Learning objectives - WhiteHouseCurriculum

University of Brighton, Faculty of Education and Sport
Lesson Plan
Student teacher’s Name: Melanie Trevaskis
Lesson Number: 1
Curriculum Area / Activity: Science
SEN Pupils - Number in lesson: 5
Date/Time: 1.30-2.30
Lesson Duration: 1 hour
Class: Year 2 - Amethyst
Number of pupils: 17
Names of other adults present: Mrs Norman
Student teacher target in relation to Standards and ITDP
 Differentiate lessons more effectively, especially for children with SEN. Q7 & 8, Q25
 Confidently manage behaviour issues inside the classroom Q2 & Q10
Identified targets based upon previous lesson plan evaluation
 N/A
Learning Objectives
Differentiated Learning Outcomes
What do I intend the pupils to learn?
(Knowledge, understanding, values
attitudes and skills)
Working towards…
Understand what a natural material is
Children understand that natural
materials are found the way they
are. With help can list several
natural materials.
Children understand natural materials
occur naturally in the world and are able
to list them all independently.
Children understand which materials occur
naturally, as well as the state they are
found. They understand that these need to
be manufactured to be made more useful.
Understand what a manufactured
material is
Children understand that factories
change natural materials to make
them more useful.
Children understand natural materials
are manufactured. They are able to link
the manufactured material to the
natural material.
Children are able to link the natural material
to the manufactured material with
examples. They understand that some
materials need to be heated and shaped.
Learning across the curriculum
Literacy, Geography
Examples of natural and manufactured materials,
University of Brighton, Faculty of Education and Sport
5 minutes
Pupil learning activities
Including reference to inclusion strategies
including reference to how tasks have been differentiated
Children will discuss with their
partners, the materials they can
remember from previous lesson. Eg.
Wood, plastic, glass, metal.
Using TALK PARTNERS. Recap with the children
the different materials they have been looking at
in science.
Ask individual children to write the name of
these materials on their whiteboards.
Then ask children to write examples of things
that are made from these materials on their
Ask children to give ideas and write on IWB.
Ask the children to collaboratively read the
learning intention.
Ask the children to offer ideas about what they
think a natural material is, and what they think a
manufactured material is.
Tell them that manufactured material involves
going through a factory.
Children will then need to think about
things that are made from these
materials that we looked at in our
science investigation last lesson.
Teaching points/ strategies / teacher
Children will need to talk to their
partners and then offer ideas about
what they think a natural material is
and what they think a manufactured
material is.
Children need to observe what their
fellow class mate is doing and respond
with what they think the correct
answer is.
Ask children to come to the front of the class and
draw a line on the IWB connecting the natural
material to the manufactured material.
Ask the rest of the class for thumbs up/thumbs
down as a response.
Children will need to think about what
their object is made from before it is
taken to the factory to be
Show the children a range of manufactured
objects. Give each of the children an object. Tell
them you need them to help you sort them into
the correct column for their natural material.
They will need to respond when asked
by the teacher.
Individually ask children which column they think
their object should go in. Others may help if they
Organisation and risk
Assessment for learning
Children will be sat on the
carpet in front of the teacher.
Assess how much the children can
remember from last lesson.
As well as if they are able to
identify the difference between the
material and what is made from
the material.
Formal and informal
TA will be sat with SEN
children at the table.
Assess children’s understanding
natural and manufactured
Assess children’s understanding of
the natural material their object
came from before it was
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Show children their worksheet and explain they
need to cut and stick pictures into the correct
box. They will also need to add more pictures by
drawing them.
SEN – Pictures will be paper clipped
together in their separate piles. One
will be natural materials, the other
manufactured materials.
They will simply need to sort these and
stick them down in the correct box.
They will also have a range of
manufactured materials on their table
for them to look at and draw. They
need to draw them in the correct box.
Send children to their ability groups for Literacy.
Children will be working in
pairs in their groups.
TA will be working with
children on SEN table.
Assess how well children work
together in their pairs, dividing the
work evenly amongst themselves.
MA – Children will have a plastic wallet
with pictures of natural and
manufactured materials inside. They
will need to sort them so that they are
stuck down in the correct box on their
They will have some manufactured
materials on their table that they can
look at the draw. They will need to
think of more to add on their own.
HA – Children will have a plastic wallet
with pictures of natural and
manufactured materials inside. They
will need to sort them so that they are
stuck down in the correct box on their
They will need to think of more
manufactured materials and draw
them in the correct boxes on their
Assess children’s ability to classify
and identify the various
manufactured materials.
The teacher will be working
with children on HA.
Asking them questions that
will help them think of more
ideas for manufactured
University of Brighton, Faculty of Education and Sport
Ask children to tidy their tables and return to the
carpet. Ensuring both their names are on their
work and they have traffic lighted it.
Children will need to talk to their
partners and discuss what they have
learnt. They will need to feed this back
to the teacher.
The children will need to watch the
game and decide where the object
needs to go.
Ask children to explain what a natural material is
and what a manufactured material is. Use TALK
Play a game with them on the IWB. Ask the
children to sort the manufactured materials into
the right box for their natural material.
Assess children’s ability to
sort out the manufactured
materials to their natural material.
University of Brighton, Faculty of Education and Sport
Lesson evaluation
To what extent have the learning outcomes been achieved in relation to the learning objectives
Targets for the next lesson based
upon evaluation of pupil learning
Reflection of teaching/ management/
organisation strategies