Note for next year all documents to be sent via schools finance email (and hard copy can be sent in as an extra but again has to be full set) and they have to be all together , as a full set, make sure all documents are sent in the right format(some doc printing out on landscape or don’t fit to the page too time consuming to re format our end, BMR have to be in excel format – documents need to be numbered and put in that order when sending in? no duplications too many schools sending in same document twice!! End of Year Closure of Accounts Procedures 2014/15 1 Version 1 – 16th January 2015 INDEX Background ............................................................................. 3 Bank Statements – Schools using Nat West / RBS ................ 3 Accruals .................................................................................. 4 2014-15 Year End Closedown Timetable………………………5 RM Finance ............................................................................. 7 End Of Year Procedures ......................................................... 7 1) Back up ................................................................................... 7 2) Invoices and Income Receipts ................................................. 7 3) Payroll ..................................................................................... 7 4) Outstanding Orders ................................................................. 8 5) Accruals ................................................................................... 9 6) CFR Checking ........................................................................ 14 7) Bank Reconciliation ............................................................... 14 8) Monthly VAT Return .............................................................. 15 9) Budget v Actual v Committed Report, including Accruals ....... 16 10) Period 12 and Year End Bank / Accounts Reconciliation ..... 18 11) Year End Back-Up ............................................................... 23 12) Year End Roll Over .............................................................. 23 13) Changes to Datafile for New Year........................................ 25 14) Linking your Old Year Datafile ............................................ 25 15) 14-15 CFR Return ............................................................... 26 16) 2015-16 Budget ................................................................... 27 2 Background The financial year for schools and the Local Authority (LA) runs from 1st April to 31st March, each year. After the end of March, a final financial position for the old year and a starting position for the new financial year must be determined. It is essential that the LA can reconcile the school final accounts with the local authority final accounts. In the past this has been a problem for a number of reasons. It is hoped with more stringent monitoring of school monthly returns that differences at year end will be kept to a minimum. School Accounting System vs the LA Accounting System The school accounting system is used to record all income and expenditure that is processed through the schools bank account. The LA system is updated each month with this information based on the returns submitted by the school. On occasions, the LA system has central charges posted to a schools cost centre. Schools are now notified of these on a quarterly basis through the cash advance spreadsheet and schools must post these to the school accounting system in order that it agrees with the LA system. CS Finance also ensures that central charges are deducted from the advances made to school bank accounts to ensure that the bank continues to reconcile. For schools that use the LBTH payroll service there is another potential reason for differences to occur between the two systems. When payroll is run the total payroll charges are made against the school cost centre on the LA system. The school is notified of the payroll charges via a report on FRONTER and a direct debit amount is taken from the schools bank account at a later date. On occasions there are differences between the direct debit amount and the amount charged on the LA system. This should be identified each month through the school monitoring processes and then rectified accordingly. If not, then they will be identified at Year End by CS Finance and adjustments may need to be made in the following year. Bank Statements – Schools using Nat West / RBS With the introduction of Bank Line, it will be possible to access your bank statement at any time. If you have not registered for bank line then you should do 3 so as soon as possible by contacting Suhal Kadir on 0207 364 4138 or via email Accruals Schools are required by the LA to submit their final accounts on an Accruals basis as opposed to a Cash basis. This means that expenditure and income must be recorded in the year in which it is incurred, rather than when the payment is made. Where it has not been possible to process invoices for goods and services received or income received or due, on or before 31 March 2015 the items concerned must be processed in your accounting software (e.g. RM Finance/SIMS FMS) as an Accrual. Schools using LBTH Payroll It is preferable that schools post the actual payroll costs into their accounting system in the normal way and the direct debit which will be taken in April will be shown as an unpresented item. It is anticipated that an initial payroll report will be uploaded to FRONTER on 27th March 2014. All schools should use this information to close accounts on the 31st March 2014. A final payroll report will be uploaded after all supplementary payroll adjustments have been processed (on 6th April 2014). The timing of the Easter Holidays this year does mean this report will be available when schools return from their break. Schools using external Payroll providers Schools must ensure that the full salary costs (including on-costs) are posted to the school accounting system. If there are still payments relating to the March payroll to taken from the bank account in April (e.g. Pensions or Inland Revenue Payments) then you must include these in your unpresented item listing. If schools are unable to do this because they have not received the information in time then they must estimate the payroll costs for March and raise them as an accrual. Accrual Limits The minimum limit for accruals is £1,000 per CFR code. Amounts under £1,000 per CFR code will have to be charged to the following year’s budget. 4 2014-15 YEAR END PROCEDURE Due to the timing of the Easter Holidays this year, (27th March-13th April Inclusive, for most schools) and the deadlines imposed by the Audit Commission for the Authority to close their accounts by 28th April. 2014-15 Year End Closedown Timetable Please see below the closedown timetable for this financial year. Please ensure that you follow these guidelines and that all information is submitted accurately and on time, so that both the school and Local Authority can close its accounts on time. Date Friday 20th February 2015 Action / Documents required Final Advances/Payments made by CSF Finance (nb final VAT reimbursement to be made 24th March ) Tuesday 27th March 2015 CSF Finance to upload initial March payroll report to Grid Tuesday 31st March 2015 End of Financial Year Thursday 16th April 2015 Final BMR return to CSF Finance : Friday 17th April 2015 Deadline for receipt of all returns to CSF Finance Monday20th Closure of Accounts (NO FURTHER April 2015 TRANSACTIONS POSSIBLE). Friday 15th May 2015 Schools to submit interim CFR return to CSF Finance for checking. Friday 22th May 2015 CS Finance to confirm School Carry Forward amount Friday 22th May 2015** Schools to submit signed 3-year Budget plans to CS Finance. June 3rd June 2015 Final CFR Return to be submitted to Children Services Finance for upload to DCSF. ** - earlier than customary due to the timing of half term Every year the Easter holidays cause delays in schools being able to submit information on time so this is early notification of the timetable in order that you can plan accordingly. This year we are also offering a service where if you email your RM Finance data file to then we will run a series of checks, produce the necessary reports and return your datafile for you to move into period1 on your return from the Easter break. Again if you require this service then please contact your CS Finance Contact to discuss the arrangements. £250 charge for any school that does not buy into LA Finance Support service Any school that expects that they will be unable to closedown within the timetable should contact a member of the finance team immediately. In 5 these cases it will be necessary to close the school accounts centrally and the carry forward will be based on estimates rather than actuals. Remember all documentation must be with the LA by Friday 17th April, 4pm. 6 RM Finance At the end of period 12, once all year end transactions, reconciliations and reporting has taken place, a further 'period end' is performed called the ‘year end’, which then creates a new year datafile, starting in period 1 ready to input the new financial years accounts. It is essential that backups are taken and retained at various stages in the year end process. These backups should not be overwritten. When beginning a new financial year on the RM Finance system, an opening balance must be established. It is therefore very important that the monthly bank/accounts reconciliation procedure is carried out during the year, so that any discrepancies have been resolved before the end of March. Following receipt of the March bank statements and reconciliation, we advise schools to complete a Year End Bank/Accounts Reconciliation of their system. Any resulting discrepancies should be resolved prior to sending EOY reports to the LA. End Of Year Procedures Schools need to complete the following tasks in order to achieve a financial year end position in their accounts; 1) Back up BACK UP RM FINANCE BEFORE YOU START! 2) Invoices and Income Receipts Process any outstanding invoices, petty cash vouchers and income receipts relating to the 2014/15 financial year. It does not matter if the invoice is received or dated after 31st March as long as the goods or services were received on or before the 31st March 2015 then it should be entered into the 14/15 accounts and paid. (Cheques, should be dated up to 31st March only) 3) Payroll All outstanding payroll costs should be processed in your accounts prior to running the year end reports and completing final reconciliations. (SEE PAGE4) However, if the March payroll is not received in time, this will need to be entered as a Creditor. 7 4) Outstanding Orders All purchase orders must be checked. To identify outstanding orders, print the following report from RM Finance; • Click on Reporting • Click on Transactions tab • Click on Purchase Orders • Click on Full Details • Select School Bank • Select Gross Totals • Click on the Printer icon The total of the outstanding orders on this report should match the total commitment figure on the following report. If they do not, please contact CSF Finance for assistance as you may have a historical error on your datafile. • Click on Reporting • Click on Transactions tab • Click on Commitment Summary • Click on the Printer icon 8 Orders not received Firstly check that the orders are still valid. It may be that, in error, you have already paid for the goods as a non-order invoice and you would therefore need to cancel the order rather than have a commitment transferred to the new financial year for an item which will never be received. Any outstanding orders which are still valid but where goods/services have not been received prior to 31st March need to be carried forward into the new financial year datafile as a commitment and should not be entered as Accruals. These commitments will therefore impact on next financial year’s budget and should be allowed for when completing the budgeting process. Received orders As part of your planning for year end process you should chase up any invoices that you have been waiting for, for longer than one month. If the invoice is not received, but the goods have definitely been received, you should raise an accrual in 13/14 accounts. Please note the minimum amount is £1,000 per CFR code. 5) Accruals In general terms, Accruals are transactions that should have been processed in the old financial year but have not been, or any transactions that have been processed in the old financial year but relate to the new financial year, and therefore need to be adjusted. It the exact amount is not known it is ok to estimate an amount although you should be able to produce, on request by audit, the calculation used. Accruals fall into the following categories: a) Debtors - money owed to the school for the old financial year but not received by 31 March. Examples - Supply reimbursements, SEN reimbursements, any other income the school definitely knows is outstanding and has not been received or banked needs to be included, such as donations, grants, dinner monies income etc. b) Creditors (Outstanding Liabilities) - money owed by the school as at 31 March for goods already received but not yet paid for. Examples – Gas / Electric usage from date of last bill paid to the 31st March. Supply teachers that worked during March. Catering bills that have not been received. Service Level Agreements such as a photocopier hire etc. 9 c) Receipts in Advance - income received before the end of March for a future purpose. Examples - Income for school trips taking place in the new financial year Lettings income received for the new financial year d) Prepayments - money paid by the school in advance of the due date, which is in the new financial year. Examples - Leasing or rental costs for equipment paid in advance. Exam fees for the following term paid in advance. The following considerations must be taken when processing accruals: Only debtors and creditors above £1,000 must be processed; smaller totals are considered immaterial and are not required to be processed. This total is on an individual CFR heading basis. To give an example, the invoice for School Meals relating to March usually comes in during April. If the invoice total is estimated to be greater than £1,000 then this amount needs to be accrued for as a creditor. Conversely, any income that is due to the school must be accrued for as a debtor. A printout of the Accruals raised should be submitted to the LA along with March’s end of month reports (see further sections). The procedure to raise year-end Debtors and Creditors: Step 1: Select Transactions, Accruals 10 Step 2: In the Accruals options box, select the appropriate transaction type e.g. Debtors (if you are owed income) or Creditors (if you owe money) Step 3: Enter data in the required fields. The Value field in RM Finance should exclude VAT. Reference can be Accrual or any reference that is appropriate. Analysis code will be the relevant income code in the case of Debtors and expenditure code in the case of Creditors. Budget is the relevant budget account that the income should be shown against e.g. Other Income. Account should be the relevant Debtor or Creditor account, e.g. London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Click on OK. 11 The procedure to PRINT A LIST of Debtor and Creditor transactions: Step 4: Select Transactions, click on the Reports icon, then All Transactions Under “INCLUDE TRANSACTION TYPES” select only Accruals etc. and deselect the other options. Also ensure that ALL accounts are selected under the heading “FROM BANK ACCOUNT”. Click on “SIMPLE SEARCH” and enter 12 to 12 in the Periods box. Next, select Gross Totals and Short Report Format under the heading “SHOW REPORT WITH”. Select Printer then click on the print icon. If you have entered an accrual incorrectly then the procedure to correct the entry is as follows: Step 1: On the Main Menu select Transactions (As in Step 1). Then select Adjust / Correct from the Transactions Choice screen: 12 Step 2: Select Reversal under the heading “Debtors & Creditors”: Step 3: Select period 12 to 12 and click on OK: Step 4: Select the relevant transaction (if you have raised an accrual, it will appear in the box below) to be reversed and click on reverse: 13 6) CFR Checking Check data for Consistent Financial Reporting and amend any transactions that are incorrect by processing an internal charge for expenditure transactions, or reversing income transactions and re-processing with correct analysis code/budget account. Also make sure all relevant income and expenditure from your schools private fund has been entered into your official accounts (as an in and out transaction) e.g. Uniform/Bookbag Sales, School Visits, Swimming, Music lessons etc. For further assistance, please contact your Finance Support Provider. N.B. You will need to ensure that your income postings for I01 – I05 match the amounts paid by the LA which are shown on the Cash Advance Spreadsheet. 7) Bank Reconciliation Unpresented Cheques The school needs to be sure that all the cheques waiting to be reconciled are valid. Banks are able to cash cheques up to 6 years old now; therefore all unpresented items irrespective of their age should be checked for validity before reversing old transactions. It is best practice for schools to review the validity of cheques that are older than 6 months. If you have cheques on your bank reconciliation that you are sure will no longer be cashed, these can be reversed from your accounting system. If at a later date the cheques are presented, the transactions can be reinput. NB: Please bear in mind that writing back cheques for a large sum of money that may be presented in a future financial year could seriously affect your new year budget, therefore please be sure the cheques are not likely to be cashed before completing this procedure. If the outstanding cheques that require reversing are carried over from a previous year, these cannot be simply reversed from the system using the normal reversal procedure, but require an adjust/correct transaction to amend and write back to the accounts. How to write back unreconciled URC transactions to the accounts Click on Transactions, then Adjustments & Corrections If the amount to be written back is a Cheque (debit) then click on Adjust/Correct under the Expenditure heading. If the amount is Income (credit) then click on Adjust/Correct under the Income heading. Complete the transaction screen using the original Income Source/Supplier, Analysis code and Budget Account. If you no longer have the budget account that the original transaction was posted to, then find a suitable budget to post the adjustment to instead. By completing the above, the system will enter the reverse of the transaction into the accounts re-crediting or amending the income received as necessary. 14 Reconciling Bank & Petty Cash Accounts Upon receipt of your final March Bank Statements, you will need to reconcile the school bank up to 31st March. If your statement goes beyond this date, a clear ruled line must be entered on the bank statement and only transactions up to the 31st March must be reconciled, to keep your accounting years separate. If there are transactions on your bank statement from 1st April onwards, these will need to be reconciled in the new financial year datafile as part of your normal monthly bank reconciliation (this may mean you will need to photocopy your statement and keep aside for next month). If you use a Petty Cash Account on RM Finance, this will also need to be reconciled to your actual petty cash held in school. For both accounts, a Bank Balance Report must be printed from the system, signed by the Headteacher and attached to the copy of your EOY bank statement as at 31st March 2014. For further instructions on how to reconcile your bank/petty cash, please see the Monthly Reconciliation Guidance Notes held on the GRID. Next, print off an unreconciled items list from RM Finance and send to Children Services Finance, along with the signed Bank Balance Reports and copy bank statements. Click on Transactions, Reconciliation Select Bank Click on the print button 8) Monthly VAT Return To submit the March VAT return and any other outstanding VAT returns to be claimed to the LA, you need to print the following report; Click on Reporting, then the Transactions tab Click on VAT Reimbursement (Exp) Enter the period you are printing the VAT report for (i.e. from 12 to 12 for March) Click on ‘Include VAT only transactions’ Click on the print button 15 Repeat the above for VAT Reimbursement (Inc) to check if you have processed any income VAT transactions that month. N.B. Do not tick the “VAT Only Transactions” box 9) Budget v Actual v Committed Report, including Accruals To Print the Budget v Actual v Committed Report, including Accruals, follow these instructions; Click on Reporting, then the Records tab Click on Budget v Actual v Committed Report Click on Printer Click the radio button to Show Accruals instead of Committed Column Print and send report to Children Services Finance. Checking for misposted transactions IT IS IMPORTANT TO CHECK THAT YOUR NET YTD FIGURES FROM YOUR 16 I&E REPORT MATCH YOUR ACTUAL SPENT RECEIVED TOTAL AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BvAvC REPORT. This will ensure that no transactions have been incorrectly posted without a budget account attached, which the RM system will allow and could have happened without you knowing, giving the incorrect EOY closedown figures on your Budget v Actual v Committed report! To check your system for possible discrepancies; Click on Reporting, then the Records tab Click on Income and Expenditure Report, under Income and Expenditure Analysis Click on Printer Leave radio button on Analysis Listing and all other boxes deselected Click on Print Deduct the Turnover YTD Income figure from the Turnover YTD Expenditure figure and check this against the Total Spent/Rec’d figure at the bottom of the Budget v Actual v Committed report printed in section 9. Both these figures should match if there have been no mispostings on RM Finance. If they do not match then this means that transactions have been posted to the system without attaching to a Budget Account and are therefore not showing for reporting purposes on the BvAvC report. 17 To investigate which transactions have not posted correctly; Click on Reporting, then the Transactions tab Click on Income and Expenditure, under Include Transaction Types Ensure ALL bank accounts are selected Select Gross Totals and Short Report Format Click on Printer Click on Change Sort Order and type 1 in the Budget sort order box and tick the sub total box next to it (see below diagram for example) Click on Close, then Print The transactions with no budget attached should be showing at the top of the report. These will need reversing and entering correctly so that they now appear on the BvAvC report and the reports then match. 10) Period 12 and Year End Bank / Accounts Reconciliation It is imperative that all schools complete a Bank/System Accounts Year End Reconciliation, IN ADDITION to the normal period 12 Reconciliation, for their own peace of mind and self-management so that there are no accounting discrepancies in year. The yearend reconciliation statement for the current year can be found as part of the monthly reconciliation spread sheet, completed on a monthly basis. If you do not have a copy of the following reconciliation spreadsheet, it can be downloaded from FRONTER (Document named “EOY Reconciliation Statement 2014-15.xls”). To complete a Year End Bank Reconciliation as per diagram below, please follow the notes below; 18 LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS YEAR END RECONCILIATION STATEMENT Reconcilation Statement Balances SCHOOL 0 RECONCILIATION PERIOD Bank balance as at: 2014/15 FINANCIAL YEAR 31st March 2015 1 0.00 2 Less Cash due to LA from School 3 Plus Cash owed to school from LA 4 Less unpresented cheques (Please Attach List from RM Finance) 0.00 5 O NL Y UP T O T HE 31S T of M arch DAT E Less Accrued Creditors (Please Attach List) 6 Add cash in hand 0.00 7 Add unpresented income (Please Attach List from RM Finance) 0.00 8 0.00 9 Add VAT Reimbursements Due Full Year VAT on Exp Full Year VAT on Inc Less VAT Reimbursed 9a 9b 9c Add Accrued Debtors (Please Attach List) 10 ( A ) Reconciled Year End Bank Balance 0.00 Total Nett Income 2014/15 0.00 11 Less Total Nett Expenditure 2014/15 0.00 12 add net accruals 2013/14 0.00 13 Less (Accrued Creditors Less Accrued Debtors 2014/15) 0.00 14 Budget Vs Actual * In year surplus / (deficit) 0.00 15 0.00 Add Surplus from previous years (enter deficits as a negative amount) 0.00 16 ( B ) Reconciled Year End CFR Return 0.00 Difference 0.00 17 0.00 * Inc Accruals The Reconciled bank balance (A) must equal the reconciled CFR return (B) before your submit your return Any differences must be corrected on RM Finance If you have any difficulties producing a reconciliation statement then please contact your Finance Support provider for further assistance CERTIFICATE Examined where appropriate as to the quantity, services rendered, quality, price and arithmetical accuracy and certified that (1) the expenditure is properly payable by the Authority (2) entries have been made in the appropriate stock books for recordable articles bought and (3) the accounts have not been paid before (4) all Value Added Tax has been shown correctly throughout. (5) income is appropriate to the bank account in question Figure 1 Pre-completed as you MUST reconcile to 31st March. Figure 2 Pre-completed figure taken from your March 2015 reconciliation statement Figure 3 Enter any amount of cash owed to the LA shown on your 2013/14 Reconciliation Statement that has not been withdrawn in 2014/15 Figure 4 Enter any amount of cash owed to the school shown on your 2013/14 Reconciliation Statement that has not been paid in 2014/15 Figure 5 Pre-completed figure taken from your March 2015 reconciliation 19 statement Figure 6 Enter the total amount of your Accrued Creditors. Print list Figure 7 Pre-completed figure taken from your March 2015 reconciliation statement Figure 8 Pre-completed figure taken from your March 2015 reconciliation statement Figure 9 Figure 9 is calculated by completing boxes 9a 9b and 9c. Fig 9a is the total VAT on Expenditure for Periods 1 – 12 (including VAT only transactions) – N.B. Only Print Last Page of Report Fig 9b is the total VAT on Income for Periods 1 – 12 (NOT including VAT only transactions) – N.B. Only Print Last Page of Report Fig 9c – Enter the amount of VAT Reimbursed in 2014/15 – Do not include VAT Reimbursements relating to 2013/14 Figure 10 Enter the Total amount of your Accrued Debtors. Print list Figure 11 Pre-completed figure is total of individual monthly Net Income figures, taken from the individual monthly reconciliation reports Figure 12 Pre-completed figure is total of individual monthly Net Expenditure figures, taken from the individual monthly reconciliation reports Figure 13 Pre-completed taken from April 2014 reconciliation statement Figure 14 Calculated from figure 6 and figure 10 Figure 15 Calculated using previously entered figures Figure 16 Pre-completed taken from April 2014 reconciliation statement Figure 17 Using the Budget Vs Actual Report (with %spent) Enter the total (balance for all accounts) in column headed “Actual Spent Received” In order to check the Net Income and Expenditure Figures, you can print off the following report from RM Finance 20 Click on the Reporting button on the menu bar Click on the Transactions tab Make sure that All Transactions is highlighted in the General Reports menu Tick the Income box only in Include Transaction Types Tick School Bank and Petty Cash (if used) Click on show report with Totals only Then Printer Scroll down to find the Total Income figure on the report and check against the figure in Box 11 (Total Nett Income 2014/15) on the Year-end Reconciliation Statement. Repeat the process for Expenditure and check against the figure in Box 12 (Total Net Expenditure 2014/15). If A (Reconciled Year End Bank Balance) does not equal B (Reconciled Year End CFR Return), then adjustments will need to be made on RM Finance. If you require assistance with completing the adjustments and balancing your accounts, please contact your Finance Support Provider. When both A and B balance, print off the reconciliation statement and this should be signed by the Headteacher, dated and sent to the LA with the following reports 21 Year End Reports – Check List (These are in addition to the regular reports for period 12 only) Year End Reconciliation Spreadsheet Final Quarter Budget Monitoring return RM Finance Bank Report RM Finance Petty Cash Report RM Finance Unpresented Items listing (Date after the 1st April 2015 is not allowed. Schedules (Listings) of internal Creditors Schedules (Listings) of external Creditors Schedules (Listings) of internal Debtors Schedules (Listings) of external Debtors RM Finance Accrual Listing – by CFR code RM Finance VAT Report Period 12 Only RM Finance VAT Income Period 1 – 12 Last Page Only RM Finance VAT Expenditure Period 1 – 12 Last Page Only RM Finance Total Nett Income Report Totals Only RM Finance Total Nett Expenditure Report Totals Only RM Finance Budget Vs Actual Showing Accruals Copy of Bank Statement and Deposit Accounts Contracts Over £50,000 (see FRONTER for form)**** Leases (See FRONTER for form)**** Staff Remuneration over £50,000 (see FRONTER for form)**** Payment to Consultants / Self Employed Persons (See FRONTER for Form)**** HMRC PAYE Template 13/14 Surplus Balance Return (applies to only those schools above threshold) Please send back forms crossed “NIL RETURN”, for those lines marked **** above, as appropriate Please note if you cannot get reports signed before the 17th April deadline then please submit them unsigned, with a view of sending the signed copy at a later date. You can email the Year End Reconciliation Spreadsheet Alternatively you can email your data file (the 14/15 datafile AND 13/14 .lyr files) and CS Finance will complete the Year End returns and print off the necessary reports – Please arrange this with your named CS Finance Contact. 22 11) Year End Back-Up Ensure that a copy of the final accounts is made prior to rolling forward your year end data, either on floppy, zip disk, memory stick or on a CD. Any such backup copies must be retained for audit purposes for a minimum of seven years. Backup copies should be stored in fireproof containers, preferably off-site. The school must retain all documents, including computerised accounts, relating to the 2013/14 financial year. This is an audit requirement and must also be retained for a minimum of seven years. 12) Year End Roll Over IMPORTANT: Have you taken a Back Up of data? Check; All transactions have been entered for the period You have taken a back up of your data Choose PERIOD END and the following screen will be displayed: Click on Run Year End The system will then display a number of prompts: Click on Yes If you are not batching your transactions click on Yes 23 If you are batching your transactions ensure that all the batches have been posted to the system before running your year end to ensure that all transactions are accounted for in the correct year. The following screen will appear: Click on OK The following screen will appear: Click on Yes The following screen will appear: Ensure a full back up of data has been taken before clicking on Yes The following screen will appear: Enter 2014_15 in the File Name box and a description such as the one above in the Archive Notes box. Click on Save The system will now roll forward your data into a new file for the new financial year. This process can take up to 10 minutes. 24 A message will appear when the process is finished; Once the year end procedure is complete, the following will have taken place in RM Finance; All Budget Account balances are set to zero All Supplier turnover figures period and year-to-date are set to zero All Analysis code turnover figures period and year-to-date are set to zero VAT Return figures are cleared down and copied into the VAT Return All Un-reconciled transactions are carried forward and retained and labelled as transactions of type ‘URC’ All Outstanding Commitments are carried forward and retained All Accruals will be posted against the relevant budget account The Carry Forward figures on each of the financial summaries become the Opening Balance figures for the new year 13) Changes to Datafile for New Year If you wish to make any changes to the Budget Accounts in your New Year datafile, you are now able to delete unwanted budgets and create new ones (If you have outstanding orders that have been brought forward within a specific budget account, or unpresented transactions you will be unable to delete or edit it). 14) Linking your Old Year Datafile If you’re old year datafile has not automatically been linked to the New Year (you can check this by clicking on System Manager, Last Year Data, Switch to Last Year) then complete the following on RM Finance; • Click on System Manager, System Set up, Preferences • Browse for archive file (probably archived to Keys, Accounts, and Old Data) • Double click on archive file 2014_15 (the link should then appear in the window) N.B. the file extension should be .LYR and not .DF1 • Click on OK If you have successfully opened your last year data, the screen will now show ‘Last Year’s Data’ on the top line in large print. 25 Whilst in the Old Year you cannot: • Create new Budget Accounts • Add new Suppliers (Expenditure or Income) • Add new Analysis Codes • Enter Orders or Process Invoices • Reconcile the Bank Account Whilst in the Old Year you can: • Enter the March VAT reimbursement when received (this transaction will then roll forward into the New Year datafile to enable the bank to be reconciled) • View reports Note: Any amendments made in the Old Year datafile, will automatically update the financial summary opening balances for the New Year and the bank reconciliation (i.e. VAT). REMEMBER TO RETURN TO TH E NEW YEAR DATAFILE WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED PROCESSING THE MARCH VAT OR VIEWING DATA! 15) 2014/15 CFR Return You are now able to complete your annual CFR return using the CFR Assistant. Full Guidance Notes and Import Maps are available on the GRID. An interim CFR report should be submitted electronically via email to the LA by Friday 15th May 2015. It is imperative that the total for income, expenditure and balances of the interim CFR return match your EOY balances and reports. Failure to do so will result in the school having to re-submit a revised interim CFR return to the LA. If you are have any problems generating an interim CFR return, please contact your Finance Support Provider so that assistance can be provided. The purpose of the interim CFR return is to perform a dry-run before the final return is due. This will identify schools that need further support and allow time for schools to request assistance in this process. Upon confirmation and validation of the interim CFR return, the LA will notify schools that the final CFR return may be submitted. The final CFR return will be required no later than the Friday 3rd June 2015. 26 16) 2015/16 Budget To enable accurate monitoring of the schools accounts throughout the year, all schools should have entered their 2015/16 budgets onto RM Finance by the end of May 2015 at the latest. The budget entered onto RM Finance should match the schools’ Three Year Budget Plan, authorised by the Governing Body. There is a facility on RM Finance to ‘fix’ the budget after which any virements/changes to budget allocations only update the ‘current’ budget, while retaining the fixed budget set by Governors. Reports can then be produced for either the Fixed or the Current budget. Using this facility will help schools with monitoring and year-end projections. When the budget has been fully entered onto RM Finance and the final surplus/deficit figure matches your Three Year Budget Plan, you can then proceed to ‘fix’ the budget. • Click on System Manager (top menu bar) • Click on Fix Budgets • Click on Yes This must only be done once and can be done as soon as your initial budget is complete and balanced on RM Finance. Reports can be produced for either the Fixed or the Current budget. You just need to select the budget you wish to see on the options box given when producing a report. To produce a report that shows the fixed and current budgets together: • Click on Reporting • Click on Records tab • Select Budget vs Actual vs committed report • When the options box appears instead of selecting ‘% budget spent’ select ‘Comparative Budget vs Actual vs Committed’ this will then give you a report which gives the fixed budget (and the date fixed), the current budget, the actual committed against each budget to date and the difference between actual and current budgets. 27 Thank You & Good Luck, Schools Finance Team 28