Fourth Grade 2nd Marking period Curriculum Components Grade Level Content Expectations Reading Standards for R.NT.04.05 Literature R.CM.04.02 (Narrative) R.NT.04.01 R.NT.04.03 R.NT.04.04 R.NT.04.02 No GLCE R.MT.04.01 Reading Standards: Foundational Skills R.CM.04.03 Learning Targets and Outcomes(Common Core State Standards) Activities/Assessment Suggestions Key Ideas and Details: Activities: RI.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text). RI.4.2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text. RI.4.3 Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s thoughts, words, or actions). Activities: Automatically recall/read frequently Craft and Structure: R.L.4.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in encountered words a text, including those that allude to significant characters found in (1000 word Dolch mythology (e.g. Herculean). List) RL.4.5 Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, and refer to the structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage Use structural, directions) when writing or speaking about a text. syntactic clues RL.4.6 Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated including the difference between first- and thirdKnow letter-sound, person narrations, and third person narrations. rhymes, base words, affixes and syllabication Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: RL.4.7 Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version Use, acquire and reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text. apply word structure, RL.4.8. (not applicable to literature) sentence structure and RL.4.9 Compare and contrast the treatment of similar themes and topics prediction to aid in (e.g., opposition of good and evil) and patterns of events (e.g., the quest) decoding words & in stories, myths, and traditional literature from different cultures. 1 Fourth Grade 2nd Marking period Curriculum Components Grade Level Content Expectations R.MT.04.03 R.AT.04.01 R.WS.04.05 Reading Standards for R.WS.04.01 Informational R.WS.04.07 Text R.WS.04.02 R.WS.04.06 R.IT.04.04 R.CM.04.04 Learning Targets and Outcomes(Common Core State Standards) Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: RL.4.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, in the grades 4-5 text complexity band proficiently with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range (on-going). Activities/Assessment Suggestions word parts Understand multiple meaning words Phonics and Word Recognition RF.4.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. RF.4.3a. Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication, patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read accurately unfamiliar multi-syllabic words in context and out of context (on-going). Fluency: RF.4.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. RF4.4 a. Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. RF.4.4 b. Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. RF4.4c Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. Key Ideas and Details: RI.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. RI.4.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on 2 Fourth Grade 2nd Marking period Curriculum Components Grade Level Content Expectations R.WS.04.01 R.MT.04.01 R.AT.04.01 Learning Targets and Outcomes(Common Core State Standards) specific information in the text (on-going). Craft and Structure: RL4.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area (ongoing). Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: RL.4.7 Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears (on-going). Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: RL.4.10 By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 4-5 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range (on-going) Key Vocabulary Writing R.NT.04.05 W.GN.04.01 W.GN.04.02 Activities/Assessment Suggestions Marzano Vocabulary W.4.3 Write NARRATIVES to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. W.4.3a Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfold nauturally. W.4.3b Use dialogue and description to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations. W.4.3.c Use a variety of transitional words and phrases to manage the Activities: Explore various forms of poetry; Entertain through humor: Riddle Suggested Narrative products: 3 Fourth Grade 2nd Marking period Curriculum Components Grade Level Content Expectations W.PR.04.03 W.PR.04.04 Learning Targets and Outcomes(Common Core State Standards) Activities/Assessment Suggestions sequence of events. W.4.3d Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely. W.4. 3e Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events. Legends Adventure Production and Distribution of Writing: W.4.5. With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1-3 up to and including grade 4). Assessments: 4 Fourth Grade 2nd Marking period Curriculum Components Grade Level Content Expectations Learning Targets and Outcomes(Common Core State Standards) Key Vocabulary Speaking & Listening Activities/Assessment Suggestions Marzano Vocabulary Ongoing Conventions (Knowledge of Language) Ongoing 5 6