2.11 Transaction and Connected Parties 2.11.1 Necessary and Reason of Transaction The connected transactions were financial assistance for the Company’s working capital because of low liquidity. Terms and conditions of transaction benefit the Company. For example, the Company pays interest charges directly to a bank at the rate charged by the bank and if the Company pays directly to the lender, the Company will pay interest at the same rate as render borrowing rate without charge. Thus, the lender requested the Company to provide a secondary land mortgage registration. Above said transactions were approved by the Company’s Board of Director, and reported to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) following SET’s regulations of connected transaction disclosure. 2.11.2 Policy of Connected Transaction Approval The Company minimizes or avoids further financial assistance from connected and/or related parties. The transactions below provide the Company with credit facilities in case of unplanned working capital shortages to meet immediate financial commitments. Upon entering such transactions, controls are in effect pursuant to the Board of Director’s resolution (meeting No. 2/2009, February 26, 2009) stating as follow: 1. On receiving or granting finance assistance transactions between related parties, do as follows concerning amounts and procedures for each transaction (Note:(1): 1.1 Between THB 1 M and THB 20 M; notify the SET immediately and obtain approval from the BOD. 1.2 THB 20 M (approximately USD 0.57 M) or more; notify the SET immediately, and obtain approval from the BOD and shareholders. 2. On purchasing goods or services, or entering into any kind of contracts or agreements, such as purchase, service, joint venture, or agent contract etc. do as follows concerning amounts and procedures (Note: (2): 2.1 Between THB 1 M. and THB 20 M (approximately USD 28,000 to USD 0.57 M.); notify the SET immediately. Also, BOD approval may be needed in certain cases, such as in transactions where the terms are not normal commercial terms (except in the lease of immovable assets where the lease period is not over 3 years), or in an asset/ service transaction. 2.2 THB 20 M (approximately USD 0.57 M) or more; notify the SET immediately and obtain approval from BOD. Also, shareholders’ approval may be needed in certain transactions such as in cases where the terms are not normal commercial terms, or in an asset/ service transaction. (1) The amount is referred to in the financial statement and/or SET or SEC’s announcement and can be changed as appropriate. (2) There is no need to inform or send the reports as mentioned above to the secretary if the transaction is an ordinary and normal business transaction with normal commercial term e.g. purchase of raw materials, purchase of supplies used in processing, purchase-selling inventories. However, if the transaction is done between the related parties, normal 57 commercial terms have to be applied, otherwise the procedure- as in 2.1 or 2.2 above, must be applied regardless of the value involved. In the latter case, any involved parties must abstain from voting on the transaction(s); and said transaction(s) must be scrutinized by the Audit Committee and reported to the SET pursuant to SET regulations relating to the disclosure of related parties transactions. 2.11.3 Connected Parties Company Transaction Type Aspac Construction Limited (ASPAC) Sino Pac Development (Thailand) Limited (SPD) Overdraft (OD) facility of Baht 14 million was extended by Aspac to THL as working capital and the 2nd mortgage was released in May 2008. The bank had released the mortgage that THL provided to SPD on May 15, 2008. Therefore, no more related parties transaction. Therefore, no more related parties transaction. Transaction Value & Criteria on Net Tangible Assets There is no balance of short term loan as at December 31, 2008 (fully repaid since 2007) Baht 12 million land mortgage. (released on May 15, 2008) Reason for Transaction In 1999 THL accepted financial assistance from AsPac due to severe cash flow restraints brought on by the extremely tight credit market. The financial assistance rendered was used primarily to support the high strength aggregate quarry operations and as THL’s working capital. To provide working capital for THL and its controlled entities. Terms and Conditions of Transaction 1) The facility was made exclusively for THL and its controlled entities for When THL no longer utilised the Baht 14 million OD facility, the Baht 12 million secondary This value represents less than 3% of the latest audited net tangible assets of THL as per the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)’s regulation (ref: Bor Jor: 52-2-01, clause 9 (1) and (2), page 122). The Transaction Value divided by THL’s Net Tangible Assets (12,000,000/793,431,000) derives a percentage of 1.51%. 58 Company Aspac Construction Limited (ASPAC) Sino Pac Development (Thailand) Limited (SPD) working capital. registration will be released. 2) THL pays the monthly interest charge directly to a bank at the prevailing rate. (The bank had released the mortgage on May 15, 2008) 3) THL provided collateral consisting of land at Saraburi province in the amount of Baht 4 million. The remaining Baht 10 million of the facility is secured by AsPac’s group collateral. 4) The OD facility by Aspac is allocated to THL and its controlled entities without other charges. Scope of Connected Persons/ Relationships THL and AsPac are connected to the extent that Mr. Ronald Ng and the late Mr. W. Sukasem were directors of both THL and AsPac at the time of the transaction. Per THL policy, these persons abstained from voting in connection with this transaction. THL and SPD are connected to the extent that Mr. R. Ng, the late Mr. W. Sukasem, and Dr. J.P. Mills were directors of both THL and SPD at the time of the transaction. As per THL policy, these persons abstained from voting in connection with these transactions. Transaction Transparency and approval process This transaction was reported in THL’s annual and quaterly financial statements and submitted quarterly to the SET. This transaction was reviewed by an external auditor, legal counsel, THL’s Audit Committee, and Board of Directors who deemed the said transaction to be fair, reasonable, and in compliance with generally acceptable accounting procedures. This transaction was reported in THL’s annual and quaterly financial statements and submitted quarterly to the SET. This transaction was reviewed by an external auditor, legal counsel, THL’s Audit Committee, and Board of Directors who deemed the said transaction to be fair, reasonable, and in compliance with generally acceptable accounting procedures. 59 2.11.4 CONNECTED TRANSACTIONS WITHIN THE GROUP The transactions within the Group relate mainly to inter-company loans from Tongkah Harbour Public Company Limited to the subsidiaries. The terms of agreement between the parent entity and the subsidiaries are mainly as follows: Transaction type Reason for loan Terms Disclosure Approval Process Company Name : Long term loan : To provide long term capital for the subsidiary’s projects. : Interest charged on the average banking interest cost. : Reported to the SET and shareholders, quaterly and annually as incurred. : Reviewed by auditors, legal counsel, Tongkah Harbour Public Company Limited’s Audit Committee and Board of Directors who deemed said transaction to be fair, reasonable, and in compliance with generally acceptable accounting procedures. Tungkum Limited (TKL) Cholsin Limited (CSL) Principal due from (due to) Baht 34,365,105 Baht 70,128,521 Acc. Interest Baht 19,071,616 Baht 43,253,378 Sky Cliff Limited (SCL) Sea Minerals Limited (SML) Transaction Value Receivable (payable) Baht 125,244,565 Baht (33,972,000) Baht 23,511,555 Baht (821,414) Provision 0.00 Baht 93,608,000 0.00 0.00 Scope of Connected Persons/ Relationships Share holders 98.86% Share holders 72.10% Share holders 75.00% Share holders 99.99% Joint directors and shareholders Joint directors and shareholders Joint directors and shareholders Joint directors and shareholders 60 2.11.5 Future of Connected Transactions The Company operates business based on Company benefit. Connected transactions with related companies or parties (financial assistance) will occur in significant circumstance. In future, the Company has no intent to do connected transactions, except where the Company encounters severe circumstances. However, the Company follows the policy of connected transaction approval as stated in clause 2.11.2 In addition, the Company will report connected transactions to SET. 61