Biochemistry Homework

Biochemistry Homework
Part A.
1. Give a balanced equation (using cyclic structures) showing three glucose
molecules combining to form a trisaccharide.
2. Give a balanced equation (using cyclic structures) showing the hydrolysis of
3. Give a balanced equation showing the synthesis of a fat composed of stearic acid,
myristic acid, and palmitic acid.
4. Hydrolyis of fats in the prescence of a strong base yields ______________.
5. Draw a generalized molecule (or a specific molecule if you want) of a soap
molecule and label its hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts.
6. Draw the basic structure common to all steroids and number the carbon atoms.
7. Give a balanced equation showing the synthesis of the polypeptide. Met-LeuGly- Ser.
8. Give a balanced equation showing the hydrolysis of the polypeptide Ala-Ser-Gly.
Biochemistry Homework
Part B
1. Explain what enzymes are, what they do (their function) and how they do it in
terms of energy consideration (showing a properly labeled graph). Also, explain
clearly the lock and key model of enzyme activity.
Protein Synthesis
1. The nucleus of a cell contains “coded” information that is passed on to daughter
cells during ______________________. The name of the nucleic acid that
contains this code is “____________________.
2. State four ways RNA and DNA are different?
3. A certain segment of DNA has the following code:
Give the corresponding codon from mRNA
Give the corresponding anticodon from tRNA
The peptide coded for in this case contains how many amino acids?
Name the amino acids comprising this primary structure in the correct order.