import or souvenir shop Art and artists supply store Athletic and sporting goods, including: Archery shop and range, provided conducted within completely enclosed building Store, excluding sale or repair of motor vehicles, motor boats, or motors Boat sales Hand gun siting range (indoor) Motor boat sales and service Bicycle sales and service Gymnasium Health club Auction establishment Automobile, including: Parts sales Rental auto Rental, U-Haul type Repair, including paint, body and fender, brake, muffler, upholstery, or transmission work; provided conducted within completely enclosed building Service station Including painting, body and fender and upholstery work With rotating brush car wash as accessory use Gas island and convenience store Convenience store, no gas sales Vehicle storage Tire sales and service New or used sales and service Used car lot Awning sales and service C C C C C C N N N P N N N C C C P C C C P C C P P P P N N P N P C N N C N N C C C C P P P P P P C P P C P P C C N P C C N P C C P P P N P C P P P P C C N N N P C C C P P C P N c P N N C N N N N N C P P C C C C P P P P P P P P P Bakery Manufacture limited to goods retailed on premises Manufacture of goods sent to other locations Barber shop Bath and massage establishment Beauty shop Blue printing or photostating Bookbinding Bookstore, retail Bottling and distribution plant Building materials sales or yard Bus terminal P N P N P C N P N N N P C P C P P C P N C C P P P P P P P P C P P Camera store Candy Manufacture of goods shipped to other locations Store, confectionary Carpenter and cabinet shop Carpet sales Car wash Laundry type Manual spray Cash register sales and service Christmas tree sales Church Church, temporary revival Cleaning Dry cleaning establishment Launderette or laundromat – conditional use in R zones and RMH-1 zone Clinics Medical or dental Laboratory, dental or medical Optometrist, optician or oculist Physician or surgeon Clothing and accessory store Coal and fuel sales office Communication equipment building Contractor shop, provided work conducted within a completely enclosed building Costume rental Club or lounge Beer parlor, sales of draft beer Lodge or social hall Lounge Night club or social club Tavern Cabaret P P P N P N N C P N P P P C P N P N P C C C P P P C C P P P P P C N P C P P P P C P P C N N N P P P P P C P C P P P P P C P C N P P N N N N N N C C C C C C C C C C C C Dairy products store Data processing service and supplies P C P P P P Department store Detective agency Drapery and curtain store Drug store Dwelling, single family, when attached to business structure and occupied by the business owner or a business employee Dwelling, apartment, multi-family Hotel Motel C P C C C P P P P C P P P P C C N N C C C C P P C C N P C P P C P N C N P P C P P C Fabric and textile store Farm implement sales Fence, chain link, sales and service Film exchange establishment Fix-it shop Florist shop Floor covering store, including carpet, linoleum, tile Frozen food lockers, incidental to a grocery store or food business Furniture sales Financial institution Bank Credit union Food service Café or cafeteria Catering establishment Delicatessen Ice cream Manufacture Parlor Restaurant Restaurant, drive-in C N N P C P N C P C C P C P P P P C P P P P P P N P P C C P P P P P C P P P P P P P N P P C N P P P C P P P Garden supplies and plant material sales Gift store Glass sales and service Government buildings or uses, non-industrial Greenhouse and nursery, soil and lawn service Grocery store Gunsmith C C N C N C N P P C P P P C P P P P P P P Educational institution Nursery school and pre-school Trade or industrial school Electrical and heating appliances and fixture sales and service Electronic equipment sales and service Employment agency Express and transfer parcel service Hardware store without exterior yard storage Health food store Heliport Hobby and crafts store Hospital supplies Household appliance sales and incidental service Household cleaning and repair N C N C N N N P P C P P C P P P C P P P P Ice store or vending station Insulation sales and installation Insurance agency Interior decorating and designing establishment C N C C P P P P P P P P Janitor service and supply Jewelry store sales and service C C P P P P Knitting mills N N C Laboratory Lawn mower sales and service Leather goods, sales and service Library Linen store Linen supply service Liquor store Locksmith Lumber yard C N C P C N N C N C P P P P C C P C C P P P P P C P C Machine shop operations incidental to any use permitted in C-3 district Manufacture of goods retailed on premises Meat, fish, and seafood store Miniature golf Mobile home sales lot and service Monument works and sales Mortuary Motorcycle and motor scooters sales and service Museum Music store N N C C C N N N N N C N C P C N C C C P P C P C P P P P P P Needlework, embroidery, or knitting store C P P C P P C C C C C N P P P P P P P P P P P P Office In which goods or merchandise are not commercially created, exchanged, or sold Accountant Medical Legal Professional Office supply Office machine sales and service Ornamental iron sales or repair N C P Parking lot or garage for passenger automobiles Paint or wallpaper store Paperhanger shop Pawnshop Pest control and extermination Pharmacy Photographic supplies Photo studio Plumbing shop Popcorn or nut shop Post office Printing, lithographing, publishing, or reproduction sales and service Produce, fruit, and/or vegetable store (See portable building ordinance for produce stand) Public utilities substation C N C N N C C C N C C N C P P C P P P P C P P C C P P P P P P P P P P P P P P C C C Radio and television sales and service Radio, television, or FM broadcasting station Real estate agency Reception center or wedding chapel Recreational vehicle storage Rental agency for home and garden equipment Roofing sales or shop C N C N C N N P P P C C P P P P P P P P P Second hand store Seed and feed store, retail Sewing machine sales and service Shoe repair or shoe shine shop Shoe store Sign manufacture or sign painting Supermarket C N N C C N C P P P P P N P P P P P P P P Tailor shop, altering, pressing, and repairing of wearing apparel Taxidermist Temporary building for uses incidental to construction work. Such buildings shall be removed upon the completion of the construction work. Tool design (precision) repair and manufacture Toy store, retail Trailer sales and service Travel agency Truck terminal N P P C P P P P P N C N C N N P C P N C P P P C Upholstery shop Utility substation or building C C P C P C Variety or department store C P P Ventilating equipment sales and service including heating and air conditioning N P P Warehouse storage Welding shop Window washing establishment Window coverings store N N C C C N P P P C P P 19-23-6. Site Plan Approval Required. In considering any site plan for permitted uses specified in this Chapter, the Planning Commission shall endeavor to assure, among other things, the safety and convenience of traffic movement both within the area covered and in relation to access streets, harmonious and beneficial relation among the buildings and uses in the area covered, and satisfactory and harmonious relation between such area and contiguous land and buildings and adjacent neighborhoods. In any commercial zone the location of main and accessory buildings on the site and in relation to one another, the traffic circulation features within the site, the height and bulk of buildings, the provision of off-street parking space, the provision of driveways for ingress and egress, and provision of other open space on the site, and the display of signs shall be in accordance with a site plan or plans or subsequent amendment thereof, approved in any case by the Planning Commission prior to issuance of a building or land use permit. A site plan may also include provisions for landscaping, fences, and walls designed to further the purposes of the regulations for commercial zones and such feature shall be provided and maintained as a condition of the establishment and maintenance of any use to which they are appurtenant. Conditional Uses are regulated by Chapter 7 of this Title. (Ordinance No. 366, adopted September 21, 1988.) Chapter 24 - Planned Commercial Zones 19-24-1 19-24-2 19-24-3 19-24-4 19-24-5 19-24-6 19-24-7 19-24-8 19-24-9 19-24-10 19-24-11 19-24-12 19-24-13 Purpose and Intent Use Regulations Site Development Standards Special Parking Requirements Protections of Adjoining Residential Properties General Regulations Submission of Application Planning Commission Approval City Council Action Building Permit Issuance Time Limitation Application of Existing Commercial District Sign Regulations 19-24-1. Purpose and Intent. (a) The intent of the planned commercial zones is to permit the establishment of a well designed complex of retail commercial facilities for a neighborhood, community, or region which will provide goods and services for the people to be served, minimize traffic congestion on public streets in the vicinity and which shall best fit the general environment and land use pattern of the area to be served. The protective standards contained in this Chapter are intended to minimize any adverse effect of the planned commercial zone on nearby property values by achieving maximum compatible integration of the area, and to provide for safe and efficient use of the planned commercial zone itself. (b) The three types of planned commercial zones provided for in this Chapter are as follows: (1) CP-1, Neighborhood: provides for the sale and supply of daily living needs for the people in the neighborhood. (2) CP-2, Community: provides, in addition to the convenience goods, a wider range of facilities for the sale of retail goods and personal services for the neighborhood and major segments of the community. (3) CP-3, Regional: provides for the sale and supply of the complete range of retail and wholesale goods and personal services for the metropolitan area and, also, a center for recreational entertainment and cultural activities for the entire region. 19-24-2. Use Regulations. Any permitted use or any conditional use allowed in the C-1, C-2, and C-3 zone shall be a conditional use in their respective CP-1, CP-2, or CP-3 zone provided that a conditional use permit is obtained as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. Such uses shall be indicated on the final development plan. (Ordinance No. 373, Adopted June 5, 1989.) 19-24-3. Site Development Standards. CP-1 CP-2 CP-3 Minimum lot area None Maximum lot area Five (5) acres Three (3) acres None None None Minimum yard setbacks Front Twenty feet (20’) for main None building, walls, or fences over three feet (3’) high Side None except ten feet (10’) adjoining a residential zone. Side, facing street on corner Twenty feet (20’) lot Rear None except ten feet (10’) adjoining a residential zone. Building height Minimum One (1) story Maximum Two and one-half (2-1/2) None stories or thirty-five feet (35'’ Forty Fifty Sixty Lot coverage – The aggregate percent percent percent area of all buildings shall not (40%) (50%) (60%) exceed ____ percent of the entire lot. 19-24-4. Special Parking Requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 4 of this Title, there shall be provided off-street parking facilities in the ratio of not less than three square feet of parking for each one square foot of sales floor area within the development. 19-24-5. Protections of Adjoining Residential Properties. Where a planned commercial development adjoins any lot in any residential zone, there shall be provided and maintained along such property line a wooden or ornamental masonry fence of not less than 6 feet in height, provided, however, that such fence shall be 3-1/2 feet in height along the property line which bounds the front yard of adjoining residential lots; at least 50 percent of such wall should be maintained with a minimum 6 foot wide planting strip and landscaping with trees and shrubs. 19-24-6. General Regulations. (a) A CP zone may be established only upon land held in single ownership or under unified control or where the Planning Commission determines that commercial development on separate adjoining properties should be coordinated to form a physically unified commercial facility which will be compatible with the surrounding land uses. At the time a CP zone is established and before building permits are issued, deed restrictions on the property or properties covered under the zone change shall be filed by the applicant or owners of subject property with the County Recorder and shall provide that development take place on such property or properties in accordance with the final site development plan approved by the City Council and on file with the City Recorder. (b) A CP zone shall not be established upon a tract of land which would contain a nonconforming use or its integration into planned development. (c) The location of the CP zone shall have an acceptable relationship to, and further the purposes of, the Master Plan for the City as determined by the Planning Commission. 19-24-7. Submission of Application. A rezoning petition for a planned commercial zone shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and shall be accompanied by a preliminary development plan for the commercial center showing a unified and organized arrangement of buildings and structures and their proposed uses, off-street parking, internal and external traffic circulation, service facilities, schematic architectural drawings, landscaping plans and sketches demonstrating the design and character of the proposed development. The developer shall submit all evidence deemed necessary by the City Council and/or Planning Commission of his ability to undertake the proposed project. 19-24-8. Planning Commission Approval. The Planning Commission shall recommend approval or denial of the zoning petition and preliminary development plan to the City Council. The recommendation of the Planning Commission may contain conditions, limitations, or amendments to the preliminary development plan to insure that the planned commercial development is integrated into its surroundings and serves the public interest to the greatest extent possible. The Planning Commission shall also recommend a reasonable amount to be provided by the developer by cash deposit or bond, to insure the completion of the landscaping for the entire plan or phase thereof. 19-24-9. City Council Action. The City Council, after holding a public hearing thereon, may approve or disapprove a petition for a planned commercial zone. In approving a zoning petition, the City Council shall concurrently approve a preliminary development plan, the amount required to insure completion of the landscaping, together with whatever amendments, conditions, or requirements it deems necessary to secure the purpose of this Chapter. 19-24-10. Building Permit Issuance. After the rezoning of the site to a CP zone, a final development plan for the entire district or for the initial phase, if a stage plan development plan has been approved, shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission as complying with the regulations and requirements attached thereto prior to the issuance of any building or land use permits. The final development plan shall show in detail the proposed areas and locations of buildings, off-street parking, internal and external traffic circulation, improvements, landscaping, signs and service facilities. No changes shall be made in the final development plan during the course of construction pursuant thereto without obtaining prior approval of the Planning Commission. Copies of the approved final development plan shall be kept on file in the office of the Planning Commission, Building Inspector, and City Recorder, and only changes which may be subsequently approved shall be added thereto. 19-24-11. Time Limitation. (a) A building permit shall be secured and construction begun in accordance with the approved final development plan within eighteen (18) months from the effective date of the ordinance establishing such zone or other period of time as determined by the City Council. Application may be made for not more than a six months extension of the time limit for commencement of construction. Use and building permits shall be issued only for those uses and buildings indicated on the approved final development plan. (b) In the event that construction is not started within the specified time limits, the Planning Commission shall review the classification of the zone and the progress which has taken place and, if deemed necessary, revoke the plan approval and initiate proceedings to rezone said property to its prior classification or to a zone consistent with the Comprehensive Master Plan. (c) All construction authorized in the approved final development plan shall be completed within three years of the date construction commenced. A plan for stage development which will require more time than the limits contained herein may be approved by the City Council after recommendation by the Planning Commission. (d) In the event that construction is not completed within the time limits specified, the Planning Commission shall review the development which has taken place and if necessary initiate proceedings to reclassify the property or part thereof in a manner consistent with the Comprehensive Master Plan. 19-24-12. Application of Existing Commercial District. In the case of existing commercial districts, the Planning Commission and City Council may proceed to rezone such districts to an equivalent Planned Commercial Zone without the requirements of a preliminary development plan and other necessary information; but, after being so zoned to a planned commercial zone, a preliminary and final development plan of each development shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter prior to the issuance of building permits, provided, however, that improvements already in existence at the time of rezoning shall not be affected. 19-24-13. following set forth (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) Sign Regulations. The height, size, and location of the permitted signs shall be in accordance with the regulations in Chapter 6 of this Title: Business. Identification and Information. Free Standing. Development. Animated. Roof. Flat. Wall. Off-Premise. Marquee. Projecting. Temporary. Chapter 25 - Manufacturing Zones 19-25-1 19-25-2 19-25-3 19-25-4 19-25-5 Purpose and Intent Uses Site Development Standards. Sign Regulations Site Plan Approval Required 19-25-1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of heavy manufacturing zones is to provide suitable areas that will accommodate the need for heavy intensity manufacturing and extractive and associated uses where the environmental impact upon the community may be substantial and where public regulation may be necessary to preserve the general welfare of the community. The two types of manufacturing zones provided for in this Chapter are as follows: (a) M-1 - Light Industrial Use Zone. (b) M-2 - Heavy Industrial Use Zone. 19-25-2. Uses. In the following list of possible uses, those designated in any zone as "P" will be a Permitted Use. Uses designated as "C" will be allowed only when authorized by a Conditional Use Permit obtained as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. Uses designated as "N" will not be allowed in that zone. All Permitted and Conditional Uses allowed in the C-3 Zone are also allowed as Conditional Uses in the M-1 Zone except those uses having to do with Dwellings, e.g., Apartment Multi-Family, Boarding House, Dwelling Multiple Family, Dwelling Single Family, Hotel, Lodging House, Motel. (Ordinance No. 314, Adopted August 7, 1985.) M-1 M-2 Accessory uses and buildings customarily incidental to P P a permitted use Agriculture P P Airport C C Ambulance base station P P Ambulance sub-station P P Animal hospitals P P Animals and fowl for family food production P P Battery manufacture Blacksmith shop Boat building Bookbinding Body and fender work, if conducted within a closed building Bottling works, soft drink Building material sale yard including the sale of rock, sand, gravel, and the like as an incidental part of the main business, but excluding concrete mixing except as such concrete mixing is necessary in the preparation and manufacture of any of the products specified in this section C C P P P C P P P P P C P P Carnival or other amusement enterprises, transient in nature Carpenter shop, cabinet shop Carpet and rug cleaning and dyeing Coal, fuel, and wood yards, enclosed within a building or by a solid fence of not less than six feet (6’) in height Construction of buildings to be sold and moved off the premise Contractors equipment storage yard or rental of equipment used by contractors C C P P P P P P P P C C Dairy Draying, freighting, or trucking yard or terminal Dry cleaning plant Dwelling unit for watchman and family P C P P P P P P Egg handling, processing, and sales Electric appliances and/or electronic instruments assembly Express office P P P P P P Feed, cereal, or flour mill Fertilizer and soil conditioner manufacture, processing and/or sales, providing only non-animal products Foundry, casting light-weight, non-ferrous metal without causing noxious odors or fumes N C P C C C Garage, public Glass manufacturing Go-cart racing or drag strip racing P C N P C C Honey extraction P P Ice manufacturing and storage Incinerator non-accessory, provided that no objectionable fumes and odors are emitted P N P C Kennel Knitting mill P P P P Laboratory Laundry Lithographing including engraving and photo engraving P P P P P P Machine shop Manufacturing, compounding, processing, packing, and treatment of the following products: bakery goods, candy, dairy products, pharmaceuticals Manufacturing, compounding, assembling, and treatment of articles of merchandise from the following P P P P P P previously prepared materials: cellophane, canvas, cloth, cork, felt, shell, straw, textile, wood, yarn Manufacturing and maintenance of the following: business machines; cameras and photographic equipment; electric and neon sign, billboard and/or commercial advertising structures; light sheet metal products, including heating and ventilating ducts and equipment; musical instruments; novelties; rubber and metal stamps; toys Manufacture of brick and all clay, ceramic, cinder, concrete, synthetic, cast stone, plastic, and pumice stone products, including the manufacture or fabrication of building blocks, tile or pipe from raw material for use in building construction or for sewer or drainage purposes, and including rock or gravel crushings or raw material which is incidental to the above described products, and provided that such crushing facilities shall be located not closer than two hundred feet (200’) to any property line Manufacturing, compounding, processing, packing, and treatment of the following products: cosmetics; food products excluding fish, sauerkraut, pickles, vinegar, yeast, the rendering of fat; toiletries Manufacturing, compounding, and treatment of articles of merchandise from the following previously prepared materials: bone, feathers, fiber, fish, glass, hair, horn, leather, paint, paper, plastic, rubber, tobacco Manufacturing, processing, compounding, packing treatment and/or storage of acetylene gas Manufacture, fabrication, assembly, canning, compounding, packaging, process, treatment, storage and/or maintenance of the following: automobile and parts, cans, emery cloth excelsior, hardware, machinery, matches, oxygen, salt Manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, canning, compounding, packaging, processing, treatment, storage and/or maintenance of the following: alcohol, brass, candles, cast stone products, cement and cinder products, copper, ceramic products, clay products, dyestuff, feathers, fiber, fish food products, glass, glucose, gypsum, hair, ink, iron, lampblack, linoleum, lime, malt, meats, oilcloth, oiled rubber goods, paper, paint, pulp, pickles, plaster, plaster of paris, plastic, sauerkraut, sheet metal, shellac, shoddy, shoe polish, soap and detergent, starch, steel, terracotta, tile, turpentine, varnish, vinegar, yeast Meat products smoking, curing, and packing, provided that no objectionable fumes are emitted Metals and metal products treatment and processing Monument works Motion picture studio Motor vehicles, trailers, bicycles, and machinery P P C C C C C C N P C P N C C C N P P P C P P P repairing, rentals, sales and reconditioning Oil or lubricating grease compounding N C Parking lot Petroleum refining and storage Planing mill Printing, including engraving and photo engraving, blue-printing, photostating, and duplication Public and quasi-public uses Public transit yards P N P P P C P P P P P P Radio and television transmitting towers Railroad yards, shop and/or roundhouse Retail sale of products produced by, developed in conjunction with, or normally required and used in the performance of a commercial or manufacturing operation permitted in this zone, and provided the retail sale is clearly an accessory use to the main permitted use and is conducted within the same building or if the main use is not a building then on the same property, provided however, no retail sale of products may be made in conjunction with a warehousing or wholesale business Rock crusher Rubber welding P N P P C P N P C P Sandblasting Service station Sewage disposal or treatment plant Sign painting shop Single family dwelling P P N P P P P C P P Temporary building for uses incidental to construction work, including living quarters for a guard or night watchman, which building must be removed upon completion or abandonment of the construction work Tire retreading and/or vulcanizing Transfer company Trucking terminal P P P P P P P P Upholstering, including mattress manufacturing, rebuilding, and renovating Used car lot P P P P Veterinary and hotel or beauty parlor for cats and dogs P P Warehouse Weaving Welding shop Wholesale business P P P P P P P P Uses which follow, provided they are located at least six hundred feet (600’) from any zone boundary: Animal by-products plant, garbage, offal or dead animal reduction or dumping Automobile wrecking yard, provided the use is enclosed by a seven foot (7’) high solid fence or wall Blast furnace Cement, concrete, mortar, plaster, or paving material central mixing plant Fat rendering Gravel pits, quarries Junk or salvage yard, provided the use is enclosed with a seven foot (7’) high solid fence or wall Manufacturing, processing, refining, treatment, distillation, storage or compounding of the following: acid, ammonia, asphalt, bleaching powder and chlorine, bone, chemicals of an objectionable or dangerous nature, coal or wood, creosote, disinfectants or insecticides, fat, fireworks or explosives, fur, gas, gelatin or size, glue, hide, ore, plastic, potash, pyroxylin, roofing or waterproofing materials, rubber or guttapercha, tallow grease or lard, tar, wood Metals crushing for salvage Ore benefication Smelting or refining of materials Steel or iron mill mines Stockyards, slaughter house 19-25-3. C Site Development Standards. Minimum site area Minimum lot width Minimum yard setbacks Front Side N M-1 M-2 20,000 square feet except for single family dwellings which require five (5) acres One hundred feet (100’) Thirty feet (30’) on streets of less than eighty feet (80’) in width; fifty feet (50’) on all streets and highways of eighty feet (80’) or more in width None, except twenty feet (20’) adjacent to a residential boundary and for single family dwellings Rear None, except twenty feet (20’) where building rears on a residential zone and thirty feet (30’) for single family dwellings Building height Minimum Maximum Lot coverage 19-25-4. following set forth (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) One (1) story None Not over eight percent (80%) of lot area of building Sign Regulations. The height, size, and location of the permitted signs shall be in accordance with the regulations in Chapter 6 of this Title: Business. Information and Identification. Off-premise. Development. Animated. Directional. Flat. Free-standing. Marquee. Projecting. Temporary. Wall. 19-25-5. Site Plan Approval Required. In considering any site plan for permitted uses specified in this Chapter, the Planning Commission shall endeavor to assure, among other things, the safety and convenience of traffic movement both within the area covered and in relation to access streets, harmonious and beneficial relation among the buildings and uses in the area covered, and satisfactory and harmonious relation between such area and contiguous land and buildings and adjacent neighborhoods. In any manufacturing zone, the location of main and accessory buildings on the site and in relation to one another, the traffic circulation features within the site, the height and bulk of buildings, the provision of off-street parking space, the provision of driveways for ingress and egress, and the provision of other open space on the site, and the display of signs shall be in accordance with a site plan or plans or subsequent amendment thereof, approved in any case by the Planning Commission prior to issuance of a building or land use permit. A site plan may also include provisions for landscaping, fences, and walls designed to further the purposes of the regulations for manufacturing zones and such features shall be provided and maintained as a condition of the establishment and maintenance of any use to which they are appurtenant. Conditional uses are regulated by Chapter 7 of this Title. Chapter 26 - Planned Manufacturing Zones 19-26-1 19-26-2 19-26-3 19-26-4 19-26-5 19-26-6 19-26-7 19-26-8 19-26-9 19-26-10 19-26-11 19-26-12 Purpose and Intent Use Regulations Site Development Standards Protection of Adjoining Residential Properties Special Parking and Sign Limitations General Regulations Submission of Application Planning Commission Approval City Council Action Building Permit Issuance Time Limitation Application to Existing Manufacturing District 19-26-1. Purpose and Intent. (a) The intent of the planned manufacturing zone is to permit the establishment of a well-designed complex of manufacturing facilities for the community or region which will minimize traffic congestion on public streets in the vicinity, and which shall best fit the general environment and land use pattern of the area to be served. The protective standards contained in this Chapter are intended to minimize any adverse effect of the planned manufacturing zone on nearby property values by achieving maximum compatible integration of land uses, by preserving the aesthetic qualities of the area, and by providing safe and efficient use of the planned manufacturing zone itself. It is not the intent that the planned manufacturing zone shall be applied in a broad brush manner, but rather be used discriminately in areas where it is determined by the Planning Commission and/or City Council that the planned manufacturing zone and its built-in control processes would be highly beneficial in protecting the established surrounding environment, especially residential uses in abutting residential zones. (b) The two types of planned manufacturing zones provided for in this Chapter are as follows: (1) MP-1, Light Industrial Use Zone. (2) MP-2, Heavy Industrial Use Zone. 19-26-2. Use Regulations. Any permitted use or any conditional use allowed in the M-1 or M-2 zone shall be permitted in the respective MP-1 or MP-2 zone provided, where applicable, a conditional use permit is obtained as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. Such uses shall be indicated on the final development plan. 19-26-3. Site Development Standards. The site development standards are the same as provided in Section 19-25-3 or as determined by the Planning Commission and/or City Council. 19-26-4. Protection of Adjoining Residential Properties. Where a planned manufacturing development adjoins any lot in any residential zone, there shall be provided and maintained along such property line a wooden or ornamental fence of not less than six (6) feet in height, provided, however, that such fence shall be three and one-half (3-1/2) feet in height along the property line which bounds the front yard of adjoining residential zone. 19-26-5. Special Parking and Sign Limitations. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 4 of this Title, there shall be provided off-street parking facilities of not less than one space for each employee on the highest work shift with the greatest density of employees or as determined by the Planning Commission and City Council. (Ordinance No. 384, Adopted December 6, 1989.) 19-26-6. General Regulations. (a) A MP zone may be established only upon land held in single ownership or under unified control or where the Planning Commission determines the manufacturing development on separate adjoining properties should be coordinated to form a physically unified manufacturing facility which will be compatible with the surrounding land uses. (b) A MP zone shall not be established upon a tract of land which would contain a nonconforming use after the passage of a rezoning amendment unless the development planned for the tract includes the elimination of the nonconforming use or its integration into planned development. (c) The location of the MP zone shall have an acceptable relationship to further the purposes of the Master Plan for the City as determined by the Planning Commission. 19-26-7. Submission of Application. A rezoning petition for a planned manufacturing zone shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and shall be accompanied by a preliminary development plan showing a unified and organized arrangement of buildings and structures and their proposed uses, off-street parking, internal and external traffic circulation, service facilities, schematic architectural drawings, landscaping plans and sketches demonstrating the design and character of the proposed development. The developer shall submit all evidence deemed necessary by the City Council and/or Planning Commission of his ability to undertake the proposed project. 19-26-8. Planning Commission Approval. The Planning Commission shall recommend approval or denial of the zoning petition and preliminary development plan to the City Council. The recommendation of the Planning Commission may contain conditions, limitations, or amendments to the preliminary development plan to insure that the planned manufacturing development is integrated into its surroundings and serves the public interest to the greatest extent possible. 19-26-9. City Council Action. The City Council, after holding a public hearing thereon, may approve or disapprove a petition for a planned manufacturing zone. In approving the zoning petition, the City Council shall concurrently approve a preliminary development plan together with whatever amendments, conditions or requirements it may deem necessary to secure the purpose of this Chapter. 19-26-10. Building Permit Issuance. After the rezoning of the site to a MP zone, a final development plan for the entire district or for the initial phase, if a stage development plan has been approved, shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission as complying with the regulations and requirements attached thereto prior to the issuance of any building or land use permits. The final development plan shall show in detail the proposed areas and locations of buildings, off-street parking, internal and external traffic circulation, improvements, landscaping, signs and service facilities. No changes shall be made in the final development plan during the course of construction pursuant thereto without first obtaining approval of the Planning Commission. Copies of the approved final development plan shall be kept on file in the Office of the Planning Commission, Building Inspector, and City Recorder, and only changes which may be subsequently approved shall be added thereto. 19-26-11. Time Limitation. (a) A building permit shall be secured and construction begun in accordance with the approved final development plan within eighteen (18) months from the effective date of the ordinance establishing such zone or such other period of time as is determined by the City Council. Application may be made for not more than six (6) months extension of the time limit for commencement of construction. Use and building permits shall be issued only for those uses and buildings indicated on the approved final development plan. (b) In the event that construction is not started within the specified time limits, the Planning Commission shall review the classification of the zone and the progress which has taken place and, if deemed necessary, revoke the plan approval and initiate proceedings to rezone said property to its prior classification or to a zone consistent with the Comprehensive Master Plan. (c) All construction authorized in the approved final development plan shall be completed within three years of the date construction was commenced. A plan for stage development which will require more time than the limits contained herein may be approved by the City Council, after recommendation by the Planning Commission. (d) In the event that construction is not completed within the time limits specified, the Planning Commission shall review the development which has taken place and, if necessary, initiate proceedings to reclassify the property or part thereof in a manner consistent with the Comprehensive Master Plan. 19-26-12. Application to Existing Manufacturing District. In the case of existing manufacturing districts, the Planning Commission and City Council may proceed to rezone such districts to an equivalent planned manufacturing zone without the requirements of a preliminary development plan and other necessary information; but, after being zoned to a planned manufacturing zone, a preliminary and final development plan for each development shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter prior to the issuance of building permits, provided, however, that improvements already in existence at the time of rezoning shall not be affected. (Ordinance No. 192, Adopted June 7, 1976.) Chapter 27 - Fees 19-27-1 19-27-2 19-27-1. At the time of filing a petition or request to change the zoning of any property, the petitioners shall pay to the City Recorder and the City Recorder shall collect for the City such fee as may be set by resolution of the City Council. (Ordinance No. 272, Adopted June 30, 1981.) 19-27-2. The fee assessed regardless of the eventual shall be in addition to all to the City. (Ordinance No. by this Chapter shall not be refundable disposition of the rezoning request and other fees presently in effect and payable 169, Adopted September 4, 1974.) Chapter 28 - Planning Commission 19-28-1 19-28-2 19-28-3 19-28-4 19-28-5 19-28-6 19-28-1. There is hereby created a Planning Commission Riverdale, Utah, pursuant to the Municipal Planning and the State of Utah, which said Planning Commission shall and perform the duties as prescribed by statute ordinances of the City of Riverdale. for the City of Enabling Act of have the powers and applicable 19-28-2. That said Planning Commission shall consist of seven (7) members to be appointed by the Mayor by and with the advice and consent of the City Council; with each of said members to serve for a term of four (4) years, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in the year 1966, there shall be appointed three members to serve for terms of only two years, and in the year 1968, and quadrennially thereafter, there shall be appointed three members each to serve for a term of four years; and that in the year 1966 there shall be appointed four members each to serve for a term of four years, and quadrennially thereafter there shall be appointed four members each to serve a term of four years. The terms of office of the members of the Planning Commission shall expire on the first Monday of February on the years their respective terms end. 19-28-3. Any member of the Planning Commission may be removed from office by the Mayor with the concurrence of a majority of the members of the City Council, or by the City Council with the concurrence of the Mayor. 19-28-4. The members of the Planning Commission shall qualify by taking the constitutional oath of office and filing the same in the office of the City Recorder. 19-28-5. The members of the Planning Commission shall designate one of its members to act as Chairman, SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to the approval of the Mayor and the City Council. (Ordinance No. 92, Adopted January 6, 1966.) 19-28-6. The Planning Commission may adopt rules governing their procedures and conduct, provided that any such rules shall not be inconsistent with any governing law or ordinance. Should any provision of such rules conflict with any law or ordinance, that provision shall not be enforceable, but such conflict shall not affect the validity of the remaining rules. (Ordinance No. 300, Adopted January 18, 1984.) Chapter 29 - Flood Plain Overlay Zone 19-29-1 19-29-2 19-29-3 19-29-4 19-29-5 19-29-6 19-29-7 Purpose and Intent Permitted Uses Conditional Uses Site Development Standards Sign Regulations Building Permit Issuance Definitions 19-29-1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the Flood Plain Overlay Zone is to delineate the known flood plains of all natural waterways in Riverdale City as defined by the Army Corps of Engineers with specific intent to: (a) control uses of land in the defined flood plain; (b) protect human life and health; (c) minimize public and private property damage; (d) protect unsuspecting buyers of property within a flood plain; (e) minimize surface and ground water pollution; (f) provide for public awareness of the flooding potential; (g) maintain a stable tax base; and (h) help qualify owners of structures in a flood plain for the federally subsidized flood insurance program. 19-29-2. Permitted Uses. The permitted uses shall be the same as those allowed in the specific zone over which the Flood Plain Overlay Zone extends, except those uses specifically mentioned in Section 19-29-3 of this Title, and provided that all permitted uses shall comply with the requirements for issuance of a building permit in Section 19-29-6 of this Chapter. 19-29-3. Conditional Uses. Excavation or alteration of topography within a Flood Plain Overlay Zone, rechanneling of natural waterways and installation or alteration of recreational uses (either public or private) which may not necessarily require application for building permits such as golf courses, picnic grounds, or campgrounds are conditional uses in a Flood Plain Overlay Zone. 19-29-4. Site Development Standards. The site development standards shall be the same as those specified for the particular use in the respective zone over which the Flood Plain Overlay Zone extends. 19-29-5. Sign Regulations. The sign regulation shall be the same as that provided in the specific zone over which the Flood Plain Overlay Zone extends. Specific signs and regulations related thereto are limited to the boundaries of the particular zone over which the Flood Plain Overlay Zone extends. 19-29-6. Building Permit Issuance. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any structure to be located within the Flood Plain Overlay Zone, the applicant shall present a site plan, drawn to scale with dimensions, showing the proposed location of new structure or structures, the location of all existing structures on the same property, and the location of all structures on adjoining properties within 500 feet. The applicant will at the same time show evidence that new structures within the Flood Plain Overlay Zone will be protected from flood hazard by having all habitable floors flood proofed a minimum of one foot above the projected intermediate regional flood level at the location or by building the lowest habitable floor at least one foot above the projected intermediate regional flood level; or by any other means acceptable to the Planning Commission. The applicant will also show that the new structure will not increase the flood hazard to adjoining properties. Specific detail sufficient to satisfy the Planning Commission will be presented by the applicant. Upon approval of the site plan and construction detail, no alteration shall be made without first obtaining approval from the Planning Commission. 19-29-7. Definitions. (a) Flood Plain. The relatively flat area or low lands adjoining a river, stream, water-course, lake, or other body of standing water that has been or may be covered by flood water. (b) Flood Plain Overlay Zone. Boundaries of the Intermediate Regional Flood of the Weber River Flood Plain as defined by the Corps of Engineers, Department of Army and set forth on that certain map thereof prepared by Federal Emergency Management Agency and called the "Flood Insurance Rate Map" or "FIRM" and on file in the Riverdale City Recorder's Office. The flood plain zone is designed to overlay or be superimposed over existing zoning within the defined flood plain. (Ordinance No. 480, Adopted July 19, 1995) (c) Intermediate Regional Flood. A flood having an average frequency of occurrence in the order of one in 100 years although the flood may occur in any year. (Ordinance No. 221, Adopted March 15, 1978, as Chapter 27.) Chapter 30 -Flood Damage Prevention 19-30-1 19-30-2 19-30-3 19-30-4 19-30-5 General Definitions General Provisions Administration Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction 19-30-1. General. The State of Utah has granted this Municipality authority to enact this Ordinance by State Statute found at Section 109-401 et seq., Utah Code Annotated (1953), as amended. (a) Findings of Fact. (1) The flood hazard areas of Riverdale City are subject to periodic inundation which results in loss of life and property, health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impairment of the tax base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare. (2) These flood losses are caused by the cumulative effect of obstructions in areas of special flood hazards which increase flood heights and velocities, and when inadequately anchored, damage uses in other areas. Uses that are inadequately flood-proofed, elevated or otherwise protected from damage also contribute to the flood loss. (b) Statement of Purpose. It is the purpose of this Chapter to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions to specific areas by provisions designed: (1) To protect human life and health; (2) To minimize expenditure of public money for costly flood control projects; (3) To minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the general public; (4) To minimize prolonged business interruptions; (5) To minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains, electric, telephone and sewer lines, streets and bridges located in areas of special flood hazard. (6) To help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and development of areas of special flood hazard so as to minimize future flood blight areas; (7) To ensure that potential buyers are notified that property is in an area of special flood hazard; and (8) To ensure that those who occupy the areas of special flood hazards assume responsibility for their actions. (c) Methods of Reducing Flood Losses. In order to accomplish its purposes, this Chapter includes methods and provisions for: (1) Restricting or prohibiting uses which are dangerous to health, safety, and property due to water or erosion hazards, or which result in damaging increases in erosion or in flood heights or velocities; (2) Requiring that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction; (3) Controlling the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels, and natural protective barriers, which help accommodate or channel flood waters; (4) Controlling filling, grading, dredging, and other development which may increase flood damage; and, (5) Preventing or regulating the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert flood waters or which may increase flood hazards in other areas. 19-30-2. Definitions. Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this Chapter shall be interpreted so as to give them the meaning they have in common usage and to give this Chapter its most reasonable application. (a) "Appeal" means a request for a review of the Building Official's interpretation of any provision of this Chapter or a request for a variance. (b) "Area of special flood hazard" means the land in the floodplain within a community subject to a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. (c) "Base flood" means the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. (d) "Development" means any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavating or drilling operations located within the area of special flood hazard. (e) "Existing manufactured home park or subdivision" means a manufactured home park for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lot on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads, and the construction of streets) are completed before the effective date of this ordinance. (f) "Expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision" means the preparation of additional sites by the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads). (g) "Flood" or "Flooding" means a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from: (1) The overflow of inland or tidal waters and/or (2) The unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source. (h) "Flood Insurance Rate Map" (FIRM) means the official map on which the Federal Emergency Management Agency has delineated both the areas of special flood hazards and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. (i) "Flood Insurance Study" means the official report provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that includes flood profiles, the Flood Boundary-Floodway Map, and the water surface elevation of the base flood. (j) "Floodway" means the channel of a river or other watercourse and adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot. (k) "Lowest floor" means the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement). An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage, in an area other than a basement area, is not considered a building's lowest floor, provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable non-elevation design requirements of this Chapter. (l) "Manufactured home" means a structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. The term "manufactured home" does not include a "recreational vehicle." (m) "New construction" means structures for which the "start of construction" commenced on or after the effective date of the original ordinance, and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures. (n) "New manufactured home park or subdivision" means a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed on or after the effective date of these floodplain management regulations. (o) "Recreational vehicle" means a vehicle which is (1) built on a single chassis; (2) 400 square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projections; (3) designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a light duty truck; and (4) designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use. (p) "Start of construction" includes substantial improvement, and means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, placement, or other improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual start means the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slab or footings, the installation of piles, the construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, such as clearing, grading, and filling; nor does it include the installation of streets and/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footings, piers, or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main structure. For a substantial improvement, the actual start of construction means the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of a building, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the building. For a substantial improvement, the actual start of construction means the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of a building, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the building. (q) "Structure" means a walled and roofed building or mobile home that is principally above ground. (r) "Substantial damage" means damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. (s) "Substantial improvement" means any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the "start of construction" of the improvement. This term includes structures which have incurred "substantial damage," regardless of the actual repair work performed. The term does not, however, include either: (1) Any project for improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of state or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which have identified by the local code enforcement official and which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions or (2) Any alteration of a "historic structure," provided that the alteration will not preclude the structure's continued designation as a "historic structure." (t) "Variance" means a grant of relief from the requirements of this Chapter which permits construction in a manner that would otherwise be prohibited by this Chapter. 19-30-3. General Provisions. (a) Lands to Which this Chapter Applies. This Chapter shall apply to all areas of special flood hazards within the jurisdiction of Riverdale City. (b) Basis for Establishing the Areas of Special Flood Hazard. The areas of special flood hazard identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in a scientific and engineering report entitled "Flood Insurance Study for the City of Riverdale, Utah, dated September 6, 1995, with an accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this Chapter. The Flood Insurance Study and FIRM are on file at the Riverdale City Civic Center, 4600 South Weber River Drive, Riverdale, Utah 84405. (c) Compliance. No structure or land shall hereafter be constructed, located, extended, converted, or altered without full compliance with the terms of this Chapter and other applicable regulations. (d) Abrogation and Greater Restrictions. This Chapter is not intended to repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions. However, where this Chapter and another Section or Chapter of this Code or an easement, covenant, or deed restriction conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent restrictions shall prevail. (e) Interpretation. In the interpretation and application of this Chapter, all provisions shall be: (1) considered as minimum requirements; (2) liberally construed in favor of the governing body; and (3) deemed neither to limit nor repeal any other powers granted under state statutes. (f) Warning and Disclaimer of Liability. The degree of flood protection required by this Chapter is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineering considerations. Larger floods can and will occur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This Chapter does not imply that land outside the areas of special flood hazards or uses permitted within such areas will be free from flooding or flood damages. This Chapter shall not create liability on the part of Riverdale City, any officer or employee thereof, or the Federal Emergency Management Agency, for any flood damages that result from reliance on this Chapter or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. 19-30-4. Administration. (a) Establishment of Development Permit. A Development Permit shall be obtained before construction or development begins within any area of special flood hazard established in Section 19-30-3(b). Application for a Development Permit shall be made on forms furnished by the Building Official and may include, but not be limited to: plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of the area in question; existing or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, drainage facilities; and the location of the foregoing. Specifically, the following information is required: (1) Elevation in relation to mean sea level, of the lowest floor (including basement) of all structures; (2) Elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any structure has been flood-proofed; (3) Certification by a registered professional engineer or architect that the floodproofing methods for any non-residential structure meet the floodproofing criteria in Section 19-30-5(b)(2). (4) Description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of the proposed development. (b) Designation of the Building Official. The Building Official is hereby appointed to administer and implement this Chapter by granting or denying development permit applications in accordance with its provisions. (c) Duties and Responsibilities of the Building Official. The duties of the Building Official shall include, but not be limited to: (1) Permit Review. (A) Review of all development permits to determine that the permit requirements of this Chapter have been satisfied. (B) Review of all development permits to determine that all necessary permits have been obtained from those Federal, State or local governmental agencies from which prior approval is required. (C) Review of all development permits to determine if the proposed development is located in the Floodway. If it is located in the Floodway, assure that the encroachment provisions of Section 19-30-5(c)(1) are met. (2) Use of Other Base Flood Data. When base flood elevation data has not been provided in accordance with Section 19-30-3(b), Basis for Establishing the Areas of Special Flood Hazard, the Building Official shall obtain, review, and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation and floodway data available from and Federal, State, or other source as criteria for requiring that new construction, substantial improvements, or other development in Zone A are administered in accordance with Section 19-30-5(b) Specific Standards. (3) Information to be Obtained and Maintained. (A) Obtain and record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floor (including basement) of all new or substantially improved structures, and whether or not the structure contains a basement. (B) For all new or substantially improved floodproofed structures: (i) verify and record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level), to which the structure has been floodproofed. (ii) maintain the floodproofing certificates required in Section 19-30-4(a)(3). (C) Maintain for public inspection all records pertaining to the provisions of this Chapter. (4) Alteration of Watercourses. (A) Notify adjacent communities and the State Division of Comprehensive Emergency Management prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse, and submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (B) Require that maintenance is provided within the altered or relocated portion of said watercourse so that the flood-carrying capacity is not diminished. (5) Interpretation of FIRM Boundaries. Make interpretations where needed, as to the exact location of the boundaries of the areas of special flood hazards (for example, where there appears to be a conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field conditions). The person contesting the location of the boundary shall be given a reasonable opportunity to appeal the interpretation as provided in Section 19-30-4(d). (d) Variance Procedure. (1) Appeal Board. (A) The Riverdale City Council shall hear and decide appeals and requests for variances from the requirements of this Chapter. (B) The City Council shall hear and decide appeals when it is alleged there is an error in any requirement, decision, or determination made by the Building Official in the enforcement or administration of this Chapter. (C) Those aggrieved by the decision of the City Council, or any taxpayer, may appeal such decision to any court of competent jurisdiction, as provided in Section 10-9-15, Utah Code Annotated (1953). (D) In passing upon such applications, the City Council shall consider all technical evaluations, all relevant factors, standards specified in other sections of this Chapter, and: (i) the danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others; (ii) the danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage; (iii) the susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owners; (iv) the importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the community; (v) the necessity to the facility of a waterfront location, where applicable; (vi) the availability of alternative locations for the proposed use which are not subject to flooding or erosion damage; (vii) the compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated development; (viii) the relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive plan and floodplain management program for that area; (ix) the safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles; (x) the expected height, velocity, duration, rate of rise, and sediment transport of the flood waters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, expected at the site; and, (xi) the costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions, including maintenance and repair of public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems, and streets and bridges. (E) Upon consideration of the factors of Section 19-30-4(d)(1)(d) and the purposes of this Chapter, the City Council may attach such conditions to the granting of variances as it deems necessary to further the purposes of this Chapter. (F) The Building Official shall maintain the records of all appeal actions, including technical information, and report any variances to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2) Conditions for Variances. (A) Generally, variances may be issued for new construction and substantial improvements to be erected on a lot of one-half acre or less in size contiguous to and surrounded by lots with existing structures constructed below the base level, providing items (i-xi) in Section 19-30-4(d)(1)(d) have been fully considered. As the lot size increases beyond the one-half acre, the technical justifications required for issuing the variance increases. (B) Variances may be issued for the reconstruction, rehabilitation or restoration of structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the State Inventory of Historic Places, without regard to the procedures set forth in the remainder of this section. (C) Variances shall not be issued within any designated floodway if any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge would result. (D) Variances shall only be issued upon a determination that the variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief. (E) Variances shall only be issued upon: (i) a showing of good and sufficient cause; (ii) a determination that failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship to the applicant; and (iii) a determination that the granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety, extraordinary public expense, create nuisances, cause fraud on, or victimization of, the public as identified in Section 19-30-4(d)1(d), or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances. (F) Any applicant to whom a variance is granted shall be given written notice that the structure will be permitted to be built with a lowest floor elevation below the base flood elevation and that the cost of flood insurance will be commensurate with the increased risk resulting from the reduced lowest floor elevation. 19-30-5. Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction. (a) General Standards. In all areas of special flood hazards, the following standards are required: (1) Anchoring. (A) All new construction and substantial improvements shall be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure and capable of resisting the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads. (B) All manufactured homes must be elevated and anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement and capable of resisting the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads. Methods of anchoring may include, but are not limited to, use of over-the-top and frame ties to ground anchors. This requirement is in addition to applicable State and local anchoring requirements for resisting wind forces. Specific requirements may be: (i) over-the-top ties be provided at each of the four corners of the manufactured home, with two additional ties per side at intermediate locations, with manufactured homes more than 50 feet long requiring one additional tie per side; (ii) frame ties be provided at each corner of the home with five additional ties per side at intermediate points, with manufactured homes more than 50 feet long requiring four additional ties per side; (iii) all components of the anchoring system be capable of carrying a force of 4,800 pounds; and (iv) any additions to the manufactured home be similarly anchored. (2) Construction Materials and Methods. (A) All new construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed with materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage. (B) All new construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed using methods and practices that minimize flood damage. (C) All new construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed with electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities that are designed and/or located so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding. (3) Utilities. (A) All new and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the system. (B) New and replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharge from the systems into flood waters; and (C) On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. (4) Subdivision Proposals. (A) All subdivision proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage. (B) All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage; (C) All subdivision proposals shall have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood damage; and (D) Base flood elevation data shall be provided for subdivision proposals and other proposed developments which contain at least 50 lots or 5 acres (whichever is less). (b) Specific Standards. In all areas of special flood hazards where base flood elevation data has been provided as set forth in Section 19-30-3(b), Basis for Establishing the Areas of Special Flood Hazard, or Section 19-30-4(c)2, Use of Other Base Flood Data, the following provisions are required: (1) Residential Construction. New construction and substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated to or above base flood elevation. (2) Non-residential Construction. New construction and substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial or other non-residential structure shall either have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated to the level of the base flood elevation, or, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, shall: (A) be floodproofed so that below the base flood level the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water; (B) have structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy; and (C) be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect that the design and methods of construction are in accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting the provisions of this paragraph. Such certifications shall be provided to the official as set forth in Section 19-30-4(c)(2) (3) Openings in Enclosures Below the Lowest Floor. For all new construction and substantial improvements, fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are subject to flooding shall be designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. Designs for meeting this requirement must either be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect or must meet or exceed the following minimum criteria: (A) A minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding shall be provided; (B) The bottom of all openings shall be no higher than one foot above grade; (C) Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, or other coverings or devices provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters. (4) Manufactured Homes. (A) Manufactured homes shall be anchored in accordance with Section 19-30-5(a)(1)(b). (B) All manufactured homes or those to be substantially improved shall be conform to the following requirements: (i) Require that manufactured homes that are placed or substantially improved on a site (a) outside of a manufactured home park or subdivision, (b) in a new manufactured home park or subdivision, (c) in an expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision, (d) in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision on which a manufactured home has incurred "substantial damage" as the result of a flood, be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is elevated to or above the base flood elevation and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse and lateral movement. (ii) Require that manufactured homes to be placed on substantially improved on sites in existing manufactured home parks or subdivisions that are not subject to the provisions in (i) above be elevated so that either (a) the lowest floor of the manufactured home is at or above the base flood elevation, or (b) the manufactured home chassis is supported by reinforced piers or other foundation elements that are no less than 36 inches in height above grade and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement. (5) Recreational Vehicles. (A) Require that recreational vehicles either (i) be on the site for fewer than 180 consecutive days, (ii) be fully licensed and ready for highway use, or (iii) meet the permit requirements and elevation and anchoring requirements for resisting wind forces. (c) Floodways. Located within areas of special flood hazard established in Section 19-30-3(b) are areas designated as floodways. Since the floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of flood waters which carry debris, potential projectiles, and erosion potential, the following provisions apply: (1) Prohibit encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements, and other development unless certification by a registered professional engineer or architect is provided demonstrating that encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood levels during the occurrence of the base flood discharge. (2) If Section 19-30-5(c)(1) is satisfied, all new construction and substantial improvements shall comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction provisions of Section 19-30-5, Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction. (Ordinance No. 480, Adopted July 19, 1995) Chapter 31a - Wireless Telecommunications Zoning Regulations 19-31a-1 General Provisions 19-31a-1.1 Title 19-31a-1.2 Purpose 19-31a-1.3 Findings 19-31a-1.5 Applicability 19-31a-2 Procedure 19-31a-2.1 Applications Requirements 19-31a-2.2 Approval Process 19-31a-2.3 Building Permits 19-31a-3. Location 19-31a-3.1 Priority of Antenna Site Locations 19-31a-3.2 Burden of Proof 19-31a-3.3 Uses 19-31a-3.4 Co-Location Requirement 19-31a-3.5 Lease Agreement 19-31a-4 Antenna and Antenna Support Structure Regulations 19-31a-4.1 Standards for Antennas and Antenna Support Structures 19-31a-4.2 Additional Conditional Use Permit Considerations 19-31a-4.3 Additional Regulations for Monopoles and Towers 19-31a-5 Safety 19-31a-5.1 Regulation Compliance 19-31a-5.2 Protection Against Climbing 19-31a-5.3 Fencing 19-31a-5.4 Security Lighting Requirements 19-31a-5.5 Abandonment 19-31a-6 Site Requirements 19-31a-6.1 Regulations for Accessory Structures 19-31a-6.2 Parking 19-31a-6.3 Maintenance Requirements 19-31a-6.4 Landscaping 19-31a-6.5 Allowed Locations 19-31a-1. General Provisions 19-31a-1.1. Title. This ordinance shall be known as the Wireless Telecommunications Zoning Ordinance. 19-31a-1.2. Purpose. The purposes of this ordinance are: (a) to regulate personal wireless services antennas, with or without support structures, and related electronic equipment and equipment structures; (b) to provide for the orderly establishment of personal wireless services facilities in Riverdale City; (c) to minimize the number of antenna support structures by encouraging the co-location of multiple antennas on a single structure, and by encouraging the location of antennas on pre-existing support structures; (d) to establish siting, appearance, and safety standards that will help mitigate potential impacts related to the construction, use, and maintenance of personal wireless services facilities; (e) to comply with the Telecommunications Act of 1996 by establishing regulations that: (1) do not prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services; (2) do not unreasonably discriminate among providers of functionally equivalent services; and (3) are not based on the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Federal Communication Commission’s regulations concerning such emissions. 19-31a-1.3. Findings. The City Council makes the following findings: (a) Personal wireless services devices are an integral part of the rapidly growing and evolving telecommunications industry, and present unique zoning challenges and concerns for the City. (b) The City needs to balance the interests and desires of the telecommunications industry and its customers to provide competitive and effective telecommunications systems in the City, against the sometimes differing interests and desires of others concerning health, safety, welfare, and aesthetics, and orderly planning of the community. (c) The City has experienced an increased demand for personal wireless services facilities to be located in the City, and expects the increased demand to continue into the future. (d) It is in the best interests of the City to have quality personal wireless services available, which necessarily entails the erection of personal wireless services facilities in the City. (e) The unnecessary proliferation of personal wireless services facilities throughout the City creates a negative visual impact on the community. (f) The visual effects of personal wireless services facilities can be mitigated by fair standards regulating their siting, construction, maintenance, and use. (g) Because of the height and appearance of personal wireless services facilities, surrounding properties bear a disproportionate share of the negative impacts of a telecommunications tower. (h) A private property owner who leases space for a personal wireless services facility is the only one who receives compensation for the facility, even though numerous other property owners in the area are adversely affected by the location of the facility. (i) Personal wireless services may be located on City property at the discretion of the City Council, with lease payments paid to the City instead of an individual property owner, which indirectly compensates all citizens of the community for the adverse impacts of the facilities, and is therefore the fairest method of distributing burden and benefit. (j) Locating antennas on existing buildings and structures creates less of a negative visual impact on the community than the erection of towers. (k) Buildings and structures on public property are capable of being used to provide support for antenna arrays, thus reducing the proliferation of towers in all areas of the City. (l) The public policy objectives to reduce the proliferation of telecommunication towers and to mitigate their impact can best be facilitated by permitting the locating of wireless communication systems on telecommunication towers and antenna support structures that are located on property owned, leased, or used by the City. (m) The requirements set forth in this ordinance for the placement of personal wireless services facilities on property owned, leased, or used by the City are necessary to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. 19-31a-1.4. Definitions. The following words shall have the described meaning when used in this ordinance, unless a contrary meaning is apparent from the context of the word. (a) Antenna. A transmitting device used in telecommunications that radiates or captures radio signals. (b) Antenna Support Structures. Any structure that can be used for the purpose of supporting an antenna(s). (c) City. The City of Riverdale, Utah. (d) City-Owned Property. Real property that is owned, leased, or controlled by the City. (e) Co-location. The location of an antenna on an existing structure, tower, or building that is already being used for personal wireless services facilities. (f) Guyed Tower. A tower that supports an antenna or antennas and requires guy wires or other stabilizers for support. (g) Lattice Tower. A self-supporting three- or four-sided, open steel frame structure used to support telecommunications equipment. (h) Monopole. A single, self-supporting, cylindrical pole, constructed without guy wires or ground anchors, that acts as the support structure for antennas. (i) Monopole Antenna with Platform. A monopole with antennas and antenna support structure exceeding three feet (3’) in width or ten feet (10’) in height. (j) Monopole Antenna with no Platform. A monopole with antennas and antenna support structure not exceeding three feet (3’) in width or ten feet (10’) in height. (k) Personal Wireless Services. Commercial mobile telecommunications services, unlicensed wireless telecommunications services, and common carrier wireless telecommunications exchange access services. (l) Personal Wireless Services Facilities. Facilities for the provision of personal wireless services. Personal wireless services facilities include transmitters, antennas, structures supporting antennas, and electronic equipment that is typically installed in close proximity to a transmitter. (m) Private Property. Any real property not owned by the City, even if the property is owned by another public or governmental entity. (n) Roof Mounted Antenna. An antenna or series of individual antennas mounted on a roof, mechanical room or penthouse of a building or structure. (o) Stealth Facilities. Personal wireless services facilities which have been designed to be compatible with the natural setting and surrounding structures, and which camouflage or conceal the presence of antennas and/or towers. The term includes, but is not limited to, clock towers, church steeples, light poles, flag poles, signs, electrical transmission facilities. City-owned water tanks are expressly excluded from such uses. (p) Tower. A free-standing structure, such as a monopole tower, lattice tower, or guyed tower, that is used as a support structure for antenna(s). (q) Wall Mounted Antenna. An antenna or series of individual antennas mounted on the vertical wall of a building or structure. (r) Whip Antenna. An antenna that is cylindrical in shape. Whip antennas can be directional or omnidirectional and vary in size depending on the frequency and gain for which they are designed. 19-31a-1.5. Applicability. This ordinance (the Wireless Telecommunications Zoning Ordinance) applies to both commercial and private low power radio services and facilities, such as “cellular” or PCS (personal communications system) communications and paging systems. This ordinance shall not apply to the following types of communications devices, although they may be regulated by other City ordinances and policies: (a) Amateur Radio. Any tower or antenna owned and operated by an amateur radio operator licensed by the Federal Communications Commission. (b) Satellite. Any device designed for over-the-air reception of television broadcast signals, multichannel multipoint distribution service, or direct satellite service. (c) Cable. Any cable television headend or hub towers and antennas used solely for cable television services. 19-31a-2. Procedure. 19-31a-2.1. Applications Requirements. Any person desiring to develop, construct, or establish a personal wireless services facility in the City shall submit an application for site plan approval to the City. The City shall not consider the application until all required information has been included. The application shall include the following: (a) Fee. The applicable fee set by the City. (b) Site Plan. A site plan consisting of one or more pages of maps and drawings drawn to scale. The applicant shall submit five (5) copies of the proposed site plan to the Planning Commission Secretary. One of the copies shall be 8½” X 11”, and the other copies shall be at least 8½” X 11”, but not larger than 24” X 36”. The proposed site plan shall be drawn to a scale large enough to clearly show all details and in any case not smaller than sixty feet (60’) to the inch. The site plan for personal wireless services facilities shall include the following information and items: (1) Name and street address of the site or location (2) Name of applicant (3) Name of owner of property (4) North arrow (5) Scale of drawing (6) Area of lot in square feet (7) Lot line dimensions (8) A vicinity map containing sufficient information to accurately locate the property shown on the plan (9) Names and locations of fronting streets and locations and dimensions of public streets, private streets, and driveways (10) Footprints of existing and proposed buildings and structures, including a notation of each unit’s height above the grade (11) Location and size of existing and proposed antennas, with dimensions to property lines (12) Location of existing and proposed fire protection devices (13) Location, dimensions, and distance to property lines of existing and proposed drive accesses (14) Location and dimensions of existing and proposed curbs, gutters, and sidewalks (15) Location and dimensions of off-street parking spaces (16) Location and type of surface water drainage system (17) Drawings of proposed structure elevations showing the height, dimensions, appearance, and materials proposed (18) Location and description (height, materials) of existing and proposed fences (19) Location and description (dimensions, distance to property lines, and type of lighting [direct or indirect]) of existing and proposed signs (20) A security lighting plan, if proposed (21) Landscape plan to scale indicating size, spacing, and type of plantings (22) A signed lease agreement with the City if the site is located on City property (c) Written Information. The following written information: (1) Environment. A full description of the environment surrounding the proposed facility, including a description of adjacent uses, any adjacent residential structures, and any structures and sites of historic significance. (2) Maintenance. A description of the anticipated maintenance needs for the facility, including frequency of service, personnel needs, equipment needs, and traffic noise or safety impacts of such maintenance. (3) Service Area. A description of the service area for the antenna or tower and a statement as to whether the antenna or tower is needed for coverage or capacity. (4) Location. A map showing the site and the nearest or associated telecommunications facility sites within the network. Describe the distance between the telecommunications facility sites. Describe how this service area fits into the service network. (5) Licenses and Permits. Copies of all licenses and permits required by other agencies and governments with jurisdiction over the design, construction, location, and operation of the antenna. (6) Radio Frequency Emissions. A written commitment to comply with applicable Federal Communications Commission radio frequency emission regulations. (7) Liaison. The name of a contact person who can respond to questions concerning the application and the proposed facility. Include name, address, telephone number, facsimile number, and electronic mail address, if applicable. (d) Additional Information Requirements for Monopoles. If the applicant desires to construct a monopole, the applicant shall also submit a detailed written description of why the applicant cannot obtain coverage using existing buildings or structures. (e) Additional Information Requirement for Facilities Not Located on Highest Priority Site. If the applicant desires to locate antennas on a site other than the highest priority site (as described in Subsection 19-31a-3.1), the applicant shall provide the following information to the approving authority. (1) Higher Priority Sites. The identity and location of any higher priority sites located within the desired service area. (2) Reason for Rejection of Higher Priority Sites. The reason(s) why the higher priority sites are not technologically, legally, or economically feasible. (3) Justification for Proposed Site. Why the proposed site is essential to meet the service demands of the geographic service area and the citywide network. 19-31a-2.2. Approval Process. The application and site plan shall be reviewed by the City pursuant to its standard site plan approval process. If the facility requires a conditional use permit, the review shall be pursuant to the City’s standard conditional use permit approval process. The City shall process all applications within a reasonable time and shall not unreasonably discriminate among providers of functionally equivalent services. Any decision to deny a request to place, construct, or modify personal wireless service facilities shall be in writing and supported by evidence contained in a written record. 19-31a-2.3. Building Permits. (a) General Requirements. No tower or antenna support structure shall be constructed until the applicant obtains a building permit from the City. No building permit shall be issued for any project for which a site plan, amended site plan, or conditional use permit is required, until the site plan, amended site plan, or conditional use permit has been approved by the appropriate authority. If the design or engineering of the antenna support structure is beyond the expertise of the Building Official, the City may require third party review by an engineer selected by the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall pay an additional fee to cover the cost of the third party review. (b) Additional Requirements for Monopoles and Towers. If the applicant is constructing a monopole or other tower-type structure, the applicant shall, if requested by the City, submit a written report from a qualified structural engineer licensed in the State of Utah, documenting the following: (1) Height and design of the monopole and tower, including technical, engineering, economic, and other pertinent factors governing selection of the proposed design. (2) Seismic load design and wind load design for the monopole or tower. (3) Total anticipated capacity of the monopole or tower, including number and types of antennas which can be accommodated. (4) Structural failure characteristics of the monopole or tower and a demonstration that the site and setbacks are of adequate size to contain debris. (5) Soil investigation report, including structural calculations. 19-31a-3. Location. 19-31a-3.1. Priority of Antenna Site Locations. Personal wireless services antennas shall be located as unobtrusively as is reasonably possible. To accomplish this goal, the provider shall make a good faith effort to locate antennas on sites in the following order of priority: (a) Stealth Facilities. Stealth facilities as defined by this ordinance. (b) Existing Structures. Lawfully existing buildings, structures and antenna support structures, provided that the buildings, structures, or support structures are: (1) located in a non-residential zone, or (2) located in a residential zone on property that is being used for non-residential uses (e.g. government, school, church, or utility), or (3) located in a residential zone on a property that is being used for a multi-family residential building having eight (8) or more dwelling units and which is at least thirty-five feet (35’) in height. (c) Monopoles on City-Owned Property. Monopoles constructed on City-owned property. (d) Monopoles on Non-Residential Private Property. Monopoles constructed on private property, provided that the private property is: (1) located in a non-residential zone, or (2) located in a residential zone on property that is used for a non-residential use (e.g. government, school, or church). (e) Other. Sites other than those listed above. 19-31a-3.2. Burden of Proof. The applicant shall attempt to locate its antennas on sites in the order of priority set forth above. If the applicant desires to locate antennas on a site other than the highest priority site, the applicant shall have the burden of demonstrating to the approving authority why it could no locate antennas on sites with a higher priority than the site chosen by the applicant. To do so, the applicant shall provide the following information to the approving authority: (a) Higher Priority Sites. The identity and location of higher priority sites located within the desired service area. (b) Reason for Rejection of Higher Priority Sites. The reason(s) why the higher priority sites are not technologically, legally, or economically feasible. The applicant must make a good faith effort to locate antennas on a higher priority site. The City may request information from outside sources to justify or rebut the applicant’s reasons for rejecting a higher priority site. (c) Justification for Proposed Site. Why the proposed site is essential to meet the service demands of the geographic service area and the citywide network. 19-31a-3.3. Uses. (a) Permitted Uses. The following antenna locations are permitted uses, provided that the applicant complies with other applicable laws and regulations: (1) Existing Structures on City-Owned Property. Existing buildings, structures, and antenna support structures located on City-owned property, except water tanks. (2) Existing Structures on Private Property. Lawfully existing buildings and structures located on private property, provided that the private property is: (i) located in a non-residential zone, or (ii) located in a residential zone on property that is used for a non-residential use (e.g. government, school, church, or utility), or (iii) located in a residential zone on property that is being used for a multi-family residential building have eight (8) or more dwelling units and which is at least thirty-five feet (35’) in height. (3) Co-Location. Co-location on a lawfully existing antenna support structure located on private property. (4) Monopoles in Industrial Areas. Monopoles constructed in industrial or manufacturing zones, and existing utility areas as conditional uses with approved conditional use permits. (5) Stealth Facilities in Non-Residential Zones. Stealth facilities constructed in non-residential zones, unless they are constructed as part of a structure for which a conditional use permit is otherwise required, in which case they shall be conditional uses. (b) Not Permitted Uses. The following antenna types and antenna locations are not permitted, except upon a showing of necessity (inability to achieve coverage or capacity in the service area) by the applicant, in which case they shall be considered as conditional uses: (1) Guyed Towers. Guyed towers and other non-stealth towers, with the exception of monopoles, are not permitted in any zone. (2) Monopoles on Private Property in a Residential Zone. Monopoles located on residentially zoned private property, if the residentially zoned property has a residential use (as opposed to a school, church, or other non-residential use). (c) Conditional Uses. Antennas proposed for any other location shall be considered as conditional uses, provided that the applicant complies with other applicable laws and regulations. 19-31a-3.4. Co-Location Requirement. Unless otherwise authorized by the approving authority for good cause shown, every new monopole shall be designed and constructed to be of sufficient size and capacity to accommodate at least one additional wireless telecommunications provider on the structure in the future. Any conditional use permit for the monopole may be conditioned upon the agreement of the applicant to allow co-location of other personal wireless providers on such terms as are common in the industry. 19-31a-3.5. Lease Agreement. The City shall enter into a standard lease agreement with the applicant for any facility built on City property. The Mayor or designee is hereby authorized to execute the standard lease agreement on behalf of the City. The Lease shall contain the condition that the site plan and/or conditional use permit must first be approved by the approving authority before the lease can take effect, and that failure to obtain such approval renders the lease null and void. 19-31a-4. Antenna and Antenna Support Structure Regulations. 19-31a-4.1. Standards for Antennas and Antenna Support Structures. Personal wireless services facilities are characterized by the type or location of the antenna structure. There are five general types of antenna structures contemplated by this ordinance: wall mounted antennas; roof mounted antennas; monopoles with no platform; monopoles with a platform; and stealth facilities. If a particular type of antenna structure is allowed by this ordinance as a permitted or conditional use, the minimum standards for that type of antenna are as follows, unless otherwise provided in a conditional use permit: (a) Wall Mounted Antennas. (1) Maximum Height. Wall mounted antennas shall not extend above the roof line of the building or structure or extend more than four feet (4’) horizontally from the face of the building. (2) Setback. Wall mounted antennas shall not be located within one hundred feet (100’) of any residence. (3) Mounting Options. Antennas mounted directly on existing parapet walls, penthouses, or mechanical equipment rooms are considered to be wall mounted antennas if no portion of the antenna extends above the roof line of the parapet wall, penthouse, or mechanical equipment room. (4) Color. Wall mounted antennas, equipment, and supporting structures shall be painted to match the color of the building or structure or the background against which they are most commonly seen. Antennas and the supporting structure on the building shall be architecturally compatible with the building. Whip antennas are not allowed on a wall mounted antenna structure. (b) Roof Mounted Antennas. (1) Maximum Height. The maximum height of a roof mounted antenna shall be eighteen feet (18’) above the roof line of the building. (2) Setback. Roof mounted antennas shall be located at least five feet (5’) from the exterior wall of the building or structure, and at least fifty feet (50’) from any residence. (3) Mounting options. Roof mounted antennas may be mounted on top of existing penthouses or mechanical equipment rooms if the antennas and antenna support structures are enclosed or visually screened from view. The screening structure may not extend more than eight feet (8’) above the existing roof line of the penthouse or mechanical equipment room. (4) Color. Roof mounted antennas, equipment, and supporting structures shall be painted to match the color of the building or structure or the background against which they are most commonly seen. Antennas and supporting structures shall be architecturally compatible with the building. (5) Combination of Wall and Roof Mounted Antennas. Any building may have a combination of wall and roof mounted antennas. The total area for all wall and roof mounted antennas and supporting structures on any one building shall not exceed the lesser of sixty square feet (60 ’) or five percent (5%) of each exterior wall of the building. (c) Monopoles with no Platform. (1) Maximum Height and Width. The maximum height of the monopole or monopole antenna shall be sixty feet (60’), although the approving body may, as a conditional use, allow an antenna or antenna support structure up to one hundred ten feet (110’) in height, if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the approving body that the additional height is necessary to obtain coverage or to allow co-location, and that the applicant has taken steps to mitigate adverse effects on the surrounding neighborhood. The entire antenna structure mounted on the monopole shall not exceed three feet (3’) in width. The antenna itself shall not exceed ten feet (10’) in height. (2) Setback. Monopoles shall be set back a minimum of one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the height of the monopole from any residential lot line, measured from the base of the monopole to the nearest residential lot line. (3) Color. Monopoles, antennas, and related support structures shall be painted a neutral color, or a color to match the background against which they are most commonly seen. (d) Monopoles with Platform. (1) Maximum Height and Width. The maximum height of the monopole or monopole antenna shall be seventy-five feet (75’), although the approving body may, as a conditional use, allow an antenna or antenna support structure up to one hundred ten feet (110’) in height, if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the approving body that the additional height is necessary to obtain coverage or to allow co-location, and that the applicant has taken steps to mitigate adverse effects on the surrounding neighborhood. The antennas and antenna mounting structures on the monopole shall not exceed eight feet (8’) in height or fifteen feet (15’) in width. The antenna itself shall not exceed ten feet (10’) in height. (2) Setback. Monopoles shall be set back a minimum of one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of the height of the monopole from any residential lot line, measured from the base of the monopole to the nearest residential lot line. (3) Color. Monopoles, antennas, and related support structures shall be painted a neutral color, or a color to match the background against which they are most commonly seen. (e) Stealth Facilities. (1) Maximum Height. The maximum height of a stealth facility shall be the maximum structure height on the zoning district in which the stealth facility is located. The applicant may exceed the maximum structure height if allowed pursuant to a conditional use permit. 19-31a-4.2. Additional Conditional Use Permit Considerations. In addition to the City’s standard conditional use permit considerations, the approving authority shall consider the following factors when deciding whether to grant a conditional use permit for a personal wireless services facility: (a) Compatibility. Compatibility of the facility with the height, mass, and design of buildings, structures, and uses in the vicinity of the facility. (b) Screening. Whether the facility uses existing or proposed vegetation, topography, or structures in a manner that effectively screens the facility. (c) Disguise. Whether the facility is disguised in a manner that mitigates potential negative impacts on surrounding properties. (d) Parcel Size. Whether the facility is located on a parcel of sufficient size the adequately support the facility. (e) Location on Parcel. Whether the structure is situated on the parcel in a manner that can best protect the interests of surrounding property owners, but still accommodate other appropriate uses of the parcel. (f) Location in General. Whether location or co-location of the facility on other structures in the same vicinity is practicable, without significantly affecting the antenna transmission or reception capabilities. (g) Co-Location. The willingness of the applicant to allow colocation on its facility by other personal wireless services providers on such terms as are common in the industry. 19-31a-4.3. Additional Regulations for Monopoles and Towers. (a) Distance from Other Monopoles. Monopoles and towers shall be located at least one thousand feet (1,000’) from each other, except upon a showing of necessity by the applicant, or upon a finding by the City that a closer distance would adequately protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community. This distance requirement shall not apply to stealth facilities or to antennas attached to lawful structures such as transmission towers, utility poles, and outdoor lighting structures. (b) Location on Parcel. Monopoles shall be located as unobtrusively on a parcel as possible, given the location of existing structures, nearby residential areas, and service needs of the applicant. Monopoles shall not be located in a required landscaped area, buffer area, or parking area. 19-31a-5. Safety. 19-31a-5.1. Regulation Compliance. (a) Compliance with FCC and FAA Regulations. All operators of personal wireless services facilities shall demonstrate compliance with applicable Federal Communication Commission (FCC) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations, including FCC radio frequency regulations, at the time of application and periodically thereafter as requested by the City. Failure to comply with the applicable regulations shall be grounds for revoking a site plan or conditional use permit approval. (b) Other Licenses and Permits. The operator of every personal wireless services facility shall submit copies of all licenses and permits required by other agencies and governments with jurisdiction over the design, construction, location, and operation of the facility to the City, shall maintain such licenses and permits in good standing, and shall provide evidence of renewal or extension thereof upon request by the City. 19-31a-5.2. Protection Against Climbing. Monopoles shall be protected against unauthorized climbing by removing the climbing pegs from the lower twenty feet (20’) of the monopole. 19-31a-5.3. Fencing. Monopoles and towers shall be fully enclosed by a minimum six foot (6’) tall fence or wall, as directed by the City, unless the City determines that a wall or fence is not needed or appropriate for a particular site due to conditions specific to the site. 19-31a-5.4. Security Lighting Requirements. Monopoles and towers shall comply with the FAA requirements for lighting. As part of the conditional use permit consideration, the City may also require security lighting for the site. If security lighting is used, the lighting impact on surrounding residential areas shall be minimized by using indirect lighting, where appropriate. 19-31a-5.5. Abandonment. The City may require the removal of all antennas and monopoles if the facility has been inoperative or out of service for more than twelve (12) consecutive months. (a) Notice. Notice to remove shall be given in writing by personal service, or by certified mail addressed to the operator’s last known address. (b) Violation. Failure to remove the antennas and monopoles after receiving written notice to remove is a violation of the terms of this Chapter. The City may initiate criminal and/or civil legal proceedings against any person, firm, entity, or corporation, whether acting as principal, agent, property owner, lessee, lessor, tenant, landlord, employee, employer, or otherwise, for failure to remove antennas and monopoles in accordance with this Chapter. The City may seek a civil injunction requiring the removal of any structures on the site in accordance with this Chapter. Any lease agreement with the City may also stipulate failure to remove the antennas and monopoles after receiving written notice to do so pursuant to this Chapter automatically transfers ownership of the antennas, monopoles, support buildings, and all other structures on the site to the City. 19-31a-6. Site Requirements. 19-31a-6.1. Regulations for Accessory Structures. (a) Storage Areas and Solid Waste Receptacles. No outside storage or solid waste receptacles shall be permitted on the site. (b) Equipment Enclosures. All electronic and other related equipment and appurtenances necessary for the operation of any personal wireless services facility shall, whenever possible, be located within a lawfully pre-existing structure or completely below grade. When a new structure is required to house such equipment, the structure shall be harmonious with, and blend with, the natural features, buildings, and structures surrounding such structure. (c) Accessory Buildings. Freestanding accessory building used with a personal wireless services facility shall not exceed four hundred fifty square feet (450 ’) and shall comply with the setback requirements for structures in the zone in which the facility is located. 19-31a-6.2. Parking. The City may require a minimum of one (1) parking stall for sites containing a monopole, tower, and/or accessory buildings, if there is insufficient parking available on the site. 19-31a-6.3. Maintenance Requirements. All personal wireless services facilities shall be maintained in a safe, neat, and attractive manner. 19-31a-6.4. Landscaping. All sites with a personal wireless services facility shall be landscaped in accordance with the zone requirements where the facility is located. 19-31a-6.5. Allowed Locations. Telecommunication and television towers, monopoles, antenna, and support structures and equipment shall be permitted or not permitted, as set forth herein, the current zoning of said uses notwithstanding. (Placement of towers, monopoles, antenna, and any support structures or buildings on Riverdale City owned property shall be subject to private contract with the City of Riverdale.) (Ordinance No. 557, adopted February 3, 1999) Chapter 32 - Sexually Oriented Businesses (CP-4 Overlay Zone) 19-32-1 19-32-2 19-32-3 19-32-4 19-32-5 19-32-6 Purpose Definitions Permitted Locations and Restrictions Distance from Other Similar Businesses Sign Restrictions Severability 19-32-1. Purpose. The purpose and object of this article is to establish uniform and reasonable regulations to prevent the concentration of sexually oriented businesses or their locations in areas deleterious to the community, to regulate the signs of such businesses, to control the adverse effects of such signs, and to prevent inappropriate exposure to the community. This ordinance by its terms is designed to prevent crime, protect the city’s retail trade, maintain property values, and generally protect and preserve the quality of urban life. This ordinance is not designed to suppress the expression of unpopular views. This article is to be construed as a regulation of time, place and manner of the operation of these businesses consistent with the limitations provided by the United States and Utah Constitutions. 19-32-2. Definitions. For purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the meanings defined in this section: (a) Gateway means those areas identified as City Gateways on the Riverdale General Plan, Land Use Planning Map, as adopted and as may be amended. (b) Historic buildings or sites means those buildings or sites found on either the national or state historic registers, or the City register of cultural and historic resources. (c) Public park means a park, playground, swimming pool, golf course, or athletic field within the City which is under the control, operation or management of the City’s Public Works or Recreation Department. (d) Religious institution means a building which is used primarily for religious worship and related religious activities. (e) School means an institution of learning or instruction primarily catering to minors, whether public or private, which is licensed as such a facility either by the City or the State. This definition shall include nursery schools, kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, or any special institution of learning under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Education, but not including trade schools, charm schools, dancing schools, music schools or similar limited schools, nor public or private universities or colleges. (f) Sexually oriented business means any business for which a sexually oriented business license is required pursuant to the sexually oriented business license ordinance set out in Title 11, Chapter 8, of the Riverdale Municipal Ordinance Code. 19-32-3. Permitted Locations and Restrictions. Sexually oriented businesses shall only be permitted in areas designated as CP-4 overlay areas as set forth on the attached Overlay Map. Sexually oriented business zones are conditional use zones (requiring a conditional use permit as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title), and are subject to the following additional restrictions: (a) No sexually oriented business shall be located within a onethousand foot (1000’) radius of any church, park, school, residential zone, or residential dwelling in a non-residential zone as measured by a straight line without regard to intervening structures. The distance is measured from the property line of the church, park, school, or residential zone nearest the sexually oriented business and the property line of the sexually oriented business nearest the church, park, school, or residential zone. (b) No sexually oriented business shall be permitted three hundred feet (300’) of any gateway. (c) No sexually oriented business shall be permitted within three hundred feet (300’) of any historic building or site. The distance shall be measured from the property line of the historic building or site nearest the sexually oriented business and the property line of the sexually oriented business nearest the historic building or site. 19-32-4. Distance from Other Similar Businesses. No sexually oriented business shall be allowed within one thousand feet (1000’) of any other sexually oriented business, measuring a straight distance from the nearest property line of one business to the nearest property line of the other business. 19-32-5. Sign Restrictions. Notwithstanding any contrary provision contained in Chapter 6 of this Code, sexually oriented business signs shall be limited as follows: (a) No more than one sign promoting or identifying the sexually oriented business shall be allowed on any sexually oriented business premises. (b) Off premise signs are prohibited. (c) No sign on the sexually oriented business premises promoting or identifying the sexually oriented business shall be allowed to exceed eighteen (18) square feet. (d) No animation shall be permitted on or around any sexually oriented business sign or on the exterior walls or roof of the premises. (e) No descriptive art or designs depicting any activity related to or inferring the nature of the business shall be allowed on any sexually oriented business sign. The sign shall contain alpha-numeric copy only. (f) Signage is limited to one flat wall sign and shall not project more than twelve inches (12”) from the wall to which it is attached. (g) Painted wall advertising shall not be allowed. (h) Other than the flat wall sign specifically allowed by this section, sexually oriented businesses shall not construct or allow to be constructed any other type of sign including those types of signs listed in Chapter 6 of Riverdale Municipal Ordinance Code, or use any light or other location. device designed to draw attention to the business 19-32-6. Severability. If any provision or clause of this chapter or the application to any person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect other sections, provisions, clauses or applications herein which can be implemented without the invalid provision, clause or application, and to this end the provisions and clauses of this chapter are declared to be severable. (Ordinance No. 536, Adopted April 14, 1998) Chapter 35 - Special Use District-Office Park (OP 19-35-1 Purpose 19-35-2 Objectives and Intent 19-35-3 Permitted Uses 19-35-4 Conditional Uses 19-35-5 Prohibited Uses 19-35-6 Development Standards 19-35-7 Site Coverage 19-35-8 Building Setbacks 19-35-9 Building Height 19-35-10 Screening Walls / Fences / Hedges 19-35-11 Parking 19-35-12 Loading 19-35-13 Driveway and Curb Openings 19-35-14 Landscaping 19-35-15 Hardscape 19-35-16 Substructures; Storage / Refuse Collection, etc. 19-35-17 Signs / Sign Illumination 19-35-18 Lighting 19-35-19 Projections 19-35-20 Grading 19-35-21 Utilities / Equipment 19-35-22 Roof Design 19-35-23 Nuisances 19-35-24 Change of Use 19-35-25.1Riparian Environment 19-35-25.2Weber River Parkway 19-35-26 Architectural Design 19-35-27 Submittal Requirements 19-35-28 Action on Site Plan 19-35-29 Conditional Use Process 19-35-30 Security/ Site Improvements 19-35-31 Guarantees and Covenants 19-35-1. Purpose. The purposes of this Chapter are: (a) to establish locations within the City which will accommodate offices and laboratories for professional persons and supporting uses; and (b) to establish regulations for use and development of land within the City which govern uses, density, open spaces, structures, buildings, energy efficiency, light and air, air quality, transportation, infrastructure, public facilities, vegetation, and trees and landscaping; and (c) to meet the purposes of the Utah Municipal Land Use Development and Management Act, at Utah Code §10-9-102, which are to provide for the health, safety, and welfare, and to promote the prosperity, to improve the morals, peace and good order, comfort, convenience, and aesthetics of the City and its present and future inhabitants and businesses, to protect the tax base, secure economy in governmental development. expenditures, and to protect urban and non-urban 19-35-2. Objectives and Intent. The objectives and intent of this Chapter are: (a) The objectives of this Chapter are: (1) to define a range of services and uses which may be offered by Office Park (OP) entities within the community; and (2) to establish guidelines for the physical development of such Office Park (OP) entities and uses; and (3) to preserve as much of the natural forest and vegetation, wetlands, and river front as possible. (b) The intent of these regulations is to establish a standard for Office Park (OP) development and maintenance which: (1) Promotes the overall functionality, safety and visual attractiveness of Office Park (OP) buildings, accompanying substructures, and surrounding landscape; and (2) Preserves and enhances the Weber River Parkway as established in the Riverdale City General Plan, as represented in Figure 18 of said General Plan, and preserves and enhances such other open space, passive recreation, and visual enhancement in the City; and (3) Promotes development and uses that are in harmony with the goals and direction of Riverdale City; and (4) Allows some flexibility of architecture so as to encourage creativity of design; and (5) Promotes the successful completion of the development of an Office Park project, and of the ability of Office Park entities to succeed; and (6) Provides for diversity in the tax base of the City; and (7) Provides for large view corridors between buildings and structures to allow view of mountain ranges, trees, river areas, or such areas as may be deemed viable by the Planning Commission. 19-35-3. Permitted Uses. The following is a representative list of permitted principal uses for the OP Zone, and are subject to the standards and procedures established in this Title. (a) Community use, church, public building, library. (b) Bank, credit union, securities company, or other such financial institution. (c) Medical facilities (non-residential), doctor, dentist, psychologist, psychiatrist, nurse, or physical therapist. (d) Business, Administrative Offices, professional offices, and secondary activities, not open to the public, which support or are accessory to the primary activity of the permitted area, including, but not limited to, the following: (1) corporate headquarters offices, (2) architect, (3) certified public accountant, (4) insurance (not claims adjustment), and real estate services, (5) attorney, (6) professional registered engineer or surveyor, (7) hotel, (8) golf course / golf driving range. (e) Permitted Secondary Uses. Retail and service facilities within an office building, but limited to only fifty percent (50%) of the gross ground floor area of the building and uses similar to barbershop, beauty shop, dining room, restaurant, newsstand, spa / health club, and retail stores for the sale of books, gifts, flowers, medicines, sundries. Such facilities shall not have any customer entrances directly from the street nor visible from any sidewalk. There shall be no exterior evidence of such accessory uses such as signs or display windows. 19-35-4. Conditional Uses. The following is a representative list of conditional uses for the OP Zone, and are subject to the standards and procedures established in this Title and the conditional use permit approval process as set forth in this Chapter at 19-35-29 et seq. Such operations shall not deal in large volumes of product handling, storage and distribution; nor shall such operations include on-site milling, forging, or heavy grinding of parts or similar manufacturing operations. (a) Laboratory and research center; including laboratories, scientific, medical, chemical, applied physics, mechanical, electronic, biological, genetic or other similar experimental research, project development or testing facilities. (b) High technology manufacturing and assembly that is clean and non polluting. Uses shall include fabricating, processing, testing, assembling, packaging and manufacture of products which have a high value in relation to bulk, from previously prepared materials, but not including uses involving primary production of wood, metal, petroleum, or chemical products from raw materials. (c) Parking structure. (d) Art or music studio. (e) Dine in restaurant, stand alone, but only allowed with increased restrictions such as increased set back requirements. (f) Marketing, telemarketing, and advertising services. (g) Spas and/or health clubs. (h) Other Similar and Compatible Uses. Other similar uses not specifically listed above may be approved by the Planning Commission and City Governing Body, with the issuance of a conditional use permit, upon findings that the proposed use most closely fits within one of the listed categories, and that any expected impacts will be no greater than that of other uses listed. 19-35-5. Prohibited Uses. The permitted and/or conditional uses enumerated above shall not be construed to include, either as a main or accessory use, any of the following uses. This list of prohibited uses is intended to be illustrative of the types of uses which are not allowed. (a) Terminal, including truck or bus terminals and other distribution facility. (b) Food processing operation except as incidental to permitted restaurant or cafeteria operation. (c) Sand, gravel, and other extraction mining. (d) provided. (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) Manufacturing and assembly operation except as otherwise Repair establishment (automotive and major equipment). Junk or salvage yard. Liquor store, private clubs, bars, taverns. Cabinet and carpenter shop. Plumbing or metal shop. Petroleum storage, sales, processing or production. Retail sales, except as otherwise specified in this Chapter. Motor vehicle and recreational vehicle dealerships. Storage lots or facilities and enclosed storage areas. 19-35-6. Development Standards. Development in an OP zone shall have the following characteristics: (a) In order to encourage uses consistent with the purposes of the Office Park (OP) Zone and to ensure adequate site planning, the entire zoned area shall be master planned at the time of conceptual and preliminary site plan approval, even though the entire zoned area may be developed in phases. Each phase shall adhere to an approved original master site plan for the zoned area, except as may be subsequently amended by approval of the Planning Commission and City Governing Body. It is strongly recommended that the zoned area be under development control of a single person, association, partnership, or corporation at the time of application for a preliminary master site plan approval. (b) Design Controls. Overall unity of site design shall be accomplished through: (1) Architectural harmony of buildings and structures; and (2) Design integration of the common open space system and storm drainage system. 19-35-7. Site Coverage. Coverage regulates the area of the site that may be covered by the building. Covered walkways, roof structure overhangs, and other solar protection or aesthetic structural elements shall not be included in building coverage calculations. These guidelines also help protect area dedicated to landscape and parking. (a) Building and landscape ratios shall be complied with as follows: (1) Ground Floor and Parking Ratio. All combined gross ground floor areas of buildings or structures and parking areas for a lot shall not occupy more than sixty percent (60%) of the total area of the lot. (2) Landscaped Open Space. Not less than forty percent (40%) of the total area of the lot shall be landscaped open space. (b) When covered parking structures are provided, such structures shall cover no more than twenty percent (20%)of the ground plane. (c) The maximum height of any given building or structure shall be three (3) stories above the ground level, except as may be provided for in Section 19-35-9 of this Chapter. (d) More than one building may be placed on each lot. (e) The minimum size of any phase developed within the OP Zone shall be four (4) acres. (f) The minimum size of any lot within any phase developed shall be two (2) acres. 19-35-8. Building Setbacks. It shall be within the authority of the Planning Commission to determine, for any development in this zone, which property line or lines shall be considered as side or as rear lines for the purpose of administering this Chapter. (a) No building shall be closer to a public street right-of-way than eighty feet (80’) unless all parking is provided in the rear of the building, in which case it may be no closer than fifty feet (50’). (b) The public street right-of-way line shall be considered the front property line of a lot. Where a lot is bordered on two or more sides by a public street right-of-way, all such sides shall be considered as front property lines, and the area between the front property line and the building lines shall be known as the front setback area in all cases. Canopies, overhangs, and similar coverings may project into the front setback area, as much as ten feet (10’), if approved by the Planning Commission. (c) Side setback areas shall be a minimum of twenty feet (20’) including canopies and overhangs except where a side property line abuts a residential zone, in which case the setback area shall be a minimum of one hundred feet (100’). (d) Rear setback areas shall be a minimum of ten feet (10’) except where a rear property line abuts a residential zone, in which case the rear setback area shall be a minimum of one hundred feet (100’). 19-35-9. Building Height. (a) No building shall be constructed to a height exceeding three (3) stories with a maximum of fifty-five feet (55’), unless pursuant to the issuance of a conditional use permit, and upon findings for good cause, the Planning Commission finds that a taller building would not adversely affect the character, view values, and peaceful enjoyment of surrounding properties in and outside the park. In no case shall any structure be permitted to exceed five (5) stories above the ground level. (b) The height requirements of this section shall apply to all Office Park (OP) developments, except that after review by the Planning Commission, the Commission may approve, disapprove, or approve with modifications the height on each proposed building or structure in the OP Zone. The decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Governing Body. (c) The City Planning Commission shall take into account the following criteria when a proposal for height adjustment is requested: (1) The geographical position of the building or structure and possible visual effects on existing structures on or off site; and (2) Potential problems on neighboring sites caused by shadows, loss of solar access, loss of air circulation, closing of views, or ridge line intrusion; and (3) The influence on the general vicinity including contact with existing buildings and structures, streets, traffic congestion and circulation, adjacent open space and adjacent residential developments; and (4) In no case will any increase in height be permitted when the effect of the height increase is to increase the allowable square footage over that which is, or would be, possible under normal zone standards. 19-35-10. Screening: Walls / Fences / Hedges. An opaque screen shall be installed and maintained along all zone boundaries, other than streets. The following are acceptable means of providing such screening: (a) Walls. A wall shall consist of concrete, stone, brick, tile, or similar type of solid masonry material a minimum of eight inches (8”) thick. All such walls must be landscaped with vegetation in front of the wall. (b) Berms. A berm shall be no less than twenty feet (20’) in width at the base facing any street or property. It shall be constructed of earthen material and it shall be landscaped. Grading of berms is further detailed in Section 19-35-18 of this Chapter. (c) No signs or sign supports shall be permitted on any required screening. (d) Notwithstanding the requirements listed above, where the finished elevation of the property is lower at the boundary line, or within five feet (5’) inside the boundary line, than an abutting property elevation, such change in elevation may be used in lieu of, or in combination with, additional screening to satisfy the screening requirements for this zone. (e) Since walls and hedges are a main visual feature in any development, regulations related to the placement, size and appearance of such structures must be enacted. The following standards shall apply to the installation of all fences, walls, hedges or other visual obstructions used for the purpose of screening, either around the perimeter of the development site or within the development site: (1) No wall, hedge or other visual obstruction in excess of six feet (6’) in height shall be allowed on any Office Park development site, unless along a zone boundary which abuts a residential zone, in which case the height shall be eight feet (8’). (2) When there is a difference in the ground level between two adjoining lots, the height of any fence, wall, or hedge constructed along the property line shall be determined by using the finished grade of the highest contiguous lot. (3) Only one (1) type of fence or wall design shall be permitted on any one (1) parcel or development. The design may include an appropriate mix of materials subject to the guidelines of these articles and approval by the City Planning Commission. (4) The use of chain link, barbed wire, wood, electrified fence, or razor wire fence in conjunction with any fence, wall, or hedge, or by itself is prohibited, unless required by any law or regulation of the State of Utah. (5) On a corner lot, no fence, wall, hedge, sign or other structure, shrubbery, mounds of earth, or other visual obstruction over thirty-six inches (36”) in height above the nearest street curb elevation shall be erected, placed, planted, or allowed to grow within a traffic safety sight area. (6) To protect safe sight distance for vehicular movement, sight obstructing fences, walls, or other obstructions shall not exceed thirty-six inches (36”) in height when located in a front setback. (7) All walls and fences constructed both around the perimeter of the development or within the site must be of a similar material and construction to the primary building. (8) Wall materials shall consist of masonry construction finished with a light colored stucco, or mortar washed brick. (9) If walls are finished in stucco, colors will be limited to earth tones. No bright or neon colors will be allowed. (10) Any hedges used as screening shall be consistent in appearance to the general landscape of the site. Such hedges may be geometric in shape, but shall be pruned and maintained so as to avoid unsightly appearance and to avoid vehicular sight hazards. (11) Perimeter buffer yards adjoining a residential zone boundary shall not be less than one hundred feet (100’) deep if screened with a decorative masonry wall, such yards shall be not less than one hundred feet (100’) deep with landscape berms at least six feet (6’) in height. 19-35-11. Parking. Except as may be provided elsewhere in this Chapter, there shall be provided at the time of erection of any building, or at the time any main building is enlarged or increased in capacity, minimum off-street parking space with adequate provisions for ingress and egress by standard-sized automobiles. If any land, structure or use is changed from one use to another which requires more off-street parking spaces, there shall be provided such additional off-street parking for the new use as is required by this Chapter. All parking structures and facilities shall be on the first floor of the building or terraced, except for the front side of the building or structure may have a row of non-terraced parking on the ground level of the building at the main entrance of the building, with said ground level parking being hidden or screened from view from any City street. (a) Parking Lot Characteristics. Each parcel of land developed for off-street parking in response to the requirements of this Chapter shall provide the following characteristics: (1) Surfacing. Surfacing shall be hard surfaced and maintained in good condition and kept clear and in an unobstructed and usable condition at all times during business hours. Responsibility for maintenance of the lot shall rest with the property owner. The lot shall provide adequate access to a street or alley. (2) Grading. Parking lots shall be graded for proper drainage with surface water diverted in such a way as to keep the parking area free of accumulated water or ice. All surface drainage shall be detained within development site and approved by City Engineer. (3) Lighting. Lots shall be properly illuminated, with luminaries arranged so as to baffle and direct light away from any adjoining residential buildings. Lighting details are specified in Section 19-35-16 of this Chapter. (4) Size of Spaces. Each parking space shall be a minimum of nine feet (9’) wide by eighteen feet (18’) long. (5) Handicapped Parking. All structures which are regulated by the provisions of the Uniform Building Code shall have adaptations which assist access by handicapped persons and shall, in addition, provide off-street parking for handicapped persons as required by applicable State or Federal regulations. (b) Specific Requirements for Each Land Use. Minimum required off-street parking shall be provided for each use as listed below. Requirements calculated on square footage of Office Park (OP) space shall be based upon floor area devoted to the principal use and shall not include area devoted to storage, rest rooms, or maintenance areas. Parking for uses not specifically listed below shall be provided in the same ratio as the use most nearly approximating the characteristics of the unlisted use, as determined by the Planning Commission. Parking shall be provided as follows, with spaces based upon one or a combination of uses listed: (1) Parking stalls for all uses shall be 4.5 per 1,000 square feet of building space. (2) Increase of the minimum may be required by the Planning Commission or City Governing Body if there is an exceptional need for said increased parking. (3) In cases where more parking is appropriate, the Planning Commission may increase requirements based upon actual usage by employees and customers. (4) In cases where the category into which a use should be placed is unclear, or a use does not conform to any of the above categories, or the use is allowed under a Conditional Use Permit, the Planning Commission shall determine the appropriate category or establish a parking ratio. (5) In cases where uses occupying the same structure or within two-hundred and fifty feet (250’) of one another on the same lot or adjacent lots under the same ownership are uses where parking demand times do not normally or significantly overlap, shared parking may be permitted by the Planning Commission. At the time of site plan review for each development phase, a precise parking plan shall be submitted showing all parking spaces, the overall circulation system, an analysis of the parking demand for the specific land uses proposed, and other justification as necessary for requesting reductions in parking space requirements. (6) No on-street parking shall be permitted in the Office Park (OP) Zone. No parking shall be permitted in the minimal front, side or rear setback areas except: (i) Where a side or rear setback area abuts a residential zone, parking may be permitted to within seventy-five feet (75’) of the zone line, if in the determination of the Planning Commission the parking will be necessary only during the normal daytime weekday working hours. (ii) Where parking within the front or side setback areas is adequately separated from public rights-of-way with continuous landscaping at least twenty feet (20’) wide, less areas for curb inlets and drive entrances. (7) Required off-street parking shall be provided on the site of the use served, or on an alternate site within the same zone. Where parking is provided on other than the site concerned, a recorded document shall be filed with the Planning Commission and signed by the owners of the alternate site, stipulating to the permanent reservation of use of the site for said parking. The parking setback restrictions set forth above shall also apply to contiguous or alternate parking sites. (8) Parking facilities need not be located in one consolidated area of a particular site, but may be separated by landscaping or building elements. (c) Commercial Vehicle Parking. (1) Vehicles that display any form of advertising of a commercial enterprise, including names, phone numbers, logos or associated artwork, are prohibited from parking in street rightsof-way or private parking lots within public view (visible from a public roadway). (2) Parking for commercial vehicles is limited to properly screened loading areas and other approved off-street parking that is properly screened from public view. (3) Commercial vehicles include, but are not limited to, cars, trucks, vans, trailers, fork lifts, and motorized cycles. (d) Landscaping of Parking Areas. (1) Where possible, siting of parking areas lower than adjacent roadways and continuing streetscape grading, berms, hedges, and other landscape treatment into parking areas is encouraged, with intent to reduce their visual impact and to screen the parking from the adjacent roadway. All parking areas adjacent to roadways shall require a landscaped berm of width and height specified in Section 19-35-10 of this Chapter. (2) A ten foot (10’) wide landscape strip may be required between every double loaded row of parking. Planting islands shall be provided throughout the lot at the ends of parking rows. These strips and islands are to be planted with shade trees, low shrubs, and ground cover. Landscaping shall be used to define circulation routes and separate traffic on site for safety as well aesthetic purpose. (3) Protection to landscaping shall be provided. (4) Screening of Parking Areas. A landscaped berm at least five feet (5’) high (maximum slope of 1:2.5), or massed plants of sufficient height shall be utilized to screen and buffer parking and loading areas from adjoining access streets and lots. (e) Other Considerations. (1) Circulation within the parking areas shall provide for free flow of vehicular traffic. The on-site parking and traffic circulation plan shall be a part of the traffic impact analysis required as a part of the preliminary site plan review required by Section 19-35-28 of this Chapter. (2) Bicycle parking areas with suitable racks shall be provided in convenient locations. (3) The park covenants, conditions, and restrictions may include policies for a traffic and parking management plan aimed at encouraging the use of public transportation and car pooling among the park entity employees. (4) Any structured parking above the finished ground elevation shall have the same setback requirements as outlined for buildings, and shall be architecturally integrated through use of the same or similar materials, colors, rhythm, landscaping, etc. 19-35-12. Loading. The following articles apply to the loading and/or unloading of materials in a Office Park zone: (a) All loading and unloading operations shall be performed on the site. Off-street berths shall be provided in addition to required off-street parking and shall not be located within driveways. (b) Each loading berth shall not be less than twelve feet (12’) wide, twenty-five feet (25’) long and if enclosed and/or covered, fourteen feet (14’) high. Adequate turning and maneuvering space to be provided within the lot lines. (c) Such loading areas shall be located away from the public street to which the use is oriented. (d) Loading areas should be screened from all public streets. This shall be accomplished through careful site planning, and the use of screen walls and landscaping. (e) In no event shall a loading dock be closer than seventy-five feet (75’) from a property line fronting upon a street. (f) Loading berths may be required as follows: (1) Office Park and service uses with over ten thousand (10,000) square feet floor area to be determined by the City Council upon recommendation of the Planning Commission. (2) The hours of loading and unloading, including trash removal, for any business that uses building entrances that face an adjacent residential zone shall be restricted to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. 19-35-13. Driveway and Curb Openings. (a) Unobstructed and direct driveways of sufficient width to safely accommodate projected 20 year turning volumes as determined by the Traffic Impact Analysis required by Section 19-35-26 shall be provided. Loading driveways may coincide with driveways to parking facilities. (b) In establishing permissible curb openings and sidewalk driveway crossings for access to private property, they shall not be authorized where they are unnecessary or where they would reasonably interfere with the movement of vehicular traffic, with public improvements, or with the rights of the public in the adjacent street or alley, and in no case shall any curb opening be of greater length than necessary for reasonable access to the property to be served thereby. In determining the length of curb openings and spacing of driveways, the end transitions in each case will be considered a part of the length of the curb opening. (c) Unless otherwise specified by this ordinance, design and location of access drives shall comply with "Guidelines for Driveway Location and Design", a Recommended Practice of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1987, or as revised. (d) The following standards shall apply in determining the size of curb openings and location of driveways: (1) Access shall be by not more than one (1) driveway opening for each two-hundred feet (200’) or fraction thereof of frontage on any interior street constructed within the OP zone. (2) Driveway openings shall be offset a minimum of three hundred and fifty feet (350’) from the centerline of major arterial at intersections, but in no case shall they be located within the operational area of the intersection (which includes turning lanes with associated tapers) as defined in the "Guidelines" referred to above. (3) In order to minimize the number of access points from adjacent interior streets, driveway openings and driveways shall be shared at property lines between parcels whenever possible. (4) Driveway design shall incorporate reservoir space or “throat area” at entrances to provide sufficient queue storage for exiting vehicles and adequate deceleration distance for entering vehicles, as well as separating conflict points on site. (5) Where the construction of more than one curb opening is required, a concrete safety curb between driveway openings, along and inside the property line, shall be provided when the property located between two driveways is used for the purpose of movement, storage, or parking vehicles. (6) No driveway opening will be approved which results in vehicles encroaching on any portion of the street right-of-way for loading, standing, or unloading. (7) Driveway openings must serve only legal off-street parking spaces or loading zones. (8) Curb openings shall be entirely within the extension of the side property lines extended perpendicular to the street center line. (9) Driveway openings and driveways shall be paved and shall provide for adequate storm drainage. (10) Curb returns for driveway approaches shall be of the radius type and be provided with wheelchair ramps and shall meet all applicable State and Federal regulations pertaining to access for the handicapped. (11) Any unused or abandoned driveway openings or portion thereof shall be restored to the original curb section at the expense of the abutting property owner. Upon refusal or neglect of the owner or agent to restore the curb and gutter to their original section, the City shall proceed to do such work, and all expenditures so incurred shall be charged against the owner or agent. (12) Improvements within the public right-of-way shall be designed and constructed in conformance with the applicable specifications. All driveway geometries shall be selected to provide for passage of the American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design vehicle deemed to be appropriate to the development. As a minimum, this shall be an AASHTO single unit truck. (13) No object shall be so situated as to interfere with the required sight distance at intersections, on or off site, including driveway openings, and intersecting driveways, as set forth in the AASHTO “Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets,” latest edition, hereinafter referred to as the AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design. (14) Circulation roadways shall also conform to the requirements of the Uniform Fire Code with regard to providing emergency vehicle access. (15) Street cuts on or along dedicated City Streets for driveways or any other purpose are strictly prohibited in the OP Zone. 19-35-14. Landscaping. The following guidelines for landscaping shall apply to all developments within the Office Park (OP) Zone. All landscaping shall be installed and maintained in conformance with a landscape plan which has been approved by the Planning Commission and City Governing Body. The following minimum standards have been established to ensure quality and consistent development throughout the Park. (a) At the time of preliminary project plan submittal to the Planning Commission, an overall landscape plan shall also be submitted showing typical landscaping (including type, size, number and location of plant materials) for the following areas: park entrances, perimeter buffers, open space easements and common areas, and streetscape landscaping. Detailed landscape plans for individual lots shall be submitted at the time of project plan approval for individual buildings. Landscape improvements for common open space features shall be developed at each phase of the project. A minimum of forty percent (40%) of the park and individual lots shall be maintained in landscaped open space. (b) Internal circulation roads shall be landscaped with street trees and streetside planters. A minimum twenty foot (20’) width shall be landscaped adjoining the right-of-way of any such street or road. The streetscape planting shall be consistent throughout the park to provide a unifying landscape theme. Details for these areas shall be submitted with the overall landscape plan at the time of plan approval. (c) Existing significant tree stands, natural vegetation, and wildlife habitat shall be integrated into the site landscape plan to the maximum extent possible. Preliminary plans shall identify all trees five inch (5”) caliper or larger. No existing trees or natural vegetation shall be removed prior to approval of the development plans. Removal of any existing trees or natural vegetation prior to approval of the development plan may result in a requirement that the same be restored or repaired by trees or vegetation of equal size and maturity as a condition precedent to issuance of a building permit by the City. (d) Perimeter street trees, and large mature trees shall be planted along perimeter access street frontages. (1) These trees shall be three-inch to five-inch (3” to 5”) caliper trees, planted at least ten feet (10’) from the sidewalk. The City must pre-approve the planting locations of the trees. (2) Possible species include: Shademaster Honey Locust, Sunburst Honey Locust, Little Leaf Linden, or Norway Maple planted thirty-five feet (35’) on center. The City must preapprove each tree that will be planted. (e) In order to maintain the park-like atmosphere intended for an Office Park, thirty (30) trees to the acre shall be used as a minimum standard in developing the planting plans. (1) Tree size. One-third (1/3) of the deciduous trees shall be 3” caliper or greater, one-third (1/3) of the deciduous trees shall be 2.1” to 2.5” caliper, and one-third (1/3) of the deciduous trees shall be 1.5” to 2” caliper. (2) No deciduous trees less than 1.5” caliper will be accepted, nor will evergreen trees less than six feet (6’) in height be accepted. No bare root stock will be accepted. (3) The following mix of shrub sizes shall be used to insure a quality landscape: seventy percent (70%) of the shrubs planted shall be at least five (5) gallon size stock. Thirty percent (30%) of the shrubs planted shall be at least one (1) gallon size stock. (f) Landscaping shall enhance the overall visual appearance of the development. (g) A fully comprehensive landscaping plan shall include, but not be limited to: (1) list of plants; and (2) size; and (3) location; and (4) irrigation plan; and (5) hardscape. (h) The City requires that landscaping plans be certified by a registered landscape architect. (i) When inorganic ground cover is used, it shall be in combination with live plants. (j) All plants shall be serviced by an acceptable automatic irrigation or sprinkler system and maintained in a healthful living condition. Dead plant materials shall be replaced as necessary in the first year of planting in accordance with the approved landscaping plan. (k) All required landscaping shall be properly installed, irrigated, and maintained or adequate bonding shall be posted prior to use inauguration or occupancy. (l) Maintenance of approved landscaping shall consist of regular watering, pruning, fertilizing, clearing of debris and weeds, the removal and replacement of dead plants in accordance with the approved landscape plan. Repair and replacement of irrigation systems and integrated architectural features shall be completed as needed, so that landscaping is properly maintained. (m) Front setback area landscaping shall consist of an effective combination of street trees, trees, ground cover, and shrubbery at least twenty feet (20’) wide continuously along all public rights-ofway less area for drive entrances. (n) Other setback areas between the side and rear property lines and a point ten feet (10’) in back thereof shall be landscaped, except for any access driveway in said area. (o) Landscaping at intersections along all streets and boundaries shall be limited to a height of not more than three feet (3’) within the area required for minimum sight distance as specified in the AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design for the following intersections: (1) A vehicular traffic way or driveway and a street; (2) A vehicular traffic way or driveway and a sidewalk; (3) Two or more vehicular traffic ways, driveways, or streets. (p) All unpaved non-parking areas, not utilized for parking and storage, shall be landscaped utilizing ground cover shrub and tree materials, and/or dry landscaped materials. (q) Landscaping in parking areas shall be separated from the parking area by wall or curb at least six inches (6”) higher than the parking area. (r) In all cases of Office Park (OP) development, the total landscaping shall occupy no less than forty percent (40%) of the total land area under development. (s) Existing trees and vegetation on the site shall be included in the landscape plan and may by considered toward the forty percent (40%) total landscape requirement. (t) A perimeter landscape strip at least twenty feet (20’) wide shall be placed around all buildings. (u) A limited amount of xeriscape landscaping is encouraged to provide an orderly visual transition to the natural habitat. Plans for such shall be presented to the Planning Commission for approval along with the master landscape plan. 19-35-15. Hardscape. (a) Hardscape should be used in coordination with architecture and landscaping to provide a link between the street edge and individual developments. Attention to hardscape details can create visual unity by relating different developments to a unifying theme. In addition, proper hardscaping can improve pedestrian safety and movement, and the visual enjoyment of public areas. (b) Hardscape can include such items as benches, sculptures, water fountains, enriched paving treatments, cobblestone walkways, etc. A detailed plan of hardscape design shall accompany landscape plans and shall be subject to review by the City Planning Commission to determine continuity with overall development plan and harmony with the development of surrounding properties. 19-35-16. Substructures, Storage / Refuse Collections, Flags and Flag Poles, Etc. (a) The following articles shall relate to the screening and location of storage and refuse collection areas: (1) All outdoor storage including vehicle storage shall be visually screened from access streets, freeways, and adjacent property. Said screening shall form a complete opaque screen six feet (6’) in vertical height. (2) No storage shall be permitted between a street and the building line. Furthermore, no outdoor storage shall be located within one hundred feet (100’) of any residential use. (3) All outdoor refuse collection areas shall be visually screened from access streets and adjacent property by a complete opaque screen. Property owner(s) and/or manager(s) in an Office Park Zone shall be responsible for the abatement, clean-up and removal of all garbage or refuse thrown, placed, or blown on surrounding property or streets or rights-of-way. Every effort shall be made by said owner and/or manager to avoid the spread of such refuse or garbage to the surrounding area. Violations of this section will be prosecuted pursuant to the City’s Nuisance Ordinance. (4) No refuse collection areas shall be permitted between a frontage street and the building line. No refuse collection area shall be located within one hundred feet (100’) of any residential use. (5) Refuse removal, trash collection, and lot sweeping shall occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. (6) Free-standing flagpoles may not exceed forty feet (40’) and the flag shall be a standard size outdoor flag. (b) Storage. (1) All substructures erected for the purpose of screening storage areas shall be accomplished with materials and architecture which are compatible with that of the primary building structure. (2) There shall be no visible storage of motor vehicles, trailers, airplanes, boats, or their composite parts; loose rubbish, garbage, junk, or their receptacles; tents, or building materials. (3) Building materials for use in the same premises may be stored on the parcel during the time that a valid building permit is in effect for construction. (c) Refuse. (1) Every parcel with a building or structure shall have a trash receptacle on the premises. The trash receptacle shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the trash generated. (2) The refuse collection area shall be located upon the lot so as to provide clear and convenient access to refuse collection vehicles. (3) The receptacle shall be screened from public view on at least three (3) sides by a solid wall six feet (6’) in height and on the fourth side by a solid gate not less than five feet (5’) in height. The gate shall be maintained in working order and shall remain closed except when in use. The wall and gate shall be architecturally compatible with the surrounding buildings and structures. (4) Freestanding refuse containers in retail or public areas which are intended for public use shall be constructed of cast concrete, ceramic or wrought iron, with an inset for a trash can and shall be constructed so as not to allow dispersal of the container or trash by the strong winds common to the area. The containers shall be natural in color and/or of a design commensurate with surrounding architectural themes. 19-35-17. Signs / Sign Illumination. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to: (1) Maintain and enhance the City's appearance by regulating the design, character, location, size, color, illumination and maintenance of signs in an Office Park (OP) Zone; and, (2) Minimize the possible adverse effects of signs on nearby public and private property. (b) General Regulations. The following articles shall serve as guidelines for any sign erected in the Office Park Zone. (1) All signage shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the standards contained herein and with the standards included in the park’s private covenants, conditions and restrictions. The owners of the park shall submit a signage plan to the Planning Commission and City Governing Body for approval prior to installation of any signs. (2) All signs shall be constructed, mounted or attached in a safe and secure manner. (3) Only The following types of signs shall be permitted: (i) Identification signs. Only one (1) sign displaying the name and address may be installed at each entrance to the park. Such signs shall not exceed sixtyfour (64) square feet in sign copy area, although the monument may be larger. Such signs shall be set back from street right-of-way lines at least twenty-five feet (25’). This is to be a monument sign on footings and foundation, and shall be an integrated architectural feature of the Park. Pole mounted signs shall not be permitted. Back lighting or spot lighting of the sign face is permissible. (ii) Monument signs. Only one (1) free standing monument identification sign shall be permitted per lot frontage on interior streets. Such signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area. Their maximum height above street grade shall not exceed five feet (5’). Such signs shall be set back from street right-of-way lines at least twenty-five feet (25’). (iii) Building Wall Signs. Only one (1) building identification sign shall be permitted for each building and shall be installed below the roof line. Such signs shall not exceed forty-eight (48) square feet in total area as measured by a rectangle around the outside of the lettering and/or the pictorial symbol and calculating the area enclosed by such a line. The sign shall not project more than twelve inches (12”) from the face of the building. Painted wall signs shall not be permitted. Only back-lit electronic signs shall be permitted. (iv) Real Estate Signs shall be in compliance with the Riverdale City Sign Ordinance (v) Construction Project Signs shall be in compliance with the directives of the Riverdale City Building Inspector. (vi) Directional Signs may be erected for the purpose of facilitating or controlling the efficient or safe movement of pedestrians or vehicles on or into private property, and shall be located on the properties to which they pertain. No such sign shall exceed six (6) square feet in area and three feet (3’) in height. (4) All signs shall include wording and/or pictures that conform to high community standards. Lettering shall be sufficiently large to be read at posted maximum speeds so as not to cause a traffic hazard. (5) Signs shall not be allowed on any property in the Office Park (OP) Zone without a current Riverdale City sign permit. (6) Signs in a Office Park Zone are prohibited except as outlined in this Chapter and which have been specifically approved by the Planning Commission. (7) No flag flying from a flag pole shall be used as an identifying sign or business advertisement. (8) Size. Window sign(s) shall not be placed in or upon any window of any structure in the Office Park Zone that obscures more than five percent (5%) of the total transparent area of any window. (9) Sign Lighting. (i) Lighting of a wall mounted business identification sign is allowed only from the rear of the sign. (ii) The brightness shall not exceed a reasonable level, to be determined by the City Planning Commission. (10) Relationship to Buildings: Signs shall be compatible with the predominant visual elements of the building, including but not limited to construction materials, color or other design features. Signs in the Office Park Zone, offices, and other similar facilities shall be part of a sign program and shall provide a compatible visual design common in theme to all applicable buildings and uses. (11) Relationship to Other Signs. Where there is more than one (1) sign, all signs shall be complementary to each other in the following ways: (i) Type of construction materials; and (ii) Letter size, color and style of copy; and (iii) Method used for supporting sign (wall or ground base); and (iv) Shape of signs and related components; and (v) Method of illumination. (12) Landscaping. Each monument sign shall be located within a planted landscaped area which is of a shape and design that will provide a compatible setting and ground definition to the sign, incorporating the following ratio of landscape area to total sign area: four (4) square feet of landscaped area for each square foot of sign area (one side only). (13) Relationship to Streets. Signs shall be designed to provide an unobstructed clear view of the public right-ofway to any pedestrian, bicyclist, or motor vehicle driver. Signs shall not interfere with the intersection sight distance requirements of the Riverdale City Ordinances. (14) Any permitted tower, monopole, or antenna shall conform with Chapter 31a of this Title. 19-35-18. Lighting. The following articles shall relate to guidelines for exterior lighting of all Office Park development. These articles relate to parking lighting, sign lighting, architectural lighting, safety lighting, and landscape lighting. (a) Lighting shall be stationary. No lighting shall blink, flash, or be of unusually high intensity or brightness. (b) Lighting shall be directed away from all adjacent properties and public streets and rights-of-way. (c) Lighting shall be shielded or recessed so that direct glare and reflections are contained within the boundaries of the parcel. (d) Parking light standards shall not exceed thirty feet (30’) in height or the height of the primary building, whichever is less. (e) Street lighting and parking lot lighting contribute to the safety and security of each development, improving night visibility. Unique lighting fixtures may provide easy identification of entrance and exit ways for motorists. Such lighting shall be encouraged, however, lighting potentially visible from adjacent properties shall be subdued and shall not interfere with vehicular traffic. (f) Use of mercury vapor or exposed fluorescent lights is discouraged. Energy efficient warm, white lighting, such as high pressure sodium or quartz halogen, is encouraged. (g) Automatic timers on lighting shall be encouraged. Well designed systems can maximize personal safety during nighttime use while saving energy. (h) Lighting may be used to enhance landscaping and reinforce architecture, with dramatic up lighting or wall shadow effects with plant materials encouraged. (i) Parking lot light fixtures shall be consistent in styling with the design theme proposed for that development. (j) Service area lighting shall be contained within service yard boundaries, with light sources concealed. (k) Lighting shall not cast any glare onto adjacent lots and streets in such a manner as to decrease the safety of pedestrian and vehicular movement. (l) Building illumination and architectural lighting shall be creative and must reinforce the design theme. Indirect wall lighting or "wall washing," overhead down lighting, or interior illumination which spills outside is encouraged. (m) Architectural lighting is encouraged to articulate the particular building design. Rim lighting of eaves, bending, up lighting, and other effects shall be used in harmony with design theme. (n) Architectural lighting shall be integrated with building elements and concealed flush with grade wherever possible so that it is not visually apparent during the daytime. 19-35-19. Projections. The following list represents the only projections/construction that shall be permitted within the required setback areas: (a) Front Setback. Roof overhangs. (b) Rear / Side Setbacks. Roof overhangs, and any projection / substructure which is determined by the Planning Commission to substantially contribute to public safety. 19-35-20. Grading. The following guidelines shall apply to grading of Office Park Zoned properties: (a) Grading shall conform to natural topography as much as possible and result in a harmonious transition of the man-made grades with the natural terrain. (b) Man-made land forms shall be graded to avoid unnatural sharp or straight edges and planes. The top and toe of graded slopes shall be rounded to avoid a harsh machine-made appearance. (c) Parking lots shall be graded for proper drainage with surface water diverted in such a way as to keep the parking area free of accumulated water, snow, or ice. All surface drainage shall be contained within development site and approved by City Engineer. (d) Parking lots shall have minimum and maximum percent grades as set forth by the City Engineer. (e) Berms are to be graded in gentle, undulating naturalistic forms. No straight, steep or erodible slopes are permitted. Provisions are to be made for drainage around or through berms as necessary. Generally, a berm height of thirty-six inches (36”) from top of adjacent curb is the maximum desired. 19-35-21. Utilities / Equipment. The following articles shall relate to the installment, location and screening of utilities and other exterior equipment: (a) All utilities, including drainage systems, sewer, gas and water lines, electrical, telephone and communications wires, and related equipment, irrigation ditches and/or pipes, shall, where possible, be installed and maintained underground. (b) No mechanical equipment (including, but not limited to, components of plumbing, processing, heating, cooling, and ventilating systems) shall be visible on site or from adjacent property. (c) No exterior components of such mechanical equipment (e.g. piping, stacks and duct work, fans, compressors, antenna and satellite dishes) shall be mounted on any building wall unless they are an integrated architectural design feature. Any such components shall only be permitted with the written approval of the City Planning Commission. (d) Roof mounted mechanical equipment, antenna and satellite dishes shall be hidden from view by building parapets of equal height. (e) If building parapets do not provide adequate screening of mechanical equipment from the upper floors, screening shall be installed as an integral part of the overall architectural design, and painted such a color as to allow its blending with its visual background. (f) Equipment and mechanical devices shall not be located in any required setback area or side yard except for electrical or telephone equipment installed by the utility companies. Screening shall be provided so that equipment located in the area is screened from view from all adjacent streets and properties. Such screening shall be accomplished with materials and designs that are compatible with the architectural character of the building. (g) Electric transformers, utility pads, cable television and telephone boxes shall be located out of public rights-of-way and underground or screened with walls, fences or vegetation or otherwise enclosed in a manner harmonious with the overall architectural theme. (h) Each licensed business will provide public rest rooms of sufficient size to service potential customers including men and women. The rest rooms shall be designed in accordance with the Uniform Building Code to accommodate handicapped persons. 19-35-22. Roof Design. The following articles shall apply to roof structure and design in any Office Park development: (a) The following roofing materials are prohibited, either because of their appearance, or because they are not likely to perform satisfactorily in the climate of Riverdale City: (1) Untreated aluminum or metal (except that copper may be used); (2) Reflective materials; (3) Brightly colored roofing materials such as bright red, blue, yellow, neon colors, or similar colors that are highly visible; (4) Windows, roofs, and lights shall not conflict with overhead aircraft operations. (b) Skylights and solar panels shall be designed to fit flush with the roof’s surface, or up to a maximum of two feet (2’) above the roof's surface. No reflective materials may be used unless thoroughly shielded to prevent reflection into nearby properties. 19-35-23. Nuisances. (a) Property in an Office Park (OP) Zone shall not be used in such a manner as to create a nuisance to any adjacent sites, such as, but not limited to, vibration, sound, electromechanical disturbance and radiation, electromagnetic disturbance, air or water pollution, dust, emission of odorous, toxic, or noxious matter, or placement, dumping or blowing refuse, paper or other garbage. (b) Noise Attenuation. All Office Park Zones shall be subject to the following noise limitations: (1) Noise from external sources may not exceed 65 d.b.a. during daylight operations. (2) Noise from external sources may not exceed 45 d.b.a. during nighttime operations. (3) Office Park developments shall incorporate site planning techniques in order to reduce resident exposure to noise, and shall, if deemed needed by the Planning Commission, provide adequate sound attenuation walls in conformance with the standards set forth in these articles. (4) Outside speakers, pagers, and sound systems of any kind or nature whatsoever are strictly prohibited in the Office Park Zone. (5) All noise levels shall be measured at the source of the noise. 19-35-24. Change of Use. Any person who desires to occupy vacant floor space, or to change the use of floor space, is required to first obtain a certificate of occupancy from the City. Any person constructing or altering a building in the Office Park (OP) zone shall first obtain a building permit from the City for such construction or alteration, and then shall obtain a certificate of occupancy from the City before the building being constructed or altered is occupied. 19-35-25.1. Riparian Environment. All buildings and structures located in any OP zone established south of Riverdale Road shall be positioned, separated, and constructed in such a manner as to allow for view of and protection of the riparian environment and the Weber River channel. Setbacks shall be required that protect and preserve the riparian environment of the Weber River. (a) All new developments shall be located and designed to promote flood protection, fish & wildlife protection, recreation, and protection of the riparian environment of the Weber River. (b) The riparian environment of the Weber River shall begin at and include the area of the high water mark of the Weber River bank and extend inland fifty feet (50’) from said mark. The riparian environment shall be used for wetlands preservation, wildlife habitat, natural habitat, and integration into an urban trail system. The riparian setbacks land and water area are land strips of rooted vegetation (trees, grasses & shrubs) used for protection of banks and/or wildlife habitat and shall be maintained where in existence or where created where none existed. 19-35-25.2. Weber River Parkway. The Weber River Parkway is the 100 Year Flood Plain boundary as modified and identified by the City’s Land Use Master Plan and such is established as the Weber River Parkway, and that it be used for potential wetlands preservation, flood plain control, natural habitat preservation, and parkway preservation for the urban trails system. The Weber River Parkway could serve as the spine for the Urban Trail System. Riparian setback lands shall be protected as follows: (a) Screening Requirements. Parking areas located between the structure and the Weber River shall be screened from view from the Weber River Parkway and the Weber River. (b) Minimum Setbacks. The Weber River Parkway setback shall be the modified FEMA FIRM flood plain map as adopted in the City General Plan and as established by the City Engineer as evidenced by an official map to be maintained at the City Building and Zoning office for public inspection and scale measurement during normal business hours. Should the aforementioned flood plain line be less than one hundred feet (100’) from the high water mark of the river bank, then said setback shall be no less than one hundred feet (100’) from the said high water mark. The setback shall be the greater of the flood plain line or the one hundred feet (100’). 19-35-26. Architectural Design. Prior to the issuance of building permits for any permitted or conditional use within the Office Park Zone, the Planning Commission shall review the proposed development plans to assure compliance with the architectural design guidelines provided in this and other chapters of Title 19. (a) Overall Architectural Outline. (1) The proposed development shall be of a quality and character which is consistent with the community design goals and policies including but not limited to: scale, height, bulk, materials, cohesiveness, colors, roof pitch, roof eaves, and the preservation of privacy. (2) The design shall improve community appearance by avoiding excessive variety and monotonous repetition. (3) Proposed signage and landscaping shall be an integral architectural feature which does not overwhelm or dominate the structure or property. (4) Lighting shall be stationary and deflected away from all adjacent properties and public streets and rights-of-way. (5) Mechanical equipment, storage, trash areas, and utilities shall be architecturally screened from public view. (6) With the intent of protecting sensitive land uses, any proposed design shall promote a harmonious and compatible transition in terms of scale and character between areas of different land uses. (7) All building elevations shall be architecturally treated. (8) Parking structures shall be architecturally compatible with the primary structure. (9) Both sides of all perimeter walls or fences shall be architecturally treated. (10) The rest rooms shall be designed in accordance with the Uniform Building Code to accommodate handicapped persons. (b) Architectural Guidelines. The following architectural design guidelines apply to all permitted and conditional uses in the Office Park Zone: (1) Colors shall be limited to soft shades and/or earth tones. No bright or neon colors shall be allowed on exterior of buildings or structures. (2) Glass exteriors of buildings shall be allowed as long as they are in keeping with the overall professional appearance of the Office Park. 19-35-27. Submittal Requirements. All buildings and structures proposed for development under this Chapter shall be subject to a site plan review process as adopted by the City. There shall be submitted to the Planning Commission a master plan for the development of the entire zone and for the development of each lot for the purposes of meeting the requirements set forth in this chapter. Said plan shall be accompanied by information concerning the number of persons to be employed, the effects on surrounding property, and other physical conditions, including the effect of the project on adjacent streets and shall include the following: (a) A site plan showing lot lines and defining the area to be occupied by buildings, the areas and configurations to be used for parking, the location of roads, driveways, signs, and walks, the spaces for loading, and the character and extent of landscaping, planting and other treatment for adjustment to surrounding property. (b) Enough information on land areas adjacent to the proposed development to indicate adjacent land uses, zoning classifications, circulation systems, public facilities, and unique natural features of the landscape. (c) Elevations and/or architectural renderings of building facades facing public rights-of-way and zone boundaries where the premises abut areas zoned for residential uses, said elevations or renderings being sufficiently complete to show building heights and roof lines, the location and height of any walls, signs, and light standards, openings in the facade, and the general architectural character of the building. (d) Any additional information as required by the Planning Commission to evaluate the character and impact of the proposed development. (e) Additional requirements associated with a Conditional Use Permit application, see General Provision Section. 19-35-28. (a) shall be receiving Development Approval Procedures. Application Presentations. Site plan or zoning applications presented in the following order with no two presentations approval on or at the same Planning Commission meeting. (1) Conceptual approval. A black and white master site plan is required. Said black and white master site plan shall include a layout of the entire development, building footprints, and black and white sketch drawings of landscape and hardscape. The conceptual master site plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission outlining the concept of the overall development. The Planning Commission shall forward the conceptual master site plan with recommendations to the Governing Body for its consideration. (2) Preliminary approval. This process is required for each phase of the development. A colorized preliminary phase overlay site plan shall be required and shall include the following: (i) A complete and accurate legal description of the real property which is the subject of the development. If the developer is not the property owner, he shall also provide written proof that he has sufficient legal claim on the property, each parcel therein, to proceed with development plans. Such proof may be in the form of options, deeds or contracts on which the developer shall be entitled to black out confidential information such as the amount of consideration paid or periodic payment amounts. (ii) Phase overlay property must be held in single ownership or control during development to provide for full supervision and control of said development, and to insure conformance with these provisions and all conditions imposed upon the preliminary and final development plans. Proof of individual ownership, partnerships, corporations, and development agreements approved by the City, shall satisfy these requirements. (iii) A preliminary subdivision plat, if the site is being divided, or a record of survey plat for condominium ownership. The size of each lot shall be noted on the subdivision plat. (iv) A preliminary utility plan showing the manner in which adequate sewage disposal and water are to be provided to the site, including the point from which said services are to be extended. (v) A preliminary grading and drainage plan including drainage detention basins. (vi) A preliminary landscaping plan showing typical landscaping (including type, size, number and location of plant materials) for the following areas: entrances to the development, perimeter buffers, open space easement and common areas, and streetscape landscaping. (vii) Parks, common open spaces and other public or private recreation facilities and improvements proposed within the development. (viii) Proposed circulation pattern including private driveways, public and private streets and pedestrian paths. (ix) A draft declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions. (x) Topographic maps of the entire site, including contour intervals no greater than two feet (2’). (xi) A traffic circulation study for both internal and external traffic flow associated with the phase overlay plan. (xii) A market study establishing demand in terms of floor space requirements and number of employees. (xiii) Any other special study deemed necessary by the Planning Commission to enable them to asses the merits of the request and its impacts on the community. (xiv) If applicable, a phasing plan including a construction timetable for all phases. (xv) Failure to submit phase overlay plans within two (2) years of the approval of the master conceptual plan shall be sufficient cause for the Planning Commission to initiate a review of the phase overlay plan, at the discretion of the Planning Commission, to consider action to reverse or modify prior approvals. (xvi) The Planning Commission may hold a public hearing on the proposed preliminary plan. (xvii) All preliminary approved plans shall run with the land. A new owner of the lot may apply to the Planning Commission for plan revision. However, revision application must establish to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission that the revision furthers the goals and objectives of the OP zone ordinance. (3) Final approval. Final phase overlay site plan approval shall be required, and shall reflect all items approved at the preliminary plan stage and shall be approved by the Planning Commission and City Governing Body before any plats are recorded or building permits are issued. (b) Hearing Procedure. Any person may appear in person, by agent or attorney at any meeting of the Planning Commission. The order of procedure in the hearing of each application shall be as follows: (1) Presentation by the planning staff of the application, including recommendation. Presentation shall include the reading of pertinent written comments or reports concerning the application. (2) Presentation by applicant or applicant’s agent. Presentation time may be limited by the Planning Commission prior to or during applicant’s presentation. (3) Witnesses in favor of application. (4) Witnesses against application (5) Rebuttals by invitation of the Chair. (c) Decisions. Decisions of the Planning Commission shall be final at the end of the meeting at which the matter was decided. The site plan then must be considered by the City Governing Body. Findings necessary to grant approval for the site plan are: (1) The proposed use and development of land conforms to the provisions of this chapter, and recommendations of the City Planner, Zoning Administrator and City Engineer. (2) The development is otherwise not detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare, or to adjacent property, or to the orderly development of the City. (3) Approval of a traffic impact analysis (TA) for the proposed development, to be completed by a competent transportation engineer at the developer's expense. Said TA shall, at a minimum, address the suitability of the proposed parking, street access, driveway, and on-site traffic circulation systems and the impact on the adjacent street system. (4) Demonstration that adverse impacts on neighboring residential properties have been reasonably mitigated. (5) Demonstration that adverse impacts on the environment have been reasonably mitigated. 19-35-29. Conditional Use Process. The following shall be the conditional use approval process to be used in determining whether or not a conditional use may be granted in the Office Park (OP) Zone: (a) Conditional Use Permit. A conditional use permit shall be required for all conditional uses provided for in this Chapter at 19-35-4 et seq. A conditional use permit may be revoked by the Governing Body after review and recommendation by the Planning Commission, upon failure to comply with the conditions imposed with the original approval of the permit. (b) Review procedure. (1) Application for a conditional use permit shall be made to the City Planning Official for staff review and subsequent recommendation to the Planning Commission. (2) Detailed location, site, and building plans shall accompany the completed application form(s) provided by the City. Following a review by City staff, the Planning Official may make recommendation to the applicant as may be appropriate. (3) The application, together with all pertinent information, may be considered by the Planning Commission within a reasonable period of time following the submission of the application to the City Planning Official. (4) The Planning Commission may call a specific hearing on any application after adequate notice if it is deemed in the public interest. A record of the hearing together with a recommendation for denial or approval of the conditional use permit with conditions of approval or reasons for denial shall be forwarded to the City Governing Body prior to the consideration of the application by the Governing Body. (5) The Planning Commission may deny or recommend approval of a conditional use to be located within the OP zone. In recommending approval of a conditional use, the Planning Commission shall impose such requirements and conditions necessary for the protection of adjacent properties and the public welfare. (6) The Planning Commission shall recommend approval of a conditional use permit when evidence is presented to establish: (i) That the proposed use of the particular location is necessary or desirable to provide a service or facility which will contribute to the general well-being of the community; and (ii) That such use will not, under the circumstances of the particular case and the conditions imposed, be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of persons nor injurious to property or improvements in the office park, but will be compatible with and complementary to the existing surrounding uses, buildings, and structures when considering traffic generation, parking, building design and location, landscaping and signs; and (iii) That the proposed use conforms to the goals, policies and conditions specified in this Chapter for such use; and (iv) That the proposed use conforms to the goals, policies and governing principles and land use of the General Plan for Riverdale City; and (v) That the proposed use will not lead to the deterioration of the environment, or ecology of the general area, nor will it produce conditions or emit pollutants of such a type or of such a quantity so as to detrimentally effect, to any appreciable degree, public or private property including the operation of existing uses thereon, in the immediate vicinity of the community or area as a whole. (7) A denial of the application by the Planning Commission may be appealed to the Governing Body by filing such written appeal within 10 days after the date of the notice of decision sent to the applicant. The Governing Body may uphold or reverse the decision of the Planning Commission and impose any additional conditions that it many deem necessary in granting an appeal. The decision of the Governing Body shall be final. (8) Upon receipt of the record of the Planning Commission’s recommendation, the Governing Body may reject, accept, or modify the Planning Commission’s recommendation. The decision of the Governing Body shall be final. (9) Upon receipt of final approval from the Governing Body for a conditional use permit, the developer shall take such permit to the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall insure that development is undertaken and completed in compliance with said permit and conditions pertaining thereto. (10) Unless there is substantial action taken under a conditional use permit within a period of one year of its issuance, as determined by the Planning Commission, the conditional use permit shall expire. The Planning Commission may grant a maximum extension of six (6) months under exceptional circumstances. 19-35-30. following Riverdale (a) Security - Site Improvements / Project Completion. The articles shall apply to all Office Park developments within City. Site Improvements. (1) Guarantee. To guarantee the construction, repair and/or replacement of required public improvements in each phase, the permittee shall post a guarantee either in the form of an escrow cash deposit or irrevocable letter of credit. The amount of the guarantee shall be the greater of One-Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or 125% of the reasonable construction or installation costs of each of the following that is applicable to the project: (i) Curb, gutter, and sidewalk; (ii) Storm drainage system; (iii) Asphalt paving; (iv) Fire hydrants; (v) Fencing; (vi) Landscaping and sprinkling systems; (vii) Water and sewer lines; (viii) Driveway approaches; (ix) Any other required improvements. (2) Calculation. In calculating the amount of the guarantee, the City Engineer may accept the amount specified in a construction bid as the reasonable cost of the improvements. (3) Damage. This site improvement guarantee shall also guarantee the repair or replacement of any public improvements damaged by the contractor or owner or their agents during construction. The City shall notify the owner and/or contractor of any such damage and shall require repair or replacement of the damaged public improvements within a reasonable time. Upon the failure of the owner or contractor to make the specified repairs, the City may take whatever legal action it deems appropriate, including foreclosure on the guarantee, to secure the repairs. (4) Guarantee Release. A guarantee shall not be released until all improvements are completed and accepted by the City and a final certificate of occupancy is issued. (b) Project Completion. (1) Security Required. In order to protect the City from the financial burdens resulting from damage to or increased maintenance cost for City facilities that may occur as a result of incomplete or inadequate site improvements on private construction projects, the City requires that developers either complete all site improvements prior to occupancy or inauguration of use, or, if that is not possible, that adequate financial security for that completion, together with a right of entry to the property to complete that work be granted to the City. (2) Construction According to Approved Plans. All construction shall be completed according to the approved plans on which the building permit was issued. The approved plans shall also include the site improvements shown on the site plan. Deviations from the approved plans must be approved in advance by the City Planning Commission. (3) Security for Completion. No certificate of occupancy will be issued unless the building and all required site improvements are completed, or the developer has provided adequate security to guarantee completion of the site improvements. When the site improvements and the building cannot be completed simultaneously due to weather conditions or other factors beyond the control of the developer (excluding financial inability to complete the project) the City may issue a certificate of occupancy or use inauguration for the project, provided the following conditions are met: (i) The building, buildings, or portions thereof, to be occupied have been constructed in accordance with the approved plans for those buildings and are in full compliance with applicable building and fire codes, and are completed to the extent that only exterior site improvement work remains unfinished; and (ii) The Building Inspector determines that occupancy of the buildings, or portions thereof, prior to completion of required site improvements, is safe and that access for emergency vehicles is adequate with the site improvements unfinished; and (iii) The developer posts adequate security for the benefit of the City to insure completion of the site improvements in full compliance with the approved plans within one year from the date of occupancy or inauguration of use. (4) Amount of Security. The amount of security to be posted by the developer shall be determined by the City Engineer, and shall be equal to 125% of the amount reasonably estimated by the Engineer as being necessary to complete remaining site improvements as shown on the approved plans. In the event that the developer disputes the cost estimate of the Engineer, the developer may prove a lower construction cost by providing binding contracts between the developer and contractor or subcontractor appropriate to perform the required work at a stated, fixed price. Bid proposals are not satisfactory for this purpose. If the contracts submitted are acceptable in form, the amount of security required shall be 125% of the total contract price of all such contracts submitted, plus 125% of the estimated reasonable cost of performing any work not covered by the contracts. Specifications in such contracts shall be sufficiently clear to identify the work called for under the contract. (5) Terms of Security. The terms of any security arrangement offered to the City shall state a date certain by which the developer agrees to have site improvement work completed in accordance with the plans, and further provide that, in the event that the developer has not completed required site improvement work by that date, the City may, at its option and on its schedule, draw on the funds escrowed, or credit established, or such other security device by its own act, and shall not be required to obtain consent of developer to withdraw funds for completion of the work shown on approved plans. The City's actual costs in administering the completion of work in the event of a default by the developer shall be reimbursed from the escrow or other security arrangements. (6) Form of Security. Security arrangements offered in lieu of simultaneous completion of buildings and site improvements shall be in one or more of the following forms: (i) An irrevocable letter of credit from a bank authorized to do business in the State of Utah, naming Riverdale City Corporation as the payee of funds drawn against that letter of credit and guaranteeing the availability of funds for one year; or (ii) A deposit of cash with a third party escrow acceptable to the City. (7) Payment of Interest. Any interest accruing on escrow funds shall, unless expended for completion of site improvements required, inure to the benefit of the developer upon release and the use of land, not to the City. (8) A development agreement shall be prepared between the City and the developer outlining the terms and conditions of the Site Plan approval. 19-35-31. Guarantees and Covenants. (a) Prior to or in conjunction with submission of a final development plan for the first building or first phase of any Office Park (OP) development, a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for said development shall be submitted to and be approved by the Riverdale City Planning Commission and shall be recorded with the County Recorder of Weber County. Said declaration shall contain guarantees for the perpetual maintenance of all common open spaces within the Office Park (OP) development, and shall assure compliance with the following standards to promote the health, safety, and general welfare and property value within the development and in the general area. (b) The following assurances and standards shall be included within the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions recorded in conjunction with any Office Park (OP) development: (1) The declaration shall include management policies for any common open spaces within the development setting forth the quantity of maintenance to be performed and what entity will be responsible for the perpetual maintenance of said space. These management policies, at a minimum, shall contain the following: (i) The establishment of an Association or Corporation responsible for all maintenance, which shall levy the cost thereof as an assessment to each of the owners of land parcels or units within the Office Park (OP) development. (ii) The establishment of a management committee with provisions setting forth the number of persons constituting the committee, the method of selection and the owners and duties of said committee; and including the person, partnership, or corporation with the property management expertise and experience who shall be designated to manage the maintenance of the common area and facilities in an efficient and quality manner. (iii) The method of calling a meeting of the members of the corporation or association with the members thereof that will constitute a quorum authorized to transact business. (iv) The method for maintenance, repair, and replacement of common areas and facilities, and distribution of costs thereof. (v) The method for maintenance of all private streets and private utilities and acknowledgment that such maintenance is the responsibility of the owners corporation or association. (vi) The manner of collection from property or unit owners for their share of common expenses, and the method of assessment. (vii) Provisions as to percentage of votes by property or unit owners which shall be necessary to determine whether to rebuild, repair, restore, or sell property in the event of damage or destruction of all or part of the project. (2) There shall be a conveyance in the declaration of an open space easement over all common open spaces, restricting the area against any future building or use, except as approved in the preliminary project plan. (c) The Declaration shall contain provisions requiring owners of individual parcels of land or condominium units with the Office Park (OP) development to install landscaping to a standard at least equivalent to that established within the typical landscaping plan approved as an element of the preliminary project plan. Said landscaping must be installed within one (1) year of the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for condominiums units or buildings on individual parcels of property. Common area landscaping shall be installed with each phase. (d) The declaration shall provide for the creation and perpetual provision for an architectural committee, the numbers of members and composition of which shall be clearly stipulated. At least one (1) member of this committee shall be selected from the surrounding neighborhood by the Planning Commission. (To accomplish this, the neighborhood shall submit a list of at least six (6) names of area residents to choose from.) The provision shall provide for the approval by said architectural committee for all schematic project plans and elevations of all buildings and signs to be erected in the Office Park (OP) development prior to submission for project plan approval by Riverdale City. The declaration shall also establish design guidelines governing the appearance of the site, buildings, signs, lighting, landscaping, street furniture, fencing, and mechanical equipment. (e) The Declaration shall stipulate the method and procedure by which the declaration may be amended. (f) The declaration shall specify the maximum percentage of lot area which will be occupied by building in the areas of each of the general land use categories as set forth in the approved preliminary projects plan. (g) The declaration shall specify the maximum building height approved by the Planning Commission. (h) The Declaration shall contain a Traffic and Parking Management Plan. (i) The Declaration may also contain use restrictions which are more restrictive than the City’s zoning provisions, but in no case shall they be more permissible. (j) The declaration shall state that, “Riverdale City, by virtue of ownership of streets, utilities, rights-of-way and easements in and through the project, shall be deemed to be an owner with full voting privileges, under the terms of this declaration and shall have authority and standing to initiate actions for enforcement of the provisions and standards herein which are deemed to be in the public interest.” (Ordinance No. 534, Adopted April 1, 1998) Chapter 36 - Special Use District-Retail/Commercial Park Overlay Zone (RCP) 19-36-1 19-36-2 19-36-3 19-36-4 19-36-5 19-36-6 19-36-7 19-36-8 19-36-9 19-36-10 19-36-11 19-36-12 19-36-13 19-36-14 19-36-15 19-36-16 19-36-17 19-36-18 Purpose Objectives and Intent Planned Uses Development Standards Building Setbacks Screening Walls / Fences / Hedges Parking Landscaping Hardscape Signs / Sign Illumination Lighting Outside Speakers Riparian Environment Architectural Design Submittal Requirements Security/Site Improvements Guarantees and Covenants Site Deficiencies 19-36-1. Purpose. The purposes of this Chapter are: (a) to describe certain overlay zones to impose special development guidelines on identified areas; and (b) to establish locations within the City which will accommodate Planned retail developments; and (c) to establish regulations for use and development of land within the City which govern uses, density, open spaces, structures, buildings, energy efficiency, light and air quality, transportation, infrastructure, public facilities, vegetation, and trees and landscaping. 19-36-2. Objectives and Intent. The objectives and intent of this Chapter are as follows: The objectives of this Chapter are: (1) to create an overlay zone that allows for a mixture of Retail and Commercial uses; and (2) to define a range of services and uses which may be offered by planned Retail/Commercial Park (RCP) entities within the community; and (3) to establish guidelines for the physical development of such Retail/Commercial Park (RCP) entities and uses; and (4) to preserve and enhance the urban character of the City. (b) The intent of these regulations is to establish a standard for Retail/Commercial Park (RCP) development and maintenance which: (1) promotes the overall functionality, safety and visual attractiveness of Retail/Commercial/ (RCP) buildings, accompanying substructures, and surrounding landscape; and (2) promotes development and uses that are in harmony with the goals and direction of Riverdale City; and (4) promote the quality of architecture and the use of quality building materials to encourage creativity of design; and (5) promotes the successful completion of the development of an Retail/Commercial Park project, and of the ability of Retail/Commercial Park entities to succeed; and (6) provides for diversity in the tax base of the City; and (7) provides for large view corridors between buildings and structures to allow view of mountain ranges, trees, river areas, or such areas as may be deemed viable by the Planning Commission and City Council; and (8) promotes implementation of high quality visually integrated urban design corridors, gateways and districts; and (9) promotes the integration of public transit in site development. 19-36-3. Planned Uses. All uses in the Retail/Commercial Park Overlay Zone shall be planned uses. The approval of the planned uses shall be granted at the time of approval of the final site plan. 19-36-4. Development Standards. Development in an Retail/ Commercial/Park Overlay RCP zone shall have the following characteristics: In order to encourage uses consistent with the purposes of the Retail/Commercial Park (RCP) Overlay Zone and to ensure adequate site planning, the entire zoned area shall be master planned at the time of the overall development plan approval, even though the entire zoned area may be developed in phases. Each phase shall adhere to an approved original master site plan and development agreement for the Retail/ Commercial park (RCP) zoned area; and All new or remodeled/refurbished construction shall comply with the provisions of the development agreement for the specific area. The provisions and terms of the development agreement shall be transferable if ownership of the development area changes. 19-36-5. Building Setbacks. Specific setbacks shall be included in the overall development plan and the project development agreement. 19-36-6. Screening: Walls / Fences / Hedges. An opaque screen shall be installed and maintained along all zone boundaries, other than streets. The following are acceptable means of providing such screening: (a) Walls. A wall shall consist of concrete, stone, brick, tile, or similar type of solid masonry material a minimum of eight inches (8”) thick. All such walls must be landscaped with vegetation in front of the wall. (b) Berms. Berms of varying height and width shall face any street or property. The exact height and width of the berm shall be determined at the time of development review. 19-36-7. Parking. Design of the parking areas shall attempt to minimize the large uninterrupted hard surfaced areas with landscaping islands. Landscaping shall integrate the parking areas into the building providing view corridors and pedestrian pathways. Traffic management of parking areas shall integrate these areas with the streets and adjacent uses to increase the safe flow of traffic. Landscaping of parking areas must be five percent (5%) of the land inside the perimeter of the parking area. (a) A landscape strip may be required on both sides of a street entrance to allow for queuing. A landscaped pedestrian path from bus stop or public right of way shall be provided. Planting islands shall be provided throughout the lot at the ends of parking rows. These strips and islands are to be planted with shade trees, low shrubs, and ground cover. (b) A rolling landscaped berm shall be utilized to screen and buffer parking and loading areas from adjoining access streets and lots. (c) Circulation within the parking areas shall provide for free flow of vehicular traffic. The on-site parking and traffic circulation plan shall be a part of the traffic impact analysis required as a part of the overall development site plan review; said analysis shall be paid for by the developer. 19-36-8. Landscaping. All landscaping shall be installed and maintained in conformance with a landscape plan, which has been recommended by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Governing Body. (a) At the time of the overall development plan submittal to the Planning Commission, an overall landscape plan shall also be submitted showing typical landscaping. Detailed landscape plans shall be submitted at the time of site plan review. Twenty percent (20%) of a Business/Commercial area shall be maintained in landscaped open space. (b) Existing significant tree stands and natural vegetation shall be integrated into the site landscape plan to the maximum extent possible. (c) The City requires that landscaping plans be designed by a registered landscape architect. 19-36-9. Hardscape. Hardscape may be used in coordination with architecture and landscaping to provide a link between the street edge and individual developments. Hardscape detail shall be included in the overall development plan. 19-36-10. Signs / Sign Illumination. Sign design and illumination themes shall also be included for review by the Planning Commission and City Council. The Planning Commission and City Council shall not approve a development proposal without a sign plan. Architectural themes shall be carried into the sign plan. 19-36-11. Lighting. Site and security lighting shall be designed to enhance the architectural quality of the development. Screening of lights from residential areas and glare from traffic areas shall be minimized. Lighting consistency utilizing a design approved for the entire area shall be required in the parking lots. 19-36-12. Outside Speakers. Outside speakers, pagers, and sound systems of any kind or nature whatsoever are strictly prohibited. 19-36-13. Riparian Environment. If the project affects the Riparian environment, mitigation of effects shall be included in the development agreement. 19-36-14. Architectural Design. As part of review of proposed development Planning Commission shall review the proposed development plans to assure compliance with the architectural design guidelines. (a) Overall Architectural Outline. (1) The proposed development shall include architectural renderings and elevations of the proposed buildings. Relationships to surrounding uses shall be considered in respect to scale and massing of the proposed uses. Architectural style, colors and materials will be assessed in order to maintain a consistent quality throughout the zone. (2) The design shall improve community appearance by avoiding excessive variety and monotonous repetition. (3) All building elevations shall be architecturally treated and with the same materials on all faces of the building. (b) Architectural Guidelines. The following architectural design guidelines apply to all permitted and conditional uses in the Retail/Commercial Park Overlay Zone: (1) Detailed architectural guidelines are attached as Exhibit A. (2) All architectural treatments may be reviewed by a registered architect chosen by the City and paid for by the developer. (3) The height of buildings shall be determined at the time of development review. 19-36-15. Submittal Requirements. All buildings and structures proposed for development under this Chapter shall be subject to a site plan review process as adopted by the City. There shall be submitted to the Planning Commission a master plan for the development of the entire zone for the purposes of meeting the requirements set forth in this chapter. Each phase of the process shall go though a site plan review. 19-36-16. Security - Site Improvements / Project Completion. All Retail/Commercial Park developments within Riverdale City shall comply with Riverdale City’s bonding requirements. 19-36-17. Guarantees and Covenants. Guarantees and Covenants for the Development shall be included in the project development agreement. 19-36-18. Site Deficiencies. For all existing developments that have improvements greater than $50,000 (fifty thousand dollars), the City shall require that 10 percent of the additional construction cost be provided to address existing deficiencies due to the fact that the development does not meet present zoning ordinances with respect to architectural design, urban design, landscaping, parking, and other development standards. Before a building permit can be issued, a plan must be submitted to the City addressing and correcting any and all deficiencies related to the development. The City Planning staff will review the site deficiencies to be corrected and will submit their recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council. (Ordinance No. 560, adopted March 3, 1999) Chapter 40 - Subdivisions 19-40-1 19-40-2 19-40-3 19-40-4 19-40-5 19-40-5.1 19-40-6 19-40-7 19-40-8 19-40-9 19-40-10 19-40-11 19-40-12 General Provisions Definitions Scope of Ordinance Application for Subdivision Preliminary Plat Required Financial Guarantees for Improvements Final Plat Construction Plans and Profiles Design Standards Parks, School Sites, Other Public Places Improvements Special Provisions for Small Subdivisions. Enforcement and Permits 19-40-1. General Provisions. (a) The underlying purpose and intent of this Chapter is to promote the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Riverdale in the matter of the subdivision of land, to encourage the healthful growth of the City and related matters affected by such subdivision. (b) Any proposed subdivision and its ultimate use shall be in the best interests of the public and shall be in harmony with good neighborhood development of the area concerned and the subdivider shall present evidence to this effect when requested to do so by the Planning Commission. (c) In cases where unusual topographic or other exceptional conditions exist, variations and exceptions from this Chapter may be made by the City Council, after recommendation by the Planning Commission. 19-40-2. Definitions. (a) The following words and phrases used in this Chapter shall have the respective meanings hereinafter set forth, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: (1) City. City of Riverdale, Utah. (2) City Council. The City Council of the City of Riverdale, Utah. (3) City Engineer. The City Engineer of the City of Riverdale, Utah. (4) County. Weber County, Utah. (5) Cul-de-sac. A minor dead end street provided with a turn around. (6) Dwelling. "Dwelling" shall mean any building or structure, or portion thereof, including a trailer house, intended for residential use. (7) Guest House. "Guest House" shall mean a separate dwelling structure, including a trailer house, located on a lot with one (1) main structure intended for housing guests or servants and not rented, leased, or sold separate from the rental, lease, or sale of the main dwelling. (8) Lot. "Lot" shall mean a portion of a subdivision or parcel of land intended as a unit for building development or transfer of ownership. A parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by a building or group of buildings together with such yards, open spaces, lot width and lot area as are required by this Title, having frontage upon a street or upon a right-of-way approved by the Board of Adjustment. Except for group dwellings and guest houses, not more than one dwelling structure shall occupy any one lot. (9) Major Street Plan. A plan, labeled "Major Street Plan of the City of Riverdale" including maps or reports or both, which has been approved by the City Council as required by law or such plan as it may be amended from time to time and so certified to the City Council. (10) Official Map. "Official Map" shall mean any map adopted by the Council under provisions of Section 10-9-23, Utah Code Annotated, (1953). (11) Parcel of Land. "Parcel of Land" shall mean contiguous quantity of land, in the possession of, or owned by, or recorded as the property of, the same person. (12) Partition or Division of Agricultural Land. A bona fide "partition or division of agricultural land" for agricultural purposes" shall mean the division of a parcel of land into three or more lots or parcels, none of which lots or parcels are smaller than five (5) acres in area and provided that no dedication of any street or road is required to serve any such lots or parcels of agricultural land for the purpose of building development. (13) Person. "Person" shall mean any individual, corporation, partnership, firm or association of individuals however styled or designated. (14) Planning Commission. The City Planning Commission of Riverdale, Utah. (15) Street. "Street" shall mean a thoroughfare which has been dedicated or abandoned to the public and accepted by proper public authority, or a thoroughfare not less than twenty-six (26) feet wide which has been made public by right of use and which affords the principal access to abutting property. (16) Street, Collector. "Collector Street" shall mean a street, existing or proposed, of considerable continuity which serves or is intended to serve as the principal traffic way between large and separated areas or districts and which is the main access to the major street system. (17) Street, Major. "Major Street" shall mean a street, existing or proposed, which serves or is intended to serve as a major traffic way and is designated on the Master Street Plan as a controlled-access highway, major street, parkway or other equivalent term to identify those streets comprising the basic structure of the street plan. (18) Street, Marginal Access. "Marginal Access Street" shall mean a minor street which is parallel to and adjacent to a major street and which provides access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic. (19) Street, Minor. "Minor Street" shall mean a street, existing or proposed, which is supplementary to a collector or major street and of limited continuity, which serves or is intended to serve the local needs of a neighborhood. (20) Subdivider / Developer. "Subdivider/Developer: shall mean the person, persons, partnership, limited company, or corporation that is causing or will cause improvements to be made to the benefit of the property designated as a subdivision. (21) Subdivision. "Subdivision" shall mean the division of any tract, lot or parcel of land, owned as an individual tract by one individual or by joint tenants or tenants in common, into three (3) or more tracts, lots or parcels of land with any resulting tract, lot or parcel containing less than five (5) acres for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or of building development; provided that "subdivision" shall not include a bona fide division or partition of agricultural land for agricultural development purposes. The dedication of a road, highway or street through a tract of land, regardless of area, which creates a division of tracts, lots or parcels and the re-subdivision of land heretofore divided or platted into tracts, lots, or parcels shall also constitute a "subdivision" of land. (22) Zoning Ordinance. "Zoning Ordinance" shall mean the Uniform Zoning Ordinance which is Title 19 of the Riverdale Municipal Ordinance Code. 19-40-3. Scope of Ordinance. No person shall subdivide any tract of land which is located wholly or in part of the City except in compliance with this Chapter. No person shall sell or exchange or offer to sell or exchange any parcel of land which is any part of a subdivision of a larger tract of land, nor offer for recording in the office of the County Recorder any deed conveying such parcel of land, or any interest therein, unless such subdivision has been created pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter; provided that this Chapter shall not apply to any lot or lots forming a part of a subdivision created and recorded prior to the effective date of this Chapter. 19-40-4. Application for Subdivision. The following process shall be strictly adhered to in order to create a residential subdivision in the City of Riverdale: (a) Pre-Application (Concept) Review. Each person who proposes to subdivide land within the territorial limits of the City of Riverdale shall confer with the City Planning Staff Committee (which Committee shall consist of the City Building and Zoning Official, the City Administrator, the Public Works Director, and the City Engineer) before preparing any plats, charts, or plans in order to become familiar with the Riverdale subdivision requirements and existing General Plan for the territory in which the proposed subdivision lies and to discuss the proposed plan of development of the tract. A sketch plan is required to be presented to the Planning Staff Committee to illustrate the proposed subdivision concept. Preliminary sketches based on said conferences shall then be prepared for review prior to submission of the preliminary plat. Two (2) such sketches shall be submitted on a topographic base map showing the relationship to proposed traffic arteries, existing arteries, shopping centers, schools, parks, etc. (If more detail is felt to be desirable, ASPO Report No. 116 contains greater detail.) A fee shall be set by Resolution of the City Council to offset the cost of reviewing and other related work performed by the City Staff associated with the review of these sketches. No preliminary plat shall be presented to the City Planning Commission or City Council without the payment of said fee being received by the City. (b) A Subdivision Information Form to be supplied to the subdivider by the Planning Commission shall be filled out and submitted to the Planning Commission prior to submission of the preliminary plat. 19-40-5. Preliminary Plat Required. (a) Upon completing the requirements set forth in 19-40-4, above, each person who proposes to subdivide land in the City shall prepare a preliminary plan of such subdivision and shall submit eight (8) black and white prints thereof to the Planning Commission. One print shall be delivered by the Planning Commission to each of the following for the information and recommendation of such officials and departments: County Recorder City Engineer, City Fire Department, County Recreation Department, and each company or agency furnishing water, electric, or gas service. Preliminary plans must be received by the Planning Commission ten (10) days prior to the next scheduled Planning Commission meeting in order to allow sufficient time to be checked and to receive recommendations from the foregoing listed agencies. (b) The preliminary plan shall be drawn to a scale not smaller than one hundred (100) feet to the inch, and shall show: (1) The proposed name of the subdivision. (2) The location of the subdivision as forming a part of a larger tract or parcel where the plan submitted covers only a part of the subdivider's tract, or only a part of a larger vacant area. In such case, a sketch of the prospective future street system of the unplanned parts shall be submitted and the street system of the part submitted shall be considered in the light of adjustments and connections with the future street system of the larger area. (3) Sufficient information to locate accurately the property shown on the plan. (4) The names and addresses of the subdivider; the engineer or surveyor of the subdivision, and the owners of the land immediately adjoining the land to be subdivided. (5) Contour map at appropriate intervals where required by the Planning Commission. (6) The boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided. (7) The location, widths, and other dimensions of all existing or platted streets and other important features such as railroad lines, water courses, exceptional topography, and buildings within the tract or within two hundred (200) feet of the tract to be subdivided. (8) Existing and proposed sanitary sewers, storm drains, water supply mains, and culverts within the tract or within one hundred (100) feet thereof. (9) The location, widths, and other dimensions of proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks, and other open spaces and lots, with proper labeling of spaces to be dedicated to the public. (10) North point, scale and date. (c) The Planning Commission may approve or reject the preliminary plan, or grant approval on conditions stated. Approval of the preliminary plan by the Planning Commission shall not constitute final acceptance of the subdivision by the Planning Commission. One copy of the approved preliminary plan, signed by the Chairman of the Planning Commission, shall be retained in the office of the Planning Commission. One signed copy shall be given to the subdivider. Receipt of this signed copy shall be authorization for the subdivider to proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications for the minimum improvements required in Section 10 of this Chapter and with the preparation of the final plan. (d) Prior to the construction of any improvements required in Section 10 or to the submission of financial guarantees, the subdivider shall furnish to the City Engineer all plans, information, and data necessary for said improvements. These plans shall be examined by the City Engineer and shall be approved if he determines them to be in accordance with the requirements of Section 10 of this Chapter. No construction of buildings shall be begun until after recording of the final plan. (e) Approval of the preliminary plat by the Planning Commission shall be valid for a maximum period of twelve (12) months after approval, unless upon application of the developer the Planning Commission grants an extension. If the final plat has not been recorded within the 12 month period, the preliminary plat must again be submitted to the Planning Commission for re-approval; however, preliminary approval of a large tract shall be voided provided that the final plat of the first section is submitted for final approval within one (1) year, and provided an extension of time is granted. 19-40-5.1. Financial Guarantees for Improvements. Prior to the final plat being presented to the Planning Commission for approval, the subdivider/developer (not his agent or contractor) shall, at the discretion of the City, satisfy one of the following requirements: (a) Enter into a Developer's Agreement with the City and furnish satisfactory proof of an escrow deposit in favor of the City in an amount equal to the cost of the improvements required for the subdivision, plus ten percent (10%) of said costs, with said amounts to be released pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Developer's Agreement. (b) Enter into a Developer's Agreement with the City and furnish to the City a Developer's Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the cost of the improvements required for the subdivision, with said bond to be released pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Developer's Agreement. 19-40-6. Final Plat. (a) Prior to the submission of the final plat to the Planning Commission for review, the Subdivider/Developer's engineer shall submit the proposed final plat, with any changes and modifications as directed at the preliminary review by the Planning Commission, along with a letter of certification that all lots meet the requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance to the City Planning Staff Committee. The City Planning Staff Committee shall, after reviewing the proposed final plat and confirming that all the above fees and financing guarantees have been satisfied, shall present the final plat to the Planning Commission for appropriate action. (b) After compliance with the provisions of subsection (a), above, and Sections 5 and 5.1, of this Chapter, a final plat of the subdivision covering all or part of an approved preliminary plat shall be prepared by a licensed surveyor not in the employ of the City of Riverdale in conformance with the Design Standards of Section 8 of this Chapter and submitted within one year from the date of preliminary plat approval unless the time is extended by the Planning Commission; otherwise, such approval shall be deemed to have been withdrawn. Two (2) black and white prints of the final plat shall be submitted to the Planning Commission at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the Planning Commission meeting at which time such plat is to be considered. (c) The final plat shall consist of a sheet of approved tracing linen, to the outside or trim line dimensions of nineteen (19) by thirty (30) inches and the border line of the plat shall be drawn in heavy lines leaving a space of at least one-half (1/2) inch margin on all four sides. The plat shall be so drawn that the top of the drawing faces either North or West, whichever accommodates the drawing best. All lines, dimensions, and markings shall be made on the tracing linen with approved waterproof black "India Drawing Ink". The plat shall be made to a scale large enough to clearly show all details, in any case not smaller than one hundred (100) feet to the inch, and workmanship on the finished drawing shall be neat, clean-cut, and readable. The plat shall be signed by all parties listed in Subsection 5 (below) who are duly authorized and required to sign and shall contain the following information: (1) A subdivision name, approved by the County Recorder, and the general location of the subdivision, in bold letters at the top of the sheet. (2) A north point and scale of the drawing, and the date. (3) Accurately drawn boundaries, showing the proper bearing and dimensions of all boundary lines of the subdivision, properly tied to public survey monuments. These lines should be slightly heavier than street and lot lines. (4) The names, widths, lengths, bearings, and curve data on center lines of proposed streets, alleys and easements; also the boundaries, bearings, and dimensions of all portions within the subdivision as intended to be dedicated to the use of the public; the lines, dimensions, bearings, and numbers of all lots, blocks, and parts reserved for any reason within the subdivision. All lots and blocks are to be numbered consecutively under a definite system approved by the Planning Commission. All proposed streets shall be named or numbered in accordance with and in conformity with the adopted street naming and numbering system of the City of Riverdale and Weber County. (5) The standard forms approved by the Planning Commission lettered for the following: (A) Description of land to be included in the subdivision. (B) Registered Professional Engineer and/or Land Surveyor's "Certificate of Survey". (C) Owner's Dedication. (D) Notary Public's Acknowledgment. (E) City Planning Commission's Certificate of Approval. (F) City Engineer's Certificate of Approval. (G) City Council Certificate of Acceptance attested by the City Recorder. (6) A three (3) inch by three (3) inch space in the lower right-hand corner of the drawing for recording information. (7) After approving and signing the final plat, the Planning Commission shall submit the plat for approval to the City Engineer, who shall collect a checking fee from the subdivider, and shall check the engineering requirements of the drawing. After approval and signature by the City Engineer, the plat shall be submitted to the City Council for approval and certificate of acceptance. The final plat, bearing all official approvals as above required, shall be returned to the subdivider for recording at the expense of the subdivider. No subdivision shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and no lot included in such subdivision shall be sold or exchanged and no offer shall be made to sell or exchange any such lot unless and until the plat is so approved and accepted. 19-40-7. Construction Plans and Profiles. (a) Prior to commencement of construction, the subdivider shall furnish a complete set of construction plans and profiles prepared by a licensed professional engineer not in the employ of the City of Riverdale, of all streets, existing and proposed, within the subdivision to the City Engineer with the final plat. The City Engineer, within a reasonable time not to exceed twenty (20) days from receipt of plans, shall notify the subdivider of approval or disapproval and in case of disapproval, the reason therefore. 19-40-8. Design Standards. (a) The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the continuation of the existing streets in adjoining areas (or their proper protection where adjoining land is not subdivided) insofar as such may be deemed necessary by the Planning Commission for public requirements. The street arrangement shall be such as to cause no unnecessary hardship to owners of adjoining property when they plat their own land and seek to provide for convenient access to it. (b) Minor streets shall approach the major or collector streets at an angle of not less than eighty (80) degrees. (c) Major and collector streets shall conform to the width designated on the Major Street Plan wherever a subdivision falls in an area for which a Major Street Plan has been adopted. For territory where such Street Plan has not been completed at the time the subdivision preliminary plan is submitted to the Planning Commission, major or collector streets shall be provided as required by the Planning Commission with minimum widths of one hundred (100) feet for major streets and sixty-six (66) feet for collector streets. (d) Minor residential streets shall have a minimum width of sixty (60) feet, except that cul-de-sacs (dead-end streets) or loop streets serving not more than ten (10) lots may have minimum widths of not less than fifty (50) feet. (e) Alleys shall have a minimum width of twenty (20) feet. Alleys may be required in the rear of business lots, but will not be accepted in residential blocks except under unusual conditions where such alleys are considered necessary by the Planning Commission. (f) Cul-de-sacs (dead-end streets) shall be used only where unusual conditions exist which make other designs undesirable. Cul-desacs are not desirable. Cul-de-sacs are not favorable to the City and will generally not be acceptable in subdivision plans. Each cul-de-sac must be terminated by a turn-around not less than one hundred (100) feet in diameter. If surface water drainage is into the turn-around due to the grade of the street, necessary catch basins and drainage easements shall be provided. (g) Easements for drainage through the property may be required by the City Engineer, and easements of not less than ten (10) feet in width shall be provided where required for utilities or other purposes. (h) Service roads paralleling major streets shall be required unless the Planning Commission approves double frontage lots which may back onto major highways or collector streets as designated on the Major Street Plan. Where lots back onto a major highway or collector street, a buffer planting strip of trees or shrubs shall be provided in a width of ten (10) feet or wider, but in no case less than (10) feet. (i) Where subdivision streets parallel contiguous property of other owners, the subdivider may, upon approval of the Planning Commission, retain and deed to the City a protection strip not less than one (1) foot in width between said street and adjacent property provided that an agreement approved by the City Attorney has been made by the subdivider, contracting to deed to the then owners of the contiguous property, the one (1) foot or larger protection strip for a consideration named in the agreement, such consideration to be not more than the fair cost of land in the protection strip, the street improvements properly chargeable to the contiguous property, plus the value of one-half (1/2) the land in the street at the time of agreement, together with interest at a fair rate from the time of agreement until the time of the subdivision of such contiguous property. One (1) copy of the agreement shall be submitted to the City Attorney and one (1) to the Planning Commission prior to approval of the final plat. Protection strips shall not be submitted at the end of or within the boundaries of a public street or proposed street or within any area intended for future public use. (j) Blocks. (1) Blocks shall not exceed sixteen hundred (1600) feet in length. A dedicated walkway through the block may be required where access is necessary to a point designated by the Planning Commission. Such walkway shall be a minimum of four (4) feet in width, but may be required to be wider where determined necessary by the Planning Commission. The subdivider shall surface the full width of the walkway with a concrete surface, install a chain link fence or its equal four (4) feet high on each side and the full length of each walkway, and provide, in accordance with the standards and rules and regulations, barriers at each walkway entrance to allow vehicles no wider than four (4) feet. (2) The width of blocks generally shall be sufficient to allow two (2) tiers of lots. (3) Irregular shaped blocks, indented by cul-de-sacs, or containing interior spaces, will be acceptable when properly designed and fitted to the overall plat. (4) Blocks intended for business or industrial use shall be designed specifically for such purposes with adequate space set aside for off-street parking and delivery facilities. (k) Lots. (1) The lot arrangement and design shall be such that lots will provide satisfactory and desirable sites for buildings and be properly related to topography and to existing and probable future requirements. (2) All lots shown on the subdivision plan must conform to the minimum requirements of this Title for the zone in which the subdivision is located, and to the minimum requirements of the City Engineer and the State Board of Health for sewage disposal. The minimum width for any residential building lot shall be as required by this Title. Where a public sewer is not available, the minimum area of such lot shall be not less than that approved in a letter to the Planning Commission by the Board of Health nor less than twenty thousand (20,000) square, whichever is greater. (3) Each lot shall abut on a street dedicated by the recording of the subdivision or on an existing publicly-dedicated street, or on a street which has become public by right of use and is more than twenty-six (26) feet wide. Interior lots abutting on more than one street shall be prohibited except where unusual conditions make other design undesirable. (4) Corner lots shall have extra width sufficient for maintenance of required building lines on both streets. (5) Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles, or radial to the street line. (6) All remnants of lots below minimum size left over after subdividing of a larger tract must be added to adjacent lots, rather than allowed to remain as unusable parcels. (7) Where the land covered by a subdivision includes two or more parcels in separate ownership and the lot arrangement is such that a property ownership line divides one or more lots, the land in each lot so divided shall be transferred by deed to either single or joint ownership before approval of the final plan, and such transfer certified to the Planning Commission by the County Recorder. 19-40-9. Parks, School Sites, Other Public Places. (a) When the preliminary plan is submitted for the division of property, a part or all of which is deemed suitable by the Planning Commission for schools, parks, playgrounds, or other public use in accordance with the Master Plan, the Planning Commission shall require the subdivider to include the required public open space in the subdivision design to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission. (b) The subdivider, at or before the time of presentation of the final subdivision plat for approval of the City Council, shall offer to sell to the City or other appropriate agency, at any time during the two (2) year period immediately following the recording of the final plat, any land which has been set aside for park, playground, school, or other public use at a fair market price. (c) In the case of land required for park or playground, the fair market price will be based upon raw land value, but in no event shall such price exceed the price for said land in the last bona fide sale thereof within the period of five (5) years immediately before the date of the final subdivision plat. (d) The City or other appropriate public agency may accept such offer at any time within a two year period immediately following the recording of the final plat. If any such proposed public areas have not been purchased by the appropriate public agency within two (2) years after the recording of the final plot, such areas may be divided into lots in accordance with the requirement of this Chapter, and sold. 19-40-10. Improvements. (a) Time of Construction. The improvements listed in this Section shall not be installed prior to recording the final plat. No improvements shall be installed until their location and specifications are approved by the City Engineer. Water and sewer mains and laterals and fire hydrants shall be installed prior to the installation of road base, curbs, gutters, and the surfacing of streets. (b) Performance Guarantees. (1) Before final plat approval by the City Council, the subdivider shall have satisfied the financing requirements of Section 5.1 of this Chapter. The required performance guarantees are to assure the actual construction of the following improvements within a period of two (2) years in a manner satisfactory to and in an amount specified by the Council. Improvements include part or all of the following: Streets, curbs, gutters, water supply systems, fire hydrants, sewer systems, surface water disposal systems, protection from hazards of canals and ditches, safety fences, street trees, monuments, or other improvements required by the Council. (2) Sidewalks shall be installed by the building contractor at the same time as the said contractor installs driveways and walkways on individual lots. Said installation of sidewalks shall be completed and in good repair at or before the time an application for occupancy is made to the City Building Official. (3) The developer's engineer shall, as each improvement is installed, certify, in writing, that the installed improvements meet City standards and that said improvements have been completed as approved by the City. Said written certification shall be delivered to the City Engineer, who shall make periodic on-site inspections for plan review and to verify the certification of the developer's engineer. The developer's engineer shall provide evidence to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that the installed improvements meet City standards before the developer shall be allowed to proceed with other improvements on the development, or to begin construction of buildings or structures in the subdivision. (4) In the event a utility easement or easements are provided to the City in connection with the installed improvements, the utility line shall be placed as close to the center of said easement as is reasonably possible. (c) Standards. Standards for design, construction, specifications, and inspection of street improvements, curbs, and gutters, sidewalks, and drainage facilities shall be prepared by the City Engineer, standards of design and procedure by the Planning Commission, standards for water distribution and sewage disposal facilities by the State Board of Health and City Engineer, and similar standards for fire hydrants by the City Engineer and Fire Department. Such standards and rules and regulations, and any amendments thereto, before becoming effective, shall be adopted or amended by the City Council as a part of this Chapter after recommendation by the Planning Commission and shall be available to the public. (d) Streets on Property of Other Public Agencies or Utility Companies. Where it is proposed that streets be constructed on property controlled by a public agency or utility company, approval for the location, improvement and maintenance of such streets shall be obtained from the public agency or utility company and entered on the final plat in a form approved by the City Attorney. (e) Street Improvements. All streets shall be constructed by the subdivider in accordance with the standards and rules and regulations of the City Engineer. (f) Curbs, Gutters, and Sidewalks. Curbs and gutters shall be installed on existing and proposed streets by the subdivider in all subdivisions except the rear of those lots which back on major streets and are not permitted access to such streets. Sidewalks shall be installed on existing and proposed streets by the building contractor as set forth above. After recommendation by the Planning Commission, the Commission may waive sidewalk requirements on streets which exceed an average grade of ten (10) percent between intersections, and in subdivisions where the average lot widths exceed one hundred twenty-five (125) feet at the building setback line. (g) Water Supply. A culinary water supply which must be approved by the City Engineer and the State Board of Health shall be available to each lot in the subdivision and shall be provided in conformance with the standards and rules and regulations of the City of Riverdale. Where an approved public water supply is available or within five hundred (500) feet of the subdivision, the subdivider shall install water mains and service lines or laterals from such mains to each lot within the subdivision prior to the installation of road base, surfacing, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. (h) Fire Hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be installed by the subdivider at locations determined by the City Engineer and Fire Department in all subdivisions in accordance with the standards, rules, and regulations of the City of Riverdale. (i) Sewage Disposal. Whether by individual disposal system or by public disposal facilities, sewage disposal shall be provided and approved by the State and County Board of Health for each lot in the subdivision in accordance with the standards, rules and regulations of the City of Riverdale. Where public sanitary sewer is available or within five hundred (500) feet of the subdivision at the time of recording the final plat, or is close enough in the opinion of the City Council or City Engineer, the subdivider shall connect with such sanitary sewer and provide sewer mains and extend laterals from the main sewer line to each lot in the subdivision prior to the installation of the road base, surfacing, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. (j) Surface Water. The subdivider shall provide adequate methods of conveyance and disposal of storm water and surface water at his expense, the plans for which shall be prepared by a licensed engineer not in the employ of the City and which shall be approved by the Planning Commission after recommendation by the City Engineer. If easements are required across abutting property to permit drainage of the subdivision, it shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to acquire such easements. (k) Ditches and Canals. Open ditches or canals shall not be allowed within or adjoining a subdivision. It shall be the subdivider's responsibility to work with the irrigation, drainage, or ditch companies and arrange for the covering, realigning, or elimination of open ditches or canals. In cases where canals or ditches cross public roads or proposed public roads, specifications and grades for pipe or culvert must be approved by the City Engineer. (l) Safety Fences. The subdivider shall install a six (6) foot non-climbable chain link fence, or equivalent thereof, in conformance with all applicable standards, rules, and regulations, of the City of Riverdale, along all non-access streets, open reservoirs, bodies of water, or railroad rights of way. (m) Street Trees. Street trees may be provided at the option of the subdivider, but when so provided, the variety and location of such trees shall be recommended by the Planning Commission staff and approved by the Planning Commission. (n) Monuments. Permanent monuments shall be accurately set and established at such points as are necessary to definitely establish all lines of the plat except those outlining individual lots. Monuments shall be of a type approved by the City Engineer. All subdivision plats shall be tied to a corner or monument of record or established Land Office Survey Corner. (o) Street Lights. The City shall install street lights at each intersection of the subdivision. The installation shall be under the direction of the Public Works Director and shall conform to the standards set forth in the Riverdale City Street Lighting Policy. The expense for the cost of materials and installation shall be born by the developer / subdivider. (Ordinance No. 556, adopted February 3, 1999) (p) The City Council is authorized to prescribe by administrative rule or regulation filed for record with the City Recorder forms and procedures to insure the orderly, regular and efficient processing of applications for the approval of a proposed subdivision and the strict compliance with the requirements of this Chapter. (q) The subdivider, upon submission of his plans, shall deposit with the City of Riverdale such fees as may be prescribed by resolution of the City Council. The Building Inspector shall be in charge of inspecting all improvements, and may request the assistance of the City Engineer if the Inspector deems it necessary. The subdivider shall, prior to beginning any improvements as set forth herein, enter into a written agreement with the City to pay any and all fees or assessments associated with the services provided by the City or which become necessary for the enforcement of this Chapter, as said services are rendered. 19-40-11. Special Provisions for Small Subdivisions. (a) A preliminary plan shall be required for all subdivisions but under the conditions listed below, approval of the preliminary plan by the Planning Commission and by the City Council shall be authorization for the subdivider to sell lots within the subdivision covered by the preliminary plan by metes and bounds, and the requirements of a final plan shall be waived. When final plans are not required, the subdivider shall provide such improvements on existing streets within the subdivision as shall be required by the City Council. Final plans shall not be required where all of the following conditions exist: (1) The subdivision consists of not more than ten (10) lots. (2) The subdivision does not require the dedication of any land for street or other public purposes. (3) The subdivision is not traversed by the mapped lines of a proposed street or a street to be widened as shown on the Major Street Plan. (4) Each of the lots in the subdivision meets the frontage width and area requirements of this Title, or has been granted a variance from such requirements by the Board of Adjustment. 19-40-12. Enforcement and Permits. (a) The City Building Official is hereby designated and authorized as the officer charged with the enforcement of this Chapter. He shall enforce all the provisions of this Chapter, entering actions in the courts when necessary and his failure to do so shall not legalize any violation of such provisions. (b) The Building Official shall not grant a permit, nor shall any City Officer grant any license or permit for the use of any land or the construction or alteration of any building or structure on a lot which would be in violation of any provisions of this Chapter or on a lot in a subdivision created by judicial decree, until a subdivision plat therefor has been recorded, or approved under Section 19-40-6. Any license or permit issued in conflict with such provisions shall be null and void. (c) The Building Official shall inspect or cause to be inspected all buildings, fire hydrants, and water supply and sewage disposal systems in the course of construction, installation, or repair. Excavations for fire hydrants and water and sewer mains and laterals shall not be covered or backfilled until such installation shall have been approved by the City Engineer. If any such installation is covered before being inspected and approved, it shall be uncovered after notice to uncover has been issued to the responsible person by the Building Official. (d) At the time any building permit is applied for to construct any building or structure in any subdivision which may be established, there shall be paid, along with such application for such building permit, a fee prescribed by resolution of the City Council, which additional fee shall be in addition to the usual building permit fee which might otherwise be applicable. This additional fee shall be used to assist in defraying the expenses of the City in the creation of such subdivision. 19-40-13. Penalty. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Chapter shall, upon conviction be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor and punished as is provided in Section 13-3-1 et seq. (Ordinance No. 489, Adopted February 21, 1996) Chapter 41 - Commercial and Manufacturing Development 19-41-1 19-41-2 19-41-3 19-41-4 19-41-5 19-41-6 19-41-7 General Provisions Definitions Scope of Chapter Pre-Application Sketch Plan Preliminary Plat Required Design Standards Improvements 19-41-1. General Provisions. (a) The underlying purpose and intent of this Chapter is to promote the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Riverdale in the matter of Commercial and Manufacturing Developments, to encourage the healthful growth of the City and related matters affected by such developments. (b) Any proposed Commercial or Manufacturing Development and its use shall be in the best interests of the public and shall be in harmony with the surrounding area and the developer shall present evidence to this effect when requested to do so by the Planning Commission. (c) In cases where the Planning Commission or Building and Zoning Official denies a permit and unusual topographic or other exceptional conditions exist, an appeal for a variance may be made to the Board of Adjustment. 19-41-2. Definitions. (a) The following words and phrases used in this Chapter shall have the respective meanings hereinafter set forth, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: (1) City. City of Riverdale, Utah. (2) City Council. The City Council of the City of Riverdale, Utah. (3) City Engineer. The City Engineer of the City of Riverdale, Utah, acting in the capacity of providing reviews only for conformance of submitted plans with this and other sections of the City's ordinances. (4) Commercial Development. Area for location of various types of commercial activity, that is, commerce or trade as listed in Chapter 23 of Title 19 which are compatible and complementary to surrounding land uses. (5) County. Weber County, Utah. (6) Cul-de-sac. A minor dead end street provided with a turn around. (7) Final Acceptance By the City. Approval of the site plan by the City Council. (8) Master Street Plan. A plan, labeled "Master Street Plan of the City of Riverdale" including maps or reports or both, which has been approved by the City Council as required by law or such plan as it may be amended from time to time and so certified to the City Council. (9) Manufacturing Development. Area that will accommodate the need for making goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery on a large scale as listed in Chapter 25 of Title 19 and uses where the environmental impact upon the community may be substantial and where development standards will be implemented to preserve the general welfare of the community. (10) Official Map. "Official Map" shall mean any map adopted by the Council under provisions of Section 10-9-23, Utah Code Annotated, (1953). (11) Partition or Division of Agricultural Land. A bona fide "partition or division of agricultural land" for agricultural purposes shall mean the division of a parcel of land into three or more lots or parcels, none of which lots or parcels are smaller than five (5) acres in area and provided that no dedication of any street or road is required to serve any such lots or parcels of agricultural land for the purpose of building development. (12) Person. "Person" shall mean any individual, corporation, partnership, firm or association of individuals however styled or designated. (13) Planning Commission. The City Planning Commission of Riverdale, Utah. (14) Street. "Street" shall mean a thoroughfare which has been dedicated or abandoned to the public and accepted by proper public authority or a thoroughfare not less than twenty-six (26) feet wide which has been made public by right of use and which affords the principal access to abutting property. (15) Street, Collector. "Collector Street" shall mean a street, existing or proposed, which serves or is intended to serve as the principal traffic way between large and separated areas or districts and which is the main access to the major street system. (16) Street, Major. "Major Street" shall mean a street, existing or proposed, which serves or is intended to serve as a major traffic way and is designated on the Master Street Plan as a controlled-access highway, major street, parkway or other equivalent term to identify those streets comprising the basic structure of the street plan. (17) Street, Minor. "Minor Street" shall mean a street, existing or proposed, which is supplementary to a collector or major street and of limited continuity, which serves or is intended to serve the local needs of a neighborhood. (18) Zoning Ordinance. "Zoning Ordinance" shall mean the Uniform Zoning Ordinance which is Title 19 of the Riverdale Municipal Ordinance Code. 19-41-3. Scope of Chapter. Tracts of land which are located in the City and which are intended for commercial or manufacturing use shall be developed in compliance with this Chapter. No person shall offer for recording in the office of the County Recorder any deed conveying a commercial or manufacturing development, or any interest therein, unless such development has been created pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. 19-41-4. Pre-Application Sketch Plan. (a) Each person who proposes to develop land for commercial or manufacturing use within the City of Riverdale shall confer with the Building and Zoning Official before preparing any plats, charts, or plans in order to become familiar with the Riverdale development requirements and existing Master Plans for the territory in which the proposed development lies and to discuss the proposed plan of development of the tract. (b) A Commercial-Manufacturing Development Information Form to be supplied to the developer by the Zoning Official shall be filled out and submitted to the Planning Commission prior to submission of the preliminary plat. 19-41-5. Preliminary Plat Required. (a) Each person who proposes to develop land in the City shall prepare a preliminary plan of such development and shall submit eight (8) prints thereof to the Planning Commission and show compliance with the requirements of the Site Plan Standards Check List which shall be obtained from the City Building and Zoning Official. Preliminary plans must be received by the Zoning Inspector seven (7) days prior to the scheduled Planning Commission meeting in order to allow sufficient review time. (b) The Planning Commission may approve or reject the preliminary plan, or grant approval on conditions stated. Approval of the preliminary plan by the Planning Commission shall not constitute final acceptance of the development by the Planning Commission. One copy of the approved preliminary plan, signed by the Chairman of the Planning Commission, shall be retained in the office of the Planning Commission. One signed copy shall be given to the developer. Receipt of this signed copy shall be authorization for the developer to proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications and with the preparation of the final plan. Prior to the construction of any improvements or the submission of any bond, the developer shall furnish to the City Engineer all plans, information and data necessary for review of said improvements for conformance with this chapter. These plans shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and shall be accepted if he determines them to be in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. No construction of buildings or additions shall begin until after a favorable recommendation of the final plan by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. Amendments to the site plan shall be favorably recommended by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council. (c) Approval of the preliminary site plan by the Planning Commission shall be valid for a maximum period of twelve (12) months, unless, upon application of the developer, the Planning Commission grants an extension. After compliance with the requirements of the Planning Commission, City Engineer, Fire Chief/Marshal, Police Chief, Maintenance Supervisor, and Building and Zoning Inspector a final site plan shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning Commission for recommendation to the City Council for final approval. The final site plan shall be in conformance with city ordinances and design standards. 19-41-6. Design Standards. (a) The arrangement of streets in new developments shall make provision for the continuation of the existing streets in adjoining areas (or their proper protection where adjoining land is not developed) insofar as such may be deemed necessary by the Planning Commission for public requirements. The street arrangement shall be such as to cause no unnecessary hardship to owners of adjoining property when they plat their own land and seek to provide for convenient access to it. (b) Minor streets shall approach the major or collector streets at an angle of not less than eighty (80) degrees. (c) Major and collector streets shall conform to the width designated on the Master Street Plan where ever a development falls in an area for which a Master Street Plan has been adopted. For territory where such Street Plan has not been completed at the time the development preliminary plan is submitted to the Planning Commission, major or collector streets shall be provided as required by the Planning Commission with minimum widths of one hundred (100 feet for major streets and sixty-six (66) feet for collector streets. (d) Minor residential streets shall have a minimum width of sixty (60) feet, except that cul-de-sacs (dead-end streets) or loop streets serving not more than ten (10) lots may have a minimum width of fifty (50) feet. (e) Alleys shall have a minimum width of twenty (20) feet. Alleys may be required in the rear of business lots, but will not be accepted in residential blocks except under unusual conditions where such alleys are considered necessary by the Planning Commission. (f) Cul-de-sacs (dead-end streets) shall be used only where unusual conditions exist which make other designs undesirable. Each cul-de-sac must be terminated by a turn-around not less than one hundred (100) feet in diameter. If surface water drainage is into the turn-around due to the grade of the street, necessary catch basins and drainage easements shall be provided. (g) Easements for drainage through the property may be required by the City Engineer, and easements of not less than ten (10) feet in width shall be provided where required for utilities or other purposes. (h) Service roads paralleling major streets shall be required unless the Planning Commission approved double frontage lots which may back onto major highways or collector streets as designated on the Master Street Plan. Where lots back onto a major highway or collector street, a buffer planting strip of trees or shrubs shall be provided in a width of a minimum of ten (10) feet. (i) Blocks between streets shall not exceed sixteen hundred (1600) feet in length. A dedicated walkway through the block may be required where access is necessary to a point designated by the Planning Commission. Such walkway shall be a minimum of four (4) feet in width, but may be required to be wider where determined necessary by the Planning Commission. The developer shall surface the full width of the walkway with a concrete surface. 19-41-7. Improvements. (a) Time of Construction. The improvements listed in this Section shall be installed prior to final inspection and issuance of a certificate of occupancy except as provided in (b) below. No improvements shall be installed until their design and specifications are reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with this chapter. Water and sewer mains and laterals and fire hydrants shall be installed prior to the installation of road base, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and the surfacing of streets. (b) Performance Bonds. (1) In lieu of actual completion of the improvements listed in this Subsection and before final approval by the City Council, the developer may deposit with the City Recorder a surety or cash bond to assure the actual construction of said improvements within a period of two (2) years after final approval by the City Council in a manner satisfactory to and in an amount specified by the Council. Improvements shall include part or all of the following: Streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, water supply systems, fire hydrants, sewer systems, surface water disposal systems, protection from hazards of canals and ditches, safety fences, landscaping, monuments, street signs, or other improvements required by the Council and Planning Commission. (2) The developer shall be responsible for the satisfactory performance of improvements dedicated to the City for a period of one year after inspection and final acceptance by the City. These improvements include: streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, water main lines, fire hydrants, sewer mains and man holes, storm sewer mains and catch boxes, monuments, and street signs which are in a dedicated easement and are controlled solely by the City. (c) Standards. Standards for design, construction, specifications, and inspection of street improvements, curbs, and gutters, sidewalks, and drainage facilities shall be prepared by the City Engineer, standards of design and procedure by the Planning Commission, standards for water distribution and sewage disposal facilities by the State Board of Health and City Engineer, and similar standards for fire hydrants by the City Engineer. Such standards and rules and regulations, and any amendments thereto, before becoming effective, shall be adopted or amended by the City Council as a part of this Chapter after recommendation by the Planning Commission and shall be available to the public. (d) Streets on Property of Other Public Agencies or Utility Companies. Where it is proposed that streets be constructed on property controlled by a public agency or utility company, approval for the location, improvement and maintenance of such streets shall be obtained from the public agency or utility company by the Developer and entered on the final site plan in a form approved by the City Attorney. (e) Street Improvements. All streets shall be constructed by the developer in accordance with the standards and rules and regulations of the City. (f) Curbs, Gutters, and Sidewalks. Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks shall be installed on existing and proposed streets by the developer in all developments. (g) Water Supply. A culinary water supply must be approved by the City Maintenance Supervisor and the City Engineer. The developer shall install water mains and service lines or laterals from such mains to each structure within the development prior to the installation of road base, surfacing, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. (h) Fire Hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be installed by the developer at locations determined by the City Engineer and Fire Department in all developments in accordance with the standards, rules, and regulations of the City of Riverdale. (i) Sewage Disposal. Whether by individual disposal system or by public disposal facilities, sewage disposal shall be provided and reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with the Utah Wastewater Disposal Code and approved by the Maintenance Supervisor and Sewer District. The developer shall connect with such sanitary sewer and provide sewer mains and extend laterals from the main sewer line to each building prior to the installation of the road base, surfacing, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. (j) Surface Water. The developer shall provide adequate methods of conveyance and disposal of storm water and surface water at his expense, the plans for which shall be prepared by a licensed engineer not in the employ of the City and which shall be approved by the Planning Commission after recommendation by the City Engineer. If easements are required across abutting property to permit drainage of the development, it shall be the responsibility of the developer to acquire such easements. (k) Ditches and Canals. Open ditches or canals shall not be allowed in or adjoining a development. It shall be a developer's responsibility to work with the irrigation, drainage, or ditch companies and arrange for the covering, realigning, or elimination of open ditches or canals. In cases where canals or ditches cross public roads or proposed public roads, specifications and grades for pipe or culvert must be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with the City Utility Standards and accepted by the affected canal company as adequate as to capacity. (l) Fences. The developer shall install a fence in conformance with all applicable standards, rules, and regulations, of the City of Riverdale, along all non-access streets, open reservoirs, bodies of water, or railroad rights of way. (Ordinance No. 373, Adopted June 5, 1989.) Chapter 42 - Constitutional Takings 19-42-1 19-42-2 19-42-3 19-42-4 19-42-5 19-42-6 Policy Considerations Definitions Guidelines Advisory Review of Decision Reviewing Guidelines Results of Review 19-42-1. Policy Considerations. There is an underlying policy in the City, strongly favoring the careful consideration of matters involving Constitutional Taking claims, in fairness to the owner of private property bringing the claim and in view of the uncertainty and expense involved in defending law suits alleging such issues. At the same time, the legitimate role of government in lawfully regulating real property must be preserved and the public's right to require the dedication or exaction of property consistent with the Constitution. Consistent with this policy, it is desired that a procedure be established for the review of actions that may involve the issue of a Constitutional Taking. These provisions are to assist governments in considering decisions that may involve Constitutional Takings. It is intended that a procedure for such a review be provided as well as to establish guidelines for such considerations. This ordinance is further intended and shall be construed to objectively and fairly review claims by citizens that a specific government action should require payment of just compensation, yet preserve the ability of the City to lawfully regulate real property and fulfill its other duties and functions. 19-42-2. Definitions. (a) "Constitutional Taking" means actions by the City involving the physical taking or exaction of private real property that might require compensation to a private real property owner because of: (1) The Fifth or Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; (2) Article I, Section 22, of the Utah Constitution; (3) Any Court ruling governing the physical taking or exaction of private real property by a government entity; (b) Actions by the City involving the physical taking or exaction of private real property are not a Constitutional Taking if the physical taking or exaction: (1) Bears an essential nexus to a legitimate governmental interest; and (2) Is roughly proportionate and reasonably related, on an individualized property basis both in nature and extent, to the impact of the proposed development on the legitimate government interest. 19-42-3. Guidelines Advisory. The guidelines adopted and decisions rendered pursuant to the provisions of this section are advisory, and shall not be construed to expand or limit the scope of the City's liability for a Constitutional Taking. The reviewing body shall not be required to make any determination under this ordinance except pursuant to Section 19-42-4. 19-42-4. Review of Decision. Any owner of private real property who claims there has been a Constitutional Taking of their private real property shall request a review of a final decision of any officer, employee, board, commission, or council. The following are specific procedures established for such a review. (a) The person requesting a review must have obtained a final and authoritative determination, internally within the City, relative to the decision from which they are requesting review. (b) Within thirty (30) days from the date of the final decision that gave rise to the concern that a Constitutional Taking has occurred, the person requesting the review shall file in writing, in the office of the City Recorder, a request for review of that decision. A copy shall also be filed with the City Attorney. (c) The City Council shall immediately set a time to review the decision that gave rise to the Constitutional Taking claim. (d) In addition to the written request for review the applicant must submit, prior to the date of the review, the following: (1) Name of the applicant requesting review; (2) Name and business address of current owner of the property, form of ownership, whether sole proprietorship, forprofit or not-for-profit corporation, partnership, joint venture or other, and if owned by a corporation, partnership, or joint venture, name and address of all principal shareholders or partners; (3) A detailed description of the grounds for the claim that there has been a Constitutional Taking; (4) A detailed description of the property taken; (5) Evidence and documentation as to the value of the property taken, including the date and cost at the date the property was acquired. This should include any evidence of the value of that same property before and after the alleged Constitutional Taking, the name of the party from whom purchased, including the relationship, if any, between the person requesting a review and the party from whom the property was acquired; (6) Nature of the protectable interest claimed to be affected such as, but not limited to, fee simple ownership, leasehold interest; (7) Terms (including sale price) of any previous purchase or sale of a full or partial interest in the property in the three years prior to the date of application; (8) All appraisals of the property prepared for any purpose, including financing, offering for sale, or ad valorem taxation, within the three years prior to the date of application; (9) The assessed value of and ad valorem taxes on the property for the previous three years; (10) All information concerning current mortgages or other loans secured by the property, including name of the mortgagee or lender, current interest rate, remaining loan balance and term of the loan and other significant provisions, including but not limited to, right of purchasers to assume the loan; (11) All listings of the property for sale or rent, price asked and offers received, if any, within the previous three years; (12) All studies commissioned by the petitioner or agents of the petitioner within the previous three years concerning feasibility of development or utilization of the property; (13) For income producing property, itemized income and expense statements from the property for the previous three years; (14) Information from a title policy or other source showing all recorded liens or encumbrances affecting the property; and (15) The City Council or their designee may request additional information reasonably necessary, in their opinion, to arrive at a conclusion concerning whether there has been a Constitutional Taking. (e) An application shall not be deemed to be "complete" or "submitted" until the reviewing body certifies to the applicant that all the materials and information required above have been received by the City. The reviewing body shall promptly notify the applicant of any incomplete application. (f) The City Council shall hear all the evidence related to and submitted by the applicant, City, or any other interested party. (g) A final decision on the review shall be rendered within fourteen (14) days from the date the complete application for review has been received by the City Recorder. The decision of the City Council regarding the results of the review shall be given in writing to the applicant and the officer, employee, board, commission or council that rendered the final decision that gave rise to the Constitutional Takings claim. (h) If the City Council fails to hear and decide the review within fourteen (14) days, the decision appealed from shall be presumed to be approved. 19-42-5. Reviewing Guidelines. The City Council shall review the facts and information presented by the applicant to determine whether or not the action by the City constitutes a Constitutional Taking as defined in this chapter. In doing so they shall consider: (a) Whether the physical taking or exaction of the private real property bears an essential nexus to a legitimate governmental interest. (b) Whether a legitimate governmental interest exists for the action taken by the City. (c) Whether the property and exaction taken, are roughly proportionate and reasonably related, on an individual property basis, both in nature and extent, to the impact caused by the activities that are the subject of the decision being reviewed. 19-42-6. Results of Review. After completing the review, the reviewing City Council shall make a determination regarding the above issues and, where determined to be necessary and appropriate, shall make a recommendation to the officer, employee, board, commission or council that made the decision that gave rise to the Constitutional Takings claim. (Ordinance No. 473, Adopted February 15, 1995.)