4.8 million people in Canada struggle to pay their rent, feed their families, and address basic needs. The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, the Canadian Council of Churches, together with Dignity for All, are working together to address poverty in Canada. A “Justice Tour” of Canadian church leaders in April and May, 2015, on the topics of climate justice and poverty in Canada, will use the comprehensive Dignity for All report as a platform for further discussion and action. Congregations are invited to engage this report and discern what it means for ministry in their local communities: www.commonword.ca/go/98. PrayerNet: Pray for the emerging Mennonite churches in Cambodia who celebrated the opening of a new church building in Krachie on February 22. Mennonite Church Canada supported the construction of the new building in partnership with the North American Vietnamese Mennonite Fellowship and our resource worker for Vietnam/Cambodia ministry, Nhien Pham. CAMPS WITH MEANING (895-CAMP or www.campswithmeaning.org) Consider giving the gift of camp to someone. One of the greatest acts of love is to share the experience of faith growth, confidence growth, and of fun! Is there a child, youth or adult with disability that you would want to register? Visit www.campswithmeaning.org/summer for more info and registration forms. Challenge to the Churches: Participate in the body of Christ at camp as head cook, kitchen help, health officer, maintenance and camp pastor. Help make camp be an inter-generational community focused on Jesus. Call the Camps office. The Mennonite Church Manitoba Mission and Camping Vision was presented at the MCM Gathering on Feb. 28. To sign up for regular updates and see the vision document and visual presentation, visit the MCM website at http://www.mennochurch.mb.ca/programs/camping/. CHARLESWOOD MENNONITE CHURCH March 8, 2015 Education Hour 9:30 English Worship Service 10:45 am | Korean Worship Service 1:30 pm Worship Leader: John Braun Story Tellers: Camp Singing Group Ushers: Youth We welcome Norma Horrocks from St Mary’s Anglican Church as our guest Lenten scripture reader this morning. CALL TO PRAISE Leader: The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? Cong: The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? All: Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning is now, and will be forever. Amen. HWB 49 From all that dwell below the skies Psalm 82 Loren Braul Thanksgiving L: Our souls are waiting for God, our help and our shield. C: Our hearts are glad in you, Lord, because we trust in your holy name. Story Free Prayers of Thanksgiving L: Let your steadfast love be upon us C: Even as we wait for you. HWB 166 WIDER COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS End of Life Discussions at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 637 Buckingham Rd (204-832-4564). Palliative Care Facilities &Support Systems for Palliative Care at Home - Mar 23, 7:30 pm; Legal Considerations: Wills; Power of Attorney; Medical Directives; Executors - Apr 20, 7:30 pm; Grief Counselling and Conflict Resolution - May 25, 7:30 pm. The Bereavement Care Program of Concordia Hospital is seeking volunteers who are able to provide telephone grief support to family members of people who have died at the Hospital. This is an ideal opportunity for a person with a health care, ministry or counseling background. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please contact Bob Milks at 204-661-7402 ext 2, or email bmilks@concordiahospital.mb.ca. Full job description posted on bulletin board. Song Leader: Rebecca Harder Pianist: Velma Braun I’ll praise my Maker CALL TO DISCIPLESHIP L: One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. C: Let us worship the Lord our God, and serve God alone. Luke 4:17-19 Leviticus 19:9-10 HWB 538 1 Peter 2:21-24 STS 71 Cal Friesen Christina Warner Lead me, Lord Jasmin Epp Gentle God, when we are driven CALL TO INTERCESSION Prayer Shawl Ministry Reflection by a Prayer Shawl Knitter Reflection by a Prayer Shawl Recipient Edna Peters Megan Friesen Irma Harder HWB 353 Lord, listen to your children praying Procession of Prayer Shawls to the Altar Table Dedication of the prayer shawls (knitters gathered around the altar) Dedication Litany: L: We often do not know how to pray as we ought to pray. C: Your Holy Spirit intercedes for us then, with sighs too deep for words. L: We thank you that your Spirit touches our human spirits. C: Transform us through prayer. Help us rely on your Holy Presence in our lives. L: We present these shawls as a symbol of our prayers for one another. C: We dedicate ourselves to intercede for each other in prayer. We dedicate these shawls as a sign of our constant intercession for one another. L: As we wrap ourselves in the warmth of your compassion… May we feel your loving embrace and the prayers of the faith community. C: We dedicate these shawls to symbolize our prayers through Jesus Christ, our Lord. L: Amen. THIS WEEK Tue, 7:00 pm – Council meeting Fri, evening – Church booking Fri-Sun – Youth Retreat at Camp Moose Lake Sat, 9:00 am – Trailblazers Breakfast. Robert-Falcon Ouellette will be with us to tell us his story and talk about Aboriginal issues. Please bring the usual breakfast foods. HWB 357 O Master, let me walk with thee Offering Sharing our Prayers (with response HWB 358 Oyenos, mi Dios) CANADIAN MENNONITE UNIVERSITY (www.cmu.ca) Campus Visit Days: Outtatown Discipleship School: Mar. 13, 8:45 am-3:00 pm. Sign up at www.cmu.ca/campusvisit to attend a one day Outtatown experience. Individual or Group Visits to campus – Anytime! Contact Mitch Krohn to make arrangements: mkrohn@cmu.ca 204-594-0525 Vespers: Sun., Mar. 15, 7:30 pm, Laudamus Auditorium, 500 Shaftesbury. Theme: Lent. Details can be found at cmu.ca/vespers. All are welcome to attend the annual Celebration Banquet and inaugural CMU PAX Award presentation to Jean Vanier in Wpg, Apr. 8, 6-8:30 pm. RSVP by Mar 15: jfriesen@cmu.ca, 204-487-3300 ext. 604, or visit cmu.ca/events. John & Margaret Friesen Lecture: Mar. 17, 7:00 pm, Marpeck Commons. Come watch This Spider: Animals, Mennonites and the Modern World. Lecture presented by Dr. Royden Loewen, Chair in Mennonite Studies & Professor of History at the UW. Admission is free, reception to follow. Visit cmu.ca/events. Jazz at CMU: Mar. 28, 7:30 pm, Great Hall, 500 Shaftesbury. Featuring Wholly Jazz (CMU’s vocal jazz ensemble) under direction of Dorothy Dyck; and CMU Jazz Band, under direction of Chad Pollard. Admission at the door: $5. CMU Bells and Whistles with Strings Attached: Mar. 29, 7:30 pm, Laudamus Auditorium. An instrumental ensemble concert including the CMU Guitar Ensemble (dir. Willie Wiebe); Flute Ensemble (dir. Haley Rempel); CMU Handbell Sextet (dir. Verna Wiebe). Admission at the door: $5. How do humans right contribute to global peace? Consider participating in Human Rights and Peace with Clint Curle at the Canadian School of Peacebuilding, June 15-19. Apply by Apr. 1 for a $50 early bird discount! For more info, go to csop.cmu.ca or email csop@cmu.ca. CALL TO ENTER THE WORLD Announcements STS 111 For me to live is Christ Benediction HWB 382 Threefold Amen ~ Please return hymnbooks to the shelves at the back of the sanctuary. Thank you. ~ Afternoon service - Worship Leader: J R Hwang Song Leader: Sarah Bae Speaker: Paul Kang Pianist: SuBin Bae CHURCH FAMILY NOTES Larry Kehler passed away on Tuesday morning, March 3. The funeral took place at Bethel Mennonite Church on Friday afternoon, March 6. Our prayers are with Jessie and her family as the mourn the loss of Larry. There will be a meeting of interested people to kick off (dig up, start the seed, etc) the MCC Plant Sale. Tue., Mar. 10, 10:30 am at 134 Plaza Dr. Your ideas and suggestions are much appreciated. Coffee and snack will be served. The Plant Sale will take place on May 22-23. Contact: Ron Dueck (204-896-5057) UP-COMING EVENTS NEXT SUNDAY, 9:30 am – Catechism Class (John’s office) May 30-31 – Church Retreat at Camp Assiniboia YOUTH Announcements YOUTH RETREAT: March 13-15 at Camp Moose Lake. Get your registrations in to Jeff next TODAY. Meet at church at 5:30 pm on Friday. Please eat beforehand as we will NOT be stopping for supper. MENNONITE CHURCH MANITOBA/CANADA & COMMUNITY Building Bridges feast and lecture: Fri., Mar. 13, 6:00 pm at Thunderbird House, 715 Main St. Featuring Bishop Mark MacDonald and Brander Raven. Keynote address: The Gospel in Four Directions: A New Horizon for the People of God on Turtle Island. Call Alice at 204-896-1616 to register. Seating is limited. A Place in the Kingdom: Paintings and Stories Celebrating Farm Animals by Manitoba artist Lynda Toews. Mar. 13-Jun. 20 at MHC Gallery. Opening Reception Mar. 15, 2:30 pm. Free admission, storytelling, refreshments, 100 free story booklets. For Gallery info, call Connie Wiebe at 204-888-6781, ext 194. View entire exhibit online at: http://gallery.mennonitechurch.ca/sites/ gallery.mennonitechurch.ca/files/APlaceInTheKingdom.pdf. Mennonite Heritage Centre Gallery: Lynda Toews: A Place in the Kingdom: Paintings and Heritage Stories Celebrating Farm Animals; Judy Paschalis: Tillie’s Story: Small Quilts Picturing the Life of a Kansas Mennonite Woman; Annie Janzen: My Life’s Story in Jars. Mar 13-Jun 20. Opening: Sun, Mar 15, 2:30 pm. http://gallery.mennonitechurch.ca/LyndaToews WESTGATE MENNONITE COLLEGIATE (86 West Gate; 204-775-7111) Employment Opportunities: (Please direct cover letter/résumé (+ 3 references) to Bob Hummelt, Principal, Westgate Mennonite Collegiate, 86 West Gate, Winnipeg MB R3C 2E1; Email: bhummelt@westgatemennonite.ca; Fax: 204-786-1651. Term Teaching Position commencing April 1, continuing until the end of the term. Proficiency in senior high Chemistry, Biology and Essentials Math is required. Due date: Mar. 10. Development Coordinator (part-time) to provide assistance and support to the implementation of the school’s fundraising plan and in particular the current capital campaign strategy. Ideal candidate would have fund-raising and special event planning experience, marketing/computer skills, familiarity with social media in a marketing context, and strong interpersonal, organizational, and verbal/written skills. Salary dependent on experience. Due date: Mar. 9. MCC - MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE MANITOBA/CANADA MCC Manitoba welcomes applications for Community Engagement & Events Coordinator. Contact loriobirek@mennonitecc.ca with a cover letter/résumé by Mar. 12. View complete description at http://mcccanada.ca/getinvolved/serve/openings/community-engagement-events-coordinator-mccm IVEP Night at Sam's Place: Thur., Mar. 26, 7:00 pm. Join us as participants in the MCC's International Volunteer Exchange Program (IVEP) share stories, music, dance and food from their countries! This year's participants are from South Africa, Vietnam, Honduras, Zambia and Paraguay. Sam's Place Film Night: Mar. 9, 7:00 pm. Miss Representation. This 2011 documentary explores the under-representation of women in leadership positions and looks at how women are portrayed in the media.