Excel Guided Notes Name_______________________________ Hr ____ Section 1: Identifying Basic Parts of the Excel Window 1. Microsoft Excel is what type of program? It is also called this. – 2. True or False: A workbook automatically shows in the workspace when you open Microsoft Excel. – 3. Each workbook contains how many worksheets? 4. The worksheets are labeled: 5. A cell is? 6. What is a cell address? 7. What are Active Cells? 8. A darkened border, called _____, identifies an active cell? 9. To move the cell pointer use: 10. This moves the spreadsheet up or down: 11. This moves the spreadsheet left or right: 12. The PageUp and PageDown keys are used to move the cursor up or down: 13. Another keys used to move the active cell are: 14. How do you move from worksheet to worksheet? Section 2: Create, Open and Save Workbooks 15. Which menu do you use to save your document? 16. A document was saved to your disk and you want to open it for editing. Which menu do you select? - Section 3: Enter, Edit and Delete Data 17. What three types of data may be entered in a cell? 18. Where would you find the Cancel and Enter buttons? 19. What does AutoComplete do? 20. What is the fastest way to replace old in a cell? 21. What are the two ways to edit a cell? (1) (2) 22. The Escape Key is used when: 23. What two ways can data be deleted that already appears in a cell use what key? 24. What is Cell Range? 25. How do you select a range of cells? 26. How do you select a column or row? 27. How select the entire worksheet? 28. What does the Control Key do? Section 4: Moving, Copying and Deleting Cell Contents 29. The Cut, Copy, and paste buttons are located where? 30. Cut, Copy and Paste may also be located under which menu? 31. What are the shortcut key strokes: Cut = Copy = Paste = 32. The Cut feature allows you to: 33. Using the Standard toolbar, how do you cut and paste into multiple cells? 34. What is another way to move information from one cell to another? 35. How do you Drag and Drop? Section 5: Creating Simple Formulas 36. What is a formula? 37. What are the formula symbols used in Excel? Addition Subtraction Division Equals Multiplication 38. What is a Simple Formula? 39. All formulas in Excel begin with what symbol? 40. How do you create a simple formula adding two cells? 41. Besides typing in the cell information, how else are you able to select the cell(s) in a formula? Section 6: Creating Complex Formulas 42. What is a Complex Formula? 43. What order does Excel calculate mathematical operations? (write them down) (1) (2) (3) (4) 44. What does Fill Formula do? 45. What is a Fill Handle? 46. How do you create a Fill Formula? 47. What is another method other than Fill Formula to transfer a formula to another cell? 48. What is an Absolute Reference? 49. An Absolute Reference formula is designated in the formula by using? 50. What are examples of an Absolute Referencing? $A$2 = A$2 = $A2 = Section 7: Using Functions 51. A Function is: 52. A Syntax is: 53. What are the Syntax order? (1) (2) (3) 54. What are the different statistical functions? SUM: AVERAGE: COUNT: MAX: MIN: 55. AutoSum function allows you to: Section 8: Working with Multiple Worksheets 56. How do you name a worksheet? 57. How do you insert a new worksheet? 58. Any worksheet can be deleted from a workbook by: 59. What is another way to delete a sheet? 60. A _____________ ______ will appear before you delete a worksheet if it contains information. 61. A workbook defaults to ____ worksheets. Additional worksheets can be created. 62. Grouping worksheets allows you to (3 things): a. b. c. 63. How do you group worksheets? 64. How do you ungroup worksheets? 65. When you move a sheet, you are: 66. How do you move a worksheet 67. When you copy a sheet, you: 68. How do you copy a worksheet? Section 9: Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns 69. To insert a row or column you need to do: 70. Another way to insert a row/column is to: 71. The easiest way to select an entire row is to: 72. To delete rows or columns by: Section 10: Changing Column Width and Row Height 73. If the data being entered is wider or narrower than the default column width, you can adjust the ____________________ ________________________. 74. What are the two ways to adjust column width? 75. If a cell shows ####, it means? Section 11: Inserting and Deleting Cells 76. To insert cells: 77. To delete a cell: 78. Merge and Center are used when you want: 79. What needs to be done to insert a column between two different columns? 80. The Merge and Center buttons allows you to Section 12: Text and Cell Alignment 81. You use the alignment button on the Standard toolbar to: 82. Fill means: 83. Justify means: 84. Horizontal alignment affects what direction content will be going? 85. Center across selection means: 86. Vertical alignment affects what direction content will be going? 87. Text Control allows you to: 88. Define the three types of text control: Wrapped Text: Shrink-to-Fit: Merge Cells: 89. How do you change text control using the Format Cells dialog box: 90. Text Orientation allows: 91. To change text orientation use the Format Cell dialog box to: Section 13: Formatting Numbers 92. What are the different formats numbers in Excel may assume? 93. To format the appearance of numbers in a cell do: 94. To express numbers as percentages in a spreadsheet: Section 14: Applying Font, Color and Borders to Cells 95. A font consists of three elements: 96. What are the font styles? (Ctrl + B) = (Ctrl + I) = (Ctrl + U) = 97. Style is: 98. How do you add a border: 99. Color is applied to cells for what purpose? Section 15: Creating a Chart 100. An area chart: 101. A column chart: 102. A bar chart is 103. A line chart shows: 104. A pie chart: 105. What are other types of charts 106. The Source Data is: 107. The Title is: 108. Legend is: 109. Axis is: 110. Data Series is: 111. Value Axis is: 112. Category axis is: 113. The quickest way to create and edit your chart is to use the: 114. Parts of the Chart Toolbar are: Chart Objects list box: Format chart area: Chart type: Legend: Data table: By row: Angle text: 115. Chart sheet is? Section 16: Moving, Resizing, and Deleting Charts 116. The easiest way to move an embedded chart is to: 117. How do you resize a chart use the mouse: Section 17: Editing Charts 118. Any changes made to the original source data are: 119. Rows and columns of data can be added to an existing chart by: Section 18: Formatting a Chart 120. The chart title can be formatted to: Section 19: Defining Page Setup Options 121. The page margins define the work area of Excel. What are the default top and bottom margins: 122. What are the two different page orientations? 123. How do you Shrink the spreadsheet data to fit onto a specified number of pages for printing? 124. Which dialog box allows you to add headers and footers to a document? 125. Print area is: Section 20: Print Management 126. Print only a certain area of a spreadsheet is called? ________________ ______________. 127. Print Preview is a good way to: 128. A soft page break is: 129. A hard page break is Section 21: Using AutoFilter 130. AutoFilter is: Section 22: Sorting Lists 131. Sorting Lists is: 132. What is the most commonly used type of sorting? 133. How do you sort multiple categories: Section 23: Inserting, Viewing, and Editing Comments 134. How do you insert a comment 135. What is the small, red triangle in the upper-right corner of cell for? 136. How do you get rid of a comment? Section 24: Inserting Hyperlinks 137. How do you insert a hyperlink Section 25: Grouping Worksheets 138. To format multiple worksheets at the same time you must first: 139. Another way to group worksheets is: 140. Any changes made to one grouped worksheet will affect: Section 26: Applying and Modifying Cell Formats 141. Cell formatting changes: Section 27: Creating New Workbooks from Templates 142. What two ways are you able to access templates?