National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Relief and Recovery Assistance Guide December 20, 2005 To subscribe or submit feedback email Download the latest edition of this guide at Please Note: Assistance programs operate for defined and often limited periods of time. Please be sure to check the current availability of any program listed in this Guide. December 20, 2005 Next Edition Tentative Release date: 12/30/2005 Send additions, corrections, suggestions and comments to Let’s make the relief process easier for survivors. You can help. Please send us local disaster assistance, service and recovery information which you wish to be included in the guide. We will do our best to get it in the next edition. Contact us at with any comments, questions or concerns you may have. December 20, 2005 Next Edition Tentative Release date: 12/30/2005 Send additions, corrections, suggestions and comments to TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... 3 I. OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................. 5 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................. 5 THE RECOVERY PROCESS (SEQUENCE OF DELIVERY) ..................................................... 5 HOW TO USE/ACCESS THE INTERNET................................................................................ 7 II. DISASTER ASSISTANCE .................................................................................................. 8 CONSUMER PROTECTION INFORMATION .......................................................................... 8 EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 12 Finding Jobs .................................................................................................................. 12 EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION (CONT.) ............................................................................ 14 Unemployment Insurance ............................................................................................. 14 Unemployment Assistance............................................................................................ 15 Benefits ......................................................................................................................... 16 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ................................................................................................... 17 FEMA Registration ....................................................................................................... 18 Direct Deposit of Assistance Funds into Your Account ............................................... 18 FEMA’s Citizenship/Immigration Requirements ......................................................... 18 FINANCIAL RECOVERY INFORMATION ............................................................................ 21 Mortgages ..................................................................................................................... 23 FOOD INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 25 Food Assistance ............................................................................................................ 25 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES INFORMATION ............................................................. 28 HOME CLEANING INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 32 Debris Removal ............................................................................................................ 32 Mold Removal and Safe Debris Removal Tips ............................................................ 32 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness.............................................................................. 33 Cleaner, Disinfectant, and Pesticide Awareness ........................................................... 33 Airborne Asbestos and Lead Dust Avoidance .............................................................. 34 HOUSING INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 35 National Temporary Housing ....................................................................................... 35 National Temporary Housing ....................................................................................... 36 INSURANCE INFORMATION ............................................................................................... 39 Veteran’s Administration (VA) Insurance .................................................................... 42 LEGAL ASSISTANCE.......................................................................................................... 43 LEGAL ASSISTANCE (CONT.) ............................................................................................ 44 LEGAL ASSISTANCE (CONT.) ............................................................................................ 45 REPLACING IMPORTANT RECORDS ................................................................................. 46 REPLACING IMPORTANT RECORDS (CONT.).................................................................... 47 REPLACING IMPORTANT RECORDS (CONT.).................................................................... 48 REUNIFICATION INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 49 Finding Missing Persons ............................................................................................... 49 REUNIFICATION INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 50 Reuniting families and loved ones and their pets. ........................................................ 50 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 3 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Finding Missing Pets..................................................................................................... 50 STUDENT RESOURCES INFORMATION .............................................................................. 51 Veterans Affairs ........................................................................................................ 51 Information for veterans receiving Veterans Affairs (VA) education benefits 51 STUDENT RESOURCES INFORMATION (CONT.) ................................................................ 52 TAX INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 54 Federal Personal Casualty or Theft Loss Deductions (Hurricane Katrina Only) ......... 54 Federal Deadlines for Taxpayers Affected by Hurricane Katrina ................................ 55 Tax Relief by Location ................................................................................................. 56 TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION ................................................................................... 58 For Evacuees with Medical Needs ................................................................................ 59 Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Medical Travel Center ................. 59 Evacuees housed in a shelter, hotel or private home .................................................... 59 A Brief Description of Discharge Planners .................................................................. 60 III. APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 62 APPENDIX A: COMMON MYTHS ABOUT FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE ................... 62 1. The Federal government has total responsibility for disaster recovery .................... 62 2. The objective of Federal disaster assistance is to “fix everything” .......................... 62 3. Everyone in the disaster area is eligible to receive Federal disaster assistance ........ 62 4. When Federal agency representatives arrive, they will immediately distribute money to disaster survivors ...................................................................................................... 62 5. Money received for Federal disaster assistance can be used as the recipient thinks best ................................................................................................................................ 62 6. Federal aid replaces the need for insurance .............................................................. 63 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 63 APPENDIX B: DISASTER RECOVERY CENTERS AND SBA LOCATIONS ........................... 64 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 4 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 I. OVERVIEW PURPOSE The purpose of this Assistance Guide is to connect Hurricane survivors with disaster aid. It was created in response to the diverse needs of the evacuee community and provides survivor assistance information. This Guide is designed to inform everyone in need, and those who serve them, on available relief and how to best access that relief. The Guide lists information on many programs and agencies. Updates and verification are on-going. We will provide additional information on assistance, services, and programs with each edition. This Guide belongs to you, not to its editors. The Guide is arranged in sections based on needs and the types of services provided. Within each section is a table arranged to show help available nationally and for selected states. Each program’s information includes what they can do for you and how you can contact them. THE RECOVERY PROCESS (SEQUENCE OF DELIVERY) Voluntary Agencies The first thing you must do is reach out to local Voluntary Agencies, such as the American Red Cross or the Salvation Army. These organizations may be able to take care of your immediate needs, such as housing in shelters or clothing. Insurance Next, you need to contact your personal insurance agency and file a claim. If you do not have insurance, or the amount of your insurance award does not cover your needs, you will then need to contact FEMA and register for assistance at 1-800-621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362), 1-800-462-7585 (TTY) or online at FEMA Housing Assistance After registering with FEMA, they can financially assist you with temporary housing, with repairs to your previous home, or with purchasing a new residence if your old one cannot be made livable again. The types of temporary housing in which you may be placed in are hotels/motels, apartments, mobile homes, and travel trailers. FEMA/State Other Needs Assistance (ONA) – Non-SBA Dependent After you register with FEMA, they will also refer you to the FEMA/State ONA program. This covers medical, dental, funeral, and other disaster created expenses. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 5 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Small Business Administration (SBA) Income Evaluation (Repayment Capability) You will now submit an SBA loan application. From this point on, there are two paths your aid can take. If you are approved, you will receive an SBA Referral and a loan to help meet your remaining housing needs. If you do not qualify for an SBA loan, you will receive FEMA/State ONA Assistance which will cover personal property, transportation, group flood policy, and moving and storage. In order to receive FEMA/State ONA you must have applied for, and been denied, an SBA loan. Unmet Needs – Voluntary Agencies We have now gone through all the federal aid available. If you arrive at this point and still have needs the federal process has not been able to address, please contact your local voluntary agencies. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 6 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 HOW TO USE/ACCESS THE INTERNET This guide provides internet addresses as well as phone numbers to find information. Using the internet can often be a quicker and more hassle-free way to obtain the assistance you need. This section will cover basic Internet use and where to locate Internet access Basic Internet Use: Website Address: “Address” or “Location” is the place that it can be found on the Internet. May also be known as a “webpage,” “homepage,” or simply a “website.” The “Address” is typed in the box found in the top left portion of the screen. An example of a box for the “Address” is shown below: There will already be some form of address in the box, but you may delete that and type in the address you would like to visit. Links: Quick ways to other web pages that may have similar or related information. This is another way for you to move around on the Internet. Links are usually printed in a different color than the rest of the text around it: They are typically in blue and underlined- THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE, IT WILL NOT WORK By clicking on a link, you should move to another part of the document or site that is related to the information you need. If you discover this is not what you wanted, there is a “Back” button at the top of your screen which will take you to the last information you were viewing. Navigation Icon: You will also notice that when your computer is working on a request from you, the picture in the upper right corner moves. This means that the computer will soon take you to your destination- do not click on anything while the picture is moving. Where to locate Internet access: Access is available to the public in several places. Access may be found in: o Your hotel lobby/business center o The public library (call before traveling to check for free access) o Internet cafes (cafes typically charge a per-minute fee) o You may also try to find assistance through the hotel staff. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 7 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 II. DISASTER ASSISTANCE CONSUMER PROTECTION INFORMATION Who to contact if you suspect you are a victim of fraud. Alabama National Consumer Protection Resources Organization Phone Number and Website Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Hotline is available from 9 am to 8 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday If you believe you are the victim of Identity Theft, contact the FTC as well as the three credit unions and your credit card issuer Equifax If you believe you’ve been the victim of Identity Theft, call to place a Fraud Alert on your file Experian Hotline is available from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday Priority assistance for hurricane victims If you believe you’ve been the victim of Identity Theft, call to place a Fraud Alert on your file Free copies of you credit file Transunion If you believe you’ve been the victim of Identity Theft, call to place a Fraud Alert on your file Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Report information or complaints of public corruption and/or government fraud relative to Hurricane Katrina Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Department of Energy Hotline available 7 am to 12 pm EST, Monday through Friday. Call the Gas Price Watch hotline if you suspect gas price gouging and/or price fixing National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Provides information and links to additional flood insurance information. Additionally, the NFIP has a special website for customers: Alabama Attorney General Hotline available 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday Contact the Attorney General’s office to report price gouging and price fixing 1-877-ID-THEFT (1-877-438-4338) (1-877-438-4338) 1-888-766-0008 1-888-397-3742 1-800-680-7289 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324) 1-800-244-3301 1-800-392-5658 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 8 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Louisiana Georgia Florida California Arkansas Consumer Protection Resources Organization Phone Number and Website Arkansas Attorney General Contact the Attorney General’s office to report price gouging and price fixing California Department of Consumer Affairs File a complaint Consumer protection and price gauging reporting Toll free hotline: 1- 800- 952-5210 Tel: (916) 445-1254 Attorney General’s Office Fraud Hotline: 1-866-966-7229 (in state) 1-850-414-3990 Florida Attorney General Hotline available 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday Medical fraud control Consumer protection and price gauging reporting Identity theft reporting Consumer fraud alerts You may also visit their offices at: The Capitol PL-01Tallahassee, FL 323991050 Georgia Governor’s Office of Consumer Affairs Then, click on: 1. Legal, Public, Consumer Affairs 2. Consumer Protection 3. Consumer Complaints Louisiana Attorney General Contact the Attorney General’s office to report price gouging and price fixing Louisiana Department of Insurance Hotline available 7 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday and 8 am to 5 pm, Saturday and Sunday. Contact if you are not satisfied with the service (subject to Louisiana law) that you received from your insurance company. Lodge a complaint against your insurance company Help locating an insurance company Mail completed forms, as well as copies of supporting materials, to: Louisiana Department of Insurance, Property and Casualty Consumer Complaints, PO Box 94214, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804 For forms: 1-800-259-5301 (in state) 1-225-342-1258 (out of state) Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 9 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Texas Tennessee Oklahoma Nevada Mississippi Consumer Protection Resources Organization Phone Number and Website Mississippi Attorney General Hotline available 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday Contact the Attorney General’s office to report price gouging and price fixing Mississippi Insurance Department Hotline available 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday Contact if you are not satisfied with the service (subject to Mississippi law) that you received from your insurance company. Mail completed forms, as well as copies of supporting materials, to: Mississippi Insurance Department, Consumer Services Division, PO Box 79, Jackson, MS 39205. You may also visit their offices in the Woolfolk State Office Building, located at 501 North West Street, 10th floor, Jackson, Mississippi Jackson: 1-800-281-4418 Gulfport: 1-228-324-0114 Gulfport: 1-228-518-1326 Bureau of Consumer Protection Las Vegas: 702-486-3194 Carson City: 775-684-1180 Nevada Attorney General Hotline available 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday Consumer Protection Fraud protection services You may also visit their offices at: Reno: 5420 Kietzke Lane Suite 202, Reno, Nevada 89511 Las Vegas: 555 E. Washington Ave Suite 3900, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Oklahoma Attorney General Contact the Attorney General’s office to report price gouging and price fixing Reno Office: 775-688-1800 Las Vegas Office: 702-486-7355 For referral: 1-800-266-8688 Tennessee Attorney General’s Consumer Affairs Hotline Contact the Attorney General’s office to report price gouging and price fixing 1-800-342-8385 Texas Attorney General Contact the Attorney General’s office to report price gouging and price fixing For forms: 1-800-562-2957 (in state) 1-601-359-2453 (out of state) 1-405-521-2029 Then, click on: Consumer Protection Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 10 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Utah Consumer Protection Resources Organization Phone Number and Website Texas Department of Insurance Contact if you are not satisfied with the service (subject to Texas law) that you received from your insurance company Mail completed forms, as well as copies of supporting materials, to: Texas Department of Insurance, Consumer Protection Program (111-1A), PO Box 149091, Austin, TX 78714-9091 You can also fax the information to: 1-512475-1771 Utah Division of Consumer Protection Hotline available from 8 am to 5 pm, MST Child protection Consumer complaint forms. For forms: 1-800-599-SHOP (1-800-599-7467) [in state] 1-512-305-7211 (out of state) Toll free: 1-800-721-7233 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 11 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Finding Jobs Finding Jobs 1-800-733-5627 Online job resources for hurricane victims Alabama Job Link Conduct a job search Build an on-line resume Register with Job Service Receive emails on new job openings Arkansas Workforce Centers Dislocated workers can get help finding new jobs Arkansas JobLink Conduct a job search Build an on-line resume Register with Job Service Receive emails on new job openings Arkansas Job Bank Search for jobs nationwide Create a resume/cover letter National Job Corps Hotline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Train for a career or earn your high school diploma or GED at no cost A Department of Labor service for U.S. or legal residents ages 15-24 Online Employment Job Search through Job-finding services for hurricane survivors, including alerts for job fairs Alabama Phone Number and Website 1-877-US2JOBS (1-877-872-5627) 1-877-889-5627 (TTY) Arkansas Organization Recovery Job Connection Hotline available 8 m to 8 pm, Monday through Friday Perform a job search by job category and worker location. Specific help for Hurricanes Katrina and Rita victims Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Unemployment assistance File claims using links to state sites Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 12 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Finding Jobs Texas Nevada Mississippi Louisiana Georgia Florida California Organization Phone Number and Website California Employment Development Department Hotline available 8 am to 5 pm, PST Search for jobs Find a local One-Stop career center 916-654-9029 Florida Job Bank Search for jobs by region Find a job by visiting a Florida One-StopCenter near you. htm Georgia Department of Labor Hotline available from 8 am to 4:30 CST Search database for jobs How to apply for unemployment Resume building Interviewing workshops Louisiana Works Department of Labor Hotline available from 8 am to 4:30 pm CST Search for jobs in Louisiana over the phone or online Find your New Orleans Employer/ Employee Find directions from your employer on what to do after the hurricane Mississippi Department for Employment Security Information for job seekers and unemployment 1-404-656-6000 Nevada Job Connect Search for jobs in Nevada Post your resume online to been seen by employers that are currently hiring Hurricane Recovery Job Connection Search for jobs in Nevada Post your resume online to been seen by employers that are currently hiring Texas Work Force Commission Evacuees from Louisiana, or any other affected state, currently residing in Texas and seeking employment in their home towns, can visit a Texas Work Force Center Job Counselors are available to provide assistance 1-866-310-1585 o.asp Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 13 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION (CONT.) Utah Organization Unemployment Insurance Phone Number and Website Search jobs through the Utah State Government website for available jobs in the state Florida California Arkansas Alabama National Unemployment Insurance Unemployment Insurance provides unemployment benefits to eligible workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. Unemployment Insurance Organization Phone Number and Website U.S. Department of Labor National number to call about unemployment assistance and insurance Links to state sites for unemployment assistance and insurance help for hurricanes Katrina and Rita State Unemployment Insurance Information Links to state websites for insurance information File an Unemployment Insurance Claim with Alabama 1-866-4-USA-DOL (1-866-487-2365) Employment Hotline: 1-866-310-1585 Arkansas Employment Security Department Find out how to apply for unemployment benefits through the state. s/AESD_workerunempben.htm Arkansas Employment Security Department Information on the state’s disaster unemployment assistance. Those who may not qualify for other unemployment insurance, may qualify for disaster assistance under this program California Employment Development Department Unemployment/disaster unemployment insurance in formation s/A_uidua.htm File Unemployment Insurance Claim with Florida 1-866-FLA-2345 (1-866-352-2345) Agency Workforce Innovation Aids in employer-employee dispute resolution 1-866-FLA-2345 (1-866-352-2345) 1-866-234-5382 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 14 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Texas Nevada Mississippi Louisiana Georgia Organization Unemployment Insurance Phone Number and Website Georgia Department of Labor Learn about unemployment benefits and claim weekly unemployment benefits File Unemployment Insurance or Unemployment Disaster Assistance Claim with the Department of Labor 1-800-430-8076 1-800-818-7811 Call this number if you have already filed a claim and Were previously receiving benefits, Have questions, or Need to change your address 1-866-783-5567 File Unemployment Insurance Claim with Mississippi 1-888-844-3577 File Unemployment Insurance Claim with Nevada Texas Workforce Apply for unemployment insurance online Unemployment Assistance If ineligible for Unemployment Insurance, Unemployment Assistance may be still available. Disaster Unemployment Assistance is available to unemployed individuals beginning after the date the major disaster began and for up to 26 weeks after the major disaster was declared by the President, as long as their unemployment continues to be a result of the major disaster. Before an individual can be determined eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance, it must be established that the individual is not eligible for Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 15 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 regular unemployment insurance benefits (under any state or federal law). The program is administered by states as agents of the federal government. Visit to learn if you are eligible for Unemployment Assistance. Organization Unemployment Assistance Phone Number and Website FEMA Workers and Business Assistance Apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance in Alabama 1-866-234-5382 1-800-499-2035 (TTY) 1-800-818-7811 1-800-430-8076 1-888-844-3577 Louisiana Mississippi FEMA Workers and Business Assistance Search the website for employment U.S. Department of Labor National number to call about unemployment assistance and insurance Links to state sites for unemployment assistance and insurance help 1-866-4-USA-DOL (1-866-487-2365) Benefits The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) protects non governmental employees’ benefits, such as those for retirement and health care. EBSA has extended the deadline for filing Form 5500 and Form 5500 EZ annual report/returns for employee benefit plans affected by Hurricane Katrina to January 3, 2006. For state-specific information on the extension, visit: Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 16 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE How to locate temporary funding and information on how to access your personal financial data after a disaster. Organization Financial Assistance Phone Number and Website American Red Cross (ARC) For information specific to Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, or Mississippi, call the toll-free 1-866 hotline. The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For states other than those listed above, call the 1800 toll-free 24-hour Financial Assistance Center The ARC has caseworkers who will verify your damage. When you call, please have paper and a pencil or pen to take down any information and be prepared to provide your pre-disaster address, including zip code, and telephone number. Please note that there will be times when the areas FEMA declares and those for which ARC provides assistance may not always match. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) FEMA provides financial assistance to help with expenses that cannot be covered otherwise. FEMA may be able to provide monetary assistance for: temporary housing; home repairs; replacement of some household items; medical, dental, funeral, and transportation costs; and certain other needs May include cash grants of up to $26,200 per individual or household; all needs will be addressed after your personal insurance has run out. May need to apply with (and be denied for) Small Business Administration and/or a claim with your insurance company before FEMA can provide financial assistance. Project Restore Hope Help with obtaining lost or destroyed personal and financial documents, Assistance deferring mortgage payments Emergency budget guidance Emergency credit management Assistance working with creditors Insurance claims assistance Help preparing the Emergency Financial First Aid Kit and its companion document, the Personal Disaster Preparedness Guide 1-866-GET-INFO (1-866-438-4636) 1-800-975-7585 1-800-621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362) Hot line: 1-888-388-4673 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 17 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Small Business Administration (SBA) Hotline is available 6am thru 11pm EST, daily The SBA provides disaster loans for householders for Real Property (up to $200,000) and Personal Property (up to $40,000) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Information about accessing your bank accounts, lost records, ATM cards, direct deposits or how to reach your bank 1-800-659-2955 Email: 1-877-3342 1-877-ASKFDIC (275-3342) FEMA Registration To register with FEMA, you must provide the following information related to the person filing the claim: 1) Social Security Number 2) Amount of household income 3) Address at the time of the hurricane 4) Contact information (Current Phone Numbers, Current Address, etc.) 5) Types of damage that are being claimed 6) Address of damaged property (if filing claim for property) 7) Ages of other people living with them at previous address Direct Deposit of Assistance Funds into Your Account FEMA can deposit your claim check directly into your bank account, which eliminates the need for mailing you a check. It may take 48 hours for the direct deposit process to take effect, but once in place, this will give you almost immediate access to assistance funds. If you would like to change your claim to an electronic funds transfer, or EFT, call 1-800-621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362). Have the following pieces of information available: 1) Your FEMA registration number 2) Your Social Security number 3) The following bank account information, for the bank that you would like the funds transferred into: Your bank’s routing number, which can be found in the bottom, left-hand corner of your check/deposit slip Your bank account number, which is the middle series of numbers located at the bottom of your check/deposit slip If your bank account is not local, then you may choose to open an account where you are now living and have the funds transferred to this new account. This process can be much quicker than waiting for a mailed claim check. FEMA’s Citizenship/Immigration Requirements 1. You must be a U.S. Citizen, Non-Citizen National, or a Qualified Alien in order to be eligible for FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program and Disaster Unemployment cash assistance programs 2. A Qualified Alien includes anyone with legal permanent residence (i.e., green card). Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 18 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 3. You will be asked to sign a Declaration and Release, FEMA Form 90-69B, acknowledging that you are a U.S. Citizen, Non-Citizen National, or a Qualified Alien. 4. If you cannot sign the Declaration and Release, another adult household member who is eligible can sign it and no information regarding your status will be gathered. 5. If you cannot sign the Declaration and Release but you have minor child who is a U.S. Citizen or a Qualified Alien residing with you, you can apply for assistance on your child’s behalf and no information regarding your status will be gathered. However, you will be asked to sign a declaration that your child is a U.S. Citizen, Non-Citizen National, or a Qualified Alien. 6. You do not have to be a U.S. Citizen or a Qualified Alien in order to qualify for Crisis Counseling, Disaster Legal Services, or other short-term, non-cash emergency assistance. Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for disaster-related assistance under many different programs run by state and local agencies and voluntary agencies for various types of cash assistance. Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for short-term, non-cash, emergency aid from FEMA. However, you will not be personally eligible for FEMA cash assistance programs (Individuals and Households Program Assistance). You may apply on behalf of your U.S. Citizen child, or another adult household member may qualify the household for assistance. To receive money or help for Housing Needs that are the result of a disaster, all of the following must be true: You have losses in an area that has been declared a disaster by the President. You have filed for insurance benefits and the damage to your property is not completely covered by your insurance. The home in the disaster area is where you usually live and where you were living at the time of the disaster. You are not able to live in your home now, you cannot get to your home due to the disaster, or your home requires repairs because of damage from the disaster. You may not be eligible for “Housing Needs” assistance if: You have other, adequate, rent-free housing that you can use (for example, rental property that is not occupied). Your damaged home is your secondary or vacation residence. Your expenses resulted only from leaving your home as a precaution and you were able to return to your home immediately after the incident. You have refused assistance from your insurance provider(s). Your only losses are business losses (including farm business other than the farmhouse and self-employment) or items not covered by this program. The damaged home where you live is located in a designated flood hazard area and your community is not participating in the National Flood Insurance Program. In this case, the flood damage to your home would not be covered, but you may qualify for rental assistance or for assistance on items not covered by flood Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 19 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 insurance, such as water wells, septic systems, medical, dental, or funeral expenses. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 20 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 FINANCIAL RECOVERY INFORMATION Locating copies of your financial records. National Financial Recovery Organization/ Department Phone Number and Website Financial Planning Association (FPA) Free planning services to people in need. Services for qualified survivors may include: educational brochures, Information sheets, seminars and workshops, and one-on-one consultations Hotline is available Monday-Friday 7 am – 4:30pm MST Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS): Contacting Savings Institutions Hotline is available 8 am – 5:30 pm CST Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Instruction on how to obtain copies of old tax returns Links to frequently asked tax questions 1-800-282-PLAN (1-800-282-7526) Email: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC): Call with questions about your national bank. National bank: one that has the word “national” or “NA” or “national association” as part of its legal name Hotline is available: Monday-Thursday 9 am – 4 pm, Friday 9 am – 3 pm CDT Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): Consumer hotline; open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Provides the status of institutions in affected areas Answers questions about banks, including information on how to replace ID and/or ATM card Gives which banks are open and services that are available Social Security Administration: Ensures beneficiaries receive their monthly payments, and applications for benefits continue to be processed 1-800-613-6743 Email: National Credit Union Administration: Information for Credit Union Members 1-800-827-6282 Item 2; then: 1 for Louisiana/Texas, 2 for Arkansas/ Mississippi These options aren’t valid. You can press 1 and then 0 if you don’t know the name of the person you are trying to reach. Alabama: KatrinaAL@NCUA.GOV Louisiana: KatrinaLA@NCUA.GOV Mississippi: KatrinaMS@NCUA.GOV 1-800-958-0655 1-800-829-3676 1-877-ASK-FDIC (1-877-275-3342) 1-800-772-1213 TTY 1-800-325-0778 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 21 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Mississippi Louisiana Georgia Florida California Arkansas Alabama Financial Recovery Organization/ Department Phone Number and Website The Office of Personnel Management (OPM): Provides information for current/retired Federal employees and annuitants 1-800-307-8298 State of Alabama Banking Department Contacting your bank in Alabama P.O. Box 4600 1-334-242-3452 (Montgomery) Montgomery, AL 36103-4600 Arkansas State Bank Department 400 Hardin Rd., Suite 100 Little Rock, AK 72211 for more information, click in the “Kare” link in the top left-hand corner by phone: (501) 324-9019 , by fax: (501) 324-9028 California Department of Financial Institutions 111 Pine St., Suite 1100 San Francisco, CA 94111-5613 Toll free: 1-800-622-0620 Florida Department of Financial Services 200 East Gaines St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0300 Toll free in Florida: 1-800-342-2762 TDD: 850-410-9700 Georgia Department of Banking and Finance Department of Banking and Finance (Delete this you already named the institution before the bullet) 2990 Brandywine Rd., Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30341-5565 Toll free in Georgia 1-888 986-1633 Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions Contacting your bank in Louisiana 1-225-925-4660 (Baton Rouge, only) not Baton Rouge, only, it is LA only (In-State) 1-888-525-9414 (In-State) Not In-State-It is a toll free # (Nationwide) 1-866-783-5530 (Nationwide) 1-504-838-8250 (In-State) 1-800-421-7030 (Toll-Free) Louisiana Credit Union Finder: Contacting your credit union in Louisiana Search for Credit Union by state and region Post Office Box 94095 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Mississippi Department of Banking Contacting your bank in Mississippi 501 N. West Street 901 Woolfolk Building Suite A P.O. Box 23729 Jackson, MS 39225-3729 1-601-359-1031 (Jackson) 1-800-844-2499 (Nationwide) Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 22 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Utah Texas Nevada Financial Recovery Organization/ Department Phone Number and Website Nevada Division of Financial Institutions 2501 E. Sahara Ave, #300 Las Vegas, NV 89704 Tel: 702-486-4120 Texas Department of Banking 2601 North Lamar Austin, TX 78705 Tel: 512-475-1300 Toll free in Texas: 1-877-276-5554 Utah Department of Financial Institutions 324 South State St., Suite 201 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Tel: 801-538-8830 Mortgages The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) and its members advise survivors to contact their mortgage company directly as soon as possible. Your mortgage banker should be able to tell you about special offers; for example: Extended grace periods Postponing any foreclosure action Extending your due date and waiving late fees Long-term solutions Assistance in contacting flood and hazard insurance companies Mortgage bankers will re-evaluate their policies periodically; stay aware of changing terms. Most lenders have toll-free phone numbers for consumers to call. A list of top mortgage service providers in the affected areas are below. Mortgage Bankers Organization ABN AMRO Aurora Loan Services Bank of America Chase Home Finance Chevy Chase Bank, FSB CitiMortgage Colonial Savings, F.A. Countrywide Home Loans EMC Mortgage EverHome Mortgage Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corporation First Horizon National Corporation Phone Number 1-800-783-8900 1-800-550-0508 1-800-723-6578 (Insurance Claims) 1-800-831-5586 1-800-848-9136 1-800-933-9100 1-800-283-7918 1-800-442-8774 (Insurance Claims) 1-800-937-6002 1-800-669-6607 1-800-723-3004 1-800-669-9721 1-800-441-4428 1-800-364-7662 1-866-497-0530 (Insurance Processing/Loss Draft) Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 23 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Mortgage Bankers Organization GMAC Mortgage IndyMac Bank Irwin Mortgage Corporation Midland Mortgage Co. Mortgage America National City Mortgage Co. New South Federal Savings Bank New Century Financial Corporation Option One Mortgage PHH Mortgage (formerly Cendant Mortgage) Regions Mortgage SunTrust Washington Mutual Wells Fargo Wilshire Credit Corporation Litton Loan Servicing LP M&T Mortgage Corporation Phone Number 1-800-766-4622 1-800-781-7399 1-888-680-6808 (Insurance Processing/Loss Draft) 1-800-284-4462 1-800-434-2955 (Loss Draft) 1-800-654-4566 1-800-448-4059 1-800-822-5626 1-800-504-7110 1-800-967-7623 1-888-477-0193 (Loss Mitigation) 1-800-648-9605 1-888-882-1855 1-800-986-2462 1-800-634-7928 1-800-472-1254 1-866-926-8937 (Home Mortgages) 1-888-818-9147 (Home Mortgage) 1-888-952-7311 1-800-247-9727 1-800-724-2224 1-800-724-1633 (Mortgage Counselors) 1-888-882-1858 (Loss Drafts) Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 24 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 FOOD INFORMATION Locate food assistance, including food stamps, for those affected by the hurricane. The Food and Nutrition Service is an agency within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that oversees two major disaster assistance programs, food coupons and food commodities. Assistance in purchasing food is available through the Disaster Food Stamp Program. Once approved by the Food and Nutrition Service of the USDA, state and/or local social services agencies provide disaster food stamps to eligible households, who apply through the local social services office. Food Assistance Alabama National Organization Food Assistance Phone Number and Website Address Salvation Army Provides feeding units for evacuees 1-888-363-2769 615 Slaters Lane P.O. Box 269 Alexandria, VA WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children USDA Food Safety Hotline Information on food safety Food and Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture Information about disaster emergency Food Stamp Program Enables low-income families to buy nutritious food with coupons and electronic benefits transfer (EBT) cards Spanish assistance is available Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) General information about the federal nutrition program Department of Human Resources, Food Stamp Program Information for replacement of EBT Card and food assistance Hours: 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday 1-703-305-2746 pply/default.htm 3101 Park Center Dr. Alexandria, VA 22302 1-888-674-6854 1-800-221-5689 1-703-305-2041 Rm. 900 3101 Park Center Dr. Alexandria, VA 22302 1-202-986-2200 1875 Conn. Ave NW Suite 540 Washington, DC 20009 1-866-465-2285 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 25 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 California Arkansas Alabama Organization Food Assistance Phone Number and Website WIC (Women, Children, and Infants) Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children 1-800-654-1385 1-334-206-5673 Bay Area Food Bank Food bank providing food Food Bank of North Alabama Food bank providing food Food Bank of Northwest Alabama (Subsidiary Distribution Outlet) Food bank providing food East Alabama Food Bank (Montgomery Area Food Bank/Subsidiary Distribution Outlet) Food bank providing food Selma Area Food Bank (Subsidiary Distribution Outlet) Food bank providing food West Alabama Food Bank ( Subsidiary Distribution Outlet) Food bank providing food Wiregrass Area United Way Food Bank (Subsidiary Distribution Outlet) Food bank providing food Hours: 7:30am-4pm/M-F The United Way Community Food Bank Food bank providing food The Arkansas Food Bank Distributing food to hurricane survivors. 1-251-653-1617 California Department of Social Services How to apply for food stamps mps/ Address 1-256-539-2256 1-256-383-3223 Alabama Dept. of Public Health Bureau of Family Health Services RSA Tower, Suite 1300 P.O Box 303017 Montgomery, AL 36130-3017 5248 Mobile St. S., Theodore 36582 2000-B Vernon Ave., Huntsville 35804 615 Geneva Ave., Muscle Shoals 35661 1-334-263-3784 521 Trade Center St., Montgomery 36108 1-334-872-4111 497 Oak St., Selma 36702 1-205-759-5519 1605 23rd Ave., Tuscaloosa 35403 1-334-794-9775 382 Twitchell Rd., Dothan 36303 1-205-942-8911 107 Walter Davis Dr., Birmingham 35209 (501) 565-8121 Toll-free 1-877-565-8124 8121 Distribution Drive, Little Rock, AR Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 26 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Organization Apply for Food Stamps, report replacement Electronic Benefit Texas Utah Address 1-866-76ACCES (1-866-762-2237) ida/ Transfer (EBT) cards. American Pregnancy Association Service Helpline for Partners for Healthy Babies, Prenatal Care & Medicaid Refers callers to WIC (Women, Children, and Infants) Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children 1-800-251-2229 1-601-576-7100 1-800-721-7222 State Dept. of Health P.O. 1700 Jackson, MS 392151700 State Food Bank Assistance 1-800-992-0900 (Ext. 40500) each/states/nevada.htm WIC (Women, Children, and Infants) Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children Utah Department of Food and Nutrition 1-800-942-3678 ult.shtm Las Vegas: 4601 E. Cheyenne, Suite 111, Las Vegas, NV 89115 Tel (702) 643-0074 Reno: Dept of Nutrition, Mailstop 142, University of Nevada, Reno Tel: (775) 784-6445 Northern Nevada 994 Packer Way Sparks, NV 894316441 Tel: 775-331-3663 TX Dept. of State Health Services 1100 West 49th St. Austin, TX 78756-3199 Nevada Mississippi Louisiana Florida status changes or get help with a Food Assistance Phone Number and Website State information hotline: 1-866526-3663 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 27 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES INFORMATION Resources for guidance on health and safety concerns. Health Information Phone Number and Website Alabama National Organization U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Information on mental health resources Information on health and safety information Department of Health & Human Services Information on assistance for Katrina Survivors with Disabilities or Special Needs The National Mental Health Information Hurricane and other disaster relief Information Helping Children Cope with Disaster Information on helping children cope with disasters Headstart Childcare Services Offers programs for children up to 5 years of age, including meals, family support and health services. Online service providing information to help you gain access to your electronic prescription medication records. National Suicide Prevention Hotline United Healthcare Hurricane Support Line Alabama Information on the Alabama Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636) AL- 1-800-846-3697 LA- 1-888-524-3578 1-800-273-8255 (Toll Free) 1-800-799-4889 (TTY),1082,0_602_,00.html 1-800-273-8255 1-866-615-8700 1-800-367-0955 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 28 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Health Information Phone Number and Website Louisiana Georgia Florida California Arkansas Organization Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services Hotline for hurricane survivors with disabilities or people with life threatening conditions Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services Family services Juevenile and senior services Disabled persons support California Department of Social Services Family services Juevenile and senior services Disabled persons support Medicare and health services information Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm 1-800-846-3697 this # will no longer be valid as of 11/30 New # is 1-800-441-7607 Florida Department of Health Listings of local offices and their phone numbers Women and Children services Disabled persons services Tel: (850) 245-4444 Information on the Georgia Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Addictive Disease 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Baton Rouge, LA Information resources for Baton Rouge area only for any type of crisis. 1-225-924-3900 1-877-923-2114-called the 211 line (United Way line, this is a better # to call depending on the crisis the caller will be referred to the appropriate counselor.) Louisiana Information Resource Information for people with development disabilities (the lady asked that we clarify that this # is not for just any disabled person it is to help people w/ mental retardation.) and their families who have been affected by Hurricane Katrina 1-866-783-5553 Toll Free: 1-800-235-0002 DHS Operator:1-800-462-0599; this is the new DHS operator #, both numbers will work but the new one is better. General Information: (916) 651-8848 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 29 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Health Information Phone Number and Website Texas Oklahoma New York Nevada Mississippi Organization Mississippi Information on the Mississippi Department of Mental Health 1-601-359-1288 1-601-359-6230 (TDD) Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Public Defender’s Office Women and Children services Disabled persons services Health care financing and policy Disability services Mental health services Tel.: 1-775-684 – 4000 New York State New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI) offers services for disabled and mentally ill evacuees New York City, NY New York City Social Service Agencies – offering case managers for hurricane evacuees. 9-6, M-F. Oklahoma Information on the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Phone: 1-212-244-4664 TDD: 1-212-244-4644 Fax: 1-212-244-4570 Texas Advocacy Inc. offers advocacy services for persons with mental or physical disabilities in Texas. Houston, TX Mobile Barber Shops – Services Free of Charge. 1-800-252-9108 1-888-744-7900 1-800-522-9054 The salons will be available from December 14, 2005 through December 20, 2005 in Houston, TX at the Houston DRC. The Houston DRC is located at: Greater Houston Area DRC 6059 South Loop East Houston, TX 77087 Hours: 8:00AM to 7:00PM Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 30 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Health Information Phone Number and Website Utah Organization Utah Department of Health Evacuee services Health care information Tel: (801) 538- 6101 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 31 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 HOME CLEANING INFORMATION Cleaning and safety tips for making hurricane damaged homes livable again. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) officials are not currently recommending any special immunizations for those evacuees who choose to return and clean their damaged homes. However, anyone who sustains a cut while cleaning and has not had a tetanus shot within the last five years should obtain one. Debris Removal Debris removal is being addressed at the County and Parish level. In most cases, you must file a Right of Entry form with your county or parish before debris can be removed in your absence. Please contact your home county or parish for additional information, including the Right of Entry Form and proper disposal procedures. Additionally, many counties require residents to separate debris into piles of household items, wood and construction-type items, and appliances, and then place those piles at the curb. Note: If you reside in an area affected by the Formosan termite, you must keep all wood products separate from other construction-type debris so that it can be treated prior to disposal. Affected areas are under a quarantine in order to contain these termites and prevent them from affecting other areas. Louisiana Parish Websites: Jefferson Parish: St. Bernard Parish: Plaquemines Parish: St. Charles Parish: City of New Orleans: St. Tammany Parish: html St. John the Baptist Parish: To contact the Louisiana Homeland Security Debris Hotline, please call 1-866-617-1780 or visit online at Mold Removal and Safe Debris Removal Tips Many houses will experience mold growth after flooding. Call 1-888-293-7020 or visit for guidelines issued by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the safe and effective cleanup of household mold. While cleaning mold, anyone allergic to mold may experience a stuffy nose, irritated eyes, wheezing, skin irritation, difficulty breathing, or shortness of breath. People with weakened immune systems and chronic lung diseases may develop Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 32 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 mold infections in their lungs. If any health-related problems appear after working around mold, contact a doctor or other health care provider immediately. For maximum protection, wear an N95-designated face mask or National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH)-approved respirator, rubber boots, rubber gloves, goggles, and a soft hat or hard hat (if there is danger of falling debris or electrical hazards) when working with moldy materials. Be sure to throw away all porous items that were wet because they can remain a source of mold in the future, even if they are not moldy now. Further information on cleaning mold is available by calling 1-888-293-7020 or visit Additional information can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency at 1-800-438-4318 or by visiting – this website provides in depth guides on how homeowners can clean mold from residences and prevent future mold growth. To find a licensed mold clean-up contractor call 1-866-310-7879 rings and rings or visit Keep the following tips in mind when hiring a contractor: 1. Contact the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors (LSLBC) for “Do’s” and “Don’ts” when hiring a contractor. 2. Check with your insurance agent for referrals. 3. Get the contractor’s business name and address. 4. Get in writing the estimated start and completion dates and the total amount to be paid when the work is done. 5. Never pay more than 10% of the total cost down at the beginning of the job. Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness Clean-up efforts after returning to homes and businesses can present lifethreatening hazards to storm survivors, including leaking natural gas lines and CO poisoning from the use of un-vented fuel-burning equipment. CO is a colorless, odorless gas produced when fuel is burned and can kill when present in high amounts. Symptoms of CO poisoning are feeling sick, dizzy, or weak. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should get fresh air right away. Do not use fuel-burning devices in homes, garages, or other confined spaces or within 10 feet of windows, doors, or other air intakes. Cleaner, Disinfectant, and Pesticide Awareness Mixing some household cleaners together can produce toxic fumes, injury, or death. When working with household chemicals remain in the room no longer than necessary and allow plenty of time for the room to air out. Read and follow all label instructions carefully. Use fans throughout the cleaning process as long as there is no standing water or any other potential electrical hazard. In case of poisoning/chemical ingestion, call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222 immediately. Do not induce vomiting unless you have been instructed to do so. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 33 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Airborne Asbestos and Lead Dust Avoidance Asbestos is a fibrous material used in some pipe insulation, ceiling tiles, exterior siding, roof shingles, sprayed-on soundproofing, and many other materials in older buildings, mostly those built before 1970. Asbestos was used to strengthen products and provide heat insulation and fire resistance. Breathing asbestos can lead to lung cancer; mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the chest and the abdominal cavity; and asbestosis, in which the lungs become scarred with fibrous tissue. Lead is a toxic metal that can produce a variety of adverse health effects, especially in young children. Homes built before 1978 probably have lead in their original paints. Moving materials containing lead-based paint could cause lead dust to concentrate in the air. If you suspect your home contains asbestos or lead-based paint, you are strongly encouraged to use contractors who are specially trained to deal with these substances. Homes can be tested for lead-based paint. If the asbestos is in good condition, it is best to just leave it alone since it probably will not release asbestos fibers into the air. Materials with asbestos or lead-based paint should be handled while still wet or damp and should be double bagged. While handling these materials, gloves, goggles, and Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA)-approved respiratory protection should be worn. Wash hands and clothing while still wearing the mask after handling or cleaning either of these materials. Do not do anything that generates dust from, or disturbs the surfaces of, areas with lead-based paints because this will cause the lead to enter the air. Families should not live in residences while work is being done to remove either asbestos or lead-based paint. For more information on the safe management of asbestos, visit For more information on the safe management of lead-based paint, visit Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 34 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 HOUSING INFORMATION Information on different types of temporary housing available. National Temporary Housing Temporary Housing Organization Phone Number and Website National FEMA Travel Trailers If unable to find other housing, call to apply for a travel trailer or mobile home Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 8 voucher holders, public housing residents, and all displaced individuals may call for housing Katrina Disaster Housing Assistance Program (KDHAP) Call for housing if you were previously in HUD assisted living or previously homeless DHR Online National Disaster Housing/Rental Resources Easy to use website that lists immediately available rental properties Operation: Share Your Home (a Louisiana based project) Search for relief housing offered by private citizens Hurricane Housing Search all housing postings from different organizations throughout the United States. Includes short and long term listings, as well as special needs housing Katrina Housing Information Search for available rooms, houses, and apartments Independent Living Research Utilization For disabled individuals. Call for housing if relocating to Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana Search affordable, rental, section 8, handicap accessible, and for sale housing by location and price USDA Rural Development If displaced from Rural Development-financed apartments, call for Rural Development vacant apartment units in the U.S. Search website for USDA apartments by state Katrina Housing Relief Program Search for housing by location Search apartments by states 1-800-621-3362 1-800-462-7585 (TTY) id=19865 1-888-297-8685 1-800-955-2232 1-866-373-9509 1-888-827-2525 1-800-949-4232 nts/katrina.html#housing 1-877-428-8844 1-704-334-8722 1-800-414-1226 FHRentals/select_state.jsp html 1-866-822-RENT (1-866-822-7368) Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 35 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 HOUSING INFORMATION (cont.) Information on different types of temporary housing available. National Temporary Housing Temporary Housing National Organization Phone Number and Website EDEN I & R Inc Search the CHAIN (Community Housing and Information Network) website for housing Hotline is available Monday thru Friday, 10am – 4 pm PST ACORN HUD-certified, nonprofit housing counseling agency Call or visit website for available housing, as well as mortgage and other counseling services Disaster Housing Resources state-by-state search to find emergency housing in your area Hurricane Housing Search: A non-profit organization that helps hurricane victims find housing Hurricane Relief Housing Search for housing by state Welcome Wagon for Katrina Survivors Search for housing by state Renters Paradise Search for housing by state 247 Apartments Search for housing by state Apartment Information Search for housing by state CraigsList Search for housing by state Apartments 24-7 Search for housing by state Apartment World Search for housing by state 1-510-537-2552 National toll-free hotline: 1-866-742-6868 1-360-440-2794 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 36 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 HOUSING INFORMATION (cont.) Information on different types of temporary housing available. State temporary housing Georgia Florida California Arkansas Alabama Organization Phone Number and Website Alabama Emergency Management Agency Recovery information like phone numbers for services (power, roads, local charities, etc.) Operation Katrina Assistance Relief Effort (KARE) Scroll down webpage for links to information for hurricane relief in Arkansas like enrollment information for schools _help.html#7 Housing in the State of Arkansas _help.html#6 Arkansas Housing and Urban Development r Department of Housing and Urban Development in California a State of Florida on-line portal to Katrina recovery links ouseing Department of Housing and Urban Development in Florida Georgia Housing Search for affordable rental housing in Georgia Links to Georgia Department of Community Affairs Toll free: (800) 359-4663 Department of Housing and Urban Development in Georgia a Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 37 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 HOUSING INFORMATION (cont.) State temporary housing State temporary housing Utah Texas Nevada Mississippi Louisiana Organization Phone Number and Website Louisiana Housing Council Housing information if a section 8 public housing resident or a voucher holder 1-713-652-2915 1-713-652-2916 1-713-652-2917 Department of Housing and Urban Development in Louisiana Louisiana Shelter Information. A website with various housing links for hurricane victims in Louisiana USDA Rural Development If displaced from Rural Development-financed apartments, call for Rural Development vacant apartment units in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in Mississippi Department of Housing and Urban Development in Nevada Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs Department of Housing and Urban Development in Texas Department of Housing and Urban Development in Utah 1-334-279-3400 1-334-279-3495 (TDD/TYY) Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 38 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 INSURANCE INFORMATION If repairs are required prior to speaking to an adjuster, make only temporary repairs to prevent further property damage and keep all repair receipts for possible reimbursement. Some damaged property should not be discarded until the adjuster has seen it, including wet carpet, ruined appliances, and any other relevant items. If damaged items must be removed, take pictures before and after removal for documentation purposes. National Organization Insurance Phone Number & Web Address The American Insurance Association Provides a list of insurance companies for questions about coverage or access to policies Click on “Hurricane Information”, then click on “Insurance Claim Contact Information” National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Hotline is available from 8am to 8pm EST, Monday – Friday. Spanish assistance is available File a claim or for program information is a clearinghouse of information on the NFIP For Veterans’ Group Life Insurance The first premium due date, after the hurricane, has been extended for 90 days 1-800-638-6620 m Click on “NFIP” Loss Claim and Mortgage VA home loan or mortgage payment claim filing information V.A. Insurance Center in Philadelphia Government life insurance information Hotline available from 8:30am to 6pm EST, Monday – Friday Offering same-day loans 1-800-669-8477 (Insurance) 1-800-827-1000 (Regional Offices) 1-888-748-5828 (Fax) VAROIC, PO Box 7327, Philadelphia, PA 19101 1-800-419-1473 (Press “1” in menu options) Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 39 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Organization Alabama Alabama Department of Insurance Arkansas Arkansas Department of Insurance Insurance Phone Number & Web Address Tel: (334) 241-4141 1-800 852-5494 1-501-371-2640 m 1-800-927-4357 1-213-897-8921 Florida Dept. of Financial Services 1-800-22-STORM or 1-800-227-8676 (in state) TTD: 1-800-640-0886. 1-800-342-2762 (in state) 1-850-413-3100 (FL Dept. of Financial Services) 1-850-413-3111 (Office of Insurance Consumer Advocate) Georgia Insurance Commission Louisiana Department of Insurance Contact if you are not satisfied with the service (subject to Louisiana law) that you received from your insurance company. Mail completed forms, as well as copies of supporting materials, to: Louisiana Department of Insurance, Property and Casualty Consumer Complaints, PO Box 94214, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804 LA government Hurricane Katrina insurance information 1-800-259-5300 1-225-342-1258 (Auto, home, and property division) Louisiana Georgia Florida California California Department of Insurance Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 40 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Insurance Phone Number & Web Address Mississippi Insurance Department Contact if you are not satisfied with the service (subject to Mississippi law) that you received from your insurance company. Mail completed forms, as well as copies of supporting materials, to: Mississippi Insurance Department, Consumer Services Division, PO Box 79, Jackson, MS 39205. You may also visit their offices in the Woolfolk State Office Building, located at 501 North West Street, 10th floor, Jackson, MS 39201 Nevada Division of Insurance 1-800-562-2957 (in state) 1-601-359-2453 (out of state) Texas Department of Insurance Utah Department of Insurance Utah Texas Nevada Mississippi Organization Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 41 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Veteran’s Administration (VA) Insurance When disasters such as floods and hurricanes occur, these areas are often declared “disaster areas.” In such emergencies, Veteran’s Administration Insurance provides expedited and special services to ease the hardships of policyholders affected by a disaster. Policyholders with permanent plans of insurance may request an expedited policy loan where they may borrow up to 94 percent of the cash surrender value of their insurance. Similarly, Policyholders with dividend credit or deposit accounts may request a withdrawal from their account. Requests are processed the day they are received and Direct Deposit of loan proceeds is available. Loan and withdrawal requests may be made by phone, fax, or US mail, using the contact information listed in the table above. Loan and Withdrawal requests must be signed by the policyholder. When making your request, include the following information: 1) Insurance file and policy numbers 2) Mailing address—remember to let the VA know if this is a change of address for your insurance records 3) Amount of the loan or withdrawal requested (you can also request the maximum amount available) 4) Your bank account number, 9-digit transit routing number, and type of account (checking or savings) for direct deposit of the loan or withdrawal proceeds. If you have received a VA-issued personal identification number (PIN) and password, you can make your loan or withdrawal request at the following website: To request a PIN and password, call 1-800-669-8477 or go to the website, above, and select the “PIN Request link”. Policyholders who are concerned that their insurance may lapse due to nonpayment or are having difficulty paying their premium and have not received a premium notice, may request an extension of Premium Payment Grace Period and Reinstatement Deadlines of up to 90 days by using the contact information listed in the table on page 14. You may also visit a Regional Office, where these services are provided in person. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 42 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 LEGAL ASSISTANCE Information on lawyers, including those who provide reduced-fee or pro-bono (free) services. Legal Assistance National Organization Phone Number, Web Address or Email American Bar Association (ABA) The Young Lawyers Division of the ABA, through an agreement with FEMA, provides free legal advice for low-income individuals and on 1-800-285-2221 Katrina Legal Aid Resource Center Lists organizations that can provide free legal help Information on housing, insurance claims, obtaining vital records, financial aid and health care services HUD Housing Discrimination Hotline Report discrimination during the search for posthurricane housing Obtain information on citizen’s rights HUD's Office of Inspector General Fraud, waste, or abuse complaints Press ‘9’ on hotline The National Center for Victims of Crime Hotline is available from 8:30am thru 8:30 pm EST Victim’s assistance referrals and Legal/Financial/Counseling/etc. Army Marine Corps Navy tm Air Force 1-800-669-9777 1-800-927-9275 (TTY) cfm 1-800-347-3735 1-800-FYI CALL (1-800-394-2255) B_HurricaneKatrinaCrimeVictimAssistance13 9 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 43 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 LEGAL ASSISTANCE (CONT.) Information on lawyers, including those who provide reduced-fee or pro-bono (free) services. Phone Number, Web Address or Email Alabama State Bar Association: In order to take advantage of this assistance, you must be a resident of Alabama Ask for Disaster Legal Assistance Line. You will be referred to someone and contacted within 24-48 hrs Legal Services Alabama: Dispute with FEMA 1-800-354-6154 Arkansas Legal Services Partnership Victim and advocate resources Find basic information about your legal rights learn where to go for legal aid and assistance find out about other community resources. cWeb/Disaster/ 1-501-376-3423 (Little Rock Area) 1-479-442-0600 (Fayetteville Area) Provides access to basic legal resources and attorney information to disaster victims on a variety of issues Florida Pro Bono Legal Services Georgia LegalAid Click on “Disaster Relief” for legal information on related topics. 1-404-527-8762 Louisiana State Bar Association: In order to take advantage of this assistance, you must be a resident of Louisiana 1-800-310-7029 1-800-403-4872 1-251-433-6560 (Mobile/Baldwin Counties) Louisiana Georgia Florida California Arkansas Alabama Legal Assistance Organization Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 44 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 LEGAL ASSISTANCE (CONT.) Utah Texas Tennessee Nevada Mississippi Information on lawyers, including those who provide reduced-fee or pro-bono (free) services. Mississippi American Bar Association: In order to take advantage of this assistance, you must be a resident of Mississippi 1-866-255-4495 Nevada Law Help provides legal assistance to disaster victims on a variety of issues. Nashville Bar Association Lawyer referral service. 1-865-522-7501 (East Tennessee) 1-615-242-6546 (Middle and West Tennessee) 1-423-756-3222 (Southeast Tennessee) State Bar of Texas: Website lists legal resources available statewide and nationally. NTENTID=12807&TEMPLATE=/ContentManagement/Cont entDisplay.cfm Utah State Bar: Provides information on how to find pro bono legal services. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 45 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 REPLACING IMPORTANT RECORDS Guidance on replacing lost records. National Replacing Important Records Organization Phone Number and Website Immigration, Passports, Social Security, Veterans Documentation United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) To replace lost or destroyed U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services documents, such as permanent resident cards (green cards), employment authorizations, re-entry permits, certificates of citizenship, and more, please visit Hours: 8am-6pm/M-F United States Department of State (USDOS) To replace a lost or stolen passport 1-800-375-5283 Social Security Administration (SSA) In a disaster, it is important that those who depend on Social Security checks continue to receive them, even though they may be displaced from their homes. Call or visit the website to: Process Social Security claims Process disaster-related death certificates Make address changes Replace lost or destroyed Social Security cards Resolve problems involving lost/destroyed Social Security checks Obtain advice and assistance in regard to regular and survivor benefits payable through Social Security programs Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Provides a variety of disaster assistance specifically targeted to veterans and survivors, including: Medical and Burial assistance Priority in acquiring VA-owned properties if you are displaced in a disaster. Monthly disability compensation Pension payments Replacement checks 1-800-772-1213 1-202-955-0430 1-800-827-1000 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 46 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 REPLACING IMPORTANT RECORDS (CONT.) Guidance on replacing lost records. Louisiana National Organization Replacing Important Records Phone Number and Website Birth Certificates VitalCheck Network Obtain an expedited, certified copy of your birth certificate for all states VitalCheck’s Louisiana main office is temporary closed due to flooding, as are the Jefferson and Calcasieu Parish offices. The link to Louisiana on the website is also currently unavailable. Louisiana Department of Public Health - Vital 1-800-454-9570 Records Registry .html Obtain the Request Form from the website Bring the completed form, photo identification, and fee to the Central Office or Packet%2011%20Ordering%20Certificates.pdf to one of the 9 Regional Service Centers Service Center hours are 8:15am thru 4pm Monday-Friday Requests for certified copies of birth, death or Orleans Parish Marriage Certificates accepted before noon can usually be issued the same day Visit the second website for a .pdf document with additional guidelines/instructions on obtaining copies of your lost records Department of Health and Hospitals 225-342-9500 1201 Capitol Access Road No-cost birth cards (small versions of birth P.O. Box 629 certificates) are being offered by the Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0629 Department of Health and Hospitals to evacuees and their children. Hours: 8am-4:30pm/M-F Birth cards in Louisiana can be obtained from parish health units in East Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Alexandria, Shreveport, and Monroe. Clerk offices in Acadia, Allen, Ascension, Assumption, Bienville, Catahoula, Claiborne, East Baton Rouge, East Carroll, East Feliciana, Franklin, Grant, Jackson, Lafayette, Livingston, Madison, Morehouse, Natchitoches, Plaquemines, Richland, Sabine, St. Charles, St. Helena, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Laundry, St. Tammany, Tensas, Terrebonne, Union, Vernon, Washington, Webster, West Carroll, and West Feliciana parishes will also offer no-cost birth cards. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 47 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 REPLACING IMPORTANT RECORDS (CONT.) National Guidance on replacing lost records. Document Restoration Department of the Treasury (DOT) DOT will exchange mutilated or damaged US Currency The National Archives Provides guidelines for preserving and caring for your flood damaged photos, books, papers and more Texas Mississippi Alabama Louisiana Organization 1-866-272-6272 Replacing Important Records Phone Number and Website Drivers Licenses and State Issued Identifications Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles 1-877-368-5463 Call or visit the website for guidance on how to obtain a new driver’s license and vehicle registration information. Alabama Department of Public Safety Complete the replacement application for your home state. The request will not be processed without a signature. Include the reason for being out of state as “evacuation due to Hurricane Katrina” The second website gives office locations and hours of operation Mississippi Department of Public Safety Website provides office locations Texas Department of Public Safety Website provides information on replacing your drivers license Hours: 8am-5pm (central time) 1-512-424-2000 rol 1-601-987-1200 OpenDocument Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 48 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 REUNIFICATION INFORMATION Reuniting families and loved ones and their pets. Finding Missing Persons Organization Finding Missing Persons Phone Number and Website American Red Cross – Restoring Family Links Helps evacuees find each other after national disasters The Find Family National Call Center A hotline to help connect family members 7am-11pm 7 days a week Katrina/Rita Missing Persons Hotline Staffed by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC). National Center for Missing Adults Helps locate missing persons 7am-6pm MST, 7 days a week National Next of Kin Registry Locate your Next of Kin Leave a message if no one is available to take your call Yahoo! Message Boards For information on missing persons Family Links Registry Information about those possibly affected by the hurricane The Louisiana Hospital Association Locate someone who may have been transferred from a Louisiana Hospital Arkansas Information on finding evacuees by their name 1 877-LOVED-1S (1-877-568-3317) 1-866-326-9393 1-888-544-5475 1-800-324-0326 1-800-915-5413 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 49 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 REUNIFICATION INFORMATION Reuniting families and loved ones and their pets. Finding Missing Pets Organization Finding Missing Pets Phone Number and Website Animal Emergency Response Network Information on helping companion animal victims and their caretakers during disasters American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Information on how to rescue, reunite, and re-home animals Humane Society of the United States Locating pets displaced by the hurricane and reuniting pets with their owners Noah's Wish Information on sheltering animals found in Slidell, Louisiana. Pet Finder Information on helping pet owners and their companions find each other ne_home. 1-800-HUMANE-1 (1-800-486-2631) 1-800-485-5152 http:/ Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 50 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 STUDENT RESOURCES INFORMATION Guidance and information on efforts being made to accommodate students from the elementary school level up to the college level, including international students, who have been displaced by the hurricane. Student Resources Alabama National Organization Phone Number and Website Department of Education Start by contacting your local School Board for guidance, then contact the DOE for further assistance Spanish Speakers are available (se habla espanol) Hotline is available from 9 am-5 pm EST Department of Health and Human Services Provides search engines and additional inks to locate public schools (K-12), Head Start, colleges and universities, various state departments of education, financial aid, and foreign student information and resources Provides additional resources to help displaced college students return to school Sloan Foundation The Southern Regional Board of Education, in conjunction with the Sloan Foundation, has announced the creation of the Sloan Semester which is a catalog of free electronic courses available for Katrina-displaced students. Search the website for available courses, participating colleges and universities, and to start the enrollment process Immigration and Customs Enforcement International students impacted by Hurricane Katrina will find information about the 30-day reporting requirement, temporary housing, and transferring to another Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS)-certified school Hotline available 8 am – 6pm, Monday through Friday Veterans Affairs Information for veterans receiving Veterans Affairs (VA) education benefits Alabama Department of Education (AL DOE) Answers frequently asked questions regarding registering your child for school in Alabama 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327) 1-800-437-0833 – TTY 1-800-961-5294 1-202-305-2346 (email) 1-888-GIBILL1 (1-888-442-4551) Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 51 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 STUDENT RESOURCES INFORMATION (CONT.) Guidance and information on efforts being made to accommodate students from the elementary school level up to the college level, including international students, who have been displaced by the hurricane. Student Resources Organization Phone Number and Website 1-877-2WE-KARE (1-800-293-5273) 1-501-682-4475 html#3 Florida Department of Education Links for parents and students Information for those displaced by hurricanes who are now living in Florida Toll free hotline: 1-877-FLCARE1 (1-877-3522731) E-mail: Georgia Department of Education (GA DOE) Click on the icons to access information for parents, school systems, and educators Hotline available from 8 am – 4:45 pm, Monday through Friday Louisiana Department of Education (LA DOE) Hotline available from 8 am – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday Links on the left-hand side of the webpage provide guidance for both displaced students and teachers Specific updates on each parish can be found by clicking the links at the bottom left of the web page. Louisiana has temporarily waived its requirement that students present immunization records before enrollment. The Department of Health and Hospitals – Office of Public Health is tracking immunizations records and will share that information with the appropriate education officials. 1-800-311-3627 1-404-656-2800 Mississippi Department of Education (MS DOE) Hotline available from 8 am – 5 pm, Monday through Friday Provides additional information on specific concerns, such as enrolling for online courses, enrolling children in new schools, seeking counseling for your child, and obtaining special education services Nevada Department of Education 1-866-856-2213 1-877-453-2721 Nevada Mississippi Louisiana Georgia Florida Arkansa s Arkansas Department of Education (AR DOE) 1-501 hotline available from 8 am – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 52 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Student Resources Utah Texas Organization Phone Number and Website Texas Department of Education (TX DOE) Hotlines staffed 8 am – 5 pm, Monday through Friday 1-800-957-5109 (Line for parents) 1-866-435-7090 (Line for teachers) Utah Department of Education General information (801) 538 7500 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 53 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 TAX INFORMATION Tax information specific to Hurricane Katrina/Rita survivors. New Hurricane Katrina tax legislation is pending; please check with your tax advisor for Rita and Wilma losses. Federal Personal Casualty or Theft Loss Deductions (Hurricane Katrina Only) To qualify, a loss must be attributable to Hurricane Katrina and it must have occurred on or after August 29, 2005, in the Presidentially-declared disaster area. In Florida, where Katrina hit first, the date is on or after August 24, 2005. Hurricane Katrina losses must be claimed as an itemized deduction. If you take the standard deduction you cannot claim them. You cannot claim a deduction for any part of a loss for which you receive or expect to receive insurance or other reimbursement. Because a Hurricane Katrina loss is a disaster loss, you have the option to deduct it on your tax return for the previous year, 2004. If you have already filed your 2004 return, the loss may be claimed by filing an amended return, Form 1040X, for 2004. Taxpayers filing or amending their 2004 tax return and whose only casualty or theft losses to personal use property claimed on that return were caused by Hurricane Katrina should write in red ink “Hurricane Katrina” at the top of Form 1040X. They must also attach the 2004 Form 4684, writing “Hurricane Katrina” on the dotted line next to line 11 and entering “0” on lines 11 and 17. Taxpayers filing or amending their 2004 tax return and who also have casualty or theft losses to personal use property not related to Hurricane Katrina should disregard the caution directing taxpayers to use only one Form 4684, located above line 13, and complete lines 13 through 18 for two Forms 4684. Claiming the loss on an original or amended return for 2004 will provide you an earlier refund, but waiting to claim the loss on this year’s return could result in a greater tax saving, depending on your tax situation for 2005. If you wish to claim the loss for 2004, you generally have until the due date for filing your 2005 return to do so. You determine your loss for personal use property by first figuring the decrease in its fair market value as a result of the casualty or theft. To do this, you must Determine the fair market value of your property both immediately before and immediately after the casualty or theft (counting the value of stolen property as zero). An appraisal is the best way to make this determination, but under certain conditions you can use the cost of cleaning up and repairing the property as a measure of the decrease in value. Compare the decrease in fair market value with your adjusted basis in the property. The adjusted basis is typically the cost of the property and any improvements. From the smaller of these two amounts, subtract any insurance or other reimbursement you receive or expect to receive. Generally, you figure your loss separately for each item, but treat real estate used for personal purposes, such as your home, as one item (including the land, buildings, trees and other improvements Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 54 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Visit,,id=149524,00.html appropriate tax forms for you. for links to the Federal Deadlines for Taxpayers Affected by Hurricane Katrina The IRS has established a special toll-free disaster telephone number, 1-866-562-5227. This hotline is available Monday through Friday, from 7 am – 10 pm. Please visit the special section on the website for additional information:,,id=147085,00.html. The extension to file and pay does not apply to information returns in the W-2, 1098, 1099 or 5498 series, or to Forms 1042-S or 8027. Filing and payment relief has been granted to all affected taxpayers until February 28, 2006 (consistent with legislation) for both Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, including: Individuals and businesses with addresses in the counties or parishes in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi designated by FEMA for relief; Taxpayers whose books, records, or tax practitioners are located within the FEMA-declared counties or parishes; Relief workers and their spouses; and Visitors to the disaster areas who were killed or injured resulting from the disaster. The same relief will also apply to any places added to the disaster area. There has been a postponement of deadlines, an interest suspension, and a waiver of penalties which applies to any tax return, tax payment, or tax deposit with an original or extended due date falling on or after August 29, 2005. In Florida, where Katrina hit first, the date is on or after August 24, 2005. Taxpayers affected by the hurricane may be eligible for tax relief, regardless of where they live. The filing and payment relief includes the abatement of interest and any late-filing, late-payment, or failure-to-deposit penalties that would apply. The relief includes the: September 15 due date for estimated taxes, September 15 due date for calendar-year corporate returns with automatic extensions, October 17 deadline for individuals who received a second extension for filing their individual income tax returns, October 31 deadline for filing quarterly Federal employment and excise tax returns, and employment and excise deposits due on or after August 29, 2005, and on or before February 28, 2006. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 55 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Tax Information Organization Phone Number and Website Louisiana Louisiana Department of Revenue’s Hurricane Katrina Information Contains links to IRS news releases, tax forms, and sites answering frequently asked Hurricane Katrina tax questions Headquarters Alexandria 1-225-219-7318 or 1-225-219-0102 1-318-487-5333 Baton Rouge 1-225-922-2300 Lafayette 1-337-262-5455 Lake Charles 1-337-491-2504 Monroe 1-318-362-3151 Shreveport 1-318-676-7505 Thibodaux 1-985-447-0976 Tax Relief by Location Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Tax Relief by Location Taxpayers will automatically receive tax relief if they live in the following parishes: Acadia, Ascension, Assumption, Calcasieu, Cameron, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberia, Iberville, Jefferson, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, Lafourche, Livingston, Orleans, Pointe Coupee, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. Helena, St. James, St. John, St. Mary, St. Martin, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Terrebonne, Vermilion, Washington, West Baton Rouge and West Feliciana Taxpayers will receive tax relief if they identify themselves as being impacted by Hurricane Katrina and live in the following parishes: Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Caldwell, Catahoula, Claiborne, Concordia, Desoto, East Carroll, Evangeline, Franklin, Grant, Jackson, LaSalle, Lincoln, Madison, Morehouse, Natchitoches, Ouachita, Rapides, Red River, Richland, Sabine, St. Landry, Tensas, Union, Vernon, Webster, West Carroll and Winn. Taxpayers will receive automatic relief if they live in the following counties: Adams, Amite, Attala, Claiborne, Choctow, Clarke, Copiah, Covington, Franklin, Forrest, George, Greene, Hancock, Harrison, Hinds, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Jefferson Davis, Jones, Kemper, Lamar, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Leake, Lincoln, Lowndes, Madison, Marion, Neshoba, Newton, Noxubee, Oktibbeha, Pearl River, Perry, Pike, Rankin, Scott, Simpson, Smith, Stone, Walthall, Warren, Wayne, Wilkinson, Winston and Yazoo. Taxpayers will receive tax relief if they identify themselves as being impacted by Hurricane Katrina and they live in the following counties: Alcorn, Benton, Bolivar, Calhoun, Carroll, Chickasaw, Clay, Coahoma, DeSoto, Grenada, Holmes, Humphreys, Issaquena, Itawamba, Lafayette, Leflore, Lee, Marshall, Monroe, Montgomery, Panola, Pontotoc, Prentiss, Quitman, Sharkey, Sunflower, Tallahatchie, Tate, Tippah, Tishomingo, Tunica, Union, Washington, Webster and Yalobusha. Taxpayers will receive automatic relief if they live in the following counties: Baldwin, Choctaw, Clarke, Greene, Hale, Mobile, Pickens, Sumter, Tuscaloosa and Washington. Taxpayers will receive tax relief if they identify themselves as being impacted by Hurricane Katrina and they live in the following counties: Bibb, Colbert, Cullman, Jefferson, Lamar, Lauderdale, Marengo, Marion, Monroe, Perry, Wilcox and Winston. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 56 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Florida Tax Relief by Location Taxpayers will receive tax relief if they identify themselves as being impacted by Hurricane Katrina and they live in the following counties: Monroe, Broward, Miami-Dade, Bay, Collier, Escambia, Franklin, Gulf, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 57 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION FEMA assistance for returning to your originating state. Facilitated Relocation Program Transportation in Support of Relocation: This program will move evacuees to an interim location (if necessary) and then move them to their home state when it is ready for them, for a total of two one-way tickets. FEMA can issue non-refundable tickets for air, bus and train travel for: Moving to more suitable/permanent housing Evacuees to return to their undamaged homes/residences, but no further travel tickets will be allowable after this point Pet travel o While we attempt to assist pet owners who wish to take their pets with them we are limited to the carrier guidelines. For more information about the Relocation Assistance Program, contact the Help Line at 1-800-621-FEMA (1-800-621-3262) between the hours of 7 am – 9 pm, Central Time, or call the Relocation Assistance Program direct at 1-866-586-5257. Staff will put you in contact with representatives at the travel call center. To be eligible for a one-way ticket applicant must: Have FEMA registration numbers available Be the person registered with FEMA; they may make travel plans for dependents. Have been evacuated from Louisiana, Mississippi, or Alabama as a result of Hurricane Katrina.. Provide or coordinate their own transportation to and from the airport, train station, or bus depot. Give the address and phone number of the location where they will stay when they relocate. This location must be available for 90 days and cannot be a hotel/motel. Pay for or arrange for costs for any excess baggage. Tickets may not be provided for evacuees to: Check the status of their homes Attend funerals Meet with a FEMA inspector Meet with an insurance adjuster. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 58 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Transportation for evacuees from Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi who are currently patients in healthcare facilities or have out-patient/ongoing medical needs. For Evacuees with Medical Needs In many counties and parishes in Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana, the healthcare infrastructure will not support the return of evacuees with medical needs. The current status is: Texas and Mississippi are currently accepting the return of patients and those evacuees with ongoing medical needs to select counties in Texas. Louisiana is accepting the return of evacuees who are currently patients or who have ongoing medical needs on a case-by-case basis only. Louisiana evacuees with medical requirements may need to continue to shelter in their host state, or travel to an interim location to be closer to friends and family until Louisiana can support their return. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Medical Travel Center The HHS Medical Travel Center will arrange transportation for evacuees that: Require en-route medical care and/or medical transport, including a non-medical attendant to an institution or a private residence Cannot return to their original medical facility. In this case, evacuees are allowed to travel to a temporary location. Evacuees will be returned to their home state when a medical facility there is available and when they can return to a safe community/home environment. All medical evacuees must register with FEMA and obtain a Disaster Registration Number at 1-800-621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362). Evacuees housed in a shelter, hotel or private home Evacuees with medical needs and sheltered in a hotel, private residence or other facility that cannot provide discharge planning, should call their home state to access transportation. Additionally, if the sheltering state’s medical system cannot support the evacuee’s ongoing medical needs, the home state may help the evacuee find an interim location in another state. The evacuee's home state will determine: If the evacuee is able to ride commercial transportation If the evacuee’s home state medical system can support their ongoing medical needs Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 59 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 A Brief Description of Discharge Planners Discharge planners at health care facilities or special needs shelters are responsible for: Determining if an evacuee needs to be transferred to a receiving facility or can be discharged to a private residence; Identifying a receiving facility/residence in the evacuee’s home state, or an interim state if necessary; Determining the evacuee's medical requirements during transport; and Arranging for a FEMA registration number for your evacuee and any non-medical assistants. Transportation Instructions for Healthcare Facility Discharge Planners Evacuee’s Home State Contact Louisiana Accepting on a case-by-case basis only the return of evacuees who are patients in healthcare facilities or those with outpatient and/or ongoing medical needs Mississippi Currently accepting the return of patients and evacuees with medical needs Texas Currently accepting the return of patients and evacuees with medical needs 1. Call FEMA to apply for Disaster Assistance at 1-800621-FEMA. 2. Call the HHS Medical Travel Center for transportation at 1-866-753-9344, Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm CDT 1. Call FEMA to apply for Disaster Assistance at 1-800621-FEMA. 2. Facility to Non-Facility transfer: Call the Mississippi State Health Department at 601-576-7300, Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5 pm CDT. 3. Facility to Facility transfer: Call the HHS Medical Travel Center for transportation at 1-866-753-9344, Monday-Friday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm CDT. Discharge planners will need to complete and submit a Documentation of Medical Necessity form that will be provided by the HHS Medical Travel Center. 1. Call FEMA to apply for Disaster Assistance at 1-800621-FEMA. 2. Facility to Non-Facility transfer: Call Texas at 211 (if calling within Texas) or 1-888-312-4567 (if out of State), everyday 8:00 am -5 pm CDT 3. Facility to Facility transfer: Call the HHS Medical Travel Center for transportation at 1-866-753-9344, Monday-Friday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm CDT. Discharge planners will need to complete and submit a Documentation of Medical Necessity form that will be provided by the HHS Medical Travel Center. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 60 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 In order to complete the transportation process, family members or your medical attendant will need to complete and submit a Documentation of Medical Necessity form which will be provided for you. It must be signed by your current local healthcare provider. Transportation Instructions for Evacuees Without a Discharge Planner Evacuee’s Home State Contact Louisiana Accepting on a case-by-case basis only the return of evacuees who are patients in healthcare facilities or those with outpatient and/or ongoing medical needs Mississippi Currently accepting the return of patients and evacuees with medical needs Texas Currently accepting the return of patients and evacuees with medical needs 1. Call FEMA to apply for Disaster Assistance at 1-800621-FEMA. 2. Call the HHS Medical Travel Center for transportation at 1-866-753-9344, Monday-Friday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm CDT. 3. Call FEMA to apply for Disaster Assistance at 1-800621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362). 4. Call the Mississippi State Health Department at 1-601-576-7300, Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5 pm CDT. 5. Call FEMA to apply for Disaster Assistance at 1-800621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362). 6 Call Texas at 211, within Texas, or 1-888-312-4567, outside Texas, everyday 8:00 am - 5 pm CDT Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 61 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 III. APPENDICES APPENDIX A: COMMON MYTHS ABOUT FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE 1. The Federal government has total responsibility for disaster recovery The local government is primarily responsible for preparing for disasters that might affect their community and helping residents recover from such events. The great majority of disasters are handled successfully at the local level. State and Federal resources are intended to assist the community only when the community’s own resources are not sufficient. 2. The objective of Federal disaster assistance is to “fix everything” As much as we may wish otherwise, once a disaster has seriously damaged our homes and our communities, they may never be exactly the same. Nor will disaster assistance ever be enough to restore everything that was lost by everyone affected. The individual’s own money, especially what is received from insurance, must be used to ensure that losses can be recovered. Federal assistance will, in general, be used only for necessary expenses not met through other programs. Some of the Federal programs (such as loans from the Small Business Administration) cover most items that were lost, but not everyone is eligible. Other programs assist with only a portion of the losses, or are intended only for serious needs. 3. Everyone in the disaster area is eligible to receive Federal disaster assistance As part of the application process, applicants will have to demonstrate that they meet the eligibility requirements for each particular type of aid they are requesting. 4. When Federal agency representatives arrive, they will immediately distribute money to disaster survivors Individuals and families will need to plan to use their own resources and financial reserves until Federal funds can be released. An application process must be completed before assistance becomes available. Often, it takes several weeks for the Federal government to review requests for financial assistance and to issue funds to those who meet eligibility requirements. Most Federal assistance is in the form of a loan that must be repaid rather than an outright grant. 5. Money received for Federal disaster assistance can be used as the recipient thinks best Monetary assistance is given for a specific purpose. The recipient must use the money to meet the need for which assistance was provided and must comply with specific regulations applicable to each type of assistance. If the assistance is in the form of a loan, recipients must be judged able to repay back the loan. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 62 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 6. Federal aid replaces the need for insurance Individuals, families, and businesses should all carry appropriate levels of insurance to meet their needs in the event of a disaster. It is not the purpose of Federal assistance to duplicate protection available through insurance plans. Federal assistance is provided to address only the most basic disaster-related needs not covered by other means. Also, most disaster events are not Presidentially declared disasters, so Federal assistance is often not available. Disaster assistance may be granted in the form of a loan rather than as an outright cash award. For geographical areas subject to floods, the Federal government ensures that residents of participating communities can receive appropriate insurance coverage through its National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In addition, flood insurance coverage is required as a condition to receiving Federal disaster aid for permanent repair or reconstruction of any structure located within an identified floodplain. You may wish to contact your local emergency preparedness office, the local building or zoning official, or your insurance agent to find out whether your local community is a participant. SUMMARY In spite of many commonly held misconceptions, the Federal government will not assume total responsibility for fixing disaster damages, and everyone is not eligible for Federal assistance. Assistance that might be offered includes loans that would be available only to those with demonstrated needs and with the ability to repay the loans. It is wise to carry appropriate insurance to ensure adequate reimbursement for losses. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 63 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 APPENDIX B: DISASTER RECOVERY CENTERS AND SBA LOCATIONS FEMA Assistance is available at your local Disaster Recovery Center (DRC), and the Small Business Administration (SBA) also runs local offices for assistance. These locations are temporary; please check to be sure that they are still open before traveling. They are listed by state for Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, and then by county. MAIN DRC in DR LOCATION TOTAL DRC'S OPEN DRC 1 FIXED DRC 9 Fixed DRC Closed Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SBA ONLY Montgomery, AL 36117 Foley's Event Center DRC 10 FIXED Y MON - SAT, 8 - 6 closing Friday, 12/2/5 cob CLOSED SUNDAYS Montgomery County DRC 7 SBA Business 3 DRC - ALABAMA MOBILE COUNTY Bayou La Batre Community Center 12745 Padgett Switch Road Bayou La Batre, AL 36509 Vaughn Plaza 2801 W. Vaughn Place SBA Home Baldwin County 20801 County Road 20 Foley, AL 36535 MOBILE, AL Tillman's Corner Andrews Plaza 5566 Andrews Road, Suite A Mobile, AL 36619 Mobile County SBA Workshop Only Mon-Fri Closing 12/9 MON-SAT, 8-6 CLOSED SUNDAYS Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 64 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 DRC 11 FIXED LAKE VILLA 7916 - 2nd Avenue South Jefferson County Birmingham, AL 35206 MON-SAT, 8-6 closing Friday, 12/2/5 cob CLOSED SUNDAYS DCR 1 Escambia County 3300 N. Pace Boulevard DR - 1609 MDRC 2 DR - 1609 MDRC 3 DR - 1609 MDRC 6 DR - 1609 Monroe County Key West City Hall 604 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 Monroe County Marathon Airport 9400 Overseas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 N/A N/A Y Y Y N Y N Y N Monday-Friday 8 AM - 6 PM Pensacola, FL 32503 MDRC 1 Y 40 DRC - FLORIDA OPEN DAILY 8 - 6 Joint Assistance Center Y 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM Monroe County San Pedro Catholic Chuch 89500 Overseas Highway Plantation Key, FL 33070 7 DAYS A WEEK Martin County Martin County Fairgrounds 2616 SE Dixie Highway Stuart, FL 34996 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM 8 AM - 6 PM Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 65 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Florida (cont.) MDRC 7 DR - 1609 MDRC 9 DR - 1609 MDRC 11 DR - 1609 MDRC 12 DR - 1609 Glades County Agricultural Center 900 U.S. Highway 27 Moorehaven, FL 33471 St. Lucie County Civic Center 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Palm Beach County Pahokee Recreation Center 360 East Main Street Pahokee, FL 33476 Palm Beach County Sugar Sand Park 300 South Military Trail Baco Raton, FL 33486 DR - 1609 Monroe County Habitat for Humanity Miile Marker 30.3, Oceanside Big Pine Key, L 33043 MDRC 14 Palm Beach Jupiter Civic Center 106 Military Trail Jupiter, FL 33458 MDRC 13 MDRC 15 Okeechobee Okeechobee County Agricultural Center 4200 Highway 70 East Okeechobee, FL 34972 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM Mon. - Sat. 8 AM - 6 PM Y N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Closed Sun. Mon. - Sat. 8 AM - 6 PM Closed Sun. Mon. - Sat. 8 AM - 6 PM Closed Sun. Mon. - Sat. 8 AM - 6 PM Closed Sun. Mon. - Sat. 8 AM - 6 PM Closed Sun. Mon. - Sat. 8 AM - 6 PM Closed Sun. Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 66 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Florida (cont.) MDRC 17 DR - 1609 MDRC 18 DR - 1609 Broward County Toys "R" Us Parking Lot 8109 Broward Boulevard Plantation, FL 33324 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM Broward County Festival Flea Market 2900 NW 29th Street Pompano Beach, FL 33064 7 DAYS A WEEK Palm Beach City Hall 110 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. West Belle Glade, FL 33430 7 DAYS A WEEK MDRC 20 Y N Y N Y N Y N Y Y 8 AM - 6 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM MDRC 21 Miami Dade County Sweetwater United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) 10899 SW 4th Street Sweetwater, FL 33174 N 8 AM - 6 PM MDRC 19 Brevard Cocoa EOC 300 Brunson Blvd Cocoa, FL 32922 Broward County Old Miramar City Hall 6700 Miramar Parkway Miramar, FL 33023 Y 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM MDRC 22 Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 67 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Florida (cont.) Broward County Dania Beach City Hall 100 W. Dania Beach Blvd Dania Beach, FL 33304 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM MDRC 23 Miami-Dade County South Dade Governement Center 10710 SW 211 Street Miami FL, 33189 7 DAYS A WEEK Collier County East Naples Community Park 3500 Thomasson Drive Naples, FL 34112 Palm Beach County Bryant Park 30 S Golfview Road Lake Worth FL, 33460 Broward County Westside Park 445 SW 2nd Street Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 7 DAYS A WEEK MDRC 26 Fixed DRC 200 Fixed Collier County Everglades City Community Center 201 Buckner Avenue Everglades City, FL 34139 Lee County Bonita Springs Community Center 27381 Old US 41 Road Y N Y N Y Y Y N Y N Y N 8 AM - 6 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM MDRC 27 DRC 100 N 8 AM - 6 PM MDRC 24 MDRC 25 Y 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 68 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Florida (Cont.) DRC 400 Fixed DRC 500 Fixed DRC 600 Fixed DRC 700 Fixed DRC 800 Fixed DRC 900 Fixed Miami Dade County Caleb Center 5400 NW 22nd Avenue Miami, FL 33142 Miami Dade County Landmark Properties 20000 NW 47th Avenue Opa Locka, FL 33055 Miami Dade County Goodlet Park Adult Center 4200 West 8th Place Hialeah, FL 33012 Collier County Career & Service Center 750 South 5th Street Immokalee, FL 34142 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM St. Lucie County City Center 9410 South US 1 Pt St. Lucie, FL 34959 7 DAYS A WEEK Palm Beach County Gaines Park 1501 North Australian Avenue 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM 8 AM - 6 PM Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 69 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Florida (Cont.) DRC 1000 Fixed DRC 1100 Fixed DRC 1200 Fixed DRC 1300 Fixed DRC 1400 Fixed DRC 1500 Fixed Palm Beach County Kings Point Main Clubhouse 7000 West Atlantic Ave. Delray Beach, FL 33446 Hendry County LaBelle Civic Center 481 W. Hickpochee SR 80 LaBelle, FL 33935 Hendry County Harlem Community Center 2000 7th Street Clewiston, FL 33440 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM N Y N Y Y Y N Y N Y N 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM Broward County Lippman Building 309 N. 21st Avenue Hollywood, FL 33020 7 DAYS A WEEK Miami-Dade County Lily Lawrence Bow Library 212 NW 1st Avenue Homestead FL, 33030 7 DAYS A WEEK Miami-Dade County JJ Dessalines Community Center 8325 NE 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33138 Y 8 AM - 6 PM 8 AM - 6 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 70 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Florida (Cont.) DRC 1700 Fixed DRC 1800 Fixed DRC 1900 Fixed Broward County NOVA Southearstern University Auditorium 3100 SW 9th Avenue Ft. Lauderdale FL, 33315 Broward County Old City Hall Annex 300 NW 1st Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Collier County Golden Gate Community Center 4701 Goldengate Parkway Naples, FL 34116 DRC - TEXAS DRC 5 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 AM - 6 PM Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Mon. - Sat. 8 AM - 6 PM Closed Sun. Mon. - Sat. 8 AM - 6 PM Closed Sun. TOTAL OPEN DRC'S = 9 Dallas Area DRC 8787 Stemmons Freeway Dallas County Dallas, TX 75247 MON-FRI 9-5; SAT 9-1 Greater Houston Area DRC 6059 South Loop East Houston, TX 77087 San Antonio (Bexar County) Kelly AFB MON-FRI 8-6; SAT 8-1 CLOSED SUNDAYS CLOSED SUNDAYS Texas (Cont.) DRC 16 MON-FRI 9-6; SAT 9-5 CLOSED SUNDAYS 280 Robert Dover St DRC 18 DRC 19 Bldg 1537 San Antonio, TX 78266 Greater Austin Area 825 East Rundberg Lane Suite E MON-FRI 9-5; SAT 9-1 CLOSED SUNDAYS Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 71 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 DRC 21 DRC 22 Austin, TX. 78753 Travis County Beaumont Area DRC 5545 B Eastex Loop Beaumont, TX 77706 Orange County 4836 Bancroft Orange, TX 77630 DRC - LOUISIANA DRC 1 SBA - 10 HUD - 0 DRC 4 DRC 5 DRC 6 DRC 7 DRC 9 Lafayette Parish Harvest Church International 111 Liberty Avenue Lafayette, LA 70508 East Baton Rouge Parish 1 & 2 Maritime Place 101 France Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Caddo Parish 2820 Summer Grove Drive at Mansfield Dr. Caddo Parish Shreveport, LA 71118 Iberville Parish Iberville Parish Library 24605 J Gerald Barrett Boulevard (US Hwy 1) Plaquemine, LA 70764 Rapides Parish Former Office Max Building 2255 Macarthur Drive Alexandria, LA 71301 MON-FRI 8-6; SAT 8-1 CLOSED SUNDAYS Y Y Y Y MON-FRI 9-5; SAT 9-1 CLOSED SUNDAYS Total Open DRC's = 51 MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM Y Y Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 72 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Plaquemines Parish Belle Chasse Auditorium 8398 Highway 23 Belle Chasse, LA 70037 CLOSED SUNDAYS Washington Parish Living Word Christian Center 539 Avenue V Bogalousa, LA 70427 St. Tammany Parish John Slidell Municipal Park Recreation Center 105 Robert Road Slidell, LA 70458 Orleans Parish (Algiers) Landry High School 1200 Landry Ave. Algiers, LA 70114 Lafourche Parish Jake's Department Store 508 Saint Mary Street Thibodaux. LA 70301 St. James Parish Lions Club Building 29126 Health Unit Street Vacherie, LA 70090 MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS St. Charles Parish Bingo Hall 13415 Highway 90 MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Louisiana (Cont.) DRC 10 DRC 12 DRC 13 DRC 14 DRC 15 Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y Louisiana (Cont.) DRC 16 Y Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 73 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 St. Charles Parish Boutte, LA 70039 Louisiana (Cont.) DRC 17 DRC 18 DRC 19 DRC 20 DRC 21 DRC 22 DRC 25 Tangipohoa Parish Old Winn Dixie Building 727 Oak Street Tangipohoa Parish Amite, LA 70422 Lafourche Parish Old Bingo Hall 4560 US Highway 1 Raceland, LA 70394 St. John the Baptist Parish Old Rite Aid Building 160 Belle Terre LaPlace, LA 70068 Jefferson Parish Westbank Shopping Center, Units 14 & 15 15 West Bank Expressway Jefferson Parish Gretna, LA 70053 Ascension Parish Beside Sideline Body & Boat Repair 13192 Airline Highway Ascension Parish Gonzales, LA 70737 Iberia Parish Old Fireworks Warehouse 601 West Admiral Doyle Drive New Iberia, LA 70560 Terrebonne Parish Town Hall MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 74 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 805 Barrow St. Houma, LA 70360 Louisiana (Cont.) DRC 27 DRC 28 DRC 29 DRC 30 DRC 31 DRC 32 DRC 33 DRC 34 Vermillion Parish Bank across from St. Victor Library 407 Charity St. Abbeville, LA 70510 Calcasieu Parish Leadership Center 1701 Ryan Street Lake Charles, LA 70601 Cameron Parish Grand Lake Recreation Center 125 Recreation Lane Grand Lake, LA 70607 Beauregard Parish Park Terrace Shopping Center 1011 North Pine Street De Ridder, LA 70634 West Baton Rouge Parish New Metal Building 4722 Highway 190 West Port Allen, LA 70767 St. Helena Parish St. Helena Masonic Lodge 6273 Louisiana Hwy 10 Greensburg, LA 70441 Jefferson Davis Parish Jefferson Davis Parish School 208 Shankland Avenue Jennings, LA 70546 Orleans Parish MON-SAT, 9 - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y Daily 9am - 7pm N N Daily 9am - 7pm N N Daily 9am - 7pm MON-SAT, 9AM - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y Y MON-SAT, 9AM - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y MON-SAT, 9AM - 7 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Y Y Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 75 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Jewish Community Center 5342 St. Charles Avenue New Orleans, LA 70115 Daily 9am - 7pm Louisiana (Cont.) DRC 35 DRC 36 St. Bernard Parish 40' x 140' Tent 8101 West Judge Perez Drive Chalmette, LA 70043 Corncordia Parishes Old Restaurant Building 102 River Front Street Vidalia, LA 71373 Natchitoches Parish 726 3rd Street Natchitoches, LA 71457 Daily 9am - 7pm Y Daily 9am - 7pm Y Daily 9am - 7pm DRC 37 DRC 40 DRC 43 DRC 44 DRC 46 Y St. Landry Parish OLD KROGER STORE 1638 CRESSWELL LANE OPELOUSAS, LA 70570 Vernon Parish Old Lowe's Bldg 1601 S. 5th St. Leesville, LA 71446 Acadia Parish 1407 The Blvd. Rayne, LA 70578 Calcasieu Parish Knights of Columbus Bldg. 1600 Horridge St. Daily 9am - 7pm Y Daily 9am - 7pm Y Daily 9am - 7pm Y Daily 9am - 7pm N N Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 76 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Vinton, LA 70668 Louisiana (Cont.) Lincoln Parish 307 N Homer St Ruston, LA 71270 DRC 51 Orleans Parish New Orleans Public Library 219 Loyola Avenue New Orleans, LA 70112 Laurel Elementary School 820 Jackson Avenue New Orleans, LA 70130 DRC 54 Daily 9am - 7pm Y Daily 9am - 7pm Daily 9am - 7pm MONDAY - SUNDAY Y MOBILE UNIT Y DRC - MISSISSIPPI DRC 1 DRC 3 DRC 4 Old KMart Building 3164 Bienville Boulevard Jackson County Ocean Springs, MS 39564 Pelican Landing Convention Center 6217 Highway 613 Moss Point, MS 39563 Jackson County Pearl River County 1403 South Main Street Suite E Poplarville, MS 39470 30 Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Y Y Y Y Y Y Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 77 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Mississippi (Cont.) DRC 5 DRC 6 DRC 7 DRC 8 DRC 9 DRC 10 DRC 11 DRC 12 Hancock County South Coast Skate Park 118 Anderer Blvd Waveland, MS 39576 Harrison County Disabled American Veterans Hall 2600 23rd Avenue Gulfport, MS 39501 Harrison County Snyder Recreation Center 2520 Pass Road Biloxi, MS 39530 Hinds County Metro Center Hall (Old Ruby Tuesday's) 3645 Highway 80, Suite 1002 Jackson, MS 39209 Lamar County 40 Deep South Lane Purvis, MS 39475 Pearl River County Mississippi Mall 1310 South Haugh Street Picayune, MS 39466 Harrison County Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College 21500 B Street Long Beach, MS 39560 Pike County Old Block Buster Building Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 78 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 1015 Delaware Avenue McComb, MS 39648 Mississippi (Cont.) DRC 13 DRC 14 DRC 16 DRC 17 DRC 18 Forest County C.E. Roy Community Center 300 East 5th Street Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Jones County Cameron Center 711 North 10th Avenue Laurel, MS 39440 Harrison County Biloxi Recreation Center 591 Howard St Biloxi, MS 39530 Stone County Old Bill's Dollar Store 530D Central Ave. Wiggins, MS Marion County Town Square Shopping Center 932 Highway 13 South Columbia, MS 39429 Walthal County 707 Union Rd. Tylertown, MS 39667 Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays DRC 19 DRC 20 Wayne County 1008 Benton St. Waynesboro, MS 39367 Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays DRC 21 Lincoln County Mon-Sat, 8-6 Y Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 79 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005 Old Bill’s Dollar Store 524 Schwem Ave. Brookhaven, MS 39601 Closed Sundays Lauderdale County Oldwin Job Center 1604 11th Street Meridian, MS 39301 George County Senior Citizens Center 7102 Route 198 East Lucedale, MS 39452 Covington County (Old) Fred's Store 424 South Frontage Road Collins, MS 39428 Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mississippi (Cont.) DRC 22 MOBILE DRC 25 DRC 29 Y Y Y Y Y Y Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Mon-Sat, 8-6 Closed Sundays Note: Assistance programs operate for defined periods of time. Please check each program’s availability. Ninth Edition: December 20, 2005, 2005 80 Next Scheduled Update: December 30, 2005