Brand New World – claimed Evidence and 2 It has been that before and for 3 Critics argueAgainst that because of time, 1 145 million people worldwide use social networking sites such as Facebook, Bebo and MySpace. allowing people to build friendship worldwide- cultural exchanges. (T) 4 Microsoft dominants computer operating systems, 92% of the market. 55% of internet users use Internet explorer and their Office applications have made the company over $11bn. (T) 7 Disney products are popular across the world, the company has profits of $34 billion dollars. (LE) 10 French people would argue that food is part of their national cultural identity and mass produced fast food undermines this identity. (CP) 13 Despite concerns about working practices and high level boycotts, Nike has increased its profits. (CP) 16 To protect Chinese language, officials look at the names of new products entering the country; they have forced companies to change over 2,000 to more Chinese sounding words. (CP) 19 Microsoft’s dominance of personal computing led to worries that it had a monopoly, less choice for consumers and potentially higher prices. As a result the European Union has forced Microsoft to make its code open to other developers, so that their programmes will work with Microsoft’s systems. (T) during the Iraq war, News Corporation gave bias coverage, failing to mention any opposition to the war in the USA, UK or Iraq. (NM) 5 Many bloggers use applications that are provided by Multi-national companies such as Google and Microsoft. (T) 8 Disney has popular theme parks in Tokyo, Paris and Hong Kong. (LE) 11 Italians are concerned at the growth of Starbucks and their fast coffee culture, in Italy the coffee shop is the hub of the community, a place to socialise and be friendly on pavement locations. In the USA it is natural to buy a coffee and run… (CP) 14 In countries that produce Nike products there is a huge trade in counterfeit products of the same brand! (CP) 17 Fast food culture has lead to a rapid increase in child obesity problems across the developed world. This has lead some Governments, such as the British, to ban junk food advertising to children. (CP) 20 Google has started to digitised millions of English language books, which are out of copyright, so they can be searched. (T) language and cultural differences, people on social networking sites making friends only within a small social sphere, that don’t cross country boundaries. (T) 6 It has been claimed the multi-national media companies have too much political power; Margaret Thatcher, John Major and Tony Blair all sort the backing of Rupert Murdoch. In the 1992 election of John Major the Sun printed the headline ‘It was the Sun wot done it.’ (NM) 9 Google dominants internet searches, 37 million searches by over 750 million users. (T) 12 In China it was seen as impolite for children to choose or buy their own food, the introduction of Happy Meals by McDonalds has changed this practice. (CP) 15 In Saudi Arabia Barbie dolls are banned from being sold, the government says the dolls are antiIslamic and portray Jewish role models. In the Middle East a number of alternatives are manufactured, including Fulla, who is sold in Brazil, China and Egypt. (CP) 18 Local alternatives to multi-national products have been developed, such as Quibla Coke in the United Kingdom, an Islamic alternative which gives 10% of all its profits to charity. (CP) 21 Commentators have argued that Disney Theme parks disneyify (cleanse) culture, would main street American really look they that! Many French people were against the Paris theme park, believing it encouraged American consumerism. Workers were also angry at strict dress codes, which they believed went against the French culture of individualism. The park has not been popular and has seen losses each year from 1992. One commentator called it a ‘culture Chernobyl’. (LE) 22 The top ten grossing films of all time have been all been produced by American companies such as Universal, 20th Century Fox and Paramount. Titanic produced by Paramount and 20th Century Fox grossed $1.6 million dollars. (LE) 25 McDonalds is the world’s biggest fast-food chain, it operates in over 120 countries and sells to 54 million customers a day. It employs 465,000 people. (CP) 23 There are 60 million bloggers worldwide, allowing people to share news and information that isn’t dependant on multi-national corporations. (T) 28 The European Union requires 50% of all T.V. programming to be from Europe. France has increased this to 60% but requires 40% to be in native French language. (LE) 29 71% percentage of the global music industry, worth $40 billion is owned by four main companies, EMI (UK), Universal (France-largest share 71%), Sony (Japan/Germany), and Warner (USA). (LE) 31 In some countries, such as China, the internet and access to certain sites is censored, so that the population doesn’t access subversive information. International Corporations, such as Google and Yahoo, have colluded with the government so they can have access to growing markets. (T) 34 Because of the dominance of Western multi-national companies controlling music, it is difficult to get reliable figures on the sales of nonEnglish language performers… (LE) 32 The best selling artists of all time are the Beatles, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. All English language artists. The best selling album of all time is Thriller by Michael Jackson. (LE) 37 McDonalds has seen falling sales due to concerns about health, working practices and their impact on the environment. (CP) 40 The film industries of other countries can not compete with the resources of the American multinational companies, meaning a decline in home grown movies. 80% of the films seen in Europe are American. (LE) 26 It has been claimed that McDonalds has been keen in changing local taboos, such as eating whilst walking in Japan! (CP) 35 We increasingly get our news from a number of huge multinationals, Times Warner, Disney and News Corporation. News Corporation for example owns Sky, Fox TV, the Times and Sun Newspapers and My Space, this is just a few! (NM) 38 A worker for Nike in Indonesia would take a month to earn enough for the trainers that they produce. (CP) 41 The India sub-continent has a thriving film industry, Bollywood studios produce over a 1000 films per year and have ticket sales of over 3.6 billion. The films show to audiences in continents across the World. (LE) 24 Arabs have been incensed by their portrayal in Disney films, such as in Addalin, True Lies, and the Siege. They believe that Disney portrays Arabs as terrorists or murderers. In the Middle East there have been widespread boycotts of Disney products. (LE) 27 In 1996 McDonalds opened its first restaurant in India, the majority of the population is Hindu and therefore vegetarian, the cow is sacred. Some people believed it showed that McDonalds wasn’t sensitive to local cultural differences. It was also accused of selling French Fries cooked beef fat within the country. This sparked widespread demonstrations and boycotts. (CP) 30 Worried about Microsoft’s domination of the market, programmers have come together to produce free operating systems such as Linx, free browsers, such as FireFox and free word processing programmes such as Open Office. (T) 33 Regional news broadcasters, such as Al Jazeera, have become increasingly popular. During the Iraq war the network showed the impact of the war on civilians, images that were being censored by Western media. (NM) 36 McDonalds states that is offers cultural alternatives in its different restaurants across the world, in Chile, customers can add avocado paste to any sandwich! (CP) 39 McDonalds’ restaurants have been the target of terrorist attacks in Russia, Indonesia, Egypt, Ecuador, and Saudi Arabia… Extremists attacking a symbol of America. (CP) 42 In 1999 Joseph Bove concerned at the impact of McDonalds on farming practices, particularly the use of growth hormones in beef farming, dismantled a McDonald’s in his town of Millau. (CP) 43 American owned Mattel is the largest toy company in the world, its main product Barbie has been sold in 150 countries across the world and the company estimates that two are sound every second. (CP) 46 Concerned about the rise of English language culture on the Internet, the French government has funded a project to digitise French literature. (T) 44 Mattel has adapted Barbie to reflect different cultural groups, including Hispanic and AfroCaribbean Barbie. (CP) 45 Only 18% of the World’s population have access to the Internet, the lowest penetration is in Africa with 4.7 %. The Internet is not really the worldwide web but North America Net (70%) (T) 47People are concerned that dominance of the media by a small number of multi-nationals means there is a limited number of perspectives on World events. (NM)) 51 Nike is the world’s largest sportswear manufacturer; it operates in 40 countries and has profits of over $17 billion. (CP) 52 Children’s birthdays were not usually celebrated in China, the introduction and marketing of McDonald’s birthday party meals has changed this practice. (CP) 48 China has a quota on American films, it allows only twenty a year to be shown in the country (with are politically appropriate), so that local films receive a 50% share of the market. (LE) 53 American movies collect half of all their revenue from non-English speaking audiences. (LE)