


VoIP, UC, and Infrastructure Monitoring and Management Solution

Date: MM/DD/YYYY | | 800.833.8663 | 714.991.9460


Section Description Page

1. Executive Overview

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2. ReliaTel Product Capability Overview

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3. ReliaTel Key Business Benefits and Discriminators - Summary

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The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


1. Executive Overview

TONE SOFTWARE Corporate Overview

TONE SOFTWARE CORPORATION is a high technology software development firm specializing in global business, environmental, and infrastructure management solutions. Based in Anaheim,

California, TONE is a privately held corporation that is free from the pressures of investors’ demands, and is fully committed to delivering quality solutions that best serve the needs of our valued Clients.

Through this customer-responsive business model, TONE has built a reputation for delivering premier software solutions, exceptional technology expertise, and unparalleled customer service and support

24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

TONE delivers the strategic management solutions that drive and ensure global business and environmental systems for the world’s most prestigious organizations, including


Tier 1 US Carriers such as AT&T


U.S. Military

TONE products are marketed and supported throughout North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle

East directly from the Anaheim corporate headquarters, and a hand selected group of expert agents throughout the world.

TONE enjoys strategic alliances and partnerships with industry leaders such as Avaya, Cisco,

Siemens, IBM, and AT&T. These relationships, together with TONE’s progressive development culture, ensure that all TONE software solutions leverage and exploit the latest technologies, and deliver maximum benefit and ROI to each Client.

With a firm foundation of proven ability spanning more than three decades, TONE is ideally structured to meet our Clients’ changing needs with strategic software solutions, premier technical support, and timely educational and professional services that ensure the personal and business success of every Client.

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


The ReliaTel Unified Management Solution

TONE’s solutions include the powerful ReliaTel Monitoring and Management software designed to ensure both the availability and reliability of the critical Information Technology, Telecommunications,

Facilities Infrastructure, and underlying Environmental Systems that are crucial to our corporate, military, and municipal Clients’ success.

Through extensive real-time monitoring, alarming, notification, diagnostics, automation, reporting, and a powerful Web-based control interface, ReliaTel provides the robust unified management solution our

Clients rely on to drive strategic business objectives, and successfully compete in today's global economy.

ReliaTel is the business service assurance platform to meet the needs of the entire organization to:

Lower Mean Time To Repair

Reduce Operating Costs

Optimize User Workflow

Audit User Activity

Define, Maintain and Track Service Level Agreements

Provide Seamless Integration into Existing IT, OSS and BSS Platforms

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


2. ReliaTel Product Capability Overview

ReliaTel proactively monitors and manages the complex, distributed physical and logical operational infrastructures critical to global corporations, service providers, carriers, military agencies, and municipal government and service organizations.

Through ReliaTel, consolidated management is easily deployed and leveraged to ensure the overall availability and reliability of crucial information technology, telecommunications, environmental, and physical facility support systems.

Consolidated, Web-based Global Management Portal

The ReliaTel Web-based, graphical interface is a dynamic, interactive, portable management portal to the entire physical and logical infrastructure, accessed through any standard Web browser at any location.

The ReliaTel Management interface serves as the primary control media and methodology.

Based on standard Web technologies, the

ReliaTel interface delivers a “Single Pane of

Glass” with a consolidated view of all local and remote operations across all operational components, systems, assets, and processes.

Authorized staff instantly access and utilize complete infrastructure information including:




Device health and status details

Granular and global performance metrics

Event, user, and device logs and diagnostics

Network availability

Automation processes

Operational trends and analysis

Problem resolution information

Maintenance schedules

Management, Performance, and Capacity Reports

Much more

ReliaTel’s Single-Pane-of-Glass

Management Portal is easily accessed through any standard web browser.

Using the interactive interface, authorized staff view and resolve all alarms, diagnose and troubleshoot problems, and access and physically control managed devices directly through their browser session.

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


Flexible, Adaptable Interface Organization and Views

The highly customizable interface accommodates any organization of components (entities) into logical sets and organizational groups (centers) for ease of management. Centers containing entities are represented using any organizational scheme, including:



Job function

Component type or purpose

Line of business

Centers can be nested to allow for flexible granularity when viewing operational status and conditions of infrastructure segments.

Users customize their view to include only the specific centers and entities they desire and are authorized to view. This flexibility helps users focus on their specific area of interest or responsibility, while increasing their overall productivity and efficiency.

Real Time Monitoring and Management across the Global Infrastructure

ReliaTel monitors the continuous health, availability, performance metrics, and status of all systems, elements, circuits, and connections throughout the diverse infrastructure in real time. Monitoring is nonintrusive, using agent-less, protocol-independent communication methods that never impact or degrade optimum component or infrastructure operation.

ReliaTel operates both in-band for network-based management, as well as out-of-band for networkindependent management of elements that are not network-capable or are not optimally situated on the network. Proactive communication across both networked and non-networked elements ensures uninterrupted management of the entire infrastructure – even when the network is unavailable or down — increasing the overall availability and reliability of crucial business services.

Operational status and activity is presented at both the individual component or connectivity level as well as the aggregated overall infrastructure level, including:

All Faults

Significant or Critical Events

Informational Events

Performance Issues or Degradation

Sudden Outages or Failures

Operational Anomalies

Issues detected are reported as they develop to provide the earliest possible opportunity for automated or manual intervention. Through ReliaTel, staff are forewarned of adverse conditions, and can rapidly resolve these issues to reduce the overall Mean Time to Repair & Restore (MTTRR) that directly impacts availability and service levels.

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


Customizable thresholds define the desired performance ranges for components, and continuous analysis immediately detects out-of-range conditions. Alarms are automatically generated to alert staff of performance issues or degradation, enabling staff to take pre-emptive actions or perform preventative maintenance that ensures optimum performance is maintained throughout the infrastructure.

Dynamic Performance Dashboard Graphically Delivers Performance Metrics

The ReliaTel Performance Dashboard delivers a dynamic, graphical view of both granular and aggregated performance metrics throughout the infrastructure. Management, Operations, and Network staff know, at-a-glance, if performance degradation occurs or service levels deteriorate by simply glancing at the dynamically updated Dashboard.

Real-time performance metrics are represented based on customizable threshold ranges and alarming criteria is established based on business needs. Once metrics and gauges are selected, the displays are automatically presented and continuously updated as real-time data is collected and analyzed.

Users select their preferred gauges to customize dashboard views which best meet their needs, including:

Dial Gauges

Bar Indicators

Trend-line Charts

Alarm Indicators

Aggregated performance metrics are displayed for all entities in a center or all entities of a specific device type, and granular component level metrics are displayed for individual entities.

The Performance Dashboard is available directly on the users’ desktop within the ReliaTel Management

GUI for immediate access anytime during the users’ session.

The ReliaTel Performance Dashboard is fully secure, restricting users’ view of gauges and metrics to only those centers and entities they are authorized to view.

Interactive Physical and Logical Maps Display Entire Infrastructure and Topology

The ReliaTel Interactive Maps provide web-based geographic views to visualize the exact location and related topology of all ReliaTel-managed elements.

Maps are fully customizable, enabling staff to specify the icons, relationships, connectivity, and location of components throughout their infrastructure. Users globally view the entire infrastructure or zoom in and view individual components and their attributes on a granular level.

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


Icons representing centers, entities, or links dynamically change color to show the highest current level of active alarms, differentiating the most urgent problem(s) from less urgent issues.

Staff are immediately aware of critical problems by simply glancing at the map, taking the guesswork out of tracking down problem cause and rapidly restoring top service levels.

At any time, users click the center, entity, and links on the map to instantly display detailed attributes of the component, as well as all pertinent alarm information.

ReliaTel map views are secured via user permissions, presenting only the centers, entities, connectivity links, and underlying circuits the user is authorized to view.

Users save their preferred map views and set them as defaults to appear at each login, or ReliaTel can optionally save the last map settings used for display at the next login. A full screen version of the

ReliaTel Interactive Map can also be displayed directly at the users’ desktop, or on the large wall screens often found in NOC environments.

Automated Alarming, Alerting, and Notification Delivers Early Warning

When faults, exceptions, or performance issues are detected, ReliaTel automatically generates alarms to immediately notify local and remote staff of potential problems. Alarms are presented using customizable, meaningful text —rather than obscure codes or cryptic symbols — enabling staff to rapidly recognize issues and take immediate action.

Alarms are generated based on any customizable criteria, and are multi-layered by severity to differentiate low priority events from critical, urgent events.

Based on user preferences, a wide variety of alarm and device details is presented to ensure the most vital information is easily accessible. Users click directly on alarms or their associated entities and immediately display in-depth, detailed information which speeds diagnostics and problem resolution.

Full alarm escalation is supported to ensure alarms are handled in the appropriate time frame, and critical issues receive the attention necessary. Escalation can be customized based on alarm type, device type, duration of the condition, or the number of occurrences of the same alarm. In addition, ReliaTel correlates duplicate alarms to present only one alarm of the highest severity.

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


Operational Knowledge Base

The ReliaTel Operational Knowledge Base is specifically designed to help voice and data support teams meet critical business objectives focused around higher service level compliance, improved operational efficiency, and more cost-effective delivery of services.

The Knowledge Base dynamically delivers critical intelligence about converged voice and data network faults, quality issues, and performance problems through an integrated, interactive portal directly accessible within the ReliaTel management interface.

When current events or conditions exceed normal thresholds and operational norms, the Knowledge

Base presents relevant and alarm-specific troubleshooting and problem resolution procedures to expedite diagnostics and remediation. Utilizing Knowledge Base, users can also easily incorporate client-specific operational procedures and information relative to the specific device, alarm, and configuration, including step-by-step actions, related text or schematic documents, or hyperlinks to access information or documentation stored over the network or internet.

The ReliaTel Knowledge Base is comprised of customizable portlets, enabling each user to select and dock the portlets most useful for their specific responsibilities and roles, including information based on client network views, manufacturer specific views, and more. Portlets provide users with immediate access to diagnostic details specific to the issue they are addressing, and users can interact with each portlet independently as they work through an issue. Portlets include:

Recommended Actions portlet – Provides manufacturer and client-specific actions to resolve an alarm event

Related Documentation portlet – Provides manufacturer and client-specific documentation and

Web links

Entity Logs portlet – Provides message, alarm, notification, and action logs for all system and user activities

Manual Actions portlet – Launches ping and traceroute actions for the specific device related to the issue

Historical Trends portlet – Provides a graphic alarm display of one, seven, and thirty days historical alarm trends

Entity Attributes portlet – Attribute data for a managed entity, including details about the device or circuit

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


Flexible, Intelligent Notification

Based on alarm criteria, ReliaTel automatically notifies designated local and remote staff members through a wide variety of media including:

 Visual, color-coded Web display at any authorized workstation

Text-based notification via e-mail to specified recipients

Paging to alphanumeric pagers

 Text messaging to hand held devices

ReliaTel notification is fully customizable and can be initiated based on any combination of criteria including:

 Alarm Severity

Alarm Priority

Specific Device

Time, Date, Day of Week, Holiday

Specific Staff to be notified

 Job function

Extensive escalation capabilities ensure that notification is received and acknowledged, and escalation criteria is fully customizable to accommodate a wide variety of scenarios and schedules. In addition,

ReliaTel can automatically generate and update trouble tickets within popular solutions such as Remedy.

Integrated Knowledge Repository Provides Critical Details

ReliaTel’s interactive knowledge repository provides full device or component background information, crucial component specifications, and associated documentation for managed devices and components.

The knowledge repository is fully secure and customizable to fit business needs, including any desired details such as:

Software Version levels

Circuit IDs

Manufacturer & Model Numbers

Serial Numbers

Patch Levels

Street Address

Phone Numbers

Vendor Contact Information

Warranty Information

Assigned Tech and Tech Notes

Memory, Disk Size, OS Levels, etc.

Device Maintenance Schedules & Records

Links to Relevant Third Party Documentation or Online Resources

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


Clicking on the device name or icon displays specific details that will assist staff in performing a variety of tasks including preventative maintenance, troubleshooting, and vendor relations.

The ReliaTel knowledge repository is invaluable during problem diagnosis, putting important relevant information directly at your staff’s fingertips and providing key details that speed problem diagnostics and resolution, recovery, and critical maintenance efforts.

Complete Activity Logs Provide Full Audit Trail to Pinpoint Root Cause

The ReliaTel comprehensive message, alarm, and action logs provide a complete audit trail of all system, device, and user activity to help staff quickly diagnose and troubleshoot operational and performance problems.

Browsing the appropriate log, authorized staff can rapidly uncover the root cause of alarms, performance issues, and potential user caused errors on all managed components.

All log entries are date and time stamped for easy utilization and to facilitate statistical calculations such as

Mean Time to Repair and Resolution.

Customizable message search and filter capabilities enable users to rapidly pinpoint the specific message or string de sired. In addition, full “sort” and “find” capabilities are provided including “sort” or “find” by date, and “sort” or “find” by text.

Avaya RTCP VoIP Quality of Service Dashboard, Fault and Performance Management Module

The Avaya RTCP Voice over IP Quality of Service module for ReliaTel provides a comprehensive solution to manage voice QoS in real-time by interpreting and aggregating Avaya RTCP packets for critical visibility and deep quality analytics to successfully deliver high quality VoIP service levels.

ReliaTel monitors and analyzes VoIP quality for active and historical sessions to include:

Real-time capture of session statistics on every call

Real-time calculation of MOS for every call

60+ VoIP QoS metrics monitored and analyzed

Delay, jitter, packet loss for each VoIP session in progress

Analysis of both live and completed call activity

Audit trail of historical QoS metrics

ReliaTel enables users to gauge the impact of multiple concurrent calls, as well as dive deeply into the analytics of each individual call across key factors such as delay, jitter, loss and more for trending and root cause analysis for troubleshooting.

When voice quality fluctuates or performance issues are detected, ReliaTel automatically triggers alarms in real-time based on customizable thresholds, recurrence settings and condition rules.

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


Notification and escalation of events for VoIP QoS issues can be managed in a similar manner as the remainder of the monitored infrastructure through the ReliaTel Fault and Performance management views. As a result, voice supports technicians have the complete, in-depth analytics to accurately pinpoint and resolve both infrastructure and quality issues.

Interactive ReliaTel dashboards provide continuous analysis of live VoIP QoS statistics, including the poorest performing calls and aggregated statistics from QoS collectors for:

Overall VoIP QoS User Experience, Alarm

Distribution and QoS Alarm Types

VoIP QoS Collector Statistics and EndPoint

QoS Call Statistics

Drill-Down capability to identify individual call statistics

Through ReliaTel, users can effectively ensure VoIP quality and the health of the voice network across the entire communications path.

 Drill-Down analysis to quickly identify root cause calls

 Active Calls view to track real-time user activity

Correlation to CDRs

Interactive live view shows results of active RTP sessions and VoIP QoS collectors

ReliaTel provides powerful, interactive reporting for Avaya RTCP VoIP quality, performance, degradation and MOS statistics for all voice traffic, locations and devices. Advanced reporting capabilities demonstrate actual voice performance in quantitative terms, and provide call search and analysis capabilities that enable users to quickly identify end-points violating acceptable VoIP quality and user experience levels.

The RTCP VoIP QoS Assurance Reports include:

Historic Performance – Hourly and Daily Trends

Voice Alarms and Alerts

QoS Summaries, Per Call QoS

MOS –based Customer Experience Reports

Poortly Performance Calls for each call

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


All ReliaTel VoIP QoS reports are generated on demand, with interactive capabilities to drill down into further details. Through the ReliaTel interactive QoS reporting facilities, users gain critical insight into recurring quality degradation patterns based on time of day and VoIP call traffic patterns.

Secured Remote Access Provides Rapid Diagnostics & Problem Resolution

ReliaTel provides direct secured remote access to local and remote managed devices from any location through the ReliaTel Web-based interface. Direct access capabilities empower authorized staff to control remote servers, devices, environmentals, and components as if they were directly in front of the managed device to:

Access Windows System via Remote Desktop

Access Terminal Interfaces such as SSH and Telnet

Access Any Desktop via VNC

Perform immediate diagnostics

Perform remote recovery

Perform remote maintenance

 Perform remote administration

ReliaTel’s unique remote proxy access capabilities provide the most powerful tool to rapidly diagnose and resolve infrastructure problems that can severely impact service and quality. When network connections are lost or the network is down,

ReliaTel provides the lifeline secured remote access necessary to initiate reboots, restarts, or any recovery actions necessary to restore operations and service levels.

Extensive Automation Streamlines Operations and Preventative Maintenance

ReliaTel automates frequent alarm resolution, standardized recovery processes, preventive maintenance, and routine procedures quickly and efficiently, freeing staff from routine tasks to pursue more productive, strategic projects.

Using ReliaTel’s highly flexible and powerful automation, staff can solve recurring problems once, and then automate resolution scenarios for all future occurrences to speed resolution and prevent quality and service degradation. In addition, ReliaTel can automate a variety of administrative tasks including:

Shut down

Start up

Therapeutic Restarts

Initialization or Activation

Password Resets

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


Equally as important, ReliaTel automatically (or manually as desired) performs periodic system-wide tests of infrastructure components on a scheduled basis to validate optimal operation and performance.

Analysis of all test data pinpoints components or connections experiencing performance degradation or problematic operations, and staff is immediately notified of necessary intervention or recommended maintenance actions.

Interaction with third party tools can also be automated, such as automatic generation of third party trouble tickets or initiation of third party applications.

ReliaTel automation reduces manual intervention, human errors, and maintains business rules to ensure that the best practices are followed and the best service levels are achieved.

Prioritized Traceroute

ReliaTel prioritized traceroute tool allows engineers to perform both on-demand and scheduled trace analysis to remote IP endpoints to identify the paths, hops, latency and completion of IP packets based on both TCP and UDP packets with the ability to define packet priority. Prioritized traceroute can be utilized to either test remote connectivity via TCP packets or can emulate a VoIP UDP packet by defining

DSCP priority to determine the path and connectivity details.

Utilize prioritized traceroute to:

Test on-demand connectivity to an IP Phone

Validate the partner SIP trunk for UDP packets to perform latency analysis

Determine the various paths a UDP packet will take for both internal and external communications

Establish a baseline for historical analysis

Flexible, Non-Intrusive Connectivity and Communication

ReliaTel is vendor- and device-independent, specifically designed to manage the diverse, business-critical telecommunications and computing infrastructure. ReliaTel real-time monitoring and management is rapidly deployed across all systems, devices, or applications using nonintrusive, low overhead connectivity techniques that minimize bandwidth consumption and optimize real-time data collection and delivery.

Connectivity options are numerous based on the nature, protocol, and capabilities of the specific device to be managed, including





Modem, RS-232 / Serial

WI-FI, Many others

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


ReliaTel connects to and manages a huge spectrum of devices and systems that span military defense systems, physical facility and environmental systems, municipal and civil support systems, corporate data center and network infrastructures, and global telecommunications systems including:

Telecommunications Devices:

PBXs and CO switches from Avaya, Nortel, Lucent, Siemens, NEC, Mitel, and others

VoIP servers, Gateways, and systems from Cisco, Nortel, Avaya, and many more

Voicemail servers such as Modular Messenger, Intuity, Octel, Audix, and others

Call center & adjunct devices such as T1s, IVRs, CSUs, ACDs, MUXs, voice recorders, predictive dialers, and many others

Network Devices and E-Communications Elements:

Network devices such as Cisco routers, switches, hubs, bridges, concentrators, gateways, firewalls, etc.

Web-related devices, e-mail servers, and Web servers

Information Technology Systems and Servers:

IT servers and systems such as SUN, HP, AS/400, Windows, and mainframes

Data applications, voice applications, industrial applications, business systems, and security systems

Environmental, Facilities Support & Security Devices

Facilities control systems from Silent Knight, Liebert, Omnitronix, Honeywell, and more

Climate Control including thermostats, humidistats, air conditioners, and others

Power supplies, UPS devices, contact closures, and more

Security devices such as motion sensors, water sensors, fire detection sensors, sprinkler systems, surveillance systems, and others

Through ReliaTel’s highly adaptable, non-intrusive connectivity, users apply a consolidated layer of realtime management across their entire infrastructure to ensure optimum operations and service levels.

Interoperability and Interfaces

Using an open, scalable design, ReliaTel easily interfaces and interoperates with most any third party application or system, including:

Network Management Solutions such as HP OpenView, NetCool, or Tivoli

ERP and CRM solutions

Environmental Control Applications

Help Desk Solutions such as Remedy

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


ReliaTel automatically generates trouble tickets and populates alarm information directly within Remedy or similar trouble ticketing systems to provide a complete record of the event specifics. In addition,

ReliaTel updates the status of open trouble tickets as alarm or event status changes, or alarms are resolved or cleared from the ReliaTel active alarms queue.

Through ReliaTel integration and interoperability, maximum productivity and efficiency can be achieved across all applications.

Statistical Reporting Reveals Bottlenecks, Hot Spots, and Key Trends

Leveraging extensive historical reporting capabilities, ReliaTel provides the key statistical data needed to pinpoint hot spots, prioritize preventative and emergency maintenance, analyze Mean Time to Repair statistics, assess capacity and bandwidth levels, and assess support staff effectiveness.

ReliaTel analyzes and aggregates strategic and tactical data, and enables users to quickly and easily produce comprehensive text-based reports, charts, and graphs detailing a wide variety of information including:

Alarm activity

Event activity

User activity

Performance metrics and threshold levels

Recurring problem frequency

Mean Time to Repair and Resolution

Threshold-exceeded statistics

Environmental conditions and trends

Frequent outages and failures

Switch traffic, trunking, and call handling

CDR data and call history from all switches

Capacity analysis, formulation, and recommendations

Management summaries

Governmental and regulatory statistics

Any installation-specific custom reports desired

Reports are generated based on user-specified date ranges and parameters, with the option to deliver reports in Adobe PDF format, Excel spreadsheets, or Comma Separated Value (CSV) for import to other applications. Reports are automatically sent via e-mail, or can optionally be printed for manual distribution as desired. Automatic report generation and delivery can be scheduled on a periodic basis for specified recipients and delivery destinations.

Through ReliaTel, critical statistical data is analyzed and formatted into easy-to-read reports, charts, and graphs that provide Management, Operations, and Network staff with the actionable data necessary to ensure adequate capacity and enhance overall service levels throughout the infrastructure.

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.


3. ReliaTel Key Business Benefits and Discriminators - Summary

ReliaTel provides strategic benefits to the entire organization as well as the business bottom line, including:

 Ensures reliability and availability across all infrastructure elements, environmentals, and systems

 Con solidates management with a common, “single pane of glass” Web-based Interface

 Provides most powerful, in-band and out-of-band real-time monitoring available

 Manages VoIP QoS for real-time and historical analysis of key voice quality statistics

 Manages faults across the entire logical, physical, and operational infrastructure

 Delivers critical early warning to preempt disaster & service outages

 Expedites diagnostics and root cause analysis, and speeds Mean Time to Repair

 Offers direct, cut-through remote access to rapidly resolve problems & reduce costs

 Automates to prevent recurring problems and reduces staff workload

 Automatically performs critical initial deployment testing, as well as ongoing system tests and maintenance to ensure service availability and expedite infrastructure implementation

 Reduces failures, service outages, emergency maintenance, and maintenance costs

 Generates statistical reports to pinpoint revealing trends, bottlenecks, capacity issues, hot spots, maintenance issues, and management issues

Improves operations, availability, and overall service levels to ensure maximum profitability and ROI.

The information in this response relating to Tone Software, programs, and services is to be treated as confidential and a trade secret of Tone Software and is not to be used or disclosed, except to the recipient’s employees, officers, and agents engaged in evaluating this response. ReliaTel is a trademark of Tone Software Corporation.

Other organization, brand and product names mentioned are registered, trademarked or service marked by their respective companies or holders.

