2/15/2012 - Seattle University

Associated Students of Seattle University
Representative Assembly Meeting
February 15 2012 Boeing Room at 6:00 p.m.
Call to Order 6:02
Roll Call
a. Katie Wieliczkiewicz - President
b. Kaylee Venosky - Executive Vice President
c. Annie Schneider - Vice President of Finance
d. Alanna Welsh - Vice President of University Affairs
e. Alyssa Watts - Senior Representative
f. Natalie Alvarado – Junior Representative
g. Mackenzie Hoffman - Sophomore Representative
h. Max Echterling - Freshman Representative
i. Emily Harris - Freshman Representative
j. Eric Chalmers - At-Large Representative
k. Eric Sype - At-Large Representative
l. Nicole Gaddie - Athletic Representative
m. Chris Tiana Obey – Commuter Representative
n. Ricardo Hontanon - International Representative
o. Ann Hashizume- Multicultural Representative
p. Austin Richmond - Non-Traditional Representative
q. Janie Bube – Transfer Representative ( Not present)
r. Nicole Robison – Advisor
s. Joshua McFadden – Advisor (not present)
t. Bernard Liang -Advisor
Approval of the Minutes
M: Mackenzie Hoffman
S: Eric Sype
Passes 12-0-1
Public Comment
Guest Speakers
Dr. Randall Horton, Angel/LMS Transitions Committee Chair
Academic Assembly has noticed that Angel has become an underperforming asset. It is
not being well utilized because it is not well accepted by faculty, staff and students. Angel was
also bought out by Blackboard. Blackboard has agreed that they would support it for a couple
more years and then they would no longer give support. Candidates were looked at to switch
the system used; research was done to find alternatives. There are many stockholders here on
campus, students, faculty and staff. A committee was formed in order to find the way Angel was
being used to better understand what the new program needed to have, and where the problems
were. We were hoping to have versatility and different viewpoints on this committee. There was
also a student representative. Surveys were created and also usability tests were done to see how
student and faculty were able to use the program. There were also demos done to give a better
understanding of the programs available.
We are now in the process of asking other universities how they are using the programs,
how they are adapting, and how they were able to transition to this program. There is a ton of
data and sorting through that needs to be done. Then we will be presenting our proposal to the
Academic Assembly; hopefully they will give two recommendations. There are also many other
factors such as the business side and how the system is being supported, legal situations, and if
there would be some technological situation down the road.
The new system would be put in place the fall of 2013 and would be initiated with the
new core. Our goal is to clear out information and find the best system to reach all different
stretches of campus.
Q: Is Blackboard a candidate? A : Yes, Blackboard has adapted many different elements that has
been accumulated. They are trying to work on the interface and clearing up the system so that is
easier to follow.
Q: What were some of the biggest problems with Angel? A: Browser compatibility was not
helpful. You needed to have a certain browser. The drop box attachment wouldn’t submit the
document, there was also the dialogue and how the chat functions wouldn’t work. The grade
book is also a nightmare for instructors and isn’t helpful. The notification and calendar aren’t
helpful and most times did not even work. The new system would be able to send information to
you and would keep you up to date on what is happening in the course.
Comment: Blackboard is used in the military science department and it has been very helpful
and is easy to use.
Moodle and Instructors, and desire to learn, are also systems that are being looked at. Moodle is
a bit underdeveloped so there isn’t much hope for that. Instructor Canvas is looking good and
Desire to Learn is up there with Blackboard in terms of market share.
Hoping that is will be user friendly and helpful.
Q: Will the three options be bought out by Blackboard A: Instructors is a small system but it is
also very good working system.
Old Business
Motion to add Smoke Free Campus to the agenda
M: Austin Richmond
S: Eric Chalmers
Passes 13-0-0
New Business
REPA 20120215-1 Smoke Free Campus (Austin Richmond)
Is everyone for a smoke free campus? Public Safety’s Michael Sletten, Director of Public
Safety, wants to implement a Smoke Free campus during Spring break. I believe that it is a bit
ambitious and doesn’t allow for a teaching opportunity. My goal is for the beginning of fall.
When I first started this project I was told that it would take a couple years, but Mike Sletten
really wants to push for this to happen sooner rather than later. This is also strongly supported
from the administration.
Alyssa: it doesn’t matter if we are behind this, we need to make sure we are voting for our
constituents and many of our constituents are smokers, many seniors are smokers and I cannot
support a smoke free campus that quickly, needs to be more slowly integrated, more gradual. The
school need to gradually address these issues, a past example is moving to Division I in sports.
There are also resolutions that were passes last year that haven’t been implemented, so I am
hesitant. Ripping it away is going to cause a huge up roar.
Annie: Thinking about the pace of this action. It might be a good idea to look at how to
implement actions that are already in place instead of adding new ones. Concerned that the
unintended consequences that will occur due to these actions, such as more cigarette butts on the
ground because there are less ash trays. The consequences of these actions need to be thought
through more.
Austin: These issues have been brought up in many times in meetings, but they are trying to
finally take steps to move forward. Biggest problem is policy enforcement and Mike Sletton is
going to make sure that people are fined for smoking or littering. We are planning on getting rid
of the smoking urns around campus. We do plan on flash campaigning this throughout campus.
We have statistics that less than 10 percent of the campus smokes. We want to help the smokers
and the non smokers in this situation.
Katie: Mike Sletten is allowed to implement any policies and is welcome to take this on, but in
terms of getting support from ASSU you would need to create a resolution and bring it to the
group. A resolution would help have this discussion and see where people stand on the issue.
Eric C: To effect change sometimes you need to make drastic efforts but perhaps this is going
too fast, need to take small steps that lead to greater change. Show that it is slowly getting pushes
off campus.
ChrisTiana: There are a lot of commuter students who smoke and telling them that they can’t
smoke on campus will only push them farther away from campus, a lot of commuters already
feel a disconnect, this would only make is worse. Having a smoking area that is larger than a
shack might help, and if there is smoking outside of that area there are fines and penalties
Eric C: How many campuses that are smoke free at the moment? A: A lot of campuses. There
will be places for students to smoke; they will be on the perimeters or campus. By moving to a
smoke free campus we are shedding a positive light on Seattle University. We need to get the
word out there and get the education out there. There will be a meeting Friday from 12-2 in
Chardin 144 to talk about these issues and to get your comments and questions answered and
heard. This is open to the public.
Alanna: The safety involved with having the smoking area’s on the perimeter of campus. Does
the policy apply to everyone on campus? A: Yes it would apply to students, staff, and faculty.
There will be a warning system put in place.
Mackenzie: What does the reinforcement really mean? We have a policy that says you can’t
smoke 50 feet near buildings yet there are smokers near the entrance of many buildings on
campus. A: The resolution was not well explained to the greater campus community.
Alyssa: The smoking areas on the corner of campus will be pushing it out to the neighboring
community, and how will this affect the surrounding area.
Ricky: How will you answer the complaints that will arise by having this policy in place? How
will you handle the situation? A: Education.
Ricky: Seattle University buildings are located on the corner of the campus and you will be
forcing them into those corners near those buildings such as Xavier.
Kaylee: Enforcement, what about non SU affiliates and how we are a very open campus. How
will those enforcement policies be handled? Also the room in Chardin might be small but
advertising now will help to get the word out there so they know what is on the university’s
radar. A: There will be placards and signs with the information on it throughout the campus.
Nikki: Considering the whole community, are there different representative on campus
committee? A: yes there are many different organizations represented on the committee.
Emily: Will there be classes for those who get fined smoking? Or a similar system like the
drinking classes? Why don’t we just start with education before we ban smoking all together? A:
the campaign is about getting the education out there.
ChrisTiana: It might be best to let the people who do smoke know what is coming and get the
opposition before it becomes a bigger problem. We need to make sure that we are thinking about
all the little logistics involved with these actions.
Eric Sype: Campus is small it wouldn’t take that long to walk to any corner of campus.
Move to exhaust the speakers list
M: Eric Chalmers
S: Alyssa Watts
Passes 11-2-0
Katie – Would be great to have ASSU’s vote on a resolution so that you could bring that to
meeting to show that you do have ASSU’s support or not on this issue
Kimberly- How do you get two warning and then a fine? A: Mike Sletten says that he has a
system in place to track of who has had these warnings.
Anne: Have you thought about putting the information out there so that you can get the back
lash? A: This is about the education.
Annie: Have you thought about having an open forum on this issue? A: Not ready for that, and I
need to take the information that I have and move forward with what I have.
Eric Chalmers- Edge of campus, there could be a location for the day and one for the night.
Nicole- Moving it to a later date so that people can decide whether they want to quite or not? A:
not telling them they have to quite but they will not be able to smoke on campus.
Have to slowly implement the process so that their isn’t a huge shock
Officer Reports:
A) Katie Wieliczkiewicz-President
- Started with 16 applicants, and have narrowed it down to 4
- This is my appointee and but I will love your input
Kaylee Venosky- Executive Vice President
- making sure you are signing in and out,
- SLAC meeting and carried on the conversation started here
Annie Schneider- Vice President of Finance
- Getting ready for Saturday and the appropriation meeting
Alanna Welsh- Vice President of University Affairs
- Formulating a committee for sustainability for next year
Alyssa Watts
- There is an issue with the venue, working on it.
- Pushing on with senior week
Natalie Alvarado
- Updating the website and facebook, if you want me to post information please let
me know
- broken printer in the library in the 24 hour area
Mackenzie Hoffman
- BeHeard things
- 5 people are interested in performing at “Halfway There”
Emily Harris
- none
- Carpooling website, and getting that information to commuters
Ann Hashizume
- Talking with Kelly Banker to get more involved
Nicole Gaddie
- Attended the SLAC meeting
- Assembling a panel to get a Grad sports psychiatrist on campus
- Took the square dress out today
Ricardo Hontanon
- Meeting with Iesha Valencia
- The international fashion event is this Saturday, tell people you know to attend,
they haven’t sold enough tickets.
- We should not take things as personal attack
Eric Sype
- Mary Beth study abroad and Ryan Green in ISC to add activities to the board that
will be interactive
- Found a cheaper map
- Bob Spencer is picking up the redbox idea and finding information to bring it to
Austin Richmond
- Meeting on Friday 12-2pm Chardin
- New SWAP program being formed
Max Echterling
- tabled in C-Street, got lots of feedback
- the swag is a good incentive to get people to talk
Eric Chalmers
- working with the Catalyse and having them design their own newsstands
- Working on a bike resolution to cover all things bike
F) Advisors
Nicole Robison
- I know you have a lot on your plate but take care of yourself
Committee Reports
President Advisory Board
- Walked around with the square dress, “What does ASSU stand for?” People
knew from personal connection what ASSU did, but surprisingly many people
knew what it stood for, just not what we actually do.
- Thanks to those who went to retreat, make sure that we are looking at the big
- Appropriation meeting is on Saturday; Kimberly will be taking the minutes. If
you will be there please make sure you get a packet before you leave.
University Affairs
- Meeting BeHeard last Monday night, good information
- New BeHeard boxes, some in the collegiums and other new locations
- We will be tabling in the resident halls and in the collegiums
- Today we had an issue, make sure that if you are in your office hours and out of the office that
you put the sign up saying that you stepped away. If you are going to be out of the office make it
explicit, explain that you are in a meeting or other location
Adjournment 7:32