4th Grade Big Ideas Big Idea GLCE Brief Description Materials Time Frame Place value and multidigit computations Place values and number operations N.ME.04.01 N.ME.04.02 N.ME.04.03 Understanding and working with place value through the millions. Multi-digit computational skills in +, -, x, and /. Estimate in whole number and decimal (to 100ths place) computations. Harcourt Text, Wiki space math site, supplemental materials, investigations, access to various websites Covered in first quarter and ongoing through out the year Equivalent fractions. Add and Subtract with like and unlike denominators, including whole numbers. Multiply fractions, including whole numbers. Compare and order fractions. Harcourt Text, Wiki space math site, supplemental materials, investigations, access to various websites Mid 2nd quarter on through 3rd quarter as applicable with decimals Add and subtract whole numbers N.FL.04.0 Use factors and multiples N.ME.04.04 N.ME.04.05 N.MR.04.06 N.MR.04.07 Multiply and divide whole numbers N.ME.04.09 N.FL.04.10 N.FL.04.11 N.FL.04.12 N.MR.04.13 N.MR.04.14 Estimate N.FL.04.34 N.FL.04.35 N.FL.04.36 Fractions Understand fractions N.ME.04.20 N.MR.04.21 N.MR.04.22 N.MR.04.23 N.ME.04.24 N.MR.04.25 N.MR.04.26 Add and subtract fractions N.MR.04.27 N.MR.04.28 N.MR.04.29 Multiply fractions by whole numbers N.MR.04.30 Decimals Read, interpret and compare decimal fractions N.ME.04.15 N.ME.04.16 N.ME.04.17 N.ME.04.18 N.MR.04.19 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to the hundredths place. Convert between fractions and decimals. Harcourt Text, Wiki space math site, supplemental materials, investigations, access to various websites 3rd quarter Conversions between units, including length, mass, temperature, and capacity. Use various measurement tools. Compose and understand various types of lines, shapes, and angles. Compute and understand area and perimeter. Recognize and understand symmetry and transformations. Harcourt Text, Wiki space math site, supplemental materials, investigations, access to various websites 4th quarter Read and construct bar graphs and double bar graphs. Find median and range of a set of numbers. Use variables in computational processes. Harcourt Text, Wiki space math site, supplemental materials, investigations, access to various websites Graphing is ongoing through out the year and should be integrated with other subjects. Probability and Algebra middle of 4th quarter on. Add and subtract decimal fractions N.MR.04.31 N.FL.04.32 Multiply and divide decimal fractions N.FL.04.33 Measurement and Geometry Measure using common tools and appropriate units M.UN.04.01 M.PS.04.02 M.UN.04.03 M.TE.04.04 Convert measurement units M.TE.04.05 Understand perpendicular, parallel, and intersecting lines G.GS.04.01 G.GS.04.02 G.SR.04.03 Use perimeter and area formulas M.TE.04.06 M.TE.04.07 M.TE.04.08 M.PS.04.09 Recognize symmetry and transformations G.TR.04.04 G.TR.04.05 Data, Probability, and Algebra Represent and solve problems for given data D.RE.04.01 D.RE.04.02 D.RE.04.03