Career & Development Framework For Community Children’s Nursing November 2012 Introduction Level 5 Practitioner Level 6 Senior Practitioner Level 7 Advanced Practitioner Level 8 Consultant Practitioner Appendix 1 Career Framework Model Appendix 2 Articulation of Career Framework with Scottish Credit Qualification Framework Appendix 3 Suggested matching of the four central themes identified in this document against the Core and Specific Dimensions of the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Appendix 4 Members of the Development Group 2 Introduction Rationale Modernisation and integration of services provide opportunities for nurses to lead on the design of services and care delivery. Modernising Nursing Careers is being taken forward in Scotland under the auspices of Delivering Care, Enabling Health, and has provided an opportunity to strengthen nursing careers using the Career Framework for Health as en enabling tool. A number of Scottish resources such as the Advanced Practice Toolkit, the Education and Development Framework for Senior Charge Nurse and the Effective Practitioner have used the NHS Career Framework for Health to establish and sustain consistent role benchmarks for professional practice. Community Children’s Nurses play a pivotal role in the provision of care to children, young people and their families. A variety of integrated Community Children’s Nursing team models have been developed across Scotland in response to local need. Examples include, community based in reach and hospital outreach models, ambulatory care and tertiary or secondary care based on nurse specialists working across the community and secondary care settings. Community Children’s Nurses provide an essential and diverse range of services which include; supporting children and young people with complex healthcare needs, life shortening conditions; palliative and end of life care; long term conditions; preventing hospital admission, supporting early and/or phased discharge, acute illness and public health interventions. Their role requires a multiagency approach, integration and joint working across education, social care, other agencies and the third sector. Community Children’s Nurses provide child centred training and education, expert clinical care, emotional support and play an essential role in supporting children, young people and families during key stages of transition. 3 Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) is our overarching approach to improving outcomes for all children and young people. The approach is a vehicle for change in culture, systems and practice which have been outlined within key social policies (The Early Years Framework 2008a, Eually Well 2008b, Achieving our Potential 2008c). Early intervention and prevention, reducing poverty, social inclusion and identifying and reducing health inequalities are key challenges facing us. Community Children’s Nurses play a crucial role in contributing to this agenda and to improving outcomes for children and young people. Development of this Career Framework for Community Children’s Nursing provides a tool which enables staff to take ownership of their career development in line with current ambitions for the NHS Workforce and allows NHS Boards to build on best value. The Career and Development Framework for Community Children’s Nursing describes the leadership of all aspects of care within a bio psychosocial model which will include complex emotional and physical conditions, within a health and community context. As such, this requires advanced level communication skills and clinical competence underpinned by a sound education and research base delivered through strong and visible leadership. This Development Framework will assist organisations, senior nurses and service leads in identifying the practice and competence required to provide high quality of care in line with the Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland and allow for the benchmarking of existing roles. Workforce planners and developers can use the framework in decisions around capacity building within the Community Children’s Nursing workforce. It can also be used by individuals within Community Children’s Nursing teams to focus educational and career development needs. This framework has been developed as part of the Scottish Government Modernising Nursing in the Community programme. It was facilitated by the original work of NHS Education for Scotland and Healthcare Improvement Scotland on the career framework for nurses working in Sexual Health and subsequently, the Career and Development Framework for Nursing in Occupational Health. It responds to policy initiatives such as Delivering Care, Enabling Health and Better Health, Better Care which puts nurses at the forefront of service design and delivery, ensuring safe, effective and person centred care. 4 Structure This Career and Development Framework is comprised of templates which map progress through Levels 5-8 of the Career Framework for Health (Appendix 1). The intention is to include all levels (1-9) and, as they are developed, they will be added to this framework. Examples are provided of the sphere of responsibility/role associated with a particular level, key knowledge and skills, appropriate educational and development preparation including levels of qualification as identified in the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework1 (Appendix 2) and suggested mapping to the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework(Appendix 3). The Framework is organised using the four pillars of practice described in the Advanced Practice toolkit2 - Leadership; Facilitation of Learning: Research and Development and Clinical Practice. The material presented in the first three pillars is generic to any professional group and it is the Clinical Practice pillar which defines the specific nature of Community Children’s Nurses. The emphasis on each pillar, at a particular level of the Career Framework, will vary according to role e.g. for clinical managers the Leadership pillar may predominate. Practitioners develop in confidence and competence as they progress within, and across, each level of the career framework moving from newly qualified novice practice, towards experienced, expert practice. The gateway review processes that take place as part of the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework support and influence this developmental process (Scottish Executive 2004). The consolidation of existing knowledge and skills, and the acquisition of new ones, are reflected in the incremental nature of the Career Framework Levels. It is important to note that the levels in this Framework do not directly “read across” to the Agenda for Change (AfC) pay bands levels as the Career Framework for Health has no direct link to pay. 1 2 Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework: The Level Descriptors. 5 Level 5 Practitioner 6 Career & Development Framework Level 5 – Overview Career Framework Level Central Themes LEVEL 5 1. Clinical Practice Practitioner Level (Community Children’s Nursing) 2. Facilitation of Learning Broad Sphere of responsibility/role Recommended – Examples of Core Educational Professional/Education Themes Requirements SCQF Deliver care in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council, NMC Code (2008). Registered on Part 1 of the Nursing and Midwifery Council register 8 - 10 3. Leadership 4. Evidence, Research and Development Deliver care as part of a multiprofessional/ multiagency team Undertake statutory and mandatory training personal and professional development Contribute to the supervision of undergraduate/ preregistration nurses and support workers within team Educated to a minimum of Diploma Level Appropriate and relevant formal and work based educational preparation relevant community children’s nursing Mentorship preparation Assessing Health Needs, Policy Drivers, Service Provision Knowledge of relevant policy drivers and understanding of service provision Child Development and stages of transitional care across the life span Community Profiling Team Working Health Promotion Management Communication Teaching, Learning and Facilitation Children, Young People and Family Health Complex Needs Vulnerable groups e.g. Child Protection 7 Career & Development Framework Level 5 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours LEVEL 5 Practitioner 1. Clinical Practice 1.1 Demonstrate developing competence, and clinical skills in community children’s nursing and management appropriate to children, young people and families Practitioner must work under direct / indirect supervision of a Level 6 Nurse or above as part of a Community Children’s Nursing Team/ Multiprofessional Team using specialist knowledge and skills to provide and enhance clinical care to a defined children and families population in relation to:- Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Competencies A broad knowledge, skill and understanding of children and families’ health underpinned by comprehensive theoretical knowledge and relevant clinical experience and competence required to work at Career Framework Level 5 (Appendix 3) Work within a clinical governance framework Altered health needs of children in order to deliver safe, effective and person centred nursing care Be responsible and accountable for the delivery of agreed specific aspects of care for children, young people and families in line with the NMC Code (2008)3 Ensure delivery of safe, effective and person centred care4 informed by evidence based practice Contributing to a comprehensive health assessment Knowledge of local child protection policies and procedures Provision of additional support to enable children and young people to reach their full potential Child development and interventions Examples of Educational & Professional Development Flying Start NHS webbased resource programme5 Effective Practitioner website resource6Clinical Practice Learning Activities Child protection competencies Getting it Right GIRFEC practice model Nursing assessment skills Health informatics A range of conditions, clinical pathways Introduction/ and additional health, nursing & needs of vulnerable children and children who orientation to e-KSF are not easily accessed by services e.g. Living and Dying Well transient and homeless families. 3 Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. London. Nursing and Midwifery Council Scottish Government (2010) The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland. Edinburgh. Scottish Government 5 4 6 8 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Community assets, strength based approaches and resilience Examples of Educational & Professional Development NHS Boards Mandatory training Clinical governance framework within own organisation Development of skills in: Risk assessment Empowerment and influencing Enabling Partnership working Interagency working Lobbying Advocating for children, young people and families Evaluating care Effective communication, understanding and obtaining consent Maintaining confidentiality and data protection Work with national standards pertinent to child and young person requirements Undertake nursing assessment and contribute to complex health assessment Evaluation of effectiveness of current practice Feedback to inform future practice, guidelines and policies 9 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Examples of Educational & Professional Development Specific patient directives and/or Standing orders 1.2 Promote and influence others to incorporate nonjudgemental, values- based care into practice Respect the dignity, rights, wishes and beliefs of children, young people and families involving them in shared decision making and obtaining their informed consent Promote advocacy and act as an advocate for children and young people High level of awareness of own values and beliefs Ethical decision making Comply with the NMC Code (2008) in demonstrating a personal and professional commitment to equality and diversity complying with national and local policy Equality and Diversity Legislation Application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in practice (The UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989 and associated amendments; additional special needs for learning; disability act). 10 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours 1.3 Work within sphere of practice to exercise judgement about actions while accepting professional and organisational accountability and responsibility Utilise critical thinking to explore and contribute to analysis of evidence, cases and situations in community children’s nursing practice Aware of own level of competence and confidence Examples of Educational & Professional Development Corporate and local induction programmes Knowledge of national and local: Child Health strategies Draw on a range of sources in making judgements guided by senior colleagues within defined policies, procedures and protocols Practitioners must work within a defined clinical supervision model Reflection model(in facilitation of learning pillar)* policies procedures protocols and best practice guidelines professional regulation NMC Code supporting standards, guidance and advice legal and ethical issues related to child health care access and participation in clinical supervision framework Utilising Getting it Right For Every Child principles to provide care for children, young people and their families. 11 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours LEVEL 5 2. Facilitation of Learning 2.1 Learning, Teaching and Assessment Be responsible and accountable for keeping own knowledge and skills up to date through continuing professional development and participating in clinical support strategies e.g. mentoring, coaching, clinical supervision Ability to:- Facilitate students and others to develop their competence, using a range of professional and personal development skills Motivate, stimulate, encourage and facilitate the learning process Provide educational support and facilitation to client, patients and families to support self management and decision making Develop skills in:Clinical/practice assessment Teaching/facilitation effective communication Practitioner level Maintain own personal and professional development, learning from experience Effective Practitioner through supervision, feedback, resource – learning, reflection and evaluation teaching and supervision activities Use reflective practice techniques Conduct a fair, objective and timely assessment of learners 2.2 Creation of the learning environment Use established models of supervision and mentorship Examples of Educational & Professional Development Flying start NHS Programme Workplace Assessor Preparation e.g. SQA Assessor qualification Mentorship preparation Development of motivational, assessment and reflective skills Information technology skills Ability to:Use core facilitation and teaching skills Contribute to creation of an effective learning environment, ensuring learning opportunities for students Develop educational materials Participate in educational audit Understand improvement approaches such as learning audit and appreciative enquiry Act as a positive role model Use models of supervision/mentorship 12 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours LEVEL 5 3. Leadership 3.1 Team Work and Development Work independently as well as in teams to coordinate, delegate and supervise care for a designated group of individuals Ability to:- Practitioner level Manage risk and remain accountable for the care given to these individuals Work effectively across professional and agency boundaries, actively involving and respecting others’ contribution Demonstrate clinical leadership behaviours Give and receive feedback in a open, honest and constructive manner Examples of Educational & Professional Development Flying start NHS – Teamwork Effective Practitioner resources – Leadership and management learning activities Handling complaints Apply equality and diversity legislation which underpins practice Equality, diversity, values based care Recognise diversity, individual differences and perspectives 13 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours LEVEL 5 3. Leadership 3.2 Professional and Organisational Leadership Identify priorities, manage time and resources effectively to ensure that quality of care is maintained or enhanced. Ability to:Respond autonomously and confidently to planned and uncertain situations, managing themselves and others confidently Practitioner level In conjunction with senior Nursing Midwifery and Allied Health professionals (NMAHP’s), monitor and evaluate standards of care adhering to defined guidelines, policies standards and protocols to ensure the delivery of safe, effective and person centred care (Scottish Governance 2010) Responsible for aspects of clinical effectiveness and management of resources Recognise own accountability to act where performance and practice of self and others should be improved Engage in any required change management Participate in monitoring the effectiveness and impact of change Seek opportunities to improve the service for example, by generating ideas for innovation and solution Practice in line with local, national and professional strategies, policies, protocols and standards e.g. Health and Safety, Equality legislation, Scottish Intercollegiate guidelines Network (SIGN) Guidelines, Professional policies and codes. Demonstrate professional accountability in relation to performance of self and others Develop skills in: Negotiation Influencing Organisation Problem solving Sustaining arguments to solve problems Examples of Educational & Professional Development Early Clinical Career Fellowships Developing leadership skills Leadership and management learning activities Communication and developing management skills (accredited or work based) Clinical audit Flying Start NHS – Safe practice and Policy Effective Practitioner resource Work shadowing of more senior colleagues Consolidate Critical thinking skills Analytical skills Evaluation skills Interpersonal skills 14 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours LEVEL 5 3. Leadership 3.2 Professional and Organisational Leadership Adherence to importance of confidentiality and appropriate disclosure Ability to:- Practitioner Level Awareness of how organisational goals are reflected in personal and team objectives Examples of Educational & Professional Development Understand improvement approaches to support service enhancement Understand implications for practice of key legal and ethical issues. Recognise early signs of poor performance and take appropriate measures Build professional networks promoting exchange of knowledge, skills and resources in relation to work and health. 15 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours LEVEL 5 4. Evidence, Research and Developme nt 4.1 Evidence into practice Access databases on research and evidence related to area of practice. Ability to:- Practitioner level Appraise research and evidence and use to underpin own practice. Access own practice and interventions against person centred outcomes Examples of Educational & Professional Development Display literature/database searching and information literacy skills Demonstrate confidence in using information technology skills and systems Access and apply research Contribute to review of impact of NMAHP interventions on the wider individual/patient experience Consolidate understanding and application of different research approaches Identify ideas for research activity Critically appraise Ability to demonstrate knowledge of: Clinical audit and local NHS information and research governance policies Local systematic processes that contribute to quality improvement e.g. Releasing Time To Care User defined and person centred outcomes e.g. Talking Points and other personal outcome approaches Research governance – ethics, data protection, confidentiality Data anaylsis and interpretation Observe and record data as directed for clinical trials, audits, surveillance 16 Level 6 Senior Practitioner 17 Career & Development Framework Level 6 – Overview Career Framework Level Central Themes LEVEL 6 1. Clinical Practice Senior level 2. Facilitation of Learning Broad Sphere of responsibility/role Skilled effective practitioner in the field of community children’s nursing 3. Leadership 4. Evidence, Research and Development Responsible for maintenance of high levels of evidence based community children’s nursing practice Recommended Professional/Education Requirements Examples of Core Educational Themes SCQF On Part 1 of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) register Research and Evidence Based Practice 9 – 11 Educated to a minimum of degree level Specialist Community Children’s Nursing Qualification or equivalent Leadership and Management Clinical governance: safety, quality, service improvement etc Interagency working Manage/supervise work of others NMC approved Nurse Prescriber course Act as a mentor and preceptor 18 Career & Development Framework Level 6 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours LEVEL 6 1. Clinical Practice 1.1 Demonstrate specialist competence, innovation and clinical leadership in community children’s nursing and management Practitioner must work as part of a Community Children’s Nursing /Multiprofessional Team using specialist knowledge and skills to provide and enhance clinical care in relation to community children’s nursing Detailed knowledge, skill and understanding of:Children and families health underpinned by theoretical knowledge and relevant clinical experience and competence required to work at Career Framework Level 6 (Appendix 3) Senior Level RCN Competencies Work within a clinical governance framework providing appropriate clinical supervision and reflective practice Ensure delivery of safe, effective and person centred care to children, young people and families within a caseload using evidence informed practice May as appropriate adopt the Lead Professional role Undertaking and co-ordinating comprehensive health assessment 7 The range and needs of children who are vulnerable and cannot be accessed easily by services Community assets, strength based approaches and resilience Child development and interventions A range of risk assessments related to defined health and nursing needs Community profiling Examples of Educational & Professional Development Effective Practitioner website resource7Clinical Practice Learning Activities NHS Boards Mandatory training Appropriate and relevant work based learning /accredited courses Advanced clinical assessment Maintain and enhance KSF profile Clinical supervision Mentors Training Provision of additional support to enable children and young people to reach their full potential Altered health needs of children in order to deliver safe, effective and person centred nursing care 19 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Examples of Educational & Professional Development Empowerment and influencing skills Enabling Partnership working Interagency working Lobbying and evaluation Undertake complex nursing assessments and co-ordinate comprehensive holistic assessment Uses evaluation of effectiveness of current practice and feedback to inform future policies Work with patient group directives and Act as a Prescriber Case load analysis Nursing assessment and family support needs 20 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours 1.2 Promote and influence others to incorporate nonjudgemental, values- based care into practice Promote and influence the dignity, rights, wishes and beliefs of children, young people and families involving them in shared decision making and obtaining their informed consent High level of awareness of own values and beliefs Practice in a way that supports equality and diversity Promote and act as an advocate for children and young persons as required Comply with the national guidance and local policy NMC Code in demonstrating a personal and professional commitment to equality and diversity (NMC 2008) Utilising Getting it Right For Every Child principles to provide care for children, young people and their families. Examples of Educational & Professional Development Ethical decision making Dignity and respect Equality and Diversity Legislation Additional Support for Learning Act Curriculum for Excellence 21 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Examples of Educational & Professional Development 1.3 Freedom to exercise judgement about actions, while accepting professional and organisational accountability and responsibility Utilise critical thinking to explore and analyse evidence, cases and situations in clinical practice. Knowledge of legislation, policies, procedures, protocols, professional regulation and NMC code of practice Critical appraisal of legislation, policies, procedures, protocols, professional regulation and codes of practice Draw on a range of sources in making judgements Freedom to act but is guided by precedent NMC code and clearly defined national and local policies, procedures and protocols Manage a defined case load /team and resources to provide a quality service which is personcentred, safe and effective (Scottish Government 2010)8 Assess situations and identify the root causes of a complex problem Share information effectively and concisely for a range of situations and contexts to ensure patient safety and continuity of care Use critical thinking, analysis and evaluation in making clinical judgments Utilise evidence –informed decision making, knowledge of frameworks, standards, Scottish Patient Safety Paediatric Programme and clinical audit Full understanding of informed consent and the implications of the Data Protection Act (1998) and Access to Medical Reports Act (2009) 8 Scottish Government (2010) The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland. Edinburgh. Scottish Government 22 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours LEVEL 6 2. Facilitation of Learning 2.1 Learning, Teaching and Assessment Identify and support the achievement of learning needs of individuals/team in response to service need and personal development planning. Knowledge and understanding of clinical governance framework and delivery structures within own organisation Ability to:- Senior Level Evaluate the effectiveness of educational interventions Consolidate own assessment skills and support others in making assessment judgements Participate in teaching and student selection in Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) and/or other education organisations. Consolidate core skills to support workplace learning Reflect on practice and support reflection in others Understand and apply standards and guidelines that underpin a quality learning environment Demonstrate skills in undertaking and responding to evaluation of learning Use appropriate interviewing techniques Examples of Educational & Professional Development Test for the best resources Effective practitioner resources – Learning, teaching and supervision activities Mentorship/ Practice Teacher preparation Programme of preparation for clinical supervision Information technology skills 23 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours 2.2 Creation of the learning environment Use established models of supervision and mentorship Ability to:- Contribute to creation of an effective learning environment ensuring learning opportunities for students Use core facilitation and teaching skills Develop educational materials Understand improvement approaches such as learning audit and appreciative enquiry Use models of supervision/mentorship Participate in educational audit Examples of Educational & Professional Development 24 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours LEVEL 6 3.Leadership 3.1 Team Work and Development Act as a positive role model Ability to:- Senior Level Work independently as well as in teams to coordinate, delegate and supervise care for a designated group of individuals Manage risk and remain accountable for the care given to these individuals Work effectively across professional and agency boundaries, actively involving and respecting others’ contribution Recognise diversity, individual differences and perspectives Manage professional development of individuals and groups Examples of Educational & Professional Development Communication skills Demonstrate clinical leadership behaviours and skills Negotiation skills Give and receive feedback in an open, honest and constructive manner Effective Practitioner resources Apply equality and diversity legislation which underpins practice Implement suggestions for own improvement and that of others Demonstrate knowledge, understanding and utilisation of KSF and it’s application Education and Development Framework for Senior Charge Nurses/Midwifes and Team Leaders in all areas of Practice (NES 2011) Information Governance in NHSScotland: A Competency Framework (NES 2011) Begin to develop skills in recognised workload assessment tools and skill mix 25 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours 3.2 Professional and Organisational Act as a change agent Ability to:- Provide leadership for quality improvement and service development to enhance people’s wellbeing and experiences of healthcare Organise and implement change Support others improve and enhance practice Display creativity and innovation in exploring and implementing possible solutions to problems and evaluate their effectiveness Lead, persuade and influence others effectively Encourage staff to contribute ideas and solutions for quality improvement and innovation Actively contribute to a variety of professional networks e.g. Managed Knowledge Networks (MKN), Managed Service Networks (MSN) professional learning Negotiate and influence locally in terms of professional practice and in relation to healthcare Examples of Educational & Professional Development Test for the Best resources Leadership and management learning activities Communication and developing management skills (accredited or work based) Effective Practitioner resources Work shadowing of more senior colleagues Recognise early signs of poor performance and take appropriate measures to address concerns Use research related approaches to assess how evidence is being used to inform the quality of care of individuals by self and others 26 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours LEVEL 6 4. Evidence, Research and Development 4.1 Evidence into practice Observe and record data using appropriate methods, tools and technology for complex audits or clinical trials or projects (Employability Skills L6) Ability to:- Senior Level Contribute to, or participate in research related activity Identify and disseminate information on NHS Board/University programmes of research/forums/special interest groups/networks relevant to area of practice Examples of Educational & Professional Development Effective practitioner resources – evidence based practice learning activities Adhere to research governance for self and others Support others to access data and develop literacy skills Participate in research audit/evaluation and Quality Improvement processes Advanced report writing skills Understand research governance processes Funding applications Research skills Contribute to the development of local guidelines and policy and where appropriate at regional and national level Identify and utilise skills and knowledge of staff to support or undertake research related activity such as audit, evaluation and wider research for benefit of the organisation Share research activity findings through local bulletins, team meetings forum/professional journals 27 Level 7 Advanced Practitioner 28 Career and Development Framework Level 7 -Overview Career Framework Central Themes Broad Sphere of responsibility/role Level LEVEL 7 1. Clinical Practice Professional Leader Advanced Practitioner 2. Facilitation of Learning Manage/supervise work of others 3. Leadership 4. Evidence, Research and Development Provide training, support and supervision to staff Ensure the delivery of evidence informed care Inform, lead and participate in practice development and service improvement Hold clinical governance responsibility for service management Influence policy and implement national and local guidance Responsible for advanced specialist practice within community children’s nursing Recommended Professional/Education Requirements Examples of Core Educational Themes SCQF On Part 1 of Nursing & Midwifery Council register Research methods 11 Working towards Masters Level Award Evidence Based Practice Specialist Community Children’s Nursing Qualification or equivalent Reflective Practice NMC approved Nurse Prescriber course Working towards an Approved Teaching Qualification or Post Graduate Certificate in Education Leadership and Management Public Health (Policy Drivers, Service Provision) Legal & ethical issues including Health and Safety Law, Employment Law and Equal Opportunities 29 Career & Development Framework Level 7 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours LEVEL 7 1. Clinical Practice 1.1 Demonstrate advanced competence, innovation and clinical leadership in community children’s nursing and management Practitioner must work as part of community children’s team/multiagency team/ integrated team. Highly developed specialist knowledge, skill and understanding of :- Advanced Practitioner Ability to work autonomously, using highly specialised knowledge and skills to provide and enhance clinical care to a defined children, young people and families population Children and families health underpinned by theoretical knowledge and relevant clinical experience and competence required to work at Career Framework Level 7 (Appendix 3) Examples of Educational & Professional Development Advanced Practice Toolkit10 web based resource Ethical decision making Reflective practice Range of needs, vulnerable and hard to Getting It Right For reach groups Every Child (GIRFEC) Provide expert clinical case management to individuals, carers and communities in a defined population Child development and interventions Provide clinical leadership at strategic and practice levels, using evidencebased practice to promote effective health outcomes Identification of vulnerable children, young people and hard to reach groups NHS Boards mandatory training Risk assessment related to a defined health need Empowerment and influencing skills Undertake advanced level assessment to address highly complex health needs of individuals, families, carers and communities by using expert knowledge and clinical judgement to diagnose, intervene III and refer appropriately Provide a high level of risk 10 Presentation skills Enabling and Partnership working skills Interagency working Altered health needs of children in order to deliver safe, effective and 30 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours management and provide leadership for the delivery of effective and efficient services that correspond to predetermined clinical performance targets person centred nursing care and clinical interventions Responsible for clinical governance within a defined setting and adopt accountability and responsibility for delivery of whole episodes of care including:- assessment and diagnosis, intervention, referral, transition and discharge /transfer of care Examples of Educational & Professional Development Identification of national and local policies impacting on Community Children’s Nursing (CCN) Leadership in lobbying and evaluation Clinical governance procedures Lead and contribute to national and local Community Children`s Nursing policy development Adopt public health approaches to protecting the public Improve health outcomes for individuals, families and communities and addressing inequality Ensure delivery of safe and effective care using evidence informed practice Lead or contribute to community 31 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Examples of Educational & Professional Development nursing and health policy development and implementation Practice with autonomy by virtue of advanced knowledge and skills. Influencing policies affecting health9 Contribute to operational aspects of service delivery, Responsible for delivery of Quality ambitions Lead the development of Clinical Quality Indicators. 1.2 Promote and influence others to incorporate nonjudgemental, values-based care into practice 9 Negotiate care with children and families as an equal partner. Puts the values, views and understanding of individual service users at centre of care (Advanced Practice Toolkit)11 Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) principles High level of awareness of own values and beliefs Comply with the NMC Code in demonstrating a personal and professional commitment to equality and diversity (NMC 2008) Promote and act as an advocate for children and young persons QAA (2007) Scottish Subject benchmark statement: Specialist Community Children’s Nursing. Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. Edinburgh Ibid No. 4 11 32 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours 1.3 Practice autonomously have freedom to exercise judgement about actions while accepting professional and organisational accountability and responsibility Utilise critical thinking to explore and analyse evidence enabling a high level of judgement and decision making. Practice in line with The Code (NMC 2008) Freedom to act but is guided by precedent and clearly defined national and local policies, procedures and protocols. Manage case load /service/team and resources to provide a quality service which is person-centred, safe and effective (Scottish Government 2010)12. Advanced knowledge of legislation, national and local policies and procedures relating to equality and diversity. Examples of Educational & Professional Development Critical thinking and reflective practice Ethical decision making Living and dying well Scottish Patient Safety Paediatric Programme Applies the United Nations convention of rights of the child to practice (The UN General Assessment adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 and associated amendments; additional special needs for learning disability act.) Advanced knowledge of legal and ethical frameworks and the expertise to assist in the delivery of person centred care as defined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. 12 Scottish Government (2010) The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland. Edinburgh. Scottish Government 33 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours 2. Facilitation of Learning 2.1 Learning, Teaching and Assessment Advance practice through educational development and delivery. Ability to:- Act as an experienced work based learning educator/assessor by providing advice and support to other practitioners. Design, plan, implement and evaluate learning and development programmes. Engage with education providers to contribute to curriculum development and teaching. Develop and facilitate use of educational materials for students, staff and service users linking to local and national strategies. Role model skills in assessment of competence. Support others to appraise and modify care in relation to equality, diversity and values based care. Examples of Educational & Professional Development Participate in formal and work based learning Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Formal preparation for educational supervision Support others to develop teaching, supervising and mentoring skills Take a lead role in ensuring the application of standards and guidelines that underpin a quality learning experience. 34 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours 2 Creation of the learning environment Analyse the range of factors which influence learning and take account of these when planning and managing learning experiences. Ability to: Act as an experienced mentor/clinical coach/supervisor. Build capability and capacity to support learning in practice settings. Advise service/education providers on capability and capacity for student experience in placements. Encourage and support teaching, supervision and mentorship skills in others. Apply quality improvement cycle and implement findings. Act on intelligence from educational audits to strengthen the workplace as a positive learning environment. Create a positive culture of learning through role modelling and support for the development of others. Assure and improve the quality of educational opportunities within the work environment. Examples of Educational & Professional Development Knowledge of quality improvement cycle 35 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours 3. Leadership 3.1 Team Work and Development Provide strong and effective leadership across professional and organisational teams/boundaries. Ability to:- Create a culture of support and empowerment for the team. Critically review team performance and use results to enhance self and team member working and development for the benefit of person centred care. Monitor the delivery of high quality/child centred care by the team and act on the results. Provide timely feedback to team that recognises good performance and identify areas for improvement. Apply models of team building and group working. Use conflict management and resolution strategies Apply knowledge, understanding and utilisation of NHS KSF to enhance team performance. Apply workforce and workload assessment tools. Examples of Educational & Professional Development Advance Practice Toolkit Further development of:- Organisational skills - Critical thinking and analytical skills - leadership skills - Management skills - Appraisal skills - Problem solving skills - Reflective skills - Clinical supervision models and processes - Communication skills - Lobbying skills Critically review skills mix and apply workload assessment tools and use results to build a business case. 36 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours 3.2 Professional and Organisational Lead and monitor clinical effectiveness and efficiency to enhance management of resources Role model: Excellent organisational skills. Actively encourage involvement of children and young people to influence and improve person centred care. Lead the development, delivery monitoring and evaluation of standards of care and act on the results. Lead innovation and quality improvement and promote input of others. Management and leadership skills that contribute to successful change. Ability to: Support implementation of local and national professional strategy and policy. Ensure that organisational goals are reflected in personal and team objectives. Participate and influence local (and where appropriate national) policy and strategy development by supporting and developing lateral Political leadership courses Work shadowing of consultant level nurses Employment and equality law Demonstrate Partnership Working Lead, negotiate and influence others effectively by responding appropriately to queries and complaints, negotiating assertively and presenting a positive self image. Use advanced written and oral communication skills. Use technology competently and confidently. Advanced management and leadership programmes Present complex information NES Skills Maximisation Toolkit Further development of Identify poor performance and take responsibility for ensuring appropriate development opportunities are available to address concerns. Assess, lead, manage and monitor the effectiveness and impact of change. Creativity and innovation in exploring and implementing possible solutions. Examples of Educational & Professional Development Information Governance in NHSScotland: A Competency Framework Education and Development Framework for Senior Charge Nurses/Midwifes and Team Leaders in All Areas of Practice (NES 2011) 37 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours thinking in self and others. Work in partnership with a range of clinicians, managers and service users in planning development of specific areas of work and health services. Establish, lead and support a variety of professional networks with peers across professional groups promoting exchange of knowledge, skills and resources. effectively in written and oral reports. Engage with colleagues using a person centred critical approach by:- listening to and appreciating the complexity of a range of views and adopting effective questioning techniques - displaying a sensitive manner and using appropriate language within a range of situations Examples of Educational & Professional Development specific knowledge and skill in:- Mentoring - Coaching - Change management 38 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours 4. Evidence, Research and Developme nt 4.1 Evidence into practice Be a role model for the wider team by creating a positive research culture within the workplace. Ability to:- Identify and utilise skills and knowledge of staff to support or undertake research related activity such as audit, evaluation and wider research for benefit of the organisation. Further enhance knowledge of research approaches Demonstrate understanding of proposal application development, ethical approval process and funding sources. Utilise knowledge of research and information governance to support others in research processes. Gather, collate and communicate appropriate clinical data to enable audit, service evaluation. Develop clinically effective practice through effective utilisation and integration of evidence. Monitor impact of evidence utilisation. Develop policies, procedures and protocols (Adapted from SCN p.9). Examples of Educational & Professional Development Contribute to the wider research agenda through initiating or supporting research activity. Identify, promote embed and monitor the measurement of outcomes relevant to area of practice, using findings to enhance future activity. 39 Level 8 Consultant Practitioner 40 Career Framework Level 8 – Overview Career Framework Level Central Themes LEVEL 8 1. Clinical Practice Consultant Practitioner 2. Facilitation of Learning 3. Leadership Examples of Sphere of responsibility/role Act as a highly specialist clinical expert in advanced roles within community children’s nursing Recommended Minimum Professional/ Education Requirements Registered on Part 1 of the Nursing and Midwifery Council register Examples of Core Educational Themes SCQF NHS Boards Mandatory training 11 - 12 Care Governance Masters level Degree Strategic Leadership 4. Evidence, Research and Development Provide expert advice Nationally, Regionally and Locally Lead on nursing research Establishing and maintaining relationships across NHS partnership agencies Take a lead role in implementing regional and national strategy Working towards Doctorate Legal & ethical issues Specialist Community Children’s Nursing Qualification or equivalent Evidence of further study and advanced clinical skills Advanced knowledge and understanding of community children’s nursing Approved Teaching Qualification Approved Nurse Prescribing course Establish professional networks with allied professions, groups and statutory bodies and third sector partners 41 Career Framework Level 8 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/ role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Examples of Educational & Professional Development Level 8 1. Clinical Practice 1.1 Demonstrat e expert competenc e, innovation and clinical leadership in community children’s nursing Provide leadership and professional advice in relation to community children’s nursing Expert knowledge, expertise and understanding in the field of and specific area of practice underpinned by theoretical knowledge and relevant clinical experience and competence required to work at career level 8 (Appendix 3) Appropriate and relevant work based learning /accredited courses Expert knowledge of range and needs of vulnerable children and children and young not easily accessed by services, and applicability to developing services Advance critical thinking Consultant Practitioner Provide and enhance highly specialist clinical care to individuals, families, carers and communities in a defined population Provide and advance clinical leadership at strategic and practice levels, using evidence-based practice to promote effective health outcomes Provide and supervise advanced level assessment to address highly complex health needs of individuals, families, carers and communities by using expert knowledge and clinical judgement to diagnose, intervene and refer appropriately Provide an expert level of risk management and provide leadership 14 15 Advanced Practice Toolkit15 web based resource Expert knowledge of altered health needs of children in order to deliver safe, effective and person centred nursing care Provide research evidence base for the development of specific clinical practice to inform clinical governance planning to deliver person-centred, safe and effective care14 Advanced communication skills, Scottish Government (2010) The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland. Edinburgh. Scottish Government 42 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/ role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours for the delivery of effective and efficient services that correspond to predetermined clinical performance targets empowerment and influencing skills Scrutinise and hold responsibility for clinical governance within a defined setting and assume accountability and responsibility for delivery of whole episodes of care including:assessment and diagnosis, III intervention, referral, transition and discharge/transfer of care Examples of Educational & Professional Development Presentation skills Enabling and Partnership working skills Corporate working skills Interagency working Expert nursing knowledge related to children and young people Adopt public health approaches to protecting the public Lead on development of clinical governance frameworks Improve health outcomes for individuals, families and communities and address inequality Contribute to policies impacting on community children’s nursing Contribute to operational aspects of service delivery Lead and contribute to development and implementation of policy development Demonstrates leadership in lobbying and evaluation Ensure delivery of safe and effective care using evidence informed Ongoing provision of specialised 43 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/ role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours practice advice Lead on community children’s nursing policy development and implementation Additional relevant clinical competencies as required Examples of Educational & Professional Development Practice with autonomy by virtue of advanced knowledge and skills Influences on policies affecting health13 Provision of consultancy in area of clinical practice 13 Subject Benchmark statements Health Visiting - 44 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/ role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours 1.2 Demonstrat e advanced understandi ng and competenc y in areas of legal and ethical complexitie s of care in children and young peoples nursing. Work in partnership with others to protect individuals from harm and abuse Able to play a key role as part of a multidisciplinary /interagency team in the development, implementation and monitoring of ethical and legal strategies and policies at national, corporate and departmental level 1.3 Promote and influence others to incorporate nonjudgement al, valuebased care into practice Act as a champion and role model for values based care and ensure that professional development and quality improvement plans reflect the importance of this approach to care Develop clinical and professional networks Utilises evidence based practice to guide interpretation of statutory and advisory guidance Generation of effective management reports and other forms of verbal, written and visual communication relating to the ethical and legal considerations of managing care for children and young people’s health needs in the community Examples of Educational & Professional Development In depth knowledge of new and emerging guidance and legislation that governs legal and ethical aspects Consistently utilise the principles of clinical governance, clinical supervision and clinical audit to lead, manage and develop the ethical and legal aspects of care Critical awareness of own values and beliefs 45 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/ role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours 1.4 Practice autonomou sly have freedom to exercise judgement about actions while accepting professional and organisatio nal accountabi lity and responsibilit y Model and promote critical thinking to explore and analyse evidence, cases and situations in clinical practice enabling a high level of judgement and decision making (Adapted from Capability Framework for the Advanced Practitioner: Nursing in the Community (NES 2008)16 In depth Knowledge of legislation, policies, procedures, protocols, professional regulation and codes of practice Manage and Lead case load and/team and resources to provide a quality service which is personcentred, safe and effective (Scottish Government 2010)17 Has freedom to act guided by precedent and expert understanding of policies, guidelines, protocols and procedures. Examples of Educational & Professional Development Practice in line with The Code (NMC 2008) Ability to develop, lead and establish national and local protocols and procedures at operational and strategic levels. To innovate, develop and lead on safe and competent practice Provide leadership in the management of conflict relating to confidentiality of data collection, recording, retrieval and dissemination. Demonstrate ability to exercise advance levels of clinical decision making 16 NHS Education for Scotland (2008) Capability Framework for the Advanced Practitioner: Nursing in the Community. Edinburgh. NES 17 Scottish Government (2010) The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland. Edinburgh. Scottish Government 46 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice 2. Facilitation of Learning 2.1 Learning, Teaching and Assessment Examples of Sphere of responsibility/ role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Examples of Educational & Professional Development Contribute to the strategic development of education for students, staff and service users at a local and national level. Ability to:- Enhancement of teaching and assessing skills e.g. Postgraduate Certificate in Education Work collaboratively with Higher Education’s Institutions, Scotland’s Colleges and Stakeholders to review, develop and implement appropriate programmes/training for own organisation. Lead planning, implementation and evaluation of educational interventions at a local and national level for patients, a range of staff at the wider service informed by training needs analysis and in response to strategy. Transform healthcare practice through evidence based educational and curriculum development and delivery Apply educational governance skills Use expert consultation skills Use advanced evaluation approaches Promote motivational ways to influence and optimise learning. Use evaluation findings to improve future educational initiatives. Ability to:- 47 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice 2.2 Creation of the learning environmen t Examples of Sphere of responsibility/ role Communicate scholarly activity, research and new developments to support the integration of evidence based practice and influence the development of the learning environment. Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Initiate and provide skilled supervision of others Influence and implement organisational learning and development strategy Examples of Educational & Professional Development Evaluate the effectiveness of educational/training interventions. 3. Leadership Ability to:- 48 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/ role Provide leadership to influence strategic direction across professional and organisational teams/boundaries. 3.1 Team Work and Developme nt Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Model behaviours that value diversity, individual differences and perspectives Support teams in their development by developing networks and sharing information. Examples of Educational & Professional Development Appropriate and relevant work based learning/accredited courses in leadership /management training Ability to:Apply skills in:- 49 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/ role 3.2 Professional and Organisatio nal Leadership Responsible for business planning and people management skills including workforce development and succession planning. Strategic management Advance project planning and management Contribute to the strategic review of clinical effectiveness and management of resources. Financial management Stakeholder involvement Provide strong and effective leadership across professional and organisational boundaries with a focus on quality improvement and service excellence. Impact assessment Development of an outcomes focused business case Act as an expert resource for patient care and decision making. Influence practice development by supporting and developing innovative and lateral thinking in self and others. Initiate, influence and lead new service developments. Monitor, and demonstrate how organisational goals are reflected in own and others objectives. Act as an organisational level change agent through identifying, challenging and managing poor performance. Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Critical thinking, analysis and synthesis Ability to: Report effectively for a range of complex situations and contexts Readily use highly specialised theoretical and practice knowledge to think, gain and share information, solve problems and make decisions (Employability level 8 SfH) Examples of Educational & Professional Development Advanced Practice Toolkit web based resource Marketing & business case development Experience of contribution at Board level Participation in peer review Strategic contribution at local and national level High level of support skills e.g. mentorship/coaching skills/critical companion/ project management/ change management/ workforce planning and development 50 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/ role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Work collaboratively across boundaries to develop and raise awareness of relevant policies, guidelines and strategies influence change at local and national level. Assess situations and identify the root cause of a complex problem in environments that are unfamiliar, complex and unpredictable and have many interacting factors (Employability Level 8 SfH) Identify and act on opportunities to influence and develop policy and guidelines at a national level. Respond to national and local requests for document review (e.g. strategy, policy guidelines). Lead and manage change at local and national level. Initiate communities of practice/ Networks to disseminate resources and practice initiatives. Network with a wide range of organisations and individuals to shape and respond to policy and strategy at national and local level. Represent NMAHP’s widely nationally and internationally. Examples of Educational & Professional Development Lead and implement local, national and professional strategy and policy Use critical reading skills to analyse and synthesise information Interpret health information, statistics and research data Use highly developed influencing and political leadership and influencing lobbying skills Model advanced communication and interpersonal skills Display a high level of presentation and report writing skills Use technology competently and confidently. 51 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/ role Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Examples of Educational & Professional Development 4. Evidence, Research and Development 4.1 Evidence into practice Ensure that services are based on high quality evidence Ability to:- Understanding of the responsibilities of research governance Identify gaps in the evidence base and communicate findings to appropriate clinical, policy and research communities Understand the responsibilities of research governance Collaborate with appropriate research partners and build links with Research Forums and Universities Initiate, facilitate or undertake appropriate high-quality research acting as principal investigator where appropriate. Contribute to development and implementation of a NMAHP research strategy. Critically review literature Understand advanced research methods Understand the responsibilities of Principal Investigator Present information clearly and concisely Wrote critically including analysis, synthesis and interpretation of the evidence base to underpin practice Write for publication and contribute to peer review Establish appropriate policies and ensure support for clinical research activity Contribute to current publications e.g. by writing for publication, contributing to peer reviews Understanding of the responsibilities of Principal Investigator Advanced research methods Contribute to current publications e.g. by writing for publication, contributing to peer reviews Ethical and Research committees functions 52 Career Framework Level Central Themes Aspects of Practice Examples of Sphere of responsibility/ role Identify and utilise skills and knowledge of staff to support or undertake research related activity such as audit, evaluation and wider research for benefit of the organisation/ Present research findings in peer reviewed journals, conference and meetings. Key Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Understand functions and processes of ethical and research committees Act as a role model to develop a positive research culture within the NMAHP community Contribute to developing policies and maintenance of research governance Lead/participate in cross professional and/or cross organisational research programmes Access research funding Examples of Educational & Professional Development 53 Appendix 1 Career Framework Model Taken with Permission from the Scottish Government Workforce Directorate “Guidance to NHS Boards on the Career Framework for Health” 11 March 2009 (Annex 2). The diagram outlines the Career Framework Levels, the appropriate Clinical level title (in brackets), a brief clinical level descriptor and, for illustration, some possible non-clinical role examples Note: This diagram is a slight adaptation of the version on the Skills for Health website and from the one formally launched in 2006. These adaptations are simply to reflect generally recognised terms in Scotland, which may differ from those used elsewhere in the UK. They do not affect the substance of the Career Framework or represent a departure from the Career Framework launched in 2006. Appendix 2 Career Framework Level Indicative SCQF Levels ARTICULATION OF CAREER FRAMEWORK WITH SCOTTISH CREDIT AND QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK Level 9 Level 11/12 Level 8 Level 11/12 Taken from Scottish Government Health Workforce Directorate “Guidance to NHS Boards on the Career Framework for Health” 11 March 2009. Annex 2, a range of post-registration courses. Level 7 Level 11 Level 6 Level 9/10 Level 5 Level 8-10 Level 4 Level 7/8 Example Qualifications Masters Degree Doctorate SVQ5 Masters Degree Doctorate SVQ5 Post Graduate Certificate/Diploma Masters Degree Ordinary or Honours Degree Graduate Diploma SVQ4 Diploma HE Ordinary or Honours Degree SVQ4 HNC HND Level 6/7 SVQ3 HNC Note: The levels on the framework are indicative only. They can be broadly linked to qualifications and SCQF levels but this will only be a rough guide – there will be exceptions. Learning required at each level will vary according to the occupational groups into which the role falls and the KSF outline for each particular role. However, in general, the following level(s) of qualification (in areas related to the work being undertaken) might be expected for roles which appear at the same level of the Career Framework The learning required for each role should be considered in conjunction with the Career Framework level descriptors Level 3 SVQ2 Level 2 Level 1 Level 5/6 Induction Standards 55 Appendix 3 - Suggested matching of the four central themes identified in this document against the Core and Specific Dimensions of the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (NHS KSF)18. Post outlines based on the NHS KSF will set out the actual requirements of a post, the dimensions and levels required. Central Themes of Career and Development Framework for Community Children’s Nurse Clinical Practice Facilitation of Learning Leadership Evidence, Research and Development 18 Core and Specific Dimensions of the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework Core 1 Communication Core 2 People and personal development Core 3 Health, safety and security Core 4 Service improvement Core 5 Quality Core 6 Equality and Diversity HWB1 Promotion of health and wellbeing and prevention of adverse effects on health and wellbeing HWB2 Assessment and care planning to meet health and wellbeing needs HWB3 Protection of health and wellbeing HWB4 Enablement to address health and wellbeing needs HWB5 Provision of care to meet health and wellbeing needs HWB6 Assessment and treatment planning HWB7 Interventions and treatments IK2 Information collection and analysis Core 1 Communication Core 2 People and personal development Core 5 Quality Core 6 Equality and Diversity G1 Learning and development G2 Development and innovation HWB1 Promotion of health and wellbeing and prevention of adverse effects on health and wellbeing Core 1 Communication Core 4 Core 5 Service improvement Core 6 Equality and Diversity G5 Services and project management G6 People management G7 Capacity and capability Core 1 Communication Core 6 Equality and Diversity IK1 Information processing IK2 Information collection and analysis IK3 Knowledge and information resources Scottish Executive (2004) The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (NHS KSF) and the Development and review Process. Edinburgh. Scottish Government APPENDIX 4 The development group for the Career and Development Framework for Community Children’s Nursing was facilitated by the Scottish Government and NHS Education for Scotland. Contributors are outlined below: Community Children’s Nursing Career Framework Working Group Vicky Anderson NHS Orkney Mary Boyle Programme Director NHS Education for Scotland Jean Davies (Chair) Senior Paediatric Nurse Children's Services NHS Ayrshire and Arran Denise Gray Educational Projects Manager NHS Education for Scotland Fiona Houlihan Team Coordinator NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Dr Deirdre McCormick Nursing Officer Scottish Government Debbie McGirr Lecturer Edinburgh Napier University Ruth Mitchell Lecturer, Child Health & Child Protection Edinburgh Napier University Karen Sinclair Nurse Consultant NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Christine Thomson Community Children’s Nurse NHS Lothian 57 Senior Paediatric and Education Nurses in Scotland Group Helen Bauld Mary Boyle Kirstine Burns Lorraine Clydesdale Fiona Dagge-Bell Jean A. Davies Marie Elen Ann Fitzpatrick Jeanette Fitzgerald Libby Gold Annie Hair Dorothy Hanley Fiona Hislop Lesley Horsburgh Margaret Johnston Irene Jones Elaine Love Kathryn Maciver Celia Mackay Janice Mackenzie Mary McAuley Kevin McFarlane Ruth Mitchell Tricia Morrison Dawn Moss Lynn Mushet Gwen Proctor Fiona Smith Fiona Smilth Joanna Smith Sue Swift Donald Todd Alison Wright Senior Nurse Paediatrics/Neonates Programme Director Senior Charge Nurse Nurse Consultant - Safeguarding Children and Young People Professional Practice Development Officer Women Senior Paediatric Nurse Children’s Services Lecturer in Child Health Nurse Manager, Child & Public Health Nursing Head of Paediatric Nursing Head of Care Head of Children’s Services Deputy Chief Nurse Clinical Ward Manager Senior Nurse for Child Health Team Leader Integrated Paediatric Community Service Professional Lead in Children’s Nursing DipHe (Child) Head of Nursing for Neonatal, Children & Young People Paediatric Nurse Specials Ward Lecturer Chief Nurse Head of Nursing for Children & Young People Combined Child Health Senior Lecturer in Nursing / Programme Manager Child Nursing Lecturer – Child Health & Child Protection Directorate Nurse Manager for Women & Child Nurse Consultant Child Health Lead Nurse Paediatrics Nurse Consultant - Safeguarding Children and Young People RCN Advisor in Children’s & Young People’s Nursing Nursing Adviser (Children's Nursing) Policy and Standards Lecturer Practitioner – Paediatrics Acting Head of Nursing - Children and Young People Lecturer in CYP Field of Nursing (Deputy) Neonatal Manager NHS Forth Valley NHS Education for Scotland NHS Dumfries and Galloway NHS 24 NHS Health Improvement Scotland NHS Ayrshire and Arran Edinburgh Napier University NHS Dumfries and Galloway NHS Tayside Children’s Hospice Association Scotland NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Lothian NHS Forth Valley NHS Borders NHS Lanarkshire Glasgow Caledonian University NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Western Isles Robert Gordon University – Aberdeen NHS Lothian NHS Grampian University of Dundee Edinburgh Napier University NHS Highland NHS Borders NHS Fife NHS 24 Royal College of Nursing Nursing & Midwifery Council University of Stirling NHS Grampian Robert Gordon University - Aberdeen NHS Tayside 58 Community Children’s Nursing Network Kirstie Anderson Community Children’s Nurse NHS Shetland Anne Marie Bannatyne Community Paediatric Sister NHS Ayrshire and Arran Yvonne Caie Deputy Head of Care Children’s Hospice Association Scotland Gill Currie Community Children’s Nurse NHS Highland Sarah Hay Speech and Language Therapist NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Sarah Henderson Community Children’s Nurse NHS Highland Janice Jack Community Children’s Nurse NHS Dumfries & Galloway Jackie Laughlin Staff Nurse in Comminuty Children’s Nurse Team NHS Ayrshire and Arran Susan Milne Team Leader Community Children’s Nursing NHS Forth Valley Lynn Mushet Lead Nurse Paediatrics NHS Fife Pat Rankin Community Children’s Nurse NHS Highland Barbara Simpson Community Children’s Nurse NHS Dumfries and Galloway Karen Sinclair Nurse Consultant for Children and Young People’s Palliative Care NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Christine Thompson Community Children’s Nurse NHS Lothian Joanna Young Community Children’s Nurse NHS Lothian 59 60