Non-disclosure Agreement - Business World Brokers, Inc.

This agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into between the undersigned, its officers, directors, partners,
employees, agents and advisors ("Buyer") and Business World Brokers, Inc., a Colorado corporation ("BWB") for
the benefit of BWB and a presently undisclosed seller ("Seller").
In connection with the possible acquisition of a Seller presented to Buyer by BWB, BWB may be furnishing Buyer
with information regarding Seller, including, but not limited to its financial condition, operations and prospectus of
the company (“proprietary information”); proprietary information shall not include any information which, (i) is or
becomes publicly available other than by Buyer in violation of this Agreement. In consideration of obtaining this
proprietary information, Buyer agrees that:
1. Buyer acknowledges that BWB represents Seller.
2. All the proprietary information furnished by BWB or Seller to Buyer is confidential. Unauthorized disclosure of
said information shall cause substantial and irreparable damage to BWB and Seller.
3. Unless the parties hereto agree otherwise in writing, Buyer will not disclose or reveal any proprietary
information, or the fact that Seller has been proposed for sale, for two (2) years from the date of signing to any
person(s) or entity(s), other than Buyer’s employees, directors, officers, or representatives including attorneys,
accountants, financing sources, investment bankers and agents (collectively "Representatives") who are directly
participating in the evaluation of this information for any purpose other than in connection with the proposed
acquisition or except as required by law, regulation or legal procedure.
4. If Buyer does not wish to pursue the proposed acquisition at any time, Buyer will promptly advise BWB of this
fact and upon the written request of BWB or the Seller destroy or return to BWB and/or Seller all proprietary
information without keeping copies of it.
5. Buyer understands that BWB and Seller may include in this proprietary information certain information in
connection with Buyer’s due diligence and investigation, and BWB does not make any representation or warranty as
to its accuracy or completeness.
6. In consideration of any information furnished and presented to Buyer of the places of business listed with BWB
as being available for sale or lease, Buyer agrees that should it buy, lease or come into possession of any such
business within TWO (2) year from the date below, that Buyer will notify Broker.
7. All information provided shall be used for the sole purpose of evaluating an acquisition or joint venture decision
and shall not at any time, or in any manner, be utilized for any other purpose.
8. Buyer shall not contact the Seller's banker, accountant, attorney, employees, suppliers, competitors, customers or
others who might have information concerning Seller without written permission of BWB, outside of the ordinary
course of business. Buyer will not contact Seller directly unless and until authorized by BWB outside of the
ordinary course of business.
9. All questions concerning the validity, interpretation, and application of this Agreement and the performance of
any obligations thereunder shall be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado, without regard to its conflict of
law rules.
10. In the event of any litigation between the parties hereto concerning this Agreement and the enforcement hereof,
to prevailing party in such action shall be entitled to receive from the non-prevailing party all reasonable costs and
expenses including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred by the prevailing party in such action.
11. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the understanding between the parties hereto
regarding the subject matter hereof and may be amended only in a writing signed by both parties. This Agreement
supercedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and any and all prior agreements regarding the subject
matter hereof. It may not be assigned by either party.
Buyer shall be under no obligation to effect an investment in or transaction with the Company unless and
until a definitive agreement related thereto is entered into between the parties. Nothing in this Agreement shall be
binding upon, or restrict the activities of, any of the Buyer's portfolio companies, investment professionals or
affiliated investment funds that do not receive proprietary information hereunder.
Agreed to and accepted this ____ day of ___________________, 20___.
Colorado corporation
Street Address:
City, State Zip Code:
Business World Brokers Associate
Please fax back 970 -704-1115
Confidential Purchaser Profile
(Individual Purchaser)
Name:__________________________________ Spouse/Partner: _________________________
Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________
Home Phone: _____________ Business Phone: ________________ Cell Phone: ____________
Fax: _______________ Email: __________________________ Other____________________
How did you first hear about Business World Brokers, Inc.? ____________________________________
Reason for acquiring a business: __________________________________________________________
Desired date to take possession: __________________ Preferred geographic location: _______________
Prior business experience/education: _______________________________________________________
Have you ever owned a business before? _________
If yes, what type?__________________________
What type of businesses would interest you? _________________________ ______________________
__________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________
Desired annual income: __________________
Will anyone assist you in the business operations? _______ If yes, relationship_____________________
FINANCIAL INFORMATIONHow much have you allocated for a down payment? Low: $_____________ Maximum: $____________
Source of down payment: _________________________ Present Net Worth: ______________________
Is down payment available today? ______ If not, when will it become available?___________________
Are additional sources of financing in place? _____ If yes, describe: ____________________________
Confidential Purchaser Profile
(Individual Purchaser)
Cash (on hand in bank)
Publicly Traded Securities
Accounts, Loans, Notes Receivable
Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance
Value of Business Owned
Home/Real Estate
Automobiles (How Many_______)
Household Furnishings & Personal
Other Assets (itemized):
Total Assets
Notes Payable
Home Mortgage
Other Real Estate Liens
Other Liabilities (itemized)
Total Liabilities
Dividends & Interest
Bonuses & Commissions
Real Estate Income
Other income: (itemized)
Total Income
Other Key Financial Information
Are you a United States citizen: ____________________________
Have you ever filed for Bankruptcy?  Yes
 No
If so, when? ________________
What Type?  Chapter 7
 Chapter 11
Describe the circumstances: ______________________________________________________________
The undersigned herby acknowledges and certifies that the proceeding information is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge
Birth Date _______________________ _____
Birth Date_______________________________
Please fax back to Business World Brokers, Inc. at 970-704-1115