Page 1 of 49 UWA Website Project CMS Recommendation Report 25 May 2007 CMS Upgrade: Risk Analysis and Recommendation Prepared by: Sarah Delfante Library Web Coordinator Page 2 of 49 CONTENTS Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………. 3 Introduction …………………………………………………………………….. 5 Methodology …………………………………………………………………….. 5 Summary of results …………………………………...…………………………... 6 Recommendation …………………………………………………………………. 7 Appendix 1: CMS Functional Requirements …………………………………… 8 Appendix 2: Risk Register ……………………………..………………………… 29 Appendix 3: Risk Treatment Plan…………. …………..………………………… 35 Appendix 4: Issue Register ………………. …………..………………………… 38 Appendix 5: Expected Benefits…………… …………………………………… 42 Appendix 6: Case Study: Department of Justice………………………………… 43 Appendix 7: Case Study: Monash University …………………………………… 45 Appendix 8: Case Study: University of Melbourne……………………………… 46 Appendix 9: CMS Matrix Comparison of CMS Products……………………… 47 Page 3 of 49 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MySource Classic Web Content Management System (CMS) was implemented by the University in 2002 and is currently used to maintain most official websites. The current CMS is now an aging system and a number of reports and reviews have identified issues with MySource Classic. Replacing the CMS is a significant and necessary step towards resolving other web-related issues. The University Library has 18 months experience with a newer version of the same product MySource Matrix ( The Library Website Coordinator was seconded to the UWA website project to undertake a CMS evaluation to gauge the University’s CMS requirements based on existing reports and further consultation with critical stakeholders; measure the University’s requirements against vendor responses and the Library’s experience; identify risks and opportunities through three case studies of CMS implementations; compare MySource Matrix against prominent CMS products from other vendors; complete a risk and issue analysis of the upgrade path; and recommend whether the Matrix upgrade path is an appropriate solution for the University. The outcome from the evaluation process is all of the University’s mandatory requirements are met by MySource Matrix; all risks associated with the upgrade as minor or low; and a number of significant benefits will flow from an upgrade to MySource Matrix. On the balance of the evidence available, it is recommended that the University plan to upgrade its current CMS to MySource Matrix. Page 4 of 49 INTRODUCTION This recommendation report summarises a risk analysis undertaken to evaluate upgrading the university CMS to MySource Matrix without performing a full evaluation of CMS products in the broader market. ISSUE TO RESOLVE The MySource Classic Web Content Management System (CMS) employed by the University to publish most official websites was implemented in 2002. The Information Management Review project undertaken by Information Technology Services in 2006 recommended that, given the importance of the website as one of the University’s main marketing assets, the CMS should be regarded as a critical application. The issues and risks associated with the current CMS solution (as identified in the UWA CMS Review) revolve around the following shortcomings: Usability System to system integration Transactional functionality Accessibility Versioning Scalability The following broad factors are considerations in resolving the current shortcomings and arriving at a CMS solution that will support the delivery of a website which aligns with the objective of the web site project to meet or exceed national and international exemplars and standards, and to meet or exceed the expectations of users: Platform agnostic Robust versioning Tools to streamline content quality assurance o XHTML compliant output o W3C compliant pages o Link validation o Metadata enforcement o Automated content review cycles Highly usable Highly scalable Not necessarily a content delivery platform Extensible Flexibility of workflow Flexible deployment of content Compatible with UWA portal initiative Exit path The options considered regarding the University’s current CMS were: Page 5 of 49 1. Retain and undertake development of the current CMS 2. Go to market for a replacement CMS 3. Evaluate possible CMS upgrade path It was acknowledged that the time taken to replace the CMS could be compressed by upgrading to a new version of the current CMS, although it was identified that an analysis of fitness for purpose and the risks involved needed to be adequately assessed before making a decision. The University is currently using MySource Classic version 2.8.6 developed by A number of other CMS solutions are in use around the University. The University Library undertook a requirements gathering and a ‘Request For Proposal’ process before implementing a more recent version of the product, MySource Matrix version 3.10 in January 2006. Given the Library’s experience with MySource Matrix, the Library Web Coordinator was seconded to the UWA website project to: gauge the University’s CMS requirements based on existing reports and further consultation with Information Technology Services; measure the University’s requirements against the Library’s experience; undertake a risk analysis of the upgrade path; recommend whether the upgrade path is an appropriate solution for the University as a whole. The results of this exercise are detailed below in this recommendation report. METHODOLOGY The methodology employed to evaluate the suitability of an upgrade path emphasizes existing knowledge and experience and includes the following approaches and phases. CMS Functional Requirements A comprehensive set of functional requirements for a replacement CMS were developed based on requirements developed by the University Library and additional requirements identified in the Web@UWA Review (2005) and UWA CMS Review (2007). Additional consultation was undertaken with critical stakeholders and an invitation for comment was sent to the University web-authors mailing list. Vendor responses and the Library’s experience were used to measure the performance of MySource Matrix against the functional requirements. Risk and Issue Registers and Treatment plans A Risk Analysis was undertaken in line with the University’s Risk Management process which is closely aligned to the relevant national risk assessment standard AS/NZS 4360. The following steps were performed: Step 1 – Establish the context - Understand the Business and Clarify Objectives Step 2 - Identify Risks (via a Risk Register and Treatment Plan) Step 3 – Assess Risks (via a Risk Register and Treatment Plan) Page 6 of 49 In order to ensure a structured and consistent rating of risks and to ensure risk relativity across the organisation, the University Risk Matrix was be used to assess consequence, likelihood and calculate risk rating. Case Studies Three institutions with CMS implementations were selected for the purposes of identifying additional risks, requirements and opportunities. Two universities and one state government department were selected. One using MySource Matrix, two using another CMS, one of which is using the same portal technology recently selected for the UWA portal. The institutions selected were University of Melbourne, Monash University and the Department of Justice. Feature Comparison of CMS Products The decision not to go directly to market for a replacement CMS introduced a risk that other systems that might meet or exceed our requirements would be excluded from evaluation. In order to highlight additional requirements, a feature comparison of some leading CMS products was conducted via the comparison tool at CMS products compared were MySource Matrix, Drupal, Interwoven Teamsite, and RedDot CMS. Expected Benefits Brief statements of expected benefits accruing from an upgrade to MySource Matrix were compiled into a list. SUMMARY OF RESULTS CMS Functional Requirements Functional requirements for a University CMS were compiled from: The Library’s CMS functional requirements (adapted for University-wide solution) Web@UWA Review UWA CMS Review Information Management Review Liaison with ITS Liaison with Schools currently outside the CMS From Squiz.Net’s response, the experience of the University Library and that reported by the University of Melbourne (Appendix 8), it was determined that all mandatory functional requirements were met by MySource Matrix. (Appendix 1) Risk and Issue Registers and Treatment plans A risk analysis was performed in-line with the University’s Risk Management process which produced a Risk Register and Risk Treatment Plan. Additionally an Issue Register was started and expected benefits documented. Feedback into the risk analysis was sought from Safety and Health (Stuart Spouse), ITS (Peter Morgan, Paul Blain, Roger Hicks), those with technical expertise and experience with the current CMS (Dan Petty, Mark Tearle) and Faculty representatives (Di Arnott, Narelle Molloy, Heather Merritt, Jason Pascoe). Page 7 of 49 Risks identified concerned Governance Scalability Security Custom functionality Extensibility Integration with other systems Complexity Infrastructure Short time-frame of project Product support and development Usability It was established that all identified risks with upgrading to MySource Matrix had existing controls or treatment options, and that all identified risks were assessed as minor or low. (Appendices 2, 3, & 4) The risk and issue registers and treatment plans are intended to be live documents that would evolve as an implementation was planned and as each risk and issue was addressed. Case Studies and Feature Comparison of CMS Products The decision not to go directly to market for a replacement CMS introduced a risk that other systems that might meet or exceed our requirements would be excluded from evaluation. For example, Gartner Research lists Interwoven TeamSite in the leading quadrant of Enterprise CMS solutions. References were sought from the Department of Justice (Appendix 6) and Monash University (Appendix 7), both of whom use Interwoven TeamSite as their CMS. Screenshots and live demonstrations of the Interwoven TeamSite editing interface revealed it to be significantly more complex to use than front-end, in-context editing in MySource Matrix. This may have been a factor in the relatively small number of staff trained to use the product at each site examined relative to the 2,000 staff using the current version of MySource Classic at UWA. However the Interwoven MetaTagger product used at both the Department of Justice and Monash University was of particular interest. MetaTagger can be trained to classify documents according to agreed schemas, thereafter automatically classifying documents with a high degree of accuracy. MetaTagger would significantly reduce the work entailed in classifying web information and would very likely improve the quality of classification. Local vendors have confirmed that MetaTagger is available as a standalone product with an interface that should allow integration with a range of enterprise applications including MySource Matrix. A comparison was conducted by CMSMatrix ( between MySource Matrix, Interwoven TeamSite, Drupal and RedDot CMS. The case studies and CMSMatrix comparison did not uncover any functionality missing from MySource Matrix that would be desirable. Although the University should Page 8 of 49 investigate the feasibility of integrating a standalone classification tool such as MetaTagger with the CMS. Expected Benefits A number of benefits (Appendix 5) may or will accrue from the University’s upgrade to MySource Matrix. Generally these benefits fall into two categories: benefits derived from upgrading from an older to new version of a related product and benefits of MySource Matrix versus other CMS products including MySource Classic. Simplification of site migration through the vendor’s experience in supporting this upgrade path, reduction in retraining through familiarity of some aspects of the user interface and processes and reduction in time and cost to migrate custom functionality in Classic to Matrix through common elements of the architectures are some significant benefits flowing from an upgrade to Matrix. Reduced cost through open source licensing, utilisation of existing infrastructure and architecture, access to comprehensive CMS feature set and better support for legislative requirements. RECOMMENDATION Based on the vendor response to the University’s functional requirements risk analysis performed issues and benefits identified references from other intuitions and government departments CMS Matrix comparison of CMS products it was determined that: all mandatory functional requirements were met by MySource Matrix all identified risks with upgrading to MySource Matrix were assessed as minor or low a comparison of CMS products did not uncover any functionality missing from MySource Matrix that would be desirable Based on the evaluation of MySource Matrix against the University’s requirements and the risk analysis of the upgrade path performed it is recommended that the University upgrade to MySource Matrix. Page 9 of 49 APPENDIX ONE: CMS FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Item Description Technical issues Criticality Code Respondent’s comments The solution must fully support the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) for compliance with disability access to online information. Is this facilitated through HTML Tidy or are there additional mechanisms? Mandatory Y/FC MySource Matrix may be used to publish sites that conform to W3C Web Content Accessibility guidelines. General 1. - Prompts authors to add additional info for accessibility req. (e.g. ALT tags) - Allows authors to publish alternate versions of material (PDF, Flash) - Automatically corrects invalid tags (HTML Tidy) The admin interface of Matrix is itself not web accessible however it is possible to create templates that allow web accessible updating of content through the front-end ‘Simple Edit’ interface. 2. Built using open standards with a license that allows UWA staff to make modifications. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC The software is free and has no licensing fees. Clients have full access to the source code which is open and available for modification by you. Matrix is an open source product which operates well on an open source platform (Apache, Linux and PHP) and uses other open source software to offer additional functionality. 3. There should be a clear exit path from the CMS where content can be exported in a variety of flexible formats (e.g. XML). Please provide detail on the way in which content can be exported from the CMS. Mandatory Y/FC MySource Version 4 is an entirely SOAP orientated architecture and there will be an upgrade path between versions 3 and 4. Some assets include XML interfaces, however these need to be built with the asset when it is created. Matrix is an open source product and the API to the system is available, allowing you to write a script to perform a complete export of content in whatever format is preferred. Squiz can provide a script to export content in an agreed format if required. Squiz provide a script that allows you to export the entire contents of your MySource Matrix repository and move it to external storage. Content may also be sent to other backup media such as tape. Content is exported either as a dump file (tar.gz), in a proprietary XML format (which can then be imported) or in a custom format as defined by an asset listing. The asset listing allows you to print all information about an asset in whatever format you define using MySource Matrix keywords. Content can be exported from Matrix in XHTML format, for use in third party document management systems (TRIM). 4. A pricing model where a flat fee for unlimited end-user licenses can be issued. Interface Highly desirable Y/FC The software is free and has no licensing fees. Page 10 of 49 5. Separate layers for managing content, presentation and site structure must exist in the CMS. Mandatory Y/FC Design templates. 6. Navigational functions in the CMS must be presented consistently and be understandable by the novice user. Mandatory Y/FC Navigation is provided via an intuitive asset map which looks like Windows Explorer. Content Creation 7. Easy and intuitive WYSIWYG interface where content may be edited with no prior knowledge of HTML and minimal training. Mandatory Y/FC Includes WYSIWYG editor. System does not require programming skills to operate. 8. The content creation/editing interface should be accessed through a standard web browser and not require a separate dedicated client or software application. The requirement of browser plug-ins is acceptable. Mandatory Y/FC Windows: IE 6+ and Mozilla 1+. 9. The content creation/editing tool should be configurable in its functionality and appearance with the ability for system administrators to “lock” certain formatting options to preserve an institution-wide “look and feel”. Mandatory Y/FC Matrix includes the provision of a filtered functionality view. Administrators can restrict the amount of functionality a content author can see so they only need to learn the elements that are relevant tot heir job. 10. Standard authoring features such as spell checking, search and replace, undo and redo and clipboard with cut, copy and paste functionalities should all be supported. Mandatory Y/FC The editor supports spell checking, search and replace, copy and paste and table editing. 11. Authors need to be able to preview and test content prior to live delivery as they would appear in their published state. This should be either supported from within the tool or in a target web browser. Mandatory Y/FC MySource Matrix allows an author to preview a page as it will appear in the published site by selecting the ‘Preview’ function for the given asset. 12. Supports creation and deployment of JavaScript, ASP .NET, J2EE, Perl, Python, PHP, SSI, C and cgi scripts. Highly desirable P/ALT Matrix can interface with other development environments but the creation and serving would not occur within Matrix. Mac: Safari 2+ and Mozilla 1+. Camino also supported for Windows, Mac and Linux. Requires Java JRE 1.4 or above. Please describe. Functionality can be added to Matrix through the use of modules (also known as custom assets) which are applications written in PHP. PHP is capable of calling information from many other application types, such as applications written in Java or scripts called from system calls. A COM interface on a dedicated Windows server could be developed to provide .NET integration. Additionally the Remote Content tool could be used. Page 11 of 49 13. Ability to import files, such as HTML, XML, JavaScript and CSS, created in external authoring tools. Please describe. Highly desirable Y/FC Clients may choose to add a third party application such as the XML module from Open Office to automatically transform standard office documents into XML before being stored in the CMS. Squiz is happy to provide a quote to implement a suitable third party (open source) tool for transforming specific document types to XML as required by the client (~$20,000). MySource Matrix provides the ‘Structured File Importer’ allowing you to import MS Word documents into Matrix and create a structured tree of pages. The tool converts the file to HTML, creating a new page for each heading it finds. Bulk upload files from either your PC or the server using the Bulk File Import tool. 14. Supports an API or similar to assist with bulk importing and exporting of files. Are there any plans for WebDAV support to assist with bulk importing of files? Highly desirable Y/FC As above. MySource Matrix provides the ‘Structured File Importer’ allowing you to import MS Word documents into Matrix and create a structured tree of pages. The tool converts the file to HTML, creating a new page for each heading it finds. Bulk upload files from either your PC or the server using the Bulk File Import tool. Squiz are currently monitoring the WebDAV standards as they evolve and have created a prototype interface. It is estimated the full WebDAV interface development will be available for approximately $30,000. Templates and Presentation 15. Must support separation of content and presentation via templates. Mandatory Y/FC 16. Ability to centralise control of site design elements. Mandatory Y/FC 17. Template creation should advanced programming skills. Is there any way to create templates other than using the Matrix specific XML tags? Highly desirable Y/FC Design templates must have some Matrix specific tags added tot hem before being loaded to the CMS in order to allow the CMS to interact with the design. These tags and their use are documented and available for free download from the MySource Matrix website. 18. The CMS should be able to handle multiple, multi-level nested templates. Is this done through design customisations? Highly desirable Y/FC Matrix allows you to create an unlimited number of designs. Multi-level nesting is achieved via design customisations. 19. Presentation is to be applied to the content through the use of stylesheets. Mandatory Y/FC You can specify a CSS part of the design which controls the look and feel of your content. Mandatory Y/FC Matrix allows metadata to be enforceable where pages with incomplete metadata will not be allowed to go live. Mandatory Y/FC Squiz suggested implementation of a classification system: Let's say you have a product website. One section of your site is a list of Cameras. A subsection is for Digital Cameras only. not require MySource Matrix separates content from presentation through the use of “design” templates, which are used to define the layout of pages. Metadata 20. Metadata collection must be automated so that appropriate metadata, depending on the type of object, is mandatory and captured at input. 21. Metadata collection, storage and output must be able to be implemented inline with current More info required on automatically Page 12 of 49 22. UWA requirements (based upon Dublin Core metadata standards). implementing classification system – potential use of Interwoven Meta Tagger or similar product in conjunction with Matrix. Ability to support the input of metadata selected from manageable, controlled vocabularies. Please describe. You would tag the Cameras section with the word "Cameras" and give it a weighting of "1". You would then tag your Digital Cameras sub-category with the phrase "Digital Cameras" and give it a weighting of "2". When a product is added under the Cameras category, it would get the "Cameras" tag with weighting "1". If you added it under Digital Cameras, it would get the tag "Cameras" with weighting "1" and "Digital Cameras" with weighting "2". This tells Matrix that while this content is about Cameras, it is more about Digital Cameras. Matrix can use this information to find related content more easily. Setting this tag structure allows for the information architecture to define the metadata, not the content. To make it easier, you can choose to structure your thesaurus in the same way to make it easier for your staff to tag content correctly and for Matrix to find related content by following word relationships in the thesaurus. If this functionality is inadequate, Squiz would need to work with UWA to create a detailed work specification and quote. Squiz can provide this specification for a fixed price of $5,000 + GST We are not aware of any clients using a third party metadata tool. Highly desirable Y/FC Lexicon Thesaurus tool. Workflow 23. All content must be able to go through a task-based workflow process which includes sign-off / approval before being published to production. Mandatory Y/FC Features comprehensive, customisable workflow functionality. 24. There will be a management tool for customising and managing workflow to capture existing work processes. Mandatory Y/FC Features comprehensive, customisable workflow functionality. 25. Ability to define roles for each stage of the workflow process and assign them to users/groups. Mandatory Y/FC You can grant permissions to roles and include them in steps within a workflow schema. Users assigned to roles are not fixed – you can define which users or user groups are assigned to a role for individual assets. 26. Ability for administrators to override the workflow process. Mandatory Y/FC Matrix allows an administrator to override a workflow if required by temporarily removing the workflow and directly publishing the asset. Alternatively the administrator could add themselves to the appropriate user, group or role in order to approve and publish. 27. Must support workflow tracking and reporting with the ability to annotate comments upon actioning a workflow stage. Mandatory Y/FC The workflow details screen provides information about the status of a workflow, shows the approvals and comments made o date and allows the authoriser to either approve or reject the work. This view may be made available both through the admin and simple edit interfaces. 28. Workflow processes should issue notifications to users. Notifications should take place via email and use a standard SMTP protocol. Highly desirable Y/FC Email notifications are created as both text and HTML versions, and therefore are compatible with most standard operating environments. Can email notification include comments? Workflow notification cannot include comments – a trigger would have to be setup to do this. Page 13 of 49 29. The workflow interface should integrate with the preview function so that approvers can review an item as if live. 30. Permits automatic expiration / review of content based on a variety of criteria, including date. Please describe. Highly desirable Y/FC MySource Matrix allows an author to preview a page as it will appear in the published site by selecting the ‘Preview’ function for the given asset. Highly desirable Y/FC MySource Matrix allows you to specify a duration for the approval period for each step in a workflow. If the approvals have not been completed by this period after the workflow has commenced, an email notification is sent to the administrator. 31. Supports content expiration / review notification to content creators. Highly desirable Y/FC Upon up-for-review an email is sent to the users defined in the first step of the workflow for that asset. 32. Supports both manual initiation (edit/approve/make live) and automatic initiation (expiry/up-forreview/archiving) of workflow. Highly desirable Y/FC Manual initiation and automatic initial – via Future status – available. 33. Support for nested workflows. Please describe. Also Matrix workflow schemas are roles based and therefore designed to allow you to define workflows according to your business rules such that proxy workflow approvals are automatically invoked. Highly desirable [No response offered by vendor] Versioning & Rollback 34. Must support locking of assets when in use, such as the check in / check out method. Mandatory Y/FC Provides asset locking before editing. 35. Must support robust versioning where versions of content are stored upon publishing. Versioning should be able to be implemented automatically and manually (user-specified). Mandatory Y/FC The administrator has the ability to manually change the major version number of the site. This change can be cascaded down to all pages in a site. 36. Must support version reporting with annotations of content changes for each version. Highly desirable P/ALT Features transparent versioning including who made which change when. 37. Capability to view the history of a content item and its various versions, as well as version control over the site or sub-sites. Highly desirable Y/FC 38. Past versions of pages can be retrieved from the CMS (rollbacks). Mandatory Y/FC 39. Capability to deploy an archived (historical) version of the entire site or sub sites. 40. Capability to automatically capture web-based records and export them as records for management within an external records management system Please describe. Workflow comments can be viewed at and stage (don’t have to be in rollback view) to see what change was made when. Appropriately authorised users may view the history of the system, or asset, or group of assets (sites) and rollback to view information from a specific point of time in the past. In rollback view you see the entire system at the point in time you roll back too. Please describe. Any other method? Individual pieces of old content may be copied and used to replace current content versions. Old versions of content can be restored using one of two strategies: - restore from backup - copy and paste content from roll-back view over the current content version Desirable P/ALT Clients may use the open source website copier product HTTrack to copy a website and host on a website or save to CD-ROM, tape etc. Desirable Y/FC Squiz provide a script that allows you to export the entire contents of your MySource Matrix repository and move it to external storage. Squiz recommends that archived content is retained in the system until records management policies deem it appropriate for the files to be moved. Administrators may purge content older than a nominated date. Content Page 14 of 49 that has been purged from the system will not be available in roll back mode. Content may also be sent to other backup media such as tape. User intervention does not have to be required as the system can be entirely managed with Cron scripts. Content is exported either as a dump file (tar.gz), in a proprietary XML format (which can then be imported) or in a custom format as defined by an asset listing. The asset listing allows you to print all information about an asset in whatever format you define using MySource Matrix keywords. Content can be exported from Matrix in XHTML format, for use in third party document management systems (TRIM). 41. Ability to display differences between versions of a page. Functionality was not available in 3.6 of the release – has it since been included or are there any future plans for incorporating it in a general release? Mandatory Specifically accessibility and metadata. Mandatory Y/WM (3.12) Matrix allows you to visually compare the Safe Edit version of pages to the current Live version by highlighting the differences in content – version 3.12 only. Content Delivery & Deployment Content Delivery & Re-use 42. Output from the CMS must comply with current UWA Web guidelines. Y/FC Matrix supports HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0 and W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative Web Content Accessibility Guidelines priorities 1, 2 and 3. Compliance with the web guidelines beyond the capacity to publish valid X/HTML and meet WCAG 1/2 Priorities is a product of how designs and content are implemented in the CMS rather than the CMS itself. 43. The CMS should produce XHTML compliant output. Please confirm. Mandatory Y/FC Matrix supports HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0. Content created in the WYSIWYG editor is filtered through the open source tool HTML Tidy to ensure it forms valid HTML or XHTML. 44. A solution that decouples content from presentation, enabling an item of content to be delivered via a wide range of presentation media and devices and into a variety of formats. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC Matrix allows users to define their experience by choosing between multiple designs when visiting your site i.e. - HTML/XHTML page using standard website design - printer friendly format - low bandwidth version - text-only version - PDA suitable format 45. Ability to re-use single instances of content in multiple locations/sites in the CMS to avoid the duplication of information. 46. Ability to automatically provide and generate printer-friendly versions of pages. Please describe. Highly desirable Y/FC Each asset is a separate entity that may be easily re-used in many different places by creating a link to the original data source rather than duplicating it. When content is presented on multiple pages/sites, it inherits the destination page/sites design and style sheet applicable to each location. Desirable Y/FC Matrix allows users to define their experience by choosing between multiple designs when visiting your site i.e. printer friendly format. Page 15 of 49 47. Mandatory Ability to provide both static and on-demand generation of content. P/ALT Matrix uses a dynamic publishing model rather than publishing content to a separate server for deployment. Third party tool HTTrack (open source) can be used to create a separate, static version of the Matrix site. 48. P/ALT The CMS should provide the option to not be the delivery platform (CMS unavailability would not affect the live website). Highly desirable 49. Ability to dynamically produce and automatically update site navigation on output based on site structure. Mandatory Y/FC Implemented via design templates. 50. Ability to generation. Desirable Y/FC Site Map page template allows you to create a self generating site map that updates as the site structure updates. 51. Ability to provide search engine functionality that searches HTML and XML pages, Microsoft Office documents and Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Mandatory Y/FC MySource Matrix may be extended with a powerful search engine module. Indexing includes Word/PDF documents as well as native HTML pages including metadata. The module is free to government, educational and not-for-profit organisations. provide dynamic site Matrix uses a dynamic publishing model rather than publishing content to a separate server for deployment. Third party tool HTTrack (open source) can be used to create a separate, static version of the Matrix site. map Search manual provided. Deployment 52. The CMS supports secure deployment or publishing. Please describe. Mandatory P/ALT Matrix uses a dynamic publishing model rather than publishing content to a separate server for deployment. Matrix does allow you to secure different areas of your site independently. You can set areas to be publicly accessible, others to require authentication and even set certain areas of your site to require SSL authentication. At the MySource Matrix level, the access control mechanisms of the underlying operating system are utilised to ensure that only the webserver user has write access to the public data directory (which is needed for storing uploaded files and cached content) and write access is denied to the PHP source code. The access control mechanisms of the database restrict access to the MySource Matrix and the HIPO Server processes. Additionally, it is important to ensure physical access to your web server is restricted, and the user accounts are strictly controlled. External access to your server hosting the CMS should also be protected through a perimeter firewall, a firewall on the CMS server itself, and through the configuration of Apache directives, and the use of SSL. Finally, your server could be configured so that the Apache web server is the only process listening to the network externally. 53. The CMS supports deployment to test and production servers. Please describe. Mandatory P/ALT As Matrix is open source it can be installed on as many servers as necessary and testing can be performed of new versions before upgrading the production environment. In terms of content, Matrix allows you to host your live site and your test environment within a single system. You can create a test site with a test URL, and link the existing assets in whatever hierarchy you like. Page 16 of 49 54. The CMS must be capable of publishing content to multiple sites, or multiple locations on the same site, with presentation depending on the target site. Please describe. Highly desirable Y/FC There is no duplication - Each asset is a separate entity that may be easily re-used in many different places by creating a link to the original data source rather than duplicating it. When content is presented on multiple pages/sites, it inherits the destination page/sites design and style sheet applicable to each location. 55. The CMS supports scheduled deployment of content. Please describe. Desirable Y/FC Future status functionality. Mandatory Y/FC User Authentication & Management Authentication 56. Accessing CMS management and authoring functions will require authorised users and groups to authenticate. 57. Supports and integrates with Directory Services for user authentication, such as Active Directory / LDAP. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC Matrix can be configured to interface to an LDAP directory for user and role information via the LDAP bridge. 58. All password related transactions must be via a secure encrypted channel, such as SSL. There must be no plain text password communications. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC SSL is used for authentication and session security is handled through PHP sessions/cookies. 59. Ability to integrate with an enterprise-wide single sign-on user authentication solution via the use of a plug-in or provision of an API. Please describe. 60. 61. A login key is used for authentication to stop stolen requests or cookies. Client side PKI certificate authentication requires appropriate configuration of Apache. Mandatory Y/FC MySource Matrix is an open source system to which the full API is available. Integration with other systems tends to be easier because the source code is open and based on open standards (e.g. PEAR) Login should be simple and straight-forward, and kept to a minimum. Mandatory Y/FC Login is only required once per browser window session. The interface should clearly identify who has logged in. Mandatory Y/FC Displayed in the top left corner of the browser window. Mandatory Y/FC Allows you define the functions available to each user, and the assets to which they have access. User Management 62. Supports tiered users i.e. super-users / site administrators / site developers / site contributors. Please describe. Matrix has the following types of user, each of which has varying access levels: 63. Ability to use existing Directory Services groups or roles and apply them in the CMS. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC 64. Supports multiple groups. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC Supports roles-based permissions with the Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC 65. - Normal user - Backend user - Administrator - Root User MySource Matrix supports authentication from LDAP or Active directory and single sign on using Kerberos authentication. Roles are a specialised form of user group – you can grant permissions for roles and Page 17 of 49 ability to assign particular roles. users and groups to 66. Ability to add, modify, and delete directories and files based on user/ group/role permissions. 67. include them in steps within a workflow schema. However, unlike user groups, the users who are assigned to roles are not fixed. Rather you can define which users and user groups are assigned to a role for individual assets. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC Allows you define the functions available to each user, and the assets to which they have access. Ability to cascade / inherit permissions at specified tree levels rather than only site or page level. Mandatory Y/FC Matrix gives you the option of cascading privileges to all assets beneath a specified page in the hierarchy. 68. Users and permissions must be easy to administer for super-users and site administrators. Mandatory Y/FC System administrators can create and manage user accounts via an intuitive point-andclick interface. 69. Supports an unlimited number of content contributors. What is this dependant on? Memory? Mandatory Y/FC No system limitations on the number of content contributors. For optimum performance you will require adequate hardware. 70. Has no restrictions on the number of concurrent users of the CMS i.e. the number of users logged in at one time. What is this dependant on? Memory? Mandatory Y/FC No system limitations on the number of concurrent users. For optimum performance you will required adequate hardware. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC Comprehensive audit logs are generated for every change to every asset in the system log: Reporting & Review Tools 71. All activity in the CMS should be automatically logged including unauthorised attempts to access the CMS/database. - permission changes - attribute changes - links created - assets created - status changes - schema changes - login/logout - workflow changes 72. There should be tools that validate the metadata stored with resource. Please describe options for validating metadata. Mandatory P/ALT Metadata entry can be enforced, defaults specified and controlled vocabularies (select fields, thesaurus) used to ensure correct metadata entry. 73. Tools for analysis of the CMS logs should be included in the CMS management /administration and reporting should be provided including error and exception reporting. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC Error message generated by the system are recorded. You can configure if errors are logged, the level of logging including whether to include the file line and number, and a stack trace. 74. The CMS should issue appropriate alerts What options are Mandatory Y/FC The system can be configured to automatically email an administrator when certain errors Page 18 of 49 whenever exception conditions occur so that prompt action may be taken to resolve the condition. there for issuing alerts – Email? SMS? 75. There should be reporting on when content is published to production, either manually or dynamically as part of a scheduled deploy. Please describe. 76. There should be review tools that can check internal and external links. These tools should provide reporting that also identifies permanent redirects and problem resources. It should be possible to conduct such checking on a specified section of the site and reports should be exportable in HTML format. 77. Online link management should provide an option to automatically update links upon moving a file or provide alerts regarding broken links as a result of a deleted document. 78. Tools for the analysis and management of web server logs should be included in the CMS management/administration for producing statistical reports on web usage. Reporting should provide comprehensive statistical analysis of usage to at least the depth of popular web server log analysis tools. It should also be able to map and display user pathways through the content. 79. The CMS should contain an asset reporting providing comprehensive information on the assets stored in the CMS and operations on them, including: are encountered. MySource Matrix uses standard email to deliver alerts. You could use a third-party emailto-SMS gateway to deliver those messages via SMS. Squiz monitor our servers using SNMP monitoring (outside MySource Matrix). Mandatory Y/FC Logs are generated for all status changes. Highly desirable Y/FC Links report. Version 3.14 of Matrix will have the ability to display Links Reports on the front-end and schedule them to be regenerated. Currently Links reports don’t identify the text of the broken link i.e. the text within the <a href> tag. An enhancement request (via bug tracker) is required. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC If a page or site is moved within MySource Matrix, any links to that asset on other pages are updated automatically and instantly. Attempts to remove an asset or group of assets will alert the use to potential link problems (e.g. broken links) and allow the user to take remedial action. Highly desirable P/ALT AWStats (open source) Webalizer (open source) WebTrends (commercial) Neither AW Stats or Webalizer map user pathways through the site. Please identify all information provided per asset. Mandatory Y/FC 80. Date resource was created and last updated. Please describe Mandatory Y/FC System log reports on asset created, workflow and status changes. 81. Activity by user and group access levels. Please describe Mandatory Y/FC 82. Expired resources and resources nearing expiry. Highly desirable Y/FC Up For Review status indicates the Live version of an asset is due for review. If workflow is applied to the asset, each of the users in the first step of workflow receive a message notifying them it is time to review the asset. 83. Orphan resources. Highly desirable P/ALT Matrix does not allow pages to become orphaned, since pages can only be created beneath a site or page. To identify pages that have no NOTICE links to them you could perform a DB query. Page 19 of 49 84. Review tools that streamline quality assurance processes by validating the page output against technical standards. 85. Review tools that identify similar pages (i.e. via metadata) and reporting that provides a list of these pages which may be duplicates or partial duplicates of each other. Is this done by HTML Tidy? Any other mechanisms? Desirable Y/FC Automatically corrects invalid tags via HTML Tidy. Desirable P/ALT The only way to achieve this would be to setup metadata search pages i.e. keywords. The results would list all pages with the same unique keyword. Help Facilities, Error Messages and Documentation for Administrators Help Facilities & Error Messages 86. Availability of context-sensitive help messages using language understandable by the novice user. Please describe. Highly desirable Y Contextual online help is available from within Matrix and the WYSIWYG editor, and tool tips are displayed. This is augmented by user documentation available online, written clearly in simple language and which includes workshops to help authors through the process of creating content. 87. Availability for all system failures to generate context-sensitive error messages using language understandable by the novice user. Please describe. Highly desirable Y Matrix employs many strategies to reduce the need for error messages to be generated at all, including sensible messages explaining the consequences of certain actions and the removal of functionality for users not trained in their operation. In the event these strategies fail, errors are recorded in a log file and also in the internal messaging system. The system can be configured to automatically email an administrator when certain errors are encountered. 88. Ability to locally customise help and error messages to express desired remediation and suggestions appropriate for separate user interfaces. Highly desirable P/MAJ A custom translation for all error messages could be written and the translation system to install them. This would require a fair amount of work, but it is possible. 89. Ability to provide hyperlinks on any page to online help and references. Please describe. Desirable P/ALT This requirement can vary depend on the amount of error messages etc and estimate this would take around 2 weeks (10 days @ $1,200 + GST per day of people time) There is no help within the MySource Matrix system. Online help consists mainly of large PDF manuals that could be linked to, but would not be very efficient in locating specific information. Links could be provided to useful threads/posts in the user forum. Documentation for Administrators 90. Availability of comprehensive electronic documentation, with permission to excerpt and adapt this documentation for institutional use, including: Please describe for all and/or link to where appropriate. Mandatory Y/FC As below 91. functional descriptions of major components (e.g. interface configuration and navigation, workflow, versioning, metadata, user authentication, etc.) Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC System Administrator manual: 92. help and error messages, including default message texts. Please describe. Highly desirable P/ALT The error messages describe the problem themselves; that is all the documentation currently available. Each has an error code that allows the Squiz Support team to debug any problems in code. Page 20 of 49 93. user authentication functionality. Please describe. Highly desirable Y/FC 94. workflow customisation options. Please describe. Highly desirable Y/FC System Administrator manual: 95. system level options for customising the application, including any tools for transferring local customisations to upgraded software. Please describe. Highly desirable P/ALT Customising the application: and access Fundamentals manual: Also DAP package manual. 96. System Administrator manual: There are no tools for transferring local customisations to upgraded software. If you change the source code, we can't automatically bring those changes across. and Highly desirable Y/FC Server Administration manual, along with the MATR401 Server Administration course that covers system level issues. Availability of onsite or easily accessible demonstrations of the latest version of the CMS. Highly desirable Y/FC Via VPN. Mandatory Y/FC Mandatory P system level recovery tools. diagnostic Demonstrations 97. Compatibility with existing UWA hardware and software systems Hardware and Software Requirements 98. Ability to host the application locally. 99. Ability to integrate into a diverse office environment and be accessed by Internet Explorer 5.5+ and Mozilla Firefox 1.3+ web browsers. Please list all browsers that can be used to access Matrix. Compatability testing performed for IE 6+ only. Need to perform testing for IE 5.5. Camino also supported for Windows, Mac and Linux. 100. The CMS should be accessible to web authors and end-users on any operating system supporting the browsers described in 99. Mandatory P MySource Matrix is entirely browser based and therefore is compatible with a wide range of client standard operating systems. (Need to test IE 5.5). 101. Provision of a secure administrator interface. Mandatory P/ALT Admin interface is accessible via a web browser and requires authentication via login to access. web-accessible The admin interface of Matrix is itself not web accessible however it is possible to create templates that allow web accessible updating of content through the front-end ‘Simple Edit’ interface. Mandatory Y/FC Matrix ships with a backup script that can create a full point-in-time backup of the Matrix system (which incorporates all websites contained within the system). The CMS should integrate with and support deployment to Windows and/or Linux operating systems. Mandatory Y/FC Redhat and Debian Linux are both supported. The CMS should integrate with Oracle DBMS. Highly 102. Provision for complete and robust recovery in case of operating system failure. 103. 104. Please describe. Squiz does not currently support production versions of MySource Matrix on Microsoft Windows. Y/FC Matrix uses the PEAR database abstraction layer to provide greater database support Page 21 of 49 desirable 105. Is extensible through an API and provides support for a standards based data exchange (e.g. XML) to facilitate integration with other systems and information sources within the University’s environment. Please describe. Mandatory including PostgreSQL and Oracle (9i or 10g). Y/FC MySource Matrix is an open source system to which the full API is available. Integration with other systems tends to be easier because the source code is open and based on open standards (e.g. PEAR) There are several ways to interface with external systems / data sources; 1. DB Data Source 2. RSS Data Source 3. Remote Content 4. Custom assets 5. Asset bridge (LDAP) Matrix also provides the DB Data Source to allow you to connect to a local or external database and execute a query. The DB data source asset contains a GUI interface to build simple queries. The results of the query will be displayed as shadow assets in the asset map, and you can display the query results using an Asset Listing. Matrix fully supports outbound content syndication with the creation of RSS feeds with the RSS Feed asset which generates a valid RSS (1.0 or 2.0) or Atom (1.0) feed from an existing Asset Listing asset. Inbound information can be syndicated via the RSS Data Source which allows you to connect to any valid RSS feed and show external RSS items as shadow assets within your MySource Matrix system. You can then display the feed within your own site by using an Asset Listing to list the RSS items in the feed. Inbound content can also be managed using a tool known as Remote Content – a screen scraper application. Irrelevant information can be stripped and formatting replaced on screen scraped content. URL info may also be replaced to allow users to surf through the remote content without leaving your Matrix site. The system can be extended by adding new asset types (custom assets). For example an asset class could be developed to deal with output from an external application allowing simple and powerful integration. Squiz can provide training so that you can create custom assets yourself. Pre-requisites for this training would be a basic knowledge of PHP and XML and would run for approx 2 days. Using the custom asset architecture of Matrix and the functions available with PHP, it is possible to build interfaces to other applications using WDSL, UDDI or SOAP. Version 3.12 of Matrix includes a generic tool which allows the loading of WDSL files and configuring a web services interface to other applications using SOAP via a graphical user interface. Matrix does not currently support interfacing with TRIM but are currently investigating this subject on behalf of a number of clients. Squiz propose to develop an interface with TRIM Context version 5.2.1 and to support newer versions as they are released. Squiz propose a pooled development approach to build a middleware application that will be installed on the same server as TRIM Context and will manage the interface between TRIM and MySource Matrix. The middleware application (which may be written in Java or PHP) will employ the COM protocol to communicate with the TRIM API. For the first stage of the Page 22 of 49 project Squiz intend to create a one-way interface to TRIM allowing records stored in TRIM to be used in Matrix. The ability to input/update records in TRIM is likely to be added in the future but is unlikely to be included in the scope of this project. The current proposal is to create a new asset type in MySource Matrix called a “TRIM record”. This asset may have several sub types denoting the type of file. This TRIM record asset will be used to store certain metadata required to manage the interface to TRIM such as the URI (TRIM’s term for Unique Row Identifier) and access restriction information. In this model the middleware application would implement the TRIMEventProcessor method of TRIM so that when changes are made to records within TRIM, the middleware application will notify MySource Matrix of the change and update the record in MySource Matrix accordingly. Through this model, selected files (records) stored in TRIM would be in effect “synchronised” with MySource Matrix allowing those records to be treated as normal assets in MySource Matrix. In other words this content could be: Included in pages (eg images). Aggregated along with other content using templates such as the site map or asset listing templates. Discovered by the MySource Matrix search engine. Access restricted like other content in MySource Matrix. Have designs, permissions, metadata, logging, versioning and workflow applied like all other assets. However, content managed by TRIM will not be able to be updated from within MySource Matrix in this first stage project. Rather the content would need to be updated in TRIM which would then automatically update the content in MySource Matrix. Content can be exported from Matrix in XHTML format, for use in third party document management systems (TRIM). 106. Ability to interoperate with an enterprise portal overlay (RSS/JSR168). Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC Matrix fully supports outbound content syndication with the creation of RSS feeds with the RSS Feed asset which generates a valid RSS (1.0 or 2.0) or Atom (1.0) feed from an existing Asset Listing asset. MySource Matrix can produce a harvest control list as defined by the National Archives. This metadata list can be used by other appropriately configured systems to get a snap shot of the current state of information published by the CMS. Customisation would be required to extend Matrix to acts as a producer in a WSRP, JSR or WebPart environment. Assets could be extended to act as portlets or WebParts, whilst Matrix itself could become a producer. 107. Ability to (JSR168). 108. Ability to support and interoperate with existing and future plug and play integrated web applications, such as: integrate enterprise portlets Please describe Highly desirable Please describe for plug and play web apps in general. Highly desirable Y/WM Customisation would be required to extend Matrix to act as a consumer for remote portlets hosted on other producers. Page 23 of 49 109. Client subscriptions to particular content / assets Highly desirable P/ALT To do this in Matrix would require extensive development or an extremely convoluted and high maintenance setup: The way to do it is to create a user group for membership and use triggers to sent to that group when something is updated. This is very easy, the issue is that if you want to individually pick out pages you would have to create a group and trigger for each page, then a way to manage the membership of groups. The common implementation is to create a group for each section of the site and use a what's new listing to list the latest stuff then trigger an email that links back to the what's new when something is updated in that section. This is easier to set up and maintain. Matrix does allow you to include a link to a form containing a ‘Send to a friend’ field into the design of your page. MySource Matrix allows you to flexibly define the contents of the ‘Send to a friend’ email and allows you to include the URL, Subject, a message, the ‘From’ email address and additional ‘To’ email addresses. This could be nested in the footer or another part of your design. 110. Email subscriptions newsletters. 111. ‘News & Events’ type applications. lists and Please describe. Highly desirable Y/FC The Bulk Email Module provides online registration for and delivery of emails to selected User Groups. You can create a specific Page asset as the HTML email to send as the bulk mail, and include keyword replacements to personalise the content. You can also set up multiple Bulk Mail Post Offices for different delivery methods, as well as Bulk Mail Subscriber ages to allow users to subscribe to different lists. Is an Asset Listing the best way to achieve this? Highly desirable Y/FC RSS modules includes News Asset asset type: Also Asset listings can be used. 112. Shopping cart template. Please describe. Mandatory P/ALT Matrix has its own E-commerce module that could be used in place of the shopping cart template. Highly desirable Y/FC Any type of file may be loaded and used by MySource Matrix, as long as the file does not exceed the size requirements nominated by the server. 113. Microsoft Office documents, Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) documents and rich media objects such as graphics and shockwave flash files can be integrated and stored with the content in the CMS. 114. The CMS can enforce naming conventions for files and directories. Please describe. Mandatory P/ALT MySource Matrix preserves the filenames of imported documents, and therefore supports any naming conventions that you already have in place. However, it does not enforce any conventions for files and directories created in MySource Matrix 115. The CMS can use persistent and human readable URLs. Please describe. Highly desirable Y/FC MySource Matrix publishes human readable URLs, rather than a complex GET string composed of question marks, ampersands and apparently meaningless strings of characters. Application Administration 116. Support for role-based system administration. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC 117. The CMS should be extensible with the ability for UWA to add functionality as required locally. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC MySource Matrix can be extended with modules (also known as custom assets) that allow appropriately authorised users to create interactive content without XML/HTML or any programming knowledge. Page 24 of 49 You can choose to purchase one of the currently available modules or to write your own, the complexity being the same as writing any application in PHP. 118. Provision of programmer tools for UWA to perform system customisation, system configuration, system monitoring, and reporting. Please describe. Highly desirable Y/FC Please describe for all below and in general terms regarding scalability. Mandatory Y/FC Performance & Scalability 119. The CMS solution should be highly scalable with the ability to grow with the university. The open source, license free nature of Matrix makes installation of the CMS across multiple servers a cost-effective means of serving large numbers of web objects providing a scalable solution for the future. By incorporating server replication at the platform level, the architecture of MySource Matrix can provide both load balancing and disaster recovery because there is no single point of hardware failure. This can be achieved, for example, through the use of Redhat Cluster Suite with fibre channel storage and GFS. 120. No effective system limitations on the number of simultaneous active users and sessions. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC There are no software specific limits. You will require adequate hardware. 121. The UWA MySource Classic installations currently host approximately 100,000 pages totaling almost 160Gb worth of storage space (with total server capacity of 2Tb). There should be no effective system limitations on the number of pages or hosted or storage capacity in the CMS. Please describe. Mandatory Y/FC There are no software specific limits. You will require adequate hardware. Individual sites within an installation will exceed 5,000 pages without impact on performance. Please describe. The number of individual sites and virtual domains within an installation will exceed 500 without impact on performance. Please describe. The UWA web servers peak at 1,500,000 hits per day. The CMS would need to respond dynamically to such web requests to meet this expected load plus a reasonable safety margin. Please describe. 122. 123. 124. The expected size of a database is difficult to predict for any project, however it should be noted that the overhead associated with pages is negligible. The main issue to consider when looking at the expected size of the database is the size of documents and how often they are updated if rollback is enabled. Additionally adding to the size of the database is the metadata defined for each document, the number of users in the system and the number of workflow assets. Mandatory Y/FC There are no software specific limits. You will require adequate hardware. Performance as above. Mandatory Y/FC There are no software specific limits. You will require adequate hardware. Performance as above. Mandatory Y/FC As volume traffic increases on a site, the processing capacity of the server must be increased to cater for the load. A single commodity Intel server (dual CPU with 2+Gb RAM) running both the application and the database is generally adequate for a medium sized government agency. Larger groups may require a separate server for the database and the application while very large installations may require a server replicated environment. Highly P/ALT 24/7 availability of the system can be guaranteed through a SLA. This guarantee only Vendor Support 125. Availability of 24x7 support for problem Page 25 of 49 resolution. 126. desirable covers MySource Matrix but does not cover failure of the hosting environment, hardware or third party applications with which the system interfaces. Provision of appropriate communication mechanisms for problem resolution (e.g. email, telephone etc.). Please list communication mechanisms that are available for support. Mandatory Y/FC Phone, email and support web site. 127. Availability of maintenance contracts. Please attach support options. Mandatory Y/FC Documentation received. 128. Customer support options must be available to assist in resolving problems where software upgrades negatively impact local customisations. Please describe. Mandatory P/ALT Yes, however all time is chargeable and not covered by any SLA - all SLA guarantees are rendered invalid for any system with custom development installed. 129. Vendor supplied best practice advice for performing backups and maintenance of the CMS. Please comment. Highly desirable P/ALT Backup and maintenance should follow existing corporate web standards. Squiz recommend evaluating the business costs of an outage and determining the best backup strategy as a balance between cost of outage vs. cost of backup storage – this is not vendor advice. 130. Provision of multiple customer references of the CMS. Preference for customer references interoperating Matrix with a portal product. Mandatory Y/FC We are not aware of any clients using a third party metadata tool or portal integrated with MySource Matrix. 131. Availability of user support groups. Highly desirable Y/FC Mandatory Y/FC Highly desirable N If you change the source code, we can't automatically bring those changes across. Mandatory Y/FC Support tickets logged via email / extranet. Additionally there is the bug tracker web site. Squiz time could be paid for to devise a strategy. New Releases 132. Ability for UWA to perform the installation and upgrade of the CMS locally. 133. Provision of tools for transferring customisations to upgraded software. 134. Clearly-defined procedures and response mechanisms for handling bug reports and enhancement requests. local Please describe. Bug tracker system available to subscribe to and use: (Also takes enhancement requests.) Page 26 of 49 APPENDIX TWO: RISK REGISTER Ref The risk: what can happen and how it can happen Existing controls 1 Governance Inability of system to effectively control governance standards set by UWA to ensure compliance with UWA rules. 2 Scalability System may not be capable of expansion to sufficient size to meet UWA requirements. Web guidelines and submission of site management plans. Matrix functionality: o Automated workflow / upfor-review processes. o Mandatory input of metadata. o More granular permissions. Restructure of the University website, including the introduction of functional classifications for all pages. Clear articulation of web responsibilities and roles at all levels across the University. Training and acquisition of staff in Faculties with web expertise to provide support. ITS upgrade of University Website Infrastructure (June 2007). Clustering, load balancing, server replication. Project reorganisation of information on all official websites will reduce the number of pages and size of the UWA website. References from other institutions: o Uni Melb (Matrix). o Monash (TeamSite). Adequacy of existing controls Adequate Likelihood rating Consequence rating Risk Priority Major 8 Level of risk Likelihood X Consequence 2.4 Unlikely 0.3 Major 8 2.4 1 1 . Adequate Unlikely 0.3 Page 27 of 49 3 Security System security is inadequate for UWA needs & expectations. 4 5 Custom functionality The system may not be able to incorporate custom functionality already developed by the university. Extensibility The selected system may not allow UWA to develop or extend the functionality as required. 6 Integration with other systems The system may not be able to integrate with other university o DoJ (TeamSite). Ensure a failover website (using HTTrack) is setup on a separate web server(s) that would keep disruption to a minimum whilst hardware is serviced / replaced. Sensitive information is not housed in the CMS. Password communication can be made via a secure encrypted channel. MySource Matrix has a more sophisticated permissions model than MySource Classic. Sufficient information has been supplied by the vendor on how MySource Matrix can interface with other development environments. Sufficient information has been supplied by the vendor on how to integrate MySource Matrix with existing systems / data sources. The vendor has confirmed MySource Matrix has been built using open standards (PEAR) with a license that allows UWA to make modifications. Sufficient information has been supplied by the vendor on how MySource Matrix can interface with other development environments. Sufficient information has been supplied by the vendor on how to integrate MySource Matrix with existing systems / data sources. Sufficient information has been supplied by the vendor on how MySource Matrix can interface with Inadequate Unlikely 0.3 Major 8 2.4 1 Adequate Unlikely 0.3 Major 8 2.4 1 Adequate Unlikely 0.3 Moderate 6 1.8 2 Adequate Unlikely 0.3 Moderate 6 1.8 2 Page 28 of 49 systems and data sources. 7 Complexity Requirements specified may be too complex for selected system to manage. 8 Infrastructure Inadequate infrastructure at UWA to run selected system at optimal performance or insufficient resources to provide adequate service levels. other development environments. Sufficient information has been supplied by the vendor on how to integrate MySource Matrix with existing systems / data sources. Establish a coordinating group of the owners/managers of the University systems to be integrated to establish a single point of reference for coordinating systems providing online information and services. Vendor response to functional requirements. Comparison to other CMS products via Comparison to the Library’s experience using MySource Matrix. Testing via the Library’s test installation of MySource Matrix. References from other institutions: o Uni Melb (Matrix). o Monash (TeamSite). o DoJ (TeamSite). MySource Matrix is an extensible system. ITS upgrade of University Website Infrastructure (June 2007). Clustering, load balancing, server replication. Project reorganisation of information on all official websites will reduce the number of pages and size of the UWA website. Central IT Service Desk Project (end of 2007). Project recommendations regarding a range of services to be provided and activities undertaken to support Adequate Unlikely 0.3 Moderate 6 1.8 2 Adequate Unlikely 0.3 Moderate 6 1.8 2 Page 29 of 49 9 10 Short time-frame of project Limited consultation with stakeholders could result in certain requirements being missed. Product support & development Vendors not providing adequate support for selected product. 11 Usability The new system will be more difficult or complex for content authors to use than the existing system. those involved in maintaining websites across the University. Ensure a failover website (using HTTrack) is setup on a separate web server(s) that would keep disruption to a minimum whilst hardware is serviced / replaced. Previous related review work that has been undertaken: o Web @ UWA Review o UWA CMS Review Visits and liaison with Schools currently outside the CMS. Archives and Records involvement. ITS involvement. Equity and Diversity involvement. MySource Matrix has a clear upgrade path guaranteed by the vendor. Large user base of Matrix will ensure product remains supported. Vendor provision of support agreements and SLAs. MySource Matrix has clearer distinctions between administrative and editor roles vastly simplifying the editing interface. Many functions are the same in Classic and Matrix which will reduce the amount of retraining required. Inadequate Unlikely 0.3 Moderate 6 1.8 2 Inadequate Unlikely 0.3 Moderate 6 1.8 2 Adequate Rare 0.05 Major 8 0.4 3 Page 30 of 49 UNIVERSITY RISK MATRIX CONSEQUENCES LIKELIHOOD Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic 1 2 6 8 10 0.05 0.10 0.3 0.4 0.5 Unlikely 0.3 0.3 0.6 1.8 2.4 3.0 Possible 0.5 0.5 1.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Likely 0.7 0.7 1.4 4.2 5.6 7.0 Almost Certain 0.9 0.9 1.8 5.4 7.2 9.0 Rare 0.05 Outcomes 0.0 - 0.7 LOW - Manage by routine procedure. 0.8 - 2.6 MINOR - Clear published guidelines to be available. Monitor. 2.7 - 4.0 MODERATE - Active management & mitigation. Regular monitoring. 4.1 - 6.9 MAJOR - Senior management attention required. Consider elimination and devise action plan to reduce risk. Execute plan. Monitor. > 7 EXTREME - Immediate action required. Consider elimination. Active management required. Continuous review & monitoring. Usability Product support & development Short time frame of project / Lack of consultation Infrastructure Complexity Integration with other systems Extensibility Custom functionality Security Scalability Governance Low Minor Moderate Major Page 31 of 49 Risk Analysis of upgrading the University CMS to MySource Matrix 5 4 3 2 1 Page 32 of 49 Risk Analysis of upgrading the University CMS to MySource Matrix: Likelihood vs. Consequence Consequence Risks Catastrophic Governance Scalability Security Custom functionality Major Extensibility Integration with other systems Complexity Infrastructure Short time frame of project Product support & development Moderate Minor Usability Insignificant Likelihood Almost certain Likely Possible Unlikely Rare Page 33 of 49 APPENDIX THREE : RISK TREATMENT PLAN * Risk rating after treatment = Likelihood X Consequence Risk reference number (in Priority Order) + Description (Prefix risk number with 3 letter identifier) 1 2 3 4 Treatment Actions Governance Inability of system to effectively control governance standards set by UWA to ensure compliance with UWA rules. Scalability System may not be capable of expansion to sufficient size to meet UWA requirements. Monitor existing controls for effectiveness. Security System security inadequate for UWA needs & expectations. Custom functionality The system may not be able to incorporate custom functionality already developed by the university. Monitor existing controls for effectiveness. Monitor existing controls for effectiveness. Setup SSL encryption of CMS server. Implement more granular permissions for University sub sites. Risk rating after treatment * 2.4 Minor 2.4 Minor 0.4 Low 2.4 Minor Person/s responsible for implementation Timetable to implement (or “In place”) How will this risk and treatment option be monitored? Fiona Reilly Grant Malcolm Prior to system implementation / migration / staff training. Monitored by Project Reference Group. ITS Upon system implementation. ITS Web Office Upon system implementation / configuration. Grant Malcolm Upon system implementation. Monitored by University Website Coordinator during implementation of system. Monitored by University Website Coordinator during implementation of system. Monitored by University Website Coordinator during implementation of system. Page 34 of 49 5 Extensibility The selected system may not allow UWA to develop or extend the functionality as required. Monitor existing controls for effectiveness. 1.8 Minor Grant Malcolm As required. 6 Integration with other systems The system may not be able to integrate with other university systems and data sources. Monitor existing controls for effectiveness. 1.8 Minor Grant Malcolm Upon system implementation. 7 Complexity Requirements specified may be too complex for selected system to manage. Infrastructure Inadequate infrastructure at UWA to run selected system at optimal performance or insufficient resources to provide adequate service levels. Short time-frame of project Limited consultation with stakeholders could result in certain requirements being missed. Monitor existing controls for effectiveness. 1.8 Minor Sarah Delfante Fri 25/05/2007 Monitor existing controls for effectiveness. 1.8 Minor Grant Malcolm ITS Prior to completion or project. Monitored by Project Reference Group. 0.6 Low Grant Malcolm Prior to system implementation / migration / staff training. Monitored by the Project Reference Group. Product support & development Vendors not providing adequate support for selected product. 0.3 Low Web Office Upon completion of project. Monitored by University Website Coordinator. 8 9 10 Develop communication plan to conduct University-wide communication to encourage adoption of new system – note stakeholder input into previous related review work that has been undertaken: o Web @ UWA Review o UWA CMS Review Purchase Squiz support pack. Maintain MySource Matrix expertise in-house. Develop plans and begin preparation to upgrade to MySource Version 4 at the optimum time and before MySource Matrix support is Monitored by University Website Coordinator as required. Monitored by University Website Coordinator during implementation of system. Review by Project Reference Group. Page 35 of 49 discontinued. 11 Usability The new system will be more difficult or complex for content authors to use than the existing system. Monitor existing controls for effectiveness. 0.4 Low Grant Malcolm Web Office Prior to system implementation / migration. Monitored by University Website Coordinator. Page 36 of 49 APPENDIX FOUR : ISSUE REGISTER Ref Description 1 Infrastructure Insufficient hardware with adequate support will result in failure of the University website and project deliverables. 2 Server capacity / Size of database How much space is required needs to be determined. Enabling rollback requires a large amount of sever space and the large size of the database may result in performance issues. 3 Options Action Owner Completion date Status Ensure a failover website (using HTTrack) is setup on a separate web server(s) which would keep disruption to a minimum whilst hardware is serviced or replaced. ITS to setup failover website after system is implemented. ITS After system implementation. Open Setup automated backups to tape and screenshot captures of the website to fulfil Sate Records Act requirements. ITS / Web Office to setup and configure during system implementation. ITS / Web Office Upon system implementation / configuration. Open Brian Poleykett to oversee and devise the method or portal / CMS integration as Project Manager of the University Portal Project. Brian Poleykett Open Web Office Upon implementation of the University portal. Grant Prior to system Open Setup rollback to delete versions of content older than a specified date. Integration with a university portal Ensure the Portal Project Board are aware of the issue. It has not been established how portal / CMS integration will be setup. Establish regular liaison between the University Website Project and Portal Project. Web Office to perform CMS testing for Brian Poleykett as required. 4 Metadata functionality Investigate integrating MySource Matrix with an automated metadata tool (such Project working party to investigate integrating Page 37 of 49 MySource Matrix doesn’t have automated metadata functionality. Entering the required metadata manually would: 5 potentially delay the project. potentially introduce errors. Governance The project will fail to meet specified objectives if Faculties and other University bodies do not adhere to the governance structure. 6 7 as Interwoven Meta Tagger) to automatically populate metadata for all pages avoiding a lengthy and error prone manual process. MySource Matrix with a similar tool. Help could be sought from local Interwoven partners Change Corp. Malcolm Develop comprehensive communication plan that outlines benefits and Vice Chancellor support for the project. Project working party to develop and deliver communication plan. Grant Malcolm Develop comprehensive training and support programs for staff. Web Office to develop and deliver training program in conjunction with the project working party (who exactly?). acquisition. Fiona Reilly Upon implementation of system. Open Upon evaluation of upgrade – completed Closed Fiona Reilly Ignoring industry leading CMS products There may be other systems that meet or exceed our requirements but will be excluded from further evaluation should MySource Matrix be implemented. Compare CMS products via Website Analytics The system may not be able to provide comprehensive enough analytical information. Open source products AW Stats and Webalizer do not provide click through paths. Investigate / implement alternative software –licenses may need to be purchased. Seek references from clients of Interwoven TeamSite – documented by Gartner as an industry leading CMS. References, a demonstration and screen shots have been acquired from Interwoven TeamSite clients (DoJ, Monash). Web Office Sarah Delfante Grant Malcolm Fri 25/05/07. Fiona Reilly It has been determine that the editing interface of Interwoven is less desirable than that of MySource Matrix. Project working party to investigate and implement software that will meet all requirements. Fiona Reilly Upon implementation of system. Open Page 38 of 49 8 Upgrade It is confirmed that MySource version 4 will be released in 2008. Will it be acceptable to upgrade / migrate again in 3-5 years? 9 10 11 Content Migration Sufficient resources and skills are required to migrate the University websites. The extent of data cleansing and formatting required to migrate is unknown. Training of staff Extensive training and retraining will be required. Project budget may not specify the extent of resources required for this. Project success is dependant effective training and adequate numbers of trained staff. CMS as a delivery platform The system may not be able to separate content management from delivery i.e. CMS downtime would result in the website being Develop plans and begin preparation to upgrade to MySource Version 4 at the optimum time and before MySource Matrix support is discontinued. Web Office to develop plans and begin preparation for the next upgrade. Web Office Upon completion of the project. Open Pilot the migration of several University sites to determine resources, time, skill and the extent of data cleansing and reformatting required. Fiona Reilly to oversee the pilot and determine resources, time, skill and the extent of data cleansing and reformatting required. Fiona Reilly. Pilot 1 scheduled for? Open Web Office to develop and deliver training program in conjunction with the project working party (who exactly?). Web Office Upon implementation of system. Open ITS to setup failover website after system has been implemented. ITS After system implementation. Open Then determine if the full migration can be done manually to deadline or if scripts supplied by Squiz should be used to automatically perform the migration. Develop comprehensive training and support programs for existing staff. Decide whether Squiz scripts will be beneficial after the pilot. Develop recruitment processes targeted at acquiring and retaining staff with appropriate levels of skill and web expertise. Ensure a failover website (using HTTrack) is setup on a separate web server(s) which would keep disruption to a minimum whilst hardware is serviced or replaced. Project Working Party (who exactly?) Page 39 of 49 down. 12 Accessibility Visually impaired staff will not be able to use the admin interface of MySource Matrix. It is possible to create templates that allow web-accessible editing through the front-end ‘simple edit’ interface. Web Office to develop and test web accessible ‘simple edit’ templates. Web Office Upon implementation of system. Open Page 40 of 49 APPENDIX FIVE: EXPECTED BENEFITS MySource Matrix is an open source product. MySource Matrix has an improved user interface to MySource Classic: o There is a clearer distinction between administrative and editing functions which vastly simplifies the editing interface. o Editing can be performed via the front-end website and in-context. MySource Matrix features functionality to assist with quality assurance processes: o Workflow o Approval o Automated Up-for-Review o Mandatory metadata entry MySource Matrix has comprehensive versioning and rollback functionality – assisting the University comply with the State Records Act. MySource Matrix features a more granular permissions model that MySource Classic. MySource Matrix has more import and export tools than MySource Classic, allowing the transfer of information with external sources through a variety of methods. There are many functions that are the same in MySource Classic and MySource Matrix which will reduce the amount of staff retraining required. There is existing MySource Matrix knowledge and experience at the University in the Library. MySource Matrix has other Higher Education and Public Service clients and implementations that host hundreds of thousands of pages and receive millions of hits per day: o Matrix has the proven ability to perform well for sites of a large size/scale. o Customer references can be sought. o There is an active MySource Matrix user community. Squiz can assist upgrading the MySource Matrix with the provision of scripts to automatically migrate content. Page 41 of 49 APPENDIX SIX: CASE STUDY: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Interwoven TeamSite Metadata The Interwoven Meta Tagger tool (additional product to TeamSite) is used to implement the Department’s metadata – including a ‘Function’ field taken from their Business Records Classification Schema. etadata%20documentation.msg Meta Tagger took 2 weeks for 1 staff member FTE to train however the most time consuming part of the process was locating suitable documents. This would not be an issue for UWA as we can quickly and easily obtain suitable documents from TRIM. Metadata auto-populated by the Meta Tagger tool is manually checked by a content editor as part of the workflow process. The content editor has the ability to modify or refine what the Meta Tagger tool has entered in the metadata fields. Editing interface TeamSite is designed so that the system is not the delivery platform. It uses an additional product called Open Deploy to publish a static version of the website to a separate web server. Due to the separation of system and site editing can not be performed through the “front-end’. Content editors have to log into the administrative interface of TeamSite and browse to find their page and edit it that way. Pages are broken up into content blocks that are edited in individual form fields – editing is not in-context. Page 42 of 49 Versioning and rollback DoJ have versioning and rollback enabled for their TeamSite installation and database size over the two years since implementation has never been an issue. Portal integration The file system of the deployed static website is crawled by Plumtree/BEA portal which harvests pages metadata and URLs to display in portlets. UWA could also use BEA portal in this manner. Page 43 of 49 APPENDIX SEVEN: CASE STUDY: MONASH UNIVERSITY Interwoven TeamSite Metadata The Interwoven Meta Tagger tool (additional product to TeamSite) is used to implement the University’s metadata primarily for the website’s search functionality. The University have incorporated the tool as part of workflow and are whilst satisfied have identified ways to refine the tool to improve accuracy. Editing interface As with the DoJ, due to TeamSite’s design editing must be done via the administration interface. Editing is not in-context. Monash acknowledged some editors find the system difficult and not intuitive and support for editors is required. Scalability and performance Monash’s TeamSite installation hosts approximately 100 sites and hundreds of thousands of pages. Monash have experienced no scalability or performance issues. TeamSite is installed on a single server and deploys out to load balanced web server(s). Meta Tagger is also installed on a separate server. Versioning and rollback Monash have versioning and rollback enabled for their TeamSite installation and data size is not an issue. For versioning they use a SAN to act as a backing store. Portal integration Monash are currently developing portal functionality in-house but integration with TeamSite is yet to be looked at. A contact from the Monash Portal Team has been provided. Page 44 of 49 APPENDIX EIGHT: CASE STUDY: UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE MySource Matrix Metadata The University of Melbourne use MySource Matrix’s native metadata functionality. They auto-populate system-wide metadata through Matrix keywords. Page specific metadata is manually entered by content editors. Editing interface MySource Matrix is designed so that the CMS is the delivery platform. This means users can browse to the page they wish to edit on the “front-end” website and append “_edit” to the URL to enter editing mode. Editing is done in-context. Scalability and performance The University of Melbourne’s MySource Matrix installation hosts approximately 900 sites and 300,000 assets. They’ve had no performance issues for the front-end website however they did have some performance issues with the administration interface due to not having a compatible version of Java RTR installed. Matrix will not be compatible with JRE 1.6 until January 2008. Versioning and rollback The University of Melbourne have rollback enabled and the database size is not an issue. Portal integration The University of Melbourne do not have a portal product configured to integrate with MySource Matrix. Page 45 of 49 APPENDIX NINE: CMS MATRIX COMPARISON OF CMS PRODUCTS Product Last Updated System Requirements Application Server Approximate Cost Database Drupal 5.1 5/13/2007 Drupal PHP 4.3.3+ Free MySQL, Postgres Interwoven TeamSite 6.5 4/09/2006 Interwoven TeamSite built-in (none required) negotiable built-in (none required) License Operating System GNU GPL Any Programming Language Root Access Shell Access Web Server Security Audit Trail Captcha Content Approval Email Verification Granular Privileges Kerberos Authentication LDAP Authentication Login History NIS Authentication NTLM Authentication Pluggable Authentication Problem Notification Sandbox Session Management SMB Authentication PHP No No Apache, IIS Drupal Yes Free Add On Yes Yes Yes No Free Add On Yes No Free Add On Yes No No Yes No Proprietary Linux, Solaris, Windows Java, JSP, Perl, CGI, C++, JavaScript, HTML Yes Yes IIS, Apache Interwoven TeamSite Yes Limited Yes Free Add On Yes Limited Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Limited MySource Matrix 3.12.0 1/15/2007 MySource Matrix Apache Free Postgres, Oracle GNU GPL + optional Commercial license Any PHP 4.3 or later Yes Yes Apache MySource Matrix Yes Limited Yes Yes Yes Limited Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Limited Limited RedDot CMS 7.1 8/14/2006 RedDot CMS not needed Variable, Starts at 55K Oracle, SQLserver, MSDE Commercial Windows .NET/PHP/Java/XML/XSLT/ JavaScript/JSP Yes Yes IIS RedDot CMS Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No SSL Compatible SSL Logins SSL Pages Versioning Support Certification Program Code Skeletons Commercial Manuals Commercial Support Commercial Training Developer Community Online Help Pluggable API Professional Hosting Professional Services Public Forum Public Mailing List Test Framework Third-Party Developers Users Conference Ease of Use Drag-N-Drop Content Email To Discussion Friendly URLs Image Resizing Macro Language Mass Upload Prototyping Server Page Language Spell Checker Style Wizard Subscriptions Template Language UI Levels Undo Yes No No Yes Drupal No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Free Add On Yes Yes Drupal No Free Add On Yes Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On No Yes Free Add On No Free Add On Limited No Limited Yes Yes Yes Yes Interwoven TeamSite Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Costs Extra Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Interwoven TeamSite Yes Yes Yes Free Add On Limited Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Costs Extra Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MySource Matrix Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Limited Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MySource Matrix Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Free Add On Limited Costs Extra Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes RedDot CMS Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes RedDot CMS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Costs Extra No Yes Yes Yes Yes WYSIWYG Editor Zip Archives Performance Advanced Caching Database Replication Load Balancing Page Caching Static Content Export Management Advertising Management Asset Management Clipboard Content Scheduling Content Staging Inline Administration Online Administration Package Deployment Sub-sites / Roots Themes / Skins Trash Web Statistics Web-based Style/Template Management Web-based Translation Management Workflow Engine Interoperability Content Syndication (RSS) FTP Support UTF-8 Support WAI Compliant WebDAV Support XHTML Compliant Flexibility CGI-mode Support Free Add On No Drupal Yes No Yes Yes No Drupal Free Add On Yes No Free Add On No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Interwoven TeamSite Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Interwoven TeamSite Costs Extra Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Free Add On Yes No MySource Matrix Yes Yes Yes Yes Free Add On MySource Matrix Costs Extra Yes Yes Yes Limited Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Free Add On Yes No RedDot CMS Costs Extra No Yes Yes Yes RedDot CMS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Costs Extra Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Limited Drupal Yes Limited Yes Limited No Yes Drupal Yes Yes Yes Interwoven TeamSite Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Interwoven TeamSite Yes Yes Yes MySource Matrix Yes Yes Limited Yes No Yes MySource Matrix No Yes Yes RedDot CMS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes RedDot CMS Limited Content Reuse Extensible User Profiles Interface Localization Metadata Multi-lingual Content Multi-lingual Content Integration Multi-Site Deployment URL Rewriting Wiki Aware Built-in Applications Blog Chat Classifieds Contact Management Data Entry Database Reports Discussion / Forum Document Management Events Calendar Events Management Expense Reports FAQ Management File Distribution Graphs and Charts Groupware Guest Book Help Desk / Bug Reporting HTTP Proxy In/Out Board Job Postings Link Management Mail Form Matrix My Page / Dashboard Limited Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Free Add On Yes Yes Free Add On Drupal Yes Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On No Yes Limited Free Add On Free Add On No Yes Free Add On No Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On No No Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On No Free Add On Yes Yes Yes Limited Interwoven TeamSite No No No No Yes Costs Extra Free Add On Yes Free Add On Free Add On Costs Extra Free Add On Yes Free Add On Free Add On Yes Yes Yes Limited Yes Yes Free Add On Free Add On Yes No Yes Yes Limited MySource Matrix Limited No Yes Yes Yes Costs Extra Costs Extra Costs Extra Costs Extra Costs Extra No Yes Yes Costs Extra Costs Extra Yes Costs Extra Free Add On Limited Yes Yes Yes Limited Yes Yes Yes Yes Costs Extra RedDot CMS Costs Extra Costs Extra Costs Extra Costs Extra Yes Yes Costs Extra Costs Extra Costs Extra No Costs Extra Costs Extra Costs Extra No No Costs Extra Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Newsletter Photo Gallery Polls Product Management Project Tracking Search Engine Site Map Stock Quotes Surveys Syndicated Content (RSS) Tests / Quizzes Time Tracking User Contributions Weather Web Services Front End Commerce Affiliate Tracking Inventory Management Pluggable Payments Pluggable Shipping Pluggable Tax Point of Sale Shopping Cart Subscriptions Wish Lists Free Add On Free Add On Yes Free Add On Free Add On Yes Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On Yes Free Add On Free Add On Yes Free Add On No Drupal Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On No Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On Free Add On No Yes Free Add On No No Yes No No Yes Free Add On Yes Interwoven TeamSite Free Add On Free Add On Yes Yes Yes Yes Free Add On No No Costs Extra Yes Yes Yes No Costs Extra Yes No Limited Yes Limited No Yes No No MySource Matrix Limited No Yes Yes No No Costs Extra No No No Yes Costs Extra Costs Extra Costs Extra Costs Extra Yes No Costs Extra Yes Costs Extra Costs Extra Yes No Yes RedDot CMS Yes No No No No No Costs Extra No Costs Extra