Personnel Strategy

Personnel Strategy 2000 - 2005
This document has been produced following meetings and discussions with governors, deans, associate
deans, heads of service, faculty administrators, senior technicians, trade unions, staff in personnel
services and a number of focus groups with staff across the University from a range of locations, roles and
levels of seniority.
The key strategic aims of the personnel strategy 2000-2005 are set out below.
The overall objective of the personnel strategy is to contribute to the delivery of the vision and mission of
the University over the period 2000-2005. The reputation of UWE resides primarily in the quality,
motivation and performance of its staff and the personnel strategy is thus central to the achievement of
University strategy.
Core Values and principles
UWE will strive to be a friendly, supportive, collaborative, and trusting environment where staff in all roles
are treated as individuals and diversity is welcomed. All staff have a responsibility to behave as
professionals and a right to be treated with respect. Fairness and openness will be guiding principles.
Staff development is a shared responsibility. Staff will be expected to be accountable for their contribution
and we will aim to encourage, identify and reward good performance. Poor performance is not acceptable
because it affects adversely our relationships with students, colleagues or clients.
Integrating themes
The personnel strategy is reflected in detailed aims and objectives together with performance targets and
measures grouped under a number of interrelated broad headings. There are a number of integrating
themes as follows:
a recognition of the fundamental importance of UWE’s ability to attract, retain and motivate good
a recognition that the University is changing rapidly and that this is affecting the roles of all staff and
the boundaries between them;
acceptance of the concepts of professionalism in the delivery of high quality service as the model
for all staff;
recognition that academic staff are expected to contribute to both teaching and research or teaching
and professional practice development;
emphasis on the need for investment in staff and management development;
an increased need for clarity of expectations relating to roles at all levels;
a commitment to good practice in maintaining appropriate policies, procedures and consultative
mechanisms with trade unions and staff;
an increased emphasis on the responsiveness, flexibility and cost effectiveness of policies and
processes in recognition of the changing environment;
an increased emphasis on recognition of good performance and a reduced tolerance of underperformance;
a move to greater harmonisation of terms and conditions between staff groups;
a commitment to recognise and address the increase in work pressures that many staff are facing;
a determination that all personnel decisions and policies will aim to contribute positively to the
achievement of University strategic priorities.
a commitment that all decisions and policies will be consistent with the core values and principles;
a commitment to good Equal Opportunities practice across all strands of personnel strategy
Unless otherwise specified the elements of the personnel strategy should be assumed to relate similarly to
all categories of staff and to central services as well as faculties.
The strategic aims, action plans and performance targets outlined below represent a very challenging
agenda for the period 2000-2005. It will be necessary to determine priorities, timing and sequencing of
activities. Associated management development, change management and communication strategies will
need to be agreed in order to ensure successful implementation. The strategy and priorities will need to
be reassessed at intervals within the 5 year period.
Delivering the strategic plan
Strategic Aims
To determine the organisational structures and roles within those structures most likely to enable
UWE to achieve its overall strategic objectives
To match the profile of UWE staff with the expertise, skills and abilities needed to deliver the
strategy and priorities outlined in the five year plan
To facilitate voluntary early retirement or severance where appropriate to the delivery of the
University’s strategy
To ensure that UWE disseminates best employment practice, learns from experience in UWE and
elsewhere and manages change effectively
To review the structure, role and priorities of the personnel department and align it more effectively
to delivery of the personnel strategy and to recognising the impact of the strategy on the roles and
responsibilities of managers
To involve unions and staff in the negotiation and implementation of new personnel policies
Human Resource planning, recruitment, retention and career development
Strategic Aims
To improve our analytical capability in HR planning and to take a more strategic approach to the
recruitment and selection of new staff
To employ rigorous, fair, cost effective and appropriately flexible recruitment processes
To seek new ways of recruiting and selecting the very best candidates and ensuring that offers of
employment are attractive.
To improve career development opportunities, retention rates and succession planning for all
groups of staff
To employ good EO practice and attract and retain staff from a diverse range of backgrounds
Staff development and deployment
Strategic Aims
To provide staff development opportunities which will help enable the University to deliver its key
strategic objectives over the 5 year planning period and beyond
To ensure an appropriate balance between staff development initiated at individual, faculty/service
and University levels
To provide comprehensive management development activity for all key managers and academic
leaders in the organisation
To encourage every University employee to take responsibility for their own development and to
access appropriate developmental opportunities
To organise delivery of staff development activities in ways which maximise participation and are
efficient in delivery
To facilitate a broad range and definition of developmental activities in addition to formal staff
development and training programmes.
Reward and performance management
Strategic Aims
To ensure that probationary processes are fair and thorough and that appropriate support is
provided for all new staff
To ensure that appraisal schemes are universally implemented, strike an appropriate balance
between performance review and developmental aspirations and, where appropriate, are linked to
promotion processes
To better recognise and reward staff who undertake special responsibility and display flexibility
To seek to ensure that relative contributions are valued fairly and exceptional performance is
To improve the management of poor performance
To improve the management of disciplinary, sickness and grievance processes
Staff conditions, working life and welfare issues
Strategic Aims
To enable and encourage staff to maintain a healthy balance between their working, personal and
family lives
To manage workloads at levels which maximise staff performance and productivity without overload
To ensure that all staff are able to take their annual leave, and undertake staff development and
scholarly activity as appropriate
To provide an environment where staff are able to seek help from a variety of sources when facing
problems which are affecting their working life
To provide facilities and accommodation for staff which contribute to productivity, health and safety
and job satisfaction
To harmonise conditions of service for staff groups where this is appropriate and economic
To produce, communicate and implement personnel policies and procedures which encourage
adherence to the ‘core values and principles’ outlined in this personnel strategy
Communication, consultation and involvement
Strategic Aims
To ensure that all staff understand the implications for their personal priorities and roles of the key
aspects of University vision, mission and strategy
To provide opportunities for staff to participate in the development of University, departmental and
subject school policy through University and faculty committee structures and informal mechanisms
To involve staff and unions in all key aspects of personnel policy development and implementation
To communicate openly with employees on issues that they consider important and in ways that
they consider appropriate
To ascertain employee perspectives by employing a wide variety of feedback mechanisms
To use IT and internet technologies to communicate with staff, receive feedback and to improve
For details of actions to be taken in relation to each strategic aim see ‘Strategic aims’.