Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 Corporate Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (64387) Fax: 408 526-4100 Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 1 THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS. THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN THE INFORMATION PACKET THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT YOUR CISCO REPRESENTATIVE FOR A COPY. 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All other trademarks mentioned in this document or Website are the property of their respective owners.The use of the word partner does not implya partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (0601R) Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command display output, and figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental. Cisco Customer Voice Portal Software: Service Release 2 for Customer Voice Portal Software Version 3.1(0) Copyright © 2006, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 2 Table of Contents Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 6/5/06 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 New Features ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Features Introduced in CVP 3.1 SR2 ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Features Introduced in CVP 3.1 SR1 ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Changes ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Required Software ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Documentation Updates ............................................................................................................................................................. 13 Known Caveats ............................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Resolved Caveats ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Obtaining Documentation ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Product Documentation DVD ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Ordering Documentation ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 Documentation Feedback ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Field Alerts ................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Cisco Product Security Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 16 Reporting Security Problems in Cisco Products ................................................................................................................. 16 Obtaining Technical Assistance ................................................................................................................................................ 17 Cisco Technical Support & Documentation Website.......................................................................................................... 17 Submitting a Service Request ............................................................................................................................................... 18 Definitions of Service Request Severity ............................................................................................................................... 18 Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 3 Introduction This document provides the latest information about the Customer Voice Portal (CVP), Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2. Service releases for CVP are cumulative; that is, they include code updates present in earlier service releases for their respective version. Thus, in addition to the new updates it introduces, CVP 3.1(0) Service Release 2 also contains the code updates from CVP 3.1(0) Service Release 1. Please review this document before installing and using CVP 3.1(0) SR2. New Features Features Introduced in CVP 3.1 SR2 None Features Introduced in CVP 3.1 SR1 CVP Voice Browser supports alternate Gate Keeper The UUI that is extracted from the incoming call will be used as the Correlation ID. UUI extracted from incoming call is now passed to ICM scripting environment Added EEC Call Variable in ICM scripting environment, user.microapp.override_cli. The value of this variable is appended to the label returned by ICM. CVP 3.1 SR1 Features 1. 1.1. Using GTD(UUI) as Correlation ID in Advanced Speech Model Feature Description Some customers have a need to do correlation-id transfers through their network, such as when using a CRSP NIC for call control. However, the network typically doesn't have a place to store correlation-id so it must be “hidden” somewhere in the ISDN setup that arrives at the IOS gateway and then extracted by the gateway. The UUS parameter (often known as the UUI) of the GTD (Generic Transparency Descriptor) data can be used to “hide” the correlation ID, provided the call control client has the capability of inserting a correlation ID value into the GTD. When the call arrives at the gateway from the network, it can then extract the value and append it to the DNIS before sending an HTTP request to the Type3 CVP app server. This feature applies only to CVP Advanced Speech Model. 1.2. How it Works The call control client (such as the CRSP NIC) would insert the desired correlation ID value into the dat field of the UUS parameter of the NSS IAM message. These NSS messages are used as the basis of building the GTD data that ultimately arrives at the IOS gateway from the PSTN. Refer to the ITU-T Narrowband Signalling Syntax spec (Q.1980.1) for a detailed description of the IAM message and UUS parameter, included below for convenience. Note that the dat field are pairs of hex digits. This means that if the correlation ID is “12345”, the dat field must be populated as “3132333435”. The gateway bootstrap.tcl script will then convert back to “12345” before appending to the DNIS and passing to the CVP app server in the HTTP URL. 7.3.108 User-To-User Information (UUS) Format: UUS,pd=a,dat=1*(2Hex) Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 4 Fields: Field-01: pd - protocol discriminator a description - ----------0 - user-specific protocol 1 - OSI higher layer protocols 2 - ITU-T Rec. X.263 (replaces ITU-T Rec. X.244) 3 - IA5 characters (are contained in field 2) 4 - ITU-T Recs X.208 and X.209 coded user information 5 - ITU-T Rec. V.120 rate adaption 6 - ITU-T Recs Q.931/I.451 user-network call control messages Field-02: dat - user-to-user info 1*(2h) description ------ ----------1*(2h) - one or more pairs of characters (0-9, A-F) representing a hexadecimal encoding (see clause 5.1). 1.3. Configuration On the gateway: conf t application service your-cvp-service-name param use-uui-as-corrid Y (See Note 1) param correlation-gtd-attribute XXX(See Note 2) param correlation-gtd-instance N (See Note 2) param correlation-gtd-field YYY (See Note 2) dial-peer voice pots 123 service your-cvp-service-name Note 1: This is a mandatory parameter to enable this feature. Note that you will see the message “Warning: parameter use-uui-ascorrid has not been registered under isnapp namesp” when you activate this parameter, but can be ignored - it is benign. Note 2: These parameters are optional. They need only be specified if the call control client placed the correlation id in a GTD parameter other than uus.dat. 1.4. Debugging Tips On the gateway, turn on: debug voip application script debug gtd In the gateway log, look for the GTD values: 6616806: *Jan 31 17:12:41.220: cdapi_find_tsm: Found a gtd msg of length 144: 6616807: *Jan 31 17:12:41.220: gtd msg = "IAM, PRN,isdn*,,ATT5*, USI,rate,c,s,c,1 USI,lay1,ulaw TMR,00 CPN,00,,u,5900 CPC,09 FCI,,,,,,,y, UUS,3,3132333435 --------------------- This is the UUI that will become the correlation ID 12345 GCI,87c0c79d91dd11daa9c4000bfda207f2" Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 5 Assuming the incoming DNIS was 5900, the modified DNIS that will be passed up to the CVP app server (and ICM) is 590012345. 6616907: *Jan 31 17:22:05.964: //1287952//TCL :/tcl_PutsObjCmd: >>> CVP bootstra p.tcl: D85A336B.91DE11DA.A9C8000B.FDA207F2: modified DNIS is 590012345. Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 6 2. Passing GTD(UUI) data to ICM 2.1. Feature Description It is sometimes desirable to capture data from some external system (for example, caller-entered digits from a third-party IVR) and pass that data to ICM on a new call. This can be accomplished by populating the UUS parameter (often known as the UUI) in the IAM message of the GTD (Generic Transparency Descriptor) data that is sent to the gateway from the network in the Q.931 setup message. The gateway and CVP can extract this data and send it to ICM on a new call. Additionally, other parameters in the GTD can also be extracted and sent to ICM if the user so desires. Any parameter contained in the NSS IAM message can be extracted as long as the ingress IOS gateway also extracts it. Refer to for a description of all the GTD fields IOS 12.4 will extract. Also refer to the ITU-T Narrowband Signalling Syntax spec (Q.1980.1) for a detailed description of the IAM message. This feature is available in CVP Comprehensive and Advanced Speech Models and can be used with any CVP VRU type. 2.2. How It Works The external system would insert the desired values into the dat field of the UUS parameter of the NSS IAM message. These NSS messages are used as the basis for building the GTD data that ultimately arrives at the IOS gateway from the PSTN. Note that the UUS.dat field is represented by pairs of hex digits. This means that if the external system wants to pass “12345” in the UUS dat field, it will arrive to the gateway with the following representation: “3132333435”. By default, this 2-byte hex value is what gets passed up to ICM. The ICM script would then need to manipulate via the Formula Editor. If desired, the user can specify an option on the gateway or the CVP Voice Browser to first convert to the 1-byte ASCII representation (i.e “12345”) *before* passing to ICM. Any data that cannot be represented by a printable ASCII character will be replaced with a “.” character. Therefore, if the incoming GTD data from the network contains binary data (such as counters), this option should not be used since it will result in a loss of valuable information. Additionally, other fields from the IAM message can also be utilized, if desired. How that data moves from the gateway up to the ICM differs depending on the deployment model used. The format in which the data appears in ICM will also be somewhat different based on the deployment model. In any case, ICM 7.1(1) and beyond will accommodate a maximum length of 131 characters. Before that release, ICM will only accommodate a maximum length of 36 characters (see bug CSCsd30668) 2.3. 1. Advanced Speech Model The bootstrap.tcl file on the gateway extracts the GTD fields that the user has configured. Default is to extract UUS.dat if user specifies nothing. . That data is then passed to the CVP app server in the HTTP URL as the CALL_UUI. The app server places the CALL_UUI data in the GED-125 UUI variable which is then passed to ICM. ICM makes that data available in the Call.UserToUserInfo field in the ICM script. It also stores it in the UserToUser column in the TCD (Termination Call Detail record) in the database. 2. Comprehensive Model GTD data is passed to the CVP Voice Browser automatically in the H323 setup in the NonStandardControl element. No gateway configuration is necessary. The CVP Voice Browser extracts the GTD fields the user has configured via VBAdmin. Default is to extract the UUS if the user specifies nothing. That data is then passed to the CVP app server in the HTTP URL as the CALL_UUI. The app server places the CALL_UUI data in the GED-125 UUI variable which is then passed to ICM. ICM makes that data available in the Call.UserToUserInfo field in the ICM script. It also stores it in the UserToUser column in the TCD (Termination Call Detail record) in the database. Configuration Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 7 For the following examples, assume the GTD data that arrived from the network was: 6616807: *Jan 31 17:12:41.220: gtd msg = "IAM, PRN,isdn*,,ATT5*, USI,rate,c,s,c,1 USI,lay1,ulaw TMR,00 CPN,00,,u,5900 CPC,09 FCI,,,,,,,y, UUS,3,3132333435 GCI,87c0c79d91dd11daa9c4000bfda207f2 a) Advanced Speech Model Assume that you want to extract UUS.dat and convert it to ASCII before sending to ICM. Additionally, you also want to extract CPC.cpc. Note that you can extract up to 20 GTD fields. On the gateway: conf t application service your-cvp-service-name param gtd-attribute0 uus param gtd-field0 dat param gtd-format0 ascii param gtd-attribute1 cpc param gtd-field1 cpc dial-peer voice pots 123 service your-cvp-service-name The data that will appear in ICM UserToUserInfo will look as follows. Note that two semicolons delimit NSS parameters. Fields within the NSS parameter are delimited by a comma. uus.dat,12345;;cpc.cpc,09;; b) Comprehensive Model Assume that you want to extract UUS and convert it to ASCII before sending to ICM. Additionally, you also want to extract CPN data. Note that unlike with Advanced Speech, you cannot extract down to field level – it is all-or-nothing for a parameter. In other words, if you wanted to extract the CPN noa field, you also will also end up getting the CPN inn, noi, and # fields as well. On the CVP Voice Browser from VBAdmin: setUUI “UUS:2 , CPN” The “:2” says to convert the second field in the UUS parameter string to ASCII before sending to ICM. The data that will appear in the ICM UserToUserInfo will look as follows. Note that two semicolons delimit NSS parameters. Fields within the NSS parameter are delimited by a comma. UUS,3,12345;;CPN,00,,u,5900;; 2.4. Debugging Tips a) Advanced Speech Model Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 8 On the gateway, turn on: debug voip application script debug gtd In the gateway log, look for the GTD values: 6616806: *Jan 31 17:12:41.220: cdapi_find_tsm: Found a gtd msg of length 144: 6616807: *Jan 31 17:12:41.220: gtd msg = "IAM, PRN,isdn*,,ATT5*, USI,rate,c,s,c,1 USI,lay1,ulaw TMR,00 CPN,00,,u,5900 CPC,09 FCI,,,,,,,y, UUS,3,3132333435 GCI,87c0c79d91dd11daa9c4000bfda207f2" Look for the GTD values sent to the ICM via the CVP app server: >>> CVP bootstrap.tcl: 87C0C79D.91DD11DA.A9C4000B.FDA207F2: UUI sent to ICM is uus.dat,12345;;cpc.cpc,09;; b) Comprehensive Model CVP Voice Browser debugging In VBAdmin, “setH323Trace on” and “setIntTrace on” The VB log will show the GTD that arrives from the gateway and subsequently the CALL_UUI string that is getting passed to the CVP app server. Note that because of URL-encoding, the string that is shown in the CVP logs may not appear totally correct. The validity of the data should be checked in the ICM script or TCD record. 10:13:25 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace: 00000009: H323: gtd = IAM, PRN,isdn*,,ATT5*, USI,rate,c,s,c,1 USI,lay1,ulaw TMR,00 CPN,00,,u,5900 CPC,09 FCI,,,,,,,y, GCI,ec0fbfed926911da8aa8ccd458cce346 10:13:28 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace: 00000009: INTF: Fetching VXML. URL: chleblanmcs:8000/servlet/isn?MSG_TYPE=CALL_NEW&ERROR_CODE=0&CLIENT_TYPE=ISN&CALL_ID=ec0fbfed9269-11da-8aa8-ccd458cce346&CALL_DNIS=5900&CALL_UUI=CPC,09 GCI,ec0fbfed926911da8aa8ccd458cce346 & Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 9 ICM data debugging The UserToUser column in the t_Termination_Call_Detail table database record in the data base should contain the value of the GTD that got passed. It can also be accessed from the Call.UserToUserInfo call variable in ICM Script Editor. Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 10 3. CLI Override 3.1. Feature Description In some situations, there is a need to override the CLI field on outgoing transfers via either a Label node or an ECC variable in the ICM routing script. This capability is specifically required for transfers into Unity; that system uses both ANI and DNIS to determine the appropriate mailbox to access. More generally, since CLI is passed through most networks and into most callhandling devices, this feature provides a back-door method to transmit arbitrary data during transfers when translation routing is not feasible. This feature introduces a new ECC variable (override_cli), which the customer need not configure if he does not require the feature. 3.2. How It Works/Configuration CLI override is controlled from the ICM routing script. The user can do it one of two ways: Append “;CLI=NNNNNNNN” to the label in a LABEL node. Setting NNNNNNNN to the word null will blank out the CLI on the transfer. Example: Setting a label node to 1111;CLI=9876543 will result in a transfer to 1111 using a CLI of 9876543. Example: Setting a label node to 1111;CLI=null will result in a transfer to 1111 using an empty CLI. Set ECC variable “call.user.microapp.override_cli” prior to invoking a transfer via Queue to Skill Group, Label node, etc. The user.microapp.override_cli ECC variable must be added and enabled in Enterprise->Expanded Call Variable List. Set the maximum length to whatever you feel will be the maximum length of the data that will be used for CLI override. The CVP app server will need to be restarted after adding this variable to ICM. Setting the variable to the word null will blank out the CLI on the transfer. Example: Setting ECC variable call.user.microapp.override_cli to 9876543 prior to a Queue to Skill Group where agent 1111 becomes available will result in a transfer to 1111 using a CLI of 9876543. Example: Setting ECC variable call.user.microapp.override_cli=null prior to a Queue to Skill Group where agent 1111 becomes available will result in a transfer to 1111 using an empty CLI. If both of the above methods are used in one routing script, the LABEL node CLI value will take precedence over the ECC variable. CLI override takes precedence over the SetSetupCallingNum command in VBAdmin. That is, the new CLI will always be propagated to the transfer call leg regardless of the value of ShowSetupCallingNum. CLI override will also force the presentationIndicator to presentationAllowed on the transfer call leg. 3.3. Debugging Tips CVP Voice Browser debugging In VBAdmin, “setIntTrace on” The CVP Voice Browser log should display the following message when it is executing CLI Override: 03:32:52 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace: 00000003: INTF: Overriding old CLI with new CLI 876543 : DNIS = 5900 : CID = 20efcd51-92fb-11da-8b50-ccd458cce346 Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 11 4. Alternate Gatekeeper 4.1. Feature Description This feature allows the CVP Voice Browser to use an alternate gatekeeper in the event that the primary configured gatekeeper fails. Most customers want to have redundant gatekeepers, so CVP has always supported paired gatekeepers in an HSRP configuration. HSRP provides a single (virtual) IP address behind which two gatekeepers can operate. However, HSRP is a relatively old protocol which has a number of shortcomings, most notably that the two gatekeepers in a pair must be co-located at the same site. This confounds customers' attempts to provide geographic redundancy, and requires such customers to purchase twice as many gatekeepers as they would otherwise need. 4.2. How It Works The CVP Voice Browser can be configured with a list of gatekeepers (as many as desired, there is no limit). When the Voice Browser starts up, it will attempt to register to the first gatekeeper in the list. If the registration is not successful, it will proceed to sequentially try the remainder of the gatekeepers in the list until a successful registration occurs. The VB will stay registered to that gatekeeper until either: That gatekeeper has some kind of failure. The VB recognizes a GK failure in the following ways: o The periodic RAS RRQ (registration request) to the GK times out or is rejected. o An ARQ (admission request) on a transfer times out. o The GK pro-actively tells the VB to unregister, such as when the administrator does a shutdown on the gatekeeper config. The user does another setGK from VBAdmin. This will cause the VB to register with the first GK in the list, if that GK is available, otherwise it will once again do a sequential attempt. Although the CVP Voice Browser does not support GUP clustering, there is no reason that the gatekeepers cannot be defined as part of a GUP cluster. In this way, other H323 endpoints that *do* support clustering (such as Cisco Call Manager and IOS gateways) can take advantage of the benefits of GUP. CVP will simply ignore GUP messages, such as when one of the GK’s in the cluster becomes overloaded. CVP would use one or more of the gatekeepers in the cluster as the alternate gatekeepers in its list and detect failure according to the rules mentioned in the bullets above. 4.3. Configuration From CVP Voice Browser VBAdmin: Examples: 1. setGK "" This sets up a single gatekeeper to which the VB will register 2. setGK "" This sets up a single gatekeeper to which the VB will register, and specifically asks to register to the zone in the gatekeeper named “zonename1”. 3. setGK ",," This sets up 3 gatekeepers to which the VB could possible register. In each case, the VB will register to the first local zone that is configured in that GK. It will also use the default RAS port 1719. 4. setGK "," This will cause the VB to first attempt to register to GK on port 1718 with local zone “zonename1”. If that GK fails, the VB would subsequently attempt to register to on port 1719 with the first local zone defined on that gatekeeper. Changes Defect fixes to CVP Voice Browser and CVP Application Server. Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 12 CVP 3.1 SR2 was re-tested with the latest versions of the PGW/HSI in call control mode. See the CVP 3.1 BOM for the currently supported versions of the PGW/HSI. If using a PGW in call control mode with an HSI that communicates with the CVP Voice Browser via H323, the HSI requires the following parameters in order to interoperate correctly with CVP. The HSI must be restarted after these changes are applied. sys_config_dynamic.InitiateTCSAfterFSCall = enabled sys_config_static.DtmfSupportedDirection = both sys_config_static.DtmfSupportedType = dtmf prov-add:name="SYS_CONFIG_STATIC",CliInDisplaySupported="enable" prov-add:name="SYS_CONFIG_STATIC",ClipClirSupported="enable" Required Software The following table presents the version of software with which each Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) component was qualified during testing. Please refer to the Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Software Release 3.1(0)_SR2 Bill of Materials for up-to-date supported versions. Documentation Updates None. Known Caveats Identifier CSCsd30668 Severity 3 Component pg.opc Headline OPC passes only 36 characters of UUI, needs to pass 131 Resolved Caveats The following issues have been resolved in CVP Version 3.1(0) SR2. Caveats in this section are ordered by CVP component then by severity. Identifier Severity Component CSCsd33562 CSCse66613 1 1 Voice Browser Voice Browser CSCse38119 2 Voice Browser CSCse37571 CSCsd64220 CSCse24242 2 2 3 Voice Browser Voice Browser Voice Browser CSCse29564 3 Voice Browser CSCsd84290 CSCsd30554 4 4 Voice Browser Voice Browser Headline ERROR INTERNAL: CWaitForOutOLC::SendOutOLCDuringTr: CLI override on ANI restricted call fails CVP. CVP Voice Browser received a GKRegister: EXCEPTION during load test Caller dropped when put on hold in IPCC when using PGW/HSI CVP Voice Browser restarted during load test h.323 call dropped when put on hold. Survivability not invoked on call failure to IP phone due to loss of WAN Active gatekeeper IP address prints as in Voice Browser log showGatekeeper does not show GK IP address after 3.1 SR1 Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 13 Identifier CSCse05849 CSCse30192 Severity 2 3 Component Headline Application Server Application Server upgrade Appsvr drops PIM connection if another app tries to connect to port 5000 CLI Override does not work with transfer to VRU leg Note: You can view more information on and track individual CVP defects using the Cisco Bug Toolkit located at: The following issues have been resolved in CVP Version 3.1(0) SR1. Caveats in this section are ordered by CVP component then by severity. Identifier Severity Component CSCsb74722 2 Voice Browser CSCsb96072 CSCsc08360 CSCsb95194 2 3 3 Voice Browser Voice Browser Voice Browser CSCsc77244 CSCsd01832 6 6 Voice Browser Application Server CSCsd01850 6 Application Server CSCsd01865 6 Application Server Headline VB Goes OOS with ERROR INTERNAL: H323CallMgr::radRun: EXCEPTION ST: Transfer/Conference receive agents do not receive call via CVP ISN should send unsolicited IRR's to gatekeeper SIP phone (with CCM5.0) originated call failures CVP Voice Browser needs support for alternate gatekeeper Extract UUI from incoming call to use as correlation ID UUI extracted from incoming call should be passed up to ICM It should be possible to override the original CLI when transferring call Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 14 Obtaining Documentation Cisco documentation and additional literature are available on Cisco also provides several ways to obtain technical assistance and other technical resources. These sections explain how to obtain technical information from Cisco Systems. You can access the most current Cisco documentation at this URL: You can access the Cisco website at this URL: You can access international Cisco websites at this URL: Product Documentation DVD The Product Documentation DVD is a comprehensive library of technical product documentation on a portable medium. The DVD enables you to access multiple versions of installation, configuration, and command guides for Cisco hardware and software products. With the DVD, you have access to the same HTML documentation that is found on the Cisco website without being connected to the Internet. Certain products also have .PDF versions of the documentation available. The Product Documentation DVD is available as a single unit or as a subscription. Registered users (Cisco direct customers) can order a Product Documentation DVD (product number DOC-DOCDVD= or DOC-DOCDVD=SUB) from Cisco Marketplace at this URL: Ordering Documentation Registered users may order Cisco documentation at the Product Documentation Store in the Cisco Marketplace at this URL: Nonregistered users can order technical documentation from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (0800 to 1700) PDT by calling 1 866 463-3487 in the United States and Canada, or elsewhere by calling 011 408 519-5055. You can also order documentation by e-mail at or by fax at 1 408 519-5001 in the United States and Canada, or elsewhere at 011 408 519-5001. Documentation Feedback You can rate and provide feedback about Cisco technical documents by completing the online feedback form that appears with the technical documents on You can submit comments about Cisco documentation by using the response card (if present) behind the front cover of your document or by writing to the following address: Cisco Systems Attn: Customer Document Ordering 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-9883 We appreciate your comments. Field Alerts Cisco products may be modified or key processes may be determined important. These are announced through use of the Cisco Field Alert mechanism. You can register to receive Field Alerts through the Field Alert Tool on This tool enables you Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 15 to create a profile to receive announcements by selecting all products of interest. Log into; then access the tool at Cisco Product Security Overview Cisco provides a free online Security Vulnerability Policy portal at this URL: From this site, you will find information about how to: Report security vulnerabilities in Cisco products. Obtain assistance with security incidents that involve Cisco products. Register to receive security information from Cisco. A current list of security advisories, security notices, and security responses for Cisco products is available at this URL: To see security advisories, security notices, and security responses as they are updated in real time, you can subscribe to the Product Security Incident Response Team Really Simple Syndication (PSIRT RSS) feed. Information about how to subscribe to the PSIRT RSS feed is found at this URL: Reporting Security Problems in Cisco Products Cisco is committed to delivering secure products. We test our products internally before we release them, and we strive to correct all vulnerabilities quickly. If you think that you have identified a vulnerability in a Cisco product, contact PSIRT: For Emergencies only— An emergency is either a condition in which a system is under active attack or a condition for which a severe and urgent security vulnerability should be reported. All other conditions are considered nonemergencies. For Nonemergencies— In an emergency, you can also reach PSIRT by telephone: 1 877 228-7302 1 408 525-6532 Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 16 We encourage you to use Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) or a compatible product (for example, GnuPG) to encrypt any sensitive information that you send to Cisco. PSIRT can work with information that has been encrypted with PGP versions 2.x through 9.x. Never use a revoked or an expired encryption key. The correct public key to use in your correspondence with PSIRT is the one linked in the Contact Summary section of the Security Vulnerability Policy page at this URL: The link on this page has the current PGP key ID in use. If you do not have or use PGP, contact PSIRT at the aforementioned e-mail addresses or phone numbers before sending any sensitive material to find other means of encrypting the data Obtaining Technical Assistance Cisco Technical Support provides 24-hour-a-day award-winning technical assistance. The Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website on features extensive online support resources. In addition, if you have a valid Cisco service contract, Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers provide telephone support. If you do not have a valid Cisco service contract, contact your reseller. Cisco Technical Support & Documentation Website The Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website provides online documents and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. The website is available 24 hours a day, at this URL: Access to all tools on the Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website requires a user ID and password. If you have a valid service contract but do not have a user ID or password, you can register at this URL: Note Use the Cisco Product Identification (CPI) tool to locate your product serial number before submitting a web or phone request for service. You can access the CPI tool from the Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website by clicking the Tools & Resources link under Documentation & Tools. Choose Cisco Product Identification Tool from the Alphabetical Index drop-down list, or click the Cisco Product Identification Tool link under Alerts & RMAs. The CPI tool offers three search options: by product ID or model name; by tree view; or for certain products, by copying and pasting show command output. Search results show an illustration of your product with the serial number label location highlighted. Locate the serial number label on your product and record the information before placing a service call. Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.1(0) Service Release 2 Updated 3/6/16 17 Submitting a Service Request Using the online TAC Service Request Tool is the fastest way to open S3 and S4 service requests. (S3 and S4 service requests are those in which your network is minimally impaired or for which you require product information.) After you describe your situation, the TAC Service Request Tool provides recommended solutions. If your issue is not resolved using the recommended resources, your service request is assigned to a Cisco engineer. The TAC Service Request Tool is located at this URL: For S1 or S2 service requests, or if you do not have Internet access, contact the Cisco TAC by telephone. (S1 or S2 service requests are those in which your production network is down or severely degraded.) Cisco engineers are assigned immediately to S1 and S2 service requests to help keep your business operations running smoothly. To open a service request by telephone, use one of the following numbers: Asia-Pacific: +61 2 8446 7411 (Australia: 1 800 805 227) EMEA: +32 2 704 55 55 USA: 1 800 553-2447 For a complete list of Cisco TAC contacts, go to this URL: Definitions of Service Request Severity To ensure that all service requests are reported in a standard format, Cisco has established severity definitions. Severity 1 (S1)—An existing network is down, or there is a critical impact to your business operations. You and Cisco will commit all necessary resources around the clock to resolve the situation. Severity 2 (S2)—Operation of an existing network is severely degraded, or significant aspects of your business operations are negatively affected by inadequate performance of Cisco products. You and Cisco will commit full-time resources during normal business hours to resolve the situation. Severity 3 (S3)—Operational performance of the network is impaired, while most business operations remain functional. You and Cisco will commit resources during normal business hours to restore service to satisfactory levels. Severity 4 (S4)—You require information or assistance with Cisco product capabilities, installation, or configuration. There is little or no effect on your business operations. 18