Professor notes CHAPTER 17. LINEAR ACTIVE FILTERS AND FREQUENCY PROFILES 17.1 INTRODUCTION All circuits have a frequency response characterized by the mix of reactive components and active devices and their intrinsic time constants. In some instances we merely analyze the frequency character of the circuit and assess it to see if it will accomplish our signal processing needs. But in other instances we desire to tailor the circuit’s frequency behavior and define the frequency profile of the circuit. In most instances we define frequency profiles in terms of amplitude ‘pass’ functions. There are four basic types: (1) (2) (3) (4) low-pass high-pass band-pass band-stop Unless we elect to get cute and use non-linear components, we should expect that time constants will relate to linear capacitances and inductances. Intermediate and RF profiles relate to capacitances in pF or fF and inductances in H. Profiles are also either accomplished or defined by means of RLC networks and by the placement of poles and zeros. High RF profiles have need to consider the effect of circuit parasitics such as leakage paths, wiring inductances, and fringing capacitances. Frequency profiles in the UHF range (300MHz to 3GHz) or higher may use microstrips, resonant cavities or artificial crystals to define their frequency character. At lower frequencies, typically associated with audio systems or biological interface systems components may be large and therefore cumbersome. Therefore techniques have been developed in which amplification elements are used to reconfigure the requirements. These circuit topologies are usually called active filters. An active filter is a frequency-responsive network driven by one or more active drivers. The typical driver typically is an opamp or one of its cousins. Often the circuit can then be cast in an integrated-circuit form in which the only frequency-dependent components are capacitances. The integrated circuit active filter is also appropriate to RF frequencies as a means to either avoid or to accommodate wiring capacitances and inductances. A frequency profile is generically defined by a transfer function T(s) = |T(s)| ej(s) in the s-domain, for which s j The s-domain function T(s) is the same as that used for Laplace transforms. Graphical representations of |T(s)| and (s) are called the Bode magnitude and Bode phase plots, respectively, after Hendrik Bode (1905 – 1982). The order of the profile T(s) is defined by the number of frequency-dependent components. All profiles will have a numerator N(s) and a denominator D(s), N ( s) (17.1-1) D( s) for which the numerator zeros are called zeros and the denominator zeros are called poles. Poles are associated with roll-off of the frequency profile. Zeros will have the effect of ‘roll-upward’. All transfer T ( s) 1 Professor notes functions have the same number of zeros as they do poles. The effects of poles are almost always visible. The effects of zeros may be less visible since many zeros fall either at zero or at infinity. A great deal of attention has been given to the art of frequency profiling, for which placement of poles and zeros is of critical importance to the character of the profile. Thus many profile constructs will be identified in terms of names of their benefactor or in terms of mathematical descriptors. We will not attempt to survey all of the different types except to say that there are enough to satisfy most of the discriminating engineering requirements. Usually the different types are tabulated. Therefore we can assume the tables values for profiles of interest and then load and go, provided we know how to rescale and convert to the frequencies of interest and have enough perspective to make a judicious choice. Bilinear circuits: The bilinear circuits are the simplest category of frequency profile. The transfer function T(s) is a ratio of two linear functions, otherwise called a bilinear form. The general form for the bilinear function is T ( s) K sz s p K' 1 s z 1 s p (17.1-2) Table 17.1-2 shows the magnitude response for the two single-time-constant types of bilinear response (low-pass and high-pass) and their accompanying phase responses. The roll-off slope is of the form of –20dB/decade (which is the same as a ratio of -1/1). The rolloff slope on the log-log plot is linear, since for for > 10p, the magnitude of the denominator becomes approximately linear, i.e. D( s) 1 p p as >> p 2 Table 17.1-1(a). Bode magnate and phase response for low-pass profile Table 17.1-1(b). Bode magnate and phase response for high-pass profile 2 Professor notes Bode magnitude plots are usually represented as log-log scales with the frequency axis of the form of a decade scale and the amplitude axis of the form of a magnitude scale in dB. The zeros are usually at either infinity or zero (which is typical) and beyond the range of a finite Bode plot. Note that, for a more pronounced roll-off, higher-order transfer functions are required. For each pole the roll-off becomes approximately n 20 dB / dec , where n = number of poles, assuming that there are no intervening zeros. We have stated the case for |T(s)| roll-off in terms of the low-pass profile (Table 24-1.1), which is the inevitable fact of almost all electronic circuits. The higher the frequency the more difficulty the signal has for passing through a network, or it is more readily shunted to ground, and for which T (s ) 0 . Biquadratic circuits: The simplest categories of frequency profiles are (1) first-order forms and (2) second-order forms. The second-order are profiles are called biquadratic forms. The biquadratic form defines a complete set of the pass-band profiles and are represented by Table 17.1-3. The general form of the biquadratic function is T ( s) K n2 s 2 n1 s n0 s 2 s 0 Q 02 K' 1 s a s2 b (17.1-3) 1 s 0 Q s 2 02 Table 17.1-3 shows the types of magnitude response for different numerator functions. For convenience and definition of the key profile parameters, the denominator function is always of the form D(s) s 2 s 0 Q 02 D( s) 1 s 0 Q s 2 02 or (17.1-4) The quadratic denominator form (17.1-4) is the characteristic equation for the frequency response since it relates to characteristic frequency 0 = 2f0 and quality factor Q. The bandpass function, for which n2 = 0 and n0 = 0, will always have its peak magnitude centered at f0 and will be symmetric about f0 on the logarithmic frequency scale. The lowpass and highpass functions will show a profile peak if Q 1 2 , although for Q < 2 it is not very pronounced. Type (Amplitude normalized) transfer function (a) Band-pass T ( s) s 0 Q s s 0 Q 02 2 (Q = 4 represented) 3 Magnitude Profile Professor notes (b) Low-pass T ( s) 02 s 2 s 0 Q 02 (Q = 4 represented) (c) High-pass T ( s) s2 s 2 s 0 Q 02 (Q = 4 represented) (d) Band-stop T ( s) s 2 s 0 Q ' 02 s 2 s 0 Q 02 (Q = 4 represented) (e) All-pass T ( s) s 2 s 0 Q 02 s 2 s 0 Q 02 (Q = 4 represented) Table 17.1-2. Amplitude normalized biquadratic magnitude profiles. By amplitude normalized we mean that the amplitude maximum = 1.0. Biquadratic circuit profiles usually serve as a benchmark for their higher-order cousins. The profile for the profile 17.1-3(e) (all-pass) bears some explanation. It is actually a phase-shift circuit for which phase changes as a function of frequency but the amplitude does not. Since it is of secondorder it will shift the phase by = 2 x 90o = 180o from one side of the resonance to the other. The normalized form of the bandpass function, for which n1 = 0/Q is a means to identify the reason why Q is called the quality factor of the profile. Since the bandpass function is a means to select and pass a given frequency it is appropriate to identify the bandwidth for the profile = 2 – 1 defined in terms of the 3-dB levels ( T 1 2 ) , also known as the half-power levels as represented by figure 17.1-3. 4 Professor notes Figure 17.1-1. (Normalized) biquadratic bandpass function If we do the mathematics on the normalized bandpass equation (given in Table 17.1-3(b) then at the levels for which T 1 2 we end up with four solutions: 0 2Q 0 2Q 1 4Q 2 (17.1-5) Of these solutions the only ones that are greater than zero are 1 0 2Q 0 2Q 1 4Q 2 for which 2 1 and 2 0 2Q 0 2Q 1 4Q 2 0 (17.1-6a) Q which represents the selectivity characteristic of the resonance peak, i.e. Q 0 f0 f (17.1-6b) Otherwise the emphasis is that Q defines a magnitude factor for the low-pass profile: Q T ( 0 ) (17.1-7) T ( 0) which was examined more carefully in chapter 16. As represented by figure 17.1-2 the low-pass and high-pass profiles of primary interest are (1) Q = 1 2 , for which the profile is maximally flat and (2) Q > 4 , for which the resonance peak begins to dominate. 5 Professor notes Figure 17.1-2: Low-pass profile for several values of Q, i.e. Q = {0.5, 0.707, 2, 4}. The resonance peak is approximately at f0 for Q > 4 . There is more to the story, however, when we extend the reach to specific applications. They are categorized according to their properties as follows: (1) Butterworth profiles (2) Chebyshev profiles (3) Bessel (Thomson) = maximally flat in the pass-band = maximum rolloff at the pass-band corner = maximum linearity in the phase response and minimum overshoot for impulse signals And there are others which may accept ripple in both pass-band and stop-band in order to achieve better quality response for one of the above categories. But each of the three categories cited above the biquadratic response may be related to Q as follows: (1) Butterworth: (2) Chebyshev: (3) Bessel: Q=1 2 Q = 1.0 (3dB ripple ) Q = 0.5 The Chebyshev profile is a little more artistic than suggested by these simple relationships, since it may be either type (1), with ripple in the pass-band, or type (2) with ripple in the stop-band, or (3) elliptic (Cauer), with ripple in both pass-band and stop-band. It gets its name from the mathematics of Chebyshev polynomials. In the s-plane its poles will pattern in the form of an ellipse. The ripple for the Chebyshev profile may also be of different relative magnitudes. As might be expected for the biquadratic form, a Q > 1.0 is also a citation for more ripple in the pass band and the benefit of a greater rolloff at the break point. The circuit designer then takes on the role of an artist in mathematics and circuit electronics. 17.2 NORMALIZED FORMS and FREQUENCY RESCALING Many circuit topologies have been analyzed, addressed, profiled and tabulated by generations of electrical engineering slaves. Tabulated forms are normalized to a characteristic frequency 0 =1.0 r/s or to a 6 Professor notes feature frequency 1 =1.0 r/s. The normalized form of the topology is typically the one to which rescaling techniques of different modality are applied. Frequency rescaling is the analytical process of rescaling the components of a circuit topology to one that will yield an exact copy of the profile at an another frequency scale. Frequency rescaling can also be used to transform the circuit into an equivalent topology with the same profile, in which case it is called a frequency transformation. Circuit profiles is defined in terms of a set of zeros in the numerator N(s) terms and another set of zeros in the denominator D(s) defined as poles because of their effect on the profile. Poles and zeros will each have a relationship to a time constant. And if the time constants are rescaled to a new s’ =j’ plane then they will have the exact same profile if 1 ' 2 . Frequency response is defined by time constants (duh!). For the simplest case, for which all of the frequency dependent components in a circuit are capacitances then 1 = R1C1 and 2 = R2C2, and the s and s’ planes will relate to one another by R1C1 ' R2 C 2 (17.2-1) where we are identifying that s = j and s’ = j’. So if we do not change resistance, i.e. R1 = R2, then (17.2-1) reduces to C1 ' C 2 (17.2-2a) and we can shift the profile from the s to the s’ plane by merely rescaling the capacitance according to C2 C1 ' (17.2-2b) For example if the s’ domain is a rescale of 1000 s, for which ’ = 1000, then the capacitances must be 1000 times smaller. A 1.0mF capacitance would become a 1.0F capacitance. If we do not change capacitance, i.e. C1 = C2, then R1 ' R2 (17.2-3a) and we can shift the profile from the s to the s’ plane by rescaling the resistance according to R2 R1 ' (17.2-3b) For example if the s’ domain is 1000s, for which ’ = 100, the resistances must be 1000 times smaller and the circuit 1000 times faster. Actually we would most likely change both R and C, in a process called RC rescaling. This process is accomplished by a two-step procedure. (1) We keep R unchanged, i.e. R1 = R2, and rescale the capacitances to a new frequency M, i.e. 7 Professor notes C1 M C2 then M C1 C2 (17.2-4a) for which R1C1 M R1C2 Then (2) we hold C2 constant and rescale the resistances, for which M R1C 2 ' R3C 2 for which R3 M R1 ' (17.2-4b) Now both R and C are changed and the profile is translated into the s’ plane (usually at a higher frequency). We can do this process in a different order if we so desire. But usually we rescale the capacitance to an elected value C2 and then let the resistance follow. Equations (17.2-4a) and (17.2-4b) represented the RC rescaling algorithm: M and C init init C final R final (17.2-5a) M Rinit final (17.2-5b) We define M = magnitude rescaling frequency . The init and final are the initial and final frequencies, respectively. The mathematics is further simplified if the initial frequency init = 1.0 r/s, i.e. associated with a normalized profile. We can do the same process with inductances except that we have to acknowledge that the inductive time constant is L / R and the equivalent to equation (17.2-1) is L1 R1 ' L2 R2 (17.2-6) We don’t usually rescale according to inductances. A diagrammatic representation of RC rescaling using equations (17.2-5) is shown by figure 17.2-1. 8 Professor notes Figure 17.2-1 RC rescaling steps as represented by alternative paths. The upper path is usually the path of choice and matches equations (17.2-5). There are several good candidates for RC rescaling that we will check out in later sections of this chapter. For topologies that include inductances the rescaling process is not quite as simple. For example, the RLC biquadratic circuits will have 02 1 LC R 1 1 1 L RC L C (17.2-8) So the resistances do not rescale with a rescaling of both L and C. A different set of paths has to be followed in order to retain the profile, which includes an impedance magnitude rescaling. The rescaling algorithm is then R2 k M R1 (17.2-9(a) C 2 C1 k M k f (17.2-9(b) L2 L1 k M k f (17.2-9(c) Quadratic rescaling must therefore be done in terms of either a component translation which retains the simplicity of equations (17.2-1) or (17.2-7) or additional paths must be followed. Since the translation of is the same as an equivalent circuit form, then it invites usage of amplifier-driven components and the reconfiguration of the topologies into an active-filter form. 9 Professor notes 17.3 BIQUADRATIC CIRCUIT TOPOLOGIES There are a number of RC topologies that we might invite to the table for the biquadratic menu. Almost all of them employ one or more gain elements of the form of an ideal opamp, which certainly has its caveats if it turn real. But otherwise provides a reasonable platform for applications in which the standard biquad profiles suffice. For example the Sallen-Key circuit topology shown by figure 17.3-1 is a benchmark standard. It is simple, requires only one amplifier component, and the Q of the circuit is separately tunable relative to the characteristic frequency 0. Figure 17.3-1 Sallen-Key single-amplifier biquad. Nodal analysis at v1 and v+ gives v1 (G1 G 2 sC 1 ) vo sC 1 v s G1 v G 2 0 v (G 2 sC 2 ) v1G 2 0 Using v o Kv , where K 1 Rb Ra gives T (s) G G vo K 1 2 vs C1C 2 2 G 2 1 K ) G1 G 2 s s C2 C1 G1G 2 C1C 2 (17.3-1) Typically we let C1 = C2 = C and G1 = G2 = G for which T ( s) v0 K 02 2 v s s s 0 3 K 02 (17.3-2) where 0 G C 1 / RC . Note that (23.3-2) is of the low-pass form, with Q = 1/(3 – K) . So Q can be tuned by means of an adjustment of the ration of Rb/Ra according to Q 1 2 R B / R A (17.3-3) Since the ratio G2/C2 is consistent throughout equation (17.3-1) we may taper the Sallen-Key biquad by selecting C2 = aC1 = aC and G2 = aG1 = aG . This modification does not change the characteristic frequency 0, but will change the form of the expression for quality factor to the form 10 Professor notes Q 1 1 a Rb / Ra (17.3-4) In particular, if the gain element is set up for K = 2 (for which Rb/Ra = 1) as shown by figure 17.3.2 and Q is defined by the tapering factor, then the circuit simplifies to Q 1 a Figure 17.3-2. Design B of the Sallen-Key for tuneable Q. Note that we have set the design in normalized form (0 = 1.0r/s), to which we can apply the RC rescaling algorithm (17.2-5) as shown by figure 17.3-3. In this realization you might note that the parameter rescaling forms have made usage of the approximation 1 2 0.16 . Figure 17.3-3. Design B of the Sallen-Key with RC-rescaling to 10kHz and Q stepped through several values. Also take note that the zero-frequency gain K = 2.0. Another form of the Sallen-Key topology is the Saraga design shown by figure 17.3-4. Figure 17.3-4. Saraga low-sensitivity design for the Sallen-Key single-amplifier biquad 11 Professor notes For the Saraga design, R1 = 1/Q. This topology would then be rescaled via RC rescaling to the frequency domain of interest. We can use any number of active components in a circuit, and sometimes it is of practical benefit to do so as represented by the two-integrator loop of figure 17.3-5. It has three output points, each of which differs by the factor –0/s . Figure 17.3-5. Two-integrator loop. The factor –0/s is generated by the ‘Miller’ integrator which is a straightforward and simple circuit. The two-integrator loop consists of two Miller integators and one inverter-summing circuit as shown by figure 17.3-5, for which the output of the summing circuit will be vo 2 1 0 v o 20 v o n 2 v I Q s s (17.3-5) Collecting like terms and resolving the transfer function from vI to vo yields high-pass transfer function THP ( s) vo n2 s 2 2 v I s s 0 / Q 02 (17.3-6) From this equation and the relationship between stages n 2 0 s v1 v o 0 2 vI vI s s s 0 / Q 02 TBP (s ) (17.3-7a) bandpass n2 02 v 2 vo 0 2 v I v s s s 0 / Q 02 TLP (s ) (17.3-7b) lowpass 12 Professor notes and so two-integrator loops are also called state-variable filters since they will provide the three basic functions of low-pass, high-pass, and bandpass. The two-integrator loop most often deployed is the Tow-Thomas, or ring-of-three topology shown by figure 17.3-6. One of the integrators is a lossy integrator, and it is this choice that gives the circuit its operational benefit. Figure 17.3-6. Tow-Thomas (ring-of-three) two integrator topology Nodal analysis at the input of opamp U1 gives 0 v s G3 v 2 G4 v1 G1 sC1 (17.3-8a) and since U3 is a unity-gain inverter and U2 is a Miller integrator then v2 G2 v1 sC2 (17.3-8b) Solving for v1 we get s G3 C1 v1 2 v s s s G1 C1 G2 G4 C1C 2 TBP (s ) (17.3-9) bandpass TLP (s ) (17.3-10) lowpass and from equation (17.3-8b) we get G2 G3 C1C 2 v2 2 v s s s G1 C1 G2 G4 C1C 2 Typically we would (1) choose C1 = C2 = C and R2 = R4 = R, for which 0 1 / RC . Then (2) choose Q = R1/R . Then (3) choose amplitude k = R1/R3 . Using this tuning algorithm, the profile parameters 0, Q, and k are separately adjusted in the order (1) thru (3). 13 Professor notes The tuning simplicity of the Tow-Thomas topology is even more evident when it is put in normalized form, for which we would let C1 = C2 = 1.0F and R2 = R4 = 1.0.Then R1 = Q and R3 = Q/k, and the topology is of the form shown by figure 17.3-7, which also includes an extra summing amplifier for the generation of the bandstop function. Figure 17.3-7. Tow-Thomas topology in normalized form configured with extra summing amplifier U4 for the generation of bandstop function In normalized form equations (17.3-9) and (17.3-10) will be v1 sk / Q 2 vs s s / Q 1 TBP (s ) (17.3-11a) bandpass v2 k /Q 2 vs s s / Q 1 TLP (s ) (17.3-11b) lowpass The bandstop output is provided by summing opamp U4 for which we have an extra output node v4 = vs + v2 and for which v4 vs v2 vs vs vs 1 sk / Q 2 s s / Q 1 s 2 s (1 k ) / Q 1 s2 s / Q 1 (17.3-12) Equation 17.3-12 is of the form of a bandstop function. Its behavior for a simulation in which k = 0.4 and Q = 4 is shown by figure 17.3-8. If we choose values such that k = 1 then the bandstop function becomes a band-reject form. 14 Professor notes Figure 17.3-8. Tow-Thomas simulation using tuning algorithm and normalized form as rescaled to 1.0kHz. Low-pass and bandstop outputs are shown. Peak amplitude of the low-pass is 0.4 and the minimum value of the bandstop is 0.6. Note that the Tow-Thomas topology acts as a filter and not as a resonator (i.e. no outputs have greater magnitude than vs). If we choose k = 2, then a special case biquadratic function occurs at v4 with transfer function T (s) s2 s / Q 1 s2 s / Q 1 (17.3-13) This function is of the form of an all-pass function and serves only to produce a phase shift. The phase shift = -90o at the characteristic frequency f0 = 20. 17.4 BIQUADRATIC FILTER FUNCTIONS If we factor the biquadratic denominator D(s) s 2 s 0 Q 02 the roots are s 0 1 j 4Q 2 1 2Q and s 0 1 j 4Q 2 1 2Q (17.4-1) for which it is evident that the roots are complex when Q > 0.5. The s-plane is complex and these roots are located in the left (negative) half of the s-plane. As the parameters 0 and Q,are varied a root-locus plot of these roots will result, as represented by figure 17.1-1. 15 Professor notes Figure 17.4-1. Root-locus plot for the poles of a biquadratic function. This figure is a modified copy Figure 16.5-1 with more emphasis toward the role of Q. In particular, we can see that the root-locus plot for 0 = constant is a circle with radius 0. If we determine the magnitude of either of the roots identified by equation 17.4-1, we find that s 0 2Q 1 4Q 2 1 0 (17.4-2a) and that different values of Q correspond to different values of the angle , as shown by figure 17.4-1, and for which cos 0 (17.4-2b) 2Q We often use the roots and root loci to identify different profiles according to location of the poles and zeros. For example the fourth-order lowpass Butterworth profile, which will have a roll-off of 4 x (-20dB/dec) is of the form H (s) k 1 s / 0 4 (17.4-3a) s 0 e j ( 2k ) / 2n 0 e jk (17.4-3b) and will have roots at for n = 4, and where k = 0, 1, 2 … n. And the equation looks like the same entertainment you used to have with the mathematics of complex variables. If n = 2, then the two roots that fall in the left half plane are at k = (3/4) and (5/4), both of which relate to the angle = 45o, for which Q = 1 2 . So the maximally flat profile by another name is the Butterworth profile. 16 Professor notes If n = 4, then the four roots that fall in the left half plane are at k = (5/8), (7/8), (9/8), (11/8). These correspond to two values of Q = 1/(2cos(22.5o)) = 0.541, and Q = 1/(2cos(67.5o)) =1.307, and can be accomplished by a couple of Sallen-Key topologies in cascade, as shown by figure 17.4-2. Figure 17.4-2 Use of Sallen-key topologies in cascade to generate 4th-order (maximally-flat) Butterworth response. Take note that the roll-off slope is –80dB/decade (same as 4 x –20dB/dec) The root-locus plots are also of advantage in the analysis of profiles that makes use of special mathematical functions to define the profile and which will have a sharper cut-off at the break frequency fc of the profile. A fairly popular class of sharp cutoff functions is based on Chebyshev polynomials according to transfer function H ( s) k 1 cos C n ( / c ) 2 2 (17.4-4) 2 where the function C n ( x) n cos 1 / c is a Chebyshev polynomial, and is probably familiar to you only if you are well-versed in special mathematical functions. The factor is called the ripple factor and causes a ripple in the pass-band. As represented by figure 17.4-3, which shows a 3dB ripple corresponding to = 1. Cutoff frequency is indicated by f c 2 c Figure 17.4-3. 4th-order Chebyshev profile with = 1. 17 Professor notes And if we indulge in the mathematics we would find that the choice of 01 = 0.951c , Q1 = 5.59 and 02 = 0.443c , Q2 = 1.075 for two Sallen-Key biquads in series will given us the –3dB Chebyshev 4th-order profile, as shown by figure 17.4-4. Figure 17.4-3. Sallen-Key implementation of 4th-order Chebyshev profile with = 1. The accompanying trace is that for the 4th-order Butterworth profile. A source of biquadratic topologies with names and provenance is located under the Texas Instruments Split-supply Analog Filter expert. It not only offers topologies for the standard biquadratic forms but deploys them according to the more common filter properties (i.e. Butterworth, Bessel and Chebyshev). 17.5 DOUBLY-TERMINATED RLC LADDERS and TRANSFORMATIONS The section on biquadratic forms is a small slice of the collection of frequency profiles that are standardized. For applications and realizations beyond the biquadratic there are two means by which we may glean higher-order profiles: (1) poles and zeros defined by polynomials (e.g. Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel) and (2) RLC tables. The polynomials are probably more mathematically satisfying but the tables are more convenient. It is not uncommon to define the rescaling and transformation algorithms in terms of a doubly-terminated RLC topology, such as is represented by figure 17.5-1. A subset of the tables are shown by figure 17.5-2 and credit for them belongs to one of signature resources for analog filter design (M.E.Van Valkenburgh, Analog Filter Design, HRW, 1982. Unfortunately much of its content is not in softcopy and so the tables have to be included in hardcopy. Figure 17.5-1. Doubly-terminated RLC ladder topologies (equivalent forms) 18 Professor notes Figure 17.5-2. Doubly-terminated RLC ladder tables (this is only a subset). The strip index at the top beginning with L1 is associated with the RLC ladder above the tables and the and the strip index at the bottom beginning with C1 is associated with the RLC ladder below the tables. 19 Professor notes Direct simulations using the RLC ladder topologies and table values will yield a normalized lowpass profile normalized. The categories (or polynomial types) are listed above the tables. All of the values are in Ohms, Farads, or Henrys, depending on the component. The rest of the story is that the tables are the touchstone for a profile of any of the generic types, low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-stop. Profiles are realized by means of (1) transformation and (2) frequency rescaling. The mathematics of making a transformation is entertaining, usually with the idea that a transfer function T(s) is a function of impedance/admittance ratios and the fact that if we transform them in the same way, the ratio will remain the same. Add a translation to this context and a low-pass can be translated into an equivalent form with two shoulders instead of one, if we regard the lowpass as a one-shoulder profile centered about zero. All that is needed is to shift the zero and the other shoulder emerges. But the greater benefit of the process is that an RLC circuit can be translated into a form that employs impedance-converter circuits with opamps to eliminate the bulky inductances. And that takes the process into a form that can be micro-miniaturized since a VLSI chip can literally contain dozens of opamps. The active-filter context (using opamps) is then resolved as an R-C circuit, which can be translated to whatever frequency characteristic is needed using the algorithm of figure 17.2-1 or its equations (17.2-5). And it surely makes life more simple than the mathematical divinations. For example take a look at a transformation called the RLC:CRD transformation, so-called because the R is recast as a C, the L is recast as an R and the C is recast as an impedanceconverted element (= D) called a frequency-converted negative resistance (FDNR). The concept is illustrated by Figure 17.5-3. Figure 17.5-3. RLC:CRD transformation The technique is also called the Bruton transformation and is primarily a mathematical manipulation, as represented by equation (17.5-2) Figure 17.5-3(a) has transfer function T ( s) v2 1 sC v1 R sL 1 sC (17.5-1) And figure 17.5-3(b) has transfer function 20 Professor notes v2 1 s 2C T ( s) v1 R s L 1 s 2 C 1 s2D 1 sC ' R ' 1 s 2 D (17.5-2) Where (17.5-2) is (17.5-1) with both numerator and denominator multiplied by (1/s). And the change of labeling does not bother the computation. But the new component is an opamp construct derived from the Fleige topology, as represented by figure 17.5-3. Figure 17.5-3. (a) Generalized impedance converter (GIC) topology and (b) translation into FDNR ( = D component) Analysis of figure (17.5-3(a) is a matter of nodal analysis at each of the three nodes labeled v0. They are all virtually connected because of the nullator action of the opamps. Eliminating v1 and v2 from the resulting three equations gives Y1Y3Y5 Y2Y4Y6 0 (17.5-2) Which can be solved for Yin = -Y1 as Yin Y2Y4Y6 Y3Y5 (17.5-3) With the component choices indicted by figure 17.5-3(b) and making the choice R3 = R4 we have the desired FDNR behavior Yin s 2 C 2 C 6 R5 s 2 D (17.5-4) where the magnitude of D is then C 2 C 6 R5 . 21 Professor notes The process is just a bit of mathematics. But the mathematics more easily accomplished if developed on a simulation platform as represented in previous section of this chapter. The process is illustrated by figures 17.5-4 and 17.5-5 Figure 17.5-4(a) Doubly-terminated RLC topology for a5th-order Chebyshev with 1.0dB ripple in the passband. Note that the parameter values are the number values from Chebyshev(C) of figure 17.5-2. Figure 17.5-4(b) Simulation results. Note that the breakpoint is f0 = (1/2) x 1.0 = 160 mHz. So this profile is the normalized form. Figure 17.5-5(a) Same as figure 17.5-4(a) except implemented in CRD form. The L’s are replaced by R’s, the R’s are replaced by C’s, and the capacitances are replaced by FDNR’s. 22 Professor notes The parameterization in figure 17.5-5(a) is doing all of the mathematics grunt work, to include the frequency rescaling. If you look at the very bottom of the figure you will see that the capacitance has been chosen to be 1.0 F. And then the rescaling algorithm according to equations (17.2-5) is located in the parameter list in the lower left corner. Notice that the 1.0r/s normalized frequency is translated into 0.16 since the simulation is always in Hz. The units are omitted since it is the mathematics that carries the process along. The scaling factor shown as kR is applied to all resistances, exactly as prescribed by equation (17.2-5(b)). The diagram is a little busy, but you should take note of a few simplifications that are used and are not uncommon. Due to the RLC:CRD transformation the capacitances which are derived directly from the table relate to the R = 1.0 value at the front end. The other capacitances all relate to this one. But if we elect to relate them to this one capacitance with C = 1.0F as equal values, then the FDNR value of D from equation (17.5-4) becomes D = C2 C6 R5 = 1.0 x 1.0 x R5 = R5 (17.5-5) So it is not uncommon to deploy the CRD representation in the form of an equal capacitance realization. And that lets the rescaling be a relatively simple process, as indicated by the parametric usage in the lower right corner of figure 17.5-5(a). For the final frequency (labeled as fc in the figure), the rescaled CRD realization gives the frequency profile result as shown by figure 17.5-5(b). Figure 17.5-5(b) Simulation results. Both normalized profile and rescaled profile at fC = 10 kHz are shown as a comparison to confirm that the transformation/rescaling does realize that same profile but at a different frequency. 23 Professor notes There are a few extra wrinkles that are necessary which the mathematics does not represent. The capacitances that replaced the terminations (at each end) leave the circuit components floating relative to ground, and therefore must be accompanied by leakage resistances (shown as 999M values). The circuit simulator will also abort and give an error this effect, since its numerical processes use increments (also called Newton-Raphson iteration) to deal with the signals and non-linear components. The RLC-CRD process is a generic form of active-filter design. Others that may be considered without diving into too much mathematics are ‘Leap-Frog’ designs, which use a clever philosophy to carry the RLC ladder into a form that readily adapts itself to the low-pass to bandpass (LP:BP) transformation. But in the interest of keeping the very broad topic of frequency profiling compacted it will be omitted in this text. Regrets. 24 Professor notes PORTFOLIO and SUMMARY RC frequency rescaling M C init init C final R final and M Rinit final Sallen-Key biquad (lowpass ) = tuneable Q 0 = 1/RC Q 1 1 a R f R x where a = tapering factor Tow-Thomas biquad = biquad states for (1) low-pass, (2) band-pass, (3) band-stop, (4) all-pass 0 = 1/RC = 1.0 r/s normalized Normalized values: C1 = C2 = 1.0F R2 = R4 = 1.0 R1 = Q R3 = Q/k TBS (s) v S v1 v4 s 2 k / Q 1 vs vs s 2 s / Q 1 TBP (s) v1 sk / Q 2 vs s s / Q 1 TLP (s) v2 k /Q 2 vs s s / Q 1 TAP(s) = TBS(s) when k = 1 Butterworth profiles = maximally flat in the pass-band Chebyshev profiles = maximum rolloff at the pass-band corner Bessel (Thomson) = maximum linearity in the phase response, minimum overshoot for impulse signals, minimum delay of signals 25 Professor notes Simulations: 5th-order low-pass. Profiles and pulse response Chebyshev (1.0dB) Butterworth Bessel 26