Grade 6: Renaissance People and Their Architecture

Jennifer Stewart
Lesson Planning Form
Lesson Title:
Curriculum Area:
Grade Level: 6th
Essential Question:
This is lesson _1_ of _8_ in this unit
Renaissance Art and Architecture
Class: History
Date: TBA
How does the Renaissance art and architecture portray the values
of the Renaissance people?
Materials / Resources
Curriculum Standard(s)
_X___ E
_____ I
AverMedia document camera (AVerVision CP300)
Books with Renaissance art & architectural pictures
Identify Renaissance artifacts by pictoral representation
Recognize how the Renaissance changes the nature of
Technology Standard(s)
Vocabulary: Renaissance, individualism, realism
1 Positive Attitudes and Perceptions: The students will be able to visualize art and new
architectural changes from the Renaissance era. This will allow the students to gain a
hook for the new knowledge acquired in this unit.
2 Acquiring / Integrating Knowledge
Declarative ___
Procedural __X__
Activating / Thinking Strategies
___ Carousel Brainstorming ___ Anticipation / Reaction Guide
___ The First Word
___ Think-Pair-Share
___ Walk Around Survey
___ Three Step Interview
___ Possible Sentences
___ KWL ___ KWL Plus
___ PReP
___ List-Group-Label
___ Wordsplash
___ Human Treasure Hunt
_x__ Two Minute Talks
___ Talking Drawings
___ In The Hot Seat
___ LINK
___ Corners
___ Envelope, Please
Activity Description: As the students enter the room, there will be a picture in picture of a piece of
Renaissance art (the Mona Lisa or one of Michelangelo’s paintings are most likely choices) projected
onto the SMART board using the AVerMedia document camera. Also, playing over the pictures is
an audio of famous quotes from the Renaissance era depicting the individualistic attitude of the time.
Cognitive Teaching Strategies
___ RAFT
___ Concept Mapping
___ Dump and Clump
__X_ Venn Diagram
___ Semantic Feature Analysis
___ 3x3 Vocabulary
___ Four Corners
___ Frayer Model
___ Power Notes
___ Collaborative Listening / Viewing Guide
___ T chart
Activity Description:
1. Using a Venn Diagram the teacher will outline changes that came about during the
Renaissance as it pertains to art and architecture.
2. These changes will be outlined using various pictures of Renaissance art &
architecture as well as modern day art and architecture that mirrors the changes that
took place.
3. Some of these changes include: realism in paintings (every day people, not just kings
or religious figures), value of the individual is shown in art, bright light valued in
architecture, comfortable and livable spaces, (whereas the Middle Ages valued
ornamentation and protection).
Store Knowledge/Internalizing
_X__ Symbols/Substitutes
___ Number/picture system
___ Practice Schedule
___ Link Strategy
___ Familiar place system
___ Chart speed
___ Rhyming pegword method ___ Mnemonics
___ Chart accuracy
___ Number/key word method
Activity Description:
The students will outline the top 5 changes during the Renaissance (as it pertains to both art
and architecture). With this outline, the students will then draw a picture to help them
remember this change.
Summarizing Strategies
___ Shaping up Review
___ Challenge Envelopes
___ Exit Slips
___ Vanity Plates
___ Four-Two-One
___ Word Sorter
___ Four Box Synectics
___ Final Countdown
___ Learning Frames
___ ABC Review
_X__ Answer EQ
Activity Description: The students will then create a “masterpiece” of their own in the style
and attitude of the Renaissance. With the work of art , a sheet will be turned it describing
how their piece of art shows the value of realism and individualism.
See attachment for:
Enrichment Activity___
Meaningful Use Activity___
Assessment Activity___
Extending/Refining Activity___
Culminating Activity___
Homework ____
Attachment to Lesson ______
Extending / Refining Activity
_____ Comparing
_____ Classifying
_____ Deduction
_____ Error Analysis
_____ Analyzing Perspectives
Activity Description:
_____ Induction
_____ Constructing Support
_____ Abstracting
If this activity serves as the assessment, please check ___
Culminating Activity/Meaningful Use
_____ Decision Making
_____ Investigating
_____ Experimental Inquiry
_____ Problem Solving
_____ Inventing
_____ Systems Analysis
Activity Description:
If this activity serves as the assessment, please check ___
Re-teaching and Enrichment Activities
Supporting Assignments / Homework
Comments / Ideas for Revision