SIM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SIMULATION OF SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS AND MODULES STUDENT: AUNG MYAT THU (B0706644) SUPERVISOR: DR. JIANG FAN PROJECT CODE: JAN2010/ENG/0080 A project report submitted to SIM University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Electronics Engineering November 2010 ABSTRACT The cost of fuel is going higher and overuse of fossil fuel environmentally unfriendly. Nowadays, countries and governments are encouraging to use the renewable energy like solar or wind energy. Therefore, it is important to understand the energy performance resulting from photovoltaic cell. There are a few models that predict energy production, but they require a large amount of input data that are not available during the design phase. In this project, we will study and build a simulation model using Pspice to predict the energy performance under different circumstances. PSpice is the program, which carries out the actual simulation of the circuit. Normally, one describes a circuit (using the PSpice language) on a text editor. PSpice simulates the circuit, and calculates its electrical characteristics. If we need a graphical output, PSpice can transfer its data to the Probe program for graphing purposes. Also Pspice is a simulation program that models the behaviour of a circuit. We will also study of solar background and its electrical characteristic. With this simulation model, it will help us to study the impact of PV cell internal material parameters. Moreover, this shall be applied in the analysis cell temperature and partial shade on the performance of a PV cell, etc. ENG499 Capstone Project Page i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my utmost gratitude and appreciation to my academic supervisor Dr. Jiang Fan from Singapore Polytechnic, for his patient, guidance and understanding during the entire course of my project, answer my questions on the experiment setups and other queries. I also would like to thank my immediate supervisor from STMicroelectronics Pte Ltd, Mr. David Ong for the arrangement of Annual Leaves and Time OFFs whenever necessary throughout my part-time study. Last but not least, I would like to express my greatest appreciation to my family for their emotional support throughout the entire course of my study. ENG499 Capstone Project Page ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii LISTS OF FIGURES iii LIST OF TABLES iv CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1 1.1 Project Objectives 1 1.2 Overall Objectives 1 1.3 Proposed approach and methods to be deployed 2 1.4 Layout of the Project report 3 1.4.1 Criteria and targets for judging the progress of the project 3 1.4.2 Lists of skills need to achieve targets 3 1.4.3 Identification of strengths and weaknesses 4 1.4.4 Priorities for improving the skills 4 1.4.5 Immediate targets 4 1.5 Summary of Results 4 CHAPTER TWO Investigation of Project Background 6 2.1 Review the history on the Photovoltaic system (PV) 6 2.2 Review on the Photovoltaic system 7 2.3 Photovoltaic Cell Parameters 10 2.4 Overview study of Pspice 11 CHAPTER THREE Experimental set up and Electrical characteristics of the solar cell 13 3.1 Pspice set up 13 3.2 Electrical characteristics of the solar cell 14 3.2.1 Short circuit current (Isc) 14 3.2.2 Open circuit voltage (Voc) 16 ENG499 Capstone Project Page iii 3.2.3 Maximum Power Point (MPP) 17 3.2.4 Fill Factor (FF) and Power Conversion Efficiency 19 CHAPTER FOUR Generalized model of a solar cell 22 4.1 Series resistance 22 4.2 Shunt resistance 23 4.3 Recombination 24 4.4 Temperature Effects 25 4.5 Effects of space radiation 26 CHAPTER FIVE Solar Cell in series and parallel and comparison 27 5.1 Series connection of two solar cells 27 5.2 Shunt (Parallel) connection of Solar Cells 28 5.2.1 Shadow effects 5.3 The Terrestrial PV module 31 33 CHAPTER SIX Conclusion and Recommendation 35 6.1 Conclusion 35 6.2 Recommendation 35 CHAPTER SEVEN Critical Review and Reflection 36 REFERENCES 38 APPENDIXS 39 Appendix A 39 Appendix B 40 ENG499 Capstone Project Page iv Appendix C ENG499 Capstone Project 42 Page v Lists of Figures Page Figure 2.1 a solar cell made from monocrystalline silicon wafer 8 Figure 2.2 Block diagram for stand-alone PV system 10 Figure 3.1 Pspice A/D demo window 13 Figure 3.2 Solar cells IV characteristic without illumination 14 Figure 3.3 I(V) characteristic of the solar cell model 15 Figure 3.4 I(V) plots of a solar cell under several irradiance values: 200, 400, 600, 17 800 and 1000 W/m2 Figure 3.5 Plot of the power values under different values of irradiances 18 Figure 3.6 Series resistance effects on fill factor 20 Figure 4.1 Series resistance effects, I(V) characteristic for series resistance values 22 Figure 4.2 Effects of the shunt resistance on the I(V) characteristic 23 Figure 4.3 Subcircuit including two diodes and series and shunt resistors 24 Figure 4.4 Effects of the recombination diode 24 Figure 4.5 Effects of temperature 26 Figure 4.6 Degradation of the characteristic of the silicon solar cell for various 26 space radiation fluencies Figure 5.1 Two solar cells in series 27 Figure 5.2 Simulation result of two identical solar cells in series 28 Figure 5.3 Comparison between one cell and two identical solar cells in series 28 Figure 5.4 I(V) Characteristic of two solar cells in series under different irradiance 29 values of cells ENG499 Capstone Project Page vi Figure 5.5 Voltages drop of the two cells under different irradiance 29 Figure 5.6 Power delivered (positive) or consumed (negative) on the two solar cells 30 unevenly illuminated Figure 5.7 Two solar cells in parallel with different irradiance 31 Figure 5.8 Two parallel cells under shadowed (CASE A) 31 Figure 5.9 One cell at full irradiance and the other at completely shadowed 32 (CASE B) Figure 5.10 One cell at full irradiance and the other at partially shadowed 32 (CASE C) Figure 5.11 Pspice model for the PV module subcircuit 33 Figure 5.12 I(V) characteristic and output power of a PV module 34 ENG499 Capstone Project Page vii List of Tables Page Table 2.1 early developments of photovoltaic 7 Table 3.1 Short circuit current and open circuit voltage under various irradiance 17 Table 3.2 Pspice result for several irradiance values 19 Table 3.3 Series resistance and its affect on the fill factor 21 ENG499 Capstone Project Page viii Chapter 1 Project Definition 1.1 Project objective This project aims to setup computer modeling for a PV cell/module so as to analyze the impacts of different parameters on outputs of a solar cell/module. The project will include the following main tasks: 1. Understanding of solar cells and module 2. The analysis on the performance of solar cell/module under different operating conditions 3. Learning of simulation software, Pspice 4. Modelling of solar cell/module needs to be built using computer software 1.2 Overall objective The reason of studying this project is due to the increasing demands of alternative energy resources. As the conventional energy sources are dwindling fast, the solar photovoltaic energy offers a very promising alternative, because it is free, abundant, pollution free and distributed throughout the earth. Therefore, accurate, reliable, and easy to apply methods for predicting the energy productions of photovoltaic panels are needed to identify optimum photovoltaic systems. However, it is expensive to simulate using physical solar panels to study the performance of the solar photovoltaic cells. Computer-based simulation is a useful means to study the performance of solar photovoltaic that is affected by various factors such as solar irradiance, cell temperature, operational conditions and different technologies. The power output from the photovoltaic cell mainly depends on the light intensity, the cell temperature, the panel’s orientation, its size and surface conditions. The light intensity affects primarily the amount of current produced, while the cell temperature controls the voltage produced. As the cell temperature increases under the same solar irradiance, the voltage of the cell is reduced and its current remains the same, which reduces the output power. All of these factors need to be taken in consideration to accurately predict the energy production. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 1 Photovoltaic (PV) systems consist of a PV generator (cell, module, and array), energy storage devices (such as batteries), AC and DC convectors and elements for power conditioning. The objective of this project is to build a workable simulation model using Pspice PV cell. The simulation will be considered in the model to obtain an accurate, reliable, and easy-toapply method for predicting the energy production of PV cell and measuring the impact of different parameters (temperature and irradiance) on the performance of PV cell operation throughout the simulation This project includes the following objects: To write the source code model using Pspice for PV cell to predict the energy production To investigate impacts of internal material resistance of a cell on its operational performance To examine impact of cell temperature on the cell energy production via simulation study To simulate the PV cells in series and parallel To simulate the effect of partial shade on output of PV cell energy production through the simulation To simulate PV module 1.3 Proposed approach and method to be employed Pspice model for photovoltaic cells will be carried out in this project. Using SPICE, the tool of choice for circuits and electronics designers, this project will highlight the increasing importance of modeling techniques in the quantitative analysis of PV systems. It will provide a unique, self-contained guide to the modeling and design of PV systems. Firstly, need to learn how to create and do simulation on Pspice as the project’s requirements and new software to me. After learning Pspice, PV cells in series were simulated in Pspice to achieve the desired output voltage. After that I created the cells in parallel to get the desired amount of current source capabilities. We will use a PSPICE model to simulate I-V (CurrentVoltage) and P-V (Power- Voltage) characteristics of a PV module and also studied the PV system under various circumstances like shading effect, temperature, diode model parameters, series and shunt resistance etc. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 2 Lastly, need to compare the data collect using Pspice to commercial PV cell as well as other simulation model like matlab. 1.4 Skills review 1.4.1 Criteria and targets for judging the progress of the project - The performance of the project will be measured based on our project goals and proposed project approaches. - According to scheduled project plan, the targets will be set and the progress of the project will be monitored. Criteria/Targets Dateline Status Project Proposal and Approval 14 Jan 2008 Completed Literature review 7 Mar 2010 Completed Project initial report 8 Mar 2010 Completed Study of Pspice and PV system 20 May 2010 Completed Simulation of PV module 08 Sep 2010 Completed Submission of Final Report 15 Nov 2010 Completed Oral Presentation 27 Nov 2010 On-going using Pspice 1.4.2 Lists of skills need to achieve targets - Ability of searching resources (literature review and journal review papers) - Pspice and simulink skills - Understanding of PV system - Enhancement in semi conductor device - Project management skills ENG499 Capstone Project Page 3 - Technical report writing skills - Presentation and effective communication skills 1.4.3 Identification of strengths and weaknesses Strengths Weaknesses Ability of searching resources Understanding of PV system Knowledge of simulink New exposure to Pspice Project management skills Technical report writing skills Presentation and effective communication skills 1.4.4 Priorities for improving the skills - In order to improve my understanding of PV system, I will study simple and more details PV systems for better understanding. - To enhance my understanding of Pspice, I will start with simple tutorials lessons and then after learn the PV system using Pspice. - To improve my technical report writing skills, I will read more thesis reports and learn from them. 1.4.5 Immediate targets As the next stage of the project after initial report, I will study PV system and Pspice. Firstly, Pspicpe software will be studied and practiced simple tutorials. Then will study of PV system simulation using Pspice. Finally, simulation of PV system using Pspice and compare the results with other models. 1.5 Summary of Results The results for all the experiments in this project are presented in chapter 3, 4 and chapter 5 of this thesis. In summary, first, we will study the electrical characteristic of solar cell like open circuit voltage, short circuit current, fill factor and maximum power. Second, we will study on generalized model of a solar cell under various effects like irradiance and ENG499 Capstone Project Page 4 temperature. Lastly we will study the series and parallel of cells under different circumstances and introduction study on PV module. All of the related Pspice code will be mentioned in Appendix C. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 5 Chapter 2 INVESTIGATION OF PROJECT BACKGROUND A solar cell is a device that converts the energy of sunlight directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effects. Sometimes the term solar cell is reserved for devices intended specifically to capture energy from sunlight such as solar panels and solar cells, while the term photovoltaic cell is used when the light source is unspecified. Assemblies of cells are used to make solar panels or solar modules that are employed to form photovoltaic arrays. Photovoltaic is the field of technology and research related to the application of solar cells in producing electricity for practical use. The energy generated this way is an example of solar energy (also known as solar power). The increasing demands of alternative energy resources as the conventional energy sources are dwindling fast, the solar photovoltaic energy offers a very promising alternative, because it is free, abundant, pollution free and distributed throughout the earth. 2.1 Review the history on the Photovoltaic system (PV) Scientists have known of the photovoltaic effect for more than 170 years. The photovoltaic effect was first recognized in 1839 by French physicist A. E. Becquerel. However, the first solar cell was built until 1883 by Charles Fritts [7], who coated the semiconductor selenium with an extremely thin layer of gold to form the junctions. The device was only around 1% efficient. The modern age of solar power technology arrived in 1954 when Bell Laboratories by Gerald Pearson, Daryl Chapin and Calvin Fuller, experimenting with semiconductors, accidentally found that silicon doped with certain impurities was very sensitive to light. This resulted in the production of the first practical solar cells with a sunlight energy conversion efficiency of around 6 percent. In 1958, the Vanguard satellite employed the first practical photovoltaic generator producing a modest one watt. Table 2.1 showed early development of photovoltaic. In the 1960s, the space program continued to demand improved photovoltaic power generation technology. Early satellites needed a source of electrical power and any solution was expensive. The development of solar cells for this purpose led to their eventual use in other applications. Without this tremendous development effort, photovoltaic power would be of little use today. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 6 Year 1839 Development Antoine-César Becquerel, a French physicist, discovered the photovoltaic effect. In his experiments he found that voltage was produced when a solid electrode in an electrolyte solution was exposed to light 1877 W.G. Adams and R.E. Day observed the photovoltaic effect in solid selenium. They built the first selenium cell and published “The action of light on selenium,” in Proceedings of the Royal Society 1883 Charles Fritz built what many consider to be the first true photovoltaic cell. He coated the semiconductor selenium with an extremely thin layer of gold. His photovoltaic cell had an efficiency of less than 1% 1904 Albert Einstein published a paper on the photoelectric effect 1927 A new type of photovoltaic cell was developed using copper and the semiconductor copper oxide. This device also had an efficiency of less than 1%. Both the selenium and copper oxide devices were used in applications such as light meters for photography 1941 Russell Ohl developed the silicon photovoltaic cell. Further refinement of the silicon photovoltaic cell enabled researchers to obtain 6% efficiency in direct sunlight in 1954 1954 Bell Laboratories obtained 4% efficiency in a silicon photovoltaic cell. They soon achieved 6% and then 11% 1958 PV cells were first used in space on board the Vanguard satellite Table 2.1 Early development of photovoltaic 2.2 Review on the Photovoltaic system A photovoltaic (PV) system generates electricity by the direct conversion of the sun’s energy into electricity. This simple principle involves sophisticated technology that is used to build efficient devices, namely solar cells, which are the key to components PV system and require semiconductor-processing techniques in order to be manufactured at low cost and high efficiency. Detailed semiconductor processing techniques can be referred in Appendix. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 7 A photovoltaic system is a modular system because it is built out of several pieces or elements, which have to be scaled up to build larger systems or scaled down to build smaller systems. Photovoltaic systems are found in the Megawatt range and in the milliwatt range producing electricity for very different uses and applications: from a wristwatch to a communication satellite or a PV terrestrial plant, grid connected. The operational principles though remain the same, and only the conversion problems have specific constraints. Figure 2.1 A solar cell made from monocrystalline silicon wafer Materials presently used for photovoltaics include monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, microcrystalline silicon, cadmium telluride, and copper indium selenide/sulfide.The elements and components of PV system are the photovoltaic devices themselves, or solar cells packaged and connected in a suitable form and the electronic equipment required interfacing the system to the other system components, namely: - A storage element in standalone systems; - The grid in grid-connected systems; - AC or DC loads, by suitable DC/DC or DC/AC converters. Specific constraints must be taken into account for the design and sizing of these systems and specific models have to be developed to simulate the electrical behavior. There are some of the important definitions to know during this project to understand the terms. The radiation of the sun reaching the earth, distributed over a range of wavelengths from 300nm to 4 micron approximately, is partly reflected by the atmosphere and partly transmitted to the earth’s surface. Photovoltaic applications used for space, such as satellites or spacecrafts, have a sun radiation availability different from that of PV applications at the wavelengths in a similar fashion to the radiation of a ‘black body’ following Planck’s law, whereas at the surface of the earth the atmosphere selectively absorbs the radiation at certain wavelengths. It is common practice to distinguish two different sun ‘spectral distributions’: ENG499 Capstone Project Page 8 (a) AM0 spectrum outside of the atmosphere. (b) AM 1.5 G spectrum at sea level at certain standard conditions defined below. Several important magnitudes can be defined: spectral irradiance, irradiance and radiation as follows: (a) Spectral irradiance I a – the power received by a unit surface area in a wavelength differential d , the units are W / m 2 . (b) Irradiance – the integral of the spectral irradiance extended to all wavelengths of interest. The units are W / m 2 . (c) Radiation – the time integral of the irradiance extended over a given period of time, therefore radiation units are units of energy. It is common to find radiation data in J / m 2 day, if a day integration period of time is used, or most often the energy is given in kWh / m 2 -day, kWh / m 2 -year depending on the time slot used for the integration of the irradiance. High-efficiency solar cells are a class of solar cell that can generate more electricity per incident solar power unit (watt/watt). Much of the industry is focused on the most cost efficient technologies in terms of cost per generated power. The two main strategies to bring down the cost of photovoltaic electricity are increasing the efficiency of the cells and decreasing their cost per unit area. However, increasing the efficiency of a solar cell without decreasing the total cost per kilowatt-hour is not more economical, since sunlight is free. Thus, whether or not "efficiency" matters depends on whether "cost" is defined as cost per unit of sunlight falling on the cell, per unit area, per unit weight of the cell, or per unit energy produced by the cell. In situations where much of the cost of a solar system scales with its area (so that one is effectively "paying" for sunlight), the challenge of increasing the photovoltaic efficiency is thus of great interest, both from the academic and economic points of view. Newer alternatives to standard crystalline silicon modules include casting wafers instead of sawing, thin film (CdTe CIGS, amorphous Si, microcrystalline Si), concentrator modules, 'Sliver' cells, and continuous printing processes. Due to economies of scale solar panels get less costly as people use and buy more — as manufacturers increase production to meet demand, the cost and price is expected to drop in the years to come. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 9 A photovoltaic PV generator is the whole assembly of solar cells, connections, protective parts, supports etc. In the present modeling, the focus is only on cell/module/array. Solar cells consist of a p-n junction fabricated in a thin wafer or layer of semiconductor (usually silicon). In the dark, the I-V output characteristic of a solar cell has an exponential characteristic similar to that of a diode. When solar energy (photons) hits the solar cell, with energy greater than band gap energy of the semiconductor, electrons are knocked loose from the atoms in the material, creating electron-hole pairs. These carriers are swept apart under the influence of the internal electric fields of the p-n junction and create a current proportional to the incident radiation. When the cell is short circuited, this current flows in the external circuit; when open circuited, this current is shunted internally by the intrinsic p-n junction diode. The characteristics of this diode therefore set the open circuit voltage characteristics of the cell. Figure 2.2 Block diagram for stand-alone PV system 2.3 Photovoltaic Cell Parameters The fundamental electrical parameters of the solar module are defined Short circuit current (Isc) Open circuit voltage (Voc) Maximum power point current (Imp) Maximum power point voltage (Vmp) Maximum power (Pmax) Fill Factor (FF) and Power Conversion Efficiency ENG499 Capstone Project Page 10 This simple model is then generalized to take into account series and shut resistive losses and recombination losses. Temperature effects are then introduced and the effects of space radiation are also studied with a modification of the PSpice model. Details simulation on these parameters will be discussed on next chapter. 2.4 Overview study of Pspice OrCAD offers a total solution for user’s core design tasks: schematic- and VHDL-based design entry; FPGA and CPLD design synthesis; digital, analog, and mixed-signal simulation; and printed circuit board layout. What's more, OrCAD's products are a suite of applications built around an engineer's design flow--not just a collection of independently developed point tools. PSpice is just one element in OrCAD's total solution design flow. With OrCAD’s products, user’ll spend less time dealing with the details of tool integration, devising workarounds, and manually entering data to keep files in sync. The products will help user build better products faster, and at lower cost. OrCAD PSpice is a simulation program that models the behaviour of a circuit containing analog devices. Used with OrCAD Capture for design entry, you can think of PSpice as a software-based breadboard of the circuit that user can use to test and refine the design before ever touching a piece of hardware. Run basic and advanced analyses PSpice can perform: DC, AC, and transient analyses, so user can test the response of your circuit to different inputs. Parametric, Monte Carlo, and sensitivity/worst-case analyses, so you can see how your circuit’s behavior varies with changing component values. Use parts from OrCAD’s extensive set of libraries The model libraries feature over 11,300 analog models of devices manufactured in North America, Japan, and Europe. Vary device characteristics without creating new parts PSpice has numerous built-in models with parameters that you can tweak for a given device. These include independent temperature effects. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 11 Model behaviour PSpice supports analog behavioural modelling, so you can describe functional blocks of circuitry using mathematical expressions and functions. The PSpice is an analog/digital circuit simulator, which calculates voltage and current in a circuit under variety of different circumstances. This feature of PSpice is used to simulate a circuit based model for PV cells/ modules and then to conduct behavioural study under varying conditions of solar isolation including shading effect, temperature, diode model parameters, series and shunt resistance etc. The study is very helpful in clearly outlining the principles and the intricacies of PV cells/modules and may surely be used to verify impact of different topologies and control techniques on the performance of different types of PV system. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 12 Chapter 3 Experimental Set up and Electrical characteristics of the solar cell 3.1 Pspice set up In this project, Pspice software is used for simulation of solar cell and its behaviours. Pspice is the SPICE analog circuit and digital logic simulation that runs on personal computers, hence the first letter ‘P’ in its name. It was developed by MicroSim and is used in electronic design automation. MicroSim was bought by OrCAD which was subsequently purchased by Cadence Design Systems. The name is an acronym for Personal Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis. Today it has evolved into an analog mixed signal simulator. OrCAD can be used to simulate in two different ways, drawing the circuit and writing the code. In this project, simulations are done by creating the codes. Most important thing about writing the code is assigning the correct node. 3.1.1 Pspice work space OrCAD version 16.3 demo had been used throughout the project. When Pspice A/D demo opened, a window is shown in figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 Pspice A/D demo window We can write the Pspice code in the text file and can start doing simulation. It also can ENG499 Capstone Project Page 13 produce output file and error file. 3.2 Electrical characteristics of the solar cell The dark and illuminated I(V) characteristics are analytically described and Pspice models are introduced for the simplest model, composed of a diode and a current source. This simple model is then generalized to take into series and shunt resistive losses and recombination losses. Temperature effects are then introduced and the effects of space radiation are studied in next chapters with a modification of the Pspice model. 3.2.1 Short circuit current (Isc) A silicon solar cell is a simple diode circuit formed by a p-n junction. The IV curve of a solar cell in the dark is the same IV characteristic as a diode with the light-generated current [13], as illustrated in Figure 3.2.1. The light has the effect of shifting the IV curve. The value of the current generated by the solar cell submitted to a given irradiance and voltage is given by Figure 3.2 Solar cells IV characteristic without illumination The case in photovoltaic is that a solar cell receives a given irradiance value and that the short circuit current is proportional to the irradiance. In order to implement that in Pspice the value of the short circuit current, is assigned to G-device which is a voltage-controlled current source. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 14 Syntax for G-device node+ node- control_node+ control_node- gain In this project, the G-device used is named ‘girrad’ and is given by: where G is the value of the irradiance in . Above equation considers that the value of is given at standard (AM1.5G, 1000 ) conditions, which are the conditions under which measurements are usually made. Solar cell manufacturers’ catalogues provide these standard values for the short circuit current. Equation returns the value of the short circuit current at any irradiance value, G, provided the proportionality between irradiance and short circuit current holds. This is usually the case provided low injection conditions are satisfied. The example of subcircuit used in this project: .subckt cell_1 300 301 302 params:area=1, j0=1, jsc=1 girrad 300 301 value={(jsc/1000)*v(302)*area} d1 301 300 diode .model diode d(is={j0*area}) .ends cell_1 As can be seen from subcircuit code, we have to assign unity to the parameters. The real values are specified later when the subcircuit is included in a circuit. In order to obtain I(V) characteristic, the solar cell subcircuit is connected in a measurement circuit. Below is the I(V) characteristic of the solar cell model. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 15 Figure 3.3 I(V) characteristic of the solar cell model From the above figure, the value of short circuit current of the cell can be gotten from the intersection of the graph with the y-axis which is 4.342A in that case. 3.2.2 Open circuit voltage (Voc) Another important electrical parameter in the solar cell characteristic is open circuit voltage, (Voc). This can be seen at the crossing of the I(V) curve with the voltage axis. Applying the open circuit condition, I=0, to the I(V) equation (3.1) as follows: The open circuit voltage is given by: From the above equation, it can be seen than the value of the open circuit voltage depends, logarithmically on the Isc/Io ratio. This means that under constant temperature the value of the open circuit voltage scales logarithmically with the short circuit current which, in turn scales linearly with the irradiance resulting in a logarithmic dependence of the open circuit voltage with the irradiance. This is also an important result indicating that the effect of the irradiance is much larger in the short circuit current than in the open circuit value. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 16 The open circuit voltage is independent of the cell area, which is an important result because, regardless of the value of the cell area, the open circuit voltage is always the same under the same illumination and temperature conditions. Below simulation result will show the open circuit voltage and short circuit current under difference irradiance value, namely 200,400,600,800 and 1000 W/m2. Figure 3.4 I(V) plots of a solar cell under several irradiance values: 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 W/m2 The plots in figure are obtained and, using the cursor utility in Probe, The value of V oc and Isc are measured. The result are shown in table 3.1 Irradiance (W/m2) Short circuit current (A) Open circuit voltage (V) 1000 4.34 0.567 800 3.47 0.561 600 2.60 0.554 400 1.73 0.543 200 0.86 0.525 Table 3.1 Short circuit current and open circuit voltage under various irradiance 3.2.3 Maximum Power Point (MPP) The output power of a solar cell is the product of the output current delivered to the electric load and the voltage across the cell. It is generally considered that a positive sign indicates ENG499 Capstone Project Page 17 power being delivered to the load and a negative sign indicates power being consumed by the solar cell. The power at any point of the characteristic is given by: The value of the power at the short circuit point and open circuit point is zero, because the voltage is zero at short circuit point, where the current is zero at the open circuit point. There is a positive power generated by the solar cell between these two points. It also happens that there is a maximum of the power generated by a solar cell somewhere in between. This happens at a point called the maximum power point (MPP) with the coordinates V=Vm and I=Im. A relation between Vm and Im can be derived, taking into account that at the maximum power point the derivative of the power is zero: At the MPP, It follows that, which is a transcendent equation. Using Pspice the coordinates of the MPP can be easily found plotting the IxV product as a function of the applied voltage. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 18 Figure 3.5 Plot of the power values under different values of irradiances Table 3.2 shows the values obtained using equation (3.8) compared to the values obtained using Pspice. As can be seen the accuracy obtained by Pspice is related to the step in voltage we have used, namely 0.01V. If more precision is required, a shorter simulation step should be used. Irradiance(W/m2) (PSpice) (V) from Im (PSpice) (A) Pmax (Pspice) (W) equation (3.8) V 1000 0.495 0.4895 4.07 2.01 800 0.485 0.4825 3.28 1.59 600 0.477 0.476 2.47 1.18 400 0.471 0.466 1.63 0.769 200 0.45 0.4485 0.820 0.37 Table 3.2 Pspice result for several irradiance values 3.2.4 Fill Factor (FF) and Power Conversion Efficiency A parameter called fill factor (FF) is defined as the ratio between the maximum power Pmax and the Isc Voc product: ENG499 Capstone Project Page 19 The fill factor has no units. Indicating how far the product Isc Voc is from the power delivered by the solar cell. The fill factor can be greatly affected by the series resistance. Below is the normalized value of the series resistance. The normalization factor is the ratio of the open-circuit voltage to the short-circuit current. Below equation shows the relationship between fill factor and series resistance. Below simulation is done with the various values of series resistance, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02ohm. Figure 3.6 Series resistance effects on fill factor From the above simulation, the values of maximum power point and fill factors are calculated and given in table (3.3) ENG499 Capstone Project Page 20 Series Resistance (Rs) Maximum power (Pm) FF 0.0001 2.02 0.82 0.001 2.004 0.814 0.002 1.98 0.8 0.005 1.93 0.78 0.01 1.85 0.75 0.02 1.689 0.686 Table 3.3 Series resistance and its affect on the fill factor The power conversion efficiency is defined as the solar cell output power and the solar power inputting the solar cell surface, Pin. This input power equals the irradiance multiplied by the cell area. From equation (3.10), the values of efficiency of a solar cell are proportional to the value of the three main photovoltaic parameters: (1) the open circuit voltage, (2) the short circuit current density (3) fill factor, for a given irradiance G. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 21 Chapter 4 Generalized model of a solar cell We had described an ideal behaviour of a solar cell based on an ideal diode and an ideal current source in previous chapter. Ideal model is sometimes insufficient to accurately represent the maximum power delivered by the solar cell. There are various effects which have not been taken into account and that may change the solar cell response. 4.1 Series resistance One of the main limitations of the model comes from the series resistive losses which are presenting practical solar cells. In fact, the current generated in the solar cell volume travels to the contacts through resistive semiconductor material, both, in the base region, not heavily doped in general, and in the emitter region, which although heavily doped, is narrow. Besides these two components, the resistance of the metal grid, contacts and current collecting bus also contribute to the total series resistive losses. It is common practice to assume that these series losses can be represented by a lumped resistor, Rs, called the series resistance of the solar cell. The simulation results in Figure shows that several values of the series resistance at a high and constant shunt resistance and at equivalent values of the irradiance and the temperature. Figure 4.1 Series resistance effects, I(V) characteristic for series resistance values from 1 ohm (bottom graph), 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 ohm (top graph) ENG499 Capstone Project Page 22 From the above figure, large differences are observed in the I(V) characteristic as the value of series resistance increases, in particular the values of short-circuit current and of the fill factor can be severely reduced. This is clearly seen in the several plots in figure where he value of the short-circuit current remains sensibly constant, provided that value for the series resistance equal to or smaller than 0.01ohm are used. For the open-circuit voltage can see clearly from the plot is independent of the series resistance value as all curves cross at the same point on the voltage axis and this is true regardless of the value of the shunt resistance, and the values of the parameters of the recombination diode. 4.2 Shunt resistance Solar cell technology in industry is the result of mass production of devices generally made out of large area wafers, or of large area thin film material. A number of shunt resistive losses are identified, such as localized shorts at the emitter layer of perimeter hunts along cell borders are among the most common. This is represented generally by a lumped resistor, Rsh, in parallel with the intrinsic device. The shunt resistance also degrades the performance of the solar cell. The simulation result shown in figure Figure 4.2 Effects of the shunt resistance on the I(V) characteristic From the figure, open circuit voltage is only very slightly modified unless the parallel resistance takes very small values. For the short circuit current, all plots cross at the same point. Small values of the shunt resistance also heavily degrade the fill factor. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 23 4.3 Recombination Recombination at the space charge region of solar cells explains non-ohmic current paths in parallel with the intrinsic solar cell. This is relevant at low voltage bias and can be represented in an equivalent circuit by a second diode term as in figure 4.3 with a saturation density current J02, which is different from the saturation density current of the ideal solar cell diode, and a given ideality diode factor different to 1, it is most often assumed to equal 2.This can be added to the solar cell sub circuit by simply adding a second diode 'diode2'with n=2 in the description of the diode model, as follows: .model diode2d(is=<j02*area>,n=2 (301) Rs (303) (302) IL=girrad D1 D2 (300) Rsh (300) Figure 4.3 Subcircuit including two diodes and series and shunt resistors The open circuit voltage is also degraded when the recombination diode becomes important. This can be seen in figure where in order to isolate the recombination diode effect; a high value of the parallel resistance and low value of the series resistance have been selected. Figure 4.4 Effects of the recombination diode ENG499 Capstone Project Page 24 The result shows that when the recombination diode dominates the characteristic is also heavily degraded, both in the open-circuit voltage and in the FF. The short-circuit current remains constant. 4.4 Temperature Effects Operating temperature has a strong effect on the electrical response of solar cell. Taking into account that in, terrestrial applications, solar cells can easily warm up o 60-65 degree Celsius and that in space or satellite applications temperatures can be even higher, it follows that a proper modelling of the temperature coefficients of the main electrical parameters is mandatory. Temperature effects in solar cell can be included in Pspice model using the built in parameters of the diode model included in the equivalent circuit. Namely the saturation density current of a diode has a strong dependence on temperature and it is usually given by: Where B is a constant independent of the temperature and XTI is a Pspice parameter also independent of the temperature. Increase in temperature reduces the band gap of a semiconductor, thereby effecting most of the semiconductor material parameters. The decrease in the band gap of a semiconductor with increasing temperature can be viewed as increasing the energy of the electrons in the material. Lower energy is therefore needed to break the bond. In the bond model of a semiconductor band gap, reduction in the bond energy also reduces the band gap. Therefore, increasing the temperature reduces the band gap. In a solar cell, while increasing temperature reduces the magnitude of the exponent in the characteristic equation, the value of diode reverses saturation current I0 increases in proportion to expT, and the parameter most affected by an increase in temperature is the open-circuit voltage. We have simplified the solar cell model setting J02 = 0, the series resistance has been set to a very small value and the shunt resistance to a large value so as not to obscure the temperature effects. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 25 Figure 4.5 Effects of temperature 4.5 Effects of space radiation The main effect of space radiation concerns the minority carrier lifetime degradation in the semiconductor bulk leading to an increase of the dark current density, and also a degradation of the photocurrent generated. Altogether these effects produce a significant reduction of the maximum power of the solar cell. Simulation results using different space radiation fluencies shown in figure Figure 4.6 Degradation of the characteristic of the silicon solar cell for various space radiation fluencies ENG499 Capstone Project Page 26 Chapter 5 Solar Cell in series and parallel and comparison Single solar cells have a limited potential to provide power at high voltage levels because the open circuit voltage is independent of the solar cell area and is limited by the semiconductor properties. In most photovoltaic applications, voltages are greater than some tens of volts are required and, even for conventional electronics; a minimum of around one volt is common nowadays. It is then mandatory to connect solar cells in series in order to scale-up the voltage produced by a PV generator. PV application range from a few watts in portable applications to megawatts in PV plants, so it is not only required to scale up the voltage but also the current, because the maximum solar cell area is also limited due o manufacturing and assembly procedures. This means that parallel connection of PV cells and modules is the most commonly used approach to suit the output current of a given PV installation, taking into account all the system components and losses. 5.1 Series connection of two solar cells The figure shows the circuit corresponding to the series association of two solar cells. A number of cases can be distinguished, depending on the irradiance levels or internal parameter values of the different cells. (43) (42) (302) + Xcell1 (303) Subcircuit Virrad 1 CELL_2.LIB (300) + (45) (44) + (302) Virrad 2 Xcell2 Xcell2 Vbias (303) Subcircuit Subcircuit Cell2.LIB CELL_2.LIB (300) (0) Figure 5.1 Two solar cells in series ENG499 Capstone Project Page 27 Below is the simulation result done by two solar cells have same irradiance value and equal values of the series and shunt resistances. Figure 5.2 Simulation result of two identical solar cells in series Figure 5.3 Comparison between one cell and two identical solar cells in series From the above comparison curve, The I(V) characteristic has the same value as the short circuit current of any of the two solar cells and that the total voltage drop is twice as the voltage drop in single solar cell Under normal operation, the two solar cells are connected in series but the irradiance they receive is not the same. Below is the simulation of two series cell received different ENG499 Capstone Project Page 28 illumination. Cell number 1 received an irradiance of 1000 W/m2 and cell number 2 received 700 W/m2. Figure 5.4 I(V) Characteristic of two solar cells in series under different irradiance values of cells From the figure 5.4, the association of the two solar cells, as could be expected by the series association, generates a short circuit current equal to the short circuit current generated by the less illuminated solar cell. Figure 5.5 Voltages drop of the two cells under different irradiance From the graph, we can see that the voltage drop in the two cells is spilt unevenly for operating points at voltages smaller than the open circuit voltage. As can be seen from figure 5.5, at short circuit, the voltage drop in cell number 1 is 533 mV whereas the drop in cell number 2 is -533 mV ensuring that the total voltage across the association is zero. This means that under certain operating conditions one of the solar cells, the less illuminated, may be under reverse bias. This has relevant consequences, as can be seen by plotting not only the ENG499 Capstone Project Page 29 power delivered by the two solar cell series string, but also the power delivered individually by each solar cell as shown in figure 5.6. Figure 5.6 Power delivered (positive) or consumed (negative) on the two solar cells unevenly illuminated From the simulation result shown in figure 5.6, the power delivered by solar cell number 2, which is the less irradiance (lower solar current) may be negative if the total association work at an operating point blow some 0.5 V. This indicates that some of the power produced by solar cell number 1 is dissipated by solar cell number 2 thereby reducing the available output power and increasing the temperature locally at cell number 2. This effect is called the ‘hot spot’ problem, which may be important in PV modules where only one of the series string of solar cells is less illuminated and which then has to dissipate some of the power generated by the rest of the cells. 5.2 Shunt (Parallel) connection of Solar Cells By connecting the solar cell in series, it will scale up the voltage. On the other hand, if PV module needs to scale up the current, we need to connect the solar cells in parallel of a given area or increasing the solar cell area. Such is the case in large arrays of solar cells for outerspace applications or for terrestrial PV modules and plants. For the parallel connection, we need to connect node (300) and (303) directly in between two cells shown in figure 5.1. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 30 Figure 5.7 Two solar cells in parallel with different irradiance The graph shows that the short circuit current is the addition of the two short circuit currents. 5.2.1 Shadow effects The above analysis should not lead to the conclusion that the output power generated by a parallel string of two solar cells illuminated a intensity of 50% of total irradiance is exactly the same as the power generated by just one solar cell illuminated by the full irradiance. This is due to the power losses by series and shunt resistance. Below simulation graphs will illustrate this shadow effect. CASE A: the two solar cells are half shadowed receiving and irradiance of 500 W/m2. Figure 5.8 Two parallel cells under shadowed (CASE A) ENG499 Capstone Project Page 31 CASE B: One of the cell receiving full irradiance 1000 W/m2 and the other is completed shadowed 0 W/m2. Figure 5.9 One cell at full irradiance and the other at completely shadowed (CASE B) CASE C: One of the cell receiving full irradiance 1000 W/m2 and the other is partially shadowed at 200 W/m2 Figure 5.10 One cell at full irradiance and the other at partially shadowed (CASE C) From the result of above three cases, it can be seen that neither the open circuit voltage nor the maximum power are the same. Therefore, the assumption of a shadowed solar cell can be simply eliminated does not produce accurate results because the associated losses to the parasitic resistance are not known. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 32 5.4 The Terrestrial PV module In this project, we will simulate the PV module as introduction. However, we will not test simulations on other effects of PV module. The most common photovoltaic module is a particular case of a series string of solar cells. In terrestrial applications the PV standard modules are composed of a number of solar cells connected in series. The number is usually 33 to 36 but various associations are also available. The connections between cells are made using metal stripes. The PV module characteristic is the result of the voltage scaling of the I(V) characteristic of single solar cell. It would be easy to link up series strings of individual cells in Pspice. However, there are two main reasons why a more compact formulation of a PV module is required. The first reason is that as the number of solar cells in series increases, so do the number of nodes of the circuit. Educational and evaluation versions of Pspice do not allow the simulation of a circuit with not more than 2 cells in connections. The second reason is that as the scaling rules of current and voltage are known and hold in general, it is simpler and more useful to develop a more compact model, which could be used, as a model for a single PV module, and then scaled-u[ to build the model of a PV plant. Below equation (5.1) is the a very compact expression of the I(V) characteristic of a PV module. where subscript M stands for ‘Module’ and stands for series resistance. The equation is useful for hand calculations. (401) Rs M (403) (402) IL=girrad D1 (400) Figure 5.11 Pspice model for the PV module subcircuit The model described above is able to reproduce the whole standard AM1.5G I(V) characteristic of a PV module from the values of the main PV magnitudes available for a ENG499 Capstone Project Page 33 commercial module: short circuit current, open circuit voltage, maximum power and the number of solar cells connected. Below is the simulation of I(V) characteristic of PV module. Figure 5.12 I(V) characteristic and output power of a PV module The electrical characteristics of PV modules are rated at standard irradiance and temperature conditions. The standard conditions for terrestrial application are 1000 W/m2 at 25 degree Celsius. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 34 Chapter 6 Conclusion and Recommendation 6.1 Conclusion In conclusion, the models that I created for solar cell and module in Pspice are very useful to predict energy production. Various electrical characteristic of solar cell are learnt and simulated under different circumstances like temperature and irradiance. Simulation on solar cells in series and parallel will be useful to understand in practical applications. We will be able to calculate how many solar cells are needed and how the connection according to the application voltages and current needed. Lastly, PV module model will be a good simulation to start on when the system becomes more complicated. Therefore, the research done on simulation of photovoltaic using Pspice will be useful tools to predict the energy prediction as the actual solar system is costly and not so practical. 6.2 Recommendation Further research could be done to identify combination of series and parallel PV cells and arrays for temperature and irradiance effects. Further research could be done as well on the PV module and various effects on the PV module. It will be more complete simulation of the PV module. Further research could be done on the performance impact of different types of solar material. Finally, it is also suggested that the manufacturers provide either a complete current-voltage curve or the value of the slope at the short circuit current Isc, at the reference condition so that the parameters for modelling the panel performance can be determined. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 35 Chapter 7 Critical Review and Reflection Before selection of topics for this final year project, I am very much interested to choose something related to research on alternative energy or energy saving products or technology. Eventually I selected the topic on Simulation of solar photovoltaic cells/modules. Since the start of the project proposal, I had studied the PV cells and modules, solar cell principles and semiconductor devices from internet and reference books. I also learned the Pspice software as my new exposure to the software through internet and started practicing using sample programs and codes. Learning how to simulate using Pspice is good achievement throughout the project. Studying of previous project report on simulation of solar photovoltaic using other software, simulink and mathcad, make me understanding more on the topic. I had done well till the project proposal. I had used both professional 9.1 and education version 16.3 of Pspice for the project. I had encountered the professional software 9.1 cannot install on Window 7, 64 bit. I also encountered the software bug during simulation. I had to remove the software and reinstall to overcome this software bug. After submission of project proposal, I had been delaying the progress. This is mainly due to poor management of time and motivation. The motivation is greatly affected by the family and finance problems. However, I had overcome this problem after meeting with supervisor and his strong comment. This was not easy, as I had to take care of my mother who is suffering from cancer relapse, work commitment to fulfil, focusing on this project was a difficult journey. During later part of the project, I had put in more efforts to complete my project and tasks that my supervisor assigned me to do. I have learned how to plan, managing of time and review the project as it develops, and being consciously aware of how much I have been developing my skills. Another very important key skill is the communication skills. During the project I have done the initial report to present the project plans, project investigation, and the thesis to present the simulation model and results. Finally, I need to present the project at the presentation day ENG499 Capstone Project Page 36 and thus the skill of being able to communicate effectively is developed in a number of different ways. Focus on what is learning and how to learn it. Learn effectively in new situations and contexts. Be clear about strengths and weaknesses. Recognize and develop range of skills. Overall, I have learned different skills throughout the project. Most importantly, I had learned how to manage time. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 37 References [1] Francisco M. González-Longatt, Model of Photovoltaic Module in Matlab [2] David L. King, James K. Dudley, and William E. Boyson, Sandia National Laboratories, A Simulation Program for Photovoltaic Cells, Modules, and Arrays [3] Krisztina Leban, Ewen Ritchie, Aalborg University, Pontoppidanstræde 101, Aalborg, Denmark, Selecting the Accurate Solar Panel Simulation Model [4] R.K. Nema1, Savita Nema1, and Gayatri Agnihotri1, Computer Simulation Based Study of Photovoltaic Cells/Modules and their Experimental Verification [5] [6] Pspice manual [7] Luis Castaner and Santiago Silvestre, Modelling Photovoltaic Systems Using PSpice [8] Tyson DenHerder, Design and simulation of photovoltaic system using simulink [9] [10] Solar Power Industries (2008). ‘Solar Cell Applications’. Retrieved Jan 20th, 2009 from [11] Photovoltaic Systems - Technologies and Applications (2009). ‘History of Photovoltaics’ Retrieved March 16th, 2009, from [12] Solar Timeline, US department of Energy, ‘The History of Solar’ Retrieved Jan 10th, 2009, from [13] S.M.Sze. (2001). ‘Semiconductor Devices Physics and Technology’, Second Edition. Solar Cell (pp. 318-325). Wiley Press [14] S.O.Kasap. (2006). ‘Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices’, Third Edition. Solar Cells (pp. 551-563). McGraw Hill, New York ENG499 Capstone Project Page 38 Appendixes Appendix A Gantt chart Main Task Sub Task ENG499 Capstone Project Page 39 Appendix B Solar cell Manufacturing The most cost-effective solar cells are made of single crystal silicon. Silicon is the most abundant element on earth except for oxygen. However, it is generally found in compound form, and requires chemical reduction and purification prior to becoming suitable as the starting material for single crystal growth. Solar cell manufacturing is divided into eight major functional operations. A flow diagram of the process together with a brief description is shown in Flowchart 2.5. Flow chart: Solar cell Fabrication process The first production unit is GROW. A number of techniques can be used to grow silicon in single crystal form. The Floating Zone process and Czochralski method are the two of most widely applied throughout industry. Here a seed crystal is rotated while being slowly around ENG499 Capstone Project Page 40 10 cm/hr, withdrawn from a crucible of molten boron doped silicon. A schematic of the process is shown in below figure. Figure: Schematic of Crystal Growing Techniques The resultant cylindrical-shaped crystal with 8-12 cm diameter, 1 m long then passes through production step CROP. The seed and tail ends of the crystal are removed, and it is machined to a specified diameter, and then cut into shorter pieces. The billets are now ready for the SLICE, where they are sliced into thin wafers. After chemical ETCH thinning and POLISH a mirror-like surface, wafers are ready for JUNCTION formation. A junction is formed at high temperature by diffusing phosphorous into the boron doped wafer. It is essential to the photovoltaic phenomenon. The next production step is called METALLIZE. To collect the electrical current, the solar cell backside is covered with a metal. Similarly, a thin grid to minimize the cell area covered of collector wires is deposited on front surface. The electrons are collected by the grid on the front surface and flow through an external resistor to the back surface of the cell. To reduce the number of reflected photons, an anti-reflective coating, AR COAT is applied to the top surface of the cell. This completes a full solar cell processing. ENG499 Capstone Project Page 41 Appendix C Pspice Simulation Code Chapter 3 code 1. I(V) characteristic of solar cell model **************************************** * CELL_1.CIR * **************************************** .include cell_1.lib xcell1 0 31 32 cell_1 params:area=126.6 j0=1e-11 jsc=0.0343 vbias 31 0 dc 0 virrad 32 0 dc 1000 .plot dc i(vbias) .probe .dc vbias -0.1 0.6 0.01 .end 2. I(V) plots of a solar cell under several irradiance values: 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 W/m2 3. Plot of the power values under different values of irradiances **************************************** * IRRADIANCE.CIR * **************************************** .include cell_1.lib xcell1 0 31 32 cell_1 params:area=126.6 j0=1e-11 jsc=0.0343 vbias 31 0 dc 0 .param IR=1 virrad 32 0 dc {IR} .step param IR list 200 400 600 800 1000 .plot dc i(vbias) ENG499 Capstone Project Page 42 .probe .dc vbias -0.1 0.6 0.01 .end Chapter 4 code 1. Series resistance effects, I(V) characteristic for series resistance values from 1 ohm (bottom graph), 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 ohm (top graph) **************************************** * CELL_2.CIR * **************************************** .include cell_2.lib xcell2 0 31 32 cell_2 params:area=126.6 j0=1e-11 j02=1E-9 + jsc=0.0343 rs={RS} rsh=100000 .param RS=1 vbias 31 0 dc 0 virrad 32 0 dc 1000 .plot dc i(vbias) .dc vbias -0.1 0.6 0.01 .step param RS list 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 .probe .end 2. Effects of the shunt resistance on the I(V) characteristic ************************************* * SHUNT.CIR * ************************************* .include cell_2.lib xcell2 0 31 32 cell_2 params:area=126.6 j0=1e-11 j02=0 + jsc=0.0343 rs=1e-6 rsh={RSH} .param RSH=1 vbias 31 0 dc 0 ENG499 Capstone Project Page 43 virrad 32 0 dc 1000 .plot dc i(vbias) .dc vbias 0 0.6 0.01 .step param RSH list 10000 1000 100 10 1 0.1 .probe .end 3. Effects of the recombination diode ************************************* * DIODE_REC.CIR * ************************************* .include cell_2.lib xcell2 0 31 32 cell_2 params:area=126.6 j0=1e-11 j02={J02} + jsc=0.0343 rs=1e-6 rsh=1000 .param J02=1 vbias 31 0 dc 0 virrad 32 0 dc 1000 .plot dc i(vbias) .dc vbias 0 0.6 0.01 .step param J02 list 1e-8 1e-7 1e-6 1e-5 1e-4 .probe .end 4. Effects of temperature ************************************* * TEMP.CIR * ************************************* .include cell_3.lib xcell3 0 31 32 cell_3 params:area=126.6 j0=1e-11 j02=0 + jsc=0.0343 rs=1e-6 rsh=1000 vbias 31 0 dc 0 ENG499 Capstone Project Page 44 virrad 32 0 dc 1000 .plot dc i(vbias) .dc vbias 0 0.6 0.01 .temp 27 35 40 45 50 55 60 .probe .end 5. Degradation of the characteristic of the silicon solar cell for various space radiation fluencies **************************************************** * SPACE.CIR * **************************************************** .include cell_5.lib xcell5 0 31 32 cell_5 params:area=8 temp=27 jscbol=0.0436 + pmaxbol=0.0208 vocbol=0.608 f={F} + ki=5.26E-3 fi=3.02e13 kv=0.042 fv=2.99e12 vbias 31 0 dc 0 .param F=1 virrad 32 0 dc 1353; One sun AM0 .plot dc i(vbias) .probe .dc vbias 0 0.6 0.01 .step param F list 1e10 1e11 1e12 1e13 1e14 1e15 1e16 .end ENG499 Capstone Project Page 45 Chapter 5 code 1. Simulation result of two identical solar cells in series **************************************** * SERIES.CIR * **************************************** .include cell_2.lib xcell1 45 43 42 cell_2 params:area=126.6 j0=1e-11 j02=1E-9 + jsc=0.0343 rs=1e-3 rsh=100000 xcell2 0 45 44 cell_2 params:area=126.6 j0=1e-11 j02=1E-9 + jsc=0.0343 rs=1e-3 rsh=100000 vbias 43 0 dc 0 virrad1 42 45 dc 1000 virrad2 44 0 dc 1000 .plot dc i(vbias) .dc vbias 0 1.2 0.01 .probe .end 2. I(V) Characteristic of two solar cells in series under different irradiance values of cells 3. Cells voltage 4. Power delivered (positive) or consumed (negative) on the two solar cells unevenly illuminated **************************************** * SERIES_diff_irra.CIR * **************************************** .include cell_2.lib xcell1 45 43 42 cell_2 params:area=126.6 j0=1e-11 j02=1E-9 + jsc=0.0343 rs=1e-3 rsh=100000 ENG499 Capstone Project Page 46 xcell2 0 45 44 cell_2 params:area=126.6 j0=1e-11 j02=1E-9 + jsc=0.0343 rs=1e-3 rsh=100000 vbias 43 0 dc 0 virrad1 42 45 dc 1000 virrad2 44 0 dc 700 .plot dc i(vbias) .dc vbias 0 1.2 0.01 .probe .end 5. Two solar cells in parallel with different irradiance **************************************** * SHUNT2.CIR * **************************************** .include cell_2.lib xcell1 0 43 42 cell_2 params:area=126.6 j0=1e-11 j02=1E-9 + jsc=0.0343 rs=1e-2 rsh=1000 xcell2 0 43 44 cell_2 params:area=126.6 j0=1e-11 j02=1E-9 + jsc=0.0343 rs=1e-2 rsh=1000 vbias 43 0 dc 0 virrad1 42 0 dc 1000 virrad2 44 0 dc 700 .plot dc i(vbias) .dc vbias 0 0.6 0.01 .probe .end 6. Two parallel cells under shadowed (CASE A) ****************************************** * EXAMPLE4_2.CIR * ****************************************** ENG499 Capstone Project Page 47 .include cell_2.lib xcell1 0 43 42 cell_2 params:area=8 j0=1e-11 j02=0 + jsc=0.0343 rs=0.5 rsh=100 xcell2 0 43 44 cell_2 params:area=8 j0=1e-11 j02=0 + jsc=0.0343 rs=0.5 rsh=100 vbias 43 0 dc 0 virrad1 42 0 dc 500 virrad2 44 0 dc 500 .plot dc i(vbias) .dc vbias 0 0.6 0.01 .probe .end 7. Case B: Shadow effect of irradiance of 1000W/m2 ****************************************** * EXAMPLE4_2B.CIR * ****************************************** .include cell_2.lib xcell1 0 43 42 cell_2 params:area=8 j0=1e-11 j02=0 + jsc=0.0343 rs=0.5 rsh=100 xcell2 0 43 44 cell_2 params:area=8 j0=1e-11 j02=0 + jsc=0.0343 rs=0.5 rsh=100 vbias 43 0 dc 0 virrad1 42 0 dc 1000 virrad2 44 0 dc 0 .plot dc i(vbias) .dc vbias 0 0.6 0.01 .probe .end ENG499 Capstone Project Page 48 8. Case C:One cell receive full irradiance and another cell at 200 W/m2 ****************************************** * EXAMPLE4_2B.CIR * ****************************************** .include cell_2.lib xcell1 0 43 42 cell_2 params:area=8 j0=1e-11 j02=0 + jsc=0.0343 rs=0.5 rsh=100 xcell2 0 43 44 cell_2 params:area=8 j0=1e-11 j02=0 + jsc=0.0343 rs=0.5 rsh=100 vbias 43 0 dc 0 virrad1 42 0 dc 1000 virrad2 44 0 dc 200 .plot dc i(vbias) .dc vbias 0 0.6 0.01 .probe .end 9. I(V) characteristic and output power of a PV module ******************************* * MODULE_1.CIR * ******************************* .include module_1.lib xmodule 0 43 42 module_1 params:ta=25,tr=25, iscmr=5, pmaxmr=85, vocmr=22.3, + ns=36, np=1, nd=1 vbias 43 0 dc 0 virrad 42 0 dc 1000 .dc vbias 0 23 0.1 .probe .end ENG499 Capstone Project Page 49