Lesson Plan Molly's Pilgrim

Anthony V. Coccia
Lesson Plan: Molly’s Pilgrims
Tuesday, November 25, 2009
3rd Grade
Unit essential questions: What are the different elements and pieces of the English language?
Lesson question: What is a compound word? What does a compound word look like? What
happens to the meaning of two words when they are placed together to make a compound word?
Lesson objective: Students will locate the compound words in the story Molly’s Pilgrim
Students will dictate the found compound word
Students will choose the correct compound word that fits in a sentence
Students will define the compound word
Students will locate 9 out of 11 the compound words correctly.
Students will dictate 9 out of 11 words correctly
Students will choose 8 out of 11 correct compound word that fits in a sentence
Students will orally define the compound words with 85% accuracy.
NYS or other appropriate standard(s) addressed: Found on Marco Polo
Literacy Competencies
Decoding Including Phonics and Structural Analysis 3.LC.R.3
Decode grade-level words using knowledge of word structure (e.g., roots, prefixes, suffixes, verb endings,
plurals, contractions, and compounds
Opening: Put the words doghouse, eyeballs, and lighthouse on the board. Who can tell me what
kind of words these are? What are compound words? Today, we are going to read a story that
has many different compound words in it.
1. Provide Opening/anticipatory set and tell the children to take out a piece of paper
2. Explain to the students compound words
3. Give the students the following directions
- As you listen to the story, write down the compound words that are found throughout
the story. Also, write down the page number where the compound word was located.
4. Tell the children to open the book Molly’s Pilgrim to the first page.
5. Have the children listen to the story on cassette. Matt (pseudonym) listens to the story
and reads along with his Easy Listener (FM Transmitter Radio).
6. Once the story is finished, as a class, we will go over the compound words that were
found in the story: headdress, sometimes, peppermint, homework, cardboard, downstairs,
inside, halfway, Thanksgiving, whatever, and someone. We will also define each
compound word.
7. After we go over the compound words in the story, the class will work on activity in
groups of three. Each group will do one of the three choices. The teacher makes decision
of which group does what activity.
- When making groups, place Matt in the drawing group
8. Give Closure, pass out worksheet for homework and make transition.
Anthony V. Coccia
Lesson Plan: Molly’s Pilgrims
Tuesday, November 25, 2009
3rd Grade
Tiered by ____Product_____:
1. As a group, the children will take the compound words and write a poem. They must use
a minimal of six words. Once they complete it, they will share it with the class.
2. Each child will take a different flashcard that has a compound word. Each child will draw
a picture that represents his/her compound word.
3. As a group, the children will write a story using no less than 6 of the compound words.
The class will act the play out in front of the class.
Closure: Review the definition of a compound word. Review the purpose of a compound word.
Go over worksheet together. Finish with saying: what are your questions?
Materials: 22 copies of the book, three sets of the 10 compound words, and 22 copies of the