Retirement Benefits On the day of retirement, almost every employee smarts under a sense of injustice. He is forced to make room for some half-baked professional just when he himself is ready for a doctorate in competency. Be that as it may, it is necessary to plan for this eventuality and hence every employee must know not only the quantum of the various terminal benefits he would be getting, but also their tax implications. The employee may have higher quantum of benefits by being fortunate in choosing a good employer but he has no choice in respect of taxes. Within certain limits, the terminal benefits are exempt. Let us have a good look at the terminal benefits. Provident Fund There are 3 types of Provident Funds: 1 Statutory Provident Fund under the Provident Fund Act, 1925 maintained by government and semi-government organisations, local authorities, universities, recognised educational institutions, railways, airlines etc. This is a blue-eyed baby. Everything is exempt from tax, without any ifs and buts, including the employer's contribution and the interest paid, even if it is over 12%. 2 Recognised Provident Fund (RPF) covered by Employee's Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 applicable to establishments with 20 or more employees. Those with fewer employees are also welcome to opt for it. The PF Commissioner manages the funds. However, if the establishment desires to manage its own funds, a trust approved by the IT Commissioner, has to be created which will invest the funds in accordance with the PF Rules. Employee's contributions are covered by Sec 88 and there is no ceiling on his voluntary contribution. Employer's contribution in excess of 12% of employee's salary as well as interest paid exceeding 9.5% p.a. is charged to tax. Payment of accumulated balance in RPF is taxable under Rule 9(1) of Schedule IV(A) to the ITA, unless the employee renders continuous service with his employer for 5 years or the discontinuance is due to causes beyond control of the employee. This balance is also exempt if it is transferred to the employee's individual account in any RPF maintained by his new employer or by the PF commissioner. Service under his former employer or employers shall be included in computing the total period of continuous service. Out of the total contribution of the employer (12% of basic salary of the employee), 8.33% or Rs 542 whichever is less, is deposited in the Employee Pension Fund and the balance to the Employee Provident Fund as illustrated below: Employer's Basic Total Salary of Contribution Employee (12% of Basic Contribution 8.33% Contribution Rs Pension Fund of Provident 542 (Least of 'b' and Salary Fund (3.67%) 'c') Salary) Rs (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) = (a - d) 4,600 Rs 552 Rs 383 Rs Rs 542 383 Rs 169 8,100 972 675 542 542 430 The current rate of interest on this Pension Fund Deposit is 9.5%, likely to be reduced to 8% for the next fiscal. 3 Unrecognised Provident Fund, not approved by the IT Commissioner, is a bad baby deserving heavy punishment. If the number of employees is less than 20, the PF Commissioner finds it inconvenient to handle this small account. The employer does not have the wherewithal to establish a trust and follow the investment norms. Instead of coming to the rescue of such small organisations, the punishment is heavy. Employee's contribution does not qualify for deduction u/s 88! The employer's contribution and interest thereon are brought to tax as profits in lieu of salary in the year when the payment is made. Interest on employee's own contribution is taxable u/s 56 as Income from Other Sources.This is a typical case of the lawmakers not being in contact with reality. They have created a no-win situation for small entrepreneurs. They should have forced the Commissioner to accept establishments having even one employee or provided an alternative by allowing MFs or LIC to cater for such situations.Tax Planning:Notification P592 F No. 142/27/94-TPL has empowered the trustees of a provident fund to permit any time, within 12 months before the date of retirement on superannuation of an employee, the withdrawal of up to 90% of the amount standing to the credit of the employee. There is no limit on the quantum of voluntary contributions made by an employee to his provident fund. It would be a good idea to contribute up to your maximum capacity a few years prior to the retirement. The funds can be made available by taking recourse to the withdrawals, if necessary. Gratuity: Section 10(10 III) Any death-cum-retirement gratuity received under the pension rules (or any similar scheme) by employees of central or state government, any local authority or defence and civil services is wholly exempt. Gratuity received under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 is exempt up to a limit of gratuity paid at the rate of 15 days (last drawn) salary per year of completed service or part thereof in excess of 6 months or Rs 3,50,000 whichever is less, provided the employee has put in continuous service of 5 years. In the case of employees of other statutory corporations and employees in the private sector to whom the Payment of Gratuity Act is not applicable, the exempt amount would be the least of the following: 1 Actual amount of gratuity. 2 Half month's salary for number of years of service calculated on the basis of average salary for the last 10 months. 3 Rs 3,50,000. Salary includes DA if the terms of employment so provide but excludes all other allowances, bonuses, commissions and perks. The payment of gratuity, while the employee is still in service, does not qualify for any exemption. Gratuity received from a previous employer will be pooled with gratuity received from the present employer for computation of the exempt limit. Superannuation Fund (SAF) During the tenure of service, employees at higher income level would be required to pay heavy taxes on their bonus income. Superannuation Fund (SAF) enables the employers as well as employees to save income tax on such bonuses. The only restriction is that any excess over 27% of salary contributed by the employer to PF and SAF put together will not be allowed as deduction (Notification 10507 dated 16.1.98 w.r.e.f. 22.9.97). The trustees of the fund shall enter into a scheme of insurance with any insurer of life right from the start. Alternatively, they shall accumulate the contributions and interest thereon. With this amount, they shall purchase an annuity from the insurance company at the time of retirement (or prior death) of the employee, at or after a specified age, or on his becoming incapacitated prior to such retirement. At that juncture, the employee may be paid a commuted value not exceeding one-third of the corpus where the employee receives gratuity and half otherwise. This commuted amount is tax-free. The freedom from income tax is not enjoyed if the employee resigns (not retires) or the employee retires before the superannuation age. The escape route in such cases is to purchase SAF-related annuity with the entire balance to the credit of SAF, without any commutation. For grant of exemption from tax, rule 89(ii) of ITA provides that annuities shall be purchased from life insurance companies only. The employee has a wide choice between different annuities. Since this annuity has its nexus with salary of the employee, prior to his retirement, he can claim the standard deduction thereon. Pension: Section 10(10A) Any payment in commutation of pension received under the Civil Pension (Commutation) Rules of the central government or under any similar scheme applicable to the members of the civil services of the union, or civil posts under a state, or to the members of the all India Services and defence services, or to the employees of a local authority or a corporation established by a central, state or provincial Act, is exempt. As regards any other employees, it is exempt up to one-third of the pension where the employee receives any gratuity and one-half of such pension otherwise. The standard deduction is available to pensioners as well. Leave Encashment: Section 10(10AA) Encashment of privilege leave not availed of during the tenure of employment is taxed as salary. However, leave salary paid to legal heirs of a deceased employee is not liable to tax. Cash equivalent of leave salary payable to a government employee in respect of leave to his credit at the time of his retirement on superannuation or otherwise, is free from tax. For other employees, this exemption is subject to the least ofa 10 months average salary (calculated on the basis of the salary during 10 months preceding the employees' retirement on superannuation or otherwise). b Cash equivalent of leave salary in respect of the period of earned leave standing to the credit of the employee. Earned leave cannot exceed 30 days for every year of actual service rendered for the employer from whose service he has retired. c The amount of leave encashment actually received. d Rs 3 lakhs (Notification 123/2002 dated 31.5.02). Where an employee has encashed leave in one or more years from more than one employer, the total amount exempt in this regard is subject to the above ceiling. The phrase 'retirement on superannuation or otherwise' has caused a lot of confusion and consequent litigation. I hope the authorities define the meaning of or otherwise unambiguously, or otherwise ITOs will continue to interpret the same differently. In respect of leave encashment, CIT v Malhotra 142CTR325 (Bom) has observed, "On acceptance of resignation, the employee stands retired from service. The word 'retirement' has not been used in the restricted sense to mean 'retirement on superannuation'. On the other hand it is clear that it has been used in the widest possible terms to mean and include all cases of retirement, whether on superannuation or otherwise. What is relevant is 'retirement'. How it took place is immaterial for the purpose of the clause. It is therefore clear that on retirement, even on resignation, the employee will be entitled to the benefit of the exemption." Unfortunately, some of the ITOs adopt their own views wherever it is convenient for them to do so. Retrenchment Compensation: Section 10(10B) Compensation received by a workman is exempt up to the amount calculated in accordance with Sec 25(b) of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947, or Rs 5 lakhs, whichever is less. Voluntary Retirement Scheme: Section 10(10C) VRS compensation received by an employee at the time of his voluntary retirement in accordance with prescribed guidelines is exempt up to Rs 5 lakhs. Different schemes can be framed for different classes of employees but within the guidelines. Now comes a peculiar problem. A candidate accepting VRS may suddenly find that his normal salary earned up to the retirement, when added to the taxable portion of VRS makes his income under the head Salaries over Rs 5 lakhs and therefore, he loses the rebate u/s 88. The standard deduction also goes down from Rs 30,000 to Rs 20,000. Following are the guidelines: 1 It applies to all employees, including workers and executives (but not directors), who have completed 10 years of service or completed 40 years of age. 2 Where such exemption has been allowed any time in the past, no exemption shall be allowed in any other subsequent year. 3 The vacancy caused is not to be filled up, nor is the retiring employee to be employed in another company or concern belonging to the same management. VRS should result in overall reduction in the existing strength of the employees. 4 VRS benefit should not exceed either (i) 3 months' last drawn salary for each completed year of service or (ii) salary at the time of retirement multiplied by the balance months of service left before the date of his retirement on superannuation. Note the absence of 'whichever is more' or 'whichever is less'. One of the two conditions should be satisfied for the eligibility of the exemption. Salary includes DA, if the terms of employment so provide, but excludes all other allowances and perquisites. 5 Where this exemption has been allowed to any employee for any year, it shall not be allowed to him for any other year. 6 The exemption up to Rs 5 lakhs is available on the entire VRS amount, even if paid in instalments in different years. Under such a situationU/s 15, the entire compensation paid or accrued under the VRS becomes chargeable to tax during the very first year. U/s 192, "TDS on income under the head 'Salaries' at the average rate of income tax computed on the basis of the rates in force for the FY in which the payment is made, on the estimated income of the assessee under this head for that FY." Yes, Sec 192 requires TDS to be computed on payment made for the year whereas Sec 15 makes the entire compensation paid or accrued as an income chargeable to tax. There appears to be an apparent contradiction between the two sections. The issue is resolved by YSC Babu & Another v Chairman & Managing Director, Syndicate Bank & Others (2002) 173CTR151 (AP). The learned judge correctly observed, "The intention of the legislation is that it is necessary to arrive at the average of the income tax payable on the estimated income for the FY during which the first instalment is paid on the basis of the rates in force and thereafter, deduct the tax payable only on the amount paid during the year. "As provided u/s 192, the income of every employee has to be estimated under the head Salaries for the FY in question and thereafter, give effect to the exemptions that are available not only u/s 10(10C) but also under any other provisions of the Act, such as the standard deduction and rebate u/s 88, etc. Several exemptions provided under the Act have to be cumulatively applied while computing the annual income and not with reference to a particular payment. Thereafter, one has to compute the average income tax on the basis of the rates in force for the FY. TDS has to be effected at that rate on the amount actually paid under the VRS and the other income chargeable to tax under the head Salaries, at the time of such payment. "Consequently, as and when the subsequent instalments are paid, tax on these incomes has to be computed by applying the rate of tax thus arrived at. Exemptions, deductions and rebates can be claimed thereon as provided by the Act." U/s 35DDA(1), amortisation of expenditure incurred under VRS is allowable to the employer in five equal instalments in respect of the amount paid (including payable, as per strict interpretation). Therefore, the employers will find it useful to spread the cash outflow arising out of VRS over a period of 5 years. Any interest paid to the employee on the periodical instalments received subsequently, will be directly a charge to profits and gains of the business for the previous year during which the interest is paid. The employee will also find this arrangement useful because of two distinct reasons. The first is that he does not have to suffer the entire tax upfront at the prevailing rates but be subjected to TDS as and when the instalments are paid. Moreover, he gets rewarded by way of interest at a rate much higher than the market rate and from a very safe source, his erstwhile employer. Miscellaneous Besides the above benefits, some employers give retirement benefits in the form of: 1 Insurance annuity policy in appreciation of outstanding services rendered. The annuity payments are payable to the employee or his heirs. The payments commence after retirement or prior death of the employee. 2 Medical assistance to the retired employee and his wife as well as dependent children. 3 Any ex-gratia received on termination of service need not be treated as profit in lieu of salary within the meaning of Sec 17(3), if the employer was under no obligation to make the payment. RELIEF U/S 89(1) The various terminal benefits received by an employee are bound to push the income onto a substantially higher tax slab. A similar situation arises when the salary is paid in arrears or in advance. To mitigate the hardships caused to the assessee by such situations, ITOs are empowered to grant appropriate relief u/s 89(1), on receipt of an application from the assessee. However, u/s 192(2A), government servants or employees in companies, co-operative societies, local authorities, universities, institutions, associations or bodies may furnish the particulars in Form 10E and get the relief directly from the employer. If leave encashment is received during employment, it is chargeable to tax, irrespective of whether the employee is in government or private service. The employee can, however, claim relief in terms of section 89 (Circular 431, dated 12.9.85). Salary in Arrears or in Advance [Rule 21A(2)] The relief on salary received in arrears or in advance is computed in the manner laid down in rules 21A and 21AA as follows: a Calculate the difference between the taxes payable of the relevant previous year in which the additional salary is received on the total income, excluding the additional salary and including it. b Calculate the difference between the taxes payable on the total income after excluding the additional salary and including it in the previous year to which such salary relates. c The amount of relief admissible u/s 89 = A - B. No relief is admissible if 'A - B' is negative. If the additional salary relates to more than one previous year, salary would be spread over the previous years to which it pertains in the manner explained above. All these computations are to be carried out by taking cognisance of the rebate u/s 88, 88B or 88C to the extent applicable. The fact that the assessee would have contributed additional money to such avenues has to be ignored. Surcharge has to be applied on the tax payable after rebates for respective years. Family pension received in arrears by family members of a deceased employee is also eligible for benefit of Sec 89(1) w.e.f. FY 95-96. Finally, application of Sec 89(1) to VRS. Madras high court in the case of CIT v M. Raman, Abdul Hadi and NV Balasubramanian JJ, (ITR vol 245, 2000) decided on 4.3.1997 that- The amount received by the employee at the time of voluntary retirement of service would be regarded as salary and the relief under section 89 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, would be admissible in respect of such sum. "The assessee has taken voluntary retirement from the service and received an amount of compensation at the time of his voluntary retirement. The question that arises is whether the compensation received by the assessee at the time of voluntary retirement would fall within the provisions of section 17(3)(i) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, that is, whether it can be regarded as salary and the assessee would be entitled to the relief provided u/s 89 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. This court in the case reported in CIT v. J Visalakshi (1994) 206 ITR 531, held that if an employee receives at the time of resignation, the amount could be regarded as salary and the assessee would be entitled to the relief provided u/s 89 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The said principle rendered by this court in the case of resignation would equally apply to the case of voluntary retirement of an employee from service." The method of computing the relief is described under the subhead, 'Compensation on Termination' subsequently. Gratuity [Rule 21A(3)] Relief can be claimed u/s 89(1), if gratuity is received in excess of the limits specified in the Act. However, no relief is admissible if taxable gratuity is in respect of services rendered for less than 5 years. How relief is computed is discussed below. If service is for 15 years or morea Compute average rate of tax on the total income, including the gratuity in the year of receipt. b Compute tax on gratuity at this rate. c Compute average rate of tax by adding one-third of the gratuity to the other income of each of the 3 preceding years. d Take average of the 3 rates computed in the manner specified in 'C' above and compute the tax on gratuity at that rate. The relief admissible u/s 89(1) = B - D. If service is for 5 years or more but less than 15 yearsThe relief is computed on similar lines. The only difference is that instead of average of the average rates of the preceding 3 years, the average of the rates of the preceding 2 years is computed by adding half of the gratuity to the other income of each of the preceding 2 years. Compensation on Termination [Rule 21A(4)] If the service is continuous for not less than 3 years and the unexpired term of employment is not less than 3 years, the relief offered is as if the gratuity was for service of 15 or more years. Commutation of Pension [Rule 21A(5)] Relief can be claimed in respect of payment in commutation of pension in excess of the limits mentioned in the Act. Such relief is computed in the same manner as if the gratuity was paid to the employee for service of 15 years or more. Author: AN Shanbhag is a best selling author and a very widely syndicated columnist on personal finance and taxation.