GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA Department of Water Resources Odisha Community Tank Development Management Society PROCUREMENT PLAN FOR THE YEAR 2014-15 (JULY-2014 to JUNE 2015) ON i) Civil Works ii) Goods and Equipments &+-- iii) Consultancy and Training PROCUREMENT PLAN 2014-15 ORISSA COMMUNITY TANK MANAGEMENT PROJECT (OCTMP) I. 1. General Project information: Country: INDIA Borrower: Government of Orissa through Government of INDIA Project Name: ORISSA COMMUNITY TANK DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT SOCIETY (OCTDMS) Loan No: 7576 IN Credit No: 4499 IN Project ID P100735 Project Implementing Agency: Orissa Community Tank Management Project Dept. of Water Resources, Govt. of Orissa 2. Bank’s approval Date of the procurement Plan: [Original] 3. Date of General Procurement Notice: 4. Period covered by this procurement plan: II Procurement of Goods and Works. 1. Procurement Methods: NA July 2014 to June 2015 Works and Goods: ICB, contracts above US $40 million (INR 240 crore approx.) for works and US $ 3 million (INR 18 crore approx.) for goods in each case. NCB, contracts up to US $ 40 million (240 crore approx.) for works and up to US $ 3 million (INR 18 crore approx.) for goods in each case. Shopping contracts up to US $ 100,000 (INR 60 lakhs approx.) for works and goods in each case. Direct Contracting, proprietary items, such as spare parts, software, books, periodicals etc. up to US $ 50,000 (INR 30 lakhs) per contract, meeting requirements stated in the Procurement guideline of the Bank and petty items costing up to US $ 1000 (INR 60000) per contract may be procured through Direct Contracting. Note:- Slicing/ Packaging/ Lots shall be appropriately reviewed to avoid fragmentation to the extent practicable. Whenever bids are invited concurrently for several contracts in a package and cross discounts are invited, the aggregate value of the total package will form the basis to determine the procurement method as well as the review requirement. © Review Requirements: 2. Discontinued ex-ante review and no objection by Bank of the following decisions related to post review contracts: a. rebidding b. extensions of bid validity periods c. amendments to Goods/ Works/Cons contracts (unless the resulting contract amount after amendment exceeds agreed Prior Review Threshold) 3. Revised Thresholds for Prior Review by Bank: a. Works $10 million and above b. Goods $1.0 million and above c. IT and non-consultancy services $1.0 million and above d. Consultancy services by firms $0.50 million and above e. Consultancy services by individuals $0.20 million and above f. Direct contracts for goods and works $ 50, 000 and above g. Single source selection of consultants $50,000 and above 7. Prior Review: Goods and Works: All ICB contracts and first NCB contracts for goods as well as Works irrespective of value and all contracts valued over US $ 10 million equivalent for works and US $ 1 million for goods will be subject to prior review of the Bank. In addition, all contracts for goods and works more than USD 10000 awarded on Direct Contracting method will be subject to prior review by the Bank. Post Review: All contracts not covered under prior review will be subject to post award review. 3. Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule (Requiring Prior Review by the Bank) PROCUREMENT PLAN OF OCTDMS FOR 2014-15 (JULY-2014 TO JUNE-2015) A. CIVIL WORKS Type Design Ayacut Agmt. Amount (Contract ) 4 5 6 7 Athamallik Aida MIP D/W 136 37.62 Angul Pallahara Andhari MIP D/W 445 116.84 Manoj Kumar Sahu 3 Angul Kaniha Balijodi MIP D/W 191 49.25 Sudhansu Sekhar Nanda 4 Angul Athamallik Bileikhai MIP D/W 233 101.93 Muna Pani 5 Angul Angul Bouli MIP-P-I D/W 1180 222.83 Angul Angul Bouli MIP-P-II 6 Angul Angul Chanaghai MIP D/W 142 40.84 7 Angul Chhendipada Chhendipadajungle MIP Res 101 28.68 8 Angul Angul Chhotokoi MIP D/W 62 14.83 9 Angul Athamallik Dadar MIP D/W 41 11.22 Saroj Kumar Raul 10 Angul Athamallik Dahimal MIP Res 81 26.27 Sudhansu Sekhar Nanda 11 Angul Kishorenagar Dalimura MIP D/W 280 75.04 Jayaram Pujhari 12 Angul Pallahara Dalo MIP D/W 132 41.31 13 Angul Chhendipada Durgapur MIP Res 81 58.88 14 Angul Pallahara Gandijore MIP D/W 597 145.84 15 Angul Athamallik Gangapani MIP Res 81 19.98 Sl. No Name of DPU Block Name of the Projects 1 2 3 1 Angul 1 95.78 Name of the Agency 8 Nirod Kumar behera M/S Shiva Jyoti Construction M/S Shiva Jyoti Construction Narendra Kumar Sahu Dukhabandhu Biswal Narendra Kumar Sahu Priya Ranjan Biswal Udit Kumar Pradhan Priya Ranjan Biswal Premananda Agreement No. 9 OCTDMS-23/201314 OCTDMS-07/201314 OCTDMS-06/201314 OCTDMS-18/201314 P-I-OCTDMS25/2013-14 P-II-OCTDMS26/2013-14 OCTDMS-22/201314 OCTDMS-08/201213 OCTDMS-13/201213 OCTDMS-21/201213 OCTDMS-15/201314 OCTDMS-04/201314 OCTDMS-12/201314 OCTDMS-17/201314 OCTDMS-29/201314 OCTDMS-03/2013- Date of Commence ment Stipulated Date of Completio n 10 11 24-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 02-05-2013 By Feb.'2016 01-05-2013 By March'2015 22-06-2013 By Feb.'2016 12-08-2013 12-08-2013 By June'2015 By June'2015 23-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 27-11-2012 By Feb.'2016 21-12-2012 By June'2015 25-02-2013 By Feb.'2016 29-05-2013 By Feb.'2016 12-04-2013 By Feb.'2016 20-05-2013 By March'2015 10-06-2013 By Feb.'2016 14-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 09-04-2013 By Feb.'2016 Mishra Subodha Kumar Mohapatra Udit Kumar Pradhan Narendra Kumar Sahu Paresh Chandra Dhal Swadesh Ranjan Sahu Laxmi Narayan Mallik Sudhansu Sekhar Nanda Birendra Kumar Sahoo Premananda Mishra Saroj Kumar Bahuka Subodha Kumar Mohapatra M/S Shiva Jyoti Construction Swadesh Ranjan Sahu Anadi Charan Sahoo 16 Angul Kishorenagar Garuda MIP Res 41 25.99 17 Angul Chhendipada Gauduni Nalla MIP Res 81 24.04 18 Angul Angul Gopalpur MIP D/W 194 45.03 19 Angul Athamallik Hatasimili MIP Res 324 58.84 20 Angul Angul Jagannarhpur MIP Res 101 26.63 21 Angul Kishorenagar Jaygarh MIP Res 729 183.47 22 Angul Athamallik Jhilimunda MIP D/W 162 39.45 23 Angul Chhendipada Jhintipal MIP Res 162 47.13 24 Angul Athamallik Kadapada MIP Res 41 12.36 25 Angul Athamallik Kalamati MIP D/W 61 14.31 26 Angul Athamallik Kaliadhar MIP D/W 81 21.79 27 Angul Chhendipada Kansabansa MIP Res 972 212.75 28 Angul Chhendipada Katada MIP Res 41 11.84 29 Angul Athamallik Khajurijoda MIP Res 81 26.82 30 Angul Pallahara Khuntaposi MIP D/W 162 54.21 Jawahar Mohanty 31 Angul Athamallik Kishoresagar MIP Res 89 28.62 Saroj Kumar Roul 32 Angul Angul Kothabhuin MIP D/W 41 9.32 33 Angul Banarpal Kuio MIP D/W 142 37.15 34 Angul Chhendipada Kukurpeta MIP Res 587 155.46 35 Angul Chhendipada Kumbhira MIP D/W 267 69.06 36 Angul Athamallik Laupal MIP Res 324 83.21 Swadesh Ranjan Sahu Swadesh Ranjan Sahu Udit Kumar Pradhan Udit Kumar Pradhan Laxminarayan 14 OCTDMS-02/201213 OCTDMS-11/201314 OCTDMS-17/201213 OCTDMS-16/201314 OCTDMS-03/201213 OCTDMS-28/201314 OCTDMS-16/201213 OCTDMS-04/201213 OCTDMS-01/201314 OCTDMS-05/201213 OCTDMS-19/201213 OCTDMS-27/201314 OCTDMS-02/201314 OCTDMS-10/201213 OCTDMS-10/201314 OCTDMS-18/201213 OCTDMS-14/201213 OCTDMS-13/201314 OCTDMS-20/201314 OCTDMS-09/201314 OCTDMS-14/2013- 17-07-2012 By Feb.'2016 20-05-2013 By Feb.'2016 09-01-2013 By June'2015 30-05-2013 By Feb.'2016 18-07-2012 By March'2015 12-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 04-01-2013 By June'2015 13-08-2012 By Feb.'2016 04-04-2013 By Feb.'2016 18-09-2012 By June'2015 19-02-2013 By Feb.'2016 12-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 09-04-2013 By Feb.'2016 27-11-2012 By March'2015 14-05-2013 By Feb.'2016 12-02-2013 By June'2015 31-12-2012 By Feb.'2016 24-05-2013 By Feb.'2016 17-07-2013 By June'2015 09-05-2013 By Feb.'2016 25-05-2013 By Feb.'2016 Mallik 37 Angul Athamallik Lunahandisagar MIP Res 162 33.28 38 Angul Athamallik Madanpur MIP Res 41 18.43 39 Angul Athamallik Mandarbahal MIP D/W 41 14.78 40 Angul Athamallik Mangalpur MIP Res 121 13.16 Harmohan Sahoo 41 Angul Pallahara Mankada MIP-P-I D/W 2024 250.88 Manoj Kumar Sahu Angul Pallahara Mankada MIP-P-II 254.14 M/S Shiva Jyoti Construction 42 Angul Angul Matelia MIP D/W 433 122.11 Manoj Kumar Sahu 43 Angul Kishorenagar Padiabandhupali MIP Res 80 19.30 44 Angul Athamallik Podapadar MIP Res 41 13.25 45 Angul Athamallik Ranibandha MIP Res 41 13.66 46 Angul Kishorenagar Saragipali MIP D/W 118 28.66 47 Angul Kishorenagar Sureswari MIP D/W 785 111.75 48 Angul Kishorenagar Susab MIP D/W 249 64.71 49 Angul Angul Takua MIP D/W 377 121.61 50 Angul Angul Talapada MIP Res 53 18.19 51 Balasore Soro Allipur Mip D/W 101 29.09 52 Balasore Soro Attashabandha MIP D/W 158 40.69 53 Balasore Remuna Badapokhari MIP Res 69 24.46 54 Balasore Soro Brundadeipur MIP D/W 72 27.11 55 Balasore Soro D/W 41 15.63 56 Balasore Oupada D/W 78 26.46 Chheliabandha MIP Dhadhaya MIP Saroj Kumar Raul Subodha Kumar Mohapatra Anadi Charan Sahoo Subodha Kumar Mohapatra Saroj Kumar Bahuka Subodha Kumar Mohapatra Digambar Sahoo Nirod Kumar Behera Jayanta Kumar Parida Laxminarayan Mallik Narendra Kumar Sahu Sri padma lochan lenka Sri Bikash Chandra Das mohapatra Sri padma lochan lenka Sri arun kumar nayak Sri bibhuti bhusan das Sri muralidhar 14 OCTDMS-05/201314 OCTDMS-15/201213 OCTDMS-09/201213 OCTDMS-07/201213 P-I-OCTDMS21/2013-14 P-II-OCTDMS24/2013-14 OCTDMS-20/201213 OCTDMS-22/201213 OCTDMS-06/201213 OCTDMS-11/201213 OCTDMS-12/201213 OCTDMS-30/201314 OCTDMS-19/201314 OCTDMS-01/201213 OCTDMS-08/201314 29-04-2013 By Feb.'2016 31-12-2012 By Feb.'2016 27-11-2012 By June'2015 27-11-2012 By March'2015 23-07-2013 12-08-2014 By June'2015 By June'2015 25-02-2013 By March'2015 30-03-2013 By Feb.'2016 18-09-2012 By June'2015 05-12-2012 By Feb.'2016 18-12-2012 By March'2015 04-09-2013 By Feb.'2016 11-07-2013 By March'2015 14-05-2012 By March'2015 04-05-2013 By March'2015 Agrt. No.-26 14-02-2013 By March'2015 Agrt. No.-27 14-02-2013 Agrt. No.-50 08-08-2013 Agrt. No.-36 08-04-2013 By March'2015 Agrt. No.-13 19-12-2011 By March'2015 Agrt. No.-35 08-04-2013 By By June'2015 By June'2015 57 Balasore Khaira Dhobadhobani MIP 58 Balasore Jaleswar 59 Balasore Jaleswar 60 Balasore Basta Jalaka MIP-I Balasore Basta Jalaka MIP-II D/W 2000 213.77 61 Balasore Khaira Kalyani MIP D/W 240 37.57 62 Balasore Khaira Kantapada MIP D/W 85 15.33 63 Balasore Soro Meghamadhab MIP D/W 41 24.24 64 Balasore Soro Natapada MIP D/W 80 20.28 65 Balasore Oupada Pidhakata MIP Res 89 27.58 66 Balasore Khaira Raghabpur MIP D/W 166 36.41 67 Balasore Soro Sindhua MIP Res 220 32.40 68 69 Balasore Baragarh Nilagiri Bargarh Sitapatipur MIP Bardol Res Res 99 41 41.70 12.88 70 Baragarh Sohela Batterma D/W 100 39.68 71 Baragarh Ambabhona Bhoinatora Res 44 26.74 72 Baragarh Bargarh Birmal Res 41 18.69 73 Baragarh Attabira Chourasianallah D/W 65 29.93 74 Baragarh Bhatli Gopalpur Res 41 17.58 75 Baragarh Ambabhona Jampali kata Res 73 21.53 76 Baragarh Sohela Jhagadjhal D/W 202 51.86 77 Baragarh Bhatli Kanakbira Kata Res 65 27.78 78 Baragarh Bhatli Karlojori Kata Res 41 20.57 Gohirakhal MIP (res) Gohirakhal MIP (D/w) D/W 81 25.01 Res 823 235.74 D/W 592 113.51 309.25 routa Muralidhar panigrahi June'2015 Agrt. No.-24 14-02-2013 By March'2015 Sri amresh behera Agrt. No.-49 31-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 Sri amresh behera Agrt. No.-53 31-10-2013 By June'2015 Agrt. No.-51 12-08-2013 By March'2015 Agrt. No.-52 12-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 Agrt. No.-46 25-07-2013 By March'2015 Agrt. No.-09 09-12-2011 By June'2015 Agrt. No.-28 13-03-2013 By Feb.'2016 Agrt. No.-14 20-12-2011 By June'2015 Agrt. No.-30 14-03-2013 By March'2015 Agrt. No.-25 14-02-2013 By March'2015 Agrt. No.-47 26-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 Agrt. No.-48 31/2012-13 30-07-2013 26-04-2013 By Feb.'2016 26/2012-13 31-03-2013 27/2012-13 31-03-2013 23/2012-13 26-03-2013 By March'2015 28/2012-13 10-04-2013 By March'2015 29/2012-13 16-04-2013 By Feb.'2016 24/2012-12 31-03-2013 By March'2015 25/2012-13 31-03-2013 By March'2015 10/2011-12 04-11-2011 By March'2015 16/2012-13 08-03-2012 By June'2015 Mr.sudarshan bhuyan S.behuria construction(p)ltd. Sri rabindra prasad nanda Umakanta nayak Sri prasanna kumar mohapatra Sri bikash chandra das mohapatra Pitabas mishra Sri mrutyunjaya jena Sri prasanna kumar mohapatra Sri ajaya nayak Sitansu Panigrahi Sri Bira Kishore Dash Sri Bira Kishore Dash Mrs.Nalini Sahu Mr.ashok Kumar Dash Saroj Ku. Mohapatra Mrs.Nalini Sahu Sri Bira Kishore Dash Sri Bibhu Bhusan Panda Sri Kishore By March'2015 By June'2015 By June'2015 Chandra Sahu Sri Kishore Chandra Sahu Saroj Ku. Mohapatra Sri Manoj Kumar Subudhi 79 Baragarh Ambabhona Lakhanpur Kata D/W 252 23.90 80 Baragarh Bhatli Nangalkata Res 40 22.33 81 Baragarh Attabira Rujhen Malakata Res 41 29.61 82 Boudh Boudh Ainthapada D/W 773 245.44 Sibanta Mishra 83 Boudh Harabhanga Badabandha Res 95 52.05 Premananda Mishra 84 Boudh Harabhanga Baisipada D/W 180 42.48 Anil Kumar Mishra 85 Boudh Kantamal Bargochha Res 445 165.03 Anil Mishra 86 Boudh Boudh Bijamari D/W 73 27.66 Rabi narayan Panda 87 Boudh Boudh Birigada D/W 400 253.49 Dk construction co. 88 Boudh Harabhanga Chhatrang D/W 260 37.74 Premananda Mishra 89 Boudh Harabhanga Domkutch Res 400 241.48 G.Gopal Rao Dora 90 Boudh Boudh Dumduma Res 210 36.18 Ashis Kumar Karna 91 Boudh Kantamal Gohipitha Res 60 20.56 Rabi narayan Panda 92 Boudh Kantamal Jamulapadar Res 500 47.21 Ashis Kumar Karna 93 Boudh Harabhanga Kukuteswar D/W 572 211.07 Anil Mishra 94 Boudh Harabhanga Laigaon Res 1030 378.35 Bansal Infra Project Pvt. 95 Boudh Harabhanga Laxmanpur D/W 304 112.69 Ajay ku. Panda 96 Boudh Harabhanga Laxminalla D/W 1898 340.03 Narayan Pradhan 97 Boudh Kantamal Narayan Prasad Res 80 47.29 Manoj Kumar Khatua 98 Boudh Kantamal Panchukipathar Res 100 33.30 Sribanta Mishra 99 Boudh Kantamal Parhel Res 220 45.54 Swadhin sahoo 13/2011-12 22-12-2011 By Feb.'2016 30/2012-13 16-04-2013 By Feb.'2016 22/2012-13 26-03-2013 By March'2015 31-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 28/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 20/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 21/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 29/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 18/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 33/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 22/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 25/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 19/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 32/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 14/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 27/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 26/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 30/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 06/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 08/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 17/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 07/OCTMP/DPU- 05-02-2013 28-02-2013 31-07-2013 04-02-2013 31-07-2013 By June'2015 By June'2015 By March'2015 By June'2015 By June'2015 31-03-2013 By Feb.'2016 27-06-2013 By June'2015 05-02-2013 By March'2015 31-07-2013 By March'2015 02-01-2013 By March'2015 31-07-2013 By June'2015 19-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 31-07-2013 By March'2015 16-03-2012 By March'2015 12-04-2012 By March'2015 04-02-2013 By March'2015 10-04-2012 By March'2015 BDH/2012-13 31/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 15/OCTMP/DPUBDH/2012-13 31-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 14-01-2013 By March'2015 11/W1 2013-14 23.07.13 By Feb.'2016 12/W1 2012-13 27.03.13 By June'2015 5/W1 2012-13 8/W1 2013-14 20.02.13 15.07.13 By March'2015 1/w1-2011-12 8.11.11 By March'2015 2.08.13 By June'2015 7.08.13 By Feb.'2016 15.3.13 By March'2015 26.07.13 By June'2015 16.04.13 By Feb.'2016 100 Boudh Kantamal Penajore Res 404 116.89 Swadhin sahoo 101 Boudh Boudh Ranisagar Res 100 47.00 Sachindra Mallick 102 Cuttack TangiChoudwar Badabandha Res 182 58.65 Raghunatha Sahoo 103 Cuttack Baramba Badabil D/W 61 24.21 104 105 Cuttack Cuttack Banki-II Athagarh Baghakhianalla Banakhandi Res Res 61 81 21.42 12.22 106 Cuttack Tigiria Baramana Cuttack Tigiria Baramana (Dist Sys) Res 136 26.58 107 Cuttack Athagarh Bishibandha D/W 263 61.88 108 Cuttack Banki-I Brahmanidei Res 121 29.75 109 Cuttack Athagarh Champia D/W 243 64.98 Pradipta Ku Rout 110 Cuttack Narasinghpur Chamundapali Res 61 16.11 Pradipta Ku Rout 16/ W1 NCB 201314 2/W1 2013-14 111 Cuttack Baramba Gangajal Res 162 45.35 Subash Ch. Nayak 7/W1 2013-14 10.06.13 By June'2015 112 Cuttack Banki-II Goda Gauduni Res 41 16.11 4/W1 2013-14 16.4.13 By Feb.'2016 113 114 Cuttack Cuttack Tigiria Baramba Jamunabandha Jharananalla Res D/W 243 121 71.65 38.38 9/W1 2013-14 6/W1 2013-14 22.07.13 28.05.13 By March'2015 115 Cuttack Banki-II Jharianala Res 124 32.66 6/W1 2012-13 11.03.13 By Feb.'2016 116 Cuttack Athagarh Kapursingh D/W 150 21.24 26.3.13 By March'2015 117 Cuttack Baramba Karada Res 227 76.67 11/W1 - 2012-13 18/W1 NCB 201314 118 Cuttack Banki-I Kelibandha Res 41 13.82 3/W1 2013-14 16.4.13 119 Cuttack TangiChoudwar Kusunpur Res 890 192.07 120 Cuttack Athagarh Laxmibandha D/W 850 262.32 121 Cuttack Athagarh Mahalaxmipur D/W 81 14.02 26.85 Subash Chandra Nayak Dillip ku Routray Abhimanyu Samal Mamtaz Alli Mohmad Khageswar Behera Madhab Ch. Behera Dillip Kumar Routray Prasanna Ku Behera Khageswar Behera Sanjeeb Ku Das Prasanna Ku Behera Ajaya Ku Samal Sambit Ku Tunga Samanta Madan Mohan Swain M/S Makes Eng. & Builers Dhirendra Ku Behera Pradipta Ku Rout 19/W1 NCB 201314 20/W1 NCB201314 14/W1 2012-13 21/W2 NCB 201314 17/ W2 NCB 201314 13/W1 NCB 201314 1.08.13 By Feb.'2016 By Feb.'2016 By June'2015 By June'2015 14.08.13 By Feb.'2016 01-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 26.07.13 By June'2015 122 Cuttack Baramba Nareijani Res 445 147.00 Nitya Nada Sahu 12/W2 NCB 201314 26.07.13 By March'2015 123 Cuttack Athagarh Palaghosara D/W 159 31.57 Sri Binaya Ku. Panda 1/W 1 -2012-13 24.07.12 By March'2015 124 Cuttack Baramba Ranijharan Res 81 23.52 Pradipta Ku Rout 8/W1 2012-13 11.03.13 By June'2015 125 Cuttack Baramba Sambarapat Res 81 29.99 Sri Raj Kishore Dalai 4/W1-2012-13 28.01.13 By March'2015 126 Cuttack Athagarh Sankha D/W 243 67.09 Pradipta Ku Rout 26.07.13 By June'2015 127 Cuttack Sunamunhi Res 81 31.65 Subash Ch. Nayak. 11.03.13 By March'2015 128 Cuttack Baramba TangiChoudwar 15/ W1 NCB 201314 9/ W1 2012-13 Sunamunhin D/W 146 13.41 Raghunatha Sahoo 10/W1-2013-14 23.07.13 By March'2015 129 Cuttack Athagarh Tantichipa D/W 162 25.35 Pradipta Ku Rout 26.07.13 By June'2015 130 Cuttack Athagarh D/W 149 22.51 Abhimanyu Samal 8.11.11 By March'2015 131 Gajapati Kasinagar Res 83 24.09 Subash.Ch. Patro 29-05-2010 By June'2015 132 Gajapati Paralakhemu ndi (Gosani) Res 70 18.89 Niranjan Barado 01-11-2013 By March'2015 133 Gajapati Kasinagar Tarding Akramtank MIP, Allada Badabandha, Puduni Baijhalnalla No.-V, Kharada D/W 71 13.41 02-03-2012 By March'2015 134 Gajapati R.Udaygiri CheligadMIP Res 82 41.14 01-11-2013 By Feb.'2016 135 Gajapati Gumma Gumma D/W D/W 162 36.00 Work through PP 136 Gajapati Paralakhemu ndi (Gosani) Res 102 21.70 Work through PP 137 Gajapati Gumma Res 45 14.02 P.Pitamber 138 Gajapati Gumma D/W 162 45.57 Subash.Ch. Choudhury 139 Gajapati Res 47 20.60 Work through PP 1,2,3,/W10/13-14 140 Gajapati D/W 132 29.86 Jujuharu Senapati 141 Gajapati Kasinagar Jaganath Sagar MIP, Saradhapur Jugulu Tank, Jeeba Kaluanalla No.I, Parida Kantinaidu MIP, S.N.D. Peta Markadanalla, Anarada PolliNaidu Tank, Kidigam 14/W1 NCB 201314 2/W1 -2011-12 01/NCB(W)/201011 02/NCB(W)/201314 02/NCB(W)/201112 01/NCB(W)/201314 04/W10/201112,12/W10/13-14 01/W10/2011-12, 5/W10/13-14 01/NCB(W)/201213 03/NCB(W)/201011 Res 98 38.50 Subash.Ch. Choudhury 142 Gajapati R.Udaygiri RamagiriD/W No. II D/W 61 16.41 Work through PP 143 Gajapati R.Udaygiri SabarpalliMIP D/W 49 27.78 Work through PP Paralakhemu ndi (Gosani) Paralakhemu ndi (Gosani) Prasanna. Ku. Panigrahi Gopalkrushna Mahapatro 02/NCB(W)/201011 03/NCB(W)/200910 8,9,18,19/W10/1213 03,11/W10/201112 13-05-2011 07-04-2011 By June'2015 By June'2015 25-12-2012 By March'2015 31-05-2010 By Feb.'2016 15-01-2013 By March'2015 31-05-2010 By Feb.'2016 04-03-2010 By June'2015 21-02-2013 By Feb.'2016 12-05-2011 By Feb.'2016 144 Gajapati Gumma 145 Ganjam Khallikote 146 Ganjam Jagannathpr asad 147 Ganjam Patrapur 148 Ganjam Patrapur 149 Jajpur Danagadi 150 Jajpur 151 Ukhura D/W, Ukhura Adiabandha, At-A. Phasipada Chhamunda, AtChhamunda Niladri Chandra sagar, At-Surangi Sarathi sagar, AtSrirampur D/W 57 18.15 Work through PP 7,8,10/W10/13-14 21-02-2013 By March'2015 Res 81 28.80 Binod Kumar Sahu 03 NCB / 2009-10 22-02-2010 By March'2015 Res 1028 382.78 01 NCB / 2013-14 31-07-2013 Res 61 51.47 04 NCB / 2012-13 24-12-2012 Res 57 47.30 02 NCB / 2011-12 10-12-2011 Barabanki Res 80 8.90 Danagadi Benapatia Res 42 14.89 Jajpur Danagadi Dhabahli D/W 56 9.55 152 Jajpur Sukinda Kabatkhajuri Res 80 16.04 153 Jajpur Sukinda Siriakhali Res 121 22.55 Ratiranjan Nayak 154 Jharsuguda Lakhanapur Attabira MIP Res 80 20.60 Laxmi kant Jha 155 Jharsuguda Laikera Bhangamundakata MIP Res 52 22.26 Jaya kisan 156 Jharsuguda Jharsuguda Bhoimunda MIP Res 41 15.99 157 Jharsuguda Laikera Chandinimal MIP Res 95 26.17 158 Jharsuguda Laikera Jharsuguda Laikera Jharsuguda Laikera 159 Jharsuguda 160 Prakash Chandra Sahu Radha Krishna Pradhan Om Shiva Real Estate Sri Gautam Sahoo Narendra Kumar Mohanty Narendra Kumar Mohanty Bidyut Kumar Subudhi Subrat kumar pandey Sarada Construction Hatianalla MIP (Package-I) Hatianalla MIP (Package-II) Hatianalla MIP (Package-III) Res Lakhanapur Jamboonalla MIP Res 324 81.86 Debasis Pattjoshi Jharsuguda Lakhanapur Jharkata MIP Res 41 7.85 Raj kumar seth 161 Jharsuguda Lakhanapur M.Katapali MIP Res 41 12.55 Prasanna Pradhan 162 Jharsuguda Lakhanapur Palsada MIP Res 80 30.25 Laxmi kant Jha 80.70 2143 402.05 86.95 C.L Patel Tulasee Construction Tulasee Construction 05/w-1 (NCB)2013-14 01/w-1 (NCB)2013-14 02/w-1 (NCB)2013-14 01F2/ 2009-10 04/w-1 (NCB)2013-14 09/201314/21.10.13 01/201314/29.04.13 02/201314/29.04.13 05/201314/21.08.13 10/201314/25.11.13 07/201314/26.09.13 06/201314/26.09.13 04/201314/21.08.13 03/201314/13.06.13 03/201213/03.12.12 08/201314/19.10.13 By June'2015 By June'2015 By June'2015 05-10-2013 By Feb.'2016 26-08-2013 By June'2015 26-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 26-09-2013 By Feb.'2016 26-09-2013 By Feb.'2016 21-10-2013 By June'2015 29-04-2013 By Feb.'2016 29-04-2013 By June'2015 21-08-2013 By March'2015 25-11-2013 By March'2015 26-09-2013 By Feb.'2016 26-09-2013 By Feb.'2016 21-08-2013 By June'2015 13-06-2013 By Feb.'2016 03-12-2012 By June'2015 19-10-2013 By Feb.'2016 163 Jharsuguda Laikera Sagarkata MIP D/W 61 14.79 164 Jharsuguda Laikera Tileimal MIP Res 121 31.49 165 Jharsuguda Kirmira Tumbadihi MIP Res 41 23.07 166 Khurda Bolagarh Ambakhola Res 41 11.56 167 Khurda Khurda Analadia D/W 41 12.25 168 Khurda Chilika Asuari Res 43 12.79 169 170 Khurda Khurda Tangi Bolagarh Athabati Badabundha D/W Res 57 45 17.02 20.95 171 Khurda Khurda Badajor D/W 51 39.51 172 Khurda Tangi Baishnababandha Res 67 26.02 173 Khurda Jatani Baliabandha D/W 43 45.20 174 Khurda 175 Baliasara Res 41 39.00 Khurda Bhubaneswa r Khurda Bato-adia D/W 41 14.82 176 Khurda Bolagarh Bhalumundia Res 45 17.46 177 Khurda Jatani Bhangia D/W 41 17.61 178 Khurda Khurda Bhaunribandha D/W 107 28.01 179 Khurda Tangi Bhogara Res 41 19.70 180 Khurda Jatani Bijipur D/W 259 40.56 181 Khurda Begunia Biradiabandha D/W 153 43.18 182 Khurda Begunia Biswalibundha D/W 41 14.44 183 Khurda Begunia Chanakhia D/W 122 35.18 184 Khurda Banapur Chandipokhari Res 48 32.45 185 Khurda Bhubaneswa r Charikhunti Res 160 46.55 Subrat kumar pandey Shree Shyamjee Construction Prasanna Pradhan Prasant Kumar Mishra Dama Pradhan Sanjay Kumar Palai Dam Pradhan Niranjan Rout Sri Surendra Pradhan Sri Bibhuprasad Samantsinghara Sri Bichitrananda Samantaray Subash Kumar Sahu Dama Pradhan Prasant Kumar Mishra Dama Pradhan Jayant Kumar Swain Bibhuprasad Samantsinghar Bichitrananda Samantray Sri Dama Pradhan Samir Ranjan Sahoo Ajaya Kumar Samantray Abhaya Kumar Mohapatra Dama Pradhan 04/201112/12.09.11 02/201213/01.10.12 03/201112/22.08.11 12-09-2011 01-10-2012 By June'2015 By June'2015 22-08-2011 By March'2015 18(w1)/2012-13 07-02-2013 By Feb.'2016 21(w1)/2012-13 18-02-2013 By March'2015 17(w1)/2012-13 06-02-2013 By March'2015 24(W1)/2012-13 25(w1)/2013-14 08-03-2013 10-07-2013 By March'2015 46(w1)/2013-15 23-08-2013 By March'2015 33(w1)/2013-14 29-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 42(w1)/2013-14 13-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 37(w1)/2013-14 01-08-2013 By March'2015 03(w1)/2013-14 09-04-2013 By Feb.'2016 04(w1)/2011-12 20-12-2011 By June'2015 20(w1)/2012-13 18-02-2013 By March'2015 08(w1)/2011-12 27-02-2012 By March'2015 18(w1)/2013-14 11-06-2013 By Feb.'2016 28(W1)/2012-13 15-03-2013 By March'2015 40(w1)/2013-14 13-08-2013 By June'2015 26(W1)/2012-13 08-03-2013 By Feb.'2016 07(w1)/2011-12 22-02-2012 By March'2015 14(w1)/2013-14 25-05-2013 By March'2015 06(w1)/2011-12 22-02-2012 By March'2015 By Feb.'2016 186 Khurda Tangi Chhamania D/W 41 15.15 187 Khurda Bhubaneswa r Daruthenga D/W 200 46.80 188 Khurda Begunia Dhobagadia Res 43 16.33 189 Khurda Khurda Dihakhala Res 41 14.28 Bharat Chandra Das Maa Baghei construction Bibhu prasad Samantsinghara Dama Pradhan 190 Khurda Bolagarh Gadadwarabandha Res 122 37.86 Wazid Hosin Khan 191 Khurda Chilika Gaibata D/W 47 13.25 192 Khurda Banapur Gandhinalla D/W 156 41.12 193 Khurda Begunia Gobarabandha D/W 113 40.87 194 Khurda Tangi Godarabandha Res 42 16.00 195 Khurda Khurda Gotota D/W 57 20.09 196 Khurda Bolagarh Hada D/W 618 227.08 197 Khurda Jatani Hadabandha D/W 60 45.65 198 Khurda Banapur Hadinalla D/W 81 22.55 199 Khurda Banapur Halandanallabandh a D/W 41 31.27 200 Khurda Khurda Hanumantia Res 243 72.26 201 Khurda Tangi Haribhakta Res 41 202 Khurda Begunia Hariguru Res 203 Khurda Banapur Hatianalla 204 205 206 207 Khurda Khurda Khurda Khurda Tangi Khurda Chilika Tangi 208 Khurda 209 Khurda 25(W1)/2012-13 08-03-2013 By March'2015 30(W1)/2012-13 22-03-2013 By Feb.'2016 15(w1)/2013-14 29-05-2013 By June'2015 04(w1)/2013-15 09-04-2013 By March'2015 05(w1)/2011-12 24-12-2011 By June'2015 38(w1)/2013-14 01-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 22(w1)/2012-13 26-02-2013 Dama Pradhan 05(w1)/2013-14 09-04-2013 Godabari Sahoo Pravat Kumar Mangaraj Sri Jyoti Ranjan Pati Sri B.n.Samantary Sanjaya Kumar Palai Sanjaya Kumar Palai Sri Narayan Pradhan 13(w1)/2012-13 21-12-2012 By March'2015 22(w1)/2013-14 19-06-2013 By March'2015 45(w2)/2013-14 20-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 43(w1)/2013-14 13-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 20(w1)/2013-14 14-06-2013 By Feb.'2016 21(w1)/2013-14 14-06-2013 By Feb.'2016 28(w1)/2013-14 16-07-2013 By March'2015 13.73 Godabari Sahoo 07(w10/2013-14 17-04-2013 By June'2015 81 17.12 04(w1)/2012-13 30-07-2012 By March'2015 D/W 85 35.25 03(w1)/2011-12 14-12-2011 By March'2015 Indrajhilli Jargarnalla Jayamangal Jhullagada Res D/W D/W Res 68 45 607 41 23.78 10.61 205.85 15.83 01(w1)/2011-12 32(w1)/ 2012-13 36(w1)/2013-14 33(w)/2012-13 08-12-2011 26-03-2013 30-07-2013 30-03-2013 By Feb.'2016 Begunia Jogibundha(Godi) D/W 41 13.96 16(w1)/2013-14 29-05-2013 By March'2015 Banapur Kaithanala D/W 72 40.01 Dibakar Panda Abhaya Kumar Mohapatra Surendra Pradhan Dharitri Panda M/S Sakti Builders Anila kumar Prusty Samir Ranjan Sahoo surendranath Pal (M/s pal Construction) 01(w1)/2012-13 30-06-2012 By March'2015 Abhaya Kumar Mohapatra Sanjay Kumar Pallai By June'2015 By June'2015 By March'2015 By Feb.'2016 By March'2015 210 Khurda 211 Khurda 212 Khurda 213 Khurda 214 Jatani Kajalaganda Res 520 143.00 Bhubaneswa r Tangi Bhubaneswa r Kalajhara Res 75 35.08 Kalukha-Adia Res 43 12.69 Kamarkhunti Res 385 90.97 Khurda Khurda Kasiabundha Res 47 7.39 215 Khurda Begunia Katinakhunti D/W 60 28.32 216 Khurda Bhubaneswa r Kenduli D/W 400 34.61 217 Khurda Chilika Khaingabandha D/W 194 47.70 218 Khurda Tangi Khajuri-adia D/W 42 15.43 219 Khurda Tangi Khajuribandha D/W 41 17.15 220 Khurda Begunia Khuntabundha Res 47 17.50 221 Khurda Begunia D/W 81 27.17 222 Khurda Bolagarh Res 87 23.99 223 Khurda Tangi Kocilaganda Res 41 14.43 224 Khurda Jatani Koradabhanga D/W 41 15.41 225 Khurda Khurda Krushnapur D/W 81 22.58 226 Khurda Tangi Kulapada D/W 81 27.52 227 Khurda Begunia Kundabandha D/W 47 12.53 228 Khurda Bolagarh Magura D/W 405 125.03 229 Khurda Khurda 12.41 Khurda Tangi D/W Barra ge 41 230 2025 154.01 Khurda Tangi Khurda Tangi Majhibandha Malaguni (Package-I) Malaguni (Package-II) Malaguni (Package-III) Kochilabundha (Begunia) Kochilabundha (Bolagarh) 210.07 188.57 M/S Pal Construction Sri Bijaya Kumar Pattanaik Godabari Sahoo Sri Jyoti Ranjan Pati Dillip kumar Mohanty Sri Bibhuprasad Samantsinghara Bijay Kumar Pattanaik Abhaya Kumar Mohapatra Sri Bharat Chandra Dash Godabari Sahoo Bibhuprasad Samantsinghar Maa Baghei Constrution Niranjan Rout Bainsidhar Baliarsing Sri Bijaya Kumar Pattanaik Ramesh Kumar Chhotray Godabari Sahoo Sri Aswini Kumar Baliarsingh Chhabindra Kumar Pradhan Dharitri Panda Sri Ajit Kumar Sahoo Sri Ajit Kumar Sahoo Sri Ajit Kumar Sahoo 23(w1)/2013-14 06-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 12(w1)/2013-14 18-05-2013 By March'2015 01(w1)/2013-14 04-04-2013 By March'2015 35(w1)/2013-14 29-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 17(w1)/2013-14 05-06-2013 By March'2015 34(w1)/2013-14 29-07-2013 By March'2015 12(w1)/2012-13 03-12-2012 By March'2015 10(w1)/2012-13 10-10-2012 By June'2015 31(w1)/2013-14 26-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 19(w1)/2012-13 08-02-2013 By Feb.'2016 19(w1)/2013-14 11-06-2013 By March'2015 27(w1)/2013-14 16-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 26(w1)/2013-14 12-07-2013 By Feb.'2016 08(w1)/2013-14 17-04-2013 By March'2015 41(w1)/2013-14 13-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 23(w1)/2012-13 27-02-2013 By March'2015 02(w1)/2012-13 10-07-2012 By March'2015 30(w1)/2013-14 23-07-2013 By June'2015 14(w1)/2012-13 05-01-2013 By March'2015 48(w1)2013-14 24-08-2013 By March'2015 49(w1)2013-14 27-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 50(w1)2013-14 27-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 51(w1)2013-14 27-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 231 Khurda Tangi Mangaljit D/W 364 110.82 232 Khurda Bolagarh Manibundha Res 82 25.22 233 Khurda Bhubaneswa r Mendhasala D/W 250 53.76 234 Khurda Khurda Moulabibandha D/W 49 19.08 235 Khurda Bhubaneswa r Naharagadia D/W 160 42.25 236 Khurda Tangi Niyamkhir D/W 42 13.74 237 Khurda Khurda Orabarsingh D/W 114 33.57 238 Khurda Tangi Paikabundha D/W 41 16.03 239 Khurda Jatani Pallabandha D/W 41 22.14 240 Khurda Tangi Pandaramana D/W 43 16.45 241 Khurda Bolagarh Patabundha Res 286 32.55 242 Khurda Chilika Raghunathpur D/W 41 13.86 243 Khurda Jatani Rangia D/W 49 17.46 244 Khurda Tangi Sahadajoda D/W 43 16.67 245 Khurda Bhubaneswa r Sanamahura D/W 200 41.15 246 Khurda Khurda Sankhua D/W 41 17.41 247 Khurda Tangi Sarbadiha D/W 43 17.59 248 Khurda Begunia Siko D/W 324 94.87 249 Khurda Tangi Sunamuhi Res 41 15.33 250 Khurda Talabandha D/W 49 16.22 251 Khurda Chilika Bhubaneswa r Tamando D/W 90 45.69 252 Khurda Tangi Telipokhari Res 41 14.49 253 Khurda Khurda Tentuli bandha Res 41 12.88 Sri Narayan Pradhan Wazid Hussain Khan Pravat Kumar Mangaraj 39(w1)/2013-14 05-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 13(w1)/2013-14 25-05-2013 By June'2015 02(w1)/2011-12 14-12-2011 By March'2015 44(w1)/2013-14 13-08-2013 By June'2015 03(w1)/2012-13 26-07-2012 By March'2015 10(w1)/2013-14 09-05-2013 24(w1)/2013-14 06-07-2013 31(W1)/2012-13 23-03-2013 By Feb.'2016 27(W1)/2012-13 15-03-2013 By March'2015 06(w1)/2012-13 27-09-2012 11(w1)/2013-14 09-05-2013 05(w1)/2012-13 05-09-2012 07(w1)/2012-13 27-09-2012 By March'2015 06(w1)/2013-14 15-04-2013 By March'2015 09(w1)/2013-14 17-04-2013 By March'2015 29(w1)/2013-14 17-07-2013 By March'2015 29(W1)/2012-13 22-03-2013 By March'2015 47(w2)2013-14 23-08-2013 By Feb.'2016 Anil Kumar Prusty 16(w1)/2012-13 01-02-2013 By June'2015 Anil Kumar Prusty Surendra Kumar Samantray Sri Bharat Chandra Dash Pravat kumar Mangaraj 11(w1)/2012-13 29-11-2012 By March'2015 02(w1)/2013-14 05-04-2013 By Feb.'2016 32(w1)/2013-14 26-07-2013 By June'2015 34 (w1)/2012-13 31-03-2013 By March'2015 Maniruddin Khan Subhendu Kumar Mohanty Nabakishore Bhujabala M/S Pal Construction Anil Kumar Prusty Bichitrananda Samantray Dama Pradhan Chhabindra Kumar Pradhan Prakash Chandra Padhy Dama Pradhan Pravat Kumar Mangaraj Bijay Kumar Pattanaik Maa Baghei Constrution Anil kumar Prusty Sri Narayan Pradhan By June'2015 By June'2015 By June'2015 By June'2015 By June'2015 254 Mayurbhanj Khunta Arikul MIP Res 1000 180.88 255 Mayurbhanj Karanjia Pingu MIP Res 120 16.82 256 Mayurbhanj Jashipur Sansialinai MIP Res 400 63.59 257 Rayagada Muniguda Badabankili D/W 129 43.30 258 Rayagada Muniguda Bainabasa Res 202 149.84 259 Rayagada Ramanaguda Chakunda Res 41 7.18 260 Rayagada Muniguda Upper Panimunda D/W 405 99.41 261 262 263 264 265 266 Renovation of seven new projects On Farm Development for 22000 ha including hiring of additional engineers, amins, support staff and hiring of vehicles etc by CADA Improvement the Storage Capacity of 174 Reservoirs Approach roads Recruitment of Additional JEs in working season Construction of PP Learning centres 267 Construction of PP Offices 268 PP Component Civil Works 2500 x 35000 per Ha - 150 MIPs at Rs.3lakhs per Km@2km per MIP 31 x 20000 per month x 8 months 20Nos@20.00Lakhs per PP 100Nos@10.00Lakhs per PP 875.00 - 3500.00 3140.00 900.00 50.00 400.00 1000.00 3025.00 Mr Gobinda chandra sahu Mr. Yudhister Sahu Mr. Santosh Khandelwal Ashok Dalia Jayanta Kumar Parida Minakhi Prasad Panigrahi Sri. P.Arun Choudhury 01/W2/2012-13 16-03-2013 By June'2015 05/W1/2009-10 08-03-2010 By March'2015 01/W2/2010-11 28-09-2010 By March'2015 31/2012-13 13-06-2012 By Feb.'2016 06/07/08/ 2013-14 16-02-2013 By March'2015 02/2010-11 25-02-2010 By Feb.'2016 03/2013-14 25.11.2013 By Feb.'2016 B. Procurement of Goods and Equipments i) SPU Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description of Goods /Civil Works / Non consulting Services/ Method of procurement Unit Quantity to be procured(No) Estimated Unit Cost in (Rs.) in Lakhs Estimated total cost (Rs.) in Lakhs Review By Bank Expected Bid Opening 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Projector touch screen, White Board Local Shopping LS --- --- 3.00 Post Review Continues Local Shopping Nos. --- --- 1.00 Post Review Continuous Local Shopping Nos. --- --- 1.00 Post Review Continuous NCB Nos. 198.00 Post Review Continuous DGS&D Nos. 2.00 Post Review August, 2014 Procurement of Software for server Renewal of contract for Tally Software Procurement of Measuring Devices Procurement Laptop 3 Continuous 7 Procurement equipment for ALSS activities Shopping/National. Nos. 60.00 Post Review 8 Procurement of Softwares Local Shopping Nos. 5.00 Post Review Continuous Procurement of Desktop Shopping/DGS&D Nos. 3.5 Post Review Continuous DGS&D Nos. 1 2.5 Post Review September, 2014 National Shopping/ DGS&D Nos. 100 0.70 70.00 Post Review March, 2015 Local Shopping Nos. 2 0.4 0.80 Post Review March, 2015 Nos. - 40.00 40.00 Post Review March, 2015 Nos. 50 1.00 50.00 Post Review 9 10 11 12 Procurement of Photocopiercum-Scanner Strengthening MI Offices with providing Computer(Desktop) & Printers with Softwares GPS Cameras 13 Gears and Gill nets 14 Construction of Onion Storage Direct purchase from Odisha Pisciculture Development Coorporation Community procurement 5 April, 2015 15 Improved Pisciculture supplementary feed 16 Mushroom spun units 17 18 19 20 21 Furnishing for PP Learning centres (LCD, Projector, furnishing of conference hall, Table, Chair, Light arrangements, Camera, Dormitory etc.) Furnishing of PP Office (Table, Chair, Almirah, Light arrangements etc.) Procurement of survey equipments Procurement of QC Equipments Procurement of 50 KBA Automatic Disel Generator, Transfermer for Barage shutters National shopping procedure Community procurement Local Shopping/National Shopping/ DGS&D Local Shopping/National Shopping/ DGS&D Local Shopping/DGS&D Local Shopping/DGS&D National Shopping Procedure (E-5) March, 2015 Nos. - - 60.00 Post Review Nos. 4 2.50 10.00 Post Review Unit 20 Pani Panchayat 8.00 160.00 Post Review June, 2015 Unit 100 Pani Panchayat 1.00 100.00 Post Review June, 2015 Nos. - - 28.60 Post Review Nso. - - 68.30 Post Review March, 2015 June, 2015 June, 2015 May, 2015 Set 1 13.00 13.00 Post Review May, 2015 22 Procurement and installation of Barrage gates National Shopping Procedure (E-5) Set 1 38.00 38.00 Post Review Procurement of Goods and Equipments ii) DPU Sl. No. 1 1 Description of Goods /Civil Works / Non consulting Services/ 2 Furniture and fixtures procured at District level Method of procurement Unit Quantity to be procured(No) Estimated Unit Cost in (Rs.) in Lakhs Estimated total cost (Rs.) in Lakhs Review By Bank 3 4 5 6 7 8 Local Shopping Nos. 12 3.00 36.00 Post Review Expected Bid Opening 9 Continuous Process 2 Procurement of Desktop Local Shopping Nos . 12 0.60 7.2 Post Review Continuous Process 3 Procurement Software for server Local Shopping Nos. --- --- 1.00 Post Review Continuous 4 Procurement of Goods for ALSS Unit Shopping Nos. --- --- 10.00 Post Review Continuous 5 Purchase of survey and QC equipments Local Shopping Nos. --- --- 10.00 Post Review Continuous 6 Procurement of Printers Local Shopping Nos. 12 0.10 1.2 Post Review Continunous Selection of Consultants 1. Methods of procurement: Consultancy Services: The following methods of selection will be adopted depending upon size and complexity of assignment, as defined in the Consultancy Guidelines: Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) Quality Based Selection (QBS) Selection under Fixed Budget (FBS) Least Cost Selection (LCS) Selection based on Consultant’s Qualifications (CQS) Single Source Selection (SSS) Individuals Individual Consultants < US $50,000 Very Small Consultancies [SSS] including NGO services < US $ 100,000 Small Consultancies [CQS] < US $ 200,000 Prior Review: Consultancy Services: Consultancy services by firms $0.50 million and above Consultancy services by individuals $0.20 million and above Single source selection of consultants $ 50,000 and above Prior clearance for TOR and in-principle clearance for following this method, irrespective of value will be required for all contracts, irrespective of value. The Terms of Reference for the independent Auditors, external audit, procurement consultant to be engaged by the OCTMP, would be prior reviewed. The Bank on its part will review the reports of the Auditors in addition to conducting its own post review on sample basis. Post Review: All contracts not covered under prior review will be subject to post award review Consultancy Services & Training Sl. No. Description of consulting Services A: 1 Method of procurement 2 Nos. Estimated Unit Cost in (Rs.) in Lakhs 3 4 5 6 7 Contract Type Estimated total cost (Rs.) in Lakhs Review By Bank Expected Bid Opening Expected Date of completion 8 9 1 District Project Manager Individual Consultant TB 3 6.00 18.00 Post Review Continuous - 2 District Level Engineering Consultant Individual Consultant TB 1 4.20 4.20 Post Review Continuous - 3 Third Party QA QC 200.00 Post Review Nov, 2014 June, 2015 Engagement of Staff at Cluster level Engagement of Staff at Cluster level (AMO) 4 5 QCBS LS Community Procurement TB 90 1.20 108.00 Post Review Continuous - Community Procurement TB 7.00 1.44 10.08 Post Review Oct, 2014 Sept, 2015 6 Project Manager SSS TB 1 6.70 6.70 Prior Review In Position Aug, 15 7 Technical Consultant SSS TB 1 6.5 6.5 Prior Review In position June, 15 8 ASO (Zone-I,II) QCBS LS 3 20.00 60.00 Nov, 14 Jan, 15 QCBS LS 1 20.00 20.00 Dec, 14 Feb,15 QCBS LS 1 20.00 20.00 Dec, 14 Feb,15 QCBS LS 1 9.75 9.75 In position March, 15 LS 1 8.00 8.00 Decmber, 14 June, 15 ASO 9 (Zone-III) ASO (Zone-IV) 10 11 Internal Audit, 201415 External Audit, QCBS 2014-15 Post Review Post Review Post Review Post Review Post Review 12 Ground Water Monitoring CQS LS 20 1.20 24.00 Post Riview May,14 May,15 14 Engagement of consultancy for ALSS activities (KVK, CIFA/ KVK, CRRI / BAIF) SSS Nos 2 30.00 60.00 Post Review Continues Sept,14 15 External M&E Consultancy QCBS LS 1 130.00 130.00 Post Review Dec, 14 June, 16 16 Water Management Specialist in SPU Individual 1 6.00 6.00 Post Review March, 14 June, 16 17 Consultancy for handing over tank to PPs QCBS 1 50.00 50.00 Post Review 18 Water Management Consultancy 10.00 Post Review Individual LS Dec, 14 Nov, 14 Dec, 15 Nov,15 19 20 21 Environmental Safe Guard Specialist Hiring of Individual Consultant for designing and planning of PP learning centres and offices Additional Technical Consultant SSS (on call basis) 23 Capacity Building of MI Engineers out of 1 million $ Post Review Sept, 14 Sept, 15 Individual Nos. 1 10.00 10.00 Post Review March, 15 June, 15 Individual Nos. 2 4.80 9.60 Post Review March, 15 April, 16 Creation of GIS Database (CQS) Nos. 1 20.00 20.00 Post Review April,15 April,16 11.00 11.00 Post Review April,15 April,16 10.40 10.40 Post Review April,15 April,16 Training at IIM, Ahmedabad (SSS) 40.00 40.00 Prior Review June,15 June,16 Training on Civil Engineering Project Management (SSS) 5.00 5.00 Post Review June,15 June,16 Training on Ground Water Monitoring (SSS) IIT, Roorkee 15.00 15.00 Post Review April,15 April,16 Training on Construction Management (SSS) IIT, Roorkee 10.00 10.00 Post Review April,15 April,16 Training on Survey and Investigation 20.00 20.00 Post Review April,15 April,16 GIS Training (SSS) IIT, Roorkee/ IIRS, Dehradun Training of Quality assurance (SSS) IIT, Roorkee/ NCCB, Ballabgarh 22 3.00