Psych 100 syllabus

General Psychology 100
MWF: 12:30-1:48pm
Psychology Building (PS) Room 14
Course number: 18069-4
Instructor: Laren Conklin
Office: Psychology Building, Room 185
Office hour: Wed 11:30-12:30 or by appointment
Textbook webpage:
Online grades:
Course webpage:
Course Objectives:
Acquire a knowledge of basic psychological research, theories, and facts
Develop the ability to think critically about the psychology research that you encounter as well as
to understand the implications of this research
Understand how the psychological principles we cover in class apply to your everyday lives and
how psychology integrates with other disciplines
Gain an appreciation for both similarities and differences across individuals and cultures
Exams will be held during one of our scheduled class times. They consist of multiple-choice questions
that pertain to the assigned readings. Remember, you are responsible for ALL assigned readings
regardless of whether they were discussed in lecture. Exam grades are not curved—every point you
earn is a point towards your final grade. You may find it helpful to purchase a Psych 100 Exam Review
Packet to help you study.
**IMPORTANT!! On the day of exams, you MUST bring both a picture ID and a #2 pencil to class.
In-class quizzes will consist of any or all of the following: matching, T/F, fill-in-the-blank, or short-answer
essay. Each quiz is worth 8 points. Quiz grades will be assigned as follows: 0 points for less than 20%,
1 point for 20-29%, 2 points for 30-39%, 3 points for 40-49%, 4 points for 50-59%, 5 points for 60-69%, 6
points for 70-79%, 7 points for 80-89%, and 8 points for 90% and above. You must be in class on quiz
days unless you have proper documentation (e.g. illness, family emergency, university sports).
NOTE: You can earn a total of 2 “safety points” for each quiz.
 You can earn one safety point by emailing me a video, cartoon, clip, etc. relevant to class material.
(These must be submitted to me prior to each quiz. Otherwise, it will count toward the next quiz).
 You can earn another safety point simply by attending class! Before each quiz, I will randomly
choose 4 class periods. If you attended 3 of those 4 classes, then you will receive a safety point on
that quiz.
To fulfill the requirement for Research Experience, you must complete either seven hours of research
experiments or seven mini-papers. See the REP syllabus for more details and for some of the extra
credit opportunities. (Additional extra credit points can be earned by completing a short reflection paper.
More details will be provided later in the quarter.
Dates to Remember:
Quiz 1: April 11th (Friday)
Quiz 2: May 2nd (Friday)
Quiz 3: May 28th (Wednesday)
Midterm 1: April 16th (Wednesday)
Midterm 2: May 7th (Wednesday)
Final Exam: June 3rd (Tuesday)
Classroom Expectations:
Before class:
Show up and be on time! You are responsible for all material presented in class, including
any announcements I make. Quiz questions are specifically drawn from in-class material.
Silence all cell phones, pagers, or anything else that makes noise.
During class:
Please refrain from talking, text messaging, sleeping, or any other distracting behaviors.
Participate in classroom discussions by contributing your thoughtful opinions, comments,
and questions. At the same time, be respectful of other classmates’ contributions.
How to succeed in PSYCH 100:
Come Prepared to Class – read the textbook prior to class
Take Notes – I will email you partial notes the day before class; print these out and bring them
with you. Utilize the extra space provided for jotting down examples and additional notes.
Ask Questions in Class
Come to Office Hours – I am also available by e-mail if you have questions or want to discuss
other matters
Be Conscious of Exam and Due Dates – plan ahead!
Quick FAQ:
Q: What if I am going to or have already missed a class?
A: If the class you have or will be missing is a regular lecture class, you do not need to notify me.
Obtain the lecture notes from a classmate and visit office hours if you have any additional questions
about the material. If the class you have or will be missing (for a documented, outstanding circumstance)
was when a quiz or exam was scheduled, you must notify me as soon as soon as you are able—
preferably before you miss the class in question. See the general psychology syllabus for more details.
Q: What if I am not performing as well in this course as I would like?
A: If you are worried about your performance in the course, there are several things you can do. You
may refer to the “Psych 100 Success Program Study Skills” handout or visit,, or any of the other websites
discussed on the first day of class. Additionally, you can feel free to come to my office hours or schedule
an appointment with me to discuss other possible ways to improve your class performance.
**For more FAQs, please visit the following website:
People you can contact in the event you have questions or if you miss class and need the notes:
1. _______________________________ Contact info: _________________________________
2. _______________________________ Contact info: _________________________________
3. _______________________________ Contact info: _________________________________