KOÇ UNIVERSITY FALL 2009 MKTG 451 –SELECTED TOPICS IN MARKETING : BRAND VALUE CREATION & MAXIMIZATION Professor: Semih YALMAN Office: CASE Office Hours: By appointment Phone: 0533 482 0650 e-mail: semih.yalman@grassSS.com Class time & place: T/Th 15:30-16:45-CAS Course Objectives: Marketing is the battle of perceptions not products. The brand is the primary benefit communicator and is most of the time the sole perception builder for any corporation. Companies exist to create value. Among various deliverables for shareholders, brand value has been one of the major focal points for the past decade. A brand is a promise made to its customers and its owners. Promises kept yield loyal customers and will produce a steady stream of profits for years to come. Brand equity is at its root the aggregate value of the future purchases of its customers. And that is what brand marketing must maintain and grow. The first objective of this course is to introduce participants to the methodology of assessment, planning and execution of branding process. The second objective is to provide you with specific real time examples to underline the importance of brand value management for a corporation, its shareholders, investors and other stakeholders. The third objective is to develop skills in team selection, third party management, and expectation management for healthy sustainable returns. In order to achieve these objectives, the course includes lectures, class discussions, guest speakers, a group brand plan project, and case discussions. Reading Materials: 1. Reference Text Books: a. Corporate Image Management, Howard b. Marketing Corporate Image, Gregory with Wiechmann c. New Strategic Brand Management, Kapferer 2. Optional reading: a. No Logo, Naomi Klein b. Eating the big fish, Morgan c. Why we buy, Paco Underhill d. Brand New, Koehen 3. Primary reading materials will be based on cases that will be available with your course packet. Course Requirements and Grading: Midterm exam: Final Exam Group project & Group project participation: Class participation: 20% 20% 40% 20% Exams: There will be an in-class midterm and final exam. The exams will consist of short essay type questions. The exams will totally account for 40% of your grade. The midterm exam will take place on Nov 17 during class time (place to be announced). The place and time of the final exam will be announced later in the semester Group Project: Students will form teams of four or five people. Each group will do a brand plan on the following brand stages/topics. If you want to work on another topic please feel free to discuss your ideas with me. 1. Creation of a new brand. 2. Re-branding of an existing product, service, company, conglomerate 3. Branding a person or social responsibility effort. 4. Preparing a brand for the multinational launch. You will conduct a perception study, formulate a brand strategy, and prepare a brand plan ready for execution. A detailed description of the group project is presented in Appendix 1. Each team will submit the group members’ names and your topic by October 13. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to talk about your ideas before you choose a project. Teams are encouraged to schedule appointments with me to go over their projects during the semester. Your grade will be based on your final paper and an end of semester presentation to the class. More specifically, grades will be based on the following factors: (1) how structured was the perception measurement? (2) How well were you able to generate insights from the data? (3) How well were you able to turn your insights into strategy and actionable plans? (4) How well did you present your plan? (Due: December 17) Group Project Participation: I will be able to monitor your participation in the group project by meeting with you in-class throughout the semester. You will submit (e-mail) a work plan before or on October 13 (see Appendix 2) and I will check whether you are contributing to the group project as planned. Your group project grade depends on the extent of your participation. 2 Class Participation: Your participation in class discussions and cases is an essential part of this class. Because the discussions will be based on assigned readings, it is important to have done them carefully in preparation for each session. It is also vital to listen and ask the right questions to the guest speakers in class Class participation grade is determined by the following factors: class attendance (e.g., those who do not come to most classes will probably get 1 or 2 points), listening and courteous behavior (i.e., those who talk with their friends during discussions or lectures will not be able to get full participation grade even if they contribute extensively to class discussions), quality and quantity of participation (please note that quality is more important than quantity). Questions asked to the guest speakers. 3 COURSE OVERVIEW & READINGS Introduction to brand and its components Sept 29 Introduction to the course Oct 01 Introduction to branding Oct 06 Brands environment Measuring Oct 08 Perception study (guest speaker) Submit: Group members’ names and brand-plan topic Oct 13 Net Promoter Score (guest speaker) Oct 15 Brand Equity calculation (guest speaker) Oct 20 Data assessment and reporting Brand Strategy and planning Oct 22 Brand plan methodology Oct 27 No class national holiday Oct 29 Shaping the identity (gust speaker) Nov 03 Elements of the brand Nov 05 The creative solution (guest speaker) Nov 10 Review Nov 12 Mid-term exam Nov 17 Mid-term exam feedback The communication mix Nov 19 What to communicate, communication channels (guest speaker) Nov 24 Communication themes and platforms Dec 26 Kurban Bayramı Holiday Dec 01 Communication themes and platforms (guest speaker) The funds, team and presentation Dec 03 Budgetary restraints and allignment Dec 08 The team (guest speaker) Dec 10 How to present and persuade Dec 15 In class group project meetings Group presentations Dec 17 Group presentations Dec 22 Group presentations Dec 24 Group presentations Dec 29 Group presentations Jan 05 Jan 07 Guest Speaker Review 4 APPENDIX 1 GROUP PROJECT 1. Title page 2. Introduction/ice breaker etc.. 3. Table of Contents 4. Perception Study Results: The first step in a brand plan is to lay out clearly the research results. 5. Brand Strategy &objectives: The brand objectives should be based on the research results and draw parallels to the business plans. 6. Brand Plan: is the critical part . It consists of the brand identity, brand tree, corporate identity as well as the communication themes messages and channels. The brand plan can also have a creative part showing various executions in different communication channels such as advertising, digital marketing, event and/or pr campaigns. 7. The team: it is important to lay out who the team will in execution and management 8. Budget and time table: Every brand plan should have a detailed budget and an execution time table.. 9. Evaluation and measurement: Every plan after execution should be re-measured for correction and alterations. 10. Appendices: Any detailed information that will help you support your arguments 5 APPENDIX 2 GROUP PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT Use bullet points to describe your plans and specific actions. Identify tasks and assignments clearly. TITLE OF THE GROUP PROJECT Responsible Group Members’ Name Due Date Research 1. 2. 3. Analysis of results 1. 2. 3. Strategy and Objectives 1. 2. 3. Brain Storming for Creative & execution 1. 2. 3. Preparation for Presentation 1. 2. GROUP MEMBERS NAMES & SIGNATURES Please note that by signing this document you are promising to complete your tasks by the due date. Therefore, before signing the document, make sure you agree on the type of work each member is going to do. 6 Case Studies Note on Marketing Strategy Snapple Starbucks:Delivering Customer Service Lenovo: Building a global brand The New Beetle How Global Brands compete BBC World wide: Global Strategy Real Madrid Club de Futbol Inside Intel Inside Google Advertising Nike A Nike B Nike C Nike E Nike, Inc Entering the Millenium Nike in Transition A Nike in Transition B Apple 9-598-061 9-599-126 9-504-016 9-507-014 9-501-023 HBR R0409D 9-502-083 9-504-0643 9-502-083 9-507-038 9-391-238 9-385-027 9-385-029 9-385-033 9-299-084 9-392-105 9-392-106 7