Gaining and Maintaining Wellness

Gaining and Maintaining
What constitutes the correct diet or wellness programme?.
There is a bewildering array of theories coming from all sorts of “experts”, often giving
totally conflicting advice. Where does the truth lie?. Probably the only truth is that there
is no one truth or one right diet for all individuals. We are all unique with very complex
life processes and requirements. I believe there is no human who knows ”The Truth”.
However I believe there are universal truths and basic principles that command general
agreement. Those with a holistic perspective on life would now generally accept the
concept that we are spiritual- bio- energetic beings. This ancient belief is now confirmed
by quantum physics which indicates that we are 1% physical and 99% vibrational
On the physical aspect here are some basic guidelines that may save you
a lot of research and heartache.
My Basic Principles
A wellness programme or lifestyle should:1.Be health promoting in the short and long term
2.Supply optimum nutrients to promote vibrant health.
3.Enable the body to maintain an alkaline biological terrain.
4.Promote a healthy, efficient digestive / elimination system.
5.Involve vigorous exercise 3/4 days/week.
6.Have personal growth and development elements.
I use the guidelines as a filter in judging a promoter of a diet or
wellness programme. If they fail on any of the above I judge them
as not holistic enough in their approach.
Good additional questions to ask are– is the person genuinely
trying to promote wellness or is there a hidden agenda. Is the
person unduly driven by ego or personal profit? The big question-
is the person supported by or promoting any vested interests such
as ” Big Business”?.
To find a complete wellness lifestyle for myself I studied the research and
theories of leading edge doctors and scientists worldwide and did personal
research over 20 years. I eventually formulated these basic principles that I
believe make common sense and have a solid scientific basis.
Before considering my wellness programme in detail lets consider the
issue that causes most debate-
To be or not to be a vegetarian?.
A “vegetarian diet” is an ill-defined and meaningless term as it does not
define what ingredients or proportions compose the diet.
A more accurate question to ask is- Can you fulfill the above criteria,
(a) On a non meat non dairy diet?.
(b) Eating meat and dairy?
I believe the answer is yes to both questions. You can get all the nutrients
you need in either situation but it is much easier to fulfill criterion 3 and
4 on a non meat non dairy diet. For this reason I don’t eat meat or dairy.
What ever your decision the best choice is to eat organic, non processed,
toxin free food and to supplement where appropriate.
Any research of “vegetarian diets” that does not define the specific diet
is unscientific and useless.
My Wellness Programme
The foundation
 Air: Breathe quality air free of toxins. Eliminate toxins in indoor air
as much as possible by using toxin free houseful products. See
Neways household products. How we breathe is significant. Learn
health promoting techniques.
 Water: plays a huge role – At a minimum it should be alkaline and
free of harmful chemicals- Chlorine/Fluoride etc. Consider a filter and
other devices for improving the pH, purity, energy, surface tension
etc. (see details in other articles)
 Alkaline biological terrain: An alkaline terrain (blood and intercellular fluid) is necessary for vibrant health. It favors the growth of
good bacteria and an oxygenated system. Eating foods that break
down into an alkaline ash will promote an alkaline terrain. An acid
environment favors the growth of harmful bacteria, yeast and
fungus, and creates the conditions favorable to all diseases
including heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer. The
body is efficient at keeping you alkaline but I have found the benefits
of an alkaline supporting diet.
 Alkaline foods: Organic raw green vegetables, seeds, nuts, sprouts,
and green juices are the most alkalising. Raw food contains enzymes
and negative hydrogen ions (lost when cooked). A live blood test
demonstrates the effect of such foods. High protein foods are the most
acid producing and have high % waste. Sugars and carbohydrates with
a high glycemic index are acid producing and also trigger an over
production of insulin, which is aging and causes many other health
problems, notably type 2 diabetes and weight problems and feeds
cancers. Vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts can provide adequate protein
and carbohydrates with low G.I. If desired non farmed fish and
organic meat or dairy can be eaten, but sparingly. Read books likeThe pH Miracle by Dr Robert Young.
 Balanced energy system: Our energy systems (meridians and
chakra’s) become unbalanced and blocked. It is essential this does not
remain so as an unbalanced system leaves you open to disease. See
“Emotional Freedom Techniques” in “my therapies”.
Negative thoughts: Negative thoughts produce toxins in the system just as
harmful as any other. You think 50,000/60,000 thoughts a day!!! Become
aware of them and only entertain those that support your growth and what
you want to achieve. Eliminate the barriers to change rather than desperately
try to change with “Emotional Freedom Techniques”.
 Protect against Toxins:
Avoid processed foods and GM food or food produced from GM feed
where possible. Consume raw organic and sprouted foods as much as
Use toxin free personal care and household products- see Neways
Essential Nutrients and Supplements
Endeavor to get as much of the essential nutrients as you can from an
alkalizing balanced diet. Daily supplements however are likely to prove
essential to ensure optimum health and function. Maintenance levels may
prevent deficiency symptoms appearing but you need higher levels for
optimum wellness and higher levels still to recover from illness and for
athletic performance. Use vitamins and supplements that are natural and
from an organic, toxin and GMO free source. Supplements need to have a
natural source and have a high bio-availability
 Minerals: even organic food is unlikely to provide the 60+ needed daily.
Minerals are essential to key biological processes and cannot be
manufactured by the body. For this reason I use a daily supplement. The
best I have found is Neways Maximol
 Vitamins: we need 16. I favor getting your vitamins in balanced amounts
and from natural sources. A diet as described above will cover most but
you may need to supplement with good fruit juices and specific vitamins.
The one vitamin most people are deficient in is Vit D3. If you are not
getting adequate sun the science suggests a min of 2000 iu per day.
 Amino acids: There are 8 essential. Not difficult to acquire from animal
or vegetable source. May need to supplement in specific situations like
illness or extreme physical activity. e.g. MAP ( see my websites )
 Essential Fatty acids: very scarce in processed foods. Got wild oily fish,
Oils, Nuts, Seeds (linseed) etc. May need to supplement if it is scarce in
your diet. e.g. Neways Omega 3. or EFA Recovery plus.
 Antioxidants: Free radical damage is a primary cause of aging and most
diseases. Our natural supplies decline as we age. Use a wide variety of
fruits and vegetables. I take no chances with inadequate amounts- I
supplement with the most powerful antioxidants I know –ASEA (see my
website). I have got great benefit from using ASEA. I also use Neways
Revenol/Cascading Revenol. Before taking an antioxidant supplements
it is very informative to test the oxidative stress in your body.(see my
website for oxidative stress test)
Also important
Colon Health: First step on the road to health. Use Probiotics from
Neways. Also consider Neways Puri Tea (to clear plaque)
ParaFree (parasites) Book “The Colon Health Handbook” By Robert Gray.
Hormonal Balance: Natural Progesterone, (beneficial for both men and
women above a certain age) supplement. e.g. Neways Subvene – a plant
based skin cream.
Heart and Circulatory HEALTH: –
The benefits of vigerous exercise is well established. I also use Largenine in ProArgi-9 to boost my Nitric Oxide production. Before taking
this it is very beneficial to do the “bPro” test (see tests on my website) Read
the book “No more Heart Disease” by the nobel laureate in Medicine Dr.
Louis J. Ignarro. Other helpful supplements are Co-enzyme Q10 see
Neways Cardiol and Forceful (Folic acid,Vit.B12,Policosanol).
Joint/Bone Health: Alkaline balanced diet. Any misalignment or
imbalance will effect healthy functioning of your body. Consider an
Osteopath, Chiropractic or Bowen therapist etc. Neways products to
consider are Glucosamine Plus, Cetyl Mobility, Anatomix, Cal-Sea-Um
(calcium) Aleviate, EFA’s,.
Avoid: Harmful chemicals in shampoos, toothpaste, cosmetics, household
cleaners etc. Use guaranteed toxin free products e.g. Neways Personal Care
products. (Your skin is your largest organ and absorbs much of what it
comes in contact with).
Avoid: prescribed drugs if at all possible, refined sugar in all forms,
artificial sugar substitutes, heated/processed veg. oils, Trans fat
(margarine/chips etc) Non organic meat or dairy foods, Milk especially
Pasturised milk, Cigarettes, Processed foods, Soy products. Alcohol is a
toxin so cut out for preference- cut down at least. All products containing
GMO ingredients.
Avoid: Stress, radiation from mobile phones as much as possible, microwaved food and geo-stress. Consider Meditation, Reiki, EFT and having
your house surveyed for geo-stress.
Exercise: appropriate to your age and fitness. Benefits are substantial but
remember when you exercise you produce more free radicals, loose minerals
and put more strain on your body so you need to increase your anti-oxidants,
minerals and essential fatty acids- particularly as you get older.
Products for athletes are-first ASEA, MAP, ProArgi-9 to boost your Nitric
Oxide production.-also Ming Gold, Anatomix, (MSM) Alleviate (muscle
rub with MSM), EFA Recovery Plus, from Neways There is a major
difference between health and fitness.
Health or Illness? Your Call
The above is a holistic approach and the basics for wellness.
It enables you to take personal responsibility for your own health. It is
giving the body the nutrition it needs and nourishing the spirit. It is more
than treating the symptoms. It is the opposite to leaving your health to
chance and then looking for a "cure" when you get a "dis-ease". This is
Health insurance rather than the “Sickness” Insurance, most of us have.
If you are sick or have a specific condition you will need extra support,
maybe from a specialist practitioner. You may also need very specific
supplements and high levels of vitamins like C and D3. The Neways,
Synergy International and ASEA range of products is extensive and
leading edge and it is likely that there are products there to support your
body through this crisis.
My aim is to empower you, by providing you with the best quality
information available and then leaving the decisions, about maintaining
your health, where it belongs - with you.
I believe our natural state is wellness and I believe we have the power
within us to prevent and cure disease if we have the correct nutrition
and balanced energy systems.
Your natural state is WELLNESS Reclaim it!!!
This is a brief introduction. For more information contact:
John Mac Dermott on +353(0)71-9168159