Jan. 3 Lesson plan word study

Connection: We have been learning rules for word study. Sometimes our spelling words are made from two different
Teaching: Skill
today I am going to teach you that a compound word is made of two different words
by…reading you a book, called Compound Words
Because…good spellers think about how a word is formed to help them understand how to spell it
Teach: Model-read book
Active engagement: So, spellers, what do you think makes up a compound word? How is it different from another
spelling word?
Students will list a rule/s
Link: Spellers, today and every day, remember that a compound word is made of two or more words that together
express a single idea
Share: students will repeat definition to partner
Assessment: definition
Connection: Yesterday, we learned the definition of a compound word. Who can tell me what that it?
Teaching: Skill
Today, we are going to take that definition and list compound words.
by…thinking of words that go together to form one word
Because…good spellers think about how a word is formed to help them understand how to spell it snow, top,
birth, box, day, bread, tree, ball
Tape the eight words on the tag charts to the chalkboard randomly. Take the word "birth" and move it to the left
side of the board. Show the class that the word that "birth" can be combined with "day" to make a new word
"birthday." Move "day" next to "birth." Underneath the two words, print the word "birthday" as one word. Explain
that the day a person is born, called a birth, is their birthday. Ask someone to use the word in a sentence.
Explain that these are called compound words because to make them, two words are compounded, that is, put
together to make a new word.
Also explain that to make a compound word, there must be two complete words. A word such as "lightly" is not a
compound word because "ly" is not a word.
Teach: give an example
Active engagement: So, spellers, let’s turn and talk/or group share list of compound words
Link: Spellers, today and every day, remember that a compound word is made of two or more words that together
express a single idea> Let’s see if the words make sense and fit the definition.
Share: students will check the list. Provide own examples
assessment: list of words
connection: Yesterday, brainstormed a list of compound words
Teaching: Skill
Today, I would like you show that you understand what a compound word is
by: illustrating two of the words (for an alien)
Because…it is a way to reinforce in our mind, how to spell the word
Teach: give an example
Active engagement: Students will illustrate the word
Link: Spellers, today and every day, remember that a compound word is made of two or more words that together
express a single idea> Let’s see if the words make sense and fit the definition.
Share: student display of words
assessment’s lustration
connection: Yesterday, brainstormed a list of compound words
Teaching: Skill
Today, I would like you show that you understand what a compound word is
by: illustrating two of the words (for an alien)
Because…it is a way to reinforce in our mind, how to spell the word
Teach: give an example
Active engagement: Students will illustrate the word
Link: Spellers, today and every day, remember that a compound word is made of two or more words that together
express a single idea> Let’s see if the words make sense and fit the definition.
Share: student display of words
assessment: illustration
connection: Yesterday we illustrated compound words
Teaching: Skill today I would like you to be able use the compound words in a sentence by
by: writing a story using five of the words
Because…it is a way to reinforce in our mind, how to spell the word
Teach: give an example
Active engagement: Students will write the story
Link: Spellers, today and every day, remember that a compound word is made of two or more words that together
express a single idea> Let’s see if the words make sense and fit the definition.
Share: student story
assessment: completed story
connection: Yesterday we wrote a story using compound words
Teaching: Today we will be taking our spelling test
by: listing the words correctly in a sentence
Because…it is a way to reinforce in our mind, how to spell the word
Teach: give an example
Active engagement: test
Link: Spellers, today and every day, remember that a compound word is made of two or more words that together
express a single idea> Let’s see if the words make sense and fit the definition.
Share: n/a
assessment: test