KINDERGARTEN REPORT CARD RUBRIC STUDENT NAME: Trimester 1 Life Skills Demonstrates self-control (hands, body, voice) Works/plays cooperatively with others Trimester 2 Trimester 3 Beginning Developing Secure Beginning Developing Secure Beginning Developing Secure Children cannot complete the task independently. Children show some understanding. However, errors or misunderstandings still occur. Reminders, hints and suggestions are needed to promote children’s understanding. Children can apply the skill or concept correctly Children cannot complete the task independently. Children show some understanding. However, errors or misunderstandings still occur. Reminders, hints and suggestions are needed to promote children’s understanding. Children can apply the skill or concept correctly Children cannot complete the task independently. Children show some understanding. However, errors or misunderstandings still occur. Reminders, hints and suggestions are needed to promote children’s understanding. Children can apply the skill or concept correctly Accepts responsibility for actions Solves problems appropriately (seeks help when needed) Works independently (organizes materials and time) Displays effort in work Is responsible for personal belongings (homework, clothing, library books, materials) Shows respect toward adults, peers, self and property Literacy Reading Readiness Assessment Binder Phonemic segmentation (includes sound discrimination – DIBELS 3rd Trimester) Blends sounds Produces rhymes Re-tells a simple story Asks questions and responds to stories read aloud (Instructional Expectation): Teacher models and provides practice of comprehension strategies: makes connections (text to self, text to text, text to world), visualizes, predicts, identifies characters, setting Recognizes and names lower case letters Recognizes and names upper case letters Beginning Developing Secure Beginning Developing Secure Beginning Unable to identify beginning sounds (cvc words) Inconsistently identifies beginning sounds (cvc words) Identifies beginning sound of cvc words Identifies beginning sounds of cvc words (PSF 0-4) Identifies beginning and ending sounds (PSF 5-8) PSF > 9 segments words PSF > (10-35) segments words DIBELS Independently segments words (PSF > 35) DIBELS Given 2 parts of compound word (e.g. airplane) is unable to blend word Unable to discriminate rhyming words auditorily Not assessed at this time Given 2 parts of a compound word, Inconsistently blends words Given 2 parts of a compound word, is able to blend words Given a syllable (e.g. ta-ble) is unable to blend parts of the word Given a syllable inconsistently blends parts of word Given a syllable, is able to blend parts of word Given the phonemes of a word, inconsistently blends Given the phonemes of a word is able to blend Inconsistently discriminates rhyming words auditorily Not assessed at this time Consistently discriminates rhyming words auditorily Not assessed at this time Unable to state a rhyming word for a given word Inconsistently states a rhyming word for a given word Inconsistently states 2 words that rhyme Consistently states 2 words that rhyme Seldom formulates appropriate questions using comprehension strategies Usually formulates appropriate questions Consistently formulates appropriate questions Orally unable to retell story (Corduroy) Seldom responds with an adequate understanding and strategy use Orally retells story missing key points (Corduroy) Shows adequate understanding and strategy use Consistently states a rhyming word for a given word Orally retells complete story (Corduroy) Shows thorough understanding and strategy use Inconsistently identifies beginning and ending sounds (PSF <10) DIBELS Given the phonemes of a word (e.g. c-a-t) is unable to blend Unable to state 2 words that rhyme Developing Secure Orally unable to retell story (Carrot Seed) Rarely demonstrates proficient skills and requires intensive teacher support Orally retells story missing key points (Carrot Seed) Usually formulates appropriate questions Orally retells complete story (Carrot Seed) Independently demonstrates all proficient skills when listening and responding to stories read aloud 0-5 6-10 11-26 6-10 11-19 20-26 0-19 20-25 26 0-5 6-10 11-26 6-10 11-19 20-26 0-19 20-25 26 10-30-06 KINDERGARTEN REPORT CARD RUBRIC STUDENT NAME: Trimester 1 Reading Produces consonant letter and vowel sounds Reads high frequency words - sight word list Reads simple (cvc words) Trimester 2 Beginning Developing Secure Beginning Developing 0-5 Not assessed at this time Not assessed at this time 6-10 Not assessed at this time Not assessed at this time 11-26 Not assessed at this time Not assessed at this time 6-10 Reads <5 sight Not assessed at this time Not assessed at this time Not assessed at this time Does not complete task (Nothing in the Mailbox) Uses pictures and text to make predictions Listening/Speaking Uses appropriate language to express message. Proficient behavior includes: - easily understood by others - speaks with appropriate volume - maintains eye contact - stays on topic Listens while others are speaking. Proficient behavior includes: - uses active listening behaviors; maintains eye contact, quiet while others are speaking, minimal body movements - understands and uses grade-level appropriate words and sentences Listens to and follows directions Contributes appropriately to discussions. Proficient behavior includes: - takes turns speaking - responds in a timely manner - asks questions and/or responds appropriately Beginning Developing Demonstrates few or rarely demonstrates the proficient behaviors and requires intensive teacher help Demonstrates few or rarely demonstrates the proficient behaviors and requires intensive teacher help Demonstrates some or inconsistently demonstrates proficient behaviors and requires some teacher help Demonstrates proficient behaviors. Secure Demonstrates some or inconsistently demonstrates proficient behaviors and requires some teacher help Demonstrates proficient behaviors Rarely follows simple directions and requires intensive teacher help Rarely demonstrates proficient behaviors and requires intensive teacher help. Inconsistently follows directions and requires some teacher help Follows simple directions Inconsistently demonstrates proficient behaviors and requires some teacher help. Demonstrates proficient behaviors. Trimester 3 Secure Beginning 11-20 Reads 5-14 sight 21-26 Reads >15 sight 0-20 Reads <15 sight 21-25 Reads 15-26 sight words words words words words sight words Unable to read cvc words Segments sounds in cvc words (does not blend) and/or reads 1 or 2 cvc words Makes an inaccurate prediction (Nothing in the Mailbox) Reads all cvc words Segments sounds in cvc words (does not blend) Does not complete task (Little Yellow Chicken) Reads 1 or 2 cvc words Reads all cvc words Makes an inaccurate prediction (Little Makes an appropriate prediction (Little Yellow Chicken) Makes an appropriate prediction (Nothing in the Mailbox) Beginning Developing Demonstrates few or rarely demonstrates the proficient behaviors and requires intensive teacher help Demonstrates few or rarely demonstrates the proficient behaviors and requires intensive teacher help Demonstrates some or inconsistently demonstrates proficient behaviors and requires some teacher help Demonstrates proficient behaviors. Secure Demonstrates some or inconsistently demonstrates proficient behaviors and requires some teacher help Demonstrates proficient behaviors Rarely follows simple directions and requires intensive teacher help Rarely demonstrates proficient behaviors and requires intensive teacher help. Inconsistently follows directions and requires some teacher help Follows simple directions Inconsistently demonstrates proficient behaviors and requires some teacher help. Demonstrates proficient behaviors. Developing Yellow Chicken) Secure 26 Reads all 27 Beginning Developing Demonstrates few or rarely demonstrates the proficient behaviors and requires intensive teacher help Demonstrates few or rarely demonstrates the proficient behaviors and requires intensive teacher help Demonstrates some or inconsistently demonstrates proficient behaviors and requires some teacher help Demonstrates proficient behaviors. Secure Demonstrates some or inconsistently demonstrates proficient behaviors and requires some teacher help Demonstrates proficient behaviors Rarely follows simple directions and requires intensive teacher help Rarely demonstrates proficient behaviors and requires intensive teacher help. Inconsistently follows directions and requires some teacher help Follows simple directions Inconsistently demonstrates proficient behaviors and requires some teacher help. Demonstrates proficient behaviors. 10-30-06 KINDERGARTEN REPORT CARD RUBRIC STUDENT NAME: Trimester 1 Writing Beginning Writes a simple sentence (From journal writing) Uses writing conventions: - directionality - word spacing - punctuation - capitalization Fine Motor Trimester 3 Secure Beginning Developing Secure Requires teacher modeling, but has little or no understanding of 1:1 matches. Writing unclear Using dictation identifies < 10 sounds correctly Requires teacher modeling to reread using 1:1 matching. Understands writing Rereads using 1:1 matching and understands writing Using dictation uses 11-29 sounds correctly Using dictation identifies > 30 sounds correctly Writes only known words Inconsistently uses sounds to write unknown words Writes a simple sentence that makes sense to the writer and teacher Requires teacher assistance in order to apply writing conventions Attempts writing conventions Independently demonstrates all writing conventions and consistently/ appropriately applies them Explains pictures/writing to the teacher (with teacher prompt) Explains writing to the teacher (tracking, voice match) Rereads with 1:1 matching at teacher prompt (words) Not assessed at this time Not assessed at this time Not assessed at this time Using dictation identifies < 5 sounds correctly Using dictation uses 6-11 sounds correctly Using dictation identifies 12 sounds correctly Not assessed at this time Not assessed at this time Not assessed at this time Unable to complete task Inconsistently writes known words Not assessed at this time Not assessed at this time Not assessed at this time Does not attempt Requires teacher modeling in order to attempt writing conventions Writes known words and inconsistently uses sounds to write unknown words Attempts writing conventions Beginning Prints letters legibly Does not attempt to copy letters or words Science units: Seasons, Weather, Plants, Animals, Matter, Life Cycles, Senses Developing Explains pictures/writing to the teacher (with prompt) Prints name legibly Science & Social Studies Beginning Explanation does not match picture/writing Requires teacher assistance to apply skills Needs intensive support to write first name (hand over hand) Uses pencil, crayons, scissors and glue with control Trimester 2 Secure Unable to explain picture/writing Retells own writing Writes using letter/sound relationships to represent words Trimester 2 – I can ride my bike (12) Trimester 3 – The bus is coming and it will stop here to let me get on (40) Developing Developing Needs reminders and suggestions to apply skills Writes first name with inconsistent use of capitals and lower case letters and/or requires model Attempts to copy letters and words Secure Can apply skills consistently Writes first name correctly using capital and lower case letters without a model Beginning Requires teacher assistance to apply skills Needs intensive support to write first and last name (more than a model) Copies letters and words legibly Demonstrates little understanding of letter formation Developing Needs reminders and suggestions to apply skills Writes first & last name with inconsistent use of capitals and lower case letters and/or requires model Inconsistently demonstrates correct letter formation Secure Can apply skills consistently Writes first & last name correctly using capital and lower case letters without a model Beginning Requires teacher assistance to apply skills Needs intensive support to write first and last name (more than a model) Consistently uses correct letter formation Demonstrates little or no understanding of letter formation Developing Needs reminders and suggestions to apply skills Writes first & last name with inconsistent use of capitals and lower case letters and/or requires model Inconsistently demonstrates correct letter formation Secure Can apply skills consistently Writes first & last name correctly using capital and lower case letters without a model Consistently demonstrates correct letter formation Beginning Developing Secure Beginning Developing Secure Beginning Developing Secure Children cannot complete the task independently. Children show some understanding. However, errors or misunderstandings still occur. Reminders, hints and suggestions are needed to promote children’s understanding. Children can apply the skill or concept correctly Children cannot complete the task independently. Children show some understanding. However, errors or misunderstandings still occur. Reminders, hints and suggestions are needed to promote children’s understanding. Children can apply the skill or concept correctly Children cannot complete the task independently. Children show some understanding. However, errors or misunderstandings still occur. Reminders, hints and suggestions are needed to promote children’s understanding. Children can apply the skill or concept correctly 10-30-06