UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX REPORT TO UNIVERSITY STEERING GROUP REGARDING PURCHASING FOR THE PERIOD 1 AUGUST 2006 – 31 JULY 2007 COMPILED BY THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ESTATE MANAGEMENT (PURCHASING) ON BEHALF OF PURCHASING POLICY SUB- COMMITTEE 1 INTRODUCTION This report has been compiled by the Deputy Director of Estate Management (Purchasing) on behalf of Purchasing Policy Sub-Committee. It includes purchasing and contracting undertaken by the Central Purchasing Unit and also by a number of Departments, Sections and Centres within the University. 2 CENTRAL PURCHASING UNIT 2.1 Savings The Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium achieved savings of £301,553 for the year and this was in respect of a broad range of commodities. The Department of Biological Sciences have reported significant savings and these are as follows. Local agreements for stores consignment stock has achieved savings of £12,100 and this is mainly from price discounts and the absence of delivery charges. The Department secured one-off discounts, special offers and competitive quotations and as a consequence savings of £127,408. Of this £82,527 (ex VAT) is from SRIF purchases from the latter part of 2005/06 and the whole of 2006/07. In addition £7,132 was achieved in respect of large-user price agreements for filtration products. Owing to the amalgamation of equipment service contracts, an annual saving of approximately £3,000 was achieved by Catering Services. Information Systems Services achieved savings of approximately £35,000. The savings were obtained as result of tendering for the supply and installation of wireless networking. In addition to the financial savings the tendering exercise also resulted in the acquisition of a higher quality system and improved performance in comparison to the initial market evaluation. The Central Purchasing Unit obtained savings of £260,051 and these were mainly in respect of the purchase of furniture, locks, garden maintenance, AV equipment, bedding, vehicles and research equipment. The cost of employing the Central Purchasing Unit staff – Deputy Director of Estate Management (Purchasing), Purchasing and Contracting Administrator and secretarial support – during 2006/7 amounted to £75,400, and the non-staff cost was £11,960, giving a total of £87,360. In summary the total savings for 2006/07 are as given below: £ Catering Services Information Systems Services Biological Sciences Central Purchasing Unit Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium TOTAL 3,000 35,000 146,640 260,051 301,553 746,244 The following graph shows procurement savings over the last three financial years. Procurem ent Savings 800 700 600 Other £K 500 SUPC 400 CPU 300 BiologIcal Sciences 200 100 0 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 - 2007 2 2.2 Achievements This has been an exceptionally busy year for the Central Purchasing Unit, having let 48 contracts. Some of these addressed significantly complicated matters. Detailed below are examples of the achievements. A full list of all contracts is shown on pages 4-6. Following a review of the options regarding the provision of a facilities management service at Southend, a decision was taken to outsource the service. A team of senior Estate Management staff worked closely with consultants to tender for the service in accordance with an existing Office of Government Commerce Framework Agreement. Prior to letting the contract operational processes were developed to ensure that stakeholder expectations were met when the building became operational. This value adding approach was developed by the Estate Management personnel. A contract was awarded to Operon and I’m pleased to report that it was delivered on time and within the budget allocation. A major benefit of this approach is the flexibility to meet the changing needs of the building. It was the first time that the University contracted externally for a facilities management package. The Deputy Director of Estate Management (Purchasing) worked closely with the team to minimise the risk and to develop the tender documentation. The Central Purchasing Unit were requested to establish a contract for legal services. An advert was placed within the Official Journal and 16 expressions of interest were received and following an analysis of the completed pre-qualification documents, 5 contractors were short-listed for tendering. (Birkett Long, Eversheds, Martineau Johnson, Mills & Reeve and Pinsent Masons. Tenders were received from all of these contractors and following a careful evaluation of the offers against the contract award criteria, Mills & Reeve provided the best value and were awarded a contract for a period of 5 years. The contractor provides regular seminars and workshops for customers on educational issues and also has a client extranet enabling customers to access financial and legal information eg. legal spend on cases, hours worked per case and work in progress. The current University spend on legal services is approximately £300k per annum. A contract was awarded to Deloitte & Touche in respect of an External Audit Service for a period of 5 years. The contract provides a number of advantages to the University and these are as given below: The contractor has substantial Sector presence. The audit manager assigned to Essex is also head of the Deloitte’s internal HE training unit. Opportunity for Essex staff to access Deloitte’s training event at no additional costs. More risk based approach in line with current guidelines, in comparison to the previous contractor. Free PAYE health check as part of the audit work. To enable prospective providers of the service to gain a greater insight into the scale and nature of the University’s requirements of its external auditors, an open meeting was held during the early stages of the project. The meeting was hosted by the University’s Director of Finance and the Registrar and Secretary. The formal selection process was made by an Evaluation Panel convened by the Audit and Risk Management Committee. The panel comprised of 5 members, including members of Council, members of the Audit and Risk Management Committee and members of University Staff. The Evaluation Panel also invited all prospective tenderers to attend individually for a question and answer session based on submissions provided under the invitation to tender. The Deputy Director of Estate Management (Purchasing) provided guidance to the Evaluation Panel regarding the assessment of the offers and the contract award procedure. The Central Purchasing Unit worked very closely with the Research Enterprise Office to establish a contract for the development of a software platform. The full technical specification of the platform was 3 delivered on time and the platform build proceeded according to plan and content from the HE partners. The specification of the platform (website) was amended to allow additional features to be incorporated within the existing budget, so as to enhance the value of the website to the end user. The Deputy Director of Estate Management (Purchasing) provided significant input into the development of the new Financial Management System project. A key part of the project was to develop the tender documentation, the evaluation of the offers and undertaking a number of presentations to staff to highlight the benefits that will arise from a purchasing perspective. These will include the introduction of a single system that will enable staff to raise official orders up to a limited value and to forward direct to contractors, rather than a combination of electronic and manual order processing systems within the University and the utilisation of the Central Purchasing Unit by a number of Departments and Sections which do not have an order processing system. The processing of official orders for products and services is a very basic task and requires minimal training and support. The new process will reduce the lead time for products and enable the Central Purchasing Unit to have input into key commodities which are currently procured by various users and will undoubtedly enable improved value to be achieved. 2.3 Projects (competitive tendering) In respect of the complex / higher value projects, competitive tenders were obtained and for many projects a number of contractors were evaluated technically and financially during the early stages of the process. In addition, those projects which were in excess of £140,000 in value, were advertised in accordance with the EU Directive on Public Procurement. Given below are the projects which were undertaken by the Central Purchasing Unit in conjunction with Departments during the period 1st August 2006 to 31st July 2007. DEPARTMENT COMMODITY PRICE Accommodation Mortice Locks £69,380 Accommodation Beds and Mattresses £12,150 Accommodation White Goods £32,620 Accommodation White Goods £50,369 Accommodation Furniture £140,906 Biological Sciences Chromatography System £149,504 Biological Sciences Magnetic Circular Dichroism £76,546 Computing & Electronic Systems 40 Gb/s BERT System £390,334 Computing & Electronic Systems Traffic Generator £84,618 Computing & Electronic Systems Constellation Analyser £63,686 Computing & Electronic Systems Vector Network Analyser £75,508 Computing & Electronic Systems Motion Capture Equipment £80,000 4 Computing & Electronic Systems & Psychology Infra Red spectrophotometry Equipment Computing & Electronic Systems & Psychology Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Equipment £119,087 Day Nursery Cleaning Service £24,068 per annum Estate Management Facilities Management - Southend £450,000 per annum Estate Management Tree Survey (Colchester Campus) £7,640 Estate Management Grounds Maintenance (Quays) £8,200 per annum Estate Management Furniture (Southend) £46,459 Finance Section External Audit £47,180 per annum Information Systems AV Equipment (Southend) £67,637 Information Systems Data Network Service Loughton – Colchester £39,108 Integrated Commercial Services Management System £22,000 Information Systems OHPs £24,440 ISER Furniture £52,816 Research & Enterprise Design and Development of a Software Platform £2,510,000 TOTAL £4,741,576 Information Systems £97,320 5 2.4 Projects (competitive quotations) Competitive quotations were obtained on behalf of Users for goods and services which were estimated to cost less than £25,000 and single source quotations for commodities which were not subject to competition eg. where new shelving is required to match an existing system. DEPARTMENT COMMODITY PRICE Academic Furniture £6,688 Accommodation Furniture £13,974 Accommodation Curtains £22,096 Accommodation White goods £8,181 Accommodation Bedding £8,660 Accommodation Curtains £17,750 Accommodation Bedding £7,628 Accommodation Furniture £11,500 Educational Development Services Furniture £15,245 Estate Management Furniture £14,612 Estate Management Furniture £3,305 Estate Management Furniture £3,778 Estate Management Furniture £2,942 Estate Management Consultancy £6,000 Health & Human Sciences Badges £2,180 ISER (Single Source) Shelving £43,412 ISER Furniture £4916 ISER Furniture £2,089 Psychology Stimulus Generator £12,040 Registry Furniture £11,076 Southend Furniture £6,420 Southend (Single Source) Furniture £37,903 TOTAL £262,395 6 2.5 Acceptance of Single Source Quotations During the year 64 single source quotations were recommended for acceptance by the Deputy Director of Estate Management (Purchasing) and approved by the Director of Finance. The total value of the quotations amounted to £2,815,304. The chart below shows the expenditure and the number of requests received for each Department. DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE AFM £26,069 2 Biological Sciences £153,061 18 Computing and Electronic Systems £8,047 3 Educational Development Services £4,237 1 Estate Management £403,087 19 External Relations £19,388 2 Health & Human Sciences £26,511 2 Hotel & Conference £23,074 2 ISER £5,478 1 Personnel £10,000 1 Registrar & Secretary £23,000 1 Research & Enterprise £22,629 2 Residential Services £57,540 2 Southend £2,019,383 7 Sports Centre £13,800 1 £2,815,304 64 TOTAL NUMBER OF REQUESTS APPROVED 7 2.6 Performance Indicators To monitor the performance of the Central Purchasing Unit and the Central Stores a number of Performance Indicators are currently operational. Given below is the range of Performance Indicators, together with the performance level of both the Central Purchasing Unit and the Central Stores during 2006/07. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Increase the number of contracts for goods and services by a minimum of 5% ACHIEVED Yes Raise purchase orders within 8 working hours of receipt of requisitions by the Central Purchasing Unit, except for items which require competitive tenders or quotations. Yes Maximise the financial savings regarding contracting and order processing. As a minimum, ensure that the Central Purchasing Unit achieves savings in excess of £100,000 per annum. Yes Resist applications for price increases from contractors where possible. Yes The Central Stores will action all stock requisitions within 8 working hours of receipt. Yes Official Orders will be raised within 8 working hours of the identification of a requirement to replenish stock levels within the Central Stores. Yes Maintain a stock-turn of 4 times per year concerning the stock profile within the Central Stores. Yes* Ensure that all non-stock items which are received by Central Stores are prepared for despatch to Users within 8 working hours of receipt of the goods. Yes * except items which are held for emergency repairs as they are often slow moving. For the majority of performance indicators the level of performance was determined on a sample basis. There may be occasions during the year when it was not possible to achieve the desired performance level owing to sickness etc. 8 3 OFFICIAL ORDERS Within the University there are a number of Departments which raise official orders for the supply of goods and services. The chart below shows the number of official orders that were raised during the period 1st August 2006-31st July 2007. It should be noted that it has not been possible to obtain this information from all Departments. DEPARTMENT NUMBER Accommodation 109 Biological Sciences 2,683 Catering Services 4,000 Central Purchasing Unit 2,431 Central Stores 789 Computing & Electronic Systems 813 Estate Management Section 1,832 Information Systems Services 865 ISER 32 Library 21,477 Printing Services Unit 706 Psychology 52 Safety Office 31 Sports Centre 138 TOTAL 35,958 9 4 INFLUENCED, NON-INFLUENCED AND UNKNOWN EXPENDITURE The table below shows the expenditure which was influenced by professional purchasing staff. Also expenditure which was incurred without input from professional purchasing personnel, i.e. goods and services which were not available from contract arrangements and single source purchases. Financial information regarding the ‘unknown expenditure’ is not currently available, but it is anticipated that the committee will be able to report on all the expenditure following the installation of the new Financial Management System. DEPARTMENT Accommodation INFLUENCED EXPENDITURE £30,354 NON-INFLUENCED EXPENDITURE £139,645 Biological Sciences £257,391 £565,959 Catering Service £480,000 £275,000 Central Purchasing Unit £1,083,769 £397,604 Central Stores £62,054 £122,934 Computing & Electronic Systems £972,224 £196,429 Estate Management £3,121562 £883,531 Information Systems £1,246,265 £566,705 ISER £2,200,825 £100,971 Library £1,113,893 £414,026 Printing Services £220,566 £40,461 Psychology £137,335 £27,023 Safety Office £3,992 £5,471 Sports Centre £48,859 £5,563 TOTAL £10,979,089 £3,741,322 UNKNOWN EXPENDITURE 2 £17,000,000 EXPENDITURE ON CONSORTIUM AGREEMENTS 2006-07 The University utilises the contracts let by the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium for goods and services where they fully meet the needs of Users. For the period 1 st August 2006 to 31st July 2007 the total spend by Essex against the contracts was £2,298,266 and this was 1.58% of the total contract spend by member Institutions. There are currently 89 member institutions and Essex ranked 25 th in respect of the level of expenditure. The highest expenditure was £10,960,462 (7.53%) and this was regarding the University of Cambridge and associated Colleges. K Mason Deputy Director of Estate Management (Purchasing) 01/11/07 10