Psych 100 syllabus

Psychology 100
Spring 2008
MW: 3:30 – 5:48 PM
Scott Laboratory (SO) Room 04
Course number: 18073
Instructor: Abby D. Adler
Office: 106 Psychology Building
Office Hours: Tuesdays 12 – 1 PM or by appointment
Online Resources:
Textbook Webpage:
Course Webpage:
Online Grades:
Required Textbook: Bernstein, Penner, Clarke-Stewart, & Roy. (2006). PSYCHOLOGY,
Custom Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company: New York. ISBN: 0-618-70483-3.
Course Objectives:
Become familiar with basic psychological research, theories, and facts
Learn to think critically about the psychology research that you encounter as well as
understand the implications of this research
Recognize how psychological principles apply to your everyday life and how psychology
relates to other disciplines
Gain an appreciation for similarities and differences across individuals and cultures
How to succeed in PSYCH 100:
Come Prepared to Class – read the textbook prior to class
Take Notes – outlines will be available on the course webpage prior to each class, print
these out and bring them with you to class
Ask Questions & Participate in Class
Come to Office Hours – I am also available by e-mail if you have questions or want to
discuss other matters
Be Conscious of Exam and Due Dates – plan ahead!
For more tips see the PSYCH 100 Success Program
Exams: Three multiple-choice exams will cover material from the textbook. You are
responsible for ALL assigned readings regardless of whether they were discussed in lecture.
Lectures will NOT be comprehensive. Exam Review Packets with practice exam questions are
available at campus bookstores to assist you while studying.
Remember to bring your picture ID and a number 2 pencil to each exam. Any
student without a picture ID will NOT be allowed to take the exam.
Quizzes: There will be three in-class quizzes covering material from lectures worth 8 points
each. Quiz dates are: April 9th, April 30th, and May 21st. Quizzes will include true/false,
matching, fill-in-the-blank, and/or short answer questions. You must attempt all sections to
receive credit. Quiz grades will be assigned as follows: 0 points for less than 20%, 1 point for 2029%, 2 points for 30-39%, 3 points for 40-49%, 4 points for 50-59%, 5 points for 60-69%, 6
points for 70-79%, 7 points for 80-89%, and 8 points for 90% and above.
If you miss an exam or quiz, you must contact me ASAP. Exams and quizzes may
be made-up with a legitimate, written excuse only.
“Safety Points”: You can earn up to two “safety points” on each quiz. One point can be earned by
sending me a video, cartoon, clip, etc. relevant to material covered on that quiz. This must be
submitted before the day of the quiz and must include a brief explanation (1-2 sentences) of the
example and how it relates to course material. To encourage attendance throughout class, one
point may also be earned by completing review questions presented at the end of each class. To
earn 1 point, you must be present for review questions on at least 2 days.
REP: You are required to participate in SEVEN hours of REP experiments OR write SEVEN
mini-papers. See the REP syllabus for more details as well as information on extra credit
opportunities. (Additional extra credit points can be earned by completing a short reflection
paper. More details will be provided later in the quarter.)
Quiz 1: April 9th (Wednesday)
Quiz 2: April 30th (Wednesday)
Quiz 3: May 21st (Wednesday)
Dates to Remember:
Midterm 1: April 16th (Wednesday)
Midterm 2: May 7th (Wednesday)
Final Exam: June 3rd (Tuesday)
Classroom Expectations:
Be Respectful – Please turn off all cell phones before class begins and refrain from
talking, text messaging, or other distracting behaviors during class. Be considerate of
other students’ questions, comments, and opinions.
Be Responsible – Arrive on time. If you must miss a class, let me know ahead of time,
but you are responsible for getting notes from a classmate and keeping updated on
announcements made in class. Although our class meets in the evening, please be
respectful to me and wait until I have ended class to get up and leave (unless absolutely
Academic Misconduct:
Students suspected of academic misconduct will be reported to the Committee on Academic
Misconduct. OSU’s policy on academic misconduct is available at
Disability Statement:
Please contact me directly if you need special accommodations due to disability. You must also
contact the Office of Disability Services at (614) 292-3307 in Room 150 Pomerene Hall with
documentation of your disability. For more information, see ODS’s website at
People you can contact in the event that you have questions or if you miss class and need
1. Name: ____________________ Contact info: _________________________
2. Name: ____________________ Contact info: _________________________
3. Name: ____________________ Contact info: _________________________