HIST 145

Hist 145: Contemporary World History
Jessica Stites Mor
University of British Columbia - Okanagan
Winter Session I 2013
Course Times: M, W, F 10:30-11:20, FIP 121
WebVista: www.elearning.ubc.ca/connect
Office: ART 242
Contact: jessica.stites-mor@ubc.ca
Calendar description:
This course examines events and forces shaping the world since mid-twentieth century. [3-0-0]
Course format: Lecture with discussion; individual and group work; exams, quizzes and papers.
Course is reading intensive, as reading is a key component of gaining historical knowledge. It is also
writing intensive, as this is a core learning objective of first year history courses. The course does not
emphasize rote memorization, rather it asks students to develop historical understandings that can
be operationalized in problem-solving, case study, and critical analysis.
This course is a basic survey of world history since the middle of the twentieth century. It examines in
broad strokes the major themes of the field, which include the global flows of people, goods, and
ideas and the history of global and transnational institutions. In addition to learning more about
global and transnational events and historical forces, this course serves as an introduction to the
discipline of history. As such, it will make use of a variety of sources that form part of the historical
record of this period for the region. One of the key objectives of the course will be for students to
evaluate these sources, understand how to consider their value in constructing historical arguments,
and begin to think critically about them. This course will focus on controversial histories, contested
ideas about the past, histories that may include important silences or conflicting accounts. This
method of focusing on events that are contested will enable students to begin to train their own
historical imaginations and hone their skills in evaluating evidence and a variety of historical
perspectives. The course will focus on perspectives from the Global South: Latin America, Africa, the
Middle East and Asia.
Required Books and Readings:
Baldwin, James. Another Country. New York: Vintage, 1992.
Kumar, Amitava. A Foreigner Carrying in the Crook of his Arm a Tiny Bomb. Durham, Duke University
Press, 2010.
Sacco, Joe. Palestine. New York: Fantagraphics, 2001.
Tang, Troung Nhu. A Vietcong Memoir. New York: Vintage, 1986.
On-line Documents, as assigned.
Course Objectives:
Active participation
Build history-writing skills through written assignments
Distinguish between historical approaches and modes of analysis
Think critically about historical arguments, theory, and sources
Learn how to analyze contemporary events based on historical records.
Assignments and Grading:
3 Exams: 10%, 15%, 20% (45% total)
Map Quiz: 5%
First paper: 10%, 3-4 pages
Second paper: 10%, 3-4 pages
Third paper: 10%, 3-4 pages
Final paper: 10%, 3-4 pages
Debate: 10% (in-class)
Each examination is designed to test the student’s apprehension of the material under review. The
exam consists of a short knowledge testing section, long answer identifications (4-5 sentences), and
an essay. The first section tests for student’s ability to quickly identify and correctly connect basic
ideas, concepts, and people from the lecture material and the readings. Although this section will
involve connecting words with definitions or synonyms, some of the terms will match with closely
related terms and ideas or abbreviated descriptions. The long answer identification questions, the
second part of the exam, tests the student’s ability to assess historical significance within the
relevant context of a particular historical subject, movement, or idea. The student will provide a
short description of the term in question –noting any important dates, places or other signifiers that
place the event within the broader context of the course– and then will make an argument for the
item’s historical significance. All exams are OPEN BOOK, though books are subject to the professor’s
or teaching assistant’s visual examination. Students can bring in an outline of their essay, as well, on
one sheet of paper. The essay section of the exam tests the student’s ability to express themselves
in an historical argument, using support from a secondary source in a critical fashion, and is the most
heavily weighted part of the exam.
Writing assignments:
Paper 1 – Individual country paper
Paper 2 – Regional paper
Paper 3 – Trans-national paper
Paper 4 – Global paper
Course Policies:
Attendance at lectures, discussions, and multi-media presentations is mandatory. Students will be
responsible for anything said in class, including any changes made to the syllabus.
All deadlines, either on the syllabus or announced in class, should be considered inflexible. Any
assignments turned in after the due date will be marked down accordingly. In general, papers are
deducted one letter grade for each day the assignment is late. Extensions will not be granted without
legitimate cause. If a student encounters a problem during the course of the semester which might
delay finishing written work, interfere with exam times, or hinder attendance, students should
communicate with the professor directly BEFORE the scheduled events. In the event of serious
illness, death in the family, or other legitimate concern, formal documentation may be required to
make an exception. Any work delivered to the department instead of in class will be time-certified
by the secretary.
Plagiarism is considered a very serious offense. Please see document “How not to plagiarize.” Fill
out, sign, and date the Academic Integrity Statement accompanying this syllabus. Detailed
information about UBC-O policy can be found through the following link:
The History faculty has adopted a guide to follow for the submission of all History papers. Students
are expected to submit all papers in lower level history courses in the format as defined in the style
guide. This guide is available for purchase in the Bookstore. Copies are also on reserve in the library.
This text is: Mary Lynn Rampolla, A Pocket Guide to Writing History (Bedford Books).
Drafts and Grade Disputes:
I am willing to look over paper drafts if I receive your draft (by email or hardcopy) at least 48 hours
before the assignment is due. Please feel free to also take your essays to the peer writing center for
additional assistance. I also welcome discussions about comments on graded papers, particularly if
you have a mind towards improvement. Such conversations will often help you improve on future
assignments. In the very rare cases where a student wishes to dispute the grade earned, I require a
written statement of at least one page outlining the specific reasons for reconsidering the grade
Evaluation Criteria and Grading:
A range (80% to 100%)
A+ (90% +)
A (85-89%)
A- (80-84%)
Exceptional performance.
Superior grasp of subject matter with sound critical evaluations.
Evidence of extensive knowledge of the literature.
Superior organization and use of evidence.
Persuasive composition. Reflects having benefited from revision.
B range (68% to 79%)
B+ (76-79%)
B (72-75%)
B- (68-71%)
Competent performance.
Clear grasp of the subject matter and appropriate use of evidence.
Some evidence of critical and analytical ability.
Demonstrated familiarity with the literature.
Clear composition.
C range (60 to 67%)
C+ (64-67%)
C (60-63%)
Satisfactory performance.
Basic understanding of the subject matter.
Demonstrated ability to develop solutions to basic problems with the issues and
Acceptable but uninspired presentation that is not generally faulty but lacks style
and depth.
Generally flawed composition.
D to C- range (50-59%)
C- (55-59%)
D (50-54)
Minimal acceptable performance.
Familiarity with material and themes but no consistent analytical or expository
Usually awkward, difficult composition and/or organization.
F range (0 to 49%)
Inadequate performance.
Little or no evidence of understanding of the subject matter or use of materials.
Weak critical and analytical quality.
Substandard composition and/or failure to meet the technical requirements for the
Grammatical mistakes which exceed the accidental.
Making up lost points towards final mark:
There are several films to be screened in the course this semester. Writing a 2-page Film Critique can
improve your final mark, if the quality is sufficiently high. Each film will be worth up to a 2% overall
course grade improvement, and completing up to a maximum of 5% can significantly raise a
potentially sub-standard mark.
Equity, Human Rights, Discrimination and Harassment
UBC Okanagan is a place where every student, staff and faculty member should be able to study
and work in an environment that is free from human rights based discrimination and harassment. If
you require assistance related to an issue of equity, discrimination or harassment, please contact
the Equity Office, your administrative head of unit, and/or your unit’s equity representative.
UBC Okanagan Equity Advisor: ph. 250-807-9291; email equity.ubco@ubc.ca
Web: www.ubc.ca/okanagan/equity
Unit Equity Representatives:
Course Schedule and Weekly Readings:
1-Sept 4, 6
Introduction: Global Norths and Souths:
Decolonization and the Cold War
Assign working groups
Start reading Tang
2-Sept 9, 11, 13
Imperialism at a Crossroads
Algeria, South Korea, Guatemala
Tang continue
Library visit SEPT 13, meet in LIB Classroom 111
3-Sept 16, 18, 20
Socialist States
Cultural Revolution in China and Cuba
Tang finish
Map Quiz – SEPT 20
4-Sept 23, 25, 27
International Conflict and Human Rights:
Read and Finish Sacco
Paper 1 Due – Sept 27
5-Sept 30, Oct 2, 4
The Global 1960s:
Sex, Drugs, and Dreads
Start Baldwin
First midterm exam, Oct 4
6-Oct 7, 9 11
Confronting Crisis:
Oil, Food, Water
Continue Baldwin
Oct 14 – University Closed for Thanksgiving (Canadian)
7- Oct 16, 18
International Institutions and Governance:
Global Finance, Somali Pirates, and Electronic Media
Continue Baldwin
Paper 2 due October 18
8-Oct 21, 23, 25
Religious Conflict and the Modern State
Between Tehran and Istanbul
Finish Baldwin
9-Oct 28, 30, Nov 1
Transnational Trade and Global Poverty:
Hello Kitty, Walmart, and First World Garbage
Start Kumar
Second midterm exam, Nov 1
10-Nov 4, 6, 8
Terrorism, Old and New:
Eichmann, Amin, Pinochet
Read Kumar
Nov 11-12 University closed for Remembrance Day and Mid-Term Break, No class
11-Nov 13, 15
New African Nationalisms
Bob Marley, Robert Mugabe and Nelson Mandela
Continue Kumar
Paper 3 due, Nov. 15
12-Nov 18, 20, 22
Immigrants, Exiles, Refugees and Diaspora
Koreans watching Boca Juniors, Haitians in Miami jails, Jamaicans at the Calgary Stampede
Finish Kumar
13- Nov. 25
The Global Street: Protest and Public Space
Nov. 27, 29
Group Activity - Debate
Paper 4 due, Dec. 3
***Final Exam DATE, TIME and PLACE TBA
Learning Outcomes
Students should be able by the end of the course to demonstrate the ability to:
1. Write a paper following the norms and standards in the discipline of history.
2. Critically analyze historical arguments and evidence.
3. Apply historical understandings to problem-based examples.
4. Develop a case study in each of the four target areas.
And most importantly - 5. Learn to think historically.
What does historical thinking mean?
Understanding Change and Continuity over Time
Recognizing the Importance of Context and Narrative
Assigning, Interpreting, and Explaining Historical Causality
Evaluating the Contingency of Historical Events through Individual Events
Comprehending the Complexity of the Past
Academic Integrity
The academic enterprise is founded on honesty, civility, and integrity. As members of this
enterprise, all students are expected to know, understand, and follow the codes of conduct
regarding academic integrity. At the most basic level, this means submitting only original work
done by you and acknowledging all sources of information or ideas and attributing them to others
as required. This also means you should not cheat, copy, or mislead others about what is your
work. Violations of academic integrity (i.e., misconduct) lead to the breakdown of the academic
enterprise, and therefore serious consequences arise and harsh sanctions are imposed. For
example, incidences of plagiarism or cheating may result in a mark of zero on the assignment or
exam and more serious consequences may apply if the matter is referred to the President’s
Advisory Committee on Student Discipline. Careful records are kept in order to monitor and
prevent recurrences.
A more detailed description of academic integrity, including the University’s policies and
procedures, may be found in the Academic Calendar at
How not to plagiarize:
PLAGIARISM - As defined in the UBC Calendar:
Plagiarism occurs where an individual submits or presents the oral or written work of another person as
his or her own. Scholarship quite properly rests upon examining and referring to the thoughts and
writings of others. However, when another person’s words or ideas are used, the author must be
acknowledged in the text, in footnotes, in endnotes, or in another accepted form of academic citation.
Where direct quotations are made, they must be clearly delineated (for example, within quotation
marks or separately indented). Plagiarism encompasses situations in which there is no recognition given
to the author for phrases, sentences, or ideas of the author incorporated in a work to situations in
which an entire work is copied from an author, or composed by another person, and presented as
original work. Plagiarism should not occur in submitted drafts or final works. A student who seeks
assistance from a tutor or other scholastic aids must ensure that the work submitted is the student’s
own. Students are responsible for ensuring that any work submitted does not constitute plagiarism.
Students who are in any doubt as to what constitutes plagiarism should consult their instructor before
handing in any assignments.
When writing an academic essay you must observe academic conventions concerning such matters
as notes, bibliography and scholarly abbreviations. An essay that does not conform to these
practices is not acceptable. For details consult any standard source such as M. L. Rampolla, A Pocket
Guide to Writing in History or Kate Turabian’s A Manual for Writers.
Plagiarism: This is a serious academic offence consisting of presenting as your own, work which in
fact is not your own. The university calendar contains an official statement on plagiarism. Here are
some guidelines:
1) If you quote directly a passage of any length, it must be clearly marked out as a quotation (most
usually by enclosing the passage in quotation marks) and fully footnoted. Any information, ideas or
paraphrase of a passage from your sources must also be acknowledged in a footnote. Two points are
important here. First, anything in quotation marks (or the equivalent) is assumed to be exactly as it
appeared in the original source. Second, anything not in quotation marks (or the equivalent) is
assumed to be your own work in your own words.
2) Slight modifications to a passage in a source, even if the source is acknowledged, presented as
being your own work in your own words only compounds theft with deception.
3) Note that the provision of a bibliography of all sources consulted, while necessary, is not a
substitute for specific acknowledgement.
4) If you use an essay, project, notes, etc. of another student or otherwise receive assistance in the
preparation of your paper, you must acknowledge, fully and clearly, the help you have received. If
information from a lecture or some similar source is used in your essay, it should be acknowledged in
a footnote.
5) Handing in the same, or substantially the same, essay in more than one course is an academic
offence that is the equivalent of plagiarism. This does not mean you cannot build upon work you
have done in another course. You must however acknowledge clearly that you are doing so and, in
cases of substantial overlap, receive prior permission from your professor(s).
Academic Integrity Statement
Dr. Jessica Stites Mor
Course #: HIST 151________ Title ________Modern Latin American History___________________
I, ___________________, the undersigned, have read and have understood the statement on “How
not to plagiarize” in the syllabus for this course. I understand the meaning of plagiarism and how it
applies to my work in this course. In accordance with university policy and the academic integrity
standards of Dr. Stites Mor’s class, in which I am an enrolled student, I agree not to plagiarize under
any circumstances. I agree that the definition of this activity will be made by the professor, in
consultation with the department, and will not be subject to interpretation, either by myself, my
representative, or any other legal party. I also understand that violation of this Academic Integrity
Statement may result in the harsh penalties established by the guidelines of the university on
academic integrity. I also understand that I may not withdraw from the course once a plagiarism
case has been initiated.
___________________________________________ Printed Name
___________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date
___________________________ Student Identification Number
Please submit this form no later than the second week of class. Any questions concerning rights and
responsibilities related to this statement and the document “How not to plagiarize” can be referred
to the legal counsel of the university.