Buenos Negocios - American Library Association

“Buenos Negocios! Hispanic Market Information Sources.”
Bibliography compiled by Leticia Camacho, Business Librarian, Harold B. Lee Library
Business Reference Services Discussion Group, ALA Midwinter Meeting, January 14, 2008
The U.S Census reports that the Hispanic population in the United States has more than doubled since 1980; more than 40
million Hispanics live in the U.S., accounting for 44.3% of all U.S. growth. According to a HispanTelligence research
report, U.S. Hispanic purchasing power is nearly $700 billion and is projected to reach as much as $1 trillion by 2010.
Businesses acknowledge these facts and are actively looking for ways to market to this consumer group. This
bibliography of selected books, government sources, organizations, and databases serves as a first step for researchers in
exploring the growing and dynamic Hispanic market.
Cartagena, Chiqui. (2005). Latino boom! Everything you need to know to grow your business in
the U.S. Hispanic market. New York: Ballantine; 232 p. $24.95. ISBN 0345482352. The book
contains data about Hispanic buying power as well as a list of 10 mistakes to avoid when entering
the Hispanic market.
Dávila, Arlene M. (2001) Latinos, Inc: The marketing and making of a people. Berkeley:
University of California Press; 287 p. $22.50. ISBN 0520227247. Explores the role of the media in
creating stereotypes and influencing marketing to Latinos. The information was gathered through
interviews with advertising executives and market researchers.
Faura, Juan. (2006) Hispanic marketing grows up: Exploring perceptions and facing realities.
Ithaca: Paramount Market; 144 p. $24.95. ISBN 0976697343. Identifies 30 perceptions that affect
marketing to Hispanics and 10 futures trends.
Korzenny, Felipe and Korzenny, Betty Ann. (2005) Hispanic marketing: A cultural
perspective. Boston: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann; 328 p. $29.95. ISBN 0750679034. Contains
valuable information about Latino consumer behavior and the role of language, family life, and
traditions in purchase decisions.
Nevaer, Louis E. V. (2004) The rise of the Hispanic market in the United States: Challenges,
dilemmas, and opportunities for corporate management. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe; 288 p.
$66.95. ISBN 0765612909. Examines the marketing of Hispanics consumer products in the United
States as well as the marketing of U.S. products in Spanish-speaking countries.
New Strategist Publications, Inc. (2007). Who's Buying by Race and Hispanic Origin. Ithaca,
N.Y.: New Strategist; 127 p. $59.95. ISBN 1933588535. The information was gathered from
unpublished data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey. It
presents spending data by race and Hispanic origin for the categories: apparel, entertainment,
financial products and services, food and alcoholic beverages, gifts for non-household members,
health care, household operations, shelter, transportation, and a chapter that looks at personal care,
reading, education and tobacco.
Perkins, Jim. (2004) Beyond bodegas: Developing a retail relationship with Hispanic
customers. Ithaca, NY: Paramount Market; 148 p. $39.95. ISBN 0972529039. Provides strategies
for retailers to attract Hispanic customers.
Soto, Teresa J. (2006) Marketing to Hispanics: A strategic approach to assessing and planning
your initiative. Chicago: Dearborn Trade Pub; 259 p. $23.00. ISBN 1419502786. Contains
marketing tools and business practices to target Hispanic markets.
SuŢarez-Orozco, Marcelo M; PŢaez, Mariela, and David Rockefeller Center for Latin
American Studies. (2002) Latinos: Remaking America. Berkeley, Calif: University of California
Press; 490 p. $55.00. ISBN 0520234863. Provides background and historical information about
Latinos in the United States.
Tienda, Marta and Mitchell, Faith (2006) Hispanics and the Future of America. Washington,
D.C.: National Academies Press. 490 p. $49.00. ISBN 0309100518. Examines in detail the
demographics of the Hispanic population in America.
Valdés, M. Isabel. (2002) Marketing to American Latinos: A guide to the in-culture approach.
Ithaca, N.Y: Paramount Market Pub; 368 p. $54.95. ISBN 0967143926. Provides marketing tools to
target Hispanic customers and includes 10 case studies of successful marketing campaigns.
Includes charts, tables, and a list of useful online resources.
Faura, Juan. (2004) The Whole Enchilada: Hispanic Marketing 101. Ithaca, N.Y: Paramount
Market Pub; 144 p. $29.95. ISBN 0972529055. A practical guide to marketing to Hispanics.
Includes the top 30 U.S. Hispanic markets, advertising vehicles, and organizations.
Census Facts about the Hispanic or Latino Populations http://www.census.gov/pubinfo/www/NEWhispML1.html - The website includes the American
Community Survey, Social and Economic Characteristics, profiles, and more.
Hispanic Current Population Survey http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/hispanic.html - Includes statistics of the Hispanic
population of the United States; the population of Puerto Rico is not included in the data, but Puerto
Ricans residing in the United States are included.
Hispanic Owned Firms:2002 Economic Census, Survey of Business Owners and Company
Statistics Series - http://www.census.gov/csd/sbo/hispanic2002.htm - Provides statistics of Hispanic
owned firms by kind of business, geographic location, and origin.
*Other government sources: American Community Survey (http://www.census.gov/acs/www/),
American Fact Finder (http://factfinder.census.gov/), Community Survey Thematic Maps
(http://factfinder.census.gov/), Current Population Survey ( http://www.census.gov/cps/), and
Estimates and Projections (http://www.census.gov/popest/estimates.php).
Brookings Institution - http://www.brookings.org/ - Provides reports, speeches, and articles about
immigration from the Metropolitan Policy Program.
Center for Comparative Immigration Studies - http://www.ccis-ucsd.org/ - A research unit of the
University of California-San Diego. Conducts basic and policy-oriented Research Projects on
international migration and refugee flows throughout the world. Studies the U.S. immigration
experience to other countries of immigration.
Center for Immigration Studies - http://www.cis.org/ - Contains research and policy analysis of the
economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States.
Center for Latino Policy Research - http://www.clpr.berkeley.edu/ - Sponsors research efforts which
have a policy impact on the U.S. Latino population
Florida State University Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication http://hmc.comm.fsu.edu/ - Provides links to Hispanic news. The faculty and students from the center
conduct research and projects related to the U.S. Hispanic market. Free access to the articles, reports,
and presentations.
Institute for Latino Studies - http://www.nd.edu/~latino/research/projects_current.htm - Conducts
research regarding issues in Latino communities.
Latino National Survey - http://depts.washington.edu/uwiser/LNS.shtml - The University of
Washington hosts the Latino National Survey (LNS) project. The LNS is a telephone survey of 8,600
Latino residents of the U.S. The survey seeks to understand the qualitative nature of Latino political and
social life in America. A major part of the project is the Latino National Contextual Database (LNCD)
which includes census, economic, demographic, political, and educational data.
The Latino Coalition - http://www.thelatinocoalition.com/ - Conducts research and advocates public
policies relevant to Latinos.
National Council of La Raza - http://www.nclr.org/section/publications/ - National Latino civil rights
and advocacy organization. Includes a publication titled “Twenty FAQs about Hispanics in the U.S.”
Pew Hispanic Center - http://pewhispanic.org/ - Conducts and commissions research to improve
understanding of the U.S. Latino population and record Latino’s impact on the country.
Databases (subscription required):
MarketResearch.com - http://www.marketresearch.com/ - Includes market research reports from
several publishers such Kalorama, Packaged Facts, SBI, ICON and HispanTelligence. The database
has over 70 reports on Hispanics such as “Where Hispanics Live and Where They're From: How
Regional Differences and National Heritage Influence Latino Consumer Attitudes and Behavior”, and
“The U.S. Hispanic Market: Looking to the Future”. The database offers the options of purchasing a
single reports or a section of the report.
Mintel – http://reports.mintel.com/ - Offers a series of research reports covering the US and Europe. A
sample of Hispanic reports include: “Hispanic Dining Out”, “Hispanic Entertainment and Leisure”,
“Hispanic shopping and Spending Patterns”, and “Hispanics and Media and the Internet”.
Simmons – http://www.smrb.com/default.aspx - Includes the National Hispanic Consumer Study based
on a survey of 25,398 Americans, including 8,221 Hispanics. The survey standard methodology was the
same for all consumers, regardless of race or language preference, allowing for the measurement of
consumer behavior of Hispanic Americans with the total U.S. population. The survey includes
information on acculturation, language preference and usage, nativity, and country of origin in addition
to measures on psychographics, lifestyles, attitudes, and opinions.
SimplyMap – http://www.geographicresearch.com/simplymap.html - Provides comprehensive
demographic and marketing data on the U.S. Hispanic population for the following geographies:
national, state, county, city, zip code, census tract, and census block group. The population data includes
the 2000 Census, current year estimates, and five-year forecasts.