DSPT Billing and Accounting Issues

DSPT Billing and Accounting Issues
Ref: Meeting held on 8.6.09 at Corporate Office
1. The commercial system of Dotsoft will be modified to ensure creation of
the customer in Dotsoft, which is a prerequisite for generation of a bill.
After the completion of the work the customer information will be fed into
DSPT system through the Web Based Portal AND into Dotsoft through offline advice note module. The Web Based Portal should allow all the SSA
In-charges / Coordinators to create or modify details of the customers.
Dotsoft will not have on-line generation of work order. The customer
creation will be only through off-line advice note entry.
2. In Dotsoft the customer will be attached a ‘0’ rental and ‘0’ LCC Plan so
that no billing is done in Dotsoft. Billing will be done by the DSPT billing
system centrally. The bill information will be posted on the DSPT Portal.
The same will be downloaded by the SSAs and will be used to generate a
bill for the customer by including these charges as debit charges. The
details of the debit charges can be printed separately. The file format for
downloading the bill information is given by Dotsoft Core Group shortly.
3. The Service Tax will be calculated by Dotsoft. Therefore the feed file
coming from the DSPT system should either exclude Service Tax or
should indicate the components separately. The file structure will have a
field of Service Tax which will be ignored by the Dotsoft system.
4. The temporary disconnection and reconnection list will be prepared by
Dotsoft and will be uploaded to the Portal for actual disconnection in the
system. There will not be any feed file for temporary disconnection and
reconnection list. The SSA Coordinator will input these numbers one by
one in the Portal. If the Portal gives the facility of temporary disconnection
and reconnection then the same will be executed by the SSA. Otherwise
the information fed in the Portal by the SSA will be used by the Hub Incharge to actually disconnect or reconnect and then update the status in
the Portal. It will be a daily operational procedure for the SSA to log on to
the Portal and in-turn update Dotsoft regarding the status of the customer.
5. For closures, Advice Notes will be fed through off-line module in Dotsoft
after completion of the work like recovery of DSPT terminal, etc. The
information will be fed into Portal and Hub In-charge has to permanently
disconnect the connection in the system also.
6. Deposits can be also input into Dotsoft through off-line advice note entry
or through off-line deposit entry. No demand note generation from Dotsoft
is planned because everything will be handled through off-line entry
screens. Demand note will be manual. It can contain deposits and one
time charges like installation charges etc. This manual demand note can
be paid at Dotsoft counters through the ‘non-dotsoft payment’ module.
7. Dotsoft can handle fault dockets also. However, the Portal should
facilitate inputting of information regarding faults incase attention of Hub
In-charge is necessary to clear the fault. This will also be required in
SSAs where Dotsoft is not implemented.
8. For non-Dotsoft systems like Trichur, a similar methodology should be
followed. The Advice Note should be fed into the Trichur billing system
separately. It is not proposed to modify the various commercial systems
integrated with Trichur to handle the DSPT customers. Instead manual
Advice Notes can be issued and completed Advice Notes will be fed
manually into the Trichur Billing System including the details of Deposit /
minimum guarantee taken from the customer. This way the Trichur Billing
system will create the customer and then issue the bills as per the
procedure described above for Dotsoft. The temporary disconnection and
reconnection and permanent closure of connections shall also be ensured
by the Trichur billing system and completed in both the local billing system
and the DSPT system.
9. Existing customers must be created in Dotsoft and Trichur billing systems.
The data will be fed manually into Dotsoft (by using off-line advice note
entry) and the Trichur billing systems.
10. The DSPT system must maintain the circle code and SSA code and these
should be included in the billing feed files sent SSA wise.
In summary –
1. The DSPT Portal should allow – (a) Customer creation, (b) Temporary
disconnection and reconnection, (c) Permanent Closure, (d) Fault Docket
booking and clearance, (e) Modifications of customer data like address
change, facilities, etc.
2. Dotsoft or Trichur Billing System will take care of invoice generation and
payments. They will be configured with ‘0’ usage plans and the bill
provided by DSPT system will be included as a debit to raise the invoice
as per the billing cycle.
3. Accounting of revenue and Service Tax will be done by Dotsoft and
Trichur Billing Systems.
4. The number allotment shall be done by the DSPT system.
5. In Dotsoft these customers will be classified as INDST. For this class
code, the zero billing plan will be automatically assigned. For enabling this
the proper masters have to be created in Dotsoft. The scripts for creation
of these masters are already released by ITPC and are available on
Dotsoft portal.
GM(IT), Hyd.