1 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Contents * Indicates significant edits/additions with the current version of the dictionary B1) Initials .......................................................................................................................... 6 B2) Hospital Identification Code ........................................................................................ 7 B3) Date of birth ................................................................................................................. 8 B4) Medical/Hospital record number (optional) ................................................................ 9 *B5) Admit date & time ................................................................................................... 10 *B6) Discharge date & time ............................................................................................. 11 B7) Gender ........................................................................................................................ 12 *B9) Race.......................................................................................................................... 13 *B10) Ethnicity ................................................................................................................. 15 B8) Age at admit ............................................................................................................... 16 Units of Measure for Height & Weight ............................................................................ 17 B11) Height ....................................................................................................................... 18 B12) Weight ...................................................................................................................... 19 *B13) Insurance ................................................................................................................ 20 B14) Transfer from another hospital................................................................................. 22 B15) Residence zip code ................................................................................................... 23 C1) Current cigarette smoker ............................................................................................ 24 C2) Recent laboratory values ............................................................................................ 25 C3) Current/recent medications ........................................................................................ 26 C4) Home oxygen use ....................................................................................................... 27 C5) Home mobility device use ......................................................................................... 28 D1) Hypertension ............................................................................................................. 29 D2) Diabetes ..................................................................................................................... 30 D3) Asthma ....................................................................................................................... 31 D4) History of Sleep Apnea .............................................................................................. 32 D5) Coronary Artery Disease ........................................................................................... 33 D6) History of Venous Thrombolembolism ..................................................................... 34 D7) History of HIV or AIDS ............................................................................................ 35 E1) Primary Surgeon......................................................................................................... 36 E1a) Surgeon Specialty ..................................................................................................... 37 *E2) Other Physician Identification.................................................................................. 38 *E3) Anesthesia provider .................................................................................................. 39 E4) Appendectomy ........................................................................................................... 40 E4.1) Indication: Appendicitis .......................................................................................... 41 E4.2) Indication: Appendeceal mass / cancer ................................................................... 42 E4.3) Indication: Appendectomy - Other.......................................................................... 43 E5) Bariatric ...................................................................................................................... 44 E5.1) Indication: Morbid Obesity ..................................................................................... 45 E5.2) Indication: Bariatric Surgery – Other ...................................................................... 46 E6) Colon .......................................................................................................................... 47 Version 3.1 2 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.1) Indication: Cancer of the Colon .............................................................................. 48 *E6.2) Indication: Diverticular disease............................................................................. 49 E6.3) Indication: Trauma .................................................................................................. 51 E6.4) Indication: Radiation Colitis ................................................................................... 52 E6.5) Indication: Volvulus ................................................................................................ 53 E6.6) Indication: Arteriovenous Malformation ................................................................ 54 E6.7) Indication: Ischemic Colon ..................................................................................... 55 E6.8) Indication: Polyps.................................................................................................... 56 E6.9) Indication: Rectal Prolapse ..................................................................................... 57 E6.10) Indication: Gastrointestinal (GI) Bleeding ............................................................ 58 E6.11) Indication: Perforation .......................................................................................... 59 E6.12) Indication: Cancer of the Rectum ......................................................................... 60 E6.13) Indication: Bowel Obstruction .............................................................................. 61 E6.14) Indication: Colostomy ........................................................................................... 62 E6.15) Indication: Ulcerative Colitis ................................................................................ 63 E6.16) Indication: Crohn’s Disease .................................................................................. 64 E6.17) Indication: Stricture ............................................................................................... 65 *E6.18) Indication: Gynecological Malignancy ............................................................... 66 *E6.19) Indication: Iatrogenic Colectomy ........................................................................ 67 E6.20) Indication: Colon Surgery – Other ........................................................................ 68 F1) Time of First Incision ................................................................................................. 69 F2) In-room Close Time ................................................................................................... 70 F3) Date of Surgery .......................................................................................................... 71 F4) In-room Close Date .................................................................................................... 72 F5) Surgical Approach ...................................................................................................... 73 F6) ASA Class .................................................................................................................. 74 *F7) Highest Perioperative Blood Glucose ...................................................................... 75 F8) Insulin Used Perioperatively ...................................................................................... 76 *F9) Highest blood glucose on post op day 1 ................................................................... 77 *F10) Highest blood glucose on post op day 2 ................................................................. 78 F11) Lowest post-op blood glucose .................................................................................. 79 F12) Lowest Intra-operative Temperature ........................................................................ 80 F13) Death in the Operating Room ................................................................................... 81 F14) First Temperature on Arrival to Recovery Room .................................................... 82 *G1) DVT Prophylaxis- Within 24 hour of incision ........................................................ 83 *G2) DVT Prophylaxis – Ordered Post - op ..................................................................... 85 *G3) DVT Prophylaxis – Order on Discharge ................................................................. 87 G4) Intermittent pneumatic compression in the OR ......................................................... 89 G5) Beta Blocker administered within 24 hours pre-op ................................................... 90 *G6) Beta Blocker administered intraoperatively ............................................................ 91 G7) Beta Blocker ordered within 24 hrs post-op .............................................................. 92 G8) Antibiotics: On antibiotics for the treatment of infection .......................................... 93 G9) Antibiotics: Were prophylactic antibiotics indicated ................................................ 94 G9a) Antibiotics: Administered within 60 minutes .......................................................... 95 G9b) Antibiotics: Discontinued within 24 hours .............................................................. 96 G10) Pain management: Epidural ..................................................................................... 97 Version 3.1 3 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G10a) Pain management: PCEA ....................................................................................... 98 G11) Pain management: PCA ........................................................................................... 99 G12) Pain management: NSAID .................................................................................... 100 G13) Pain management: Narcotic drip ........................................................................... 101 G14) Pain management: Other........................................................................................ 102 G14a) Pain management: Other, specify modality ......................................................... 103 G15) Entereg administered ............................................................................................. 104 *G16) Aloxi administered............................................................................................... 105 *G17) Statin post-op ....................................................................................................... 106 G18) Nasogastric tube..................................................................................................... 107 G19) Gastrostomy tube drainage .................................................................................... 108 *G20) Estimated Blood Loss .......................................................................................... 109 G21) Red blood cell transfusion ..................................................................................... 110 G21a) Red blood cell transfusion units........................................................................... 111 *G21b) Lowest hemoglobin ........................................................................................... 112 *G22) Red blood cell transfusion after 24 hrs post-op ................................................... 113 *G22a) Red blood cell transfusion units ......................................................................... 114 *G22b) Lowest hemoglobin ........................................................................................... 115 *G23) Last hemoglobin prior to discharge ..................................................................... 116 G24) Mechanical ventilation........................................................................................... 117 G24a) Mechanical ventilation hours ............................................................................... 118 *G25) Highest Creatinine ............................................................................................... 119 *G26) Postoperative events ............................................................................................ 120 *G27) Discharge Disposition.......................................................................................... 121 G27a) Discharge: Death Specification............................................................................ 122 H1) Reintervention: Any................................................................................................. 123 H2) Reintervention: Abdominal re-operation ................................................................. 125 H2.1) Reintervention: Colostomy or ileostomy .............................................................. 126 H2.2) Reintervention: Abscess drainage......................................................................... 127 H2.3) Reintervention: Operative Drain Placement ......................................................... 128 H2.4) Reintervention: Gastrostomy ................................................................................ 129 H2.5) Reintervention: Gastrostomy revision .................................................................. 130 H2.6) Reintervention: Anastomotic revision .................................................................. 131 H2.7) Reintervention: Band Replacement ...................................................................... 132 H2.8) Reintervention: Band/port revision....................................................................... 133 H2.9) Reintervention: Wound revision or evisceration .................................................. 134 H2.10) Reintervention: Negative re-exploration ............................................................ 135 *H2.11) Reintervention: Reoperation for bleeding ........................................................ 136 H2.12) Reintervention: Other Reoperation ..................................................................... 137 H3) Reintervention: Tracheal reintubation ..................................................................... 138 H4) Reintervention: NG tube replacement ..................................................................... 139 H5) Reintervention: Tracheostomy................................................................................. 140 H6) Reintervention: Percutaneous drain ......................................................................... 141 H7) Reintervention: Anticoagulation therapy for DVT .................................................. 142 H8) Reintervention: Anticoagulation therapy for PE ..................................................... 143 *H9) Reintervention: Antibiotic for infection ................................................................ 144 Version 3.1 4 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H10) Reintervention: Wound reopened .......................................................................... 145 H11) Reintervention: Radiologically demonstrated leak ................................................ 146 H12) Reintervention: Radiologically demonstrated fistula ............................................ 147 H13) Reintervention: Other ............................................................................................ 148 I1) Bariatric: Prior foregut surgery ................................................................................. 149 *I2) Bariatric: Procedure of record ................................................................................. 150 I3) Bariatric: Stomach divided ........................................................................................ 152 *I4) Post-op urinary catheter .......................................................................................... 153 *I5) Bariatric: Distal anastomosis technique .................................................................. 154 *I6) Bariatric: Proximal anastomosis technique ............................................................. 155 I7) Bariatric: Anastomosis tested .................................................................................... 156 I7.x) Bariatric: Anastomosis test type ............................................................................. 157 *J1) Appendectomy: Pregnant ........................................................................................ 158 *J2) Appendectomy: ER/Urgent Visit ............................................................................ 159 *J3) Appendectomy: Admit through ER ........................................................................ 160 J4) Appendectomy: Concurrent procedure performed ................................................... 161 *J5) Appendectomy: Preoperative imaging .................................................................... 162 J6) Appendectomy: Appendeceal pathology .................................................................. 163 J7) Appendectomy: Perforated appendix ........................................................................ 164 K1) Colon/rectal: Prior surgery ...................................................................................... 165 K2) Colon/rectal: Procedure order/importance ............................................................... 166 K3) Colon/rectal: Resection within 30 days ................................................................... 167 *K4) Colon/rectal: Procedure priority & procedure staging........................................... 168 *K5) Colon/rectal: Operation type.................................................................................. 169 K6) Colon/rectal: Ostomy type ....................................................................................... 171 *K7) Colon/rectal: Anastomosis ..................................................................................... 172 *K8) Colon/rectal: Anastomosis technique .................................................................... 174 K9) Colon/rectal: Anastomosis tested ............................................................................ 175 *K10) Colon/rectal: Post-op urinary catheter ................................................................. 176 *K11) Colon/rectal: Bowel Prep ..................................................................................... 177 *K12) Colon/rectal: Diet advanced ................................................................................ 178 *K13) Colon/rectal: Post-op cancer diagnosis ................................................................ 179 K14) Colon/rectal: Lymph nodes removed..................................................................... 180 K15) Colon/rectal: Lymph nodes positive for cancer. .................................................... 181 K16) Colon/rectal: Metastatic disease ............................................................................ 182 K17) Colon/rectal: Cancer Margins ................................................................................ 183 *K18) Colon/rectal: T Stage ........................................................................................... 184 *K19) Colon/rectal: Procedure done for palliation ......................................................... 185 *K20) Colon/rectal: Preoperative neoadjuvant treatment.............................................. 186 *K21) Colon/rectal: Distance of the tumor from the anal verge .................................... 187 *K22) Colon/rectal: Tumor fixed to underlying structures ........................................... 188 *K23) Colon/rectal:Total mesorectal excision (TME) ................................................... 189 *K24) Colon/rectal: Stage determination methodology ................................................. 191 *K25) Colon/rectal: Diverticular disease........................................................................ 192 *K26) Colon/rectal: Prior episodes of diverticular disease ............................................ 193 *L) Post-discharge: 30-day follow up............................................................................ 194 Version 3.1 5 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *L1) Post-discharge: Wound occurrences ..................................................................... 195 *L2) Post-discharge: Respiratory occurrences .............................................................. 197 *L3) Post-discharge: Urinary tract occurrences ............................................................. 199 *L4) Post-discharge: CNS occurences............................................................................ 201 *L5) Post-discharge: Cardiac occurrences...................................................................... 202 *L6) Post-discharge: Other occurences ......................................................................... 204 *L7.x) Post-discharge: Readmitted to acute care ........................................................... 206 *L8) Post-discharge: Death............................................................................................. 207 Appendix A: Medications ............................................................................................... 208 Appendix B: Colon/rectal procedure diagram ................................................................ 213 * Indicates significant edits/additions with the current version of the dictionary Version 3.1 6 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 B1) Initials Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: First 2 initials of last name/ First 2 initials of first name. Example: John Smith: Last Name: SM First Name: JO (Historic information: Was only first initial of both names) SORCE alias: xxx xxx ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Text Value Codes: Allowable Values: two characters: A thru Z for each name; 4 characters total Data Storage Type: Character Suggested Data Source: Admission/demographic sheet Abstraction Notes: This is a required field; unable to analyze the data without this information. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 7 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 B2) Hospital Identification Code Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: Numer code assigned to each hospital by SCOAP SORCE alias: siteid ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Number Value Codes: Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: New site id numbers are assigned by FHCQ when a hospital begins participation in SCOAP Abstraction Notes: This is a required field; unable to retrieve or analyze the data by hospital without this information. This field should be populated automatically online. Verify that it is correct at the time of data entry. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 8 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 B3) Date of birth Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: Date patient was born SORCE alias: dobdt ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Admission/demographic sheet Abstraction Notes: This is a required field; must know the date of birth in order to verify that this is an adult and for potential risk adjustment. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 9 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 B4) Medical/Hospital record number (optional) Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: The specific hospital record number SORCE alias: hosprec ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Text Value Codes: Allowable Values: Characters & Numbers: Dependent on hospital Data Storage Type: Character Suggested Data Source: Admission/demographic sheet Abstraction Notes: This is an optional field; is for hospital’s internal use only. You will want to know your hospital’s decision regarding whether or not to include this information as generation of surgeon specific reports is dependent on entering this information. Exclusions: As this is totally an optional field, no entries for this data element are required. Version 3.1 10 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *B5) Admit date & time Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: Date & time patient was admitted to the hospital SORCE alias: admitdt admittm ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Date, Time Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy, 00:00 – 23:59 Data Storage Type: Date/time Suggested Data Source: Admission/demographic sheet Abstraction Notes: This is a required field; must know the admit date in order to calculate LOS. If the patient was admitted as an observation patient vs as in inpatient but then went on to have surgery as an inpatient, use the date that the patient was admitted as an observation patient. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 11 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *B6) Discharge date & time Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: Date & time patient was discharged SORCE alias: dischdt dischtm ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Date, time Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy, 00:00 – 23:59 Data Storage Type: Date/Time Suggested Data Source: Admission/demographic sheet or discharge summary Abstraction Notes: This is a required field; must know the discharge date in order to calculate LOS. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 12 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 B7) Gender Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: Gender of the patient; male or female SORCE alias: sex ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1 = male 2 = female Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Admission/demographic sheet or discharge summary Abstraction Notes: In case of question about gender where there has been a gender change (either via surgery and/or other treatments), answer with what the chart says the gender is with the following exception: If the gender change has been from female to male, but the ovaries remain, this patient should be coded as female. Exclusions: None. This is a required field as data analysis sometimes differentiates males from females. Version 3.1 13 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *B9) Race Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: Race: Select from the following choices of race. If documentation indicates the patient has more than one race (e.g. Black-White or Indian-White), select the first listed race. Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity is a separate variable (listed below) where you can report the patient’s ethnicity. • American Indian or Alaska Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. • Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. • Black or African American: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Terms such as "Haitian" can be used in addition to "Black or African American. • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. • White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the MiddleEast, or North Africa. • Unknown: if documentation does not state patient’s race, report as Unknown. Note: Hispanic Ethnicity is required in addition to this data element. Revision: April 1, 2009 4-2 ACS NSQIP SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1 = American Indian/ Alaskan Native 2 = Asian 3 = Black/ African American 4 = Native Hawaiian/ Other Pacific Islander 5 = White 6 = NA/Unknown Version 3.1 14 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Admission/demographic sheet or discharge summary; H&P or Nursing History/ Admission note. Abstraction Notes: Although the terms Hispanic and Latino are actually descriptions of the patient’s ethnicity, it is not uncommon to find them referenced as race. If the patient’s race is documented only as Hispanic/Latino, select ‘White’. If the patient’s race is documented as mixed Hispanic/Latino with another race, use whatever race is listed (e.g. Black-Hispanic – select Black). Exclusions: None. Version 3.1 15 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *B10) Ethnicity Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics, Definition: Hispanic Ethnicity: Document if the patient is of Hispanic ethnicity or Latino. Hispanic or Latino is defined as a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. The term, "Spanish origin," can be used in addition to "Hispanic or Latino." Although the terms Hispanic and Latino are actually descriptions of the patient’s ethnicity, it is not uncommon to find them referenced as race. If the patient’s race is documented only as Hispanic/Latino, select ‘White’ for race & indicate Hispanic or Latino for ethnicity. If the patient’s race is documented as mixed Hispanic/Latino with another race, be sure to indicate whatever race is listed (e.g. Black-Hispanic – selectBlack) as well as Hispanic or Latino for ethnicity. Indicate NA if unable to determine etnicity from medical record documentation. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1 = Hispanic or Latino 2 = Not Hispanic nor Latino 3 = Not Available/Unknown Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Admission/demographic sheet or discharge summary; H&P or Nursing History/ Admission note. Abstraction Notes: If the patient’s race is documented only as Hispanic/Latino, select “White” race & “Hispanic/Latino” ethnicity. If the patient’s race is documented as mixed Hispanic/Latino with another race, indicate “Hispanic/Latino” ethnicity and record race as whatever race is listed (e.g. Black-Hispanic - select Black). Exclusions: None. Version 3.1 16 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 B8) Age at admit Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: Age of patient on admit date in years SORCE alias: computedage; Historic variables: age, ageunit ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Number Value Codes: Allowable Values: numbers (18 – 100) Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Admission/demographic sheet or discharge summary Abstraction Notes: The age will be automatically calculated when you have entered the birth date of the patient as well as the admit date. This data element is listed, not because you have to calculate the age, but because you will see this on the hard copy of the tool. If the calculated age does not appear correct there maybe a problem with either the admission date or birth date, as entered in the database. Exclusions: None. This is a required field as data analysis sometimes differentiates depending on the age of the patient and to be sure that the patient is an adult for data analysis. Version 3.1 17 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Units of Measure for Height & Weight Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: Indicate English if height and weight will be recorded as inches and pounds, respectively. Indicate Metric if height and weight will be recorded as cm and kilograms, respectively. The units for height and weight must be consistent; both must be English or both must be Metric. SORCE alias: measunit ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=English 2=Metric 3=Na Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Abstraction Notes: This field is required in order to enter the values for height and weight in the subsequent fields. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 18 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 B11) Height Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: Height of patient in inches or cm SORCE alias: inch cm Historic variables: ft heightn ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Numbers Value Codes: Allowable Values: (inch) 40 - 90 or (cm) 100 - 210 Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing assessment; H&P Abstraction Notes: Round rather than including a decimal. This information is especially important for the surgeries for which it is important to know the BMI, as the BMI is calculated from the height and weight. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 19 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 B12) Weight Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: Weight of patient in pounds or kilograms SORCE alias: lbs kgs Historic variable: weightn (weight NA) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Numbers Value Codes: Allowable Values: (lbs) 0 – 600 or (kgs) 0 – 232.00 Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing assessment; H&P Abstraction Notes: Round rather than including a decimal. This is especially important for the surgeries for which it is important to know the BMI, as the BMI is calculated from the height and weight. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 20 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *B13) Insurance Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: What type of insurance does the patient have, if any SORCE alias: Insurance Variables (check all that apply) ins_priv ins_mcare ins_mcaid ins_tri ins_ihs ins_va ins_self ins_unins ins_landi privatetype (private insurance specification) Historic variable: insurnce ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Multiple choice Value Codes: type of private insurance: 1=Regence 2=Premera 3=First Choice 4=Group Health 5=Aetna 6=Cigna 7=Uniform Medical 8=United Healthcare 9=Kaiser 10=Other Private Allowable Values: Any option that is listed; may check both private and uninsured and/or self pay if the patient has private insurance but that policy does not cover this procedure. Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Admission/demographic/face sheet Version 3.1 21 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Abstraction Notes: Check all that appy, regardless of whether or not the procedure in the record is covered or paid for by that insurance or health plan. If have private insurance, check “private” and then indicate which private company the patient has. If have private insurance, but the specific insurance company isn’t identified, check “other”. If the patient is uninsured and/or are self pay, check these appropriately. This information is important so that data analysis by health plan can be done. Exclusions: This section is optional if the hospital objects to providing this data. Version 3.1 22 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 B14) Transfer from another hospital Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: Was this admission a transfer from another hospital SORCE alias: transfer ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Admission/demographic sheet or H&P Abstraction Notes: The intent of this data element is assist in data analysis as when the patient has been transferred from another hospital, this often means that the patient is more complex and/or has already had complications from a procedure. Exclusions: None. Version 3.1 23 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 B15) Residence zip code Location: Adult Form, B. Demographics Definition: Zip code of patient’s primary residence SORCE alias: zipcode ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Number Value Codes: Allowable Values: US or Canadian zip codes; either 5 digit or 9 digit Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Admission/demographic sheet or discharge summary Abstraction Notes: US or Canadian zip codes may be entered. This information is potentially important for data analysis by zip code. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 24 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 C1) Current cigarette smoker Location: Adult Form, C. Risk Factors Definition: Any use of tobacco or marijuana cigarettes within one year of this admission. SORCE alias: cursmkr ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing admission record or H&P Abstraction Notes: If smoking history is not mentioned anywhere, check “no”. The intent of this question is to have information for risk adjustment. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 25 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 C2) Recent laboratory values Location: Adult Form, C. Risk Factors Definition: Most recent labs within 30 days prior to the surgery; creatinine, hemoglobin, WBCs; may be up to 6weeks prior to the surgery for albumin and pre-albumin. If collected, report lab value. In the event there is more than one value for any of these, e.g. a WBC was done both 25 days prior and upon admission, record the most recent. SORCE alias: Lab Value albumin creat hgb wbc prealbum Value NA albna creatna hgbna wbcna prealbna ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Number Value Codes: Allowable Values: Albumin: 1- 6 g/dl; Creatinine: 0.1 – 15.0 mg/dl; Hgb: 10 - 20 g/dl; WBC: 0.5 – 30.0 10(3). Pre-albumin: mg/dL; Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing admission record, laboratory reports or H&P. If the H&P differs from the nursing admission record or the laboratory reports, take the nursing admission record or laboratory reports. Abstraction Notes: The intent of this question is to have information for risk adjustment. Pre-albumin can be used rather than albumin Exclusions: None Version 3.1 26 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 C3) Current/recent medications Location: Adult Form, C. Risk Factors Definition: Current/recent medications use: immunosuppressants, statins, beta blockers, ACEI or ARB, therapeutic anticoagulation within 1 week of surgery. SORCE alias: immuno statin betablkr aceiarb anticoag ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing admission record, medication record, or H&P. If the nursing admission record/medication record differs with the H&P, take the information in the nursing admission record/medication record. Abstraction Notes: The intent of this question is to have information for risk adjustment. Anticogulants: documentation of use within 1 week of admission; all othersdocumentation or report of patient of use upon admission, either at home or ordered upon admit. Chemotherapy for cancer treatment is not considered to be an immunosuppressant medication. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 27 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 C4) Home oxygen use Location: Adult Form, C. Risk Factors Definition: Any use of oxygen use at home SORCE alias: oxygenuse ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing admission record, medication record, or H&P Abstraction Notes: The intent of this question is to have information for risk adjustment. The emphasis is on current use; not just that they have it available or have used it in the past. Use of CPAP or BiPap does not count as using oxygen at home. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 28 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 C5) Home mobility device use Location: Adult Form, C. Risk Factors Definition: Use of any mobility device: includes walker, wheelchair, scooter, cane. SORCE alias: mobility ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing assessment, medication record, or H&P Abstraction Notes: The intent of this question is to have information for risk adjustment. The emphasis is on use; check “no” if it is mentioned that the device is at home but not used currently. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 29 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 D1) Hypertension Location: Adult Form, D. Comorbidities Definition: Any mention of hypertension in the medical record on admit, if yes, select the best response to the number of individual medications used to treat the hypertension: no meds; single med; multiple meds. Please see Appendix A for a list of medications commonly used to treat hypertension. SORCE alias: hyprtnsn hyprmeds ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No 1=No meds 2=Single med 3=Multiple meds Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, nursing assessment, Emergency Room notes, anesthesia record Abstraction Notes: The question applies to all cases. Exclusions: Do not assume that a patient is hypertensive if the only indication of such is that the patient is on one of the drugs that is commonly used to treat hypertension as these medications are also used for other conditions. Pulmonary hypertension is excluded; is not hypertension. Version 3.1 30 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 D2) Diabetes Location: Adult Form, D. Comorbidities Definition: Any mention of diabetes in the medical record on admit, if yes, select the best response to the individual medications used in treatment: no meds; single noninsulin, multiple non-insulin; insulin; insulin plus other meds.. Please see Appendix A for a list of commonly used medications. SORCE alias: diabetes diameds ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No 1=No meds 2=Single non-insulin 3=Multiple non-insulin 4=Insulin 5=Insulin plus other meds Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, nursing assessment, Emergency Room notes, anesthesia record Abstraction Notes: If the record indicate “borderline diabetic” select yes. Include the new injectable hypoglycemic agent Byetta in the category of single or multiple, non-insulin meds. Do not mark the patient as being diabetic unless this is clearly a diagnosis. Patients may be on metformin for a metabolic syndrome, but this does not mean they are diabetic. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 31 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 D3) Asthma Location: Adult Form, D. Comorbidities Definition: Any mention of asthma in the medical record on admit, if yes, select the best response to the individual medications used in treatment: steroid use; inhalant; none. This element is designed so abstractors may select both steroid and inhalant or none. Please see Appendix A for a list of suggested medications. SORCE alias: asthma steroid inhalant no_asthmed ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1= Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, nursing assessment, Emergency Room notes, anesthesia record Abstraction Notes: Route of steroid may be IV, PO, or inhaled. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 32 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 D4) History of Sleep Apnea Location: Adult Form, D. Comorbidities Definition: Any mention of sleep apnea in the medical record on admit.Iif yes, does the patient use a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), BiPAP (bi-level positive airway pressure), APAP (auto-titrating CPAP) machine, or any other assisted breathing apparatus for the treatment of sleep apnea. SORCE alias: slpapnea cpap_adult1 Historic variable: cpap_adult0 ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No 1=CPAP 2=None Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, nursing assessment, Emergency Room notes, anesthesia record Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: None Version 3.1 33 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 D5) Coronary Artery Disease Location: Adult Form, D. Comorbidities Definition: Any diagnosis of coronary artery disease or angina. If yes, is there documentation of Myocardial Infarction (MI), Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI), Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG), or Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (AICD). SORCE alias cad hxmi cadsurg cad_none Historical variable: cadtype ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No 1=History of MI 2=PCI, CABG, AICD 3=Both 4=None Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, nursing assessment, Emergency Room notes, anesthesia record Abstraction Notes: Check all that apply. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 34 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 D6) History of Venous Thrombolembolism Location: Adult Form, D. Comorbidities Definition: Any documentation that the patient has a history of venous thrombolembolism including pulmonary embolus or deep vein thrombosis. SORCE alias: vtehx ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, nursing assessment, Emergency Room notes Abstraction Notes:. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 35 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 D7) History of HIV or AIDS Location: Adult Form, D. Comorbidities Definition: Any documentation in the medical record that the patient is HIV positive or has AIDS. SORCE alias: hivaids ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, nursing assessment, Emergency Room notes, anesthesia record Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: None Version 3.1 36 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E1) Primary Surgeon Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: This is an optional field that individual hospitals may use, if they choose, to identify the primary surgeon for each case. Do not submit names; only ID numbers as this information is to be used for specific surgeon data reports with the name of the surgeon known only to the hospital SORCE alias: surgeon ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Text Value Codes: Determined by individual hospitals Allowable Values: Codes only; no names Data Storage Type: Character Suggested Data Source: Internal physician ID# Abstraction Notes: Consistency within site is essential for proper use of this field: If letters are used in the code be sure that there is no distinction between upper and lower case. For example, M1234 and m1234 will be interpreted as the same id number. Exclusions: This is an optional field, but if your hospital wants this information, there are no exclusions. Version 3.1 37 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E1a) Surgeon Specialty Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Indicate the primary surgeon’s specialty; General/colorectal or OB/GYN surgeon SORCE alias: surgeontype ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=General/colorectal surgeon 2=OB/GYN surgeon Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Internal hospital information; Medical Records Abstraction Notes: If the surgeon specialty is not known, check with your QI Dept or with Medical Records. This field is required whether or not the individual surgeon is identified. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 38 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *E2) Other Physician Identification Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: This is an optional field that individual hospitals may use, if they choose, to identify an additional physician for each case. Do not submit names; only ID. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Text Value Codes: Determined by individual hospitals Allowable Values: Codes only; no names. Letters and numbers allowed Data Storage Type: Character Suggested Data Source: Internal physician ID# Abstraction Notes: Consistency within site is essential for proper use of this field: If letters are used in the code be sure that there is no distinction between upper and lower case. For example, M1234 and m1234 will be interpreted as the same id number. Some sites may want to use this field to identify additional physicians. Exclusions: This is an optional field, but if your hospital wants this information, there are no exclusions. Version 3.1 39 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *E3) Anesthesia provider Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: This is an optional field that individual hospitals may use, if they choose, to identify an anesthesia provider for each case. Do not submit names; only ID. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Text Value Codes: Determined by individual hospitals Allowable Values: Codes only; no names Data Storage Type: Character Suggested Data Source: Internal physician/anesthesia provider ID# Abstraction Notes: Consistency within site is essential for proper use of this field: If letters are used in the code be sure that there is no distinction between upper and lower case. For example, M1234 and m1234 will be interpreted as the same id number. Exclusions: This is an optional field, but if your hospital wants this information, there are no exclusions. Version 3.1 40 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E4) Appendectomy Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Indicate that the SCOAP eligible procedure is a non-elective appendectomy. A non-elective appendectomy is one done in the context of an acute condition; not done as an elective procedure along with another operation. Note Enter information for only one procedure type: Appendectomy, Bariatric or Colon. An affirmative response (Yes) to either question 27, 28, or 29 will insure the appropriate questions are available for data entry. The other two procedure questions should be given a negative response (No). SORCE alias: appendectomy ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that procedure is checked. Other data collected, recorded and reported is dependant on the procedure group reported. Exclusions Version 3.1 41 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E4.1) Indication: Appendicitis Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Non-elective procedure only done in the context of an acute condition; procedure is not described as an elective, planned, interval, or incidental case. SORCE alias: ind_appy ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: Appendectomies that are not the primary procedure (often referred to as incidental), or are categorized as planned, interval, or are done on an elective basis. For example, a patient who was taken to the OR for a total abdominal hysterectomy and during the procedure also had her appendix removed is considered to have had an incidental appendectomy and is therefore NOT considered to be a SCOAP case. Please note that when pulling appendectomy case lists by the SCOAP defined ICD-9 or CPT codes, all appendectomies performed at your hospital will likely appear on the list. Each abstractor is to use their judgment as to whether the case is appropriate to submit to SCOAP based on the guidance in this definition. Version 3.1 42 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E4.2) Indication: Appendeceal mass / cancer Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Appendectomy done with the diagnosis of appendeceal mass or cancer; not for acute appendicitis SORCE alias: ind_mass ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, OP record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: Note that when pulling appendectomy case lists by the SCOAP defined ICD-9 or CPT codes, all appendectomies performed at your hospital will likely appear on the list. Each abstractor is to use their judgment as to whether the case is appropriate to submit to SCOAP based on the guidance in this definition. Version 3.1 43 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E4.3) Indication: Appendectomy - Other Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Non-elective procedure only done in the context of an acute condition; procedure was not described as an elective, planned, interval, or incidental case. SORCE alias: ind_appoth ind_apptxt (other specified) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Text Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric; Character Suggested Data Source: H&P, OP record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. This option should be extremely rare. Exclusions: Appendectomies that are not the primary procedure (often referred to as incidental), or are categorized as planned, interval, or are done on an elective basis. For example, a patient who was taken to the OR for a total abdominal hysterectomy and during the procedure also had her appendix removed is considered to have had an incidental appendectomy and is therefore NOT considered to be a SCOAP case. Please note that when pulling appendectomy case lists by the SCOAP defined ICD-9 or CPT codes, all appendectomies performed at your hospital will likely appear on the list. Each abstractor is to use their judgment as to whether the case is appropriate to submit to SCOAP based on the guidance in this definition. Version 3.1 44 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E5) Bariatric Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Indicate that the SCOAP eligible procedure is a bariatric procedure Note Enter information for only one procedure type: Appendectomy, Bariatric or Colon. An affirmative response (Yes) to either question 27, 28, or 29 will insure the appropriate questions are available for data entry. The other two procedure questions should be given a negative response (No). SORCE alias: bariatric ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that procedure is checked. Other data collected, recorded and reported is dependant on the procedure group reported. Exclusions Version 3.1 45 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E5.1) Indication: Morbid Obesity Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Procedure done in the context of treatment for morbid obesity. Procedure of record may be referred to as: gastric bypass, roux-en-y bypass, lap band, biliopancreatic bypass, or duodenal switch bypass. SORCE alias: ind_obese ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 46 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E5.2) Indication: Bariatric Surgery – Other Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Bariatric procedures which are performed for reasons other than the treatment of morbid obesity SORCE alias: ind_obesoth ind_obestxt (other specified) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Text Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric; Character Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 47 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6) Colon Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Indicate that the SCOAP eligible procedure is a colon/rectal operation Note Enter information for only one procedure type: Appendectomy, Bariatric or Colon. An affirmative response (Yes) to either question 27, 28, or 29 will insure the appropriate questions are available for data entry. The other two procedure questions should be given a negative response (No). SORCE alias: colonrectal ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that procedure is checked. Other data collected, recorded and reported is dependant on the procedure group reported. Exclusions Version 3.1 48 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.1) Indication: Cancer of the Colon Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Procedure done for treatment for cancers of the colon or large intestine, which is the lower part of the digestive system. Most colon cancers begin as small, benign clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps. Over time these polyps become colon cancers. SORCE alias: ind_cancer ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None During colectomy surgery for colon cancer, the cancer and nearby tissue is removed and the remaining sections of colon are rejoined (anastomosis). During a colostomy, the surgeon removes the cancer and surrounding tissue then creates an opening (stoma) in the abdomen through which waste can leave the body. Colostomy can be permanent or temporary depending on the specific situation. Version 3.1 49 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *E6.2) Indication: Diverticular disease Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Diverticula are small, bulging pouches in the digestive tract, most commonly occurring in the large intestine but can also be found in the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. Diverticulitis occurs when one or more of these pouches become inflamed or infected, causing severe abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and a marked change in bowel habits. This occurs in 10-25% of persons with diverticulosis. Tears in the colon leading to bleeding or perforations may occur; intestinal obstruction may occur (constipation or diarrhea does not rule out this possibility); and peritonitis, abscess formation, sepsis and fistula formation are also possible occurences. Serious cases of diverticulitis require surgical removal of the diseased portion of the colon. SORCE alias: ind_div (historic variable: diverticulitis) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OP record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 50 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Version 3.1 51 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.3) Indication: Trauma Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Procedures performed to correct trauma to the colon. Most commonly caused by traffic accidents or sporting injuries. When trauma is the indication for operation, determine whether the trauma was caused by blunt force or a penetrating injury. SORCE alias: ind_trauma ind_traumatype (type specified) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 52 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.4) Indication: Radiation Colitis Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Radiation colitis is a condition that occurs as a side effect of cancer radiation therapy to the abdomen or pelvis and occurs when a large number of cells in the colon die as a result of the radiation therapy. If radiation colitis is acute symptoms will most often develop within 8 weeks of starting treatment; if the condition is chronic, symptoms may not occur for months or years after beginning treatment. In very rare cases of severe radiation colitis, surgery will be performed to bypass the large intestine (colon resection) or remove it entirely (colectomy). SORCE alias: ind_rad ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OP record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 53 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.5) Indication: Volvulus Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Volvulus is a type of intestinal obstruction that involves twisting of the colon. The condition is sometimes referred to as a mechanical obstruction meaning that the intestine is physically either partial or completely blocked. Volvulus most commonly occurs in the small intestine but does occur in the colon about 15% of the time. SORCE alias: ind_volv ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OP record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 54 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.6) Indication: Arteriovenous Malformation Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Arteriovenous malformations (AVM), are dilated blood vessels which are usually located close to the inside surface of the bowel. AVMs have a tendency to bleed small amounts of blood over time which often results in anemia or low red cell count. Some AVMs can be cauterized but others are more extensive and require surgical intervention. SORCE alias: ind_art ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OP record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 55 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.7) Indication: Ischemic Colon Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Ischemic colitis is when part of the colon becomes inflamed and injured usually due to blood clots in the arteries leading to the colon. The cause is usually impaired blood flow to the colon which can lead to permanent colon damage. Chronic ischemic colitis is usually associated with the build-up of fatty deposits (atherosclerosis), but it can also be related to diabetes, a hernia, colon cancer or radiation to the abdomen. Less often, it can be caused by medications such as NSAIDs, hormone replacement therapy, antipsychotic drugs, or blood pressure pills. The term necrotic colon may be used instead of ischemic colon. SORCE alias: ind_isch ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 56 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.8) Indication: Polyps Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Polyps are small clumps of cells that form on the colon lining. The vast majority ore harmless, but some may become cancerous over time. They can cause rectal bleeding, a change in bowel habits and abdominal pain, but most do not cause symptoms so regular screening is recommended for early detection and removal. Most can be removed during a colonoscopy, but polyps that are too large or cannot be reached to be removed during the colonoscopy must be removed surgically. SORCE alias: ind_polyp ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 57 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.9) Indication: Rectal Prolapse Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Rectal prolapse (rectum slips or falls out of place) occurs when the muscles and ligaments that hold the rectum firmly in place weaken due to age, long-term constipation and/or the stress of childbirth. Rarely, large hemorrhoids may cause rectal prolapse. Rectal prolapse can be partial, meaning that only the inner lining of the rectum protrudes from the anus. In the later stages, large portions of the rectum protrude from the anus. Corrective surgery may be done through an abdominal or perineal approach. SORCE alias: ind_prolap ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 58 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.10) Indication: Gastrointestinal (GI) Bleeding Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: GI bleeding comes from many causes and is broken into 2 classifications, upper and lower. Upper GI bleeding originates from the first part of the GI tract: the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum. Most common causes are peptic ulcers, gastritis, or esophageal varicies. Lower GI bleeding originates in the portions of the GI tract farther down the digestive system: segment of the small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus. Diverticulitis, polyps, hemorrhoids, anal fissures are most commonly the cause of the bleeding. SORCE alias: ind_gi ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 59 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.11) Indication: Perforation Location: Adult Form, E. Operative, Definition: Perforation of the GI tract is defined as the complete penetration of the wall of the stomach, small intestine or large bowel which results in the leak of intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity. Perforation is always treated as an emergent situation and usually an exploratory laparotomy will be performed to close the defect and a peritoneal wash will be performed. The patient will be treated aggressively with antibiotics, IV fluids, and bowel rest. SORCE alias: ind_perf ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 60 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.12) Indication: Cancer of the Rectum Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Rectal cancer is cancer of the last 8 to 10 inches of the colon. Most rectal cancers begin as small, non-cancerous clusters of cells called adenomatous polyps. SORCE alias: ind_canrec ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 61 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.13) Indication: Bowel Obstruction Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Intestinal obstruction is a blockage of the small intestine or colon. The most common causes of obstruction are: adhesions, hernias or tumors. If left untreated, intestinal obstruction can cause the blocked parts of the intestine to die which can lead to perforation, severe infection, and shock. Obstructions are usually treated on an emergent basis. SORCE alias: ind_bowel ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 62 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.14) Indication: Colostomy Location: Adult Form, E. Operative, Definition: A colostomy is a surgically created opening in the wall of the abdomen created from a remaining portion of the bowel for the elimination of body waste into a special bag. Sometimes a colostomy is temporary, allowing the colon or rectum time to heal after an extensive surgery but in some cases the colostomy may be permanent. SORCE alias: ind_colostomy ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 63 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.15) Indication: Ulcerative Colitis Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes chronic inflammation of the digestive tract; the innermost lining of the colon and rectum are usually the most effected. Surgery usually means removing the entire colon and rectum which is called a proctocolectomy. Next the surgeon will create an ileoanal anastomosis by constructing a pouch from the end of the small intestine attached directly to the anus—which spares the patient from dealing with a colostomy bag. SORCE alias: ind_ulc ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 64 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.16) Indication: Crohn’s Disease Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease in which the lining of the digestive tract becomes inflamed. The inflammation often spreads deep into the layers of affected tissue which is both painful and debilitating to the patient. Surgery is only a temporary measure but can often provide the patient with years of remission. The surgeon will remove the damaged portion of the colon and reconnect the healthy sections. Sometimes the surgeon will also close fistulas or drain abscesses. SORCE alias: ind_crohns ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 65 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.17) Indication: Stricture Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Stricture is a form of bowel obstruction defined as a narrowing of the width of the passageway of the involved segments of the bowel. This narrowing is often caused by chronic inflammation which causes scarring of the tissue so strictures are commonly found in patients with Crohn’s disease. An intestinal obstruction that is caused by stricture can lead to perforation so surgery is often indicated. The surgeon will resect the entire narrowed segment of the bowel. SORCE alias: ind_strict ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 66 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *E6.18) Indication: Gynecological Malignancy Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 67 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *E6.19) Indication: Iatrogenic Colectomy Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Colon surgery that was done secondary to trauma/perforation, bleeding or ischemia secondary to a medical or surgical intervention SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 68 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 E6.20) Indication: Colon Surgery – Other Location: Adult Form, E. Operative Definition: Any colon surgery performed for a reason other than those listed. One example would be a case that was primarily an ovarian cancer (TAH) and it was discovered that the tumor invaded the colon. SORCE alias: ind_coloth ind_coltxt (other specified) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Text Value Codes: 1=Yes;2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric; Character Suggested Data Source: OR record, OR log, anesthesia record, discharge record Abstraction Notes: Extremely important that an operative procedure is checked. Cases are included or excluded from appropriate reports based on this element and this element is also used in many calculations for reporting. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 69 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 F1) Time of First Incision Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: Use 24-hour clock to indicate the time of the first incision. SORCE alias: ): incistime incisna (time not available) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Time (14:00 equals 2:00 p.m.) Value Codes: Allowable Values: 00:00 – 23:59 Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: Anesthesia record, OR log Abstraction Notes: If both the anesthesia start time and the operation start time are listed, use the operation start time. Select NA if this information is not available. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 70 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 F2) In-room Close Time Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: Use 24-hour clock to indicate the time of incision closure in the OR. SORCE alias: closetime closena (time not available) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Time (14:00 equals 2:00 p.m.) Value Codes: Allowable Values: 00:00 – 23:59 Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: Anesthesia record, OR log Abstraction Notes: If both the anesthesia end time and the operation end time are listed, use the operation end time which is defined as the end of the closure time. Select NA if this information is not available. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 71 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 F3) Date of Surgery Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: Indicate the date on which the operation began SORCE alias: surgdt ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Date/Time Suggested Data Source: Anesthesia record, OR log Abstraction Notes: This information is important as is used in data analysis for several metrics. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 72 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 F4) In-room Close Date Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: Indicate the date on which the operation ended SORCE alias: closdt ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Date/Time Suggested Data Source: Anesthesia record, OR log Abstraction Notes: This information is important as is used in data analysis for several metrics. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 73 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 F5) Surgical Approach Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: What was the method of the surgical procedure? Laparoscopic means that the procedure was done entirely through the vision of the laparoscope usually utilizing several small incisions and trocars Laparoscopic converted to open means that after the surgeon began the operation an unexpected complication arose that made it necessary to open the abdomen Laparoscopic, hand-assisted means that an additional incision was made that is the so that the surgeon’s hand could be inserted into the abdomen to assist the operation Open means that there was one incision and no lap ports were used Laparoscopic surgeries may have robotic assistance. SORCE alias: surgproc ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Laparoscopic 2=Lap converted to open 3=Lap, hand-assisted 4=Open 5=Laparoscopic, robotic assistance Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative record; OR log Abstraction Notes: Unless the surgeon indicates that the laparoscopic surgery was hand assisted, indicate that the approach was laparoscopic. The use of instruments through an additional incision does not mean the approach was “laparoscopic, hand assisted”. Insertion of a hand is usually done to further explore or to assist with removal of larger than expected tissue. If the surgeon states in the operative report that the surgical approach was laparoscopic, but it is obvious from the report that the trocars were removed, abdoment deflated and the incision enlarged to allow hand assistance, this would be hand assisted. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 74 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 F6) ASA Class Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: The American Association of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score subjectively categorizes patients into five subgroups by preoperative physical fitness. It was devised in 1941 by the ASA as a statistical tool for retrospective analysis of hospital records. ASA classification makes no adjustment for age, sex, weight, pregnancy, nature of the planned surgery, skill of the anesthesiologist or surgeon, or the degree of pre-theatre preparation or facilities for postoperative care. Table 1. ASA Scores. Class Physical status Example I A completely healthy patient II A patient with mild systemic disease A fit patient with an inguinal hernia Essential hypertension, mild diabetes without end organ damage III A patient with severe systemic disease that is not incapacitating A patient with incapacitating disease that is a constant threat to life A moribund patient who is not expected to live 24 hours with or without surgery IV V Angina, moderate to severe COPD Advanced COPD, cardiac failure Ruptured aortic aneurysm, massive pulmonary embolism E Emergency case *Societies of Anesthesiologists SORCE alias: asaclass ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Mulitple Choice Value Codes: 1 = I 2 = II 3 = III 4 = IV 7=V 5 = Already Intubated 6 = NA Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Anesthesia record Abstraction Notes: There will not be an ASA score if the patient was already intubated; if intubated, check “already intubated”. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 75 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *F7) Highest Perioperative Blood Glucose Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: Record the highest fasting blood glucose test results within 24 hours of incision: blood glucose recorded prior to incision, any blood glucose result during time frame that the patient was in the OR, blood glucose result with 60-minutes of operative close time. If no test performed indicate “No” SORCE alias: peribg bg_not (blood glucose not performed) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Number Value Codes: 1=Yes; 2=No Allowable Values: 10 – 900 mg/dl Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Anesthesia record; OR log; H&P, RN intake assessment; OR holding records; ED records Abstraction Notes: The question applies to ALL procedures: (appendectomy, colorectal and bariatric procedures). Exclusions: Version 3.1 76 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 F8) Insulin Used Perioperatively Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: Was insulin administered during the perioperative period-anytime prior to incision on the day of surgery, during the time that the patient was in the OR, or within 60 minutes of the closing of the incision SORCE alias: insulin ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes; 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Anesthesia record, OR log, nursing admit or preop notes, PACU record Abstraction Notes: The question applies to all procedures and patients. Exclusions: Version 3.1 77 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *F9) Highest blood glucose on post op day 1 Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: Highest recorded blood glucose during post op day 1 Check NA if not done. Post op day 1 is defined as the 24 hour time period that begins at midnight of the day following the day the surgery was finished. The day of surgery is day 0. Surgery finish time is defined as anesthesia end time. SORCE alias: postbg1 postbg1_na (blood glucose not performed) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Number Value Codes: 1=Yes; 2=No Allowable Values: 10 – 900 mg/dl Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: PACU record (if in PACU during any of post op day 1); nursing record/notes Abstraction Notes: The question applies all procedures and all patients Exclusions: Dearh in the OR Version 3.1 78 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *F10) Highest blood glucose on post op day 2 Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: Highest recorded blood glucose during post op day 2 Check NA if not done. Post op day 2 is defined as the 24 time period that begins at midnight of the second day following the day the surgery was finished. The day of surgery is day 0. SORCE alias: postbg2 postbg2_na (blood glucose not performed) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Number Value Codes: 1=Yes; 2=No Allowable Values: 10 – 900 mg/dl Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing record/notes Abstraction Notes: The question applies to all procedures and all patients. Exclusions: Death in the OR Version 3.1 79 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 F11) Lowest post-op blood glucose Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: Lowest recorded blood glucose during the 48 hrs ending at the close of Post Op Day 2. Post op day 2 is defined as the 24 time period that begins at midnight of the second day following the day the surgery was finished. The day of surgery is day 0. SORCE alias: lowpostbg lowpostbg_na (blood glucose not performed) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Number Value Codes: 1=Yes; 2=No Allowable Values: 10 – 900 mg/dl Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing record/notes Abstraction Notes: The question applies to all procedures and all patients. Exclusions: Death in the OR Version 3.1 80 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 F12) Lowest Intra-operative Temperature Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: The lowest temperature recorded during the operation, after the incision and before closure SORCE alias: lowtemp lowtpna (temp not available) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Number Value Codes: 1=Yes; 2=No Allowable Values: 32.0 – 41.0 (degrees centigrade) Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Anesthesia record Abstraction Notes: The question applies only to colorectal and bariatric procedures. The intent is to know if the patient was cold during the operation. Exclusions: Appendectomy cases Version 3.1 81 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 F13) Death in the Operating Room Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: Did the patient expire while in the operating room? SORCE alias: or_death ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Anesthesia record; OR log; OP record, Discharge summary Abstraction Notes: The question applies to all procedures. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 82 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 F14) First Temperature on Arrival to Recovery Room Location: Adult Form, F. Intra Operative Definition: What was the first recorded temperature upon arrival to the recovery room or ICU? This is defined as within the 30 minute immediately prior to or the 15 minutes immediately after anesthesia end time. If there is no recorded temperature within 15 miutes after anesthesia end time, then check for the last temperature recorded within the 30minute time period just prior to anesthesia endtime SORCE alias: frsttemp firstna (temp not available) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Number Value Codes: 1=Yes; 2=No Allowable Values: 34.0 – 41.0 (degrees centigrade) Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: PACU record; ICU record Abstraction Notes: The question applies only to colorectal and bariatric procedures. Exclusions: Appendectomy cases or if death in the OR Version 3.1 83 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G1) DVT Prophylaxis- Within 24 hour of incision Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Heparin or low molecular weight heparin or synthetic factor Xa administered within 24 hrs of incision. This time period is defined as 24 hours prior to the surgical incision through discharge from post-anesthesia care/recovery area. If yes, indicate medication, dosage and frequency of the order. If no, was contraindication documented? SORCE alias: Historic variable: hep12hr ARMUS Variable Name(s): Within 24 hrs of incision Heparin dose frequency hours Enoxaparin dose frequency hours Dalteparin dose frequency hours Tinzaparin dose frequency hours Fondaparinux dose frequency hours Field Format Multiple Choice Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Allowable Values* 1=Yes, 2=No, 3=Contraindicated 5000 – 10000 units 1 - 24 20 – 120 mg 1 - 24 2500 – 10000 IU 1 - 24 10000 – 30000 units 1 - 24 2.5 – 10.0 mg 1 - 24 Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Medication Administration Record, Perioperative Nursing Record, Anesthesia Record Abstraction Notes: If IV order for Heparin indicate number of units ordered per hour; can be per 24 hours if that is the order. Patients on Coumadin for the treatment of atrial fibrillation meet this metric. While the surgeon may not have used the word Version 3.1 84 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 “contraindication”, examples of contraindications are an order for Vitamin K and/or a blood transfusion. Special note: The reason for the detailed data elements for this and the other DVT prophylaxis items are that after a 3 year period that ends December 2010, a grant will fund analysis of this data to determine if there is any relationship between DVT prophylaxis measures and re-admits for DVTs or pulmonary embolism. Exclusions: Not applicable if death in the OR or for appendectomy case Version 3.1 85 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G2) DVT Prophylaxis – Ordered Post - op Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Heparin, LMW heparin, Coumadin synthetic factor Xa ordered post-op for in-hospital use after the first 24 hrs; if yes, indicate medication, dosage and frequency of the order. If no, was contraindication documented? SORCE alias: Historic variable: heppost ARMUS Variable Name(s): Ordered Post-op Heparin dose frequency hours days Enoxaparin dose frequency hours days Dalteparin dose frequency hours days Tinzaparin dose frequency hours days Fondaparinux dose frequency hours days Coumadin dose frequency hours Field Format Multiple Choice Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Allowable Values* 1=Yes, 2=No, 3=Contraindicated 5000 - 10000 units 1 - 24 0 - 90 20 -120 mg 1 - 24 0 - 90 2500 - 10000 IU 1 - 24 0 - 90 10000 -30000 units 1 - 24 0 - 90 2.5 – 10.0 mg 1 - 24 0 - 90 1.0 – 10.0 mg 1 - 24 Version 3.1 86 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 days Number 0 - 90 Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Post-Op Physician Orders Abstraction Notes: Indicate if there was an order for in-house use of prophylaxis after the first 24 hours post-op. If medication order changed during the hospital stay post-op, indicate all the medications that were ordered. If order for same medication changes during this time period, select order closest to discharge. You do not need to verify if prophylaxis was actually administered. Patients on the Coumadin for the treatment of atrial fibrillation may meet this metric. While the surgeon may not have used the word “contraindication”, examples of contraindications are an order for Vitamin K and/or a blood transfusion. Exclusions: Not applicable if death in the OR or for appendectomy case Version 3.1 87 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G3) DVT Prophylaxis – Order on Discharge Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Heparin, LMW heparin, Coumadin synthetic factor Xa ordered on discharge; if yes, indicate medication, dosage and frequency of the order. If no, was contraindication documented? Ordered on discharge Heparin dose frequency hours days Enoxaparin dose frequency hours days Dalteparin dose frequency hours days Tinzaparin dose frequency hours days Fondaparinux dose frequency hours days Coumadin dose frequency hours days Field Format Multiple Choice Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Number Yes/No Number Multiple Choice Number Number Allowable Values* 1=Yes, 2=No, 3=Contraindicated 5000 - 10000 units 1 - 24 0 - 90 20 -120 mg 1 - 24 0 - 90 2500 - 10000 IU 1 - 24 0 - 90 10000 -30000 units 1 - 24 0 - 90 2.5 – 10.0 mg 1 - 24 0 - 90 1.0 – 10.0 mg 1 - 24 0 - 90 Data Storage Type: Numeric Version 3.1 88 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Suggested Data Source: Discharge summary or discharge/transfer orders, Discharge Instruction Sheet Abstraction Notes: If the discharge order includes only the medication dosage and frequency, but not the number of days, check “number of days not specified”. Patients on Coumadin for the treatment of atrial fibrillation may meet the criterion for this metric. While the surgeon may not have used the word “contraindication”, examples of contraindications are an order for Vitamin K and/or a blood transfusion. Exclusions: Not applicable if discharge disposition is death or if appendectomy case Version 3.1 89 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G4) Intermittent pneumatic compression in the OR Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Was the patient on intermittent pneumatic compression in the OR? Yes or no SORCE alias: pneucomp pneucomp_na (not available) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 =Yes 2= No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, anesthesia record; Physician orders Abstraction Notes: This refers to whether or not the patient had intermittent compression boots applied and used in the OR. This is a care process to help prevent DVTs. Exclusions: Appendectomy cases Version 3.1 90 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G5) Beta Blocker administered within 24 hours pre-op Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Beta Blocker given within the 24 hour period prior to being in the OR yes or no, or contraindicated. SORCE alias: betapre ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Contraindicated Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, MD or nursing admission notes, Preop notes; Physician orders Abstraction Notes: There must be some documentation that the beta blocker was actually taken, but the documentation does not need to include the exact time; this cannot be inferred from the fact that the patient has been on beta blockers routinely. Contraindications include low blood pressure, slow heart rate or if the patient is on vasopressors to raise their blood pressure; also if there is any documentation regarding a contraindication for any other reason. The intent of this and the next BB data element is to determine if those who were on BB medications prior to having surgery are not abruptly withdrawn. Exclusions: Appendectomy cases Version 3.1 91 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G6) Beta Blocker administered intraoperatively Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Beta Blocker given within the intraopertive time period-the time when the patient is in the OR through discharge from the post anesthesia care/recovery area. If the patient is admitted to another location other than the post anesthesia area, e.g. ICU, the recovery period ends a maximum of 6 hours after arrival to the recovery area. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Contraindicated Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, MD or nursing admission notes, Preop notes; Physician orders Abstraction Notes: There must be some documentation that the beta blocker was actually given, but the documentation does not need to include the exact time; this cannot be inferred from the fact that the patient has been on beta blockers routinely. Contraindications include low blood pressure, slow heart rate or if the patient is on vasopressors to raise their blood pressure; also if there is any documentation regarding a contraindication for any other reason. The intent of this and the next BB data element is to determine if those who were on BB medications prior to having surgery are not abruptly withdrawn. Exclusions: Appendectomy cases Version 3.1 92 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G7) Beta Blocker ordered within 24 hrs post-op Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Beta Blocker ordered within 24 hours post-op; beta blockers given anytime prior to incision and prior to discharge from the post anesthesia/recovery area are not included as being given post-op. Indicate yes or no, or contraindicated SORCE alias: betapost ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Contraindicated Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Abstraction Notes: Check if a beta blocker is ordered post-op as a regularly administered medication. The emphasis is on if the beta blocker was ordered; you do not need to check to see if it was administered. Contraindications include low blood pressure, slow heart rate or if the patient is on vasopressors to raise their blood pressure; also if there is any documentation regarding a contraindication for any other reason. Exclusions: Appendectomy cases or if death in the OR Version 3.1 93 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G8) Antibiotics: On antibiotics for the treatment of infection Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: On antibiotics for the treatment of an infection? Yes or no. If yes, at this hospital/upon admission or at a transferring hospital? SORCE alias: antiprev antihosp1 antihosp2 (this hospital) (transferring hospital) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes 2= No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, MD or nursing admission notes, Physician orders Abstraction Notes: Check yes if the patient was being treated with antibiotics for a preexisting infection. The patient may have been placed on antibiotics for the treatment of an infection prior to admission so come into the hospital having already been placed on antibiotics at home or upon admission. If the patient is on a chronic low dose antibiotic for a chronic condition such as acne, this is not a prophylactic antibiotic for the surgery in question. In this situation, check “no” for pt being treated for an infection as they are not being treated for an active infection. In the rare event that an antibiotic as being taken for some other unusual reason that had nothing to do with the surgery in question and has not been taken within approximately 8 hours of the surgery, the patient still qualifies for a prophylactic antibiotic, and should it should be given. Exclusions: Appendectomy cases Version 3.1 94 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G9) Antibiotics: Were prophylactic antibiotics indicated Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Were prophylactic antibiotics indicated? Yes or no SORCE alias: antiproph ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes 2= No Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, MD or nursing admission notes, Physician orders Abstraction Notes: The answer should be “yes” unless the patient is already being treated for a pre-existing infection as prophylactic antibiotics are indicated for all bariatric and colorectal cases. Exclusions: Appendectomy cases or if death in the OR Version 3.1 95 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G9a) Antibiotics: Administered within 60 minutes Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Was the antibiotic delivered within 60 min? Yes or no SORCE alias: antiadmn ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes 2= No Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, MD or nursing admission notes, Physician orders Abstraction Notes: Within 60 minutes means within 60 minutes of the incision being made; the dose does not necessarily have to be completely infused prior to the incision being made. Patients who receive vancomycin or a fluoroquinolone for prophylactic antibiotics should have the antibiotics initiated within two hours prior to the surgical incision. Due to the longer infusion time required for vancomycin or a fluoroquinolone, it is acceptable to start these antibiotics within two hours prior to incision time. Exclusions: Appendectomy cases or if death in the OR Version 3.1 96 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G9b) Antibiotics: Discontinued within 24 hours Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Was the antibiotic discontinued within 24 after incision closure? Yes or no Incision closure time is defined as anesthesia end time SORCE alias: antidisc1 Historic Variable: antidisc0 ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Physician orders, PACU notes, nursing record, MAR Abstraction Notes: In order to answer yes to the prophylactic antibiotic being discontinued within 24 hours, the prophylactic antibiotic must have been discontinued within 24 hours of the incision being closed. This time is defined as anesthesia end time. If an infection is found during the surgery time, and antibiotics are then ordered for treatment of the infection, and the prophylactic antibiotic was discontinued within the 24 hr time period, the answer to this data element can still be “yes”. This is important as the goal of prophylaxis is to provide benefit to the patient with as little risk as possible. Intraoperative dosing may be needed for long operations as it is important to maintain therapeutic serum and tissue levels throughout the operation. Exclusions: Appendectomy cases or if death in the OR Version 3.1 97 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G10) Pain management: Epidural Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Epidural ordered for pain control within 24 hours of procedure completion. No, Yes, If no, contraindicated, no or yes SORCE alias: pain_epi ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Contraindicated Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Discharge Note, Anesthesia Record Abstraction Notes: The question applies only to colorectal and bariatric procedures. Includes intrathecal MS placement prior to surgery. You do not need to check to see if the patient actually received the ordered medication. Contraindications are patient refusal, any coagulopathy, concurrent use of enoxaparin/heparin, and patient anatomy that makes epidural placement not feasible. Exclusions: Appendectomy or death in the OR Version 3.1 98 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G10a) Pain management: PCEA Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Patient controlled epidural analgesic (PCEA) ordered for pain control within 24 hours of procedure completion. No, Yes SORCE alias: pain_pcea ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Discharge Note, Anesthesia Record Abstraction Notes: The question applies only to colorectal and bariatric procedures. Includes intrathecal MS placement prior to surgery. You do not need to check to see if the patient actually received the ordered medication. Contraindications are patient refusal, any coagulopathy, concurrent use of enoxaparin/heparin, patient anatomy that makes epidural placement not feasible, and inability of patient to understand and/or manipulate the PCEA. Exclusions: Appendectomy or death in the OR Version 3.1 99 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G11) Pain management: PCA Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) with the use of IV narcotics ordered for pain control within 24 hours of procedure completion. No, Yes, If no, contraindicated, no or yes SORCE alias: pain_pca ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Contraindicated Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Discharge Note, Anesthesia Record Abstraction Notes: The question applies only to colorectal and bariatric procedures. You do not need to check to see that the patient actually received the medication. Contraindications are inability of the patient to understand or manipulate the PCA or opioid intolerance. Exclusions: Appendectomy or death in the OR Version 3.1 100 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G12) Pain management: NSAID Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: NSAID ordered for pain control within 24 hours of procedure completion. No, Yes, If no, contraindicated, no or yes SORCE alias: pain_nsaid ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Contraindicated Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Discharge Note, Anesthesia Record Abstraction Notes: The question applies only to colorectal and bariatric procedures. You do not need to check to see that the patient actually received the ordered medication. Contraindications are intolerance of NSAIDS, kidney or liver disease, and platelet dysfunction or a coagulopathy. See separate listing for NSAID medication names for your reference; it may not include very new medications. Exclusions: Appendectomy or death in the OR Version 3.1 101 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G13) Pain management: Narcotic drip Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Narcotic drip ordered for pain control within 24 hours of procedure completion. No, Yes, If no, contraindicated, no or yes A narcotic drip is defined as a peripheral IV infusion that is continuous. SORCE alias: pain_narc ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Contraindicated Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Discharge Note, Anesthesia Record Abstraction Notes: The question applies only to colorectal and bariatric procedures. The pain management data elements are meant to see if advanced pain control measures are being used for good pain control. Intermittent or prn IV or IM narcotics are not included. Contraindication is opioid intolerance. Exclusions: Appendectomy or death in the OR Version 3.1 102 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G14) Pain management: Other Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Other pain control measures ordered for pain control within 24 hours of procedure completion. SORCE alias: pain_oth ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Discharge Note, Anesthesia Record Abstraction Notes: The question applies only to colorectal and bariatric procedures. Is yes, specify other pain management modality ordered within 24 hrs post-op; name class of drug and route. PO narcotics and prn IV narcotics are not included in this data element as the intent of this set of data elements is to look at more advanced pain control approaches. An example of something that would be categorized as “other” is subarachnoid anesthesia within the first 24 hours post op. Spinal anesthesia would be an example of a type of pain management that would go in this category. Exclusions: Appendectomy or death in the OR Version 3.1 103 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G14a) Pain management: Other, specify modality Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Specify the type of pain control method other than epidural, PCA, NSAID or narcotic drip that was ordered for pain control within 24 hours of procedure completion. SORCE alias: pain_txt ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Text Value Codes: Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Character Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Discharge Note, Anesthesia Record Abstraction Notes: The question applies only to colorectal and bariatric procedures. Exclusions: Appendectomy or death in the OR Version 3.1 104 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G15) Entereg administered Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Was Entereg (generic is alvimopan) administered after this surgery? No or Yes; Applicable only to non-lap band bariatric and colorectal surgeries SORCE Alias: entereg ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, PACU notes, MAR Abstraction Notes: This is a new drug that blocks the negative effect of narcotics on the gut-for prevention of ileus. Randomized, controlled trials have shown to decrease the LOS after gastrointestinal surgery by >20 hrs. Entereg generally is given within 4 hours preop, and then bid orally for up to 15 doses. This data is being captured to ascertain if LOS is shorter for the SCOAP patients that receive Entereg. Exclusions: Appendectomy and lap band bariatric surgeries; death in the OR. Version 3.1 105 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G16) Aloxi administered Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Was Aloxi administered at any time during the hospitalization? No or Yes; Applicable to ALL surgeries SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR record, PACU notes, MAR Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Version 3.1 106 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G17) Statin post-op Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Answer whether or not a statin was ordered post-op for in-hospital use. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Anesthesia record, Nursing or Medicine progress notes, PACU record Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Not applicable if death in the OR Version 3.1 107 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G18) Nasogastric tube Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Answer whether or not patient left the operating room with a nasogastric tube in place. SORCE alias: nasotube ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Anesthesia record, Nursing or Medicine progress notes, PACU record Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Not applicable if death in the OR Version 3.1 108 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G19) Gastrostomy tube drainage Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Answer whether or not patient left the operating room with a gastrostomy tube set to drain in place. SORCE alias: gastube ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Anesthesia record, Nursing or Medicine progress notes, PACU record Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Not applicable if death in the OR Version 3.1 109 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G20) Estimated Blood Loss Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Estimated blood loss during surgery? Choose the category that best describes the amount of blood loss: less than 50cc, 50 – 250cc or more than 250cc. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple choice Value Codes: 1 = <50cc 2 = 50-250cc 3 = >250cc 4 = NA Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note. Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Appendectomy Version 3.1 110 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G21) Red blood cell transfusion Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Answer whether or not patient received a red blood cell transfusion (RBC) or packed red blood cells (PRBC) in the OR or within 24 hours of procedure completion. SORCE alias: trnsfusn rbc_na ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, PACU record, post-op nursing or medicine progress notes. Abstraction Notes: You can indicate “yes” if the transfusion was started; do not need to verify that the transfusion was completed. Exclusions: Appendectomy or if death in the OR Version 3.1 111 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G21a) Red blood cell transfusion units Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: If red blood cells were transfused, how many units were transfused within 24 hours of procedure completion. SORCE alias: trnsunit ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Number Value Codes: Allowable Values: whole numbers (1-30) Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Discharge Note, Nursing summary Abstraction Notes: Only include those units that began transfusion in the OR or within 24 hours post-op. You do not need to check to see that the units were completely transfused. Exclusions: Appendectomy or if death in the OR Version 3.1 112 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G21b) Lowest hemoglobin Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: If transfusion, indicate the lowest recorded hemoglobin in the 12 hours prior the the transfusion order. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Number Value Codes: Allowable Values: 4.5 – 20.0 Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Discharge Note, Nursing summary, Lab values document Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Appendectomy Version 3.1 113 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G22) Red blood cell transfusion after 24 hrs post-op Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Answer whether or not patient received a red blood cell transfusion (RBC) or packed red blood cells (PRBC) after 24 hours post-op; if yes, how many units? Note: Evaluate only the first 30 post-op days of a hospitalization that is longer than 30 days. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, PACU record, post-op nursing or medicine progress notes. Abstraction Notes: You can indicate “yes” if the transfusion was started; do not need to verify that the transfusion was completed. Exclusions: Appendectomy or if death in the OR Version 3.1 114 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G22a) Red blood cell transfusion units Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: If red blood cells were transfused, how many units were transfused after 24 hours post-op. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Number Value Codes: Allowable Values: whole numbers (1-30) Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Discharge Note, Nursing summary Abstraction Notes: Only include those units that began transfusing after 24 hours postop. You do not need to check to see that the units were completely transfused. Exclusions: Appendectomy or if death in the OR Version 3.1 115 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G22b) Lowest hemoglobin Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: If transfusion, indicate the lowest recorded hemoglobin in the 12 hours prior the transfusion order. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Number Value Codes: Allowable Values: 4.5 – 20.0 Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note, Discharge Note, Nursing summary, Lab values document Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Appendectomy Version 3.1 116 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G23) Last hemoglobin prior to discharge Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: The last hemoglobin that was reported prior to actual discharge. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Number Value Codes: Allowable Values: 4.5 – 20.0 Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Lab values documents, Discharge Note, Nursing summary Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Appendectomy Version 3.1 117 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G24) Mechanical ventilation Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Answer if there was mechanical ventilation performed at any time beyond the recovery room. SORCE alias: vent mechna ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing notes of care beyond the recovery room; respiratory therapy record Abstraction Notes: If the patient is chronic ventilator patient, the response to this is not applicable-the number of ventilator hours post op for these patients does not represent a complication. You should round up the number to the nearest whole number, e.g. rather than enter 24.6 hrs, enter 25 hrs. Also, do not spend an inordinate amount of time to determine this number as many times the patient may be off and on the ventilator several times; documentation regarding exactly when these times occurred may not be clear. Exclusions: Death in the OR or chronic ventilator patient Version 3.1 118 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G24a) Mechanical ventilation hours Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Total number of hours patient received mechanical beyond the recovery room. SORCE alias: venthrs ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Number Value Codes: Allowable Values: 3 digits (1 – 3000) Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing notes for care given beyond recovery room; respiratory therapy record Abstraction Notes: If patient is off and on ventilator, estimate total hours that the patient was mechanically ventilated. Exclusions: Death in the OR, or chronic ventilator patient Version 3.1 119 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G25) Highest Creatinine Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition:. Highest creatinine level during this hospitalization; from admission to discharge. Note: Evaluate only the first 30 post-op days of a hospitalization that is longer than 30 days. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Number Value Codes: Allowable Values: 0.1 – 15.0 mg/dl Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Laboratory tests Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Appendectomy cases Version 3.1 120 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G26) Postoperative events Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Did any of these events occur during the postoperative time period: myocardial infarction (heart attack), cardiovascular accident (CVA or stroke), an unplanned ICU stay, a fall with injury requiring surgical intervention or a c-Difficile infection. If yes, indicate all that apply. Check c-Difficile infection only if there is laboratory confirmation of infection. Note: Record only events that occurred during the first 30 post-op days of the current hospitalization. Post discharge events are recorded elsewhere. SORCE alias: pop_events pop_mi pop_cva pop_icu pop_fall pop_cdiff ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1= Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: PACU record, nursing notes, progress notes, discharge summary Abstraction Notes: The intent of this question is to determine complications that may have affected a number of the outcomes metrics. An unplanned ICU stay refers to any ICU stay that was not planned prior to the surgery, e.g. for some surgeries, the normal progression after surgery is to move from the PACU to ICU for at least a short stay. Exclusions: Death in the OR Version 3.1 121 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *G27) Discharge Disposition Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: Location patient was discharged to from the hospital. If patient expired in hospital, location would be recorded as “death”. SORCE alias: disption ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple choice Value Codes: 1=Home 2=Rehab facility 3=SNF (skilled nursing facility) 4=Other location Option removed 5=Other acute care hospital 6=Death Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Discharge Summary, Nursing notes Abstraction Notes: Indicate SNF if discharged to Hospice unit or care program. For a discharge with home health care or to any place where the patient lives permanently, including a family or group home, choose “home” as the discharge disposition. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 122 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 G27a) Discharge: Death Specification Location: Adult Form, G. Perioperative Interventions Definition: If patient expired prior to discharge from hospital, define when event occurred. SORCE alias: disption_sp ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple choice Value Codes: 1=Death in the O.R. 2=Death within 24 hrs post-op 3=Death after 24 hrs post-op Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: None Version 3.1 123 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H1) Reintervention: Any Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had any of the surgical operations or therapies listed below during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure within 30 days, select “Yes” If the patient did not have any, select “No” (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) Abdominal re-operation: Any or any of the listed Abdominal procedures below: Colostomy or ileostomy Abscess drainage Operative drain placement Gastrostomy Gastrostomy revision Re-exploration/washout (option removed) Anastomotic revision Band replacement Band/port revision Wound revision Negative re-exploration Reoperation for bleeding Other (specify:_________________) Tracheal reintubation NG tube replacement (non-routine) Tracheostomy Placement of percutaneous drain Anticoagulation therapy for presumed/confirmed DVT Anticoagulation therapy for presumed/confirmed PE Antibiotic for presumed/confirmed infection Wound reopened Radiologically demonstrated anastomotic leak Radiologically demonstrated enterocutaneous fistula Other (specify :_____________________________________________________) SORCE alias: intvn_none ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Special Procedures, CT, Endoscopy Area, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is a required field. If any of the re-operative events occur within the OR during the index surgery, e.g. re-intubated due to laryngospasam or an NG tube was placed during the index operation, this is not a re-intervention. Version 3.1 124 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 125 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H2) Reintervention: Abdominal re-operation Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had any of the surgical operations listed below during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days, select “Abdominal re-operation” (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) Colostomy or ileostomy Abscess drainage Operative drain placement Gastrostomy Gastrostomy revision Re-exploration/washout (option removed) Anastomotic revision Band replacement Band/port revision Wound revision Negative re-exploration Reoperation for bleeding Other (specify:_________________) SORCE alias: intvn_abreop ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Special Procedures, CT, Endoscopy Area, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field unless a reintervention occurred. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 126 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H2.1) Reintervention: Colostomy or ileostomy Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had the surgical operations “Colostomy or ileostomy” during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days, select “Colostomy or ileostomy” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_ostomy dt_ostomy ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Special Procedures, CT, Endoscopy Area, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 127 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H2.2) Reintervention: Abscess drainage Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had the surgical operation(s) “Abscess drainage” during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days, select “Abscess drainage” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_abss dt_abss ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 128 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H2.3) Reintervention: Operative Drain Placement Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had the surgical operation(s) “Operative Drain Placement” during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days, select “Operative Drain Placement” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_opdrain dt_opdrain ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 129 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H2.4) Reintervention: Gastrostomy Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had the surgical operation(s) “Gastrostomy” during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days, select “Gastrostomy” and enter the date of the reintervention. Includes if the gastrostomy was for placement of a feeding tube of any kind. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_gastro dt_gastro ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 130 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H2.5) Reintervention: Gastrostomy revision Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had the surgical operation(s) “Gastrostomy revision” during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days, select “Gastrostomy revision” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_gasrev dt_gasrev ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 131 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H2.6) Reintervention: Anastomotic revision Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had the surgical operation(s) “Anastomotic revision” during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days, select “Anastomotic revision” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_anast dt_anast ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 132 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H2.7) Reintervention: Band Replacement Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had the surgical operation(s) “Band Replacement” during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days, select “Band Replacement” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_band dt_band ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 133 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H2.8) Reintervention: Band/port revision Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had the surgical operation(s) “Band/port revision” during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days, select “Band/port revision” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_bprev dt_bprev ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 134 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H2.9) Reintervention: Wound revision or evisceration Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had the surgical operation(s) “Wound revision or evisceration” during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days, select “Wound revision or evisceration” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_evis dt_evis ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 135 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H2.10) Reintervention: Negative re-exploration Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had the surgical operation(s) “Negative re-exploration” during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days, select “Negative re-exploration” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_reexp dt_reexp ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Negative re-exploration means that the surgeon took the patient back to surgery to determine is there was a problem in the surgical area because the patient has symptoms that suggest this, and did not find anything that was problematic; therefore, is a negative finding. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 136 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *H2.11) Reintervention: Reoperation for bleeding Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had surgical operation(s) for bleeding (including the post-op diagnosis of hematoma evacuation, bleeding, hemorrhage or hemostasis) select “reoperation for bleeding” and enter the date of the reintervention. The reoperation should have occurred during this hospitalization and following the index abdominal procedure and within 30 days, (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 137 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H2.12) Reintervention: Other Reoperation Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient had another surgical operation(s) that is not listed and within 30 days postoperatively, please select “Other”, describe the procedure on the “specify” notation and list the date of the “Other” reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_reopoth dt_reopoth txt_reopoth ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date; Text Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time;Character Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 138 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H3) Reintervention: Tracheal reintubation Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: If the patient has to be reintubated during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days because of respiratory or other issues, select “Tracheal reintubation” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_intube dt_intube ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary, Respiratory therapy record, Anesthesia Record, PACU record Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. If this occurs more than once, enter the date of the first re-intubation only. Exclusions: Death in OR, other procedures requiring general or spinal anesthesia after the principle procedure. Version 3.1 139 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H4) Reintervention: NG tube replacement Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: (Non-routine) NG tube replacement during this hospitalization and following the abdominal procedure and within 30 days because of loss of initial NG tube function or other issues, select “NG tube replacement” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_ngrepl dt_ngrepl ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary, Respiratory therapy record, Anesthesia Record, PACU record, Nurses Note Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 140 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H5) Reintervention: Tracheostomy Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: Tracheostomy performed during this hospitalization and within 30 days of the operation, perioperatively or postoperatively because of loss of airway, chronic ventilator support or other issues, select “Tracheostomy” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_trach dt_trach ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary, Respiratory therapy record, Anesthesia Record, PACU record, Nurses Note, ICU (flow sheet) record Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR, patient has Tracheostomy prior to admission. Version 3.1 141 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H6) Reintervention: Percutaneous drain Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: Use or placement of percutaneous drain during this hospitalization and within 30 days postoperatively due to abscess, fluid collection or other issues, select “Placement of percutaneous drain” and enter the date of the reintervention. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_percdrain dt_percdrain ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date Value Codes: Allowable Values: mm/dd/yyyy Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: OR Record, Procedural transcription, Progress Notes, Discharge Summary, Anesthesia Record, Nurses Note, ICU (flow sheet) record, Special Procedures record Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR, Appendectomy. Version 3.1 142 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H7) Reintervention: Anticoagulation therapy for DVT Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: Use of Anticoagulation therapy for presumed/confirmed DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) during this hospitalization and within 30 days, select “Anticoagulation therapy for presumed/confirmed DVT” (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_dvt ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Progress Notes, Discharge Summary, Nurses Note, ICU (flow sheet) record Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 143 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H8) Reintervention: Anticoagulation therapy for PE Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: Use of Anticoagulation therapy for presumed/confirmed PE (Pulmonary Embolism) during this hospitalization and within 30 days, select “Anticoagulation therapy for presumed/confirmed PE” (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_pe ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Progress Notes, Discharge Summary, Nurses Note, ICU (flow sheet) record, Radiology Report Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 144 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *H9) Reintervention: Antibiotic for infection Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: Use of antibiotic for presumed/confirmed infection during this hospitalization and within 30 days.(Not applicable if death in the O.R.) Indicate type of infection: wound/skin, pnuemonia, UTI, other. Check all that apply (Does not include cDifficile) SORCE alias: intvn_infect inf_skin inf_pneumo inf_uti inf_other ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Progress Notes, Discharge Summary, Nurses Note, ICU (flow sheet) record, Radiology Report, Medication Administration Report Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 145 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H10) Reintervention: Wound reopened Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: Wound reopened during this hospitalization and within 30 days, select “Wound reopened” (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_wound ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Progress Notes, Discharge Summary, Nurses Note, ICU (flow sheet) record Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Wound re-opened does not include routine wound care-routine wound care refers to situations where the wound may have been left open in the OR and packing/removing packing and/or probing to keep the wound open may be taking place on a daily basis. The intent of this data element is to note when the closed wound is reopened secondary to a presumed infection. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 146 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H11) Reintervention: Radiologically demonstrated leak Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: Radiologically demonstrated anastomotic leak during this hospitalization and within 30 days from the operation, select “Radiologically demonstrated anastomotic leak” (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_leak ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Progress Notes, Discharge Summary, Nurses Note, ICU (flow sheet) record, Radiology Report Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Check if a leak demonstrated by barium enema, upper GI and/or CT scan. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 147 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H12) Reintervention: Radiologically demonstrated fistula Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: Radiologically demonstrated enterocutaneous fistula during this hospitalization and within 30 days from the operation, select “Radiologically demonstrated enterocutaneous fistula.” (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) SORCE alias: intvn_fistula ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Progress Notes, Discharge Summary, Nurses Note, ICU (flow sheet) record, Radiology Report Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Check if this demonstrated by barium enema, upper GI and/or CT scan. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 148 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 H13) Reintervention: Other Location: Adult Form, H. Reintervention Definition: Reintervention during this hospitalization which is significant to this admission and is not listed in the list below, select “Other”. Specify with a short description in the text field provided. (Not applicable if death in the O.R.) Colostomy or ileostomy Abscess drainage Operative drain placement Gastrostomy Gastrostomy revision Re-exploration/washout (option removed) Anastomotic revision Band replacement Band/port revision Wound revision Negative re-exploration Reoperation for bleeding Other (specify:_________________) Tracheal Reintubation NG tube replacement (non-routine) Tracheostomy Placement of Percutaneous drain Anticoagulation therapy for presumed/confirmed DVT Anticoagulation therapy for presumed/confirmed PE Antibiotic for presumed infection Wound reopened Radiologically demonstrated anastomotic leak Radiologically demonstrated enterocutaneous fistula SORCE alias: intvn_other txt_other ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Text Value Codes: Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric; Character Suggested Data Source: Progress Notes, Discharge Summary, Nurses Note, ICU (flow sheet) record, Radiology Report, Ultrasound Report Abstraction Notes: This is not a required field. Exclusions: Death in OR Version 3.1 149 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 I1) Bariatric: Prior foregut surgery Location: Adult Form, I. Bariatric Definition: Documentation of any previous operation in the abdomen, regardless of date or facility. Include if it took place during this hospitalization, but prior to this operation. Foregut is the anterior part of the alimentary canal, from the mouth to the duodenum at the entrance of the bile duct. At this point it is contiguous with the midgut. Structures of the foregut are the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, live, gallbladder and the superior portion of the pancreas. Foregut surgeries include surgeries such as small bowel surgery; cholecystectomies, surgery for biliary obstructions or surgery for gastric cancer. SORCE alias: priorsx ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, MD or nursing admission notes, discharge summary Abstraction Notes: Usually found in surgical history in the H&P Exclusions: None Version 3.1 150 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *I2) Bariatric: Procedure of record Location: Adult Form, I. Bariatric Definition: What type of procedure did the patient have performed. Bypass (proximal or distal), biliopancreatic bypass, liliopancreatic bypass with duodenal switch, adjustable band (and size). Proximal gastric bypass is a Roux limb less then or equal to 150cm. Distal gastric bypass is a Roux limb greater than 150cm PLUS a “common channel” of less than 200 cm. Other gastric bypass: If a Roux limb is greater than 150 cm, but there is no mention of the common channel being less than 200 cm, indicate “other gatric bypass” and specify the Roux length. Indicate the band size for the lap band procedure. “AP standard” is a brand name that is an 11cm size and “AP Large” is a 12.2cm size. In the unusual event that a band surgery is converted to a bypass, the operation type is a bypass surgery and “yes” should be checked on the “prior foregut surgery” question above. SORCE alias: barproc roux smbowel bandsize sizespec ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice, Yes/No Value Codes: Procedure Type 1=Gastric bypass (proximal) 2=Gastric bypass (distal) 3=Biliopancreatic bypass 4=Biliopancreatic bypass with duodenal switch 5=Adjustable Lap Band 6=Sleeve gastrectomy 7=Other gastric bypass Band Size 1=9.5cm 2=10cm 3=11cm 4=AP Standard 5=AP Large 6=Other 7=NA (not available) Small Bowel Resection 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Not applicable Version 3.1 151 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative report, discharge summary Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: None Version 3.1 152 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 I3) Bariatric: Stomach divided Location: Adult Form, I. Bariatric Definition: Was the stomach divided during the procedure SORCE alias: divided ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Not applicable for lap band operations Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative record Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: None Version 3.1 153 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *I4) Post-op urinary catheter Location: Adult Form, I. Bariatric Definition: Indicate if the urinary catheter was removed prior to discharge. If yes, indicate on which post-op day. The day of surgery is day zero. Not applicable if no urinary catheter in place post-op or if patient has a permanent indwelling urinary catheter. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Not applicable Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing or surgeon notes, discharge summary Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: None Version 3.1 154 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *I5) Bariatric: Distal anastomosis technique Location: Adult Form, I. Bariatric Definition: Indicate if the anastomosis technique is described. Specify whether the anastomosis was stapled and/or handsewn. If stapled, indicate whether circular or linear. If linear, indicate the number of fires of the stapler and if a sealing device was used. If a sealing device was used, indicate how many devices. Note: This information is optional at this time SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No staple type 1=circular 2=linear Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative record Abstraction Notes: . Exclusions: lap band operations and sleeve gastrectomy without small bowel resection Version 3.1 155 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *I6) Bariatric: Proximal anastomosis technique Location: Adult Form, I. Bariatric Definition: Indicate if the anastomosis technique is described. Specify whether the anastomosis was stapled and/or handsewn. If stapled, indicate whether circular or linear. If linear, indicate the number of fires of the stapler and if a sealing device was used. If a sealing device was used, indicate how many devices. Note: This information is optional at this time SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No staple type 1=circular 2=linear Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative record Abstraction Notes: . Exclusions: lap band operations Version 3.1 156 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 I7) Bariatric: Anastomosis tested Location: Adult Form, I. Bariatric Definition: Was the anastamosis tested SORCE alias: b_anastest ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative record Abstraction Notes: Do not infer that if a scope was used during the procedure that it was used for anastomosis testing; the Op Note must specifically state that the scope was used for anastomosis testing. Exclusions: Lap band operations Version 3.1 157 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 I7.x) Bariatric: Anastomosis test type Location: Adult Form, I. Bariatric Definition: How was the anastomosis tested SORCE alias: b_scope b_methblue b_airinjct b_palp b_other b_testtxt Historic Variable: b_testtype (other specified) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Text Value Codes: Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric; Character Suggested Data Source: Op record Abstraction Notes: Do not infer any type of testing; the type of testing must be specifically stated in the Op Note. Exclusions: Version 3.1 158 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *J1) Appendectomy: Pregnant Location: Adult Form, J. Non-elective Appendectomy Definition: If the patient is female, was she pregnant? No/yes If yes, indicate number of weeks pregnant. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: ER record, H&P, operative note; discharge summary Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: None Version 3.1 159 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *J2) Appendectomy: ER/Urgent Visit Location: Adult Form, J. Non-elective Appendectomy Definition: Any urgent care visit within one week and greater than 12 hours prior to this operation; includes a clinic or ER visit; may also include an admission to a hospital for s/s of appendicitis but the surgery was not done until another admission within the same week. If yes, indicate at this facility or at another facility. If another facility, name the facility. SORCE alias: ervisit ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Multiple choice; Text Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No 1 = this facility 2 = other facility Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric; Character Suggested Data Source: ER record, H&P, operative note; discharge summary Abstraction Notes: Answer “yes” if patient seen in an urgent care visit of any kind within one week and greater than 12 hours prior to the surgery. Answer “no” if patient only seen in this hospital’s ER and admitted immediately from that ER visit. The intent of this question is to identify patients who were seen for suspected appendicitis in an urgent or emergent situation within a week prior to this procedure but surgery was not done at that time. If there was an ER/urgent care visit in this time frame that is clearly non-abdominal, e.g. fracture, answer “no”. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 160 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *J3) Appendectomy: Admit through ER Location: Adult Form, J. Non-elective Appendectomy Definition: Indicate if the patient was admitted for surgery through the ER at this hospital. If yes, record date and time of arrival at the ER. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date/Time Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/Time Suggested Data Source: ER record, H&P, operative note; discharge summary Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: None Version 3.1 161 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 J4) Appendectomy: Concurrent procedure performed Location: Adult Form, J. Non-elective Appendectomy Definition: Another abdominal or pelvic procedure performed concurrently with the appendectomy. If yes, specify type. SORCE alias: appyplus plustype ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No ; Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No 1=Gynecologic 2=Colon 3=Gall bladder 4=Other Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note; discharge summary Abstraction Notes: Answer “yes” if another procedure such as a colectomy or ovarian cystectomy ws performed at the same time as the appendectomy. If yes, indicate whether the concurrently performed procedure was gynecologic in nature or was colon, gall bladder or other surgery. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 162 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *J5) Appendectomy: Preoperative imaging Location: Adult Form, J. Non-elective Appendectomy Definition: Imaging performed within 24 hrs preop. If yes, specify type of imaging (CT scan and/or ultrasound and/or MRI), For each type of imaging, indicate date & time of imaging and the imaging results (consistent or not consistent with appendicitis, or results were indeterminate). Also indicate if the imaging study was performed at the admitting hospital or another facility If CT scan, specify the use of contrast and the route SORCE alias: Imaging preopimg Type imgtype_ct imgtype_us imgtype_mri Results imgrslt_ct imgrslt_us imgrslt_mri Date ct_dt us_dt mri_dt Time ct_time us_time mri_time Contrast contrast route ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date/Time; Multiple Choice Value Codes: Imaging 1 = Yes 2 = No Results 0=Consistent 1=Not consistent 2=Indeterminate Location 1 = this facility 2 = other facility Contrast route 0=IV 1=Oral 2=Rectal Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/time Suggested Data Source: H&P, operative note, radiology report, discharge summary Abstraction Notes: If yes, indicate CT scan and/or ultrasound. No other imaging study, such as abdominal x-rays are applicable as they are not diagnostic for appendicitis. If contrast is used for CT scan, indicate all routes. If the surgeon and radiologist statements, differ, answer according to the radiologist report. Check “yes” if the report states “probable appendicitis”. Check “indeterminate” if report states “possible appendicitis”. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 163 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 J6) Appendectomy: Appendeceal pathology Location: Adult Form, J. Non-elective Appendectomy Definition: Appendeceal pathology confirmation consistent with acute appendicitis, early appendicitis, mild appendicitis, inflammation or appendeceal tumor; inflammatory fluid in the abdomen SORCE alias: pathrslt ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note; discharge summary; pathology report Abstraction Notes: Statements in the pathology report such as “mild early” or “very early” appendicitis also indicate appendeceal pathology. Fibrous obliteration of the tip of the appendix does not indicate appendeceal pathology. If either the imaging or operative report differs with the pathology report, the answer should be based on the pathology report. In rare instances, the post op dx may be infracted epiploic appendage of the vermiform appendix. This is a rare event that masquerades as acute appendicitis; the epiploic appendage is located directly on the serosal surface of the appendix itself. The pathology report would indicate this dx vs appendeceal pathology. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 164 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 J7) Appendectomy: Perforated appendix Location: Adult Form, J. Non-elective Appendectomy Definition: Pathology reports confirms perforated appendix. Pathology reports state perforated appendix, ruptured appendix, peritonitis due to perforated appendix or periappendicitis; pus in the abdomen SORCE alias: perfappx ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative note; pathology report, discharge summary Abstraction Notes: If the operative report and the pathology report differ, answer according to the pathology report with the following exception: In some cases, the surgeon will state clearly that the appendix was ruptured, but the pathology report may not be clear as in some cases of rupture, the appendix may be so badly damaged that pathology only receives fragments and the pathologist will not be able to say the appendix was ruptured. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 165 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 K1) Colon/rectal: Prior surgery Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Documentation of any previous colon or pelvic surgery, regardless of date or facility. This includes hysterectomy, cholecystectomy, appendectomy and small bowel resection. Include if it took place during this hospitalization but prior to this operation. SORCE Alias: priorsrg ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, Admit note (Nsg or MD), Progress notes. Abstraction Notes: This is to determine the complexity of the case. For instance, a change in the anatomy or multiple adhesions. Does not include a prior colonoscopy. Exclusions: none Version 3.1 166 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 K2) Colon/rectal: Procedure order/importance Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Is the current colon procedure the primary or secondary operation? If secondary, indicate category of the primary surgery. Gynecological, gall bladder, vascular or other. SORCE Alias: procorder primtype ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: Colon op Order 0=Primary 1=Secondary Primary op Type 0=Gyne 1=Gall bladder 2=Vascular 3=Other Allowable Values: Data Storage Type:Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, Admit note (Nsg or MD), Operative record, Progress notes. Abstraction Notes: This is to assist in the determination of the complexity of the case. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 167 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 K3) Colon/rectal: Resection within 30 days Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Was there a prior colon resection done anywhere within 30 days prior to this surgery? Indicate, if known, the name of the previous hospital via the Washingon state hospitals in the pull-down menu. If the hospital is not listed, select “other”. SORCE alias: resectn hospital ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric; Character Suggested Data Source: H&P, Admit note (Nsg or MD), Progress Notes Abstraction Notes: This is to determine if there had been a leak or is a complication of the previous surgery. Naming the facility will indicate if there has been a transfer due to complications. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 168 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K4) Colon/rectal: Procedure priority & procedure staging Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Elective or Non-elective. An elective procedure is one that is performed on a patient whose symptoms and /or disease has been stable in the days or weeks prior to the procedure. Typically elective cases are scheduled at least several days in advance. Nonelective procedures (including urgent or emergent) are required to minimize or address further clinical deterioration. If non-elective, indicate if the procedure is part of a planned staged process. SORCE alias: procpri procstaged ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple choice; Yes/No Value Codes: 0=Elective 1=Non-Elective 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P, Anesthesia note, Admit note, Progress note. Abstraction Notes: This assists in the determination of the risk of complications. If surgeon comes into another type of case to fix a colon perforation that occurred during the surgery, this is considered an emergent case. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 169 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K5) Colon/rectal: Operation type Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Describe the type of operation performed. Check all that apply: Right hemicolectomy – This term can be associated with resection of the terminal ileum, including the cecum, to approximately the mid transverse colon. Other terms used in association with it are: Assending colon, cecectomy, hepatic flexure. Transverse colons are also included in this category. Left hemicolectomy- includes the removal of the left side of the transverse colon all the way to the sigmoid colon.This also includes a “sigmoid colon resection”. Other terms used: splenic flexure, desending colon. Low Anterior Resection: references the removal of the sigmoid colon usually with the top of the rectum with reattachment of the colon to the higher to mid rectum. The lower rectum and anal sphincter usually are not involved. Abdominal Perineal Resection (APR): references the removal of the rectum from a combined approach with both an abdominal and perineal incision. This surgery always has a colostomy. Other terms used: Perineal proctectomy with an ileostomy or colostomy. Also known as an APER, abdominal perineal excision of the rectum. Frequently you will find two surgeons – one for the”clean” portion and one for the “dirty” or rectum removal perianally. The anus is sewn shut. Total Abdominal Colectomy –is associated with the removal of the left, right, and sigmoid. The rectal stump remains in place. An ileostomy or ileoanal anastomosis can be done. Anastomsis are frequently done with the creation of pouches. Included under this heading is a Panproctocolectomy and an Ileoanal Pullthrough. If a R hemi and an LAR are done in the same surgery, this is also a TAC. Stoma Takedown -is referring to the rejoining of a temporary or protective stoma and may include a partial colon resection. This includes a colostomy or illeostomy takedown. Perineal proctectomy – perineal incision with the partial removal of the rectum/sigmoid with a perineal anastomosis for a prolapse or mass removal from the rectum. Abdominal protectomy - Surgical resection of the rectum-performed through an abdominal incision ONLY. Does not remove anus or most distal rectum. The end of the colon remaining may be reattached to the anus as an anastomosis. This anastomosis is often but not always associated with a protective stoma (often an ileostomy) because it is a higher risk reconnection. Often, no reconnection is made and a permanent colostomy is created. Additional procedure to establish intestinal continuity - Any other operation that does not fit in the above types of operations in which previously divided colon segments are reattached in a follow up surgery(e.g. a staged procedure). This most commonly occurs in trauma cases, in cases where the index operation was terminated prematurely due to Version 3.1 170 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 patient condition, or if there was a question of bowel ischemia. These are often referred to as staged procedures as they are done in planned stages. Also see Appendix B-colon diagram SORCE Alias: colproc ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 0=Right Hemicolectomy 1=Left Hemicolectomy 2=Low Anterior Resection 3=Abdominal Perineal Resection 4=Total Abdominal Colectomy 5=Colostomy Takedown 6=Perineal Proctectomy 7=Abdominal Proctectomy 8=Additional procedure to establish intestinal continuity Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Op record and discharge summary Abstraction Notes: If there is a case of 2 different types of colon surgery in one operation use the original intention. For instance, pt going for Stoma Takedown but due to previous scarring has to do an LAR. The surgery would be the Takedown. Another word for ischemic bowel is necrotic bowel. Colectomies are categorized primarily by the resected part of the intestinal tract. Even if only a very small section of the colon is removed, such as if a perforation occurred during a colonoscopy and the repair involves removal of a very small section of the colon along with suturing, this is still a colectomy and is categorized by the segment of the colon that was removed. Hartmann’s procedure is a poorly defined tem that refers to what is done with the distal segment of the intestinal tract that is left behind and not attached; a stoma is always involved, The surgeon may reference doing a Hartmann’s procedure along with a Left or Right hemicolectomy or with a Low Anterior Resection or abdominal proctectomy. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 171 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 K6) Colon/rectal: Ostomy type Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Colostomy – the colon is brought out through the abdominal wall to the skin for evacuation of bowel contents. Ileostomy – a portion of the small intestine is brought out through the skin for evacation of bowel contents. It can be brought out as a “loop” (both ends are brought out) or an “end ileostomy”(one end only) Protective Stoma – is a temporary ostomy or one that is used so that a section of the bowel may heal. This can be a colostomy or an ileostomy and is done at the same time as the anastomosis to “protect” it from leaking. It is often used with the creation of ileoanal or “J” pouches. No Ostomy - None SORCE Alias: ostmytype ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 0=No ostomy 1=Colostomy 2=Ileostomy 3=Protective stoma Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Op record and discharge summary Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: None Version 3.1 172 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K7) Colon/rectal: Anastomosis Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Was anastomosis done? If yes, specify what type of anastomosis: Colocolon – colon to colon ( includes colon to rectum) Ileocolon – ileum to colon Ileoanal – ileum to anal Coloanal – colon to anus If the anastomosis was ileoanal or coloanal, indicate if a pouch was created. Indicate if a pouch was created (applicable to all anastomosis types). SORCE Alias: anastmss anastype analpouch anypouch ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Multiple Choice Value Codes 1=Yes 2= No 0=Colocolon 1=Ileocolon 2=Ileoanal 3=Coloanal 4=Unable to be determined No Pouch (Historic value) Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative record Abstration Notes: A pouch is an internal reservoir. Usually a protective stoma is created after the colon and the rectum have been removed. The anus and the surrounding muscle are left in place. In the case of an ileoanal or J pouch,a portion of the ileum is shaped and attached to a rectal stump or the anus to work like the rectum, storing waste until a bowel movement. This is frequently done in a 2 or 3 stage procedure to insure healing of the pouch. After a period of time, a piece of colon or ileum is joined to the new pouch and bowel contents will then be excreted “normally”. It is frequently done for patients with Ulcerative Colitis or Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. Version 3.1 173 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 If a jejunocolon anastomosis is described, choose ileocolon as the type as this is essentially the same thing; however, ~ 4-5 feet of small bowel would have to be resected for this type of anastomosis to occur. Exclusions: None Version 3.1 174 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K8) Colon/rectal: Anastomosis technique Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Indicate if the technique is described. If yes, specify whether the anastomosis was stapled and/or handsewn. If stapled, indicate if the staple device was circular or linear. If stapled, indicate if a sealing device was used. If a sealing device used, indicate how many. Note: This information is optional at this time SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No staple type 1=circular 2=linear Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative record Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: None Version 3.1 175 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 K9) Colon/rectal: Anastomosis tested Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Was the anastomosis tested? If yes, indicate the type of test: Check all that apply: Scope – sigmoidoscope/protocscope or flexible endoscope inserted into the rectum during surgery to insure the anastomosis is intact and patent. Methylene Blue – the instillation of dye to assess for leaks. Air injection – via a tube or syringe into the intestine which is then immersed in saline to check for air bubbles. Palpation/inspection. Other – free text any other type of inspection SORCE alias: c_anastest c_scope c_methblue c_airinjct c_palp c_other c_testtxt (other specified) Historic Variable: c_testtype ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Text Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric; Character Suggested Data Source: Op note Abstraction Notes: This question is only applicable to an anastomosis of the lower resections due to the inability to test the others. This would include L Hemi, LAR, TAC. Do not infer that if a scope was used during the procedure that it was used for anastomosis testing; the Op Note must specifically state that the scope was used for anastomosis testing. Exclusions: Right hemicolectomies Version 3.1 176 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K10) Colon/rectal: Post-op urinary catheter Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Indicate if the urinary catheter was removed prior to discharge. If yes, indicate on which post-op day. The day of surgery is day zero. Not applicable if no urinary catheter in place post-op or if the patient has a permanent indwelling urinary catheter. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice; Number Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Not applicable Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Nursing or surgeon notes, discharge summary Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: None Version 3.1 177 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K11) Colon/rectal: Bowel Prep Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Indicate if bowel prep was used prior to surgery. If yes, indicate the type of preparation: mechanical and/or antibiotics. SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric; Character Suggested Data Source: Admit note, nursing note, Op note Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Version 3.1 178 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K12) Colon/rectal: Diet advanced Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Indicate if the patient’s diet was advanced beyond clear liquids/ice chips. If yes, specify the post-op day the diet was successfully advanced (without regression). The day of surgery is day zero SORCE alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Number Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: Not applicable Data Storage Type: Numeric; Character Suggested Data Source: Nursing notes, Op note, Post-op medical & surgical notes. Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Version 3.1 179 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K13) Colon/rectal: Post-op cancer diagnosis Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Did the patient have postoperative the diagnosis of cancer? SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes 2= No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Path report Abstraction Notes: If the preoperative diagnosis is for something other than for cancer, but cancer is found during the surgery, answer “yes” and complete the following questions that have to do with a finding of cancer. Exclusions: Version 3.1 180 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 K14) Colon/rectal: Lymph nodes removed Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: If none, indicate a zero, 0. While more lymph nodes may have been removed than were examined or studied, only state the number of lymph nodes that were removed and examined. SORCE Alias: lmphrmvd lmph_na (not available) ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Number Value Codes: Allowable Values: Whole numbers (0 – 30) Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Path report Abstraction Notes: The suggested amount is greater than 12 nodes for staging of the cancer to help determine the course of treatment. The count can stop when a positive lymph node is identified, If there are no positive nodes, then the count should go to at least 12 nodes to avoid false negative results. Exclusions: Cases without cancer as the postoperative diagnosis. Version 3.1 181 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 K15) Colon/rectal: Lymph nodes positive for cancer. Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: If none, indicate zero 0. SORCE Alias: lmphcanc ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Number Value Code: Allowable Values: Whole numbers (0 – 30) Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Path report Abstraction Notes: If no nodes were found as positive for cancer, be sure to indicate 0 rather than leaving this item blank. Exclusions: Cases without cancer as the postoperative diagnosis. Version 3.1 182 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 K16) Colon/rectal: Metastatic disease Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Has the cancer spread beyond the colorectal area (e.g. liver, diaphragm, peritoneum). SORCE Alias: metascanc ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P if a staging CT or PET Scan has been done Op report – visualization by the Surgeon Path report Abstraction Notes: The surgeon may have done a staging CT or PET Scan prior to the surgery if he is suspicious of metastasis; this may be noted in the H&P. The Op note may include that the surgeon visually scaned the area e.g. liver, peritoneum and noted spread. The Path report may contain biopsies of other organs. Exclusions: Cases without cancer as the postoperative diagnosis. Version 3.1 183 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 K17) Colon/rectal: Cancer Margins Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Are the margins free of cancer? If yes, how far away is normal tissue from the cancerous tumor or lesion? Indicated the distance to the distal margin and the proximal margin SORCE Alias: mrg_cafree mrg_distal mrg_prox ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1= Yes 2= No 0 = < 1 cm 1 = 1 – 2 cm 2 = > 2 cm 3 = Not available Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Path report Abstraction Notes: This element applies to both rectal and colon cancers with the exception of radial margins, which is applicable only to rectal cancer specimens. The intent is to help guide further treatment recommendations. Pathologists may state the proximal margin as the small bowel margin for a R colectomy or total colectomy. They may also state the distal as colonic and the proximal as ileal. Exclusions: Cases without cancer as the postoperative diagnosis. Version 3.1 184 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K18) Colon/rectal: T Stage Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Staging unique to colon cancer: Tis through Ptx:. Check the appropriate stage or NA. Stage reported should be based on pathology report. Tis: The cancer is in the earliest stage. It involves only the mucosa. It has not grown beyond the muscularis mucosa (inner muscle layer). T1: The cancer has grown through the muscularis mucosa and extends into the submucosa. T2: The cancer has grown through the submucosa and extends into the muscularis propria (outer muscle layer). T3: The cancer has grown through the muscularis propria and into the subserosa but not to any neighboring organs or tissues. T4: The cancer has grown through the wall of the colon or rectum and into nearby tissues or organs. pTX: Presumptive primary site is not available for assessment pTO: Presumptive primary site is available for evaluation there is no evidence of primary tumor pyTO: Presumptive primary site is available for evaluation and no evidence of residual cancer after prior treatment. SORCE Alias: tstage ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple Choice Value Codes: 0=T1 1=T2 2=T3 3=T4 4=Tis 5=NA 6=pTO 7=pTx 8=pyTO Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Path report Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: None Version 3.1 185 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K19) Colon/rectal: Procedure done for palliation Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Was the surgery done for palliation rather than for curative reasons? SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P; Operative report Abstraction Notes: the operative report. This should be clearly stated in either or both the H&P and Exclusions: Cases without rectal cancer as the postoperative diagnosis. Version 3.1 186 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K20) Colon/rectal: Preoperative neoadjuvant treatment Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Was radiation or chemotherapy done prior to the surgery If yes, indicate if the therapy was chemotherapy or radiation was used. If radiation was used, indicate what the time interval was between the end of the preoperative radiation and the current surgery in number of weeks (round off to a whole number). SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: 000 (weeks) Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P or the operative report Abstraction Notes: the operative report. This should be clearly stated in either or both the H&P and Exclusions: Cases without rectal cancer as the postoperative diagnosis. Version 3.1 187 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K21) Colon/rectal: Distance of the tumor from the anal verge Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Was the distance of the tumor from the anal verge defined? If yes, indicate if the distance was determined by the use of a rigid scope, a flexible scope and/or by digital exam. Indicate the distance in cm. Indicate if the distance was determined after neoadjunvant therapy of any kind? SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Multiple Choice; Number Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Not available Allowable Values: 00.0 (cm) Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P and/or the operative report Abstraction Notes: the operative report. This should be clearly stated in either or both the H&P or Exclusions: Cases without rectal cancer as the postoperative diagnosis. Version 3.1 188 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K22) Colon/rectal: Tumor fixed to underlying structures Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition:Was the cancer/tumor fixed to underlying tissues or structures? If yes, did the surgeon indicate that the tumor became fixed after chemotherapy or radiation? SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Multiple Choice Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Not available Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Path report or the operative report Abstraction Notes: and pathology report. This should be clearly stated in either or both the operative Exclusions: Cases without rectal cancer as the postoperative diagnosis. Version 3.1 189 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K23) Colon/rectal:Total mesorectal excision (TME) Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Was a total mesorectal excision done? Indicate the distance to the radial margin. Indicate if the TME capsule was intact. TME is the precise dissection of the rectum and all pararectal lymph nodes within an oncologic package; the mesorectal envelope. It has become universally accepted as the preferred technique for surgical excision of rectal cancer as it results in lower rates of local recurrence, is associated with increased sparing of the anal sphincter and, as it is nerve sparing, is less likely than an abdominoperineal resection to lead to bladder and sexual dysfunction. SORCE Alias: messexn mrg_rad capsule ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Multiple Choice Value Codes: Messorectal excision 1=Yes 2=No Distance to radial margin 0 = < 1 cm 1 = 1 – 2 cm 2 = > 2 cm 3 = Not available TME capsule 1=Yes 2=No 3=Not available Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Path report or the operative report Abstraction Notes: and pathology report. This should be clearly stated in either or both the operative Version 3.1 190 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Exclusions: Cases without cancer as the postoperative diagnosis. Version 3.1 191 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K24) Colon/rectal: Stage determination methodology Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Was the stage determined by the use of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) or by MRI? If yes, indicate which method(s) were used. SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: H&P or the operative report Abstraction Notes: the operative report. This should be clearly stated in either or both the H&P and Exclusions: Cases without rectal cancer as the postoperative diagnosis. Version 3.1 192 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K25) Colon/rectal: Diverticular disease Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Diverticular disease (Diverticulosisis) is the condition of having diverticula in the colon, which are outpocketings of the colonic mucosa and submucosa through weaknesses of muscle layers in the colon wall. Infection of a diverticulum can result in diverticulitis. This occurs in 10-25% of persons with diverticulosis. Tears in the colon leading to bleeding or perforations may occur; intestinal obstruction may occur (constipation or diarrhea does not rule this possibility out); and peritonitis, abscess formation, sepsis, and fistula formation are also possible occurrences. Indicate which of the listed conditions characterize the patient’s diverticular disease: acute diverticulitis, current gastrointestinal bleeding, colovesical fistula and/or stricture. SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative record, H&P, Discharge summary Abstration Notes: Exclusions: If patient did not have colectomy due to diverticular disease. Version 3.1 193 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *K26) Colon/rectal: Prior episodes of diverticular disease Location: Adult Form, K. Colon Operation Definition: Indicate if there were any prior episodes of diverticular disease. If yes, indicate how many prior treated episodes of diverticular disease the patient had. Indcate if patient was treated as an inpatient for any prior episodes. SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Multiple choice; Number Value Codes 1 = Yes 2 = No 3 = Not available (NA) Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Operative record, H&P, Discharge summary Abstration Notes: Exclusions: If patient did not have colectomy due to diverticular disease. Version 3.1 194 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *L) Post-discharge: 30-day follow up Location: Adult Form, L. Post-discharge Definition: Indicate if the 30-day post-discharge information has been collected. Complete the items in this section only if there is access to events that occur within the first 30 days AFTER discharge from the index hospitalization. If the information is unavailable, select “no” SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Abstration Notes: Exclusions: Patients that died during the index hospitalization Version 3.1 195 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *L1) Post-discharge: Wound occurrences Location: Adult Form, L. Post-discharge Definition: Indicate if pt developed a superficial surgical site infection, a deep incisional surgical site infection, an organ/space surgical infection or other wound infection. If other, specify type. Superficial Incisional SSI: Superficial incisional SSI is an infection that occurs within 30 days after the operation and infection involves only skin or subcutaneous tissue of the incision and at least one of the following: Purulent drainage, with or without laboratory confirmation, from the superficial incision. Organisms isolated from an aseptically obtained culture of fluid or tissue from thesuperficial incision. At least one of the following signs or symptoms of infection: pain or tenderness, localized swelling, redness, or heat AND superficial incision is deliberately opened by the surgeon, unless incision is culture-negative. Diagnosis of superficial incisional SSI by the surgeon or attending physician. The following conditions are not an SSI: o Stitch abscess (minimal inflammation and discharge confined to the points of o suture penetration). o Infected burn wound. o Incisional SSI that extends into the fascial and muscle layers (see deep incisional SSI). Deep Incisional SSI: Deep Incision SSI is an infection that occurs within 30 days after the operation and the infection appears to be related to the operation and infection involved deep soft tissues (for example, fascial and muscle layers) of the incision and at least one of the following: Purulent drainage from the deep incision but not from the organ/space component of the surgical site. A deep incision spontaneously dehisces or is deliberately opened by a surgeon when the patient has at least one of the following signs or symptoms: fever (> 38 C), localized pain, or tenderness, unless site is culture-negative. An abscess or other evidence of infection involving the deep incision is found on direct examination, during reoperation, or by histopathologic or radiologic examination. Diagnosis of a deep incision SSI by a surgeon or attending physician. Note: o Report infection that involves both superficial and deep incision sites as deep incisional SSI. o Report an organ/space SSI that drains through the incision as a deep incisional SSI. Version 3.1 196 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Organ/Space SSI: Organ/Space SSI is an infection that occurs within 30 days after the operation and the infection appears to be related to the operation and the infection involves any part of the anatomy (for example, organs or spaces), other than the incision, which was opened or manipulated during an operation and at least one of the following: Purulent drainage from a drain that is placed through a stab wound into the organ/space. Organisms isolated from an aseptically obtained culture of fluid or tissue in the organ/space. An abscess or other evidence of infection involving the organ/space that is found on direct examination, during reoperation, or by histopathologic or radiologic examination. Diagnosis of an organ/space SSI by a surgeon or attending physician. SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Progress notes, Discharge summary , laboratory reports Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Patients that died during the index hospitalization Version 3.1 197 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *L2) Post-discharge: Respiratory occurrences Location: Adult Form, L. Post-discharge Definitions: Indicate if any respiratory complications occurred. If yes, indicate if the complication was pneumonia, an unplanned intubation, a pulmonary embolism, if on a ventilator longer than 48 hrs, or other. If other, specify. Pneumonia: Enter “Yes” if the patient has pneumonia meeting the definition below AND pneumonia was not present preoperatively. Patients with pneumonia must meet criteria from both Radiology and Signs/Symptoms/Laboratory sections listed as follows: Radiology: One definitive chest radiological exam (x-ray or CT)* with at least one of the following: • New or progressive and persistent infiltrate • Consolidation or opacity • Cavitation *Note: In patients with underlying pulmonary or cardiac disease (e.g. respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, pulmonary edema, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), two or more serial chest radiological exams (xray or CT) are required. Signs/Symptoms/Laboratory: FOR ANY PATIENT, at least one of the following: Fever (>380C or >100.40F) with no other recognized cause Leukopenia (<4000 WBC/mm3) or leukocytosis(≥12,000 WBC/mm3) For adults ≥ 70 years old, altered mental status with no other recognized cause And At least one of the following: 5% Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) -obtained cells contain intracellular bacteria on direct microscopic exam (e.g., Gram stain) Positive growth in blood culture not related to another source of infection Positive growth in culture of pleural fluid Positive quantitative culture from minimally contaminated lower respiratory tract (LRT) specimen (e.g. BAL or protected specimen brushing) Or At least two of the following: New onset of purulent sputum, or change in character of sputum, or increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements New onset or worsening cough, or dyspnea, or tachypnea Rales or bronchial breath sounds Worsening gas exchange (e.g. O2 desaturations (e.g., PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 240), increased oxygen requirements, or increased ventilator demand) Version 3.1 198 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Unplanned Intubation for Respiratory/Cardiac Failure: Patient required placement of an endotracheal tube and mechanical or assisted ventilation because of the onset of respiratory or cardiac failure manifested by severe respiratory distress, hypoxia, hypercarbia, or respiratory acidosis. In patients who were intubated for their surgery, unplanned intubation occurs after they have been extubated after surgery. In patients who were not intubated during surgery, intubation at any time after their surgery is considered unplanned. Pulmonary Embolism: Lodging of a blood clot in a pulmonary artery with subsequent obstruction of blood supply to the lung parenchyma. The blood clots usually originate from the deep leg veins or the pelvic venous system. Enter "YES" if the patient has a V-Q scan interpreted as high probability of pulmonary embolism or a positive CT spiral exam, pulmonary arteriogram or CT angiogram. Treatment usually consists of: Initiation of anticoagulation therapy Placement of mechanical interruption (for example Greenfield Filter), for patients in whom anticoagulation is contraindicated or already instituted. On Ventilator > 48 hours: Total duration of ventilator-assisted respirations during postoperative hospitalization was greater than 48 hours. This can occur at any time during the 30-day period postoperatively. This time assessment is CUMULATIVE, not necessarily consecutive. Ventilator-assisted respirations can be via endotracheal tube, nasotracheal tube,or tracheostomy tube. Other Respiratory Occurrence: Enter any other respiratory occurrences that you feel to be significant and are not covered by the above outcome criteria. SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Progress notes; discharge summary, laboratory reports; radiology reports. Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Patients that died during the index hospitalization Version 3.1 199 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *L3) Post-discharge: Urinary tract occurrences Location: Adult Form, L. Post-discharge Definitions: Indicate if a urinary tract complication occurred. If yes, indicate if was progressive renal failure, acute renal failure, a urinary tract infection or other. If other, specify. Progressive Renal Insufficiency: The reduced capacity of the kidney to perform itsfunction as evidenced by a rise in creatinine of >2 mg/dl from preoperative value, but with no requirement for dialysis. Acute Renal Failure Requiring Dialysis: In a patient who did not require dialysis preoperatively, worsening of renal dysfunction postoperatively requiring hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, hemofiltration, hemodiafiltration, or ultrafiltration. TIP: If the patient refuses dialysis you would still answer ‘Yes’ to this variable because he/she did require dialysis. Urinary Tract Infection: Postoperative symptomatic urinary tract infection must meet one of the following TWO criteria: One of the following: � fever (>38 degrees C) � urgency � frequency � dysuria � suprapubic tenderness AND a urine culture of > 100,000 colonies/ml urine with no more than two species of organisms OR Two of the following: � fever (>38 degrees C) � urgency � frequency � dysuria � suprapubic tenderness AND any of the following: Dipstick test positive for leukocyte esterase and/or nitrate Pyuria (>10 WBCs/mm3 or > 3 WBC/hpf of unspun urine) Organisms seen on Gram stain of unspun urine Two urine cultures with repeated isolation of the same uropathogen with >100 colonies/ml urine in non-voided specimen Urine culture with < 100,000 colonies/ml urine of single uropathogen in patient being treated with appropriate antimicrobial therapy Physician's diagnosis Version 3.1 200 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Physician institutes appropriate antimicrobial therapy Other Urinary Occurrence: Enter any other urinary occurrences which you feel to be significant and that are not covered by the above outcome criteria. SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Progress notes; discharge summary, laboratory reports; radiology reports. Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Patients that died during the index hospitalization Version 3.1 201 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *L4) Post-discharge: CNS occurences Location: Adult Form, L. Post-discharge Definitions: Indicate if a central nervous system (CNS) complication occurred. If yes, indicate if the complication was a CVA/stroke, comatose time for more than 24 hrs, peripheral nerve injury, or other. If other, specify. Stroke/Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA): Patient develops an embolic, thrombotic, or hemorrhagic vascular accident or stroke with motor, sensory, or cognitive dysfunction (for example, hemiplegia, hemiparesis, aphasia, sensory deficit, impaired memory) that persists for 24 or more hours. Coma >24 Hours: Patient is unconscious, or postures to painful stimuli, or is unresponsive to all stimuli (exclude transient disorientation or psychosis) for greater than 24 hours. Do not include drug-induced coma (for example Propofol drips). Peripheral Nerve Injury: Peripheral nerve damage may result from damage to the nerve fibers, cell body, or myelin sheath during surgery. Peripheral nerve injuries which result in motor deficits to the cervical plexus, brachial plexus, ulnar plexus, lumbar-sacral plexus (sciatic nerve), peroneal nerve, and/or the femoral nerve should be included. Other CNS Occurrence: Enter any other neurologic related occurrences that you feel to be significant and that are not covered by the above outcome criteria. SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Progress notes; discharge summary, radiology reports. Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Patients that died during the index hospitalization Version 3.1 202 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *L5) Post-discharge: Cardiac occurrences Location: Adult Form, L. Post-discharge Definition: Did the patient have a cardiac complication occur? If yes, indicate if was a cardiac arrest requiring CPR, a myocardial infarction (heart attack), or other. If other, specify. Cardiac Arrest Requiring CPR: The absence of cardiac rhythm or presence of chaoticcardiac rhythm that results in loss of consciousness requiring the initiation of any component of basic and/or advanced cardiac life support. Patients with automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (AICD) that fire but the patient has no loss of consciousness should be excluded. Myocardial Infarction: An acute myocardial infarction occurring within 30 days following surgery as manifested by one of the following: ♦ Documentation of ECG changes indicative of acute MI(one or more of the following): o ST elevation > 1 mm in two or more contiguous leads o New left bundle branch o New q-wave in two of more contiguous leads ♦ New elevation in troponin greater than 3 times upper level of the reference range in the setting of suspected myocardial ischemia ♦ Physician diagnosis of myocardial infarction Other Cardiac Occurrence: Enter any other cardiac related surgical occurrences that you feel to be significant and that are not covered by the above outcome criteria. SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Progress notes; discharge summary, radiology reports. Abstraction Notes: Version 3.1 203 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Exclusions: Patients that died during the index hospitalization Version 3.1 204 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *L6) Post-discharge: Other occurences Location: Adult Form, L. Post-discharge Definition: Did the patient have any of the following complications: bleeding that required greater than 4 units of red blood cells (RBC) in the first 72 hrs of admission, a graft/prosthesis/flap failure, a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) requiring treatment, systemic sepsis, systemic septic shock, or other. Bleeding Requiring >4 Units PRBC's or Whole Blood Transfusions within the First 72 Hours After Surgery: Any transfusion (including autologous) of packed red blood cells or whole blood given from the time the patient leaves the operating room up to and including 72 hours postoperatively. Enter "YES" for five or more units of packed red blood cell units in the postoperative period including hanging blood from the OR that is finished outside of the OR. If the patient receives shed blood, autologous blood, cell saver blood or pleurovac postoperatively, this is counted if greater than four units. The blood may be given for any reason. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)/Requiring Therapy: The identification of a new blood clot or thrombus within the venous system, which may be coupled with inflammation. This diagnosis is confirmed by a duplex, venogram or CT scan. The patient must be treated with anticoagulation therapy and/or placement of a vena cava filter or clipping of the vena cava. Sepsis: Sepsis is a vast clinical entity that takes a variety of forms. The spectrum of disorders spans from relatively mild physiologic abnormalities to septic shock. Please report the most significant level using the criteria below: Systemic Sepsis: Sepsis is the systemic response to infection. Report this variable if the patient has two of the following clinical signs and symptoms of SIRS: � Temp >38o C (100.4 o F) or < 36 o C (96.8 o F) � HR >90 bpm � RR >20 breaths/min or PaCO2 <32 mmHg(<4.3 kPa) � WBC >12,000 cell/mm3, <4000 cells/mm3, or >10% immature (band) forms � Anion gap acidosis: this is defined by either: � [Na + K] – [Cl + HCO3 (or serum CO2)]. If this number is greater than 16, then an anion gap acidosis is present. � Na – [Cl + HCO3 (or serum CO2)]. If this number is greater than 12, then an anion gap acidosis is present. and one of the following: � positive blood culture � clinical documentation of purulence or positive culture from any site thought to be causative Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock: Sepsis is considered severe when it is associated with organ and/or circulatory dysfunction. Report this variable if the patient has sepsis AND documented organ and/or circulatory dysfunction. Examples of organ dysfunction Version 3.1 205 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 include: oliguria, acute alteration in mental status, acute respiratory distress. Examples of circulatory dysfunction include: hypotension, requirement of inotropic or vasopressor agents. Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock is assigned when it appears to be related to Sepsis and not a Cardiogenic or Hypovolemic etiology. *Note: For the patient that had sepsis preoperatively, worsening of any of the above signs postoperatively would be reported as a postoperative sepsis. Other Occurrence: Enter any other surgical occurrences which you feel to be significant and that are not covered by the above outcome criteria. SORCE Alias: ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No Value Codes: 1 = Yes 2 = No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric Suggested Data Source: Progress notes; discharge summary, radiology reports. Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Patients that died during the index hospitalization Version 3.1 206 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *L7.x) Post-discharge: Readmitted to acute care Location: Adult Form, L. Post-discharge Definitions: Was patient readmitted to an acute care facility? If so, indicate the date of admission and the primary diagnosis: ICD-9 diagnosis code. Indicate if the patient returned to the operating room for a procedure. If yes, indicate the procedure using ICD9 procedure codes and/or CPT codes. Note: There are ICD-9 codes for diagnoses (volume 1) and procedures (volume 3). Be sure to use the correct set of codes. SORCE Alias ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date/Time; Text Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: 000.00 00.00 xxxxx (ICD9 diagnosis codes: text due to leading zeros, and letters) (ICD9 procedure codes:text due to leading zeros) (5 characters: CPT codes are text; may contain numbers & letters) Data Storage Type: Numeric; Character Suggested Data Source: Demographic sheet of the acute care readmit chart; operative record; discharge summary Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Patients that died during the index hospitalization Version 3.1 207 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 *L8) Post-discharge: Death Location: Adult Form, L. Post-discharge Definitions: Did the patient die within 30 days of discharge from the index hospitalization? If yes, enter the date of death SORCE Alias ARMUS Variable Name(s): Field Format: Yes/No; Date/Time Value Codes: 1=Yes 2=No Allowable Values: Data Storage Type: Numeric; Date/time Suggested Data Source: Readmit chart if the patient was readmitted; clinic notes of the follow up physician if patient not readmitted Abstraction Notes: Exclusions: Patients that died during the index hospitalization Version 3.1 208 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Appendix A: Medications Note: lists are not all-inclusive, and trade names may change. Drug Class ACE Inhibitors ARBs Anticoagulants Anticonvulsants Names Benazepril hydrochloride Captopril Analapril Maleate Fosinopril Sodium Lisinopril Moexipril hydrochloride Perindopril erbumine Quianpril hydrochloride Ramipril trandolapril Candesartan Cilexitil Eprosartan Mesylate Irbesartan Losartan Potassium Olmesartan Medoxomil Telmisartan Valsartan Comments These may be used for the treatment of hypertension. If the patient is on one of these medications, and the medical record does not specify another reason for being on this medication, assume that it is being used to treat hypertension. These may be used for the treatment of hypertension. If the patient is on one of these medications, and the medical record does not specify another reason for being on this medication, assume that it is being used to treat hypertension. Heparin Coumadin Warfarin Low molecular weight heparin Fragmin (dalteparin) Lovenox (enoxaparin) Aristra (fondaparinux) Innohep (tinzaparin) Gabitrel (tiagebine) Lyrica (pregablin) Neurontin (gabapentin) Depakote/Depekene Keppra (levetiracetam) Tegretol (carbamzapine) Topomax (topiramte) Trileptal (oxcarbazine) Zonegran (zonisamide) Lamictal (lamotrigene) Klonopin (clonazepam) Valium (diazepam) Tranxene (chlorazepate) Version 3.1 209 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Drug Class Antidiabetic agents Antiplatelet agents Beta Blockers Names Insulin Acarbose Byetta Glimepiride Glipizide Glyburide Metformin hydrochloride Miglitol Pioglitazone hydrochloride Rosiglitazone maleate Tolazamide Tolbutamide (with or without sodium) Aggrenox (combo of ASA and extended release dipyridamole) Aspirin (ASA) Plavis (Clopidogral) Pletal (cilostrazol) Persantine (Dipyridamole) Ticlid (ticolidine) Comments Acebutolol Atenolol Betapace (sotalol) Betaxolol Bisoprolol Blocadren (timolol) Brevibloc (esmolol) Cartrol (carteolol) Carteolol Carvedilol Coreg (carvedilol) Esmolol Inderal (propranolol) Innopran (“) Kerlone (betaxolol) Labetalol Levatol (penbutolol) Lopressor (metoprolol) Metoprolol Nadolol Normodyne (labetlol) Penbutolol Pindolol Alone or in combination. * indicates combination drug. These may be used for the treatment of hypertension. If the patient is on one of these medications, and the medical record does not specify another reason for being on this medication, assume that it is being used to treat hypertension. Version 3.1 210 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Drug Class Names Proranolol Sectral (acebutolol) Sotalol Tenormin(atenolol) Timolol Toprol (metoprolol) Trandate (labetalol) Visken (pindolol) Zebeta (bisoprolol) *atenolol/chlorthalidone *bisoprolol/HCTZ *Corzide (bendroflumethiazide/nadolol) *HCTZ/propranolol *Inderide (“) *Lopressor HCT (“) *Tenoretic (atenolol/chlorthalidone) *Timolide (HCTZ/timolol) *Ziac (bisoprolol/HCTZ) Diuretics Dyazide (hydrochlorthiazide/triamterene) Maxzide (triamterene/hydrochorthiazide) Edecrin (ethacrynic acid) Lasix (furosemide) Dyrenium (triamterene) Diuril Midamor (amiloride HCL) Immunosuppressives/ Prednisone steroids Cortisone Methotrexate Cyclosporine Azasan (azathioprine) CellCept (mycophenoiate mofetil) Myfortic (mycophenolic acide) Neoral (cyclosporine) Prograf (tacrolimus) Rapamune (sirolimus) Sandimmune (cyclosporine) Narcotics Comments These may be used for the treatment of hypertension. If the patient is on one of these medications, and the medical record does not specify another reason for being on this medication, assume that it is being used to treat hypertension. Do not include inhaled medications, e.g., for asthma. Actiq Avinza Combunox Version 3.1 211 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Drug Class NSAIDs Statins Names Demerol DepoDur Darvocet Dilaudid (hydromorphone) Duragesic Duramorph Fentanyl Lortab MS Contin (morphine sulfate) Nubain Numorphan Morphine Sulfate OxyContin (oxycodone) Perocet Percodan Tylenol with Codeine Vicodin (hydrocodone) Zydone Celecoxib Diclofenac (potassium or sodium) Diflunisal Etodolac Fenoprofen calcium Flurbiprofen (with/without sodium) Ibuprofen Indomethacin (with/without sodium trihydrate) Ketoprofen Ketorolac tromethamine Eclofenamate sodium Mefanemic acid Meloxicam Nabumetone Naproxen (with/without sodium) Oxaprozin Piroxicam Rofecoxib Sulindac Tolmetin sodium Valdecoxib Atorvastatin calcium (Lipitor) Fluvastatin sodium (Lescol) Lovastatin (Mevacor) Comments Version 3.1 212 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Drug Class Vasodilators Vasopressors Names Pravastatin sodium (Pravachol) Rosuvastatin calcium (Crestor) Simvastatin (Zocor) Cardene (nicardipine) Esmolol (beta blocker but used to lower BP at times) Labetalol (beta blocker but used to lower BP at times) Nipride (nitroprusside) Tridil (nitroglycerin) Dopamine Levophed (norepinephrine) Neosynephrine (phenylephrine) Vasopressin Comments Version 3.1 213 SCOAP Data Dictionary Specifications for Discharges beginning 1/1/2010 Appendix B: Colon/rectal procedure diagram Version 3.1