British Literature B Syllabus 2014 Mar. 17 --Welcome! Course overview and classroom policies --Notes and introduction to the Romantics --Read William Blake poems RL.11-12.1,2,4 18 --Finish Blake. --Introduction to Wordsworth and Coleridge --Read and discuss Lines Composed…Tintern Abbey RL.11-12.1-6; RI.11-12.1-3,7; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3-6 19 --Notes over The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Begin reading RL.11-12.1-6; RI.11-12.7; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3-6 20 --Read and discuss The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Hwk: complete reading and worksheets RL.11-12.1-6; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3-6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 --Quiz over The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. --Discuss poem --Group activities: symbolism, etc. -Watch film clips from Pirates… Hwk: read opening letters of Frankenstein RL.11-12.1-6; L.11-12.3-6; SL.11-12-1-6 24 --Notes over Mary Shelly and Frankenstein --Quiz and discussion over opening letters of Frankenstein. Hwk: read chapters 1-3 RL.11-12.1-4; RI.11-12.1-7,10; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3-6 25 --Quiz and discussion over 1-3 --Notes: Modern Prometheus --Parentheses, Ellipses Hwk: read chapters 4-8 RL.11-12.1-6; RI. 11-12.1-3,10; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 26 --Quiz over 4-8 --Activity: The Monster Hwk: read chapters 9-14 RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 27 --Quiz over 9-14 --Activity: Conflict in Frankenstein --Hwk: read chapters 15-19 RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6; 30 --Quiz and discussion over 15-19 --Hwk: read 20-23 RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 31 Quiz and discussion over 20-23 Hwk: finish novel. Discuss. RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 APR. 1 Finish discussion over novel. Review for test. RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 2 TEST over Frankenstein and early Romantic poets RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 3 View film clips from Frankenstein Start Spring Smart(ly) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------April 3-12: Spring Break! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 --Introduce Frankenstein paper topics. --Discuss organization, thesis, introduction. Hwk: draft of introduction due tomorrow. L.11-12.1,2,3,4,5; RL.11-12.3; W.11-12.1,5,9,10 14 --Conference over introductions. --Review format for body paragraphs. Hwk: draft of body 1 due tomorrow. L.11-12.1,2,3,4,5; RL.11-12.3; W.11-12.1,5,9,10 15 --Conference over body 1 --Write body 2 Hwk: draft of body 2 due tomorrow. L.11-12.1,2,3,4,5; RL.11-12.3; W.11-12.1,5,9,10 16 --Conference over body 2 --Review elements of conclusion. --Hwk: write body 3 and conclusion. Fully written DRAFT due tomorrow! L.11-12.1,2,3,4,5; RL.11-12.3; W.11-12.1,5,9,10 17 --Fully written draft due! --Type draft in lab --Hwk: fully typed draft due Monday! Bring TWO copies. L.11-12.1,2,3,4,5; RL.11-12.3; W.11-12.1,5,9,10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 --Fully typed draft due—bring TWO copies. --Peer review and editing L.11-12.1,2,3,4,5; RL.11-12.3; W.11-12.1,5,9,10 21 --Revise and edit papers in lab. FINAL DRAFT OF PAPER DUE BY END OF DAY! SUBMIT PAPER TO TURNITIN.COM NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED—CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE! L.11-12.1,2,3,4,5; RL.11-12.3; W.11-12.1,5,9,10 22 --MSTEP --Notes over Shelley and Keats --Poetry reading and discussion: Keats’ Ozymandias, Ode on a Grecian Urn Hwk: write your own ode. Due Friday! RL.11-12.1-6; RI.11-12.1-3,10; L.11-12.1-6; SL.11-12-1-3; W.11-12.4 23 --MSTEP --Poetry reading and discussion: Keats’ Ode to a Nightengale, --Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind Hwk: work on ode RL.11-12.1-6; L.11-12.3-6; SL.11-12.1-3; W.11-12.4 24 --Finish Late Romantic poetry. --Turn in odes. Share! Hwk: Read excerpt from Pride and Prejudice RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 --Introduction and notes: The Victorian Era --Read and discuss excerpt from Pride and Prejudice --View clips from film and discuss Hwk: read excerpts from Jane Eyre and Hard Times. Complete questions. RL.11-12.1-7; RI.11-12.1-3,7,10; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 28 --Quiz and discussion over Jane Eyre and Hard Times. --Background notes: The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde --Begin reading Act I RL.11-12.1-7; RI.11-12.1-7; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3-6 29 --Continue reading Act I --View Lady Bracknell clip from film and discuss RL.11-12.1-7; RI.11-12.1-3,7,10; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 30 --Read Act II. Discuss Victorian norms, etiquette, satire. RL.11-12.1-6; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 MAY 1 Read Act III Notes over Wilde, irony Hwk: review play for quiz tomorrow RL.11-12.1-6; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 --Quiz over The Importance of Being Earnest --Victorian poetry circles. Be prepared to lead discussion over your poem. RL.11-12.1-6; SL.11-12.1-6; L.11-12.3-6 5 --Victorian Poetry readings and discussion: Groups present findings. --Discuss and take notes. RL.11-12.1-6; SL.11-12.1-6; L.11-12.3-6 6 --Finish poetry discussion --Check out Lord of the Flies Hwk: read chapters 1-2 RL.11-12.1-6; SL.11-12.1-6; L.11-12.3-6 7 --Notes over Modern era. Background on Golding and novel --Survival Challenge. --Quiz and discussion over chapters 1-2 Hwk: read chapters 3-4 RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 8 --Quiz and discussion over chapters 3-4 --Class activity: The Island --Modern poetry introduction; read Yeats’ The Second Coming Hwk: read chapters 5-6 for Tuesday RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 --Return Frankenstein papers. Revise in lab. --Final revisions of paper due by Friday! Hwk: read chapters 5-6 for tomorrow. 12 --Quiz and discussion over chapters 5-6 --Modern poetry reading: Auden’s The Unknown Citizen Hwk: read chapters 7-8 RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 13 --Quiz and discussion over reading --Psychoanalytical analysis: the pig hunt Hwk: read chapters 9-10 RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 14 --Quiz and discussion over reading Hwk: finish novel RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 15 --Frankenstein paper revisions due! --In-class discussion over novel: devolution, ending, etc. --Lord of the Flies: The Simpsons Review for test over Lord of the Flies RL.11-12.1-5; SL.11-12.1-3; L.11-12.3,4,6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 --Test over Lord of the Flies --Watch film SL.11-12.2; L.11-12.1-6 19 --Finish film. --Introduce college entrance essay assignment. L.11-12.1-6; W. 11-12.1, 4-10 20 --College Entrance Essay. Work in lab. Due by Friday. L.11-12.1-6; W. 11-12.1, 4-10 21 --College Entrance Essay. Work in lab. Due by Friday. L.11-12.1-6; W. 11-12.1, 4-10 22 --College entrance essay due! --Introduction to George Orwell and Animal Farm --Activity: Revolution Hwk: read chapters 1-3 for Tuesday RL.11-12.1-6; L.11-12.1-4; SL.11-12.1-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 Memorial Day. No school. 26 --Quiz and discussion over reading --Modern poetry reading and discussion: Dylan Thomas’ Do Not Go Gentle… Hwk: read chapters 4-6 RL.11-12.1-6; L.11-12.1-4; SL.11-12.1-3; 27 --Quiz and discussion over reading Activity: Language and Propaganda Hwk: read chapters 7-8 RL.11-12.1-6; L.11-12.1-4; SL.11-12.1-3 28 Quiz and discussion over reading Hwk: read chapters 9-10 RL.11-12.1-6; L.11-12.1-4; SL.11-12.1-3 29 --Quiz and discussion over novel --Notes: Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution RL.11-12.1-5,7; L.11-12.1-4; SL.11-12.1-3; RI.11-12.1-7,10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUNE 1 --Modern poetry reading: T.S. Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock RL.11-12.1-6; L.11-12.1-4; SL.11-12.1-3 2 --Read Orwell’s The Hanging and Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own RL.11-12.1-6; L.11-12.1-4; SL.11-12.1-3 3 --Introduce writing reflection assignment. Work in lab. RL.11-12.10; L.11-12.1-6; W. 11-12.1, 4-10 4 --Work in lab on writing reflection. Hwk: finish writing reflection. Due on exam day! RL.11-12.10; L.11-12.1-6; W. 11-12.1, 4-10 5 --Review for exam RL.11-12.10; L.11-12.1-6; W. 11-12.1, 4-10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8-9 --Trimester exams --Writing reflection due RL.11-12.10; L.11-12.1-6 HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!